Tanzania in your pocket - February 2018

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JAN - FEB 2018 | Issue No.19 | Free Copy

ISSN 2546 - 2016

February Coastal Thrills Flip to page 8

Travel Vows




Editor's Note

Fishing Paradise at Blue Reef .............. 8

Hello Wanderlusters,

([SORUH )DQMRYH ,VODQG ....................... 14

Our second February Edition, the 'love travel' collection is here and it is no less than a travel goal notebook. By all means, this month we want you to make real promises and amusingly remember them as your 'travel vows'.

Budget Trips......................................... 16 9LVLW 0DĂ€D ,VODQG ................................. 18 1HZ ([SHULHQFHV LQ 7DQ]DQLD ........ 25 Romantic Destinations ....................... 26

Published & Distributed by Easy Talk Ltd Sales & Advertising Queries: +255 779 786 911 info@travelguide.co.tz www.travelguide.co.tz 3 2 %R[ 'DU HV 6DODDP 7DQ]DQLD Our Team Managing Director: Sameer Sajan General Manager: Ayushi Ramaiya Editor: Attilio Tagalile Design & Marketing: Reema Bhesania-Shah Contributors Cover Story Photos: Blue Reef Sport and Fishing Lodge Others: Steven Mwaseba. Songa Wa Songa. Essential Destination, Julia D,Orazio

Printing Jamana Printers *All content published is copy right of the magazine, Tanzania in your Pocket. The information shared is for general purpose and the publisher does not hold responsibility for any errors/ amendments by the advertiser or third party information.

We have gone so many steps ahead from land to the ocean DQG MRLQ WKH ÀVKLQJ H[SHUWV in marine paradise. Blue Reef Sports and Fishing Lodge has won the Trip Advisor's 2018 Traveler's Choice Awards and we are so proud to have them on our cover. Oh don't you love that big catch! :H JRW \RX VXSHU H[FLWHG this season with our lineup of featured and recommendations WKLV PRQWK )DOO LQ ORYH ZLWK 0DÀD Island or the Fanjove Private Island and immerse in this heavenly feeling. Don't forget to make use of special offers tagged in our magazines. 6LJQLQJ RII DV ZH VD\ \RX ÀQG yourself when you travel within and into the world outside... Bon Voyage!




Kiota Nest www.kiotanest.com info@kiotanest.com +255 787 563 220 / +255 784 326 600

Udaay Safari and Tours (T) Limited www.udaaysafaris.com info@udaaysafaris.com +255 713 416 509 / +255 713 416 509

Sunshine Marine Lodge www.marinelodgezanzibar.com info@marinelodgezanzibar.com +255 779 623 121

First Years Academy ZZZ ÀUVW\HDUV FR W] DGPLQ#ÀUVW\HDUV FR W] +255 687 525 969

Travel Partner www.travelpartner.co.tz info@travelpartner.co.tz +255 767 888 283 / +255 766 555 777 +255 717 555 777

Tanzanite Beach Resort www.tanzanitebeachresort.com info@ tanzanitebeachresort.com +255 777 485 022 / +255 717 059 199

Octagon Lodge www.octagonlodge.com sales@octagonlodge.com +255 765 473 564 / +255 684 791 444

Maru Maru Hotel www.marumaruzanzibar.com reservations@marumaruzanzibar.com +255 24 2238516/7/8

SRS Rent A Car www.srs.co.tz ÁHHWV#VUV FR W] +255 688 942 090

Rates starting from US$25 IRIS Hotel www.irishotel.co.tz info@irishotel.co.tz +255 712 265 262

Sunshine Hotel www.sunshinezanzibar.com RIÀFH#VXQVKLQH]DQ]LEDU FRP +255 773 236 578

Motion Print www.motionprint.co.tz mp@motionprint.co.tz +255 778 114 411

Tanzania Joy Tours www.tanzaniajoytours.com info@tanzaniajoytours.com +255 719 973 749

Blue Reef Fishing Sport & Fishing Lodge ZZZ EOXHUHHIÀVKLQJORGJH FRP bluereefzanzibar@gmail.com +255 779 633 234/+255 779 049 419

Innovative Gadgets and Gifts Sea cliff Village - Masaki - DSM info@gadgetshop.co.tz +255 799 788 887

Sales and Service of Fire Fighting and Safety Equipment VDOHV#ÀUH FR W] +255 713 320 432

Chole Mjini Tree House Lodge KituKiblu Whale Shark Safaris

www.kitukiblu.co.tz |www.cholemjini.com 2chole@gmail.com +255 784 520 799 / +255 787 712 427

Simba Farm Lodge www.simbafarmlodge.co.tz info@simbafarmlodge.co.tz +255 784 687 335 / +255 787 904 580

Time 4 Zanzibar Tours and Safaris www.time4zanzibar.com info@time4zanzibar.com +255 777 803 191 / +255 715 222 512

Ramada Encore Dar es Salaam www. ramadaencoredar.com info@ramadaencoredar.com +255 22 234 3434

Gem Tanzanite Limited www.gemtanzaniteltd.co.tz gemtanzaniteltd@gmail.com +255 768 281 281, +255 754 281 735

Lighthouse Beach Lodge frankmbelwa@gmail.com +255 715 947 444 / +255 627 552 265

Capricorn Beach Cottages

www.capricornbeachcottages.com reservations@capricornbeachcottages.com

+255 788 811 551 / +255 757 953 884

Coastal Aviation www.coastal.co.tz lastminute@coastal.co.tz +255 787 232 747 +255 22 2117 953/960

Monday To Sunday : 10 - 12 +255 784 264 752 / +255 782 786 444 3 R %R[ -DPKXUL 6WUHHW Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Golden Tulip - Dar es Salaam

Oysterbay, Toure Drive www.goldentulipdaressalaam.com enquiries@goldentuliptanzania.com +255 22 260 0288 / +255 773 272 247

Fishing and Relaxing in Paradise Blue Reef Sport & Fishing Lodge

,PDJLQH D ODJRRQ LQ VL[ GLIIHUHQW VKDGHV RI EOXH WUDGLWLRQDO VDLOLQJ ERDWV passing by, fringing coconut trees and a breathtaking sunrise. Jambiani on the east coast of Zanzibar has it all. The cherry on the ice-cream is the top ÀVKLQJ H[SHULHQFHV RIIHUHG E\ %OXH 5HHI 6SRUW )LVKLQJ /RGJH VLWXDWHG LQ D stunning lagoon in the traditional village. Blue Reef is built and run by a Dutch family with support of the charming and IULHQGO\ ORFDO VWDII .QRZQ IRU LWV ÀUVW FODVV KRVSLWDOLW\ KLJK TXDOLW\ GULQNV J\P facility and superb restaurant; Blue Reef gives their guests an unforgettable H[SHULHQFH 2QH RI WKH PDLQ UHDVRQV IRU WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ RI IRRG LV LWV H[WHQVLYH ÀVKLQJ program, bringing in regular fresh catch.





Inspiring, Simple Stays

For the comfort of the guests, Blue Reef has two lodging options; just some distance apart, both directly facing the beach. All rooms have European standard king size beds, hot water, wall fans and mosquito nets. 7KH ÀUVW ORFDWLRQ SULPDULO\ D ORGJH LV IDPHG IRU LWV VXSHUE YLEH consisting of 8 rooms; a selection of these have a sea view and a terrace. The second location is a little smaller and more quiet with 7 rooms all with sea view and private terraces. The three family rooms can accommodate 4-5 people with ocean views right from their verandas. A lot of families describe the lodge as a perfect holiday getaway.

Thoughtful Restaurants

The lodge has two restaurant locations offering an array of cuisines. The A La Carte restaurant serves a daily changing GLQQHU PHQX ZLWK D YDULHW\ RI PHDW ÀVK DQG YHJHWDULDQ mouth watering dishes. The second restaurant specializes in with traditional Italian pizza, baked in the home-made RXWGRRU FOD\ RYHQ $ JDPH DUHD QH[W WR WKH UHVWDXUDQW LV intently set for guests to play pool, table tennis and table football while waiting for the food.

