University of Arkansas • Fort Smith
J. W. Ramsey
PHOTOGRAPHY— McCann Photo C o m p a n y E N G R A . V I N G — F'eerless Engraving C o m p a n y Little Rock, Arkansas PRINTING— Fort Smith High School I ' r i n t i n g Department A. W. Blake, Director
NUMA Published By The Students Of Fort Smith Junior College, Fort Smith, Arkansas
Administration Sophomores Freshmen Athletics Organizations Features Advertising
The high quality of the work and the groivth of the junior college have been the result of the activities of the administrative officials. The administration has not only worked faithfully in the classroom, but has also supported us in all our activities.
President of College MESSAGE TO THE PRESIDENT Foregoing this year the customary message from the president of the college, we are devoting this space instead to a message to J. W. Ramsey, the president and the man. We wish to express our appreciation, Mr. Ramsey, for the work you have done for our college and for us. Through your efforts Fort Smith Junior College has seen and will continue to see greater advancement. We realize this through the steady increase in enrollment, the expansion of the curriculum to include greater fields of learning, the construction of the new stadium, and their consequent advantages to us. We, the students, realize a little of the enormous amount of time and effort you spend for cur good, and we sincerely thank you for it. J. W. RAMSEY
T H â‚Ź
1 9 3 7
Dean of College
As dean of the junior college, Mr. Cook has proved to be ever friendly and understanding. We believe he, is every bit as proud of the junior college as we are, and much of the good reputation of the school may be attributed directly to his influence. Because he is always helpful and interested in us, we will never forget the valuable example he has set.
Assistant Dean
In this, Mr. Reynolds' first year as assistant dean, he has more than justified our faith in him. Truly interested in students and in the junior college, Mr. Reynolds has been responsible for many of the creditable enterprises carried on by our school. Every student will remember him as one of the most admirable and dependable men we have ever known.
MISS MARY K. SETTLE All through our school years we have admired and respected our Dean of Women. May we always have such a friend ready and willing to help us to be real men and women.
DOLPH CAMP Mr. Camp has won the respect of every student through his real friendliness and interest in us. He has always been sympathetic and reliable. His high ideals and fine character will continue to help every one of us.
School Board
Left to right: W. L. Curtis; Frank W. Dyke; J. W. Ramsey, Superintendent of Schools; J. R. Woods, President; Dr. A. A. Blair; W. G. Shipley, Vice President; John P. Woods.
Fort Smith Junior College, in common with all Fort Smith schools, is fortunate in having on its school board men who are of the highest type in the business and'legal professions and who have the greatest possible interest in the student body. This combination has led to a marked improvement in the outlook of the students as a whole. The school board, through its indirect yet close contact with junior college students, has been able to see more fully than formerly was possible into the problems of the school and to recognize the barriers in the way of whole-hearted co-operaticn between the administration and those whom it governs. It is confidently expected that coming years will see successful continuation of the improvements in Fort Smith Junior College which have begun so favorably.
T H Faculty
FRANCES YEARLEY Music B. M., Knox College, Galesburg, 111.; M. E. M., Northwestern University.
MARY HAAS Home Economics B. A., Lander College, Greenwood, S- C.; M. S., University of Tennessee.
RUTH HAMILTON Mythology B. A., Galloway College; University of Iowa.
R. B. McHENRY Drafting B. S., East. Central State Teachers College, Ada, Oklahoma; M. S., Oklahoma A. & M.
v DOLPH CAMP Mathematics B. A., Hendrix College; M. A., Peabody College.
J. R. BURROWS Accounting M. Accts., Bowling Green Business University, Bowling Green, Kentucky; University of Arkansas.
JEANNE BAILEY Physical Education for Women
B. S. E., University of Arkansas; Columbia University; Central School of Speech, London, England.
B. A., MacMorray College, Jacksonville, 111.; Indiana University.
A. W. BLAKE Printing
Parsons Junior College, Parsons, Kansas; B. S., Kansas State Teachers College; graduate work, Kansas State Teachers College.
B. A.,
B. S., M. A., University of Missouri.
B. S., University of Arkansas.
University of Arkansas; University of Iowa.
ESSIE BERRY Foreign Language B. A., Ouachita College; University of Arkansas; University of Oklahoma.
PEGGY PADDOCK Zoology B. A., University of Wichita; University of Oklahoma; M. S., University of Wichita.
DELMER ASHWORTH Journalism B. A., West Texas State Teachers College; B. J., University of Missouri.
MARY R. HYNES Librarian Library School of St. Louis; Western Reserve University.
LUELLA KREHBIEL English B. A., University of Kansas; University of Colorado; M. A., University of Kansas.
JAMES W. REYNOLDS History B. A., Arkansas State Teachers College; Peabody College, Nashville; University of Arkansas; M. A., University of Iowa.
HORTENSE BASS Registrar B. A., University of Arkansas; Lindenwood College, St. Charles, Missouri.
BEN I. MAYO Physical Education for Men B. A., Hendrix College; University of Illinois; University of Michigan; Northwestern University.
JOHN R. THOMPSON Basket Ball Coach B. A., Hendrix College; M. A., Peabody College.
FRETD NICHOLS Building Engineer
CLAUDIA SANDERFER Attendance Clerk Fort Smith Junior College.
Most of the members of this, the junior college graduating class of 1937, plan to continue their education at other colleges throughout the United States. For some of them, however, this will be the end of school. All of them will remember the friendships they have formed and the good times they have had in Fort Smith Junior College.
Sophomore Sponsor
Sophomore Officers
First Semester President
Charles Haynes
Vice President
Betty Swofford
Lorraine Elswick
Second Semester President Vice President Secretary
Betty Swofford Doris Nelle Lorraine Elswick
Maurice Fitzgerald Band '36; Basket Ball '37; Chorus '36, '37; Lion's Din '37; Numa '37;Bowling League.
Marie Elmore • Chorus '36, '37; I. R. C.; Band '36, '37; Lion's Din '37; Sextet '36, '37; Numa '37.
• Lorraine Elswick Lion's Din '37; Numa '37; French Club; Science Club; Swordfish; I. R. C.; Chorus '37; Sextet '37.
• • James Foster Basket Ball '35, '37; Lien's Din '37; I. R. C.; Numa '35, '37; Bowling Team; Swordfish; Celebrity.
. . Fayette Locke Numa '36, '37; Lion's Din '36; I. R. C.; Sock and Buskin; Chess Club; Bowling League; "Smilin' Through"; Celebrity; French Club; "East Lynne"; Swordfish.
. Paul Cockreham Science Club; French Club; Chess Club.
Artie Mae Manes . I. R. C.; Home Economics Club.
Gene Godt . • President of Student Body '37; Editor of Lion's Din '37; I. R. C.; Celebrity; French Club; Science Club; Swordfish; Sock and Buskin; Bowling League; Chorus '36, '37; Chess Club; Theta Phi Kappa; Numa '36, '37.
Joe Hasler . . Lion's Din '37; I. R. C.; Chorus '37; Numa '37; Science Club; "Smilin' Through"; Vice President of Student Body; Celebrity; French Club; Swordfish; Sock and Buskin; Chess Club; Theta Phi Kappa.
Faye Martin • Swordfish;
Celebrity; Lion's Din,
. Betty Ruth Oden 1. R. C.; French Club; Swordfish.
. . Charles Haynes I. R. C.; Sock and Buskin; Bowling League; Numa '37; Lion's Din. '37; French Club; Swordfish; President of Sophomore Class; "East Lynne"; Celebrity.
. . Betty Swofford Secretary of Student Body; Vice President of the Sophomore Class; 1. R. C.; Chorus '36, '37; Sock and Buskin; "Smilin' Through"; Celebrity.
. John Swofford Swordfish; Sock and Buskin; I. R. C.; Science Club; Bowling League; Chorus '37.
Marguerite Weaver
J. T. Strozier . . I. R.. C.; Swordfish; Science Club; Sock and Buskin; French Club; Lion's Din '37; Numa '37; "East Lynne."
Franklin H. Jackman . I. R. C.; Sock and Club; "East Lynne";
Buskin; Chess Swordfish.
Basket Ball '36, '37; Sock and Buskin; Swordfish; "East Lynne"; "Smilin' Through"; Chorus '36.
Lion's Din '37; I. It. C.; Sock and Buskin; Chess Club; French Club; Swordfish; Theta Phi Kappa; Science Club.
. . Doris Nelle Lion's Din '37; Numa '37; French Club; I. R. C.; Science Club; Home Economics Club; Swordfish.
. Ray Spyres Basket Ball '36, '37; Sock and Buskin; "Smilin' Through"; Bowling League; Science Club.
Billy IP. Freemon . French Club; I. R. C.; Swordfish; Scie.nce Club; Chorus '37; Lion's Din '37; Numa '37.
Reginald Reeves • . Seek and Buskin; Student Body President '36; Numa '36; Lion's Din '36; Swordfish; Chorus '36; Bowling League.
Ord Dougherty, Jr. . .
Rebecca Stevenson Lion's Din '37; I. R. C.
Pictures Not Obtainable Mary Frances Campbell Roy Weaver Joe Goebel Joe Durham
The freshman year in college is always one of the most difficult. Students find it hard to bridge the gap between high school and college studies. Every freshman remembers and appreciates the understanding and sympathy of both teachers and other students. The freshman class, too, will have pleasant memories of Fort Smith Junior College.
