F tyagay booklet

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This book is a Master thesis project development of Faina Tyagay. It shows the tenth semester project at Laboratory of Sustainable Architecture production at Ume책 School of Architecture. The project displays a redevelopment strategy of Volvo factory site in Ume책 which resolves in the climate change centre.



table of contents

Regeneration of Volvo factory area 6 future expansion scenario 9 Main city connections 10 green regions of the city 12 Accessibility radiuses 14 volvo plant plans 16 VOLVO site 16 photos 17 the factory site configuration 18 Volvo site overview 20 surrounding zones 22 daily pollution data 24 surrounding zones- demographic situation 26 surrounding zones 28 Climate change in swedish governmental report 30 Climate change in Norrland 32 The area species 34 The research center proposal 36 potentials of the future research center 38 existing facilities of the university 40 chamber processes 41 The roots of the proposal on various levels 42 network configuration 44 The Research Centre content 46 The Research Centre organization 52 The Research Centre spatial programme 54 The Research Centre as a city element 56 The Research Centre inner relations configuration 58 prototypes and design gydes analysis 60 The Research Centre content 62 urban strategy 66 The institution plan pattern study 68 The Laboratory Modules development 70 Morphology study 72 Morphology study examples 74 Morphology development 77 initial urban concept 78 The transparency of the knowledge processes concepts 80 knowledge conveyor concept 82 the FLUX network 85 knowledge conveyor 87 museum morphology 89 physical models 92 The research configuration 94 gardens content 97 structural concept 98 sustainabile agenda 100 ground floor 110 First floor 112 second floor 114 freshwater centre 117 master plan 119 Sections 120 conclusion 122



research content


Regeneration of Volvo factory area site and content research

The following research is concentrating around the Volvo factory site to the southwest of Ume책. The site is currently a city suburbia but considering a fast city growth may gravitate towards the new city center.


The Volvo plant, currently quite significant for the city economy is facing changes. This means the relocation the part of its production unit. The resulting fact that an area may become an abandoned suburbia though the beautiful

location on the river bank and fact that it’s surrounded by living area development around it. Finding a solution for this problem is crucial for a future town development. The target is also of giving the people

living in the Teg neighbourhoods more interaction in to the river area. The potential of the location is expressed by the set of different neighborhood situations; forestry, river, agricultural land, industry and social living development.






future expansion scenario

? Surroundings

The area is surrounded by social housing to the south, a steep verge on the river side to the north and a mix of agricultural and forestland to the west. The factory is at the edge situation where the suburbia landscape faces the green belt. The place is still pedestrian accessible to the Umea centre (30 minutes walking) and potentially can become an inside urban area in the case of continuing town growth. Consequently the target strategy is to consider going into the identity of the space and its urban meaning, including relation with nature, landscape and water.

The municipality goal is to reach 200 000 inhabitants by 2050. Even if it won’t happen exactly in this proportion, Umeü is a fast growing city so this puts a question about possible scenarios of densification and expansion of the are. The Volvo site, only half a hour walking distance from existing city center can become a future city center itself.

Density of the living area around is relatively close to the one in the city centre, but there is no life, no interaction on the streets. This is a sign of a lack of info structure. The intervention potentially can become an attractor for the area and balance it’s industrial suburban character.


Main city connections target city elements

employment sector division


Usually a city situated on the river bank is being developed relatively evenly on both sides. A district on the opposite side of the Ume river from the city center (Teg) used to be a separate village up to 1965. The most important factors, forming city only on one riverside are Ume책 hospital (recently voted the best in Sweden) founded in 1907 and Ume책 University, established in 1965. Together with historically formed city

centre, these are the main elements, keeping all the interaction on one side of the river bank. The first physical connection- bridge was built in 1863. The amount of bridges was then growing as was needed. The next one was built in 1949, then the one after in 1875 and, finally one to the airport, built in 2001. The next one is planned to be built at 2017.


green regions of the city


city greenery/plain green areas

Umeü is surrounded by forests. The Nothern landscape is one of the strong identities of the place. There are gardens and groves in the city, it’s quite green. The Volvo area is surrounded by social housing to the south, a steep verge on the river side to the north and a mix of agricultural and forestland to the west. The factory is at the edge situation where

the suburbia landscape faces the green belt. This can be a target point of the situation. The unique position, connecting several landscapes with elements of city life gives the place a great position as a point where connections and influences of these elements can be experienced and investigated.

green areas farm lands

forest areas


Accessibility radiuses each 10 minutes walking each 10 minutes cycling BUS - 15 minutes CAR- 7 MINUTES BICYClE- 10 MINUTES



volvo VOLVO site plant plans




the factory site configuration functional division of volvo plant

residential area

surface treatment and painting

parts manufacture: parts cutting, milling and press residential area


final acquisition

agricultural lands

steep verge covered with a green belt

parking storage

volvo district road

Volvo trucks in Umeå is one of six the target companies basing their production in the city. The area is situated on the Eastern edge of the city and includes 300,000m2. The number of employees is approximately 2069. Recently it was announced that the Volvo Group moves a big part of its production to Gothenburg and Blainville, France. The relocation process is planned to take two years and will affect 700 employees. Volvo, which competes for market leadership with Germany’s Daimler, said last year it would restructure its business in a bid to boost its operating margin by 3 percentage points by the end of 2015 to just under 12 percent. Therefore part of the current space

will be in need of grand redevelopment which potentially could influence the city area. The impact of changes should be taken into consideration on urban scale for the reason of expansion of Umeå and urbanization of the whole area. The area is surrounded by social housing to the south, a steep verge on the river side to the north and a mix of agricultural and forestland to the west. The factory is at the edge situation where the suburbia landscape faces the green belt. The place is still pedestrian accessible to the Umeå centre (30 minutes walking) and potentially can become an inside urban area in the case.

the target city companies employment proportion The city hospital komazu forest Siemens Volvo University


Volvo site overview current plant state research

During my investigation and visit of the factory I discovered that changes mostly will influence the building of final acquisition ( the manager of Volvo Nordic division confirmed that the building will be empty by summer 2014). I find this as the most important area in connection to the people living in the adjacent housing developments, farmland, river and forest. The intervention may be positioned as a connection element

which should be highly responsive to the steep river landscape. The site has a lot of sides worth looking into. A tree belt together with a verge is separating factory from the river. It makes a perfect sense in a matter of excluding industry from the river viewer, but in a process of rethinking the place can become a barrier. Due to the landscape the best views of Ume책 are opening through the trees.

a view from the factory point on the city, closed with trees.


site photos


surrounding zones function division of the district

The place is still pedestrian accessible to the UmeĂĽ centre (30 minutes walking) and potentially can become an inside urban area in the case of continuing town growth. Though all these existing connections, Teg still remains a disintegrated part from the city. UmeĂĽ as a University city, has its average population younger than average Swedish one. Most regions of the city is highly settled by students.

farmlands offices production shops schools sports hotels petrol station social services


Teg is almost entirely settled by families. Density of the living area around is relatively close to the one in the city centre, but there is no life, no interaction on the streets. This is a sign of a lack of social and cultural info structure The intervention potentially can become an attraction for the area and balance it’s industrial suburban character.

Inhabitat dencity

1000-2000 2000-4000 production


daily pollution data daily noise pollution map

Daily sound level, average. 1

35-40 dBA

40-45 dBA

Noise pollution in the whole city is not too severe. Such areas like Teg are not noisy due to the low density. However, The Teg district has several aggravating factors on that matter. One of them is Ume책 airport, situated nearby. Currently, landing planes are flying just above the factory.

>=55 dBA

50-55 dBA

45-50 dBA

The other factor is the industry. The map shows that there is a 55 dBA noise pollution on the factory territory. Being on the territory myself I can justify that the noise outside the buildings is mostly only from the transport movement (lorries etc.) One can hardly hear any specific industry production noises outside the buildings. Of course one can still properly

30-35 dBA

rely only on the data given. That is why I am going to consider both the map and my personal experience.

data taken from https://secure.app.umea.se/ mapserver2012/fusion/templates/mapguide/ GSViewerFusion/index.html?ApplicationDefiniti on=Library%3a%2f%2fMiljo%2fBuller%2fBuller karta.ApplicationDefinition 1


25-30 dBA

daily sound pollution map

Yearly NO2 level in air, average. 1

2 - 8 μg/m3

As it is claimed on the Volvo Trucks website: “The Umeå plant has one of the world’s most sophisticated paint shops, with award winning environmental solutions.” 1

8 - 14 μg/m3

14 - 20 μg/m3

the surroundings recorded. The only visible changes is only relevant to the traffic area. It is still not really high comparable to average European city car pollution rate.

