Жалбата ан Макартни

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Case 1:17-cv-00363 Document 1 Filed 01/18/17 Page 1 of 16

MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP Michael A. Jacobs (pro hac vice motion forthcoming) Roman Swoopes (pro hac vice motion forthcoming) 425 Market Street San Francisco, California 94105-2482 415.268.7000 MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP J. Alexander Lawrence 250 West 55th Street New York, New York 10019-9601 212.468.8000

EASTMAN & EASTMAN John L. Eastman (pro hac vice motion forthcoming) Lee V. Eastman (pro hac vice motion forthcoming) 39 West 54th St New York, New York 10019 212.246.5757

Paul Goldstein (pro hac vice motion forthcoming) 559 Nathan Abbott Way Stanford, California 94305-8610 650.723.0313 Attorneys for Plaintiff James Paul McCartney UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ------------------------------------------------------------------ x : JAMES PAUL MCCARTNEY, an individual, : : Plaintiff, : : -v.: : SONY/ATV MUSIC PUBLISHING LLC, a : Delaware Limited Liability Company, and : SONY/ATV TUNES LLC, a Delaware Limited : Liability Company, :

Case No. 17cv363

Complaint for Declaratory Judgment Demand for Jury Trial

Defendants. ------------------------------------------------------------------ x COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT Plaintiff James Paul McCartney, for his complaint against Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC and Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, alleges as follows:

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