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1) Estonia, Tallinn: ‣ JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Tallinn. ‣ « G l o b a l I n s u l a t o r G r o u p » L L C . , representative office in the Baltics EU «GIG». ‣ EU Energia Grupp Ltd.



JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Saint-Petersburg. «Global Insulator Group» LLC ., representative office «North-West».

20) «NTEAZ Electric» LLC. 21) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company» (Ekaterinburg). ‣ Facility: 500kV substation «Emelino» with overhang of 500, 220 kV HV line.

11) Russia, Moscow: ‣ « G l o b a l I n s u l a t o r G r o u p » L L C . , representative office «Centre». ‣ «RZA-SYSTEMS» LLC. ‣ JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Moscow. ‣ R e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f f i c e o f J S C «Stroydormash». ‣ CentrElectroUralMontazh, branch of JSC «ElectroUralMontazh».

3) JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Gomel. 4) «Lviv Insulator Company» LLC., Lviv.

22) Russia, Alapayevsk: ‣ JSC « Alapayevsk Manipulator Plant – Stroydormash». ‣ JSC «Stroydormash».

15) JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Volgograd.

24) JSC «Electrouralmontazh» (Installation Department No.3).

13) Russia, Rostov-on-Don: ‣ « G l o b a l I n s u l a t o r G r o u p » L L C . , representative office «South». ‣ JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Rostov-on-Don.

6) Ukraine, Kiev: ‣ «RZA-SYSTEMS» LLC., representative office in Kiev. ‣ JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Kiev.



27) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company». ‣ Facility: 500kV substation «Tyumen».

28) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company». ‣ Facility: 500kV substation «Berkut» with 500, 220, 110 kV HV lines overhang.

36) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company». ‣ F a c i l i t y : 5 0 0 k V « A m u r s k a y a Khabarovskaya» HV line overhanging to Bureyskaya Hydro Power Central.

29) Russia, Surgut: ‣ JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Surgut. ‣ JSC «Zavod Stroimash», representative office in Ural Federal District. 30) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company». ‣ Fa c ilit y : 110 k V H V li n e , s u b s t at io n «Zapadno-Moiseevskaya» – substation «Dvurechenskaya» – substation «Katyl’ginskaya». 31) JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Kemerovo. 32) JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Novosibirsk. 33) Russia, Krasnoyarsk: ‣ JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Krasnoyarsk. ‣ « G l o b a l I n s u l a t o r G r o u p » L L C . , representative office «Syberia». ‣ Representative office of JSC «Stroidormash». Lena

34) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company». ‣ Facility: 500kV HV line «Oznachennoe – Aluminievaya».

38) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company». ‣ Facility: 50 0kV «Primorskaya GRES – K ha barovskaya » H V line (II star t- up complex).

yaya Tu


39) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company». ‣ Facility: 500kV Outdoor Switchgear at Primorskaya GRES. 40) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company». ‣ Facility: 500kV substation Chuguevskaya. 41) « G l o b a l I n s u l a t o r G r o u p » L L C . , representative office «Far East».

Chukchi Sea

42) JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Almaty. 43) Branch of JSC «Yuzhnoural’sk Insulators and Fittings Plant» in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. n olo

26) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company». 35) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction ‣ a Facility: 500kV HV line «Kurgan-Kozyrevo».Vilyuy Company».

37) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company». ‣ F a c i l i t y : 5 0 0 k V « A m u r s k a y a Khabarovskaya» HV line overhanging to Bureyskaya Hydro Power Central.






f a c i l i t y : f ir s t t u r n o f T S V S T O (O i l p ip eli n e s y s t e m « E a s t er n S i b er ia – Pacific Ocean»). Area: 2205 – 2281 km.


17) E l e c t r i c I n s t a l l a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t No. 8, daughter company of JSC «ElectroUralMontazh».

25) JSC «Yuzhnoural’sk Insulators and Fittings Plant». rkh

9) Russia, Saint-Petersburg: ‣ JSC «Stroydormash», representative office in Northwestern Federal District.



16) JSC «Stroymash Plant».


8) JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Donetsk.


7) JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Dnepropetrovsk.



14) « G l o b a l I n s u l a t o r G r o u p » L L C . , representative office «Mid Volga».

23) Russia, Ekaterinburg: ‣ JSC «UKZ». ‣ JSC «Electrouralmontazh». ‣ Managing Company «Global Insulator Group» LLC. ‣ JSC «High-Voltage Union». y ‣ JSC « Alapayevsk Manipulator Plant – tu Ko Stroydormash» (Alapayevsk), representative office in Ekaterinburg. ‣ «Uralprojectengineering» LLC. ‣ «Modern Lease Relations» LLC. Chita ‣ «Screw Pile Production Plant» LLC. ‣ JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company».

12) JSC «Stroymash», representative office in Central Federal District.

5) Ukraine, Rovno: ‣ «High-Voltage Union – Ukraine». ‣ «RZVA-ELECTRIC» LLC.


18) «SpecElectroMontazh» LLC ., daughter company of JSC «ElectroUralMontazh». 19) Perm Electric Installation Department, daughter company of JSC «ElectroUralMontazh».

10) JSC «Ural Power Engineering Construction Company». ‣ Facility: 110kV HV substation «Manturovo» – substation «Kronostar».

2) Republic of Belarus, Minsk: ‣ Zapad Electro. Dealer of «Global Insulator Group» LLC. ‣ JSC «High-Voltage Union», representative office in Minsk. ‣ «Drilling Equipment Production Plant» LLC. (Joint-venture with JSC «Stroydormash»). ‣ Assembling production, Concern «HighVoltage Union».