The air pollution data is easily corresponding with that statement. It is clear that there is hardly any drastic harm to

data taken from http://kartor.app.umea.se/ mapguide2010/mapviewerajax/?WEBLAYOUT=L ibrary%3a%2f%2fMiljo%2fLuftprognos%2fLuft. WebLayout&LOCALE=sv 1


http://www.volvotrucks.com/trucks/global/engb/aboutus/manufacturing/truck-plants/Pages/ umea.aspx#sthash.pRuT5ii5.dpuf 2

surrounding zones- demographic situation

0-1 years 16-19 years

1-5 years

kids demographics

6-15 years

teg teg general demographics proportions 1


0-15 years






16-24 years 25-44 years 45-64 years

14% 26%

65+ years



surrounding zones- demographic situation

20-24 years

25-44 years


45-64 years

8% 10%


75-79 years




80-84 years






65-74 years

85+ years





11% 11%



Teg 76%

The general demographic proportion in Teg is different from the city. There are slightly more children and older people and less people of students age group. Almost the only group of people living in Teg- families with children. It doesn’t feel like a student city situation anymore.


City center

This is probably one of the crucial factors in the low interaction in the living area. The pattern of living area general plan is extremely formal. (Several types of houses combined forme rows around the road net.)


surrounding zones bus accessibility map

The only public transport around the area is bus line number 9.


the vehicles current in teg

New planned E4 ringroad is going to take the most traffic away from the middle of the city. However the new ringroad will still be in Teg, so probably the amount of cars will stay the same.






1000-2000 2000-4000 production

Number of cars per 24 hours (2011)


Climate change in swedish governmental report a proposal for a new climate change research center

During my investigation I found a Final report from the Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability done for the Swedish government on the topic of climate change. This document includes 679 pages of investigation on the climate change records, it’s current situation and set of proposals done by the commission on various levels. One of the key proposals for the future national agenda is to

establish a Climate change Institution which will have a network structure and will be funded by the government.

As it is clear from the report, climate change in Norrland is will cause significant changes in all aspects of the nature picture and human activity. Temperatures will generally increase by an average of about 4 degrees centigrade throughout the country according to the climate scenarios. The largest increase is expected in Norrland in the winter. The central Norrland coast will have an average annual temperature similar to that of the Småland coast in the previous climate. By the 2050s, the increase is around 2.5−4°C and by the 2080s we are looking at an increase of 5–6°C in Götaland and 6–7°C in large parts of Norrland according to the scenario.

country. Areas that are particularly exposed include Västra Götaland and parts of Norrland. According to the climate scenarios, rainfall will increase during the summer, with the exception of southern Sweden. 1

The climate scenarios are a little more difficult to interpret when it comes to changes in summer precipitation. An increase is expected in the majority of Norrland, while a reduction is usually projected for southern parts of the country. According to hydrological calculations by SMHI, There will be significant increases in the most intensive rains. Local average runoff, calculated from about 1,000 runoff areas covering 400 km2, is increasing in large parts of Norrland. High flows with a return period averaging 100 years, known as 100-year flow, will increase sharply, particularly in north-western Norrland. The changed climate will increase the risk of flooding in some parts of the

This document is a key factor for my proposal decision. The assets stated there make the necessity of such an institution primary. Below I put the compilations from the document about the current climate change dynamics.

The flow situation in freshwater sources entering the Baltic will change, with less seasonal variation but a greater overall outflow, primarily from the rivers in Norrland. The anticipated reduced seasonal variations in the flow, primarily in Norrland’s larger watercourses, can alter the conditions for the fish species that undertake annual migrations, as spawning and fry growth are adapted to peaks in plankton production in conjunction with spring and early summer peaks in the flows. Together with the rise in temperature and earlier ice break-up, this will have an impact on water quality in both inland waters and seas. The Norrland coast experiences the greatest increases, with reduced snow cover and less ice in the Gulf of Bothnia contributory factors. The risk of snow-breakage will probably decrease in southern Sweden in the future climate, but may increase in Svealand and Norrland, where heavy wet snow may become more common.

30 The Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability, the Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability (Stockholm: Swedish Government Official Reports, 2007)

No. of cases of calculated wind speeds exceeding 25 m/s in southern Sweden, 1881-2005. The calculations are based on air pressure measurements taken in Gothenburg, Falsterbo and Visby. The black line shows running ten-year averages. 50 40


20 10









Winter temperature ( December- February) in Sweden 1860-2003, black line shows running ten-year averages.

0 -2



-8 -10 -12 1860









Climate change in Norrland Change in average annual temperature and annual precipitation in 1991- 2005 compared with the period 1961- 1990.


109 115


109 110




115 110



110 110




136 %


124 % 111 %

+1,9 +1,8

1,2째 C

100 %

105 100

+1,0 105 105

+1,0 106



110 +0,9


1,0째 C 110


110 110 110



110 0,8째 C


Norrland’s coastal areas may become snow-free for long periods, however, even in the depths of winter. An increase in the occurrence of ice and frozen crusts can result in the reindeer having poorer winter grazing, causing them to have to utilise the body fat reserves built up during summer grazing to a greater extent, with reduced fitness as a consequence. Damage costs are estimated at SEK 18 million using models from the insurance industry. Extrapolating the results to other parts of Norrland’s coast is difficult as the high coast differs, for example, from the flatter coastlines of Västerbotten and Norrbotten. Erosion is expected to increase mostly in southwestern and western Sweden and parts of central Norrland due to increased precipitation and increased high flows. Increased susceptibility to ravine formation is expected in parts of Svealand, western and southern Götaland and parts of central and northern Norrland due to increased precipitation and increased high flows. In parts of Norrland’s coastal areas and Svealand the extent of problems will decrease or remain unchanged due to a reduced frequency of high flows. The high water flows in 2000 around Arvika, the Lake Vänern area and central Norrland. Heavy snow storms along Norrland coast in 1987-88, Clays inclined towards landslide can also be found along the Norrland coast and in many other locations. Slides on sand and silt slopes are common in the valleys of the large Norrland rivers. Heavy precipitation was recorded for most years between 1994 and 2001. During this period there were some 200 events involving major damage caused by high flows. The damages break down as follows: flooding 25 percent, roads washed away 50 percent, landslides

20 percent and undermined bridge trestle work 5 percent. The greatest number of incidents was reported up to central Norrland. In the past 10−12 years several extreme weather events have disrupted air traffic (such as the storm Gudrun in 2005 and flooding in central Norrland in July 2000). Climate change in Sweden will inevitably cause shifts in species. As an example more perch and pike in Norrland’s lakes – fewer brown trout and charr. This is largely because the price per kilo for zander, which are benefiting, is higher than for other species, with the exception of charr. In inland parts of Norrland, a decrease in yield of around 10 percent is predicted, as the loss of brown trout and charr will not be compensated by a corresponding increase in perch and pike. Arctic charr will decrease in the watercourses of Norrland, while salmon will be threatened in the watercourses of southern Sweden. On the other hand, production of young salmon, known as smolt, should increase significantly in Norrland’s rivers. Whether increased salmon production in Norrland’s rivers can be utilised by the fishing industry depends for example on relatively complex links between temperatures and ice conditions in various parts of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia, as well as the change in the runoff conditions in Norrland’s rivers. Another example is an increase in the occurrence of ice and frozen crusts which can result in the reindeer having poorer winter grazing, causing them to have to utilize the body fat reserves built up during summer grazing to a greater extent, with reduced fitness as a consequence.

The Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability, the Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability (Stockholm: Swedish Government Official Reports, 2007)


The area species



Gypsy mushroom




Scots pine




The research center proposal The new institution establishment

It is vital for the new institution to be interdisciplinary, involving research on climate platform as well as elements of development generation such as: -continuation of climate models, -adaptation of the technical systems of society, with a focus on high floods, storms, landslides and erosion, - soil ecosystems, water resources ( fresh water and drinking water) and effects on land- based industries and the environment, -ecosystems in seas, particularly the Baltic Sea, and effects on ecosystem services, tourism and fisheries, -impact of climate and ecosystem change on the spread of infection. 1 The framework for an institute could be comprised of parts of existing research resources in the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI), the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd, the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). With link to the existing in the Umea University Climate Impacts Research Centre it becomes a specific network unit, a diverse platform of which is proposed in the report. The suggested structure for the future institute is considered to include as major

research elements six directions, extracted from the report investigation. First of it is a research on Development of climate models, Technical systems of society and physical planning, Research on soil ecosystems, environmental effects and land-based industries, Research on ecosystems in seas, effects on ecosystem services, tourism and fisheries. I believe that a new center should become a complex development with not only a scientific focus but a huge educational potential for the society. A changed climate will require an adaptation of society in a huge number of areas. The main aim of the center should be overcoming present- day vulnerability of the society. “A large proportion of these measures will be spread out over a long period and may be implemented continuously as new investments are made, extensions, planned upgrades and refurbishments are carried out, standards are revised etc.� Division of responsibilities which is carried in the educational content of the future development will be concentrated in the Museum and Visitor centre. As a new attractor of the Teg area it may include restaurant, Children center, another elements of social infrastructure. Also the project may contain a regeneration of housing around as well, which means the typologies of it should be analyzed deeper.

36 1 The Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability, the Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability (Stockholm: Swedish Government Official Reports, 2007)

local climate circulation covered by the new center

rise of the temperature precipitations will increase in most of the country more severe storms

Terrestrial biodiversity transformed

forest growth inner sharpidly need for adaptation measures trees 20-40 % bigger than today greater risk of wind-felling increasing of fires, fungi, insect attack

vegetation+ cultivation prolonged harvest increase pests (insects, fungi, viruses)

raindeer hearding industry affected annual runoff will increase in the greater part of the country, erosion, landslides afal bloom increase warm-water spieces will replace cold-water spieces decrease of the arctic charm eutrofication increase

raising water levels affect bio life adverse effect out the quality of the water for plants freshwater ecosystems changes-increase of the efforts of maintaining good water quality -increase leaching of nutrients and hummus


potentials of the future research center need for a center for the area

As a fast growing university city with a young population Ume책 has a lot of potentials to develop a strong economic base for further growth ( which is an aim for the municipality.) If a great amount of young graduates will have a friendly environment towards starting something of their own- this can help a lot of locally educated people stay and work on the development of the city. Such a need can be fulfilled by net of startup offices for small businesses. The edge position of the site is one of the crucial elements in its development. The point is in a way a part of farm lands, river landscape, social housing headquarters, the beginning of the forest green belt at the same time. Will it become a boarder or a connection in the future? Also, looking in an identity factor of the city, it can be pointed out, what a huge role academia is taken as a generator of a city life. Bringing its element to the industrial suburbia may be beneficial for the urban integration process. The research center can be connected to number of courses in Ume책 University and also become a platform for an independent aquatic centre. The fields of investigation can broaden from aquatic


ecology to biology and biotechnology in northern forest production systems, plant science, molecular technology, plant growth and development and forest ecology. This strategy opens up a whole field for analyses of environmental changes and their causes with a focus on human impact. In an area like Teg the center may become not only an place with a new academy focus but also an educational place to people living around. This complex should contain a cultural component which will not argue with all the activities which already exist in a city center but generate alternatives which will be connected to the identity of the place. River research center include a visitor center can provide not only educational but also cultural and entertaining element to the neighborhood. It is worth looking deeper at the farming lands around with its production. Together with a startup offices center it can generate a new face of the district. Also the project may contain a regeneration of housing around as well, which means the typologies of it should be analyzed deeper.

existing university courses

Energy technology

Analyses of environmental changes and their causes with a focus on human impact.

The occurrence and recycling of inorganic matter, dissolved organic matter and environmental pollutants in natural waters. Element dynamics and the influence of anthropogenic on on biochemical cycles in northern aquatics.

Knowledge of species and biology review and determination exercises for aquatic vascular plants, micro -algae, zoo plankton and organisms ecology. Physical, chemical, hydrological processes in aquatic water.

enviromental laboratories Nothern aquatic systems enviromental engineering


Aquatic ecology Biology and biotechnology in forest production systems Plant science Ecological dynamics Forest ecology Molecula ecology Plant biology and biotechnology Plant biotechnology and molecular breading Plant growth and development


existing facilities of the university

Talking to Stefano Papazian, PhD student at Umeå Plant Science Centre - Department of Plant Physiology at Umeå University it became clear that there is a certain rigidity in usual biology Institution organization. Due to the strict department division there is almost no interaction between the fields which is usually so beneficial in science world. The exchange potential is so low that sometimes they don’t know what are people working on in the next group inside the department. Stefano have been working in other Universities in Europe and he claimed that this problem is quite common. That’s why the new open agenda with a homogeneous research environment would be important target in the future project.

The activities conducted within Climate Impacts Research Centre currently include both research and education. The research is focused on limnology, paleolimnology, quaternary geology and terrestrial ecology, and is intended to contribute to our understanding of the relationship between climate and the subarctic environment. The research activities take place at the Abisko Scientific Research Station, 100 km northwest of Kiruna. The main focus of our research is to get a better understanding of the structure and functioning of northern ecosystems. Special interest is given to how climate and environmental change will affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Our aim is to integrate new knowledge in ecology and biogeochemistry to get a more thorough understanding of both current and past processes in northern ecosystems. CIRC conducts research from small scale pro-

cess level studies to large catchment and landscape scale studies where the linkage between the terrestrial and aquatic environment is especially emphasized. Biogeochemistry Interactions between abiotic factors and biotic processes in boreal and arctic soils, waters and sediments are of particular interest. Terrestrial projects focus on the cycling of nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur) and contaminants (Hg, Pb and persistent organic pollutants) in soils. In the aquatic projects we study; 1) effects of allochthonous organic matter on production and respiration in lakes; 2) emission of carbon dioxide and methane from lakes and streams; 3) the influence of climate and nitrogen deposition on lake ecosystem function. 1

40 The Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability, the Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability (Stockholm: Swedish Government Official Reports, 2007) 1

chamber processes 41

The roots of the proposal on various levels The need for a research center on national, city and the site level

expanding city- new place of the cite in the city need for a balance of “industrial suburbia� image of the new site; family character of the area need for an attraction of the area (social infrastructure development) nature reserve visitor center; museum; restaurant; children centre research centre

need for a new use of a volvo territory

volvo industrial site becoming partially empty (potentially abandoned)


opportunity for cooperation (University city- biggest in norrland) need for norrland as a part of a network institution need for a new climate change institution on a national level

Several chains of factors are leading to the consideration of making complex projects which will have to fulfill several directions of needs.

also bring new people to the area, creating new working places and responding the academic and educational character of the city.

From the city scale the fact that the city is more likely going to expand dramatically in a close time makes one consider this part of the city as a future center district.

The biggest problem of a researchbased institution is usually the need of constant funding. That issue is the first one to be taken care of as it is said in the governmental report: “ SEK 100 million per year should be provided for the research brought together in the new institute.�

The fact that now the position of the factory is blocking the potential connection to the river and also visual connection to the city makes one consider general rethinking the of the urban image of the area. The new attraction of the area has a chance to higher the interaction level of the citizens and potential visitors of the future. One would also have an intention to connect all the elements of nature, industry and landscape in one point. The future project can also be looked at from the national scale. There is a clear need for a network research centre on the particular climate change topic. That kind of institution would not only fulfill the practical needs of the society but

With such a support a new organization will be able to function independently and as a part of both city and country network. A Museum element in the centre will provide the mission of dealing with society’s vulnerability which is the key issue in the climate change topic in Sweden. The creation of prepared and adopting society should correspond with the structure of the whole institution. Light, flexible and sustainable framework is one of the already spotted features of the architectural project.


network configuration the global connections establishment


Advanced simulation of Arctic climate change and its impact on Northern Areas

North hydrology modeling of snow

Advanced simulation of Arctic climate change and its impact on Northern Areas To develop methods for modeling of snow and precipitation, and assimilation of various types of Snow information to improve flood forecasting. CryoLand aims to develop, implement and evaluate a standardized and sustainable service to provide spatial information on snow, glaciers, and ice on rivers



Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Swedish Geotechnical Institute National veterinary institute Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Ume책 University

Climate change research centre


As it is written in the report: “The framework for an institute could be comprised of parts of existing research resources in the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI), the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd, the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The form which the institute takes should be investigated. One possibility is to create a ”network institute”. Another option is to take existing activities away from the agencies and institutions concerned completely in order to create a physically/ geographically entirely new organization The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute should be given responsibility for the supply of knowledge on climate change and should create a reinforced information function in relation to different groups, in particular municipalities, sector authorities and county administrative boards. All sector agencies concerned should be given clear responsibility for adaptation

to a changed climate in their own areas of responsibility. The responsibility covers the risk of both extreme events and continuous climate change. The requirement that the agency will initiate, support and follow up work on adaptation to climate change in its own area of responsibility should be introduced into the instructions for each government agency. The Swedish Rescue Services Agency, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI), the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) and the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning should additionally be given explicit responsibility to assist the county administrative boards in their work on climate adaptation.” Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute is one of the major participants of the network. During the reseach of SMHI there were discovered several ongoing projects and foundations which should be considered to be taken part in for reaching national and local climate change goals. Such projects are: “ADSIMNOR”, “Cryoland”, “North hydrology” and “Modeling of snow”.

