Advances - August 2012

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Advances University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Foundation, Inc.

The Newsletter of the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Foundation | August 2012 | Vol. 4 - No. 1

An Evening

In early April, the UAFS Foundation hosted an event at the home of board member Bill Hanna and his wife, Adrienne, celebrating the accomplishments of its volunteer board and the contributions of eight individuals, families, and companies that have become pillars of the Giving Opportunity campaign. Among those donors, each of whom was given a limited edition bronze replica of the University’s signature Numa


R e m e m b er

sculpture, were (left to right, with Chancellor Paul B. Beran, Ph.D. standing at far left): Adrienne Hanna, Chris Whitt, Sam T. Sicard (representing First Bank Corp.), Bob Powell, Bill Hanna (representing Hanna Oil & Gas), Janice Powell, Gina Pendergraft, Neal Pendergraft (representing the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation), Donnie Pendergraft, Lawson and Debbie Hembree, and Kate Maurras and Debe Vicharelli (representing the Boreham family).

Although major gifts like theirs form the bedrock upon which the campaign is built, gifts of every size remain vitally important to its ultimate success. “While we are pausing to acknowledge and appreciate your giving and your hard work,” Beran said that evening, “we will go back to campus and keep working to reach our $50 million goal.”

ALMOST THERE Scheduled to open in August, a major library addition takes shape, as does the fundraising effort to help offset its cost

The Learning and Research Center at Boreham Library is scheduled to open in time for the 2012 fall semester.

As of July, the new Learning and Research Center at Boreham Library was taking real shape, as was the UAFS Foundation’s effort to raise $5 million in private gifts to help offset the $14.2 million cost of the project. Alumni and friends of the University have already given nearly $1.25 million in support of the Center, taking advantage of numerous naming opportunities. Among the areas already named are the Dr. Ted and Betty Skokos Commons, the Babb Institute for Applied Innovation, the John Lewellen, Sr. Outdoor Reading Area, the Carole and Jim Williamson Business Solutions Center, the Bruce and Eileen Worley Presentation Room, the Farrell-Cooper Mining Team Learning Laboratory, the Forsgren Family Conference Room, the Kyle D. Parker, J.D. Landing, the Wanda and A.G. Cluck Study Room, and several study carrels. But many prime naming opportunities remain, says Development Officer Anne Thomas. Ranging from $100 to $250,000, they include a reading room, study rooms, study carrels, a computer instruction lab, the Learning and Research Center’s 24-hour zone, work and conference rooms within the Babb Institute, a computer access area, an art gallery, a study corner, and a signature piece of artwork for the addition. The Learning and Research Center is scheduled to open in time for the beginning of the 2012 fall semester. Renovation of the existing Boreham Library will continue through early 2013, when a celebration of the opening of the entire building is scheduled. As what began as a framework of bare beams and girders gradually takes on the outlines of a bold, contemporary building, the Learning and Research Center is already becoming a focal point of UAFS’s growing campus. But when it opens this summer, it will be much more than that; it will be the capstone on the institution’s transformation into a premier regional university. For more information on naming opportunities in the Learning and Research Center at Boreham Library, or to schedule a tour of the facility, please contact Development Officer Anne Thomas at 479-788-7033 or

5210 Grand Avenue • Fort Smith, AR 72903

From the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ‘A DEBT OF GRATITUDE’ Throughout my career, I have had the distinct privilege of working with some remarkable men and women who ultimately left a lasting legacy for UAFS and beyond. Don Flanders, who passed away this Easter at the age of 87, is among these folks and deserves a top spot on the list.

‘THE RIGHT FIT’ Instead of leaving town for college, attorney Michael Pierce chose UAFS—and never looked back

An attractive Foundation scholarship to UAFS and the chance for plenty of direct interaction with professors

Anyone who knew Don learned that making a difference can come in many forms. But the key seems to be staying true to your values and understanding your roles. We all have multiple roles in our lives and are forced to make daily choices about how we spend our valuable and limited time. Just a few of Don’s roles included father, grandfather, brother, son, husband, friend, musician, businessman, Boy Scout, Christian, volunteer, citizen, poet, servant, caregiver, sage, scholar, advisor, and philanthropist. Don Flanders made it look easy as he went about his daily work of making the world around him a better place. In this column, I will speak specifically to the transformational difference he made for the students at the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith. As a founding member of the Westark Community College Foundation Board back in 1974, Don didn’t just watch the transformation of this university, he helped cause it to happen. He shared his vision for the plausible impact of private sector fundraising on the little school that had just received its first five-year accreditation as a community college in 1973. In fact, he made the first major gift of $250,000 to the school in an effort to encourage others to step up at a higher level. For the next 38 years, he continued giving of his time, his expertise, and his money. Don was a strong advocate for UAFS. He attended student events and performances, board meetings, committee meetings, and private advisory sessions and could always be counted upon to listen thoughtfully before providing the sage, common-sense advice that helped the UAFS Foundation climb from $85,000 in assets to over $60 million.

helped keep Michael Pierce in Fort Smith for college.

