at the helm
Photo: Li Wen
Marine & Offshore
caught up with Annie Chua, CEO, ICF International for a chat recently, and the effervescent LADY dynamo proved that she had more than what it takes to lead her organisation into the future.
Goh Tz’en Long files this story.
Mar to Apr 2022
What is the essential difference between outfitting luxury cruise liners and offshore installations? Primarily, there is not much difference. If you are talking about the interior fit out material, cruise ship definitely has a lot more. But in terms of the methodologies, it is really the marine and technical knowhow, ICF does have the expertise in these areas, so there is not much difference. Have your businesses been affected by the Covid pandemic and how do you deal with it? I think generally everybody is affected and ICF is no different; but we have seized the opportunity to actually survive and thrive by digitalising our processes and we have looked into some other areas of businesses; one of which, I did share in my SME day speech. It is like the combination of Chinese characters, “危机” which means “crisis” in Mandarin. When you look at each character individually; “危” means danger, while “机” means opportunity. This means that from danger, springs forth opportunity. This has definitely, given opportunities to ICF. Would interior design and design & build for sea going vessels sum up your business activity, or is there more than that? It is still our main and core competency; but in addition, as decarbonisation and ESG is really the trend these days, so we are moving towards ESG and decarbonisation. Having said that, we have some newer technology or advanced technology such as fire protection for the EVs as well as hybrids.