7 Powerful Ways To Make Money From Adsense Using Only Free Tools Monetizing Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing How to Earn Money From Facebook Auto Blog Samurai
7 Powerful Ways To Make Money From
Kickstart Money System
Adsense Using Only Free Tools
12 14 16
Top Ten Must Have Tools For Anyone In
A Home Based Business
Income Entourage Reviews
How To Make Money Using PayPal
and Affiliates Like Google, Amazon, and
LinkShare Using WordPress
You Choose?
How to Increase Membership Sales
Ebook Review: The Silent Sales Machine
Profit Bank By Millionaire Society - What
How to Make Money Online From Ads Blogger Vs WordPress -Which Should
You Really Need To Know
Make Money Via Paypal By Joining Free
Online Survey Sites
Monetizing Your Blog With Affiliate
Article Marketing Made Easier by Article
Submission Software
Online Revenue - LinkShare Affiliate
Auction Traffic Explosion -A Review of
John Thornhill’s eBook
Syndicated Articles - Article Domination
Hiding on eBay! Facebook - 3 FreeWays to Grow Your
Top 10 List of the Best Affiliate Networks
Network Marketing
Online Advertising Tips to Help You
Make Money Online? 5 Brutal Facts a
Beginners Should Know
Successful Steps To Effective Facebook
Promote Your Business Online
Facebook Advantage and Disadvantages
How to Earn Money From Facebook
Make Money Formula - Make Money
Discover a Comprehensive New System
to Produce a Massive Stream of Traffic on a
How to Make Money Flipping Websites
Daily Basis 60 Auto Blog Samurai Software Review
How to Make Money Online Using Your
- Why Is It So Great?
Make Money Online In 2011- Absolutely
No Working Experience Require
Auto Blog Samurai Benefit -Discover
How To Build Massive List Using Auto Blog Software
95 Affiliate Marketing - How To Choose An Affiliate Program
Party Plan - A Great Way To Increase
Top Affiliate Networks - A Comparison
of the Big Four 4
June 2011
Twitter Marketing Tips - 7Unorthodox
Strategies to Use Twitter For Business
98 Ewen Chia’s Optin Profits Review- Effective
Make Money on YouTube Videos - 5 Tips
on How to Earn Money on YouTube
Benefits of WordPress
Marketing Using Optin Profits Methods June 2011
7 Powerful Ways To Make Money From Adsense Using Only Free Tools There is really no doubting that there are
is not too difficult to quickly build a list that
amazing incomes currently being made on
reaches a million or so email boxes and can
Google Adsense and the really interesting
thus give a lot of visibility and drive tons of
thing is that even relatively small sites and
highly targetd traffic to your Adsense site or
blogs are finding new ways to make money
from their Adsense sites every day.
Probably the most popular place for doing this is at Yahoo groups, but there are a few others
Actually there are a lot of increasingly creative
that you can find easily by using your favorite
ways to make money and maximize on
search engine.
Adsense earnings that are being discovered and also being put to use every day. And what’s
Success here depends on three main factors.
even more fascinating is the fact that most of
Firstly you should be careful to join article
these tools being used don’t cost anything.
announcement lists and ezine lists that are
They are actually free. Here are 7 of the most
as relevant as possible to your subject matter
effective currently being used.
and offering. Secondly your headline has to
Ways to make money from Adsense by
be a killer headline that will grab readers by
Distributing articles through ezine and article
the scruffs of their necks and force them to
announcement lists
open your email message amongst the dozens or even hundreds of others they receive daily.
June 2011
Some of the most effective methods ways to
It goes without saying that the content must
make money from Adsense clicks involve the
meet the promise of your sensational headline.
simple step of just increasing the volume of
Anything less will cause annoyance and leave
targeted traffic to a site. One of the ways of
all those potential visitors to your Adsense
doing this is by distributing interesting content
site feeling cheated. And believe me, you don’t
to ezine lists and article announcement lists. It
want to cause this sort of reaction because it is June 2011
ONLINEMillionaire definitely not one of the ways o make money
One of the reasons for this is that targeted
from Adsense or any other program for that
traffic will tend to spend more time at your
matter. Thirdly, you will need the sort of
site or sites, and the more time they spend, the
resource box in all your articles that will leave
higher the chances that they will click one one
most of your readers with no option but to
of the Adsense ads posted there.
visit your Adsense site. Within a very short of consistently applying
Ways to make money from Adsense by
this technique, my daily Adsense earnings
Using Articles And A Viral Marketing Website
increased seven-fold. Any online marketing technique that involves Ways to make money from Adsense by
the use of referral marketing or viral marketing
Distributing free articles to high traffic article
automatically has a huge chance of being a
success. The net is ideal for viral marketing and
Some people find the recent trends that have
in fact gives any viral marketer huge leverage.
seen an increase in article sites surprising. I
Viral marketing or referral marketing is one
don’t. The net is primarily an information-
of the most effective ways to make money
seeking tool. Anything that will help improve
online. Just ask Bill Gates.
the search and quality of information will greatly benefit the people making that effort.
When Gates was trying to play catch up on the Internet after an earlier mistake of
Some of the older article directories receive
underestimating the future importance of
very high traffic, mainly from web masters
the net, he launched his Hotmail free email
and site owners seeking quality free content
service when rivals like Yahoo already had
for their sites. So apart from the immediate
millions of users. He decided to use a simple
exposure these sites also guarantee plenty of
referral marketing technique. Every Hotmail
future targeted traffic to your site, when folks
message that went out had a brief signature at
find your articles useful enough to re-post at
the end requesting the recipient to sign up for
their sites. The more new articles you release
their free Hotmail account. Within a few short
to these sites every week, the more targeted
months, Hotmail had millions of users. And
traffic your Adsense sites will receive. This is in
there are many other amazing stories which
fact one of the most effective ways of making
viral marketing boasts of on the net.
money consistently from Adsense clicks. 8
June 2011
There is one of the very simple ways to make
that using famous quotes is more effective
In the old days, before the invention of money,
SPAM or unsolicited email. All this is “gold”
money from Adsense by going viral. Sign
than a straight advertising message. Always
if somebody needed something, the first
lying in your email inbox and there are ways
up at a leading viral marketing site. You will
remember that people hate to be advertised to
question they asked themselves was; “What is
to make money using these emails. All you
automatically get your own viral site. You can
it that I already have that I can exchange for
need to do to process the emails into pure gold
what I need? Barter trade seems to have been
is to send out “teaser emails about the most
forgotten but it is a very powerful method of
interesting aspects of content at your site.
then use some of your articles to point people to your viral site. The way these sites work is
that anybody who signs up at your site will
Asking Questions At Discussion groups
trading. More so online where people have
The whole objective of teaser emails is to get
have to visit your Adsense site if you register
I recently had an interesting conversation
plenty of skills but are slow to trust others
people to visit your site. For instance if I were
it at the site. So within a very short time you
with a young Internet and computer techie.
enough to send them money for an item they
to send out teaser email on this content here is
will be driving thousands of visitors to your
He asked me whether there were quick ways
how I would construct it;
Adsense site.
to make money online by answering technical
You can barter whatever it is you have, your
Subject: Free Tools Currently Being Used To
Find more details on this at my blog whose
questions and helping people to solve their
skills, products or services, and exchange
Increase Adsense Earnings
address you’ll find in the resource box below.
computer and web-related problems. My
them for genuine valuable Adsense keywords.
Admittedly this traffic is less targeted. Still the
answer was that there were many discussion
Valuable Adsense keywords are the most
Just thought you might be interested in this
huge potential and possible numbers you are
groups where participants would get these
effective way for a small site with low traffic to
subject, since so many folks online use Adsense
able to receive using this free tool more than
answers for free. I advised him that he had a
earn big cash from Adsense. And you can do
these days. If not please accept my sincere
makes up for this.
better chance of making money by making
this barter trade on an ongoing basis so that
apologies. Details are at my site.
use of this free advice available online rather
you always have a constant supply of valuable
www. your site’s address .com
than by trying to sell his own advice.
Adsense keywords which you can use at your
With Your Email signature
There are tons of online discussion groups
site or blog as one of the ways to make more
People greatly underestimate the power
where leading world experts will answer your
money from Adsense.
I am sure you can write an even more effective
and potential effectiveness of a simple email
questions and give you valuable insight for
signature as one of the ways to make money
free. It is amazing why most people do not
online. Actually this is a viral marketing
think of using these online forums to learn
Sending Teaser Emails
different one for your business contacts and yet
method because emails get forwarded all the
as much as they can about the most effective
To Everybody In Your Inbox And Also To
another one for those nasty guys SPAMMING
time and are even copied to several other
ways of making money from Adsense.
Your Opt-in Email List
you. These are just some of the many creative
people sometimes. Do not waste another
These forums can easily be found through you
Most of us receive tons of email in our inbox
ways to make money from Adsense.
minute. Go to all your email accounts right
favorite search engine.
every day. You’ll be surprised at the huge
Christopher Kyalo is a successful online writer and entrepreneur. Visit his blog to read the rest of this article; http:// webcontentprovider.blogspot.com/2005/10/7-powerful-waysto-make-money-from.html He can be reached at strongwallafrica at yahoo.com
Ways to make money from Adsense
Ways to make money from Adsense By
teaser email. It would be a better idea to have Ways to make money from Adsense By
number of people you know by simply going
now and create a signature that points to your Adsense site or sites.
Ways to make money from Adsense
through your email inbox. No matter how
Writing effective email signatures is a skill that
By Bartering your online skills for valuable
good your spam filters are, you are also bound
you will have to develop, but I have found
Adsense keywords.
to be receiving more than your fare share of
June 2011
a different message for your close friends, a
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_ Kyalo
June 2011
Income Entourage Reviews
ONLINEMillionaire Income Entourage is another great development of Lewis and Stephenson that will be launched in a couple of weeks. These two names might be known to you. Income Entourage became another high quality internet marketing software that going to become an extremely popular amongst its users. The Income Entourage review below is for your information: This program had been created after receiving the users’ feedback who actually requested a software which can be operated very easily and attract a lot of traffic to the websites for free. Taking this idea as a base, Lewis and Stephenson developed the Income Entourage software. It is well known that the more traffic you get to your website the more clients you possibly get and most likely it will bring you good profit. The software is extremely easy to use. People wanted to have the software that will not require special technical knowledge in order to use it. There was a demand to such kind of software that will release them of the headache of spending long hours in front of computers to create a website which will attract heavy traffic and eventually will lead to the business success online. Unfortunately, the limited information about the software is available by now. But the comprehensive information will be available right after the launching the product what is going to happen in almost two weeks. At that time you will be able to go through the detailed Income Entourage review online before making your decision of purchasing the product. And you can be sure that after purchasing the program you will be trained in order to know all the secrets of using Income Entourage in a most profitable way.
June 2011
The life changing software will come out on 13th of June 2011. Before that life changing moment, have a look at the comments posted on Internet by those who tested the software. You can get any Income Entourage Bonuses out from there. Imagine that along with the purchased program you will get free video tutorial from which you will get all necessary information about the entire marketing program installed; experts in internet marketing field will share their knowledge with you through live webinars. If you are totally inexperienced in Online Marketing and this is the first time you launch the business, don’t worry. You will understand it straight after your purchase. If your aim is to launch the website which will bring you profits without any hassle and by just following a simple process then this software is exactly the one you were looking for. The long waited day is coming on 13.06.11. Meantime, have a look on the comments posted by people who were lucky enough to test the software before it is released. Don’t worry if this is the first time you get involved in Internet Marketing. Actually the software Income Entourage suits you perfectly. The software that probably will change your life is coming out on June 13 of 2011. Some people had a chance to test software and all of them are satisfied with it, saying that there is not threat of Income Entourage scam. But bear in mind that usually the opportunity is given once. Therefore, make a note in your calendar that 13 June of 2011 is a moment that you have to use your chance. Timothy is an world wide web marketer for 3 years. He enjoys the cats and the world wide web! Income Entourage bonus Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6306433
June 2011
How To Make Money Using PayPal Paypal is the dominant payment processor on
Affiliate marketing:This is the art of getting
the internet today. It is hard to go just two sites
people to visit a specific site using your link.
now without finding someone who accepts
You place links on your blog to sites that you
this as a form of payment, it has made buying
want to make money from and get people to
things dangerously easy! So how do you flip
click through those links and visit the sites, if
the coin and make money using PayPal?
they then buy something you get a percentage
There are a few different options, let’s look at
of that sale.Most affiliate schemes pay by
each in turn:
cheque or direct bank deposit, but paydotcom.
Blogging: Blogging is the act of setting up a
com pays straight into your PayPal account!
website with a blog installed on it (or using one
An ecommerce store:The barriers to entry
of the free versions that host it for you) which
on the internet are very low, so anyone can
enables you to quickly post your thoughts/
open a store now and start to sell items online
articles online whenever you want.The reason
without much capital invested.Pick yourself a
this has become so popular is because it takes
niche, find somewhere to get stock from (you
away almost all of the technical aspects of
could even dropship things where you take
creating a site (depending how much you
payment for an item and then pay another
want to customise you site). So a blog can
company some of that money and they ship
now be installed with just a few clicks and
the goods straight to the customer for you),
then all posts made with a few clicks.To make
get your website setup and start to get people
money using PayPal and your blog then you
to it who will hopefully buy something!If you
can either sell services, like doing reviews for
decide to do this then you can use PayPal as
people, maybe writing articles for them, or try
your main method of payment and get instant
affiliate marketing or even selling your own
cash sent to you every time you make a sale.
books through the blog. The blog is the way
These are just the top three methods I have
you advertise to people so that as they are
touched upon, there are many more ways to
drawn to the content on your blog they get to
make money using PayPal.
see your adverts for the other items and may buy. 14
June 2011
I have reviewed the top 3 products which teach you exactly how to start making money online, click here to see the reviews. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_J_ Carter
June 2011
Profit Bank By Millionaire Society - What You Really Need To Know
What is Profit Bank? Profit Bank is a software that earlier online millionaires have used in the past to stabilize their earning. Formerly a private application, the software is now available for the public domain so all users that have time on their hands can earn some serious income.
