TEXAS ASSOCIATION FOR THE GIFTED AND TALENTED Member, National Association for Gifted Children (NAGe)
From The President Ann Trull
Executive Director Update Connie Mcundo"
Our Editorial Focus Mary 8."y
The Book Shelf
Call For Articles
Keeping The Promise B.linda Carter
An Experiment In Mentoring Mary Lou Hughes
Giftedness In Young Children Carolyn Cropper, Kay Haney
Magical Middle Ages: An Integrated Language ArtsiHistory Unit Carla McAdams 11 23
Meeting the Needs of the Gifted". Scientifically Diana Brigham
Annual Conference Overview and Regi'tration Infonnation
& Associates
SMU Summer Programs Comprehensive Language Communications
It is my sincere pleasure to be an educator in the field of gifted education. although I never envisioned I would be in this field. I began working with disenchallted students at a high school in Colorado. I had the responsibility of providing opportunities for them to grow emotionally and socially as well as academically. Never did
I believe there would be gifted and talented students within the population I served. But there were. I discovered gifted and talented students but they were not easily identified. These students were not "A" students and were not successful in school. They were using their gifts and talent!'; to survive and it was my quest to help them find SllCC@S8. Our approach included working with the students, the educators, and
the parents. Gifted education has grown dramatically since the early 19708; it is now being
My professional life has been dedicated
w teaching and facilitating
teachers and
administrators and I am pleased that I have seen a great deal of growth and
development. But I believe that we, as educators of the gifted, must begin to focus more on working with parents. Much has been accomplished by working with parents, but not enough. If gifted education is ever to be understood, accepted, and
Cunferenee Issue:
challenged by many different forces. We face budget cutbacks. middle school philosophy. cooperative learning, inclusion, and many additional movements which muat ht:! dealt with in a con~tructive manner.
Annual Parent Conference Recap
FALL 1993
Dr. George Betts University of NOtThern Colorado
Promises For Our Children George Bett,
nourishad, it will be becausa ofindividual parents, as well as parent associations that work as advocates at the local, state, and national levels. Also. we must help parents realize that they are the primary educator. of their gifted children and they must facilitate their cognitive, emotional, and social development.
8 13
ECS Learning System'
15 17
Ptufrn,k Pr.ss
As J write this, I think of promises I made years ago to my children. I promised that I would facilitate their total growth as much afil I could and now, looking back, I believe I have been successful in many ways. I would Hke to share with par@ntswhatlbelieve were the areas of promise I wanted to attempt for my children in the hope that other
parents may seek some of these areas for potential growth.
(s., BETIS. p. 15)
FALL 1993
Bevet'ly Lowry
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Kathy Har2"t'ove
Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village; though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.
Ann Weiss
My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.
Myrtis Smith SECRETARY
Ann Wink
He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is sOme mistake. The only other sound!s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake.
Amanda Davis Batson i •••••• EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
Scott Radwan
Robert Frost
Beth l'raey MEMaBR8HIP
Keeping promises to the gifted is no easy task during current times of June Badon education reform. As educators we face a multitude of challenges, including heterogeneous grouping, cooperative learning strategies, outcomenbased education, the middle school movement, and site-based The Texa~ At[lgoc.h'J'ti(ln for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT) ia a decision-making. As parents we rear our children in a world ofviolence, not-for-profit organization of parents and professionab promoting appropriatt education fol' gifted and talented in the State of Texas. drugs, and other pressures. Perhaps we should pause and renew our TAOT tempo is the officirujO\ltnal (IftJle Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented. It is publil1ihed four times a year in January. April. commitment to the cause.
What is a. promise to keep? What kinds of promises do gifted education programs allow gifted students to keep? What promises must teachers and parents of the gifted keep? Paris High School GIT students in English III SSMA (Specific Subject Matter Aptitude) and English N Academic Honors (Dual Credit College English) reacted to Robert Frost's poem, jjStopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening/I by answering these questions in ,a creative writing assignment. The following collection of responses is anonymous: A promise is ...
July, and October. The costofa~ub~crll)tlon ia includedin theassoci&tion'i!! annUlil membership dues of$26. Contributions should be sent two mQnth~ pte~eding publication. Send manuscript and a computer disk if available (any format; specify I!!oftwl!!.re ui!led). Opinions expressed by individual al,lthora do not necessarily repte~ent official positions of the TexM As~ociation for the Gifted and 'l'lllented. Material appearing in t~mpo may be reprinted if not protected by oopyrlght or reprinted alreEJ.dy from another source. PleEJ.se credit tempo and send a copy of your pUblication containing the reprint to the tempo editor. Any legislative advertising included in tempe> has been contracte(1 for by Connie McLendon. Executive Director, 406 East 11th Street, Suite 310, Auatin, TX 78701-2617. TAGT does not .sell ita membership list to advertli!lers 01' other parties; however. membership names and addresses ate ma:ae available for approved ru~eatch requests. If you do not wishyour name to be made available for GIl'-related reilea1;'(!h, please write TAGT. Address all correspondence t'l.1'I(1 inquires to TAGT tempo. 406Eastllth Street, Suite310,A\l~t!n, TX787.01-2617. Telephone;
trust; honor; love; respect; commitment; marriage; honesty; belief; loyalty; peace; personal; forever; deathj sunrise; sunset; salvation; friendship; relationships; secrets; assurances; obligations; 6121499.TAG:r (8248); Fax, 5121499·8264. ~1993TAGT
(See PRESIDENT, p. 16)
FALL 1993
n Thursday, September 9, Ispoke at a State Board of Education meeting on behalfofTAGTin support ofthe initiative proposed by the Texas Business Education Coalition (TBEC) and the Commissioner of Education to improve the educational capabilities of Texas High School graduates. I informed them that TAGT views this effort as a positive step in preparing students to succeed in the increasingly complex and competitive workplace.
"full preparatory program for all students rather than a select few that are considered advanced.'! The courses and recommended total credits proposed for the Recommended High School Program are essentially the same as those required for the Advanced Honors Programs but in a much more rigid format. When compared to the state!s graduation requirements, however, the Recommended High School Program is much more rigorous.
However, I also requested clarification of the recommendation to phase out the Advanced Honors Program. This recommendation has created considerable confusion and raised some serious questions among parents and educators of highly tal~ ented learners. I questioned why it is necessary to eliminate @ducational options that have, for nearly a decade provided programs that successfully serve top-performing students in order to create the Recommended High School Program? I asked if the educational system might accommodate both
One concern of TAGT is that the Recommended High School Program could be implemented without appropriate and adequate time for program planning! development, and ongoing communication from TEA. A list of courses and an increased number of credits without highly articulated course standards, well-defined expectations, and a defensible means of assessing penormance are not indicative of improvement or academic excellence. This information has not been widely disseminated, ifit does exist.
I did not receive any solid answers from the members of the SBOE's Committee on Students and agency staff, although they did acknowledge that my questions raised some important issues that need to be addressed. Better information came when I attended a meeting ofTBEC on September 15. Since the SHOE路 meeting, the Coalition has made some revisions to their policy on the Recommended High School Program. Among these revisions is the statement that "TBEC believes school districts should continue to provide and students be encoW'aged to take 'honors' courses. State recognition should be given to those students who complete the Recommended High School Program 'With Honors.'" This policy was approved at the September 15 meeting; TBEC!s co-chairman went on to recommend that the TBEC Board strengthen the preceding statement in regards to the encouragement of participation in advanced and honors coW'ses. In short, TBEC's policy revisions will help ensure that the Recommended High School Program does not preclude opportunities for advanced students. In addition, a note added to the Recommended High School Program itself states that "demonstrated equivalent proficiency is acceptable in place of course completion/! giving students the option to prove mastery over courses and free up time for additional intellectual pursuits of their choosing. TBEC!s policy also encourages educators to consider, among other things, "flexible or block scheduling which permits mOre in-depth investigation and problem solving activities/' Another TBEC committee member pointed out that the aim of the Recommended High School Program is to improve the knowledge and skills of the middle 50 percent of students. If that is so, we should adopt the recommended program and provide appropriate incentives and recognition similar to the Texas Scholars Program to encourage and reward those students who accept the challenge of a more rigorous curriculum in addition to - as Commissioner Meno's letter states - a strong,
While TAGT supports the initiative to improve the capabilities of all Texas high school graduates, we strongly oppose any recommendation which would eliminate options such as the Advanced Honors Program which serves high-achieving students until such time as a well-planned, clearly-articulated alternative is in place, Now is the time for TAGT to use its strength as an organization with an impressive active membership to communicate the importance of a continued Advanced Honors Program in our schools. I encourage you to exercise your rights and write to your SBQE member! Senator! Representative, Commissioner Meno, and even Governor Richards with your thoughts on the importance of advanced progTams in every school's curriculum. GETl'ING TO
Over路 a year-and-a-halfhave passed since Scott Radwanjoined our staff as Business and Infonnation Systems Manager and! fortunately, the books haven't been the Same since. As we conclude a successful volunteer audit of the Association's financial recordS Scott's attention to detail and careful re-checkl
ing of all the figures involved have kept the books in near-perfect order. Scott joinedTAGTinFebruary1992afterworking as a staff accountant and data pro~ cessing manager for MISCO Industries in Wichita l Kansas.
"I chose to move to Austin so that I could practice my favorite hobby - jet skiing, During peak season, I compete all over the southwest and Austin!s lakes have given me many opportunities to hone my skills. I was lucky to hear about the TAGT position soon after I arrived in Austin. I've really had a chance to expand my knowledge ofhow a business is run by being a part of a small and active office, Eventually, I would like to apply the skills I have developed at TAGT to run my own business," t
FALL 1993
always characterized our search for the truth. I suppose we
call Sally because that's her real name; recently handed me a book and said to me, "Read this book because I want to talk to you about it when you finish." We hunt out people who are our
should welcome it, At least it fills the void while we are
mental peers; why isn't it all right for children to do the same?
e are in the midst of the turbulence of change, We are all groping for what is truth, This kind ofgroping has
waiting for truth to occur.
Even though we have been assured that there is no foul play afoot for gifted, it makes us uneasy, nonetheless, about how
these storms will buffet our fragile children and our sometimes fragile programs, This year's Conference theme has made me reflect on the promises we've made so far 1 how seriously they have been conSidered, and how many more
promises we have yet to make to our children.
And, so, shouldn't we be making a promise to our children to provide them with a realistic social environment? Seventeenyear-old Elye Alexander wrote that peer pressure is difficult to exorcise and dangerous to ignore. "Assaults on a student's integrity and self~respect occur with alarming regularity ." He
goes on to say that many of the relationships that develop among age peers and the gifted are associations of convenience only and "rapidly disintegrate" when leaving the grade renders them no longer necessary.
We have promised them a program, but do we now need to
promise higher and higher levels of instrue tion, of discussion, of challenge, of self-decision making about how they'llieam what they have to learn? There is a notion being proposed to eliminate honors programs. Honors classes need to be offered for those students who require curricular choices. Because many GtI' programs - especially in small schools - are: imbedded within honors classes, the elimination of these classes could throw out the Gtr babies with the honors dishwater,
We must promise these children the right to be passionate,
white-hot with intensity, and to feel the mental chaos that comes before the light breaks, These youngsters feel deeply but they cannot demonstrate that depth offeeling unless their surroundings are safe enough for them to dip down into their intuitive, sensing levels, and to rise up changed. We must promise to encourage their mental energy and to protect them
from hannful stress - the kind of stress which causes doubt and fear and blocks real creative expression.
Is it naive to say that if teachers had the right kind of training, we would not need anything special for anyone at any of the ends ofthe continuum? Does that also deny the needs of those G!fs who do not learn maximally, or even optimallYI in our environment structured for the typical learner? Teachers are
There must always be the permission to fail! because even
when we do not get the desired product the experience allows growth, We must promise them support in their quests, for the search is the challenge.
only human beings, At least, almost all of them are, We must promise these children that we will care for and In many states, gifted children come under the aegis ofspecial education. The rationale for this placement is that these very
different-thinking youngsters are somehow handicapped in the typical classroom. When I taught at the University of New Orleans, one ofmy students was a first-grade teacher of a class of12 gifted children. All semester she raved about how wonderful they were - how they probed, pursued, and pried into information and ideas, how they evaluated and then reevaluated. The second semester l as luck would have it,
eight regular students were added to the class, She was still enthUSiastic, confident that the Gtr kids would inflame and inspire them and all would rise to greatness, After the third or fourth week, .he seemed tired and spent; when I asked her about the clas., I thought she was gOing to cry, The fonner little balls of fire no longer delved or rebutted or challenged, They sat and gave pat answers; they spoke when spoken to. When she asked them what had happened to the lively class,
they shrugged, We grownups are not aware of the vulnerability these children feel to criticism by their age peers, It is better to mask when someone is around who doesn't under-
stand you and who will make critical remarks to you and about you to other age peers. We all feel more comfortable when around people who think as we do, A friend of mine whom I'll
nurture our own creativity; that as parents, teachers! and administrators; we will not succumb to societal pressures to conform to the point that it diminishes our intuition! creative e:nergy! and self-power.
We have to promise them time, They need time to reflect, to ponder! weigh, and muse. We sometimes think that we have so much to cover that we can!t allow for this, but it is only in these pauses that connections are made, insights are devel m
oped and implications jelL We must promise them that while we are aware that we do not know everything they seek to learn, we have the energy to help them look, We can embolden them to persist in the
struggle, Finally we have to make a promise to ourselves that we will
not lose sight of the need of these students to find their own answers. Our job is to give them tools, provide the challenges; pose the questions, and then step back.
Plutarch found the way to say it, "The mind is not a vessel to be filled, It is a fire to be kindled," t
FALL 1993
tempo Promises to Keep KEEPING THE PROMISE Belinda Carter Marshall, Texas
believe that my sOn John has been very fortunate in that he has been able to attend several school. which have kept their promise to educate the gifted.
John was born with a disea.e called Primary Common Variable Hypogammaglobulinemia. Basically, John does not have the natural ability to fight off infections so he was sick for most of his childhood. He now receives an intravenous infusion once a month which gives him the antibodies his body does not produce. In the beginning, I guess, his being sick all the time was the reason that we didn't take much notice of the other things John was doing.
they were going to learn how to read. By that time John had been reading the scripture lesson for worship service for two years. John became so depressed halfway through the year that his doctor recommended that we put him on antidepressants. When school was nearing the end, we took him off the medication. John hasn't been on it since. I really dreaded putting John in the second grade, but it tumed out to be one of John's favorite years. Libby Elementary in Carthage kept its promise to teach the gifted through a program where the child was awarded for reading books in the second and third grade - reading ten books earned a book mark, while reading 800 books earned a trip to Six Flags in Dallas. Even though John had two years to read the 800 books, he read 1,643 books the first year. He was the only second grader on the Six Flag's trip, so the school said that he actually earned two trips which enabled him to take Mom along.
John was IS-months-old and sitting on the floor with a 300piece puzzle when a friend of OurS dropped by. John had been crying all morning because his five-year-old brother Paul had received the puzzle as a present and John didn't get one. It was left on the table and I finally gave in and handed it .. •••J OlIN PETTED to him. Two hours later, when our friend walked in, John had half the puzzle put THE BABY GOAT, together. We didn't think that much of it, but EXCLAIMING our friend did. That was the first time getting John tested for giftedness was mentioned. CANFEELlDS
We moved to the Elysian Fields school district right after third grade started, so that year was spent adjusting to new faces and a new school. In fourth grade John was ready to quit. He came home crying because he had asked his math teacherwhatp; was and she had told him he was too young to understand. The next week h. wanted an explanation of algebra. I worked a few simple problems thinking that would be the end ofit. He wanted an algebra book. One week later he told me he had learned algebra and wanted to know what was next. I didn't really believe my nine-year,old child had learned algebra in a week, but I didn't really know enough about the subject to argue with him. I called a childhood friend'. father who I knew taught at a university. That was probably the best thing I have ever done for John.
