Member 01 The Nahonal ASSOClallon for G,Ued ChIldren {NAGel The ASSOClailon lor G,Ued ITAGI
Vol. III
January, 1983
TACT: Movement and Momentum Looking Backward ... A Review
Looking Forward ... A Preview
"Giftedness ... A Lifelong Challenge" The Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented Association's fifth annual conference was the biggest and best yet. In fact, successfully accommodating all interested participants may have been the association's greatest challenge, and accomplishment, thus far. A total of 1216 registrants were welcomed by Houston city councilman, George Greanias, and Billy
Reagan, Houston ISO Superintendent; registrants had an
The Exemplary Program Practices Conference provides a unique opportunity for statewide staff development in gifted! talented education. The conference, sponsored by the Texas Education Agency, will be held at the Hyatt Rege11cy in Austin on January 28-29, 1983. A pre-conference day of in-depth workshops will be held at both the Hyatt and Palmer Auditorium on January 27. Over 1,000 Texas educators are already registered to participate in the three-day proceedings.
opportunity to attend four of forty-four workshop sessions.
Included among the workshop presenters were Judye Stewart (Texas Future Problem Solvers), Dr. Jeanne Hranitzky (Texas Woman's University), Duane Maurstad (Houston ISO), Bella Kranz (Moorhead State University, Minnesota), June Cox (Gifted Students Institute), Dr. Sondra Scott Cosby (Texas Tech University), Dr. Bertie Kingore (Hardin-Simmons University), and Jimmie Jean Owen (Region XII ESC). Key路 note speakers included Dr. W. N. Kirby, Deputy Commissioner, Finance and Program Administration, Texas Education Agency; Jack Jackson, American Airlines; and Jeanne Delp, Director of Institutional Services in Garden Grove, California. Participants also had an opportunity to browse through thirtyfour commercial exhibits and were mesmerized by the Hous路 ton Vanguard Suzuki Strings. Among the conference "firsts" were an open forum for parents on Friday night and three pre-conference workshops led by Joyce Juntune, Dr. Terry Brandt, and Dean Frost. Both were very favorably received.
General sessions will be keynoted from the best in the - Dr. Dorthy Sisk, Universty of South nation and state Florida; Dr. Leif Fearn, San Diego State University; and Dr. Joan Whitten from Spring Branch Independent School District in Texas. By offering local district presentations from district and service centers such as Ector County, Kingsville, ESC Region XIX, and ESC Region VIII, as well as workshops and special topics, the Agency hopes to meet the needs of all participants. The demand for workshop participation tal exceeded last year's expectations_ This year certain sessions, such as Judith Martin's "Developing a District Long-Range Plan for Gifted! Talented Education," are designed specifically for new districts. Others, such as Paul Slocumb's dealing with curricular scope and sequence, are for both beginning and advanced participants. Topics for educators of young gifted students, such as Sylvia McCloskey's sessions on activities for the primary gifted, share the program with Irving Sato's sessions on providing programs for secondary gifted students.
At the President's Reception, where donations were gathered in honor of the outgoing TAGT preSident, a total of $1088.79 was collected for the association's scholarship fund.
The keynote speaker on Friday, Dr. Dorothy Sisk, is one of the leading authorities on gifted!talented education_ Her topic, "Leadership Skills for Gifted Students," indicates the
(Continued on page 111
(Continued on page 11)
Ann Farris, Interim Editor Killeen Tndependent School District TAGTTempo
TEXAS ASSOCIATION FOR THE GIFTED AND TALENTED TAGT Tempo is published by the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented, P.O. Box 967, Killeen, Texas 76540. TAGT is a non-profit organization of parents and professionals promoting appropriate education for gifted & talented in the State
Texas Association fOl' Gifted and Talented (TAGT) is requesting an appropriation of $22,560,000 for gifted education during the next biennium. Increasing funding to this level would make it possible to serve one-half of the gifted population in the state - 75,200 students over the two-year period. Presently, we are serving only 27,525 students.
of Texas. TAGT Tempo is published qUarterly and is available through membersllip or upon request. Address all correspondence regarding TAGT Tempo to the above address. TAGT annual melllbership is $10.00, Send membersllip fees to: TAGT, P.O. Box 1476B, Ft. Worth, Texas 76117.
Awareness of and interest in gifted education have grown significantly in the last five years. This is reflected in TAGT membership which has increased from 50 in 1978 to 1500 in 1982. Attendance at the annual TAGT conference also is indicat'lve of increased interest. F'lfty persons attended the 1978 conference in Houston; 200 pal,ticipated in 1979, Corpus ehri st! ,: 400 in 1980, Dallas; 800 in 1981 , San AMon io; and 1200 in 1982, Houston. Since the advent of state funding, school distl路icts' interest in gifted education has increased significantly, too, In 1980, 600 educators attended the first TEA路sponsored Exemplary Program Practices Conference. In 1983, just three years later, almost 1,000 are expected to attend this statewide staff development con-rerence, scheduled for January 27-29, 1982.
TAGT ORGANIZATIONAL YEAR REDEFINED In June of 1982, the organizat'lona\ membership year for TAGT was redefined as being September 1 through ,6,ugust 31, in The past the association operated with an "anniversal'Y" concept, with the actual membership year varying from individual to individual. Thus, each person's TAGT merrlbership expi,red exactly one year from the date on which he or she ol'iginaliy joined. Using the September 1 August 31, or "school year," concept w'tli provide consistency for the membership term, clarity for members who had difficulty recalling their "anniversary" date, and efficiency for the membership renewal process. In order to avoid penaliz'mg TAGT members, this concept of the organizational yea I' is being phased in between June of 1982 and August of 1983. The membership term for all those who joined TAGT between September 1, 1981, and December 31, 1981, expired on August 31, 1982. The membership term for all those who joined between Janurary 1, 1982, and August 31, 1982, wili be extended to August 31, 1983, All who join TAGT on or after September 1, 1982, al-e already operating under the "school-year" concept with membership expiring on August 31, 1983.
Although TAGT's request for funding reflects a substantial increase over the $8 million for the current biennium, it mus路, be noted that gifted education has always been inadequately funded; the current level of funding is minimal when compared to funding for other special populations.
It is essential that members of TAGT, parents, educators, and local associations contact legislators and other state officials personally in regard to the legislative proposaL In January 26, 1983, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Sheraton~ Crest in Austin, TAGT will sponsor a reception for legisiators, state board members, and other special guests. Mark the date on your calendar and make plans to attend. Invite your legislators, purchase their tickets, and encourage them to attend. Please assist us in this endeavor.
1 ,
P.O. Box 14768
Ft. Worth Texas 76117 (817) 831-0951
I ,
NAME (Or., Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms.) ADDRESS
I ,
- - New membership _ _ Pal路ent - - Membership renewal _ _ Teacher (ESC Region _ _ _ 1 Enclosed are my Annual Dues $ ($100-1 nd ividual ; $25-Friend; $50-Pahon; $1 aO-Benefactor)
I 1
_ _ Administrator (ESC Region _ _ I - _ Othel
(Please duplicate as needed,)
I I 1
I ,I
----~------------------------------- ______ I
COMMISSION HEARING ON EDUCATION THE GIFTED AND TALENTED Secretary of Education T.H. Bell established the Nationa! Commission on Excellence in Education in 1981 to improve the quality of American education in public and private schools, colleges, and universities. As part of the commission's appointed duties, the commissioners were to hold six public hearings on a variety of subjects pertaining to education. They
were then to make recommendations to the Secretary and the nation concerning methods and procedures necessary to ensure excellence in education. On October 15 at the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University, the sixth and final hearing was conducted. The subject for the hearing was "Education for the' Gifted and Talented." It was an impressive hearing. There wasastrong and continuous theme throughout the presentations that education of the gifted/talented has a prominent place in the education movement. Also, there was a general consensus that too little attention has been given to giftedltalented education, and that the national government has and must assume a role with the state and local agencies in the education of the giftedltalented. James J. Gallagher in his remarks said that when there is a crisis of confidence in our country, the nation turns its interest toward gifted/talented, ~, Sputnik, declining test scores, etc. He indicated a need to create a program with long range goals to sustain gifted/talented education after national interest moves on to something else. Another presenter, Harold Raynolds, Commissioner of Education in Maine, said that the "back to basics" curriculum must advocate pmgrams for the giftedltalented. He also called for this nation to give a passionate statement of support for public education, its purpose, and its importance to our nation. June K. Goodman, Chairwoman of the Connecticut State Board of Education, noted that education for the handicapped is mandated while gifted/talented is permitted. She went on to say that the gifted ahd talented are a natural resource and that no other country does so little for this segment of its society as does our nation. Joseph Renzulli stressed the need for the regular curriculum to be improved, noting that some textbooks are deficient for even the regular students. He recommended an analysis of the textbooks by the best minds in the nation. A professor from Tufts University, David Feldman, said that high I.Q. tells little about how successful a person will be. He advocated an expanded definition of gifted!talented. Status should be earned through consistent performance. If identification is based on actual performance, then he believes this would elminate the elitist notion. He cited the football team as an example. The actual performance dictates the par路 ticipation or lack of participation. June Cox, Director of Research for the Sid Richardson
Foundation, indicated that in her research to determine what elements in the environment contribute to a gifted/talented person's high achievement, McArthur Fellows were interviewed. There were no consistencies noted with the exception of the fact that those interviewed indicated they had a supportive home environment. I think this is a significant finding for parents of gifted/talented. In interviews of gifted/talented students conducted by William Durden, Director for the Center for the Advancement of Academically Talented Youth, John Hopkins University, Dr. Durden found that these young students liked the center because: things were demanded of them; high standards were set for them of discipline and hard work; and they were surrounded by mentors who believed in them. He indicated a rigorous and sequential program is needed for these students along with mentors and teachers having a passion for knowledge. Other presenters addressed the following: the need for early identification; counseling of the gifted/talented; cultural and economic differences; types of programs for students; types of teachers and training, etc. There appeared to be a united theme, however, regardless of the specific tOfjic dis路 cussed. The theme was that the federal government does have a role in gifted/talented education and that incentive funds need to be made available on a permanent basis for: research, development, and dissemination; on-going communications with scholars; professional development and teacher training; and special programs for gifted/talented students outside of regular programs, i~ summer programs. All the presentations were strong and poignant. By the fact that the Commission called for a hearing specifically on gifted and talented education and based upon the presentations and recommendations made during the hearing, I believe that advocates for this movement can look forward to a strong national thrust. (The above article has been submitted by Dorys Dickey, Associate Superintendent for Instruction in the Judson ISO in Converse, Texas; Dorys, TAGT's newly路elected secretary, attended the October 15th hearing at Harvard.)