Freshmen Sponsor
Freshmen Officers President Vice President Secretary
Ben Mayo Dale McCoy Margaret Carolan
J. RUDOLPH WOODRUFF It is a great plague to be too handsome a man.
LUCILE GALLOWAY Her eyes in Heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night.
MERLENE COX Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food.
BEN MAYO, JR. He was not merely a chip off the old block, but the old block itself.
'Tis not a lip, or eye, we beauty call, But the joint force and full result
The height of power in women, so far as manners are concerned, rests in tranquility.
of all.
DELIA BETH THRESHER My fair one, let us swear an eternal friendship.
SUSAN CLARK A cheerful nocence tractive, and wit
temper, joined with inwill make beauty atknowledge delightful, good-natured.
The force of his own merit makes his way.
She that hath knowledge spareth her words.
ALICE ADELLE BOATRIGHT You are adept at everything, and there is no kind of thing in the 'versal world but that you can turn your hand to.
GORDON DODD He is like a book in breeches.
LOUISE DICKEY MARGARET LEE CAROLAN And her face so fair Stirr'd with her dream, as rose leaves with the air.
JOHN WHITESIDE This man will go far—he believes every word he says.
AUDREY LIEBERSTEIN A tender heart; a will inflexible.
LUCY LOUISE PAPE Heart on her lips, and soul within her eyes, Soft as her clime, and sunny as her skies,
A cheerful life is what the Muses love. A roaring spirit is their prime delight.
JESSIE EUPER She ?s beauty, education, blood, Holds hanJs with any princess in the world.
HOYT V, SEELEY On their own merits modest men are dumb.
FREDA HAYS To be slow in words is a woman's only virtue.
SAM GIPSON STEVINSON His heart as far from fraud as Heaven from earth.
GERALDINE APPLEWHITE She is herself of best things the collection.
NEWELL WILSON He is a man, take him for all in all,
I shall not again.
look upon his
PHYLLIS COLTON She moves a goddess, and she looks a queen.
JANE MOSLEY An outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.
KATHLEEN DOYLE Then come the wild weather, come sleet or come snow. We will stand by each other, however it blow.
A friend more divine than all divinity.
A great devotee of the Gospel of Getting On.
CAROLYN ARDEN LAWS Thy wit is a very bitter sweeting, it is a most sharp sauce.
GENEVA GERTRUDE PATTY Dignity increases more easily once it has begun.
ANN LOUISE HOLLAND In youth and beauty wisdom is but rare.
CLIFFORD HUHN An honest man, close-buttoned to the chin, Broadcloth without, and a warm heart within.
FRANCES BURGE O, thou art fairer than the evening air, Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars.
FLORENCE BACON Sing again, with your dear voice revealing a tone, Of some world from ours, Where music and moonlight's feeing are one.
EARLY ANN PAYNE The silent countenance often speaks.
BLANCHE McGEHEE What is beautiful is good, and who is good soon will also be beautiful.
LE EDNA COX Wisdom and goodness are twinborn, one heart must hold both sisters, never seen apart.
Attempt the end and never stand to doubt; Nothing so hard but search will find it out.
IALEEN B. BAXTER Mingle a little folly with pure wisdom, A little nonsense now and then is pleasant.
ALMA DE JORDY Beauty and wisdom are rarely conjoined.
Bright as the sun her eyes the gazers strike, And, like the sun, they shine on all alike.
To knoiv how to laugh is to know how to reign.
When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it, that is knowledge.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
As she thinketh in her heart, so is she.
Knowledge is, indeed, that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially raises and above another.
Her ways are pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
Your destiny is that of a man, and your vows those of a god.
VIOLA MAE KROPP Shall show us how divine a woman may be made.
LORENE SALLIS Mirth, admit me of thy crew, To live with her, and live with thee, In unreprov'd pleasure free.
There is no greater delight than to be conscious of security on self examination.
Now what can a woman say about herself?
HAMILTON TOBLER A man that hath friends must show himself friendly; and here is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
A pleasing countenance is no slight advantage.
LEBA ELIZABETH BAKER My hopes are not always realized, but I always hope.
DOROTHY MILLER But they who truth and wisdom have can gather honey from a weed.
EDWARDINE HARRIS With thee conversing I forgot all time, all seasons, and their change.
BILL DICKSON It is easier to know mankind in general than man individually.
JEANETTE DANIEL For nothing lovelier can be found, In woman, than to study household good.
CARL YOUNG A disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve, taken together, would be our standard of a statesman.
HUGH HAMMERSLY A friend received with thumps on the back.
Her air, her manners, all who saw admired; courteous though coy, and gentle though retired.
ROBERT HARRINGTON A nobleness to try for, a name to live and die for.
HERBERT CASEY A man that hath friends and one who is friendly.
The improved record of the junior college basket ball team started a rising tide of popular support for athletics. Junior college track, tennis, and bowling teams were organized, and gave creditable performances. With the school spirit shown in the last year as a foundation, future junior college athletics should be even more successful than ever before.
Our Coaches
JOHN R. THOMPSON Admired by all who know him for his clean principles and high ideals of sportsmanship, Coach Thompson possesses the admirable ability of taking defeat with a smile, victory without egotism. Though hampered by lack of material, hs has produced some of the scrappiest teams in this section during the past six years. "Long John" Thompson draws his ability as a coach from his record as an athlete. While a student at Hendrix college,' he starred in basket ball and set seven state track records, one of which stands today.
MISS JEANNE BAILEY As a newc mer to the faculty of Fcrt Smith Junior College, Miss Bailey has been faced with the task of coaching one of the largest physical educalicn classes for women ever enrolled here. She not cnly attempts to develop the athletic abilities of her classes, but believes that athletics may be used for the development of charm and giace of body. Miss Bailey attended school at Indiana University and received her Bachelor cf Arts degree at MacMurray College, Jacksonville, Illinois. She was well known in athletic circles at both colleges.
Bowling League JAYBIRDS
John Swofford (C) Ben Mayo Newell Wilson
Maurice Fitzgerald (C) Ray Spyres Billy Avlos
Reginald Reeves (C) Gordon Dodd Jim Foster
Gene Godt (C) Fayette Locke Charles Haynes
L Per.
Pooches Jaybirds Orioles Jeeps
21 8 .724 15 9 .625 12 15 .444 8 22 .266
The bowling league originated when a few of the regular junior college bowlers decided to team up to create a little competition. Interest rapidly spread, several teams being formed even in the high school. Charley's Alleys was the scene of many lively matches.
Basket Ball Team Joe Durham Ray Spyres Ben Mayo, Jr. John Earle McKennon Carl Young Dale McCoy
Jim Foster Maurice Fitzgerald Joe Goebel Herbert Casey Newell Wilson Gipson "Stude" Stevinson
The 1937 edition of Lions displayed noticeable improvement over the 1936 team. Though only three lettermen returned, the team as a whole boasted a little more experience. But with this experience being so diverse in character and with the usual lack of material, Coach Thompson was faced with the problem of building a virtually new team. This he did, the result being the best in several seasons. The true worth of the 1937 Lions is apparent when we compare their noticeably improved record with their noticeably tougher schedule. As exponents of the college's major sport, the Lions deserve the appreciation of the entire student body.
CARL YOUNG "Sleepy" is a first-year letterman. He is former Grizzly material, having won honors in the prep school ranks. An excellent shot and speedy passer, he would be an asset to any man's team.
MAURICE FITZGERALD "Fitzy" is another Pooch who did not know the meaning of "quit." He may be small, but "mighty" was the word. He was a scrapper from whistle to whistle and was responsible for a number of scores during the 1937 season.
NEWELL WILSON "Woo-Tent," as he is called by his teammates, conies from Van Buren Pointer stock. He is a track man and basketball player de luxe. He did an excellent job at guard and at relieving Durham at center. He will probably be back next year to take the center's responsibilities.
JOHN EARLE McKENNON "Dubby" is a forward who came here two years ago from St. Anne's, lettering his first year. He was a hard worker this season and a consistent floor-man.
HERBERT CASEY "Chesty" was not only a newcomer to the squad, but was also in his first year as a basket ball player. Developing fast, his hard work and determined efforts helped in many ways.
BEN MAYO "Rosey," though not a long shot himself, was exceptionally good on the long shots to the basket. He proved himself, in this, his first season with the Lions, to be a real player. He comes from Grizzly stock, and is notable for his cheerfulness and good sportsmanship.
JOE DURHAM "Bull" has finished his fourth year as center for the Lions. During this time, he has shown exceptional qualities as a leader and a teammate. His ability as a basketball player has made him captain in nearly every game during the last two years.
JIM FOSTER "Turnip" was a Lion in 1935, attended Arkansas Tech for a year, then came back to play for the junior college this season. He was especially valuable for his levelheaded play. He kept his head and never lost his temper. They could not get blood out of this "Turnip."