By age four, John had taught himself to read and write by using his own method of drawing letters - a practice he continues today, He taught himself the alphabet, reciting it the way he read. He learned the major. bones and organs in the body from a doctor's chart. Ifhe had any kind of access to it, he learned it. So when Elizabeth Hedges, a teacher at the local college, suggested that we have his I.Q. tested, we agreed to do it.
After several hours of testing at a private learning center, we were informed that John was probably not going to b. a very good student, but that ifhe worked really hard he might be able to get into ajuniorcollege someday. I was told that John simply did not know what most four-year-old's know, such as the name. of animals. It occurred to me that John did not read about animals and that because he was sick so much we had never taken him to a zoo. When my brother and sister-in-law, Dave and Alayna Rice, decided he needed to go to the zoo, John petted the baby goat exclaiming, "I can feel his vertebra!" John's kindergarten year in Carthage, Texas, was fine, but problems began in first grade. John's teacher announced that
Dr. Beil said he would be interested in meeting John so I took John, his book, and all of his papers. Two hours later, Dr. Beil told me that John actually hadtanght himself algebra and that he would like to show him how to do trigonometry. John was thrilled. In the past two years they have developed a wonderful relationship. Dr. R. Greg Beil is a Ph.D. theoretical nuclear physicist, but to John he is his best friend. They have gone through trigonometry, physics, calculus, relativity, German, etc. They hove also flown kites, fed fish, gardened, played games, and gone on trips. He didn't actually teach John in the (s•• CART"R, p. 6)
FALL 1993
tempo Pl"ol1li~es
to KC'C'p
CARTER continued from. page 5
formal sense of the word. John studied what he wanted to learn and then Dr. Beil would answer his questions. Dr. Beil also started letting John attend his nighttime physics lab class. I don't know if every child needs a mentor; but I do know that every child needs a best friend. For my shy, introverted son, Greg was a life saver in more ways than one. It really bothers me when people ask if I played Mozart to John while I was pregnant or if I recited the multiplication tables to him when he was an infant, etc. What John learned was because John was fascinated and wanted to learn. We have never traveled extensively and not until recently did we own a computer. John has never gone to an educational camp nor does he own a new set of encyclopedias. In fact. our set is over thirty years old. I am saying this because I dodt believe that money or anything that a parent does can turn a child into a gifted child. John is not as unusual as he might ap-
pear. He hates .ports, but he loves to climb trees, ride his bike, play with his dog, Lady, watch old ~'I Love Lucy" and I'Dick Van Dyke" shows; play monopoly,
and view old Marx Brothers and Shirley Temple movies. He especially enjoys memorizing. He can recite the first 50 places of pi, the genealogy of the royal family from Richard II to Queen Elizabeth, the 42 lines of the prologue to the Capterbury Tales, etc_ John has never
been forced to study. He always does his work, usually aheadoftime, without complaint and generally does a little e"tra. If anything; we have to get on to him for
studying too much. One day I told John that he needed to take a break from studying. He was sitting in the middle of
Fields School District, and I met to decide what the school could do to keep its promise to meet the needs of a gifted child. We considered skipping grades, putting John in high-school math , giving him extra assignments in the classroom, etc. In the
end John was allowed to go to the com-
sign a paper stating that he would trans-
puter room to learn a programming lan-
fer my husband to Marshall as soon as possible, John would be allowed to start sixth grade in Marshall taking the R2D2 (GiftedlTalented) classes. It would then only be a short drive to take him to E.T.B.U. for calculus and physics. We
guage with the agreement that he would continue to study math with Dr. Beil. It was also suggested that John take the SAT test even though he had just turned ten. He scored 680 on the math portion of the test. I know that other kids younger than John have scored higher than 680, but it convinced the school he didn't need fifth grade math. Through research John learned that a few teenagers who scored 600 on the math SAT were being allowed to try college classes. That was all he needed to hear. East Texas Baptist University (ETBU) in Marshall kept its promise to educate the gifted. Dr. Beil spoke with Dr. Don Ellis at ETBU and he agreed to let John try a summer college-algebra class. At age ten, John earned the highest numerical "All in the class. He then took trigonometry, aga.in earning the highest jjA", Despite
his shyness he got along great with the college students. The first day he was called Doagie Howser several times and asked countless questions: jjDo you like
dirt? Will you do my homework for me? Howald are you? Do you have a dogTbut
they accepted him. They brought him apples the second day. The following week students were leaning out the third story window dropping pencils so that he could calculate the distance to the ground. He has been invited to skating parties and students have offered to walk him to
were able to actually move to Marshall in
mid-September. PTY and ETBU kept their promise by being lenient when the second problem arose. ETBU has a one-month special term in January. There wasn't a class
John could take, but by law he had to be in school. Dr. Beil offered to teach an upper division-directed study class on matrix theory. John scored 100 on the
final at the end ofthe month. He was then able to continue with Calculus II and Physics II at ETBU starting in February. During this time John decided he really wanted to become a full"time college student. Once again, Price T. Young Middle School kept its promise by providing John with an accelerated language arts program through the instruction of Janet Wells, the Gifted/Talented Language arts teacher. Mrs. Wells provided John in" struction in reading; spelling; language mechanics and an intense writing pro-
gram. JohIi learned how to successfully write seven different modes of writing, several types of poems, plus a collaborative novel at the end of the school year.
class_ I think John is more of a mascot
With this advanced instruction from Mrs.
than a competitor, but that is probably to
Wells, John was able to pass the college's
a room surrounded by 15 open books; paper, and pencils. He responded, "Oh, rm not studying any more mommy; this is playing.;;
his advantage,
When John became a fifth grader, Dr.
John waS in school in another city during
Beil , two school counselors, two princi-
the day.
pals, several other people from the Elysian
The Marshall Independent School District kept its promise to teach the gifted and talented. Principal Cathy Marshall of PriceT. Young(PTY)Middle School talked to Superintendent Pat Smith and it was agreed that if John's father's boss would
Sixth grade presented a new challenge. John wanted to take calculus and phys" iCs, but they were not offered at night and
English entrance exams required of all
ETBU student•. This qualified John to take college English. PTYkept its promise to educate the gifted and talented on a daily basis. John's teachers were always patient and worked around his college schedule in issujng his (S •• CARTER. p. 14)
FALL 1993
gifted/ talented conferences and conventions is the opportunity afforded taachers to exchan~ ideas with their peers. These id~as are particularly valuable because they have been tested, not
just theorized. One BUch conference gave me the opportunity to become acquainted with a teacher from DeSoto whose wife worked in a school on the edge of Dallas. The G / T teachers at his wife's school had recently implemented a mentoring program for its students, and the program had met with rousing success. In that situatioDj students were paired with members of the community who could guide them in areas of the students' particular interests. One young man, for example! had expressed his interest in art. Coincidentally, a Pulitzer Prizewinning photographer lived in the community and agreed to become the student's mentor. By the end of the year, the artist and student had developed such a close mentoring relationship that the photographer would fly the student to different U.S. locations to observe the artist at work in the field. Naturally, all such mentoring relationships would not have such spectacular results. I taught in a small, ruralcommunityin which the GIT students were served by their incorporation in the honors English classes. I was extremely interestad in the idea of a mentoring program. With the help of the school's administrationandthecommunityinwhichltsught, I was able to implement a mentor program on an experimental basis during the last six weeks of the school year with very positive results.
First I sought administrative pennission. Dr. Leslie Bennett, the schoors administrative director in charge of curriculum,
was supremely supportive. In order to detennine areas of student interest, I polled the students using a brief questionnaire addressing their ideas about occupations, the arts and other general information. I further instructed students to indicate preferences in specific subject areas by numbering their choices firstl second, third etc. The students were not told the purpose ofthe poll for two reasons. First, I had wanted their answers to be as spontaneous and honest as possible. Second, I had not wantad the students to be disappointed if a sufficient numberofmentors could not be arranged. Next I began telephoning the professional community, since that was the most readily available source for mentors who matched the students' interests. Explaining the nature and purpose of the program, I also discussed scheduling possibilities with the potential sponsors who would be hosting the students at actual work sitas. At last I told the students of the plan, and they received the idea with much enthusiasm.
while mentors demonstrated and explained. I was pleased to learn that when hands-on opportunities presented themselves, participation was unrestrained.
The school administration permitted the students to schedule a restricted number of visits during OUT class time. Some mentors were able to only meet with studentsatcertaintimesoftheday. While most mentors were able to host students for the entire six weeks, others were able to work with them for only two weeks, thus necessitating added sponsors and host sites. I felt that the advantage of multiple observations was the varied exposure to different occupations; the advantage of the single mentor was the relationship estsblished between anadult and student which provided a more nurturing environment. Assignment parameters were purposely made flexible. The students were instructed to observe, ask questions and be courteous j
Throughout the experiment, I was extremely impressed with the cooperation and enthusiasm of the town's professional community. All mentors gave the students opportunities to experience life in the workplace, and some ofthose people may have changed the lives of these students. Crissy, interested in accounting, was introduced to a local CPA's computer systems, both antiquatad and modern, and was guided in preparing her income tax return with his program. John, another studentl had been interested in a career in aviation. During his first day of mentoring, he drove to the microscopic airfield on the edge of town, expecting to follow the airplane mechanic from place to place as he worked on the small private planes: the original arrangement made with the airfield's owner. When John arrived and found no mechanic, he despaired momentarily; then a local pilot asked him ifhe would like to. take a short flight. John agreed, and soon the two were "buzzing" the town, to my studenes delight. Tiffeny, a truly gifted young lady, had wanted to be a chiropractor, a choice made in part, I suspected, because of her family's financial reverses and the intimidating costs of medical school. She observed a local doctor, and on her first day's visit she had been allowed to don an apron and help hold a leg while her mentor set the broken limb. Plaster had actually been smeared on her hands, she told me in a thrilled voice that afternoon. Two weeks later Tiffany worked with a nurse practitioner in the same medical facility. Always superbly profesSional j
(See HUGHES. p.B)
FALL 1993
te7npo I'l"omi~es
HUGHES continued from page 7
and supportive, the man was an easy conversationaHst, and Tiffeny waS quite impressed, At the end of her mentoring experience, Tiffeny had made a career decision: she could find a way to fund the education necessary to be a. nurse practitioner, thus entering the medical profession through a more traditional avenue yet not havingto spend the time and money necessary for the physicianje training. Furthermore! she said,
she could work in more rural settings, locations which she had seemed to prefer at that time. Because of the experimental nature of the program, I limited the evaluation to a multimedia presentation, a format borrowed and adapted from an unrelated honors project developed by Linda Williams Post of Temple High School. The students were required to generate a report on their mentors! occupation based on personal observations and questions at the employment site, though I would now ask that they incorporate traditional research in that area as well. They submitted the report in a folder decorated with an illustration of some aspect of the career they had observed. From their reports the students generated a script which was memorized and presented tothe class while they were dressed in a costume indicative of their mentor(s) normal working wardrobe.
They spoke to the class as if they were the professional in that field, and they described skills and educational background necessary for such employment, Q typical day! unusual occurrences which might have arisen! salary, and advantages and disadvantages ofthe profession. This was followed by the slide and tape show, The students were required to take slides of different aspects of the job or job-site and show them to the class. They were also instructed to prepare an audio cassette tape which they would play while the slides flashed on the screen. On the tape was recorded background music over which the voice ofthe student would be clearly heard explaining the scenes in the pictures. Sometimes, the information revealed was surprising. One young man whose interest lay in computers had spent three weeks with a small company which held several government contracts. He had enjoyed the touch-screen computers belonging to the company, and h. had taken several pictures of the building's exterior and ofth. people he had met, Inside shots showed us nonrestricted machines. He at last brought to our attention a number of yellow lines on the floor, Those, be told us, denoted restricted areas because of the government con~ tracts; only certain employees were permitted within those boundaries, Impulsively I asked ifhe had ever been permitted to cross the line and view a project. He hesitated, blushed! and said yes; I dared not ask more,
might not have the personnel to work with students on an extended basis, but that is not necessarily a disadvantage. r further believe the program would work successfully with nonG / T classes as well as the Gifted / Talented students, because the honors students in my classes were clearly envious of the opportunity to work hands-on with a community sponsor (and also to leave the school for such an opportunity), The most difficult part of the program was its implementation, Once schedules had been arranged! however, the program maintained its own momentum. Probably the most exciting result of the experiment for me was seeing the enthusiasm of the students and the positive responses from the community, especially the mentors. In a decade when schools so often receive unpleasant media exposure, it was heartening for me to see our school represented in the community in such a positive way and to know that some of our students' needs were being met in a manner both challenging and practical in terms of potential life experiences. t
Algebra for Third Graders a A 'asolnatlng program anabllng your gifted students (3rd grade and up) to easily and enjoyably solve such algebraic linear equations
2 (x+4) + x - 2. +10 ."
2.+(-.)+3-2(-.)+15 • A game-like, hands-on approach that makes concrete the abstrAct concepts of algsbralc linear equations.
• Enhances student s8tf-esteem and Interest mathematlco, • Provides a solid foundation for later algebraic
studies, "H.nd• ..on
This OI'MtiV8 InnoVliJtJon ml!kas algebt'lt. I!CClIulbJe to young children. -A. Harry pall8DW Jacob H. sohltt Protessor ot Education TsachBr's COileg., ColUmbia UnivBrsity
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You ea.n obtain onEi set: Of Th. Hande-On Equ4ItlonlJ L.amlng sy••m tar UN with one stl,ldEintfor' $34.95 pU.lS $4.60 tor.hlpplng and handling. ACiass Httortea~r and ten (1 0) students: Is $1 95 plus 4% S & H. To order, or to obtain addltlonallntormatlon, contact:
BORENSON AND ASSOCIATES In conclusion, it was my observation that a mentoring program could be implemented successfully, ifnot elaborately, In a small town, The amounts of time students could spend with mentors might be limited because smaller businesses
P.o, 80x 3328, Dept, 8-1 Allentown, PA 18106 (215) 620-5575 ·p,tfntf(f by HMrf 8orenson, Ed. D.
FALL 1993
tempo I'roIlli:,;e:,; to Keep
GIFTEDNESS IN YOUNG CHILDREN Carolyn Cropper, MA Kay F. Haney, Ph. D. University of Texas, Permian Basin
II W " y can't they make a test that really works?" "I know my child is gifted, but she just doesn't test welL Isn't
standardized testing procedures. Parents like these multifaceted ways of qualifying students for gifted services and are COn" vinced that their child will now be identified as gifted due to the
there another way to help her get into the gifted progTamT'
preponderance of the accumulated evidence.
"My child was writing music for the piano at age two. Does this mean he is gifted?"
The holistic procedure for identification of giftedness in the young child is one method currently being developed by many school districts. This procedure combines quantitative and
IIIf I have to take One more test! I think Pll scream!" We! as educators! have heard these comments many times and,
believe it or not, inroads into the problem of the identification of giftedness in young children are being made, Not only are educators attempting to refine the identification process of the young gifted child, but parents of young gifted children are seeking help and guidance in the identification and proper nurturing of their children. Recently, much has been written about the identification and the nurturing process of young
gifted children,
IDENTIFICATION OF GIFTEDNESS IN YOUNG CHILDREN Educators use many policies and strategies to identify giftedness in young children. It sometimes seems that there are so many policies and strategies one must truly be gifted in order
to assemble and chart the amount of data used foridentification purposes. It often seemS that we are literally !'buried under a mountain of papeel when we begin to identify giftedness in
young children, Unfortunately, beneath that mountain ofpa. per! we still have not, nor will we ever, uncover one perfect
instrument to identify giftedness in a young child, Bernal (1990) states! !! ... no exact test or ba.ttery of tests measures giftedness per 8e, Giftedness as we understand it today tran路 scends intelligence and academic achievement. Giftedness is
determined outside a testing situation, ( p, 27)" This mountain of paper is a direct result of the increased
interest in the gifted ,and talented programs being offered in our schools, Innovative teaching techniques and educational
qualitative data to form a powerfully coherent means offinding gifted children (KaUer, 1990), When properly assembled and presented, the holistic approach to identification presents a powerful summary of the gifts or talents of the individual
student. When identifying these young gifted children, measures such as the Draw.A.Person! Sal! p'arent questionnaires, teacher questionnaires and The Test of Divergent Thi~ng are ex-
amples of instruments that can help pinpoint a child's entrance into the gifted arena, Intelligence test SCOres can change so drastically from 2 112 years of age to 7路8 years of age that using this type of measure for identification purposes should be done with great caution. In addition to objective criteria (i.e.! Draw路
A-Person, SOl, IQ tests, Test of Divergent Thinking), and subjective criteria (parent questionnaires! teacher question-
naires), knowing what the child is interested in doing, and activities in which he/she enjoys participating in are key areas of emphasis in identifying the young gifted child (Isaacs, A,F" 1987), Tests, checklists, observations, and nominations can all be used validly, Children from all ethnic groups who might have not qualified from the result. of One battery of tests can qualify for gifted programs when using a holistic approach, (Kaller, 1990), Historically, giftedness has been closely linked with the concept of achievement; but from this perspective many gifted children are overlooked (Silverman! 1990). We! as educators have the
responsibility to develop a method of identifying giftedness in young children, We are charged with the responsibility of creating and maintaining programs for gifted young children.
