Case: 2578-14 In the matter between: Lara Johnstone
First Applicant
and Frode Moe Talitha Moe
First Respondent Second Respondent
Filing Sheet: Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2). Documents: • •
Notice ITO Rule 17(2) and 30(2) including Annexures A-F (pp.44)(PDFl) Annex G1 & G2 Proof of Service (pp.66) (PDF2) o Annex G 1: Proof of Service: GMC Civil Case 2473 Applicants Correspondence with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents; (ii) Norwegian Medical Association & Cape Law Society. (pp.38) o Annex G2: Proof of Service: GMC 2473-13 Appl. Corr 07 July - 04 Aug 2014 with: (i) GMC 4643-13 Radical Honesty Culture; (ii) HC-CPD SAPS Comm & 6 Others; (iii) GMC Criminal Case C 572-2002: State v Johnstone; (iv) HCCPD A 696-04; (vi) CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08; (v) HCCPD L Johnstone v SAPS National Comm & 2 Others. (pp.28)
Magistrate Guts Essel George Magistrates Court: Civil Court George Magistrates Offices, George.
Former SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo via Lynette Bios: Senior State Law Advisor Judicial Service Commission Private Bag Xl, Braamfontein, 2017 Per 05/08 Registered Mail.
Ms. Zarita van Eyk: Civil Clerk George Magistrates Court George Civil Clerk Offices 1 2
sqswans. weeb1y.comlup1oads/1/3/8/7 /13878165/14-08-04_2578_0_notito302172_esse1-ngcobo_enca-f. sqswans. weeb1y.comlup1oads/1 /3/8/7 /13878165/14-08-04_2578_g_140805 _notice 17-30_corr-pas.
pdf pdf
Respondents Attorneys: Millers Inc: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes -- Per Electronic Service: See: Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) Proof of Service: GMC Civil Case 2473 Applicants Correspondence with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents attorneys; (ii) Norwegian Medical Association & Cape Law Society. CC: Cape Bar: General Counsel: Renata Williams
GMC 2578-14 and LJ v SAPS National Comm. J.S. Selebi & 6 Others: Per Electronic Notice: See: Annex G: Proof of Service: •
Director: Min of Health Legal Services: Re: 2002 Actions of Minister of Health; WC Prov Health Employees: Dr Christine Tomcheck, Dr. Giselle Rausch (giselle®, Dr. Dlamini and Ms. M Erasmus; via: Minister of Health: Director of Communications: Mr. Fidel Hadebe (; Assistant: Ms. Mahlatse Sethosa (; Lentegeur Hospital: Dr. GG Marinus via Shahieda Benjamin ( . Director: SAPS Legal Services: Re: 2002 Actions of National Commissioner JS Selebi and SAPS Inspector Malcolm Potje; via: SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms J __ (; Personal Assistant: s. ~rlh!Maqina ::Y:L~.?A .-. ":" . ".' --. X~"37 ( PRIVAAT3Ai<JrJKi'Jt"rc: GA:3 ~:;I J
2014 -08- 0 8
Per Hand Delivery: • George Prosecutor: Mr. J.J. Marx George Magistrate: Mr. Fortuin
Via: George Senior Prosecutor's Office George Magistrates Court
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Attorney Tinus Le Roux
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GMC 2578-14 and HC-CPD A 696/04: 07/07/07: Notice of Case Transfer to US Navy JAG as of 18/07/2007; State v Lara Johnstone: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08; HC-CPD: 2007: L Johnstone v National Commissioner JS Selebi & 2 Others Per Electronic Notice: See: Annex G: Proof of Service: • • • •
Magistrate Louw: Capetown Magistrates Court: co CT Area Court Manager: Mr. C de Bruyn ( Plaintiff: Patricia de Lille - ID; via Office of Mayor de Lille (mayor George Herald: Editor (; Journalist Alida de Beer (alida@groupeditors SAPS: Director Legal Services: Re: 2007 Actions of WC SAPS Inspector CD Christian; via: SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms Joy Motubatsi (;
Personal Assistant: Ms. Sisanda Maqina (; CC: SAPS WC Comm: Lt Gen AH Lamoer (; WC:Provincial Commissioner PA ( Attorneys: (1)Attorney Malcolm Gezzler ( & (ii) Attorney Milton de la Harpe ( al.f£. h.1 H :\:~F;;:T~~5.,~ PRiV;~]0s;;:::;';;,:F;iv AT E BAG X6537
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GMC 2578-14 and GMC 4643-13 Radical Honesty Culture respondents: Per Electronic Notice: See: Annex G: Proof of Service: •
Radical Honesty Respondents: Brad Blanton (; Maggie Doyle (; Radical Honesty Support (; Marina Dervan (; Clara Griffin (; Raven Dana (; Anne Alexander (; Anne Alexander (; Susan Campbell (; Taber Shadburne (; Stephanie Roth (; Greg Small ( ; CC: Nairne Singletary (; Ed Greville (; FBI-VA: Agent Jeffrey Mazanec (; Werner Erhard (; Landmark Corp: Vanto Grp: Steve Zaffron (; WErhard-Landmark via Terry M Giles Esq (; Darren Mack via William J Routsis II (; US Supreme Court Justice Thomas and Scalia via: Eugene Scalia (
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I 2014 -08- 1 1 GEORGE 6530
Case: 2578-14 In the matter
Lara Johnstone
First Applicant
and Frode Moe Talitha Moe
First Respondent Second Respondent
Filing Sheet: Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2): Annex G2: Proof of Service: Re: 08-11 August 2014.
As detailed in letter to NPA-George: On 08 August 2014, applicant was interrupted by Sur. Prosecutor Redelinghuys, on the way to the Civil Clerk's office to file the notice and documentation; resulting in a delay of such filing and additional correspondence.
Documents: â&#x20AC;˘
Annex G2: Proof of Service: GMC 2473-13 Applicants Correspondence 08 - 11 August 2014; with (i) CT-CAS 572-2001: Legal Aid & NPA; (ii) GMC 4643-14 Radical Honesty culture respondents. (PDP)
TO: Magistrate Essel George Magistrates Court'7<:: l(.'!".,{:!7 /' Per 11/08 Hand Delivery TO: GMC 2578-14 Respondents Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous Per 11/08 Hand Delivery CC: Prosecutor Redelinghuys George Senior Prosecutor's Office George Magistrates Court Per 11/08 Registered Mail: Director of Public Prosecutions: Mxolisi Nxasana CC: Prosecutor JJ Marx George Senior Prosecutor's Office George Magistrates Court Per 11/08 Registered Mail: Director of Public Prosecutions: Mxolisi Nxasana I sqswans. weebly.comluploads/1/3/8/7 /13878165/14-08-04_2578~_140805_noticeI7
George Magistrate's
George Magistrates Court Per 11/08 Registered Mail: Director of Public Prosecutions: CC:
Capetown Magistrates
P Bag X 9017, Capetown, 8000 Per 11/08 Registered Mail: Director of Public Prosecutions: CC:
Mxolisi Nxasana
Mxolisi Nxasana
Deputy Directol': W.Cape National Prosecuting Authority P/B X9003, Cape Town, 8000 J C Gerber (jgg@r1Jer~fi],·.;:a);J A Niehaus (jafii§ha1sl6~fi]3a.g;€J·;.za);PJA van del' Merwe ~j';arHiermer7:e5fi]3a.g;§';.;:a); W J Downer (B'::j!i€J':.'Rer::Jfi]3a.g;€J'; LM Sakata (lmsalrataefi]; N Bell (; M Mohlala (am€JhlalaGn]3 a.g§'; .za) Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: Annex G Per 11/08 Registered Mail: Director of Public Prosecutions: Mxolisi Nxasana
K Vorster (
Head Office
Private Bag X752, Pretoria, 0001 Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: Annex G Per 11/08 Registered Mail: Director of Public Prosecutions: CC:
Mr. Anton Marx Legal Aid Professional
Mxolisi Nxasana
Legal Aid George Via: Mr. Pie tel' Terblanche (; CC: Mr Wayne Hancock (; Ms Cordelia Robertson ( Ref: Legal Aid Attorney in CT-CAS 572-2002 from 27 June - 17 July 2002 Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: Annex G FROM: GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Civil Case Applicant: Lara Johnstone PO Box 5042 * George East, 6539 * Cell: (071) 170 1954 * CC:
GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Independent Observers: Francisco Martin I Vice Adm. Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge & Information Services I VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald & Amb. Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Emb-Pta I Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ & NSA General Keith Alexander I Erik Prince: via Michigan GOP & China Embassy-Pta I Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Kremlin Press Office & Russian Emb-Pta I General David Petraeus I General Stan McChrystal I Generals Ray O'Dierno and John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1, US Army; Judge Jay Bybee. Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: Annex G
GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Radical Honesty Culture Respondents: CC: Alleged Disclosure Truthseekers re: OKC Bombing & McVeigh Faked Execution: OKC Bombing: Ckris Emery: }J€Jsle Lie: Freelifiml Films (C€JRtagtCiFreeUifi!iFilms.€€Jm); Dr. James Tracy: FAU School of Comm (; MemoryHoleBlog
(; Olrlah€Jma Cazette: Phil Baeharagh: E€i in Chief (psaeharaeh0Jtierl'ame€iiagnti13.e€J1I:); Los Angeles Times: Judy Pasternak (; Former Judge Michael Burrage (; CC: R Fitzgerald (; Former FBI Investigator: Danny Coulson (; Prof Mark Hamm (; F€Jrfi1erFBI Iw;estigat€Jr: DaFlR:; Defensatigh (Inf€J::JDaI:R:;Def-®fibaugh.€€Jm);US v McVeigh Attorneys: Stephen Jones (; Rob Nigh (; NathaR ChamBers (nehamsel's0J€€€izlfn:.€€Jm.); US v McVeigh Prosecutor: Beth A Wilkinson (; Deadly Secrets: Margaret Roberts (; Buffalo News: Lou Michel (; Dan Herbeck (; 1995 OKC Gov: Frank Keating: President and Chief Exec Off - American Council of Life Insurers: via Jack Dolan: Vice President - Media Relations (; President & CEO: American Bankers Association: via Blair Bernstein: Media Relations (; Richard Burr (; J€lse13hHartzler !~ssistaRt VB "A~tt€JrReJ(-1€Js6j'Jh.Hartzler3us€i€Jj.g€J.); CC: James "•..... Le-::is: DB "A~tt€JrR6-:: Central Distriet
(JanleB.Le~;;i8e1lBd€Jj ,b'§.);
Terry Nichols: Former lawyer: Michael Tigar (; Outpost of freedom: Gary Hunt (; Jesse Trentadue (; David Paul Hammer ( Per 08-11/08 Electronic Mail: Annex G
NSAlKGB Psychotronic Disclosure & Bradley .Manning I Anders Breivik I Julian Assange I Michael C Ruppert:
Bradley Manning: Appeal Attorney: FBD: Nancy Hollander (; FBD: Vincent Ward (; Courage to Resist: Jeff Patterson (; Jeff Patterson (; Project Safehaven: Gerry Condon (; Press: Nathan Fuller (; Julian Assange & Edward Snowden: 'J,Tilrilealrs Litigati€JIl (litie:-iI;iI email.'8 e); Wikileaks: Kristinn Hrafnsson (; Wikileaks Press (contact®; Wikileaks Press (; Amnesty International-RD: Sergei Nikitin (; AI-RD: Lydia Aroyo (; Human Rights Watch - Russia: Tanya Lokshina (; Lonnie Snowden: c/o Counsel: Bruce Fein (; Michael C Ruppert: Collapsenet: Wesley Miller (wesleytmiller®; Jenna Orken (; Guy McPherson (; Carolyn Baker (; Collapsenet CEO (; Collapsenet: Jesse Re (; Post Carbon: Richard Heinberg co Todd Brilliant (; Radcast: Mimi German (; Gail Zawacki (; DS: David Crockett (; NB Patton_Francisco Martin (; Millie (; Anders Breivil?: Breivik Supporters: Sebastian Ronin (; Varg Vikernes & Marie Cachet (; Kommander Breivik Report: Angus Thermopylae ( Per 08-11/08 Electronic Mail: Annex G
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04-05 August 2014 TO: Magistrate Essel George Magistrates Court: Civil Court Per 05/08 Hand Delivery to Magistrates Offices, George. CC: Former SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo via Lynette Bios: Senior State Law Advisor Judicial Service Commission, Private Bag X1, Braamfontein, 2017 Per 05/08 Registered Mail. CC: Ms. Zarita van Eyk: Civil Clerk, George Magistrates Court Per 05/08 Hand Delivery to Civil Clerk Offices Please File into Case 2578-14 court record case file. CC: GMC 2578-14 respondents: Frode & Talitha Moe Via: Dr. Moe’s Norwegian Medical Practice Licensing Org Norwegian Medical Association: Director Jorunn Fryjordet Via: Talitha Moe’s children: Denise, Halmar, Jacqueline, Ivan and Malcolm Per 04/08 Electronic Mail [Annex G] CC: GMC 2578-14 respondents: Attorneys: Millers Inc: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes Via: SA Legal Practice Licensing Organisation Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey CC: Cape Bar: General Counsel: Renata Williams Per 04/08 Electronic Mail [Annex G] FROM: GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Civil Case Applicant: Lara Johnstone PO Box 5042 * George East, 6539 * Cell: (071) 170 1954 *
CC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants: Francisco Martin | Vice Adm. Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge & Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald & Amb. Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Emb-Pta | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ & NSA General Keith Alexander | Erik Prince: via Michigan GOP & China Embassy-Pta | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Kremlin Press Office & Russian Emb–Pta | General David Petraeus | General Stan McChrystal | Generals Ray O’Dierno and John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1, US Army. Per 04/08 electronic mail [Annex G] CC: GMC 4643-13 Independent Observers: Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs Per 04/08 electronic mail [Annex G]. Ref: Case: 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe: Re: (i) Mag. Essel’s 08 Aug 2014 ruling based upon irregular court record; & (ii) 2473 Appl. Notice ITO Rule 17(2) and 30(2) correspondence to 2578 respondents & their medical & legal practice licensing organisations; Re: (a) respondent Frode Moe’s 27 May 2014 irregularly filed documents in court record; (b) EoP protected cultural property; includes psychological integrity property.
Magistrate Essel: Please take notice of the following correspondence between GMC 4643 and 2578 applicants (hereinafter referred to as ‘2473’) and GMC 2578 respondents: Dr. Moe and his attorneys: Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes; and their official Norwegian and South African medical and legal practice licensing organisations. The correspondence between 2473 applicants and 2578 respondents deals with among others the: (I) 08 July 2014 court ruling of Magistrate Essel is based upon irregular documents filed into the court record on 27 May 2014 by respondent Frode Moe, but never served upon pro se applicant, for her response; (II) request respondents officially withdraw or authenticate Dr. Moe’s irregular documents and request a new ruling from Magistrate Essel based upon accurate court record; (III) 2578 respondents refusal and 2473 response; (IV) request 2578 respondents medical & legal practice licensing organisations order their members to respond; include names of SA juridical officials who are not biased against EoP cultures, whose juridical jurisdiction authority they consent to; (V) no response from respondents & medical/ legal practice licensing org’s. Context: Acting MILED Clerk Inter-Cultural Notice: (i) Norwegian Medical Association: Frode Moe, Ranheim; (ii) Cape Law Society: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes, Millers Inc, George; violations of inter-cultural ‘protected cultural property’ principles in GMC 2578-14 court proceedings [Annex F] Take Notice that MILED Clerk Applicant is willing to accept and consent to the arbitration jurisdiction of the following South African juridical officials who although juridical members of War is Peace cultures, have proven themselves willing to listen to and consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture: SA Judicial Service Commission Juridical Officials: George District Court Magistrate Essel (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 22 July 2002 (PDF1)[filed GMC 2578-14 court record on 07 July 2014]) and/or former SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 03 May 2010 (PDF2)[Annex F]) Encl: Acting MILED Clerk’s EoP cultural documentation: SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo cultural Order and MILED EoP cultural Citizen Oath
Chronology of Correspondence: 09 July 2014: Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) [Annex A & G] Notice to respondent and respondent’s attorneys of irregular document submitted into court record by first respondent: Frode Moe; to the Civil Clerk: Zarita van GMC Civil Case 2473-13 Applicants Correspondence 01 July – 06 July 2014 with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents Attorneys; (ii) GMC 4643-13 Radical Honesty Culture respondents; (iii) HC-CPD SAPS Commissioner & 6 Others respondents & attorneys; (iv) GMC Criminal Case C 572-2002: State v Johnstone: Prosecutor Officials & Attorneys; (v) HC-CPD A 696-04: Johnstone v State Review respondents & attorneys; (vi) Capetown Criminal Case: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08: Prosecutor, Judicial Officials & Attorneys; (vii) HC-CPD L Johnstone v SAPS National Commissioner & 2 Others respondents & attorneys; filed into GMC 2578-14 court record on 07 July 2014. 2 Online copy at 1
Eyk; CCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d to second respondent: Talitha Moe, dated 27 May 2014 09:17 PM, Subject: Case 2578-14. The document was never served upon the applicant; and was consequently irregularly submitted into the court record. Questions to respondents: What do the Respondents want to do about these irregularly served documents in the court record? (A) Withdraw these irregular documents and request Magistrate Essel reconsider his 08 July ruling based upon the accurate court record documents; (B) Authenticate these irregularly submitted documents as the authentic legal intentions of their client (as opposed to an angry emotive outburst) and serve them as is, or as amended with inter-cultural evidence upon the applicant; to provide the applicant with the opportunity to respond to the issues raised by the respondent; (C) By when can the applicants expect a response from the respondents and/or their attorneys to aforementioned questions? Specifically: Dr. Moeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 27 May 2014 submission to the civil clerk of the court: Ms. Zarita van Eyk, for submission into the court record; which was never served upon the pro se applicant said among others: As you can see on [Lara J] file to this case, her mental state is a central point from her side and even more from my side. It is correct that I have used the term mental disorder and borderline psykosis as a diagnosis on her mental disturbance in discussions with Lara J and her parents. These statements I am willing to defend in court. However I will ask the court to read through Lara J's file to this case 2578-14 and also the almost 80 pages she filed to the civil court case 4643-13. By reading so I think most people can easily see that these files are produced by a mental disturbed person. So THE MAGISTRATES CIVIL COURT CAN NOT LET A MENTAL DISTURBED PERSON SET THE CONDITIONS FOR THE COURT CASE. The CLERK OF THE CIVIL COURT must do the administration and (1) answer my request for a postponement; (2) give me instructions of what minimum of papers you need from my side to continue. .. However I have to pinpoint to the court that this case involves entirely the closest of Lara J relatives directly and as witnesses. A courtcase can not do anybody good and possibly do lot of [h]arm for both sides. So to my opinion this case has nothing to do in a court. So I will ask the Magistrates civil court to consider this and treat this case at the lowest possible level of justice.
10 July 2014: Notice to correspondence. [Annex G]
Applicant sent respondents attorneys a Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) yesterday. There has been no acknowledged receipt, nor any answer to inform me how much time they require for you and them to make up your minds as to what you want to do about the irregular documents, submitted by you, into the court record. Could you kindly instruct your attorneys to let me know how much time you/they need to make up their minds about what you/they want to do about the irregular documents, you submitted into the court record?
11 July 2014: Update and Correction to Annex A: [Annex B & G] There has been no response from the respondents or their attorneys to Applicants Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) & 30(2). Correction to Annex A applicants 08 July courtnotes as detailed in Excerpt of 08 July Factual SS44 Chronology of Events emailed to GMC 4643-13 applicants at 13:59 HRS on 08 July 2014.
12 July 2014: Update to MILINT Earth Day: MILED Clerk Notice & Ecology of Peace Clerk Disclosure pages [Annex C & G] There has been no response from the respondents or their attorneys to Applicants Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) & 30(2). Please note Update to MILINT Earth Day3: MILED Clerk Notice4 and Please note Update to Ecology of Peace Clerk Disclosure5 pages.
14 July 2014: Update Re: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2) [Annex D & G] There has been no response from the respondents or their attorneys to Applicants Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) & 30(2). Notice ITO Rule 17 & 30: Annex A Update: Annex A: Excerpt of SS 44 Factual Chronology of 08 July Events to GMC 2473 (4643/2578) Applicants on 08 July 2014: 13:59 HRS (08 July Factual Events) and 13 July 2014: 12:49 HRS (Update of Introduction re: Interpretations)
17 July 2014: Millers Attorneys: FRODE & TALITHA MOE // YOURSELF [Annex E & G] Response from Millers Attorney Arno Crous via Lieze Matthews: “We regard the matter as finalized and will not entertain further correspondence regarding the application. Kindly also refrain from contacting our clients directly in any way. Our clients indicated that they will mark all communications received from yourself as spam and our office will now do the same.”
17 July 2014: Millers Attorneys: FRODE & TALITHA MOE // YOURSELF [Annex E & G] MILED Clerk’s forwarding of Millers Attorney’s response to: GMC 4643-13 applicants: “Attached and below from Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous via Lieze Mathews: As requested by the GMC 2578 respondents and their attorneys in the documentation; I have not responded. If any other GMC 4643 applicants wish to respond to the respondents correspondence; please let me know. If not, we can decide how to proceed.”
3 5 4
22 July 2014: GMC 4643 Applicants MH17 response to respondents: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous: [Annex G] This correspondence is the Acting MILED Clerks6 interpretation of Joint Chiefs of Staff (JSC) and Kremlin7 and/or their executive subordinates, joint psychotronic taps8-symphony9 manipulation of individuals in Ukraine, directly involved in the Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash in Ukraine: World sees Tragedy, US Sees “Game Changer”10, in support of providing an egologically illiterate BiP-Lite ‘My Elf11’ v ‘My Elf12’ MILINT educational response (on behalf of GMC 2473-34 Applicants), to the GMC 2578-14 respondents, egologically illiterate Monty Python’s Flying Circus13: Spam14 response to the Applicants Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2). See also: Possible Known Unknown or Unknown Unknown relationship between Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappearance and Prisoner of Sex&-War Shibumi TF MN-737 submission to Swiss Federal Council.
24-27 July 2014: MILED Clerk confirming GMC 2473 Applicants & EoP Observers consent to legal electronic correspondence. [Annex G] GMC 4643-13 Applicants who want to withdraw from being an Applicant: Send me an email ‘Remove me as an applicant from Radical Honoursty Ecology of Peace applications’. Your correspondence shall be sent to the Applicants to inform them of your decision, a copy provided to the GMC Civic Clerk: Ms Zarita van Eyk, to be placed in the court file; and you shall no longer receive any of this legal correspondence, with one exception; where you are referred to directly or indirectly; to provide you with the opportunity to know what is being said about you; and respond. Independent EoP Observers who want to removed from being EoP observers : Send me an email ‘Remove me from Radical Honoursty Ecology of Peace legal correspondence’. You will no longer receive a copy of this legal correspondence, and you will also be removed as an EoP PoW Amendments to Geneva Convention submission15 Supporter.
As of time of correspondence: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers who want to withdraw from being an Applicant or Legal Observer: None. Independent EoP Observers who want to be removed from being EoP observers: None.
6 8 10154003718755072/?type=3& 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7
27 July 2014: Millers Attorneys: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender [Annex G] A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:,,,
29 July 2014: Legal Notice: NO Medical Assoc & Cape Law Soc: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property. [Annex F & G] Notice sent to Norwegian Medical Association & Cape Law Society; Norway & SA Licensing Organisations: NO Registration Authority for Health Personnel; Norwegian Ministry of Health; Norwegian Embassy – Pretoria: Ambassador: SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA); Judicial Service Commission; SA Embassy in Oslo Norway; CC: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 464313 Applicants & Observers. Please find attached (PDF16): RE: Acting MILED Clerk Inter-Cultural Notice: (i) Norwegian Medical Association: Frode Moe, Ranheim; (ii) Cape Law Society: Arno Cross & Fanie Botes, Millers Inc, George; violations of intercultural ‘protected cultural property’ principles in GMC 2578-14 court proceedings. Summary of Correspondence Issues covered: Radical Honoursty Ecology of Peace culture War is Peace Culture Org’s: Norwegian Medical Assoc & Cape Law Society Acting MILED Clerk’s Protected Psychological Integrity cultural property For the Inter/Intra Cultural ‘Free and Fair Trials’ Record & Eco-Psychology George Magistrates Court 2578 EoP –v- WiP Proceedings. Requests: Could the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society kindly inform your members that the destruction of intercultural protected cultural property is conduct prejudicial to the maintenance of inter/intra cultural good order and discipline: If your War is Peace culture members Dr. Moe and his legal representatives assert that their allegations of individuals from other cultures to be suffering from ‘mental disorders’ is based upon scientific evidence, as opposed to cultural dogmatic beliefs about ‘normality’, and have any scientific based evidence for any alleged ‘mental disorder’ of any individual from any culture other than their own War is Peace culture’s, they should honourably provide their legal scientific definitions, and their inter-cultural scientific evidence in an intercultural court of law; or if they consider themselves honourable: to retract their statements. If your respective members, namely Dr. Frode Moe and his legal representatives from Millers Inc: Mr. Arno Cross and Mr. Fanie Botes assert that Dr. Moe’s allegations irregularly submitted into the GMC 2578-14 court record, of the Acting 16
MILED Clerk’s alleged ‘mental disorders’ were statements about Dr. Moe and his representatives legal intentions; please take notice that: This correspondence requests the aforementioned War is Peace cultural licensing organisations, namely the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society, to: 1. Inform the Acting MILED Clerk by 17:00 hrs (GMT+2) on 01 August 2014, of the organisation or arbitration body and such organisations specific juridical individual whom your respective medical and attorneys members approve of as an impartial arbitrator to resolve this matter, based upon scientific evidence; including proof of the said individual’s intercultural commitment of being willing to listen to, and impartially consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture. 2. Take Notice that MILED Clerk Applicant is willing to accept and consent to the arbitration jurisdiction of the following South African juridical officials who although juridical members of War is Peace cultures, have proven themselves willing to listen to and consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture: SA Judicial Service Commission Juridical Officials: George District Court Magistrate Essel (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 22 July 2002 (PDF17)) and/or former SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 03 May 2010 (PDF18))
01 August 2014: NO Medical Association & Cape Law Society: Re: Frode Moe, Arno Crous & Fanie Botes & EoP Protected Cultural Property: [Annex G] Sent to Norwegian Medical Association, Norway Medical Practice Licensing Organisations, Cape Law Society and South African Legal Practice Licensing Organisations: “As of 01 August 2014: 17:00 hrs (GMT+2) there has been no response from GMC 2578-14 respondent: (i) Dr. Frode Moe, or his Norwegian medical practice licensing organization, the Norwegian Medical Association; (ii) Dr. Frode Moe’s attorneys: Mr. Arno Crous and Fanie Botes, or their South African legal practice licensing organization, the Cape Law Society; to the Acting MILED Clerk Inter-Cultural Notice: (i) Norwegian Medical Association: Frode Moe, Ranheim; (ii) Cape Law Society: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes, Millers Inc, George; violations of inter-cultural ‘protected cultural property’ principles in GMC 2578-14 court proceedings.” Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk19 Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence20 [EoP21 | WiP22] 17 19 20 21 22 18
and Frode Moe Talitha Moe
First Respondent Second Respondent
Notice in terms of Rule 30(2) and 17(2)
Correspondence in terms of: Rule 17(2): Service shall be proved:- (a) … where service has not been effected by the sheriff, nor in terms of subrule (14) or (15), by an affidavit of the person who effected service. Rule 30: Record of Proceedings in Civil Matters: (2) The court shall mark each document put in evidence and note such mark on the record. Yesterday morning before rushing off to court, the applicant became/was made aware (Annex A) of an email from first respondent (; to the Civil Clerk: Zarita van Eyk; CC’d to second respondent: Talitha Moe, dated 27 May 2014 09:17 PM, Subject: Case 2578-14. (Annex B) Upon return from court, the applicant had time to peruse the first respondents aforementioned email to the clerk. It appears to the applicant that the following can be stated as facts for the record, with regard to the aforementioned email and its current status in the court record. Facts For the Record: 1. Neither of the respondents, nor the clerk served the aforementioned email document and/or any of the documents referred to therein; on the applicant, either per electronic mail, hand mail, registered mail or via the sheriff. Nor does it appear that the respondents requested the Clerk or the applicants father to inform the applicant of this document they submitted into the court record. 2. Consequently: If these document/s are in the current court record; they were irregularly – in violation of Rule 17(2) and Rule (3) -- submitted into the
court record by the respondents, in terms of their failure to serve such document upon the applicant. 3. Needless to say: The applicant cannot provide the court or respondents with a response to any issue which the applicant has not been informed of; but which has been irregularly submitted into the court record in this matter. Questions to the Respondents: 4. What do the Respondents want to do about these irregularly served documents in the court record? a. Do they wish to withdraw these irregular documents; and subsequently inform Magistrate Essel of their request to reconsider his 08 July ruling based upon the accurate court record documents filed; or b. Do they wish to authenticate these irregularly submitted documents as the authentic legal intentions of their client (as opposed to an angry emotive outburst of their client) in this matter; and serve them as is, or as amended with inter-cultural evidence upon the applicant; and provide the applicant with the opportunity to respond to the issues raised by their client? 5. By when can the applicants expect a response from the respondents and/or their attorneys to aforementioned questions? Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Annex A: Excerpt of 08 July Factual SS44 Chronology of Events emailed to GMC 4643-13 applicants at 13:59 HRS on 08 July 2014. Annex B: Copy of Email from First and Second Respondent, (i) emailed by Second Respondent to Applicants father: Clive Johnstone on 14 June 2014 06:57 PM (ii) first seen by applicant on Clive Johnstone’s computer on the morning of 08 July 2014, as stated in Factual SS44 Chronology of Events emailed to GMC 4643-13 applicants at 13:59 HRS on 08 July 2014. TC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Donald Gips, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
Annex A Excerpt of 08 July Factual SS44 Chronology of Events emailed to GMC 4643-13 applicants at 13:59 HRS on 08 July 2014
I Lara Johnstone, one of the applicants in GMC 4643-13 and the Pro Se applicant in GMC 2578-14, hereby confirm that the following Annex A: 08 July 2014 events are excerpts from the aforementioned document emailed to GMC 4643-13 Applicants at 13:59 HRS on 08 July 2014.
