12/13/21, 2:27 PM
How to Steer Away from Plastic Water Bottles | Tyler Sadek | Water
How to Steer Away from Plastic Water Bottles by Tyler Sadek | Dec 13, 2021 | tyler sadek, water
Water is the beverage of choice for many people worldwide. And most people in the modern world drink bottled water regularly. But there’s a problem. Experts have found that only about 9% of all the plastic ever made (worldwide) has been recycled. And as for water bottles specifically, it is estimated that 60 million plastic water bottles end up in landfills every single day here in the US. With numbers like these, it is no wonder that many people are wondering how to use fewer plastic water bottles. Here are a few ideas that can make a huge impact.
Carry a Reusable Water Bottle One of the best places to start is to carry a reusable water bottle to use when dining out, shopping, or traveling. There are many high-quality non-plastic water bottles on the https://tylersadek.org/how-to-steer-away-from-plastic-water-bottles/