We must offer services to the gifted and talented young child that reflect special nurturing, Gifted and talented young chil路
programs have been introduced in our schools to address the
dren are a tremendous natural resource - one that cannot be
needs of the gifted child, These programs have been well received by educators and parents alike because of their ability to include a multitude of students who previously had not
squandered due to lack ofidentification.
qualified for these special services_ Pressure is presently being
placed on educators to identify the giftedness in students who were heretofore discriminated against due to the traditional
The initial concern when attempting to nurture the development of younggiftedchildrenis to determine one's philosophy for aiding the (See CROPPER. p. 10)
FALL 1993
tempo P10111is('s to Keep
CROPPER contimled (/"Om page 9
development of these individuals. This philosophyshouldbedevelopedfrom knowledgegleanedfromCUITeIltreaearch, review
ofllrerature, and position statements from experts in the field (Cummings, C., 1990). This philosophy should take the developmentel process of the young miod into
When parents and teachers become aware ofone or more ofthese characteristics in the young child, they should find ways of nurtwing the.. interests so that the child can capitalize on hislher gifta in specified areas. We, as professionals and parents, need to help the gifted gain access to any needed services (Jenkins-Friedman, R., 1984).
Teachers and parents must keep in mind that all children, gifted, average, or developmentally delayed, demonstrate uneven development patterns. Children
may display extraordinary skills in one or more areas and other areaS may develop at a slower pace. The need is to use
this knowledge about child development in such a way that the giftedness within the child will be nurtured and expanded. For example, young gifted children may
develop prereading skills by 2-3 years of age and then incubate until they reach 45 years old when they suddenly and quickly develop fluent reading skills sev-
eral years above their same-age peers. Teachers and parents must also realize that giftedness is not always demon-
strated in academics but may appear in
the areas ofcreativity, physical prowess, leadership ability, the performing arts and/or social prowess (McClellan, E' 1985). In fact, a young child that demonstrates heightened abilities in the academic domain may only demonstrate abilities at this level in the physical domain when cogniUve organization is demanded (Roedell, W. D., 1990). j
Preschool gifted children may present their gifted behaviors in numerous ways such as: (1 ) playing the piano for extended periods of time without interrupw tion l (2) talking in nine word sentences
when their chronological peers are talking in two word utterances, (3) learning academic material on their own (i.e.,
multiplication tables) when still at the preschool age, (4) teaching themselves to read at two, three, orfouryears of age, (5) asking questions incessantly, (6) display-
ingintense interest in gathering any and all information on a topic(s) of interest, etc. (Isaacs, 1987).
CONCLUSION Even young gifted children need to be given downtime to play and daydream and to explore areas of perceived interest without being expected to become experts or expecting them to continue to explore every area in depth that they wish to sample, Parents and teachers need to instill the value of the pursuit of 'excellence not the pursuit of perfection in their gifted children. Potential areas of giftedness should be investigated and nurtured,
The literature is replete with identified characteristica that alert adults to potential giftedness in children. Included io these characteristics are: quality oflanguage usage; quality of questions and elaborations, advanced reasoning skills, novel and complex use of common materials; ability to comprehend nonverbal language without instruction) ability to assume responsibility earlier than their peers; ability to be iuner directed at an earlier age than most, ability to sustain in-depth attention in areas of interest, need to go on taogents and to explore them thoroughly; ability to relate well to persons who function at a higher cognitive level than their age peers; ability to keep themselves occupied; the drive to search out something to do, the ability to persuade others to follow their lead; the
need to critique their Own accomplishments (Frasier, M., 1991; Isaacs, A. F., 1987).
As professionals and parents it is our responsibility to give gifted children leeway to dabble in numerous ,areas of interest allowing himlher to decide for himlherself which areas helshe will indeed like to approach and explore more fully. Young children need the support of adults in providing them opportunities to participate in areas of interest and in providing them with the necessary tools; community resources {both human and functional\ and space in which to develop. Creativity should be fostered and rewarded and always kept alive. It is imperativethatwedonotletourchildren's regular classroom experiences stifle and cubbyhole young gifted children into 1. mundane pursuits and repetitive tasks that squelch motivation, making learning a drudgery instead of a joy. Bright young minds need support and encour" agement as they develop the ability and drive to take on the world and shape it into a more moral and aesthetically beautiful place in which future generations can prosper and grow to their full t potential. References Bcrnl1l, E. M. (1990). 'Che idelltlfleatlon blues IIlld hQw to lhell'l. COlllmull/clllol' XX, NQ. 3, p. 27.
Cumminill, C, (1990). Appropriate l>ubli~ Behool Programs for Young Children. Ci~ari'lgho!lil!! on Elell1011lary (l,nd. Early ChildJlfJuu. (ED 821890), Fr:lBI01', M, (199(). Elimin>lting four barTi~1iI [Q th1lld1lntU1eation Qfgiftcd minority ~tu!kt'lt~. Updal!!(}/I GI{t>Jd&rnrolion, Fl1ll, 20 10. 11l1l11(:~, A. F. (198'1), IdentHyini lind pliI~ntingthe gi'lled-tillel'llAldereative (GTC) child bcginning with prHcho(J1. Tile CNalive Child and Ad.u.11 QUllrll!riy, 8, (1 I Jenkil'l~-FI'i1ldman, R. (1984) p1'l)f'e;~ionI11 trl1ining r!lrtell~h1lt~(Jr tllhmt~d. ERIC Cll!oringJIfJu.~ (ED 2621.\21.\),
the lrtftJ3d 9.nd
~llcr, M. (1990). H(Jli~tic identU1eatlon of pot~nti!llly gifted ~tudent~: All alwrnatlve to the roliltrix. In~trlll!tional 拢/!adl!r 6,4-7.
McClellan, E, (1974). Defining gi/l~dnfBB: An etilnOCI'(lphic appmoch, Pl1perpre!l!!l'Iled at th1l American EdllCliltiQnol Rclcarch AII~(Jtiatl(Jil Annual Meetini, New OrlC>lnl, LA. Passow, H, (1986), R.;/.lll!l1tionlll program~ tfJr mill(J~ily / dlsadvan路 taged gif!cd tltudl!lIt~. Papel' ()1'1lsentod in th!;l Didinguilhed Ledurel' 81ll'lee, San DieiQ Unifi!;ld School Di~trid, Ball OI1lgo, CA. (ED268190), ~dijll, W.C. (1990). Nurtutlllg Giftedness In YOllng children. ERIC Clcaringhuuil!! on H(lIIdiMpp~d and Git/cd. Child.ren.
(ED321492), Sil,,~rml1n, L.K. (1990). Rl!toglllzlng giftoonllee in your child. COfRfRllnicalur XX, 3,1-28,
FALL 1993
tempo 1'J()Jl1is('s 10 Kccp
irLoinisvanquished!"SirBryan shouts as Sir Killalot gallops across the stage astride his trusty stick horse, ready to meet his next opponent.
"Sir Killa.lot is such a brave! gallant knight," Lady Bug whispers to Lady Luck.
These are words you're apt to hear if you implement the five- to six-week integrated Language Arts/History unit on The Middle Ages described in this article. Although the unit was designed for sixth grade gifted/talented students, it may easily be adapted for learning at any academic leveL The unit organization includes six divisions, but keep in mind that several activities may occur simulta" neouely. The six divisions are: In The Beginning? Let's Do Battle, Movie Break, Don Quixote Rides Again, Research, and Let's Party! The unit will be described in tenne of learner tasks,
IN THE BEGINNING When introducing this unit, explain the relation of all the materials to the Medieval Festival planned as a finale. Students get excited knowing the special event theywi\l plan and enjoy at the close of the study.
THE LEARNERS WILL: • Explore by reading hbrary books, texts, and watching informative tapes to gain background. (Source: The Middle Ages School Kit-PBS Video) • Discuss figurative language, especiallypuns~ and then give themselves "medieval" names such as Sir Vice Merchandise (Service Merchandise), Lady Bug, Lady Luck, or Sir Loin (sirloin steak).
Examine samples of illuminated writing and discuss bookmaking by monks of the period. Usingtheilluminated writing technique, they will design and then construct nameplates from folded pieces ofcard stock to set on desks. This enables students to call one another by their new names. At the festival~ nameplates will specify seating arrangements.
resources are: The MiddleAges Independent Learning Unit -The Gifted Learning Series by o"od Apple and Simple Heraldry by lain Moncreiffe and Don Pottinger.
THE LEARNERS WILL: • Discover the need for a coat of arms: identification of family. Emphasis will then shift to the shield and its connection to jousting tournaments. • Review the evolution of the English • Plan a class banner which includes language and theninterpretaMiddle an appropriate symbol representaEnglish version of the prologue of tive of their group. For example~ a The Canterbury Tale8. They will book could describe an intellectual enjoy reading tales individually orin group while a dragon could repregroups. (sources: The Canterbury sent a risk-taking group. Tales retold by Selina Hastings and III Submit designs and detennine a winThe Canterbury Tale8 by Geraldine ner by class vote. A selected commitMcCaughrean) tee gathers materials, makes the • UncovermeaningsofMiddleEnghsh banner, and mounts it On a pole for words in the ballad Lord Randal. display in the classroom. This banThey will read in pairs and interpret ner will precede each kingdom as its the ballad's meaning. (source: The members march into the festival Middle Ages Independent Learning later. Unit: The Gifted Learning Series by • Design a personal shield. It must Good Apple) include the class symbol as well as • In small gTOUPSl compose an original symbols indicative of their unique ballad about the experiences of a personalities. This enables others to koight or some other topic which identifY individuals in a kingdom. depicts the times. Then they will Students must pay attention to rules create a unique way to present their concerning proper divisions and tincballads when they become traveling turesorcolors. (sources: GoodApple troubad~mrs to other classrooms and book mentioned earlier andJOU8ting offices of principals, counselors, For Fun by Edith Doherty and Louiae secretaries, nurses~ etc,(examples: Evans). Shields look great cut from rapping, singing to the tlUle of a wood and painted. Other durable familiar song, modifYing a boogie). materials include foam board and These ballads will become part ofthe heavy cardboard, Aluminum foil entertainment at the festival. represents metal and cloth symbols add texture. LETs Do BATILE • Study rule. for "blazoning" (describ" ing) their shields. (source: Jousting Locate Source materials on the subject of For Fun mentionedearher.) Blazon heraldry in your school and/or local shields for classmates_ library. Two excellent simplified
(S•• McADAMS, p. 12)
FALL 1993
tempo l'IOHliscs to Kct,.-'p
McADAMS contin.ued from paglf!. 11
Display shields in the classroom and later at the festival. They may need their shields for skits.
character from either movie and a
Invite art students from the middle school, high achool, or local college in to teach calligraphy.
celebrity, etc.
Develop personal mottos.
Use calligraphy and illuminated writ· ing if desired! to write mottos on paper cut into the shape of a ribbon. These may be decorated by choice, laminated, and displayed with shields.
the current president, a sports
View Robin Hood -Flynn and Costner versions if the principal agrees. If not, most students have
seen the Costner version or will be allowed to watch it at home. Com· pare and contrast the two accounts
for mood, characterization, emphasis! etc.
Present their projects to classmates andlor other interested audiences. Listen to parts of the CD Man of La Mancha from the movie or play ofthe same name.
Although Don Quixote by Cervantes was
written during the Renaissance period, the book is a satire on knighthood and
provides many opportunities for critical and creative thinking. Since the Renaissance follows the Middle Ages, this hook may be effectively introduced toward the middle oftheunit. One suitable interme· diate version is ExplDits Df Don Quixote retold by James Reeves. (Sinceitisoutof
in folders.) Another version is Adventures of Don Quixote De La Mancha
as welL Discuss these examples.
adapted by Leighton Barret, THE LEARNERS WILL: •
After students have built up a background
of information concerning the Middle Ages; the time has come to plan a research project. Provide them with a set of
requirements. THE LEARNERS WILL: •
Complete a self-explanatory visual which reflects their research.
analyzing symbolism j satire j and characterization.
Discuss the author's life and try to
Present projects to classmates and be prepared for their questions. Display projects at our festival and field questions from, the audience (parents, principals, Society for Cre-
ative Anachronism membersj etc.).
ExaminePicasso'spenandinkdrawing of Don Quixote and Sancho. Students will then draw an original
idea and turn it into a cover for their folders. •
Become experts by reading and viewtopic. Use a variety of sourcesbooks, software l interviews j etc.
first to write satire.
Choose a topic of study from the time period 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D. ing everything they can find on their
Conduct a literary analysis by
determine why he became one of the
times. (Useofquotationrnarksmight
Popcom anyone?
unrealistic expectations and humor
comparing and contrasting one
regarding Don Quixotels and/or Sancho's escapades: original poetry;
print, you will need to xerox student
will then write an analysis paper
alityandkeyphrases. (examples:wed. ding ceremony of Don Quixote and Dulcineacompletewithinvitations,red carpet, wedding cake, and punch for the reception: a family feud game with characters from the book: detailed map of Don Quixote's travels; court trial
copies, staple chapters together, and store
be a mini-lesson before this activity.) * Discuss characteristics of a hero and brainstorm heroes oftoday . They
keepingin nrindDon Quixotejs peraon-
, Observe a great battle scene with
of chivalrous behavior and leadership traits. Identify examples of
Guinevere), Each character should respond a minimum of four or five
'This project should reflect the hook
close-ups of medieval weaponry in the movie Ivanhoe starring Robert
View Camelot and look for examples
After watching Camelot: ,', Write down the name of a well· known person and five or six things they know about that person. Students exchange papers and write dia· logue between the character they were given and a character from Camelot (ling Arthur, Lancelot, or
View Knights of the Round Table starring Robert Taylor. This movie and Camelot both portray the same legend, but while Lancelot emerges as a hero in Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur is the hero in Camelot. These movies provide an excellent opportunity for comparing and contrasting.
ing these adventures.
Video stores rent numerous excellent and appropriate movies which will en· hance this unit of study. Two ofthe best are Robin Hood with Errol Flynn and Camelot with Richard Harris.
modern-day hero such as Supennan,
Create an adventure for Don Quixaw. (example: DonQuixoteComestoTexas
or to your school or community_)
Reflect higher-level thinking and identify the levels based on Bloom's
taxonomic levels. Complete checkpoint requirements by writing a paragraph describing (See McADAMS, p_ 13)
FALL 1993
tempo PIOOliscs to K~t.·p
McADAMS their progwss. They will estimate their current level of expertise by checking an appropriate box from 10 to 100 percent. •
tape with tape player and create a dance for the kingdom (class). They will then teach thisdancetocl..smates.
Brainstorm all members of medieval society and decide which members will be represented at our festival.
