Obrien 2015 thesis book finalreview

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Waste: Landscape to Urban Blurredscape This Final Project is presented to The Faculty of the School of Architecture by Tyler Anthony O’Brien In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Architecture Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, Georgia Spring Semester 2015

Department of Architecture School of Architecture and Construction Management Southern Polytechnic State University Tyler Anthony O’Brien Waste: Landscape to Urban Blurredscape Thesis Summary: ???????????? (one paragraph)

Student Signature ________________________________Date___________ Approved by: Internal Advisor 1 ________________________________Date___________ Professor Michael Carroll Internal Advisor 2 ________________________________Date___________ Professor Elizabeth Martin-Malikian

Thesis Coordinator ________________________________Date___________ Professor Elizabeth Martin-Malikian

Acknowledgement I want to thank my parents, Kevin and Lou O’Brien, for the endless physical and mental support. Without them I would not be the man I am today. I would also like to thank the faculty at Southern Polytechnic State University for the constant push to becoming a better architect and designer.

Section I: Theorem

Section II: Practicum

Chapter 1.0 Design Theorem

Chapter 3.0 Design Process

1.1. Design Hypothesis 1.2. Relevance of the Design Hypothesis in Literature: Case Studies 1.2.1 Competition 1.2.2 Competition

1.3. Proposed Project Nature, Context, and Rationale 1.4. Underlying Principles of the Design Hypothesis to the Proposed Project 1.5. Relevance of the Precedent Analysis to the Proposed Project (minimum 3 case studies)

3.1. Site: Context and Contextuality 3.2. Program: Space and Spatiality 3.3. Sustainable Strategies: Materials and Materiality 3.4. Environmental Systems: Technique and Tectonics 3.4. Environmental Systems: Technique and Tectonics 3.5. Systems Integration: Skin & Bones and Service Core 3.6. Comprehensive Design Integration

Chapter 4.0 Design Synthesis Chapter 2.0 Design Analysis 2.1. Site Context

2.1.1 Site Selection and Significance to the Proposed Project 2.1.2 Documentation of Existing Site Conditions 2.1.3 Topological Survey(s) and Applicable Zoning 2.1.4 Geographical, Natural and Historical Patterns 2.1.5 Pedestrian and Vehicular Patterns and Connections 2.1.6 Site Potentials and Constraints to the Proposed Project

2.2. Site Analysis

2.2.1 Site Plan: Physical Character Studies 2.2.2 Contextual Analysis 2.2.3 Figure-Ground Relationship and Usage Patterns 2.2.4 Boundaries, Connections, Relations and Emerging Patterns

2.3. Program and Spatial Explorations

2.3.1 Spatial Program Organization and Specific Space Sizes 2.3.2 Spatial Adjacencies, Connections, Constraints and Juxtapositions 2.3.3 Spatial Patterns relative to Site and its Context 2.3.4 Spatial Explorations and Three dimensional Consequences

4.1. Preliminary Documentation 4.2 Final Documentation

Chapter 5.0 Critical Response to Design Theorem

5.1 Reflections by Student/Author (not Faculty Thesis Review Documents) 5.2 Summary

Section III: Bibliography

Section IV: Appendices


Chapter 1.0 Design Theorem


1.1 Design Hypothesis


The intent of my thesis will be focused on “un-used, unsafe, forgotten” areas that have been re-purposed for different functions. How this site can now attract the pedestrian from their community. The spaces between the “new space” and community becomes a buffer and has to transition from one space to the next. The boundaries of the new site create an edge that has to be addressed from the neighboring sites. The question becomes, how can this edge become a soft transition?


1.2 Relevance of the Design Hypothesis in Literature: Case Studies



COMPETITION CASE STUDY #1 (archdaily.com) Active Edge / 2A+B


Since the beginning, it has been very interesting to discover how, despite the fact that we have reached such an advanced state of urbanity (meaning the way we produce our more or less shared space), it is still possible to scrape the bottom of the barrel and find residual urban spaces, with enormous, unexpressed potentials. In a world where design contaminates every possible field of technical knowledge and theoretical thinking, landfills still represent and exceptional void of intentions. The strategy of the Active Edge by 2A+B embodies Grønmo’s landfill as an urban organism able to constantly re-produce its own components (soil, landscapes, trash) and the relative network of socioeconomic processes behind it. We stop treating landfills as invisible contradictions and enhance them in the Active Edge: a radical strategy that addresses the spatial and biological unity of every landfill, retracing it in order to visualize and nurture its presence. http://www.archdaily.com/200684/active-edge-2ab/maserplan/

Border Strategy First fundamental strategy of Active Edge is the re-definition of boundaries as basic component of all spatial species, an edge which is at the same time built presence and first instrument of mutual acknowledgment between the designed realm and the outer one. So, we reconstitute the morphological edge of the landfill, through time, to its present state (including the northern golf course).