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Black Sea


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substation Chuguevskaya Vladivostok

Pyongyang of Seoul


Sea Japan Tokyo




New Delhi

Thimphu Kathmandu

Abu Dhabi Riyadh







line overhanging to Bureyskaya GRES


Tashkent Baku





Mediterranean Sea



Athens Tunis

Sea of Okhotsk



Ankara Lisbon



14 Volzhskiy 15 Volgograd





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Bering Sea


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6 Kiev Rovno Dnepropetrovsk 7 Donetsk 4


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Perm 19 20 22 Alapayevsk Irtish Tomsk Nizhnie Sergi 21 27 Tyumen 30 Ekaterinburg 23 28 substation «Berkut» 33 Krasnoyarsk 31 Kemerovo Agidel 18 26 Kurgan 32 24 34 Sayanogorsk Ufa 17 25 Chelyabinsk Novosibirsk Yuzhnoural’sk







Warsaw Prague Bratislava Vienna



Nizhnyaya Tura





Minsk 2







Vo lga

Tallinn Riga






North Sea


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UNAKO GROUP Assets Management

Putting together the efforts of its partners and drawing in research centers UN A KO - Invest exercises a complex approach to the construction and reconstruction of power supplying divisions in industrial companies, of power lines and power substations. Our vast experience in power system construction combines well with the products manufactured by our partners, machine-building companies that successfully compete on the market of modern drilling technologies, pile driving, repair of power supply units. Also, compressor and cryogenic equipment, glass and ceramic insulators rightly occupy a conspicuous place on both Russian and foreign markets.

Our offer includes: ‣ designing, construction and reconstruction of power supply units; we provide the complete set of necessary equipment, as well as its mounting and adjustment; ‣ construction and reconstruction of power lines and substations on the turnkey basis; ‣ we supply complete sets of electric and technical equipment for power lines, substations and power supply units involved in different technologies used by the companies; ‣ d e v e l o p i n g t e c h n i c a l g a s produc tion and distribution schemes; ‣ manufacturing oil and gas production equipment and equipment used in chemical industry. We are open for co-operation with power suppliers, designing centers, equipment providers, and are interested in supplies and services offered by our partners. We are ready for all kind of contacts with designing organizations and will welcome any cooperation aimed at improving the efficiency of the equipment and introducing new products.




In various countries UNAKO-Invest concentrates on strategic investments into branches of economy which have good prospects. UNAKO-Invest’s mission is helping capitalization growth (strategic assets in Russia and other CIS countries) by introducing and supporting reliable mechanisms of corporate management involving financial, strategic and investment control.

U N A KO - I n ve s t ’s strategic asset s are concentrated in different branches of economy: oil production, machine building, energy generation, and others. In it s operation the company proceeds from the principles of cooperation with other investors for t he mutual benefit a n d prefer s long -ter m business development projects. UNAKOInvest concentrates on studying investment opportunities, r a is i n g f u n d s n e c e s s a r y fo r t h e ir r e a l i z a t i o n , i t e n s u r e s efficient asset s management resulting in maximum effect of the investments. Capitalization g r o w t h is U N A K O - I n v e s t ’s primar y purpose in its assets management policy. All our partners are leaders in their industries which accounts for a steady demand for their 4

p r o d u c t s i n va r io u s s p h er e s of industry both in Russia and foreign countries.

Major UNAKO-Invest’s partners: Stroydormash Joint-Stock Co., Alapayevsk Stroymash Plant Joint-Stock Co., Sterlitamak, Bashkiria UKZ Joint-Stock Co. (Ural Compressor Plant), Yekaterinburg Screw Pile Producers Co. Ltd., Yekaterinburg Manipulator Producers – Stroydormash Joint-Stock Co., Alapayevsk Global Insulator Group Co. Ltd., Yekaterinburg High Voltage Union, Joint-Stock Co., Yekaterinburg Ural Power Grid Construction Company, Joint-Stock Co., Yekaterinburg Electrouralmontazh Joint-Stock Co. (Ural Electric Equipment Mounting Company), Moscow URALPROJECTENGINEERING Co. Ltd. Yekaterinburg EU Energia Grupp Ltd. Tallinn, Estonia SOVARO Co. Ltd. (Modern Rental Relations), Yekaterinburg


UNAKO-Invest is a relatively young organization, it was started May 14, 2005. Its major sphere of operation is investing. Economically sp ea k in g it of te n s e ems n ot enough justified to develop a business using only one’s own funds since it is necessar y to maintain high development r ate a n d , sim ult a n e o usly, to ensure high enough profit on the invested capital to remain competitive. Alongside of getting finances directly to meet current and long-term business needs drawing in financing and investments allow to use market development oppor tunities in t h e m os t ef ficie nt way. It is loan and projec t financing a s well a s in ve s t m e nt s t hat UNAKO -Invest’s par tnership and cooperation wit h ot her

companies are based on. To g et h er w it h fi n a n c i n g t h e partners also obtain advanced management experience and expand their business contacts w hic h are e ssential for t h eir product promotion both in Russia and abroad. The total sum of investments in 2010 amounted to 762 million roubles, over 1 billion – in 2009.




Dynamic Development The key constituents of URALPROJECTENGINEERING Co. Ltd. potential are their unique resources and highly qualified personnel.

URALPROJECTENGINEERING Co. Ltd. is a promising company which can boast a personnel of experts involved in designing and power grid prospecting. T he company focuses mainly on prospecting and design and also offers project engineering services in designing power grid units of any complexity: ‣ power lines with voltages up to 500 kV.; ‣ p o w e r s u b s t a t i o n s w i t h voltages up to 500 kV.; ‣ elements of infrastructure, as well as production and repair facilities; ‣ communication lines and units including fiber lines. P r oje c t e n gin e er in g s er vice s offered by the company include m a n a g i n g t h e w h o l e of t h e 6

investment process - from the stage of project documentation to the stage of supervising the construction and commis-sioning. Accepting engineering services of the company the customer gains a number of advantages: ‣ this allows to employ highly qualified workers to perform any kind of work along different lines of activity; ‣ t h e c u s t o m e r y i e l d s b e s t re sult s in prosp e c tin g a n d design; ‣ it really saves time and effort to find a contractor. URALPROJECTENGINEERING experts participated in designing power grid units for the largest companies of the Russian energy generation and supply complex: UES company (United Energy


System of Russia), Gazprom Co. (Gas industr y), Lukoil Co. (an oil company), Yukos Co. (an oil company), Sibneft Co. (Siberian Oil company), Surgutneftegas Co. (Surgut oil and gas company). Despite being a rapidly developing information technology designing energy grid units forms a rather specific market which requires highest qualification, experience, deep theoretical knowledge and professional training.