Electaking,queen,andpope. Other students will sign up for chosen characters: serfs/ladies in waiting, maidens, monks, knights, crusaders, merchants, troubadours, minstrels, etc,'
Locate examples of appropriate costumes in books and plan costumes (this is usually between student and
LEts PARTY Now we have most of the components in place far our festival. We have nameplates, ballads, research projects, class banner, and individual shields. THE LEARNERS WILL: •
Elect a class representative to request pennission from the principal for a festival location and date. Create an English folk dance. These students will take an English dance
Organize and sign up for student committees. The teacher pro'Vides job descriptions.
Entertainment Generateideasforskits and various activities such as jousting from movies and/or books. Present your ideas to classmates. (You might want to perform scenes from The Exploit8 arDon QUixote or The Canterbury Tales.)
DecQration - Present ideas and solicit help from classmates to bring or make items. Your committee and other volun~ teers decorate the aftemoon before the festival.
Study actual ceremonies performed at a medieval feast (source: Holidays and Festivals by Madeline Pelner Cosman). Students decide who will perlorm these ceremonies.
Invitation - Designl make, and deliver invitations. Don't forget Society for Creative Anachronism and school orchestra members. (s•• McADAMS,
p. 14)
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FALL 1993
tempo Promises to KI..-'(·p
continued from page 13
.EllWl- Agree on a menu and present this to classmates for approval. Together, decide the amounts of each item and procedures for securing them (you may want to bring money for the meat and then assign other items.)
Request a parent meeting. A student and/or the teacher will explain the plans and secure parent volunteers to serve as chairpersons of meats, desserts, fruits and vegetables, breads, beverages, and paper goods. Parents receive a letter requesting volunteers for serving or providing food items. The teacher forwards this information to parent chairpersons who then contact these volunteers. Be sure to get a parent to operate the VCR.
• The ceremonies begin.
• Troubadours entertain us as we feastremember the ballads?
• After the feast, we dance-remember the folk dance? • Reluctantly, we clean up and return to class full of satisfying food and learning.
We've enjoyed a fout-an-one-half hour festivai. III Reminisce, evaluate/ and write thank you notes.
As we prepare to leave the "Magical Middle Ages/' Bethany whispers, "'Lady McAdams, I've written a poem. Would you like to hear it?"
Spray plastic wine glasses gold for
the occasioI).. •
con.tin.ued fmm page 6
Remember to bring skit props, mi~ crophone, tape player, and tapes.
At last, the special day has arrived and it look. like this:
TaE Bn,WEST MAN ON EARm He fights a never ending battle A battle he cannot win A battle that's not really there
• As each kingdom is announced, the members make a grand entry with banner held high. Each group stands aside and bows as other kingdoms enter.
Only within He looks sadly about No progress has he mad.
• The school orchestra treats all king" doms and guests to a short concert.
But hope shines in his eyes
• Members of each kingdom stand by their prqjects at apPOinted times and field questions from the audience (other kingdoms, principals 1 parents l Society for Creative Anachronism members, etc.).
And stabs fiercely at the air
• Mix and mingle.
• Kingdoms entertain one another with skits, jousting matches, etc.
• Society for Creative Anachronism members demonstrate use of weapons and engage in mock battle between two knights.
• Everyone moves to their appointed place atthetable. Royalty is seated at the head table-remember the nameplates?
A hope that does not fade He draws his sword To him he's fighting giants
To us therejs nothing there He tries to right all wrongs In the name of our lord
We could all learn from him A man with a rusty sword
report card at odd times of the school day . Work was always sent home to John without any hassle when he was ill and couldn't attend school. There were many decisions that had to be made - getting John a lunch period and a locker since he didn't have a homeroom, keeping 'him infonned about school activities since he was gone during the announcement time and keeping everything normal when WFAA in Dallas came to interview John for their documentary "Awakening the Mind."The list is endless; however, Cathy Marshall managed to come up with a solution or several options to every problem that was presented to her. This included figuring out a way to give John mathj sciencej and phySical education credit so that h. could pass the sixth grade. After many phone calls to make sure that everything was legal, she put his grades from the University on his report card. John now has a sixth"grade education at the age of eleven and he has 20 hours of college credit with a 4.0 GPA.
Don Ellis wrote to Pat Smith and it was agreed among everyone that John should be allowed to go to college full time since that was what he wanted. Cathy Marshall said that the door would be left open should John decide he wanted to go back to school. Since John plays violin, they have even offered to let him sit in on the strings' class to aid in his socialization with other children. I realize that having an eleven-year-old who is a full-time college student is a little unusual, but everyone has been so helpful and they have done so many things to keep their promise to help gifted children. What impressed me the most, though, wa.s that the schools didnjt know my son when this all began so I know they not only helped my child but that they would be willing to help any gifted child.
t ~
Bethany Moore
Will we forget our learning experiences? No-they were too special to forget!
FALL 1993
tempo ProJll.i~~~ to Keep
BETTS continued from page 1
If someone asked your children what it is like at home, would they answer that most of the time they are accepted and loved? Do they enjoy living there, or would they say that they do not feel wanted Or accepted? As adults, we are the ones who develop the
environment. We must look closely at our interactions among those with whom we live. Are we making contact and caring for each other? Is it safe to be who we are? Do we enjoy each other? Do we have fun as a family? These are questions parents need
''RENT A GIFTED Km" "I love this program," said a gifted child of the Summer Enrichment Program at UNC, ''because this is the only place where 1 don't have to hide my vocabulary" Gifted kids need to be with other gifted kids. They play differently and they act differently because they are different. It is good to have them with other children but there are times when they must be with the other gifted kids, even if we must search for gifted playmates and friends.
to consider.
The more I am j'together" as a person, the more I am able to give to others. If! do not fe.l good about myself, I will probably not allow myself to feel good about others. One of our major roles is that of being a parent, but it is not the only one. We must
Are we what we want our gifted children to become? Do we have pOSitive selfwesteems? Do we follow our pa.ssions? Do we need to spend time with people like us? Are we meeting our own
needs as well as helping others? We must become the models for Our children because they are watching us very closely.
take care of our aelvesl We must learn to meet Our own, unique needsl Not all of my time can be spentfor others. I must set aside time to meet my Own needs. It is okay to continue my own intellectual
and creative growth. And I must also take time to be silent, to watch a sunset, to write in a journal. The more content 1 become, the mOre I have to give others_ NURTURE
(s ••
BEDS, p.16)
Introduce you, student' to foreign languages with Words for the World. This beautifully iIIustrllted textbook is designed to acquaint children(kindergarten1hmughearly middle school) with the languages andctlltLlre.'5ofeightEllropeancoJ,ln~
For rue, it started with a book my mom read to me about a little engine - the "little engine that could." r learned to believe, "I think I can, I think I can." And I believe this became the basis of my own self-esteem.
The most important ingredient for success in life is to have a positive self-esteem. It is the ingredient which can make a difference. Watch two people who have the same backgrounds,
the same abilities, and the same opportunities, but one believes in self and the other does not. I believe the one with the positive self-esteem will eventually come out On top. "I think I canon PoornCT
Not only do gifted kids have interests and hobbies, they have passions. They fall in love with ideas and topics. Many find
their passions when they are young, while others skip around from time to time. The important thing is that they learn the process of studying something they love. It is this process which will help them to be life-long learners as adults because they
tries. Blch chapter is a colort'lIl collage of information on the Ii festy Ie and Cll itllrc of one country, which provides a setting for the accompunying voci.lhulmy. Languages infiroueed arc French, Spanish. Italian, Russian, Gel'man, Norwegian, Dutch, and Swedish. A 4-cas~eUe tape album features complete recordings of all the foreign words and phmses, '"' NO FOREIGN LANGUAGE BACKGROUND IS REQUIRED FOR THE TEACHER! Your Grr 'tuden1s will be eager to experience 1he sights and ,ounds of European languages using Words for Ihe World. This program lends itsel f easily tointernationallywtherned unit studic~ and TTIcshc~ re"dily with gifted progmms. Price for hardcover book and 4c""ette tape set$36.50postpaid; classroom wt (10 books and I tape album) $250_00 plus 5% shipping_ Fnr mClre int~mnation, cont;.lct
ComprehensiveumguageCommunications, P. O. Box 242. Borger,
will know the process and will understand passion learning.
"""",""",Th'. _"'''',. ~ ~c
Passion learning is not usually included in the classroom. It is encouraged in the home whore it can be nowished and experienced.
Visit our booth (#405) in Austin!
FALL 1993
tempo P10111ist·s to Keep
BETTS continued from page 15
AND Now WHAT? To close, I want to ask you to study carefully and examine the areas covered in this paper and to begin to make your promises
for your own children. For many years we are the most important people in our children's lives. Let's do the best that we can do. I would like to share a poem with you that my wife Donni and I wrote to our child",n many years ago. Maybe it will be meaningful to you and your children.
As Your Parent By Donni and George Betts (© 1985) As your parent I am here to help you grow, to nurture you, to love you unconditionally, to help you become
what you are fully capable of becoming.
I will try to accept you as you are, and hope you will try to accept me as I am. I will be honest with you in our communication and listen to your ideas, dreams disappointments, and accomplishments without judging. l
I will provide opportunities for you to discover you "passion" areas of learning and share my "passions" with you.
I will provide you with the opportunities to become responsible for yourself and give you the necessary skills, ideas and attitudes to ignite your desire for becoming a life-long learner.
I will accept you as a unique marvelous individual, with yOill' own ways of living and learning and growing. And above all, I will love you, just as you are.
PRESIDENT continued from page. 2
guarantees; a career; a progressive world; your word; your truth; the Boy Scout oath; the Pledge of Allegiance; the quest of a paladin; caring; passing of time; saving money; making good grades; finishing ajob you started; mowing yards on timej cleaning your room; taking out the trash; calling when you said you would; wearing your seatbelt; not drinking; not doing drugs; not smoking; not cheating on someone; duty to family, society, and self; sense of direction in life; one step further than I will; and the never-ending trail of learning. Multiple responses showed concern that promises aren't kept these days. According to some students, promises are useless, inconsistent, revengeful, and obsolete. One student questioned, "Should the word 'promise' be thrown around lightly or should it only be used in serious context?" Another student penned, "Dreams forgotten and hearts that are broken are like promises whispered in the wind. Like each cold, unfeeling flake, unkept promises fall from the heavens as snow." "The promises to keep are those that you make with yourself." "Promises to keep are bound within your souL" Personal promises, according to one student, are: to be my own person; not to" think like everyone else, to be tolerant, and to make something of myself in the future.
The gifted education program has kept the promises of allowing students to learn a truly wide-focused view ofHfe, understanding and caring for others, self-confidence, and self-worth. Of great importance to students were these attributes: independence; a sense of responsibility, especially as tomorrow;s leaders;leadership skills and time management skills; ability to think objectively and to think everything through, using logical thinking skills to solve problems; open-mindedness; ability to explore broader topiCS of knowledge; bringing the most out in themselves; opening their eyes to important issues around them; respecting others' opinions as well as their own; ability to strive for any goal and, most likely, achieve it; and ability to sque.ze the juice from life and drink heartily of it. The gifted program "has permanently endowed thejubilantsatisfactionof creativity." Additionally, students felt that they had the skills to attend the college or university of their choice. Students furtbercommented on the value ofthe gifted education program: "Gifted education allows me to keep a promise to both myself and my family to be the very best I can be. Gifted education allows me to broaden my horizons and excel to the highest possible point that I can. Regular classes do not offer this myriad ofavenues and choices. ;; (s•• PRESIDENT, p. 18)
FALL 1993
Why Should You Subscribe to WRITING TEACHER™ & THINI(rM? Busy teachers like the practical Ideas and activities that help their students think, write, and learn. Each Issue of WRmNG T<ACHEIf' and THINK' cemes to you packed with lesson plans, units of study, an interview with an authority, feature articles, an Idea eXChange, calendar activities, and other useful celumns and departments,
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During the 1993·94 school year, WRmNG T<ACHEII'" will focus On specific, current cencerns of writing teachers everywhere. The themes and Interviews will be: Sept. 1993-Wrltlng In the Multicultural Classroom-Lisa Delplt Nov. 1993-Llterature end Wrltlng-John Warren Stewig Jan. 1994-Computers and Wrltlng-Jon Madlan Mar, 1994-Different Purposes, Different Genres-Dixie Goswaml May 1S94-Portfollos In the Writing Classroom-Jane Hansen THINK'" Magazine will feature the
following themes and Interviews: Ocl. 1SS3-Multlple Intelligences -Pat Bolanos Dec, 1993-The Power of Thinking-Paul MacCready Feb, 1994.....creatlvlty-E. Paul Torrance
Apr, 1994-lnventive ThlnklngRuth
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• Practical Writing for Students-Donald Graves • Whole LanguageKenneth Goodman and BIll Martin, Jr. • Journals-Ruth Nathan • Informative WrltlngToby Fulwiler • When Teachers Are Writers-Peter Elbow THfNK"" • Teaching for GenUine Understanding-Howard Gardner • Critical Thinking-Richard Paul • Growing Up CreativeTeresa Amabile • Problem Solving-Donald Treffinger
Individuals: Pay with check, Visa, MC, AmEx Schools/Libraries: Purchase Orders accepted MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you ever wish to cancel your subscription, you may do so and receive a prompt refund for ali unmailed issues. Mail your subscription to:
ECS Learning Systems, Inc, P.O. Box 791437 San Antonio, TX 78279 FALL 1993
Fast and Easy Ordering
tempo PRESIDENT continued from page 16
"Gifted education will help me fulfill my promise to myself that whatever I choose to do with my life, the decisions will be my own and not what others will decide: for me. 11
The future is too important to just qujt_ We know we
are the future. We are the kids that will change the world. Hold our hands as long as it takes and make sure we make it to the future.
"I am allowed to be creative. I can express myself
freely and do not have to worry about a basis, a set of rules, or a framework to hold me down. I can be a
spaceship and rocket to the far reaches of the galaxy, or I can be a daisy a.nd sway softly in the BUmmer breeze."
As clearly summarized by one student, "Promises that both teachers and parents must keep are to truly understsnd the gifted mind, to understand that any and all limitations not only frustrate but literally hurt us, to realize we are more sensitive emotionally and sometimes take criticism the wrong way, and
to comprehend that we must always have support and help Students felt that the following are promises which teachers
because - despite our gifts - we are not penecU'
and parents must strive to keep:
open unexplored doors and lead us down prominent paths; instill a love of learning; push me out of my safety zone and make me work; give me work that will challenge me without causing me to get an ulcer; give me more time, which in the end says pa tiencej support me with the promise of encouragement and understanding ofthe gifted mind; encourage me rather than always expecting me to be perfect; be flexible; be available; take time out to listen; stand by but not over
Unlike the traveler in Roberl Frost's poem, we don't have time
to stop and rest. We can't capitulate to the rocky roads of education reform Or to the wrong paths of the world. It,is our responsibility to achieve our TAGT mission路 to promote awareness of the unique social, emotional, and' intellectual needs of gifted/talented students and to impact the development of appropriate educational services to meet these needs, We must make it to the end ofourjoumey, We have miles to go
before we sleep. We have promises to keep!
my decisions; forgive me for unintelligent decisions; respect the authority one has over himself; remember
that the gifted still make stupid mistakes; allow assignments to meet creative needs with less jjpatternizing" and more "stylizing'; keep an open
- Appreciation i8 expre88ed to gifted students in the cla88es of Sandra Gifford, Paris ISD G / T Teacher.
mind; treat me like the young adult I am; don't put so much pressure on me so that if I don't make 98 or 100 I feel like I have failed; let me think freely; don't expect the world of me, just expect the best; and remember
that what the student athieves is for himself, not the adult. In regard to teachers, students expressed: They must allow uS to be ourselves and not force us
into conformity. They should stimulate our minds rather than drag us down into the dull reality that is often found in some classrooms.
Most gifted teachers have opened their hearts and minds to the ideas of children. They said it was okay to eat green eggs and ham. We are ourselves. We are
TAGT GETS ON LINE: After considering requests by many of our
Teachers should let us do more things that reflect and
members, TAGT has decided to subscribe to TENET, the Texas education branch of the INTERNET electronic information bulletin. With our TENET' address, we can be reached through any INTERNETOr TENET-compatible electronic messaging bulletins.
examine who we really are. I think most of us donit have a clue.