45 The Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability, the Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability (Stockholm: Swedish Government Official Reports, 2007) 1

The Research Centre content the connections covered in the report

soil formations Terrestrial ecosystems forest ecology Terrestrial spieces

agricultural industry

atmosphere wind


Meteorological agricultural industry

ďŹ shing industry

freshwater spieces

freshwater plant ecology freshwater biodiversity river formation


the climate change assets stated by the national comission

In order to cover the content of future Institution correctly the compilation of all the proposals and recommendations of the commission for the future national climate change agenda. These assets are representing the a new framework for the new climate change institution development. The diagram displays all the connections that may be covered by the future development.

Without a doubt such an issue as Climate change is so broad and global that the later structure would imply later differentiation of the diagram. So far it is a compilation from the text which later will help to define the departments and specializations of future Institution.

In summary, we can see a need for increased research, development and compilation of knowledge regarding:

spread, extent and course in a changed climate with a changed forest situation, including the linking of climate scenarios to fire risk models.

-Climate scenarios, climate indices and local variations. -Methods for spreading risk, including mapping land and geographic areas and their suitability for different tree species/provenances/ processed material in a changed climate. -Build-up of knowledge surrounding optimum management of mixed stands, broadleaved stands and land where there has been forest continually for at least 300 years, including setaside options, for example through long-term trials. -Developed/adapted general consideration measures for practical forestry, which can balance the negative effects of climate change on biodiversity in the forest. -Pests (spruce bark beetle, pine weevil, and other broadleaved tree diseases) and countermeasures. -Game’s choice of forage, population dynamics, effects of a changed climate and state of the forest. -Developed tools for stand planning and felling planning,including modelling and minimising wind damage. -Development of new tools to facilitate the harvesting of timber and minimise damage in conjunction with logging on damp, unfrozen ground.

-Consequences for the environment and biodiversity of adaptation measures in forestry. -dynamics regarding climate change and the growth of crops, the impact on populations of pests, weeds and quality. -developed, regionalised climate scenarios, modelling at a local/farm level. -the impact of the climate on growth, quality, pests and weeds, as well as how developed cultivation systems, plant refinement and biological control measures can reduce pest problems and the need for control measures. This should include both modelling and field trials. -research regarding nutrient leaching in a changed climate dependent on soil type, crop, fertilisation regime, tilling measures, altered growth and regarding the impact of nutrient cycling on other environmental goals, such as biodiversity, as well as methods for minimising negative effects. -Research regarding animal health, fodder production and methods for managing the keeping of livestock for the greatest environmental benefit. -Consequences of various adaptation measures in agriculture as regards the environment and biodiversity.

-Consequences regarding the intensity of forest fires, their

47 The Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability, the Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability (Stockholm: Swedish Government Official Reports, 2007) 1

the connections covered in the report

forest ecology

land conditions

“Greater consideration should be shown in the reindeer-grazing area, and the Forestry Act should be amended so that the obligation of consultation before felling trees is extended to the whole reindeer-grazing area.” The ground comprises a complex system of solid matter, gases and water. Its response to changed precipitation and temperatures are difficult to predict in detail. Considerations and assessments of risks and measures are needed concerning the interaction between developed areas and the ground.

terrestrial species agricultural industry

land conditions


terrestrial biodiversity (soil conditions)



“The effects on the Swedish fishing industry if cod disappears from the Baltic Sea should be studied and prioritized measures for the dispersal of fish in freshwater should be identified.”

Access to biodiversity and robust ecosystems is also an important resource for handling and surviving climate-related crises. For example, wetlands can provide a buffer against flooding and coastal vegetation can offer protection against erosion. By preserving ecosystems’ ability to handle stress and shocks – their resilience – we are consequently helping them to protect us.

“Large changes in temperature and changes in patterns of precipitation will lead to a substantial change in the natural conditions for agriculture and forestry, reindeer herding and winter tourism, as well as for natural terrestrial ecosystems. The distribution of species will generally be shifted northwards.” The consequences of increased runoff are generally an increase in particle quantity, water discolouration and nutrient salt content. A consistent increase in eutrophication and a poorer light climate will probably reduce biodiversity.

the climate change assets stated by the national comission

“Needs for future irrigation in agriculture should be mapped.” agricultural industry


terrestrial biodiversity (soil conditions) terrestrial species

“The development of analysis methods and modelling of grazing biotopes in order better to estimate future access to pasture in summer and winter are examples of research that could make things easier for reindeer herding in a changed climate. “

Measures ought to be taken to cope with the changes arising in the chemical/biological quality and temperature of raw water. There is a great need to clarify what current regulation entails and to formulate guidelines for monitoring the quality of raw water in Swedish water sources. meteorological

freshwater biodiversity

“The effects on the Swedish fishing industry if cod disappears from the Baltic Sea should be studied and prioritized measures for the dispersal of fish in freshwater should be identified.” meteorological

freshwater species


the connections covered in the report

More specific research efforts aimed at describing fish populations and changes include the development of species-specific models regarding bioenergetics and growth, recruitment and energy allocation. In addition, population and community models need to be developed. meteorological

freshwater species

There is a need for studies into the effects of climate change on ecosystems in regulated watercourses. Increased flooding, increased erosion due to higher flows, changed water temperatures and ice conditions can affect, for example, fish populations in regulated watercourses.

fishing industry

freshwater species

With a temperature increase of 2.5–4.5°C, warm-water species such as perch, pike and zander and their prey fish such as carp will establish themselves much more strongly towards the north. For perch and zander, there are clear links between generation strength and long, warm summers.

freshwater species

freshwater plant

Another aspect of today’s threats is the risk of various chemical pollutants entering a water source. For example, in the event of extreme precipitation, torrential rain or flooding there is a great risk of pollutants being mobilised and dispersed in different ways. consequences fishing industry


the climate change assets stated by the national comission

Ground pollutants currently found in relatively immobile ground can, as a result of land collapse, landslide and erosion, come up to the surface, where they can pose a threat to people and animals directly or further down the direction of flow. The dispersion of pollutants poses a risk to the ecosystem, drinking water quality, farmlands, meteorologicalfishing and more. fishing industry


The National Food Administration should be given responsibility to coordinate drinkingwater issues and overhaul protection and control routines for the preparation of drinking water, as well as providing information on risks and protective measures meteorological for individual wells

Changes in zooplankton levels will probably occur as a consequence of a changed climate. Plankton production can be affected by several climate-dependent factors. For example, the increased runoff with more transport of humus into the sea can result in a decrease in plankton production. Reduced uplift and sedimentation can favour plankton production, however. It is therefore uncertain what effects climate changes will have on the plankton stocks, as well as what the secondary effects on fish stocks will be. fishing industry

freshwater species


The Research Centre organization departments and content

metabolics volatile organic compounds

Chemistry (offices)

field study/ collection of material

Molecular biology/ ecology

indoor (greenhouse/ chamber grow)



“wet” laboratory (small cabins) -study of genetics DNA/RNA Protein analysis


chemometrics Computational biology


The connection concept and essential sequence was developed in collaboration with Stefano Papazian, PhD student at Umeå Plant Science Centre - Department of Plant Physiology at Umeå University.



Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) produced by plants are involved in plant growth, reproduction and defense.

Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) produced by plants are involved in plant growth, reproduction and defense.

Indoor studies of plans in special measured conditions

Branch of biology that deals with heredity, especially the mechanisms of hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics among similar or related organisms. 1

extracting information from chemical systems by data-driven means. involves the development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques to the study of biological, behavioral, and social systems. Multivariate statistics is a form of statistics encompassing the simultaneous observation and analysis of more than one outcome variable. Construction of specific machinery needed for the research.




