Summer Newsletter
June/July/August 2023
Message from the Chairman
Hi Everyone
Welcome to our Summer Newsletter. The sun is shining. Let’s hope it lasts. My heartfelt gratitude goes to everyone who helped to make our Anniversary tea such a success. The food provided by Glebe Farm was very good, the cakes were all delicious, the tables and flowers looked lovely, the music brought back good memories and the display of photographs and Newsletters were informative and interesting. It was good to welcome the Chair and Vice Chair of Ise who send their thanks for a lovely afternoon. I would also like to thank those of you who expressed your appreciation for all the hard work that was done to make it happen.
On Wednesday 21st June, we are manning a stall at the Summer Solstice Market in Kettering from 5 until 9 to promote Kettering u3a. Any help or support would be most welcome.
A reminder that this year’s AGM is on Tuesday 22nd August and nominations are needed for the Committee (form on page 9). At the moment we have no Vice Chairman and it is still not clear if everyone, currently on the Committee, will be standing for re-election. We also need people willing to greet new members or look out for people who arrive at the meeting on their own. There have been some comments that people are reluctant to join as they feel unwelcome. Unfortunately, this is not a task that the Committee can do alone as there are other tasks which have to be performed so that the meetings can go ahead. Sadly, there has been very little interest in the suggested to trips to Thursford or Denby so they cannot go ahead.
Take care and much love
Monthly Meetings
June 21 Midsummer Market - Come & support us
July 18 Rosetta the Comet Chaser by Keith Townsend
Aug 15 AGM + Quiz + Free Nibbles
Sep 19 WWI Concert parties by Kate Wills
u3a Kettering 1
Registered Charity No. 1108614
Group Leaders Information
Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A. Ensure that you have:-
· Checked their current membership card. (Ask the membership secretary to check if you are unsure)
· The name and telephone of each member’s In Case of Emergency contact. (ICE)
· The post code of your venue will be required by the emergency services if you need to call them.
· Send articles, reports and photographs about your group to the Newsletter Editor. Copy deadline for the newsletter is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting.
· Advise the Group Coordinator and Newsletter Editor of any changes to your group arrangements, e.g. venue, timing, etc.
Members Information
· Advise the Membership Secretary, in writing, of any changes to your address, post code, telephone number or email address.
· If you are unable to attend your Group’s meeting, please advise your Group Leader in advance.
· If you know one of our members has a special occasion ahead, e.g. important birthday, anniversary or if they are ill and you feel a card from the U3A would be appreciated, please contact the secretary.
· Bring your membership card with you to the meeting and have it available for checking in.
· If you cannot get to the monthly meeting for any reasons, you can get a copy of the Newsletter from either Kettering Library or the Tourist Information desk, Manor House Museum, Kettering or online at
· View & Download the newsletter (in glorious colour) from web site, & click on the links. Select DOWNLOAD LATEST link or to look back for older issues, click newsletter image or any other newsletter links.
· Membership year runs from 1st November to 31st October and is £15 a year
· Half year 1st May– to 31st October £8. More details and membership form on the web site
· Payments to the u3a can be cash, cheque, bank transfer credit/debit card
Monthly Meeting Dates & Speakers
Sep 19 WWI Concert parties by Kate Wills
Oct 17 Life After Eurovision by Vince Eager
Nov 21 Tax, Care and Toy Boys
Protecting your family’s nest eggInheritance tax
Stopping ‘sideways disinheritance’
Lasting Powers of Attorney
Dec 19 Christmas party (TBA)
u3a Kettering 2 Your Kettering U3A Committee
Chairman Diane Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Vice Chairman VACANCY Secretary Jane Slack 01536 516 116 Treasurer Ruth Gunn 01536 482 581 Membership Secretary Pat Stokes 07845 737 679 Groups Co-ordinator Sue Perkins 01536 519 438 Newsletter/Data Protection Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 Web Master/Programme Secretary/E-mails Committee Member Tony Loft 01536 685 166 Committee Member Elizabeth Woodcock 01536 723 081 Committee VACANCY
News — Interest Groups — Visits and Reports
Our meetings at the Eden Centre, 21, Montagu Street, Kettering
Format of the meeting:-
1.30 – Doors open - Sign in FREE Refreshments
Buy raffle tickets
Browse the group notices
Have a chat with friends
Sign up to groups and trips
2.15 Chairman’s notices followed by this month’s Speaker
3.45 (approximately) Meeting ends
Wheelchair disabled access is available at the rear of the building by phoning 01536 484 800
Newsletter DEADLINE is 2 Saturdays before the monthly meeting.
You can read and download the newsletter in FULL COLOUR from our internet page at
Group leaders are required to...