Factual SS44 Chronology of Events Interpretations of particular events are in [footnote brackets] Please Note: Cultural Subjective Reality Information Quality Operations (IQO): Simplistically Information Quality Operations refers to communication practices: how overtly or covertly people communicate their wants and cooperate in a team to accomplish their individual or collective goals together; whether based on fully informed consent (white), plausible deniability (grey), or outright deception (black). Reality: Factual – Interpretive – Ideological (Meaning Making): Factual Reality: the facts: what happened, who said or did what to whom, how and when. Interpretive Reality: the interpretation of those facts (i.e. motives): the why behind the whom, when, how and what. Interpretations are individually subjective and only ultimately objective, if accurately interpreted from the perspective of the relevant individual/s actions being interpreted. Interpretations of GMC 4643-13 applicants and other individuals motives: Lara does not claim that these interpretations of factual events are accurate; only that they are her current -- and updated where found to be inaccurate -- cultural subjective reality interpretations. If or where any interpretation involves the motives of another individual; only such individual is capable of verifying which of these interpretations are accurate, semi-accurate or totally inaccurate. - Amended Excerpt from UJMC: MCRSS: EoP RH culture Reality IQO1 PS: Notes in red are reminders about that event or issue or interpretation; to be added when I have time; so I don’t forget about it.
Last Updated: 08 July 2014
Wed: 11 June: [..]
Sun: 14 June: [..]
Wed: 25 June: [..] 1
Thu: 26 June: [..]
Sat 28 June: [..]
Sun: 29 June: [..]
Mon: 30 June: [..]
Tues: 01 July: [..]
Wed 02 July: [..]
Thur 03 July: [..]
Sat: 05 July: [..]
Sunday 06 July: [..]
Monday 07 July: [..]
Tuesday 08 July: Typed my ‘court notes’ and emailed them to dad’s computer to print them. When I got there, his computer was on in email program, with an email from Talitha about the GMC 2578 case. I read it, and opened the two others below it, also from Talitha about the case. One of them was from Frode to the Clerk Zaritha, which he had never sent to me. In it he admits to his belief that he thinks I have a mental disorder, and has informed my parents and family members of his belief in my mental disorders, and that I deserve the ‘lowest form of justice’. I printed my court notes (PDF2 includes highlights & written additions added later) and a copy of Frode’s email to the clerk (PDF3). Court Events: 3 male lawyers talking and laughing about French policeman Hercules Poiroit (1 moustache, 2 clean shaven, 2 white, 1 coloured, 1 bald, 2 hair, 2 suits, 1 black gown, all three wear glasses). One of the female lawyers then starts talking about Fifa World Cup soccer, some guy who broke his back; and who the favourites are to win. The male lawyers change the subject back to a magazine lying on the desk: Justice Today, the female lawyer laughs and says ‘I’ll wait for Justice Tomorrow’. Lady next to me receives SMS (09:32 HRS). Male lawyers talking about how doctors wear masks; interrupted by Magistrate opening his court office door and entering court room. A female lawyer interrupts proceedings with a joke; male lawyer busy with the first case warns her that the magistrate is taking notes. Magistrate Essel smiles. Three lawyers, followed by Ms. Anthony. She gets four cases postponed: Cullem – 5 August Eli (can’t find him, so she goes outside the court to find him) 12 Aug MacDonald – 5 August Couldn’t hear. Johnstone: Magistrate Essel says he will deal with that case later. Other lawyers cases: Lady in ice blue coloured hoodie – case postponed to 28 October. Ms. Coetzee (also here last week), wearing striped brown4 top and scarf, postponed to 2 December. Mr. Goliath: the same coloured man as last week is called and angrily speaks on his own behalf. He is wearing a brown leather jacket. There is a large (about the size of a spherical golf ball) hole and scar on the back of his head/neck, where he obviously had some kind of accident. First he says he can’t hear what the lawyer is saying to 2 3
the Magistrate. He says he is not paying the money for the school where the mother of his child enrolled the child in; cause he wants her to come and testify to the issues in dispute. Magistrate Essel says he must first resolve some order against him, before he can call her to testify; right now he has only two options: pay the money for the order or the school will come and get his belongings in payment. He says he would rather go to prison than give them any of his belongings or money. He says the lawyers refuse to listen to him, so maybe they will listen when he refuses to pay them and goes to prison instead. Almost everyone laughs. Postponed to 5 August. Ms JJ Mellow (lady next to me who got SMS5), wearing grey hoodie, postponed to 12 Aug. Now the court proceeds to deal with respondents who have reached agreements with their applicants to agree to a settlement of the financial issues in dispute. They are called to testify to confirm they have reached agreement on the particular issue, so that Magistrate can issue a declaratory order confirming their agreement on the particular issues in dispute. They agree to a declaratory order to consolidate (registrasie - Afrikaans) their debt, and the particular monthly amounts they are going to start paying, to pay it off. 1. Jan and Nana Maritz 2. Meiring 3. Denisava and Malepu 4. Esmerelda (glasses and bright red lipstick) Magistrate Essel confirms their ‘registrasie’, and that they have agreed to pay off a particular amount of their debt every month. He informs them that if they pay more than the required amount it will be paid off quicker with less interest payments; and that they may not go into debt again until they have fulfilled the agreement conditions and paid off their consolidated debt. GMC 2578-14: Ms. Anthony informs the Magistrate that the respondents filed a Notice in terms of Rule 55(g)(iii) that they dispute jurisdiction. I state that I responded to their notice with a request for clarification from them, and have received no such clarification. Magistrate Essel says he took a look at the file last Tuesday, and states ‘I have to strike this matter from the roll’. I respond that I disagree but I will respect his decision, but I want it on record that I disagree. Ms. Anthony remains silent. I ask Magistrate Essel if I can get a copy of the order to strike the matter from the roll. He says he has noted it in the file and I can get a copy from the Clerk. Return Home: [..] Send updated chronology to GMC 4643-13 applicants. Tim’s response6. 5 6
[..] [..]
Annex B Copy of Email from First and Second Respondent, (i) emailed by Second Respondent to Applicants father: Clive Johnstone on 14 June 2014 06:57 PM (ii) first seen by applicant on Clive Johnstoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s computer on the morning of 08 July 2014, as stated in Factual SS44 Chronology of Events emailed to GMC 4643-13 applicants at 13:59 HRS on 08 July 2014.
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Clives Email From: To: Sent: Subject:
"Talita Vockins" <> "Ann/Clive Johnstone" <> 14 June 2014 06:57 PM Fw: Case 2578-14
----- Original Message ----From: Frode Moe To: Talita Moe Sent: Saturday, June 14, 20145:06 Subject: Fw: Case 2578-14
----- Original Message ---7From: Van Eyk Zarita To: Frode Moe Sent: Wednesday, May 28,201412:07 Subject: RE: Case 2578-14
Good day Mr Moe We acknowledge receipt of you emails and confirm that it was printed and filed on the original court file. The case is on the court roll for
01 July 2014 and Me Johnson confirmed that the case will be further
postponed until you are back in George. The Magistrate will only peruse the file and your emails on the above mentioned date. Unfortunately I am not in the position to give you any legal advice but I suggest that you seek legal advice from a professional attorney. Kind regards,
From: Frode Moe [] Sent: 27 May 2014 09:17 PM To: Van Eyk Zarita Cc: Talita Moe
Subject: Case 2578-14 To the clerk of the Magistrats' civil court.
As I was asked from the clerk, I have emailed my opponent Lara J and asked for postponement of the case till I am back from Norway to George. You have also received a copy of her reply to me. This reply is not giving any clear answer on my requests but she is putting up conditions for me in this case. As you can see on her file to this case, her mental state is a central point from her side and even more from my side. It is correct that I have used the term mental disorder and Borderline psykosis as a diagnosis on her mental disturbance in discussions with Lara J and her parents . . These statements I am willing to defend in court. However I will ask the court to read through Lara J's file to this case 2578-14 and also the almost 80 pages she filed to the civil court case
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By reading so I think most people can easily see that these files are produced by a mental disturbed person. So THE MAGISTRATS' CIVIL COURT CAN NOT LET A MENTAL DISTURBED PERSON SET THE CONDITIONS FOR THE COURT CASE. The CLERK OF THE CIVIL COURT must do the administration and 1 answer my request for a postponement 2 give me instructions of what minimum of papers you need from my side to continue. As I will arrive in George at the end of Augst . I will also need some time to perpare for the case. So I need a postponement till first in October this year.
However I have to pinpoint to the court that this case involves entirely the closest of Lara J. relatives directly and as witnesses. A courcase can not do anybody good and possibly do lot of arm for both sides. So to my oppinion this case has nothing to do in a court. So I will ask the Magistarts civil court to consider this and treat this case at the lowest possible level of justice .. Sincerely Frode Moe
r x! L_"
This email is free from viruses and malware because -----avast! Antivirus protection
is active.
I ~(rs(,!'V.L. Section 170 of the final Constitution provides that a Magistrate's Court may decide any matter determined by an Act of Parliament, but does not possess the power to enquire into or rule on the constitutionality of any legislation or any conduct of the President. Companies Act 71 of2008: Section 188 (2) The Commission must increase knowledge of the nature and dynamics of company and intellectual property law, and promote public awareness of company and intellectual property law matters, by (b) providing guidance to the public by (i) issuing explanatory notices outlining its procedure, or its non-binding opinion on the interpretation of any provision of this Act; or (ii) applying to a court for a declaratory order on the interpretation or application of any provision of this Act. Jurisdiction in SA Courts states the Companies Act says "A securities holder of a company may apply to a court for a declaratory order determining any rights of the securities holder in terms of the Act, the company's MOl, or any rules of the company; or any appropriate order necessary to * protect any right;. or rectify any harm done to the securities holder by the company or any of its directors as a consequence of an act or omission that contravened this Act or the company's MOl or rules, or violated any right (Section 161)
**** Waive Magistrates Advantage: In Rv Tusini and another 1953 (4) SA 406 (A) 412 C-F, court held that if the hearing/trial magistrate does not take advantage of the favourable position in which he finds himself, as far as considering the witnesses and the evidence is concerned, the court of appeal will be free to come to its own findings instead of those of the trial court. Judicially Uninvestigated Facts: In S v Roux 1974 (2) SA 452 (N) 455 A, court held that the power of a Court of Appeal to hear further evidence stems trom the fact that it is neither in the interests of the administration of justice nor in the interests of legal certainty that questions of fact which have already been judicially investigated and pronounced upon should be re-opened and amplified or supplemented, and vice versa. Court must exercise the function entrusted to it; by providing the applicant with a fair hearing. Application of Mind: A mistake of law per se is not an irregularity, but its consequences amount to a gross irregularity where a judicial officer, although perfectly well intentioned and bona fide, does not direct his mind to the issue before him and so prevents the aggrieved party from having his case fully and fairly determined (Goldfields Investment, Ltd. v City Council of Johannesburg, 1938 TPD 551; Local Road Transportation Board v Durban City Council 1965 (1) SA 586 (AD) at 598A-C). In S v Mushimba en Andere 1977 (2) SA 829 (A) 844 H, the court held that such a failure of justice may consist in an irregularity so serious that it would on its own result in the requirements which the basic principles of justice prescribe for the proceedings not being complied with.
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MILINT Earth Day
EoP v WiP
EoP v WiP :: Ecology of Peace :: EoP Clerk Disclosure ::
Ecology of Peace Clerk Disclosure Ecology of Peace (EoP) refers to an individual or group of individuals who live according to, or wish to implement, an EoP social contract; which (i) requires all the worlds tribes citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits, to avoid resource wars; and (ii) holds them accountable to such EoP social contract by eliminating breeding or consuming cheaters from the genepool. The ideology of CommonSism is an Ecology of Peace (EoP) ideology; whereas Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Libertarianism, etc are War-is-Peace ideologies. EoP Values
EoP Supporters
EoP Legal Submissions
MILED Clerk Notice
EoP Acting Clerk Disclosure Transparency Disclosure: The following information is provided to enable possible EoP supporters to make a fully informed decision about the credibility (or not) of the Clerk: Ms. Lara Johnstone; should you be concerned that the credibility of the Ecology of Peace Clerk messenger affects the Ecology of Peace message or principles.
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Not Credible
NC: North Carolina General Assembly: House Bill 774: Building Code Exclusion: Primitive Structures
Mr. Angus Thermopylae: Editor of the Commander Breivik Report: Mr. Thermopylae alleges (PDF) that the Clerk and applicant’s submission is schizophrenic and delusional (Dec 04, 2013 10:03 PM); that the Clerk’s “brain isn't functioning correctly” (Dec 05, 2013 5:58 AM); that “Women are incapable of rational thought” (Dec 05, 2013 11:43 PM).
Employment References: S.Y. Aiglon | S.Y. Sea Cloud | S.Y. Kembara | S.Y. Spirit of Knysna | Lord and Lady Glenapp | Peter Stuart Buttle | Charlotte Crawford | Jo Evans.
Mrs. Patricia de Lille: Leader of Independent Democrats (ID): CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08: Mrs Patricia de Lille filed charges in a South African court alleging that the Clerk is insane and a 'crimen injuria' racist (no definition for insane, racist or 'dignity' provided) for her opinions related to iatrogenic origins of aids as an ethno-specific weapon to depopulate Africans, Non-Europeans and sexually promiscuous Europeans. Magistrate Louw agreed with Ms. De Lille that applicant was racist, although he provided no definition for 'racist'. [S v LJ: Incomplete Further Particulars (Encl.Vid) | Legal Argument ]
GMC 4643-13 Applicants: Francisco Martin (aka Gen Patton); US Navy Judge Advocate General: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi; Assistant Secretary of the Navy: Energy, Installations and Environment: Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn; Russia President Vladimir Putin; General David Petraeus (Ret); General Ray O'Dierno; General Stan McChrystal (Ret), General John Mulholland, Timothy McVeigh (aka Gen Ned Ludd) and Erik Prince.
George Magistrates Court Prosecutors Office: Various members of the Prosecutors Office in George Magistrates Court have legally alleged that the Clerk lacks psychological integrity (is insane, has a mental disorder; and should not be taken seriously); regarding her evidence, statements and activism related to the iatrogenic origins of AIDS. No definition for ‘mental disorder’ provided. [See: GMC Civil Case 4643-13 Applicants Correspondence 01 July – 06 July 2014 with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents Attorneys; (ii) GMC 4643-13 Radical Honesty Culture respondents; (iii) HC-CPD SAPS Commissioner & 6 Others respondents & attorneys; (iv) GMC Criminal Case C 572-2002: State v Johnstone: Prosecutor Officials & Attorneys; (v) HC-CPD A 696-04: Johnstone v State Review respondents & attorneys; (vi) Capetown Criminal Case: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08: Prosecutor, Judicial Officials & Attorneys; (vii) HC-CPD L Johnstone v SAPS National Commissioner & 2 Others respondents & attorneys] George Magistrate JDS Meyer and Prosecutor Y Sipoyo: Magistrate JDS Meyer and Prosecutor Y Sipoyo allege that the Clerk is a racist and that her refusal to condone their legal corruption is a contempt of court. No definition for ‘racist’ or ‘contempt of court’ provided. George Magistrates Court Case: B121-03. Frode & Talitha Moe: Frode and Talitha Moe have repeatedly in the past alleged that the Clerk has a 'mental disorder'. The matter is currently being litigated in the George Magistrates Court: Case 2578-14. Mr and Mrs Moe have not yet made up their mind whether their 'mental disorder' allegations against the Clerk was the result of: (a) temporary angry outbursts and/or suppressed cultural anger, (b) a psychological resource thieving warfare allegation from members of a Masonic War is Peace culture against a member of an Ecology of Peace culture; (c) Blind academic and cultural obedience to parasitic War is Peace Flat Earth pseudo-scientific fraudulent political psychiatry authority; (d) a legal allegation based upon Ecology of Peace finite earth and resources scientific evidence; (d) psychotronic mindcontrol manipulation by military intelligence agencies; or (e) some other explanation. Durban Advocate JP van der Veen: Advocate JP van der Veen considers the Clerk to be a “DUMB F**K, stupid, uneducated, undereducated.. RACIST” (PDF).
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converted by
MILINT Earth Day
EoP v WiP
EoP v WiP :: Ecology of Peace :: EoP Legal Submissions :: MILED Clerk Notice ::
Brief Summary of 'War is Peace' (WiP) history and humanity's current EoP -v- WiP Options: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Earth is not flat Resources are not infinite When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict. War is Peace (WiP) history: either:
Religious and political leaders ignored facts (1) (2) & (3); choosing instead to bribe their tribes members to believe it is their 'inalienable [freedumb slavery] right' to breed and consume above carrying capacity limits; as they embark on the totalitarian agriculture motivated beyond retardation (motarded) ratrace to choose to join one or other ideological, religious, racial or cultural tribe to engage in resource war thieving to accumulate more resources to grow their tribe to enable it to protect itself from another tribes organized violence resource war thieving, and/or; Anti-war Ecology of Peace religious and/or political leaders did inform citizens of ecological literacy reality that sustainable world peace; requires implementing an international law social contract that confronts facts (1) (2) & (3); that requires all humans to breed or consume below carrying capacity; but either: (A) citizens were too greedy to breed and/or consume as much as they want; and so nobody listened to such anti-war Ecology of Peace to support the voluntary non-violent implementation of an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; and/or; (B) not enough Generals and soldiers were willing to collectively support such Ecology of Peace principles and demand by force if need be that their civilian political, religious and legal leaders enact a sustainable world peace social contract. 5. Current EoP â&#x20AC;&#x201C;vâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; WiP NWO reality future: Humans have now bred so much, and consumed so much of the earths finite resources, that humanity is now between 700 and 400,000 % over carrying capacity limits, which means either: Ecology of Peace (EoP) NWO: Humans find a way to legally implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract that enables orderly and humane reduction of population and consumption: (A) Voluntarily by civil society who support political and military leaders to legislate such an international law social contract into law transparently and democratically; and/or (B) Involuntarily by politicians who legislate such international law social contract into law in secret; and/or (C) Involuntarily by military force; either as coercive pressure on civil society, legislative authorities, or ultimately as a military necessity coup dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;etat; or War is Peace (WiP) NWO: Armageddon collision of humans overbreeding and overconsuming with ecological finite resource reality: and mother nature uses death, pestilence, famine, war on an unimaginable scale to very violently reduce human population and consumption.
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19 April 2014 09:01 CST: The EoP PoW Geneva Amendments submission to the Swiss Federal Council on behalf of President Obama, Putin, GMC 4634 Applicants & supporters is suspended: pending resolution of GMC 2578-14; and/or authorization from US & RU Embassies. Clerk Resignation: In early April the Clerk informed GMC 4643-13 applicants that in the absence of un/conditional co-operator support for non-violent EoP negotiations; she would resign on 19 April 2014; and recommend to US & RU officials to find themselves another EoP PoW submission Clerk. Legal Objections: Honourable legal objectors of the EoP PoW Amendments to Geneva Convention submission may submit a legal brief with your legal argument; to the Clerk by 22 July 2014 (or notify the clerk by 22 July 2014 of the date by when you shall be filing your objection brief). For more details on how to file an Objection brief; see your original invitation; or if you lost it or never received an invitation, request an invitation to support/object. Referral: EoP PoW Geneva Convention Amendments referral to Swiss Federal Council shall occur once (a) EoP Clerks psychological integrity credibility, Iatrogenic Ethno-bio-warfare depopulation Origins of AIDS and Military Psychotronic Information Warfare -- issues currently proceeding in GMC 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe -- are resolved; and/or (b) the Russian and American Embassies appoint their respective appointed individual/s to take over the MILED Clerk position; and such officially authorized Clerk/s proceed to file the referral to the Swiss Federal Council; preferably on 11 September 2014. Lara Johnstone & Andrea Muhrrteyn MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP]
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Annex A Excerpt of GMC 4643-13 Applicant/s: SS44 Factual Chronology of Events correspondence of 08 July 2014: 13:59 HRS
Excerpt of GMC 4643-13 Applicant/s: SS44 Factual Chronology of Events update correspondence of 13 July 2014: 12:49 HRS
I Lara Johnstone, the Pro Se applicant in GMC 4643-13 / 2578-14, hereby confirm that the following Annex A: 08 July 2014 factual events and Introduction to Radical Honoursty culture interpretation from the aforementioned documents was emailed to GMC 2473 (4643/2578) Applicants on 08 July 2014: 13:59 HRS and 13 July 2014: 12:49 HRS
Factual SS44 Chronology of Events Interpretations of particular events are in [footnote brackets] Please Note: Last Updated: 13 July 2014
Cultural Subjective Reality Information Quality Operations (IQO): Simplistically Information Quality Operations refers to communication practices: how overtly or covertly people communicate their wants and cooperate in a team to accomplish their individual or collective goals together; whether based on fully informed consent (white), plausible deniability (grey), or outright deception (black). Reality: Factual & Interpretive: Factual: the facts: what happened, who said, did what to whom, how & when. Interpretive: the interpretation of those facts (i.e. motives): the why behind the whom, when, how and what. Interpretive Reality: Interpretations: Interpretations are individually subjective, based upon the individual’s intellectual, religious, political, class, etc conscious or unconscious interpretive education and worldview. For example: If you want to know whether the actions, of an astronaut during space flight are reasonable (i.e. whether his astronaut interpretations of the messages received from the space-ship computers about the status of the spaceship’s engines, the weather outside, etc; were accurately interpreted and responded to); you don’t ask a clown who does not speak that particular –spaceship-computer-messagesinterpretive language; you ask another astronaut who is capable of speaking the same ‘spaceship machine messages’ interpretative language as the astronaut. For example: A says ‘2+2=4’. Different inter/intra-cultural1 interpretations could include: Kids Culture: B » ‘A is learning to count the 2 plus 2 table’ Academic Culture: C » ‘A is a maths teacher and is teaching a student’. Business Culture: D » ‘A is counting his money and thieving profits’ Pop Culture: E » ‘A is making a cryptic 1984 message about truth.’ MM Culture: F » ‘A is teaching problem solving in a cuckoo home.’ VA Culture: G » ‘A is giving a resource thieving conquer/cull/assassination order’ RH Culture: H » ‘A said 2+2=4’ RÆ Culture: I » ‘A said 2+2=4’ with caveat. RÆ Culture Caveat: Only A can explain why A said ‘2+2=4’. Only B-H who heard A say ‘2+2=4’ and subjectively interpreted A’s statement as anything else but ‘A’ saying ‘2+2=4’ in that manner, at that time, in that circumstance can explain their interpretations of A saying ‘2+2=4’. Only A knows if A’s statement ‘2+2=4’ is intended to In this particular ‘A says 2+2=4 Interpretations’ example: MM refers to MadMax RÆ Ecology of Peace Bushido Dischordian teaching perspective | VA refers to a particular perspective interpretation of Vatican Assassin: i.e. Jesuit, Freemason, etc Masonic Secret Societies culture | RH: Radical Honesty | RÆ: Radical Honoursty. 1
have some communicative meaning to anyone else, or was just verbal diarrhoea, listening to the sound of his voice or seeing his words in print. If I (RÆ) want to know if ‘A’ intended the communication to have some communicative meaning to me; I must engage ‘A’ to listen, provide my interpretations of why ‘A’ said ‘2+2=4’ in that manner, at that time, in that circumstance by considering A’s statement from the perspective of his intellectual, class, racial, religious and cultural worldview; and confirm that my intercultural interpretations are accurate, or if not, to ask ‘A’ to be more clear about why ‘A’ said ‘2+2=4’ in that manner, at that time, in that circumstance. According to most egologically and inter/intra-culturally illiterate persons of all cultures: their cultural interpretation of A’s statement, is not cognitively or publicly prefixed as [My subjective cultural interpretation of A saying ‘2+2=4’ is] ‘‘A is learning to count the 2 plus 2 table’; but [The one and only correct objective interpretation of A saying ‘2+2=4’ is] ‘A is learning to count the 2 plus 2 table’. Consequently according to their particular cultural interpretation A’s statement or actions would be (a) accurate reality of that communication event (without making any effort to verify their interpretation as accurate with ‘A’); and (b) if severely egologically illiterate: the one and only accurate interpretation of A’s statement. Put simply: they know better why ‘A’ said why ‘A’ said what ‘A’ said, than ‘A’ does. For all intents and purposes ‘A’s subjective worldview does not exist; ‘A’ only exists as an object – in resource thieving terms a commodified and commoditized resource object – to project their own cultural resource thieving worldview upon. ‘A’ might as well be a deaf, dumb and mute slave. RÆ Culture Communication 101: According to the RÆ Culture: The only correct subjective interpretation of A’s message would be from ‘A’s cognitive cultural intentions; or objectively from others sharing ‘A’s culture confirming such actions or intentions as ‘reasonable’ within that particular culture. If ‘B’ to ‘F’ are listening & inform ‘A’ of their interpretation of A’s statement/actions; then ‘A’ can confirm or deny it. If ‘A’ confirms any interpretation as accurate; then real ‘communication’ occurs with regard to that particular confirmed message. ‘A’ spoke, the other [B-J] listened, interpreted and responded with their respective interpretation. ‘A’ confirmed/denied any particular interpretation/s as accurate/inaccurate. The greater extent to which either party engages in clear descriptive language; the greater their commitment to reaching an inter/intra-cultural understanding and equitable white IQO agreement; and vice versa. “In the absence of active listening, sharing of interpretations, confirming accuracy of intra-inter cultural subjective interpretations; any agreement or disagreement between two or more individuals from the same or different cultures, about any statement or particular actions or events is subjective and objective self delusional bullshit.’ According to the Sufi’s 92% of humans spend their entire lives in a psychological state of subjective and objective self delusional bullshit. Put simply 92% of humans don’t know how to listen, don’t know they don’t know how to listen, don’t know how to interpret, don’t know they don’t know how to interpret; don’t know how to engage in a fully informed consenting agreement, don’t want to know they don’t know how to listen and interpret, don’t want to learn how to listen and interpret; don’t want to engage in fully informed consenting agreements. But what the Sufi’s avoid saying is that most of the 8%, or at the very least the 1% who legislate and interpret the elite’s Ecologically Illiterate social contract; who do know how to listen and interpret and engage in fully informed consenting agreements (for their own WiP elite benefit), do not want to (a) inform the 7% elite slavery plantation masters or their 92% blind, dumb, deaf mute slaves that they are all blind, dumb, deaf mute debt slaves; or (b) the other 1% who
enforce the laws: military and police; that they are blind, dumb, deaf mute debt slaves enforcing blind, dumb and deaf mute slavery law; because (c) they would prefer to be first class2 Debt – human factory3 farming ‘human cattle’ slavery plantation4 – slavery passengers; on Industrial Civilization WiP Titanic they culturally refer to as S.Y. ‘Democracy’. Consequently, any interpretations shared in this document should be read in the context of the RÆ Culture Caveat above. To the extent that any individual is interested in entering into an equitable win-win ‘Buck stops here’ responsible truthseeking agreement; they shall confirm/deny their interpretation as accurate or inaccurate to each other; to enable a path to clarity and absence of ambiguity for any future agreement. Once such clear agreement is concluded, commit to holding themselves responsible for upholding their confirmed intentions in their agreement; including continuing to refine their agreement if any individual changes their perspective/preference on any issue or where misunderstandings occur. PS: Notes in red are reminders about that event or issue or interpretation; to be added when I have time; so I don’t forget about it.
Last Updated: 08 July 2014
Wed: 11 June: [..]
Sun: 14 June: [..]
Wed: 25 June: [..]
Thu: 26 June: [..]
Sat 28 June: [..] 2 4 3
Sun: 29 June: [..]
Mon: 30 June: [..]
Tues: 01 July: [..]
Wed 02 July: [..]
Thur 03 July: [..]
Sat: 05 July: [..]
Sunday 06 July: [..]
Monday 07 July: [..]
Tuesday 08 July: Typed my ‘court notes’ and emailed them to dad’s computer to print them. When I got there, his computer was on in email program, with an email from Talitha about the GMC 2578 case. I read it, and opened the two others below it, also from Talitha about the case. One of them was from Frode to the Clerk Zaritha, which he had never sent to me. In it he admits to his belief that he thinks I have a mental disorder, and has informed my parents and family members of his belief in my
mental disorders, and that I deserve the ‘lowest form of justice’. I printed my court notes (PDF5 includes highlights & written additions added later) and a copy of Frode’s email to the clerk (PDF6). Court Events: 3 male lawyers talking and laughing about French policeman Hercules Poiroit (1 moustache, 2 clean shaven, 2 white, 1 coloured, 1 bald, 2 hair, 2 suits, 1 black gown, all three wear glasses). One of the female lawyers then starts talking about Fifa World Cup soccer, some guy who broke his back; and who the favourites are to win. The male lawyers change the subject back to a magazine lying on the desk: Justice Today, the female lawyer laughs and says ‘I’ll wait for Justice Tomorrow’. Lady next to me receives SMS (09:32 HRS). Male lawyers talking about how doctors wear masks; interrupted by Magistrate opening his court office door and entering court room. A female lawyer interrupts proceedings with a joke; male lawyer busy with the first case warns her that the magistrate is taking notes. Magistrate Essel smiles. Three lawyers, followed by Ms. Anthony. She gets four cases postponed: Cullem – 5 August Eli (can’t find him, so she goes outside the court to find him) 12 Aug MacDonald – 5 August Couldn’t hear. Johnstone: Magistrate Essel says he will deal with that case later. Other lawyers cases: Lady in ice blue coloured hoodie – case postponed to 28 October. Ms. Coetzee (also here last week), wearing striped brown7 top and scarf, postponed to 2 December. Mr. Goliath: the same coloured man as last week is called and angrily speaks on his own behalf. He is wearing a brown leather jacket. There is a large (about the size of a spherical golf ball) hole and scar on the back of his head/neck, where he obviously had some kind of accident. First he says he can’t hear what the lawyer is saying to the Magistrate. He says he is not paying the money for the school where the mother of his child enrolled the child in; cause he wants her to come and testify to the issues in dispute. Magistrate Essel says he must first resolve some order against him, before he can call her to testify; right now he has only two options: pay the money for the order or the school will come and get his belongings in payment. He says he would rather go to prison than give them any of his belongings or money. He says the lawyers refuse to listen to him, so maybe they will listen when he refuses to pay them and goes to prison instead. Almost everyone laughs. Postponed to 5 August.
