u3a Kettering Newsletter Winter 2022

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Some of us enjoyed a Christmas Lunch at the Park Hotel earlier this month. Thanks to those who joined us.

A big thank you to all the people who lead or support groups as without you we couldn't continue. Once more I would urge everyone to join groups and speak to any member of the Committee if you have ideas for new ones. I would like also like to thank all the members of the Sing and Laugh Out loud group for being brave enough to entertain us at the December meeting. Take care and much love

u3a Kettering 1 Winter Newsletter Dec/Jan/Feb 2022-2023 www.u3aKettering.co.uk
to the Winter edition of our Newsletter. I would like to take this opportunity to wish
Registered Charity No. 1108614 Monthly Meetings Jan 17 Alice Hawkins - Suffragette by Peter Barratt www.alicehawkinssuffragette.co.uk Feb 21 Sat Navs & just how does GPS work? by Roger Cooper Mar 21 Back to the Sixties by Philip Hanzlik Apr 18 Wandering & Wondering by Mike Sweeting REMINDER—SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE NOW OVERDUE

Group Leaders Information

Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A. Ensure that you have:-

· Checked their current membership card. (Ask the membership secretary to check if you are unsure)

· The name and telephone of each member’s In Case of Emergency contact. (ICE)

· The post code of your venue will be required by the emergency services if you need to call them.

· Send articles, reports and photographs about your group to the Newsletter Editor. Copy deadline for the newsletter is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting.

· Advise the Group Coordinator and Newsletter Editor of any changes to your group arrangements, e.g. venue, timing, etc.

Members Information

· Advise the Membership Secretary, in writing, of any changes to your address, post code, telephone number or email address.

· If you are unable to attend your Group’s meeting, please advise your Group Leader in advance.

· If you know one of our members has a special occasion ahead, e.g. important birthday, anniversary or if they are ill and you feel a card from the U3A would be appreciated, please contact the secretary.

· Bring your membership card with you to the meeting and have it available for checking in.

· If you cannot get to the monthly meeting for any reasons, you can get a copy of the Newsletter from either Kettering Library or the Tourist Information desk, Manor House Museum, Kettering or online at www.u3akettering.co.uk

· View & Download the newsletter (in glorious colour) from web site, www.U3AKettering.co.uk & click on the links. Select DOWNLOAD LATEST link or to look back for older issues, click newsletter image or any other newsletter links.

· Membership year runs from 1st November to 31st October and is £15 a year

· Half year 1st May– to 31st October £8. More details and membership form on the web site

· Payments to the u3a can be cash, cheque, bank transfer credit/debit card

Monthly Meeting Dates & Speakers

Jan 17 Alice Hawkins - Suffragette by Peter Barratt www.alicehawkinssuffragette.co.uk

Feb 21 Sat Navs & just how does GPS work? by Roger Cooper

Mar 21 Back to the Sixties by Philip Hanzlik

Apr 18 Wandering & Wondering by Mike Sweeting

Your Kettering U3A Committee 2022-2023

Chairman Diane Tebbutt 01536 392 556 di_tebbutt@hotmail.com

Vice Chairman & PR Anne Smith 07786 252 366 a.smith5353@hotmail.com

Secretary Jane Slack 01536 516 116 janeslack121@hotmail.com

Treasurer Ruth Gunn 01536 482 581 ruthgunn@hotmail.com

Membership Secretary Pat Stokes 07845 737 679 patriciamstokes@outlook.com

Groups Co-ordinator Sue Perkins 01536 519 438 lazygirl_tresham@yahoo.co.uk

Newsletter/Data Protection Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 richard@boyles.co.uk

Web Master/Programme Secretary

Committee Member Tony Loft 01536 685 166 tonyloft@me.com

Committee Member Elizabeth Woodcock 01536 723 081 bettywoodcock1939@gmail.com

Committee VACANCY

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News — Interest Groups — Visits and Reports

Our meetings at the Eden Centre, 21, Montagu Street, Kettering

Format of the meeting:1.30 – Doors open - Sign in FREE Refreshments Buy raffle tickets

Browse the group notices Have a chat with friends Sign up to groups and trips 2.15 Chairman’s notices followed by this month’s Speaker 3.45 (approximately) Meeting ends

Wheelchair disabled access is available at the rear of the building by phoning 01536 484 800

Newsletter DEADLINE

is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting.