1. Have a copy of your members “In Case Of Emergency” (ICE) details with you so you can contact family or friend
2. Have the postcode location of your meeting so you can direct the 999 emergency services
3. Check that all members of your group are fully paid-up members of the U3A so they are covered by the U3A insurance
The 20th Anniversary went well and in addition projecting historical photographs, juggling 60s and 70s music, managing the microphones for the speakers, I managed to grab a couple of sandwiches.
More photos on the front page and scattered throughout this newsletter in odd gaps.
The AGM is coming up in August and we really need people to help. Either join the committee (nomination form on page 9) or just offer to help on the day to welcome visitors etc.
No helpers...No u3a meetings
Also we need help with the sound and visuals at the monthly meeting. I only have a couple of helpers, thanks Malcolm and Chris, who also work on other aspects or running the meetings. No experience necessary, full training and documented instructions available.
For those of you with internet access I have continued to regularly e-mail you with updates as well as keeping the web site an Facebook up to date. So keep reading the e-mails and updates on the web site and please pass on any news to anyone you know who does not have internet access.
u3a Kettering 3
The Bake It or Fake it group meets on the third Friday of each month. Members take it in turn to host the get together and to provide the cakes which we all enjoy.
Contact: Mary Earl 01536 522 456
Busy Needles and Banter
Contact: Mary Wildman 01536 741 222
We recently read "The Light between Oceans" by M L Stedman. Tom, who recently returned to Australia from World War 1, takes a job as a solitary lighthouse keeper on a remote island. His wife suffers miscarriages and a stillbirth. One day a boat washes up with a dead man and a baby. Issy and Tom are faced with a terrible dilemma, but eventually the truth comes out. We hope to watch the DVD in future months.
"Songbirds" by Christy Lefteri was our next read, a story of the plight of migrant workers on the island of Cyprus. Nisha leaves her home and child in Sri Lanka to work as a nanny and domestic worker for Petra and her daughter, Aliki. One day Nisha vanishes but Petra, and Nisha's lover, Yiannis, keep searching for her.
Our books are chosen by members of the group, and suggestions are always welcome. If you enjoy reading, why not join us, we are a small group with room for one or two more.
Contact: Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197
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It or Fake It
Card Playing
Canals & Waterways
This friendly group meets every second and fourth Thursday of the month at Kettering Bridge Club from 1.45 until 4.00. The cost is £2 which includes tea, coffee and biscuits. Everyone is welcome and no previous knowledge of any of the games is needed as there is usually someone there who can give some instructions on how to play.
Contact: Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556
In March we went to Chester House estate which was very interesting if a little cold. We gathered for a coffee and a chat and looked in the museum. Another visit would be worthwhile.
Contact: Tony Loft 01536 685 166
In April Brenda and Richard were away and only three brave souls went to Stanwick Lakes but it was rained off. In May we went to Barnwell Country Park for a short stroll and coffee on the terrace.
June 15th we are going to Rutland Water.
Provisional dates 3rd Thursday of the month
July 20th Rushden Lakes
August 17th St.Ives
Sept 21st Day boat from Market Harborough (TBC)
Contact: Brenda Boyles 01536 744 753
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2023 Programme
Thanks to Tony for several years of interesting monthly meeting speakers and events. I have now taken over and here is next year’s programme.
Jul 18 Rosetta the Comet Chaser
Aug 15 AGM + Quiz + “Nibbles”
Sep 19 WWI Concert parties.
Oct 17 Life After Eurovision by Vince Eager
By popular request to hear part 2 of his talk
Nov 21 Ghosts and legends TBC
Dec 19 Christmas party
As always, more details on the webs site at
Family History
We have plenty of room for new members thanks to the superb FREE facilities offered by the LDS church. New members are welcome to join our Zoom chats too.
In March, member Rob Green gave us a talk entitled "The Footman, The Hall, The Diamond and the Basket". This sparked great interest along with the documents and photographs he brought along to show us.
In May we had a members’ workshop where we helped each other. As there were not many attendees, those there benefitted from 1-2-1 advice and several ancestors were discovered.
Creative Cards
We are a small group and we meet on the second Tuesday of each month. Unfortunately we do not have any vacancies at the moment due to the size of the room we use.
Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725 925 or Maggi McGuire 01536 392 716
Meetings are held on the second Monday, 2-4pm in the Primary Room of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS), Rothwell Road, Kettering located next to Brewers Fayre/Premier Inn.
We are continuing our 40 minute Zoom chats at 3pm on all other Mondays.