Butterfly, butterfly, silently I ask, "Why do ye fearlessly fly' "I fly among myself, expanding my wings, designing my own ways to life's musical beat." Lorrie Ranck Middle school student Midland, Texas
A NEW BEGINNING TAGT SCHOLARSHIP FUND IS IN PLACE The recent TAGT Fifth Annual Conference held in Houston was the setting for the establishment of an annual scholarship procedure. After the 1981 confel'ence, a sum of $10,000 was placed in a certificate of deposit account to become the foundation for a permanent TAGT scholarship fund, The interest accrued by this investment is to be available on an annual basis for scholarship awards to students and TAGT members, both parents and educators.
In addition to this action the TAGT Executive Board
financial assistance to gifted students, parents, and educators as they continue the never-ending process leading toward intellectua! growth, All who contributed to the scholarship fund are involved in this beginning, this joint endeavor' provide opportunities for individuals to continue learnil beyond today and tomorrow.
voted to provide, as a conference procedure, an opportunity for participants to make a contribution to the fund in honor of the association's president. Accordingly, the sum of $10,737.39 was contributed by TAGT members at this year's reception in honor of Dr. Char!es Patterson, Assistant Superintendent of Killeen, for his outstanding leadership as TAGT's 1982 President.
When members made a contribution at the reception, they received a button on which the words, "Happiness Is the TAGT Scholarship Fund," were inscribed, These buttons were manufactured by students in "PAT," the GiT program of the Grapevine/Colleyville !SD. All contributors to the fund filled out a donation form, indicating their name and schoo! district. At the third general session on Saturday, November 20, Jo Ann Houston, TAGT's President-Elect, cC':.ducted a drawing from these forms. The winners received lapel pins and belt buckles, donated by Ft. Worth's Chamber of Commerce. Next year's TAGT annual conference will be held in that city. The prize coveted by each participant went to the person whose name was the last one drawn by Jeanne Delp, the conference keynote speaker for that morning's general session. The winner, who had to be present at this meeting in order to win, received a gift certificate for three nights' lodging at the Americana Hotel, the site of the 1983 convention headquarters. Kay McMahond of Victoria, Texas, was the lucky recipient of this prize. The generous sum contributed the evening of November 19,1982, at the President's Reception will be added to the interest earned by the certificate of deposit. This combination of funds will provide financial assistance, through individual scholarships, awarded in 1983 to students and TAGT members, including parents and educators. In all probability, in this first year of existence, the scholarship committee will have approximately $2500 to award, in sums not to exceed $200.00 per recipient. A scholarship committee will be convened to review applications and to allocate the funds. The following guidelines have been established as a beginning procedure for this, one of TAGT's organizational goals. The guidelines established and the steps involved will be evaluated carefully and amended, as needed. The scholarship fund forms a permanent basis for providing
The President's Reception at the annual conference is to be the focal point of an annual drive to increase the amount of scholarship grant money available for distribution in each calendar year. Scholarship application forms are to be distributed anc· collected by the twenty regional representatives upon request; completed applications will then be forwarded by the regional representatives to the scholarship commit·
tee chail·person. Dr. Don Williams will inform the scholarship committee chairperson of accrued interest available for distribution
each year by March 1. Scholarship applications are to be flied with the scholarship committee chairperson by the regional representa-
tives on or before March 15. The scholarship committee members will rev·lew the applications, select the recipients, and determine the
6. 7.
amount of funds to be awarded by April 10. The Scholarship chairperson will notify each recipient of the amount by April 15. The scholarship committee chairperson will send to Dr. Williams a i"rst of the award recipients and the amount of money to be issued to each winner by April 15. Receipt of notification indicating that course work or research projects have been completed are to be sent by recipients to Dr. Williams. Dr. Williams will issue checks in the amount of the award
to each recipient. 10. Scholarship recipients will be intruduced at the TAGT conference luncheon each year. (The above artkle was submitted by Ms. Laura Allard, Associate Director of Gifted Students Institute and TAGT scholarship chairperson.)
PARADOXICAL TRAITS OF HIGHLY CREATIVE CHILDREN Highly creative children and adults are caricatures of paradoxes. They are one way .. yet still another; wildly open yet tamely closed, zany but serious; well-adjusted but still maladjusted; thriving on disorder, while desperately seeking order. Below are some of the most tmportant of these paradoxes. They certainly pose a dilemma as elements of the creative personality, but without them the creative person could not happily exist. You may see your children or students possessing some or all of these confilicts, which contribute to their interesting nature. If you have highly creatj· child, good luck! You and those around you will need he\i-in understanding and nurturing this most needed human resource. They are not trouble-free people, but thrive on their own internal differences. Compare the left and right columns. (Continued on page 5)
Needs the comfort and security to fit the mold.
Compulsive need to be different,
Will not accept one single answer or solution.
Strong willingness to pursue many alternative answers and possibilties which push new boundaries.
Highly independent and self-sufficient, loving to discover and make inquiries on their own.
Selfish with time and energy, not greatly concerned with what others think; bored with imposed group work.
Drews (reported in Clark, 1979) identified four sets of
A constructive discontent capitalizing on mistakes and failures for self-improvement.
Cares about others and searches for a purpose with a commitment to others.
Introverted and withdrawn from others, desiring little involvement,
At times somewhat emotionally and personally unstable.
Possesses abundance of inner. resources to deal with maladjustment and instability.
Strong need for sharing and for group acceptance and approval following creative ideas, productions, or accomplishments.
Social isolate loving to work alone on creative ideas or productions,
Very aware of criticism and lack of acceptance,
Not bothered by failure or, unresolved situations.
High tolerance for ambiguity; loves chaos and thrives on disorder.
Must straighten up messy situations before moving on to other disorders,
Pursues the most fanciful, embellished ideas.
Ideas have to be expedient for some applied use.
Flexibly open as doers, roamers, wonderers.
Rigidly closed at whatever level they have arrived at.
More questions are raised about factual information than answers.
Finding answers and making decisions are based on intuition.
Strong self-concept, high selfesteem, strong sense of self-destiny.
Not well-rounded, but courageous in taking risks just to see what will happen.
Highly persevering and energetic; can't stop working and doing.
Must quietly withdraw to let ideas simmer on back burner while incubating.
Strong preference for complexity and difficult tasks.
Must simplify most things to bring temporary closure.
Very serious about consequences and implications.
Good sense of humor with playful attitude and behavior.
Will consistently create problems and conflicts for self and others.
Can tolerate and resolve conflicts.