The Research Centre spatial programme spaces prorortion study

cleaner room reception waste space


seminar rooms


green house

fish tanks rooms


chamber rooms

auditorium space

laboratiories units

staff amount biochemistry



atsmopheric chemistry freshwater

molecular ecology


forest soil engineering



theory atmosphere research mathematical

100 m2 -

A starting point for the planning and design of many laboratory facilities is the planning module which accommodates basic planning requirements. It should provide adequate space for partitions, benches, floor standing equipment and


extract devices and aisles which minimise circulation conflicts/safety hazards. The laboratory module should also be fully coordinated with the architectural and building engineering systems.

The Net Usable Area (NUA) is the sum of primary, secondary and tertiary space. In laboratories and large open plan spaces (e.g. multi-occupancy offices or grouped write-up spaces), the measurement of secondary circulation spaces as contributing to NUA or to Balance Area may depend upon the configuration of the spaces and the extent to which circulation space may be considered to contribute to the use of the space, other than exclusively for access and circulation. Schedules and drawings will clearly need to identify which areas have been measured as part of the Balance Area. NUA ¼ Primary space þ Secondary space þ Tertiary space The Gross Internal Area (GIA) is the sum of NUA and Balance space. The GIA does not include plant areas. The area required for plant rooms is particularly difficult to define at the early stages of design as, depending on requirements, this could be anything between 25 and 100% of the laboratory floor area. Therefore, comparative data is

more useful if plant rooms are excluded from Balance Area and GIA. Primary, secondary and tertiary space functional adjacencies: Zoning the building between laboratory and nonlaboratory spaces will reduce costs. For example, the ventilation of laboratories may require 100% outside air while nonlaboratory spaces can be designed with recirculated air or naturally ventilated, similar to an office building. Primary laboratory space is typically designed as modules to suit the laboratory team sizes and their requirements with secondary laboratory spaces in close proximity to the primary space. As the secondary spaces will be shared by the laboratory teams, a separation zone or corridor should be included between the two to ensure no interference to the on-going research in the primary areas. The primary office/write-up functions should be physically separated from the laboratory functions in accordance with Workplace Health and Safety guidelines.

This ensures that laboratory activities are contained to areas where appropriate finishes, containment and air handling can be provided. Considerations for adjacencies between the write-up and laboratory space include: • Visibility/safety: If processes are occurring in the laboratory that require viewing from a write-up space or the laboratories are small so fewer people may be in the laboratory at any one time, then laboratories and write-up should be directly adjacent to each other with glass vision walls between. • Convenience: If the user is writing up an experiment and conducting an experiment simultaneously then direct adjacency is desirable. • User preference: If neither of the above applies, then this is a matter of user preference. Tertiary spaces do not always need to be close to the primary and secondary areas. Their location is a matter of preference and is determined through discussion with the stakeholders.

1 David Littlefield, METRIC HANDBOOK; Planning and Design Data Third Edition (Architectural Press is an imprint of Elsevier Linacre House, 2008)


The Research Centre as a city element



The Research Centre inner relations configuration

children centre mathematical biology atmosphere research physics theory atmosphere chemistry soil microbiology forest ecology


the material collection station freshwater ecology

museum biochemistry

museum engineering museum

the station point in the river have to include such facilities as collection tanks (some can be integrated in the water). This is neccecary for the collection of such aquacultures as fish, aglae and microbes.

Biochemistry department is covering DNA, RNA and metabolics analyses. Material collected and analysied specifically from forest, soil and freshwater departments is transferred here. Engineering department is needed for building some of facilities (mashinery, calculating) for the research. Museum should be partialy integrated in the center. Children centre will have classes for different ages and function as an afterschool classes. Mathematical biology covers the development of the future models and formulating the possible consequences of climate change Atmosphere research is covering the meteorology research

Atmosphere research is covering the meteorology research

physics analyses of collected chemical data forest and soil ecology stations should cover collection od plants, animals and microbiology data.


prototypes and design gydes analysis laboratory typologies study


laboratory regulations study

The design of such a complex object as a research institution has a whole variety of requirements to fulfill.

building systems, partitions, and casework work well together within the new or existing building structural framework.”2

Through the analyses of number of prototypes as well as study of design standards I discovered that the most sufficient and adequate decision is to develop a so called “lab module”. This is specifically relevant to my case because there is relatively similar functions ratio programmed in different parts of the building but at the same time each of the parts are very individual. The development of module which can be prefabricated and constructed in a sustainable way and then adopted to each particular part of the building is considerate as the most fitting scenario.

The other factor is the grid of the building. For the huge functional character of each square meter of the future building, the lab module is supposed to be orthogonal in plan and fit the grid of 300330 cm for one-side laboratory unit and 600- 660 cm wide for the double one.

“Structural grid: Once the basic laboratory planning module is established, the structural grid should be determined to provide efficiency and cost effectiveness. In most cases, the structural grid width equals two basic laboratory modules, 23.5. The structural grid length is determined by not only the basic planning requirements but also the cost effectiveness and functional requirements of the structural system.”1 “In order to achieve flexibility, the design must be planned in terms of a basic planning concept, “the lab module”. The module establishes a dimensioned method by which

“Responsive to change: Laboratories should be designed to accommodate change irrespective of the scale of work or the scientific discipline involved. The need for change will result from the continuing and rapid developments in technology/equipment, evolving working methods and procedures and increasingly stringent regulations. It should, therefore, be a fundamental principle that the basic design of a building allows sufficient flexibility for future changes to be accommodated without the need for major and often costly alterations and with minimum disruption to operations. Scientific interaction and collaboration often leads to new inventions, new cures and faster progress. As a result, equipping laboratory facilities with spaces that encourage interaction will enhance the scientist’s ability to succeed.” 1

1 David Littlefield, METRIC HANDBOOK; Planning and Design Data Third Edition (Architectural Press is an imprint of Elsevier Linacre House, 2008) 2 Department of Veterans Affairs Development Office of Facilities Management Facilities Quality Office Standards Service, RESEARCH LABORATORY Design Guide (1995).


The Research Centre content

A starting point for the planning and design of many laboratory facilities is the planning module which accommodates basic planning requirements. It should provide adequate space for partitions, benches, floor standing equipment and extract devices and aisles which minimise circulation conflicts/safety hazards. The laboratory module should also be fully coordinated with the architectural and building engineering systems. The length of the module will depend on the unit size of the chosen laboratory furniture, requirements for freestanding equipment and the number of persons that will occupy the space, Two-directional laboratory module: Further flexibility can be achieved by


designing a laboratory module that works in both directions. This allows laboratory benches and equipment to be organised in either direction. This concept is more flexible than the basic laboratory module concept but may require a larger building. To create a three-dimensional laboratory module a basic or two-directional module must be defined, all vertical risers including fire stairs, lifts, restrooms and utilities shafts must be fully coordinated (e.g., vertically stacked) and the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems must be coordinated in the ceiling to work with the corridor/ circulation arrangements, 23.3. This concept provides the greatest flexibility. Combining modules: In addition to accommodating the basic and functional

spatial requirements, modularity maximises efficiency and the potential for flexibility/adaptability. As modifications are required because of changes in laboratory use, instrumentation or departmental organisation, partitions can be relocated and laboratory units expanded or contracted into larger or smaller units without requiring significant reconstruction of structural or mechanical building elements,

1 David Littlefield, METRIC HANDBOOK; Planning and Design Data Third Edition (Architectural Press is an imprint of Elsevier Linacre House, 2008)



Design content


urban strategy the current situation

Teg residetial area

final acquisition

The river side is quite close to the dwellings of the people who live behind the factory. But the barrier created by the Volvo plant creates a situation when one living in the area can never the river, a landscape around and great views on Ume책. People and nature are very separated at that point.


The truck parking space

The scale difference factor is also quite crucial for the area. It is quite obvious that massive sheds of the truck production are ruining the scale of two storeys height compact buildings behind it. Even at the point where the buildings are not particularly blocking the river front, huge truck parking and smaller sheds are creating that overpowering industrial barrier .