Michael Pierce was considering going to Fayetteville for college or even to Utah, where he and his family had lived for a year when he was a junior in high school. But he ultimately chose UAFS, graduating in 2005 with a degree in business administration before going on to law school in Fayetteville. After that, he returned to Fort Smith, where he went to work in the Sebastian County Prosecutor’s Office, a position he held for three years before making the move recently to private practice with the Gean, Gean & Gean firm. So why did Pierce ultimately decide on UAFS? Well, it was a combination of the University’s studentcentered atmosphere and a Foundation scholarship he was offered. “The scholarship made a big difference,” he says. “It was tremendous. But I also couldn’t have asked for a better education. The professors were helpful in everything you did, and you were never in a lecture hall with 300 other students. It was just the right fit for me.” It’s a perfect example of one of the most valuable things UAFS does for the Greater Fort Smith community— keeping more and more of our best and brightest young people right here for college. As UAFS’s reputation as a premier regional university continues to grow—and as the Foundation, thanks to generous donors, continues to offer more and more attractive scholarships—an increasing number of top local students like Pierce are staying in Fort Smith, rather than heading up the hill or down the road and, in many cases, never returning. In fact, over the last two academic years, the number of bachelor’s degrees awarded by UAFS has increased by roughly 50 percent—a clear indication of the University’s positive impact on the community.

A MARGIN OF EXCELLENCE Giving Opportunity campaign seeks to meet key needs for UAFS

With under six months to go in the UAFS Foundation’s $50 million Giving Opportunity campaign, more than 2,500 alumni and friends of the University have given a total of nearly $44.5 million. There remains, though, a great deal to be done—not just in terms of dollars raised, but, more importantly, in terms of scholarships to be awarded, endowed faculty positions to be created and filled, and campus technology to be upgraded. “We have one opportunity to build UAFS into a premier regional university,” says Foundation Executive Director Dr. Marta Loyd, “and a successful campaign is truly a difference-maker. In a time of declining state support for higher education, private support provides our margin of excellence.” That “margin of excellence” provides for things like endowed faculty positions to attract top teacher-scholars in a highly competitive market. So far, the campaign has created three such positions in two colleges, but UAFS leaders hope for at least one in each of the University’s seven colleges. It also provides for critical improvements to campus technology—everything from state-of-the-art networking to interactive whiteboards for classrooms. Fifteen years ago, the cost of such technology wasn’t even part of the University’s budget, and state appropriations simply haven’t kept up with the new expenses associated with today’s technology. Additionally, private support allows the University to offer an ever-growing number of scholarships, both need-based and meritbased. Currently, the Foundation awards approximately $1 million per year in scholarship funds, thanks in large part to the nearly $20 million raised for scholarships so far by the campaign. But with approximately 70 percent of UAFS students qualifying for some kind of financial aid, there’s always a need for more. Campaign leaders plan to celebrate a successful effort in early 2013, in concert with the dedication of the Learning and Research Center at Boreham Library. If you’d like to be part of Giving Opportunity, please call the UAFS Foundation at (479) 788-7020, email, or visit

In his daily life, he continually spoke fondly of organizations that were important to him. Because of the tremendous respect people had for Don, they were influenced to consider those same organizations to be worthwhile. The UAFS Foundation owes a debt of gratitude to Don Flanders as a founder, an ambassador, and a friend. We will miss him always and continue to be grateful for his role in transforming Westark Community College into the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith. Best regards,

Marta M. Loyd, Ed.D. Executive Director, UAFS Foundation Vice Chancellor for University Advancement