The first group was identified by Drews as the high路achieving, studious, gifted learners, the rule followers - - students who work very hard to do their work as closely approximating the directions as possible. They are concerned with how something is to be done but not why. They are interested in facts, and knowledge has value for them, but not the use of information. They prefer discussion, tradition to innovation, and productivity to creativity, Education is not a joyful experience, but something one must have to get ahead. They are logical, organized, and punctual. 2. Drews designated the second type of student as the social leader - - the cheerleaders, the quarterbacks, and the class officers. They are popular with students and faculty alike. They live closely t'o the peer group's values and socialize with all groups comfortably. They may identify with popular causes, but they are not visionaries and never espouse unpopular ideas, They are attracted to vocations that pay well and have community status, such as medicine, law, and business. 3. Drews identified another group as the creatively intelh::: ... ~lIn! students. pointing out that, compared to the first two groups, these students receive lower grades although they may have higher achievement test scores. They tend to be highly individualistic, are seldom leaders, and show unwill路 ingness to conform to standards set by the teachers and other students. They are creative, open-minded, skeptical, and idealistic. Their wild imaginations carryover into their zany humor, relieving their otherwise intensely serious nature. They prefer choice and enjoy structuring learning situations to fit their own needs and interests, They read widely, are introspective, and are more concerned with process than products. They are humanitarians in the broad sense, and they enjoy the pursuit of truth, beauty, and other universal values. 4. The last group, the fewest in number, Drews identified as rebels. These are extremely low achievers, although many are brilliant. Teachers must spend much energy to gain even a modicum of cooperation or involvement from them. Predominantly of the lower class, this group shows very little concern for solving social problems or even for taking social responsibiltiy, They are often found among delin路 quents and are usually at odds with their family, the school, and community as a whole. While some will change with maturity, most will lead lives that deny their potential.
- - - Frank Williams
It is becoming increasingly difficult to be tolerant of a society that has sympathy only for the misfit, only for the maladjusted, only for the loser. Have sympathy for them. Help them. But I think it is also time for us all to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever, the one who recognizes the problem and does something about it. Vince Lombardi
gifted learners and commented that an adolescent might be placed on a continuum based on the description:
Strong discontent with self and others; appears rebellious and uncooperative.
Read these descriptions with your adolescent. It is likely that he or she will quickly identify a personal spot on the continuum and be able to place gifted friends at a slightly different spot.
(Clark, B. Growing Up Gifted. Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1979)
'-',d:Q '
Keynote speaker (right) Dr. W.N. (Bill) Kirby, Deputy Commissioner; Art Gutierrez, Director in Instructional Services, ESC XX; Laura Allard, Associate Director, Gifted Students Institute; and President Charles Patterson, Assistant Superintendent, Killeen ISD
Houston ISD Vanguard students, Suzuki Strings, at Friday luncheon
Keynote speaker Jeanne Delp, Director of Instructional Services, Garden Grove, California
Dr. Billy R0agan, SUt1flloj(!tenden<, Hou::ton iSO, weicoming conference participants at the second general session
Past President Judy Judy, Teacher/Coordinator for Gifted Program, Temple ISO and George Greanias, Houston City Councilman
Ms. Ann Shaw, Program Director for Gifted Education, TEA and Frank Elder, G/T State Advisory Board member
Keynote speaker (right) Jack Jackson, American .I\irlins:; and Incoming President Jo Ann Houston, Assistant Superintendent, Grapevine-Colieyville ISO.
President Dr. Charles Patterson and President-Elect Jo Ann Houston
(Photographs - - Courtesy of Anne Perry)
Ms, June Cox, Director, Gifted Students Institute, accepting the President's Award from Dr. Charles Patterson.
June Cox Receives President's Award At the Fifth Annual Conference of the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented on Friday, November 19, 1982, Ms. June Cox was presented with the association's 19, 1982, Ms. June Cox is the second person to receive this award which was instituted at the 1981 Conference. The first recipient was Julie Ray of Houston, author of a book entitled Turninq on Bright Minds. The President's Award was established to recognize the efforts of those persons who make significant contributions to gifted education. In presenting the award, Charles Patterson, outgoing president of TAGT, noted that Ms. Cox was the primary driving force in the formation and early development of the organization. In citing Ms. Cox for her many contributions, Patterson recalled for the approximate 1200 persons in attendance at the luncheon the time, efforts and financial commitment provided by Ms. Cox in the early days of the association. It was observed that Ms. Cox acted as a "parent" to all those students in Texas who were benefitting from gifted programs. The inscription on the plaque commended Ms. Cox "for expanding the horizons and enriching the lives of gifted children through exemplary leadership." Ms. Cox's involvement in gifted education began as early as 1978. She was one of seventeen persons who attended a meeting at North Lake Junior College in
Irving on February 3,1978, to discuss the founding of a state advisory group in Texas promoting the cause of gifted education. Ms. Cox was appointed as chairperson of the official steering committee to form the organization. On March 17 and 18, 1978, '}< Cox chaired an organizational meeting held in San Antonio and in April, 1978, she was elected as president of the new association. The first general membership meeting of the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented was held in November, 1978, at the conclusion of the National Association for the Gifted Children in Houston. Ms. Cox continued to serve as president of the organization until November, 1979, and was directly involved in developing the by-laws, securing the tax-exempt status, and completing the articles of incorporation. Ms. Cox also was instrumental in the drive to secure legislation which resulted in state funding for Texas gifted programs. She has remained active in TAGT, serving on the board for one term as immediate past-president and for the last two years as chairperson of the research committee. The support of Ms. Cox and the Gifted Students Institute was essential to the funding and growth of the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented. The support of GSI enabled the association to provide a number of services including the awarding of student scholarships and the publishing of a newsletter. The success of TAGT's rapid growth can be attributed to a large degree to the solid foundation established through the leadership of June Cox.
(The above article was written by Dr. Charles Patterson, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction in the Killeen ISD and immediate past president of TAGT.)
"For Your TAGT Files" TEXAS ASSOCIATION FOR GIFTED & TALENTED, INC. 1983 Executive Board Jo Ann Houston, President
Assistant Superintendent
(817) 481·5575
Grapevine-Colleyville ISO, 3051 West Highway 26 Grapevine, TX 76051 (Region XI)
Paul Slocumb, President-Elect
Director of Curriculum Dickinson ISO, 527 Whitewing Dickinson, TX 77539 (Region IV)
(713) 337-4501
Dr. Ann Farris, First Vice-President