URALPROJECTENGINEERING C o . L t d . wor k s hard fin din g ways to improve t h e q ualit y of management studying t h or o u g hly t h e inter n at io n a l standards and introducing the latest achievements in designing power grid units.

The following stations were built or are now under construction using designs made by URALPROJECTENGINEERING Co. Ltd: Reconstruction: ‣ Tyumen substation, 500 kV; ‣ Demyansk substation, 500 kV; ‣ Kalininsk substation, 220 kV; ‣ Kamensk substation, 220 kV.

Out side power supply unit s (substations and high voltage power lines) at: ‣ Kalchinsky oil deposit; ‣ Yaraynersky oil deposit; ‣ Sterkhovoy oil deposit; ‣ Vyngapursky oil deposit; ‣ East Tarkosalinsky oil deposit; ‣ Priobsky oil deposit, etc.

Enhancement: ‣ Lugovaya substation, 500 kV; ‣ Ilkovo substation, 500 kV. Reconstruction of high voltage power lines: ‣ Ilkovo – Lugovaya, 500 kV; ‣ S U G R ESS p o w e r p l a n t – Peschanaya, 220kV; ‣ a high voltage power line to Rogozhnikovsk y oil deposit including a long section across the Ob river, 110 kV.



Ural Power Grid Construction Company Joint-Stock Co. Power Grid Units Construction on Turnkey Basis

Golovko L.K.

Director General Ural Power Grid Construction Company is one of the leaders in power system construction. The proof of the high quality and reliability of its performance is in the many now existing power lines constructed by the company; they are dozens of thousands km long; the numerous substations of these power lines with voltages ranging from 110 to 750 kV deliver energy to the most important industrial works and farming areas, an impressive creation of the company and its employees.

Joint-Stock Ural Power Grid Construction Company is a leader in constructing power lines as well as in building any voltage range substations on the territory of Russia. Many years of experience in this field make it one of the company’s strongest compe-titive advantages. Its head is Leonid Golovko, a professional with forty years of work behind him. Skilled personnel and powerful technical facilities enable the company to cope with any work no matter how difficult it may be. Today the number of the company’s trucks, tractors, and special vehicles, both home and foreign made, amounts to 440 items. Combining t h e acc u m ulate d e x p er ie n ce and modern technologies the company retains its leadership o n t h e mar ket of p ower gr id construction. Dozens of completed constructions throughout Russia, 8

from the Pacific Ocean to the central territories of the Federation, are a guarantee of the company’s success. All effected work complies wit h t he requirement s of t he ISO 9 0 01: 20 0 8 inter national standards. Ural Power Gr id C o n s t r u c t i o n C o m p a n y is member of Power Grid Constructor A ssociation, Energy Projec t A ssociation, a nd Prospec ting Engineer Association, all non-profit independent partnerships. The company contracts to complete the following work: ‣ power line and substation (with 0.4 – 500 voltage range) turnkey construction and overhaul; ‣ provision of complete sets of equipment for power line and substation construction; ‣ antenna support erection (up to 100 meters high); ‣ partial alteration of substations


(a ny volt ag e r a n g e) a n d sections of power lines above highways, railways or any other construction whole; ‣ technological engineering; ‣ m e d i a t o r s e r v i c e s i n construction; ‣ p r e p a r at i o n of p a p er s fo r contract bidding. Ural Power System Construction Company is open for new construction projects as well as power line and substation re-equipment throughout Russia ir r e s p e c t i v e o f t h e e x i s t i n g conditions.

Completed construction:






Berkut substation (500 kV) with 500, 220, 110 kV branching; West Moiseyevsk substation – Katylginsk substation high voltage power line (110 kV); Branching Amurskaya – Khabarovskaya high voltage power line (500 kV) to Bureysk hydro power station; Bureysk hydro power station – Khabarovskaya high voltage power line (500 kV); Chelyabinsk – Khabarovsk fiber line; Tyumen substation (500 kV); Primorskaya hydro station – Khabarovskaya high voltage power line (2nd complex to be put in operation); outside switchgear of Primorskaya hydro station (500 kV); Chuguyevka substation (500 kV); Kurgan – Kozyrevo high voltage power line (500 kV); Oznachennoye – Aluminyevy high voltage power line (500 kV); Manturovo substation – Kronostar substation high voltage power line (110 kV); Yemelino substation, with 500 kV and 220 kV high voltage branching; the first segment of NPS East Siberia – Pacific Ocean line, №8 and №10 stations; the first segment of East Siberia - Pacific Ocean line (a length of 2205 – 2281 km); Boguchanskaya hydro power station – Angara substation high voltage power line (500 kV).



Current construction: Severnaya – BAZ high voltage power line (500 kV); Lozovaya – Vladivostok high voltage power line (500 kV); Chuguyevka – Lozovaya high voltage power line (500 kV).




DECENT PAST AND PROMISING FUTURE! ELECTROURALMONTAZH company is a leading contracting organization with 40-year-long specific experience in power grid units construction; working within the voltage range from 10 to 500 kV the company offers complete sequence of services related to electric equipment mounting, adjustment, and commissioning; it includes designing, construction, complete equipment set supply, its mounting and adjustment, provision of measurement instruments and technological process automatic control system, as well as telemechanics and communication means.

Founded in 19 6 8 the company has an impressive record of achievements to be proud of. Its employees participated in unique construction projects; these include Ekibastuz – Urals power line, the first in the world to transmit 1150 voltage, three power blocks of Beloyarsky nuclear station, the biggest hydro power stations in the country, substations in the Urals, West Siberia and Kazakhstan. Today the company employs a qualified personnel of fifteen hundred people, it has mounting divisions in Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Agidel, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Moscow, it has its own cranes and transport as well as special equipment that allows to effect the most complicated mounting. ELECTROURALMONTAZH company operates as general contrac10

tor. Using market demands as guidelines the company becomes active in production which is new for it: they now deal with general construction, installation and adjustment of automatic commercial power consumption control system, and automatic technological process controlling system, laying cross-linked polyethylene insulated cable. With more and more new sophisticated equipment appearing on the scene the employees keep improving their professional skills mastering new technologies of mounting and adjustment. The mounting divisions are fully provided with modern special equipment and mechanisms including those used in mounting big autoconnected 500 kV transformers. To effect high voltage testing, tuning high frequency channels, installation of automatic


technological process controlling system, etc. the adjustment division is well equipped with the newest ABB, Elster Metronica, and Sistel Automation devices. The latest completed projects include construction of Berkut, Chuguyevka, and Yemelino substations (500 kV), reconstruction of Zlatoust substation (500 kV); Moscow projects include Rudnevo (220/10 kV), Grazhdanskaya PP205 (220/110/10 kV), Polyot (220 kV and 205, 110/10 kV), Rizhskaya (110/10 kV), Ugresha (110/10/6 kV), Novobratsevo (110/10/6 kV), Zhostovo (110/10/6 kV); all of them were ordered by Moscow Power System Construction Company. In the end of 2006 â„–3 Mounting Division specialists (a subsidiary of ELEC TROUR ALMONTA ZH) completed an urgent order from

