Ref 378.0527 673605 W521n 1965 copy 1
A familiar sight to all FSJC students-Old Main as the lengthening shadows signal the close of another busy day.
Just a moment in eternity. A collection of the humorous, the sad, the macabre, the touching things in life spread out among 365 days during which the sun rises and sets to a world of happiness, a world of strife, a world of success and a world of failure. Somehow, though, a year seems to lose significance as a collection of days and is instead divided into a series of events. It seems to take an aspect of being assigned—by some particular quirk of fate— to being controlled by some prominent mood or attitude of movement. In its own turn, each subdivision of the world has its own controlling attitude of movement, apparent from the moment that it begins to function. What causes one factor to become dominant no one can fully explain, but nevertheless, it seems to happen. Fort Smith Junior College is no exception to this "control by attitude" way of life. From the first moments of the year, one could see that for we who attended this college that this was the year of growth, the year of reaching for new heights—in enrollment, in participation, in academic achievement, in expansion. With the opening of the doors for the first day of enrollment, it could be seen, growth. Work on a field house was about to begin. A skyrocketing in enrollment was seen. A burst of enthusiasm engulfed the campus—enthusiasm which was to last for an entire year with no slackening of pace. In keeping with this predominant theme of growth, we on the NUMA staff have strived to make •this took a reflection of the year, and in its own turn a symbol of that growth. We feel that like the year this book is the biggest and best yet. We hereby dedicate this book, the 1965 NUMA, to a year in our lives, to a year of growth, to a year of reaching for the topmost peak, to a year of expansion—in intellect, in ability—to a year at Fort Smith Junior College.
Proposed gymnasium
and classroom addition to the Jeffrey Boy's Club for the Boy's Club and the Fort Smith Jr. College.
A D M I N I S T R A T I 0 N
Administration page 14
Board of t r u s t e e s page 18
Departments page 20
J C President Plays Role of Dr. E. T. Vines came to Fort Smith Junior College in 1952 and served in the capacity of business manager for one year. Afterwards, he served as dean until his appointment as college president in 1958. He graduated from George Peabody College of Nashville, Tennessee with a masters degree in 1950. According to Dr. Vines, the major purposes of a junior college are manifold: the shaping of an academic program comparable to the first two years of any four year college, an adult education program and a vocational technical division. Under the leadership of Dr. Vines, FSJC has achieved these standards.
"Thou shalt not..." Dr. Vines lays down college regulations to incoming JC freshmen at an assembly early in the year.
Dr. E.T. Vines Man on Move In his job as president, Dr. Vines is required to possess limitless amounts of energy, ambition, enthusiasm, drive, optimism, foresight and plain stick-to-it-ivness. He displayed these qualities during the past year in his support of the Community College Enabling Act and pushing of the enormous building program the college has entered. Dr. Vines expressed concern over the fact that he has been unable to know personally each student attending the college. "Such a large enrollment has made it practically impossible to meet all, or even a great number of the students, much to my regret," said Dr. Vines.
DEANS WORK NEVER DONE A familiar figure to Fort Smith Junior College students is Thomas E. Fullerton, Dean of the College. Dean Fullerton has assisted, counseled and taught for twelve years on this campus. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Northwestern State College at Tahlequah, Oklahoma, and his Master of Arts degree was presented to him at the George Peabody College for Teachers at Nashville, Tennessee. Dean Fullerton started his career on this campus as the coach and didn't move to an administrative position until the next year when he became Dean of Men. He continued at this post until 1957 when he was appointee to the position of Dean of the College.
With work as trying as being dean of college, Mr. Fullerton always finds a smile for everyone he greets and lends a friendly, warm air to the administrative offices of junior college.
Dean of College T.E. Fullerton
As Dean of the College, he keeps contact with both students and faculty at all times. He can be seen almost any time of the class day talking to students or instructors about important school affairs.
A major portion of Miss Speakmans day is taken up counseling with students and teachers. She and Mr. Yancey, of the Business Department, make a phone call, as a preliminary step, to check an excessive absence; six overall, or three in a row.
Dean of Women's Duties are Challenging Miss Lucille Speakman reflects all the faces of her position as Dean of Women. Adaptable, versatile, and faithful to her personal philosophy and the college, she commands the respect of all who know her. A welcome air pervades Miss Speakman's office because of her interest and friendly manner, and girls feel free to go to her for assistance, understanding and encouragement any time during the day.
Boys and girls alike command Dean Speakman's attention, and get it. She's always ready to lend a helping hand.