Our TENET address is: <jm@tenet.edu.
notacolony. Ifwe do force ourselves into a colony, then we must be tolerant to pink, purple, and blue egg eaters, Otherwise, we don't eat green eggs ourselves.
We are eagerly awaiting a brimming
In regard to parents, students pleaded:
Give uS some space. We can't find all the answere at
school or from books. Never let your kids give up. Promise them that you'll stand by their sides, help them get scholarships, help them find jobs, help them become what they want to be. Keep the fires burning.
FALL 1993
By Sidney Parnes Creative Education Foundation, Inc. (Available from D. O. K. Publishers) Reviewed by Tracy Weinberg
This delightful book has aged very well andremains one ofthe most thumbed· through books on my shelf. Paroes is one ofthe seminal names in creative ad ucation and this volume is an excellent introduction summarizing key elements in creativ~ thinking as well as demonstrating how to use these skills in the problem solving process.
Parnes provides an overview of all the
basics, including a rationale for using and strengtheningone'screativeabilities,how to overcome the many blocks and barriers to one's natural creativity, and step-bystep instructions for using the creative problem solving process effectively. He gives many examples to demonstrate and amplify his ideas and uses carto.0ns to highlight with humor each pOInt he makes. This book functions on several different levels and therefore has a wide range of appeal. It could be used as a beginning text for .tudent. or teacher. new to the cr@ativeproblemsolvingprocess. ItCQuld be a workbook for people in the midst of problem solving as it provides many examples of questions, sentence stems, and
evaluative techniques useful during the process. For experienced problem solver. the material itself would not be new but it could be a u.eful teaching tool because of its clear and concise defmitions and the 100-plus cartoons which humorously demonstrate the key elements of the creative problem solving
process. My only complaint is that the book needs a more inclusive reference section of works on creative education outside of Parnes' own authorship. If you are looking for a book to introduceyou to creative thinking or ifyou are responsible for training others, the highly readable book, The Magic of Your Mind, would prove a worthwhile addition to your library. t
FALL 1993
By Micheal Sayler, Ph. D. Published by the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented Revkwed by Pat DeBusk Holmes Raising ChampiolUJ: A Parents' Guide for Nurturing Their Gifted Children is a four-section handbook published by TAGT as a resource for both parents of gifted children and the teachers who are tryiogto meet the unique needs of the.e students. This is the first comprehensive gifted handbook Written for Texas. Section I addresses the federal and .tate dsfinitiona of gifted and talented children and .ome ofthe specific interest and subject areas in which these talsnts are found. This section also diacuase. the .pecial .ituation of the highly gifted with .uggested option. for dsveloping their gifte. Section II addre.... parenting concerns and focuses on the developmental needs of growing youngster. with a.tonishing requirements. The diacuasion ofparent participation includes advocacy through school districts and tipa to help ''bridge the gap" between parents and teachers. Section III presents a history of TAGT and the historical perspective of educating the gifted in the United State•. Included i. a description of available gifted and talented programs and options and an overview of materials and methods used in
identifying children for gifted programs. Section IV lists services available
through TAGT and additional contact organizations, Also included is a glossary of terms used in gifted education and an annotated bibliography of references and resources for understanding and helping the.e students. T1:ris publication is anexrellentoverview of topics widely discussed among parents,
educators, and administrators. Dr. Sayler has spent considerable time collecting and Writing a well-<>rganized and very helpful reference. Raising Champion8 is a must for all who teach the gifted. It will help families andeducatorsmaketheconnectionbetween horne and school. Asacomprebensivehandbook, it will be a valuable reference to every parent of a gifted child. t
By Pamela Everly Teacher Ideas Press Review provided by publisher
The only professionals who come into contact with all the gifted .tudents in a .chool population are regular cla••room teacher•. Up to 60 percent of gifted .tudents remain unidentified and up to 90 percent of those that are discovered are inadequately handled. As many as 30
percent of gifted teenagers drop out of school. Ms. Everly and her colleagues have come up with a model called ReWrite that will encourage the best from all.tudents. Thi. model was used a. part of a U. S. DepartmentofEducationresearch project on promising practices for high.risk students and it has been adopted as the
organizing model for the K-12 Language Arts curriculum by the state of Utah. Rewrite works without extra money, new supplies, or altered room or cla•• as.ignment. and it cover. the material. required by the di.trict. It incorporate. flexibility into a classroom without sacrificing content, links activities into a coherent cwriculum, and, most important,
it creates a student-centered learning atmosphere that increases teacher availability for greatest individuallearoing. Part 1 of the book provide. a rationale for incorporating ReWrite into the regular clas.room. It contains guideline. for planning curriculum, assemblinginstructional materials, and establishing management procedures to improve learning,
build student independence, and increase teacher availability and productivity. Part 2 deal. with how to .witch to Rewrite without creating chaos I how to use it to teach different subjects (e.g., music), how to use it for int@rdisciplinaryinstruction, and final exams that test both subjectarea koowledge and student independence. Each chapter is filled with humorou. anecdotes from Everly and her colleague. about theirteachingexperiences. Sample units, assignments, goals, checklists, and other practical materials are included. t
tempo PAST TEMPOS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! Limited Supply of Back Issues (Out ofprint journals available reproduced in black and white)
1:1 ""'Winter 1990, A Menu for Secondary Gifted
1:1 ""'Winter 1992, Gifted Females
1:1 """Spring 1990, Curriculum Alive!
1:1 Spring 1992, Technology and Learning
1:1 ""'Summer 1990, Teaclwrs
1:1 Summer 1992, Visual and Performing Arts
1:1 ""'Fall 1990, Conference - Facing the Challenge
1:1 Fall 1992, Conference - Sharing the Gifts
1:1 ''''Winter 1991, Children Who Challenge
1:1 Winter 1993, Ability Grouping
1:1 "''''Spring 1991, Global Awareness 1:1 "''''Summer 1991, Literature and the Gifted 1:1 ""'Fall 1991, Conference - Search for Excellence
1:1 Spring 1993, Parenting tlw Gifted 1:1 Summer 1993, Research By and With the Gifted
** denotes out of print journals
TAGT tempo Back Issues Order Information Out of print issues: $2,00 each. All others: $3,00 each. (Pricss include postage.) Please send check and order information to: TAGT tempo Back Issues 406 East 11th Street, Suite 310 Austin, Texas 78701-2617
FALL 1993
F o r Tea.,cher8 AJ1d.. I-a.,reII.:'ts o r Urea.,"'t:i-ve, Ta.,IeIl.-"'ted.., ~d G:i.r"'ted Uhi.Id..reIl.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
CiU..:I'"'ted Chlld Todft;T
ifted Child Today offers teachers and parents practical and timely information about creative, talented, and gifted children. The hallmark of this magazine G is readability-in its pages you will find interesting, readable articles from the nation's leading experts in the education and parenting oftalented children. Edpress and Parent's Choice have both awarded Gifted Child Today for its editorial excellence. If you've never read Gifted Child Today, you'll delight in the informative and inspirational approach of the magazine. Longtime readers will be pleased to see new columnists and a revised editorial mission focusing on the educational, social, and emotional needs of gifted children. Bi.Monthly: $23.95 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'I."b.e Pr'U.i":rock .....o'U.:r:D.ft;1
he Prufrock Journal offers education professionals the critical information they need for building an effective educational environment for gifted adolescents. Filled with informative articles by leaders in the field of adolescent gifted education, Prufrock is a must for anyone working with older gifted students. Up路coming theme issues include such topics as talent development among ado路 lescents, effective acceleration options for the middle school and high school, addressing the needs of adolescent gifted students with learning differences, authentic assessment procedures, and providing for the needs of gifted girls. This professional journal acts as the only periodical devoted exclusively to the education of gifted adolescents. Quarterly: $30.00 (Individuals); $35.00 (Institutions) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Creft;'t;j:ve U:l.dl5
reative Kids magazine is the nation's largest ma,azine by and for kids ages C eight to fourteen. Filled with excellent stories, mysteries, poems, puzzles, and artwork by kids, this magazine offers hours of enjoyment for youngsters. It's a magazine for teachers and parents too. Creative Kids includes a 4-8 page activity guide. Developed by experienced classroom teachers, each guide includes lessons and activities for that month's issue of Creative Kids. You'll have your children learning from the excellent models of quality student work that appear in each issue of Creative Kids. Because the works appearing in the magazine are of such high interest to youngsters, this magazine is the perfect complement for teachers implementing a whole language program I Quarterly During tlu! School Year: $19.95 Call to receive your free catalog of books and magazines for teachers and parents of creative, talented, and gifted children or to order any of the publications featured above (Visa or Master Card) "~~OO~DD~~.SlO~
or send a check or money order to Prufrock Press, P.O. Box 8813, Waco, TX 76714路8813. FALL 1993
TAGTNEWS MEMBERSHIP INPUT REQUESTED FOR EXECUTIVE BOARD VACANCY Bob Seney, the candidate for 1993-95 TAGTFirst Vice President, recently accepted a position outof-state and will be unable to accept the role of First Vice President for TAGT. Consequently, the role of1993-95 First Vice President is vacant. A provision for filling vacancies is given in the TAGT Bylaws authorizing the President to fill any vacancy by appointment with Executive Board approval. Therefore, it has been recommended that the vacant 1993-95 First Vice President position be filled by appointment. Since this is a vacancy on the incoming Executive Board, it is also recommended that this appointment with the approval of the 1994 Executive Boardbecome a first duty of incoming TAGT President Kathy Hargrove. This appointment will be a twoyear appointment since the First Vice President term of office is for two years (TAGT Bylaws, Article V, Section 2c, paragraph 1).
In the light ofthese events, Kathy Hargrove has requested that the TAGT Executive Board and TAGT membership provide her with input regarding appointment of the 1993-95 TAGT First Vice President. Names ofTAGT members suggested for appointment consideration should be forwarded in writing no later than November
1,1993, to: DIl. KA1HY fuRGllOVE
SOUTHERN MEmoDls'I' UNlVEIlSl'I'Y SMU Box 382 DALLAS, TExAs 75275-0382
1993-94 TAGT BOARD ELECTED Following are the results of the recent TAGT Executive Board election. We have another fine board and look forward to another productive year. Look for mOre detailed information On the new Board in the winter issue of tempo.
Ofticers President-Elect: Ann Wink, Killeen ISn First Vice President: Awaiting appointment (see article above) Second Vice President: Ann Williams, McAllen ISn Third Vice President: Myrtis Smith, East Texas Symphony, Tyler Secretary-Treasurer: Tracy Weinberg, Randolph-Field ISn
Regional Directors Region I: Josie Rodriguez, Mercedes ISn Region Ill: Armando Villarreal, Victoria ISn Region V: Chris Shahan, Port Arthur ISn Region VII: Kathy Albers, Henderson ISn Region IX: Linda Fontes, Wichita FaIls ISn Region XI: Benny Hickerson, Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISn Region XIII: Gwendolyn Fort, Round Rock ISD Region XV: Nilda Benavides, San Felipe-Del Rio ISD Region XVII: Katherine Ferguson, Slaton ISn Region XIX: Madeleine Bullock, Ysleta ISn
Congratulations! 22
FALL 1993
CEC has been awarded a three-year grant from the U. S. Department of Education to create a National Training Program for Gifted Education. The three-year project will provide continuing education opportunities for teachers, administrators, and other professionals who are involved in the education of gifted and talented students. CEC will develop and deliver training activities on gifted education based on current research and practices in the field. Plans include a leadership symposium, an annual institute on gifted education, and a television-based continuing education series. The project will also develop information and training materials for the larger professional education community nationwide.
TExAs PACKS LEGISLATIVE PuNCH In a recent study in Roll Call, Capitol Hill's biweekly newspaper, Texas is listed as the third most powerful delegation in Congress, behind California and New York. This ranking is up from eighth place last year. The survey notes that the increase in clout comes even with the loss of Senate Finance Committee Chairman Lloyd Bentsen, who became Secretary ofthe Treasury.
Inside Spreadsheet... Meeting the Needs of the Gifted ... Scientifically? Diana Brigham 24 Letter from TAGT Conference
Roll Call cited a lack ofturnover in the delegation that led to Texas'jump. No Texas House Member resigned last year and only one was defeated. Texas also boasts three full committee Chairs, and the third-ranking membership in the House Republican Leadership. Roll Call calculates the rankings by awarding points for the number of members in the delegation, committee and subcommittee chairs, committee and subcommittee ranking members, Leadership positions, rank for receipt of federal funds, seniority in the house and Senate, members who serve on Appropriations, Ways and Means, and Finance Committees, and proportion ofmembers in the the House and Senate who serve in the majority party delegation. (Source: News from Washington, newsletter of the Texas Office of State路Federal Relations, May 14,1993.)
Conference Overview, Registration, 26 and General Information Conference Housing Form
Parent Conference Recap
Gender Equity: A Mmnomer?
Beverly Lowry
What Rights Does A Child Have? Barbara Clark 35
TCH Invites Grant Proposals
Governor's Mansion Tour Infurmation
FALL 1993
The Council for EXceptional Children is still offering their College Planning Guide for Gifted Students as a resource for guidance counselors and gifted programs. The guide exists to help college-bound exceptional students make the right choices when planning their path for higher education. The guide is $19.50 for single copies; bulk order discounts are available. (Shipping and handling not included.) To order the guide, contact: The Council for Exceptional Children, Publica. tion Sales, 1920 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 22091.11589, (713) 620.3660. Fax orders are accepted 24 hours at (703) 264路9494.
.. . SCIENTIFICALLY? Diana Brigham Abilene/SO
In 1984, I Was a (ourthgrade teacher in a self-contained classroom ,._ until...
When my son was identified as gifted in 1984, little did I reali.e what effect it would have on me personally and professionally. Now as my gifted child graduates from high school and begins a new journey at college, I reali.e his giftedness turned an elementary classroom teacher into a middle Bchool teacher with a passionate desire to encourage and guide the affective needs ofthis special population. Within the last nine years I have earned my gifted and talented endorsement and I am presently teaching sixth grade gifted students in a pull-out program in Abilene, Texas. 1
Having had the opportunity to see giftedness from both a parent's and a teacher's perspective has heightened myawareness of the need for better affective curriculum. Productivity, higher-Ievelthinking, and all social and academic aspects of growth are influenced by a student's selfconcept. As I began teaching gifted sixth graders, I found that their affective needs were not being adequately met so I created a program entitled "Scientifically Affective," which combines science, lit路 erature, and self-awareness in a forced analogical relationship. In the beginning, theunit provided several lessons as models using a science activity showing a relationship with student needs or problems. Products such as recipes for stress! poetry, puzzl~s! or letters are created with each lesson. After several weeks of modeling lessons and lifeskills, the challenge really begins. The students select a science activity of theiroWl1 identify a related problem) and create or find literature that relates to the selected problem. The students then prepare a presentation for the class that effectively demonstrates all three areas and how they are related. For example, a student may cause a compass needle to point the wrong way! which relates to 1
qualities and properties of an egg. Theninitiate a discussion! and brainstorm with the following questions: What is inside an egg? How do you know? Could you find out without damaging the egg? How?
peer pressure making you head in the wrong direction. Then they might .elect the story of "The Pied Piper of Hamlin" which also implies that being led by others is not always safe, Below is a sample lesson plan for a beginning modeling lesson. Within Bloom!s framework, the student reaches analysis and synthesis! but true evaluation occurs in the last lesson where the student is totally responsible for all forced relationships developed in their presentation.
C) Would valuable information be obtained?
HIDDEN TALENTS: WHAT A GAS Objective; Using science and literature! students will observe and analyze data and create an analogy.
List their ideas and use these crite~ ria to evaluate their solutions: A) Would the egg be damaged using this method? B) How expensive would your idea be to implement?