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Ms JJ Mellow (lady next to me who got SMS8), wearing grey hoodie, postponed to 12 Aug. Now the court proceeds to deal with respondents who have reached agreements with their applicants to agree to a settlement of the financial issues in dispute. They are called to testify to confirm they have reached agreement on the particular issue, so that Magistrate can issue a declaratory order confirming their agreement on the particular issues in dispute. They agree to a declaratory order to consolidate (registrasie - Afrikaans) their debt, and the particular monthly amounts they are going to start paying, to pay it off. 1. Jan and Nana Maritz 2. Meiring 3. Denisava and Malepu 4. Esmerelda (glasses and bright red lipstick) Magistrate Essel confirms their ‘registrasie’, and that they have agreed to pay off a particular amount of their debt every month. He informs them that if they pay more than the required amount it will be paid off quicker with less interest payments; and that they may not go into debt again until they have fulfilled the agreement conditions and paid off their consolidated debt. GMC 2578-14: Ms. Anthony informs the Magistrate that the respondents filed a Notice in terms of Rule 55(g)(iii) that they dispute jurisdiction. I state that I responded to their notice with a request for clarification from them, and have received no such clarification. Magistrate Essel says he took a look at the file last Tuesday, and states ‘I have to strike this matter from the roll’. I respond that I disagree but I will respect his decision, but I want it on record that I disagree. Ms. Anthony remains silent. I ask Magistrate Essel if I can get a copy of the order to strike the matter from the roll. He says he has noted it in the file and I can get a copy from the Clerk. Return Home: [..] Send updated chronology to GMC 4643-13 applicants. Tim’s response9.
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[..] [..]
Acting Director: Frank Dorey: Cape Law Society P O Box 4528, Cape Town, 8000 E-post ( Cape Bar: Renata Williams (
Director: Anne Herseth Barlo Reg. Auth for Health Personnel P.O. Box 8053 Dep, NO-0031 Oslo. SAK E-Post ( Anette Bryn (
Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) P O Box 36626, Menlo Park 0102 Tel: +27 (0)12 366 8800 Fax: +27 (0)12 362 0969 lssa (
Minister Bent Høie Norwegian Ministry of Health Postbox 8129 Dep, 0032 OSLO, Norway Bent Hoie E-post ( Astrid Heiberg (
Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary Judicial Service Commission Private Bag X1, Braamfontein, 2017 JSC ( LB (Lynette Bios (
Ambassador: Kari M. Bjørnsgaard Norwegian Embassy - Pretoria 165 Lynnwood Road, Brooklyn Tel: 12 364 3700 | Fax: 12 364 3799 E-post: (
Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo Head of Mission SA Embassy in Oslo Norway Drammensveien 88C, 0244 Oslo (
NO EoP-PoW submission Supporters: Anders Breivik Attorney Geir Lippestad ( Norwegian Minister of Justice and Security: Police: Secretary General: Thor Arne Aass (
SA EoP-PoW submission Supporters: Jacob Zuma: President RSA ( John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court (
CC: Millers Inc (; Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director (; Frode & Talitha Moe ( CC: Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington (; Stephanie Paidas (; Karen Brattain ( CC: USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base ( 3840 Henderson Dr, Jacksonville NC 28542
Board of Directors: Norwegian Medical Association and Cape Law Society:
RE: Acting MILED Clerk Inter-Cultural Notice: (i) Norwegian Medical Association: Frode Moe, Ranheim; (ii) Cape Law Society: Arno Cross & Fanie Botes, Millers Inc, George; violations of inter-cultural ‘protected cultural property’ principles in GMC 2578-14 court proceedings. Radical Honoursty Ecology of Peace culture: I am a member of the Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty culture (EoP oath: PDF1); and the Acting Clerk2 for the MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Prisoner of War Amendments to the Geneva Convention submission to the Swiss Federal Council3; herein after referred to as the ‘Acting MILED Clerk’. An Ecology of Peace (EoP) culture4 is a culture whose social contract requires the members of that culture to commit to procreating and consuming below ecological carrying capacity limits. War is Peace Culture Org’s: Norwegian Medical Assoc & Cape Law Society: As far as I am aware, the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society are War is Peace human factory farming licensing5 cultural organisations; and all of your members are individuals who belong to various different War is Peace cultures. A War is Peace (WiP) culture6 refers to an individual or group of individuals who live according to a War-is-Peace social contract; which provides its members with the inalienable ‘right’ to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits, enabling divide and conquer resource wars for the profit and socio-political benefits of the elite; but require their members to get a licence to own a gun, a license to drive a Car, a License to practice law, a television license, a credit license, a university exemption license, a license to fish, a liquor license, a business license, a marriage licence, etc. Acting MILED Clerk’s Protected Psychological Integrity cultural property: The term ‘protected EoP cultural property’ is based upon aforementioned EoP Cultural Oath and a combination of the following War is Peace social contract jurisprudence dealing with various individuals in War is Peace cultures concern for the protection of various War is Peace cultures cultural and environmental property: International: (i) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights7; (ii) Fribourg Declaration on Cultural Rights8; (iii) 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict9; NATO: (iv) NATO Environmental Regulations10; and US Government: (v) Executive Order 11593 Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment11; (vi) Cooperative 2 3
4 6 7
9 10 11
Agreements for Management of Cultural Resources (10 U.S.C 2684)12; and (vii) US Military Regulations: General Order One13 (destruction of intercultural protected cultural property is conduct prejudicial to the maintenance of inter/intra cultural good order and discipline); GO-1C paragraph 2k(3)14; 2(l)15 and 316. For the Inter/Intra Cultural ‘Free and Fair Trials’ Record: As a member of the non-masonic Radical Honoursty Ecology of Peace culture, I have filed numerous applications on behalf of Masonic War is Peace political or information warfare terrorists right to a free and fair trial, including among others: Anders Breivik, Beate Zschape17, Wouter Basson18, Michael Adebolajo19, Bradley (Chelsea) Manning, Edward Snowden20, Robert McBride21, etc. For example in the case of Anders Breivik: applications to the Oslo District Court22, Norway Supreme Court23; on behalf of Masonic War is Peace political terrorist Mr. Anders Breivik, argued in support of his Habeus Mentem right to legal sanity and right to a free and fair treason trial, at the very least equivalent to the right to legal sanity free and fair trial provided by the Apartheid South African Government to War is Peace Masonic political terrorist Mr. Nelson Mandela. Specifically: the Ecology of Peace application to the European Court of Human Rights24 supported Mr. Breivik’s right to a fair legal enquiry of the subjective and objective merits of his interpretation of War is Peace cultural social contract Military Necessity jurisprudence25 legal right to physically assassinate corrupt War is Peace sociopolitical, cultural and religious leaders. Eco-psychologists assert that they have detected unspoken grief within individuals, an escalation of pain and despair, felt in response to widespread environmental destruction. The field of eco-psychology intends to illustrate how environmental 12 13 14 “This Order prohibits intentionally desecrating or defiling the following: (a) religious items or symbols (regardless of the religion); (b) religious holy books, such as the Qur’an, Bible or Torah; (c) any religious shine or place of worship (such as a church or mosque); (d) national flags containing religious notations (such as the Afghanistan, Saudi and Iraqi); (e) any historical or cultural relic, or location; (f) the terms “desecrating” means divesting or diverting from a sacred to a profane use or purpose by blasphemous, sacrilegious, irreverent, contemptuous, or disrespectful action. The term “defiling” includes actions or words that are abusive, cruel, indecent, reproachful, or detract from the significance, status, or position of a person or property.” 15 “l. Violations of Host-Nation Laws. This Order charges all personnel subject to this Order with the responsibility to become familiar with and respect the laws, regulations, and customs of their hostnation insofar as the host-nation laws, regulations and customs do not interfere with the execution of official duties. Violations of host-nation laws, regulations and customs may be punishable under applicable U.S. criminal statutes or U.S. military administrative regulations.” 16 “3. PUNITIVE ORDER. Paragraph 2 of this General Order is punitive. Persons violating this Order are subject to appropriate administrative, non-judicial, or judicial action. DoD civilians may also face criminal prosecution or adverse administrative action for violation of this Order.” 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
disconnection functions as an aspect of existing pathologies, without creating a new category. The contention is that when a culture is disconnected from nature, then various aspects of an individual's life will be negatively impacted. It also believes that without the influence of nature, humans are prone to a variety of delusions, and that to some degree life in the wild forms the basis for human sanity and optimal psychological development. The topic is explored in detail in Paul Shepard's book Nature and Madness and Daniel Quinn’s, The Story of B. According to EoP-psychology principles, the concept of ‘mental disorders’ only exists in War is Peace cultures, and is simply a conscious or unconscious political coercion resource theft and control mechanism used by members of War is Peace culture’s against each other. Put simply the allegation of ‘mental disorders’ are a result of conformity population pressures and a direct and indirect consequence of War is Peace culture’s procreating and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits. Consequently if or where an individual or group of individuals take personal and social responsibility for procreating and consuming below ecological carrying capacity limits, in accordance to Ecology of Peace social contract principles; their psychological, intellectual, physical, sexual, emotional and any other relevant concept of property, should be considered ‘protected EoP cultural property’. As a member of an Ecology of Peace culture; I have not stolen in terms of my procreation or consumption from any War is Peace culture. I hereby request the aforementioned War is Peace cultural licensing organisations, namely the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society, to maintain EoP -v- WiP intercultural discipline and order by requiring your members to restrict their War is Peace resource thieving cultural practices exclusively to the members and resources of your respective consenting War is Peace cultures; and respecting Ecology of Peace cultures ‘protected cultural property’; including their psychological integrity property. Could the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society kindly inform your members that the destruction of intercultural protected cultural property is conduct prejudicial to the maintenance of inter/intra cultural good order and discipline: If your War is Peace culture members Dr. Moe and his legal representatives assert that their allegations of individuals from other cultures to be suffering from ‘mental disorders’ is based upon scientific evidence, as opposed to cultural dogmatic beliefs about ‘normality’, and have any scientific based evidence for any alleged ‘mental disorder’ of any individual from any culture other than their own War is Peace culture’s, they should honourably provide their legal scientific definitions, and their inter-cultural scientific evidence in an inter-cultural court of law; or if they consider themselves honourable: to retract their statements. George Magistrates Court 2578 EoP –v- WiP Proceedings: This correspondence notifies the following War is Peace cultural organisations, namely the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society, of the following information: 1. On 19 April 2014 Acting MILED Clerk resigned from her position as MILED Clerk, pending (a) resolution of unresolved psychological integrity credibility, Iatrogenic Ethno-bio-warfare depopulation Origins of AIDS and Military Psychotronic Information Warfare issues currently proceeding in GMC 257814: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe; and/or (b) Russian and American
Embassies appointing their respective appointed individual/s to take over the MILED Clerk position; and such officially authorized Clerk/s proceed to file the EoP PoW Geneva Convention Amendments referral to the Swiss Federal Council; preferably on 11 September 2014. 2. On 19 May 2014 Acting MILED Clerk filed GMC 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode and Talitha Moe. Dr. Frode Moe is a member of the Norwegian Medical Association26. Dr. Frode Moe is legally represented by Mr. Arno Cross, of Millers Inc, whose director is Mr. Fanie Botes; members of the Cape Law Society. 3. GMC 2578-14 requests that Dr. Moe either provide scientific evidence for his ‘mental disorder’ allegations apologize and withdraw the allegations. The actions which Dr. Moe alleges to be ‘mental disorders’ involves my Ecology of Peace activism to support War is Peace culture’s military authorities to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract, to enable Post Peak Oil and Non-Renewable Natural Resources orderly and humane deindustrialization. 4. On 28 May 2014, Dr. Frode Moe filed irregular court documents (i.e. which were never served upon the applicant aka Acting MILED Clerk) into the court record in this matter stating among others “It is correct that I have used the term mental disorder and borderline psykosis as a diagnosis on her mental disturbance in discussions with Lara J and her parents. These statements I am willing to defend in court.” Dr. Moe also stated that in his opinion “this case has nothing to do in a court”; but did not clarify how he suggested this matter be resolved. The applicant only became aware of this irregular submitted document on 08 July 2014. 5. On 08 July 2014 Dr. Frode Moe and his attorneys objected to the arbitration of this dispute, by George Magistrate Mr. Essel, based on War is Peace legal cultural assertions of the alleged absence of jurisdiction; requiring that the matter be struck from the roll. 6. Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2): a. From 09 July to present: Dr. Frode Moe and his South African attorneys were requested by Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) to withdraw these irregularly filed documents, or authenticate them as the authentic legal intentions of their by clarifying whether Dr. Moe’s ‘mental disorder’ allegations, were the result of: (a) temporary angry outbursts and/or suppressed cultural anger, (b) a psychological resource thieving warfare allegation from members of a Masonic War is Peace culture27 against a member of an Ecology of Peace culture28; (c) Blind academic and cultural obedience29 to parasitic War is Peace Flat Earth pseudo-scientific fraudulent30 political psychiatry31 27 28 29 30 31 26
authority; (d) psychotronic mindcontrol manipulation32 by military intelligence agencies; or (e) some other explanation; b. Dr. Moe’s attorneys 17 July 2014 response: “We regard the matter as finalized and will not entertain further correspondence regarding the application. Kindly also refrain from contacting our clients directly in any way. Our clients indicated that they will mark all communications received from yourself as spam and our office will now do the same.” c. On 22 May 2014, the Acting MILED Clerk notified GMC 4643-13 applicants and GMC 2578-14 respondents of: GMC 4643 Applicants MH17 response to GMC 2578-14 respondents: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous: “Acting MILED Clerks interpretation of Joint Chiefs of Staff (JSC) and Kremlin and/or their executive subordinates, joint psychotronic taps-symphony manipulation of individuals in Ukraine, directly involved in the Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash in Ukraine: World sees Tragedy, US Sees “Game Changer”, in support of providing an egologically illiterate BiP-Lite ‘My Elf’ v ‘My Elf’ MILINT educational response (on behalf of GMC 2473-34 Applicants), to the GMC 2578-14 respondents, egologically illiterate Monty Python’s Flying Circus: Spam response to the Applicants Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2)”. The correspondence also addressed the (i) consequences of War is Peace culture’s human factory farm33 ticking $710 trillion; or is it $1.5 Quadrillion34 financial nuclear time bomb, and its ticking faster and faster and faster; nearing the end of its What Time is It?35 ecological tipping point fuse36; and (ii) informed the respondents, the acting clerk applicant would consider fair alternative options, other than civil court proceedings for resolving the issues. 7. Transcript of Acting MILED Clerk’s Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) & 30(2) correspondence to GMC 4643-13 applicants and GMC 2578-14 respondents attorneys (PDF37). Furthermore correspondence requests the aforementioned War is Peace cultural licensing organisations, namely the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society, to: 1. Inform the Acting MILED Clerk by 17:00 hrs (GMT+2) on 01 August 2014, of the organisation or arbitration body and such organisations specific juridical individual whom your respective medical and attorneys members approve of as an impartial arbitrator to resolve this matter, based upon scientific evidence; including proof of the said individual’s intercultural commitment of being willing to listen to, and impartially consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture. 34 35 36 37 32 33
2. Take Notice that MILED Clerk Applicant is willing to accept and consent to the arbitration jurisdiction of the following South African juridical officials who although juridical members of War is Peace cultures, have proven themselves willing to listen to and consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture: SA Judicial Service Commission Juridical Officials: George District Court Magistrate Essel (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 22 July 2002 (PDF38)) and/or former SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 03 May 2010 (PDF39)) Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence40 [EoP41 | WiP42] CC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
Encl: Acting MILED Clerk’s EoP cultural documentation: SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo cultural Order and MILED EoP cultural Citizen Oath. 40 41 42 38 39
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Walk Your Eco-Footprint Talk to Support the Troops []ath to Procreate S Consume below Carrying Capacity 1 child, consume
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Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops' Military Advisory Board1 General Charles F. "Chuck" Wald, USAF (Ret.): Former Deputy Commander, Headquarters U.S. European Command (USEUCOM); Lieutenant General Lawrence P. Farrell Jr., USAF (Ret.): Former Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, Headquarters U.S. Air Force General Ronald E. Keys USAF (Ret.): Former Commander, Air Combat Command General Gordon R. Sullivan, USA (Ret.): Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; Admiral John B. Nathman, USN (Ret.): Former Vice Chief of Naval Operations Admiral T. Joseph Lopez, USN (Ret.): Former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Allied Forces, Southern Europe CC: Gen. Keith Alexander National Security Agency CC: James Clapper: Director of National Intelligence
General Charles G. Boyd, USAF (Ret.): Former Deputy Commander in Chief of U.S. Forces in Europe General Paul J. Kern, USA (Ret.): Former Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command Admiral T. Joseph Lopez, USN (Ret.): Former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and of Allied Forces, Southern Europe Vice Admiral Dennis V. McGinn, USN (Ret.): Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Warfare Requirements and Programs Rear Admiral David R. Oliver, Jr., USN (Ret.): Former Principal Deputy to the Navy Acquisition Executive Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.): Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space Command CC: Lisa Monaco, Asst Att. General for National Security,National SecurityDivision Department ofJustice
MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower/Activist Oath I, Lara Johnstone, declare as follows:
1 Center for Naval Analysis: Military Advisory Board: Powering America's Defense: Energy and the Risks to National Security;Energy.Climate Change, and the Military: Implications for National Security; Woodrow Wilson Center for Environmental Security
PO Box 504% * George East, 6539 * Cel: (071:) 1:70 1:9S4 *
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[1] I hereby wish to confirm my 'Walk My Talk' sincerity, in writing, under oath, that my peace/disclosure/anti-war activismlwhistleblowing motivations include 'Freeing Military National Security leaders from their Catch 22 'Civilized Patriarchy Duhmockery' straight-jackets. [2] I am an adult paralegal, member of Friend of Wikileaks (FoWL) and the Radical Honesty culture2; resident in George, Southern Cape, South Africa; where I run a small EcoFeminist pedal"powered wormery business3• I enclose a copy of my passport for verification purposes. I am the founder of the Tsedaqah4 Yshmae5J Guenylla6 .£quilibrilEx7 ("TYGJE"8) unregistered political party, which is based upon CommonSism9 JEquilibrirexGuerrylla LawslO• Military Advisory Board Authority to Act: [3] I hereby provide the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and/or National Security Agency (NSA) with the following declaration and authority to act, III accordance to this declaration, should the 'Walk Your Eco"Footprint Talk to Support the Troops" Military Advisory Board, unanimously conclude that I have violated it. [4] I hereby attempt to free Military National Security leaders from their duty to protect Earth is Flat unsustainable constitutions that legally, politically and procedurally denies them the opportunity of addressing the root causes of scarcity" conflict threats to national security; by holding legislators and citizens who
2 SA Constitutional Court ruling of 03 May 2012 in CCT 23-10, reads as follows: "Ms. Lara Johnstone, Member of Radical Honesty Culture and Religion, is admitted as an amicus curiae" 3 4 The Hebrew word for righteousness is Tsedaqah. Tsedaqah is a noun in the feminine form; the masculine form of the word is tsedeq. Tzedek is Hebrew for a righteous person, and also refers to ecological balance. Tsedeq originates from a Semitic word which means to be straight, firm, "steel-like determination of integrity in one's inner being." The Arabic equivalent means to be mature, balanced, and fully developed. In the military context, Ringgren says tsedeq can mean "victory which re-asserts the world's just order." The word tsedeq, in its fullest sense, means "world in balance" both ecologically and politically. 5 Ishmael is the telepathic gorrilla in Daniel Quinn's novels: Ishmael and My Ishmael, which examine mythology, its effect on ethics, and how that relates to sustainability. Ishmael defines: (j) Takers as people often referred to as "civilized," from the culture born in an Agricultural Revolution that began about 10,000 years ago in the Near East. ill) Leavers as people of all other cultures; often derogatorily referred to by Takers as "primitive." The Leavers are the endangered species most critical to the world not because they're humans but because they alone can show the Taker destroyers of the world that there are ways to live in ecological balance. 6 A Guerryllre is a person who engages in Yshmael irregular ecological warfare by engaging in (a) non-violent Leaver Guerryllre Law procreation and consumption lifestyle values; and (b) socio-political support for Leaver Ecological, Animal Rights, Indigenous Rights, Radical Honesty and Transparency Activism, against Taker Individuals and· Corporations. 7 A<:quilibrirex Jurisprudence is Equal & balanced Eco/Anthropocentric law 8 / http://tygae.weebly.coml 9 CommonSism refers to an ideology of Common Sense Guerrylla Laws for a Sustainable Commons 10 Guerrylla Laws (A) simply and very specifically clarify the difference between the consumption and procreation behaviour of an Unsustainable Taker (Scarcity Combatant) vs a Sustainable Leaver (Eco-Innocent); and are (B) used in courts to (a) provide legal rights and socio-political rewards of recognition to Sustainable Leaver's for their Heroic lifestyle choices and practices; (b) confront Taker Scarcity Combatants of their Breeding / Consumption combatant behaviours aggravation of Scarcity induced socio-economic problems, by means of aggravated legal penalties, in accordance to their 'Taker Scarcity Combatant' status.
legislatively or practically endorse unsustainable right to breed and consume legislation, accountable as 'breeding war' or 'consumption war' scarcity combatants. I submit that our civilized patriarchy constitutions rights to breed and consume have resulted in ecological overshoot of carrying capacity by between 700 to 400,000 percentll, which is destroying our Planet's Natural Capital, with devastating current and impending 'scarcity"conflict' death spiral consequences12; as manifested in the crossing of urgent Planetary Boundary Tipping Points13: (i) Loss of Biodiversity and Species Extinctions14; (ii) Climate Change15; (iii) Nitrogen Cycle16; (iv) Ocean Acidification17; (v) Changes in Land Use18; (vi) Global Freshwater Use19; (vii) State Shift in the Earth's Biosphere20; (viii) Peak Non" Renewable Natural Resources: Scarcity21; and (ix) Socialized Corporate Externality Costs: Trillion Dollar Thefts from Global Natural Capital Commons22.
I authorize Military Leaders to hold me personally accountable to this Oath to Walk. My Eco"Footprint Talk. of Supporting the Troops by breeding and consuming below carrying capacity.
I commit to maintaining my Walk. My Eco"footprint Talk to Support the Troops by keeping my footprint below the following Carrying Capacity limits23:
If I procreate one child, to consume below 1 gha.
If I procreate no children, to consume below 20 gha.
My current Ecological Footprint: Consumption Footprint x Procreation Factor is currently as follows:
Procreation Factor: Zero
Consumption Footprint: Using Sustainable Economy's quiz, my consumption footprint is 12.75 global hectares (gha)24.(Annex A) [8.2]
I declare that I understand that should the 'Walk Your Eco-Footprint Talk to Support the Troops" Military Advisory Board, unanimously conclude that I have violated my Oath, by consuming or procreating in violation of this oath; I thereby
II http://tygae.
weebly .com/ecological-overshoot.html -population -decline.html 13 14 http://tygae.weebly.comlbiodiversity-Ioss.html 15 http://tygae. weebly .com/climate-change .html 16 -cycle.html 17 http://tygae.weebly.comlocean-acidification.html 18 http://tygae.weebly.comlland-use.html 19 20 http://tygae. weebly .comlbiosphere-state-shift.html 21 .html 22 http://tygae. 2.1 http://sqswans.weebly.comlguerrylla -laws.html 24 http://sqworms. weebly .comllara -johnstone-eco-081.html 12
MILINT Earth Day Briefing Paper
WH Petition' http"'WhOgov,,"y"[j)
authorize them to authorize the NSA or CIA to remove me (and my children if any) from the planetary genepool, by assassination. [10] Should it be determined that I have violated this MILINT Earth Day/Free Catch 22 Duhmockery Oath, requiring my assassination, I hereby further inform the local Prosecutor's Office, that if the Military Advisory Board confirms that my assassination occurred in accordance with my violation of this oath, no further Prosecutorial or Police Investigation resources are required to be wasted on the matter, of my assassination. [11] Finally I request the NSA, CIA, Mossad, MI6 and KGB, to establish a 'Maria Bochkareva MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Medal, to be awarded on the 23rd of April, to an individual chosen by the 'Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops' Military Advisory Board, who has done the most to either 'Walk their Footprint Talk to Support the Troops'; and/or to educate their community, or nation on the role of overpopulation and overconsumption as factors pushing society to ecological overshoot scarcity induced conflict and war. [1] Pursuant to 28 U.S.C § 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Execu~.3d\at George, South Africa, Pale Blue Dot: 19 June 2013
-J) ~
Lara Johnstone MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Oath
End» Analysis ofL Johnstone's Consumption & Procreation Footprint: 12 gha, no biological children. » Letter to Edward Snowden, W. Binny, T. Drake, K. Wiebe, D. Ellsburg, J. Assange, B. Manning, et al: Are you a l1at earth' wmstleblower or a MIL/NT Earth Day Ecology of Peace/'Free the Catch 22 Duhmockery'
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MILINT Earth Day Briefing Paper
WH Petition:
IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT OF GEORGE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Case: 2578-14 In the matter between: Lara Johnstone
First Applicant
and Frode Moe Talitha Moe
First Respondent Second Respondent
Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2): Annex G.1: Proof of Service: GMC 4643 & 2578 Applicants Correspondence with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents attorneys; (ii) Norwegian Medical Association & Cape Law Society.