These factors only make stronger the fact that this particular Teg area is being a notional suburbia to the city. Which makes an already mentioned above contradiction with the place being in a thirty minutes walking distance from the town center.

the site transformation New headquarters development for scientists

Teg residetial area

The truck parking space

The museum park

With the demolition of final acquisition building great space opens up. New urban strategy implies the new park zone there which leads people from the dwelling area to the river. The park is programmed to be connected to the museum. It potentially can develop an exhibition by itself demonstrating the variety of vegetation of species which would be threatened by climate change. The area of the lorry park zone which is currently next to the acquisition building would be still needed for the plant

functioning. It is decided to move it compactly to the factory side and cover it with a structure which roof will merge with the landscape and become part of the park zone. That would not only fulfill the functional needs but also create a natural barrier, dividing the nature- museum zone from the factory site so the plant is not interrupting the views. The path leading visitors and inhabiters of the area to the river front is supported with the skywalk of the research center which connects the museum and institu-

Freshwater ecology center

tion building with the freshwater center. The future development plan implies restaurant developing on that point. The further urban plan also includes the future development of scientists headquarters living dwelling up in the western side of the area. this plan will help to regenerate the area and create it’s own identity.


The institution plan pattern study testing of the units concept

The three systems Due to the certain development stages of the project three independent conceptual systems were developed and tested. The cross-module plan creates quite a rigid system which is quite strong conceptually but cannot generate any flows inside the building. Though the development axis allows 4 sided movement, the system doesn’t encourage the exchange inside it between the departments. The slot-like inter department connection doesn’t allow much flexibility. The T-module is demonstrating much higher flexibility. The flow can become uninterrupted which is also due to the lost rigidity of the module. It’s not a fixed configuration anymore but more the set of movement axis operating still in the grid. The high flexibility also means the plan’s missing a certain level of systematic organization. The next system is already not operated


The merge of ideas as much by modules but mostly with direction points. The organizational principle is pronounced not on 9 by 9 meters module but on the scale of the departments. At the same time the grid remains as a basic organizing method. The use of a module which is a combination of prefabricated boxes transformed to the sectional column-beam structure with all the prefabricated elements. This system gives more flexibility to the plan , more possibilities for the circulation and at the same time gives it high adaptability qualities. Any parts of the structure can be added in the possible future expansion of the institution or diminished if not needed. This feature reflects directly on the institution subject. Climate change reality clearly requires everything built to be environmental responsive, highly adaptable and with an ability to be modified for the society needs.

One of the biggest problems, stated by Stefano Papazian, PhD student at Umeå Plant Science Centre is very low interaction not only between one field departments in the current University laboratories, but even between different groups in one department. Interdisciplinary studies are usually extremely beneficial for the scientific life but they happen extremely rare. Stefano worked in various biology research centres in Europe and he claims it to be quite a common issue for the arrangements of scientific centres. During the whole modifying process of the building core it became clear that the third system when fixed modules become the flow spaces or, on the contrary, fixed working environment spaces, is the most inviting pattern for the interdisciplinary interaction and creative scientific work.


The Laboratory Modules development testing of the units concept

Cross module The cross module appeared as an module which has equal conjoining ability from each of it’s sides. It was considered to be beneficial for the future institution arrangement that the constructor elements have equal potential to be continued from each of it’s end. As a part of constructor though the element showed itself to be a self- center orientated element. Despite the conceptual strength of the module and its movement generating potential, most of the circulation still would remain inside it’s frame. It’s morphological constitution would be not so beneficial for the productive laboratory interconnection and Ideas flow.


The “Path� movement The element is not a rigid module anymore. The module shown is just a part of more homogeneous plan which is not module based anymore. It still sits on a grid and has the same scheme of each of the departments, but is not divided on elements like this. The module just represents the movements which is generated inside the labs towards each other. New system also allows all of the offices and laboratory units be equally daylight accessible which is a crucial issue for such an institution. The geometry of new plan is not blocking the sun from any of the cell, how it happened in most of the crosses- joint points.


Morphology study the “mat- buildings” typology study

During the project development it became clear that the intentions to deconstruct the hierarchy of educational building together with compelling all the complex of functions into the homogeneous pattern inherits a certain typology developed in the modernistic era. There is certain series of buildings which design was driven by different principles but in the end each of them have a certain language which can be noticed unmistakably . During the research I discovered the study of Alison Smithson. In her article called ‘How to Recognise and Read MatBuilding. Mainstream Architecture as it has Developed Towards the Mat-Building’ in Architectural Design of September 1974 she introduces the term of “matbuilding“. “A mat-building is a large-scale, high-density structure organized on the basis of an accurately modulated grid. A first look at any mat-building geometry shows a ground plan in the form of a regular grid that constitutes the general order.” The brief analysis of such a morphology type revealed certain logics in that balance between the formal modular language and a deep complex treatment of the function substance. How with some formal decisions can some fundamental social and production questions be resolved? There is no coincidence that most of the mat- building examples were educational. There is a clear long- term intention going from modernism to treat the issue in a very certain way, basing however on very different principles in each particular situation. In her study Alison Smithson defines several compositional principles. Comparing such clear mat- buildings examples as Free University of Berlin, the reconstruction of the centre of Frankfurt-Römerberg ( both by Candilis, Josic, Woods and Scheidhelm), Venice Hospital by Le Corbusier, the Universitat Politécnica de

Valencia in Spain by L35 Arquitectos and project in Kuwait by herself and Peter Smithson she defines metric, programme and place as these principles. The metric study implied proportional comparisons of the building grids. “The analysis of the underlying patterns in each case study revealed a complex grid of strips forming a tartan-like fabric. Each strip can be understood to be a widened grid line that houses a set of specific functions. This purpose-built grid is simply a framework or fixed base upon which a volume may (or may not) be built. It is precisely this ambiguity that enables compositional flexibility resulting in stratified and profusely perforated buildings” The programme analysis confirmed that the whole structure is always treated as ‘a set of rules for defining relationships and correspondences’. Mat-buildings functions are usually based on direct deconstruction and reorganisation of programme’s functions which is expressed in “emphasizing circulations and destructuring formal hierarchies.” The place analyses of the buildings shows how important it is to every “matbuilding“ to offer a structural synthesis to the surroundings.

Analysis of plans for Frankfurt-Römerberg, by Candilis, Josic, Woods and Scheidhelm. Though hardly distinguishable on the original drawings, different activities, such as offices, shops, housing and cultural facilities, enable the resulting mat-building to be seen as a living organism

72 1 Debora Domingo Calabuig, Raúl Castellanos Gomez, Ana Abalos Ramos, THE STRATEGIES OF MAT-BUILDING (Architectural review online, 2013)

The metric analysis of “mat-buildings“ by Alison Smithson






Figure A






Figure B

Figure C

Frankfurt Figure D






Morphology study examples

Walkways and courtyard at the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia in Spain by L35 Arquitectos is one of the iconic “matbuilding“ examples explored in the study.

Projekt „Raumstadt“ by Eckhard SchulzeFielitz was not observed in Alison Smithson’s study though the agenda developed in it fit’s the is rather conformable with “mat- buildings” principles. by that time an architects work has been concentrated on the search for a ordering system of space which would be expressed in modular systems, “following a definite law of construction, is arbitrarily extendable.”1

74 1


Another clear “mat-building” example not mentioned in the study, again an educational one is the Amsterdam Orphanage by Aldo van Eyck. The project can also be characterized as a “decentralized urban node with many points of interaction within the plan.”1 This approach fits a nonhierarchical development of cities in which Van Eyck was interested. In order of deconstructing the hierarchy of spaces there were developed various inbetween conditions. Units of program of the building are following an orthogonal grid. By projection of two diagonal paths each unit was given an exterior facade. The system of fluid connections together with avoiding the central point of the composition displays the architect’s view on a balanced community.

75 http://www.archdaily.com/151566/ad-classics-amsterdam-orphanage-aldo-van-eyck/ 1


Morphology development the “mat- building“ transformation

The initial module-based development generates a flow through the whole “conveyor of ideas” from the point where material is collected to the point where the outcome is processed to the result of possible scenarios discussion. The flow would just by its movement put specialists in the other fields of the studies they could contribute. The pattern already by its nature makes all the conventional departments division abstract. It turns all the institution into the homogeneous science field. Despite all that the structure is present already in the pattern.