Chelyabinsk heat-electric generation station-3, the request involved equipment mounting and measurement instruments installation at power block 2 (200 Mw capacity). Equipment mounting and measurement instruments installation were also effected at TA-3 of the hydro electric station in Nevinnomysk (80 Mw capacity). L arge - scale reconstruc tion is currently underway at Tyumen substation (50 0/ 220/110 kV), Kamenskaya substation (220 k V ), K alinin s k aya su bs t at io n (220/10 0/10 kV), Novotroit skaya substation (220/110/10 kV), also at Chertanovo substation (220/110/10 kV), Butovo substation (220/110/20/10 kV), Belyaevo substation (110 kV) in Moscow; the reconstruction includes mounting, adjustment, commissioning and equipment replacement. Among other agreements there is one with Nyaganskaya hydro power station which has contracted for a complete turnkey outside switchgear construction project (500/220 kV).

ists who can take wise decisions and do good work. Professional skills of the company’s assembly workers and adjusters who can guarantee high quality of the work they perform underlie t he long-ter m cooperation of ELECTROURALMONTAZH and its customers.

It is not only power supply systems where reconstruction and construction are now undertaken, it is also done in metallurgical industry, e.g. in big companies of Metallurgical Holding and Yevraz (Europe + Asia) Holding, and in oil industry, e.g. Lukoil and Sibur (Sibiria + Urals) oil companies. Complete construction and assembly projects are now carried on at a number of traction substations of Sverdlovskaya and West Sibirian railways, subsidiaries of Russian Railways open joint-stock company. Today power grid construction is picking up speed and there is a great demand in qualified special-




Today High Voltage Union is one of the largest manufacturers of 6 – 220 kV voltage electric equipment – complete set transformer substations, complete set switchgears, vacuum switches. The company has three production sites and a wide network of representative bodies in Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, and Baltic states. They are located where the concentration of the company’s product consumers is highest, and they perform all the necessary functions related to sales and equipment maintenance.

The High Voltage Union is an international association uniting electric apparatus works in Niznyaya Tura, high voltage apparatus works in Rovno, and RZA SYSTEMS company.

of complex switchgear and commutation devices; ‣ automation and relay protection devices, work current lockers and other various purpose devices.

The companies of the Union have more than half a century history behind them. Today they produce a wide range of 6–220 kV voltage commutation and distribution equipment. They include:

Alongside of production works The Union includes a designing division which develops 35-220 kV voltage transformer substations, 6(10) kV distribution units, as well as 10-110 kV aerial and cable lines. The Union has a vast network of representative bodies and service centers in Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, and Baltic states.

‣ co mplete u nit tra n sfor m er 220/110/35/10/(6) kV voltage substations; ‣ c o m p l e t e u n i t s w i t c h g e a r 6(10), 35 kV devices including those normally produced for mining; ‣ 6(10), 27.5, 35, 110 kV vacuum switches; ‣ generator switches; ‣ Retrofit sets for reconstruction 12

At present one of the priorities for High Voltage Union is turnkey construction of transformer substations. When the Union carries out such projects it performs all necessary functions related to


designing, production, equipment supplies, mounting, adjustment and commissioning. Most of the Union’s customers are big industrial companies operating in power generation and supply complexes, in gas, oil, mining and metallurgical industries. The technical subdivisions carry on permanent work in search of ways to improve the quality of the products and develop new modern devices. Thus in 2010 two entirely new products appeared on the market: ‣ 3 5 k V S F 6 g a s i n s u l a t e d switchgear chamber, commutation device of 35C series; ‣ 110 kV single-break vacuum switch, BPC–110 series.

High Voltage Union manufactures its products in thoroughly controlled conditions determined by the quality management system. In 2010 all companies of the Union passed successfully the quality system audit and were certified as complying with ISO 9001:2008 requirements.

10 kV switchgear chamber, commutation device of 35C series

High Volt age Union has all necessary approvals to design and manufacture equipment for nuclear stations. B esides, the Union’s production was certified as meeting t he requirement s set by the federal United Energy System company and MRSK International Construction holding, being thus recommended for use

35 kV SF6 gas insulated switchgear chamber, commutation device of 35C series

in the power generation and supply complex.

110 kV vacuum switch, B PC–110 series



GLOBAL INSULATOR GROUP Co. Ltd. (GIG) Our Company is entrusted with supplying of electric power products

The major compeyiyive advantage of GLOBAL INSULATOR GROUP is combination of high quality and adequate price The quality of the company’s production was examined and tested by the leading European laboratories: KETA (Holland), VEIKI-VNL (Hungary), Energy Generation and Supply Research Centers in Moscow and St.Petersburg. The two production works have both introduced quality management systems. The Yuzhno Uralsky plant’s production was certified as complying with the international standards of ISO 9001:2008, and the Lvov company qualified for ISO 9001:2000 requirements. The electric and technical parameters of the insulators, as well as their types and size fully comply with IEC 60 303, IEC 60 120, IEC 60 383. IEC 60 372, etc. international standard.