7. Prooedure: 1. Read "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" and discuss things that are hidden, like the genie in the lamp. People 8. have hidden talents, too. Someone must notice them and they must be used wisely. 2. List talents. Brainstorm ideas with 9. what I have coined as the ~3 R's"; do we REASON with, RUN from, Or REACT to talents, depending on what others say about us? 3. Brainstorm hidden elements in food (Le., vitamins! preservatives! pesticides). Predict what would happen if your body had an excess of any of the.eelements. Conclude that not all 10. hidden elements are positive. 4. Place the students in small groups of three and give each group an egg. Have one student observe and list the
Someone may suggest soaking an egg in vinegar, If not! you make the
suggestion and ask for predictions. Distribute jars and vinegar and allow each group to soak their egg for a week_ Watch and record what happens daily. At the end ofthe week, go back to their predictions. Discuss and draw conclusions. An egg is really what is inside; the shell oniy protects it. Remove the egg from the vinegar. Place newspaper on the ground outside and instruct each group to take turn. dropping the egg on the paper. Begin dropping from six inches above the groWld and continue to elevate until the egg finally breaks. It will bounce some. Concludethatwithout some protection we are all a mess. Have the students finish the analogy! "The inside of an egg is like a " hidden talent because Illustrate if time allows.
UPDATE According to the National Association for Gifted Children, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) grant is not connected with the National Research Center. It is a Javits,funded grant now managed for CEC by Felice Kaufmann. For more details, contact Ms. Kaufmann at (703) 620-3660. FALL 1993
Dear TAGT members, colleagues, and friends:
I am extending an enthusiastic invitation to attend the 1993 Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented Annual Professional Development Conference to all educators, parents, school board members, and community members. Please join gifted advocates from across the state and nation at Promises to Keep, November 17-20, at the Austin Convention Center. Paying close attention to evaluations oflast year's Conference from a number of the 4,200 in attendance, Promises to Keep offers a number ofexciting revisions as well as careful adherence to the quality and variety that you have come to expect from TAGTs Annual Conference. With more than 350 sessions, five PreConference Institutes, and a dozen Exhibitor's Showcases, there are many sessions of interests to every gifted advocate. Sessions for teachers, administrators, parents, and policy makers will focus on TAGT's recommended core training areas. To make your registration easier, no pre-selection of sessions - or admission tickets - are required for 1993. All sessions are offered on a first-come, first-served basis; some sessions will be offered more than once for added convenience. In addition, special entertainment plans are still in the works for Friday evening, For the past 15 years, TAGT has been the primary source of staff development for GIT in Texas; more than 35,000 educators have attended TAGT conferences since 1978. At the 1993 TAGT Annual Conference, teachers can earn up to 24 inservice staff development credits by attending the 2 1/2 day conference and a Pre-Conference Institute on Wednesday, November 17. Special sessions, primarijy for program administrators, have been planned for Friday, November 19. TAGT has been approved byTEA as a sponsor of MT, GMlLT, and School Board Member Training credit. On behalf ofTAGT, I invite you to participate in the Sixteenth Annual Conference in November. Please look over this information carefully and make your plans now to attend. The 1993 Conference promises to be better than ever, and we look forward to seeing you there. A strong GIT program nurtures and develops the talents of all children;letTAGTassistyouinservingthe students ofyour campus, community, and state.
FALL 1993
CONFERENCE SCHEDULE - OVERVIEW ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *. •
• Apple Computer, Inc. presents eight sessions on integrating • • technology and education for secondary math and science • • classrooms and elementary whole language classrooms. •
Creativity Potpourri 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Presenters' Reception 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Performance by AnnSasiav, concertpianist,and lsidor Saslav, violinist, at Hyatt Regency Ballroom
Pre-.Conference Registration 8:00-9:00 AM
GfT Coordinators' Division Breakfast and Annual Meeting
Pre"Conference Institutes
7:30 - 9:30 AM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM • Bertie Kingore, "Meeting the Needs ofGiftedElementary Students in the Regular Classroom" • John Samara and MelodyJohnson, "Shifting Paradigms: The 21st Century Imperative" • Thomas New, "Advanced Placement's Role in Integrated Progranuning for the Gifted" • Xavier Castellanos, "Attention Deficit Disorders: Causes, Consequences, Treatments, and Their •
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Conference Registration 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Exhibits Open 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions 8:30 - 9:45 AM
Second General Session
Felice Kaufmann, "The Courage to Succeed: A New Look at Underachievement"
10:15 -11:30 AM • Keynote by Dewitt Jones, "Clear Vision - Putting Your Creativity to Work"
Exhibitor Registration 1:00 - 6:00 PM
Conference Registration 1:00-9:00 PM
TAGT Executive Board Meeting 4:00 - 6:00 PM
1iruRsnAY, NOVEMBER 18 Conference Registration 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Exhibits Open 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
First General Session 8:30 -9:45 AM • Keynote by Felice Kaufmann, "Once Upon a Pedestal" (based on her longitudinal studies of adults identified as gifted in their youth)
Coffee and Networking for Parents 10:15 - 11:30 AM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions 10:15 -11:30 AM
Membership Luncheon
Concurrent Breakout Sessions 12:00 - 1:15 PM
Administrators' Luncheon 12:00 - 1 :30 PM
Keynote by EmestoCortes, "CommW1ity Involvement and School Restructuring," at Hyatt Regency Hotel
Concurrent Breakout Sessions 1:45 - 4:45 PM
Special Entertainment 7:00 - 9:30 PM • Hyatt Regency Hotel
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Conference Registration 8:00 -10:00 AM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions 8:30 -11:30 AM
TAGT Annual Business Meeting 12:00 -1:00 PM
Note: All sessions will be held at the Austin Convention Center, unless indicated at Hyatt Regency Hotel.
11:45 AM -1:15 PM • Keynote by Jean Watts, "Stalking the Rogue Gifted"
Concurrent Breakout Sessions 1:45 - 4:45 PM
TAGT has been approved by the Texall Education Agency all a sponsor to offer AAT, GMlLT, and School Board Member Training credit.
REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATION REGISTRATION GUIDELINES The 1993 Conference Registration Form must be completed for each person registering and mailed to the TAGT office with the appropriate Conference fees. TheConferenceRegistrationFormCANbeduplicated. For your convenience, it is not necessary to pre-select the sessions which you would like toattend. Admission tickets are no longer required for individual sessions. Seating will be available on a first-come, first served basis for allses8ions, so we encourage you to observe the starting times of individual sessions. Some sessions will be repeated. Featured speakers will present inla:gec:"pacityroorns during each time period. Ample seating m these large, general interest sessions will always be available. Site Visit space is limited and available on a firstcome, first-served basis. Site Visit fees should be mailed to the TAGT office with other registration fees but MUST BE PAID BY A SEPARATE CHECK OR PURCHASE ORDER. Payment will be returned if the Site Visitselectedisfilledatthetimeregistrationisreceived. TAGTWILL CONFIRM ALL REGISTRATIONS RECEIVED BY NOVEMBER 5. TAGT cannot be responsible for delays which occur within school districts. On-site registration will be available as space allows; a $15.00 on-site registration charge will be added.
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEEs The Full Conference PaCkage fee for TAGT's 1993 Sixteenth Annual Professional Development Conference is still only $75 for members and $100 for non-members for registration received by November 5; after November 5, everyone must pay the nonmember fee regardless of membership status. See page 30 for information on other conference packages and fees.
REGISTRATION LocATION AND HOURS The Austin Convention Center is scheduled to capacity for the entire conference. To accommodate the large number of conference participants and to provide the opportunity for a maximum number of program options, some sessions and events have been scheduled at the Hyatt Regency. The Registration Catalogue distinguishes between sessions and events at the Convention Center (ACC) and those at the Hyatt (H). Conference registration takes place at the Austin Convention Center. The Convention Center is accessible from either First Street (between Red River and Trinity) or Trinity Street (between Second and Third Streets). Registrationhours are as follows: Pre-Conference - Wednesday, November 17, 8:00 to 9:00 AM; Conference registration - Wednesday, November 17, 1:00 to 9:00 PM; Thursday, November 18, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM; Friday, November 19, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM; and Saturday, November 20, 8:00 to 10:00 AM.
STAFF DEvELoPMENT 1'RAINING CREDIT TAGThasbeenapprovedbytheTexasEducation Agency as a sponsor of professional staff development for Advanced Academic Training, General Management/Leadership Training, and School Board MemberTrainingcredit. Eighteen hoursofAAT credit may be earned by attending all three days of TAGT's 1993 Conference. An additional six hours of credit may be earned by attending one of the Pre-Conference Institutes. Three hours of credit can be earned by participating in one Site Visit. A maximum of 24 hours of inservice credit can be earned toward fulfillment of the state requirement of the minimum 30 hours of staff development for teachers of the gifted who have not previously received training in the area of gifted education. TAGTwill provide verification of workshop / program completion to the individual participants requesting credit for General Management/ LeaderShip Training or School Board Member Training. All training credit is subject to local district approval and Prior Approval Forms should be completed by your district if required.
SITE VISITS .. 1993Conference registrants have three opporturuties for sIte VISIts. On Wednesday, participants may choose from The Physical Geology oJ Central Texas in the Uano area from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM, Using Museums to Expand Horizons in Fredericksburg from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM, or Austin Arts Tour from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Transportation for site visits is provided and registration is limited. Please send a separate check or purchase order for Site Visits.
CONFERENCE TRANsPORTATION AND PARKING TAGT has made arrangements for transportation shuttle service to and from the Austin Convention Center and the nine downtown hotels during the Conference. Shuttles will run at regular intervals throughout the day. Routes and schedules will be available at the Conference hotels. Hotel parking is provided for hotel guests. Convention Center parking for Conference participantsisalsoavailableattheConventionCenterParking Garage at a reduced daily rate of $3.50. The parking garage is located at 201 East Second Street, one block from the Convention Center. Parking garage tickets must be validated each day at the Convention Center. Because of the limited number of parking spaces (1,100), Conference participants are encouraged to use the complimentary shuttle between the Convention Center and their hotel. Since last year, the Austin Convention Center has instituted better security measures in and around their parking garage. The garage itself and the street
tempo REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATION between the Convention Center and the parking facility will be patrolled 24-hours during the TAGT Conference. More lights have also been installed to increase your safety when walking to and from your car at the Convention Center Parking Garage_ TACT encourages attendees to use the buddy system when walking to and from any building, especially in the evening; there is greater safety in numbers.
the fall. Check with your personal travel agent, your local ticket office, or Five Star Travel to see if you and your traveling companion could benefit from this spedal promotion. If you use "Friends Fly Free," you are ineligible for any other special discount. (See additional information below.)
TAGT has contracted a special service called The Austin Touch to take care of receiving, delivering, and holding messages; making copies (large and small volume); sending and receiving faxes; reserving taxis and cars; making Austin-area maps and information available; and other business services and personal service referrals. A booth will be set up outside the Austin Convention Center Exhibit Hali if you are in need of any ofthese services. Nominal fees are associated with some services. For additional information, their telephone number is (512) 326-8858. For your comfort and health, the Austin Convention Center is a NO SMOKING facility. TheConventionCenterhasanindoorfoodcourtlocated next to the outdoor paVilion overlooking Waller Creek and will offer fast, affordable food and beverage service. When a conference is held in a convention center rather thaninonehotel,morewalkingisnecessaryforparticipants. Be sure to dress comfortably and wear comfortable shoes!
Austin's Robert Mueller Airport is a ten-minute drive from the Austin Convention Center. Southwest Airlines has been designated the official airlines for TAGT's Sixteenth Annual Conference. Southwest is offering attendees of the TAGT Conference a 10 percent discount on unrestricted fares and a 5 percent discount on restricted fares for travel to and from Austin. Valid travel dates are November 13-23. Seats at various fares are subject to availability at the time reservations are made.
To take advantage of these discounts, reservations must be made by phoning Five Star Travel toll free at 1-800683-2359 for special discounted fares on Southwest. Call no later than November 8 and refer to Identifier Code K82. For those traveling in pairs, Southwest Airlines is currently running a "Friends Fly Free" promotion during
HERE's HOW TO FLY FREE ON SoUTHWEsr AntuNEs: You must be an adult, age 18 or older. The friend you bring along for free may be any age. Just buy a roundtrip ticket at the regular low, unrestricted fare and your traveling companion will get a roundtrip ticket on the same flights free.
No ADVANCE PuRcHASE Make roundtrip reservations at least one day before departure. You and your travel partner must check in and travel together on the same flights and your plans must include a stayover of at least one night. The best days to fly free are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. While SOme seats may still be available on Fridays and Sundays, these are very popular travel days and most seats have already been sold. We encourage you to plan travel on other days of the week at this super low price.
FuLLy REFUNDABLE Tickets are fully refundable without penalty (both tickets must be returned). Seats for this offer are limited and won't be available
on SOme flights that operate during peak travel times. Fun Fares' Senior, Youth; Military, and other promotional fares or offers 1
do not apply.
FALL 1993
PROMISES TO KEEP 1993 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented Sixteenth Annual Conference Austin Convention Center· Hyatt Regency Headquarters Hotel November 17 - 20, 1993
Please copy and compieR! this form for each person registerin6. TAGT will confirm all registrations received by November 5, 1993. Ifspace itl available, OTJ-fJit~ registration will be offered. A $15.00 on-site charg~ will be added.
PLEASE PRINT Name -:::---:-_ _ _ _-:-::--:-,-------,--,-_ _ _ _---:---_ _ _ Telephone_/----,-,.-_-:-:------,-:-:--:-.,.--,--_ First Middle Initial Last Home ( ) or Work ( ) Address __________________________________________
City _ _ _ _~____________- - - -____---___,___---state,--- ZIP _ _ _ __ Home ( ) or Work ( ) NOTE: Confirmations will be sent to this address. Campus/Business Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ School DIstrlct _________________________ ESC Reglon, __________ PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY;
o OTHER _ _ _ __ o OTHER
• Parent Package (Parenting sessions ONLy) ......................................... Member
• Principal/Superintendent/School Board Member Package ............... Member (Friday ONLy)
• Pre-Conference Institute (Wednesday, 9 AM to 4 PM) ........................ Member $45 Non-Member $60 Includes materials and beverage breaks, Select One: 1:1 "The Courage to Succeed: A New Look at Underachievement" "Attention Deficit Disorder: Causes. Consequences, Treatments, and Their L1mltalions" 1:1 "Meeting the Needs of Gifted Elementary Students In the Regular Classroom" 1:1 "Shifting Paradigms: The 21 st Century Imperative" (Middle schools) "Advanced Placement's Role In Integrated Programming for the Gifted"
o o
SPECIAL EVENT FEES • Membership Luncheon & Keynote Address "" ........ ,.. ,.. ,.. " .. ,"", ....... ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.... ,,, .. ,.. ,.... ,.. ,.. ,""",, .. ,.. ,.... ,.... ,,''''''', .. $12 • Administrators' Luncheon & Keynote Address"", .......... ,...... ,''''''" .......... ,.. ,.... "" ......... " .... ,.. "."" .... ,............ ,''" ..... $15
• GfT Coordinators Division Breakfast and Annual Meeting ......... ,.. " .... ", ............... """ ................. ""',, ........ ,.. ,.... ,,,,$10 TAGT Membership Dues (Total from inside back cover)" ....... ,.... ,.... "" .................. "'''''' ....... ,........ ''''." ......... $, _ __
TOTAL ENCLOSED .......................•................•..................•,........................... $_ __ MffilOD OF PAYMENT: PERSONAL CHECK
# ____
# ____
# _____
Full Conference Packa~ registers a participant for the entire conference which begins with the First General Session at 8:00 AM On Thursday, November 18, and concludes with the TAGT Annual Business Meeting at 12:00 PM on Saturday, November 20. PartiCipants may also pre-register for additional Pre-Conference Institutes, luncheons, and special activities offered throughout the three-day conference. The fee for this basic Conference package is $75 for members who register prior to November 5; $100 fOf non-members and late registrants. Parent Package registers a participant for sessions specifically relating to parenting. The fee for this package is $35 for members; $50 for non-members. Color-coded badges will identify Parent Package registrants for easy entrance into designated sessions. Many other sessions offered during the 1993 Conference will be of interest to parents who may choose to register for the entire conference at the Full Conference Package fee. PrincipaVSuperintendent/School Board Member Package includes Friday sessions designed specifically for decision makers with responsibility for policy development, administration, and management of programs for gifted and talented learners. Color-coded badges will identify special package registrants for easy entrance into designated sessions. The fee for this registration is $45 for members, $60 for non-members, and includes the Administrators' Luncheon featuring Ernesto Cortes, Jr. of the Texas Interfaith Education Fund with his presentation on "Community Involvement and School Restructuring." REMEMBER - The TAGT Annual Business Meeting at 12:00 Noon, Saturday, November 20, is open to all TAGT members, All TAGT members are invited to aHend and actively participate.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented Publications and Materials Ordering Infonnation ITEM
Rai.ing Champion.: A Parent.' Guide for Nurturing Their Gifted Children, by Micheal Sayler, Ph, D.