June 2011
The program is written for the newbie in mind and comes with several training videos for quick help. Profit Bank mainly depends on Click Bank as it continues to be a driving force for earning residual income.
Who is Driving the Opportunity and can he/she The Millionaire Society teaches you how to be Trusted? use some of its exclusive tools like Domain Flipping which involves strategic purchases of Mack Michael is the expert behind the entire a domain where you can earn most profit for software. He is easily one of the most trusted flipping in the right opportunity. Profit Bank online experts today and he has the millions of is one of the rare packages that guide you from dollars to prove it. Because of his openness in the beginning and always keeps you busy so showing the steps how he did it, many users of you can continue to earn once you get the the program reached similar levels of success. hang of things. What Things can Profit Bank Teach you?
To see how I make money online Click Here.
Profit Bank is highly effective in teaching many marketing and online business management skills even if you lack some of the things that are normally considered essentials in getting started. For instance, you will not need a domain or a hosting provider to have your very own website. It teaches you how to build a website quickly even if you do not know HTML and other coding. It also teaches you how to bring lots of traffic to your website without working knowledge in search engine optimization and content writing. Finally, it teaches you how to be successful without investing anything. This means that you won’t have to pay for anything in AdWords nor pay for any other advertising medium. It highlights the importance and benefits of solely relying on Profit Bank. Mack designed this software to be the one thing that does it all. The only thing you need to do in return is to follow the simple steps laid out.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6163450
The training videos guide you through the necessary hurdles to become highly successful in the long run. This starts with the Millionaire Society which is another income opportunity that serves as one of Profit Bank’s streams of income.
June 2011
Make Money Via Paypal By Joining Free Online Survey Sites Anyone can make money writing articles
This is one of the best ways to empathize with
online. All you need is a computer with access
your reader and have them trust you as a
to the Internet and a decent command of your
reliable source.
chosen language and you are set. Whether you plan to leave your boring 9-5 and set up an
Checklist. People respond well to lists
Internet business or you are a mother staying
when working and learning. Making a list of
at home to look after the children, you can
jobs to do on a particular day is always a good
make money writing articles online.
idea. The checklist is just a list that is created before a particular task starts to ensure its
The way to do it is to provide advice that
smooth operation.
people can take action on and use to improve their situation or solve a problem. Everybody
who searches on the Internet is trying to solve
there is a section for FAQs. If you open a
a problem of some sort whether it is how to
sales brochure or pamphlet there are FAQs.
improve their tennis game or how to lose fat.
It shows that in general people ask the same
The trick is to present your information in a
questions, at least in the first place. Answer
user-friendly format.
those questions about a certain topic to make
Here are four ways to formulate your ideas: 1.
Personal experience. Write from the
perspective of your own experience. Show how you overcame a difficulty, solved a problem or applied some knowledge to improve your life or business. 18
June 2011
FAQs. Whenever you visit a website
money writing articles online. Then people will come to you for further information. 4.
Save money. People have a universal
desire to save money in business and personally. Explain how they can pay less for something or get more efficiency out of what they buy at the moment. June 2011
ONLINEMillionaire The most effective way to make money writing articles online is to provide great value in a practical format. Want a step-by-step guide on how to make money writing [http:// www.makemoneywritingtoday.com/Articles-Report.html]? It’s as easy as turning on your computer, fast, simple and costs nothing to start. Get your free action guide and 7-day e-course on how to make money writing online [http://www.makemoneywritingtoday.com/ Articles-Report.html] today. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Vee
June 2011
June 2011
ONLINEMillionaire By now, you must have heard about article marketing. However, are you aware that companies both big and small largely depend on article marketing to gain more web traffic? So, if you know how to write articles (or has a ghost writer write for you) and have some knowledge about SEO, congratulations to you! However, writing articles is just the first step to article marketing. Success in Article Marketing Is A Two-Step Process. The second step is to drive traffic to your article. To do that, you need to know: - How to position your article in the right niche, category, and market so that it gets noticed instantly! - How to find the right high-ranking article submission directories. ArticleDemon is by far the most comprehensive Article submission program available. With ArticleDemon, you can save yourself from burning hours of submitting to article directories in the relevant categories. If you are looking towards attracting visitors and turning the visit into sales, a mindblowing content submitted on the top article submission directories will enable you to achieve your goals!
Article Marketing Made Easier by Article Submission Software 22
June 2011
The top directories make your marketing efforts easier by providing bloggers, news posters, and other feed owners with free content to use. This enables you to get quality backlinks and provides you with the potential to get traffic from virtually everywhere.
Let’s look at what you can do with Article Demon. 1.Create Accounts Automatically
At 100 Article Directories: You can create accounts in 100 directories. It comes with a mixture of Popular Main Directories WordPress article directories. 2.Create Your Own List of 1000s of Article Directories: In addition to the list of directories that come with this product, you can add and build your own list of article directories. You can add directories that uses the following script: WordPress. 3.Add Your Own WordPress Blogs: You can even add your personal WordPress blogs. 4.Auto Account Verification: Most directories require you to verify your email after account creation. Using ArticleDemon’s email verification system, you will be able to download all the verification emails and activate them automatically. 5.Article Status Checker: ArticleDemon comes with a built-in feature that will find out if your submitted articles are published. And Much More. ArticleDemon is THE most advanced article marketing software we’ve seen. June 2011
It has everything one needs to get those high quality backlinks from authority and high PageRank article directories! It is a full guide on how to use ArticleDemon with simple step by step instructions. You will also learn 1) How to Write Articles That get All the Attention 2) How to Write Your SEO Title 3) How to Format Your Article for Optimal Results 4) How to Write a Resource Box that Gets the Click For more information about this visit: http://goarticles.com/ article/Article-Marketing-made-easier-Article-SubmissionSoftware/4303579/ Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vineet_ Kumar_Saxena Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6059844
Online Revenue - LinkShare Affiliate Program One of the easiest ways to make money online
you may get a rejection but that is normal and
would be to joins a program such as Linkshare.
should not put you off applying for anymore
With no minimum monthly payout like most
other companies seem to adopt this makes
After acceptance look around at all the ads
Linkshare a very good prospect indeed.
until you find one that will look good on your
You can choose from thousands of products
site. Then you just need to grab the code from
and programs on Linkshare that you can
the Linkshare site and place it onto your blog.
promote or market if you wish. The simple
You are now ready to start to make money.
concept is to refer buying customers to
There is also another easy way to make some
other sites and receive a percentage of any
money with Linkshare. They are willing to
sales. Linkshare has products that pay a high
pay you $1.50 for every blogger that you get to
percentage of the price in commission. This
open a Linkshare account. This can potentially
means that if you find a valuable product then
make you quite a bit of extra money.
you could earn quite a bit of money over a
The best possible way to get people to purchase
period of time.
from you is to prove to them that you can be
You start by registering for you Free account
trusted. A good way of doing that is to post
at Linkshare. Once you have registered you
quite regularly and offer all your readers some
are free to peruse the site and find an ad worth
very good value.
promoting on your blog. All you have to do is
You could even entertain your readers with
to apply for that ad and wait.
your blog or help to solve their problems.
Most times you will be accepted straight away
Keeping your blog content current and
as Linkshare has a good acceptance record. It is
interesting is a great way to keep the readers
very rare that you will not find something that
on your side.
you wish to promote. Occasionally though 24
June 2011
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4584607
June 2011
Syndicated Articles - Article Domination Marketing A long , long time ago , in a galaxy far, far away... before the advent of the Internet. Articles were published in news papers, journals, and periodicals. If you were a good writer your article was syndicated. All that meant was the articles you have written were published in different mediums simultaneously. You were a news worthy author, and had a large following ( % of the circulation would read you.) Now in the 21st Century with Web 2.0, there are millions of syndicated articles all over the net. These authors gain name awareness (Branding Of themselves.) and quickly attain Guru Status. They submit these articles and grant publication rights to multiple sites in exchange for a Bio Box that is self Serving.
Listen Up Here...This is very important.. Include a dead link in your article.The reason you do this is (Drum Roll Please.) Many webmasters just copy and paste articles, they do not bring the HTML code. So your self serving links would be useless if they do that. One of the way Google looks at a sites importance is the number of links pointing to it. How much easier can you get for link backs? Just think if you can get 300 articles out there, and place them on many article exchanges you could have thousands of links pointing to your site. Sha...Zam!! High Organic search engine results. How Do You Write All These Articles?
The Bio Box sends traffic to their website, or, capture page(squeeze page). These articles increase traffic, (Targeted Traffic) with high conversion rates. They also Increase the website ranking. (The more Traffic that hits a site grabs the search engines attention.) They also help with link backs. More on that in a minute.Oh, I have your attention now...
Well for one, stop crying you can’t , and start doing it. Write about anything that is of interest to you (that is relevant to what you are attempting to accomplish.) Here are some ideas. Look to all your old E-Mail newsletters you received. Revamp those. What about your old blog posts? Add Some content and publish. The truth is there is plenty to write about. My advice is look inside your computer, repackage and publish. Just write about something..Just Do It!
How Do You Get Involved with this Article Marketing?
Tom Alongi is Is an Expert Online Marketer!! To get More Ideas go to Networkmarketingfreeleads.com [http://www. networkmarketingfreeleads.com]
These articles help the author in several ways:
The best way to start article marketing is to write information packed articles. Duh!! Then put those articles out on different article exchanges. You will want to do as many articles as you can. You must put Anchor Text in the bio box pointing to your site. also.. 26
June 2011
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1332645
June 2011
Make Money Online? 5 Brutal Facts a Beginners Should Know
business and becoming a millionaire.
be well-read and well-informed but experience
This gives the wrong impression that online
is also a very important component. There are
is the route to go to make a quick buck. This
people who post things on the internet which
is not so. It is not that easy to make money
they don’t have any experience with. Some
online. Some people even had to wait for
just post things for the benefit of their search
more than a year to start seeing the fruits of
engine optimization but to the detriment of
Make no mistake about it. This article is not
face it has become very easy for criminals to
their labor. It is never an overnight success.
customers who get any factual information.
intended for people who are already making
fool people thru the Internet. Scams online
It requires patience and perseverance. You
Never stop learning. Learn from people who
a good deal of money online. This is intended
are rampant. I’ve heard of many people who
have to set your goals first on building your
are already at the top. Read their books, listen
for people who are still starting to make
have been fooled and who have been duped
reputation and credibility before you start
to their stories, any tidbit of information they
money online. This article is for people who
out of their money. Just like what they say, “If
looking at the profits.
share can help you grow your online business
need help in establishing themselves and their
it is too good to be true, then it probably is”.
business online. If you are like most people
Do not fall for get rich quick schemes.
3. Having Money To Spend Makes it Easy
If they offer membership to their sites that are
then I’m quite sure you belong in the latter
Remember that nobody got rich overnight
Although more and more people are making
chock-full of valuable knowledge then by all
category of people.
without spending considerable effort and time.
money online, not all make the same amount.
means join. Let nothing stop you from you
If you are to succeed then it is very much
Although there are real people online who are
There is a big difference with people who earn
dreams. My free eBook is a great example
important that you have a business plan or list
more than willing to share their formula for
little amount of money to people who make
of a product that can help you expand your
of thing to do. This will help you stay focused
success, there are also those who make a living
huge sums of money. Before becoming big
and this will help you guide you on your path
out of scamming people.
in this business you have to consider your
5. Have a Business Plan
to success. You need to put emphasis on the
Be a good judge of character and a good judge
investment. You need money to make money.
Do not just dive into online business without
things that are essential for your growth and
of offers. Before committing or believing
In this case money will be used for very
any idea what you want and the direction
your success.
anything make sure to check the person
important things just like web hosting,
where you are heading. You should have plans
making such offers. Find out if he is reliable
maintenance of your website and the likes. Do
and contingency plans if ever the original idea
and what others have to say about him.
not expect that you’ll get everything for free.
doesn’t work. Do not put all your eggs in one
Just consider big businessmen, before they got
basket. Look at other ventures. You must learn
profits they had to shell out money first for
to be open minded.