This approach is the testing schemes and diagrams. The deconstruction of the departments and by with the manipulations based on their dependencies on each other and needed space proportions made it possible to identify the essential hierarchy of the project elements. The connection radiuses reveal how broad the programme is. With the appearance of vertical development the structure became more compact and complex.


initial urban concept the “mat- building“ in the urban context



The transparency of the knowledge processes concepts The museum relation to the content

park zone

dwelling area

The main Idea, the trigger and the purpose of future project is climate change. Thus the most important notions of creating the center were changes and adaptability. These two ideas reflected in two basic elements of the building (institution and museum) differently. The Initial character of the center appeared as a spread yet structured system of connected modules. The imagined structure would be allowing different kinds of modulations. The



research centre

modules can be added or subtracted according to the future needs of research centre. It is conceptually crucial for the appearance of the building and the way the it functions to reflect on the mater of climate change and display the adaptive and responsive design which may respond to general vulnerability on the matter. The museum is becoming a part of the landscape. Therefore It’s roof is as well an exhibition object. Vegetation samples

forestry area

growing on the museum are illustrating the climate change content of the museum.

the knowledge transparency at the intersection point of the institution and the museum


One of the key issues around which the project is structured is the problem of transparency between society and science world. The scientific progress goes so fast right in a present moment that it is impossible for an average person to be constantly updated to the ongoing nature studies. That leads to a modern society paradigm when sosciety so dependent on knowledge is just incapable to be understand the knowledge together with using the

outcome of it. That’s why all the attempts of popularization of science, displaying it’s logic, making it’s processes more transparent is as important as newer. This process leads to the higher responsibilities of the scientists as well as lower vulnerability of average people. This issue is extremely important on the subject of climate change. This is not an abstract theory, this is the reality which is already happening. This is why the matter of transparency, interactive

research centre

organization of the institution, its educative character became the accents which guided the project work. On the picture above it is shown the attempt to connect the institution part and the public part not only horizontally but also vertically. The landscape part of the museum flows into the ridged structure of the research centre.


knowledge conveyor concept the sequence principle of the departments arrangement

The transfer of the knowledge is following the sequence of the ecological institution principle. The collection of material is performed at the freshwater and soil/ forestry outposts. Both of them are situated on the sites where the samples can be collected directly. Through the skywalk connection, the materials are going through the chemical research at environmental chemistry (first floor) and biochemistry department (second floor), where they can be also put different conditions in the greenhouse. Then the results go through the physical analysis at the applied engineer physics department. It is connected to the engineering department on the ground floor where the special equipment is built.

Then the outcome is analyzed meteorologically at the atmosphere research department.

collection of the materials

In the mathematics department the main calculations are done. The resolved estimations is exactly what allows to produce certain future scenarios of climate change. The ground floor is providing the spaces for applied analysis parallel to the whole knowledge conveyor which is mostly going on through the first floor. Climate chambers and technical supply is situated on the ground floor. The museum building is following the whole proses as well. This displays the whole logic of the knowledge development already in the building structure.

The sequence connection prototypes chemical analysis

physical analysis meteorology analysis mathematical outcome future scenarios

galium aparine


galium aparine

freshwater ecology centre

soil microbiology forest ecology

environmental chemistry

applied engineer physics


engineering department

atmosphere research mathematical biology



the FLUX network data collection towers

The collection of the atmosphere data which is needed for the analysis require a creation of a network of so called Flux towers . “The technique is used extensively for verification and tuning of global climate models, mesoscale and weather models, complex biogeochemical and ecological models, and remote sensing estimates from satellites and aircraft.” 1

ecosystems and the atmosphere.” 2 The stations are situated at the key points of each condition zone around the Institution. These are: the river, Riksvägen road, agricultural land, forestry area and the factory zone. The observation tower of the research centre also has a data collecting equipment on it’s top.

“Such a “network of regional networks,” coordinates regional and global analysis of observations from micrometeorological tower sites. The flux tower sites use eddy covariance methods to measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor, and energy between terrestrial

85 1 2

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddy_covariance http://fluxnet.ornl.gov/

Plectranthus parvula


Angelica archangelica

Protea floreo

Plectranthus hainanensis

Angelica archangelica

Protea conum

Plectranthus obliquifolia

reseda alba

Vaccinium uliginosum

Plectranthus cirrosa

reseda alba seed

Vaccinium myrtillus

knowledge conveyor nature prototypes study

The museum is a constitutive component of the whole institution organism. It is following parallel the whole process of the knowledge transformation. One of the essential notions of the museum building development is it’s being an exhibition object itself. The expressive configuration of the building displays the complex transformations every alive matter which is going through not only during it’s existence but also in the general situation of constant climate change. This metamorphic nature of the shape configuration is reflected on various scales. The particular outline was initially drawn to provide the natural flow of people through the exhibition. Their trajectory is free though leading to the crucial point of the “laboratory life” observation. Also the contour is generated by the outside flow so there are two certain courtyards created.

The whimsical shape raises a number of other parallels which permeate the museum as an object on several levels. It’s creating certain flows inside itself it turning visitors into the metaphoric particles inside the shell. The shell at the same time is also a button, a burgeon, a seed of the local plant. All these references would create a certain pattern which only verify the particular outline as the symbolic image of the metamorphosis every organism is going through. The development of a free formed component of the building is also confronting the systematic and grid- based system. In that sense the “shell” becomes a composition element balancing the whole system. It also appears to become a meeting point between the built structure and existing landscape. Which brings a unifying sense to the “shell“ half.



museum morphology testing of relation options

As mentioned previously the initial character of the museum building was set up by the idea of a free formed substance merging in the landscape. At the same time the form is developing parallel the institution structure and joins it in the points where the research process can become a part of the exhibition. At that point several strategies were developed. The first option implies the clear differentiation between the museum and the Institution part. There is a path from the museum through the research center to the observation tower but it a inside vertical flow, not visible from the exterior. The only point where the joint is pronounced is the closest to the river museum point where a ramp path goes from the museum. This joint develops an arrow-like outline.

The other connection considered was the common entrance for the research and museum part. That entrance would cause the vertical convexity of the museum which would allow it to merge with the institution. The other connection point could be also implemented at the tower connection point. The common point at the research part roof would interfere the clear strait line differentiation between the research and exhibition part. The exterior form study makes clear the chosen variant of connecting the two systems only at the end ramp point. It will be clear on the building plans later how this makes it possible for the visitors, or the stuff to follow the sample collection outposts.



testing of the relations between the organic and the rigid

The matter of form study and the relation is crucial at point of the relations between two basic components which appear to oppose each other morphologically and functionally but at the same time constitute one system. When the general moves of the system are decided, certain secondary elements start pronouncing the whole hierarchy differently. The roof restaurant is the composition accent which relation to either of the sides determines the morphology of the whole. In the first and fourth option the restaurant element is belonging to both of the sides equally. Due to this factor, the bionic character of the museum side

develops not only horizontally, but on the vertical axis as well. On the second and third variant the clearly divided pronunciation of the stories clearly differentiate the orthogonal language of one side and bionic development of the museum. When the element becomes a part of bionic language and without any vertical development, it defines a clear coordinate system which is not only certain logically but also preferably esthetically. This new accent differentiate clear method and continues the approach which was taken earlier. There are no clear barriers for the people flow and at the same time there is a certain move agenda created.


physical models 1;1000 URBAN MODEL


1;200 MODEL


The research configuration research centre function balance

As it was mentioned previously, the main agenda for the institution development is the “knowledge conveyer�, the chain of departments which follows the sequence of climate change studies development. Each department contains several functional components which are integrated in each others work. The departments contain of laboratory units together with offices (first floor) and have and set of highly accessible technical, washing rooms and fixed temperature chamber storage spaces (ground floor). In the diagram, laboratory and office spaces are differentiated. The laboratory spaces of the ground floor are the technical and storage laboratory parts. These spaces do not need so much daylight, as the working spaces above. The exclusion is an engineering department which should be accessible from the first floor. The tower in the middle of the building is an extremely important asset of meeting of the public with the inside research life without disturbing the workers. It act as an observational point which penetrates through the institutional building in a glass shaft. At the same time the sensors outside the tower collects the atmospheric data making the tower the main flux point of the research. The field based freshwater and soil/ forest ecology centers are shown separately.

laboratory spaces office space




gardens content Threatened species as a part of climate change exhibition.

