Barbara Dirks
Barbara Dirks 2010/2011
Libyen |Ливия
Дипломный проект Шрифтовое семейство «Ливия». Барбара Диркс
01 Состав проекта 02. Описание проекта 03. Постановка задачи 04. Изучение материала 05. Эскизы 06. Особенности построения шрифта 07. Начертания 08. Многоязыковая поддержка 09. Состав шрифтового семейства 10. Примеры использования шрифта
Курс «Шрифт и Типографика» куратор: Илья Рудерман; Россия, Москва, 2010/2011
Barbara Dirks
наличие контраста
Libyen |Ливия
Шрифт Ливия — это динамичный гуманистический гротеск
О проекте: В шрифте «Ливия» нашли своё отражение позитивные перемены, происходящие в современном обществе, ориентированном на открытость, дружелюбие, толерантность, гуманизм. Мягкий и дружественный характер шрифта утверждает свободную, творческую, конструктивную сущность человека, что обуславливает возможность использования шрифта при освещенении позитивных общественных процессов, событий в области культуры и искусства. Отсутствие чёткой строгости вертикалей, свободная пластика соединительных штрихов вцелом ассоциируется с темой свободы, легкости, неформалього общения, свободного времени. Шрифт «Ливия» хорошо подойдёт для раскрытия темы отдыха, дружеского общения, материалах о туризме, развлечениях. Вцелом, «Ливия» - современный шрифт, располагающий к неформальному общению и передающий атмосферу позитивных общественных процессов, успешно решаемых задач и богатых жизненных перспектив.
*в древнегреческой мифологии нимфа Ливия, возлюбленная Посейдона, от которого она родила близнецов Агенора и Бела , а также Лелега.
Barbara Dirks
наклон оси овалов
Libyen |Ливия
Libyen* Libyen is a dynamic humanist sans
n the script “Libya” has found their reflection the positive changes, taking place in modern society, aimed at openness, friendliness, tolerance and humanism. Gentle and friendly nature of the font demonstrates a free, creative, constructive character of human nature , what leads to the possibility of using this font for materials about such positive social processes as culture and art. Lack of clear rigor verticals, free plastic of connecting lines, as a whole, is associated with the theme of freedom, informal communication, free time. Font “Libya” is good for opening the theme of recrea-tion, companionship, materials related to tourism and entertainment. Attention to environmental issues - the result of free and responsible choice of modern man. Natural roundness and plasticity of the font lines reveals the theme of ecology, the development of ecologically successful technologies, the harmony of nature and technology. As a whole, “Libya” is a modern font, disposing to the informal communication and the atmosphere of positive social processes, successfully solved problems and the rich prospects in life.
* Libya (from Greek: Λιβύη) is the name given to both a region of North Africa (Ancient Libya) and a daughter of Epaphus, King of Egypt, in both Greek and Roman mythology.
Barbara Dirks
Libyen |Ливия
04. Изученные образцы шрифтов Based on About this font family In 1989, the International Typeface Corporation released the font. ITC Flora continues to work well on current printers and typesetters, and it has an enduring popularity for uses ITC Flora® that range from short text passages to display headlines. handwriting studies by its designer, Gerard Unger, ITC Flora is a unique design that blends the structure of a chancery italic with the Capucine simplicity of a sans serif. Typeface Corporation in 1989. A decorative face of freestyle flowing letterforms, it is stylized a little under wide brush calligraphy. Its Pallada letterforms are characterized with one-side serifs. For use in book heading, advertising and display matter. The face designed by Natalya Vasilyeva and licensed by ParaType in 2007.Внимание к вопросам охраны окружающей Master Flo среды результат собственного свободного и ответственного выбора современного человека. Master Flo is a freestyle script based on handwriting. The face inspired Master Flo by flat-nib felted pen or brush calligraphy. For use in short texts and informal headlines. This family typeface consists of three fonts which have the same weight and style, but have been designed to work best at Rumba different sizes and in slightly different contexts. It is based on handwriting and calligraphy and consists of three typefaces: Rumba Small (for texts), Rumba Large (for headlines) and Rumba Extra (for words). Bree, based on TypeTogether’s logotype, is a sleek sans Bree serif that delivers a polished and modern look and feel for branding or headline usage. Иследование дизайнеров шрифтов, Some of its most characteristic features работ are the one-story ‘a’, the cursive ‘e’, the curves решающих схожие задачи in the outstrokes of ‘v’ and ‘w’, the flourish ‘Q’ and the fluidity Изученные штof shapes on ‘g y z’. Alternate letters of these are available when a more classical look is desired.