You can read and download the newsletter in

FULL COLOUR from our internet page at www.u3aKettering.co.uk


Group leaders are required to...

1. Have a copy of your members “In Case Of Emergency” (ICE) details with you so you can contact family or friend

2. Have the postcode location of your meeting so you can direct the 999 emergency services

3. Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A so they are covered by the U3A insurance


Although Government laws have changed, COVID is still around so take care. We suggest you…

· Sanitise your hands when arriving

· Ensure you are ticked in on arrival

· Wear a mask if you wish

· Keep socially distanced


Following many failed requests for someone to take over as a speaker seeker, I decided if we want to continue to enjoy our u3a (thanks to Tony), and nobody has stepped forward, I would do it. I have booked most of the 2023 programme which you can see on page 6.

We are lacking news. Please help fill our newsletter with your group’s news and photographs.


For those of you with internet access I have continued to regularly e-mail you with updates as well as keeping the web site an Facebook up to date. So keep reading the e-mails and updates on the web site and please pass on any news to anyone you know who does not have internet access.


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OBITUARY Doug Hodkinson

Sadly on 22nd September 2022, Doug Hodkinson passed away peacefully at Seagrave House Care Home. His family were with him when he passed away. Doug was an enthusiastic and very active member of our u3a Family History group. He was very analytical with his research and always asked questions when he did not understand a new topic. He took great pleasure in discovering new ancestors and always was happy to share his experiences with the rest of the group. When COVID prevented us from meeting each month in person, we met weekly via Zoom and Doug rarely missed a week. He will be sorely missed in our Family History group.

Busy Needles and Banter

Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 marywildman365@gmail.com


Bake It or Fake It

The Bake It or Fake it group meets on the third Friday of each month. Members take it in turn to host the get together and to provide the cakes which we all enjoy.

Contact: Mary Earl 01536 522 456 or Bridget Ling 01536 521 250

We have been reading an eclectic selection of books chosen by our members, amongst which are The House by the Loch by Kirsty Wark, The Sacred Country by Rose Tremain, To Serve them all my Days by R F Delderfield, and Warlight by Michael Ondaatjee. We meet monthly in members' homes to discuss the book and give our views and, if you enjoy reading, why not join us for a taster session? We also watch DVDs of the book. Most books are available at a reasonable price on Amazon Awesome Books or World of Books.

Contact: Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197

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Richard Boyles

Card Playing

Canals & Waterways

We meet at the Bridge Club in Field Street on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at 2pm. The cost is only £2 and that includes tea, coffee and biscuits. We play different card games as well as Scrabble.

We still have room for new members so come along and join us. No prior knowledge is needed as tuition can be given. Our next meetings are on January 12th and 26th, February 9th and 23rd and it would be lovely to see you there. If there are other Board games you would like to play, let me know and we could add them if there is enough interest.

Contact: Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 di_tebbutt@hotmail.com


We just missed the deadline for this newsletter to report on our Christmas lunch at the Waterfront restaurant, Union Wharf , Market Harborough. As the last two meetings were cancelled due to weather conditions, I’ve decided that we won’t be meeting January and February. March meeting will be held on 16th March 2023. As Chester House was cancelled in October, I’ve decided that will be the first of many trips out. I’ll email more information nearer the time.

We meet at various locations both near and maybe far. If you would like to join our group, please contact me.

Contact: Brenda Boyles 01536 744 753 brenda@boyles.co.uk

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September ten of us visited Stoke Bruerne Canal Museum, had a walk up to the tunnel and then back for a coffee in the museum café.