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 3:34 PM To: Millers Attorneys; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: TO: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 11:50 AM To: Frode & Talitha Moe, Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2)
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 10:56 PM To: Frode & Talitha Moe, Millers Attorneys & Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update & Correction Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2)
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2014 1:09 PM To: Frode & Talitha Moe; Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update & Correction Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2)
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 1:56 PM To: Frode & Talitha Moe; Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2)
From: Lieze Matthews | Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 PM To: Lara Johnstone | Subject: FRODE & TALITHA MOE // YOURSELF
From: Lara Johnstone| Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 5:18 PM To: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Cc: Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Subject: GMC 4643 Applicants: From Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous via Lieze Mathews
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 3:31 PM To: GMC 2578-14 Respondents: Millers Attorneys; GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Cc: Malaysia Department of Civil Aviation MH 370 & MH17 parties & US Military Observers Subject: RE: GMC 4643 Applicants MH17 response to respondents: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 3:04 PM To: Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay; GMC 4643-13 Appl & Observers Cc: B**** B*****; B*****family Subject: MILED Clerk response to: GMC 2473 Applicants &/or 2578 Respondents BB drone
From: Millers, via MWeb | Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2014 1:31 PM To: Lara Johnstone Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 2:50 PM To: Norwegian Medical Association & Cape Law Society; Norway & SA Licensing Org Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 App & Observers Subject: Legal Notice: NO Medical Assoc & Cape Law Soc: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 7:27 PM To: Norwegian Medical Association; Norway Medical Practice Licensing Organisations Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 App & Observers Subject: Legal Notice: NO Medical Assoc & Dr. Frode Moe: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 7:32 PM To: Cape Law Society; South African Legal Practice Licensing Organisations Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 App & Observers Subject: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara | Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 5:10 PM To: Cape Law Society; South African Legal Practice Licensing Organisations Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 App & Observers Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara | Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 5:10 PM To: Norwegian Medical Assoc; Norway Medical Practice Licensing Orgs; Talitha Moe Children Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 Appl & Observers Subject: RE: Legal Notice: NO Medical Assoc & Dr. Frode Moe: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: CLS: Craig Lucas | Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 12:43 PM To: Lara Johnstone Subject: FW: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 1:24 PM To: Cape Law Society; South African Legal Practice Licensing Organisations Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 App & Observers Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: CLS: Craig Lucas | Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 3:18 PM To: Lara Johnstone Subject: FW: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 1:30 PM To: Cape Law Society; South African Legal Practice Licensing Organisations Cc: Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 App & Observers Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 11:04 AM To: African Union Commission via Directorate of Information and Communication; CC: AU: Dr. Mamadou Dia.: Head of DGEHR Division; sent via African Union contact page at: Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 3:34 PM To: Millers Attorneys; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: TO: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30 From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 3:34 PM To: 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Jack Keane'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; China Embassy; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'Amb Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta' Subject: TO: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30 Attach: 14-07-09_LJ-v-FM_2578_NoticeITORule30(2)_Encl-AB.pdf1
TO: Millers Inc: Mr. Fanie Botes, Ms. Allison Anthony & Mr. Arno Crous CC: Malan, Mohale & Beyers: Mr. Leon Malan CC: GMC 4643-13: LJ v Brad Blanton et al Applicants and Independent Observers Correspondence in terms of: Rule 17(2): Service shall be proved:- (a) … where service has not been effected by the sheriff, nor in terms of subrule (14) or (15), by an affidavit of the person who effected service. Rule 30: Record of Proceedings in Civil Matters: (2) The court shall mark each document put in evidence and note such mark on the record. Yesterday morning before rushing off to court, the applicant became/was made aware (Annex A) of an email from first respondent (; to the Civil Clerk: Zarita van Eyk; CC’d to second respondent: Talitha Moe, dated 27 May 2014 09:17 PM, Subject: Case 2578-14. (Annex B) Questions to the Respondents: 1. What do the Respondents want to do about these irregularly served documents in the court record? a. Do they wish to withdraw these irregular documents; and subsequently inform Magistrate Essel of their request to reconsider his 08 July ruling based upon the accurate court record documents filed; or b. Do they wish to authenticate these irregularly submitted documents as the authentic legal intentions of their client (as opposed to an angry emotive outburst of their client) in this matter; and serve them as is, or as amended with intercultural evidence upon the applicant; and provide the applicant with the opportunity to respond to the issues raised by their client? 1
2. By when can the applicants expect a response from the respondents and/or their attorneys to aforementioned questions? Annex A: Excerpt of 08 July Factual SS44 Chronology of Events emailed to GMC 4643-13 applicants at 13:59 HRS on 08 July 2014. Annex B: Copy of Email from First and Second Respondent, (i) emailed by Second Respondent to Applicants father: Clive Johnstone on 14 June 2014 06:57 PM (ii) first seen by applicant on Clive Johnstone’s computer on the morning of 08 July 2014, as stated in Factual SS44 Chronology of Events emailed to GMC 4643-13 applicants at 13:59 HRS on 08 July 2014. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant TC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Donald Gips, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 11:50 AM To: Frode & Talitha Moe, Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2) From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 11:50 AM To: 'Frode Moe'; 'Talita Vockins'; 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Jack Keane'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; China Embassy; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'Amb Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta' Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2)
First Respondent: Frode Moe ( Second Respondent: Talitha Moe (
RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2)
I sent your attorneys a Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) yesterday. There has been no acknowledged receipt, nor any answer to inform me how much time they require for you and them to make up your minds as to what you want to do about the irregular documents, submitted by you, into the court record. Could you kindly instruct your attorneys to let me know how much time you/they need to make up their minds about what you/they want to do about the irregular documents, you submitted into the court record? Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant TC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Donald Gips, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 10:56 PM To: Frode & Talitha Moe, Millers Attorneys & Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update & Correction Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2) From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 10:56 PM To: 'Frode Moe'; 'Talita Vockins'; 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Jack Keane'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; China Embassy; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'Amb Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta' Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update & Correction Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2)
TO: First Respondent: Frode Moe TO: Second Respondent: Talitha Moe TO: Millers Inc: Mr. Fanie Botes, Ms. Allison Anthony & Mr. Arno Crous TO: GMC 4643-13: LJ v Brad Blanton et al Applicants and Independent Observers CC: Malan, Mohale & Beyers: Mr. Leon Malan
RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update & Corrections Re: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2) Update: There has been no response from the respondents or their attorneys to Applicants Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) & 30(2). Correction: Correction to Annex A: Excerpt of 08 July Factual SS44 Chronology of Events emailed to GMC 4643-13 applicants at 13:59 HRS on 08 July 2014. The corrected and accurate pdf footnote for “courtnotes” under 8 July first paragraph should be: Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant TC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Donald Gips, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2014 1:09 PM To: Frode & Talitha Moe; Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update & Correction Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2) From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2014 1:09 PM To: 'Frode Moe'; 'Talita Vockins'; 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Jack Keane'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; China Embassy; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'Amb Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta' Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update & Correction Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2)
TO: First Respondent: Frode Moe TO: Second Respondent: Talitha Moe TO: Millers Inc: Mr. Fanie Botes, Ms. Allison Anthony & Mr. Arno Crous
TO: GMC 4643-13: LJ v Brad Blanton et al Applicants and Independent Observers CC: Malan, Mohale & Beyers: Mr. Leon Malan
RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update & Corrections Re: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2)
12 July Update: There has been no response from the respondents or their attorneys to Applicants Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) & 30(2). ***** Please note Update to MILINT Earth Day2: MILED Clerk Notice3 page includes following updated paragraph: Referral: EoP PoW Geneva Convention Amendments referral to Swiss Federal Council shall occur once (a) EoP Clerks psychological integrity credibility4, Iatrogenic Ethno-bio-warfare depopulation Origins of AIDS and Military Psychotronic Information Warfare -- issues currently proceeding in GMC 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe5 are resolved; and/or (b) the Russian and American Embassies appoint their respective appointed individual/s to take over the MILED Clerk position; and such officially authorized Clerk/s proceed to file the referral to the Swiss Federal Council; preferably on 11 September 2014.
***** Please note Update to Ecology of Peace Clerk Disclosure6 page includes following updated paragraph: Frode & Talitha Moe: Frode and Talitha Moe have repeatedly in the past alleged that the Clerk has a 'mental disorder'. The matter is currently being litigated in the George Magistrates Court: Case 2578-147. Mr and Mrs Moe have not yet made up their mind whether their 'mental disorder' allegations against the Clerk was the result of: (a) temporary angry outbursts and/or suppressed cultural anger, (b) a psychological resource thieving warfare allegation from members of a Masonic War is Peace culture8 against a member of an Ecology of Peace culture9; (c) Blind academic and cultural obedience10 to parasitic War is Peace Flat Earth pseudo-scientific fraudulent11 political psychiatry12 authority; (d) a legal allegation based upon Ecology of Peace finite earth and resources scientific evidence; (d) psychotronic mindcontrol manipulation by military intelligence agencies; or (e) some other explanation.
2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3
Respectfully, Lara Johnstone & Andrea Muhrrteyn MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence13 [EoP14 | WiP15]
From: Lara | Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 1:56 PM To: Frode & Talitha Moe; Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2) From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 1:56 PM To: 'Frode Moe'; 'Talita Vockins'; 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Jack Keane'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'Amb Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta'; 'China Embassy' Subject: RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update Re: GMC 2578-14: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2) Attach: 14-07-14_LJ-v-FM_2578_NoticeITORule30(2)_Encl-A_Update.pdf
TO: First Respondent: Frode Moe TO: Second Respondent: Talitha Moe TO: Millers Inc: Mr. Fanie Botes, Ms. Allison Anthony & Mr. Arno Crous TO: GMC 4643-13: LJ v Brad Blanton et al Applicants and Independent Observers CC: Malan, Mohale & Beyers: Mr. Leon Malan
RE: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Update Re: Notice ITO Rule 17(2) & 30(2) 14 July Update: There has been no response from the respondents or their attorneys to Applicants Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) & 30(2). ***** Notice ITO Rule 17 & 30: Annex A Update: Annex A: Excerpt of SS 44 Factual Chronology of 08 July Events to GMC 2473 (4643/2578) Applicants on 08 July 2014: 13:59 HRS (08 July Factual Events) and 13 July 2014: 12:49 HRS (Update of Introduction re: Interpretations)
13 15 14
Respectfully, Lara Johnstone & Andrea Muhrrteyn MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence16 [EoP17 | WiP18]
From: Lieze Matthews | Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 PM To: Lara Johnstone | Subject: FRODE & TALITHA MOE // YOURSELF
From: Lieze Matthews [] Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 PM To: Subject: FRODE & TALITHA MOE // YOURSELF Attach: 20140717153344440.pdf19
16 18 19 17
From: Lara Johnstone| Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 5:18 PM To: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Cc: Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Subject: GMC 4643 Applicants: From Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous via Lieze Mathews From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 5:18 PM To: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Donald Gips: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU EmbassyPta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'State Attorney Angela Corey: Criminal Case Office'; 'Michael Dunn co Law offices of Cory Strolla'; 'Jack Keane'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn' Cc: 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Subject: GMC 4643 Applicants: From Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous via Lieze Mathews
TO: GMC 4643-13: LJ v Brad Blanton et al Applicants and Independent Observers* CC: Millers Inc: Mr. Fanie Botes, Ms. Allison Anthony & Mr. Arno Crous CC: Malan, Mohale & Beyers: Mr. Leon Malan Attached and below from Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous via Lieze Mathews: As requested by the GMC 2578 respondents and their attorneys in the documentation; I have not responded. If any other GMC 4643 applicants wish to respond to the respondents correspondence; please let me know. If not, we can decide how to proceed.
* GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Donald Gips, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
From: Lieze Matthews [] Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 PM To: Subject: FRODE & TALITHA MOE // YOURSELF Attach: 20140717153344440.pdf20
[as above] 20
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 3:31 PM To: GMC 2578-14 Respondents: Millers Attorneys; GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Cc: Malaysia Department of Civil Aviation MH 370 & MH17 parties & US Military Observers Subject: RE: GMC 4643 Applicants MH17 response to respondents: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 3:31 PM To: 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'State Attorney Angela Corey: Criminal Case Office'; 'Michael Dunn co Law offices of Cory Strolla'; 'Jack Keane'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn' Cc: 'Malaysia DCA Official Newsroom - MH370: Department of Civil Aviation'; 'SCO Sec Gen MS Imanaliyev'; 'ASEAN BAC Sec'; 'PM of Malaysia'; 'Malaysia Ministry of Defence'; 'Aviation Safety Network: Harro Ranter'; 'USMC LtCol: Rick Mancini'; 'Mancini'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'USMC Gen James N. Mattis'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE' Subject: RE: GMC 4643 Applicants MH17 response to respondents: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous
TO: GMC 4643-13: LJ v Brad Blanton et al Applicants and Independent Observers* TO: Millers Inc: Mr. Fanie Botes, Ms. Allison Anthony & Mr. Arno Crous CC: Malan, Mohale & Beyers: Mr. Leon Malan CC: USMC General Mattis, USA General McMaster et al Warning: Radical Honoursty extreme-lite language. DO NOT READ if you prefer political correct bullshit the public relations language. If so forward your correspondence to US and RU Ambassadors in Pretoria; and request they appoint a Clerk who speaks Political Correct Bullshit the Public Relations language for you; or tell your boss to take you off this case. RE: GMC 4643 Applicants MH17 response to respondents: Frode Moe & Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous: This correspondence is the Acting MILED Clerks21 interpretation of Joint Chiefs of Staff (JSC) and Kremlin22 and/or their executive subordinates, joint psychotronic taps23symphony24 manipulation of individuals in Ukraine, directly involved in the Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash in Ukraine: World sees Tragedy, US Sees “Game Changer”25, in support of providing an egologically illiterate BiP-Lite ‘My Elf26’ v ‘My Elf27’ MILINT educational response (on behalf of GMC 2473-34 Applicants), to the GMC 2578-14 21 23 10154003718755072/?type=3& 24 25 26 27 22
respondents, egologically illiterate Monty Pythonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Flying Circus28: Spam29 response to the Applicants Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2). See also: Possible Known Unknown or Unknown Unknown relationship between Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappearance and Prisoner of Sex-&-War Shibumi TF MN-737 submission to Swiss Federal Council.[EoP30 | WiP31] Copy available from: Malaysia DCA Official Newsroom - MH370: Department of Civil Aviation (; SCO Sec Gen MS Imanaliyev (; ASEAN BAC Sec (; PM of Malaysia (; Malaysia Ministry of Defence (; Aviation Safety Network: Harro Ranter (
MH 17: Factual Reality: What, when & where: JACDEC32 | Aviation Safety Net33 | Wikipedia34: Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17/MAS17) was a scheduled international passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that crashed on 17 July 2014, exactly 17 years after it took its first maiden flight on 17 July 1997. It is believed to have been shot down with a Buk surface-to-air missile, (known as an SA-11 "Gadfly" to NATO). The aircraft went down near Hrabove in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, about 40 km (25 mi) from the Ukraineâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Russia border. All 283 passengers and 15 crew on board the Boeing 777-200ER airliner died. The crash occurred in the conflict zone of the ongoing Donbass insurgency, in an area controlled by the Donbass People's Militia. Date: Time: Type: Operator: Registration: C/n / msn: First flight: Total airframe hrs: Cycles: Engines: Crew: Passengers: Total: Airplane damage: Airplane fate: Location: Phase: Nature: Departure airport: Destination Flightnumber:
Thursday 17 July 2014 16:21 Boeing 777-2H6ER Malaysia Airlines 9M-MRD 28411/84 1997-07-17 (17 years ) 75322 11434 2 Rolls-Royce Trent 892 Fatalities: 15 / Occupants: 15 Fatalities: 283 / Occupants: 283 Fatalities: 298 / Occupants: 298 Destroyed Written off (damaged beyond repair) Hrabove ( Ukraine) show on map En route (ENR) International Scheduled Passenger Amsterdam-Schiphol International Airport (AMS/EHAM), Netherlands Kuala Lumpur Subang International Airport (KUL/WMKK), Malaysia 17
28 30 31 32 33 34 29
Filed Flight Plan Route MH 17: EHAM – PAM – NYKER – ARNEM (UL620) – SONEB – OLDOD – SUVOX (UZ713) – OSN (UL 980) – MOBSA – POVEL – SUI – BAREP – KELOD – OBOLA – CZW BADU – MASIV – INDIG – UTOLU – SUBAX – DERAM – LDZ (M70) – SOMOX – TOLPA – OKROD – BEMBI (L 980) – EDIMI – PEKIT - TAGNA – GANRA TAMAK – SARNA (A87)… Shortly after the crash, Donbass separatists took credit for downing a Ukrainian military aircraft. They later recanted and denied involvement after learning that a civilian airliner had been downed, saying they did not have the equipment or training to hit a target at that altitude. Ukraine, however, has provided video evidence they say shows Russia provided the BUK missile launcher and crew to the separatists, and claims to have intercepted phone calls in which a separatist officer authorized the decision for the Russian crew to fire. The United States has claimed to have credible evidence that the missile was fired from a separatist position near Donetsk. All forces in the theater have access to BUK M1 missiles, which may make it difficult to prove which faction fired the deadly shot. The UN security council is considering a draft resolution to condemn the "shooting down" of a Malaysian passenger plane in Ukraine, demand access to the crash site and call on states in the region to co-operate with an international investigation. With 298 deaths, the crash of MH17 is the deadliest aviation incident since the September 11 attacks. It is also the deadliest-ever air incident in Ukraine, Boeing 777 hull loss, and airliner shootdown. It is the third-deadliest incident of sabotage in aviation history, behind Air India Flight 182 and the 11 September attacks. The crash was Malaysia Airlines' deadliest major incident, as well as its second of the year, after the 8 March disappearance of Flight 370 en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur. All 283 passengers and 15 Malaysian crew died. About two-thirds of the passengers were from the Netherlands. Among the passengers were delegates en route to the 20th International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, including Joep Lange, a former president of the International AIDS Society, which organized the conference. Also on board were Dutch senator Willem Witteveen, Australian author Liam Davison. 20 entire families were on board; including three babies [since deleted from Wikipedia, with no reasons provided for deletion]. Flight 17 departed from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Gate G03 at 12:14 CEST (10:14 UTC). It was due to arrive at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 11 hours and 45 minutes later at 06:00, 18 July MYT (22:00, 17 July UTC). Malaysia Airlines released a statement saying "it received notification from Ukrainian ATC that it had lost contact with flight MH17 at 1415 (GMT)[u] at 30 km (19 mi) from [the] TAMAK waypoint (47°51 24 N 39°13 6 E), approximately 50 km (31 mi) from the Russia–Ukraine border" (TAMAK Waypoint is on the Russia– Ukraine border) and that "According to information provided by Kiev Air Traffic Control, the location of the plane’s emergency locator beacon is 48 degrees 7 minutes and 23 seconds North; and 38 degrees 31 minutes and 33 seconds East." Flightradar24 reported that a Singapore Airlines Boeing 777-200ER (Flight SQ351) and an Air India Boeing 787-8 (Flight AI113) were each about 25 km (16 mi) away from the Malaysian airliner when it disappeared.
Photographs from the site of the crash show scattered pieces of broken fuselage and engine parts, as well as bodies and passports. Some of the wreckage fell close to houses in Hrabove. Dozens of bodies fell into crop fields, some into houses. US measurement and signature intelligence satellites of the Space-Based Infrared Systems Directorate and the Defence Support Progamme registered the heat signature of the launch of the missile, the activation of the missile's radar system while in flight to the target (which emits a unique signal), and the infrared signature of the strike when the missile hit flight MH17. Analysis of the launch plume and trajectory suggested the missile was fired from an area between Torez and Snizhne. Shortly after the crash, it was announced that Malaysia Airlines would retire flight number MH17 and change the Amsterdam–Kuala Lumpur route to flight number MH19 from 25 July 2014. On 18 July 2014, shares in Malaysia Airlines had dropped by nearly 16%. There have been reports that credit and debit cards may have been looted from the bodies of the victims, and the Dutch Banking Association reported that it would take "preventative measures" against possible fraud. There are also accounts of corpses and their possessions being removed and evidence at the crash site being destroyed and suitcases being looted. The United Kingdom is sending six investigators from the Air Accidents Investigation Branch to assist. The UK Foreign Office has sent extra consular staff to Ukraine and the Metropolitan Police is liaising with international partners to send specialist officers to the country to assist with the recovery, identification and repatriation of those who died. Australia has sent a 45-member probe panel headed by former Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, who had earlier supervised the MH 370 probe. The opening ceremony of the AIDS 2014 conference, of which several delegates were on board flight MH17, began with a tribute to the victims of the crash. On 19 July the Russian Ministry of Defence announced "10 questions to the Ukrainian government". If any other GMC 4643 applicants wish to respond to the respondents correspondence; feel free to do so. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence35 [EoP36 | WiP37] PS: Acting Clerks ‘Fuck It38’ For the Record Response: To Respondents Attorneys: I have no problem never speaking or writing anything to you or your clients, or 99.99999999999% of this fucked up planet ever again. If or when I speak or write something it is because I give the individual listening or reading the benefit of the doubt that they are 35 37 38 36
sincere about listening and problem solving the particular issue. If neither you nor your clients are sincere about addressing the applications issues in dispute; and object to a Radical Honoursty ‘In ″our Face’ Ecology of Peace definition of honour problem solving focus resolution of these issues; there are War is Peace cultural options for persons such as yourselves who are members of War is Peace cultures. For example: Judge Bybee could decide to use some War is Peace International Law Terrorism legislation where you could be ‘legal parasite fundamentalists obstructing an international Ecology of Peace social contract’ to refer the issues in dispute over to General Mattis for his definition of honour (if he will provide you with his definition of honour that is; far as I know he thinks its ‘fun to shoot people’ and that people like you don’t listen to words, only the barrel of a gun. Some of his snipers also like to leave their Ace of Spades39 calling card, to let prosecutors know who the sniper in the particular assassination was.) So if you would like to be slaughtered as ‘spam’; General Mattis could make your ‘spam’ dream a reality. He can afford the bullets, at least until that derivatives or debt bubble bursts. Your choice. To Applicants and Respondents: Don’t forget while you – white male managers (sic) of the planets resources – fuck around to avoid implementing an orderly and humane Ecology of Peace social contract; and ordering your house-nigger colonial human factory farm managers to make up their house nigger minds whether they support the Ecology of Peace program or not; that ticking – $710 trillion; or is it $1.5 Quadrillion40 (and knowing the most powerful force on earth: compound interest41, that ‘trigger’ mechanism is speeding up every second, you best start learning to cooperate and commit to sincere problem solving; which includes humanely exterminating the cheaters – of all races, classes, religions, etc – who refuse to cooperate) – financial nuclear time bomb, keeps ticking faster and faster and faster; nearing the end of its ecological tipping point fuse42. [..]Withheld from passive aggressive little fragile fuck up ego’s who may interpret honest anger as ‘mental retardation’; filed in Drafts: Angry[..]
* GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
39 41 42 40
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 3:04 PM To: Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office; GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Cc: B**** B*****; B*****family Subject: MILED Clerk response to: GMC 2473 Applicants &/or 2578 Respondents BB drone From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 3:04 PM To: 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'USMC Gen James N. Mattis'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE (US'; 'John W. Whitehead' Cc: 'B**** B*****'; B*****family Subject: MILED Clerk response to: GMC 2473 Applicants &/or 2578 Respondents BB drone
TO: GMC 4643-13: LJ v Brad Blanton et al Applicants and Independent Observers* TO: Millers Inc: Mr. Fanie Botes, Ms. Allison Anthony & Mr. Arno Crous CC: Malan, Mohale & Beyers: Mr. Leon Malan CC: USMC General Mattis, USA General McMaster et al CC: B***** B***** RE: MILED Clerk’s response to GMC 2473 Applicants &/or 2578 Respondents: Shipping SQWorms to East London Acting MILED Clerk’s correspondence43 with one of the Masonic War is Peace planetary elite’s ignorant human factory farming economic cannon fodder slavery drones: Mr. B***** B*****, aka B***** Family; in response to his request for a quote for shipping worms to East London; informing him among others that: -- Quote -I am not only the owner of SQWorms, but also the current acting MILED clerk44 in the planetary elite’s EoP v WiP’s culture wars. As the MILED Clerk, I am sorry to inform you that it appears as if your request for a SQWorms quote for a 2 litre container of worms was the result of direct KGB (or NSA/MI6 attempting to implicate the KGB) military intelligence surveillance and psychotronic manipulation [More info: Dr. John Hall45], using you as an ignorant human factory farming economic cannon fodder drone in the planetary elite’s Ecology of Peace vs War is Peace46 culture wars. Specifically in their legal proxy war occurring in South Africa in the matter of GMC 4643 and 2578 in the Magistrates Court in George47. 43 44 45 46 47
Until the issues in GMC 4643-2578 are resolved, I suggest you purchase your worms elsewhere, or if you insist on purchasing your worms from SQWorms to make sure you are making a fully informed decision. -- Unquote --. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence48 [EoP49 | WiP50] * GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs. GMC 4643-13 Applicants who want to withdraw from being an Applicant: Send me an email ‘Remove me as an applicant from Radical Honoursty Ecology of Peace applications’. ″our correspondence shall be sent to the Applicants to inform them of your decision, a copy provided to the GMC Civic Clerk: Ms Zarita van Eyk, to be placed in the court file; and you shall no longer receive any of this legal correspondence, with one exception; where you are referred to directly or indirectly; to provide you with the opportunity to know what is being said about you; and respond. Independent EoP Observers who want to removed from being EoP observers : Send me an email ‘Remove me from Radical Honoursty Ecology of Peace legal correspondence’. ″ou will no longer receive a copy of this legal correspondence, and you will also be removed as an EoP PoW Amendments to Geneva Convention submission51 Supporter.
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2014 1:31 PM To: Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Cc: GMC 4643- 13 Applicants & Observers Subject: RE: MILED Clerk update re: GMC 2473 Applicants v GMC 2578 Respondents attorneys From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2014 1:31 PM To: 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy 48 50 51 49
McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'USMC Gen James N. Mattis'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE (US'; 'John W. Whitehead' Subject: RE: MILED Clerk update re: GMC 2473 Applicants v GMC 2578 Respondents attorneys
TO: Millers Inc: Mr. Fanie Botes, Ms. Allison Anthony & Mr. Arno Crous TO: GMC 4643-13: LJ v Brad Blanton et al Applicants and Independent Observers* CC: Malan, Mohale & Beyers: Mr. Leon Malan CC: USMC General Mattis, USA General McMaster et al As of time of correspondence: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers who want to withdraw from being an Applicant or Legal Observer: None. Independent EoP Observers who want to be removed from being EoP observers: None.
Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP] * GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs. GMC 4643-13 Applicants who want to withdraw from being an Applicant: Send me an email ‘Remove me as an applicant from Radical Honoursty Ecology of Peace applications’. ″our correspondence shall be sent to the Applicants to inform them of your decision, a copy provided to the GMC Civil Court Clerk: Ms Zarita van Eyk, to be placed in the GMC 4643-13 court file; and you shall no longer receive any of this legal correspondence, with one exception; where you are referred to directly or indirectly; to provide you with the opportunity to know what is being said about you; and respond. Independent EoP Observers who want to removed from being EoP observers : Send me an email ‘Remove me from Radical Honoursty Ecology of Peace legal correspondence’. ″ou will no longer receive a copy of this legal correspondence, and you will also be removed as an EoP PoW Amendments to Geneva Convention submission52 Supporter. 52
From: Millers, via MWeb | Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2014 1:31 PM To: Lara Johnstone Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
From: Mail Delivery System [] Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2014 1:31 PM To: Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<>: host []: 550 Administrative prohibition - envelope blocked oring/Mimecast_SMTP_Error_Codes#550 SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<>: host []: 550 Administrative prohibition - envelope blocked oring/Mimecast_SMTP_Error_Codes#550 SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<>: host []: 550 Administrative prohibition - envelope blocked oring/Mimecast_SMTP_Error_Codes#550 SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<>: host []: 550 Administrative prohibition - envelope blocked oring/Mimecast_SMTP_Error_Codes#550
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 2:50 PM To: Norwegian Medical Association & Cape Law Society; Norway & SA Licensing Organisations Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: Legal Notice: NO Medical Assoc & Cape Law Soc: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 2:50 PM To: 'NO Medical Association: E-post'; 'Director: Jorunn Fryjordet'; 'Comm Dir: Knut Braaten'; 'ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey: E-post'; 'Cape Bar: Renata Williams'; 'NMA & CLS Members: Mr. Fanie Botes and Arno Cross via: Millers Inc'; 'Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director'; 'Frode & Talitha Moe'; 'Reg. Auth for Health Personnel: Director: Anne Herseth Barlo SAK E-Post'; 'Anette Bryn'; 'Norwegian Ministry of Health: Minister Bent Høie E-post'; 'Astrid Heiberg'; 'Norwegian Embassy – Pretoria: Ambassador: Kari M. Bjørnsgaard E-post:'; 'SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) lssa'; 'Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary'; 'LB (Lynette Bios'; 'SA
Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission' Cc: 'NO-EoPoW: Anders Breivik Attorney Geir Lippestad'; 'Norwegian Minister of Justice and Security: Police: Secretary General: Thor Arne Aass'; 'ZA-EoPoW: Jacob Zuma: President RSA'; 'John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court'; 'Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington'; 'Stephanie Paidas'; 'Karen Brattain'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen - Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE US'; 'John W. Whitehead'; 'USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base' Subject: Legal Notice: NO Medical Assoc & Cape Law Soc: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property Attach: 14-07-27_LJ-v-FM_2578_GO-1A_NMA-CLS_Encl.pdf53.