The Littler Gym

For the sportive guests, the lodge has a small well-equipped J\P ZLWK GXPEEHOOV 2O\PSLF EDU ER[LQJ EDJ '\QDEDQGV and more. Certainly adventure lovers at Blue Reef have a sportive spirit too! All in all, the Dutch owners and their lovely staff will give you DQ H[SHULHQFH RI D OLIHWLPH DW RQH RI WKH H[FOXVLYH ÀVKLQJ lodges of Zanzibar!






Fanjove Private Island is part of the Songo Songo Archipelago, 200km south of Dar-Es-Salaam, lying in the warm crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean. It LV RQO\ DQ KRXU Ă LJKW DZD\ IURP Dar es Salaam to Songo Songo with Coastal Aviation and about a 40 minute boat ride from the DLUVWULS WR )DQMRYH $Q H[TXLVLWH rendezvous!

Fanjove Island Fanjove Island is a kilometer of long sandy beach and has a historical OLJKWKRXVH EXLOW E\ WKH *HUPDQV LQ 7KHUH DUH VL[ (FR %DQGD QDPHG after the Swahili word for hut. The Banda architecture is inspired by the dhows (local boats), which silently pass over the turquoise waters. The infrastructure is designed and constructed in order to protect the marine and terrestrial habitat.


In order to keep the impact on the delicate ecosystem minimal, each Banda is powered by solar energy, as DUH WKH KRW VKRZHUV %DWKURRPV KDYH SURSHU Ă XVK WRLOHWV DQG wastewater is biodegraded in septic tanks. Being eco friendly though has not diminished the comfort of the accommodation, on the contrary KDV DGGHG D QDWXUDO EHDXW\ WR WKH VW\OH )DQMRYH LV LQKDELWHG H[FHSW IRU WKH thousands of birds, coconut crabs, turtles and the few tourists 5RPDQFH RQ WKH EHDFK FDQ¡W JHW DQ\ EHWWHU WKDQ )DQMRYH¡V Ă€QH GLQLQJ H[SHULHQFH EDVHG RQ WKH ORFDO FDWFK RI Ă€VK VTXLG DQG RFWRSXV ZLWK D WRXFK of Swahili spice culture and plentiful of local fresh fruits though any taste can be accommodated on demand, from meat eater to vegan. By visiting this beautiful paradise, you contribute to the welfare of the communities. In fact 3% of the income generated by the lodge is donated to the Songo Songo village council for social development as well as an annual rent is paid. In return, the communities have agreed to protect 50% of the reef. Thanks to the protection of the corals, snorkeling and diving are very rewarding as well as sightings of both bottlenose and spinner dolphins. Other activities include kayaking, whale spotting, bird watching and sunset dhow cruises. Fanjove has initiated and supports the local Beach Management Unit (BMU) ZKLFK UHJXODWHV DQG LPSOHPHQWV VXVWDLQDEOH Ă€VKLQJ 7KH 6RQJR 6RQJR %08 together with the Fisheries department and the Government have managed WR HUDGLFDWH G\QDPLWH Ă€VKLQJ IURP WKH DUFKLSHODJR Fanjove is one of the gorgeous beach getaway destinations we offer to our guest’s with special deals based on last minute availability.

Fanjove Private Island Written in cooperation with Essential Destinations

15 15

Enriching Day Trips in a Budget Uluguru Hiking

The uluguru mountains are the mountain ranges in eastern Tanzania named after the uluguru tribe. One of the most popular hikes is a climb to lupanga peak 2150m above sea level. A tough walk of 6 to 8 hours on this hike will enable you to see the kinole waterfall meet Waluguru people who are very friendly and enjoy the strawberry plantations.

The Soni Falls

These waterfall lay in the Usambara Mountains of northeastern Tanzania, near the village of Soni, to the northeast of Kitunda. The falls lie at the end of the Mkuzu River where it joins the Bangala River. These falls are right in the village of Soni famous for bearing fresh fruit and vegetables. After a walk of about 20 minutes through the village you will reach there area and enjoy the grandoise.


Mbudya Island

An an isolated marine reserve, now becoming popular among the tourists and residents alike. Most people prefer to visit Mbudya for picnics and day trips as it is 30-40 minutes away from the city of Dar es Salaam. The water surrounding the island is clean and rich with coral DQG PDULQH OLIH XQH[SORUHG untouched and fascinates the H\HV RI DOO VQRUNHOHUV ([SORUH Swim, Walk, Eat and Unwind on the island for the whole day for less than $50

Ol Popongi Village

This Cultural Village & Museum is the ÀUVW DXWKHQWLF 0DDVDL %RPD ZLWK Maasai-Museum & overnight facilities in Tanzania. "Olpopongi" provides a XQLTXH 0DDVDL :LOGOLIH H[SHULHQFH in the West-Kilimanjaro Maasailand; Just 74 km from Moshi and 85 km from Arusha. ([SHULHQFH WKH DXWKHQWLF 0DDVDL OLIH culture in a 100% traditional built village (Boma) with a unique museum. The visits support local Maasai families with water, food, employment, personal income, medical treatments and education.


Home of Tanzania’s biggest underwater ‘safari park’, 0DĂ€D ,VODQG LV DQ DOPLJKW\ pearl of the Indian Ocean, undoubtedly Tanzania’s best-kept secret – a perfect romantic getaway!

Mafia Island

0DĂ€D LV D FRPIRUWDEOH PLQXWH Ă LJKW IURP 'DU HV 6DODDP ZLWK &RDVWDO $YLDWLRQ Ă \LQJ WZLFH GDLO\ ERWK PRUQLQJ DQG DIWHUQRRQ VFKHGXOHV DYDLODEOH This underrated island destination is suited to those who want throw their typical island getaway off compass and map out Tanzania’s biggest and ROGHVW PDULQH SDUN 0DĂ€D ,VODQG 0DULQH 3DUN 0,03 Covering 822 square kilometers of the West Indian Ocean, MIMP is home to RYHU Ă€VK VSHFLHV LQFOXGLQJ WKH IULHQGOLHVW JLDQW RI WKH RFHDQ WKH ZKDOH VKDUN 6ZLPPLQJ DORQJVLGH WKHVH JHQWOH JLDQWV LV RQH RI 0DĂ€D¡V JUHDW GUDZ cards as it joins only handful of spots in the world that attracts a whale shark PLJUDWLRQ 5HPDUNDEO\ 0DĂ€D ERDVWV WKH ZRUOG¡V ORQJHVW H[RGXV ZLWK SOXV UHVLGHQW ZKDOH VKDUNV VSRWWHG Ă€YH PRQWKV D \HDU IURP 6HSWHPEHU WR February.


Mind-blowing giant encounters aside, it is the small things that will really make your eyes widen. If scuba divers were new-age pirates, WKH\ ZRXOG EH PDUNLQJ 0DÀD DV their ‘X spot’ for golden discoveries as divers can swim through its trove of marine treasures (30 dive sites and counting) all year around. It is as though rainbows have found D ZD\ WR H[LVW XQGHUZDWHU DV 0DÀD·V reef boast some of the world’s healthiest and brightest corals. It’s not only a sea of colour that grabs your attention but also the downright odd-looking critters that commands your keen eye. Not to forget a remarkable sunset that you and your loved one can gaze at just before a dreamy dinner on the beach. One of the golden touches of diving ZLWK 0DÀD ,VODQG 'LYLQJ LV WKH ZD\ you embark on your quest on board a traditional wooden Doha. It adds WKDW H[WUD ELW RI ROG VW\OH ÁDLU WR D

unique day of discovery, especially when the mast is up and you are gently sailing through paradise come sundown. 0DÀD ,VODQG /RGJH LV WKH SHUIHFW SODFH WR XQZLQG IURP GD\V ÀOOHG ZLWK marine adventures with its romantic beachside location. Choose to spend a day lazing around in its open-air lounge area with full board stay not only enriches your taste buds with freshly caught seafood, Italian and local buffet options, but also proves to be the smarter choice with your wallet. This island has gone to great lengths to preserve its unique marine life eco-system, charging guests a daily USD $20 +VAT marine park fee entry (payable only by card) to be put towards marine conversation projects throughout the country. A small price to pay for the good fortune you will receive – encounters with rare marine life in Tanzania’s spellbinding utopia.