GLOBAL INSUL ATOR GROUP promotes and distributes produc t s manufac tured by Yuzh n oural sk y (S out h Ural s) fittings & insulator plant and Lvov insulator company which produce glass and ceramic insulator s, lin ear fit tin gs for aerial power lines, switchgears, power stations and substations with voltage ranging from 0.4 to 1150 kV. These products are used in power generation and supply systems, in railway companies, in oil & gas industry. GIG also delivers sets of electric and technical equipment. Among regular buyers from GIG there are over 300 companies operating in Russia, CIS countries, and in 48 countries of Europe, America, Middle East, Asian and Pacific areas. Growth of production and its new variety 14

is stimulated by the ongoing reequipment of plants, technology mod er nizatio n a n d scientific research. In the past two years GIG plants started manufacturing quite a number of new products. They include: ShS10e glass pin insulator, ShS10i glass & ceramics pin insulator with a ShS10i-1 variation, P S70i and P S120 v insulators with enlarged length of insulation leakage, PS400v and PS53Оa heavy duty insulators, U120AD insulators, U160AD and U210 insulators with aerodynamic profile of the i n s u l at i n g c o m p o n e n t , P B -3 supporting clamp for aluminum and steel & aluminum wires, RD and RD3- type amortisseur distance bar s, multi-pur pose instrument clamps with gallium alloy covered contact surface.


The manufactured products are tested at independent probing centers to make sure their quality meets the requirements of the n at io n a l s t a n d ar d . It ma ke s GIG fell strong in it s field of activity and makes it a steadfast company on the market of electric equipment products catering to the growing requirements of the customer. In the Russian Federation GIG makes its sales of insulators and fittings through its dealer network or through its regional representative bodies using storages in Moscow, St . P eter sb ur g , Rostov, S a mara , Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, and Vladivostok.

Yu z h n o ur a l sk y F it t i n g s & Insulator Plant company is a leading producer of highand low-voltage linear fittings, suspended high-voltage hardened glass insulators, and ceramic insulators. High-voltage linear fittings are widely used in the construction of aerial power lines and switch gear units of power stations and substations. The company is comprised of several production divisions. Glass insulator manufacturing. The plant produces 27 types of suspension high-voltage linear insulator s t hat can stand up to a mechanical load of 40 – 300 kilonewtons in accordance with Russian and international standard specifications. Ceramic insulator division makes linear pin high- and lowvoltage insulators, support and support-and-pin insulators, cases for high-voltage safety fuses, and also a variety of different type and dimension grinding cylinders with a high content of alumina.

for insulator sets cast in metal moulds, castings for unit set comp o n ent s of hig h - volt ag e lin ear fit tin gs ma n ufac t ure d using gasified (polysterene) highstrength pig iron moulds, and also aluminum alloy mould castings for linear unit sets. Forgery division produces high voltage linear fittings for 35, 110, 220, 330, 500, 750, 1150, kV voltage power lines, also other unit set components. High-voltage linear fittings manufactured by Fittings & Insulator Plant include: ‣ meshed fittings; ‣ s u p p o r t f i t t i n g s ( s u p p o r t clamps); ‣ protection fittings; ‣ s t r e t c h f i t t i n g s ( s t r e t c h clamps); ‣ c o n n e c t i o n l i n e a r f i t t i n g s (connection clamps).

Lvov Insulator Co. Ltd . ma n ufac t ur e s susp e nsio n and pin insulators made of har dened a nd bur nt-in glass, also linear and fixing polymer insulators. Currently the selection includes 16 types of suspension, pin, and fixing insulators (various form and function) standing up to an elctric and mechanical load of 40 – 400 kilonewtons. Lvov Insulator manufacture: ‣ glass insulators; ‣ suspension glass insulators; ‣ fixing glass insulators; ‣ high voltage pin insulators; ‣ low voltage pin insulators.

Fittings & Insulator Plant foundry produces cap castings






SCREW PILE WORKS Co. Ltd. FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Quick development of the company was urged by the growing demand for screw piles. These piles are used as foundation sup-ports when building industrial and public constructions. These include gas and oil pipelines, constructions at mines of mineral deposits, high voltage line supports, antennas and masts, outside switchgears, communication lines, boilers, and other units to be built in aggravated geological environment.

SC R E W P I L E P L A N T is a fast developing producer, it is a s er io u s co m p et itor o n t h e foundation construction market. The plant manufactures series of spiral piles and effects pile driving. To do that it has all the necessary production facilities and over 50 items of specially designed vehicles . B esides, using its own equipment it independently tests the static loads of t he piles . It also manufactures metal rests and does the mounting. Thus, the customer is offered the complete c ycle of pile foundation construction on the turnkey basis. Today screw piles are widely used a s suppor t s in buildin g both industrial and public constr uc tions . In t he first place t h e se in clu d e ga s a n d 16

oil pipelines, constructions at mines of mineral deposits, high voltage line supports, antennas and ma st s, communication lines, boilers, and other unit s built in aggravated geological environment . More often than other things it is the hard ground and the unfavorable conditions t h at m a k e o n e p r efer s c r e w pile te c h n olo g y to co n s t r u c t the foundation. The Screw Pile Plant can boast par ticipation i n fi n a lizi n g s u c h im p or t a n t projects as Bananekovsky and Va n kor g sk y d ep osit s . It al so reconstr uc ted subst ations to the voltage of 500,220,110 kV, it constructed 500, 220,110 kV power lines within 220 kV range, and other power system units. The experience and the openness of our experts make them friendly with their


counterpar t s in the largest c or p or at io n s of t h e R u s sia n Federation including ROSNEF T Co., GAZPROM Co., TATENERGO Co . , R U SSI A N R A ILWAY S Co . , SURGUTNEFTEGAS Co., TNK-BP HOLDING, etc. Among our clients you will also find companies which belong to the FEDER AL POWER PRODUCER AND SUPPLY SYSTEM. Today, with the growing number of projects dealing with urban and road renovation which need quick building of storages and ot her constr uc tions bot h t he produc t and t he ser vices of the company are becoming more and more in demand . Furthermore, even low-building construc tion now needs a lot more pile supported foundations than one might have expected earlier.

