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COA Research Symposium
Academic Minute: Four Questions for More Thoughtful Community Engagement
Texas Municipal League (TML) Conference 2021
The Evolution of Community Engagement in Texas Communities 10/6/21
Speakers: John Jablowski, Jeewasmi
Thapa, Forrest Williams
The pandemic has permanently altered how we shop, work, and live Citizens now are engaging in a whole new way and an effective local government must also enhance its citizen engagement. The session presented the engagement process for Caldwell Comprehensive plan to show how community engagement is evolving for Texas local governments.
EPIC-Network Conference 2021
Internationalization, SDGs and DEI 10/5/21
The session reviewed and discussed how partnerships advanced university and community goals.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP)
Focal Event, Track 8 – Land Use Policy & Governance
Improving the Quality of Individual Plans and Coordination of Networks of Plans: An Application to a Low-Capacity Community Vulnerable to Disasters and Climate Change
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP)
Focal Event, Track 4 – Environmental Planning & Resource Management
The Challenge of Integrating Resilience in Planning: Lessons Learned, Guiding Principles, and Future Directions
NASEM Gulf Research Program
Enhancing Community Resilience (EnCoRe) program
Partnering with Communities on Local Health and Community Resilience Building Efforts panel.
Presented on TxTC's community engaged process and methodology.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP)
Track 10 – Planning Education & Pedagogy
Roundtable: Interdisciplinary ServiceLearning Projects that Turn Small, Underserved Communities into Smart Cities
NASEM Gulf Research Program Enhancing Community Resilience (EnCoRe) program
Criteria for Community Participation in the Gulf Research Program's EnCoRe Initiative
Panelists discussed best practices for community engagement in research and service-learning.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Webinar with EPIC-Network
Resilience Webinar Series: City of Rockport and Texas A&M University
Presented on the innovative project with TxTC past partner, the City of Rockport https://www epicn org/events/resiliencewebinar-series-partnership-projectsoutcomes-and-impacts-on-localresilience-city-of-rockport-texas-andtexas-am-university/
Center for Chamber of Commerce Excellence (CCCE) Conference
Planning For Community Resilience
Presentation on the book, Planning for Community Resilience, speaking on ways for local chambers to be involved in disaster preparedness and recovery https://ccce2022 com/
BAF, Bill Anderson Fund 2022 Spring Workshop
The Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center at TAMU works closely with the BAF, a charitable organization, mitigating disasters through fellowship, mentorship, and research for minority communities. TxTC staff provided best practices on community engagement in research
Aspen Ideas Festival Fellow at the Institute’s Rocky Mountain, Colorado campus
Dr. John Cooper was nominated as the Aspen Ideas Festival Fellow to contribute his expertise on participatory planning, particularly as it relates to increasing the extent to which communities can prepare for, survive, and recover from threats to their culture, environment, or economy
The Aspen Ideas Festival Fellows are a diverse group of global leaders selected for their work, accomplishments, and ability to transform ideas into action.