0DÀD ,VODQG $UWLFOH :ULWWHQ LQ FRRSHUDWLRQ with Julia D'Orazio (Travel Journalist)

CULINARY DELIGHTS Local and International Flavors A classic street-side cafÊ in the heart of the city offering authentic taste of ORFDO DQG LQGLDQ à DYRUV 0HQX UDQJHV IURP OLJKW VQDFNV WR KHDY\ PHDOV DOO SUHSDUHG E\ H[SHULHQFHG FKHIV 5R\DO FDIp LV SRSXODU IRU LWV =DQ]LEDUL VW\OH PL[ ZLWK PLVKNDNL DORQJ ZLWK WKHLU 7DQ]DQLDQ VSHFLDOLW\ .XNX 3DND FKLFNHQ LQ FRFRQXW FXUU\ DQG QRW IRUJHWWLQJ WKHLU ÀQJHU OLFNLQJ ELU\DQL prepared in varied styles. Walk in or ask for deliveries (City Centre) from its elaborate and mouthwatering breakfast and lunch options. Morogoro Road Opposite Old Kisutu Bus Stand Dar es Salaam

Monday to Sunday: 6:00 am - 7:00 pm Sitting and Delivery Available (City Center) Tea Room and Local Food Speciality

*Also order online via Jumia Food

6 Degrees South bustles from morning to night, serving delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner. The sea facing restaurant specializes in succulent grilled meat and seafood and selection of wine and spirits from all over the world, sure to please any pallet, making for a have-togo for Zanzibar’s holiday makers and locals. Stunning Rooftop Cocktail Bar: North @ 6 Degrees South serving tapas, sheesha and a large selection of specialty house cocktails and old favorites. Happy Hour every night from 5-7pm Monday to Sunday: 10:00 am - 1:00 am

Waterfront, Shangani Street Zanzibar Stone Town www.6degreessouth.co.tz +255 24 223 6331 | +255 620 644 611

Preferable Grill and Wine Bar

A Modern, trendy cafe with a beautiful garden and a children's play area. Fully air conditioned indoor seating area as well as outdoor seating. Serving fresh varieties of hot and cold coffees, juices, smoothies and desserts along with scrumptious pizzas, pastas and salads.

19 Barack Obama Drive Dar es Salaam +255 783 00 66 00

Monday: Closed | Tue to Thur: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Fri - Sat: 9:00 am - 11:00 pm | Sun: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm No Reservations Required American Continental Central Park Cafe


Family dining in a warm setting offering quality, value for money meals while staying entertained. A favorite for kids, celebrations and large group dining. Speciality in steaks, burgers and fresh salad bar. Monday Buy One Get One Burger Free Thursday Steak Offers Special Kids Menu

Coral Ridge Spur, Sea Cliff Village DSM +255 764 700 657 Blur Rock Spur, IT Plaza DSM +255 766 476 660

Monday to Sunday: 11:00 am - 11:00 pm Group bookings and Events A South African Dinning Franchise

FIRE RESTAURANT LV WKH PDLQ GLQLQJ RQ WKH JURXQG Ă RRU RI WKH KRWHO entrance and is one of the favorite addresses for local cuisine in Dar es 6DODDP &KHI¡V JULOO IU\ DQG Ă€UH XS WKH PRVW GHOLFLRXV IRRG LQ IURQW RI \RXU eyes, behind an elegant glass window. LUNCH BUFFET: Come and enjoy the best buffet right at the city center for only TSHS 20,000/= Special packed lunch menu for only TSHS 15,000/=. THE CITRUS BAR LV WKH EHVW SODFH WR EHDW WKH 7UDIĂ€F 6LWXDWHG RQ WKH WK Floor, the lounge offers a wide range of light snacks, coffee bar and fresh juices with stunning sunset on the city while enjoying a cup of tea. Free WiFi from 1600hours daily. Golden Tulip Jamhuri Street Dar es Salaam City Center www.goldentulipdarcitycenter.com +255 624 100 000

Varies for all restaurants Preferable 4* Dining

([SHULHQFH WKH UXVWLF FKDUP RI D FR]\ ORGJH DQG UHVWDXUDQW LQ WKH TXDLQW town of Iringa. Chimney Lodge offers affordable and comfortable accommodation options with a unique feature of veranda chimney in DOO URRPV *\P DQG :L À VHUYLFHV DUH RWKHU DGGLWLRQV WR WKH ORGJH 7KH fresh breeze, Jacaranda trees and the serenity around the lodge offers JUHDW UHOD[DWLRQ IRU DOO JXHVWV The lodge is gaining popularity for its delicious menu consisting of Continental, Indian and Chinese cuisine served in its spacious indoor and outside courtyard. The lodge and restaurant can also host group travelers and accommodate event/ banquet requests.

Gangi Longa, Iringa chimneylodge@gmail.com +255 626 739 622 | +255 744 646 425

Monday to Sunday: 08:00 am - 11:00 pm Preferable Continental, Indian and Chinese



7DVWH RI 0H[LFR RIIHULQJ $XWKHQWLF 0H[LFDQ &XLVLQH LV D JHP WR EH discovered. Walk through the tiny door and see magic unfolding with FRORUIXO 0H[LFDQ DWPRVSKHUH WR JR ZLWK *UDE D WDVW\ EXUULWR RU 7DFR IRU quick lunch with fresh juices or smoothies! Come down for special dinner DQG LQGXOJH LQ GHOLFLRXV 0H[LFDQ GLVKHV KRPH FRRNHG WRUWLOOD ZUDSV variety of fresh made salsa, tacos, nachos, guacamole and more. 7DVWH RI 0H[LFR DOVR FDWHU IRU DOO W\SHV RI HYHQWV DQG VDOHV FRQWDLQHUV packages. Promos: Happy hours from 6-7pm, traditional performance and all day brunch on every other Sunday Slipway Road, Just before Double Tree Hotel Dar es Salaam ZZZ WDVWHRIPH[LFR FR W] LQIR#WDVWHRIPH[LFR FR W] +255 656 612601 | +255 756 879843 *Dine In and Delivery services available

Monday to Sunday: 8:00 am - Midnight No Reservations Required Tea Room and Local Food Speciality


"Pasha" represents the melting pot of Turkic, Ottoman, Seljuk, Balkan and Middle-Eastern food served with freshness and royalty to guests. Enticing smells of delicious, wholesome foods, fresh baked bread in the stone oven and marinated kebabs sizzling on the grill with fresh herbs and VSLFHV H[SHFW ´6RPHWKLQJ 0HDW\µ LQ DOO \RXU PHDOV 3DVKD·V EHYHUDJH menu features tradition Turkish drinks including, Raki, wines from the volcanic areas of Cappadocia and Ayran. Savour the perfect Turkish FRIIHH DQ ´2WWRPDQ 'HVHUWµ RU HQG \RXU KHDUW\ PHDO ZLWK D FKRLFH of fusion desserts. 1403 Msasani Peninsula, Bains Singh Avenue, Address Building, Masaki, Dar es Salaam www.pasha.co.tz pashaturkishcuisinetz@gmail.com +255 222 601 690 | +255 689 601 690 +255 710 601 690 | +255 756 601 690 pashasomethingmeaty

Monday Closed Tuesday to Sunday: 11:00 am - 11:00 pm Preferable Indoor And Outdoor Sittings, Full Bar, Wine Cellar And Private room

p pashaturkishcuisine


An upbeat and modern café welcoming tea-lovers from all walks of life DQG FXOWXUHV (QMR\ RYHU ÀIWHHQ YDULHWLHV RI WHD DQG FRIIHH ZKLOH IHHOLQJ UHOD[HG LQ D FR]\ DQG IULHQGO\ DPELHQFH &KRRVH IURP D SUHFLVH PHQX RI DXWKHQWLF DQG QHDW 7DQ]DQLDQ VQDFNV DVOL =DQ]LEDUL PL[ DQGD]L baazi on weekends and a lot more delicious meals to compliment warm and cold beverages.