Director of Secondary Curriculum
(817) 526·8361
Killeen lSD, P.O. Box 967 Killeen, TX 76540 (RegionXII)
Kay Weise, Second Vice-President (713) 756·7751
Coordinator of Gifted Programs Conroe ISO, 702 N. Thompson
Conroe, TX 77301 (Region VI) Dorys Dickey, Secretary (512) 658·6371
Dr. Charles Patterson, Immediate Past President (817) 526·8361
Curriculum, Director
Judson lSD, P.O. Box 249 Converse, TX 78109 (Region XX) Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Killeen lSD, P.O.Box 967 Kiileen, TX 76540 (Region XII)
Dr. Don Williams, Executive Vice-President
Director, Support Services
Birdville ISD. 6125 E. Belknap Ft. Worth, TX 76117 (Region XI)
Ann Shaw, Ex-Officio Board Member
Program Director for Gifted Education Texas Education Agency, 201 East 11th Street
(512) 834·4451
Austin. TX 78701 (Region X III) Regional Representatives:
Dee Trevino, Gifted & Talented Coordinator, McAllen lSD, 2000 N. 23rd St., McAllen, TX 78701 (512) 686·0515 Sally Defenbaugh, Consultant, ESC Region II, 209 N. Water, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 (512)833-9288 Dr. Helen Taulbee, Consultant, ESC Region III, 1905 Leary Lane, Victoria, TX, 77901 (5211 573·0731
Mary Tallent, Gifted Program Coordinator, Cypress-Fairbanks ISO, Box 40040, Houston, TX 77040 (713) 469-7320 Thelma Dowies, Elementary Supervisor, West Orange Grove Consolidated ISO, P_O_ Box 1107, Orange, TX 77630
Nancy Roberts, Department Of Education Psychology, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77843 (713) 845-1802
Brenda Gilliam, Teacher/Diagnostic·Consultant, Tyler lSD, 1308 N.L. King Blvd., Tyler. TX 75702 (214) 595·3448 Pattie Pierson. Aiken Elementary. Paris ISD. 3100 Pine Mill Rd., Paris, TX 75460 (214) 785·6451 Nina McNeill. Gifted Coordinator, Wichita Falls lSD, 1104 Board St., Wichita Falls, TX 76308 (817) 723·4197 Suzee Oliphint, Talented & Gifted Program Specialist. Dallas ISD. P.O. Box 372 Dallas, TX 75215 (214) 426·4170 Betty Fuller, Consultant, Hurst·Euless·Bedford lSD, 1849 Central Dr., Bedford, TX 76021 (817) 283·4461 Jean Kemp, Teacher, Belton ISD. 2010 N. beal, Belton, TX 76513 (817) 939·3535
(713) 886-4462
Evelyn Levsky-Hiatt, Education Specialist II, Texas Education Agency, 201 E.l1thSt., Austin, TX 78701 (512) 834-4451
Kathy Aldridge, Crockett Elementary, Abilene lSD, 3282 S. 13th St., Abilene, TX 79605 (915) 698·8992
Dominick Greco, Director, Department of Recreation, Howard Payne University, P.O. Box 398, Brownwood, TX 76801
Donna Clopton, College of Education, West Texas State University, Canyon, TX 79016 (806) 656-3607 Sue Gladden, Head Teacher, Child Development Center, College of Home Economics, Texas Tech University, Box 4170
Mary 8eck, Parent. 4309 Arroyo Dr .• Midland, TX 79703 (915) 697·3373
(915) 646·2502
Lubbock, TX 79409 (806) 742·3022 XIX
Pat Long, Parent. 11105 Vance Jackson Rd., San Antonio, TX 78230 (512) 696·1852
Committee Chairpersons: June Cox, Research
(817) 265·7143
Director, Gifted Students Institute 611 Ryan Plaza Dr., Suite 1119
Arlington, TX 76011 (Region XI) Jimmie Jean Owen, Legislation
Consultant, Region XII ESC
(817) 756·7494
P.O. Box 1249 Waco, TX 76703 (Region XII)
Laura Allard, Finance & Scholarship
Associate Director, Gifted Students Institute 611 Ryan Plaza Dr., Suite 1119
(817) 265·7143
Arlington, TX 76011 (Region XI)
STATE SENATE ':;ENERAL ELECTION RESULTS SECRLTARY OF THE SENATE Jovember 3, 1982 *lncumbent District 1 *Ed Howard
P. O. Box 5695
District 2 Ted Lyon
Town East Tower 18601 LB) freeway, Suite 525
District 3 *Roy Blake
P.O. Box 713
District 4 *Carl Parker
1 Plaza Square
Port Arthur
District 5 *Kent Caperton
4301 Carter Creek Pkwy. Suite 205
P, O. Box 9816
2301 FM 1960 W, Suite 201
')istrict 6' 'Linc:>n Williams 713-455-2289 Distr'ct 7 Don Henderson
Llistrict 8 *Ike Harris
2425 Cedar Springs
District 9 Chet Edwards
P. O. Box 345
Qistrict 10 30b McFarland
P. O. Box 13060
::llstrict 1 1 ·Chet Brooks
P. O. Box 1302
1100 Texas Street
Fort Worth
2323 Caroline
:-l oc: stc)~,
'J istrict 12
"ugh Parmer
D,strict 14 • Lloyc Doggett
P. 0, Box 12068
District 1S John Wh,:mire
518 W. 19th Street
7871 1
Jlstrict 16 *John L'l2eJom
2809 Ross Avenue
P.O. Box 888
Lake Jackson
District 19 "Glenn Kothmann 512-656-0185
4610 Sea Breeze
San Antonio
:::listrict 2 Q *Carlos Truan
P. O. Box 5445
Corpus Christi
District 21 *John A. Traeger
P. O. Box 1228
District 22 *Bob Glasgow
211 N. Belknap
!:llstrict 23 *Oscar Ma uzy
1106 N. Highway 360 SUite 20J
Grand Prairie
::listrict J 7 'J. E. "Buster" Brown
:::listrict J 8 kJ ohn Wil s on (de cea sed) 78220
District 24 'Grant Jones
P.O. Box 5 I 38
District 25 Bill Sims
P.O. Box 2290
San Angelo
District 26 '8ob Vale
126 Main Plaza East Suite 10
San Antonio
868 W. Price Road
District 27 *H ector Uribe
Di strict 28 John T. Montford 806-744-5555 District 29 *H. Tati Santiesteban 915-532-6270
79th Street
747 E. San Antonio SuiteJOO
E1 Paso
!:listrict 30 kRa y Farabee
P. O. DrawerS&P
Wichita Falls
District 31 *8ill Sarpa1ius
P. O. Box 7926
Prepared/Distributed by: Chief Clerk's Office * p"
Incumbent Republ ican
District 1 - Bowie, Red River Alex Short, Jr.
2705 Texas Blvd.
Texarkana 75503
District 2 - Delta, Fannin, Hofltins, Lamar
*L. P. (Pete) Patterson
Route 1
Brookston 75421
District 3 - Hunt, Rains, Rockwall, Wood p, O.
*Smith E. Gilley
Box 983
Greenville 75401
District 4 - Ellis, Kaufman Gordon (Doc) Arnold, Jr.
P. O. Box 932
District 5 - Smith (part),
*Bi11 Hollowell
Terrell 75160
Van lftndt 322 North Oleander
Grand Saline 75140
P.O. Box 8411
Tyler 75711
P. O. Box 471
Kil <:jore 75662
District 6 - Smith (part) David Hudson District 7 - Gregg *Jimmy Mankins
District 8 - Camp, Cass, Franklin, Marion, r,lorris, Titus Sam Russell
P. O. Box 1135
Mount Pleasant 75455
Route 1, Box 449
Hallsville 75650
District 9 - Harrison, Rusk *Jim McWill iams
District 10 - Nacogdoches, Panola, Shelby *Bi 11 Ha 1ey
11 0 Cora
Center 75935
District 11 - Anderson, Cherokee, Freestone *Elton Bomer
711 West Corsicana
Athens 75751
District 12 - Henderson, Limestone, Navarro *Tom Waldrop District 13 -
P. O. Box 3041 ~urleson,
Dr. L. B. Kubiak
Corsicana 75110
Milam, Robertson, Waller, Washington Route 1, Box 184A
Rockdale 75567
P. O. Box 4142
Bryan 77805
District 14 - Brazos *Bi11 Presnal
District 15 - Grimes,
Leon, Madison, Montgomery (part)
*Jim Turner
P. O. Box 780
Crockett 75835
P. O. Box 2747
Conroe 77305
Route 1, Box 30A
Pollok 75969
Oistrfct 16 - MontgomerY-.-i.fli1rtl "Rodney Tow
Billy Clemons
District 1B - Polk, San Jacinto, .lvle.r., Walker Allen Ross Hightower, Jr.
34拢:路 Forest Lane
Huntsvi 11 e 77340
118 Border
Orange 77630
District 19 - Newton, Orange *Wayne Peveto
District 20 - Hardin, Jasper', Jefferson (part) *Jerry Clark
P. O. Drawer U.S.
Buna 77612
District 21 - Chambers, Jefferson (partt, liberty Mark' Stiles
2895 West lucas
Beaumont 77706
330 Liberty. Suite 210
Beaumont 77701
1950 Ninth Avenue
Port Arthur 77640
2600 Avenue 0 One Half
Galveston 77550
P.O. Box 2148
Texas City 77590
4413 Bluebonnet Drive, Suite 8
Stafford 77477
District 22 - Jefferson (part) *Al Price District 23 - Jefferson (part) *Frank Collazo, Jr. District 24 - Galveston (part) James Hury District 25 - Galveston (part) *Lloyd Criss District 26 - Fort Bend (part) \) *Thomas D. (Tom) Delay
District 27 - Brazoria (part), Fort Bend (part) Hi 11 Kemp
Route 2, Box 316
Manvel 77578
415 West Second Street
Freeport 77541
District 28 - Brazoria (part) Mark R. Davis
District 29 - Brazoria (part) , Matagorda, Wharton *0. R. (Tom) Uher
P. O. Box 1590
Bay City 77414
District 30 -
*Robert Saunder's
Colorado, Fayette, Lee LaGrange 78945
155 West Travis
Jackson, Lavaca
Phyllis Robinson District 32
Gonzales 78629
202 South Tlxas Savings Building
Victoria 77901
(i 'j Q .---""--~'
>John Sharp ~a.n
D1stl"ict 33
*Leroy J.
iGl2 St, Michael
Patriciu Portland 78374
"'Hugo Berlanga
Corpus Christi 78405
r'. G. Box 56C4
Corpus Christi 78413
Eddie Cavazos District 36 ---------
8ank Plaza District 37 "
, ',-
*Irma Rangel
~12 Norttl
*Don Lee
*Rene 01 i ve i ro.