The landfill’s border is re-configured to generate a space of friction (of denser exchange) that filters external energies through a self-contained artificial landscape. Meaning that outside forces (people – recyclable trash) can be involved in the production of the edge which is enforced by renewable energies (such as solar passive system or the landfill’s gas), rainwater control and trash itself.

Solar panel

Energy storage

Gas collector

Compost Clay Ordinary waste

Slug from incineration plant http://www.archdaily.com/200684/active-edge-2ab/section_eco/

The complex of nominal activities defines a double hierarchy of spaces on the edge in order to optimize the integration with surrounding infrastructures and access points. Primary hot-spots: on the western entrance, the ECODESIGN CENTER and relative co-generation plant are connected to waste collection and research facilities; on the southern entrance, a new multi-functional building for wellness center, spa and residences is related to storm water treatment and leisure activities; on the north-eastern edge, the double layered parking and the lookout tower facilitate sightseeing and leisure time. Secondary but not less important amenities, spread along the edge: equipped spaces in open setting and equipped covered spaces, toilettes, rest facilities and info points.

Water filter

Compost Clay Ordinary waste

Leachate collector tank

Constructed wetland



existing golf course

educational landscape (agoras + gas paths)

7 8 EAST edge

1 2 WEST edge

forest landscape 5

SOUTH edge constructed wetland



productive landscape (composting + cultivation http://www.archdaily.com/200684/active-edge-2ab/axonometric-8/

Landscapes The second strategy of Active Edge is that of “protect by development”, exploiting internal resources to activate both surrounding spaces and the edge itself. What the system aims at is an upgraded social consciousness of landfills and trash potentials, toward the production of energy to redistribute and toward new-stronger-better concepts for the future of waste making. Four landscapes pop out in response to the new built border, acting like complementary agents: the Productive Landscape in the west (with cultivated glasshouses and composting collection facility); the Forest Landscape on the eastern edge; the Constructed wetland at the southern entrance; the barycentric Educational Landscape informed by 2 main squares and “gaspaths”(as underground pipes are metaphorically projected on the surface to define the pedestrian level) 16


equipped space in open setting

4 experimental housing covered belvedere spa and wellness center



waste collection

look out tower

EcoDesign Center cogeneration plant



info point



equipped and covered space

toilettes and service facilities


double layered parking 17

2011 1969-1978



1978-1990 berms + terraced parterres

STEP ONE Reconstitute the morphological edge of the landfill

multi-layered composting storage

“gas path”

STEP TWO Built edge program versus New landscape morphologies

vegetable plots (glass houses)

“accelerated” morphology

gas pipe

access to composting facilities

STEP THREE Network of slow mobility derived from existing gas infrastructure panoramic promenade http://www.archdaily.com/200684/active-edge-2ab/diagrams-39/



Edge’s passive energy implementation + Controlled storm water runoff gas collection points photo-voltaic panels wind strings



COMPETITION CASE STUDY #2 (archdaily.com) Infrastructural Archaeology/ Map 13 Landfills are areas of great potential which are but a mere evidence of the uncontrolled consumerism of this extreme society. They understand that waste should be buried and isolated, and not be forgotten and abandoned. It is thus an open project, where the definite plan of its pieces is not the main interest, but rather the definition of its systems and their development in time.



The negative waste volume under our feet is restored through a new wired surface as a result of joining the top parts of the level poles.

Open air activity area

Instead of an imposing colonization of alien structures of the surroundings, the proposed development lines are generated by the infrastructures that keep the landfill alive main Courses

incineration facility

The path geometry and the drawn networks, additionally to the linear and low vegetation arrangement of the waste level stone LEDs illumination indicator poles, leave room to yellow brick road opportunity areas that will through Evolution of the natural ground between poles and paths the years be occupied with new activities. The “Waste Ground” becomes the “Place”

Open air activity area

Recycling point

secondary courses

Composting facility

2015 Open air activity area 2020

GRS; Gas Registration Station

The GRS will be used as solar energy spots, changing the exterior appearance with a new facade skin

Composting Facility

The composting facility will be kept on its current location rearranged to cohabit with the waste level indicator poles. An open space attached to the surface of the proposed esplanade.