Corner of Morogoro Road and Indira Gandhi Road, City Center Dar es Salaam +255 783 00 66 00

Monday: Closed | Tue to Sat: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Sitting and Deliveries Available (City Center) Tea and Local Food Specialty



5 New Experiences in Tanzania

Horse Riding On The Beach - Zanzibar

Farm Tours - Arusha/Moshi

Crocodile Farm - Dar es Salaam

Quad Biking - Karatu

Turtle Hatching - Pangani


Romantic Destinations of Tanzania The Stunning Night Views On The Hill One would never be able to appreciate the beauty of Tanzanian hills, only if you can enjoy a view of the gleaming city lights at night. The Uluguru, Udzungwa and Pugu hills not only offer you a stunning view. Spend blissful and quiet moments with your partner as you see the rest of the world fade away right in front your eyes.

A Pool’s Edge At A Safari Lodge Or A Private Jacuzzi After a rough day during your safari or from the busy life back in the city, a glass of wine and a dip in the pool, opening wide vistas is all that you need. Keep away your phone, problems and people away and get carried away by the nature as you immerse into all that you feel now, at this moment with your partner.


A Boat Ride In The Middle Of The Ocean What a unique proposal destination! Sailing by the 6ZDKLOL FRDVW LV DQ H[SHULHQFH would one never forget. While most people prefer to go on sailing trips with a large group, make your partner feel HQFKDQWHG ZLWK DQ H[FOXVLYH private trip in a dhow or a marine yacht.

Underwater Treasures Of A Remote Island If your partner loves adventure, deep sea diving is one of the most romantic activities in Tanzania. From the popular islands of Zanzibar the more remote destinations of Pemba, there are a million new things WR H[SORUH LQ WKH RFHDQ :LWK the conservation efforts, these marine parks and sea creatures are a real treat to the eyes.

A Beach Camp Surrounded With Ocean Waves While most people prefer to stay in lodges and resorts by the beach, staying by the EHDFK FDPS LV H[FLWLQJ DQG H[FOXVLYH 7KHUH DUH QR PDQ\ beach camps in Tanzania, so staying in beach camps FHUWDLQO\ DGG H[FLWHPHQW WR \RXU VWD\ (QMR\ WKH ERQĂ€UH barbeque and long musical night all alone by the beach.


Dar es Salaam


About Dar es Salaam is the commercial capital and the largest city of Tanzania. It is situated on the east coast of the Indian Ocean with a harbor line forming a favorable trading port. Accommodation One can choose to stay in small lodges or mid-range to upscale hotels. The minimum cost can be Tsh 20,000 per night in Kariakoo or City Centre. Tour Drive and Mbezi have international hotels that charge in US dollars, however budget accommodations can be found too. YMCA and Airbnb are affordable options for backpackers. 7UDQVSRUW Dar es Salaam has two airports. Terminal RSHUDWHV FKDUWHU à LJKWV DQG 7HUPLQDO LQWHUQDWLRQDO DQG D IHZ ORFDO à LJKWV 7UDYHOHUV FDQ UHO\ RQ WD[LV IRU FRPPXWLQJ to and fro most area including airport. 7D[L IDUHV DUH À[HG IURP WKH DLUSRUW DQG within the city, the basic fare starts from Tsh 5,000/-. Public buses are affordable but not always comfortable. The DART bus service is reliable however packed by passengers. Minimum fare is Tsh 650/-. Two-wheelers (Boda Boda) are the fastest commuting options but are not always safe, starting Tsh 2,000/- . Car rentals are available from various private companies. Bajaji/ rickshaws mostly operate in areas of Msasani with negotiable rates starting Tsh 2,000/Weather The temperature is relatively stable with humid climatic conditions. June to October is the dry and cool season with H[SHFWHG UDLQIDOO 7KH WHPSHUDWXUHV VWDUW rising from November to February and monsoon sets in from March to May. January is the hottest month of the year. 6KRSSLQJ Markets are diverse and interesting

WR H[SORUH 6RXYHQLUV VXFK DV FORWKHV and accessories can be bought at the Masai Market in Slipway, affordable hand-made paintings at Tinga Tinga Oysterbay, wood carvings in Mwenge DQG WH[WLOH PDUNHW RQ 8KXUX 6WUHHW 3ULFHV are negotiable in these markets. Many hotels also have curio shops that sell same goods at a higher rate. Visitors can also look for Tanzanite jewelry shops in Masaki and India Street in the city. 3HRSOH The people of Dar es Salaam are warm, friendly and hospitable. Muslims, Christians, Hindus and other traditional beliefs live together in harmony and are ZHOFRPLQJ WR D ODUJH JURXS RI H[SDWV who make Dar their home away from home. Clothing Light cotton & summer wear is ideal on the most of the year tropical climate. It’s advisable to keep an umbrella for the rainy season. There are no strict rules for clothing in Dar es Salaam and the dress code is casual for most restaurants, pubs and public places Food One can never run out of food options in Dar. From fresh fruits in the market to Asian and Swahili street food to seafood delicacies in top hotels, food options are plenty in Dar es Salaam for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Price ranges from VWUHHW IRRG ÀYH VWDU KRWHOV SHU meal. 6DIHW\ Dar es Salaam is a safe city, however petty thefts are common. It is advisable to take safety measures at all times; during your stay at the hotel, keep all personal belongings with you. It may not be safe to walk with a large amount of cash or valuables. Avoid walking on streets moving around alone during the night.



SANDBANK PICNICS Dar es Slaam is surrounded by a rich coastline with few isolated sandbanks such as Mbudya and Bongoyo, mostly visited for snorkeling and to enjoy a day out in a serene location with pristine views. Rent a ride (from hotels/ private companies) and off you go! NATIONAL MUSEUM Situated in the heart of the city and close to the botanical garden, this landmark established in 1934 is of special interest to history ORYHUV 7KH PXVHXP H[KLELWV bones of Paranthropus boisei of Olduvai, history of Shirazi city-state of Kilwa, colonial rule and collections on Tanzanian cultures. ART TOUR Dar es Salaam is a home to many skilled artists, from painters to creative welders, visiting art markets is beyond a delight. Tinga Tinga paintings in Oysterbay, wood carvings in Mwenge, metal and recycled crafts at Wonder Workshop and the art market at Slipway are interesting forms of art. NIGHT CLUBS One of the biggest attractions in Dar es Salaam are the night clubs by the peninsular and beyond. From delicious food and groovy DJ nights and not to forget full moon parties, the FLW\ JHWV H[FLWLQJ E\ QLJKW CITY TOUR Enjoy a half or full day city WRXU ZLWK H[SHUW JXLGHV WKDW take you around landmarks. From religious institutes to museums, community visits and local markets, city tours are enriching and give you an opportunity to know more about the daily life in the city.

KIVUKONI FISH MARKET If you wonder where the fresh catch and tasty sea food FRPHV IURP D YLVLW WR WKH ÀVK market makes for a unique H[SHULHQFH 7KH PDUNHW begins at sunrise with a big ÀVK DXFWLRQ DQG WKH RWKHU VLGH ZKHUH WKH ÀVKHV DUH FXW cleaned and cooked. VILLAGE MUSEUM/ MAKUMBUSHO VILLAGE Opened in 1996, the village museum is an ethnographical project showcasing traditional huts from 16 different Tanzanian ethnic groups. It is located in the outskirts of the city on the road to Mwenge and Bagamoyo. Guests get to see traditional cultivations, traditional music and daily dance shows. BOTANICAL GARDEN Although less popular, the botanical garden is an admirable place with DQ HQFKDQWLQJ PL[ RI H[RWLF SODQWV VXFK DV EOXH jacaranda, scarlet trees and purple bougainvillea. The garden is a peaceful place to spend evenings away from the hustle and in the company of peacocks and other birds. STREET FOOD JOINTS From dusk to dawn most streets in Dar es Slaam are brimming with business, people and the most prominent - food. Street vendors selling fruits, roasted cassava and black coffee, delicious fusion of Asian and Swahili cuisine at restaurants or the barbeque chicken and chips, street food here is plenty and alluring.