Corpus Christi 78475
7th Street
Kingsville 78363
D. Draw2:'" 2707
Harlingen 78550
Brownsville 78520
Distric.t 40 - Hidalao ..(D3'('t)
.l.", __ ",_",-
Alejandro (Alex) Moreno, Jr.
1311 South 16th
Ed i nbu rg 78539
4207 North 22nd Street
MeA 11 en 78501
P.O. Dra\'ier 630
Pharr 78577
P. O. Box 598
Laredo 78040
.District 41 - HidalgoJpartl 1rJuan Hi nOjosa
District 112 - Hidalgo
*A. C, (1ony) Gatc.ia
District 43 - Webb *Willianl N. (Bi"ily) Hall, Jr.
DisVict 44 - Dirfimitt, Quval. 0~Hogg, Jim Wells. LaSalle, McMullen, Zapata, Zavala
*Ernestine V. Glossbrenner
P. O. Drawer 2188
Alice 78332
District 45 - E-ta_scosa, Bandera, frio, Live Oak, Medina, Wilson Jim Crockett
P. O. Box 361
District 46 - Comal (R)
Pea rsa 11 78061
Guada 1 up~, Kenda 11
Edmund Kuempe 1
1430 Canary
Seguin 78155
District 47 - Blanco, f:!~_, LlanQ., Travis (partl Bob Ba rton, Jr.
200 Un'iversi ty
San Marcos 78666
District 48 - Travis (part) (R) *Terral R. Smith
P. O. Box 2910
Austin 78769
P.O. Box 2910
Austin 78769
*Wilhelmina R. Delco
P. O. Box 2910
Austin 78769
*Gonz.alo Barrientos
P.O. Box 2910
Austin 78769
520 Karolyn Drive
Round Rock 78664
1'. U. tlox 6YU
tle!i:on 16513
District 49 - Travis (part) *Gerald Hill District 50 - Travis (partl
District 52 - Burnet, Williamson Noel Grisham District 53 - Bell (pare) *Bi11 Messer
Di s tri ct 54 - Bell (pa r!.L Ham; lton, 1amp~~~, Mi 11 s, San Sa ba P. O. Box 276
*Stan Schl ueter U1Strn;t ~~ -
(R) *Rollin Khoury District 56 - McLennan
Killeen 76541
(part) P. O. Box 963
Waco 76703
501 Franklin, Suite 621
Waco 76701
*Betty Denton
District 57 - Bosque, Coryell, Hill C. K. (Chock) Word, Jr.
P. O. Box 342
Meridian 76665
District 58 - Erath, Johnson, Somerve 11 *Bruce Gibson
P. O. Box 32
Cleburne 76031
Lakeland Professional Building, Suite 108
Lewi svi lle 75067
District 59 - Denton (ea rt) (R) *Jim Horn
District 60 - Collin (pa rt) (~,
*Frank Eikenburg
1501 Downtown Center
Plano 75074
District 61 - Co 11 in (f:>artt, Denton (f:>art) W.TipHall, Jr.
Route 1 , Box 102
Ponder 76259
District 62 - Co 11 in (f:>art) , Grayson *Bob Bush
122 North Travis
Sherman 75090
P. O. Box 572
Weatherford 76086
District 63 - Cooke, Parker, Wise *W. G. (Bill) Coody
District 64 - Callahan, Haskell; Hood, Palo Pinto, Shackelford, Stephens, Throckmorton, Young *Joe C. Hanna
Baker Building
Breckenridge 76024
District 65 - Brown, Coleman, Comanche, Eastland, McCulloch, Runnels Jim Parker
P. O. Box 762
Comanche 76442
District 66 - Coke, Mitchell, Sterling, Tom Green *Dick Burnett
P. O. Box 5447
San Angelo 76902
District 67 - Concho, Crockett, Edwards, Gillesf:>ie, Irion, Kerr, Kimble, Mason, Menard, Real, Schleicher, Sutton, Uvalde (R) *Gerald Geistweidt
P. O. Drawer P
Mason 76856
District 68 - Brewster, Kinney, Maverick, Pecos, Presidio, Terrell, Val Verde Dudley Harrison
P. O. Box 668
Sanderson 79848
District 69 - Borden, Crane, Culberson, Glasscock, Howard, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Loving, Reagan, ReeVes, Upton, Ward, Winkler *Larry Don Shaw
Permian Building, Suite 110
Big Spring 79720
4849 North Mesa, Suite 100
El Paso 79912
572 5 Lex i ngton
El Paso 79924
2314 Montana
El Paso 79903
2267 Trawood Drive, Bldg. B-5
El Paso 79935
1515 Ai rways
El Paso 79925
District 70 - El Paso (part) ( R) *Jack Vowell District 71 - El Paso (f:>art) (R)
Arves E. Jones, Sr. District 72 - El Paso (part) *Paul Moreno Ul
t-'aso \part)
*Mary J. Polk District 74 - El Paso (f:>a rt) *Robert (Bob) Va 11 es
District 75 - Ector
*Jay Gibson
115 West 5th Street
Odessa 79761
*Torn Craddick
3"108 Stanolind
Midland 79701
District 77 -
Cochran, Dawson, ยง_aines,
*Jim D. Rudd
Martin, Terry, Yoakum
ilO South 5th Street
Brownfield 79316
District 78 - Cottle, Fisher, Garza, Jones, Kent, King, Knox, Lynn, Nolan, Scurry, Stonewall, Taylor (partT--- ~Steven A. Carriker
p, 0. Box 517
Roby 79543
Box 8235, ACU Station
Abil ene 79699
District 79 - Taylor (part) *Gary Thompson
District 80 - Archer, Bay]c.r:, Clay, I~5'r~, Hardeman, Jack, Montague, Viilbarger, Wichita (part) *Charles Finnell
P. 0, Box 468
Holliday 76366
P.O. Box 2073
Wichita Falls 76307
2222 Indiana
Lubbock 79410
Court Place Bldg., Suite 701
Lubbock 79401
District 81 - Wichita (partl *John Gavin District 82 - Lubbock (part) *Nolan J. (Buzz) Robnett District 83 - Lubbock (part) *Froy Salinas
District 84 - Armstrong, Briscoe, Childress, Collingsworth, Crosby, Dickens, Donley, Floyd, Gray, Hall, Lubbock (part), Motley *Foster Whaley
Route 1, Box 70
Pampa 79055
District 85 - Bailey, Castro, Hale, Lamb, Parmer, Swisher *James E. (Pete) Laney
P. O. Drawer 900
Hale Center 79041
2711 Paramount
Amari 11 a 79109
3505 Olsen Blvd.
Amarillo 79109
District 86 - Deaf Smith, Randall *Bob Simpson District 87 - Potter ~)
*Chip Staniswalis
District 88 - Carson, Dallam, Hansford, Hartley, Hemphill, Hutchinson, Lipscomb, Moore, Ochiltree, Oldham, Roberts, Sherman, Wheeler *J. W. (Buck) Buchanan
P. O. Box 808
Dumas 79029
District 89 - Tarrant (part) *Gibson D. (Gib) Lewis
2300 Race Street
Fort Worth 76111
503 Sinclair Building
Fort Worth 76102
P. O. Box 18866
Fort Worth 76118
P. O. Box 8
Hurst 76053
Route 2, Box 82
Mansfield 76063
325 Crowley Road
Arlington 76012
3307-B Miller Avenue
Fort Worth 76119
P.O. Box 16006
Fort Worth 76133
River Plaza 路Office Tower, Suite 1000
Fort Worth 76107
P. O. Box 5095
Irving 75062
14934 Webb Chapel, Suite 36
Farmers Branch 75234
District 90 - larrant (part) *Doyle Willis District 91 - Tarrant (part) *Lanny Ha 11 District 92 - Tarrant (part) *Charles Evans District 93 - Tarrant (part) Roy English District 94 - Tarrant (pa rt) (R)
Jan McKenna District 95 - Tarrant (part) *Reby Cary District 96 - Tarrant (pa rt) Mi ke Mi 11 sap District 97 - Tarrant (pa rt)
(R) *Bob Leonard, Jr. District 98 - Dallas (part) (R)
Gwyn Clarkston District 99 - Dallas (part)
(R) *Bill Blanton District 100 - Dallas (part) *Samuel W. Hudson III
2606 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Suite 202 Dallas 75215
District 101 - Dallas (part) (R) *Anita Hill
RepublicBank Bldg., Suite 203 700 West Avenue B
Garland 75040
3333 Republic Bank Tower
Dallas 75201
P. O. Box 24811
Dallas 75224
District 102 - Dallas (part) '~)
Patricia Hill District 103 - Dallas (part) *Steven D. Wolens
District 104 - Dallas (pay't.) (R) *Ray Keller
?02 West Center, Suite 203-B
Duncanville 75116
3302-C ,Anthony Street
P.O. Box 1288
Gl"olHJ Pra i ri e
5217 Ross Avenue, Box 153
Dallas 75206
3510 Urban
Dallas 75227
6665 Lakeshore Drive
Dallas 75214
1209 East Red Bird Lane
Dallas 75241
2027 Argyl e
Dallas 75203
300 Promenade Bank Tower
Richardson 75080
10440 East Northwest Highway, Suite 302
Da 11 as 75238
Part Central II, Suite 830 7540 LBJ Freeway
Dallas 75251
1015 Main Plaza Building
San Antonio 78205
5018 Ingram Road
San Antonio 78228
P. O. Drawer X
San Antonio 78211
2130 SW Military Drive, Suite 209
San Antonio 78224
District 105 - Dallas (part1 Charles Gandy
District 106 - Dallas (part1 *Carlyl e Smith
., ......... . . â&#x20AC;˘ .... -.1 ... .