TO: Norwegian Medical Association et al & South African Cape Law Society et al: TO: NO Medical Association: E-post (; Director: Jorunn Fryjordet ( Comm Dir: Knut Braaten ( TO: ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey: E-post (; CC: Cape Bar: Renata Williams ( CC: NMA & CLS Members: Mr. Fanie Botes and Arno Cross via: Millers Inc (; Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director (; Frode & Talitha Moe ( CC: NO & ZA Regulators of WiP cultural Licensing Organisations: TO: Reg. Auth for Health Personnel: Director: Anne Herseth Barlo SAK E-Post (; Anette Bryn ( TO: Norwegian Ministry of Health: Minister Bent Høie E-post (; Astrid Heiberg ( TO: Norwegian Embassy – Pretoria: Ambassador: Kari M. Bjørnsgaard E-post: ( TO: SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) lssa ( TO: Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary (; Lynette Bios ( TO: SA Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission ( EoP-WiP Intercultural EoP-PoW Geneva Convention Amendments Submission Supporters: CC: NO: Anders Breivik Attorney Geir Lippestad (; Norwegian Minister of Justice and Security: Police: Secretary General: Thor Arne Aass ( CC: ZA: Jacob Zuma: President RSA (; John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court ( 53
CC: Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington (; Stephanie Paidas (; Karen Brattain ( CC: USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base ( CC: GMC 4643-13: L Johnstone v Brad Blanton et al Applicants* Board of Directors: Norwegian Medical Association and Cape Law Society: Please find attached (PDF54): RE: Acting MILED Clerk Inter-Cultural Notice: (i) Norwegian Medical Association: Frode Moe, Ranheim; (ii) Cape Law Society: Arno Cross & Fanie Botes, Millers Inc, George; violations of inter-cultural ‘protected cultural property’ principles in GMC 2578-14 court proceedings. Summary of Correspondence Issues covered: Radical Honoursty Ecology of Peace culture War is Peace Culture Org’s: Norwegian Medical Assoc & Cape Law Society Acting MILED Clerk’s Protected Psychological Integrity cultural property For the Inter/Intra Cultural ‘Free and Fair Trials’ Record & Eco-Psychology George Magistrates Court 2578 EoP –v- WiP Proceedings. Requests: Could the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society kindly inform your members that the destruction of intercultural protected cultural property is conduct prejudicial to the maintenance of inter/intra cultural good order and discipline: If your War is Peace culture members Dr. Moe and his legal representatives assert that their allegations of individuals from other cultures to be suffering from ‘mental disorders’ is based upon scientific evidence, as opposed to cultural dogmatic beliefs about ‘normality’, and have any scientific based evidence for any alleged ‘mental disorder’ of any individual from any culture other than their own War is Peace culture’s, they should honourably provide their legal scientific definitions, and their inter-cultural scientific evidence in an inter-cultural court of law; or if they consider themselves honourable: to retract their statements. If your respective members, namely Dr. Frode Moe and his legal representatives from Millers Inc: Mr. Arno Cross and Mr. Fanie Botes assert that Dr. Moe’s allegations irregularly submitted into the GMC 2578-14 court record, of the Acting MILED Clerk’s alleged ‘mental disorders’ were statements about Dr. Moe and his representatives legal intentions; please take notice that: This correspondence requests the aforementioned War is Peace cultural licensing organisations, namely the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society, to: 1. Inform the Acting MILED Clerk by 17:00 hrs (GMT+2) on 01 August 2014, of the organisation or arbitration body and such organisations specific juridical individual whom your respective medical and attorneys members approve of as an impartial arbitrator to resolve this matter, based upon scientific evidence; including proof of the said individual’s intercultural commitment of being willing to listen to, and impartially consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture. 2. Take Notice that MILED Clerk Applicant is willing to accept and consent to the arbitration jurisdiction of the following South African juridical officials who although 54
juridical members of War is Peace cultures, have proven themselves willing to listen to and consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture: SA Judicial Service Commission Juridical Officials: George District Court Magistrate Essel (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 22 July 2002 (PDF55)) and/or former SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 03 May 2010 (PDF56)) Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP] * GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 7:27 PM To: Norwegian Medical Association; Norway Medical Practice Licensing Organisations Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: Legal Notice: NO Medical Assoc & Dr. Frode Moe: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 7:27 PM To: 'NO Medical Association: E-post'; 'Director: Jorunn Fryjordet'; 'Comm Dir: Knut Braaten'; 'Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director'; 'Frode & Talitha Moe'; 'Reg. Auth for Health Personnel: Director: Anne Herseth Barlo SAK E-Post'; 'Anette Bryn'; 'Norwegian Ministry of Health: Minister Bent Høie E-post'; 'Astrid Heiberg'; 'Norwegian Embassy – Pretoria: Ambassador: Kari M. Bjørnsgaard E-post:' Cc: 'NO-EoPoW: Anders Breivik Attorney Geir Lippestad'; 'Norwegian Minister of Justice and Security: Police: Secretary General: Thor Arne Aass'; 'Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington'; 'Stephanie Paidas'; 'Karen Brattain'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE US'; 'John W. 55 56
Whitehead'; 'USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base' Subject: RE: Legal Notice: NO Medical Assoc & Dr. Frode Moe: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
TO: NO Medical Association: Director: Jorunn Fryjordet; Comm Dir: Knut Braaten TO: GMC 2578-14 respondents: Mr. Fanie Botes and Arno Crous via Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director; Frode & Talitha Moe. CC: Norwegian Reg. Auth for Health Personnel: Director: Anne Herseth Barlo; Anette Bryn CC: Norwegian Ministry of Health: Minister Bent Høie; Astrid Heiberg CC: Norwegian Embassy – Pretoria: Ambassador: Kari M. Bjørnsgaard CC: NO: EoP-PoW Supporters: Anders Breivik Attorney Geir Lippestad; NO Min of Justice & Security: Police: Sec. Gen.: Thor Arne Aass CC: Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington; Stephanie Paidas; Karen Brattain CC: USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base CC: GMC 4643-13: L Johnstone v Brad Blanton et al Applicants* As of 01 August 2014: 17:00 hrs (GMT+2) there has been no response from GMC 2578-14 respondent: (i) Dr. Frode Moe, or his Norwegian medical practice licensing organization, the Norwegian Medical Association; (ii) Dr. Frode Moe’s attorneys: Mr. Arno Crous and Fanie Botes, or their South African legal practice licensing organization, the Cape Law Society; to the Acting MILED Clerk Inter-Cultural Notice: (i) Norwegian Medical Association: Frode Moe, Ranheim; (ii) Cape Law Society: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes, Millers Inc, George; violations of inter-cultural ‘protected cultural property’ principles in GMC 2578-14 court proceedings. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence57 [EoP58 | WiP59] * GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
57 59 58
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 7:32 PM To: Cape Law Society; South African Legal Practice Licensing Organisations Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 7:32 PM To: 'ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey: E-post'; 'Cape Bar: Renata Williams'; 'Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director'; 'Frode & Talitha Moe'; 'SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) lssa'; 'Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary'; 'JSC: Lynette Bios'; 'SA Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission' Cc: 'ZA-EoPoW: Jacob Zuma: President RSA'; 'John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court'; 'Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington'; 'Stephanie Paidas'; 'Karen Brattain'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE US'; 'John W. Whitehead'; 'USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base' Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
TO: ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey; CC: Cape Bar: Renata Williams TO: GMC 2578-14 respondents: Mr. Fanie Botes and Arno Crous via Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director; Frode & Talitha Moe. CC: SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) lssa CC: Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary; Lynette Bios: Senior Legal Advisor CC: SA Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission CC: SA: EoP-PoW Supporters: Jacob Zuma: President RSA; John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court CC: Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington; Stephanie Paidas; Karen Brattain CC: USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base CC: GMC 4643-13: L Johnstone v Brad Blanton et al Applicants* As of 01 August 2014: 17:00 hrs (GMT+2) there has been no response from GMC 2578-14 respondent: (i) Dr. Frode Moe, or his Norwegian medical practice licensing organization, the Norwegian Medical Association; (ii) Dr. Frode Moe’s attorneys: Mr. Arno Crous and Fanie Botes, or their South African legal practice licensing organization, the Cape Law Society; to the Acting MILED Clerk Inter-Cultural Notice: (i) Norwegian Medical Association: Frode Moe, Ranheim; (ii) Cape Law Society: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes, Millers Inc, George; violations of inter-cultural ‘protected cultural property’ principles in GMC 2578-14 court proceedings.
Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence60 [EoP61 | WiP62] * GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
From: Lara | Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 5:10 PM To: Cape Law Society; South African Legal Practice Licensing Organisations Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 5:10 PM To: 'Frank Dorey'; 'ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey: E-post'; 'Cape Bar: Renata Williams'; 'Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director'; 'Frode & Talitha Moe'; 'SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) lssa'; 'Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary'; 'JSC: Lynette Bios'; 'SA Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission' Cc: 'ZA-EoPoW: Jacob Zuma: President RSA'; 'John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court'; 'Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington'; 'Stephanie Paidas'; 'Karen Brattain'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE US'; 'John W. Whitehead'; 'USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base' Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
GMC 2578-14 respondents: Attorneys: Millers Inc: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes
60 62 61
Via: SA Legal Practice Licensing Organisation Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey CC: Cape Bar: General Counsel: Renata Williams TO: GMC 2578-14 respondents: Mr. Fanie Botes and Arno Crous via Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director; Frode & Talitha Moe. TO: ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey (; CC: Cape Bar: Renata Williams CC: SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) lssa CC: Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary; Lynette Bios: Senior Legal Advisor CC: SA Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission CC: SA: EoP-PoW Supporters: Jacob Zuma: President RSA; John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court CC: Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington; Stephanie Paidas; Karen Brattain CC: USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base CC: GMC 4643-13: L Johnstone v Brad Blanton et al Applicants* Please take notice of the following correspondence:
Case: 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe: Re: (i) Mag. Essel’s 08 Aug 2014 ruling based upon irregular court record; & (ii) 2473 Appl. Notice ITO Rule 17(2) and 30(2) correspondence to 2578 respondents & their medical & legal practice licensing organisations; Re: (a) respondent Frode Moe’s 27 May 2014 irregularly filed documents in court record; (b) EoP protected cultural property; includes psychological integrity property; including Annexures A-F (PDF63)
Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) Proof of Service: GMC Civil Case 2473 Applicants Correspondence with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents attorneys; (ii) Norwegian Medical Association & Cape Law Society; Annexure G (PDF64).
Is to be served tomorrow for the attention of: TO: Magistrate Guts Essel CC: Former Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo via Judicial Service Commission CC: Civil Clerk of the Court: Ms. Zarita van Eyk; for inclusion into GMC 2578-14 court record file. Magistrate Essel is requested to: Take notice of the correspondence between GMC 4643 and 2578 applicants (hereinafter referred to as ‘2473’) and GMC 2578 respondents: Dr. Moe and his attorneys: Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes; and their official Norwegian and South African medical and legal practice licensing organisations. The correspondence between 2473 applicants and 2578 respondents deals with among others the: (I) 08 July 2014 court ruling of Magistrate Essel is based upon irregular documents filed 63 64
into the court record on 27 May 2014 by respondent Frode Moe, but never served upon pro se applicant, for her response; (II) request respondents officially withdraw or authenticate Dr. Moe’s irregular documents and request a new ruling from Magistrate Essel based upon accurate court record; (III) 2578 respondents refusal and 2473 response; (IV) request 2578 respondents medical & legal practice licensing organisations order their members to respond; include names of SA juridical officials who are not biased against EoP cultures, whose juridical jurisdiction authority they consent to; (V) no response from respondents & medical/ legal practice licensing org’s. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP]
From: Lara | Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 5:10 PM To: Norwegian Medical Assoc; Norway Medical Practice Licensing Organisations; Talitha Moe Children Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: RE: Legal Notice: NO Medical Assoc & Dr. Frode Moe: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property From: Lara Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 5:10 PM To: 'NO Medical Association: E-post'; 'Director: Jorunn Fryjordet'; 'Comm Dir: Knut Braaten'; 'Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director'; 'Frode & Talitha Moe'; Denise Vockins (; Halmar Vockins (; Jacqueline Vockins (; Ivan Vockins (; Malcolm Vockins (; 'Reg. Auth for Health Personnel: Director: Anne Herseth Barlo SAK E-Post'; 'Anette Bryn'; 'Norwegian Ministry of Health: Minister Bent Høie E-post'; 'Astrid Heiberg'; 'Norwegian Embassy – Pretoria: Ambassador: Kari M. Bjørnsgaard E-post:' Cc: 'NO-EoPoW: Anders Breivik Attorney Geir Lippestad'; 'Norwegian Minister of Justice and Security: Police: Secretary General: Thor Arne Aass'; 'Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington'; 'Stephanie Paidas'; 'Karen Brattain'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE US'; 'John W. Whitehead'; 'USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base' Subject: RE: Legal Notice: NO Medical Assoc & Dr. Frode Moe: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
GMC 2578-14 respondents: Frode & Talitha Moe Via: Dr. Moe’s Norwegian Medical Practice Licensing Org Norwegian Medical Association: Director Jorunn Fryjordet Via: Talitha Moe’s children: Denise, Halmar, Jacqueline, Ivan and Malcolm [See Annex E & G]
TO: GMC 2578-14 respondents: Mr. Fanie Botes and Arno Crous via Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director; Frode & Talitha Moe. TO: NO Medical Association: Director: Jorunn Fryjordet; Comm Dir: Knut Braaten TO: Talitha Moe’s children: Denise, Halmar, Jacqueline, Ivan and Malcolm CC: Norwegian Reg. Auth for Health Personnel: Director: Anne Herseth Barlo; Anette Bryn CC: Norwegian Ministry of Health: Minister Bent Høie; Astrid Heiberg CC: Norwegian Embassy – Pretoria: Ambassador: Kari M. Bjørnsgaard CC: NO: EoP-PoW Supporters: Anders Breivik Attorney Geir Lippestad; NO Min of Justice & Security: Police: Sec. Gen.: Thor Arne Aass CC: Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington; Stephanie Paidas; Karen Brattain CC: USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base CC: GMC 4643-13: L Johnstone v Brad Blanton et al Applicants* Please take notice of the following correspondence:
Case: 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe: Re: (i) Mag. Essel’s 08 Aug 2014 ruling based upon irregular court record; & (ii) 2473 Appl. Notice ITO Rule 17(2) and 30(2) correspondence to 2578 respondents & their medical & legal practice licensing organisations; Re: (a) respondent Frode Moe’s 27 May 2014 irregularly filed documents in court record; (b) EoP protected cultural property; includes psychological integrity property; including Annexures A-F (PDF65)
Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) Proof of Service: GMC Civil Case 2473 Applicants Correspondence with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents attorneys; (ii) Norwegian Medical Association & Cape Law Society; Annexure G (PDF66).
Is to be served tomorrow for the attention of: TO: Magistrate Guts Essel CC: Former Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo via Judicial Service Commission CC: Civil Clerk of the Court: Ms. Zarita van Eyk; for inclusion into GMC 2578-14 court record file. Magistrate Essel is requested to: Take notice of the correspondence between GMC 4643 and 2578 applicants (hereinafter referred to as ‘2473’) and GMC 2578 respondents: Dr. Moe and his attorneys: Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes; and their official Norwegian and South African medical and legal practice licensing organisations. The correspondence between 2473 applicants and 2578 respondents deals with among others the: (I) 08 July 2014 court ruling of Magistrate Essel is based upon irregular documents filed into the court record on 27 May 2014 by respondent Frode Moe, but never served upon pro se applicant, for her response; (II) request respondents officially withdraw or authenticate Dr. Moe’s irregular documents and request a new ruling from Magistrate Essel based upon 65 66
accurate court record; (III) 2578 respondents refusal and 2473 response; (IV) request 2578 respondents medical & legal practice licensing organisations order their members to respond; include names of SA juridical officials who are not biased against EoP cultures, whose juridical jurisdiction authority they consent to; (V) no response from respondents & medical/ legal practice licensing orgâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP]
From: CLS: Craig Lucas | Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 12:43 PM To: Lara Johnstone Subject: FW: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: CLS [] Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 12:43 PM To: '' Subject: FW: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
Dear Ms Johnstone We acknowledge receipt of your e-mail below and advise that, until now, we had no record of receiving your e-mail of 29 July 2014. Be that as it may, and having now perused the content of that e-mail, we advise that the exact nature of the assistance you have requested from the Society is still far from clear. We would accordingly be most grateful if you could succinctly set out what it is that you expect from the Society, and we will endeavour to fulfil your request. We note further that Mr Dorey is no longer the acting Director, and the current Director is Mr Rampela Mokoena. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Craig Lucas Legal Officer Disciplinary Department CAPE LAW SOCIETY Tel No. (021) 443 6700 Fax No. (021) 443 6751 29th/30th Floors, Absa Centre 2 Riebeeck Street, Cape Town
PO Box 4528 CAPE TOWN 8000
Make it a good day!
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 1:24 PM To: Cape Law Society; South African Legal Practice Licensing Organisations Cc: Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 1:24 PM To: 'Frank Dorey'; 'ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey: E-post'; 'Cape Bar: Renata Williams'; 'Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director'; 'Frode & Talitha Moe'; 'SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) lssa'; 'Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary'; 'JSC: Lynette Bios'; 'SA Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission' Cc: 'ZA-EoPoW: Jacob Zuma: President RSA'; 'John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court'; 'Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington'; 'Stephanie Paidas'; 'Karen Brattain'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE US'; 'John W. Whitehead'; 'USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base' Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
Mr. Craig Lucas
Legal Officer: Disciplinary Department CAPE LAW SOCIETY TO: ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey; CC: Cape Bar: Renata Williams TO: GMC 2578-14 respondents: Mr. Fanie Botes and Arno Crous via Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director; Frode & Talitha Moe. CC: SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) lssa CC: Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary; Lynette Bios: Senior Legal Advisor CC: SA Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission
CC: SA: EoP-PoW Supporters: Jacob Zuma: President RSA; John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court CC: Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington; Stephanie Paidas; Karen Brattain CC: USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base CC: GMC 4643-13: L Johnstone v Brad Blanton et al Applicants* Mr. Lucas: Re: Acting MILED Clerk Inter-Cultural Notice: (i) Norwegian Medical Association: Frode Moe, Ranheim; (ii) Cape Law Society: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes, Millers Inc, George; violations of inter-cultural ‘protected cultural property’ principles in GMC 2578-14 court proceedings. Re: “we advise that the exact nature of the assistance you have requested from the Society is still far from clear. We would accordingly be most grateful if you could succinctly set out what it is that you expect from the Society, and we will endeavour to fulfil your request.” As stated in original correspondence: If your respective members, namely Dr. Frode Moe and his legal representatives from Millers Inc: Mr. Arno Cross and Mr. Fanie Botes assert that Dr. Moe’s allegations irregularly submitted into the GMC 2578-14 court record, of the Acting MILED Clerk’s alleged ‘mental disorders’ were statements about Dr. Moe and his representatives legal intentions; please take notice that: This correspondence requests the aforementioned War is Peace cultural licensing organisations, namely the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society, to:
3. Inform the Acting MILED Clerk by 17:00 hrs (GMT+2) on 01 August 2014, of the organisation or arbitration body and such organisations specific juridical individual whom your respective medical and attorneys members approve of as an impartial arbitrator to resolve this matter, based upon scientific evidence; including proof of the said individual’s intercultural commitment of being willing to listen to, and impartially consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture.
4. Take Notice that MILED Clerk Applicant is willing to accept and consent to the arbitration jurisdiction of the following South African juridical officials who although juridical members of War is Peace cultures, have proven themselves willing to listen to and consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture: SA Judicial Service Commission Juridical Officials: George District Court Magistrate Essel (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 22 July 2002 (PDF67)) and/or former SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 03 May 2010 (PDF68)) I repeat: If Dr. Moe, Mr. Crous and/or Mr. Botes (a) assert that Dr. Moe’s ‘mental disorder’ allegations against myself, were statements about Dr. Moe’s legal intentions in this matter; and (b) and 67 68
wish to put forward the name of specific juridical individual whom they approve of as an impartial arbitrator to resolve this matter, based upon scientific evidence; with related Ecology of Peace listening skills; whose arbitration jurisdiction they consent to; they should provide such information to myself, by 10:00 hrs on 06 August 2014. I shall delay the filing of the correspondence to Magistrate Essel and former Justice Ngcobo for a day to give them more time. If you sincerely and honourably donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t understand any of the words or phrases or sentences in the above paragraphs; then state exactly which word or sentence you do not understand or require the definition of; and I shall be happy to clarify them for you. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP]
From: CLS: Craig Lucas | Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 3:18 PM To: Lara Johnstone Subject: FW: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: CLS [] Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 3:18 PM To: Lara Johnstone Subject: FW: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
Ms Johnstone Thank you for your prompt response, which has been forwarded to the Societyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Professional Affairs Department for attention and response. Kind regards Craig
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 1:30 PM To: Cape Law Society; South African Legal Practice Licensing Organisations Cc: Cc: Norway & SA EoP PoW Supporters; Eco-Psychology; GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 1:30 PM To: 'Frank Dorey'; 'ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey: E-post'; 'Cape Bar: Renata Williams'; 'Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director'; 'Frode & Talitha Moe'; 'SA Law Society of South
Africa (LSSA) lssa'; 'Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary'; 'JSC: Lynette Bios'; 'SA Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission'; 'African Union Commission via Directorate of Information and Communication'; 'CC:AU: Dr. Mamadou Dia: Head of DGEHR Division' Cc: 'ZA-EoPoW: Jacob Zuma: President RSA'; 'John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court'; 'Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington'; 'Stephanie Paidas'; 'Karen Brattain'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE US'; 'John W. Whitehead'; 'USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base' Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
Mr. Craig Lucas
Legal Officer: Disciplinary Department CAPE LAW SOCIETY TO: ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey; CC: Cape Bar: Renata Williams TO: GMC 2578-14 respondents: Mr. Fanie Botes and Arno Crous via Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director; Frode & Talitha Moe. CC: SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) lssa CC: Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary; Lynette Bios: Senior Legal Advisor CC: SA Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission CC: SA: EoP-PoW Supporters: Jacob Zuma: President RSA; John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court CC: African Union Commission via Directorate of Information and Communication (; CC: AU: Dr. Mamadou Dia.: Head of DGEHR Division ( CC: Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington; Stephanie Paidas; Karen Brattain CC: USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base CC: GMC 4643-13: L Johnstone v Brad Blanton et al Applicants* Mr. Lucas: Re: Acting MILED Clerk Inter-Cultural Notice: (i) Norwegian Medical Association: Frode Moe, Ranheim; (ii) Cape Law Society: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes, Millers Inc, George; violations of inter-cultural ‘protected cultural property’ principles in GMC 2578-14 court proceedings. Still no response from the Cape Law Society’s ‘Professional Affairs Department’; to the issues:
The correspondence between 2473 applicants and 2578 respondents and their respective medical and legal practice licensing organisations deals with among others the: (I) 08 July 2014 court ruling of Magistrate Essel is based upon irregular documents filed into the court record on 27 May 2014 by respondent Frode Moe, but never served upon pro se applicant, for her response; (II) request respondents officially withdraw or authenticate Dr. Moe’s irregular documents and request a new ruling from Magistrate Essel based upon accurate court record; (III) 2578 respondents refusal and 2473 response; (IV) request 2578 respondents medical & legal practice licensing organisations order their members to respond; include names of SA juridical officials who are not biased against EoP cultures, whose juridical jurisdiction authority they consent to; (V) no response from respondents & medical/ legal practice licensing org’s. Update Re: (III) 2578 respondents refusal and 2473 response: It would appear to the Acting MILED Clerk that the current Ebola Epidemic in West Africa - Ebola patient arrives in US69 - is at least partially iatrogenically initiated as a response from military supporters of the international social contract implementation and resolution of (a) Ecology of Peace v War is Peace AIDS & Ebola biological warfare related issues in HCCPD A696-0470 including planetary depopulation of a minimum of 4 billion [Encl: H.1-7]; (b) in accordance to Ecology of Peace Prisoners of War Geneva Convention Amendments submission to the Swiss Federal Council71 (i) the Ecology of Peace definitions for biological and chemical warfare; and (ii) orderly and humane de-industrialization by means of legally implementing an international Ecology of Peace social contract that restricts all the worlds cultures, religions and races to breed and consume below carrying capacity limits. See among others: [Incorruptible Syriana lawyer: Ebola patient OJ Traffic procession72 | Deadly Secrets: Indiana Terre Haute Death Row Interstate Traffic procession73 | Alex Jones: McVeigh: Faked execution74 | David Hoffman: McVeigh – Let them Eat OJ75 |TT: Monday76: What Time is it77? News78] Could you ask the Cape Law Society’s Professional Affairs Department; (a) if they intend to professionally respond by ordering Mr. Botes and Crous to provide their respective answers to the 2473 applicants; (b) if so: by when (i.e. a specific date and time) the 2473 applicants can expect the Cape Law Society to provide the 2473 applicants with Mr Botes and Crous’s response. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP] * GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 11:04 AM To: African Union Commission via Directorate of Information and Communication; CC: AU: Dr. Mamadou Dia.: Head of DGEHR Division; sent via African Union contact page at: Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property
From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 1:30 PM To: 'Frank Dorey'; 'ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey: Epost'; 'Cape Bar: Renata Williams'; 'Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director'; 'Frode & Talitha Moe'; 'SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) lssa'; 'Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary'; 'JSC: Lynette Bios'; 'SA Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission'; 'African Union Commission via Directorate of Information and Communication'; 'CC:AU: Dr. Mamadou Dia: Head of DGEHR Division' Cc: 'ZA-EoPoW: Jacob Zuma: President RSA'; 'John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court'; 'Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington'; 'Stephanie Paidas'; 'Karen Brattain'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen - Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE US'; 'John W. Whitehead'; 'USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base' Subject: RE: Legal Notice: Cape Law Society & Arno Crous & Fanie Botes: Re: EoP Protected Cultural Property Mr. Craig Lucas Legal Officer: Disciplinary Department CAPE LAW SOCIETY TO: ZA Cape Law Society: Acting Director: Frank Dorey; CC: Cape Bar: Renata Williams
TO: GMC 2578-14 respondents: Mr. Fanie Botes and Arno Crous via Douglas Henney: Millers Inc Director; Frode & Talitha Moe. CC: SA Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) lssa CC: Judicial Service Commission: Sello Chiloane: Acting Secretary; Lynette Bios: Senior Legal Advisor CC: SA Embassy in Oslo Norway: Ambassador Queen Anne Zondo: Head of Mission CC: SA: EoP-PoW Supporters: Jacob Zuma: President RSA; John Myburgh SC: former High Court Judge & Judge President of the Labour Appeal Court CC: African Union Commission via Directorate of Information and Communication ([Returned as undeliverable]; CC: AU: Dr. Mamadou Dia.: Head of DGEHR Division ( [Returned as undeliverable]. CC: Eco-psychology: Peter H. Kahn Jr. PhD University of Washington; Stephanie Paidas; Karen Brattain CC: USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base CC: GMC 4643-13: L Johnstone v Brad Blanton et al Applicants* Mr. Lucas: Re: Acting MILED Clerk Inter-Cultural Notice: (i) Norwegian Medical Association: Frode Moe, Ranheim; (ii) Cape Law Society: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes, Millers Inc, George; violations of inter-cultural ‘protected cultural property’ principles in GMC 2578-14 court proceedings. Still no response from the Cape Law Society’s ‘Professional Affairs Department’; to the issues: The correspondence between 2473 applicants and 2578 respondents and their respective medical and legal practice licensing organisations deals with among others the: (I) 08 July 2014 court ruling of Magistrate Essel is based upon irregular documents filed into the court record on 27 May 2014 by respondent Frode Moe, but never served upon pro se applicant, for her response; (II) request respondents officially withdraw or authenticate Dr. Moe’s irregular documents and request a new ruling from Magistrate Essel based upon accurate court record; (III) 2578 respondents refusal and 2473 response; (IV) request 2578 respondents medical & legal practice licensing organisations order their members to respond; include names of SA juridical officials who are not biased against EoP cultures, whose juridical jurisdiction authority they consent to; (V) no response from respondents & medical/ legal practice licensing org’s. Update Re: (III) 2578 respondents refusal and 2473 response: It would appear to the Acting MILED Clerk that the current Ebola Epidemic in West Africa - Ebola patient arrives in US - is at least partially iatrogenically initiated as a response from military supporters of the international social contract implementation and resolution of (a) Ecology of Peace v War is Peace AIDS & Ebola biological warfare related issues in HC-CPD A696-04 including planetary depopulation of a minimum of 4 billion [Encl: H.1-7]; (b) in accordance to Ecology of Peace Prisoners of War Geneva Convention Amendments submission to the Swiss Federal Council (i) the Ecology of Peace definitions for biological and chemical warfare; and (ii) orderly and humane de-industrialization by means of legally implementing an international Ecology of Peace social contract that restricts all the worlds cultures, religions and races to breed and consume below carrying capacity limits. See among others: [Incorruptible Syriana lawyer: Ebola patient OJ Traffic procession | Deadly Secrets: Indiana Terre Haute Death Row Interstate
Traffic procession | Alex Jones: McVeigh: Faked execution | David Hoffman: McVeigh – Let them Eat OJ |TT: Monday : What Time is it ? News ] Could you ask the Cape Law Society’s Professional Affairs Department; (a) if they intend to professionally respond by ordering Mr. Botes and Crous to provide their respective answers to the 2473 applicants; (b) if so: by when (i.e. a specific date and time) the 2473 applicants can expect the Cape Law Society to provide the 2473 applicants with Mr Botes and Crous’s response. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP] * GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Johnstone et al v Blanton et al: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT OF GEORGE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Case: 2578-14 In the matter between: Lara Johnstone
First Applicant
and Frode Moe Talitha Moe
First Respondent Second Respondent
Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2): Annex G2: Proof of Service: GMC 2473-13 Applicants Correspondence 07 July – 04 August 2014 with: (i) GMC 4643-13 Radical Honesty Culture; (ii) HC-CPD SAPS Commissioner & 6 Others; (iii) GMC Criminal Case C 572-2002: State v Johnstone; (iv) HCCPD A 696-04: Johnstone v State Review; (vi) Capetown Criminal Case: CTCAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08; (v) HC-CPD L Johnstone v SAPS National Commissioner & 2 Others.
