Researching, developing and specializing in well-being at work
Well-being through work
High-level The core of our activities is high-level research that is based on the needs of work life, and on the interaction between work and health in a changing environment. We refine research results into solutions that serve work life in co-operation with partners and clients. We evaluate the functionality and effectiveness of our solutions in work organizations and in Finnish society.
49 %
&D R activities by discipline (2013)
Medical and health sciences
31 %
Social sciences
11 %
Natural sciences
9 %
Technical science
1 %
R&D co-operation We focus on the following Themes: Work participation and working careers Disability prevention Renewal of occupational health and safety Leadership, competence and changing organizations Workspaces promoting well-being Nanosafety Brainwork and technology Approximately one tenth of our R&D activities are reformative, future-orientated activities. These activities involve the production of internationally high-level information, materials or methods aimed at the sustainable development of work life and the promotion of science and innovation. Reformative, future-orientated research supports the activities within our Themes and includes new initiatives that lay the foundation for activities in subsequent strategy periods.
71 % Research areas of our reformative, future-orientated activities: ● Biomedicine and
occupational health ● Sustainable development of Arctic work
Applied research
Basic research
● Public sector research ● New assessment methods
7 % 22 %
for chemical exposures
External R&D funding in 2013 amounted to over EUR 9 million. The most significant contributors to our funding are TEKES (the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation), the EU, the ESF (the European Social Fund), The Finnish Work Environment Fund, and the Academy of Finland.
Nature of
R&D activities (2013)
We support We offer reliable specialist advisory services, training, and effective tools for solving problems at your workplace.
Our services help improve the well-being at work of
people each year
your workplace Contact us for a quote when:
▲▲ you want to assess your work commu nity’s condition and improve its functionality, or when you need guidance in supervisory work and leadership,
▲▲ you want to make your work environment safer, need analysis services or if your target is zero accidents at the workplace,
▲▲ you suspect an occupational disease, need to assess an individ ual’s work ability or functional capacity, or when you want to improve the quality of your occupational health services (OHS),
▲▲ you want to develop your competence in occupational health, occupational safety, or well-being at work. Choose the right training for your work community from our selection of courses, or ask for a quote for tailored training.
Examples of our wide-ranging services: ● Occupational disease studies ● Biomonitoring and chemical
● Age management and sick-
ness absence management ● Management of chemical and dust problems ● Conflict and change management
● Indoor environment
analysis and development services of our clients are ● Protective device satisfied with our services training ● OHS development services ● Development of occupational safety and the Zero accident forum
Concise and Our website provides tips, facts and trends related to wellbeing at work in a form that is compact and easy to read.
ttl.ďŹ Our website has
1.7 million visits a year
comprehensive Together with our partners, we collect and interpret information on the status of and trends related to work and wellbeing at work.
We offer up-to-date information on the changes and developmental directions of work life, occupational health and occupational safety.
Our region- and industry-specific well-being at work profiles provide the occupational accident or occupational disease statistics of your region.
Strength through international and domestic networks – join us! We are active members of domestic, European and global networks. We co-operate with the World Health Organization (WHO) and are an expert institute of the International Labour Organization (ILO). We also work in close collaboration with the Nordic countries and the Baltic Sea and Barents regions. We organize international expert meetings and visit almost 1000 foreign and domestic experts every year.
The Cochrane Occupational Safety and Health Review Group operates within the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. This group produces systematic reviews regarding the effectiveness of occupational health and safety interventions as part of the global Cochrane Collaboration network.
Registers maintained by FIOH ● Finnish Database of
Occupational Exposure Measurements ● Finnish Register of Occupational Diseases
● FINJEM — the Finnish
job exposure matrix ● Register of Bio monitoring Exposure Assessments
● Register on Employees
Exposed to Carcinogens (ASA Register)
Our areas During the 2015 – 2020 strategy period, our activities will focus on five areas crucial to the development of work life.
Our vision 2020: Well-being through work Our vision is that work creates well-being at workplaces, at both the individual level, and in society at large.
For this reason, FIOH promotes well-being at work, which refers to the capacity and ability of work communities and individuals to operate in various situations as work life changes. This means we can contribute to improving the quality and productivity of work life, and to increasing work participation.
of priority 1 2
Well-being at work in an era of changing work life Reducing the development of work disability Musculoskeletal and mental health disorders
Occupational health co-operation
We must tighten co-operation between OHS, Occupational safety operators and workplaces in order to even more effectively improve well-being at work
Our values ● Effectiveness
4 5
Safety of new technologies Well-being in Arctic work
We apply the same principles in our own operations as those we recommend to others.
The results of our operations are reflected at workplaces as increased well-being, and in Finnish society as longer careers. ● Reliability Our solutions are built on research-based knowledge and reliable, effective methods. We are independent and neutral. ● Partnership Partnerships complement our expertise and provide added resources for implementing our strategy. We work together with our partners to determine how we can best support the success of our clients and the well-being of Finnish society.
Multidisciplinary Specialists in different disciplines work together at FIOH on issues arising from the needs of work life.
FIOH in a nutshell APPROX.
Body governed by public law under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
45 %
FUNDING from own profits
55 %
from state budget
We operate in five regional offices, which offer all our services. We take part in the activities of international organizations and the European Union in the role of an expert in occupational health and well-being at work.
expertise Over half of our staff work as experts or researchers, and 67 per cent have a university degree.
Organization FIOH operates through three Areas of Activity: ● Creating Solutions is responsible for R&D activities and
evaluates the functionality and effectiveness of solutions created at FIOH. ● Client Services offers workplaces specialist advisory services, training, and information packages subject to a fee. ● Influence through Knowledge is responsible for communications, publishing activities and knowledge management. For the development of competence, FIOH has three Centres of Expertise, which are in charge of staff and other resources.
Contact us for reliable research data and expertise!
Our online bookstore is open all hours FIOH’s online bookstore comprises over 300 publications and other products. Books can be ordered without having to register. Order our newsletter and follow our Twitter account in order to stay up to date on the latest research, events and products.
Offices Helsinki
Visiting addresses: Haartmaninkatu 1 D 00290 Helsinki Topeliuksenkatu 41b 00250 Helsinki Töölöntullinkatu 8 00250 Helsinki
Oulu FIOH Aapistie 1 90220 Oulu
Visiting address: Arinatie 3 A 00370 Helsinki
Tampere FIOH PO Box 486 33101 Tampere
Kuopio FIOH PO Box 310 70101 Kuopio
Visiting address: Uimalankatu 1 33540 Tampere
Visiting address: Neulaniementie 4 70210 Kuopio
Tel. +358 30 4741 Email: first
Turku FIOH Lemminkäisenk. 14-18 b 20520 Turku
Meilahti (Headquarters) FIOH PO Box 40 00251 Helsinki
Pitäjänmäki FIOH PO Box 18 00391 Helsinki