District 107 - Dallas (part) *David Cain District 108 - Dallas
Al Granoff District 109 - Dallas (pal'U (R)
Bill Hammond District 110 - Dallas
*Paul B. Ragsdale District 111 - Dallas (part) Jesse Dean Oliver District 112 - Dallas (part) (R) *Bi11 Ceverha District 113 - Dallas (part) (R) *Lee Jackson District 114 - Dallas (part) (R) *Fred Agnich District 115 - Bexar (part) *Matt Garcia District 116 - Bexar (part) Joe Gamez District 117 - Bexar (part) *Frank Madla District 118 - Bexar (part) *Frank Tejeda
District 119 - Bexar (part) Wa Iter Martinez
1225 South Brazos
San Antonio 78207
n 44-1 East Commerce
San Antonio 78205
2117-A Pat Booker Road
Universal City 78148
P. O. Box 5752
San Antonio 78201
5740 Wurzbach Road
San Antonio 78238
732 Cul ebra Road
San Antonio 78201
10405 Town &Country Way, Su i te 100
Hous ton 77024
10907 Gl enway
Hous ton 77070
P.O. Box 51 58
Kingwood 77339
855 Uvalde Road
Houston 77015
2318 Center, Suite 109
Deer Park 77536
1100 NASA Road I, Suite 102
Houston 77058
7811 1/3 Cullen Blvd.
Houston 77051
10521 South Post Oak, Suite 103
Houston 77035
9263 Imogene
Hous ton 77036
District 120 - Bexar (part) -Lou Nelle Sutton District 121 - Bexar (pc.rtL (R) *Alan Schoolcraft Distritt 122 - Bexar (part) (R) *George Pierce District 123 - Bexar (part) (R) *Kae T. Patrick District 124 - Bexar (part) *Joe L. Hernandez District 125 - Harris (part) (R) *Milton E. Fox District 126 - Harris (part) (R)
D. Barry Connelly District 127 - Harris (part)
(R) *Edward M. (Ed) Emmett District 128 - Harris (part) *Anthony L. (Tony) Palumbo District 129 - Harris (part) *Ed R. Watson District 130 - Harris (part) (R) *Randy Pennington District 131 - Harris (part) *Ron Wilson District 132 - Harris (part) *Paul Colbert District 133 - Harris (part) (R)
Robert A. Eckels
District 134 - Harris
(R) *Brad Wri ght
4108 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston 77025
4548 Highway 6
Houston 77084
District 135 - Harris (~artl ( R)
Mike Toomey District 136 - Harris
( R) *Ashley Smith
1600 Mellie Esperson Buildin9
Houston 77002
1004 Ca 1iforni a
Houston 77006
2215 Droxford
Houston 77008
6915 Antoine, Suite E
Houston 77091
11950 Airline Drive, Suite 210
Houston 77037
10527 Homestead
Houston 77016
3701 Cavalcade
Houston 77026
6944 Navigation
Houston 77011
1706 Strawberry, Suite 304
Pasadena 77502
P. O. Box 12667
Houston 77017
4913 Griggs Road
Houston 77021
3312 Binz
Houston 77004
4733 Jefferson
Houston 77023
District 137 - Harri s (part) *Debra Danburg District 138 - Harris
David Patronella District 139 - Harris (pa rt) *Clint Hackney District 140 - Harris (part) *Gene Green District 141 - Harris
(~art )
*Senfronia Thompson District 142 - Harris (pa rt) *E1 Franco Lee District 143 - Harris (part) *A1bert (Al) Luna I II District 144 - Harris (part) *Erwin W. Barton District 145 - Harris
(~art )
*Ralph Wallace III District 146 - Harris
(~a rt)
*A1 Edwards Distric.t 147 - Harris
Larry Q. Evans District 148 - Harris (['art) Roman Martinez
District 149 - Harris (part) (R)
Talmadge Heflin
11923 Carvel Lane
Houston 77072
3818 Shipman Lane
Spri ng 77373
District 150 - Harris (part) (R)
Paul J. Hilbert
(The followi!1g informati01: is being provided in order to SSSlst you ir. communic2.ci:lg "'-"lith your l.egislators effectively. We L:tge yo'.: ';') :;0DtZC"t :'t.n·j ·,'lsit vv:"c!") \four SC1'!:;':'O;"S ;:m(: '"cp~e5en\'2tivc:; . . (
,S .T::·.. j ;::::':.i.L t},.:;\, be inf
,_ell at
for Par'a,3
Para.4 R.epie£entative gonernment functions best \i;Jhen there is
Express your apPI'eciation for i:heir attention
to your lettet". Unless you are using professional or personal lettel'head,
open and meaningful communication between el£·cted officials
be sure your full name and address appear after your signature.
and their constituents concerning pressing legis!ative issues. As a citizen and as a professional with an expertise in the field of education for gifted children, you are in a position to furnish related information to your elected representatives at ali levels of govemment,
Present your reasons for writing about the bill. Your own personal or professional experience provides t h " best supporting s'fidencE;. Be )-eason2\)\e Don" -osk for "the in~pcss;bi8. Don'!: th,-eaten. ,6,:;/< '(:,e legislators where thev stand en the sub;ect. A£k t:-',.ern i:o -::tate th2i,r pos;tf.i,)j-, '1'.,
Keep abreast of how your local legislators vote. If they please you with their vote on an issue, write and tell them so, A large amount of the rnair that iegislators receive is from displeased constituents.
yC\')~ CO'"":'.:8Cl
may be through a 1.:eiefJhcne call, The timing of \i'ihe(]
only part aT 1Jiel" ie:.::-s:s n~c-eivi'lg 2nd
,-espci,d!n::J -:0 (-;i...:lcireds, even thouS20nds, of ,:;c,,--nmur_icatians o2iiy. \J,' YO!;r cor,'lact vv:th
!ett2i is i::':)Oi'cant. If possi!Ji8, 'A·i·;te
a bili is pe'ldirg ;~1 ::ommirtee Somelimcs ieU, !"gisia
to:s mEl\! reserve their judgment u'Hi, the constituency has crystaliized,
o-i- tilE!'
'lour repi"eSe!lta-rl\.'es is tin,eiy, j'esponsibie and respectful, the
comrnuil!ortion will be of mutual benefit yoe, a~ld you need them.
This is a good technique, if not OVf:("lised. !t is
best way to support or oppose
bil! ON TH E D,4 Y legis!a"
tive action is expected. T8~~pholle:
i\'kst elected officials maintain local offices
',n thetr hometowns w'lth vvhich they have constant contact. Be prepared prior to making your cai!. State the reClson for the call.