1. There are Too Much Scams Online that you Could ever Imagine The Internet is a niche where everybody can share just about anything, their thoughts, skills, businesses, interests, etc. It’s free for all and is accessible to just about everyone. The Internet is a big help for job seekers, students and businessmen but it is also a breeding ground for unscrupulous characters. Since you are not dealing with people face to 28
June 2011
2. No Such Things As Overnight Success There has been so much talk and speculation about making money online. People who
and also become a smashing success like them.
their capital.
don’t even know much about the subject are
4. Learn From Others Who Are Already Making
suddenly in authority to give advice and points
with online money making. People who are
Learn from the experts. You gain more
not equipped with the correct information are
knowledge and more insights from them that
suddenly bragging about starting an online
you normally would from a book. It is good to
You can become wealthy with your online business but you have to know what your goals are, you need a concrete plan and you must have commitment in order for you to execute your plans.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4587742
June 2011
Discover a Comprehensive New System to Produce a Massive Stream of Traffic on a Daily Basis When you’ve got a new website your options to get affordable traffic are scarce. You don’t have affiliates yet. And pay per click advertising costs add up with an untested website. This is why articles are perfect for getting all of your
But, are articles the magic advertising solution? Nope. Quite frankly, they come with their problems too.
people hate writing. To many, it feels like
the countless article directories. But, this takes forever. Not to mention, it requires a never ending patience. Fact is, if you’re going to make articles part of your 30
June 2011
out of hundreds directories require.
submission software which promises to slash
This makes Instant Article Submitter a very
the time it takes to write and distribute your
similar option to the paid services which
articles for a surge in traffic and incoming
charge you a fee to use their service and
links. Discover a comprehensive new system
they take care of all the submitting. The only
to produce a massive stream of traffic on a
difference is that there are zero recurring
daily basis. Discover how this advanced new
fees, you know exactly where your articles
software transforms article promotion into the
are getting submitted to, and you can put it to
ultimate pain free advertising solution! Easily
work whenever you want. Instant Article Submitter is an easy to
First, Instant Article Creator is a fill in the
on your computer. It submits to the major
blank software that guides you to creating an
directories (most with high page-rank) so you
article. It’s a simple software that does its job
get maximum exposure without having to
well. By having a step by step structure, you
labor for days on end.
don’t have to worry about your articles getting
First, you’ve got to write them. And most
it. The common way to do this is to submit to
is fill in the security code that around three
download PC software you can run right
because they also establish you as an expert.
article, you’ve then got to find people who want
And here, Instant Article Submitter, an article
rise in the search engines with minimal effort!
send a burst of backlinks and free traffic. But,
And after you’ve managed to squeak out an
promotion method offers this vital benefit.
boost your credibility, traffic, and backlinks to
websites established. Not only because they
hemorrhaging blood!
of pushing all of the buttons. All you must do
too involved. Everything you need to include
Instant Article Submitter and its companion
is right in front of you, all of the time.
software Instant Article Creator (given as a bonus) sets out to eliminate these problems associated with articles.
business, then You Really Need A Shortcut To Writing and Distributing Your Articles! The
Instant Article Submitter is an automatic
But, how well does it perform?
Power of Articles To Promote Your Website!
article submission software. This is opposed to
Just submitting to the article directories alone
A Massive Surge of Free Advertising?
many other competing software that are only
are going to send hundreds of incoming links
semi automatic (meaning they still require
to your site. But, when you hit the right topic,
Before writing up an article, you must make
you to visit each site manually and click the
then you’re going to see countless publishers
sure to understand this. Prospects don’t just
“Submit” button). This makes using these
picking up your article (along with your
just become familiar with you through a sales
tools long and tedious to use. Instant Article
resource box at the end). And, if you get
pitch, but they get a taste of what you have to
Submitter visits all of the directories for you,
picked-up on the right site, then you’re going
offer through your articles. No other
logs into your account, and takes care
to get thousands of visitors. June 2011
ONLINEMillionaire Whatever the reason, if you put out a quality article, the simple mathematics mean you
How to Make Money Online Using Your Passion
have an amazing opportunity. There’s no question articles are one of the quickest and easiest ways to get targeted traffic
The most effective method of how to make
2. Pick from the list, one topic to start with.
5. Create a landing page - there are many free
and quality incoming links (that boost your
money online - and offline - is by doing what
Don’t pick the one you think would be the
ways to do this. Make sure you put your main
search rankings) to your site. Not to mention,
you enjoy. And there is always a way to make
most likely to make money online, pick the
keyword in the title. Of course, you’ll have
they don’t cost a cent!
money doing something you love, sometimes
one you feel most excited about.
links to your affiliate product/s on this page
And unlike other free advertising methods
it just takes thinking outside the box a little.
with photos. 3. Spend some time doing keyword research,
that have faded away over time, articles continue to grow in power as time goes on.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make
and niche research to find out what people
6. Research your topic and write content
After all, there’s always an increasing amount
money online while enjoying yourself!
are searching for, and what the post common
for your webpage. Again, this should be an
issues and requests are regarding that topic.
enjoyable task since you’ve chosen a topic you’re passionate about.
of website publishers who need quality content to share with their readers.
1. Make a list of the topics you enjoy, feel
I’ll share with you below, where you can find
Of course, there’s a catch. Your articles have to
passionate about or are interested in finding
out how to go about this research. Of course,
be good quality, be for an in-demand topic, and
out more about. Don’t worry about how you
this research should be an enjoyable process
Now you have a product and a website about a
you must submit them to article directories
could make money from them, or whether it
because it’s a topic you love or feel passionate
topic you enjoy. The next step is to let the world
(where publishers can pick-up your articles to
would be possible, just write them on the list.
know about it, and to get traffic to your site by using free methods, like article marketing and
syndicate). Otherwise, you will have wasted 4. Find an affiliate product.
social network marketing.
Once you have a list of keywords and a note
For a more detailed guide to keyword and
of what people are looking for, find an affiliate
niche research, how to create free landing
product by doing a search on Google for your
pages, and most importantly, getting traffic to
“topic + affiliate”. Make sure you research
your site, sign up for this free how to make
the product well to check that it has good
money online email course. Once you’ve got
feedback from customers. You can become an
the first topic up and running, you can move
* Street dance
affiliate on Amazon for many products (if for
to the next one on your list you feel excited
* Vacations in exotic countries
example your passion is gadgets, or shoes, or
your time. As a result, Instant Article Submitter gets my highest rating. It stands out over its competitors and the quality support and updates makes
For example: * Dolphins
using it an easy decision.
* Chocolate
* Shoes
Find out How To Make Big Money Online Fast How I make money online [http://mmgblog.blogspot.com] blog Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1474080
barbeques... you get the idea), or on ClickBank As you can see from the example list, it can be
for information products about your topic.
Click here for help with article marketing Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5151450
as diverse as you like. 32
June 2011
June 2011
Make Money Online In 2011 - Absolutely No Working Experience Require
4) Sell advertising. Do you own a blog or website that has been sitting around for years? Perhaps your sites are meant to be personal sites and you haven’t thought of making money with them. Well, do you know that you can actually sell advertising and make some extra income? For example, you can offer to write blog posts for Companies that in return,
Are you thinking of making some extra income
are legitimate.
they pay you a fee every time you make a new
for year 2011? What are some money making
post about some product or service. This is
opportunities that are available for the new
one of the easiest and quickest way to make
year? Are these opportunities a good fit for
2) Freelance jobs. Have some free time on your
your own knowledge and skills? What if you
hands? You can always offer your time for sale
don’t possess Internet marketing knowledge?
by doing some freelancing for others. There
5) Reseller hosting. If you are into technology,
Can you still make a good income on the
are a wide variety of freelance jobs available
you may do well by operating a hosting reseller
Internet then? Here are some opportunities
on the Internet. The type of job you choose
business. Here is how it works. Simply sign
that don’t require you to have any prior
depends on your skills. For instance, if you
up for a reseller plan with a reputable hosting
enjoy writing, and can write well, you can
company. A reseller plan allows you to sell
spend time writing research papers for others.
your own hosting packages. This is a great
1) Filling in surveys. This is one of the oldest
If you enjoy take outdoor photographs, you
idea if you are thinking of making money as a
money making opportunity around. Many
can earn money by selling your digital images
web designer or developer. You can easily add
wealthy companies choose to conduct surveys
to others.
value by offering hosting, and that will boost
money online.
your income for year 2011.
on the Internet as a means to collect valuable consumer feedback. That means you, as the consumer, stand to make some money just by
3) Affiliate marketing. Anyone can go into
filling in some forms. The amount of money
affiliate marketing. But bear in mind that this
you make depends on the type of survey you
is not a get rich quick scheme. You do have
participate in. Surveys conducted by reputable
to spend some time learning how the business
research companies usually pay better. To
works before you see a substantial amount of
start making money with surveys, join online
income. But with a little dedication, affiliate
survey companies. Make sure you do your
marketing is one of the best money making
research to ensure that the companies
opportunities on the Internet.
June 2011
Justhostreviews.org is a JustHost Review 2011, just host coupon review and rebate website. JustHost hosting reviews and JustHost Uptime Reviews are available here. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5764262
June 2011
ONLINEMillionaire Party Plan your way to success! Adopting the party planning technique is a great way to increase sales. Think about it! You organize a party at your home, invite a bunch of your closest friends, rustle up some party snacks, and create a favorable environment to showcase your products. You have now created the perfect mood that is conducive to indulgence and Trust. And of course don’t forget about the power of numbers. When you showcase your product, and you have 2 women gushing about it, chances are that the whole group will be eager to get their hands on your product as well. Party Plan is a great home based business that you can build around your family and commitments. The best part is that you have so much fun organizing the whole gig that it barely feels like hard work! But as appealing as the business may appear, you need to be very careful when choosing what kind of products you wish to promote. Firstly, you need to identify a product that you love, identify with, and use! Only if you are convinced about the benefits of a certain product will you be able to sell it to other people. Also, you must make sure that you research the company, understand its values and ethics, and only then approach them.
Party Plan - A Great Way To Increase Sales 36
June 2011
Another great strategy to increase sales is to showcase your product in an innovative and fun manner. For instance, if you choose to promote a jewelry brand, there are many quirky options by which you may showcase the products to your friends. Get your kittens to wear the bracelets and necklaces for instance! It’ll have the women gushing all over your products. The atmosphere you create is the key ingredient to ensure your products get sold. So, in order to increase sales your party needs to be such that it allows you to nurture your relationships with your guests.
You need to create a setting that permits you to have a one-to-one interaction with your guests, while at the same time not make anyone feel ignored or intimidated. Make sure your party is designed to keep the group together, but in such a manner that individual pitching and discussions can be explored. To ensure a profitable Party Plan business you need to keep a trained eye on your expenditures. Today, parties are designed as extravagantly as can be with themes, masquerades, and much more! Be sure to understand at what scale your party needs to be for the product to get its due attention. Once you decide on the scale, make sure you minimize expenses as far as possible. Party Plan is a great way to ensure a bigger bang for your buck and increase sales phenomenally. All it takes is personality, an approachable demeanor, great selling skills and of course the ability to plan a party. Stephen is a Master Practitioner and coach of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy, and also a member of the Australian Board of NLP and the Time Line Therapy Association. He specializes in NLP persuasion techniques coaching for sales professionals, with a special focus on Network Marketing and Party Plan. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6355993
June 2011
Top Affiliate Networks - A Comparison of the Big Four The world of internet marketing is growing rapidly and so is the competition. Inside the world of internet marketing, you have a smaller niche market called affiliate marketing. The concept of affiliate marketing is getting paid a commission for sending traffic to a web site and performing an action. The majority of this type of marketing is done through the use of affiliate networks. With over a thousand affiliate networks out there fighting for your competition, how are you supposed to find the right network for you? In this article we will be covering a few different networks and how they can help you success with affiliate marketing. While there are hundreds of public and heavily funded ad networks out there, there are also many independent and smaller networks as well. To keep this article simple and on point, we will be focusing our comparisons on Google AdSense, Shareasale, Commission Junction and LinkShare. These four networks are major players in the affiliate marketing space and drive millions of dollars in transactions every day. 38
June 2011
Google AdSense One of the easiest ways to make money online is through the use of Google AdSense. You simply place a line of code on your web site and Google will start serving banner ads on your web site. As the web site owner, you earn a commission every time a banner is clicked. A few key notes on Google AdSense are: - Publishers get 68% of the amount Google collects from ads for content. - Publisgers get 51% of the amount Google collects from ads for search. - 28% of Google’s revenue for the first quarter of 2011 came from AdSense. Shareasale An private company that has done extremely well in the affiliate marketing space is Shareasale. What started out as a smaller network, has become one of the most successful. The success of Shareasale is mainly due to their excellent affiliate and merchant support and competitive prices, Shareasale now has tens of thousands of merchants and June 2011
A few key notes on Shareasale are:
Commission Junction points of interest:
- Shareasale pays $250 for each merchant
- 62% of the top 500 retailers using 3rd party
referred through an affiliate link, and $1 for
marketing software are powered by CJ.com
each new affiliate referral. - Shareasale offers
- Top clients using the Commission Junction
review and consultation services for any new
platform are Dell, Buy.com, Home Depot,
merchants looking to join their network.
Zappos and Yahoo. When comparing the amount of merchant
Linkshare and Commission Junction
programs available on each of the networks listed, they range in size. Commission
Two very successful and large networks are
Junction has over 1,500 merchants, Linkshare
Linkshare and Commission Junction. We will
has over 1,000 and Shareasale leads the group
combine the two in this break down since they
with over 2,000 active merchants.
are similar in setup, but have a wide variety of different advertisers. Through the Linkshare
View affiliate network comparison infographic
and Commission Junction networks, you
for full stats and comparison.
have the option to join many high end and
The affiliate networks mentioned above
well known brands to promote their web sites
are just a hand full of the options you have
and services. Instead of receiving a check or
available. As an affiliate myself, I recommend
payment from each merchant, Linkshare
that you signup to as many affiliate networks
and Commission Junction sends out weekly
as possible. This way you can have access to
or monthly lump sum payments from all
all merchants and stay in the loop on what
commissions owed from their merchants.
networks have the best payouts and latest
Linkshare points of interest: - There are currently over 10 million partners on the Linkshare network. - Top clients using the Linkshare platform are GoDaddy, JC Penny, 1800Flowers, American Express and Avon
merchants joining the network. It’s always free to join an affiliate network, so there is no harm in signing up right now. Want to discover more internet marketing and blogging tips? Visit my blog at http://www.ZacJohnson. com to get inside the secret life of an internet marketer! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6339736
June 2011
June 2011
Kickstart Money System
-WordPress Plug-n-play Themes
He also shows what he says is proof by
-Three Step-by-Step Checklist
displaying shots of his bank accounts. Frankly
-Content Creation Templates
we see this so often, its hard to tell if they are
-Physical Product Video Marketing Template
for real. I would take this with a grain of salt.