Curriculum Guide for the Education of Gifted High School Student., by James Curry and John Samara
MonolP'sph: Identification of Gifted / Talented Student. in Texas, by Amanda Batson of Round Rock lSD, Susan Johnsen of Baylor University, Thomas Oakland of The University of Texas at Austin, and the late Ann Shaw of Austin, Texas
University Program. in Gifted Edueation in the Staff! ofTexa., compiled by The University Network for Gifted Education
Aasociation Pins with the TAGT seal
To order, plea•• send a check for all items ordered,inciudingpostage and handlingforeachitem,to:TAGTMaterlals,
406 Ea.t 11th Street, Suite 810, Austin. Texa., 78701-2817. Please include a note with your check specifYing the item(s) you are ordering, and include your return address and daytime phone number.
FALL 1993
6. SmCl N~ OF ROOM ""'''D. NOTE: Rro; "~ _
2. U. ON' FORM PER ROOM f1!QUffilID. 3.
4, 5.
NUMBER YOOl flJm PIl!""NC, Cf«> (l-9) IN ""OS "'lVIDEO. F\.EASE NlJMBER All ~NE BOXES,
NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
MAlJNG ADOOESI: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2, _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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HOME Tm~ONE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OFFICE TEllPHONE: _ _ _ _ _ __
ArwNl.J. DA[: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
CHECK ( ( ) ONE:
o SINGlE (1 = -I ~-I BED) o DouetE (I ROOM - 2 PEGru - I BED) o DouBll/DooBll (I ROOM - 2PEOF\! - 2 6EOS) o T.p~ (I ROOM - 3PEcru - 2BEDS) o Qw) (I ROOM - 4 PEcru - 2 IlEDS)
Da>ARlIIr,t DAff: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Ar<I,vAL T,ME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 AM 0 PM MASlEI'CAIli) 0 VIA 0 AMEilC/oN Ex_ CREOO CAlli) # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EX"RATION DA~: _ _ __
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fouR SEAn.s
S83,00 109.00 84,00 74.00 65,00 75.00 75.00 87.00 74.00
$83,00 109.00 84,00 84.00 75,00 75.00 82.00 95.00 8400
85.00 85.00 89,00
85.00 95.00 99,00
SHUTllE SERVICE TO AND FROM THE AUSTIN CONVENIION CENTER AND AU. USIED HOlELS WIll. BE AVAILABIf THROiJGH TAGT FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE.' • A smoll psrcentoge of the negotiated hotel room cost Is allocoted to the tronsporotlon shuttle.
P. O. Box 1088 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 FAX #: (512) 474-5183 FALL 1993
15, 1993, TO:
tempo PARENT CONFERENCE A WORTHWHILE "JOlJRNE짜" Adelle McClendon Cypress-Fairbanks ISO
Over 200 parents and educators attended the Third Annual Conference for Parents ofthe Gifted and Talented on June 11 and 12 at the Stouffer Arboretum Hotel in Austin. Co-sponsored by the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented and the Texas Education Agency, the conference reflected its chosen theme, A Long Day'. Journey into Life, throughout both general sessions and the numerous breakout sessions,
perfectionism. Ms. Lind helped parents to understand the gifted perfectionist and to recognize warning signs, symptoms, causes, and types ofperfectionism. (The second part of the session on perfectionism, conducted during a breakout session, addressed specific strategies to encourage excellence instead of perfection.)
Opening Session keynote speaker Sharon Lind discussed ways to encourage excellence while discouraging
An information Roundtable and Parents Speak Forum brought this year's conference to a successful close.
Texas EducationAgency staffmembers offered two unique breakout sessions entitles "Most Frequently Asked QuesMyrtis Smith, TAGT Third Vice President in charge of tions About Grr Education and Students" and "Talent Parent and Community Involvement, presided at the Recognition and Development in Gifted Children from Opening General Session. fulflecting on the experiences Culturally Diverse Backgrounds." Other breakout sesof her own children, Ms. Smith reminded participants sion topics included working productively with schools, that ''issues ofgifted education don't go away; they change." bibliotherapy, alternative models for gifted programs, Special guest Mary Knotts Perkins, State Board of Edu- and serving young gifted students through a talent pool, cation Member (fulgion 8), indicated to parents that just to name a few. institutions must reach out for parents as the single most important advocates for children. Rather than parents During the luncheon keynote address, Sharon Lind and schools assuming adversarial roles, Ms. Perkins discussed the five major types of gifted underachievers and their concomitant behaviors and needs. suggested a "team of caring."
Adelle McClendon, former TAGT President from Cypre8s-Fairbanks ISD. presents a session on I~lternative Models for Delivering Gifted
A group ofparents pay clo8e attention to a presentation.
Joan Sn.odgrass (l) and Marty McDougal.
parents involtJed with schools in the Al.t8tsill area, preside at a roundtabli;!. di8CU88ion for parents.
FALL 1993
PARENTS TRANSPORTED BY GIFTED EXPERTS Sharon Lind, a natiunally-known educational consultant, addresses the luncheon crowd with a lil.Jdy discu8sion of gifted underachievers.
Connie McLendan W, TAGT Exec1.Ltivf! Director, and Amanda Batson, TAGT Immediate Past-President from RQund Rock ISD. di8Cuss the success of the Parent
A TAMS graduate, W, Kathy Hargrove! TAGT President-deet from Southi[!r'n Methodist Uni1,Jersity, and Richard Stream of Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (TAMS) don happy grins for thi[! camera.
Mary Knotts Perkins, District 8 State Board of Education member. greets the a88embly.
FALL 1993
A full house graces the ballroom of the Stouffer Arboretum Hotel.
Beverly Lowry TAGT
Dr. Susan Bailey. directorofth. Wellesley College Center for Research on Women. recently addressed the Stete Board of Education on July 9, 1993, in an expert session entitled IS8ues Related to Gender Equity in Education. Ms. Bailey's research team developed the report on females and education from the American Association of University Women, TheAAUW Report: How Schools Shortchange Girls. The report identifies issues related to gender equity in education and presents a base for developing
education policy that encourages equity. During herreeearch; Ms. Bailey looked at over 1,300 works dealing with the economy and the education reform move路 ment. Statistics revealed that two-thirds of all new entrants into the labor force between now and the year 2000 will be women in mostly low skill, low wagejobs. Surprisingly, in two-parent households women earn the majority ofthe income in 50 percentofhlack, 40 percentofHispauic, and 35 percent of white households. WOMEN IN EDUCATION ... Figures on female careers in education support this traditional role; 72 percent of classroom teachers are women. How-
ever, Ms. Bailey also reported figures . showing the startlingly low occurrence of women decision makers in education -
72 percent of all school principals are male.
Girls are no longer outperforming boys in verbal skills once they leave school, although girls' written performance remains stronger. Part of the reason for this may stem from the images presented to females in the classroom and, accord-
ing to Ms. Bailey, may reside with the curricula being taught. A 1989 study showed that of the ten most frequently assigned English books, only one was written by a woman and none were
written by a person of color.
A DEPARTURE FROM THE "3Rs" Ms. Bailey also urges the reconsideration of what she terms "evaded curriculum)): issues of violence! sexual abuse, and
adolescent pregnancy. The problems ensuing from these issues are often both cause and effect in today'a classroom. Early on, questions were raised in her
research of how boys treat girls in the classroom. Teasing at a young age can turn to sexual harassment at an older
age; this behavior often happens with teachers present and elsewhere in public with no recrimination! giving youngsters
the message that this is acceptable societal
and boys in physics and chemistry has remained largej in fact, it may be widening. In other sciences! less than 20
percent of girls but more than 66 percent ofboys consider science and engineering for post-secondary studies, based on stu-
dents who took the same preparatory classes in thes~ subjects.
This research indicates that problems related to gender bias are most pro~ nounced among minority females. For example, teachers tended to encourage black girls in social interactions but not in terms of academics.
Students with learning disabilities fare no better. In actual medical diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD), there is little difference between the sexes in the numbers affiicted, However, in the school! the number of boys enrolled in special education is much
greater than the number of girls. Ms. Bailey said the problem could be twofold - boys may be unnecessarily identified and girls who need special instruction may be going unidentified because they are more likely to sit quietly and not exhibit the most telltale signs of ADHD. Although this research and these statistics are based on studies of regular classroom teachers and students, the ap-
plication to gifted is easily drawn. All
students are unwitting participants in
Teachers treat boys and girls differently,
are at risk in the sciences.
too. Research indicates that teachers give more classroom attention and esteem-building encouragement to males
than to females. It is cOnjectured that this happens because boys! often more aggressive by nature! simply demand more attention and are mOre likely to apeak up; hence, the teacher is simply
responding to the student. But other In the classroom, there is some good news for females - research shows the gender gap in math to have narrowed in recent years. However, the gap between girls
research has shown that teachers in gen-
eral are simply more likely to call on boys. Because girls tend to get better grades across the board, it is hypothesized that boys need to spend more time sitting quietly and learning by listening. Conversely, girls may need to learn to take more risks and to speak out to achieve academic - and lifelong - SuCcess. The
largest group ofteachers from Ms. Bailey's studies were apathetic to this problem.
gender bias and gifted girls in particular This bias
makes it more challenging to identify gifted girls! minorities, and learning dis-
abled students, but it is a challenge that canbeovercome by advocating effectively and offering appropriate opportunities to all gifted children. In addition to her position at Wellesley/ Dr. Bailey i8 the president ofthe National Council for Research on Women and has served as the director of the Resource Center on Educational Equity for the Council of Chief State School Officers.
Please note - tempo issue dates are as follows: Winter - January 1 Spring - Aprill Summer - July 1 Fall- October 1 tempo is mailed within one week of the date listed. FALL 1993
Barbara Clark NAGC
Throughout our global village many of have been deeply committed to human rights. Nowhere will you find this
oomnritment as universally expressed as when the rights of children are in question. Educators are especially concerned that all children have full rights to learning. There is, however, a group of children that is consistently disregardedwhenissuesofeducationalrights arediscussed andeducationaldecisions are made. That group has in common their intelligence, their faster pace of learning, the level of complexity and depth with which they view their world, and the diversity with which they express their views. We call these children gifted. Recently there have been those among us who would disregard even the label we have given them, insisting that to give them another title would alter the low priority in which they are held and would generate more acceptance. It is true of this group that they seem often to represent a threat or engender negative attitudes among the very professionals that should be concerned for their welfare. However, a title change is unlikely to changethese children, nor the characteristics that make them resist the conformity that would enhance their place in the educational community. It is also true that no one Can be against talent development. Everyone can support the development of taleot for all children in every part of our planet. The fact remains that there are children whoarealready different. Who by afavorableinteractionofbiology and
environmental circumstance have developed unique needs. Their learningis different; theirunderstandingofissues,
content, relationships; and innovations is different These children are gifted. These children are not just gifted two hours a week or after school or duriog the SUl11IIler orwhen the resource room is available or when they are performing. They are not just gifted in problem solving or research or critical thinking. They may express their giftedness in ways that are social, emotional, intui-
tive, creative, oreven unacceptable, but if given the chance they will express their giftedness. It is that chance, that opportunity, thet is too often missing in
our edncation system. We now know that intelligence, however it is expressed, cannot be developed in a vacunm. It must be carefully nurtured for if the functions of the brain cannot progress they will regress. In other words, we must use it or lose it! Some cleverly say that the gifted can get along in spite of the educational system, that cream always rises to the top, that you are born gifted, and that the bOredom they experience inochools will do no harm Some, by their actions, tell us that we have neither time nor money to be concerned with such a small, unique group ofchildren. Itis to these clever members of our neighborhoods, our conunwrities, our elected bodiesofgovernment,ourschool boards, our administrations, and our teaching profession thatwemustspeak-knowledgeably, eloquently, loudly, andoften. It is to support this advocacy that this list of unalienable rights of gifted chil" drenhas been written. In a democracy, equal opportunity cannot, must not, mean thesame opportunity, for as Thorn.aeJeffersononce said, IThereisnothing more unequal than equal treatment ofunequal people." Every child is unique; all children have the right to develop their own potential. All children must include gifted children.
A Declaration of the Educational Rights of the Gifted Child It is the right of a gifted child to:
• engageinappropriateeduaatianal experiences even when other children ofthat grade level orage are unable to profit from the
child has already shown evidence of mastering. learn foster than age peer8 and to have that pace of learning respected and provided for. think in alternative ways, producediverse products~ and to bring intuition and innovation to the learning experience. be idealistic and sensitive to fairneS8 justice, accuracy~ and the global problems facing humankind and to have a forum for expressing these concerns. que8tiongeneroliza.tions, offer alternative solutions, and value complex and profound levels of thought. be intense, persistent, and goaldirected in their pur8uit ofknowledge. express a sense of humor that is unusual, playful, and often complex. hold high expectations for self and Dthers and to be 8ensitil)e to inconsistency between ideals and behavior with the need to have help in seeing the l)alue in human differences. be a high achiever in some areas of the curriculum and not in others mnking thoughtful, knowledgeable academic pktcement a nece88ity. have a low tolerance for the lag between vision and aatualization~ between personal sta.ndards and developed 8kill, and between physical maturity and athletic ability. pursue intere8t8 that are beyond the ability ofage peer8, are outside of the grade level curriculum, or involve areas as yet unexplored or unknown. 1
• • o
These are some of the rights of gifted children for which we must advocate. e~perience. From your experience you will proh• begrouped and interact with other ably wish to add more, but ifwe could gifted children for 80me part of the learning experience so that only be sure that the educational they may be understood, engaged, experiences of the gifted children we serve honored these 15 rights, we and challenged. would have the assurance that our • be presented with new~ advanced, and challenging ideas and con- society wonld be blessed with a conceptB regardl•• s of the materials tinuous supply of gifted adults. We and resources that have been des- would be sure we had nurtnred the ignated for the age group or grade gifted among us, as we must pledge level in which the child was placed. to nurture aU children. o be taught concepts that the child does not yet know irlstead of Reprinted from the July 1993 iaaue of relearning old concepts that the Communique, published by the National A8oS'Dciation for Gifted Children.
FALL 1993
Gifted Magnet Sponsors Exhibit
The exhibit, A Matter of Perspeotive: Realism in the Theater, opened September 13 at the Leed's GalieryinAustin. The exhibit, which addresses the ascendancy of Realism as an art style in the theater, is the fifth of an eight-part "Art History Enrichment" series of lectures for high school students and their parents exploring the cultural context of art and aesthetics during seven periods of Western civilization. The series is sponsored by Johnston High School Liberal ArtsAcademy, a gifted magnet school of Austin lSD.
The number of classroom teachers recognized by the Texas State Teacher of the Year program has reached 242, an all-time high for the state program and a 77 percent increase compared to last year, when 137 teachers were nominated by their school districts. The numberofschool districts participating rose as well, from 137 in 1992 to 170 this year, a 24 percent increase. Since 1969, the Texas State Teacher of the Year program has recognized excellence in the teaching profession across the Lone Star State. The 242 Texas educators were chosen as their school districts' Teacher of the Year during the 1992-93 school year. Six finalists from the regions were selected in September;judges will select a State Elementary Teacher of the Year and a State Secondary Teacher of the Year for 1994 from these finalists later this month. The panel will also select Texas' nominee for the recognition in the National Teacher ofthe Year program. For mare information about the Teacher of the Year program, please contact the Division of Communications at TEA, (512) 463-9780.