Barbara Dirks
abc ghij nopq wx
05. Особенности построения
• пластичные окончания штрихов • плавное втекание
Libyen |Ливия
def klm rstu yz • динамика контраста • изгиб основного штриха
Barbara Dirks
07. Начертания Thin | Libyen | 42/48 pt.
Hamburgefonts Light | Libyen | 42/48 pt.
Hamburgefonts Regular | Libyen | 42/48 pt.
Hamburgefonts Semi-bold | Libyen | 42/48 pt.
Hamburgefonts Bold Libyen | 42/48 pt.
Так как шрифт предназначен для использования в журналах, немаловажной задачей было создание нескольких начертаний. Libyen |Ливия
Тесты начертаний разной насыщенности
Thin | Libyen | 9/12 pt. If you’re a subscriber, you’ll notice that bundled with your magazine this month is our brand new ‘100 Restaurants & Bars’ guide for 2011. It’s a bigger, beter, more comprehensive book than 2010’s edition, including lots of recentlyreviewed newcomers, as well as some great stalwartswe hadn’t included last time round. You’ll also find additional features like culinary shop alerts, farmers markets and great streets where you know you’ll always find something for your tummy: destination food. Light | Libyen | 9/12 pt.. If you’re a subscriber, you’ll notice that bundled with your magazine this month is our brand new ‘100 Restaurants & Bars’ guide for 2011. It’s a bigger, better, more comprehensive book than 2010’s edition, including lots of recently-reviewed newcomers, as well as some great stalwartswe hadn’t included last time round. You’ll also find additional features like culinary shop alerts, farmers markets and great streets where you know you’ll always find something for your tummy: destination food. Regular | Libyen | 9/12 pt. If you’re a subscriber, you’ll notice that bundled with your magazine this month is our brand new ‘100 Restaurants & Bars’ guide for 2011. It’s a bigger, better, more comprehensive book than 2010’s edition, including lots of recently-reviewed newcomers, as well as some great stalwartswe hadn’t included last time round. You’ll also find additional features like culinary shop alerts, farmers markets and great streets where you know you’ll always find something for your tummy: destination food. Semi-bold | Libyen | 9/12 pt. If you’re a subscriber, you’ll notice that bundled with your magazine this month is our brand new ‘100 Restaurants & Bars’ guide for 2011. It’s a bigger, better, more comprehensive book than 2010’s edition, including lots of recently-reviewed newcomers, as well as some great stalwartswe hadn’t included last time round. You’ll also find additional features like culinary shop alerts, farmers markets and great streets where you know you’ll always find something for your tummy: destination Bold | Libyen | 9/12 pt. If you’re a subscriber, you’ll notice that bundled with your magazine this month is our brand new ‘100 Restaurants & Bars’ guide for 2011. It’s a bigger, better, more comprehensive book than 2010’s edition, including lots of recently-reviewed newcomers, as well as some great stalwartswe hadn’t included last time round. You’ll also find additional features like culinary shop alerts, farmers markets and great streets where you know you’ll always
Barbara Dirks
literally and figuratively
Gunmen in deadly
Ruud Gullit
unimpressed to the other suburbs where I have lived
to the other suburbs where I have lived
Loup-phoque Libyen |Ливия
08. Многоязыковая поддержка English | Libyen | 9/12 pt. Pie is experiencing a revolution of sorts in the United States. Once a dowdy sweet associated with church suppers, now the dessert can be found served in stylish. Each region has a specialty based on local ingredients and culture, so if you filled your plate by motoring across the country, you could make an American pie flight, so to speak. Fruit pies rule the oven racks in the East. English | Libyen | 9/12 pt. Серия передач “Жизнь” на канале euronews переносит вас в самые разные страны мира, предлагая по-новому взглянуть на место нашей очередной остановки. В этих передачах мы расскажем вам о культуре, истории, экономическом развитии страны, стиле жизни или проблемах. German | Libyenr | 9/12 pt. Auf Vielfalt setzte die 35. Ausgabe des Internationalen Animationsfilm Festivals in Annecy am Fuß der französischen Alpen. Über 220 Streifen lockten in den verschiedenen Festivalsektionen. Weil der Programmschwerpunkt diesmal auf unabhängigen US-Produktionen lag, erschien die Festivalleitung