-Traffic Source Lists
Some other topics covered in great detail
The Kickstart money system is indeed an extensive training platform for the beginner and for the seasoned marketer looking to brush up on affiliate marketing skills. I really liked the Kickstart money system sales page. There aren’t any pie in the sky figures thrown around like we so often see on similar product sales pages, rather Mr. Czyzewski encourages patients and not to expect to make thousands upon thousands of dollars your first month.
are niche research, monetization, methods with Amazon products and SEO. For an investment of $47, I believe this is a solid product. If you were to purchase this program and actually take the time to digest all the information it contains, you would definitely have a leg up on your online marketing journey. Unfortunately history tells us that most people who purchase products such as this never make any money what so ever. The reason is that they are simply unwilling or unable to devote the time and energy into learning.
In this Kickstart money system review you will
This course is a made up of easily implemented
learn a little about this new ClickBank affiliate
Amazon and ClickBank affiliate techniques
program created by Jeff Czyzewski. With so
and strategies. Concentrating on physical
many similar products available online these
products with Amazon and digital products
days it is important to invest in one that has a
with ClickBank. Included in the training are:
proven track record. I know that is easier said
-Quick Start Guide
than done however Mr. Czyzewski claims he
-Core Training Guide
has the proof.
-Five Training Modules - over 50 Videos
June 2011
Evan DuChene is not an online Guru. He is a normal guy very much like yourself that has discovered a way to make a great living from home. He is a member of the internets largest training, mentoring and marketing program. His main purpose, as he sees it, is to help others create financial freedom by mastering the art of online marketing. If you would like to learn how to effectively market online go to Marketing Coach and check out Evan’s team. Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=Evan_DuChene
June 2011
How to Make Money Online From Ads and Affiliates Like Google, Amazon, and LinkShare Using WordPress 5 Steps to Begin Making Money Online
Find a niche with a product to sell. Research your competition for this niche. Get a web site to write on and start writing about the niche. Sign up for ad and affiliate programs.
2. Research your competition for this niche.
you to get up and writing rather quickly and Once you’ve found some products to sell,
can be expanded into your own domain name
begin doing simple Google searches for them.
later when you are ready. For those who want to
For example, if you wanted to sell ‘scuba
jump straight in to a paid hosting environment,
diving knives’ that would be your keyword
I’d recommend 1and1 or BlueHost along with
phrase, or just ‘keyword’--more on keywords
WordPress blogging software. Both 1and1
later in step 5. One of the first things you want
and BlueHost have scripts that will install
to look for is how many top-level domains
WordPress for you and there are many free to
are listed in the top 10 search results. By this I
paid WordPress themes available as well as a
mean, how many web sites are there with just
large community of support. WordPress itself
This involves doing research, but don’t let it
the domain name in the search results. If there
is free, but WordPress.com is a paid blogging
scare you. It is a matter of searching for things
are mostly top-level domains, you can count
service--also a good option.
you’re interested in. For example, let’s say you
yourself out and start over, but if there are
are interested in scuba diving. To research
deep-linked domains, then you might have a
Once you are setup, begin writing about
scuba diving to see if there is anything you
chance by scooping up a domain with those
everything about your products, get at least 4
could sell online you can go to Amazon and
keywords in the next step, step 3. There are
pages with at least 1000 words each written as
do a search for ‘scuba diving’. There are suits,
other factors such as domain age and number
a kind of anchor text to the site. This is what
masks, equipment, watches, log books, knives,
of backlinks, but I am trying to keep this as
you will later build on as you start to promote
and all sorts of things you could sell, but you
simple as possible.
specific products from your affiliates. Now it’s
1. Find a niche with a product to sell.
time to sign up! On to step 4!
aren’t out of the woods yet. The next step is a test of the first step. If you think you’ve found a set of products you’d like to promote, go to
4. Sign up for ad and affiliate programs.
step 2. If not, keep searching. Keep in mind that the more expensive the item, the harder
3. Get a web site to write on and start writing
it may be to sell, but the more commission
about the niche.
you may make, but different affiliate programs have different commission rates--more on
There are several ways to ‘get a web site’ from
that later in step 4.
free to paid and I’ll mention some of both. Two of the best free web sites right now are
Promote your site. 44
June 2011
Both are free blogging platforms that will allow
Blogger at Blogspot and Tumblr.
There are many affiliate programs, but I have only had success with Amazon, Google, and LinkShare so that is what I will focus on here. ClickBank is another great program, but I have limited experience with it. Most, if not all of these programs require you to have a website first before they will allow you to promote their products so that is why this step is number 4 and not 1. June 2011
It’s important that your site contain content
The next step is to submit your web site to as
because it will be reviewed and your application
many search engines and social bookmarking
can be denied. Don’t worry if you are denied
sites as you can.
the first time, just write some more content
Monetizing Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing
and/or try a different affiliate program. Once
The third step is then join a forum where you
The big positive about affiliate marketing is
as $100, meaning that Click Bank will not pay
you are in, find products related to your niche
can post a link back in your signature and/or
that it allows you to earn an income without
you any of your commission earnings until you
to sell. With Amazon it’s easy, but with Google
begin commenting on blog sites that a relevant
actually having to create and advertise
have accumulated $100. If you would prefer to
you’ll have to find an advertiser that sells
to your keyword/product. Basically what you
your own product. By becoming an affiliate
get small checks every couple of weeks, you’ll
your products, then apply for that specific
are trying to do is to create as many roads
marketer, you can collect a commission every
have to change the threshold setting yourself.
advertiser. The same goes for LinkShare.
or ‘backlinks’ to your site as possible. This is
time someone follows your affiliate link to the
If you want to find some affiliate programs
called search engine optimization, or SEO for
site of the actual product seller and makes a
with huge audiences, Link Share is the place
If you’re wondering how the affiliate process
to go. They will allow you to affiliate yourself
works, the program will provide you with
If you need help with SEO there are many
The size of your commission will vary
with some of the biggest names around, like
web site code that you copy and place on your
companies that can help like Telablue.com,
depending on the product for which you are
Walmart, PetSmart, and even Apple.
web site. When someone visits your web site
but there are many things you can do on your
an affiliate, and your methods of promoting it,
Although their affiliate commission are
and clicks on that code, they are taken to the
but they can run as high as 75%.
considerably lower than those offered by
If you have a blog and would like to start
Commission Junction and Click Bank, at
advertisers site and any purchases made there will be tracked back to your account, which is
Good luck making money online. I started
monetizing it by becoming an affiliate, there
around 5% to 15%, the chances of someone
how you make money. Amazon pays out after
out making a little over a dollar a month and
is a trio of affiliate program providers which
buying multiple or big ticket items from those
60 days as long as you’ve made at least $10.
now make hundreds of dollars a month and it
you should investigate. They are Commission
vendors is much higher. You can expect the
Google requires you to go over $100 then pays
keeps growing! Believe in yourself, don’t limit
Junction, Click Bank, and Link Share.
companies which pay commissions through
out 30 days later. LinkShare seems to pay out
In order to maximize the percentage of the
Link Share to issue payments once a month.
commissions you receive, you should sign
Don’t see any companies whose products
up with either Click Bank or Commission
you’d like to promote among those offered by
Junction, which set up affiliate programs for all
Click Bank, Commission Junction, or Link
the big membership websites and vendors of
Share? You have the option of being an affiliate
informational products, and those programs
marketer for Google’s AdSense and AdWords,
are usually the most lucrative. Standard
or for Ebay. Both have commission structures
commissions range from 25% to 75%.
which will make it worth your while.
Should you choose Click Bank as the place to
Author: Matt Garrett
after $50, but pays right away. 5. Promote your site.
Erich Stauffer is the founder and CEO of Watershawl, Inc., a business consulting firm
Now that you have content and products loaded
that provides web design and SEO services
into your site, it’s time to start promoting. The
through http://Telablue.com, marketing and
first step is to make sure your site is using the
advertising through http://Growmote.com.
appropriate keywords in the titles of the pages and in the text.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5314536
promote your affiliate programs, beware of the payment threshold. It can be set as high
June 2011
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/733139
June 2011
Auction Traffic Explosion A Review of John Thornhill’s eBook
This book is aimed at people who are looking
If you’re going to use John’s ideas and build
to drive traffic to their site but don’t want to be
a list, I’d suggest that you also check out
bothered waiting for the search engines to pick
Aurelius Tjin’s Unstoppable List Building
up their sites or in learning SEO techniques.
which is available as a free download.
Fair enough - those can be time consuming Don’t buy this if it’s going to distract you from
your main business - this is not a quick-fix, John’s aim is to help you build a list to which you
but a long term list building strategy.
can sell again and again. Typically it’s possible to make up to several times the original value
So Should I Get A Copy ?
of the sale from your list, if you know how to treat it and what to do with it. You’ll notice that
Personally, I don’t feel that John’s shared as
all the experts who are making the real money
much new information as he has in his other
online ALL have a list - so that’s a pretty good
guide as to how important a list should be to That’s fine, as he’s selling this as a product that
can increase traffic and at a very affordable John discusses areas such as creating information
John Thornhill has just released Auction
Does Auction Traffic Explosion represent
Traffic Explosion - which reveals the secrets
Value For Money?
of how he’s built his list to over 19000 using Unlike John’s other products, this is a rather John is well known for his other best-selling
cheap and cheerful ebook, and rather thin at
ebooks including “ 90 day Powerseller
just 15 pages for $7. John hasn’t even wasted
challenge “ and has a very successful online
time creating a Title page.
getting visitors to your website through eBay
If you’re looking for legitimate and immediate
(legitimately), using an eBay tools to help
ways to get visitors to your websites - this is
automate the process.
a method which just about everyone can use - though probably best to use together with
One of the benefits of John’s system is that it follow up emails.
other established methods. Do be cautious, as it’s all too easy to get distracted and find you’re spending more time on eBay than your main business!
If building traffic quickly is something you’re interested in, then John’s book is worth looking
Is That It?
at, but probably not if you’re a complete newbie to eBay.
is all automated, the ebook delivery and the
just eBay.
pricetag. -
June 2011
John’s also added a great incentive to anyone June 2011
ONLINEMillionaire that buys the book as you’re allowed to send people to his site and keep all the profits from sales for yourself.
Top 10 List of the Best Affiliate Networks First, if you’re new to affiliate marketing, some
and marketing. As more as more customers
preliminary explanations may prove helpful
choose to buy online, advertising and
in your quest for becoming a part-time or
purchases keep increasing at a maddening
full-time affiliate marketer.
pace. To accommodate all this online ecommerce
So, if you’re looking at creative ways to build your list and have the time to read John’s ebook, there are some valuable tools that can help you build an even more successful online business. About the Author Jen runs her own successful internet businesses and also sells on eBay. You can find free ebooks to download and help build your internet businesses at the One Dollar Bookstore. Or find out more about traffic building in Aurelius Tjin’s free download. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_ Carter Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/448667
What is Affiliate Marketing?
networks, operated by large corporations. Affiliate marketing is quite simple to explain:
Make no mistake, affiliate marketing is big
you promote and market a product or
business, accounting for billions in sales and
company in return for a commission if a sale
or lead is made from your marketing efforts.
What is an Affiliate Network?
With online affiliate marketing you simply
An affiliate network is a third party facilitator
place your affiliate ID embedded links on your
which brings affiliates and companies together.
web pages and if a customer clicks your link
It connects Advertisers (companies with
and proceeds to that designated company’s
products or services to sell) together with
site and makes a purchase or signs up for a
Publishers (those who display and promote
service, you earn a commission.
these products or services) so they can
Affiliate marketing, if done right, can prove to
do business. The affiliate network does all
be a very lucrative venture. Commissions can
the tracking, accounting and payment of
run anywhere from a few pennies to thousands
of dollars for just one click or sale.
The following Top 10 list of the best Affiliate affiliate
Networks is compiled by an actual full-time
relationships with hundreds of companies
affiliate marketer who has worked these
and build sites to promote these companies
programs for over five years. This list is
and products.
subjective and based on first-hand experience.
Needless to say, the advent of the Internet
It should be seen in this light and every
has been a golden opportunity for affiliate
marketer probably will have a different list or
marketers to really expand their promotions
have these in a different picking order
June 2011
we have seen the birth of large affiliate
depending on the type and nature of their marketing. But this list of the 10 Best Affiliate Networks will give you a general rundown on these affiliate networks and how they operate. 1. Commission Junction (www.cj.com) Now owned by ValueClick, Commission Junction was one of the first affiliate networks. It is also one of the most important with many of the Top Fortune 500 companies listed here. CJ is an international network with excellent stats and tracking (some of the best you will find), along with regular monthly payments makes this the obvious first choice for anyone wishing to try affiliate marketing. June 2011
For those new or old at affiliate marketing,
affiliate products to match your content or
the links are very easy to create and place on
face every time.