2023 Programme

Thanks to Tony for several year’s of interesting monthly meeting speakers and events. I have now taken over and here is next year’s programme.

Jan 17 Alice Hawkins - Suffragette

Feb 21 Sat Navs & just how does GPS work?

Mar 21 Back to the sixties

Apr 18 Wandering & Wondering £80

May 16 Member’s Hobbies share your hobbies & interests with others

Jun 20 Murder and Mayhem

Jul 18 Rosetta the Comet Chaser

Aug 15 AGM + Quiz + “Nibbles”

Sep 19 WWI Concert parties. £60 + nil

Oct 17 Life After Eurovision by Vince Eager By popular request to hear part 2 of his talk

Nov 21 Ghosts and legends TBC Dec 19 Christmas party

As always, more details on the webs site at www.u3aKettering.co.uk

Family History

We have plenty of room for new members thanks to the superb FREE facilities offered by the LDS church. New members are welcome to join our Zoom chats too.

In October I gave a talk entitled Mystery of an Irish Navvy where I told the story of my 20 year search for my great grandfather who family legend said was an Irish navvy on the railways. This proved to be a greatly exaggerated story which led me up many garden paths!

Creative Cards

We are a small group and we meet on the second Tuesday of each month. Unfortunately we do not have any vacancies at the moment due to the size of the room we use.

Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725 925 eileenm1935@gmail.com or Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716 maggi.mcguire@outlook.com

In November, Rob Green gave us a very informative overview of the software program Family Tree Maker. He demonstrated the really clever way it records your family history and interfaces with the online services of Ancestry and Family Search.

In December, Pat Jones presented her struggle to solve her Ireland vs Bombay Puzzle. We all tried to help solve the puzzle and then went on to have a general workshop where we helped each other.

Meetings are held on the second Monday, 2-4pm in the Primary Room of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS), Rothwell Road, Kettering located next to Brewers Fayre/Premier Inn.

We are continuing our 40 minute Zoom chats at 3pm on all other Mondays.

Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 richard@boyles.co.uk

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Mile a Member Challenge

The mile a member walking challenge was completed on 21st September at The Network Event held at Chester House with a final total mileage of 24,199 miles.

Friday Pop-In

This is a tremendous achievement and is a wonderful reflection of the commitment of each u3a coordinator and of course the effort put in by all the various u3a walking groups and the individuals who contributed their personal miles. I would like to add my personal thanks to all of you who coordinated all the walking activity in your u3a and collated all the data for myself to summarise. Please also pass on my thanks to all the walkers within your own u3a – they are the real stars.

This group is now meeting regularly at the Kino Lounge on Friday mornings. The official meeting is the first Friday of every month but some members meet every week. Please come along and join them.

Contact: Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 di_tebbutt@hotmail.com

This day at Chester House was a resounding success with between 500-600 persons attending, displays from seven u3as, entertainment from four u3as and the culmination of the mile a member walk. The staff at Chester House provided excellent support and the day provided an excellent opportunity for u3as to network with each other. Overall a tremendous success.


The group is waiting till the Spring of 2023 before restarting its activities. Suggestions very welcome and if anyone fancies taking over as group leader then contact me.

Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516 587 prbrad@live.co.uk

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Representatives from Kettering and Ise Valley U3As for the walk a mile challenge.

Have Your


Lunch Club

The group will now meet in the Saint Andrews Church rooms in Kettering town centre the first meeting on Tuesday 8th. March at 2pm. There is parking at the rear accessed from Crown street at the end on the right. We have space for new members so anybody who would like to join us will be most welcome. If you are interested please contact me.

Contact: Richard Ling 01536 521250 b_r_ling@hotmail.com

Knit and Natter -

Just to let you know the knit and natter group are still going strong. I have been unable to be the leader for the past 5 months and I'm pleased that my team, thanks to Mary for stepping in my shoes, has kept going. I'm hopefully going to be back next time.

Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867 annette.chidwick@tiscali.co.uk

This year's Christmas Lunch was on Tuesday 6th December at the Park Hotel. January's lunch will be arranged by Eileen Mason and Maggi McGuire. I need volunteers to arrange venues for the rest of next year so please let me know if you are willing to do so.

Contact: Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 di_tebbutt@hotmail.com

Musical Circles

Today (Wednesday 30th November) the Music Circles Group members were challenged to identify "where am I?" as they listened to a variety of musical pieces. They were transported from Finland to Sicily, from Egypt to the USA and many other locations. The challenge provided an interesting framework within which to listen to some excellent and interesting music.

Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725925 eileenm1935@gmail.com

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Trevor Rudkin

Play Reading

Painting & Drawing

On Thursday 1st September we held our first meeting of the Play Reading Group. At the moment we are meeting at the Bridge Club in Field Street. The meetings will take place on the first Thursday of every month. We are borrowing sets of plays from Northamptonshire Library and our first reading was a one act comedy titled Holmes Sweet Holmes set in the ground floor flat of 221 Baker Street.

At November and December's meetings we read a comedy by Tudor Gates called Ladies who Lunch which we really enjoyed.

Contact: Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556


We have our last meeting this year on Thursday 8th December.

In the new year we begin on Thursday 12th and finish at the end of March. We welcomed Ann this term and would be delighted to welcome anyone else who is interested. Why not come and see?

Hard Water Mill

We meet at the North Park Pavilion on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 2-4p.m. There is plenty of parking.

Further details from Jo Beaver, see me at the U3A meeting at Eden Centre or...

Contact: Jo Beaver 01933 224 474 beaver.jean@yahoo.co.uk

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Strictly Seated

Sing (and Laugh) Out Loud

Who knew Kettering u3a had such brilliant dancers in their midst! The team have engaged enthusiastically and wholeheartedly in learning and performing the routines. These include a warm up to the Match of the Day theme tune, a lyrical number to Day by Day from Godspell. The arm lines and postures are superb. We have a great musical theatre number too, set to Bring me Sunshine channelling Morecambe and Wise.

We meet at Christ the King Church in Deeble Road once a fortnight from 10.15 until 12.00. Our next meetings are on Friday 13th and 27th and February 10th and 24th. We have been preparing to perform at the Christmas meeting at the Eden Centre. In the New Year we will try to learn some new songs. We always have great fun and there is plenty of laughter and chat, so come along and join us as we have vacancies and you will be made very welcome. We continue to sing accompanied by a few of our members playing the ukulele. Remember that singing is incredibly good for both your mental and physical wellbeing.

Contact: Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 di_tebbutt@hotmail.com

Stitchin' Time

Our piece de resistance so far is a goofy Charleston to Fat Sam’s Grand Slam, straight from a Chicago Speakeasy!

Congratulations to all those who have taken part to date.

Please call me if you would like to sign up or find out more about this group.

Contact: Katy Ellis 07713 550 177

The knitters amongst us continue to produce some lovely garments and trauma teddies for the emergency services. We enjoy spending time with other crafters, and finish off our sessions with tea and cake.

Contact: Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197

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Contact: Maria Coleby colebymaria@hotmail.com Eileen Mason 01536 725925

Meetings with Ise Valley U3A


Recorder Group Ise Valley U3A

I organize (with Sue Hartley) the Ise Valley U3A recorder group. The group is open to anyone who plays, or would like to learn to play the recorder. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 2.00 to 3.30 at a member’s home. We would love to have some more players.

Contact: Mary Cooper (Ise Valley) cooperm1@btinternet.com

Singing For Pleasure Ise Valley U3A

We are meeting at St. John’s Church Hall, our new venue, alternative Fridays at 10 a.m. It was good to be able to sing again with our friends, old and new.