zur Preisübergabe in zünftiger Cowboykluft. French | Libyen | 9/12 pt. On ne connaît que les choses que l’on apprivoise, dit le renard. Les hommes n’ont plus le temps de rien connaître. Ils achètent des choses toutes faites chez les marchands. Mais comme il n’existe point de marchands d’amis, les hommes n’ont plus d’amis. Si tu veux un ami, apprivoise-moi ! Adieu, dit le renard. Spanish | Libyen regular & bold | 9/12 pt. Sólo conocemos las cosas que domesticamos, dijo el zorro. Los hombres ya no tienen tiempo de conocer nada. Compran en las tiendas cosas hechas. Pero como no hay ninguna tienda donde vendan amigos, los hombres ya no tienen amigos. ¡Si quieres un amigo, domestícame! Adiós, dijo el zorro. Te diré un secreto. E Czech | Libyen | 9/12 pt. Známe jen ty věci, které si ochočíme, řekla liška. Lidé už nemají čas, aby něco poznávali. U obchodníků nakupují věci úplně hotové. Ale protože s přátelstvím se nekupčí, nemají přátel. Chceš-li přítele, ochoč si mě! (...) Sbohem, řekla liška. Tady je mé tajemství, docela jednoduché: správně vidíme jen srdcem. Co je důležité je očím neviditelné. urkish | Libyen regular | 9/12 pt. Öte yandan, santralde soğutma çalışmalarını sürdüren 2 bin 400 çalışandan en az 8’inin yüksek radyasyona maruz kaldığı açıklandı. 11 Mart’ta Japonya’nın kuzeydoğusunu sarsan 9 büyüklüğündeki deprem ve ardından meydana gelen tsunami, Fukuşima nükleer santralininde patlamalara neden olmuş, çevreye yayılan yüksek oranda radyoaktif madde de hava ve suya karışarak çevre felaketine yol açmıştı.
Barbara Dirks
exhibitions Fuß der französischen
Barrier-free Türkiye’de de türüne
tv&radio χρειάζ εταιόμως επειγόντως
Dialling What’s Libyen |Ливия
Многоязыковая поддержка Hungarian | Libyen regular & black | 9/12 pt. A karácsonyfa díszítés az apa feladata, az édesanya a konyhában szorgoskodik, amelyről ínycsiklandó illatok árulkodnak. A hagyományos családi menüsor ritkán változik, hal szinte mindenhol kerül az asztalra, legtöbbször rántva vagy halászlé formájában. Aki karácsonykor nem szereti az újításokat, nem próbálkozik új fogásokkal, mert ragaszkodik a hagyományokhoz, és a család is ezt várja tőle. Greek | Libyen regular | 9/12 pt. Εμείς να προσθέσουμε, αυτό που δεν αναφέρεται στην επιστολή, ότι οι αστυνομικοί αγοράζουν ... εξ’ ιδίων, με δικά τους χρήματα, εκτός από το “κράνος”και τα “αλεξίσφα ιρα γιλέκα” που χρειάζονται! Αυτά κοστίζουν περί τα 1500 ευρώ! Τ’ αγοράζουν προς διευκόλυση τους ..τμηματικά, πρώτα το στήθος μετά το τμήμα που καλύπτει το.....
Latvian | Libyen | 9/12 pt. Kad būsi iztērējis datu apjomu bez ātruma ierobežojuma, līdz mēneša beigām ātrums tiks samazināts (16 Kb/s lejupielādei, 8 Kb/s augšupielādei). Ja vēlies lietot datu pārraidi ar iepriekšējo ātrumu, jāiegādājas papildu datu apjoms. To var izdarīt pavisam vienkārši – Tev tikai jānosūta īsziņa APJOMS uz kodu. Kad būsi iztērējis datu apjomu bez ātruma ierobežojuma, līdz mēneša beigām ātrums tiks samazināts Norwegian | Libyen regular & bold | 9/12 pt. – Vi vet lite om disse to ulveparene. Jeg har ikke fått inn mange meldinger om dem, men vi har bekreftet et ulvepar som foreløpig kalles Eidskogparet, og to ulver som mange betegner som Mangenparet, sier Petter Wabakken, ulveforsker ved Høgskolen i Hedmark, avdeling Evenstad. Disse to parene har vi tidligere omtalt i Raumnes. Statens Naturoppsyn har fastslått at minst ett av parene har vært på enkelte besøk i Nes i løpet av vinteren. Polish | Libyen regular & Light | 9/12 pt. Nie ukrywał jednak, że po jego usłyszeniu czuje ulgę. - Człowiek w takich momentach może się tylko cieszyć, cieszę się z sukcesu. Przede wszystkim z tego, że podwładni którymi dowodziliśmy, zostali uniewinnieni - wyjaśnił. Osiecki mówił, że ma żal do dwóch prokuratorów, którzy zajmowali się sprawą od początku, a nie do prokuratora obecnego w środę w sądzie, bo nie jest on odpowiedzialny za błędy. Icelandic | Libyen | 9/12 pt. Á skömmum tíma varð hún ein fremsta leikkona Íslendinga og sló í gegn sem Edith Piaf. Hún hefur nóg að gera þessa dagana og segist hamingjusöm þegar hún hafi nóg fyrir stafni. Hún hefur tekist á við breytingar að undanförnu og hyggst fara enn lengra og hefja nám í Yale-háskóla í Bandaríkjunum. Hún býr sátt við lífið og leiklistina í litlu bárujárnshúsi bak við Þjóðleikhúsið ásamt manninum sínum, tíu ára dóttur sinni, sem hjálpar henni að læra texta, og köttunum sínum tveimur.