GIPSON STEVINSON If the team lost, it was "Stude's" fault. If the team won, well— "Stude" was no help. In other words, outwardly the team gave "Stude" the blame for the bad, no credit for the good. But that was outwardly. Though they tossed him all the tough breaks, inwardly they all appreciated what he was doing for them. They knew they couldn't get along without him. He was a friend and a big help But don't tell him they said so. RAY SPYRES "Pouch," being one of the "Three "Musketeers" (Pooches to you), was as nimble with the ball as he is with his tongue. He coupled speed and effort with natural ability to become one of the Lions' outstanding players. Ray sports two stripes on his sweater this year. DALE McCOY "Tim" is another Grizzly product who made good on the junior college team. His speed and fast thinking accounted for many points this season. His unfailing courage when the going was hard kept up the morale of the team. JOE GOEBEL "Sloppy Joe" was a holdover from last year's squad. He has the morale and fight of such vital importance in a basket ball player. His knowledge of the tricks of the trade comes from four years of play.
Tennis For the last several years tennis in the Fort Smith Junior College has lagged considerably. For a time a tennis club existed only in name, until in 1936 it disappeared entirely from our group cf organizations. But the spring of 1937 has seen a new interest in this sport in the college. A new organization was mustered by a group of lively and enthusiastic young men, and a Fort Smith Junior College championship tournament was staged. The champion of this tournament, Newell Wilson, and three others, Ben Mayo Jr., Billy Freemon, and Gene Godt, who reached the semi-final brackets, formed the junior college team. Immediately they set to work to secure matches with other college teams in the Southwest. Outstanding, matches of the season: against Arkansas Tech at Russellville and here at Tilles park.
Softball The fabled "Orioles," a name jokingly applied to an attempt on the part of junior college men to form a mock athletic club several years ago, are no longer a joke. They are a competent group of teammates who have shown their prowess on local softball diamonds this spring. Organized by Gene Godt (subsequently made captain) in the spring of 1936, the Orioles brought grief to teams formed by organizations in Fort Smith High School. This spring the team has not only played the high school groups, but also has sought out independent teams as well.
Track Track has not been developed in the Fort Smith Junior College to a very great extent. Lack of material and equipment has hampered us in the past, but with the construction of the new stadium, athletic field, and track a new interest in this sport has been born. In an intra-mural track meet held early in the season to give the high school team a work-out, junior college men competed against the three high school classes. The victorious Lions amassed 51 points to 28 for their nearest opponents. This victory convinced the Lions that, though it was too late to develop anything for 1937, they have great possibilities for the 1938 season, and they are anxious for a chance to prove it.
Student organizations hold a prominent position in junior college affairs. Naturally, the aims and ideals of the various organizations found on the campus vary, but all of them exist for the purpose of giving the students a "more abundant life"—to add to their education that which cannot be found in books.
Student Body Officers
First Semester President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer
Gene Godt Ben Mayo Betty Swofford
Second Semester President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer
Gene Godt Joe Hasler Betty Swofford
Numa Staff
Fayette Locke
Charles Haynes
Merlene Cox
\iiina Staff
Fayette Locke
Assistant Editor Business Managers Printing Editor
. . . Gene Godt Charles Haynes, Merlene Cox, Carolyn Laws Hamilton Tobler
Sophomore Editor Associate Sophomore Editor Freshman Editor
Betty Swofford Marie Elmore Wilma Mills
Associate Freshman Editor . . . . Margaret Carolan Sports Editor Jim Foster Associate Sports Editor Organizations Editor Associate Organizations Editor Feature Editor Associate Feature Editor
Billy Freemon Doris Nelle . . . . J. T. Strozier Joe Hasler Lorraine Els wick
Lion's Din Staff FIRST SEMESTER Editorial Staff Editor Copy Editors
Gene Godt Lorraine Elswick Marie Elmore Charles Haynes J. T. Strozier Roy Weaver Joe Hasler Rebecca Stevenson Maurice Fitzgerald Doris Nelle Faye Martin Delmer Ashworth
Column Features Editorials Sports Socials Adviser Mechanical Staff Printing Assistant Adviser
Hamilton Tobler Charles Roedenbeck A. W. Blake
SECOND SEMESTER Editorial Staff Editor Copy Editors Features Editorials Sports Socials Clubs Adviser Printing Assistant Adviser
Gene Godt Lorraine Elswick Joe Hasler, Marie Elmore J. T. Strozier Jimmy Ramsey Roy Weaver Jim Foster Billy Freemon Arlie Mae Manes Rebecca Stevenson Doris Nelle Delmer Ashworth Mechanical Staff Hamilton Tobler • . C. B Murphy A. W. Blake
Theta Phi Kappa
James Ramsey Frances Burge Billie Burnett Alma DeJordy Jessie Euper
Gene Godt Joe Hasler Ann Louise Holland Viola Mae Kropp Dorothy Miller
Luella Krehbiel Sponsor
No empty honor is election to Theta Phi Kappa. A student must not only rate scholastically in the upper ten per cent of the college to be considered for membership in the organization, but also he must remain in the, upper ten per cent to retain membership. Selected after one, semester or more in school here, Theta Phis are the best students in Fort Smith Junior College.
Debate Teams
Gordon Dodd Billy Simpson
John Whiteside Ben Mayo
J. Fred Patton Coach
These four represented Fort Smith Junior College in 1937 forensic contests. They revived an activity not seen since debate in the junior college was under the coaching of R. A. Cox. Dodd and Simpson, Mayo and Whiteside did admirable work in arguing both sides of the question, "Resolved, that congress should be empowered to set minimum wages and maximum hours for industry." Outstanding debate of the year: against Texas Christian University debaters here.
International Relations Club Florence Bacon Alice Boatright Frances Burgc Billie Burnett Merlene Cox Margaret Carolan Louise Dickey Gordon Dodd Kathleen Doyle Robert Derdeyn Jim Foster Marie Elmore Lorraine Elswick Billy Freemon Gene Godt Joe Hasler Charles Haynes Clifford Huhn Viola Mae Kropp Helen Lairamore Carolyn Laws
Audrey Lieberstcin Fayctte Locke Jape Mosley Doris Nelle Ruth Odcn Geneva Patty Eugenia Quinn James Ramsey Lorene Sallis Billy Simpson Irene Spears Rebecca Stevenson J. T. Strozier Betty Swofford John Swofford Dorothy Smyth Delia Beth Thresher Marlowe Wight Newell Wilson Marguerite Weaver
J. W. Reynolds Sponsor
President Vice President . . . Recording Secretary . Corresponding Secretary Treasurer
. . Gene Godt Be.tty Swofford Florence Bacon Carolyn Laws J. T. Strozier
T H t
9 3 7
Junior College Chorus Florence Bacon laleen Baxter Margaret Carolan Merlene Cox Robert Derdeyn Marie Elmore Lorraine Elswick Ima Essman Gene Godt Carolyn Laws
Ben Mayo Jane Mosley Lucy Pape Billy Simpson Irene Spears Betty Swofford John Swofford Delia Beth Thresher John Whiteside
Frances Yearley Sponsor
Under the baton of a new leader, Miss Frances Yearley, the junior college chorus has endeavored this year to develop the vocal talent of the college. Outstanding performance of the year: the Christmas contata "The Adoration."
Junior College Band
Gene Apple. *Ialeen Baxter Tom Collins Jack Eeds Jerry Geren Bob Gilchrist *Hugh Hammersly Walter Hammock
Louis Lambiotte *Billy Morris Nelson Slater *Ernest Sioat *Gipson Stevinson Kenneth Taylor *John Whiteside (:!:) Junior College Students Addison Wall Director
As one of the greatest forces of advertising the junior college has, the band has just completed its second year of organization. Applauded by the high school for the popular music they offer, popularly received in the small towns they visit because of their exceptionally good programs, the band is not only making a name for itself as an organization but also for Fort Smith Junior College as well.