Bistorta viviparum


Angelica archangelica



black vanilla orhid

dracocephalum ruyschiana


Yellow bog saxifrage

St. Bernard’s Lily

Primrose Oenothera muricula

Usnea longissima

Letharia Vulpina

Hapalopilus croceus

Pycnoporellus_alboluteus Shining Hookeria


Vaccinium uliginosum

S. lapponum

Vaccinium myrtillus

97 Bo Mossberg, Lennart Stenberg, Den nya nordiska Floran (Wahlstrom & Widstrand, 2003)

structural concept

Structure principles In order to reach sustainability goals the intentions were to make the building proses as prefabricated as possible. This unit structure has a potential to be modified according to the future needs of the institution. The whole structure is based on the 6 by 6 meters grid column system. The grid parameters are taken from the regulations and prototypes study. Wooden columns connected with beams compose a core. Wooden floor slabs and wall panels are prefabricated. Wall structure is framed wooden construction. Outside facade is finished with wooden vertical boards. 90 centimeters high zone under the ceiling is taken by the pipes needed for each laboratory. There are 6 types of window glazing. The institution part of building is built from the local swedish wood. This and the the fact that the construction is prefabricated would help to lower the costs and ecological impact.


wall construction - Vertical boards - Horizontal battens (Ventilated cavity) - Bitumen- impregnated softboard ( airtight membrane) - Timber studding, insulation - Vapor barrier - Insulation - Plywood boards - Vertical battens - Wood- cement particleboard

24 mm 40 mm 18 mm 250 mm 10 mm 12 mm 50 mm 12 mm

slab construction - Floor covering, parquet flooring - 3- ply core plywood - Impact sound insulation - Timber box element floor on supporting members - Glaze finish

10 mm 27 mm 40 mm 250 mm



sustainabile agenda Carbon neutral building solution

As the building is targeting a climate change issue it necessarily should display a certain approach to the problem of sustainability. The fact that functioning of the building through the time should be adequate the low ecological impact agenda is making the biggest sense for the project. This is often achieved so that the emissions caused by the construction of the building and the use of the building (=energy consumption and maintenance) are compensated by feeding the electricity grid with CO2 -emission-free electricity from photovoltaic panels. However, this is not a good idea, because, 1) it leads to very large and expensive solar panel system 2) the atmosphere is anyway loaded by the CO2 -emissions of the building and they are compensated to zero only on paper Regarding to the location of UmeĂĽ it was decided to use a micro-CHP unit to generate all the electricity and the heating of the building.


Volter’s wood gasification technology claims that their technique replaces one liter of oil with approximately two kilograms of dry wood. Fuel comes from domestic wood chips.1

Moving air is injected to the center of the pyrolysis zone. The chips are fed into the fuel chamber. Pre-heating of fuel.

In the pyrolysis zone, the chips are charred and eventually gasified into produced gas. The gas is transferred into the cooling and filtering phase.

Ashes are removed from the carburetor.

1. Cooling to filtering temperature (heat recovery). 2. Filtering with a fabric filter. 3. Cooling to burn temperature (heat recovery). 4. Transfer to motor.000

Wood gas is fed to a combustion engine. Heat is collected from engine cooling fluid and exhaust fumes. The engine runs a generator that produces clean domestic electricity.

101 1


ingmar bergman “Fanny och Alexander” 102

ingmar bergman “Nattvardsgästerna”



top view from the river side 105

laboratories exterior


laboratories interior

View on the freshwater ecology center

View on the courtyard



view from the city side


11. 10.

ground floor

1. Environmental chemistry and biochemistry storage and technical spaces 2. CNB space 3. Engineering workshop 4. Applied engineer storage and technical spaces 5,6. Atmosphere research storage and technical spaces 7. Mathematical biology storage and technical spaces 8. Museum 9. Kids centre 10. Soil ecology office 11. Forest and Soil ecology storage and technical spaces









A 5.


A1 6.


7. 8.





First floor

1. Environmental chemistry laboratory 2. Environmental chemistry offices 3. Applied engineer physics laboratory 4. Applied engineer physics offices 5. Atmosphere research office 6. Atmosphere research laboratory 7. Mathematical biology offices 8. Mathematical biology laboratories 9. Cafe 10. Soil ecology laboratory 11. Forest ecology laboratory 12. Forest ecology offices






3. 4. A





B 7.




second floor

1. Greenhouse 2. Biochemistry laboratory 3. Biochemistry offices 4. Seminar room 5. Material collecting/ observation tower 6. Seminar rooms/ lecture halls







4. A 5.






first floor- office

ground floor- laboratories

below ground floor fish tanks

0 116


freshwater centre

Being the important part of the institution freshwater ecology and soil and forest ecology outposts are independent centres themselves.

is an intention to bring people on that point. The skywalk is leading an observer to the outpost with a staircase down to the jetty.

Due to the waterfront location, the building is sitting on a steep river verge. The building develops vertically to follow the topography. The below ground level is the closest to the waterfront. Fish tanks are situated there. Ground level is the laboratory level and first floor is an office floor.

The jetty is also used by the research stuff. The fish rings can be placed there. Freshwater ecology centre is a quite important component for the whole network strategy of the Institution. As It was mentioned in the project research earlier, Umeü University doesn’t have it’s own site-based river centre. That is one of the cooperation point between the specialized climate change research centers and University.

The site which is currently situated in front of the factory is a point where the trees are blocking the factory and also Teg from river. Which is a shame because the view which opens from this point is one of the best views on the city. One of the target asset for the location

The freshwater outpost is also the only part of the institution visible from the other side of the river which is quite key to the general involvement of the area in the city visually and mentally.



master plan





A- A1


B- B1



A Climate Research Centre project complies several levels of development and includes several major components. Multiple aims and issues it is dealing with were dictating a versatile approach to the design and perception of the project.


On National scale it deals with a need of a network institution specialized on climate change issue and connected with other organizations forming a global vulnerability reduction network.

The set of solutions I propose may provide a lower impact on climate by the construction and during the life spam of the building. The construction of the research center is planned to be done all by prefabrication processes and use of local materials. The carbon neutral building concept would reduce the energy consumption. The set of these solutions resolve in decreasing of the enviromental impact.

On Urban scale the project is facing a matter of an increasing town growth on one and the a need of a particular industrial object site reorganization. A creation of the new institution together with a museum, restaurant, kids biology center and park with a new scientists housing headquarter development potential may regenerate Teg area and make possible a balanced urban expansion at that city direction. If the expansion would not happen as dashingly as it is goaled by the municipality the current state of Teg in the urban scale would improve with having a new attraction in the area.

Sustainability factor of the project also depends on the effective functioning of all the precesses purposed in the building. Various studies and tests were implemented to achieve that. By deconstructing all the functions and careful study of all the processes interconnections a substantial sequence was extracted. The building works as a linear flow where raw data and specimens are gathered at one end and are processed from department by department until it reaches the final department which provides the future scenarios based on previous researchers.

The prime asset of the design process was to materialise the message of the climate change problem through the building. Through the building process, construction methods, through the buildings life spam functioning solutions, in it’s organization principles and appearance the project reflects on the matter of climate change. The sustainability issue is essential in this matter.

The issue of making an educational building non hierarchial was granted for me after the study of existing UmeĂĽ biology science center. Talking to scientists there made it clear how ineffective usual rigid laboratory organization is. The disconnection of a usual department arrangement causes the fact that multidisciplinary projects almost never happen. the concept I developed represents a

metaphoric knowledge conveyor, a peculiar ideas plant. The other issue expressed in the project development is knowledge transparency. This is being a matter of current interest for the latest decades at least. As the progress is speeding up increasingly now , it is getting more and more disconnected from the general society. Thereafter popularization and education about current processes of scientific development is as important as never, especially in such a topic as climate change where the society is so vulnerable. The matter of transparency dictated a certain agenda of an educational part of the project, namely the museum. A consistent study and testing of different scenarios of interconnection between the institution work and visitors revealed certain points where they can meet each other with no disturbing for the research work. A visual expression of this connections and of the museum and kids center itself is an important element of the whole educational agenda. Therefore it was extremely important that the expressive character would be precise. The range of formal studies, models and drawings resolved in a peculiar and at the same time specifically accurate configuration. It appeared to be quite symbolic and at the same time a distinguishing that the out-

line reflects so many pure bionic shapes of the local plant species in a way reflect the designed outline. The bionic character of the museum is contrasting the systematic configuration of the Institution. This duality is reflecting on the dialog laid in the content of projects two components: museum and research center. The ground floor arrangement, glazed facade, bionic inviting nature of museum is opposing the laboratories which are mostly elevated above ground floor, built from wood and reflect on traditional Swedish veranda windows by various types of glass framing. It is quite important for the site development that the building has an urban agenda. The skywalks connecting it to the field outposts lead visitors to the waterfront which is currently totally disconnected to the people of Teg. The masterplan aso includes park development on the place where the volvo plant building used to be. That also opens the visitors and people living in Teg an acces to the river. I believe that this complex intervention may lead to the big impact on various levels. For a project which topic is climate change it is crucial to be generative on all the scales mentioned above. The adaptive nature of the design is a respond for the future changes.



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