Barbara Dirks
Состав шрифтового семейства Libyen regular| 24 pt basic latin | 24 pt
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQQRSTUVWXYZ extended latin | 24 pt
æâáàäåãăāąǻçĉčćċðďđêéèëĕėęěĝğġ ģĥħıîíìïīįĭijĵĸķĺļľŀłŋńņňñʼnoeôóòöõøǿōŏ őþŕŗřßśŝşšșſţťŧûúùüűũūŭůųŵÿỳýŷźżž ÆÂÁÄÅÃĂĀĄǺǼÇĈČĆĊĎĐÊÉÈËĔĖĘĚ ĜĞĠĢĤĦÎÍÌÏĪĮĬIJĴĶĹĻĽĿŁŊŃŅŇÑOEÔÓ ÒÖÕØǾŌŎŐÞŔŖŘŚŜŞŠȘŢŤŦÛÚÙÜŰ ŨŪŬŮŲŴŸỲÝŶŹŻŽ numerals
0123456789 ¥€$£¢ 0123456789 ¥€$£ƒ
Libyen |Ливия
кириллические знаки
абвгдеёжзийклмнопрсту фхцчшщъыьэюя БВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУ ФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ greek
αββγδεζηθθικλμνξοπρσςτυφφχψω άέήίϊΐόύϋΰώ ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΥΦΧΨΩ ΆΈΉΊΪΌΎΫΏ currency symbols
?!•¿¡([{—}])|¦«&.»‹-›‘…’ “;·”:@„“/–\’~_¶§†‡*°®©™ №ℓ∂∫√◊℮ºª%‰ #+×≠=≈÷±≤∞≥<¬>¼½¾
Barbara Dirks
09. Состав шрифтового семейства
Libyen thin | 14 pt
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ æâáàäåãăāąǻçĉčćċðďđêéèëĕėęěĝğġģĥ ħıîíìïīįĭijĵĸķĺļľŀłŋńņňñʼnoeôóòöõøǿōŏőþŕŗřßśŝşšșſţťŧûúù üűũūŭůųŵÿỳýŷźżž ÆÂÁÀÄÅÃĂĀĄǺǼÇĈČĆĊĎĐÊÉÈË ĔĖĘĚĜĞĠĢĤĦÎÍÌÏĪĮĬIJĴĶĹĻĽĿŁŊŃŅŇÑOEÔÓÒÖÕØǾŌŎŐ ÞŔŖŘŚŜŞŠȘŢŤŦÛÚÙÜŰŨŪŬŮŲŴŸỲÝŶŹŻŽ БВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя 0123456789 ¥€$£¢ 0123456789 ¥€$£ƒ?!•¿¡([{—}])|¦«&.»‹-›‘…’“@;·”:„“/– \’~_¶§†‡*°®©™№ ∂ √ ℮ºª %‰#+×≠=≈÷±≤≥<¬>
Libyen Light| 14 pt
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ æâáàäåãăāąǻçĉčćċðďđêéèëĕėęěĝğġģĥ ħıîíìïīįĭijĵĸķĺļľŀłŋńņňñʼnoeôóòöõøǿōŏőþŕŗřßśŝşšșſţťŧûúù üűũūŭůųŵÿỳýŷźżž ÆÂÁÀÄÅÃĂĀĄǺǼÇĈČĆĊĎĐÊÉÈË ĔĖĘĚĜĞĠĢĤĦÎÍÌÏĪĮĬIJĴĶĹĻĽĿŁŊŃŅŇÑOEÔÓÒÖÕØǾŌŎŐ ÞŔŖŘŚŜŞŠȘŢŤŦÛÚÙÜŰŨŪŬŮŲŴŸỲÝŶŹŻŽ БВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя 0123456789 ¥€$£¢ 0123456789 ¥€$£ƒ?!•¿¡([{—}])|¦«&.»‹-›‘…’“@;·”:„“/– \’~_¶§†‡*°®©™№ ∂ √ ℮ºª %‰#+×≠=≈÷±≤≥<¬>
Libyen |Ливия
Состав шрифтового семейства
Libyen bold | 14 pt