W hat differ s S C R E W P I L E WO R K S Co. Lt d . from other companies is that it has a vast geography of its operation . It involves Khanty-Mansy, YamaloNenetsk, Krasnoyarsk, and Urals; a ll t h e s e ter r itor ie s p o ss e ss huge production potential and qualified manpower. Cooperation wit h t h e s e ar ea s a llow s t h e company to enter into the most serious projects on the territory of the Russian Federation. There are two strong points that basically ensure the company’s successful future: produc tion facilities ba sed on moder n te c h n olo gie s a n d e q uip m e nt combined with diversified management decisions aimed at reaching the desired result. screw pile for ever-frozen grounds

screw pile for thawed grounds and seasonal freezing grounds




The company never stops looking for ways to heighten the reliability and quality of its product and continues to develop new equipment. Starting the year 2000 the company has worked hard to widen the range of its production concentrating on the needs of gas and oil industry where the demand for compressor equipment is really great. Thus, currently the company manufactures sets of mobile nitrogen compressor stations which are intended to intensify oil recovery, they include PKSA -5/101 and PKSA-9/200 mobile stations.

The Ural Compressor Plant was started in 1933. The main produc t s are mobile nitrogen complexes and compressor stations; the company also makes stationary compressors for the military, power generation and supply, oil and gas industries.

tio nar y a n d m od ule -t yp e air separation installations, gasifiers, capacity cryogenic equipment, air drying blocks.

Starting the year 2004 production of cryogenic equipment was started using production facilities of the plant. The new product was given Uralcryotechnika trademark.

‣ consulting on the equipment to be chosen; ‣ equipment mounting; ‣ adjustment and commissioning; ‣ assistance in training personn el , en gin e er s a n d te c h nicians; ‣ maintenance; ‣ repairs; ‣ spare parts supplies.

Today Ural Compressor Plant su p plie s n ear ly all br a n c h e s of industr y with its cr yogenic equipment . The production of the Compr essor Plant includes: piston and membrane compressors, nitrogen and air m o bile co m pr e ss or s t at io n s , pressure reducing valves, sta18

A complex approach is the basic principle of our work, so we can offer you the following services:


Compressor eq uipment produced by the Plant Ural Compressor Plant manufactures a wide range of cryogenic and compressor equipment. The spheres where piston compressors are used include science and medicine, electric and vacuum industry, heat and electricity generation, agriculture, glasswork, metallurgy, nuclear power, they are also used in rescue operations, etc.

Air piston compressors can be supplied in complete set s for compressor stations under construction and separately to replace compressors in functioning compressor stations using t h e e x is t in g b a s e m e n t s a n d communications. Advantages and specific features: ‣ automatic piston compressor does not require permanent presence of the operators; ‣ piston compressor is simple to operate and easy to maintain; it is reliable in low temperature environment; ‣ the compressor is air cooled, so no additional communications to deliver cooling liquids are required; ‣ noise reduc tion technology makes the work of the air piston compressor in fact noiseless; ‣ t h e s u p p l i e d s e t i n c l u d e s operation and maintenance instructions as well as spare parts for the warranty period. The Compressor Plant does maintenance, adjustment and commissioning of compressor units and cryogenic equipment at the customer’s premises. Besides, the Plant produces sets of spare parts for piston compressors to do medium repairs and overhaul.

gears of power stations and substations; ‣ VShV-1/40 high pressure air pis-ton compressor manufactured for power systems of hydro station; ‣ AVSh-2.5/400 high pressure air piston compressor which is used for pneumatic testing of vessels and tubes operating under pressure; ‣ VSh- 4. 2 / 20 0 high pressure air piston compressor which can be used in any technology requiring high pressure compressed air; ‣ other high pressure compressors. Low pressure industrial piston compressors Compressor Plant produces low pressure compressors that provide gas under pressure ranging from 0.15 to 1.2 MPa. They include: ‣ AVS h - 6 / 8 low pre ssure air piston compressor; it provides compressed atmospheric air to b e u s e d for s er vin g mac hine tools, excavator s, different pneumatic tools at industrial enterprises; ‣ other low pressure air compressors. Besides, low pressure industrial compressors are used in gas and oil industry as well as in gold mining.

High pressure industrial piston compressors The high pressure compressors produced by the Compressor Plant include: ‣ VShV-3/100 high pressure air piston compressor; it generates compressed air for high voltage switches in switch-



Stroydormash Joint-Stock Co. Leader on the Russian market of drilling machinery



















Stroydormash is a company with unique experience in drilling machinery production, it is a leading Russian producer of highly efficient drilling equipment enjoying a reliable business reputation Vladimir Pikov, S t r o y d o r m a s h Director General, says, «Our drilling machinery has a genuine Ural strong character; many years of work in the power supply systems of Russia and CIS countries, in gas and oil industry, in building companies, in road construction and municipal machinery building are proof of high quality and reliability of the company’s product.»

Drillin g mac hiner y mar ket of today is rather wide and what h elp s to r e main co m p et it ive on it is long-term par tnership w i t h t h e c l i e n t e le ; i t a l lo w s to solve problems relate d to development of new fields of operation and a wider range of manufactured products. In the several past years the Russian machinery building companies are becoming more and more active in introducing new modern machinery of their own design. Stroydormash is one of such innovator companies which combine successfully their intellectual and production potentials developing new machinery. T he pla nt ha s desig ning a n d technology divisions of its own, its production facilities allow to use the newest tech nologies. This well-attuned combination of experience, energy, traditions 20

and innovation allows to develop new machinery, to organize and start its production, catering to the growing needs of the customer. FACTS Tr uck cranes and drilling rigs have been manufactured since 1956, the time when the plant began to specialize in this prod u c t io n . M a n u fac t ur in g over t went y types of tr uck cranes and drilling rigs Stroydormash also offers the complete set of services including sales, maintenance, spare parts supplies, and drilling tools. Highly skilled professionals supervise the process of designing and technology development. They have long experience of practical work in creating new


drilling machinery. And it means that behind each of our product there are particular people, inventive designing decisions which guarantee achievement of the company’s primary purpose – creating modern machiner y the technical and technological proper ties of which are competitive with the foreign made equipment. Truck cranes and drilling rigs are intended for drilling holes and erecting there power and communication line suppor t s. They can also be used in industrial and public construction to drill holes for pile foundations, fen ce p ost s, a n d road sig ns, also it can be used in gas and oil pipeline construction as well a s in g e n eral t yp e co n str u ction work . The drilling rigs are mounted on various type truck

and caterpillar cha ssis which allows to use the machinery in different climatic conditions and on different soil. When provided with additional equipment the machine acquires a wider range of functions to be performed; a modification of the chassis h avin g a t wo - r ow c a bin d e creases the expenses on using additional vehicles to transport teams performing the complete sequence of operations. Drilling and pile driving vehicles are used for mounting pile basement s in areas with poorly developed infrastructure in cludin g t he Arc tic area s; it ensures full-screw drilling, pile driving, erecting ferro-concrete supports, metal tubes. T h e t ur n in g p l at for m a llow s to increa se t he wor king area and drill several holes without

changing position. Lengthwise movement of the drilling equipm e n t e n s ur e s m a x im u m a ccurateness in approaching the point of drilling and posi-tioning the pile for driving. Screw drilling vehicles are use d in buildin g in d ustr y for mounting pile foundations, for re-enforcement or reconstruction of basements using technologies that involve driven and injected piles; also they are used to drill holes for power line supports in power supply network construction.