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 1:30 PM To: GMC 4643-13 respondents: Brad Blanton & RH Trainers; GMC 2578-14 respondents; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Independent Observers; US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia: Gibson & Dunn Subject: CrtPoS RE: NB Notice: BBlanton & RH Trainers: Re: GMC 4643 FBI Fraud complaint & GMC 2578-14
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 1:33 PM To: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14 respondents; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Independent Observers; US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia: Gibson & Dunn Subject: RE: NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 1:32 PM To: LJ v SAPS Comm & 6 Others; GMC 2578-14 respondents; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Independent Observers; US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia: Gibson & Dunn Subject: RE: GMC 4643-13 NB Notice: RE: LJ v SAPS Comm & 6 Others & GMC 2578-14
From: Capetown Mayor’s Office: Monique Scharffenorth | Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 11:38 AM | To: Lara Johnstone
Subject: FW: NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 1:51 PM To: Capetown Mayors Office; HC-CPD A 696/04; CT-CAS 1340/7/07; HC-CPD: 2007 parties; Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers; Justice Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia Subject: RE: GMC2473 response to Mrs de Lille: Re NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2014 2:29 AM To: Naima Singletary; Radical Honesty:Brad Blanton & Trainers; FBI-VA: Agent Jeffrey Mazanec; Werner Erhard; Landmark Corp: VantoGrp: Steve Zaffron; Terry M Giles Esq; Darren Mack via William J Routsis II Cc: Justice Thomas & Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia: Gibson & Dunn; GMC 2473 Applicants & Observers; EoP and WiP Observers Subject: Taboo SHTF Info re: Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty in Sex, Anger and Relationships
From: Lara | Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 9:48 PM & 9:59 PM To: LJ v SAPS Comm & 6 Others Cc: GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 App & Observers; Justice Thomas & Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia Subject: RE: NB Notice: RE: LJ v SAPS Comm & 6 Others & GMC 2578-14
From: Lara | Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 9:48 PM & 9:59 PM To: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14; Malan Mohale Beyers Cc: GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 App & Observers; Justice Thomas & Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia Subject: RE: NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14
From: Lara | Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 9:47 PM & 9:59 PM To: GMC 4643-13 Radical Honesty respondents | Werner Erhard, Landmark & Darren Mack Cc: GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 App & Observers; Justice Thomas & Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia Subject: RE: NB Notice: BBlanton & RH Trainers: Re: GMC 4643 FBI Fraud complaint & GMC 2578-14
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 1:30 PM To: GMC 4643-13 respondents: Brad Blanton & RH Trainers; GMC 2578-14 respondents; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Independent Observers; US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia: Gibson & Dunn Subject: CrtPoS RE: NB Notice: BBlanton & RH Trainers: Re: GMC 4643 FBI Fraud complaint & GMC 2578-14 From: Lara Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 1:30 PM To: 'Marina Dervan'; 'Clara Griffin'; 'Raven Dana'; 'Anne Alexander'; 'Susan Campbell'; 'Taber Shadburne'; 'Stephanie Roth'; 'Greg Small'; 'Blanton'; 'Radical Honesty Support'; 'Maggie Doyle'; 'Anne Alexander'; 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'FBI-VA: Agent Jeffrey Mazanec'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AGNS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Jack Keane'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'Amb Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta'; 'China Embassy'; 'Justice Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia' Subject: CrtPoS RE: NB Notice: BBlanton & RH Trainers: Re: GMC 4643 FBI Fraud complaint & GMC 2578-14
TO: Brad Blanton, Maggie Doyle & RH Trainers CC: GMC 2578-14 respondents via Millers Attorneys TC: FBI Agent Jeffrey Mazanec TC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Independent Observers RE: FBI Fraud complaint and GMC 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe 07 July 2014: Proof of Service into GMC 2578-14 Court Record:
GMC Civil Case 2578-14 Applicant and Respondents correspondence 27 May – 14 June 2014 (PDF1)
GMC 4643-13 Applicants Q&A with GMC 2578-14 respondents & Johnstone, Vockins & Moe family members 15 June – 26 June 2014 (PDF2)
GMC Civil Case 2473-13 Applicants Correspondence 01 July – 06 July 2014 with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents Attorneys; (ii) GMC 4643-13 Radical Honesty Culture respondents; (iii) HC-CPD SAPS Commissioner & 6 Others respondents & attorneys; (iv) GMC Criminal Case C 572-2002: State v Johnstone: Prosecutor Officials & Attorneys; (v) HC-CPD A 696-04: Johnstone v State Review respondents & attorneys; (vi) Capetown Criminal Case: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08: Prosecutor, Judicial Officials & Attorneys; (vii) HC-CPD L Johnstone v SAPS National Commissioner & 2 Others respondents & attorneys (PDF3) 3
GMC Civil Case 2473-13 Applic. Hand Delivery Correspondence with: (i) George Criminal Case: CT-CAS 572-2002: (a) Prosecutor JJ Marx & (b) Magistrate Fortuin both via George Snr. Prosecutors Office; and (c) Attorney Mr. Oliff D’Oliveria; (ii) HC-CPD Johnstone v SAPS Comm & 6 Others attorneys: Braam Swart & Partners (PDF4) GMC Civil Case 2473-13 Applicants Correspondence with: Capetown Criminal Case: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08: Prosecutor Jacobs via George Prosecutors Office (per hand delivery) (PDF5)
Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence6 [EoP7 | WiP8]
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 1:33 PM To: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14 respondents; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Independent Observers; US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia: Gibson & Dunn Subject: RE: NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14 From: Lara Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 1:33 PM To: 'Capetown Magistrates Court: Magistrate Louw co CT Area Court Manager: Mr. C de Bruyn'; 'Mayor de Lille'; 'SAPS Investigating Officer: Inspector CD Christian co SAPS WC Comm: Lt Gen AH Lamoer'; 'SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms Joy Motubatsi'; 'Personal Assistant: Ms. Sisanda Maqina'; 'Attorney Malcolm Gezzler'; 'Attorney Milton de la Harpe'; 'George Herald: Editor'; 'Journalist Alida de Beer'; 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'FBI-VA: Agent Jeffrey Mazanec'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AGNS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Jack Keane'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen - Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'Amb Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta'; 'China Embassy'; 'Justice Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia' Subject: RE: NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14
TO: HC-CPD A 696/04: 07/07/07: Notice of Withdrawal of Applic for Leave to Review & case transfer US Navy JAG as of 18/07/2007 TO: State v Lara Johnstone: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 TO: HC-CPD: 2007: L Johnstone v National Commissioner JS Selebi & 2 Others TO: Capetown Magistrates Court: Magistrate Louw co CT Area Court Manager: Mr. C de Bruyn (, TO: Senior Prosecutor: Mr. Jacobs (via George Prosecutors Office; per hand delivery) 4 6 7 8 5
TO: Plaintiff: Patricia de Lille – ID; via Office of Mayor de Lille (; TO: George Herald: Editor (; Journalist Alida de Beer ( TO: SAPS: Director Legal Services: Re: 2007 Actions of WC SAPS Inspector CD Christian; via: SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms Joy Motubatsi (; Personal Assistant: Ms. Sisanda Maqina (; CC: SAPS WC Comm: Lt Gen AH Lamoer ( TO: Attorneys: (I) Attorney Malcolm Gezzler ( & (ii) Attorney Milton de la Harpe ( CC: GMC 2578-14 respondents via Millers Attorneys TC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Independent Observers RE: GMC 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe
07 July 2014: Proof of Service into GMC 2578-14 Court Record:
GMC Civil Case 2578-14 Applicant and Respondents correspondence 27 May – 14 June 2014 (PDF9)
GMC 4643-13 Applicants Q&A with GMC 2578-14 respondents & Johnstone, Vockins & Moe family members 15 June – 26 June 2014 (PDF10)
GMC Civil Case 2473-13 Applicants Correspondence 01 July – 06 July 2014 with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents Attorneys; (ii) GMC 4643-13 Radical Honesty Culture respondents; (iii) HC-CPD SAPS Commissioner & 6 Others respondents & attorneys; (iv) GMC Criminal Case C 572-2002: State v Johnstone: Prosecutor Officials & Attorneys; (v) HC-CPD A 696-04: Johnstone v State Review respondents & attorneys; (vi) Capetown Criminal Case: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08: Prosecutor, Judicial Officials & Attorneys; (vii) HC-CPD L Johnstone v SAPS National Commissioner & 2 Others respondents & attorneys (PDF11) o GMC Civil Case 2473-13 Applic. Hand Delivery Correspondence with: (i) George Criminal Case: CT-CAS 572-2002: (a) Prosecutor JJ Marx & (b) Magistrate Fortuin both via George Snr. Prosecutors Office; and (c) Attorney Mr. Oliff D’Oliveria; (ii) HC-CPD Johnstone v SAPS Comm & 6 Others attorneys: Braam Swart & Partners (PDF12) o GMC Civil Case 2473-13 Applicants Correspondence with: Capetown Criminal Case: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08: Prosecutor Jacobs via George Prosecutors Office (per hand delivery) (PDF13)
Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP]
9 11 12 13 10
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 1:32 PM To: LJ v SAPS Comm & 6 Others; GMC 2578-14 respondents; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Independent Observers; US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia: Gibson & Dunn Subject: RE: GMC 4643-13 NB Notice: RE: LJ v SAPS Comm & 6 Others & GMC 2578-14 From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 1:32 PM To: 'Director of Communications: Mr. Fidel Hadebe'; 'Assistant: Ms. Mahlatse Sethosa'; 'SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms Joy Motubatsi'; 'Personal Assistant: Ms. Sisanda Maqina'; 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Donald Gips: US Emb-Pta'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; Erik Prince; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Justice Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia' Subject: RE: GMC 4643-13 NB Notice: RE: LJ v SAPS Comm & 6 Others & GMC 2578-14
TO: LJ v SAPS National Commissioner J.S. Selebi & 6 Others: Respondents: Director: Min of Health Legal Services: Re: 2002 Actions of Minister of Health; WC Prov Health Employees: Dr Tomcheck, Dr. Giselle Rausch, Dr. Dlamini and Ms. M Erasmus; via: Minister of Health: Director of Communications: Mr. Fidel Hadebe (; Assistant: Ms. Mahlatse Sethosa ( Director: SAPS Legal Services: Re: 2002 Actions of National Commissioner JS Selebi and SAPS Inspector Malcolm Potje; via: SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms Joy Motubatsi (; Personal Assistant: Ms. Sisanda Maqina ( Accused Individuals: George Prosecutor: Mr. J.J. Marx, George Magistrate: Mr. Fortuin (per hand delivery to Senior Prosecutor’s Office) Attorneys: Braam Swart & Partners: Mr. Tinus Le Roux (per hand delivery) Attorney Oliff D’Oliviera (per hand delivery) CC: GMC 2578-14 respondents via Millers Attorneys TC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Independent Observers RE: GMC 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe 07 July 2014: Proof of Service into GMC 2578-14 Court Record:
GMC Civil Case 2578-14 Applicant and Respondents correspondence 27 May – 14 June 2014 (PDF14)
GMC 4643-13 Applicants Q&A with GMC 2578-14 respondents & Johnstone, Vockins & Moe family members 15 June – 26 June 2014 (PDF15)
GMC Civil Case 2473-13 Applicants Correspondence 01 July – 06 July 2014 with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents Attorneys; (ii) GMC 4643-13 Radical Honesty Culture
respondents; (iii) HC-CPD SAPS Commissioner & 6 Others respondents & attorneys; (iv) GMC Criminal Case C 572-2002: State v Johnstone: Prosecutor Officials & Attorneys; (v) HC-CPD A 696-04: Johnstone v State Review respondents & attorneys; (vi) Capetown Criminal Case: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08: Prosecutor, Judicial Officials & Attorneys; (vii) HC-CPD L Johnstone v SAPS National Commissioner & 2 Others respondents & attorneys (PDF16) o GMC Civil Case 2473-13 Applic. Hand Delivery Correspondence with: (i) George Criminal Case: CT-CAS 572-2002: (a) Prosecutor JJ Marx & (b) Magistrate Fortuin both via George Snr. Prosecutors Office; and (c) Attorney Mr. Oliff Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Oliveria; (ii) HC-CPD Johnstone v SAPS Comm & 6 Others attorneys: Braam Swart & Partners (PDF17) o GMC Civil Case 2473-13 Applicants Correspondence with: Capetown Criminal Case: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08: Prosecutor Jacobs via George Prosecutors Office (per hand delivery) (PDF18) Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP]
From: Monique Scharffenorth | Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 11:38 AM | To: Lara Johnstone Subject: FW: NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14 From: Monique Scharffenorth [] Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 11:38 AM To: Lara Johnstone [] Subject: FW: NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14
Dear Ms Johnstone You are hereby reminded you are in direct breach of a Court judgement and are requested to cease all email communication with Patricia De Lille immediately. Regards Monique Scharffenorth PA to the Executive Mayor Patricia De Lille Manager: Mayoral Administration 6th Floor Podium Block, Civic Centre 12 Hertzog Blvd, Cape Town Tel: 021 400 2525 Fax: 021 400 1313 16 18 17
“ Please note that all invitations and meeting requests are accepted on the basis that they could be cancelled due to emergencies which may arise and require the Mayor’s attention.”
From: Lara | Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 1:51 PM To: Capetown Mayors Office; HC-CPD A 696/04; CT-CAS 1340/7/07; HC-CPD: 2007 parties; Millers Attorneys; Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office Cc: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers; Justice Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia Subject: RE: GMC2473 response to Mrs de Lille: Re NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14 From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 1:51 PM To: 'Monique Scharffenorth'; 'Capetown Magistrates Court: Magistrate Louw co CT Area Court Manager: Mr. C de Bruyn'; 'Mayor de Lille'; 'SAPS Investigating Officer: Inspector CD Christian co SAPS WC Comm: Lt Gen AH Lamoer'; 'SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms Joy Motubatsi'; 'Personal Assistant: Ms. Sisanda Maqina'; 'Attorney Malcolm Gezzler'; 'Attorney Milton de la Harpe'; 'George Herald: Editor'; 'Journalist Alida de Beer'; 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'FBI-VA: Agent Jeffrey Mazanec'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AGNS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Jack Keane'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'Amb Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta'; 'China Embassy'; 'Justice Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia' Subject: RE: GMC2473 response to Mrs de Lille: Re NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14
Monique Sharffenorth ( Personal Assistant: Patricia de Lille ( CC: Office of Mayor de Lille ( CC: Capetown Magistrates Court: Magistrate Louw co CT Area Court Manager: Mr. C de Bruyn (, CC: Senior Prosecutor: Mr. Jacobs (via Magistrate Louw) CC: George Herald: Editor (; Journalist Alida de Beer ( CC: SAPS: Director Legal Services: Re: 2007 Actions of WC SAPS Inspector CD Christian; via: SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms Joy Motubatsi (; Personal Assistant:
Ms. Sisanda Maqina (; CC: SAPS WC Comm: Lt Gen AH Lamoer ( CC: Attorneys: (I) Attorney Malcolm Gezzler ( & (ii) Attorney Milton de la Harpe ( CC: GMC 2578-14 respondents via Millers Attorneys TC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Independent Observers Ms. Monique Sharffenorth: RE: GMC2473 response to Mrs de Lille re: (i) HC-CPD A 696/04: 07/07/07: Notice of Withdrawal of Applic for Leave to Review & case transfer US Navy JAG as of 18/07/2007; (ii) State v Lara Johnstone: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08; (iii) HC-CPD: 2007: L Johnstone v National Commissioner JS Selebi & 2 Others; and (iv) GMC 2578-14: Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe. I have no knowledge of any Court Judgement from Magistrate Louw or anyone else that orders me to refrain from providing Mrs de Lille or any individuals directly involved in aforementioned legal issues; with a copy of any individual/s attempts to resolve the aforementioned legal issues, which involved Mrs de Lille and which she has been making no efforts whatsoever to resolve. Unfortunately; pending the US and RU Ambassadors appointing a replacement EoP Clerk/s; these unresolved issues wherein Mrs de Lille played a prominent legal role; are now of direct relevance to the Ecology of Peace Prisoner of War Amendments to the Geneva Convention submission to the Swiss Federal Council. Could you kindly provide me with a copy of this alleged Court Judgement Mrs de Lille or you are referring to? Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP]
CC: GMC 4643-13: LJ v Brad Blanton et al Applicants and Independent Observers: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Donald Gips, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pretoria | General Ray Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & China Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs.
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2014 2:29 AM To: Naima Singletary; Radical Honesty:Brad Blanton & Trainers; FBI-VA: Agent Jeffrey Mazanec; Werner Erhard; Landmark Corp: VantoGrp: Steve Zaffron; Terry M Giles Esq; Darren Mack via William J Routsis II Cc: Justice Thomas & Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia: Gibson & Dunn; GMC 2473 Applicants & Observers; EoP and WiP Observers
Subject: Taboo SHTF Info re: Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty in Sex, Anger and Relationships Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2014 2:29 AM To: 'Naima Singletary ('; Blanton (; Maggie Doyle (; Radical Honesty Support (; Marina Dervan (; Clara Griffin (; Raven Dana (; Anne Alexander (; Susan Campbell (; Taber Shadburne (; Stephanie Roth (; Greg Small (; FBI-VA: Agent Jeffrey Mazanec (; Werner Erhard (; Landmark Corp: VantoGrp: Steve Zaffron (; Terry M Giles Esq (; Darren Mack via William J Routsis II ( Cc: 'Justice Thomas & Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen -Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; Donald Rumsfeld; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Donald Gips: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'State Attorney Angela Corey: Criminal Case Office'; 'Michael Dunn co Law offices of Cory Strolla'; 'Jack Keane'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE; 'USA: AWF: Allen R West' Subject: Taboo SHTF Info re: Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty in Sex, Anger and Relationships
TO: Ms. Naima Singletary TO: Dr. Brad Blanton & RH Trainers CC: Werner Erhard: Landmark; CC: Terry M Giles Esq CC: Darren Roy Mack via William J Routsis II CC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants in LJ v Brad Blanton et al Taboo Shit-Hits-the-Fan Info re: Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty in Sex, Anger and Relationships. With reference to your Radical Honesty in Sex, Anger and Relationships podcast19 event20 with Dr. Brad Blanton. Did Dr. Blanton transparently inform you; or withhold from you the following ‘taboo’ information about his ego-footprint21 ‘reputation’:
A complaint of White Collar Fraud was filed with the FBI against Dr. Blanton and his ‘Radical Honesty’ trainers22.
Unlike Dr. Blanton’s facebook ‘Fuck the Supreme Court’23 posturing; when it comes to the opportunity to really stand infront of the Supreme Court Justices and practice ‘radical honesty’; Dr. Blanton’s appetite for honesty disappears – sorta like MH370 over the Malaysian Architects Fly-By Triangle, or Dr. Blanton’s fellow ‘End World
19 20 21 22 23
Hunger’ bullshitter extraordinaire Werner Erhard’s Landmark Education’s acknowledged association to their employee Darren Mack after he snapped and went on a murder and assassination spree24 – Dr. Blanton refuses to support an application to the Supreme Court to support the legal establishment of Radical Honesty as an officially protected culture and religion25. Radical Honesty: Responsible Freedom -v- Occult ‘Fuck Responsibility’ Slavery Freedumb: A significant amount of Radical Honesty practices are based upon, or similar to, Mr. Werner Erhard’s Landmark mass merchandising of the responsibility equates to mental health assumption26. Allegedly much of Radical Honesty training, and the Landmark training is about learning to be honest; so that you are able to take personal responsibility27 for your thoughts, actions, and life. How honest is Dr. Blanton about Radical Honesty’s Masonic Phallic War is Peace ‘avoid ecological literacy responsibility’ origins? Scientologists accuse Werner Erhard of having stolen his main ideas for est from their founder, former Naval Intelligence officer: L. Ron Hubbard. L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, considered himself an heir to Crowley’s socalled satanic empire, including ‘Do Crowley’s The Book of Law; with its “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law’ Maxim. Crowley, Parsons and Hubbard worshipped Satan; conducted secret Black Masses; practiced Sex Magick, and sadistic (i.e. non-consensual) fantasies. Crowley practiced non-consensual human and animal sacrifices. Among Crowley’s papers, there was a description of tying a Negro to a tree, cutting a hole in his stomach, and then inserting his penis.[Wilson, Colin, Aleister Crowley, The Nature of the Beast, The Aquarian Press] “When The Mason learns that the Key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the Mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy.” -- Manly Palmer Hall, Illustrious: the Lost Keys of Freemasonry page 48 My interpretation of Mr. Hall’s ‘seething energies of lucifer’ are the psychological warfare art of manipulating and coercing men and women to overbreed and overconsume, to thereby aggravate inter-racial, cultural, religious and national resource war conflict, and the ability to divide and conquer people’s, for the profit of the ‘warrior’, to ‘step onward and upward’; as he ‘proves his ability’ to apply this breeding war and consumption war energies. Put differently, the ‘seething energies of lucifer’ are no less than the phallic justification for profiting from aggravating and perpetuating deliberate organized violence, without the consent of the recipients of the violence. “Civilization, very fundamentally, is the history of the domination of nature and of women. Patriarchy means rule over women and nature… “Civilized Man says: I am Self, I am 24 26 27 2960j0j9&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8#q=brad+blanton%2C+take+responsibility&safe=active 25
Master, all the rest is other — outside, below, underneath, subservient. I own, I use, I explore, I exploit, I control. What I do is what matters. What I want is what matter is for. I am that I am, and the rest is women and wilderness, to be used as I see fit.” – John Zerzan, Patriarchy, Civilization and the Origins of Gender What is the level of Dr. Blanton’s ‘responsible’ support for Ecology of Peace ecological and egological literacy responsibility? Brief Summary of 'War is Peace' (WiP) history and humanity's current EoP -v- WiP Options: 1. Earth is not flat 2. Resources are not infinite 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict. 4. War is Peace (WiP) history: either: a. Religious and political leaders ignored facts (1) (2) & (3); choosing instead to bribe their tribes members to believe it is their 'inalienable [freedumb slavery] right' to breed and consume above carrying capacity limits; as they embark on the totalitarian agriculture motivated beyond retardation (motarded) ratrace to choose to join one or other ideological, religious, racial or cultural tribe to engage in resource war thieving to accumulate more resources to grow their tribe to enable it to protect itself from another tribes organized violence resource war thieving, and/or; b. Anti-war Ecology of Peace religious and/or political leaders did inform citizens of ecological literacy reality that sustainable world peace; requires implementing an international law social contract that confronts facts (1) (2) & (3); that requires all humans to breed or consume below carrying capacity; but either: (A) citizens were too greedy to breed and/or consume as much as they want; and so nobody listened to such anti-war Ecology of Peace to support the voluntary non-violent implementation of an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; and/or; (B) not enough Generals and soldiers were willing to collectively support such Ecology of Peace principles and demand by force if need be that their civilian political, religious and legal leaders enact a sustainable world peace social contract. 5. Current EoP –v– WiP NWO reality future: Humans have now bred so much, and consumed so much of the earths finite resources, that humanity is now between 700 and 400,000 % over carrying capacity limits28, which means either: a. Ecology of Peace (EoP) NWO: Humans find a way to legally implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract that enables orderly and humane reduction of population and consumption29: (A) Voluntarily by civil society who support political and military leaders to legislate such an international law social contract into law transparently and democratically; and/or (B) Involuntarily by politicians who legislate such international law social contract into law in secret; and/or (C) Involuntarily by military force; either as coercive pressure on civil society, legislative authorities, or ultimately as a military necessity30 coup d’etat31; or b. War is Peace (WiP) NWO: Armageddon collision of humans overbreeding and overconsuming with ecological finite resource reality: and mother nature uses
28 30 31 29
death, pestilence, famine, war on an unimaginable scale to very violently reduce human population and consumption. Dr. Blanton says at around the 27:00 mark of your podcast, and in his workshops32 and books that 99% of human conflict is a result of conflicting interpretations of reality. Werner Erhard on the root causes of world hunger: Mother Jones: “What forces caused hunger in the first place? Erhard is vague about this. "Call them political forces, if you like," he advises generously. "Study the political forces and you will see that hunger and starvation on the planet are the inevitable result of those forces... If you don't like the politics, do it with economic forces. If you don't like the economics, do it with sociological forces. Psychological forces. Philosophical forces. Or if you prefer, a combination of them."” – Let them Eat Est33, pg.42 Get it? Human conflict and poverty has absolutely fuck all to do with unequivocal scientific reality of (1) earth is finite; (2) resources are finite; (3) when humans breed and consume above carrying capacity limits, this results in resource depletion (i.e. resource poverty) and resource conflict. Dr. Blanton was invited34 to support the EoP PoW Geneva Convention Amendments submission to implement an international law social contract that requires all the worlds citizens to restrict their breeding and consumption to ecological carrying capacity limits. He did not respond. What do you think ‘radical honesty’ Brad Blanton and his ‘radical honesty’ trainers answers would be to the following MILED EoP PoW Geneva Convention Amendments35 submission’s ‘race relations’ expert questions (PDF36); submitted to various race relations and disclosure experts worldwide: 1. Are you a Flat Earther, Fundamentalist or Mi$ery Para$ite? 2. If Not: Are you a ‘anti-racism/ anti-White Supremacy / anti-Colonialism / antiImperialism / anti-Zionism’ liberation struggle ‘freedom fighter’ activist or academic; who has publicly confronted, exposed and advocated on behalf of eliminating the ecological root – overpopulation and overconsumption of carrying capacity limits – resource war causes of ‘Racism / White Supremacy / Colonialism / Imperialism / Zionism’? 3. If so: What exactly is your ecologically literate ‘racism expert’ definition for the term ‘racism’? 4. In your race relations experience: Do you believe that Non-Europeans are capable or incapable of: a. responsible ecologically literate procreation: voluntarily (i.e. nonviolently) restricting their own breeding to below carrying capacity limits? b. engaging in a sincere mainstream media public discourse conversation about the general capability of Non-Europeans to engage in responsible ecologically literate procreation? c. voluntarily (i.e. nonviolently) agreeing to the implementation of an international social contract restricting all the worlds citizens to breeding below carrying capacity limits? 32 34 35 36 33
How long do you think Nigger General Pittard, Nigger Justice Thomas and Nigger President Obama should wait for their “cutting edge race relations revolutionary relating sincerity37” correspondence from Radical Honesty Master Trainer: Taber Shadburne, and Cracker Justice Scalia should wait for Dr. Brad Blanton to explain Dr. Blanton’s outright refusal to support the application to the Supreme Court to support the legal establishment of Radical Honesty as an officially protected culture and religion38. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone & Andrea Muhrrteyn MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence39 [EoP40 | WiP41] PS: My problem is not with whom anyone worships, whether it is Lucifer, cabbages, or pasta strainers; whether they engage in cannibalism or human sacrifice or any other alleged perverted sexual or any ‘fight club’ or other type of generally frowned upon by mainstream society activity; if such activity is between fully informed consenting adults; and if those adults are scarcity combatants42, they respect the property of eco-innocents.
From: Lara | Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 9:48 PM & 9:59 PM To: LJ v SAPS Comm & 6 Others Cc: GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 App & Observers; Justice Thomas & Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia Subject: RE: NB Notice: RE: LJ v SAPS Comm & 6 Others & GMC 2578-14 From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 9:48 PM To: 'Director of Communications: Mr. Fidel Hadebe'; 'Assistant: Ms. Mahlatse Sethosa'; 'Dr. Giselle Rausch'; 'SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms Joy Motubatsi'; 'Personal Assistant: Ms. Sisanda Maqina'; 'Lentegeur Hospital: Dr. GG Marinus via Shahieda Benjamin' Cc: 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Donald Gips: US Emb-Pta'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; Erik Prince; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Justice Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia' Subject: RE: NB Notice: RE: LJ v SAPS Comm & 6 Others & GMC 2578-14
TO: LJ v SAPS National Commissioner J.S. Selebi & 6 Others: Respondents: Director: Min of Health Legal Services: Re: 2002 Actions of Minister of Health; WC Prov Health Employees: Dr Christine Tomcheck, Dr. Giselle Rausch (, Dr. Dlamini and Ms. M Erasmus; via: Minister of Health: Director of Communications: Mr. Fidel Hadebe (; Assistant: 37 38 39 40 41 42
Ms. Mahlatse Sethosa (; Lentegeur Hospital: Dr. GG Marinus via Shahieda Benjamin ( Director: SAPS Legal Services: Re: 2002 Actions of National Commissioner JS Selebi and SAPS Inspector Malcolm Potje; via: SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms Joy Motubatsi (; Personal Assistant: Ms. Sisanda Maqina ( George Prosecutor: Mr. J.J. Marx, George Magistrate: Mr. Fortuin (per hand delivery to Senior Prosecutor’s Office) Attorneys: Braam Swart & Partners: Mr. Tinus Le Roux (per hand delivery) TC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Independent Observers* RE: Update: re: LJ v SAPS National Commissioner J.S. Selebi & 6 Others & GMC 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe Summary of Update: On 06 and 07 July 2014 you were notified of the 22 May 2014 application filed in George Magistrates Civil Court against Frode and Talitha Moe; for the following orders: (I) Invocation of Cultural Law and Habeus Mentem Cultural Psychological Integrity Declaratory Order; (II) Declaratory or Referral Order re: Issues in Dispute. The correspondence included suggestions for resolving the similar psychological integrity issues in dispute between myself and yourselves; by providing evidence to the court for your allegations; or to find alternative resolution for the issues. Unbeknownst to applicant, who only found out about this issue in detail after the 08 July 2014 court hearing; on 27 May 2014, Dr. Frode Moe had filed an irregular document into the GMC 2578-14 court record (without serving it on the applicant); wherein he stated: As you can see on [Lara J] file to this case, her mental state is a central point from her side and even more from my side. It is correct that I have used the term mental disorder and borderline psykosis as a diagnosis on her mental disturbance in discussions with Lara J and her parents. These statements I am willing to defend in court. However I will ask the court to read through Lara J's file to this case 2578-14 and also the almost 80 pages she filed to the civil court case 4643-13. By reading so I think most people can easily see that these files are produced by a mental disturbed person. So THE MAGISTRATES CIVIL COURT CAN NOT LET A MENTAL DISTURBED PERSON SET THE CONDITIONS FOR THE COURT CASE. The CLERK OF THE CIVIL COURT must do the administration and (1) answer my request for a postponement; (2) give me instructions of what minimum of papers you need from my side to continue. .. However I have to pinpoint to the court that this case involves entirely the closest of Lara J relatives directly and as witnesses. A courtcase can not do anybody good and possibly do lot of [h]arm for both sides. So to my opinion this case has nothing to do in a court. So I will ask the Magistrates civil court to consider this and treat this case at the lowest possible level of justice. From 09 July to present, via Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) 2473 applicants requested Dr. Moe and his attorneys to either (a) withdraw the irregularly filed document; or (b) authenticate it as their legal intentions in this matter, by filing it properly served upon the applicant, allowing the applicant to respond to Dr. Moe’s allegations. Specifically Dr. Moe was requested to clarify whether his ‘mental disorder’ allegations against myself were: (a) temporary angry outbursts and/or suppressed cultural anger, (b) a psychological resource thieving warfare allegation from members of a Masonic War is Peace
culture43 against a member of an Ecology of Peace culture44; (c) Blind academic and cultural obedience45 to parasitic War is Peace Flat Earth pseudoscientific fraudulent46 political psychiatry47 authority; (d) a legal allegation based upon Ecology of Peace finite earth and resources scientific evidence; (d) psychotronic mindcontrol manipulation48 by military intelligence agencies; or (e) some other explanation. Dr. Moe and his attorneys refused to withdraw or authenticate their ‘mental disorder’ allegations. Applicants contacted Dr. Moe’s medical practice licensing organisation and his attorneys legal practice licensing organisation; respectively the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society; requesting that they kindly inform their members that the destruction of intercultural protected cultural property is conduct prejudicial to the maintenance of inter/intra cultural good order and discipline. Furthermore if their War is Peace culture members Dr. Moe and his legal representatives assert that their allegations of individuals from other cultures to be suffering from ‘mental disorders’ is based upon scientific evidence, as opposed to cultural dogmatic beliefs about ‘normality’, and have any scientific based evidence for any alleged ‘mental disorder’ of any individual from any culture other than their own War is Peace culture’s, they should honourably provide their legal scientific definitions, and their inter-cultural scientific evidence in an inter-cultural court of law; or if they consider themselves honourable: to retract their statements. Finally if their respective members ‘mental disorder’ allegations were statements about Dr. Moe and his representatives legal intentions; to: 1. Inform the Acting MILED Clerk by of the organisation or arbitration body and such organisations specific juridical individual whom their respective medical and attorneys members approve of as an impartial arbitrator to resolve this matter, based upon scientific evidence; including proof of the said individual’s intercultural commitment of being willing to listen to, and impartially consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture. 2. Take Notice that MILED Clerk Applicant is willing to accept and consent to the arbitration jurisdiction of the following South African juridical officials who although juridical members of War is Peace cultures, have proven themselves willing to listen to and consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture: SA Judicial Service Commission Juridical Officials: George District Court Magistrate Essel (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 22 July 2002 (PDF49)) and/or former SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 03 May 2010 (PDF50)) There was no response from Dr. Moe, his attorneys or their respective medical and legal practice licensing organisations. As detailed to Mayor of Capetown: Mrs Patricia de Lille on 15 July 2014: Unfortunately; pending the US and RU Ambassadors appointing a replacement EoP Clerk/s; these unresolved psychological integrity allegations and related Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS,
43 45 46 47 48 49 50
population policy and psychotronic issues; are now of direct relevance51 to the Ecology of Peace Prisoner of War Amendments to the Geneva Convention submission52 to the Swiss Federal Council. On 03 August 2014: a copy of 2473 applicants 03 August 2014 correspondence to GMC 464313 respondents Radical Honesty: Brad Blanton & Trainers and Ms. Naima Singletary; CC: Werner Erhard, Landmark & Darren Roy Mack: Taboo Shit-Hits-the-Fan Info re: Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty in Sex, Anger and Relationships; was included to EoP PoW Geneva Convention Amendments53 supplementary submission documentation to be submitted to the Swiss Federal Council; as follows: MILINT Earth Day (i) Request to Race Relations Experts; for Race Relations Expertise Information (pp.01-89); (ii) Taboo Race-Relations S**t-Hits-the-Fan: Radical Honesty: EoP CommonSism Responsible Freedom -v- Occult ‘F**k Responsibility’ Slavery Freedumb (pp.89-93) (PDF54). Among others the correspondence deals with Dr. Blanton and Mr. Werner Erhard’s, respective Radical Honesty and Landmark mass merchandising of responsibility equates to mental health assumption55; where they teach that the essence of mental health is about learning to be honest; so that you are able to take personal responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and life. Consequently if we are to follow Dr. Blanton and Mr. Erhard’s advice and take personal responsibility and be brutally honest about the roots of human conflict and poverty; should we conclude that:
Human conflict and poverty is a direct result of the unequivocal scientific reality that (1) earth is finite; (2) resources are finite; (3) when nations constitutions and international social contract jurisprudence peace treaties allow humans to breed and consume above carrying capacity limits, this results in resource depletion (i.e. resource poverty) and resource conflict; or,
Human conflict and poverty has absolutely f**k all to do with unequivocal scientific reality of (1) earth is finite; (2) resources are finite; (3) nations constitutions and international social contract jurisprudence peace treaties allow humans breed and consume above carrying capacity limits, which results in resource depletion.