UAFS FOUNDATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS New to the Foundation board for 2012 are Dr. Tony deMondesert, Clifford N. Lyon, Roger Meek, Jr., Samuel T. Sicard, Nancy SmithRobinson, James Walcott, Jr., and James G. Williamson. Dr. Tony deMondesert is a physician at Cooper Clinic, board certified in internal medicine and gastroenterology. He has been with Cooper Clinic since 1997, except for a five-year period from 2000-05, when he was in private practice with two partners. He was recently elected Chief of Staff at Mercy Hospital. Clifford Lyon is President and CEO of Southern Personnel Management, Inc. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a licensed insurance agent. He is also an alumnus of the Westark College. Roger Meek, Jr., is General Partner/Owner and Director of Marketing for the Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Fort Smith. An alumnus of Westark Community College, he also sits on the boards of the Fort Smith Razorback Club, Sparks Health System, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Sam T. Sicard is President and CEO of First National Bank and First Bank Corp. He also sits on the boards of the Fort Smith Boys and Girls Club, the U.S. Marshals Museum, and United Way of Fort Smith. He is also a past chair of the UAFS Board of Visitors. Nancy Smith-Robinson has been a realtor at Sagely & Edwards for 22 years. She is an honorary board member of Girls, Inc., a member of the Salvation Army Auxiliary, a member of the Leadership Fort Smith class of 1998, and is a Junior League sustainer. Jim Walcott has been President of Weldon, Williams & Lick, Inc. since 1985. He also sits on the boards of Harbor House, Inc., the Fort Smith Regional Healthcare Foundation, the Fort Smith Chamber of Commerce, and Associated Industries of Arkansas. He is returning to the UAFS Foundation board after serving from 1993 through 2010. Jim Williamson is Chairman of the Board of Citizens Bank & Trust Company in Van Buren and also serves on the board of the Arkansas Community Foundation. He is returning to the UAFS Foundation board after serving from 1994 through 2010.

Mr. Douglas Babb Mr. Richard Beauchamp Mr. Cliff Beckham Mr. Jimmy G. Bell Mr. Kent Blochberger Mrs. Gina Clark Mr. Carl D. Corley Mr. David Cravens Dr. Tony deMondesert Mr. Hank Farrell Mrs. Peggy Ann Hadley Mr. Bill Hanna Mr. H. Lawson Hembree Mr. Clifford N. Lyon Mr. John A. McFarland Mrs. Judy McReynolds Mr. Roger Meek, Jr.

Mr. Robert E. Miller Mr. Mark Moll Mr. Neal Pendergraft Mrs. Sue Plattner-Smith Mr. Craig Rivaldo Mr. Mark Rumsey Mr. Tim Shields Mr. Samuel T. Sicard Mrs. Nancy Smith-Robinson Mr. John R. Taylor Mrs. Susan McMahon Taylor Mr. James Walcott, Jr. Mr. William S. Walker Mr. Chris Whitt Mr. Stanhope Wilkinson Mr. James G. Williamson Mr. Robert A. Young III

A D VA NCES - The Newsletter of the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Foundation | August 2012 | Vol. 4 - No. 1

Mona and Dick Alonzo were inspired to give by the urgent need for more science and math teachers in the region.

MEETING THE NEED Mona and Dick Alonzo establish a scholarship endowment for much needed STEM education majors “My math degree isn’t exactly what I thought it would be,” says UAFS Senior Dorothy Baker, who is majoring in mathematics with teacher licensure for grades 7-12. “I thought you sat down and calculated all day, but it’s so much more than that. I think if I could actually get kids to see that, it would be amazing.” That’s a good aspiration to have at a time when math and science teachers are in very short supply in the United States. “It’s a huge need,” says Dr. Mark Arant, Dean of UAFS’s College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM). “Right now, you’ve got a lot of people out there who have minimal training in math and sciences who are just doing fill-in work.” The challenge is recruiting college students into programs—like the one Baker is in— that prepare them to teach math or science. At UAFS, for example, only about 10 percent of students in the College of STEM are studying to become teachers. “To meet the needs of our local schools, we have to increase that number,” says Arant. But how do you make those majors more appealing to students? Enter Mona Fuller Alonzo, a 1960 graduate of Fort Smith Junior College, and her husband, Dick Alonzo, both of Northville, Michigan. The couple recently made a generous gift to the UAFS Foundation to establish the Mona Fuller Alonzo Scholarship Endowment, which funds scholarships for students seeking a bachelor’s degree in STEM education with teacher licensure. In addition to simply helping STEM education students afford their education, says Arant, the Alonzo scholarships will serve as a powerful tool to recruit students into

In Memory of Margaret Lucille “Lucy” Anderson Altes Glidewell Distributing Company