Contact: Richard Boyles 01536 744 753
u3a Kettering 6
Friday Pop-In
Friday "PopIn". Meet every Friday at 10-00am. at the Kino Lounge on the Market Square. No agenda, simply a friendly get together to enjoy a relaxing hour or so in pleasant surroundings. Accompanied guests are welcome, as are four legged ones.
If you are a new U3A member, then this is a simple way to introduce yourself, and meet others. Just simply Pop In, and say hello. No need to contact. Just turn up !!
See you on Friday !
Contact: David Clayton 01536 520 965
18 June 2023
Open Gardens
A mix of a series of small, large, long established, new, tidy and rambling gardens in the village, mainly wheelchair friendly. Plus a Craft Fair, Village Bakery and Open Art Studio. Plus a Plant Stall. Entry £5.00, children under 16 free. Open 11.00am to 4.00pm. Park on village playing field. Satnav NN14 3DE
July and 2 July
Orlingbury Open Gardens
Approximate nine gardens with Village Green, historic dovecote, plus award winning churchyard. Refreshments available. Toilets available. Open 1.30 to 5.30pm. £5.00 adults, supervised children free. Proceeds to St Marys Church and Bansang Hospital Appeal. Satnav NN14 1JD
Contact: Ray Bradbury 01536 516 587
Have Your Say
The Discussion group meets on the second Tuesday of each month in St Andrews church rooms. The church is opposite Sainsburys on Rockingham Rd. The rooms are at the rear in Crown St., and there is a small car park which is accessed from Regent St. If you are coming from Rockingham Rd., take the first right and the car park is the last gate way in Crown St. Tea/Coffee, and biscuits are included in the £5 per quarter fee.
Recent subjects discussed have been King Charles Coronation and the Monarchy in general. Dealings with the Police ( the ones in blue. Not the Pop group). Is society getting more violent, and much more. Anyone can propose a topic, and almost any topic can be discussed. If you have something that irritates you, or even intrigues you. Then why not come along, and see what others think. We are a small, friendly group, and would welcome a couple more members.
Contact: David Clayton 01536 520 965
u3a Kettering 7
Knit and Natter -
A picture of some of the things the knitting group have knitted for the coronation of King Charles.
Contact: Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867
Musical Circles
Continuing the theme of “Where Am I?” from a previous meeting the members of the group heard music that had connections with Brazil, Athens, London, Londonderry, Valencia, Scotland, Denmark, Cornwall, India, Italy, Lowestoft and Padstow. Plenty more places to visit, but they will keep for a future meeting.
Contact: Eileen Mason 01536 725925
Play Reading
Some of the things the knitting group have knitted for the coronation of King Charles.
Lunch Club
This is now meeting regularly on the fourth Tuesday of the month which means that people can sign up at the monthly meeting.
I would like to thank those people who have volunteered to arrange the venues but am still looking for a few more people to sort out places for later in the year. I would like to thank Tony for organising April’s lunch at the Stirrup Cup. This month’s lunch will be at the Olde Victoria in Burton Latimer organised by Ray Bradbury.
Contact: Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556
We meet on the first Thursday of every month at Kettering Bridge Club from 10.30 until 12.30 and the cost is £2.50 which includes tea, coffee, biscuits and rental for the plays. We have just finished reading Hobson’s Choice and many of us had forgotten how amusing it is.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 6th July. It would be lovely if a few more people came along to support the group.
Contact: Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556
u3a Kettering 8
Sing (and Laugh) Out Loud
Sing (and Laugh) Out Loud
We meet every other Friday at Christ the King Church in Deeble Road from 10.30. We have welcomed several new members recently which has been great, We continue to sing along either accompanied by the ukulele players or music on my phone and have lots of fun. We sing, talk, laugh and sometimes cry. Our next meetings are on 23rd June and then on 7th July and 21st July. Come along and join us, you will be very welcome and don’t forgot that singing is very good for your mental health.
Contact: Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556
u3a Kettering 9
Strictly Seated
The Strictly Seated dance team continue to amaze with their style and tenacity!
Contact: Katy Ellis 07713 550 177
Painting & Drawing
We are not meeting during the summer. We shall meet again on September 14th at the North Park Pavilion, 2-4p.m. The 2nd & 4th Thurs each month are our dates. The group is very small at the ! moment so we would like to welcome more people to join us.
Many people have said ' I can't draw or paint '. How do they know if they haven't tried ? Why not come & have a try. One of our members tried and is now very much enjoying the experience. More information see me at the general meetings on 3rd Tuesday or details below.
Contact: Jo Beaver 01933 224 474
u3a Kettering 10
Contact: Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197
Walking Group
What an interesting start to the day :- Find the meeting point?? Having assembled our intrepid team of eight , we eventually set off.