DAR ES SALAAM $LUSRUWW +DQGOL $LUSRUW +DQGOLQJ ,Q 7DQ]DQLD 6ZLVVSRUW Tanzania Ltd................................... 284 4610 Equity Aviation ............................... 284 2901 Adventure Travel Afri Roots ................................... 732 926 350 Tanzania Adventures ............... 786 019 944 Ambulance Services Evacuation First Air Responder ........................... 222 760 087 First Air Responder .................... 754 777 073 Flying Doctors ........................... 787 747 464 Beach Resorts Kichangani ................................ 758 008 866 Lazy Lagoon Resort .................. 754 237 422 Lighthouse Beach Lodge ........ 784 947 444 Bookstore House Of Wisdom Bookshop................................... 715 737 332 A Novel Idea .................................. 260 1088 Mkuki Na Nyota ............................. 212 7031 Buses .LOLPDQMDUR ([SUHVV ................... 755 233 077 'DU ([SUHVV ................................ 715 926 949 Tahmeed Coach ..................... 787 247 585 Abood Bus Services.................. 754 560 941 Car Rentals First Car Rental .......................... 756 885 588 SRS Rent A Car............................... 215 0150 Travel Partner Ltd ..................... 767 888 375 &HUWLÀHG 3XEOLF $FFRXQWDQWV Hanif Habib & Co. .................... 785 020 404 Charter Flights $LU ([FHO ..................................... 784 455 748 Coastal Aviation....................... 787 232 747 Auric Air ..................................... 783 233 334 Flight Link Ltd ............................. 782 354 448


Cinema &HQWXU\ &LQHPD[ Mkuki House .............................. 683 020 756 &HQWXU\ &LQHPD[ Oysterbay House ...................... 784 610 875 &HQWXU\ &LQHPD[ Mlimani City .............................. 717 246 362 6XQFUHVW &LQHSOH[ .................... 767 668 437 Clubs Elements Lounge ...................... 714 547 288 George And Dragon Pub............................... 717 800 002 High Spirit Lounge Bar .............. 222 110 268 Rouge ........................................ 764 701 234 Makuti Bar ................................. 753 855 070 Mbalamwezi Beach Club ............................... 713 228 272 2Q\[ /RXQJH ................................. 211 7050 Q Bar .......................................... 754 282 474 Skybar ............................................. 234 3434 Courier Services ([SHGLWHG 0DLO 6HUYLFHV................ 212 3112 DHL .................................................. 219 4900 &XOWXUH &HQWUHV $QG /LEUDU\ Alliance Francaise......................... 213 1406 British Council................................. 216 5300 Goethe Institute............................. 213 4800 National Museum .......................... 212 2030 Russian Tanzania Cultural Centre .............................. 213 6578 Tanaganyika Library ..................215 0048/9 Village Museum ............................. 270 0437 Dental Clinics Dental Studio (Mbezi) .............. 758 601 155 Dental Studio (Sea Cliff) .......... 753 601 155 (PHUJHQF\ Police ............................................. 211 1747 Fire............................................................ 114 Aga Khan Hospital ........................ 211 5151 First Air Responder Knight Support ............................... 276 0087 Ultimate Security ...................... 713 123 911 Immigration ................................... 211 8637

DAR ES SALAAM )O\LQJ 'RFWRUV Dar Es Salaam Flying Doctors . 787 747 464

Hyatt Regency, The Kilimanjaro ......................... 764 701 234

Golf In Dar Dar Es Salaam Gymkhana ........... 213 8445 Lugalo Golf ............................... 685 059 492

-HZHOHUV Tz-Nite Gems And Jewellery ... 713 297 387 Gem Tanzanite ......................... 768 281 281 Uru Diamonds ........................... 785 275 576

+RVSLWDOV Aga Khan Casualty And Ambulance ...................... 784 550 100 CCBRT ........................................ 753 033 058 Sali International .......................... 226 01296 Msasani Peninsular Hospital .... 766 344 996 Premier Care Clinic ....................... 266 8385 The London Health Centre And Medical Clinic ..... 762 542 542 Hotels Best Western Peninsula ................. 266 4591 Doubletree By Hilton .................... 221 0000 Golden Tulip Dar es Salaam, City Center Hotel ...212 9351 / 628 605 192 Harbour View Suites ...................... 212 4040 Holiday Inn City Centre ................ 213 9250 Jamboo Inn............................... 715 270 283 Kunduchi Beach Hotel And Resort ........................... 265 0050 New Africa Hotel ........................... 211 7050 Ramada Encore Dar es Salaam.. 234 3434 Sea Cliff Hotel ................................ 260 0380

Mobile Service Providers Tigo............................................. 713 800 800 Vodacom.................................. 754 705 000 Airtel .......................................... 784 748 100 Zantel ............................................. 550 7834 2SWLFLDQ Jess Opticians ................................ 212 1961 .................................................... 754 392 905 .................................................... 682 052 640 3KDUPDF\ Care Limited .................................. 211 4247 Premier Care Pharmacy............... 266 8385 6DIDUL &DPSV Selous Wilderness Camp ......... 784 947 444 Essential Destinations .................... 260 1747 6SD $QG 6DORQ Dashing Diva............................. 789 777 768

*Add +255 (22 for landline) before dialing *TIP updates the listing every 3 months. Numbers are subject to change


DAR ES SALAAM 6XSHUPDUNHWV NTS Mart ......................................270 0674/5 Shopper Plaza Mikocheni..................................270 1545/46 Masaki ............................................ 260 2418 Mbezi .............................................. 261 8522 Game ............................................. 219 7800 Nakumatt .................................. 768 255 900 TSN Supermarket ...................... 787 990 177 The Deli ...................................... 787 990 177 Travel Agencies Travel Partner .......767 888 283/766 555 777 Rikshaw Travels .............................. 260 2303 Skylink Travels And Tours .......... 754 451 111 TTT Worlwide Limited ................ 773 269 434

Paka Adventures ...................... 784 947 444 :DWHU 6SRUWV 360 Water Sports Jet Boating .. 687 445 503 Tanzaquatic Sailing And Fishing ................................ 756 504 987 White Sands Hotel Watersports .................................... 264 7620 Zanzibar Ferries Azam Marine ................................. 213 3014 Flying Horse .................................... 212 4507 6HD ([SUHVV..................................... 213 7049

*Add +255 (22 for landline) before dialing *TIP updates the listing every 3 months. Numbers are subject to change


AIRLINE CONTACTS Mozambique Airlines .+255 762 948 301 Air Eclipse ....................+255 222 139 250 Emirates Airlines ..........+255 222 197 900 Ethiopian Airlines ........+255 786 285 899 Eqypt Air ......................+255 789 516 482 Kenya Airways ............+255 222 163 917 KLM Royal Dutch ........+255 222 163 914



(WLKDG $LUZD\V To Abu Dhabhi (J\SW $LUZD\V To Cairo (WKLRSLDQ $LUZD\V To Addis Ababa .HQ\D $LUZD\V To Nairobi

LAM Mozambique......+255 222 134 600 Malwian Airlines ..........+255 222 136 663 Oman Air .....................+255 222 119 426

Arrive: 15:50 Depart:16:45


Arrive: 21:50 Depart:22:55

Arrive: 21:50 Depart:22:55


Arrive: 12:40 Depart:04:25

Arrive: 12:40 Depart:04:25 Arrive: 17:50 Depart: 00:25+

Precision Air .................+255 222 168 000 Qatar Airways ............+255 222 198 319 Rwanda Air ................+255 222 113 072 South African Airways +255 222 117 044


Fast Jet ........................+255 784 108 900

South African $LUZD\V To Johannesburg

Swiss Air ........................+255 225 510 020 Turkish Airlines .......... +255 222 116 681/4 Etihad Airways ............+255 222 196 875


Emirates Airlines To Dubai

6ZLVV $LU To Zurich

Arrive: 21:05 Depart: 22:20

7XUNLVK $LUZD\V To Istanbul *Kindly check with Tanzania Airport Authority WR UHFRQÀUP