Gifts made Oct. 16, 2011 through June 15, 2012

Harold Dean “Jack” Canady Genelle and Dave Newton

Waymon R. Barton Glidewell Distributing Company

Dr. J. P. Chancey Reba Nosoff Janice and Bob Powell

Donny Bates Glidewell Distributing Company

Wanda and A. G. Cluck Brenda and Anthony Altman

Charles and Nadine Baum Sally Baum Frick

John Collins Genelle and Dave Newton

Edward Bedwell Eloise Bedwell

William Fadjo Cravens II Glidewell Distributing Company Genelle and Dave Newton Janice H. and Robert M. Powell

Mary Ann Bentley Glidewell Distributing Company

Lawrence M. Berry Janice and Bob Powell

Mackie Cutting Antoinette Beland Dorothy E. Hosford Janice and Bob Powell Bobbie Wohlford

Roland S. Boreham, Jr. Fort Smith Symphony

Lucretia Davidson Carole and George Beattie III

Catherine L. “Kac” Burford Glidewell Distributing Company

Walter Davidson, Jr. Phyllis Davidson

Brent Berry Carol and Jim Glidewell

Graden Clifton “Grady” Burke Glidewell Distributing Company Randall Byars Mary H. Harper Reverend Herschel and Mardell McClurkin

the programs in the first place. Which is exactly what the Alonzos had in mind. “This will hopefully help UAFS train more science and math teachers,” says Mona, “which I understand are badly needed in the area.” This year, Baker, the senior math education major, received one of the first two Alonzo scholarships. While she had long ago decided to become a math teacher—during her second year of high school, she says—the $2,500 scholarship helped her afford textbooks, offset her living expenses, and allowed her to pay for a car repair without which she would have been unable to do her observation hours in classrooms around the region. The Alonzos understand that kind of need. Mona worked her way through Fort Smith Junior College and then Austin Peay State in Tennessee. “I had very little money,” says Mona, who grew up in Arkoma. “I was very uneasy because I had no backup in terms of funding. It was tough working and going to college, but that was just what you did then.” They’re happy, though, to be able to make things a little easier for the students who receive their scholarship. “I just feel like I want to help other people who are bright and might need a hand,” says Mona. For her part, Baker, who intends to stay in the region, wants to pay the Alonzos’ generosity forward, rather than back. “I want to be able to help all these kids that are struggling. It’s basically community service to me. I don’t care about the money; I care about the kids, how I can help them learn, how I can help them better themselves.”

Ann Dawson Antoinette Beland Stephanie B. Ferrari and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Terry Betty Anne Garrison Glidewell Distributing Company Dorothy E. Hosford

Sandy and Larry McGowan Genelle and Dave Newton Janice and Bob Powell Bobbie Wohlford Jim L. Dover Carole and George Beattie III J. D. Edwards Brenda and Courtney Crouch Selected Funeral & Life Insurance Company Don Flanders BancorpSouth Carole and George Beattie III Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran Barbara Bethell Dr. Delia Bethell Rose Bethell Jacki and Carl Corley Jill and Randy Cutting Wendy and Billy Dooly Elizabeth A. Echols Ann and Mont Echols, Jr. Glidewell Distributing Company Karin and Dick Hahn Dr. Layton and Mary Jackson Helen L. Lanier Drs. Marta and Greg Loyd Kim and John McFarland Dr. Douglas and Lynn Nancarrow Genelle and Dave Newton

Ney Foundation (Jennifer Davis, Randy and Lea Ney) Donnie Pendergraft Janice and Bob Powell Rosemary and Gene Rapley Patti and Doug Rogers Delores and Lou Rosebrock Sue Plattner Smith Linda and Howard Spradlin Evelyn and Finley Turner Pastors Tom and Cathy Ulrich Sally Lick Vick Jane and Jim Walcott Bobbie Wohlford Mary and Robert A. Young III

Helen L. Lanier Dr. Douglas and Lynn Nancarrow Reba S. Woodard

Virginia M. Folkes Carole and George Beattie III

Ruth Howe Nadine Long

J. B. Garrison Kimberly and Jim Garrison

Paula Lemley Jackson S. W. “Bud” Jackson

Juanita Gelly Carole and George Beattie III

Mary Elizabeth Jaye Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran Jean and Eugene Peterson

Hattie Lee Treece Gilbreath Glidewell Distributing Company Louise Cash Gilbreth Mary Lou Kelly Tom Harmon Karen M. Harmon William R. “Bud” Harper Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran

Lucia Leigh Hawkins J. Franklin Hawkins Dodson Hendrix Glidewell Distributing Company Micah Joy Hogan Glidewell Distributing Company Tommy Holcomb Glidewell Distributing Company B. L. “Bill” Holder Genelle and Dave Newton