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ æâáàäåãăāąǻçĉčćċðďđêéèëĕėęěĝğġģĥ ħıîíìïīįĭijĵĸķĺļľŀłŋńņňñʼnoeôóòöõøǿōŏőþŕŗřßśŝşšșſţťŧûúù üűũūŭůųŵÿỳýŷźżž ÆÂÁÀÄÅÃĂĀĄǺǼÇĈČĆĊĎĐÊÉÈË ĔĖĘĚĜĞĠĢĤĦÎÍÌÏĪĮĬIJĴĶĹĻĽĿŁŊŃŅŇÑOEÔÓÒÖÕØǾŌŎŐ ÞŔŖŘŚŜŞŠȘŢŤŦÛÚÙÜŰŨŪŬŮŲŴŸỲÝŶŹŻŽ БВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя 0123456789 ¥€$£¢ 0123456789 ¥€$£ƒ?!•¿¡([{—}])|¦«&.»‹-›‘…’“@;·”:„“/–\’~ _¶§†‡*°®©™№ ∂ √ ℮ºª %‰#+×≠=≈÷±≤≥<¬>
Libyen bold | 14 pt
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ æâáàäåãăāąǻçĉčćċðďđêéèëĕėęěĝğġģĥ ħıîíìïīįĭijĵĸķĺļľŀłŋńņňñʼnoeôóòöõøǿōŏőþŕŗřßśŝşšșſţťŧûúù üűũūŭůųŵÿỳýŷźżž ÆÂÁÀÄÅÃĂĀĄǺǼÇĈČĆĊĎĐÊÉÈË ĔĖĘĚĜĞĠĢĤĦÎÍÌÏĪĮĬIJĴĶĹĻĽĿŁŊŃŅŇÑOEÔÓÒÖÕØǾŌŎŐ ÞŔŖŘŚŜŞŠȘŢŤŦÛÚÙÜŰŨŪŬŮŲŴŸỲÝŶŹŻŽ БВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя 0123456789 ¥€$£¢ 0123456789 ¥€$£ƒ?!•¿¡([{—}])|¦«&.»‹-›‘…’“@;·”:„“/–\’~_ ¶§†‡*°©™№ ∂ √ ℮ºª %‰#+×≠=≈÷±≤≥<¬>
Barbara Dirks
Тесты начертаний разной насыщенности
9/12 pt. The typographic environment of tables, text, signage and likely much else that lies between a proper book and display sized poster might vaguely be described as information typography. To be sure, this designation requires one to get comfortable with ambiguity and accept some wiggle room. What about smaller posters? Is one sentence text? You get the idea, but whatever the case, this area of design is one that needs some grace, comfortability and ease. Can we be exact and informal at the same time? Hopefully. Itís with this spirit that Seravek offers itís services for your consideration. The special
9/12 pt. The typographic environmentof tables, text, signage and likely much else that lies between a proper book and display sized poster might vaguely be described as information typography. To be sure, this designation requires one to get comfortable with ambiguity and accept some wiggle room. What about smaller posters? Is one sentence text? You get the idea, but whatever the case, this area of design is one that needs some grace, comfortability and ease. Can we be exact and informal at the same time? Hopefully. Itís with this spirit that Seravek offers itís services for your consideration. The special
11/15 pt.
11/15 pt.