From Dar es Salaam, Tanzania






Arrive: 15:15, Depart:16:45 Arrive: 12:45, Depart:13:45 Arrive: 05:45 Depart: 06:45

Arrive: 05:45 Depart: 06:45

Arrive: 13:20, Depart: 16:45 | Arrive: 01:46, Depart: 03:46 Arrive: 09:10, Depart:09:50 | Arrive: 13:40, Depart:14:20 | Arrive: 16:00, Depart:16:40 Arrive: 20:15, Depart:20:55 | Arrive: 00:20, Depart:05:20 Arrive: 15:50 Depart:16:45

Arrive: 15:50 Depart:16:45


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Arrive: 21:50 Depart:22:55

Arrive: 21:50 Depart:22:55

Arrive: 21:50 Depart:22:55

Arrive: 21:50 Depart:22:55

Arrive: 17:50 Depart:00:25 +1


Arrive: 12:40 Depart:04:25 Arrive: 17:50 Depart: 00:25+1

Arrive: 12:40 Depart:04:25 Arrive: 17:50 Depart: 00:25+1


Arrive: 14:40, Depart: 17:35

$UULYH 'HSDUW _ $UULYH 'HSDUW QH[W GD\ Arrive: 21:05 Depart: 22:20

Arrive: 21:05 Depart: 22:20

Arrive: 21:05 Depart: 22:20

Arrive: 21:05 Depart: 22:20

Arrive: 02:25, Depart: 03:25




About Famed as one of the top three travel and leisure destination, Zanzibar is frequently visited as a holiday island. It is a Tanzanian Archipelago divided on the mainland is Stone Town, UNESCO World Heritage Site and the pristine coastline with more than ten beach locations to choose from. Accommodation Most visitors prefer to stay by the beach; mostly in lodges or resorts. Here one can HQMR\ ZDWHU EDVHG DFWLYLWLHV DQG UHOD[ E\ the beach. Room rates start from as little as $20 up to $400. Stone Town is more of an H[SORUHU¡V SDUDGLVH DQG KDV LWV RZQ UXVWLF most guests will stay for a day in boutique hotels. Price ranges from $60 and above. It is advisable to book a month or two in advance in peak months of December, June and during international festivals. Flights Abeid Amani Karume International operates GRPHVWLF DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDO Ă LJKWV DQG LW LV DERXW Ă€YH NLORPHWHUV VRXWK RI =DQ]LEDU City. Flights run to and fro Addis Ababa (Ethiopian Airlines), Dubai (Flydubai), Nairobi (Kenya Airways), Oman Air (Muscat) and 'RKD 4DWDU $LUZD\V &KDUDFWHU Ă LJKWV connect travelers from main cities such as Dar es Salaam and Arusha and other remote safari destinations such as Ruaha, Mikumi, Ngorongoro and Serengeti. ,Q ERXQG 7UDQVSRUW Commuting is smooth and very reliable in =DQ]LEDU 7D[LV DUH WKH EHVW RSWLRQV WR WUDYHO DURXQG KRZHYHU DUH H[SHQVLYH WR DQG IUR beach destinations (starting $30). Most hotels also provide complimentary transfers to international passengers. Car rentals options are also available. Alternatively, minibuses operate to and from north and east-coast beaches and are much cheaper (Tsh 2,000 from town to the beach). Weather Climatic conditions in Zanzibar are relatively KXPLG 7KH ZHDWKHU GRHV QRW JHW WRR H[WUHPH and tourists enjoy the ‘warm’ weather of the country. The best time to visit it from JuneNovember. December is hot yet pleasant. March, April and May should be avoided as this is the rainy season.

6KRSSLQJ Stone Town makes for the perfect place to shop most of your souvenirs. Travelers enjoy shopping spices, cotton wear and khanga local designed cloth often tailored in JRUJHRXV RXWÀWV IRU PHQ DQG ZRPHQ 6WRQH Town also has many souvenir shops that makes it easy to buy gifts and artifacts from one stop. Hotels have curio shops and may EH H[SHQVLYH 3HRSOH Zanzibaris are very welcoming to tourists as the island is frequently visited by travelers. They will always greet you with a smile and most of the locals are genuine people. You are advised to be careful of street guides as they may sometimes demand money or pester you for their services. The residents are UHOLJLRXV DQG JXHVWV DUH H[SHFWHG WR UHVSHFW their values and traditions Clothing Beach locations are warm and give you the à H[LELOLW\ WR ZHDU OLJKW FRWWRQ FORWKHV VZLP wear and summer wear. These areas also host the best parties so you can be as comfortable with your style of clothing. Stone Town is a home to a pious population where men and ZRPHQ DUH RIWHQ VHHQ LQ UHOLJLRXV RXWÀWV 7KH\ H[SHFW WRXULVWV WR UHVSHFW WKLV DQG HVSHFLDOO\ women are advised to dress modestly. Food Most of the food available in Zanzibar is delectable and caters to everyone’s tastes. Forodhani in Stone Town offers delicious sea food varieties. Many hotels, restaurants lodges also have European, pan-African and South Asian choices. Hotels have bed and breakfast, half and full board menus and Stone Town have charming restaurants to stop by. 6DIHW\ Zanzibar is a tourist friendly and of the favored GHVWLQDWLRQV IRU KROLGD\V 9LVLWRUV DUH H[SHFWHG to be respectful in their conduct towards locals and the Islamic religion. Although political uprisings have been a warning, there have been no major mishappenings. It is always to move in groups and avoid beach boys who may be a nuisance sometimes. Keep your belongings safe in a locker.



STONE TOWN Visitors enjoy the mysterious feel of losing themselves in narrow alleys, painting henna tattoos on hands or shopping khanga dresses here. Stone 7RZQ LV D FDPRXĂ DJH RI WKH past and present with various historical sites including house of wonder and slave market and the present embellished with boutique hotels. A day tour in the UNESCO World Heritage Site is enchanting. PRISON ISLAND Sail to a petite island of KLVWRULFDO VLJQLĂ€FDQFH MXVW 30 minutes from Stone Town. Prison Island is also a home to giant aldabra tortoises, some, DERYH \HDUV ROG ([SORUH the ruins of the prison that never was now turned into a boutique hotel or snorkel in the crystal clear waters. FORODHANI GARDEN A quite retreat under the shadows of large trees during the day, Forodhani garden gets lively in the evening. Enjoy sunset views with young lads diving in the ocean. The fresh seafood spread and local ‘pizza’ makes travelers drool over and your dinner can be sorted under $10! SPICE TOURS Zanzibar is also known as the spice island with its connection to various types of spices and herbs. Take a spice tour and learn about spices used in traditional food, cures for ailments and traditions. Tour operators offer guided tours through villages and plantations with DQ H[RWLF OXQFK DQG IUXLWV WR savor after your trip. WATER SPORTS )URP NLWHVXUĂ€QJ WR GHHS sea diving and jet skiing, Zanzibar is a water sport lover’s paradise. The pristine

beaches with favorable wind and tide offer plenty of opportunities for water adventure. Jambiani, Nungwi and Paje make for some best sites and further north offers great sites underwater treasures. FULL MOON PARTIES If you are in Zanzibar, a full moon party beach is surely something not to miss out. Kendwa Rocks is one popular spot that hosts one of the largest full moon party and attracts a diverse crowd with massive entertainment from dusk to dawn. BEACHES From private and secluded to crowded and budget friendly, beaches in Zanzibar are uncountable. Each beach has something special to offer; dhow cruises, dolphin WRXUV OX[XU\ VWD\V DQG PXFK more. Make sure you make the most of your beach destination. JOZANI FOREST :LWK DQ H[FHOOHQW QDWXUH WUDLO and guided walks, a visit to Jozani forest is enlightening especially for photographers. The forest is a home to more than 2,000 colobus monkeys DQG YDULRXV VSHFLHV RI Ă RUD and fauna. The mangrove forest and the depth of the jungle are another wonder of this place. ZANZIBAR BUTTERFLY CENTRE A kilometer from Jozani IRUHVW LV WKH EXWWHUĂ \ FHQWHU one of the largest in East Africa. The place is worth a visit for its admirable netted garden showing various life VWDJHV RI WKH EXWWHUĂ LHV 0RVW SURĂ€WV HDUQHG DUH XVHG IRU supporting conservation and community projects.