Jeremy Jones Glidewell Distributing Company T. Bob Joyce Peggy and Bill Weidman Dr. Thomas D. Kennedy Christine S. Kennedy

cont. on back page

A D VANCES - The Newsletter of the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Foundation | August 2012 | Vol. 4 - No. 1

In Memory of Dr. Ralph G. Kramer Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran The Hardscrabble Duplicate Bridge Club Mary Ellen and Brad Jesson Dr. Sam Landrum Dr. Frank and Mary Anne Lockwood Nadine and Bob Miller Noon Civics Club P.E.O. Chapter BD Donnie Pendergraft Dr. Taylor and Mary Prewitt Nancy and Harry Robinson Jessie Ross Sherron and Charles Shuffield Connie Lichty Smith Wanda Srygley Jackie Stapleton Stonebridge Common Property Owners Association Karen K. Stuart Sanna Sullivan Dr. John and Garnet Watts Jean Williams Bobbie Wohlford Lillian Kropp Janice and Bob Powell Bobbie Wohlford Felicitas Ladage Janice Powell Stacy Lamon Carole and George Beattie III Dr. Annette Landrum Hanna Oil & Gas Company Isabelle and Eric Mayer Janice and Bob Powell Suzybel Kunz Lanphere Reverend Herschel and Mardell McClurkin

Paul Latture Margaret Latture

George E. Miller Maxine Eggensperger

Dr. Frances B. Ralston Jane G. Evans and Jack Blaylock

Miss Lucille Speakman Ann and Randy Wewers

Barbara Lee P.E.O. Chapter BD

Roy J. Milligan Brenda and Anthony Altman Business Insurance Consultants, Inc.

Anna F. Ramsey Betty Scarborough

Robert Eugene “Bob” Strang Betty Anne Garrison Janice and Bob Powell

Barbara Leer P.E.O. Chapter BD Virginia and Wayne Berger Ed Levy Dr. Ragupathy Kannan Genelle and Dave Newton John Lewellen, Sr. John R. Lewellen, Jr. Henry M. Loewy Janice and Bob Powell Billie Jo Hamilton Nadine Long Thomas M. Lyon Jane and Clifford Lyon Daniel Martinez Krystal and William “Dockey” Brasher Green Clean Restorations Neumeier’s Enterprises, Inc. Preferred Office Products River Valley Detachment #1248 Sheila and Joe Ryan Randall “Randy” Swaim T & C Holdings LLC Elaine and Leroy Van Herpen Tad and Seth White Kari and Joe Yates Don Mason Sherri and Jimmy Bell Elsie B. McGarvey Janie and Jerry Peirce Warren Ernest McLellan Communities Foundation of Texas

Christie Gilstrap Morgan Valarie Arnoldussen Bev McClendon Linda and Roger Parker Pam and Mike Phillips Norma Gillenwater Moseley Mary H. Harper Dr. Ambrose and Patricia “Stormy” Jenkins Phillip J. Moseley, Jr.

Orin Redelsperger Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran Susan M. Richard Glidewell Distributing Company John Paul “JP” Richards Glidewell Distributing Company Gordon Mayo Richmond Glidewell Distributing Company Tony M. Robbins Glidewell Distributing Company

Diane Marie Niss Dr. Joan Harper Peggy and Bill Weidman

Burl Sangster Reverend Herschel and Mardell McClurkin

Stephen Nosoff Reba Nosoff

George Sargent Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran

Ellene Rebsamen Polk Glidewell Distributing Company Genelle and Dave Newton

Terry Scoggins Glidewell Distributing Company Janice and Bob Powell

Jeannie Porter Janice and Bob Powell

Dewey Scrivner Reverend Herschel and Mardell McClurkin

John C. Putnam Jean Altman Janie and Jack Freeze Mary Margaret and Robert Gattis Ruth Howe Mary and Lloyd Kirby Nadine and Bob Miller New Beginnings Sunday School Class, Goddard United Methodist Church Randall Ford, Inc. Sue and Jim Rose Robert L. Skinner, D.D.S. Stone Gate Property Owners Association, Inc.