,6.. elsa:.- st.atcp.-,enl
iegislation vvili bs
;)f your
;'eaSOf\5 for
or 3\jains-t
2nd !'epm"!"f;o to the legisiator
if \IOU ,ire Ceiling iegisl;;tol's tfl. Aust!.'.-! of~:u:;e~., \i'JU may leave yOUi numb6,- Zinc) narn(~ <ond indicate tiv~ ge :21-81 time you vvil! be at "the number so they may rNln" vaUi Cail
Personal visit: Because of the trernendousiy hectic schedule of ali legislators, you may be routed to a staff member at the time of your appointment, Usuallv this is not intended to ::I"ight 'you or the subject rna-ite, a~:out wh'lch yOc.! al'e concerned . .Aides and staff rr;err--'~e(s, foi the rno."t parl, Me (1ui-u' knowledgeable abo;JT leg·::;ict!Ve IT!2nc r S anci 1.'vi!i bc: ab!E W pass :)n your concerns, v~sit is a IV!UST (1-\11 the above infol'matioil is relevant to contact vvith )uie:ra',
Your telephone conversation with legislators ~hGuld "foilow the usual rules of courtesV. Be pleasant. Be brief. Be prepared to answer questions or prmtide related information, as succinctly and clearly as possibie. Never intimidate.
well, with
the exception of the addresses.)
ra~~:"";,,:.'~" :~r.!~:: :~;::-.!~~'·':;~!'"~"~-:r.");~.~,::~~~-:i~J)_~1~'>!«!:::;~~;~::,i~"!''(""Zrf';:'~~:S
Letter: An individually-composed letter is an excellent way to communicate with your representatives. The same Jetter sent by hundreds of people is not effective. Send
tvped ietter, if possible, on one
Adcress tc: HOllocab!e .John 00e, i-IclJse of RspresF:l1ta-
Lives, P C. Sox 29']0, _Austin, TX 78769, uear Mr Doe; Hcnol"()bie Jonn 008; State Senate. PO. Sox' 2068, Austin, TX 7871·j. Dear Senator Doe Present communications in a profesSion a: wo',' using cor" t'eet letter format, good sentence strllctLlI"e, spelling, etc. Para. 1 Identify the subject of "loUr letter (giftedl talented funding, etc.) If writing about a specific bill, refer to the House or Senate bill number,
~.: ~
KUDOS! KUDOS! KUDOS' We wouic~ like to i'ecognize the followiOlg b..,neT(Jc, tOl"S who have made substantial contributlol:s to TAGT. Their assistance in furthering ,he cause 01 gifted education is much appreciateu. Dr. and Mrs. H.s, Bhatia
~.~ ~"
Welcome Aboard ... to new T AGT board members
Mary Beck
Region XVIII Representative
Donna Clopton
Region XVI Representative
Sally Defenbaugh
Corpus Christi
Region II Representative
Jean Kemp
Region XII Representative
Evy Levsky·H iatt
Region XIII Representative
Pat Long
San Antonio
Region XX Representative
Suzee Oliphint
Region X Representative
Patti Pierson
Region VIII Representative
Nancy Roberts
College Station'
Region VI Representative
Paul Slocumb
Mary Tallent
Region IV Representative
~ •.Qx.t?":~<Q><..O">~~.q,~<-O'"><Q"><..Q>..q-,~~~<Q>t.b><.(?">~,q.~~o.<:n<Q>~§
For those of you who attended TAGT~ fifth annual conference and wanted a tape of the keynote addresses and for those of you who did not attend the conference and wanted to see what you missed, the order form is provided for your convenience.
§ §
§ §
I §
NAME SCHOOL ________________________________________
§ ~
* '* * '* * * •••• **
1 § § ~
~:t;... * ••••••• * '*.::a:: *. *. * •••• * * ••• ~:~ ***. * *. ••
§ §
§ §
~ ~ ~
~ ~
Make Checks Payable To, Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented P.O. Box 14768, Fort Worth, TX 76117 (817) 831-0951 ~~<Q'><..(;h<.Ql~<.b>~~r.,.Q'x.Q><Q>t.Q_><..Q'><.(fn~~~t..Q'><.O"l
~ ~
BOOK REVIEW (written by Elia Canter; Library Consultant, Courpus Christi ISD) The Faces and Fourms of Creativity The National/State Leadership Training Institute of the Gifted and the Talented Ventura County Superintendent of School Office, 1981 The Faces and Forms of Creativity is a report of the proceedings of the First National Conference on Creativity and the GiftedTalented which was held March 21-22, 1980, in Houston, Texas. Before the opening of the conference, the presenters, which included several outstanding educators
and summarizes research findings; a second article, written with Laura HalJ, discusses the further reaches of creative potential or those kinds of abilities 1hat go beyond the realm of logical, rational thinking. They identify some socially useful abilities and suggest means to assess these talents.
such as John Gowan, Donald Treffinger, and Paul Torrence,
were invited to participate in a colloquium where the discussion reviewed the basic research in creativity and its implications and applications. The presenters were also invited to subm it papers on the theme of the creative process. The introductory section of the volume related the high路 lights of the colloquium. The text is composed of the papers submitted by the presenters and is divided into four parts: Defining Creativity, Assessing Creativity, Encouraging Creativity, and Applying Creativity. This program of the conference is induded as an appendix. In excerpts from the colloquium, as the participants exchanged views and thoughts on creativity, the goal was to discuss that which goes beyond what is expressed on creativity all the time. Discussion lead from the incubation period of creativity, the right and left hemisphere processes of the brain, to what is and isn't happening in the public schoo! education of the gifted child, and ways to promote creative learning. In the text, the fir:;t section deals with defining creativ路lty. ":atherine Bruch's article discusses creative characteristics, )e creative personality and the development of creative traits. Jane Preston presents the thesis that disorder and confusion are a part of the creative process and that there needs to be the ability to hang on to uncertainty until pieces can creatively come together. This section gives a perspective of the creative mind. The second section of the text is on assessing creativity. Paul Torrence in one article reports on the testing of creativity
The third section is on encouraging creativity and developing creative potential. Using the imagination of the individual in guiding creative action is the thesis presented by Sidney Parnes. John Gowan, writing with Meredith Olson, focuses on the society which maximizes creativity. They conclude that sociocultural conditions playa significant part in the development of creative potential. They expect that some society will maximize the conditions to produce a clustering of geniuses which will produce a permanent Renaissance. Calvin Tylor, in his article, treats ways to activate creative minds. He stresses treating students as thinkers rather than as merely [earners. Bruch discusses the integration of the creative arts and sciences to develop and release creativity, and John Gowan contributes his vieWS on right brain hemisphere imagery as the vehicle through which incubation produces creativity. The final section of the text is on applying creativity. Mary Wolf urges using the professional artst to broaden the horizon of the gifted/talented students. Sidney Parnes discusses the Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI), a genera! system which attempts to help the individual view the "universe," both literally and as the universe of knowledge at each individual's disposal. The Faces and Forms of Creativity gives the reader literature on the background, the research, the developmental efforts, as well as the thinking of many authorities in the area of human creativity. The material presented can help the educator to better understand and apply all resources available in helping the creative student.
(Continued from page 1)
(Continued from page 1 ) growing desire of educators to understand how leadership is developed in our able students. Additionally, Dr. Sisk is presenting two workshop sessions on the teaching of futuristics to gifted students.
Among the business conducted at the board meeting scheduled during the conference, the by-laws were modified and a new slate of officers were introduced. The by-laws amendment ensures that regional representatives will attend at least two of the regularly-scheduled board meetings each year. The new slate of officers are as follows: President, Jo Ann Houston; President-Elect, Paul Slocumb; First VicePresident, Dr. Ann Farris; Second Vice-President, Kay Weise; and Secretary, Dorys Dickey. In Summary, the conference offered an expanded array of programs and was attended by a record number of participants; scholarship donations were the largest yet.
The Saturday morning session will be keynoted by Dr. Leif Fearn who has assisted many Texas districts. He wi!! speak on a topic that combines two of his major interests, "Basic Skills for Gifted Students." Like Dr. Sisk, Dr. Fearn will present workshop sessions of great interest to Texas educators. He will "walk through" the writing component of the Agency plan for managing the basic skills and demonstrate how to apply it to gifted students. While many districts are eager to serve their gifted students, we have all had to deal with administrators who are less anxious than others to meet this need. Dr. Joan Whitten will provide the Friday luncheon address on "Dealing With Reluctant Administrators." With her unique style and charm, Dr. Whitten promises to offer insights into this problem.
REGION II Sally Defenbaugh Regional Representative
For the 1982-83 school year the Region 11 Education Service Center in Corpus Christi received state funding for five school districts (Aransas County ISO, Brooks County ISO, Calallen ISO, Odem-Edroy ISO, and Ricardo ISO) to provide gifted and
curriculum emphasizes higher levels of thinking, problem solving, and creativity. The Henderson ISO program for gifted/talented provides enrichment in grades 2-6 to advanced students. Much stress is placed on creative writing and self-expression, but care is taken to ensure that basic skills are not sacrificed.
talented programs in a co-op. The types of programs include general intellectual abilities and specific subject matter in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
Prototypes represented include special classes, independent study, and ciuster grouping. A varied amount of staff
development has been offered to these districts prior to implememtation. An enormous amount of local support in the form of time and money are evidence of each district's desire to serve the needs of gifted students and make their programs an integral part of the regular school program. This is reflected in the serious efforts now being made to develop scope and sequence and other curricula. Recently, Dr. Irving Sato worked with writilg teams from the various districts to develop a scope and sequence for gifted programs participating in the co-op.