Z ZANZIBAR Airlines Mango Airlines .......................... 774 305 165 Air Tanzania Corporation ............. 223 0213 Coastal Aviation............................ 223 3112 Fast Jet ..................................... 777 212 191 Ethopian Airlines ............................ 223 1526 Kenya Airways .......................... 786 390 004 Oman Air ........................................ 531 1111 Precision Air .................................... 223 4520 Qatar Airways ................................ 223 9177 ZanAir Limited ................................ 223 3670 Bars Africa House Sunset Bar......... 777 432 2340 Masahani Bar (Serena Inn)........... 223 3051 Tatu ............................................ 778 672 772 Consulates Egypt............................................... 223 0726 China .............................................. 223 2547 India ................................................ 223 0720 Mozambique ................................. 223 0049 Oman ............................................. 223 1235 Sweden ..................................... 777 170 471 Dive Centres Stone Town..................................... 223 8374 Zanzibar Watersports ............... 773 235 030 Krafuu Beach Resort and Dive Centre....................777 413 647/8 Divine Diving and Yoga........... 777 771 914 East Africa Diving ..................... 777 420 588 Zanzibar Water Sports Paradise .......................... 773 781281 Bahari Divers ............................. 777 484 873 (PHUJHQF\ Ambulance ............................................ 112 Fire............................................................ 111 Police ....................................................... 999 Police HQ ....................................... 223 0246 Afya Medical Centre .................... 223 1228 Driving Doctors ......................... 773 110 220 Zanzibar Medical Group .............. 223 3134 24 hours Emergency ................ 777 410 954


Ferries Azam Marine ................................. 223 1655 Flying Horse ............................... 784 472 497 6HD ([SUHVV VHUYLFHV ...................... 223 4690 Zanzibar Ports Corporation .......... 223 2857 Hotels Jambiani Blue Oyster Hotel ........................... 224 0163 Casa Del Mar............................ 777 455 446 Red Monkey Lodge ...................... 224 0207 KizimKazi Dolphin View Village............... 777 865 5 01 Karamba Resort ....................... 773 166 406 The Residence Zanzibar ............... 555 5000 Kiwengwa Blue Bay Beach Resort .................. 224 0241 Kiwengwa Beach Club Village .............................. 777 414 351 Melia Resort .............................. 774 444 477 Shooting Star Inn ...................... 777 414 166 Kendwa Amana Kendwa Beach Resort.................................. 224 0026 Kendwa Rocks .......................... 777 415 475 White Sand Bungalows ............ 777 425 219 Mangwapani Sea Cliff Resorts & Spa ............. 767 702 241 Matemwe Milele Villas ................................ 778 220 773 Zanzibar House Hotel ............... 774 062 010 Sunshine Hotel .......................... 773 236 578 Nungwi Diamond La Gemma dell’Est ...... 224 0087 Double Tree Hotel (Hliton) ............ 224 0476 Ras Nungwi Hotel ........................... 0040478 Z Hotel ........................................ 774 266 266 Paje Hakuna Majiwe ........................ 777 454 505 Jaribu Beach Hotel .................. 777 817 716 Kinazi Upepo ............................. 777 497 495 Paje by Night ............................ 777 460 710 Paradise Beach Nungalows......... 223 1387 Pwani Changani Beach Lodge ......... 773 569 821

ZANZIBAR Ocean Paradise Resort ........... 774 440 990 Mapenzi Beach Club ............... 774 414 268 Sandies Neptune Pwani Beach Resort and Spa.................. 223 3449 Diamond Dream of Zanzibar ................................ 757 619 061 6WRQH 7RZQ Dhow Palace ................................. 223 3012 Marubu Beach Villas ................ 777 451 188 Mbweni Ruins ................................. 223 5478 Jafferji House and Spas ................ 223 6583 Maru Maru Hotel ........................223 8516/8 Serena Inn ...................................... 223 1015 Shangani Hotel .............................. 223 3688 Tembo House Hotel....................... 223 3005 Zanzibar Beach Resort .................. 223 0208 Zanzibar Grand Palace Hotel .................................. 223 5368 Restaurants 6L[ 'HJUHHV 6RXWK ..................... 620 644 611 Amore Mio ................................ 776 211 071 Baharaia Restaurant (Serena Inn) ................................... 223 1015 Coco De Mer ................................. 223 0852 Hot Spot Bistro ........................... 774 164 866 Les Spice Rendevous ............... 777 410 707

Mangapwani Sea Food Grill ........ 223 3587 Mercury’s........................................ 223 3076 Pagoda Restaurant ...................... 223 4688 Parachute (nr airprot) .............. 777 575 566 Radha Food House ...................... 223 4808 Zan Sushi ......................................... 225 0117 Zanzibar Coffee House ................. 223 9319 Maru Maru Hotel ........................223 8516/8 6KRSSLQJ Aromas of Zanzibar .................. 716 097 681 Blue Gems ................................. 782 786 000 Doreen Mashika ....................... 767 369 777 Khanga Kabisa ......................... 763 404 396 Memories of Zanzibar ................... 223 9376 Zanzibar Secrets ....................... 774 000 005 Zawadi Chest................................. 223 1390 7UDYHO $JHQWV 7RXU 2SHUDWRUV Dhow Safaris .................................. 223 2088 Easy Travel and Tours .................... 223 5372 Maya Tours ..................................... 22 33108 Zanzibar Tourist Corporation .................................. 223 2344 :DWHUVSRUWV Zanzibar Watersports ............... 777 415 660

*Add +255 (24 for landline) before dialing *TIP updates the listing every 3 months. Numbers are subject to change




About Often known as the safari capital or the ‘A’ town, Arusha is scenically situated on base of Mount Meru and the climate is relatively cool. Arusha is a quiet town, often bustling with tourists and travelers. It is also famed as the mid-point from Cape Town to Cairo. Accommodation 2QH FDQ Ă€QG DOO NLQGV RI DFFRPPRGDWLRQV LQ Arusha; from small hotels to beautiful lodges and high-end hotels. While it is advisable to get the best deals on pre-booking and with your travel agent, the high season (June to )HEUXDU\ KDV D ODUJH LQ Ă RZ RI WRXULVWV WKXV room rates are on the higher scale. Stay within the city at The Arusha Hotel, Kibo Palace, The Impala Hotel or most lodges and budget accommodations are in between KIA (Kilimanjaro International Airport) and the main city. Flights :LWK D ODUJH LQĂ RZ RI WRXULVWV WZR DLUSRUWV are operational from Arusha. The KIA airport KDV UHJXODU Ă LJKWV WR DQG IURP $PVWHUGDP (KLM), Addis Ababa (Ethiopian Airlines) Doha (Qatar Airways), Nairobi (Kenya Airways), Kigali (Rwanda Air), Frankfurt Via Mombasa (Condor) and Turkey (Turkish Airlines). Frequent shuttle services are available to and IUR WKH DLUSRUW IRU 86' RU WD[L IURP 86' DSSUR[ Arusha Municipal Airport (ARK), situated on WKH RXWVNLUWV UXQV GRPHVWLF Ă LJKWV PRVWO\ WR Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam, and charter Ă LJKWV RSHUDWH IRU VSHFLĂ€F WRXULVW GHVWLQDWLRQV such as Ruaha, Selous, Mikumi etc. ,Q ERXQG WUDQVSRUW 5HJXODU H[SUHVV EXVHV RSHUDWH WR DQG IURP Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Kampala, Mwanza, Tanga and Lushoto. For in-bound transport, local buses are reliable (starting Tsh400), however these are often cramped with passengers. You are DGYLVHG WR EH FDUHIXO RI YDOXDEOHV 7D[LV DUH much safer and a price must be agreed upon before departing to your destination (starting price is Tsh 3,000 within a kilometer). Weather Arusha enjoys a high elevation of 1,400 metres (4,600 ft) on the southern slopes of Mount Meru, thus climatic conditions are cooler with OHVV KXPLGLW\ 7HPSHUDWXUHV DUH IURP Ă€YH WR thirty degrees Celsius. Visitors are advised to

