2020 U-M Kellogg Eye Center Annual Report

Page 31

A Plan for Estate Giving: Best Practice Includes Gift Letter

granulomatosis, an aggressive disease that causes inflammation of blood vessels, destroying tissue by limiting blood flow throughout the body.

The fine network of vessels in the eye is vulnerable to

People make bequests because they believe in an institution

the condition, and Dr. Saxe guided Ms. Brandt’s care through

and because it expresses their values, says Jane Langeland,

five major eye surgeries and many other procedures. He also

Michigan Medicine’s director of planned giving. “The sense

prescribed new drug therapies to quiet the vessels and prevent them from reforming. Ms. Brandt remained steadfast, supported

of purpose and personal satisfaction someone can feel by

by her husband, James B. Thompson. Her vision eventually

making a gift to benefit the community is very meaningful.”

returned to 20/40. Physicians from across U-M also helped Ms.

Brandt overcome a long list of ailments arising from Wegener’s

Eye Center in your estate plans, ensuring that we know

disease, including listlessness, memory loss, and difficulty speak-

how the funds should be used once they are received can

ing and walking.

be important for achieving your goals.

To show their gratitude and help ensure that similar care

and new breakthroughs would be available to others, the couple

A best practice is to use general bequest language in

your will or revocable trust and then to create a separate,

made a bequest to establish the Brandt Thompson Vision Re-

more detailed letter that outlines your wishes, says Ms.

search Fund in honor of Dr. Saxe. Created after Mr. Thompson

Langeland. That letter can be updated without having to

died in 2019 — Ms. Brandt passed away two years earlier — the

go back and update your will or revocable trust, giving

fund will support autoimmune disease vision research or retinal

you the flexibility to make changes over time.

disease research. It will be endowed for 20 years and then

expended at the discretion of the Kellogg Eye Center director.

While there are many ways to include the Kellogg

“We want to use these resources just as you intend

and to their maximum benefit,” she says. “Your gift will be

“Philanthropy makes a great difference in what Kellogg

can achieve, and we are proud and grateful to be a part of the

impacting the future of delivery of care.”

legacies of each of our supporters,” says Paul P. Lee, M.D.,

For more information on supporting the Kellogg Eye Center,

J.D., the F. Bruce Fralick Professor and chair of the Department

please contact Lindsay Baden at 734-763-0875 or

of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. “It is inspiring to see

linmwell@umich.edu, or visit giving.medicine.umich.edu.

people make an investment in something they care about — and a privilege to do that work in their memory.”

Restoring Sight in Photoreceptor Degeneration For over a century, the retina

Named intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells

was thought to only use a

(ipRGCs), these novel photoreceptors drive subconscious physi-

unidirectional circuit to process

ologic responses to light such as pupil constriction, enhancement

visual information: photorecep-

of alertness, and regulation of sleep/wake timing. In a previous

tor cells called rods and cones

NIH-funded project, Kwoon Y. Wong, Ph.D., and his students

convert light into electrical

discovered that ipRGCs signal not only out of the retina, but also

signals, which are analyzed

intraretinally to second-order cells called amacrine cells. Unlike

by second-order cells before

most neural circuits, this “backward” signaling pathway does not

reaching retinal output cells

utilize neurotransmitters; instead, ions diffuse from ipRGCs to the

called ganglion cells, which

amacrine cells through intercellular channels called gap junctions.

then signal to higher brain

areas to produce conscious

the structure and function of this unusual circuit. Because this cir-

Dr. Wong has been awarded an NIH R01 grant to elucidate

visual perception. This simple view became more complicated

cuit remains light-sensitive in rod/cone-dystrophic retinas, studies

in 2002 when some ganglion cells were found to function as

of its properties could lead to innovative strategies for restoring


sight in patients suffering photoreceptor degeneration.


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Articles inside

The Chair’s Perspective

page 3

Cloud-based AI Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy

page 34

Company Funding

page 33

Saving Children’s Sight in Ethiopia

page 32

Restoring Sight in Photoreceptor Degeneration

page 31

Legacy Bequests

pages 30-31

Endowment to Support International Program

page 29

Advancing Research Safely

page 28

Personalized Care for Corneal Ulcers

page 27

Alumni Highlights

pages 26-27

Breakthroughs in Diabetic Retinopathy

page 26

JDRF Center of Excellence

page 25

Conducting Clinical Trials During a Pandemic

page 24

Novel Research Methods

page 23

Tissue Banking to Treat Corneal Disease

page 22

Training Tomorrow’s Leaders Virtually

page 21

Patient Safety Drives Clinical Operations

page 20

Medication Adherence in Glaucoma Patients

page 19

Danger in Delaying Treatment

page 19

Providing Care in Communities

page 18

Joanne Angle Public Health Award

page 17

Increasing Access to Care

pages 16-17

Ecosystem for Greater Diversity

page 15

Nanoparticle Therapy in Cancer

page 14

Ophthalmology Bootcamp

page 14

Photoreceptor Survival

page 13

Stem Cells and the Retina

page 13

Accelerating Virtual Care

page 12

Kellogg International Initiatives

pages 10-11

Innovative Congenital Ocular Disease Clinic

page 9

Linking Vision Impairment & Cognition

page 8

Artificial Intelligence to Improve Surgical Skills

page 7

Promising Tool to Measure Patient Outcomes

page 6

Molecular Regulation of Photoreceptor Cell Death

page 5

New Multidisciplinary Facial Nerve Clinic

pages 4-5
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