CJ also holds regular seminars and training
niche subject matter, whether it be gardening
your web pages.You also have the option of
8. LinkConnector (www.linkconnector.com)
sessions.Most merchants offer pay-per-lead
equipment, gaming laptops or Mediterranean
creating your own store with Amazon aStores.
LinkConnector is a relatively new affiliate
or pay-per-sale, one of the best features is the
Amazon also now has context link ads and
network which launched in 2004. It has Pay
performance bonuses and incentives. As most
3. LinkShare (www.linkshare.com)
Widgets!Commission rates are somewhat
Per Click, Pay Per Sale and Pay Per Lead.
experienced marketers will know, selling 50k
LinkShare is another excellent affiliate network.
lower than the other networks but making
Good stats and reporting. Worth checking
to 100k each month for merchants will bring
It is one of the oldest affiliate networks on the
sales thru Amazon is much, much easier. You
out for their different types of new affiliate
in the big incentives or bonuses.Commissions
web. LinkShare was recently acquired by the
will make more sales mainly because Amazon
technology such as Direct Linking which
run as high as 50% but most are in 3% to
Japanese Portal Rakuten, with a price tag of
is a well known and trusted online company.
passes pagerank along to the merchant’s site.
15% range. You have the option of direct
$425 million.
6. Shareasale (www.shareasale.com)
9. CPA Empire (www.cpaempire.com)
deposit for your payments. One major plus,
Very good stats and reporting with their
Shareasale is yet another easy system to work
Great CPA (Cost Per Action) network
CJ will tell you which merchants and ads are
Synergy Analytics system. Many Top Fortune
with good stats and simple to create links. With
especially if you do a lot of email marketing
earning the most revenue for affiliates so you
500 companies are presented here so you will
1,700+ merchants to choose from, Shareasale
and promotions. Geared towards acquiring
can easily choose which merchants are worth
no trouble finding products and services to
is another good affiliate network to promote.
leads and sign-ups but does offer other
promote.LinkShare pays commissions as they
The control panel is easy to use and the
merchants as well. Good stats and reporting.
2. ClickBank (www.clickbank.com)
receive them from merchants -- monthly
reporting is very good. Usually pays the month
10. Independents
ClickBank is another professional affiliate
following your sales.
Individual affiliate deals with different
network with excellent stats and tracking.
4. Affiliate Window (www.affiliatewindow.com)
7. Google (www.google.com/adsense/)
companies which may or may not be listed
Easy to use and pays every two weeks.
Affiliate Window is an UK based affiliate
Many won’t think of Google as an Affiliate
with the major networks above. Your
ClickBank is slightly different from the other
network which offers top brand companies
network but it does run affiliate products thru
independent affiliate deals will be some of
networks in that it deals mainly with digital
and good commission rates. Pays once a
its Adsense program.Very few products but
your most lucrative since you can sometimes
download products. The commissions from
month and has excellent stats.
like everything from Google it is professionally
work out separate private commission rates
ClickBank are usually much higher than the
Savvy affiliate marketers know promoting
run and top caliber all the way.Please note, top
and bonuses. Aim for residual income here.
other networks, around 40% to 50% or more.
in other countries can be much easier than
marketers know affiliate links/products on
Don’t ignore this aspect of affiliate marketing
ClickBank has over 10,000 products but keep
promoting in the American market place.
their content pages will return 10 times what
as it will pay the highest dividends.
in mind, info-marketing products will have
Mainly because these other countries haven’t
Google Adsense will give them. However,
stiff competition from all the savvy and well
become saturated with online marketers, little
these marketers will also
established Internet marketers promoting
competition means more sales.
know using Google Adsense on less targeted
these same products. Consider youself
5. Amazon (www.amazon.com)
pages throughout your sites or blogs will give
warned!The most successful marketing tactic
Amazon is another excellent affiliate network
you a healthy return.Besides receiving that
here is to first dominate your targeted niche
to join if you want to sell products from your
monthly check from a multi-billion dollar
with your blogs and sites, then find
site or blog. Amazon has excellent stats and
company like Google will put a smile on your
June 2011
The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites, including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest and most effective web marketing tools try: Internet Marketing Tools Or why not try these excellent free training manuals and videos: Free Marketing Courses Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Titus_Hoskins
June 2011
Online Advertising Tips to Help You Promote Your Business Online
ONLINEMillionaire Keywords are the lifeblood of your online advertising campaign as these will bring the right people or potential customers into your website or your business. Keep in mind that wrong keywords can cost you a lot, not only about money but also effort as well. - Learn how to write effective ads. Of course, advertising is all about writing effective ads and you have to learn how to write catchy ads, ads that can grab the attention of those who are looking for it as well as ads that can bring in sales. One of the things that you need to keep in mind always if you want to outwit competitors and beat competition is to learn the skill of ad copy writing and making and designing great ads that can work effectively in the online world as well. - Make your website appealing and easy to navigate. Effective advertising is not just about grabbing the attention of online users.
Online advertising is a way to reach out to your potential customers all around the world especially if you want to bring your business into the world scenario. Even if you have a localized business, advertising online can still be a good way to boost sales. However, online advertising can be tricky as competition can also be tough. If you are planning to bring your business online, here are a few online advertising tips that you may want to learn and keep in mind to maximize your advertising potential. - Choose your keywords wisely and correctly. If you want to go into online advertising, you have to learn everything about keywords.
June 2011
June 2011
It is also about converting your online visitors into sales and one thing that you can do to convert online visitors into sales is to make sure that the people you bring into your website are converted into customers thus you have to make your website also appealing and attractive to them and easy for them to use as well. - Know your niche in the online world. Another one of the important online advertising tips that you also need to keep in mind is to make sure that you have picked out a good niche. Your niche should be something that best describes your business or something that is representative of your business as well. In fact, niche products sell the best online as well so you may want to take advantage of getting a good niche right from the start. - Learn how to make a call of action to convert website traffic into sales. One big challenge of advertising online is how to make online visitors become customers. Yes, you may be able to grab their attention and make them visit your site, but if you cannot make them purchase or patronize your business, all your advertising efforts may just be going down the drain. Make a call to action in your website. Make it easy for them to purchase and patronize your business as well. This is one of the online advertising tips that you have to keep in mind if you want to make your advertising effective. Indeed, competition can be tough online and you have to keep yourself updated to make sure that you can keep up with the quick-paced life in the online world and you adjust to it quickly and effectively. Carolyn Anderson has been into internet marketing for years. For a technique to advertise your business online, check out Peel Away Ads. Also check out Ultimate Footer Popup to learn an advertising technique you can use for your online business. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6272782
June 2011
June 2011
How to Make Money Flipping Websites
You will also need to monetize your website.
Therefore, stick with Clickbank and AdSense
This is very important.
because almost everyone gets approved for
Individuals are willing to purchase these types
of websites because they are ready to go and
Next, you simply need to sell your website. You
all they need to do it simply add their affiliate
can sell it at Internet marketing forums like
links and begin promoting the site.
the Warrior Forum, Digital Point or Sitepoint.
Flipping websites is a fantastic way to earn
The search engines tend to rank these types of
This saves them a lot of time because they
You can even use eBay. To increase the value
money online. One of the best things about it
domain names and websites higher because
don’t have to research the niche, come up with
of your website, drive traffic to your site, make
is that you can get started absolutely free and
they assume that they are relevant. If you
all of the content, create the site and monetize
some sales or get high search engine rankings.
therefore any money that you make will be
can not find a keyword-rich domain, this is
These types of sites will sell for a lot more
profit. You can flip websites one of two ways.
fine, just make sure that the domain name is
First, you can create your own websites.
relevant to your niche.
Fortunes can be made online by creating and
This simply involves you writing articles, using
You want to make sure that the website you
selling ebooks. Learn the secrets of producing
a free template, purchasing a domain name,
are trying to sale allows the buyer to be up and
hot-selling ebooks here How to Create Ebook
running as soon as possible.
monetizing the site and then selling it at one
You will then need to find a template. If you’re
of the major Internet marketing forums.
going to do it yourself, this will require that
You can also a purchase a website from eBay,
you have some basic HTML skills because
When monetizing it, consider using products
have someone create it for you or buy one
you will need to add your copy to the website.
from the Clickbank, Commission Junction,
from an Internet marketing forum and then
You will also need to be able to link all of the
Linkshare, eBay and Amazon. However, to
turn around and sell it to someone else.
internal pages to and from your home page.
simplify things you may want to begin only
This will require some basic HTML skills as
using Clickbank and AdSense.
well. If you really want to increase the value of
These are good choices because these are both
your website, use Photoshop.
very easy to join. Commission Junction and
When you want to flip a website, you will need
profitable as
and audio books lightning fast at: http:// www.72HourProduct.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1761545
product vendor.
find a template and monetize the site. These
There are some excellent free Photoshop
are the three main requirements.
templates that you use. You can command a
The domain name that you choose is important.
higher rate because these tend to look more
If the individual who purchases your website
Make sure that it is relevant to your website
professional. If you can, find some images to
isn’t approved by the vendor, they won’t be
topic. If you can, use a relevant keyword that
add to your site. This always improves the look
able to make money from your website.
receives traffic.
and quality.
June 2011
Link Share often require approval from the
to purchase a good, relevant domain name,
You can get a step by step guide which
June 2011
Auto Blog Samurai Software Review - Why Is It So Great?
ONLINEMillionaire The next way this program is leaps and bounds ahead of the competition is in that it automatically creates and posts unique content. Notice here I said the words create and automatically in the same sentence. This software actually comes up with unique content for you. That’s one of the main things that make the auto blog samurai stand out above another software review. It solves the dilemma of having to spend hours and even days on generating quality content. Now, you don’t even have to think about it because the software will take care of it automatically. You’ll also notice the samurai software updates the blog every day without any prompting from you. Once you start the blog, this software takes over. You don’t have to be concerned with continuing to add content, or even with remembering to set the software up to do it. It automatically does it for you every day. This is another thing to take special note of when you’re looking through an Auto Blog Samurai Software review from satisfied customers. The software automates the entire process, so you almost can’t compare it with another product review. Since everyone is looking for some ways to make extra money, it’s important to stay ahead of the game and in front of the crowd. Auto blogging is becoming very popular among internet
Since auto blogging is becoming so popular, it’s time look into an Auto Blog Samurai Software Review to make sure you get good quality software for creating blogs. Auto blogging is all the rage because you can set up many blogs quickly and easily, but populating them with quality content is what stops most marketers short when they’re trying to produce lots of money sites quickly. The new samurai software has a few extra bells and whistles that set it apart from the competition. First, is quality niche selection training. When you purchase the samurai software, you’ll automatically get some detailed training on how to go about selecting a quality niche that will make you money. This is huge. Since one of the major keys of whether your site will take off or
marketers as a way to automate an otherwise time consuming project. Having the very best auto blogging software will be what keeps you ahead of the curve. When you can put up an entire blog from start to finish in about 10 minutes that will usually start earning you money within about a month, you’ve hit the jackpot. The Auto Blog Samurai software review will help you to spend less time on mundane tasks and help you to get started making money. Click here to discover what is the secret of the Auto Blog Samurai strategy that will automatically create “unique content” and post it on blogger and wordpress blogs... Check out Auto Blog Samurai and start making profitable blogs in minutes! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jai_Grishin
not depends on your niche, choosing the right one is extremely important. This will help you to choose good quality niches, so you aren’t wasting time. When you read any Auto Blog Samurai software review, you’ll quickly see that this little perk truly adds a great benefit to the user. This is just one of the ways the program helps you through the process of setting up a money site from start to finish. 60
June 2011
June 2011
Auto Blog Samurai Benefit Discover How To Build Massive List Using Auto Blog Software
ONLINEMillionaire What about the lazy marketers who do not like to write contents but want to still make money online? I believe you know that the best way to make money online is through blogging because of its unique Content Management System. Without quality contents, there is no traffic because the internet is all about information in one way or the other. The auto blog samurai software is an all in one software that writes contents for you into your blog, post them for you even while you are asleep and keep updating them with contents each and everyday. To build list quickly require you creating quality content per time and visitors will keep coming for more contents and thereof your list keep getting bigger. Even if you have been frustrated before over your list building, the software will start from the scratch and build you a massive email list quickly for you. Just place your opt in list in your blog with the auto blog samurai software installed to drive targeted traffic to the form absolutely for you with the content it keeps posting for you. Remember the auto blog samurai software will post unique contents that is optimized and the issue of traffic generation, list building, niche research and blogging will only be a breeze. Therefore for everyone of you internet marketer looking to build a massive email list, I highly recommend you to get ready for an explosion of your list because in short a time you will start to see targeted traffic opting in guaranteed. With auto blog samurai, get set for maximum profit in your online business. Visit autoblogging samurai software for full review NOW.
Every seasoned marketer knows that the greatest asset you can ever have online is your
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zulu_Bandada
opt in list subscribers. They are your money in demand tool. Many marketer are frustrated because they do not know about this and nobody cares about telling them. However there is a challenge for almost everyone but just a few understand this that to benefit from your list, you must build it first and this start with trafficking. How do you drive traffic to your opt in form so that they can opt in and see what you have for them?. Now there is no shortcut to generating traffic, is either you know how to drive traffic to your online business and you succeed or you do not know and nothing else matters. Traffic is the lifeblood of every online business and that is where auto blog samurai comes in. The best to generate traffic online is through providing quality contents to your clients as they keep coming to your site. There is nothing more to this expect pure lie from the spammers.