TExAs COMMITTEE FOR TIlE HUMANITIES INvrrEs GRANT PROPOSALS The Texas Committee for the Humanities (TCH), a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities, has selected two topics for special emphasis in its 1993-95 program. The selected themes are "Building the New Texas" and "Understanding Other Nations." Subject areas encouraged under''Buildingthe New Texas" include the environment, health care, and literacy. Subject areas under "Understanding Other Nations" include the history and culture of other nations and major international issues. Target audiences for the two projects I vary and a variety of formats are accepted. Projects can I be sponsored by any non-profit organization or institu" Humanities scholars must playa central role in all I tion. phases of approved projects.
IYes! I'm going to be in Atlanta for theNAGC IConvention and I want you to let me know Iabout any special TAGT events during the I IConvention_ I I The two annual deadlines for Major Grants are April 1 I I and October 1 (with drafts submitted six weeks prior to IName: I the deadline). For Mini-Grants, the three annual deadI I lines are January 15, May 15, and September 15. The Address: I Mini-Grantceilingis$1,500whiletheMajorGrantceiling I is $15,000 in outright funds. The median Major Grant I C- St t ZIP I awarded by TCH is approximately $5,000. Proposals I Ity, a e, : I under the "Building the New Texas" and "Understanding' I I Other Nations" themes may be submitted through OctoIHome Telephone: I ber 1, 1995. I I For more information, please contact the TCH office to IPlease return thisfonn to:TexasAssociation I obtain the latest program announcement ,which contains Ifor the Gifted and Talented, 406 East 11th I application forms and instructions, at: Texas Committee I Street, Suite 310 Austin, Texas 78701.2617 I for the Humanities, 3809 South 2nd Street,Austin, Texas
L ______ ..:... __________ ~ 36
78704; (512) 440-1991; (512) 440-1115, fax.
FALL 1993
N/S-LTI-G/T CLOSES, SATO RETIRES At the end ofAugust, the N ationall State Leadership Training Institute on the Gifted and Talented closed its office. Twenty-one years ago in August of 1972, as a direct outgrowth of the U. S. Office of Education Commissioner's Report to Congress in 1971, the N/S-LTIGIT was established to train state teams to write strategic plans for initiating or strengthening GIT programs. N/S- LT1-GIT' s outreach continued
after federal funding ended in 1980 through numerous conferences and institutes, 50 publications, several media products, and contractual services. With the closing of the N/S- LT1 -GIT office comes the retirement ofthe office's esteemed director and longtime gifted advocate, Irving Sato.
In addition to his work as director for N/S-LTI-GIT, Mr. Sato is an internationally-known speaker, author, and consultant to educators and parents of the gifted and talented. He has served on the advisory board of the Torrance Studies for Gifted, Creative, and Future Behavior and, along with the late Ann Shaw, he provided the foundation training in Texas for educators of the gifted and talented. Mr. Sato received the President'sAwardatTAGT's 1992 Annual Conference for recognition of his outstanding contribution to gifted education in Texas. Having paved the way for the establishment of many GIT programs, Mr. Sato's contribution to gifted education in Texas and around the nation is immeasurable.
GOVERNOR'S MANSION TOUR INFORMATION Tours of the Governor's Mansion at 1010 Colorado in Austin (across from the southwest corner of the Capitol grounds) are conducted weekday mornings from 10 until 11:40 AM at 20 minute intervals, excepting some state holidays. Tours are conducted by Capitol Tour Onides. Individuals or groups offawer than ten people are admitted on a first come, first served basis. You must sign in with tour guides at the Colorado Street entrance to the Mansion. It is advisable to call ahead regarding tour availability, especially during the spring and early summer; all Mansion tours are given free of charge.
FALL 1993
Groups often or more are required to make a reservation in advance of their visit. This can be done by calling the Mansion Tour Business Office at (512) 463-5518 any weekday between 9 AM and 4 PM or by writing 1010 Colorado, Austin, Texas 78701. If your group includes handicapped persons, please contact the Mansion Office at the above number so that they may arrange for you to use the accessible entrance. Springtours from March 1 through May 31 for large groups will be limited to fourth grade through twelfth grade and adult groups only. No group tours will be scheduled for March 14-25.
Other available tour sites include the Capitol (512) 4630063, the LBJ Library and Museum (512) 482-5279), and the Texas Memorial Museum (512)471-1604. Whenmaking arrangements, please keep in mind the following information needed by each tour director: 1. Preferred date and time oftour and an alternate choice; 2. Name and number ofperson making the arrangements; 3. Numberofpeopleingroup(one adult per ten students are required); 4. Address and phone number of group contact person; and 5. Any special needs of the group.
Date: October 7-8 Evenl: State Board of Educalion Site: El Paso Conlact: TEA
Oat.: November 3-6 Event: American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting Sil.. Dallas Contact: John McLaughlin, 804/224-2089
Date: Octoberl4-17 Event: The Councillor Exceptional Children/Division on Career Develop~
ment International Conference Site: Albuquerque, New Mexico Contact: 505/277-5018 Date: October 18-20 Event: Fall Forum for the Southwest
Oat.: November 3-7 Event NAGC 40th Annual Conference Site: Atlanta, GA Contact: NAGC 1155 15th St, NW, #1002 Washington, DC 20005 202/785-4268
Date: November 17-20 Event: TAGT 16th Annual ConferencePROMISES TO KEEP
Site: Austin Convention Center Conlacn TAGT,512/499-8248 DECEMBER
Date: December 10-12 Event: Restructuring Small Schools: Encouraging Efficiency & Effectiveness Sile: Austin Contact: Don Rogers, 512/345-8292 Date: December 11-15 Event: Nalional Staff Development Council Annual Conference: Celebrating Our Stl'engths ... Touching Tomorrow Today Site: Loews Anatole Hotel, Dallas Contact: Shirley Havens, 800/727-7288
Consortium for the Improvement of Mathematics and Science Teaching (SCIMAST) Sile: Austin Contact: Lori Snider, 512/476-6861, ext. 261
Date: November 4-6 Event: Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST '93) Site: Austin Conlact: Ken Heydrick, 512/499-1700,
Date: October 20-24 Event: The Council for Exceptional Children/Council for Educational
Date: November 9-10 Event: Johnson Inslilute Workshop on Conducting Student Support Groups
Diagnostic Services Conference: Jazzin'
Up Assessment II Site: New Orleans, Louisiana. Contact: 703/264-9474
Site: Houston Conlac!: 800/231-5165
Date: October 21 -23 Event: Educating One-Third of a Nation IV: Making Our Reality Match Our Rhetoric Site: Houston Contact: 202/939-9395 Dale: October 22-23
Event: American Mathematical Society Regional Meeting Sile: Texas A&M University, College Station Conlact: 401/455-4000 Date: October 27-29 Event: National School Boards Association .A.nnual Institute for Transfer of Technology in Education Sile: Dallas Conta.t: 703/838-6722 Date: Oclober 27-31 Event: University Council of Educalional Administration Armual Conference Site: Austin
Date: November 10 Event: Texas Business and Educa.tion Coalition Annual Meeting Site: Palmer Auditorium, Austin
Contact: TBEC, 512/480-8232 Date: November 10-13 Event: Second International Symposium on TelecommlUlications in Education: Global Connections Site: INFOMART, Dallas Contact: Paul Resta, 512/471-4014, 512/471-4607 (fax), Email: presta @ utxvm,cc,utexas,edu. Date: November 10-13 Event: Learning Disabilities Association of Texas 291h Annual State Conference Site: Austin Contact: 512/471-4014 Date: November 11-12 Event: State Board of Education Sile: TEA, Travis Building, Austin Contact: TEA
Conla.t: 814/863-7916
Dale: November 11-13 Event: 21st Southwest Regional Reading
Dale: October 28-31
Conference, International Reading
Event: Journalism Education Association, National Scholastic Press Association, and
American College Press National College Media Convention Site: Dallas Contact: Don Reeder, 612/625-8335
Site: Tulsa, Oklahoma Contacl: Gwen Humphrey, 918/747-4119
Have you renewed your membership? The TAGT Annual Conference is around the corner and you don't want to miss out on the special member rates if attending, not to mention all the other benefits that come with your membership. We look forward to counting you among our membership again in the upcoming year. TAGT willtake its annual official mem, bership count following the Conference in November; new membership numbers will be published in the winter issue of
tempo. Help us start the new year with a record membership by renewing your membership and inviting new parents, educators, administrators, and gifted advocates in your area tojoin. Our SuCcess depends on you! For
your convenience) a membership application is included in every issue oftempo on the inside. back cover.
FALL 1993
CALL FOR ARTICLES Spring'94 Assessment, IdentjJica.tion. and Evaluation
Winter '94 Small Schools
The application of special programs in smaller school districts frequently results in outstanding contributions both to students and to the literature in general. The development of Our spring '94 issue will address the multiple ways that public programs for gifted learners often reflects that quality. The school districts in Texas identify gifted tempo is soliciting articles from students, and talented students. We encourage teachers, counselors! and administrators you to respond to this theme by submitof smaller districts having successful gifted ting articles which discuss assessment All articles will bejuried and should programs. of students for gifted and talented probe double spaced usingAPAformat. identification of G/T students, grams, Your Editorial Board thanks you! These articles may focus on models ofimpleand program evaluation. mentation, innovative approaches to idenMary Seay, Editor tification development of curriculum, cross level grouping or maximizing service while using limiting resourceS. For the purpose of
this issue, small schools may be defined as those having an ADA of 1000 or Ie... Find those outstanding programs and let's take this opportunity to show how gifted educa-
Beverly Lowry, Managing Editor James Coffey Karen Fitzgerald Adelle McClendon
Articles may focus on types of assessment, methods of identification of G/T students, and Gtr program evaluations. Tell others about the successful and innovative approaches your school districts are using by submitting articles for this issue.
Micheal Sayl.,. Tracy Weinberg
tion can work in sma.ll schools.
The deadline for receipt of articles is October 15, 1993.
The deadline for receipt of articles is February 15, 1994.
Guidelines for article submissions Your contribution to TAGT tempo Is welcomed, Please use the following guidelines when submitting articles: 1. Address the article to the theme of an upcoming issue or to a regular feature, 2. Submit a double-spa.ced typed or computer printed copy (50 characters per line, 26 lines per page), Please send a computer disk (save as "text only" (Macintosh), DOS, RTF, or ASCII; indicate software used). Please ooIlBiderour space and reproduction limitatione,.
3, Include a cover sheet with your name, address, position/role, school district and region, and daytime telephone number.
Send all submissions to: TAGT tempQ, 406 East 11th Street, Suite 310~ Austin, Texas 78701~2617.
FUTURE THEMES: Summer'94! Fall '94'
Gifted and the Reform Mo...ment Conference Issue
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION MembetName(sl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MlI.ilingAddl'flse _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Telephone: (J.I)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(W) _ _ _ _ _ _ _
State _ _ _ _ __
ZIP _ _ _ _
I 1
Sehoul DistrlctAffililltion (ifapplitable) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
Campus Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
MemberShip Categories
Individual Family Student Patron Institutional L;fet;me
$25 $25 $15 $100 $100 $400
ESC Reiiol1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 1
() () () () () ()
In addition to your regu.la:r Membership, :you are invited to join a TAGT Division for an additional fee.
Membership Services 1 • tempo quarterly journal and newsletter· Annual Directory ofScholarahips & Awards 1 • Capitol News-monthly update during Legislative Session • Professional development workshops with AAT and inservice credit • General ManagementlLeadership Training 1 • School Board Member Training • Parent services and information • Legislative 1 representation & networking. Reduced regi.stration fees for conferences and regional 1 workshops
Choose from:
Please remit check to!
G!f Coordinators Research & Development
$10 () $10 ()
TAGT Membership
406 East Hth Street. Suite 310 Aust;n. Texas 78701-2617
L _______________________ ____________ ~
FALL 1993
1 ~
ANN TRULL (903) 737-7.73 fari.ISD PO Drawer 1159 Paria, TX 75461 PRESIDENT-ELECT
(214) 768-4275 Southern Methodist Univ. Box 382 Dallas, TX 75275-0382 FIRST VICE-PREsIDENT
MARyS..y (915) 947-3826 S,n Angelo ISD 1621 University San Angelo, TX 76904
(210) 61B·Q057 McAllen ISD 2000 North 23rd McAllen, TX 78501 ANGIE RAMos (612) 994·3664 Corpus Christi ISD 4625 South Alameda Corpus Christi, TX 78412
(512) 275·6312 Cuero ISD 805 Hunt Lane CU"o, TX 77954 IV
_W"" (713) 420-4463
Go,., Creek ISD 4026 DecksI' Drive Baytown, TX 77520
MYRTIS 81111T8
(512) 2>5·4431, Ext. 402 Round Rock ISD 1311 Round Rock Ave. Round Rock, TX 78681 ExEcUTIVE DIRECTOR
(214) 595-0277 Tyler Friends of the Gifted 2104 Parkway Place Tyler, TX 75701 VIII
(903)784-2854 Paria ISD 655 South Coll'gl... Dr, Pari" TX 75460 IX
(8171872·3586 Bowie Isn 4 Creekwood Dr. Bowie, TX 76230
(512) 499·TAGT (8248) TAGT 406 E, lith St" Suito 310 Au.tin, TX 78701-2617
(713) 391-2184, Ext, 3B3 K.ty ISD PO Bo< 169 fuoty, TX77492-0159
.ANN WINK (8l71 526·4530 Killeen ISD 902 North 10th Street Killeen, TX 76541
(409) 983·IB38 Port Arthur ISD 4235 Sunken Court Port Arthur, TX 77642
(903) 595·1875 Ea.st Texas Symphony 30l! Old Bull.m Road Tyler, TX 75701
(71S) 920-6952 Pasadena Isn 1515 Cherrybrook Pasadena, TX 77502
.ANN BROCK (817) 295·331' Burleson ISD Route 5, Box 911 Bl1rie!lon, TX 76028 (817) 767-0106 3804 Huaco Lane Waco, TX 76710 MARy ETHEREDGE (512) 392-9415 Hay, CISD Kyle, TX 76840
1621 University
San Angelo, TX 7690.
(915) 949-8755 San Angelo ISD XVI
3821 Hillcrsst San Angelo, TX 76904 JANF:f SU.UGHTEQ
(806) 435-3601 Perryton ISD 510 Eton Perryton, TX 79070 XVII
(806) 592-2446 Denver City ISD 501 Mustang Avenue DBnver City, TX 79323
1316 Bonham Avenue
Odessa, TX 79761 XIX
J4MES COFFEY (915) 668-6571 Region XV Education &tvi~e Center 3001 Rock Brook San Angelo, TX 76904 KAREN FITZGERAU)
(7131497-7813 Spring Branoh ISD 14400 Fern Street Houston, TX 77079 ADELLE McCLENDON
(71S) 897-4075 Cypress-Fairbanks ISD P. O. Bo< 692003 Houston, TX 77269-2003
(915) 366-6785 Ector County ISn
(915) 9.7-3826 San Angelo ISD
Box 603
(817) 565-4699 University of North Texas P.O. Box 13857 Denton, 'IX 76203 TRAcy WEINBERG (210) 668-6391 Randolph Field ISD p, 0, Box 2217 Universal 'City! 'IX 78148
(915) B59-6BOI Y,leta ISD 8253 McElroy Avenue EI Paso, TX 79907 XX
(210) 53S-8051 S,n Antonio ISD 635 Rigsby Avenl,le
San Antonio, TX 78210
(214) 470·5315 Richardaon ISD 16406 Arbor Down, Dr. D.II", TX 7524B
Non'Protlt Org, U,S, Postago
PA)D Austin, Texas
78767 Permit No. 941
\.~ Printed on re~yded pl1per.