The typographic environment of tables, text, signage and likely much else that lies between a proper book and display sized poster might vaguely be described as information typography. To be sure, this designation requires one to get comfortable with ambiguity and accept some wiggle room. What about smaller posters? Is one sentence text? You get the idea, but whatever the case, this area of design is one that needs some grace, com fortability and ease. Can we be exact and informal at the same time? Hopefully. Itís with this spirit that Seravek offers itís services for your consideration. The special
Libyen |Ливия
The typographic environment of tables, text, signage and likely much else that lies between a proper book and display sized poster might vaguely be described as information typography. To be sure, this designation requires one to get comfortable with ambiguity and accept some wiggle room. What about smaller posters? Is one sentence text? You get the idea, but whatever the case, this area of design is one that needs some grace, com fortability and ease. Can we be exact and informal at the same time? Hopefully. Itís with this spirit that Seravek offers itís services for your consideration. The special
9/12 pt. Regular The typographic environment of tables, text, signage and likely much else that lies between a proper book and display sized poster might vaguely be described as information typography. To be sure, this designation requires one to get comfortable with ambiguity and accept some wiggle room. What about smaller posters? Is one sentence text? You get the idea, but whatever the case, this area of design is one that needs some grace, comfortability and ease. Can we be exact and informal at the same time? Hopefully. Itís with this spirit that Seravek offers itís services for your consideration. The special 11/15 pt. Regular
The typographic environment of tables, text, signage and likely much else that lies between a proper book and display sized poster might vaguely be described as information typography. To be sure, this designation requires one to get comfortable with ambiguity and accept some wiggle room. What about smaller posters? Is one sentence text? You get the idea, but whatever the case, this area of design is one that needs some grace, com fortability and ease. Can we be exact and informal at the same time? Hopefully. Itís with this spirit that Seravek offers itís services for your consideration. The special
Barbara Dirks
9/12 pt.Bold The typographic environmentof tables, text, signage and likely much else that lies between a proper book and display sized poster might vaguely be described as information typography. To be sure, this designation requires one to get comfortable with ambiguity and accept some wiggle room. What about smaller posters? Is one sentence text? You get the idea, but whatever the case, this area of design is one that needs some grace, comfortability and ease. Can we be exact and informal at the same time? Hopefully.
11/15 pt. Bold
The typographic environment of tables, text, signage and likely much else that lies between a proper book and display sized poster might vaguely be described as information typography. To be sure, this designation re quires one to get comfortable with ambiguity and accept some wiggle room. What about smaller posters? Is one sentence text? You get the idea, but whatever the case, this area of design is one that needs some grace, comfortability and ease. Can we be exact and informal at the same time? Hopefully. Itís with this spirit that Seravek offers itís services for your consideration. The special
10.Примеры использования шрифта
Libyen |Ливия
Vice NO
High maintenance
Gut reaction: Michael Akanjee, weed model, lent his body to our research
Needing a breath of fresherair, MarieCharlotte Pezé goes in search of a healthier high If giving up smoking isn’t a New Year’s resolution you plan to make, at least there are some options for what we might call a ‘cleaner’ high. Following the well-trodden path of organic foods, bio weed is finding its footing in coffeeshops around town. ‘Much like organic foodstuffs, organic weed is grown in real soil without pesticides or additives,’ says David Duclos, director at Cannabis College,
Duclos, director at Cannabis College, explaining that it’s more fragrant than regular weed and definitely tastes better: ‘Think organic tomatoes compared to hydroponic, off-season tomatoes.’ In the past couple of years, coffee-
Organic weed has a much stronger scent and the heads are not as compact explaining that it’s more fragrant than regular weed and definitely tastes better: ‘Think organic tomatoes compared to hydroponic, off-season tomatoes.’In the past couple of years.
94 January 2011 Barbara Dirks
So, how to know if its truly organic? Hunt is proud of Homegrown Fantasy’s leafy, full-bodied heads; Jon Eijgermans from Katsu explains that buds with pesticides are rougher and have striation when observed under the microscope. ‘Organic weed is softer and friendlier’, he
Dampkring The spicy Amnesia Haze was dense and solid, and less leafy than expected, but it had a distinctive fresh smell and a funny peppery taste. Its super-strong sativa effect wasn’t my thing – I thought organic was supposedto mean ‘less potent’. €13/gram
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2005–06 average full-time academics salaries and gender pay gaps average £ average £ average £ Institution
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1 University of the Arts, London
2 Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh
3 University of Central England in Birmingham
4 York St John University
5 Staff ordshire University
6 Bolton University
7 University College for the Arts, Canterbury
8 Staff ordshire University
9 Chichester University
10 Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
Libyen |Ливия
Спасибо: Илье Рудерману, Даниле Воробьеву, Алексею Ваняшину, Валерию Голыженкову, Евгению Добровинскому, Владимиру Ефимову, Ирине Смирновой, Александру Тарбееву, Алексею Шевцову.
Барбара диркс
Barbara Dirks
Libyen |Ливия
Barbara Dirks