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Student success
Student Ruby Hernandez, awarded the "Environmental and Occupational Health Department Research Award," the highest award at the School of Public Health for non-doctoral graduate students
Department of Landscape Architecture Excellence in Service through Engagement and Outreach Award was presented to students
Arthur Chambers and intern, Sarah Judkins
Intern Chandler Rowe, Department of Landscape Architecture Planning Spirit Award

Intern Flavia Lopez, Department of Landscape Architecture Impact Award
David Pugh Urban Planning Scholarship awarded to Regina Alvarez
Student-led projects
Katie Ridlin 2022 IntraHousing: Housing for Student Teachers in Rural School Districts Master's thesis, for the Master of Architecture Sara Prybutok 2022 Planning Policies for Implementing Nature-Based Solutions in Galena Park Master’s Thesis for the Master of Urban Planning
Where are they now?
Former TxTC intern Carlo Chunga received membership into the prestigious Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Carlo is working on his doctoral degree in urban and environmental planning and policy at the University of California, Irvine.