Contact: Linda Harris 01536 628 940 (Ise Valley)

Short Walks Ise Valley U3A

3rd Thursday

Venue and Time Varies

Contact: Wanda Moffatt 01536 659 236 (Ise Valley)

Ukulele Group—Ise Valley


The Ise Valley U3A Ukulele Group meet fortnightly on Tuesday mornings 10-12. We are all beginners and are sort of following a course from the internet. Training videos and song sheets and are available and with practice you will quickly get to our standard ! There is even a spare Uke if you want to ‘try before you buy’. If you don’t fancy learning the Ukulele (which is a lot of fun) but would just like to sing or play percussion (or any other instrument) with us, the more the merrier.

Contact: Alan Bailey 01933 350 147

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01536 515 959 u3akettwalk@outlook.com
Walking Group Contact :
Travel & Theatre

a3a Kettering Interest Group Timetable

Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group

Day Co-ordinator Tel.no Venue Frequency Time No fixed day


Ray Bradbury 01536 516 587 varies varies varies

Travel & Theatre Maria Coleby E-mail on page 10 varies varies varies Eileen Mason 01536 725 925


Knit and Natter


Creative Cards

Have Your Say

Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867 Home

1st & 3rd Mondays 10.00 – 12 noon Family History Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 LDS Church, Rothwell Road + Online via Zoom 2nd Monday + 1, 3, 4th Mondays 2.00 – 4.00pm 3.00 3.40 pm

Maggi McGuire & Eileen Mason 01536 392 716 01536 725 925 Home 2nd Wednesday 1.30-3.30pm

Richard Ling 01536 521 250 St. Andrews Church Rooms 2nd Tuesday 2.00 – 4.00pm

Lunch Club Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Varies 4th Tuesday 12.00 – 2.30pm


Stitchin’ Time

Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197 Home Salisbury Street 1st Wednesday 2.00 - 4.00pm Musical Circles Eileen Mason 01536 725 925 varies 3rd Wednesday 2.00pm Bookworms Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197 varies 4th Wednesday 2.00 – 4.00pm


Busy Needles Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 Home Geddington Fortnightly 10.00-12.00

Play Reading Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Bridge Club, Field Street 1st Thursday 10.30-12.30pm Card Playing Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Bridge Club, Field Street 2nd & 4th Thursday 1.45 3.45 pm Painting and Drawing Jo Beaver 01933 224 474 North Park Pavilion 2nd & 4th Thursdays 2.00 – 4.00 pm Walking Jackie Rowson 01536 515 959 Varies 2nd Thursday 10.00 start Canals Waterways Brenda Boyles 01536 744 753 Local visit or days away 3rd Thursday 2.00-4.00pm Friday

Sing (& Laugh) Out Loud Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Christ The King, Deeble Road Alternate Fridays 10.15-12.00

Strictly Seated Katy Ellis 07713 550 177 Christ The King, Deeble Road Alternate Fridays 10.30-12.30

Friday Pop In Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Kino Lounge, Market Place 1st, 2nd & 4th Friday 10.00 – 11.30am Bake It or Fake It Mary Earl & Bridget Ling 01536 522 456 01536 521 250 Home 3rd Friday 2.00 4.00pm

Meetings below with Ise Valley u3a

The following groups are in conjunction with Ise Valley u3a. Please contact THEIR group co-ordinator before joining a group

Day Co-ordinator Tel.no Venue Frequency Time Monday

Recorder Group Mary Cooper 01536 420 336 Central Methodist Church 2nd & 4th Mondays 2.30 3.30 pm Canasta Margaret Hall 01536 512 215 Kettering Bridge Club Every Monday 2.00-4.30pm Tuesday

Ukulele Alan Bailey 01933 350 147 Home Fortnightly Tuesday 10.00-12.00 Thursday

Short Walks Wanda Moffatt 01536 659 236 Varies 3rd Thursday varies



Geraldine Hardwck 01536 481203 St. Andrews Church Rooms Fortnightly 2.00 – 4.00pm

Singing For Pleasure Linda Harris 01536 628 940 St. John’s Church Hall Alternate Fridays 10.00-12.00

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