Region VII
Marshall ISO offers a program for gifted and talented students in grades 5-9. Materials from the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children form the core of the program. Emphasis is placed upon critical thinking and creativity, and independent projects provide differentiation to accommodate individual needs. Gilmer lSD's gifted and talented program is called ACE (Advanced Children's Education). A pUll-out program serves grades 2-5, while ~rades 6-8 have a regularly-scheduled class that meets daily. The ACE
REGION X Suzee Oliphint Regional Representative The Garland ISO GEM Program provides services to gifted and talented students in grades 2-7. Students in grades 2-5 are engaged in a small group, once-a-week "pullout" program where they receive differentiated instruction from a G/T resource teacher. Each teacher, while guiding students in learning to utilize the higher level thinking skills, specializes in a specific curriculum area (time management, logic, creative and productive thinking, physical science, and the future). G/T resource teachers rotate throughout the district, thus giving all students in the program opportunities to benefit from their expertise. Special interest classes are also conducted after schoo! and/or on Saturdays for middle school G/T sixth and seventh graders. All gifted/ talented students and their parents are invited to attend additional monthly and summer workshops and to hear lectures from community and outof-district experts in the field of gifted education. The ACE students, seventh and eight graders in Carrollton-Farmers Branch, recently participated in a "lock-in" where they spent the night in their junior high school. During that night they listened to guest speakers and participated in special programs, a creative way to provide learning opportunities for gifted students. Students in Plano are currently involved in a number of academic competitions, including a local history
fair, Olympics of the Mind, and Whiz Quiz.
Highland Park educators (K-5) and librarians recently completed a course on teaching academically gifted students in the regular classroom. The six-hour practicum was taught by Dr. Jeanne Hranitzky and Dr_John McFarland of Texas Woman's University. Ninth- and tenth-grade students at Dallas's TAG magnet school, Pinkston High School, went on their first TAG Trek. They traveled to Bridgeport, Texas, for an overnight adventure in creativity. While there, they analyzed their own potential as creative, productive people. In Duncanville, the GATE students (fourth and fifth grade) assisted their community in celebrating its centennial. They built visual displays, predicting changes over the next 100 years and depicting scenes from the past 100 years.
Finally, Region X Project GLAD students heard Dr. Ann McGeeCooper, Dr. Claude Caffee, Dr. Robert Titus, and others as part of their November seminar in leadership. This is the program's fourth year of operation, emphasizing leadership training for high school students.
REGION XI Betty Fuller Regional Representative Eleventh and twelfth grade students in the Stephenville G/T program meet one hour each day to participate in seminar - lecture - critquing sessions. Throughout the year, these students pursue a course of study which covers the following topics: the physical sciences, mathematics, biography, government, language, the mind, philosophy, truth, the universe, nature, and the unknown. Each of these units includes class discussions, in-depth research, written reports, and critiquing seminars.
Discussions range from the trivial to in-depth philosophical approaches postulated by Plato, Achimedes, or Kant. Concluding each three-week period of discussion, challenge examination, and possible debate, the young students compose papers which evidence in-depth research and originality. The compositions provide multiple views of the topic or idea including sustaining arguments for each, Thus, the class also serves to develop the talents of sensitive gifted young people while concomitantly guiding them to reach their full potential as researchers and writers. Students selected for this course are eieventh or twelfth graders who al'e in the top five percent of their class accademically. The Stephenville G/T program challenges, piques the mental capacities, and provides direction for gifted students thus enabling them to reach higher academic leve!s and achieve grealer success. Students in the pl'Ogram are also encouraged to I'epresent Stephenville in the U.l.L. contests held each spring. Who says education "turns-off" gifted students?
REGION XIV Kathy Aldridge Regional Representative An independent project involves indepth research, creativity, and thinking at its highest level. Thus, the fate of a student's completed project is of utmost importance! The responsibility for providing appropriate outlets for student products rests with the facilitators of gifted programs. Teachers in Abilene's Learning Program for Gifted Students, Project ALPS, afford students opportunities to share their independent projects with an authentic audience the community. The Project ALPS Research Exhibition is a successful vehicle for communicating student accomplishments with parents, teachers, and community members.
Recently, over 1,000 people viewed
129 student exhibits encompassing 98 different topics. Exposure to multimedia presentation techniques by ALPS teachers and the Learning Resource Specialist equipped students to communicate their ideas through numerous channels. Student-prepared products included photographic essays, dioramas, computer programs, film· strips, and sl ide/tape and video productions. Oral presentations in the form of lectures, puppet shows, and a unique fashion show focusing on mythological goddesses also delighted audiences. Student exhibits ranged from displays of research findings to solar ovens and pyramids. Fol!owing the Research Exhibition, students' exhibits were displayed in the Learning Resource Centers in each of the 19 elementary campuses to provide students throughout the Abilene ISO viewing opportunities. As a I'esult, many ALPS students wel'e asked to make presentations to classes on their home campuses. The benefits of the Research Exhibition to teachers, schools, and community cannot begin to compare with the satisfaction ALPS students experienced as they shared their independent projects. Investigating, researching, analvzing, and synthesiz· ing became meaningful when students were able to communicate their ideas witll i.i real audience
Education is "a door in the wall," to get through j'lfe, to know it all. An education is needed to do most things. It's a wonderful thing available to most human beings, An education was used in one particular place, To put man in outer space! An education is needed to explore the deep blue sea. An education is needed to learn about me. Craig Wasson Fourth grade student Northside Elementary School Henderson, Texas
Why get an education? Why not just sign a proclamation? One that makes a city rule, That says "NO SCHOOL!" NO SCHOOl? Why that will never be a rule! How can you sign a proclamation !f you have no education? And if you have no education, How will you fill out YOUI· job application? It takes a lot of dedication, Just to get an education. It may be rough; It may be tough. But, you'll get good pay, Some fine day. Jenny Weis Fifth grade stude::t Northside E!ementary School Hender-son, Texas
Erg's Transformation Erg, the dWal'f, Girded his armor He left for battle To join the clamol-. Dodge and twist, Thrust and pan·y, Kill outright And never tarry. And yet, vl/:th all His main and might, Erg was wounded In the fight. He waited long, In order to mend, And gained new beliefs He would defend. No longer he fought, With lance and sword, Instead, he flailed The vicious horde With written word And quiet speech That touched the hearts Of all he reached. Erg, the Mighty, Had become Defender of The right he won, To live his life In quiet peace The day he saw The fighting cease. Scott Bass Marshall Junior High Schoo! Marshall, Texas
(written by Dee Trevino, Coordinator of Public Relations and Gifted/Talented, McAllen ISD; and by Dr. Kay Walther, Program Director for Early Childhood Education, Pan American University) Big Green Drawing Book by Ed Emberley Little, Brown and Company, 1979 $3.95
For the classroom: Ed Emberley's one-step-at-a-time instructions, plus vision for personal creativity, can transform teachers and students into drawing magicians. The Big Green Drawing Book is one of several Emberley drawing books which provide teachers and students with techniques for drawing people, animals, and things that they have not felt "artistic" enough to accomplish before. Classroom uses of Ed Emberley's drawing books are limitless. The teacher can get ideas for such necessities as bulletin boards, chalk-talk accompanyment for storytelling, and interesting transparencies. The students can illustrate stories they read or create stories or characters of their own. In The Big Green Drawing Book Emberley also links the user with comforting ideas from master artists: "Lots of people copy, lots of people don't copy. I copy. I find it teaches me things and above all gives me consolation," is a statement quoted from Vincent Van Gogh. Rembrandt liked using scribbles to make trees in his etchings. In short, it is a creative adventure in copying to get involved with The Big Green Drawing BOok.
Dr. Ann Farris, Interim Editor TAGTTempo Killeen Independent School District P.O. Box 967 Killeen, TX 76540
For the home: "I want it." That is the immediate response of the children at home be they eight, eighteen, or eighty. The hours of fun promised by Emberley's prata (old Irish name for potato), people, and things is limitless. Just as the name says, this is a drawing book. Emberley, in bright green and black, shows you that if you can draw just nine things - triangle, square, 1, C, D, 0, parenthesis, and scribble - you can draw anything. There is something for all boys and girls in his whimsical characters. The animals are not static because cats wink; horses do tricks, kick, and frolick; and children hum, weep, and whistle. What begins as a copy book soon becomes an incentive to create. Emberley's sense of humor is warm, and he i, sensitive to the interests of elementary and secondary children. Is there any boy who does not want to know how to draw his own race cars? Take a trip with your child to "Zort - a planet beyond Pluto - home of Zortians, Zits, as well as the Rak, the Twapp and the Woofler." As you draw your way into this new figure world, you are guaranteed to learn about the inner world of your own childl
January, 1983
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