At this point I feel I must be honest and admit that not knowing the area, I have no idea where we walked yesterday. Suffice it to say that we wandered up little alley ways with quaint names, traversed several fields of wheat, lentils and even alpacas.
On at least two occasions our leader was quite vocal inasmuch as there were fields that had been PLOUGHED, without her permission. Surprisingly we happened across a site known as the Brickmakers Community garden. This was tended by volunteers, keeping wild flowers in amongst some very pleasantly smelling roses. We also crossed a rather large field of barley, which was quite pretty swaying along with breeze.
However, as we progressed the barley seemed to increase in size and we were in danger of losing sight of two of our team. A little further on we revisited the Memorial of the Newton Rebellion of 1607. (notice the date!!). We met an interesting local about to place a small bunch of roses at the memorial and he gave us quick chat about the history of the rebellion etc. All in all we covered about 4.5 miles , even though we changed direction several times. As always we all enjoyed the outing culminating in a light lunch at the Café Oak in Geddington village.
Contact : Jackie Rowson 01536 515 959
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Walking group outing 8th June 2023
Stitchin' Time
Needles fly through skeins of wool to create jumpers, scarves, mitts, teddies, twiddle muffs, etc. So far nobody has attempted bedsocks.
a3a Kettering Interest Group Timetable
Meetings below with Ise Valley u3a
The following groups are in conjunction with Ise Valley u3a. Please contact THEIR group co-ordinator before joining a group
u3a Kettering 12
RJB/2023 Day Co-ordinator Venue Frequency Time Monday Recorder Group Mary Cooper 01536 420 336 Central Methodist Church 2nd & 4th Mondays 2.30 3.30 pm Tuesday Ukulele Alan Bailey 01933 350 147 Home Fortnightly Tuesday 10.00-12.00 Thursday Short Walks Wanda Moffatt 01536 659 236 Varies 3rd Thursday varies Friday Singing For Pleasure Linda Harris 01536 628 940 St. John’s Church Hall Alternate Fridays 10.00-12.00 Spanish Geraldine Hardwck 01536 481203 St. Andrews Church Rooms Fortnightly 2.00 – 4.00pm Day Co-ordinator Venue Frequency Time No fixed day Gardening Ray Bradbury 01536 516 587 varies varies varies Travel & Theatre TBA varies varies varies Monday Knit and Natter Annette Chidwick 01536 523 867 Home 1st & 3rd Mondays 10.00 – 12 noon Family History Richard Boyles 01536 744 753 LDS Church, Rothwell Road + Online via Zoom 2nd Monday + 1, 3, 4th Mondays 2.00 – 4.00pm 3.00 3.40 pm Tuesday Creative Cards Maggi McGuire & Eileen Mason 01536 392 716 01536 725 925 Home 2nd Wednesday 1.30-3.30pm Have Your Say David Clayton 01536 520 965 St. Andrews Church Rooms 2nd Tuesday 2.00 – 4.00pm Lunch Club Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Varies 4th Tuesday 12.00 – 2.30pm Wednesday Stitchin’ Time Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197 Home Salisbury Street 1st Wednesday 2.00 - 4.00pm Musical Circles Eileen Mason 01536 725 925 varies 3rd Wednesday 2.00pm Bookworms Pauline Parkin 01536 799 197 varies 4th Wednesday 2.00 – 4.00pm Thursday Busy Needles Mary Wildman 01536 741 222 Home Geddington Fortnightly 10.00-12.00 Play Reading Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Bridge Club, Field Street 1st Thursday 10.30-12.30pm Card Playing Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Bridge Club, Field Street 2nd & 4th Thursday 1.45 3.45 pm Painting and Drawing Jo Beaver 01933 224 474 North Park Pavilion 2nd & 4th Thursdays 2.00 – 4.00 pm Walking Jackie Rowson 01536 515 959 Varies 2nd Thursday 10.00 start Canals Waterways Brenda Boyles 01536 744 753 Local visit or days away 3rd Thursday 2.00-4.00pm Friday Sing (& Laugh) Out Loud Di Tebbutt 01536 392 556 Christ The King, Deeble Road Alternate Fridays 10.15-12.00 Friday Pop In David Clayton 01536 520 965 Kino Lounge, Market Place 1st, 2nd & 4th Friday 10.00 – 11.30am Bake It or Fake It Mary Earl & Bridget Ling 01536 522 456 01536 521 250 Home 3rd Friday 2.00 4.00pm Strictly Seated Katy Ellis 07713 550 177 Christ The King, Deeble Road Alternate Fridays 10.30-12.30 Canasta Tony Loft 01536 685 166 Kettering Bridge Club Every Monday 2.00-4.30pm
Please contact group co-ordinator for more information before joining a group