If the former is correct. According to Dr. Blanton and Mr. Erhard’s taking personal responsibility = mental health assumptions; I would be the epitome of mental health; those who accuse me of ‘mental disorders’ would have severe mental health problems; in terms of their failure to take personal responsibility for reality. If the latter is correct. According to Dr. Blanton and Mr. Erhard’s taking personal responsibility = mental health assumptions; those who accuse me of ‘mental disorders’ would be the epitome of mental health; I would have severe mental health problems; in terms of my failure to take personal responsibility for reality. Consequently please take note that the following correspondence:
51 53 54 55 52
Case: 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe: Re: (i) Mag. Essel’s 08 Aug 2014 ruling based upon irregular court record; & (ii) 2473 Appl. Notice ITO Rule 17(2) and 30(2) correspondence to 2578 respondents & their medical & legal practice licensing organisations; Re: (a) respondent Frode Moe’s 27 May 2014 irregularly filed documents in court record; (b) EoP protected cultural property; includes psychological integrity property; including Annexures A-F (PDF56)
Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) Proof of Service: GMC Civil Case 2473 Applicants Correspondence with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents attorneys; (ii) Norwegian Medical Association & Cape Law Society; Annexure G (PDF57).
Is to be served on 05 August 2014; for the attention of: TO: Magistrate Guts Essel CC: Former Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo via Judicial Service Commission CC: Civil Clerk of the Court: Ms. Zarita van Eyk; for inclusion into GMC 2578-14 court record file. Magistrate Essel is requested to: Take notice of the correspondence between GMC 4643 and 2578 applicants (hereinafter referred to as ‘2473’) and GMC 2578 respondents: Dr. Moe and his attorneys: Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes; and their official Norwegian and South African medical and legal practice licensing organisations. The correspondence between 2473 applicants and 2578 respondents deals with among others the: (I) 08 July 2014 court ruling of Magistrate Essel is based upon irregular documents filed into the court record on 27 May 2014 by respondent Frode Moe, but never served upon pro se applicant, for her response; (II) request respondents officially withdraw or authenticate Dr. Moe’s irregular documents and request a new ruling from Magistrate Essel based upon accurate court record; (III) 2578 respondents refusal and 2473 response; (IV) request 2578 respondents medical & legal practice licensing organisations order their members to respond; include names of SA juridical officials who are not biased against EoP cultures, whose juridical jurisdiction authority they consent to; (V) no response from respondents & medical/ legal practice licensing org’s. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence58 [EoP59 | WiP60] * GMC 4643-13 Applicants in Lara Johnstone et al v Brad Blanton et al Francisco Martin | Vice Adm. Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge & Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald & Amb. Patrick 56 58 59 60 57
Gaspard, U.S. Emb-Pta | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ & NSA General Keith Alexander | Erik Prince: via Michigan GOP & China Embassy-Pta | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Kremlin Press Office & Russian Emb–Pta | General David Petraeus | General Stan McChrystal | Generals Ray O’Dierno and John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1, US Army.
From: Lara | Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 9:48 PM & 9:59 PM To: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14; Malan Mohale Beyers Cc: GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 App & Observers; Justice Thomas & Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia Subject: RE: NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14
From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 9:48 PM To: 'Monique Scharffenorth'; 'Capetown Magistrates Court: Magistrate Louw co CT Area Court Manager: Mr. C de Bruyn'; 'Mayor de Lille'; 'SAPS Investigating Officer: Inspector CD Christian co SAPS WC Comm: Lt Gen AH Lamoer'; 'WC:Provincial Commissioner PA'; 'SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms Joy Motubatsi'; 'Personal Assistant: Ms. Sisanda Maqina'; 'Attorney Malcolm Gezzler'; 'Attorney Milton de la Harpe'; 'George Herald: Editor'; 'Journalist Alida de Beer'; 'Lieze Matthews'; 'Fanie Botes'; 'Arno Crous'; 'Allison Anthony via Millers Office'; 'Malan Mohale Beyers: Mossel Bay Office' Cc: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'FBI-VA: Agent Jeffrey Mazanec'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AGNS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Jack Keane'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'Amb Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta'; 'China Embassy'; 'Justice Thomas c/o Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia' Subject: RE: NB Notice: RE: HC-CPD LJ v SAPS & A 696/04 | CT-CAS 1340/7/07 | GMC 2578-14
TO: HC-CPD A 696/04: 07/07/07: Notice of Withdrawal of Applic for Leave to Review & case transfer US Navy JAG as of 18/07/2007 TO: State v Lara Johnstone: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 TO: HC-CPD: 2007: L Johnstone v National Commissioner JS Selebi & 2 Others TO: Capetown Magistrates Court: Magistrate Louw co CT Area Court Manager: Mr. C de Bruyn (, TO: Senior Prosecutor: Mr. Jacobs (via George Prosecutors Office; per hand delivery) TO: Plaintiff: Patricia de Lille – ID; via Office of Mayor de Lille (; Personal Assistant Monique Scharffenorth ( TO: George Herald: Editor (; Journalist Alida de Beer ( TO: SAPS: Director Legal Services: Re: 2007 Actions of WC SAPS Inspector CD Christian; via: SAPS: Chief of Staff: Ms Joy Motubatsi (; Personal Assistant: Ms. Sisanda Maqina (; CC: SAPS WC Comm: Lt Gen AH Lamoer (; WC:Provincial Commissioner PA ( TO: Attorneys: (I) Attorney Malcolm Gezzler ( & (ii) Attorney Milton de la Harpe ( TC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Independent Observers* RE: Update: re: HC-CPD A 696/04: 07/07/07: Notice of Withdrawal of Applic for Leave to Review & case transfer US Navy JAG as of 18/07/2007 | State v Lara
Johnstone: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 | HC-CPD: 2007: L Johnstone v National Commissioner JS Selebi & 2 Others; and GMC 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe Summary of Update: On 06 and 07 July 2014 you were notified of the 22 May 2014 application filed in George Magistrates Civil Court against Frode and Talitha Moe; for the following orders: (I) Invocation of Cultural Law and Habeus Mentem Cultural Psychological Integrity Declaratory Order; (II) Declaratory or Referral Order re: Issues in Dispute. The correspondence included suggestions for resolving the similar psychological integrity issues in dispute between myself and yourselves; by providing evidence to the court for your allegations; or to find alternative resolution for the issues. Unbeknownst to applicant, who only found out about this issue in detail after the 08 July 2014 court hearing; on 27 May 2014, Dr. Frode Moe had filed an irregular document into the GMC 2578-14 court record (without serving it on the applicant); wherein he stated: As you can see on [Lara J] file to this case, her mental state is a central point from her side and even more from my side. It is correct that I have used the term mental disorder and borderline psykosis as a diagnosis on her mental disturbance in discussions with Lara J and her parents. These statements I am willing to defend in court. However I will ask the court to read through Lara J's file to this case 2578-14 and also the almost 80 pages she filed to the civil court case 4643-13. By reading so I think most people can easily see that these files are produced by a mental disturbed person. So THE MAGISTRATES CIVIL COURT CAN NOT LET A MENTAL DISTURBED PERSON SET THE CONDITIONS FOR THE COURT CASE. The CLERK OF THE CIVIL COURT must do the administration and (1) answer my request for a postponement; (2) give me instructions of what minimum of papers you need from my side to continue. .. However I have to pinpoint to the court that this case involves entirely the closest of Lara J relatives directly and as witnesses. A courtcase can not do anybody good and possibly do lot of [h]arm for both sides. So to my opinion this case has nothing to do in a court. So I will ask the Magistrates civil court to consider this and treat this case at the lowest possible level of justice. From 09 July to present, via Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) 2473 applicants requested Dr. Moe and his attorneys to either (a) withdraw the irregularly filed document; or (b) authenticate it as their legal intentions in this matter, by filing it properly served upon the applicant, allowing the applicant to respond to Dr. Moe’s allegations. Specifically Dr. Moe was requested to clarify whether his ‘mental disorder’ allegations against myself were: (a) temporary angry outbursts and/or suppressed cultural anger, (b) a psychological resource thieving warfare allegation from members of a Masonic War is Peace culture61 against a member of an Ecology of Peace culture62; (c) Blind academic and cultural obedience63 to parasitic War is Peace Flat Earth pseudoscientific fraudulent64 political psychiatry65 authority; (d) a legal allegation based upon Ecology of Peace finite earth and resources scientific evidence; (d) psychotronic mindcontrol manipulation66 by military intelligence agencies; or (e) some other explanation. 61 63 64 65 66
Dr. Moe and his attorneys refused to withdraw or authenticate their ‘mental disorder’ allegations. Applicants contacted Dr. Moe’s medical practice licensing organisation and his attorneys legal practice licensing organisation; respectively the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society; requesting that they kindly inform their members that the destruction of intercultural protected cultural property is conduct prejudicial to the maintenance of inter/intra cultural good order and discipline. Furthermore if their War is Peace culture members Dr. Moe and his legal representatives assert that their allegations of individuals from other cultures to be suffering from ‘mental disorders’ is based upon scientific evidence, as opposed to cultural dogmatic beliefs about ‘normality’, and have any scientific based evidence for any alleged ‘mental disorder’ of any individual from any culture other than their own War is Peace culture’s, they should honourably provide their legal scientific definitions, and their inter-cultural scientific evidence in an inter-cultural court of law; or if they consider themselves honourable: to retract their statements. Finally if their respective members ‘mental disorder’ allegations were statements about Dr. Moe and his representatives legal intentions; to: 3. Inform the Acting MILED Clerk by of the organisation or arbitration body and such organisations specific juridical individual whom their respective medical and attorneys members approve of as an impartial arbitrator to resolve this matter, based upon scientific evidence; including proof of the said individual’s intercultural commitment of being willing to listen to, and impartially consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture. 4. Take Notice that MILED Clerk Applicant is willing to accept and consent to the arbitration jurisdiction of the following South African juridical officials who although juridical members of War is Peace cultures, have proven themselves willing to listen to and consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture: SA Judicial Service Commission Juridical Officials: George District Court Magistrate Essel (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 22 July 2002 (PDF67)) and/or former SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 03 May 2010 (PDF68)) There was no response from Dr. Moe, his attorneys or their respective medical and legal practice licensing organisations. As detailed to Mayor of Capetown: Mrs Patricia de Lille on 15 July 2014: Unfortunately; pending the US and RU Ambassadors appointing a replacement EoP Clerk/s; these unresolved psychological integrity allegations and related Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS, population policy and psychotronic issues; are now of direct relevance69 to the Ecology of Peace Prisoner of War Amendments to the Geneva Convention submission70 to the Swiss Federal Council. On 03 August 2014: a copy of 2473 applicants 03 August 2014 correspondence to GMC 464313 respondents Radical Honesty: Brad Blanton & Trainers and Ms. Naima Singletary; CC: Werner Erhard, Landmark & Darren Roy Mack: Taboo Shit-Hits-the-Fan Info re: Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty in Sex, Anger and Relationships; was included to EoP PoW Geneva Convention Amendments71 supplementary submission documentation to be 67 69 70 71 68
submitted to the Swiss Federal Council; as follows: MILINT Earth Day (i) Request to Race Relations Experts; for Race Relations Expertise Information (pp.01-89); (ii) Taboo Race-Relations S**t-Hits-the-Fan: Radical Honesty: EoP CommonSism Responsible Freedom -v- Occult ‘F**k Responsibility’ Slavery Freedumb (pp.89-93) (PDF72). Among others the correspondence deals with Dr. Blanton and Mr. Werner Erhard’s, respective Radical Honesty and Landmark mass merchandising of responsibility equates to mental health assumption73; where they teach that the essence of mental health is about learning to be honest; so that you are able to take personal responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and life. Consequently if we are to follow Dr. Blanton and Mr. Erhard’s advice and take personal responsibility and be brutally honest about the roots of human conflict and poverty; should we conclude that:
Human conflict and poverty is a direct result of the unequivocal scientific reality that (1) earth is finite; (2) resources are finite; (3) when nations constitutions and international social contract jurisprudence peace treaties allow humans to breed and consume above carrying capacity limits, this results in resource depletion (i.e. resource poverty) and resource conflict; or,
Human conflict and poverty has absolutely f**k all to do with unequivocal scientific reality of (1) earth is finite; (2) resources are finite; (3) nations constitutions and international social contract jurisprudence peace treaties allow humans breed and consume above carrying capacity limits, which results in resource depletion.
If the former is correct. According to Dr. Blanton and Mr. Erhard’s taking personal responsibility = mental health assumptions; I would be the epitome of mental health; those who accuse me of ‘mental disorders’ would have severe mental health problems; in terms of their failure to take personal responsibility for reality. If the latter is correct. According to Dr. Blanton and Mr. Erhard’s taking personal responsibility = mental health assumptions; those who accuse me of ‘mental disorders’ would be the epitome of mental health; I would have severe mental health problems; in terms of my failure to take personal responsibility for reality. Consequently please take note that the following correspondence:
Case: 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe: Re: (i) Mag. Essel’s 08 Aug 2014 ruling based upon irregular court record; & (ii) 2473 Appl. Notice ITO Rule 17(2) and 30(2) correspondence to 2578 respondents & their medical & legal practice licensing organisations; Re: (a) respondent Frode Moe’s 27 May 2014 irregularly filed documents in court record; (b) EoP protected cultural property; includes psychological integrity property; including Annexures A-F (PDF74)
Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) Proof of Service: GMC Civil Case 2473 Applicants Correspondence with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents
72 74 73
attorneys; (ii) Norwegian Medical Association & Cape Law Society; Annexure G (PDF75). Is to be served on 05 August 2014; for the attention of: TO: Magistrate Guts Essel CC: Former Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo via Judicial Service Commission CC: Civil Clerk of the Court: Ms. Zarita van Eyk; for inclusion into GMC 2578-14 court record file. Magistrate Essel is requested to: Take notice of the correspondence between GMC 4643 and 2578 applicants (hereinafter referred to as ‘2473’) and GMC 2578 respondents: Dr. Moe and his attorneys: Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes; and their official Norwegian and South African medical and legal practice licensing organisations. The correspondence between 2473 applicants and 2578 respondents deals with among others the: (I) 08 July 2014 court ruling of Magistrate Essel is based upon irregular documents filed into the court record on 27 May 2014 by respondent Frode Moe, but never served upon pro se applicant, for her response; (II) request respondents officially withdraw or authenticate Dr. Moe’s irregular documents and request a new ruling from Magistrate Essel based upon accurate court record; (III) 2578 respondents refusal and 2473 response; (IV) request 2578 respondents medical & legal practice licensing organisations order their members to respond; include names of SA juridical officials who are not biased against EoP cultures, whose juridical jurisdiction authority they consent to; (V) no response from respondents & medical/ legal practice licensing org’s. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence76 [EoP77 | WiP78]
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From: Lara | Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 9:47 PM, 9:59 PM & 10:46 PM To: GMC 4643-13 Radical Honesty respondents | Werner Erhard, Landmark & Darren Mack Cc: GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 App & Observers; Justice Thomas & Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia Subject: RE: NB Notice: BBlanton & RH Trainers: Re: 4643 FBI Fraud complaint & GMC 2578-14
From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 9:47 PM To: 'Blanton'; 'Maggie Doyle'; 'Radical Honesty Support'; 'Marina Dervan'; 'Clara Griffin'; 'Raven Dana'; 'Anne Alexander'; 'Anne Alexander'; 'Susan Campbell'; 'Taber Shadburne'; 'Stephanie Roth'; 'Greg Small'; 'Naima Singletary'; 'Ed Greville: former RH CEO: Ed Greville - w'; 'Ed Greville – h'; 'FBIVA: Agent Jeffrey Mazanec'; 'Werner Erhard'; 'LandMark Corp: Vanto Grp: Steve Zaffron'; 'Terry M Giles Esq'; 'Darren Mack via William J Routsis III' Cc: 'Justice Thomas & Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; Donald Rumsfeld; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Donald Gips: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'State Attorney Angela Corey: Criminal Case Office'; 'Michael Dunn co Law offices of Cory Strolla'; 'Jack Keane'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE (US'; 'USA: AWF: Allen R West' Subject: RE: NB Notice: BBlanton & RH Trainers: Re: GMC 4643 FBI Fraud complaint & GMC 257814
TO: Brad Blanton, Maggie Doyle & RH Trainers CC: Ed Greville: former RH CEO: Ed Greville - w (; Ed Greville – h ( TC: FBI Agent Jeffrey Mazanec TC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers* TC: EoP PoW Geneva Amendments submission & WiP Observers Brad Blanton, 646 Shuler Lane, Stanley, VA Maggie Doyle, Maggie Doyle LLC, Denver Radical Honesty Trainers: Marina Dervan; Clara Griffin; Raven Dana; Anne Alexander; Susan Campbell; Taber Shadburne; Stephanie Roth; Greg Small Brad and Radical Honesty Trainers, RE: Update: re: FBI Fraud: L Johnstone v Brad Blanton & RH Trainers and GMC 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe Summary of Update: On 06 and 07 July 2014 you were notified of the 22 May 2014 application filed in George Magistrates Civil Court against Frode and Talitha Moe; for the following orders: (I) Invocation of Cultural Law and Habeus Mentem Cultural Psychological Integrity Declaratory Order; (II) Declaratory or Referral Order re: Issues in Dispute. The correspondence included suggestions for resolving the similar psychological integrity issues
in dispute between myself and yourselves; by providing evidence to the court for your allegations; or to find alternative resolution for the issues. Unbeknownst to applicant, who only found out about this issue in detail after the 08 July 2014 court hearing; on 27 May 2014, Dr. Frode Moe had filed an irregular document into the GMC 2578-14 court record (without serving it on the applicant); wherein he stated: As you can see on [Lara J] file to this case, her mental state is a central point from her side and even more from my side. It is correct that I have used the term mental disorder and borderline psykosis as a diagnosis on her mental disturbance in discussions with Lara J and her parents. These statements I am willing to defend in court. However I will ask the court to read through Lara J's file to this case 2578-14 and also the almost 80 pages she filed to the civil court case 4643-13. By reading so I think most people can easily see that these files are produced by a mental disturbed person. So THE MAGISTRATES CIVIL COURT CAN NOT LET A MENTAL DISTURBED PERSON SET THE CONDITIONS FOR THE COURT CASE. The CLERK OF THE CIVIL COURT must do the administration and (1) answer my request for a postponement; (2) give me instructions of what minimum of papers you need from my side to continue. .. However I have to pinpoint to the court that this case involves entirely the closest of Lara J relatives directly and as witnesses. A courtcase can not do anybody good and possibly do lot of [h]arm for both sides. So to my opinion this case has nothing to do in a court. So I will ask the Magistrates civil court to consider this and treat this case at the lowest possible level of justice. From 09 July to present, via Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) 2473 applicants requested Dr. Moe and his attorneys to either (a) withdraw the irregularly filed document; or (b) authenticate it as their legal intentions in this matter, by filing it properly served upon the applicant, allowing the applicant to respond to Dr. Moe’s allegations. Specifically Dr. Moe was requested to clarify whether his ‘mental disorder’ allegations against myself were: (a) temporary angry outbursts and/or suppressed cultural anger, (b) a psychological resource thieving warfare allegation from members of a Masonic War is Peace culture79 against a member of an Ecology of Peace culture80; (c) Blind academic and cultural obedience81 to parasitic War is Peace Flat Earth pseudoscientific fraudulent82 political psychiatry83 authority; (d) a legal allegation based upon Ecology of Peace finite earth and resources scientific evidence; (d) psychotronic mindcontrol manipulation84 by military intelligence agencies; or (e) some other explanation. Dr. Moe and his attorneys refused to withdraw or authenticate their ‘mental disorder’ allegations. Applicants contacted Dr. Moe’s medical practice licensing organisation and his attorneys legal practice licensing organisation; respectively the Norwegian Medical Association and the Cape Law Society; requesting that they kindly inform their members that the destruction of intercultural protected cultural property is conduct prejudicial to the maintenance of inter/intra cultural good order and discipline. Furthermore if their War is Peace culture members Dr. Moe and his legal representatives assert that their allegations of individuals from other cultures to be suffering from ‘mental disorders’ is based upon scientific evidence, as opposed to cultural dogmatic beliefs about 79 81 82 83 84
‘normality’, and have any scientific based evidence for any alleged ‘mental disorder’ of any individual from any culture other than their own War is Peace culture’s, they should honourably provide their legal scientific definitions, and their inter-cultural scientific evidence in an inter-cultural court of law; or if they consider themselves honourable: to retract their statements. Finally if their respective members ‘mental disorder’ allegations were statements about Dr. Moe and his representatives legal intentions; to: 5. Inform the Acting MILED Clerk by of the organisation or arbitration body and such organisations specific juridical individual whom their respective medical and attorneys members approve of as an impartial arbitrator to resolve this matter, based upon scientific evidence; including proof of the said individual’s intercultural commitment of being willing to listen to, and impartially consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture. 6. Take Notice that MILED Clerk Applicant is willing to accept and consent to the arbitration jurisdiction of the following South African juridical officials who although juridical members of War is Peace cultures, have proven themselves willing to listen to and consider the evidence and arguments of an individual from an Ecology of Peace culture: SA Judicial Service Commission Juridical Officials: George District Court Magistrate Essel (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 22 July 2002 (PDF85)) and/or former SA Concourt Chief Justice: Sandile Ngcobo (EoP-WiP culture impartiality: 03 May 2010 (PDF86)) There was no response from Dr. Moe, his attorneys or their respective medical and legal practice licensing organisations. As detailed to Mayor of Capetown: Mrs Patricia de Lille on 15 July 2014: Unfortunately; pending the US and RU Ambassadors appointing a replacement EoP Clerk/s; these unresolved psychological integrity allegations and related Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS, population policy and psychotronic issues; are now of direct relevance87 to the Ecology of Peace Prisoner of War Amendments to the Geneva Convention submission88 to the Swiss Federal Council. On 03 August 2014: a copy of 2473 applicants 03 August 2014 correspondence to GMC 464313 respondents Radical Honesty: Brad Blanton & Trainers and Ms. Naima Singletary; CC: Werner Erhard, Landmark & Darren Roy Mack: Taboo Shit-Hits-the-Fan Info re: Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty in Sex, Anger and Relationships; was included to EoP PoW Geneva Convention Amendments89 supplementary submission documentation to be submitted to the Swiss Federal Council; as follows: MILINT Earth Day (i) Request to Race Relations Experts; for Race Relations Expertise Information (pp.01-89); (ii) Taboo Race-Relations S**t-Hits-the-Fan: Radical Honesty: EoP CommonSism Responsible Freedom -v- Occult ‘F**k Responsibility’ Slavery Freedumb (pp.89-93) (PDF90). Among others the correspondence deals with Dr. Blanton and Mr. Werner Erhard’s, respective Radical Honesty and Landmark mass merchandising of responsibility equates to mental health assumption91; where they teach that the essence of mental health is about 85 87 88 89 90 91 86
learning to be honest; so that you are able to take personal responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and life. Consequently if we are to follow Dr. Blanton and Mr. Erhard’s advice and take personal responsibility and be brutally honest about the roots of human conflict and poverty; should we conclude that:
Human conflict and poverty is a direct result of the unequivocal scientific reality that (1) earth is finite; (2) resources are finite; (3) when nations constitutions and international social contract jurisprudence peace treaties allow humans to breed and consume above carrying capacity limits, this results in resource depletion (i.e. resource poverty) and resource conflict; or,
Human conflict and poverty has absolutely f**k all to do with unequivocal scientific reality of (1) earth is finite; (2) resources are finite; (3) nations constitutions and international social contract jurisprudence peace treaties allow humans breed and consume above carrying capacity limits, which results in resource depletion.
If the former is correct. According to Dr. Blanton and Mr. Erhard’s taking personal responsibility = mental health assumptions; I would be the epitome of mental health; those who accuse me of ‘mental disorders’ would have severe mental health problems; in terms of their failure to take personal responsibility for reality. If the latter is correct. According to Dr. Blanton and Mr. Erhard’s taking personal responsibility = mental health assumptions; those who accuse me of ‘mental disorders’ would be the epitome of mental health; I would have severe mental health problems; in terms of my failure to take personal responsibility for reality. Consequently please take note that the following correspondence:
Case: 2578-14: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe: Re: (i) Mag. Essel’s 08 Aug 2014 ruling based upon irregular court record; & (ii) 2473 Appl. Notice ITO Rule 17(2) and 30(2) correspondence to 2578 respondents & their medical & legal practice licensing organisations; Re: (a) respondent Frode Moe’s 27 May 2014 irregularly filed documents in court record; (b) EoP protected cultural property; includes psychological integrity property; including Annexures A-F (PDF92)
Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2) Proof of Service: GMC Civil Case 2473 Applicants Correspondence with: (i) GMC 2578-14 respondents attorneys; (ii) Norwegian Medical Association & Cape Law Society; Annexure G (PDF93).
Is to be served on 05 August 2014; for the attention of: TO: Magistrate Guts Essel CC: Former Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo via Judicial Service Commission CC: Civil Clerk of the Court: Ms. Zarita van Eyk; for inclusion into GMC 2578-14 court record file. Magistrate Essel is requested to:
92 93
Take notice of the correspondence between GMC 4643 and 2578 applicants (hereinafter referred to as ‘2473’) and GMC 2578 respondents: Dr. Moe and his attorneys: Millers Attorneys: Arno Crous & Fanie Botes; and their official Norwegian and South African medical and legal practice licensing organisations. The correspondence between 2473 applicants and 2578 respondents deals with among others the: (I) 08 July 2014 court ruling of Magistrate Essel is based upon irregular documents filed into the court record on 27 May 2014 by respondent Frode Moe, but never served upon pro se applicant, for her response; (II) request respondents officially withdraw or authenticate Dr. Moe’s irregular documents and request a new ruling from Magistrate Essel based upon accurate court record; (III) 2578 respondents refusal and 2473 response; (IV) request 2578 respondents medical & legal practice licensing organisations order their members to respond; include names of SA juridical officials who are not biased against EoP cultures, whose juridical jurisdiction authority they consent to; (V) no response from respondents & medical/ legal practice licensing org’s. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence94 [EoP95 | WiP96]
94 96 95
IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT OF GEORGE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Case: 2578-14 In the matter between: Lara Johnstone
First Applicant
and Frode Moe Talitha Moe
First Respondent Second Respondent
Notice in terms of Rule 17(2) and 30(2): Annex G2: Proof of Service: GMC 2473-13 Applicants Correspondence 08 - 11 August 2014; with (i) CTCAS 572-2001: Legal Aid & NPA; (ii) GMC 4643-14 Radical Honesty culture respondents.
As detailed in letter to NPA-George: On 08 August 2014, applicant was interrupted by Snr. Prosecutor Redelinghuys, on the way to the Civil Clerk’s office to file the notice and documentation; resulting in a delay of such filing and additional correspondence.