June 2011
June 2011
Twitter Marketing Tips - 7 Unorthodox Strategies to Use Twitter For Business Twitter marketing is a highly effective way
3. Tweet Nonsense
to drive traffic to your content and establish an online presence in the quickest amount
This sounds crazy, but hear me out. People hit
of time. Here are 7 “weird” ways to unleash
up Twitter to chill and catch up with news.
the immense power of Twitter in your small
People don’t go on Twitter to do business, at
least not deliberately. Hit their funny bone and they’ll respond by noticing you.
1. Be Vulnerable 4. Become Yoda To be naked is to be human. When you start sharing your hopes, dreams and fears,
People are addicted to positive thinking quotes
you connect with people on a visceral level.
on Twitter. The more motivation quotes you
Remember, people buy from who you are
Tweet out, the more you get tweeted. The end
before they buy what you sell.
result: People think you’re a deep thought leader worth following.
2. Tick People Off 5. Start Dealin’ Cool There’s a saying that when you try to please everybody you will please nobody. Be
Again this bears repeating, people don’t go
opinionated and the people who adore your
on Twitter to be sold to. Instead, they go to
persuasion will become your fervent followers.
find breaking news and time-wasting Youtube
Polarization creates sales.
videos. Here’s the key: Give them what they want (the cool), and they’ll give you what you want (the green). So go on Digg and tweet those links away.
June 2011
6. Be a Master Asker Don’t be afraid to ask for a specific action on your Twitter feed, for example a retweet. If you don’t ask for retweets, people will not give you one. If you don’t ask for props, they may not give you one. Ask and you shall receive. 7. Ooze Sex Appeal. Be as suave with people as you would in real life. Offer compliments, be amicable, crack a joke or two. You’ll be surprised how well this translates in the online space. And this will help you get as much Twitter traffic as possible. BONUS TIP: 8. Raise the Banner. Stand for a cause and your followers will start standing in solidarity with you. And now I would like to invite you to claim your instant free access to my Twitter marketing and psychology videos by going to http://DarkSideOfTwitter.com Plus, you also get a motherlode of other limited-edition social media tutorials and videos. From Kenneth Yu - The Puppet Master and Social Influence Marketer. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2421525
June 2011
Make Money on YouTube Videos - 5 Tips on How to Earn Money on YouTube Since it was named Time magazine’s invention
of the year in 2006, YouTube’s popularity has
Promote Your Site
exploded. But only recently was it able to
What started out as a promotional tool is now
translate that popularity into profits. You too
a way to turn a profit. By posting a video and
can make money on YouTube videos. All you
linking that to your website, you can generate
need to do is follow these easy tips and even
traffic. The nature of these videos are generally
your most mundane videos can earn you some
informative and how to’s are a good way of
June 2011
establishing your credibility. Those wanting
money on YouTube videos, this is another
to learn more can turn into customers if you
bridge. The contact information you gather
know how to turn traffic into profits.Also,
could reap a whole lot more in terms of future
since everybody is now on YouTube, you have
to differentiate yourself if you want to make
Marketing Affiliate Programs
money on YouTube videos. Find a niche and
For those just starting out, affiliate marketing
fill it. lilkiwiguy87 is an expert on professional
is a good place to get their feet wet. To make
Nikon cameras and nutnfancy is a survival
money this way, you simply need a video
equipment guru. They make marketing
editing tool to place a watermark on your
YouTube videos effective.
videos. You can create interesting tips or short
Become A YouTube Partner
how to’s and invite people to learn further by
Submit an application and have yourself
visiting your site. You can simply re-upload
approved. Since Google took over, advertising
content with your watermark added. A caveat
has become a major part of how to earn money
though, avoid broadcast material and know
on YouTube. Similar to the AdSense model,
the copyright laws that apply.And now that
you can now put ads on your videos and get
you know the top tips, do you want to learn
paid per click.
more how super affiliates - the top 10% of all
When you get approved as a partner, you
affiliate marketers - get so filthy rich? Our
simply opt your video posts to the partner
52-page free guide “How To Make Super
network and watch the money flow in. No
Commissions” worth $47.00 will reveal more
other way to make money on YouTube videos
of their Make Money on YouTube Videos and
is simpler.
other insider secrets.For the last five years,
Gather Email Address
YouTube has been the centerpiece of the
Generating leads to potential customers via
internet society. This allowed marketers to
their email is still one of the foundations of
make money on YouTube videos in more and
making money online and YouTube is effective
more creative ways. With the guidance given
in this area. You are not allowed to place an
by those who have already done it, marketing
opt-in capture form on YouTube itself. What
YouTube videos is sure to be profitable.
you can do to make money on YouTube videos, however, is placing a watermark on your video or a link in your profile that leads to a squeeze page. In the many ways to make
Visit http://www.theaffiliatemarketingstrategy.com/FreeGuide now to grab your “How To Make Super Commissions” free guide. Start learning from the gurus on how they have earned millions online...You too can skyrocket your affiliate income in no time!Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4949923
June 2011
Top Ten Must Have Tools For Anyone In A Home Based Business Each of the tools below were picked because they help with very very important parts of building a home based business. They all help improve the success of any business by helping to get people to your websites, help build your list, help you make more sales and give you more ways to make money.
8. Easy Video Player 2: Finally, Killer Software
7. Hyper Facebook Traffic: I’m sure you have
Lets You Build Your Lists On Auto Pilot, Create
heard of Facecook, who hasn’t right? The giant
Video Sales Pages At The Touch Of A Button
social networking site with over 500 Million
And SkyRocket Profits! THE Most Powerful
users! The Hyper Facebook Traffic system
Video Marketing Software On The Planet!
teaches you exactly how to use Facebook to make money online! This system teaches you
- Routinely Builds Mailing Lists On AutoPilot!
how to get thousands of new visitors to any
- Generate Massive Profits With Ease.
site for free. That is why it made # 7 in our top
- Finally Breaks Down All Barriers To Video
10 list!
Marketing So You Can Start To Make Money Today!
10. The 6 Links: When it comes to getting free
You don’t need a website, you don’t need
traffic to your site this system works like no
any products and you don’t even need a cell
other. It is an amazingly simple concept all you
phone to use this system. The fact that this
This is must have if you want to do any video
do is go look at 6 other people’s websites then
opportunity is using an untapped market that
marketing! That is why it made the cut and is
get a code from each one and put the code in
is Five times bigger than the internet to build
worthy of our list of must have’s for any home
the boxes that ask for the code. The fact that
you a huge list makes it worthy of our top 10
based business!
this system is Free and works very well is what
earned it the # 10 Spot.
6. Solo Ad Message Blaster: I’m sure you have heard of solo advertising and how it pulls really well and most people have had great success 9. Mobile Monopoly - I’m sure you heard the
with it. This system lets you Blast your solo
money is in the list well this system will help
ad message to over 3,000,000 people daily!
you build a huge list of thousands of people
Submit your site to 29,000 other websites and
ready to buy anything you offer.
directories, Get access to search engine
June 2011
June 2011
submitters and other great tools! As if getting
If you do have a website this is must have
your message in front of 3 Million people a
software if you want to rank really well in all
day was not enough they even let you use their
the search engines! This is how it earned the
servers and make it extremely easy to use!
#2 spot!
5. Big List Big Sales: This system goes above
1. WorldProfit: The # 1 spot goes to this
and beyond the call of duty. They will advertise
company because it offers help in building
your site for you. So they do all of the work
every aspect of your business! They have 24/7
and you get all of the money. They also take
live support, they have over 70 people working
it one step further and Guarantee 5 paid sign
for you and helping you close sales, They offer
up’s. This Guarantee is what earned Big List
live training from multi-millionaires who have
Big Sales the number 5 spot!
made millions online, They give you some amazing free tools and access to thousands of
4. Auto Blog Samurai Software: One of the
products that you can offer people if they take
best new ways to advertise your business is
action. They give you 50,000 Free visitors and
through a blog. The down fall is in order to
give you great tools to start building your own
get real results with a blog you need to have
With this software, you don’t have to do ANY
list. This system goes way beyond the call of
a lot to write about and something that will
work after it is set-up, it just
duty and offers more support and tools than
interest people. This Robot Builds Tiny Nich
runs itself and deposits money into your
all the other tools combined! This is how it
Blogs Proven to Pull 1.8 MILLION FREE
affiliate accounts like clockwork. This is why it
earned the #1 spot on our top 10 list!
visitors! It makes blogging very easy and very
came in our #3 spot.
This concludes our Top Ten Must Have Tools
fast! The fact this system is so easy to use and has worked so well for hundreds of people is what earned it the #4 spot!
2. SEO Pressor: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, This software is made to get your website listed on the first page of all the major search engines! If you are listed on the first page of the search engines you will get massive free traffic! This is not for everyone. If
3. Stealth Profit Machine 7 clicks to success: I’m sure you’ve seen other systems claiming you can make money in just 30 minutes a day...
June 2011
you do not have your own site do not get this software because you need your own website to use this software.
For Anyone In A Home Based Business! If you would like more information on how to get any of the tools listed above or would just like some free training please sign up for our Free Millionaire Bootcamp at http://www. funeasyhomebiz.comThe first 25 people that sign up for our free millionaire bootcamp will also get 7 more free gifts to help build any business! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5359455
June 2011
Blogger Vs WordPress Which Should You Choose?
to install and brags that you can have a blog up and running in just 5 minutes. Even if you opt to pay for a domain name and web hosting WordPress makes this easy by recommending several well known hosting services. There are
If you’ve been on the internet for any length
You can add your blog link to your Google
a multitude of templates available so that you
of time, then you’ve certainly run across
Chrome page, add it to your bloglines feed,
can make your blog look exactly the way you
many blogs. Maybe you’ve even read a few
and find all sorts of add ons that help blogger
want it to.
blogs consistently. You might be thinking
to run better and do more things. Google
If you’re considering starting a blog to
that starting a block could be a great asset for
has kept up well with the newest waves of
promote your business, you’ve probably
your business. It could help you to connect
technology and now allows you to purchase
realized that the choice mostly comes down to
with customers, share information about new
your own domain name for $10 per year and
using Blogger or WordPress. Blogger is a great
products or services, and enable you to do some
host your blog on your own domain name.
option for beginners since it now offers the
free or low-cost advertising. If you’ve gotten
This is obviously more professional-looking
option of registering your own domain name.
this far in the thought process, you’ve probably
than having yourname.blogspot.com and is an
However for flexibility, professionalism, and
realized that there are two basic options when
automatic choice for most business-minded
ease of use WordPress still comes out on top.
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bloggers. Although the option for using your
Discover how to build your own autopilot
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own domain name does bring Google back
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month within 8 to 12 weeks. (Seriously, this is
open source software. Each of these choices
Blogspot blog to be less professional-looking
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than a WordPress blog.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3723650
June 2011
June 2011
How to Increase Membership Sales
Here are some strategies that improve
end of a sale and work backwards to the
membership sales:
beginning at the enquiry stage. This will
1.Clearly define the role of the membership
highlight all the steps that must happen in
co-ordinator. The primary objective for the co-
generating a sale.
ordinator is to handle membership enquiries
For example:
Some of the comments I’ve heard when talking
*Do you have a process in place to follow
Step 6. Induct the member by explaining how
to people in membership based organisations
up enquiries, for example, when providing
members with the decision to invest in joining
they will receive notification of membership
are “We don’t sign up as many members
membership information kits?
the organisation. This position is a sales role.
and the details of what to expect as a new
It is important that the person in the role has
member. You may need to articulate the
as we’d like”; “We get a lot of enquiries for
membership but they don’t seem to sign up”;
In my experience, many organisations answer
sales experience and receives training in sales
induction process to them.
“There’s a lot of competition around, there’s
no to most of these questions. Some have
and communication skills.
Step 5. The customer has agreed to join and
just too many choices for potential members”
appointed a membership co-ordinator or
and “Potential members just don’t understand
allocate an administrative staff member the
2.Develop a sales process plan that details each
why they should join us.” In most cases, these
task of handling membership enquiries and
step required to help a potential membership
Step 4. Explain the details of what is involved
organisations take a reactive rather than
administration. Generally this person has been
enquiry into a sale. By having a road map to
with the membership that they are interested
proactive approach to membership sales.
given very little direction, clear instruction,
follow when handling enquiries, it allows you
in investing in.
How would your organisation answer these
processes or expectations with regard to
to walk your prospect through the process
Step 3. Share the benefits of joining. Answer
their role and the importance they play in the
and make it easier to convert. The best way to
questions that they may have. Give them
growth of the organisation. They often are
develop a sales process plan is to start at the
reasons to join.
*Do you have a defined process for handling
order takers instead of sales makers. Due to
membership enquiries and sales?
a lack of skills, training and knowledge, up to
*Have you appointed a membership co-
tens of thousands of dollars in membership
ordinator that is dedicated to administering
registrations are lost.
gives you their details and credit card for
and selling memberships? *Do you provide sales and communication
An association I worked with was averaging
skills training to your staff?
40 membership enquires per week. They
*Do you set budgets and targets for
would convert about 6 of these enquires to
membership registrations?
memberships. Extending this result out over
*Do you measure the performance of staff in
the course of a year with a membership fee of
terms of their conversion of enquiries to sales?
$395, this organisation missed out on 1,768 membership opportunities or $698,360 in membership sales.