A- 3mill m3 waste B- 1 mill m3: hazardous waste (hydroxide muds) and demolition waste C- 2, 5mill m3: household waste, commercial waste, asbestos, slightly contaminated soil, ashes coming from incineration plants

225m 190m



... “Trash” is that which does not have a place, that which is misplace and, therefore, that which has to be moved to another place hoping that it might disappear as trash there, that it might be reactivated, recycled, extinguished: it is that which searches for another place where to make progress...


75m 0m :2,5millm3

original state 200x200m


... it is all about finding a place - somewhere else - for that which does not have one - here -. Therefore, the assumption of this circular movement is that everything has its place and there is a place for everything...



waste accumulation

former land

Never was trash so beautiful Jose Luis Pardo

current land


proposed intervention


Waste. Strategies to boost the hidden man-made landscape on the territory As we worked on the analysis of the site, we observed that the waste accumulated, 8 million cubic meters, had completely erased the original topography of the site. If such volume were to be stacked it would reach the height of the Eiffel Tower! It was extremely important for us, to physically show these hidden large quantities of accumulated waste. For this we used an abstract mesh of poles. The height of each pole would be determined by the amount of waste that lays underneath them. Therefore obtaining a topography that creates a new identity in the territory, which can be read as the inverse of the volume of garbage buried below.

LINEAL BOUNDARY STRATEGY; CONSTRUCTION OF A BELT LINKING DIFFERENT LEVELS AND ACTIVITIES IN THE “SAFE AREAS” OF THE ARTIFICIAL TOPOGRAPHY The “safe areas” will be located in the places where able to proceed without damaging the waste cells. They will be joined through a belt, defining the boundary between the wood and the operated land.

summer skate park viewpoint winter sleigh slope playground sliding zip line sleigh slope viewpoint entrance golf park safe zone


safe zone. public facilities growth

elderly gymnastics spot

viewpoint terraces


secret path golf spying golf parking entrance hall information point services coffee

summer vegetable garden

summer stage open-air cinema

summer camp class/workshop camping, bivouac

clear esplanade “walk under the trees” viewpoint

elderly gymnastics spot

parking area

elderly gymnastics spot welcome centre


Perimeter Belt. Linear Boundary strategy: construction of a belt linking different levels and activities in the “safe areas” of the artificial topography To complete all the elements of the structural base lines, we create a perimeter belt, a path that zigzags between the park and the forest, sewing the proposal. It works as a promenade, the place of all places, which connects the different activities and program proposed, allowing to visit the park understanding its spatial condition. reading the territory as a continuous addition of its historical traces. 22

ARCHAEOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE FORMER STRUCTURES IN THE NEW INFRASTRUCTURES FOR THE GROWTH OF THE TERRITORY Buried infrastructures “reappear” in the park outlines of the paths, landscape lines, posts,...

The landfill is a living organism that needs a number of infrastructures in order to avoid collapse such as gas, electricity, water canalization, ect.

buried infrastructure untouched areas, wasted ground main paths

archaeological land research

secondary paths landscape line path waste level indicator poles

new infrastructure


Buried Infrastructures. Archaeological transformation of the former structures in the new infrastructures for the growth of the territory This “erased” space is a living organism in the process of decomposition, which needs a number of infrastructures in order to avoid its collapse, such as gas, electricity, water canalization, etc. This fascinating buried network goes by unnoticed by the eyes of bystanders. Not loosing these traces, and revealing its footprint in the surface, is fundamental in a proposal which seeks to reveal the problem of garbage and its correlated mass consumption. Tracing these infrastructures into the surface allows us to create new lines in the landscape, which added to the mesh of poles, together, form a structural base which serves as the means of support for the development of the park throughout time.

ARTICULATED STRATEGY OF THE USE AND ACTIVITIES IN OPEN SPACES WITH HIGHER STRUCTURAL STABILITY Those safe areas with very low sinking rates will be occupied with many different outdoor activities