Chess Club
Margaret Carolan Paul Cockreham Gordon Dodd Gene Godt Joe Hasler
Franklin Jackman Billy Mike Kolb Carolyn Laws Fayette Locke James Ramsey
Mary R. Hynes Sponsor
President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer
James Ramsey Fayette Locke Franklin Jackman
Sock And Buskin Margaret Carolan Merlene Cox Gordon Dodd Gene Godt Joe Hasler Charles Haynes Franklin Jackman Carolyn Laws Audrey Lieberstein
Fayette Locke John Earle McKennon Jane Mosley James Ramsey Reginald Reeves J. T. Strozier Betty Swofford John Swofford Rudolph Woodruff Margaret Montague Sponsor
President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer
Fayette Locke Joe Hasler Betty Swofford
Les Demons Francais
Essie Berry Sponsor
Geraldinc Applewhite Florence Bacon Elizabeth Baker Ruth Berry Wanda Buzbee Frances Burge Susan Clark Paul Cockreham Phyllis Colton Royce Craig Jeanette Daniel Gordon Dodd Lorraine Elswick Jessie Euper Billy Freemon Edwardine Harris
Gene Godt Ann Louise Holland Alma DeJordy Franklin Jackman Viola Mae Kropp Audrey Lieberstein Fayette Locke Jane Mosley Wilma Mills Doris Nelle Ruth Oden Early Ann Payne Eugenia Quinn Helen Grey Vick Billy Simpson Dorothy Smyth
President Vice, President Secretary-Treasurer
Gordon Dodd Ruth Odcn Florence Bacon
Science Club Florence Bacon Elizabeth Baker Alice Boatright Wanda Buzbee Susan Clark Paul Cockreham Margaret Carolan Merlene Cox Robert Derdeyn Bill Dickson Gordon Dodd Lorraine Elswick Jim Foster Billy Freemon Gene Fry Gene Futral Gene Godt Joe Hasler Clifford Huhn
Audrey Lieberstein Helen Lairamore Jane Mosley Doris Nelle Lucy Pape Geneva Patty James Ramsey Lorene Sallis Hoyt Seeley Ray Spyres J. T. Strozier John Swofford Delia Beth Thresher Hamilton Tobler Helen Grey Vick Roy Weaver Marlowe Wight Newell Wilson
Eula Ratekin Sponsor
OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer
Audrey Lieberstein Billy Freemon Lorraine Elswick
Home Economies Club Marguerite Barrow Alice Boatright Wanda Buzbee Le Edna Cox Merlene Cox Margaret Carolan Jeanette Daniel Kathleen Doyle Lucile, Galloway
Freda Hays Ann Louise Holland Helen Lairamore Arlie Mae Manes Blanche McGehee Doris Nelle Lucy Pape Lorene Sallis Katherine Scott
Mary Haas Sponsor OFFICERS
President Vice President . . . . Recording Secretary . . Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Reporter
. . Merlene Cox Ann Louise Holland . Blanche McGehee . . . Lucy Pape . Lucile Galloway . . . Doris Nelle
Swordfish Alice Boatright Frances Burge Margaret Carolan Merlene Cox Lorraine Elswick James Foster Billy Freemon Gene Godt Hugh Hammersly Joe Hasler Charles Haynes Clifford Huhn Franklin Jackman Helen Lairamore
Carolyn Laws Audrey Lieberstein Fayette Locke Doris Nelle Ruth Oden James Ramsey Lorene Sallis Billy Simpson Irene Spears J. T. Strozier Gipson Stevinson Betty Swofford John Swofford Nowell Wilson Peggy Paddock Sponsor
President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer
James Foster Betty Swofford John Whiteside
A college education includes more than mere studies. One learns more and more how to get along with people. Here lasting friendships are made; old friendships strengthened.. In the feature section of this yearbook are the pictures and records of some of those who have been able to get the most out of their college life.
Most Handsome Boy
Most Popular Boy
Best Girl Athlete
Best Boy Athlete
. . . .
Swofford demonstrates how to be a corpse in "Smilin' Through" - - Elmore goes home smiling—These help keep J. C. laughing—Burge hears Lairamore lecture on the frog; Marcum croaks in the background—"Yes," says Reeves, "I spent three of the happiest years of my life in the sophomore, class"—Doyle and Miller soak weary dogs on Mount Vista — Weaver trying to make that class— Hasler seems pleased, but Swofford? — Burnett either just passed an exam or is trying to keep up her courage—Assistant Dean Reynolds and his youngest charge —Godt and Nelle seem a bit skeptical about it all—Old Br'er Wight tells all God's shillun to study their chemistry - - Business Manager Haynes approaches a prospect; that may be Mr. Burrows with the knife—dirk counts ten while entering the stadium—and Miss Krehbiel convoys an unsuspecting high school student to the building—the editor ponders yearbooks and women—but Riley ponders finances Lairy will lock horns with anyone who locks her bumpers—Lions pose, Casey fearing he wouldn't get in the ricture — Holding Nelle's hands occupies Swofford while Wight, Huhn, and See.ley "bull" in the rear.
Godt will have his jokes— This heart-rending plea received little notice in the nursery - - Stevinson sends the troubles of a "stude" up in smoke—Whiskers Spyres as he captivated the crowd in "Smilin' Through" - - This would have been one way for Swofford to make, that 8 o'clock on time—4:30, what's on at the show?—Reynolds poses obligingly, but refuses autograph hunters - - Fitzgerald peruses that chemistry text— Boatright and Sallis -- Nelle and "Hepburn" Colton— Reeves celebrates those three years as a soph -- The hairy-handed gent with the mistletoe gets no refusal from this zoologist - - Lions entrain for Russellville, Mayo smirks at McCoy Hasler, N u m a photographer, g e t s h i s pitcher took—The Pooches form a six-day bike team— "Shyster" awaits Cutting— Carolan and Lairamore discuss the male problem enroute from foods—Locke in the wide open spaces—The high school bicycles seen from atop the, stadium—The camera catches Manes on her way to class—McKennon and Swofford go into a huddle amid Woodruff's scenery —How can Whiteside smile with these girls so hungry?
The Lionesses pose with Substitute Deere — Yes, Mamie, he is very nice— "Fitzy" puts on the brakes for the camera — Essman and Quinn swing along* to class—The nigh hoss stands near Thresher's seat in Miss Krehbiel's room—Swofford demonstrates how NOT to be a corpse in Smilin' Through—The Orioles line up against Tobler's Printers on Thanksgiving day—Vick seems a waste of time to fhe smiling "Shyster"— Young and Wilson "shoot marbles"—Elswick pauses to pose, but Sallis is innocent of it all—Miss Paddock takes lab drawings home, for a checking—This, dear reader, is where the editor gets the copy—Lairamore tries smoking a few shavings from the veneer plant—The real McCoy puts on a Napoleon— The vampire swoops down on two innocent ( ? ) victims— Oriole Godt chortles as Fitzgerald and Spyres shake hands—Fry recalls the weekend and tells the folks about it—The class of '36 in gapes and frowns . . . er-r-r . . . caps and gowns.
Easier gives Cox a lift while Elswick and Sallis chat— Foster gets in a little road work and practices posing— Jail? No, just locked in the athletic field—Hasler aboard the good ship "Rover"— Huhn takes a stroll acrosa the field in the snow—Elswick got to the lake, but wouldn't jump — "Long John," the basket ball mentor, tells how to kick a ball back from the sidelines—If Dougherty would stay on more frequented roads, this wouldn't happen—The boss of Dean Reynolds' house has a snack before bed—"Rube" gives "Lairy" a little help on the up-grade—That Hasler fellow again and Godt get in a little necking at a New Orleans boarding house —I. R. C. delegates scan the "Rover" at dock on the Mississippi—Mills gets rousing applause for her dance—A rare and hitherto unpublished portrait of Dianiels and Popeye—A winter scene in the stadium, seen through a WPA worker's wheelbarrow.
Campusology Sept. 11—Registration for J. C. begins. Enrollment 104—second highest in college's history. Sept. 14—First classes. Now the work begins. Sept. 17—Boatright wonders who will be the new gym teacher. Sept. 21—New journalism instructor arrives from Pampa, Texas. Sept. 22—Bailey arrives. Mighty fine, thinks Whiteside. Sept. 23—New stadium will be ready Friday. Sept. 25—Accounting class explores the stadium. The rooms will be ready next Monday, sure. Sept. 28—Burrows assigns 2000-word themes. Accounting class won't cut again. Sept. 29—First J. C. assembly of the year. Haynes chosen president of the Sophs; Mayo, president of the Frosh. Stadium ready next Wednesday, positively. Sept. 30—Into the stadium next Friday. Oct. 1—Orioles stage first practice football game. Maybe that is why there were only three present at the Swordfish meeting. Oct. 2—Meeting of I. R. C. Godt elected president. Stadium will be ready next Monday. Oct. 5—"Next Monday" finally comes! Classes meet in the new building for the first time. Oct. 6—Test and picture show in chemistry—from the terrible to the sublime. Oriole bowlers bowl first practice game. Oct. 7—First Lion's Din appears with Mr. Godt as editor. Oct. 8—Freshman reception. Derdeyn demonstrates dancing—a second "trucker," maybe. Oct. 9—Carolyn is going home tomorrow. Hurray! says Carolyn. Oct. 12—Science Club members meet for the first time. Why is Marlowe so anxious to have home economics students eligible for membership too ? Oct. 14—Chorus practice. Godt elected president of J. C. Oct. 15—Plenty of spectators for the girls' baseball game during fourth period. Oct. 16—I. R. C. meeting held sixth period. Discuss lectures. Oct. 19—Invincible Jeeps beat Orioles bowling. Oct. 20—"De Pooches are de best." Oct. 21—Chorus meeting and then I. R. C. Afterwards to Fayette's for ping-pong and thing's. Oct. 22—No copy—the Lion's Din out tomorrow. Oct. 23—Lion's Din comes out. Why does everybody always wait until sixth period Friday to get his history report? Oct. 26—Dr. John Brown Mason speaks on Germany in first of I. R. C. lecture series. Do you suppose we will always lose so much sleep on lecture nights ? Oct. 27—Les Demons Francais meet at Lieberstein's, with cocoa and cookies. Mayo elected president of debaters. Oct. 28—Science Club initiation. Pore old Agnes.