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 9:20 PM To: Legal Aid George: Mr. Anton Marx; National Prosecuting Authority: W.Cape & HQ Cc: GMC 2473 Applicants and Observers Subject: RU-US Embassy to NPA-George; Re: CT-CAS 572-2002 & GMC 2578-14
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:59 AM To: OKC Bombing Accused, Attorneys, Prosecutors, Judges, Journalists & Victims Families; GMC 4643-13 Respondents: Radical Honesty culture Cc: GMC 4643 & 2578 Applicants and Observers Subject: RH-EoP Info & Perspective on Disclosure of OKC Bombing | McVeigh Faked Execution
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 10:18 AM To: Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden, Anders Breivik, Julian Assange & Michael Ruppert supporters. Cc: Dr. James Tracy: FAU School of Comm & MemoryHoleBlog Subject: B.Manning | ESnowden | ABreivik | JAssange | MRuppert Re: RH-EoP Info & Perspective on Disclosure of OKC Bombing | McVeigh Faked Execution
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 9:20 PM To: Legal Aid George: Mr. Anton Marx; National Prosecuting Authority: W.Cape & HQ Cc: GMC 2473 Applicants and Observers Subject: RU-US Embassy to NPA-George; Re: CT-CAS 572-2002 & GMC 2578-14 From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 9:20 PM To: 'Legal Aid George: Mr. Anton Marx via: Mr. Pieter Terblanche'; 'CC: Mr Wayne Hancock'; 'Ms Cordelia Robertson'; 'National Prosecuting Authority: Dep Director: W.Cape: J C Gerber'; 'CC: WC Deputy Directors: J A Niehaus'; 'PJA van der Merwe'; 'W J Downer'; 'L M Sakata'; 'N Bell'; 'M Mohlala'; 'National Prosecuting Authority Head Office: K Vorster'; 'CC: T Matzke'; 'S Mitchley' Cc: 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Patrick Gaspard: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen - Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; 'Donald Rumsfeld'; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE US'; 'John W. Whitehead'; 'USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base' Subject: RU-US Embassy to NPA-George; Re: CT-CAS 572-2002 & GMC 2578-14 Attachment: 14-08-09_2578_G2_NotITO30(2)17(2)_SnrProsOfc_AA-BB.pdf1
TO: George Senior Prosecutor’s Office: Prosecutor Redelinghuys [Per Registered Mail] CC: Legal Aid George: Mr. Anton Marx via: Mr. Pieter Terblanche (; CC: Mr Wayne Hancock (; Ms Cordelia Robertson ( Ref: Legal Aid Attorney in CT-CAS 572-2002 from 27 June – 17 July 2002 [Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: See BB: Filing Sheet. Annex G] CC: George Senior Prosecutor’s Office: Prosecutor JJ Marx [Per Registered Mail] CC: George Magistrate’s Office: Magistrate Fortuin [Per Registered Mail] CC: National Prosecuting Authority: Dep Director: W.Cape: J C Gerber (; CC: WC Deputy Directors: J A Niehaus (; PJA van der Merwe (; W J Downer (; L M Sakata (; N Bell (; M Mohlala ( [Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: See BB: Filing Sheet. Annex G] CC: National Prosecuting Authority Head Office: K Vorster (; CC: T Matzke (; S Mitchley ( [Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: See BB: Filing Sheet. Annex G] FROM: GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Civil Case Applicant: Lara Johnstone PO Box 5042 * George East, 6539 * Cell: (071) 170 1954 * Please find attached (PDF2):
1 2
Re: RU-US Embassy to NPA-George: Request Confirmation: George Senior Prosecutor’s Office representation: George Prosecutor’s Office refuses to
take responsibility for co-operating to find a root cause problem solving win-win civil solution to the 22 July 2002 irregular and/or illegal actions of George Prosecutors in the matter of CT-CAS 572-2002.
Annex AA: CT-CAS 572-2002 & GMC 2578-14 related documents delivered to: CT Prosecutor Jacobs, George Prosecutor: JJ Marx & George Magistrate Mr. Fortuin; via Snr Prosecutor Redelinghuys office on 08 August 2014.
Annex BB: CT-CAS 572-2002 & GMC 2578-14 Filing Sheet for Notice ITO Rule 17(2) and 30(2); as acknowledged receipt by Snr. Prosecutor Redeglinghuys secretary.
Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP] CC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers: Francisco Martin | Vice Adm. Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge & Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald & Amb. Patrick Gaspard, U.S. Emb-Pta | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ & NSA General Keith Alexander | Erik Prince: via Michigan GOP & China Embassy-Pta | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Kremlin Press Office & Russian Emb–Pta | General David Petraeus | General Stan McChrystal | Generals Ray O’Dierno and John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1, US Army; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs. [Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: See BB: Filing Sheet. Annex G] From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:59 AM To: OKC Bombing Accused, Attorneys, Prosecutors, Judges, Journalists & Victims Families; GMC 4643-13 Respondents: Radical Honesty culture Cc: GMC 4643 & 2578 Applicants and Observers Subject: RH-EoP Info & Perspective on Disclosure of OKC Bombing | McVeigh Faked Execution
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:59 AM To: 'Chris Emery: Noble Lie: Free Mind Films'; 'Dr. James Tracy: FAU School of Comm'; 'MemoryHoleBlog'; 'Oklahoma Gazette: Phil Bacharach'; 'Los Angeles Times: Judy Pasternak'; 'Former Judge Michael Burrage'; 'CC: R Fitzgerald'; 'Former FBI Investigator: Danny Coulson'; 'Prof Mark Hamm'; 'Former FBI Investigator: Danny Defenbaugh'; 'Stephen Jones'; 'Rob Nigh'; 'Nathan Chambers'; 'Beth A Wilkinson'; 'Deadly Secrets: Margaret Roberts'; 'Buffalo News: Lou Michel'; 'Dan Herbeck'; 'Frank Keating: President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Council of Life Insurers: via Jack Dolan: Vice President - Media Relations'; 'President & CEO: American Bankers Association: via Blair Bernstein: Media Relations'; 'Richard Burr'; 'Joseph Hartzler Assistant US Attorney'; 'CC: James A. Lewis: US Attorney: Central District of Illinois'; 'Terry Nichols via electronic service to Nichols Supporters & OKC Truthseekers: Former lawyer: Michael Tigar'; 'Outpost of freedom: Gary Hunt'; 'Jesse Trentadue'; 'David Paul Hammer' Cc: 'Justice Thomas & Justice Scalia co Eugene Scalia'; 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'JAG Knowledge.Info.Svc'; 'Brown Ellen (Inhofe'; 'Michigan Republicans: Justin Bis'; 'Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell'; 'China Embassy'; Donald Rumsfeld; 'JCS: Major Jason Howk'; 'USMC: JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn'; 'Timothy McVeigh'; 'Zbigniew Brzezinski'; 'DOJ-NSD: Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh'; 'Gen. Keith Alexander'; 'Ambassador Donald Gips: US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'US Army: Gen Paul Kern'; 'Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon
Sullivan'; 'US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald'; 'Francisco Martin'; 'David Petraeus'; 'David Petraeus co Robert Barnett'; 'Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: co Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff'; 'Stan McChrystal'; 'Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs'; 'Major General Dana Pittard'; 'LtComm US Navy PAO: Breslau Jeffrey A.'; 'State Attorney Angela Corey: Criminal Case Office'; 'Michael Dunn co Law offices of Cory Strolla'; 'Jack Keane'; 'McMaster H R MG USARMY MCOE (US'; 'USA: AWF: Allen R West'; 'John W. Whitehead'; 'USMC General Mattis via Dep Commander: Colonel James W. Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base' Subject: RH-EoP Info & Perspective on Disclosure of OKC Bombing | McVeigh Faked Execution Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 3:12 AM To: 'Blanton'; 'Maggie Doyle'; 'Radical Honesty Support'; 'Marina Dervan'; 'Clara Griffin'; 'Raven Dana'; 'Anne Alexander'; 'Anne Alexander'; 'Susan Campbell'; 'Taber Shadburne'; 'Stephanie Roth'; 'Greg Small'; 'Naima Singletary'; 'Ed Greville: former RH CEO: Ed Greville - w'; 'Ed Greville – h'; 'FBIVA: Agent Jeffrey Mazanec'; 'Werner Erhard'; 'LandMark Corp: Vanto Grp: Steve Zaffron'; 'Terry M Giles Esq'; 'Darren Mack via William J Routsis III' Subject: Blanton & RH Trainers: RH-EoP FTR on Disclosure of OKC Bombing | McVeigh Faked Execution
Chris Emery: Noble Lie Free Mind Films ( Dr. James Tracy FAU School of Comm ( MemoryHoleBlog ( CC: OKC Bombing Accused, Attorneys; Journalists, Victims Families, Co-conspirators, etc. CC: GMC 4643-13 Respondents: Radical Honesty Community: Dr. Blanton and RH Trainers CC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants & Observers Radical Honoursty (RH) culture Ecology of Peace (EoP) Info & Perspective on Disclosure of OKC Bombing | McVeigh Faked Execution. Mr. Tracy: I found your interview of Mr. Emery, via: TT: Official Public Discourse in America: Censorship and Orwellian “Double Think”, “Publicity of the Unspeakable”3 » MHB: Interview with Chris Emery: Producer of Noble Lie4. Since 2001 I have contacted numerous individuals to provide them with detailed information OKC bombing provided to me by my friend Mr. Timothy McVeigh’s OKC bombing US Army Special Forces commanding officer. As brief as possible: In April/May 2001 I corresponded with Mr. McVeigh, while he was at Terre Haute death row. Among others my correspondence included my opinion that I thought the trial was a fuck up, and nowhere near what could be termed ‘free and fair’. So-called ‘right wing racist bigots’ in Apartheid, provided left wing commie terrorist, Nelson Mandela with a ‘free and fair trial’ (at least according to my interpretation of Masonic War is Peace jurisprudence social contract principles) to a far greater degree; than was provided to Timothy McVeigh [and even less so by those rabid left wing Norwegian bigots did for Anders Breivik; which quite 3 4
frankly was nothing more than a Stalinesque Political Psychiatry show trial.] I also wrote an article, published in Race Traitor: New Abolitionist: Timothy McVeigh and Me5; originally titled “I was, and still am, a co-conspirator in the Oklahoma City Bombing6.” I also requested whether Mr. McVeigh would be willing to consider delaying the execution, and meeting the OKC Bombing victims in an unrestricted brutally honest disclosure as to his motives; for both parties to get closure. I suggested it be done in accordance to the culture I was then a member of: Radical Honesty culture; led by Dr. Brad Blanton. At that time I naively believed the people in the Radical Honesty community really were sincerely interested in being radically honest, and creating a radically honest world of transparency. Mr. Blanton had a minor fit, ranting about Mr. McVeigh being a dumbfuck right wing nutjob, whom he wanted fuck all to do with. Mr. Blanton was also invited by me to meet with Anders Breivik and provide the court with an honest Radical Honesty culture opinion as to Mr. Breivik’s sanity, and Mr. Breivik’s habeus mentem right to legal sanity. Mr. Blanton refused. In October/November 2001 I met Mr. McVeigh’s US Army Special Forces commanding officer in Phoenix, Arizona. He spent a few days with me traveling around in my VW camper, answering my questions about Tim and the OKC Bombing. He told me how the original plan had been for McVeigh to take responsibility for the bombing, and the other bombers, including himself – John Doe #3 – had been ordered to ‘disappear’ by the Pentagon. He had met McVeigh on the 4th of July weekend, of 2001 (two weeks after McVeigh’s alleged execution), where McVeigh had informed him about how the faked execution had been done, and other stuff. It was my working hypothesis conclusion that Mr. McVeigh’s ultimate personal motivations, if he was given the opportunity for a free and fair trial, he would plead to military necessity based as a modern day John Brown [GV7 | OoF8 | NY9] cannon law debt-slavery abolitionist [Birth Certificate Truth10: Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and Vatican Canon Law, of the Roman Canon Law foundation for birth certificate slavery. | You don't own yourself; the Federal Reserve does11 | US Citizens & Their Property Collateral for US Debt12 | Chronology of Debt Slavery legislation: 1776 - present: including US citizens as 'enemies of the state'13.] I asked John Doe #3 what his views were about full disclosure about the OKC Bombing; he said that OKC bombing disclosure was not possible on its own; it was one hell of a can of worms, and disclosure about OKC bombing, would open the can of worms to all other black ops projects, down to the Kennedy Assassination and more. Not to mention that it would expose the United States, and international social contract jurisprudence as being a fraud; as based upon Masonic Phallic rule of force, that totally ignores ecological literate scientific reality and is effectively no different to the ‘Innocence for Sale’ Indulgences of the Catholic Church; only the Catholic Church was far more honest about their ‘innocence for sale’ social contract. However he was intrigued by the idea, and said he would go back to his bosses at the Pentagon and see what their thoughts were about it. We parted ways, he went East and I went back to California.
5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
A few weeks later, he came to visit me in California and informed me that the persons he spoke to at the Pentagon were also intrigued by the idea, but it would be one hell of a disclosure project. Timothy McVeigh14 subsequently went to work at the NSA, at least partially psychotronically15 managing this intended ‘disclosure’ project. Some of the individuals who have been psychotronically managed by NSA / KGB authorities to enable greater conscious awareness about how the world really has been working, for a long time; as opposed to the democracy bullshit people believe as to how the world works, have been, individuals whom clearly either were not cognitively conscious that they were being psychotronically handled by intelligence agencies; or if they were conscious thereof, chose to remain silent about their psychotronic handlers, for whatever reasons. They include individuals such as: Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning, Edward Snowden; Anders Breivik; Julian Assange, and my former friend Michael C Ruppert16. For the past 13 years, I have been working on these disclosure issues, in a Guerrylla Lawfare capacity17; with the psychotronic help of Mr. McVeigh and other individuals from various military and intelligence agencies. Succinctly: In the absence of implementing an Ecology of Peace social contract foundation for international law, which unequivocally recognizes that (a) Earth is finite; (b) Resources are finite; (c) When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; (d) If humans want to avoid inter and intra racial, cultural, religious, ethnic, ideological etc conflict; the social contract must require everyone from all races, tribes, religions and cultures to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits. When tribes breed or consume above carrying capacity limits18; resulting in resource conflict; economic, political and military tactics are devised by the intellectual and military elite of all respective tribes. It is no surprise that so-called ‘mystery religions’ arrived at the same time as totalitarian agriculture19. A more accurate term for ‘mystery religions’ would be ‘slavery religions’; i.e. the psychological, socio-political, cultural and specifically ‘breeding war’ and ‘consumption war’ coercion practices used by tribal elites upon each other, and hteir own tribal members, in the inter-cultural War is Peace resource wars. Masonic ‘mystery/slavery religion’ human sacrifice rituals, such as WTC Attacks and hundreds of others going back centuries; are simply a very effective ‘distract, divide and conquer’ elite resource thieving tactic and tool used by the elite, to distract the citizens into wasting their time endlessly to investigate endless human sacrifice conspiracy – terror attack or assassination – events; to avoid them focusing on the root ecological illiteracy social contract foundation of their slavery misery. Current state of disclosure: Ecology of Peace Prisoner of War Geneva Convention Amendments submission to the Swiss Federal Council20. Various individuals related to the Oklahoma City Bombing have been invited to support the implementation of an international law Ecology of Peace social contract; i.e. to demonstrate that they are sincere root cause problem solving truthseekers; as opposed to bullshit the 14 16 17 18 19 20 15
public verbal diarrhea parasite truth seekers; or even more simply: that they support the abolishment of Masonic Human Factory Farming breeding/consumption war slavery21. Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 12:21 AM To: 'Oklahoma Gazette: Phil Bacharach: Ed in Chief:'; 'Dave Rea: General Manager'; 'Jennifer Chancellor'; 'Los Angeles Times: Judy Pasternak'; 'Former Judge Michael Burrage'; 'CC: R Fitzgerald'; 'Former FBI Investigator: Danny Coulson'; 'Prof Mark Hamm'; 'Former FBI Investigator: Danny Defenbaugh'; 'Stephen Jones'; 'Rob Nigh'; 'Nathan Chambers'; 'Beth A Wilkinson'; 'Deadly Secrets: Margaret Roberts' Cc: 'Timothy Truthseeker' Subject: US v McVeigh: Legal Invitation: MILINT Earth Day submission to Swiss Federal Council Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 1:14 AM To: 'Buffalo News: Lou Michel'; 'Dan Herbeck'; 'Frank Keating: President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Council of Life Insurers: via Jack Dolan: Vice President - Media Relations'; 'President & CEO: American Bankers Association: via Blair Bernstein: Media Relations'; 'Richard Burr'; 'Joseph Hartzler Assistant US Attorney'; 'CC: James A. Lewis: US Attorney: Central District of Illinois' Cc: 'Timothy Truthseeker' Subject: US v McVeigh: Legal Invitation: MILINT Earth Day submission to Swiss Federal Council Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 8:13 PM To: 'Timothy Truthseeker' Subject: Jayna Davis: Legal Invitation: MILINT Earth Day submission to Swiss Federal Council To: Jayna Davis: Sent via!contact/c20x9 on 27 March 2014 at 20:11 hrs (GMT+2) Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 8:18 PM To: 'Timothy Truthseeker' Subject: Charles Key: Legal Invitation: MILINT Earth Day submission to Swiss Federal Council TO: Former Oklahoma Representative Charles Key: Sent via (via on 27 March 2014 at 20:13 hrs (GMT+2) Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 9:56 AM To: 'Terry Nichols via electronic service to Nichols Supporters & OKC Truthseekers: Former lawyer: Michael Tigar'; 'Outpost of freedom: Gary Hunt'; 'Jesse Trentadue'; 'David Paul Hammer' Cc: 'Transparency Independent Judicial Amicus Curiae Observers: Judge Jay Bybee'; 'David Coombs' Subject: RE: Terry Nichols: Re: GMC 4643-13: Masculinity, Sex, Honour and War Invitation.
Some have responded in support (PDF22) Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP] CC: GMC 4643-13: LJ v Brad Blanton et al Applicants and Independent Observers: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Donald Gips, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pretoria | 21 22
General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs. [PS: Please Note a copy of this correspondence shall transparently be sent to GMC 4643-1323 Radical Honesty culture respondents and documented in the court record as EoP –v– WiP cultural related legal negotiation correspondence (PDF24)]
From: Lara Johnstone | Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 10:18 AM To: Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden, Anders Breivik, Julian Assange & Michael Ruppert supporters. Cc: Dr. James Tracy: FAU School of Comm & MemoryHoleBlog Subject: B.Manning | ESnowden | ABreivik | JAssange | MRuppert Re: RH-EoP Info & Perspective on Disclosure of OKC Bombing | McVeigh Faked Execution
From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 10:18 AM To: Chelsea Manning: Appeal: FBD: Nancy Hollander (;; FBD: Vincent Ward (; Courage to Resist: Jeff Patterson (; Jeff Patterson (; Project Safehaven: Gerry Condon (; Press ( Nathan Fuller'; US v Snowden: Wiki: Edward Snowden c/o Wikileaks Litigation (; US v Snowden: Wiki: Kristinn Hrafnsson (; US v Snowden: Wiki: Edward Snowden c/o Wikileaks Press (; US v Snowden: Wiki: Edward Snowden c/o Wikileaks Press (; US v Snowden: AI: Sergei Nikitin (; US v Snowden: AI: Lydia Aroyo (; US v Snowden: Human Rights Watch - Russia: Tanya Lokshina (; US v Snowden: Lonnie Snowden: c/o Counsel: Bruce Fein ( Cc: Collapsenet: Wesley Miller (; Jenna Orken (; Guy McPherson (; Carolyn Baker (; Collapsenet CEO (; Collapsenet: Jesse Re (; Post Carbon: Richard Heinberg co Todd Brilliant (; Radcast: Mimi German (; Gail Zawacki (; US: David Crockett (; NB Patton__Francisco Martin (; Millie (; 'Anders Breivik via: Breivik Supporters: Sebastian Ronin (; Varg Vikernes & Marie Cachet (; Kommander Breivik Report: Angus (; Dr. James Tracy: FAU School of Comm (; MemoryHoleBlog ( Subject: B.Manning | ESnowden | ABreivik | JAssange | MRuppert Re: RH-EoP Info & Perspective on Disclosure of OKC Bombing | McVeigh Faked Execution
TO: Bradley Manning via supporters TO: Edward Snowden & Julian Assange via supporters & Wikileaks TO: Anders Breivik via supporters TO: Michael C Ruppert supporters Transparency Copy of GMC 2578-14 EoP v WiP cultural negotiations Legal Correspondence referring to yourselves in correspondence to Dr. James Tracy: Re:
23 24
Radical Honoursty (RH) culture Ecology of Peace (EoP) Info & Perspective on Disclosure of OKC Bombing | McVeigh Faked Execution. [..] A few weeks later, he came to visit me in California and informed me that the persons he spoke to at the Pentagon were also intrigued by the idea, but it would be one hell of a disclosure project. Timothy McVeigh subsequently went to work at the NSA, at least partially psychotronically managing this intended ‘disclosure’ project. Some of the individuals who have been psychotronically managed by NSA / KGB authorities to enable greater conscious awareness about how the world really has been working, for a long time; as opposed to the democracy bullshit people believe as to how the world works, have been, individuals whom clearly either were not cognitively conscious that they were being psychotronically handled by intelligence agencies; or if they were conscious thereof, chose to remain silent about their psychotronic handlers, for whatever reasons. They include individuals such as: Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning, Edward Snowden; Anders Breivik; Julian Assange, and my former friend Michael C Ruppert. [..]
Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence [EoP | WiP] CC: GMC 4643-13: LJ v Brad Blanton et al Applicants and Independent Observers: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge and Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ | Ambassador Donald Gips, U.S. Embassy in Pretoria | General Keith Alexander: NSA & Timothy McVeigh | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Russian Embassy – Pretoria | General Ray O’Dierno & John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 | Generals Stan McChrystal & David Petraeus | Erik Prince (via GOP & CN Embassy), Francisco Martin; Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs. [PS: Please Note a copy of this correspondence shall transparently be sent to GMC 4643-13 Radical Honesty culture respondents and documented in the court record as EoP –v– WiP cultural related legal negotiation correspondence (PDF)]
08 August 2014 TO: Prosecutor Redelinghuys George Senior Prosecutor’s Office George Magistrates Court Per 08/08 Registered Mail CC: Mr. Anton Marx Legal Aid Professional Assistant Legal Aid George Via: Mr. Pieter Terblanche (; CC: Mr Wayne Hancock (; Ms Cordelia Robertson ( Ref: Legal Aid Attorney in CT-CAS 572-2002 from 27 June – 17 July 2002 CC: Prosecutor JJ Marx George Senior Prosecutor’s Office George Magistrates Court Per Registered Mail CC: Magistrate Fortuin George Magistrate’s Office George Magistrates Court Per Registered Mail TO: J C Gerber ( Deputy Director: W.Cape National Prosecuting Authority P/B X9003, Cape Town, 8000 CC: WC Deputy Directors: J A Niehaus (; PJA van der Merwe (; W J Downer (; L M Sakata (; N Bell (; M Mohlala ( Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: Annex G CC: K Vorster ( National Prosecuting Authority Head Office Private Bag X752, Pretoria, 0001 CC: T Matzke (; S Mitchley ( Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: Annex G FROM: GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Civil Case Applicant: Lara Johnstone PO Box 5042 * George East, 6539 * Cell: (071) 170 1954 * CC: GMC 4643-13 Applicants: Francisco Martin | Vice Adm. Nanette Derenzi: US Navy Judge Advocate General c/o: JAG Knowledge & Information Services | VADM Dennis McGinn: C/O: CNA Military Advisory Board Members: General Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan & Chuck Wald & Amb. Patrick Gaspard, U.S. EmbPta | Timothy McVeigh: c/o: Lisa Monaco: Asst Att. General for National Security: National Security Division, DoJ & NSA General Keith Alexander | Erik Prince: via Michigan GOP & China Embassy-Pta | Vladimir Putin: President of Russia c/o Kremlin Press Office & Russian Emb–Pta | General David Petraeus | General
Stan McChrystal | Generals Ray O’Dierno and John Mulholland: c/o Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1, US Army. Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: Annex G CC: GMC 4643-13 Independent Observers: Judge Jay Bybee & David Coombs Per 08/08 Electronic Mail: Annex G
Re: RU-US Embassy to NPA-George: Request Confirmation: George Senior Prosecutor’s Office representation: George Prosecutor’s Office refuses to take responsibility for co-operating to find a root cause problem solving win-win civil solution to the 22 July 2002 irregular and/or illegal actions of George Prosecutors in the matter of CT-CAS 572-2002. Background Info: On 22 July 2002, an irregular, possibly illegal decision was made by a prosecutor in the George Prosecutor’s Office; in the criminal case of State v Lara Johnstone (CT-CAS 5722002); who possibly also may have committed perjury to Magistrate Fortuin; in their prosecutorial demands to Magistrate Fortuin to issue an irregular, possibly illegal J138A transfer document. It has been my working hypothesis conclusion that the only individual with the ultimate authority to make the final irregular, possibly illegal decision on 22 July 2002 was yourself: Senior Prosecutor Redelinghuys. The following criminal appeals and civil cases have been a direct and indirect result of attempting to correct that irregular, possibly illegal decision made by a George Prosecutor on 22 July 2002: (i) HC-CPD LJ v SAPS Commissioner & 6 Others; (ii) HCCPD Appeal 696-04: Johnstone v State1; (iii) HC-CPD A 696/04: 07/07/07: Notice of Withdrawal of Application for Leave to Review & case transfer US Navy JAG as of 18/07/2007; (iv) CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/082: State v Lara Johnstone; (v) HC-CPD: 2007: L Johnstone v National Commissioner JS Selebi & 2 Others; (vi) GMC 4643-133: Lara Johnstone et al v Brad Blanton et al; (vii) GMC 2578-144: Lara Johnstone v Frode & Talitha Moe. 08 August 2014 NPA-George Representations: On 08 August 2014, I went to your Office, to deliver documentation (related to the aforementioned cases, on the specific psychological integrity issue resulting from the 22 July 2002 decision made by the George Prosecutor’s Office) for the attention of: (i) George Prosecutor Mr. JJ Marx, (ii) George Magistrate Mr. Fortuin, and (iii) Capetown Prosecutor Mr. Jacobs; specifically via the George Senior Prosecutor’s Office. [Annex AA] Your secretary accepted the documentation, and acknowledged receipt therefore, on the filing sheet to be submitted to the Civil Clerk in the GMC 2578-14 matter [Annex BB]. She then took the documents to you in your office next door. You took one look at them,
1 3 4 2
and asked her where I was. She said I was on my way to the Civil Clerk’s office. You asked her to call me. She did. I went to your office. A brief paraphrased summary of our discussion: You informed me that you refused to accept the documentation delivered to your office and you were giving the documents back to me, because you and your office had nothing to do with the documentation, and you refused to allow me to use you and your office as my mailbox. I explained to you that in my culture, I don’t do things behind someone’s back; I act transparently. As far as I am aware, it was your office, and specifically yourself who made the original decision on 22 July 2002, to authorize Prosecutor JJ Marx and/or Prosecutor Sipoyo to go behind Magistrate Essel’s back and get Magistrate Fortuin to issue the fraudulent J138A Referral fraudulent irregular documentation in Magistrate Fortuin’s chambers; in direct violation of the court proceedings that occurred that same day before Magistrate Essel. [HC-CPD Appeal 696-04: Johnstone v State5 includes online copies of related documents and chronology of 22 July 2002 related events under “Review of Irregular Pre-Trial Bail Proceedings, which Denied Applicant her Defence” in S.5.1 (B) Chronology of Facts] Since the documentation for the attention of Magistrate Fortuin, Prosecutor JJ Marx and Prosecutor Jacobs are a direct and indirect result of that irregular, possibly illegal 22 July 2002 decision made by yourself, or someone of your stature at the George Prosecutor’s Office, I have transparently submitted the GMC 2578-14 related correspondence related to these issues, to those individuals, via your Prosecutorial Office. Today, you said you had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the [irregular, possibly illegal J138A referral documentation issued by Magistrate Fortuin on 22 July 2002] issues I was referring to, and repeated that the George Prosecutor’s Office would not act as my mailbox. Questions: 1. Which member/s of the George Prosecutor’s Office went to Magistrate Fortuin’s chambers on 22 July 2002, behind Magistrate Essel’s back, demanding that Magistrate Fortuin issue J138A referral documentation to have me sent for psychiatric observation? 2. Did those prosecutors intentionally deceive Magistrate Fortuin under oath (a criminal act of perjury and obstruction of justice) by lying to him that I was allegedly in custody at the time, when I was in fact out on bail; to justify their demand for the J138A referral documentation? 3. If you were not one of those Prosecutors and they did so without your authority: What have you done to reprimand those Prosecutors and hold them accountable; and what have you done to attempt to correct the obstruction of justice consequences of their actions? 4. If you were one of those Prosecutors and you were the final authority demanding such irregular/illegal referral documentation, based upon deliberate deception of
a Magistrate; what have you done to hold yourself accountable, and what have you done to correct the obstruction of justice consequences of your actions? RU-US Embassy invitation to NPA-George: Unfortunately; pending the US and RU Ambassadors appointing a replacement EoP Clerk/s; these unresolved violations of my psychological integrity issues wherein the George Prosecutorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office played the primary accusatory legal role; are now of direct relevance6 to the Ecology of Peace Prisoner of War Amendments to the Geneva Convention submission7 to the Swiss Federal Council. As the American and Russian Embassies are all too aware, I have no objections whatsoever to the appointment of a replacement EoP clerk; and in fact have done and continue to do whatever in my power to facilitate such appointment. My personal priority preference is to go live off grid, somewhere far away from egological and ecological illiterate humans with Mr. Timothy McVeigh8. If you object to your office taking personal and social responsibility and co-operating to find a root cause problem solving win-win civil solution to the 22 July 2002 irregular and/or illegal unresolved violations of my psychological integrity issues wherein you and your Prosecutorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office played the primary accusatory legal role; would you kindly inform the Russian and American Ambassadors whom you and your office suggest as an appropriate replacement Ecology of Peace (EoP) Clerk to file their Ecology of Peace Prisoner of War Amendments to the Geneva Convention submission9 to the Swiss Federal Council?
Respectfully, Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant MILED [Official Status pending/Resigned] Clerk & Acting Clerk10 Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence11 [EoP12 | WiP13]
6 8 9 10 11 12 13 7