01_recycling centre

03_sport facilities


07_vegetable garden

09_bater flea market

11_astronomical observatory

13_kids area/ playground

02_drive-in cinema


06_parking area

08_picnic area

10_compost area

12_winter sports

14_territory viewpoints


Open Spaces. Articulated strategy of the use and activities in open spaces with higher structural stability The “Safe Areas” will be located in the places we are able to process without damaging the waste cells, these spaces are ideal for recreational uses and open air facilities which can be complemented with small scale construction for complementary services. Following this system new areas could be developed, such as sports facilities, parking, drive-in cinema, vegetable garden to rent, viewing points, camping, open air stage, and more services. 23


year 2015



year 2020







year 2030




Temporary Schedule. Temporary land colonization strategies to its use and occupation. How to deal with a big scale project? What tools could we use for landscape design? We understand that a project of this size and characteristics can´t give response to a closed design in which everything is pre-established from the very beginning. On the contrary, we believe in it as a living organism. Nonetheless, base lines should be traced. A grid which articulates the territory but gives way to the uncontrolled and unfixed systems for the development of the park. Involuntary acts such as the pollination, the wear of the human use, the rains, the winds, which will characterize and give form to the place.

opportunity areas


As we can see, the design of the park responds to the buried infrastructures, some of these landscape lines eventually become walking paths, but other just remain visible as traces in the territory, which can be materialized as lines of light, vegetation axis, a series of rocks. The poles which generate the new topography are planted on top of the gas shafts and serve as information poles, light poles, small wind turbines, all of them connected by the perimeter platform belt which plays with the levels and gives access to the different activities. Systems which generate a mesh which reveals the functions and history of the place and that have the clear intention of establishing an interaction between the visitor and the park. A cultural landscape as a sum of the layers which are built up in time and that allow the organization of this space, crucial for debate in the dawn of this new era.




1.3. Proposed Project Nature, Context, and Rationale



1.4. Underlying Principles of the Design Hypothesis to the Proposed Project



1.5. Relevance of the Precedent Analysis to the Proposed Project



BUILT CASE STUDY #1 (archdaily.com) Waste-to-Energy Plant (Copenhagen, Denmark) BIG

The main “function” of the facade is to hide the fact that factories are having a serious image/branding problem. We want to do more than just create a beautiful skin around the factory. We want to add functionality! The ambition of creating added value in terms of added functionality does not stand in contrast to the ambition to create beauty. It does not have to be either/or – it can be both! We propose a new breed of waste-to-energy plant, one that is economically, environmentally, and socially profitable. Instead of considering Amagerforbraending as an isolated object, we mobilize the architecture and intensify the relationship between the building and the city – expanding the existing activities in the area by turning the roof of the new Amagerforbraending into a ski slope for the citizens of Copenhagen. Now is time to re-brand the factory. http://www.archdaily.com/107183/big-wins-the-international-competition-to-design-a-new-wasteto-energy-plan/amf_image-by-big_11/

Located in an industrial area near the city center the new Waste-to-Energy plant will be an exemplary model in the field of waste management and energy production, as well as an architectural landmark in the cityscape of Copenhagen. The project is the single largest environmental initiative in Denmark with a budget of 3,5 Billion DKK, and replaces the adjacent 40 year old Amagerfor- braending plant, integrating the latest technologies in waste treatment and environmental performance.




Context The site is situated in an industrial area just outside the center of Copenhagen, and which is being actively re purposed for recreational and residential developments. Within minutes from the site it is possible to engage in physically challenging sports such as cable skiing, go-carting, sailing, and rock climbing.


Administrative + Visitor Center The envelope of the building expands to accommodate an administrative and visitor center. We anticipate that coordinating design work between the facade and plant designers will allow for an integrated design approach to avoid the transmission of noise and vibration.


Smokestack One end of the building is lifted to integrate the smokestack into the overall architecture of the plant. Public Connection Pushing down one end of the building minimizes the overall volume and allows for the possibility a public connection. Alpine Skiing in Copenhagen We propose to turn the roof of the new Amagerforbraending into an artificial ski slope for the citizens of Copenhagen and its neighboring municipalities. The tall height of the internal volume of the plant means that this could be achieved with an average addition of 10m of vertical structure across the roof. The slope will be ecological and usable all year round, upending the convention of the energy intensive indoor or alpine ski resort.