Jeffery E. Shipley Morrison Shipley Engineers, Inc. Samuel M. Sicard Sherri and Jimmy Bell Peggy and Jim Hadley Lynnell and Anthony Leraris Cille and Pat McGowan Gina and Neal Pendergraft Sharon A. Sicard

James E. “Jim Ed” Sullivent, Sr. Reverend Herschel and Mardell McClurkin Lucy Thames Glidewell Distributing Company Claris and Harold Wallace Carol and Darrell Hill Larry Weigand Dr. Jill and Ignacio Guerra Dr. Myron Rigsby and Dr. Carolyn Holdsworth Julia Ann Hamer Williams Reverend Herschel and Mardell McClurkin Aunt Vivian Williams Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran Nancy Hughes Wilson Ann and Bill Wilson Judith Anne Wrappe Sue and Jarrell V. Wrape Bert Wright Glidewell Distributing Company Janice and Bob Powell, David Curry, Dwight Curry, and Lynn Curry Weidman

Greg Smith Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran

In Honor of Katherine Echols Ahrens Elizabeth Echols

Fadjo Cravens Lori and David Cravens

Carolyn Hankins Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran

Darrell Morrison Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran

Denise Hodges Stewart Pat and Cosby Hodges, Jr.

The Mack Barry Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

Dr. and Mrs. Neil Ed Crow Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

Dr. and Mrs. David Harper Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

Dr. and Mrs. Vent Murphy Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Strahin Lori and David Cravens

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Beauchamp Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

The Dr. Neil Crow Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

The Dr. David Harper Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

The Vent Murphy Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

The Justin Thomas Family Dr. Douglas and Lynn Nancarrow

The Mack Barry Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

Phyllis Davidson Dr. Douglas and Lynn Nancarrow

Pat and Franklin Hawkins Tad and Seth White

Dr. Douglas M. Nancarrow Lynn Nancarrow

Barbara Bethell Suzanne and Bruce Bethell

Susan Devero Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran

Becky Hernreich and Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

Dr. Kyle Parker Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran

Evelyn Pendleton Turner and Finley Turner Dr. Douglas and Lynn Nancarrow

Dr. Delia Bethell Suzanne and Bruce Bethell

Josie Decker Jennifer Canada

Mark Horn Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran

Rose Bethell Barbara Bethell

Michael T. Echols Elizabeth Echols

The Dr. David Hunton Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

Donnie Pendergraft Jan and Rick Beauchamp Jo Alice and Steve Dobbs

Pam Blesch Jo Alice and Steve Dobbs

Mont S. Echols III Elizabeth Echols

Joe Irwin Evelyn and Finley Turner

Linda and Bill Christ Jan and Rick Beauchamp

Mary Edwards Brenda and Courtney Crouch Selected Funeral & Life Insurance Company

Dr. and Mrs. Greg Jones Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

Martha Coleman Anonymous Donor Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cooper Lori and David Cravens Kyle and Steve Creekmore III The Bob Cooper Family Flintco David Craig Anthony L. Clay Leslie and Chuck Cramer Dr. Douglas and Lynn Nancarrow Kay Cravens Lori and David Cravens Linda Cravens Phyllis Davidson

Dr. T.A. Feild III Katherine B. Feild Dr. and Mrs. Gary Fine Jan and Rick Beauchamp The Sam Fiori Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Flanders Kyle and Steve Creekmore III The Dudley Flanders Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp Dr. Keith Fudge Goddard United Methodist Women

Stacey Jones Dr. Douglas and Lynn Nancarrow Dr. Lee Krehbiel Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran William Mays Lockwood Dr. Douglas and Lynn Nancarrow Dr. Marta M. Loyd Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran Anthony L. Clay

Dr. Elizabeth Underwood Anthony L. Clay Lynn Walker Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

The Neal Pendergraft Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

Bill Steve Walker Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

Pam and Bruce Pyland Family Karen and Jamie Glidewell

The Bill Steve Walker Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rumsey Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

Dr. Ray Wallace Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran

The Mark Rumsey Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

Chris Whitt and Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

Dr. Rosilee Walker Russell Susan and Jim Echols

Jane Warner Williams Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

Dustin Smith Dr. Paul B. and Janice H. Beran

John M. Wilson Janae and John Campbell Rebecca and Josh Dickens

Mr. and Mrs. Okla Ben Smith Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

John McFarland Tracy and John Long

Mr. and Mrs. Breck Speed Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

The McGehee Family Kyle and Steve Creekmore III

Mike and Donna Stec Lori and David Cravens

The Roger Meek Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

The Mike Stec Family Jan and Rick Beauchamp

Laura Ann Wilson Ann and Bill Wilson Jo Ellen and Richard Yaffe Jan and Rick Beauchamp

University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Foundation, Inc. • 5210 Grand Avenue • Fort Smith, AR 72903 • (479) 788-7020

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