Campusology CONTINUED Nov. 2—Dr. Dorsey D. Jones speaks about Spain. 'Order of the Bandaged Finger" organized in chemistry. Nov. 3—Delia Beth and Jane arise an hour too early. Earily birds catch the worms. Nov. 4—I. R. C. meeting while Mr. Reynolds cheers the junior high "Cubs." Nov. 10—Miss Jones tells about Europe at French Club at Simpson's. Les Demons Francais want to go to Germany now. Nov. 13—Kathleens and Kenneths go "Smilin' Through" in the play try-outs. Nov. 17—What is J. C. coming to, with people finding such things in their lockers? Nov. 18—I. R. C. weiner roast. What happened to Ray's eye ? Nov. 19—De Pooches are still de best. No? Nov. 23—Charlie plays tit-tat-toe in journalism. Our Lio'n's Din editor has charge of football jack-pots. Nov. 26—Elswick and Dickey follow a blue Dodge following a black one. Mr. Turkey ain't no more. Orioles defeat Printers. Dec. i—Junior college plans a rural party during assembly. Swordfish revived. Dec. 2—Chorus practices "The Adoration." Florence, Ben I. Jr., Simpson, Robert, and Marie chosen as soloists. Dec. 3—Les Demons Francais plan a Christmas party. Everyone bring a gift. Dec. 4—"What is dese t'ing called luv'? No?" Science Club entertains at Baker's with games and cookies and things. Boatright bowls 81 and 104. Dec. 7—"Smilin' Through" postponed 'til January 12. Locke is editor of The Numa. Dec. 8—McCann's chosen photographer. Clifford competes with him while Sallis holds up Charlie. Dec. 9—Air-conditioning in the O. G. and E. bungalow. Dec. 14—The rural party. Charlie is the best hopper; Doris, the best blower; John Earle, the best knee twister. Hop-scotch, jacks, and dancing for everyone. Dec. 15—Mr. Reynolds suffers severe hangover from chewing gum last night. Numa staff learns duties from Locke. Dec. 16—Santa Claus visits the I. R. C. Christmas party. Audrey gets a present. Dec. 18—Orioles defeat Ciceronians at touch football. Les Demons Francais have Christmas tree and party. Miss Berry is the bold, bad North Wind. Dec. 23—Chorus sings "The Adoration" in high school assembly. Did someone play a drum or was it Simpson's knees knocking? Out for the holidays. Hooray! Dec. 21—Dr. Ivan Lee Holt lectures on Japan. Dec. 31—Dickey shouts in the cemetery—then runs! Jan. 4—Back to the old grind. It was a nica vacation. Jan. 5—J. C. assembly. Coach urges everybody to buy a basketball ticket. Jan. 6—Lions scrimmage with Grizzlies after school. Miss Ratekin discovers who shot the firecrackers during class. Jan. 8—Play skits for high school in assembly. Curtain call catches Mary Frances hurdling a bench. J. C. celebrities elected. Jan. 11—Skits at junior high and dress rehearsal after school, with refreshments. Jan. 12—J. C. assembly period. Be sure to have your pictures made right away. "Smilin' Through" given tonight with great success, but the actors don't like the way Mr. Finkey takes pictures. Jan. 13—Miss Marcia Ann Reynolds, 81/2 Ibs., made her debut into the world today no sophomore history class this morning. First J. C. basketball game with Lions
Cainpusology CONTINUED vs. Sweetpeas. Woo-tent wears windshield guards. Score: 43-24—against us. Jan 14—Science Club lecture on neon. Lions at Tech, losing 57-22. Jan. 19—Play tournament in auditorium all morning. Some prize ad-libbing. Lions lose 30-22 to Arkansas Freshmen tonight. Betty and Carolyn lead cheers. Jan. 21—Lions vs. Clarksville. All-Stars. We win our first game, 41-28. Dr. J. L. Glanville lectures on Italy after the basketball game. Jan. 22—No classes today. Registration for second semester begins. Sleet falling— everything covered with ice. Lions win second victory tonight—from Dutch Creek, 53-28. Sledding party at Mills' after game. Jan. 26—J. T. gave Alice his picture—and it isn't even spring yet. jan. 27—What have Godt and Haynes got that Doris Nelle hasn't got? The buttons they took in journalism. I. R. C. meeting tonight. Jan. 28—Assembly today. Lions vs. Clarksville at Coal Hill. We lost, 71-33. Jan. 29—Science Club election and kodaking party. Sock and Buskin at Fayette's. Afterwards a hike out to Maybranch. Feb. 1—Doris said she didn't make that noise in French. Chess Club meets at Miss Hynes'. Lions lose at Wilburton, 39-28. Feb. 2—Godt elected president; Hasler, vice president; Swofford, secretary. Feb. 3—Organization pictures in the stadium this afternoon. Lions lose to All-Stars, 39-38. McCoy sits in grandstand with date. Feb. 5—Who wants to go see "God's Country and the Woman" ? Lions vs. Tech, and Tech wins again, 61-25. Party at Mills' after the game. Feb. 9—Dr. Bacon talks Chinese, "Hoo-foo-choo." Lions lose to Wilburton, 34-26. Feb. 10—I. R. C. party at Gene's. Mr. Reynolds had to leave at 9:30 to feed the baby. Feb. 11—Meeting with faculty and ministers to plan Easter sunrise service. Lions win over Junior Chamber of Commerce, 66-25! Feb. 12—Mr. Ashworth talks about ice-cream cones and lolly-pops. Lions beat Mansfield Tigers, 63-50. Weiner roast and party at Lucy Pape's. Feb. 15—Lions play Okmulgee, and win 41-38. J. C. band plays and ladies get in free. Feb. 16—Will Rogers as Ichabod Crane in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" in assembly. Lions lose to Freshmen at Fayetteville, 39-29. Feb. 18—Sextet tries on yellow tights. Rudolph and Robert guard the chemistry storeroom door. Feb. 19—Dr. W. Ross Livingston lectures about Great Britain. J. T. has a party. Feb. 23—Betty, Joe, Gene, Lorraine, Paul, and Mr. Camp leave for New Orleans. "Dad, please send money." Feb. 25—J. C. skating party. Miss Paddock has "automobile accident." New Orleans group sees night life. Mr. Camp sits on second row. Feb. 26—Musical Coterie presents, pageant. Sextet sings. New Orleans group discovers Caliente Inn. Feb. 27—Betty votes for Fort Smith. I. R. C. discussions in New Orleans. Joe and Gene practice Russian dancing. Science Club meets at Clifford's with the radio station. March 2—Foods class eats ham and Fritos under Blanche's direction. Southwestern Studios present program In assembly. J. C. basket ball girls beat G. A. A. 17-4. March 4—J. C. team debates T. C. U. team.
Campusology CONTINUED March 9—Quartet and fish exhibit in assembly—"Alaska's Silver Millions." March 11—Basket ball banquet. Did anyone see Mrs. Durham? March 12—Trig, class' harmonizing disturbs English. Track meet. Avlos throws a shoe and Fitzy "busts" his knee. Weiner recast at Lucy's. March 15—Chess club meets in Ramsey rendezvous. March 17—Science Club meets. All about liquid death and iodine. March 19—Junior college sponsors debate and one-act play contests. March 22—Trig party at Elswick's. Simpson, Robert, and Gordon work hard. March 23—Sophs and Frosh meet. Betty Swofford elected president of Sophs. March 25—J. Swofford guest of foods class. J. C. band goes to Van Buren. March 26—High school chemistry classes get a taste of phosphorous and explosives when J. C. students substitute. March 28—First Easter Union Sunrise Service in Grizzly stadium. The sun rises, but, oh, the temperature! March 30—Gertie and Gussie make their debut in library. March 31—Science club formal April Fool party. April 2—Band members tell about trip to Spiro yesterday. J. C. students serve as judges at Mansfield. April 5—J. C. nursery to have ping-pong table. Hooray! April 6—"There's Always Tomorrow" in assembly. Can Carolyn scream! April 7—Lion's Din comes out. I. R. C. party tonight. April 15—Orioles open softball season with first game. Was Joe a post? April 16—Elswick gives cooky party. All the crumbs were there. April 19—L. E. Meador, of Drury, winds up I. R. C. lecture series with talk about United States. April 21—Lion's Din comes out on schedule. April 23—J. C. band members go to Charleston to judge contests. April 28—Science club meeting in stadium. May 1—Maypole fails to appear. May 5—Lion's Din. May 7—Who planned that weiner roast anyway? May 11—Frosh give Sophs annual banquet. May 13—All-school picnic at Mountainburg. May 17—Chess Club meets at Ramsey's. May 19—Lion's Din. Plenty of news, but stale as usual. May 20—Junior college has charge of high school assembly. We didn't know we had such a swell school. Band plays. May 21—Semester exams. Need we say more? May 23—Baccalaureate sermon. Llay 25—Scphcmore day and banquet. Sophomores should have SOME manners. May 27—Grades. President Ramsey gives reception for sophomores. May 28—Commencement. The beginning of the end.