1. Smoke ejection finish Piston pushes smoke out Upper gate is open Smoke ring forms As the lower gate is closed, surplus smoke can enter the pressure compensation chamber

2. Smoke storage begin While the smoke ring rises Upper gate is closed Lower gate is open Smoke storage chamber starts refilling Piston begins to rise Pressure compensator compresses

3. Smoke storage continues Storage chamber keeps filling And the piston keeps rising

4. Smoke ejection begin Storage chamber is full and the piston at it’s highest level Upper gate opens Lower gate closes Piston starts moving downward to push smoke out The pressure compensation chamber is ready to expand The complete cycle takes about 30 seconds



The smokestack is modified to puff smoke rings of 30m in diameter whenever 1 ton of fossil CO2 is released. These smoke rings which are the brainchild of Germany-based art studio realities:united will form due to the condensation of water in the flue gases as they as they slowly rise and cool, serving as a gentle reminder of the impact of consumption and a measuring stick that will allow the common Copenhagener to grasp the CO2 emission in a straightforward way - turning the smokestack traditionally the symbol of the industrial era into a symbol for the future. At night, heat tracking lights are used to position lasers on the smoke rings into glowing artworks. A chimney will extend up from the top of the slope and will emit a smoke ring every time a ton of carbon dioxide has been released, intended to remind local residents of their carbon footprint. These rings will be illuminated by lasers at night.







BUILT CASE STUDY #2 (archdaily.com) Incineration Line (Roskilde, Denmark) Erick Van Egeraat

For the illumination of the facade it was important that only the light and not the light sources themselves are visible. This has been realized by reflecting the light on the inner facade, which allowed the light glowing decently through the perforated skin. All luminaries can be programmed individually and in colour. Nevertheless the lighting is not intended to brighten the sky or dominate the surroundings, but rather serves to underline the buildings’ industrial character and above all to give it poetic meaning and experience at night.


The plant will incinerate waste, from nine surrounding municipalities and from many places abroad to produce electricity and heat power for the whole region of Roskilde. To provide the huge new incinerator line, planned in a relatively flat landscape and next to the relatively small city of Roskilde with a suitable appearance, an international design competition was organized. In 2008 the jury unanimously selected the design proposed by Erick van Egeraat. The design presents an iconic expression for the otherwise functional architecture of the local waste management company Kara/Noveren’s next generation incineration line. The facade consists of two layers: the inner layer is the skin which provides the actual climatic barrier, allowing the second skin to be treated more freely – raw umber-coloured aluminium plates with an irregular pattern of laser cut circular holes. The aluminum plates are treated to give them the desired colour and patina at day time. At night, the programmable lighting, installed between the two facades, gives the building an additional metaphor.

http://www.archdaily.com/544175/incineration-line-in-roskilde-erick-van-egeraat/ 5406be88c07a80371300014d_incineration-line-in-roskilde-erick-van-egeraat_ilr631-jpg/



http://www.archdaily.com/544175/incineration-line-in-roskilde-erick-van-egeraat/5406bf7bc07a80ae2200010b_ incineration-line-in-roskilde-erick-van-egeraat_ilr1160-jpg/

The design is based on simple construction details combined with cutting edge manufacturing technology for the production of the aluminum facade panels and clever processing and repetition. Due to its large scale, the incinerator is destined to become an outstanding structure in the wide and open landscape of the Roskilde area and represents a hyper-modern and sustainable energy plant, where waste will be turned into power.




Erick van Egeraat states about his design: ‘‘At night the back light perforated facade transforms the incinerator into a gently glowing beacon – a symbol of the plant’s energy production. Several times an hour a spark of light will gradually grow into a burning flame that lights up the entire building. When the metaphorical fire ceases, the building falls back into a state of burning embers.’’ 39

http://www.archdaily.com/544175/ incineration-line-in-roskilde-erick-van-egeraat/5406bfa3c07a801b04000141_incineration-line-in-roskildeerick-van-egeraat_ilr1222-jpg/

http://www.archdaily.com/544175/incineration-line-in-roskilde-erick-van-egeraat/5406c019c07a80ae2200010f_ incineration-line-in-roskilde-erick-van-egeraat_ilr1497-jpg/


http://www.archdaily.com/544175/ incineration-line-in-roskilde-erick-van-egeraat/5406be69c07a80371300014c_incineration-line-in-roskilde-erick-van-egeraat_ilr569-jpg/

The new incinerator in Roskilde is created specifically to add value to an otherwise purely industrial complex. Enriching the skyline of this small Danish city, once the Danish Capital, the silhouette of the incinerator also provides an historic comment. The lower part of the building resembles angular roofs of surrounding factories, but the impressive 97-meter spire and its materialization is the modern counterpart of the city’s prime historical monument, the Roskilde Cathedral.