June 2011
June 2011
Step 2. Ask questions, get some details and
didn’t monitor their results and achieved only
find out more information about them and
an 11% increase for the entire year.
their interest in the organisation.
5.The key to increasing your conversion and
Step 1. Answer the enquiry professionally.
the reason why up to 80% of membership
Your sales plan may have a few more detailed
sales are lost is because the prospect wasn’t
steps through it so use the above steps as a
asked to buy.
guide. Once you’ve set out a plan of what must
By following the principle of gaining
happen at each stage of the selling process,
confirmation and commitment to action, your
you’re better equipped to guide your future
conversion rate will dramatically increase. The
prospects into a sale.
membership coordinator should incorporate
3.Start measuring the number of enquiries
questions such as “Does this make sense to
and the number of sales made. This will give
you so far?” or “Is this what you had in mind
you a conversion rate. What you measure
in joining our organisation?” By asking these
you can manage; what you don’t you can’t. By
questions at the end, you are making sure that
measuring just your conversion rate, you’ll see
everything is ok with the prospect and they
a percentage increase in sales purely because
are aware of what they are about to invest in.
you are focussing on it.
Once you receive confirmation, ask if they
4.Measuring goes hand in hand with setting
have any additional questions or concerns.
targets and budgets. Sales targets should be
If they say no, follow through with “Great!
set on both a weekly and quarterly basis. The
If you like what you’ve heard, is it ok if we
saying “If you aim at nothing, you hit it with
go ahead and organise your membership?”
amazing accuracy” applies here. The reason
You’ll be amazed at the number of people that
for setting weekly and quarterly targets is
can’t think of a good reason not to go ahead
to monitor your performance over a short
period of time and make regular adjustments.
John Logar helps organisations achieve more than they thought
If you find yourself hitting your targets comfortably over a 3-week period, then apart from celebrating, you should also increase your targets. I worked with an association that monitored their sales closely and in one
possible through consulting, coaching, keynote presentations, seminars and training in the areas of leadership, values, team performance, marketing and risk management. John has addressed and consulted to over 1,000 organisations in commerce, government and not-for-profit. For FREE sales and marketing resources and downloads go to http://johnlogar. blogspot.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1463455
quarter their membership increased by 28 %, compared to the previous year where they 76
June 2011
June 2011
Ebook Review: The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay!
The topics covered include:
Jim however, says that “One auction can
How to earn Money!!
potentially bring you hundreds of buyers
How to gain a customer for life.
before, during, and after the sale WITHOUT
One of Jim’s Silent Sales Machines
violating eBay policy.” He then expands on this
by dissecting one of his Silent Sales Machines
to show you how he did it, and then providing
How to utilise your About Me page
many more creative ideas that you could
File Size: 1,709kb Zipped, 2,383kb Unzipped.
possibly use to set up your own Silent Sales
Number of Pages: 136
Machine using this principle. Implementing
Format: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
Improving your Silent Sales Machine!!
the ideas in The Silent Sales Machine Hiding
Subject: A guide to using eBay traffic to create
How to utilise all the above on eBay
on eBay can provide you with multiple benefits
“Silent Sales Machines.”
whilst sticking to eBay policy!!
How to get traffic to your Silent Sales
and hugely expand your business. However, the only problem is that if you have only been
Other Information: Can be bought with Jim Cockrum’s other ebook “How to turn Auction
On top of the main content Jim has also
selling on eBay, then you will probably have to
Traffic Cash” as a discounted, package deal.
included huge amounts of bonus content with
do quite a lot of research into setting up your
his ebook. This includes “What should I sell
own website, affiliate marketing, and ways in
on eBay” which is a collection of thousands
which you can create Silent Sales Machines
of creative ideas submitted by Jim’s newsletter
that fit your current product. If you can put in
subscribers, and “Power Tips for eBay Sellers”
the time and effort then the ideas in the Silent
which is a collection of useful tips for eBay
Sales Machine are definitely worthwhile. If
sellers plus four bonus articles.
not you’re probably best off leaving this one on the shelf.
The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay is
The author Jim Cockrum, is a self confessed eBay freak. He also runs “Creative Ebay
definitely aimed at those who are currently
Selling,” the internets largest eBay success
The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay is
limited to selling solely on eBay.
newsletter with over 90,000 subscribers and
a guide on how to gaining massively from
growing by the day. Jim has helped launch
the huge levels of eBay traffic. eBay gets 1.5
multiple internet businesses and has used the
billion page views per month, there are over
internet as his sole source of income since
100 million members, and 80,000 people sign
up every day, so it is one of the best but also most underutilised sources of traffic available
If you are currently only selling on eBay,
The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay lays If you are in this situation then it is most likely
wide open the huge opportunities you are
that you view your business activities as “If I
missing out on, by not looking at the bigger
sell one item on eBay I get one buyer and one
sale” (I know I was).
to any seller. 78
June 2011
June 2011
ONLINEMillionaire ·
The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on
Silent Sales Machine.
eBay provides you with methods that will
The benefits gained from setting up
direct the huge amounts of traffic on eBay, to
a Silent Sales Machine are slightly over-
your product outside of eBay, whilst sticking
exaggerated in this ebook.
to eBay policy. ·
The huge amount of creative ideas listed
mean you should be able to think of a Silent
Sales Machine that you can run alongside
The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay
your current product and seriously increase
is the ebook that convinced me to finally
your sales.
get a website. Prior to this I simply thought;
Setting up Silent Sales Machines
“I have an eBay store with its own URL and
balances the risk of your business. If your
that’s enough.” However, once set up I quickly
business on eBay is not doing so well this is
realised the benefits I had been missing out
weighed up against your business off eBay
on by not having a website. Not only could I
which may be doing better and vice versa.
use it to promote my eBay store, and use my
Once set up, most Silent Sales Machines
eBay store to promote my website, but taking
are virtually automated, providing you with
this first step led me to look at even more ways
a regular income for weeks, months, or even
of setting up Silent Sales Machines outside of
years to come.
eBay. I now firmly believe that everyone who sells on eBay should set up their own website.
This is for a variety of reasons but definitely the
A lot of time, effort, and research can be
largest being “Spreading the Risk.” I know it is
required initially to set up an effective Silent
unlikely, and won’t happen in the near future,
Sales Machine.
but what if eBay goes out of business? Without
a website you would go out of business too.
Although a website is not essential for
some Silent Sales Machines, most of them do require one, which is an added expense. You may also need to acquire new skills (such as HTML programming) in order to set up your website. ·
You may have to become familiar with
using affiliate programs in order to set up your 80
June 2011
Tom Parker offers many impartial ebook reviews just like this one at his website http://www.theebookcavernreviews.co.uk/. Any purchases made through this site are eligible for a 25% discount (subject to website terms). You can reprint any of Tom’s articles but please include the bio so that he is credited. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/166557
ONLINEMillionaire So you want to use Facebook to grow your
Then again, Facebook doesn’t really work like
business? You setup your profile and place a
that anyways right? Who wants to be friends
ton of your company information and your
with a person who is a Giant advertisement?
contact information on it so when people
Do you really want some Facebook friend
stumble on it they can contact you. Most then
posting profile status and wall posts only to
add a ton of pictures of their products and
promote a product? That gets old quick, as
links to how it’s the greatest thing since sliced
people will realize that they are being used as
bread. That’s all fine and dandy if you just
a free advertising source.
wanted to push the “product”. We all know products will get sold but to whom? Who will
3 Free ways to grow your business in Facebook
get those sales? If you want to be the distributor
is to be a REAL person.
responsible you need to differentiate from all the other distributors in your company. You
1. Get a Real picture of You
might think y our only competing with other companies for business and you would be
I’m not talking about an avatar image. Most
partially correct. You also need to compete
people think that you can add a cute picture
with distributors in your own company.
of a cat or a giant image of your product and that will help you on Facebook. Facebook is
Facebook - 3 Free Ways to Grow Your Network Marketing
Lets say you are your own product. If that
generally used to network individuals and to
is the case, then you still need to promote
do so you need a mug shot. Okay, maybe not a
yourself. Why buy from you? Selling your
mug shot but get a picture with your good side.
own product on Facebook depends a lot on
Some might like y our fancy car you have on
advertising. Generic advertising that most
you profile but how does that really connect
do is blast information on their profile. This
you to your audience? You need to brand your
generally doesn’t work.
own image onto people’s minds. What makes
If your using your Facebook profile to sell someone you are probably already in trouble. People generally need to be pre-sold before coming to your site. Which means your advertising outside of Facebook has to do a lot of work before people come to you.
June 2011
you different from every other business out there? Don’t get it confused. Example: If you sell Coke for a living and you have a Giant Coke image on your profile does that really help? Sure people know you either love Coke or work for them.
June 2011
How does that differentiate you from other
This is critical as there will be a time when you
Coke distributors? That Coke image doesn’t
have enough traffic going through Facebook
set you apart from every other person with
and many members will start to lean towards
that same image. Your image is really the only
people in their region. Don’t prevent people
picture you have to differentiate yourself. You
from finding YOU. Generating leads for your
want to stick out and not be filed as another
network marketing business in your local
Coke distributor.
area will greatly boost your ability to reach out and connect with them.
2. Set Your Region 3. Fill Out Your Profile People don’t realize you can actually localize yourself in Facebook. Some people look over
Way too many people only put a tiny bit of
this because they are a global distributor. Your
information on it. Makes it look like your
shooting yourself in the foot if you don’t let
either hiding something or you got something
yourself be found. Why would you want to
to hide. People want to network with people
block people from finding you? Isn’t part of
they know. It’s hard to do that if you got a
network marketing about having ways for
picture of a cat and you have no clue to what
people to find you easily? You want to be found
they do in their spare time. Even worse, you
by people who want your product or service.
don’t even k now what they do professionally.
Easy ways to do this is by joining networks in
I totally recommend you put where you
Facebook or Neighborhoods. I recommend
worked full time or working now.
networks as that is shown on your profile easily.
Education is also a key. Stating where you
Many distributors are localized to states or even regions. Knowing exactly where people are will only help boost your sales. What if someone in your area wants to become a distributor but only wants to talk to someone who is local? Location information in this situation will be the difference between getting new business or being looked over.
There are many simple ways to promote your business using Facebook. Facebook alone should be able to drive significant traffic if utilized correctly. Start generating leads to your network marketing business using simple strategies like these. Lawrence Tam has brought the best out of hundreds of Internet Marketers by helping them create wealth for their own network marketing business. Success in any network marketing business is built with knowing the secrets to online marketing like Facebook/ MySpace, Pay Per Click, Twitter, Classifieds and many more. Get your F-R-E-E training mastering these marketing methods and many others by Facebook Network Marketing Online. If you are serious about your future, you will want to register for my free 7 day Internet Lead Generation Video Bootcamp. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2499395
went to a University and what you studied will help you relate to many people on Facebook. People get addicted to adding a ton of applications and their page slows to a crawl. The NEW Facebook has now placed information in different tabs to break up it up and make it easier to see where someone is and what they do for a living. Can Facebook Really Be Used For Business? Of course!
June 2011
June 2011
Successful Steps To Effective Facebook Marketing
ONLINEMillionaire We all understand about Facebook and the
If you have multiple sites in different markets,
more than half a billion individuals who
then naturally the smart thing is to create a
actively use it.
fan page on its own account.
There are so many excellent motives for
We really feel that is a sensible move and
any internet marketer to utilize Facebook
should be thought over.
marketing. What a fan page provides is networking and There are extraordinary numbers of people
promotional opportunities. In a very true
employing Facebook irrespective of the time
manner you are branding yourself with your
of day. Now that promotion has been there for
fan page.
a while, people have grown familiar to seeing them.
That is exactly why relationship marketing really has to receive its due when you are using fan pages.
So when you mix all of that you get nothing but excellent possibility for your business. There
Attempt to get away from engaging in hype
is a lot more you can do with your marketing
marketing on your fan pages. You want to
at Facebook besides running advertisements.
attract and keep other Facebook users, and
The business networking atmosphere at is just
more and more folks are truly tired of all
insanely huge and holds great opportunity for
the hype related with online marketing and
Facebook marketing included.
Yet again, so many of us have already heard
Plus know that you really do not have to
of fanpages, but we think they are still many
involve hype. When you’re working toward
marketer’s who have not taken the plunge to
creating positive relationships with people,
create their own fan page.
then it is obvious to be aware that no hype needs to occur.
We are contemplating about what could be achieved with business fan pages as a part of
The very best approach is to always be honest
Facebook marketing.
and helpful. If people think you are trying to help
June 2011
June 2011
them with useful information, then they’ll
Facebook Advantage and Disadvantages
stick with you. You will generally be liked by people if you really want to help them out. You likewise want word of mouth advertisements, and that is the very best way to get it. Attempt to be diverse with your Facebook marketing by giving special offerings. You want them to feel very unique, and that is part of powerful relationship marketing. So just a few ideas include discovering great deals such as exclusive offers and discounts. How about producing things like a loyal customer, or fan, card; even if it is digital it will not matter. How about locating great Facebook apps you can explain to them about. Then do not forget
Despite the above mentioned advantages and
who are so into it. Individuals who have an
· Overcrowding
disadvantages of an online networking service,
account in Facebook are now using more of
Weakening long distance relationship
it still is gaining demand and popularity
their time to socialize with other people amidst
Unsupported by physical adjacency
among the young crowd. There are about
the distance and lack of time. And even if a
Contributes wide-range procrastination
10,000 students (professionals and young
community like Facebook serves numerous
Rampant addiction
professionals not yet included) who are joining
advantages, it also proves to have certain
Stalking is possible
into Facebook every day. This is regardless of
disadvantages as well. There are now series of
Acquaintances be labeled as friends
the age, race and country. Some are now trying
Facebook - a popular name among those
improvements in the system just to make up
to criticize the status of professionalism of
with the shortcomings. Arguments regarding
this site whether it’s just another fad like other
the different advantages and disadvantages of
Surely, the disadvantages don’t pose a threat
Facebook are stated below.
to you just by merely looking at it. Someone else has to prove that what users do with their
about having contests because people really
profile is directly in proportion with what can
do love them and also enjoy to win. What you
wish to do is engage your fans in a real way.