Sin .For Your Stamp Album Through the Courtesy of the Postage Stamp Club of America VOLUME 0
FEBRUARY 22, 1937
Lectures Here
System Slicing Study Time And Levying Compulsory Excused Cuts Not Approved
Vassar Dean Of Men Says World Is Wallowing Helplessly In A Slough Of Despond
Students of Fort Smith junior college voted against new regulations introduced by J. W. Reynolds, assistant dean, in an assembly held today. The rules, drawn up by a faculty committee, would have made a radical change in the conduct of junior college students. "It has long been a custom in this college," said Mr. Reynolds, at the beginning of the meeting, "for the student to spend two hours of outside preparation for each class assignment. We feel that too much stress is being laid upon the educational side, and not enough upon the social side of college life." Mr. Reynolds concluded his announcement by reading the new regulations, which were: 1. No student will be required to take more than five hours per semester in order to graduate. 2. All students making an average grade of "F" or above will be excused for all tardies and cuts. 3. Every member of junior college must belong to at least five organizations. All organizations must have at least o-ne social meeting per week. 4. No student may spend more (Continued on page two)
Discussing the current chaotic condition of the world, Herman H. Hosmer, dean of men at Vassar, Tuesday night delivered the lecture to end all lectures in the high school auditorium. The lecture was sponsored by the International Relations Club. "America is perishing; Europe is tottering to destruction; Asia is a hot bed of insurrection," said Mr. Hosmer. "We are wallowing helplessly in the Slough of Despond. Stop me if you've heard this one: we have want in the midst of plenty; capitalism has failed. Poverty rears its ugly head on all sides." Declaring that the people, needed a Moses to lead them out of this morass, Mr. Hosmer developed this idea, finally declaring that he was the leader for which the country was searching. The speaker bases his plan for the revival of prosperity on a shorter working week. "In fact," he shouted, "weeks are too long, considering the length of the days! Who arranged the twentyfour hour day? The capitalists! Who decreed there should be seven days to a week? Wall Street! Who (Continued on page four)
SWORDFISH TO HOLD A PINFISH INITIATION Swordfish members will meet at the home of the Swoffords for a pinfish initiation next Wednesday night. All Swordfish are asked to bring large white handkerchiefs (for blind-folds) and two earthworms. Spaghetti will be satisfactory in case the worms cannot be obtained. Pinfish to be initiated are Jim Foster, Reginald Reeves, Doris Nelle, Charles. Haynes, and Helen Lairamore. All frogs cut up by zoology students this semester will also be present.
HERMAN H. HOSMER D e a n of men at Vassar tells large audience of chaotic condition of current world affairs.
CONDREY EXPOSES DAME EVIL Junior College Student Warns Men Against Unscrupulous, Conniving Females Rupert Condrey was the main speaker in a special assembly for junior college men called last Thursday to discuss the dame evil. Mr. Condrey gave a long dissertation about his disillusionment in early life by an unscrupulous woman. He frequently quoted passages from John Erskine's "The Influence of Women, and the Cure," dedicated to the men of America (those who remain). "She built me up to an awful letdown," said Mr. Condrey. "She was a female cad! I know nothing better than to warn you men against such conniving females so that you may save yourselves in time and may all live happy, tranquil lives. After much struggling following my disillusionment, I have finally made my life happy, but is it tranquil ? Well, you can lead a horse—" Following an overwhelmingburst of applause Mr. Condrey called for open discussion. All of those asking questions wanted to know the young lady's name and telephone number.
QUARTET TO OFFER ASSEMBLY PROGRAM The Orioles, junior college men's quartet, will warble their best in the high school assembly next Thursday. They will offer thre^ numbers, "My Blue Heaven," "The Skies of Blue," and "Listen to the Mocking Bird." The quartet was newly-organized this semester, practicing during their journalism class. Members are Joe Hasler, bass; Gene Godt, baritone; Billy Freemon, tenor; and Doris Nelle, soprano. Miss Frances Weekly, sponsor of the group, will also sing on the program. Her selection will be 'Wake Up And Take Joy Home."
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Published occasionally by members Of the Postage Stamp Club, Fort Smith, Arkansas Editorial Staff Editor Goon Gutt Copy Editor Lorene Lampwick Features J. Q. Hossenpheffer Editorials Lena Genster Sports Duval Dribble Social . T. N. Cakes Columnist Phillip A. Galley Adviser Elmer Duckworth Mechanical Staff Printing Prentice A. Tabloid Assistant I. M. DeWitt Adviser _ .. Will I. Ache
Lessons? What For? Why should we lose our sleep over such a small and unimportant thing as getting lessons ? We're much smarter than those who try to teach us. We have no need for study. Some teachers expect us to drop everything, such as parties and shows and things, just to write a report or theme, or to read two chapters in a book. Why? We, the student body of the junior college, protest. We want more time and less work. Let's adjourn school and go swimming every day. Jt would be much more educational. Instead of learning that x equals y, or that Shakespeare died in 1616, -we would learn what fish and plants live in water, how to swim, .and that sunburn is the hot stuff. Let's* have more time. Don't get your lessons for tomorrow. Leave that to the teacher. He'll leave you—with zeros! —;
Teachers Unnecessary Why should a college, have teachers ? All that the teachers know'is what they have learned from books. The students are required to buy books, anyway, so why shouldn't they be allowed to learn for themselves. This is a new era, and the habits and ideas of college students today are vastly different from those of students who went to college a few years ago. Those people who are going to school now realize that they are preparing for their life's work—that their success in the future depends upon what they accomplish today. Teachers are no longer necessary to keep these, students at their work.' Teachers are one of the main expenses in maintaining a college. If all the teachers were discharged,
February 22, 1937
Lectures Boring
Once In A While
"People who live in glass houses should always pull down the shades before taking a bath." That saying, although it is many years old, can be. applied to the state of affairs in junior college today. Teachers are continually giving lectures in classes. Why should the students not draw the curtain (or line) when a deluge of high-sounding words and phrases seems imminent and inevitable? Why should their time be taken: up with listening to long-winded speeches when it could be spent to such good advantage if it were devoted to gossip or to sleep ? Such a situation as that in which the junior college now finds itself cannot exist long. Its very nature makes ~a change unavoidable. The students will not continue in their humble submission to the dominating ' influence under which they are now struggling. The day will come when the students will demand their rights. May the time soon come, when they will see the light.
By PHILLIP A. GALLEY Now and then, every once in a while, people (or maybe a person) may stop and stare at the junior college stadium and ask themselves how could anybody ever learn something there? But my, my! They will never know that what they are gazing at cost so much money that they would have a hard time spending it even if they bought chewing gum or something else. Maybe there are some folks who could go through it like nobody's business, but $80,000 isn't to be sneezed at, even if you have hay fever.
Freshmen are a good thing to have in colleges, if they aren't too numerous or too fresh in the opinions of the sophomores who, after all, hold the most influential positions in junior college, or at least think they do even if they don't. Most freshmen are tall or short, or in between, but that is about «»t«c». their only advantage, say the "bigNEW J. C. REGULATIONS shots," as the sophs call themselves, which isn't always true but (Continued from page one) is to be expected from such educated people as the sophomores than five minutes in preparation of the assignment for each day. should be but aren't. Penalty for violation of this regulation will be three compulsory Students who go to junior colcuts from classes, said cuts to be leges should always try to become excused. acquainted with their teachers al5. There will be no classes in the though it might not be the pleamorning until 10 o'clock, and no santest experience in the world, beclasses will meet after 2 o'clock cause they should know if chewing in the afternoon. gum or some other peculiar habit During the discussion which fol- gets in the hair of their dear teachlowed this announcement, order er if said teacher has any or not. was maintained with difficulty, and Other reasons for getting acseveral students were quieted only quainted with your teacher is so by forceful persuasion. Protests that he or she will or will not know against the new regulations were which grade to give to whomever heard on all sides. it does or does not belong to, and to Finally, to stop the disturbance, enable your teacher to turn in your Mr. Reynolds suggested that a vote cuts to the office so that you can be taken by the students, to deter- fill your quota for the semester. mine the fate of the new rulings. The students voted unanimously to veto the list of regulations, and rePeople who say things someturned to their classes the next times get things printed which they period. never realized they said but which some, snoopy reporter quoted them the consequent cost of upkeep as saying. Of course in such cases would be greatly reduced, entrance if damages are self-evident, the infees would be lower, and a far jured person can sue for "libel per greater number would be able to quote," but what good would it do, obtain a college education and thus so some people say. So some favorprepare themselves for future ite sayings are herewith quoted: years. "Come on." For the good of the students, the "Margaret Lee, turn around." colleges, and the progress of man"Yee :—yee—yee, woo-oo-oo." kind, let the cry ring out, "Down "Eh-h-h-h-h?" with teachers!"
February 22, 1937
Nowhere Showing slight improvement, Ben Mayo is still convalescing from injuries suffered when he scraped his face on one of Charley's alleys. He forgot to let go of the ball while bowling in a match last week. Miss Mary Haas entertained the Stitch and Chatter classes with a haystack party Monday night. Arlie Mae Manes found the needle,. Miss Jeanne Bailey will leave Saturday to accept a position as a builder-upper in Bernar McFadden's physical culture plant. Several junior college men have applied for her position. Clifford Huhn and Marlowe Wight will leave next week for the Marquesas Islands. The two have been planning the trip for sometime and will stay indefinitely.