FDUU\ D PL[ RI ZDUP FORWKHV IRU FRRO FOLPDWH and summer wear (day time safari clothes). A windcheater and a sweater is very useful. 6KRSSLQJ As a tourist destination, you have a lot of chances to shop souvenirs, gifts and authentic local products from Arusha. Within the city centre, Clock Tower and India Road have local curio shops. Central Market is an attraction in itself and has good quality Maasai blankets. The Cultural Heritage Centre is a one stop shop to purchase al souvenirs from paintings to Tanzanite jewelry, however prices are slightly high. On your safari routes, \RX ZLOO DOVR ÀQG ORFDO PDUNHWV DQG URDGVLGH vendors selling affordable handicrafts 3HRSOH Arusha and its connecting areas are a home to a diverse population. On your way to safari you will encounter different tribes who follow traditions and values strictly and are very welcoming to tourists. Visitors can take a FXOWXUDO WRXU WR H[SHULHQFH WKH ORFDO FXOWXUH Clothing Your attire in Arusha is mostly dependent on weather and the kind of activities. There are QR VWULFW UHOLJLRXV UXOHV DQG YLVLWRUV DUH à H[LEOH WR FKRRVH WKHLU RXWÀW 6KRUWV RU VDIDUL WURXVHUV LQ FRWWRQ ZLWK ORVH ÀWWLQJ W VKLUWV DUH LGHDO 'D\ and evening wear is usually casual. Carrying warmers and seaters is essential. Food Arusha not only has several restaurants. The choice of cuisine offered is large and can suit the pockets of everyone. For continental food and a green ambience, Le Patio, The Blue Heron, Fig and Olive, and the Arusha Coffee Lodge are great places to consider. For local tasteful and pocket friendly restaurants look at our for Khan’s barbeque, hot plate for Indian food and Chinese whispers for GHOHFWDEOH &KLQHVH FXLVLQH 1MLUR FRPSOH[ also has small eateries offering varied cuisine. Meals range from US$1 for street joints to US$15 for main courses at the high-end hotels. 6DIHW\ Avoid walking alone or using local bikes at night. This may be opportunistic for bandits. Avoid walking with backpacks of secluded areas such as Sokoine or Old Moshi road. Stay alert if someone is following you.



MOUNT MERU Standing tall in the heart of Arusha, Mount Meru is an adventurous attraction close to the city. Hike the 4,562 meters tall mountain, challenging in nature with splendid vistas of Kilimanjaro, the rift valley and wild encounters. ARUSHA NATIONAL PARK Situated 45 kilometers from Arusha town, this littler park has plenty to offer; enjoy the scenic view of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Meru, Ngurdoto crater and Momella Lake. Spot unique species apart from the big ÀYH FROREXV PRQNH\V à DPLQJRHV GLN GLN antelopes and birds. Arusha National Park is one of the few parks offering walking safaris. MESERANI SNAKE PARK Snake Park is an interesting recreation center with 45 minutes driving distance from Arusha. Learn above 50 species of eastern and Southern African snakes. The park also has a Masai museum, curio market and some animals. Visitors can buy fancy souvenirs or enjoy a 30 minutes camel ride. THE SAFARI CAPITAL Arusha is the center of northern circuit safari routes. With an international airport in the city, travelers FDQ WDNH D à LJKW VWUDLJKW to Arusha and connect to safari destinations; Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Tarangire, Manyara and Kilimanjaro to mention a few.

CULTURAL TOURS There are more than 120 FXOWXUDO WULEHV WR H[SORUH LQ Tanzania. Tour operators in Arusha organize day trips to visit tribes with opportunities to interact and participate in activities of the Masai, Chaga, Tengeru, Hanang and many more. Mto wa Mbu offers a potpourri of H[SHULHQFH ZLWK LQGLJHQRXV groups. TANZANITE MINES AND MUSEUM Discover the origin of the H[TXLVLWH 7DQ]DQLWH DQG the only place where this gemstone, 1000 times rarer than diamond is found. Visit the Tanzanite Meralani mines, 32 kms from Arusha and Tanzanite museum located in the heart of Arusha takes you through a PDJQLĂ€FHQW MRXUQH\ RI WKH Tanzanite Jewel. CLOCK TOWER Legend holds that the Clock Tower is the center point between Cairo and Cape Town. Apart from being a historic attraction, this landmark is in the heart of the city and close to many city attractions including hotels, cafes and local markets.

ARUSHA %DQNV DQG $70·6 Bank of Africa ................................ 254 5128 Bank of Baroda.............................. 254 4986 Barclays Bank Tanzania, LTD ........ 250 9320 Diamond Trust Bank ...................... 250 4146 CRDB Bank ..................................... 250 7239 ([LP %DQN ....................................... 250 4910 I & M Bank (T) LTD .......................... 254 6159 Stanbic Bank ...............................250 9713/6 Standard Chartered Bank............ 254 4703 +RVSLWDOV DQG 0HGLFDO &DUH AAR ................................................. 254 3062 Aga Khan .................................. 757 231 230 Total Care Medical Centre ..................................... 787/767/718 882 273 AMREF Flying Doctors .............. 783 927 529 First Air Responder .................... 765 777 090 Flying Doctors Society of Africa.......................................... 254 4407 -HZHOHUV 7KH 7DQ]DQLWH ([SHULHQFH ....... 754 600 991 Night Clubs Babylon Pub and Nighclub..... 712 001 260 Cigar Bar ................................... 784 731 251 Sundown Carnival .................... 757 557 875 Via Via ....................................... 754 322 879

3KDUPDF\ Akaal Pharmacy ...................... 718 444 222 S & S Medical Store .................. 684 668 866 3KRWRJUDSK\ Camera Repair......................... 784 262 111 Commercial Photography ..... 784 202 712 Restaurants Arusha Masai Café ................. 755 765 640 Bay Leaf Fine Dining ............... 758 777 333 Blue Heron Restaurant ............. 785 555 127 Chinese Dragon ...................... 754 473 088 Curry Pot ................................... 768 033 570 Fig and Olive ............................ 784 532 717 Hot Plate.................................... 783 030 730 Impala Hotel .................................. 254 3082 Kimemo Cafe ........................... 789 575 555 Savanah Grill............................. 689 121 444 Spice and Herbs ....................... 754 818 533 Via Via ....................................... 754 322 879 Zawadi House ........................... 767 500 852 6XSHUPDUNHW Nakumatt Arusha ..................... 768 255 900 Nakumatt Moshi ....................... 785 255 900 Mayange Market ..................... 754 928 854 Pick and Pay Supermarket...... 715 786 646 7RXU 2SHUDWRU Karanga Adventures ............... 784 383 626 Tanzania Joy Tours ................... 719 973 749

*Add +255 (27 for landline) before dialing *TIP updates the listing every 3 months. Numbers are subject to change


The Aga Khan Hospital, Dar es Salaam

Dental Department Braces and Orthodontics

Problems to watch for . . .

Anterior crossbite


Different types of Orthodentic treatment (Braces)

Open bite

Posterior crossbite

Metal Braces

Protrusion (Goofy Upper Jaw)

Ceramic Braces

Large Diastema (Spacing) Facial Orthopedics

Deep bite (Upper teeth overlap over lower teeth)

Bruxism (Tooth Wear)

Invisible Braces .... and more....

Gentle and contemporary.

Aligner System

Aligning teeth with aesthetic high - quality clear splints is an important therapy in modern orthodontics. Especially for treating adults, this concept has proven successful. It provides optimal treatment results along with a very high level of comfort. Which is virtually invisible.

The aligners, worn during 2 to 4 weeks for a unique and beautiful smile: With each treatment step, you will be wearing different Clear Aligner shells..

There is a wide range of applications for the innovative CLEAR ALIGNER splint: Before

Thanks to this steady increase in pressure, your teeth are aligned efficiently, yet smoothly and with extraordinary comfort without anyone noticing the appliance..


Case 2

Case 1

From here...

Till here...


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Dr. Kartik D. Dholakia

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Ask your doctor about treatment and he will be happy to advise you.

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