The way to create relationships is to be active
with people, and you can effortlessly do that
so your fan page becomes sticky.
a high level of security ·
Allows user search for new and old Accessible to chosen universities having Makes
Would you like to learn more about Facebook
communicating with strangers or people you
are not familiar with ·
Love attraction - can be used as a dating
Here is a free training on marketing with
service system
Facebook the right way. Just click this link
Free Facebook Training.
similar likes and dislikes
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dave_Zeller
Makes it easier to join groups having Allows members to check students who
are taking the same class, living within the same area, or coming from the same academy
June 2011
happen to them. A user must understand what he is trying to give out otherwise things might get messy and people will mistook them as someone else. It is quite obvious that a trade off is happening between the advantages and disadvantages of
communication and connection between friends and the online community it also increases the risk of procrastination and makes it easier for others to stalk a user. Worse, some are actually punished for what they put on
online networking services are. Discover how you can get free, targeted traffic to your website using short, easy to write articles like this. Visit my website to download your free copy of ‘Article Marketing Made Easy
marketing/]’. Signup now to get our 5 day e-course that includes the most important facts and details you must know to make tons of money running your business on Facebook [http:// www.ebooklady.com/fbprofits/splashpage. html]. Without this information you face serious obstacles to achieving the kind success and wealth you deserve!
their profile and would claim that it was there only for fun.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2051514
June 2011
How to Earn Money From Facebook
your company profile and your products.
You don’t actually have to sell anything on
Some college students that go online during
your Facebook page, you just have to put up
the wee hours of the night might actually
advertising spaces once you get the traffic
crave for pizza.
Or if you have a bookstore, you can put up a page asking people if they want to order a book online for a significantly lower price
Create applications.
compared to other online bookstores. Know your consumers and find ways on how to get
Facebook is so popular because of the various
in touch with them.
third-party applications it offers. First of, you should know what the market demands. What applications do Facebook users want? Most users are between the ages of 18 and 35
Make your Facebook page interesting.
so it is understandable that most Facebook applications would be mashups between
Facebook has become a social networking
Facebook also generates advertisements that
phenomenon that started just with college
go with their applications. You can apply the
students but now has expanded to all types
same concept - make a product and sell it. So,
of social groups. Much of Facebook users are
how do you do this with Facebook? Here are
so addicted to this website, they spend hours
ways to get your profits running.
exploring and using different kinds of social applications. Like the television, people are spending more and more time in front of their computers - surfing the web or trying out new applications on Facebook. Like with more popular media like the television, radio or print advertisements, 90
June 2011
Sell your product.
A lot of people also browse Facebook looking
music, video, applications that are just for fun
for interesting content like causes to support,
or their profiles.
funny stuff or photos that are worth taking
Applications would range from free gifts, to
a look at. You can start thinking of ways on
horoscopes, to trivia games, personality tests
how to make your page interesting, so a lot of
or graffiti walls on their profile pages.
readers would go to your profile page. You just have to put an advertising space on your profile page. Then, find advertisers that would be interested in putting up their ad banners on your site. If your page is about
If you already have a product, you can sell it on
books, maybe you’d like to get in touch with
Facebook - most especially if your service or
Amazon. It would be logical, of course, to get
product caters to the 18 to 35 year old group.
advertisers that are related with your actual
For example, if you own a twenty-four hour
These applications are viral - meaning it can spread in a matter of minutes! So, a lot of people can be using your application minutes after it has been launched. That would mean that you can sell advertising spaces on your application.
pizza place, you can put up your page with June 2011
ONLINEMillionaire If you don’t have the means or the money to
get your application up and running, you can
Copyright (c) Althea Marie Tan. If you are interested to know more about how to use Facebook and to earn money from it, visit Facebook Social Ads [http://facebook-social-ads.net]
sell your idea to companies like Bay Partners
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thea_Tan
or get developers to help you with it.
Make Money Formula - Make Money Online Make money is a necessity. Make money should be easy. Is there a magic make money formula that guarantees that we can make money online simple? Well maybe not guaranteed but a simple make money formula consists mainly of 3 major ingredients.
rank positions for certain keywords while others claim that in a very short time your website can appear on top positions on search engines out of nowhere. The main truth is that SEO takes time and is not an easy task. But good news is that basic and crucial characteristics that a website must have to be optimized for search engines are
Ingredient number 1 of the make money
formula is the search engine optimization
If you make a search for free SEO ebook,
or SEO.
free SEO techniques or software many excellent articles or blogs appear that cover
It starts with registering a domain name
all elementary aspects of search engine
that is more effective for internet marketing
optimization. Why pay a lot of money when
if it contains the main keyword we want to
you can apply yourself important features and
obtain top ranking positions on major search
gain many positions on search engines for
engines. The purpose is for the search engines
certain keywords?
not only to find that our website exists but that
Start with basic free stuff and then later on if
is relevant to some major keywords and by
you wish proceed with paid professional SEO
time to appear high on search results for many
advice or services.
phrases that people use when they are online.
June 2011
There are a lot of things said and written about
A website without SEO techniques applied is
SEO. Some of them claim that SEO is difficult
simply a boat travelling without destination.
and too expensive. Some SEO companies
It has no purpose and no clear make money
charge a lot of money for guaranteed top 10
June 2011
Ingredient number 2 of the make money
weekly, monthly or even better daily action
formula is to get many links pointing to our
and routine.
website or blog.
Ingredient number 3 of the make money
The more links the better it is for our internet
formula is getting traffic from ingredients 1
business. This is an internet marketing rule
and 2 and converting it to sales and money.
that states search engines rank websites based
Statistics and analytics play a very important
on many factors, one of which is the amount of
role to any online business and evaluating and
links they have. More links make any website
experimenting with your website in terms
more relevant and important to search engines
of how to find ways to get more traffic and
and there is a huge difference being on page
convert it to money is very important. Test
10 versus being on page 1 or 2 for a specific
changes like the tone of your text, headlines,
phrase. So how do we obtain links? Some link
offers, colors, synonyms and action to take
building ideas are:
your visitors. Analyze which pages attract
o Submitting a website to directories, both
more visitors or how long do people stay on
free and paid
your site and think of additional pages that you
o Having a blog and adding a link to your site
could to make your website more appealing,
in each post. Imagine after 1000 posts having
interesting and convincing. Traffic without
links to your site from your blog. There is also
conversion will not help you making a lot of
the compounding effect of links with blogs
money with the exception of revenue from
which is simply getting multiple links to your
advertisements. Test even the appearance of
site if other bloggers like what you write and
your website from too formal to more casual
add a link from their blog to your blog. Blog
and analyze which look your visitors want.
communities are a typical example of this link
A final note to all 3 ingredients of the make
compound effect.
money formula is that action should be a daily
o Writing and distributing press releases
routine. It takes time for new websites to rank
announcing important events that concern
high on search results so if you have little traffic
your online business
test as many changes as possible and later on
o Apply a link exchange strategy with other
apply only ideas that work with statistics and
relevant websites
analytics. The make money formula therefore
It is important to understand that link building
is SEO + links + traffic = money.
should be a never ending procedure and a
Internet business Internet money
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1714042
June 2011
Affiliate Marketing - How To Choose An Affiliate Program Get information about programs before
Find out about the statistics that will be
joining them. Do some research about them
available to you. The more detailed the
and the options they provide.
better, as they would help you in planning your strategy. One should always check their
Find out if it costs anything to join the sites.
statistics to see how they are doing.
Many good sites are free to join so you should beware of any that require payment.
It is also important to check if the company also pays for hits or impressions, in addition
Check the payment schedule of the company.
to sales commissions. This will add to the
All programs are different; some pay weekly
earnings, even if modestly. This would be
while others do so monthly. Choose one that
a good tool if the conversion ratio of the
is convenient for you. Some programs also
company is low, meaning that your potential
have minimum commissions, and can’t send
sales will also be low.
payment unless the minimum is surpassed. Get information about the retailer to know Find out about the conversion ratio. This can
if you are dealing with a solid company. You
be done by checking the hit per sale ratio. It
should have an idea of the products they sell
will be a pointer as to how much traffic you
and how much they make. This will make it
may need to earn commission from the site.
easy for you to know if the program will suit you.
You should have a clear idea of the company’s referral tracking system, for example how
You should know if the program is one or
long cookies last. A good company should
two tier. A one tier program will pay for the
track referrals for long enough, so that you get
business you have generated, while a two-tier
credited for any sales. Some visitors don’t buy
program also pays business generated by any
immediately but may make the sale a while
affiliates you sponsor in the program.
after they visit the site. June 2011
It is also important for one to check the
Carson Leong is a small business internet
commission paid. This is usually some sort of
marketer at using article and video marketing,
percentage. Most programs offer 5-20%.
blogging to drive highly targeted traffic to websites. He can help you grow your online
These are the major concerns you should
business and earn $14,500 just bu sending out
check before joining any affiliate program.
7 emails without any product. Click here to
Doing this will ensure that you get the most
know how he did it or visit inboxatmsecrets.
suitable program for your site. It will also
com to find out more.
ensure that when you integrate the program in your website, you won’t be disappointed later on. You should have knowledge of all the aspects of the program before joining it. One
good way of finding these answers is by asking
the affiliate some of these questions.
Benefits of WordPress What’s are the major benefits of having a
your WordPress website is a really simple
WordPress website?
and easy process, but what other benefits do
If you’re thinking about having a website
WordPress websites offer you? Well here’s
yourself, you are probably asking that very
a swift little list of some of the most useful
same question. I could easily ramble on
about technical things copied from forums
SEO! - You can optimise your website easily
and blogs, but that wouldn’t help anyone and
by adding tags to all your pages and posts. Its
would totally go against what WordPress is all
also very easy to update regularly, and Google
about, simplicity and quality!
loves new content!
Instead, however, I can be honest and tell you
Customisation! - You can change the look and
about what I see as the benefits of a WordPress
colour of your website in a few clicks. There
website, as an end user, not a web designer.
is a simple editor which is easy to use, along
Firstly, our WordPress website, is easy to
with many different themes available.
use. Very easy. We were in need of a content
Social Media! - WordPress is fully compatible
management website that we could easily
with all forms of social media. Facebook,
control ourselves, and this ticked all the boxes.
Youtube, Twitter, can all appear on your site.
It looks good, it feels good, and does an ideal
A site for life! - WordPress is always being
job. We chose WordPress because we needed
updated! If you want to add a new section,
to be able to update our website whenever we
page, post, to your website, you can easily do
needed to. We wanted to be able to do this
it in a couple of clicks. Want a site that can
ourselves whenever we felt necessary, rather
expand and change with your business, this is
than having to constantly call a web developer
asking them to change a list of things. Luckily
Integration! - Newsletters, online payment
for us, news, videos, blogs, testimonials and
more can be added and edited in minutes!
E-commerce, WordPress has a plug-in for all
Developed from blogging software and
those, and many many more.
created by a professional WordPress Web Design team, the WordPress user interface is
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5014254
easy to use and takes only minutes to learn and master if given the right tuition. So, updating 96
June 2011
June 2011
ONLINEMillionaire These days the most cost effective method though emails. Most people tune out traditional forms of marketing and advertising these days. People will often take the time to at least open an email to see what it is about. That is an opportunity to influence an individual to check out a product or website, or even directly buy from the email.
1. The Problem Is Generating a Mailing List Quickly And Effectively. A company or individual does not usually have the time to spend years building a massive mailing list. Nor is it effective to quickly build a list of non interested email holders. There must be a balance between a rapidly built email list and people actually interested in the product or information of the lists user or owner. Sending out mass emails to people not interested is about as effective as standing on a street corner tying to get people to take flyers as the rush by. Most of them end up on the street, as are unwanted emails found in the delete bin or spam files.
2. Find The Target Market And Get Their Emails. Optin Profits list building course gives companies and individuals a real advantage when attempting to build effective and useful mailing lists. The course teaches how to rapidly build a massive mailing list of people interested in a product or information. That is half the battle right there, finding people who want to receive an email about a product. Once a massive mailing list has been created it is simply a matter of using it. It is also a good idea to continue to grow the email list and to properly maintain it.
Ewen Chia’s Optin Profits Review - Effective Marketing Using Optin Profits Methods
3. Send Effective Emails To The Target Market. It is not enough to have a massive marketing or email list. It has to be used effectively. Optin Profits list building course also teaches how to win at the second half of the battle. How to create an email that not only gets readers interest, but causes them to look further into it and possibly buy. Emails created with Optin Profits knowhow create hits, leads and sales. Is Optin Profits a scam? Visit http://www.millionsreview.com/ewen-chias-optin-profits-review.html to read a FREE report and find out the truth about this Perfect List Building Course! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_K
June 2011
June 2011