Mr. Reynolds Says: Much has been said this year about establishing junior college traditions. We believe that this matter should be again called to your attention. The customs of cutting at least one class each day, not preparing history reports or accounting problems, and yelling and singing in the corridor have been fairly well established. These junior college traditions should be observed by every student. But, furthermore, because our building is too new, we must needs make it old and usedlooking by breaking windows, chairs and tables, carving on desks and writing on the walls. Let's remember this and give proper consideration and due attention to establishing these worthwhile traditions. BAND MEMBERS PLAN TRIP
Carolyn Laws visited "the guy The junior college band will with the brass nose" in Fayette- make a tour this week of surroundville last Monday. ing towns in order to advertise the Fort Smith Junior College. "Henry" Sallis and Alice BoatAccording to Addison Wall, diright motored to Little Rock Sun- rector, the trip was about to be day. While there they made ar- abandoned because of lack of transrangements to spend their summer portation, but a truck was finally vacation at the state institution. obtained in which to haul Gipson Stevinson's saxophone. Wall told Merlene Cox will enter nurses' administrative officials that, in case training at Sparks hospital Satur- cf rain, John Whiteside's drum and day. Ray Spyres plans to be her equipment could be stored inside of first patient. Mamie Mintura the Stevinson's sax, thereby averting any unnecessary damage. second, he says. The longest stop on the trip will Irene Spears, junior college wel- be made at Greenwood, Ark., where coming committee, has obtained a the band will wait for sheet music new line with a new hook through to arrive from Fort Smith. the Lonely-Hearts column of a well-known magazine. In moments STUDENTS PASS COURSE of abstraction she may be heard humming "You Can't Escape From Miss Eula Ratekin, intsructor in Me." chemistry, announced yesterday The dead letter office of Strans- that no chemistry notebooks will falia informs our correspondent be due this semester. She gave as that Misses Peggy Paddock, Essie a reason the fact that the noteBerry, and Jeanne Bailey have books have proved too great an been corresponding regularly with expense for students burning midthe ex-Mrs. Wallis Simpson. News night oil preparing them. All students will pass her course, also reaches us that they have made several inquiries as to how according to Miss Ratekin. No many bachelor-kings there are left. cramming is needed, she said, adding that cram does not pay, anyway. Lairy the Lady, notorious gunmoll wife of the Thin Man, escaped An old Ohio law still bans all the clutches of the law last night by laying down a smoke screen mirrors in theaters except those in restrooms. with a cigar.
Page 3
SIORDFISH END PARTY IN RIOT Big Crowd Takes Part In Skating Rink Fracas, Stating They Came To See Action Expressing delight with the evening's entertainment, junior college students ended the Swordfish skating- party Thursday night in a tooth-taking riot. An unusually large crowd was present for the festivities, Swordfish members attributing it to previous publicity given by Miss Peggy Paddock, sponsor of the club. Gipson Stevinson grinned through a damaged jaw and said, "We all came out to see some more action like Paddock gave us last time. It looked like nothing was going to h a p p e n at first, but we had patience. Virture has its reward, you know." Festivities got well under way when, after a nasty fall, Jane Mosley kicked Newell Wilson in the face with her skates on. "I didn't mind so much when he tripped me and made me fall on my face," she told hospital attendants, "but when he stepped on my neck and stuck a skste wheel in my ear I became a little irated, I guess." Plans are now being made for another skating party to take place just as soon as those who attended the one Thursday night are released from St. Edward's Mercy Hospital. The Doctors Union, Local No. 975, announced today that they would sponsor and promote as many of these parties as the junior college cared to have. WOMEN WIN WALKING AWARD OVER WALKER Announcement of the awarding of the highest honor bestowed by the Hikers' Club of America to Billie Burnett and Barbara Allen was made today by Travis Manyleagues, national president of the organization. Miss Burnett and Miss Allen were given the award, according to Mr. Manyleagues, because they have walked to school every day since enrolling in Fort Smith Junior College. Competing against students all over the country, the two young ladies clinched the award when their nearest runnerup, Ima Walker, of Podunk, Michigan, accepted a ride home from school with her parents on a rainy afternoon. The trophy, a pair of copperplated track shoes, will be divided, each girl taking one shoe.
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DALE TO PRESENTS HIS Complexion Expert FAIR COMPLEXION THEORY SPEAKS TO WOMEN'S GROUP Home Economics Club Hears Noted Authority Urge Immaculate Personal Appearance "Fair Complexion and Good Dress" was the subject selected by Dale McCoy for a talk which he made before the Home Economics Club today. Tracing the development of civilization from the cave-man days to the present generation, the speaker compared modern customs and habits to those of olden times. "Success today depends largely upon having a respectable appearance," said Mr. McCoy. "No person today should expect to advance DALE McCOY in the world unless he dresses his Speaking before the Home Ecbest at all times and keeps his complexion clear and free from onomics Club today, Dale McCoy, tonsorial statistician, discussed blemishes as far as possible." After a moment's hesitation, the fair complexion and good dress. speaker coughed, took a drink of water, and added, "That goes for HERMAN HOSMER LECTURES girls, too." (Continued from page one) At the conclusion of the address, Mr. McCoy answered questions ordained that there should be four from the members of the audience. weeks to a month? The internaIn response to Miss Pee-wee tional bankers! Who forced us to Mentura's question, "How may I bow our necks under the yoke of have a marvellous complexion?" twelve months to the, year? The Mr. McCoy replied, "Referring to money trust! I think William Ranmy own personal experience, I dolph Hearst was in on it, too. find that perhaps the greatest "My proposition is to reform the benefit is derived from mud baths." When all questions had been set- calendar so that the average stutled satisfactorily, refreshments dent will enjoy it as well as somewere served by girls of the home one with money," added Mr. Hoseconomics refreshments committee. mer, who had lost his necktie and In accordance with Mr. McCoy's collar about two paragraphs back. Taking a long drink of water wishes, the refreshments consisted of diced raw carrots with grape- from a vase, Mr. Hosmer concluded: "Thank you for your kind fruit juice. attention, and let me remind you that a vote for Hosmer is a vote NEW RECREATION ROOM for a bigger bag of peanuts, equalDESIRED BY STUDENTS ity for all, and . . . er ... a few other things." Junior college students want a J. W. Reynolds, assistant dean new recreation room, according to Gene Godt, student body president. of the junior college, closed the The present room is not large meeting after reviving Dean Elmer enough for "Fitzy" to swing two Cook and President J. W. Ramsey cats by their tails, nor are there from deep swoons caused by the enough blackboards for Locke to ardor and subject of the speaker. Interviewed in his cell later Tuesdraw pictures on, he said. Voicing- the, desire of the stu- day night, Mr. Hosmer insisted dents before a faculty committee that it was all a mistake. "I got last Tuesday, Godt asked that the my cities mixed up. That speech walls between Mr. Reynolds', Miss was intended for another Arkansas Berry's, and Miss Krehbiel's rooms college about sixty miles south of be removed and the three rooms Fort Smith." be made into one large play room A heavy thunderstorm will ruin for the junior college. Classes would be held in the present re- five times as many watch springs as break in a normal day. creation room.
February 22, 1937 LIONS INVITED TO PLAY IN NEW YORK John R. Thompson, coach of the junior college basket ball team, the Lions, announced today that he had received an invitation from the national basket ball champions to play an exhibition game in New York next Wednesday night in the Olympic finals. After .some hesitation, Thompson rushed to send a telegram accepting the invitation. With reference to the, coming game. Coach Thompson said, "I don't see why we shouldn't." Loyal student supporters of the junior college have chartered a special train, which will leave tomorrow and arrive in New York Tuesday evening. About eight students have obtained tickets for the trip. Some excitement was caused when "Wootent" Wilson, the mainstay of the team and most valuable playe.r on the squad, could not find his glasses-guard. Routine practice was resumed, however, when Coach Thompson discovered that the guard was being used by Franklin Jackman as protection while fencing with Jimmy Ramsey. TOBLER TAKES TUMBLE Suffering- miscellaneous damages, received in a mix-up with the print shop cylinder press, Hamilton Tobler, Numa printing editor, was taken to the junior college nursery late today. While demonstrating to the Numa staff how he could walk on the revolving cylinder like a lumber jack at the same time he was running off faculty pictures, Mr. Tobler tripped on a dotted "i" and fell into the rollers of the roaring press. Several members of the staff rushed to the end of the press to receive his flattened form. He was placed on the drying rack for several hours before being removed to the nursery for treatment. Several bones were broken. "It left me flat broke," said Mr. Tobler. SOPHOMORES HUNT FROSH A hunger-maddened mob of sophomores roamed the streets of Fort Smith late last night searching for freshmen connected with the planning of the SophomoreFreshman banquet. Bitterness was expressed toward the donors of the banquet. Peanut butter and apricot salad was the only dish served.
Lo, the poor Injun, with untutored mind, Lo, the poor student who's falling behind, Lo, the poor teacher who's tryin' to learn 'em. All messin' in somethin' that doesn't concern 'em.
A fellow who's troubled with pains Is this fellow we all call Charles Haynes. It really is sad That he can't sell an ad;
Everyday observation prompts us to say that a bachelor is a man who has been very fortunate in his love affairs. Eh, Freemon?
A sumptuous printer there was, So old that his chin boasted fuzz But this beard caused a mess When it caught in the press; Then Ham had to grow some new fuzz.
Maybe it's because of his brains.
A young lady who turns the tricks, Is curly-locked Helen Grey Vick. She isn't fickle And she isn't mickle, That's why we think she's so slick.
Coach Thompson still declares that he stuck his foot up on the side line just to protect himself when the ball came his way in the game held here against
The psychology class finds, after painstaking research, that all men are divided into three classes: The intelligent The handsome The majority.
John Swofford scanned his marked-up theme And remarked, "Well I declare! Funny, but I thought 'judicious' Was Hebrew chinaware."
the Arkansas Frosh. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat "brought it home* when it printed: A student of freshman English says, We ought to mark it down, That she can remember the good old When 'neck' was only a noun.