tion, both industrial and public. M o u n t in g dr illin g e q uip m e n t on truck and caterpillar chassis ensures mobility and reliability; a wide selection of drilling technologies and a vast range of operations performed make this machinery multifunctional.

Multi-purpose drilling rigs of the GEO (URB and BGM) series are intended for drilling with engineering and geological purposes, in seismics, in geological prospecting, structural prospecting; another sphere is construc-




A well-organized team of professionals is ready to cater to your requirements, quickly and with high quality. It is not just building machinery that we offer, we come out with technologies and ways of solving your problems. A Z M - S T R OY D O R M A S H in cor p orates a dva n ced ideas in desig nin g , hig h tech nologies and no n-standard decisio ns in creating building machiner y. The company has a designing division of its own and modern grounds for experimenting.

AZM-STROYDORMASH JointStock Co. produces manipulator based specialized machinery for oil and gas industry, power generation and supply, construction and other industries.

production lines: drilling e q uip m e n t , m u lt i -f u n c t io n a l manipulator cranes and special m a c h i n er y for d r i v i n g s c r e w piles. The company also supplies drilling tools.

T he company was star ted by making manipulator machinery subdivision of Stroydormash Co. an independent producer. T h e n e w c o m p a n y i n h er it e d the traditions, the quality and t h e 65 - year-lo n g e x p er ien ce of leading building machiner y maker.

What makes the machine special and different from others is its jib with maximum length of 12 meters; it allows to do multiple drilling without changing position; in addition the parameter register ensures highly accurate positioning of the drill worm.

Today AZM-Stroydormash is a modern, successful and quickly developing company. Its production meets all growing requirem e n t of m o d er n s p e c ia lize d building machinery market. There are three main machinery 22

P y k h t a ( s il v e r f ir) U BM - 8 5 drilling machine is designed for drilling in I-IV category soil according to IV-2-82 specification (including permafrost); holes are drilled for power and communication line supports, bridges, viaducts, fence poles, also for pile foundations of buildings and other constructions.


Multi-func tional MKM-20 0 manipulator crane is designed to load and unload weight and transpor t it , it can also carr y additional equipment including drilling equipment, a telescopetype hoist, a welding generator. T he drillin g equip ment is in tended for boring holes in the soil of I-IV categories according to IV-2- 82 specification . T he equipment includes a standard telescope-type worm and allows drilling with a joint worm ensuring accurate positioning of the tool. The telescope-type hoist is used for lifting people, instruments and materials, and for moving them around the working area while maintain ing or repairing buildings and power lines. Another function is self-loading

and transportation of goods including wooden supports up to eight meters long.

new unique manipulator based machinery designed to perform particular functions in different fields of industry.

UBM-85 screw-pile driver is intended for drilling in the soil of I-IV categories according to IV-2-82 specification (including permafrost), also for driving metal screw anchors and piles (when constructing pile foundations, power lines, etc.) All machines are supplied with remote controls; it makes the view for the operator wider and ma ke s op er at io n ea sier. T h e machines can be used in areas with moderate climate and the temperature ranging from –40° to +40° Celsius. T h e s p e c ia lis t s of t h e c o m pany are open for cooperation in designing and producing









Quick development of Stroymash Plant company in the past several years allowed to create a strong potential for its steady growth and stepby-step realization of its strategies and plans The key components which make up this potential are unique resources, highly skilled personnel, and an efficient system of innovation development. Today Stroymash Plant company is strengthening its leadership in specialized building equipment production and in manufacturing equipment for foundation construction.

Stroymash Plant is a modern mac hin er y ma kin g compa ny ; wit hin it s major field of op eration it designs, produces and sells a wide selection of special building machinery and equipment as well as equipment for basement construction. T he Company’s product combines in itself both many years of practical experience and the latest innovations in building machinery used for foundation construction. Today the plant is the largest producer of pile driving equipment on the territory of Russia and CIS countries. Currently the main consumers of its product a r e c o n s t r u c t io n c o m p a n ie s and organizations; their sphere of operation includes industrial and public construction, bridge 24

building, low building construction, road construction, power and communication line construction, construction in oil and gas industry as well as in power generation and supply networks. To g e t h e r w i t h i t s p a r t n e r s Stroymash plant offers services in construction starting with t he design stage and ending up with turnkey commissioning; to effect it the company uses both home-made and imported e q uip m e nt a n d te c h n olo gie s pro ce e din g fro m t h e n ewe s t worldwide experience. The main advantages of cooperating with our company include the following: ‣ t he fac t t hat t he company uses its own machinery and employs highly experienced


specialists guarantees high quality of the work effected within the shortest time; ‣ u s i n g a d v a n c e d m e t h o d s increa ses t he efficienc y of our work, to this effect contributes also the combined approach exercised within the framework of one enterprise; ‣ usin g t he newest ac hieve ments in scientific research, design and technology development; ‣ creative cooperation with the leading research centers.

We offer: ‣ pile-driving diesel tube hammers; ‣ pile-driving diesel rod hammers; ‣ pile-driving hydraulic SP-7G and SP-8G hammers with 3 ton and 4 ton heads; ‣ SP-49D pile driver installat io n s (m o u nte d o n Т10 M B tractor); ‣ SP-49 «CHETR A » pile driller installation (mounted on TG121Ya tractor); ‣ U G M K -1 2 w h e e l v e h i c l e mounted pile driver (КamAZ 5 3 2 2 8 t r u c k ) d e sig n e d to drive 12 meter piles; ‣ drilling equipment for pile driving installations; ‣ specific spare parts for piledriving equipment.