BUILT CASE STUDY #3 (archdaily.com) Waste Treatment Facility (Barcelona, Spain) Batlle & Roig Architects


The Waste Treatment Facility (CTRV, in Spanish) is located on a hillside overlooking the Coll Cardús massif in the municipality of Vacarisses, in the district of the Vallès Occidental. This site is currently taken up by a controlled waste landfill site nearing its capacity limit. This fact has caused its managing body to consider regulating the closure of the facility and to study possible future uses for the area. The choice of the location of the CTRV has also taken into account different criteria of logistical and economic suitability, as well as the minimization of the environmental impact resulting from the installation and operation of waste management-related activities.


http://www.archdaily.com/191295/waste-treatment-facility-batlle-roig-architects/735-02_01_sc_ v2com/


http://www.archdaily.com/191295/waste-treatment-facility-batlle-roig-architects/735-02_09_sc_ v2com/

The activity of the landfill site has led to unfriendly topographical alterations and modifications in the natural environment. For this reason, we decided to establish the facilities in those areas where the activity of the landfill had already damaged the natural environment. Despite the size of the plant facilities, it is intended to achieve the highest landscape integration with the environment. In order to achieve this goal, we pursue a high topographical adaptation, where the impact from roofs and facades is minimized by the subsequent landscape restoration.


http://www.archdaily.com/191295/waste-treatment-facility-batlle-roig-architects/735-02_11_sc_ v2com/


The project involves the construction of two large treatment areas under a large roof. These areas, separated by a driveway, are different in height and they sit at different levels. That is the reason why the roof changes its geometry according to the programs and dimensions of each precinct. The roof will cover a variety of requirements: forced air vents, skylights, etc., and they will blend together by the use of a graphic structure that may be transformed into a landscape roof. The different circles contain earth, gravel, and native ground-covers and shrubs. Over time, they will balance the impact of the facility without resorting to camouflage or mimicry.







BUILT CASE STUDY #4 (archidose.org) Recycling Plant (Madrid, Spain) Ablos and Herreros


Situated in the Valdemingómez area of Madrid, Spain, this Recycling Plant for urban waste is part of a larger plan to improve both the social and environmental aspects of the Southeast Region. Designed by Madrid’s own Abalos & Herreros, the Plant is only part of a group of projects to create a system for waste treatment and recycling, while also transforming the area to achieve the regional plan’s goals.


The project unifies the typically separate components - including selection, processing and treatment facilities, offices, workshops and storage space - under a single, sloping, green roof (click here for plan). In the architect’s words, the roof echoes “the gravitational character of the process as it does the original hillside upon which it sits”. Aside from the roof, the other major exterior feature is the polycarbonate panels - appropriately recycled. The translucent panels admit light during the day and reverse the process at night, as the Plant admits a soft, yellow glow to the surroundings.




Intended to act as a recycling plant for 25 years, the building will either become a service building or dismantled with the parts recycled or re-used. Hopefully at that time the building will successfully change uses, because even though it is essentially an industrial container, it has been designed and built with such care that it would enhance its region, even if it exists as something else.


A unique aspect of the Recycling Plant is the incorporation of a museum and a route for visitors to watch the recycling process. In addition to the actual working conditions of the Plant, it also tries to educate the public by putting itself on display. In a way, then, the polycarbonate panels allude to the exhibition of the working processes. With the structure and interior finishes showing environmental sensitivity, the overall project - both building and program - goes beyond other “green� buildings.








Chapter 2.0 Design Analysis


2.1. Site Context

Georgia 52

Fulton County

Sandy Springs


Chattahoochee River

Chattahoochee River

Orkin Lake



Image 4

Image 3

Image 2

Image 1









Image 5


Image 6

Image 7

Image 8

Morgan Falls Overlook

Chattahoochee River

Chattahooche River

Morgan Hills Dam

Steel Canyon Golf Course

Steel Canyon Golf Course

Orkin Lake

Big Trees Forest Preservation




48% 15% 58





Institutional/ Government


Primary Streets Secondary Streets Tertiary Streets



1 Morgan Hills Dam 2 Sandy Springs Dog Park



3 Morgan Falls Overlook Park 4 Edgewater Apartments 3


5 Laurels at Overlook Park 6 Harbor Pointe Apartments

8 17 13

7 1

7 Sandy Springs Recycling Center 8 Cambridge Town homes


9 Morgan Hills Athletic fields 10 RBM of Atlanta 16



11 Classic Cadillac 12 Igreja Batista Lagointa Atlanta


13 World pay 14 The Fountains at Morgan Falls


15 North Springs United Methodist 11

4 10

16 Public Storage 17 Fed Ex


2.2. Site Analysis





Site Plan 66






20° 30°




20° 30°






50° 290°


60° 70°









250° 240°

120° 130°

230° 140°

220° 210°

150° 200°






Figure Ground







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