The Co-ed's Creed we now recall: "Save the surface and you save all."
Don't worry if your grades are small, And your rewards are few. Remember that the mighty oak Was once a nut like you.
Nowadays a town isn't judged by its population or industries, but by its parking space.
Pot Pourri Another rumor boarding at our house says that "Fitzy" dropped English because he didn't want to study foods. We quote Mr. Fitzgerald: "It was bad enough when she told us that Beer's the Plowman, but the last straw came when she wanted us to read about Pepy's Dairy."
When I've made up my mind to purge My soul of an overwhelming urge, No matter how I try, It seems that I, Just can't stop thinking of "Jingle" Burge.
Do you wonder why we call her "Jingle"? It's because when we all mingle, And she remains aloof and single, We know one way to make her tingle. She'll come rushing when our pockets jingle.
A girl who does things according to Hoyle Is Kathleen Doyle, While one who does them nice and tricky Is Louise Dickey. Another who does them like a fox Is Merlene Cox. One who does things in fine shape Is Lucy Pape. Put them all together, they spell trouble for mother.
A drummer there was named John E. Who thought he could make harmony, But the neighbors protested And he was arrested, And the judge told John it was felony.
If these poems bore you, remember that they could be verse.
"Smilin' Through" CAST OF CHARACTERS
Sarah Wayne Phyllis Colton Mary Clare Carolyn Arden Laws John Carteret John Earle McKennon Dr. Owen Harding Fayette Locke Ellen Jane Mosley Kathleen Dungannon . . . . Mary Frances Campbell Willie Ainley Joe Hasler Kenneth Wayne RaY Spyres Jeremiah Wayne Gordon Dodd Moonyeen Clare Betty Swofford Alicia Margaret Carolan Sue Audrey Lieberstein Edward John Swofford Will Robert Derdeyn Directed by Margaret Montague Committees
Properties, scenery, and lighting: Phyllis Colton Merlene Cox Rudolph Woodruff Helen Grey Vick Advertising: Charles Haynes Gene Godt Fayette Locke Alice Boatright Music Ben Mayo Stage Manager Ralph Walton Prompter Carolyn Arden Laws
Without the support of these advertisers it would have been extremely difficult to publish as complete a Numa as is this one. They have helped us; we shall help them to make their investment profitable.
Park Hill Realty Company Fort Smith Printing Company Eads Bros. Furniture Company John Fink Jewelry Company Lee's Flower Shop Tilles' Kerwin Sporting Goods E. Mehmel & Company Godt Bros. Drug: Company Adair's Grocery & Market Federal Saving's and Loan Association of Fort Smith Fort Smith Vehicle & Machinery Company Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York Oklahoma Tire & Supply Company Duble Dek Ice Cream Company Freeman's Flower Shop Terminal Beauty Shop Coffey's Bake Shop O'Shea-Hinch Hardware Company Constantino's Hunt's Drygoods Company Whittaker Ice Cream
Fentress Mortuary Harry G. Barr Building Specialties Manhattan Construction Company Bassham & Wheelar - Haralson & Mott Fort Smith Junior College Arkansas Malco Theatres, Incorporated Border City Grocery Company McDaniels Pharmacy Arcade Men's Store Chas. Hummel's Sheet Metal Shop Boston Store First National Bank Sheridan Motor Company Putman Funeral Home Banfield Bros. Packing Company Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company Calvert McBride Printing Company Merchants National Bank Fox & Turner Clothiers S. & Q. Clothiers McCann's Photo Company Jeary's Tailor Shop La Clare's Barbecue Wortz Biscuit Company
ENCOURAGE education, which has always been the policy of the electrical industry is merely recognizing that world advancement and education go hand in hand.
J. G. PUTMAN Funeral Home Phone 51O7
Congratulations Sophomores
We Helped Build
Your Stadium
HARRY G. BARR Building Specialties
10A-12 South Sixth
Dial 4442
We Constructed Your
Stadium And Your
Court House and City Hall
Compliments Of The
Architects For The Stadium Ilasshain & Wheeler
Haralson & Mott
Fort Smith. Arkansas
Fort Smith Vehicle AND MACHINERY COMPANY Sporting Goods Hardware — Seeds Poultry and Dairy Supplies Dishes — Paints
Phone 7564 Across from the Joic Theatre
27 Years of continuous PRINTING SERVICE In
Fort Smith, Arkansas PHONE 6014
Calvert McBride Printing Co. "The District's Foremost Printers"
Sophomores —
"Congratulations" May we be privileged to continue serving you whenever you need us
Freshmen —
"A Continued WELCOME" Check with us at your leisure in the planning of your next year's work whether you're planning to come back or not, we're always ready to help you.
Fort Smith Junior College
Class Of 1937
PHONE 5415
South H Street
PARK HILL REALTY COMPANY A. G. Williams III, 8 North Sixth Street
Manager Phone 6900
Fort Smith's Largest Exclusive Ready To Wear Store
TILLE'S 702 Garrison Ave.
Dial 3118
And INVITATIONS Printed Or Engraved
717 Garrison Avenue
Fort Smith, Arkansas
BOSTON STORE An Exclusive 'Teen Age Shop For Girls A Complete Modern Shop For Boys
Both planned apparel at all times. times. planned to give the best in apparel
Dial 6124
WORTZ Biscuit Co.
Bakers Of—
Atlantic Spray (Slightly Salted)
General Welding And Auto Shop And Arnamental Ironwork
PHONE 8516 Served in H. S. Cafe.
Ask Your Grocer "The Biscuits that Build"
401-407 South Ninth Street Fort Smith, Arkansas
714 Garrison Ave.
Phone 8560
Chas. Hummel Sheet Metal Shop Roofing, Ventilating, Furnaces Skylights, Etc. Air Conditioning 102 North 10th Street
Phone 7582
Bandfield Bros. Packing Co. Manufacturers and Processors
Of Sweetheart Brand Meat Products "A FORT SMITH INSTITUTION"
God* Bros. Draig Three Brothers With One Thought SERVICE
Exclusive Agents For MRS. STOVER'S BUNGALOW CHOCOLATES Dial 4181 723 Garrison Ave.
8-22 NORTH 11 STREET Fort Smith, Arkansas
"We Support Home Institutions"
No. 1 Store
No. 2 Store
Grand Avenue
No. 9
at Greenwood
Spalding John Fink Jewelry Jewelry Co.
Athletic Equipment
Complete Assortment Of Cash or Credit
Luggage & Leather
Absolutely No Interest ar Carrying Charges One Price
JOHN Fort Smith, Arkansas Established 1873
KERWIN 707 Garrison Avenue
CONGRATULATIONS!! TO THE CLASS OF 1937 Malco Arkansas Theatres, Inc., appreciate your loyal support and patronage and our wishes for you after graduation are success in any endeavor you seek-
Arkansas Malco Theatres^ Incorporated
JOIE ... NEW... MYSTIC "Where Better Pictures Are Shown"
A Toast
Frank J. Hasler, Representative
A toast to two, By me and you, A toast to two past years; A lengthy span To an idle man, But to us their end now nears All too soon, Bringing a tune Of memories of books and friends. To cur search for knowledge In junior college, We give a toast as it ends.
The Mutual Life Insurance Company OF
New York NINETY-FOUR YEARS OF SERVICE AND SECURITY Let's make a plan which will some day prove to be <*e of the most important things you ever
Fox & Turner Headquarters For Junior College And High School Boys We Are Now Showing The Largest And Most Complete Line Of New Spring Suits In FORT SMITH
Ali AT VERY LOW PRICES New Hats, Shoes, Ties, and Hose MAKE A VISIT TO OUR STORE AND LOOK THEM OVER 607 Garrison Avenue Fort Smith, Arkansas
Oklahoma Tire & Supply Company
Duble Dek Ice Cream Co. Inc.
1118 Garrison Ave
Exclusive Dealers Shelby Flyer Bicycles
Herbert Casey, Manager
Freeman's Flowers .
Jimmie Mcon
Dale McCoy
Terminal Beauty Shop "We'ro Artists, Not Craftsmen"
1218 Garrison Ave.
Dial 3070 8011/2 Garrison
Dial 7591
O'Shea-Hinch Hardware Company Field and Garden Seed 'More Than an Ordinary Bakery"
Everything in Hardware
407 Garrison
Dial 6785
The Best at Popular Prices
9 3 7
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YOUR DRUGGIST Prescriptions A Specialty Everything In Drugs PHONE 3155 JIFFY MOTORCYCLE DELIVERY
Jeary's Tailor Shop Make 'Em Fit"
Suits or Overcoats
— Ladies' or Men's
Made To Your Measure t
We Specialize on Alterations 26 North 6th, Fort Smith Dial 9709
Dial 9709
• • Lions9 Clauses
* â&#x20AC;˘ Lions9 Clauses
Concluding . . â&#x20AC;˘ We thank you of Fort Smith Junior College for your efforts and cooperation which made The Numa possible. This book is about you and for you, being intended as a filing cabinet of memories for you to refer to in the future. Fully appreciating the interest shown toward this publication, The Numa wishes to solicit the good will and the help of the student body with the aim of passing the benefits thus obtained to the students by improved publications in the years to come.