‣ adjustment and putting into operation; ‣ individual order work; ‣ overhaul of pile-driving equipment. Our unique experience in designing and manufacturing building machinery using radically new advanced technologies will help you to choose the best variant depending on the specific nature of activity and finances of your company.

Additionally we offer: ‣ maintenance services;



EU Energia Grupp Ltd. high voltage equipment, drilling construction machinery

High voltage equipment, drilling construction machinery EU Energia Grupp Ltd. provides the customers with the competitive prices and technical support for all the products and is interested in any kind of feedback.

EU Energia Grupp Ltd. was founded in 20 0 6 wit h a purpose to find a common market o u t let to E ur o p e for s e ver a l manufacturers of high voltage equipment and drilling machines well-known in the former Soviet Union. EU Energia Grupp Ltd. represents the following producers: ‣ High Volt age Union, JointStock Company, Yekaterinburg; ‣ Stroydormash Joint-Stock C o m p a n y, Alapayevsk; ‣ St r o y m a s h P l a n t , J o i n tStock Company (Construction machinery works), Sterlitamak, B ashkiria.


All above home-made production is well known abroad. Starting the years 1970s the plants of the group sold their equipment in countries of Ea ster n Europe, Asia and Middle East . Today export sales are an acute issue since on most foreign markets the competition is growing. The rich experience accumulated in years and the high quality of the product allow to maintain efficient logistics which provide customers in Central, South and Eastern Europe, Baltic states and other regions of the world. The main purposes of the marketing company EU E n er g ia Grupp Ltd. are to organize sales activities according to the needs of the consumer and to decrease the end price of the factories' products by way of giving up intermediaries.


EU Energia Grupp Ltd. provides the customers with the competitive prices and technical support for all the products and is interested in any kind of feedback.



Sovaro Co. Ltd. Modern rental relations

SOVARO Modern Lease Relations

SOVARO Co. Ltd. OFFERS SERVICES IN COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE RENTAL Successful strategy of commercial real estate business development is in essence determined by optimum combination of individual approach which takes into account the customer’s specific business operation and a necessity to handle a great number of routine management and exploitation problems using modern methods and experience of the leading Russian and foreign companies operating in the sphere of real estate management.

Modern Rental Relations Management Company concentrates on ser vices in commercial real estate rental. It has been a professional company on the real estate market since 2002. Chief lines of our activity: ‣ office room rental; ‣ rental of production and storage grounds; ‣ building and construction exploitation; ‣ cleaning; ‣ small office renovation; ‣ maintenance and major repairs, building reconstruction organization and supervision. We guarantee: ‣ individual approach to each customer; 28


‣ regarding the client’s information as confidential; ‣ 24 - h o u r g u a r d i n g o f t h e building; ‣ flexible system of price formation; ‣ wide selection of rental rates depending on distances, the floor and quality of the interior; ‣ emergency-proof operation of the rented office.



STROYMASH PLANT Joint-Stock Co. 2, Gastello Str., Sterlitamak, 453105, Bashkortostan, RUSSIA T: +7 (3473) 21-43-84, 21-44-97 F: +7 (3473) 21-47-26, 21-46-30 e-mail: stroymash@svaeboy.ru www.svaeboy.ru

URAL COMPRESSOR MAKERS Co. UNAKO-Invest Co. 2, Torgovaya Str., Ekaterinburg, 620010, RUSSIA T/F: +7 (343) 217-84-90 e-mail: info@unako.com www.unako.com

GLOBAL INSULATOR GROUP Co. Ltd. (GIG) 98, Khokhryakova Str, Ekaterinburg, 620144, RUSSIA T: +7 (343) 216-35-77, 216-35-84 F: +7 (343) 216-35-78 e-mail: gig@gig-group.com www.gig-group.com

HIGH VOLTAGE UNION CONCERN 5, Torgovaya Str., Ekaterinburg, 620010, RUSSIA T/F: +7 (343) 217-48-44 e-mail: ekaterinburg@vsoyuz.ru www.vsoyuz.com

STROYDORMASH Joint-Stock Co. 1, Serova Str., Alapaevsk, Sverdlovsk Region, 624600, RUSSIA T: +7 (343) 372-71-20 F: +7 (343) 372-71-21 e-mail: sdm@sdm.ur.ru www.zavod-sdm.ru



6, Estonskaya Str., Ekaterinburg, 620007, RUSSIA T/F: +7 (343) 264-34-40, 264-35-30, 264-16-61 e-mail: marketing@ukz.ru www.ukz.ru

Ural Power Grid Construction Company Joint-Stock Co. 6-B, Garazhnaya Str., Ekaterinburg, 620016, RUSSIA T: +7 (343) 221-41-01 T/F: +7 (343) 224-41-02 e-mail: info@uess.ru www.uraless.com

ELECTROURALMONTAZH Joint-Stock Co. 92, Kuznechnaya Str., Ekaterinburg, 620075, RUSSIA T: +7 (343) 350-71-25, 350-00-07 F: +7 (343) 350-00-53 e-mail: info@eum.ru www.eum.ru

URALPROJECTENGINEERING Co. Ltd. 92, Kuznechnaya Str., Ekaterinburg, 620075, RUSSIA T/F: +7 (343) 350-57-22, 350-59-96 e-mail: info@uralproject.ru

EU Energia Grupp Ltd.

1, Serova Str., Alapaevsk, Sverdlovsk Region, 624600, RUSSIA T/F: +7 (343) 372-71-22 e-mail: info@azm-sdm.ru www.azm-sdm.ru

Katusepapi 6-210, Tallinn 11412 ESTONIA T: +372 622 8886 F: +372 622 8887 e-mail: aare@energiagrupp.ee, alex@energiagrupp.ee www.energiagrupp.eu



2, Torgovaya Str., Ekaterinburg, 620010, RUSSIA T: +7 (343) 217-41-12 www.zvs-ural.ru

2, Torgovaya Str., Ekaterinburg, 620010, RUSSIA T/F: +7 (343) 217-84-91 www.sovaro.ru



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