Counseling with girls who have personal problems is only one of her many duties, for she also finds time to have conferences with individual faculty members as well as parents who wish to discuss their children and the problems confronting them. Aside from her duties as an administrator, Dean Speakman teaches two classes in Western Civilization plus heading the Department of Social Science.
This is not the Miss Speakman you'll see if you foul up in Western Civ. This course meets at 8 o'clock.
Dean Breedlove: Teacher-Coach Dean Shelby Breedlove is completing his second year as Dean of Men; a job commanding a great deal of attention and perseverance. As was expected he handled it and the many other assignments with the ease of the good administrator he happens to be. The first semester of each school year is always his toughest. During this time he not only teaches and carries out his administrative duties, but coaches our Lion cagers through a tough schedule of games. As a capper, due to the illness of Dean Fullerton, Coach Breedlove has had the added duty of Dean of the College to contend with. His work ranges from disciplinary problems to administrative duties. A normal day finds him advising students, conferring with parents and participating in various activities of the school. Although he is an easygoing person, Mr. Breedlove takes all his work seriously. His greatest concern is the individual student and his relative success in his first years of college. It is obvious, when you talk to him, that he has a great respect for youth and our future, which is in them. A student discusses his enrollment plans with Dean Breedlove.
Coach Breedlove is a picture of calm during a basketball game, or during time-outs. Coach Wilson states he's dying inside.
Mr. Hile attempts to straighten out a befuddled student. A task he has grown accustomed to in his years as guidance counselor. Another duty which commands a great deal of his time and attention is the student-teacher advisor system he devised (below).
Guidance Program Reflects Growth Guidance counselor Harold Hile supervises the student-teacher advisory system, the student counseling service, student financial aid, part-time employment, and is a teacher as well. In addition to the duties listed above, Mr. Hile works with all of the student organizations in terms of their goals, their morale, and discipline. His is one of the friendly offices open to all Fort Smith Junior College students any time during the school year. It is his purpose to help each individual pupil realize his capabilities and to plan for the future. This requires that he make appointments with each student to discuss his or her plans and to help them with their problems where possible. During the spring of the year Mr. Hile travels throughout this section of Arkansas contacting and talking to as many high school seniors, principals, and superintendents as possible. The fruits of this public relations work was harvested this school year when our college enjoyed its largest enrollment in history. This is his second year at F.S.J.C. and we hope there will be many more!
Board of Trustees Members: Top row: Mr. T.L. Hunt; Chairman, Mr. Woodson Holbrook; Vice-Chair man, Mr. Chris D. Corbin; Secretary-Treasurer. Bottom row: Mr. Stanley Evans, Mrs. E. Z. Hornberger, Mr. Carnall Gardner. Not pictured: Mrs. Thomas Gallaher, Mr. Herman Udouj, and Mr. Gordon Brott.
Two Boards Guide the Course of FSJC With the best interest of the college and its students in mind, these men have led the school forward for many years. For Unselfishness and diligence characterize the work of the Board of Trustees, the guardians of Fort Smith Junior College. They must derive a great deal of satisfaction from the extra work, for it is the reward for these outstanding citizens. Coming from many different fields of endeavor, and faced with the responsibility of formulating the policies of the school, they strive, at all times, to make decisions that will benefit the college now and in future years. Sitting with the Board of Trustees, and giving them the knowledge gleaned from previous experience with the organization, is the Advisory Board. This group of dedicated men and women are out-going members who continue to take the time, and make the effort, to aid Fort Smith, Arkansas' only institution of higher learning.
Advisory Board Members: Top row: Mrs. Tom Cutting, Mr. Curtis Goldtrap, Mr. Hugh Hardin, Mr. Franklin Hawkins. Middlt row: Mrs. Ander K. Orr,Mr. Sam Phillips, Mr. Clyde Randall Jr., Mrs. Ralph Speer Jr. Bottom row: Rev. John Shoemaker, Mr. E. S. Stephens, Mr. R. A. Young Jr. Not pictured: Mr. Ed Bethell, Mrs. Fagjo Cravens, Mr. Means Wilkinson and Mr. Karl Willard.
Board and Advisors Work Hand in Hand
If Fort Smith Junior College becomes a public institution with the passing of the issue by this district, there will certainly be some changes made in the system by which the Board of Trustees and the Advisory Board is maintained. Until this happens, the Board will continue to operate and take office the same way they have in the past.
There are nine members of the F.S.J.C. Board of Trustees, with their terms so staggered that three new ones can be appointed each year for a three year term. Officers are elective within the Board. When a member is replaced at the end of his three year term, he becomes a member of the Advisory Board and his term is lifetime or until he resigns. 21
Communication Is Still A Major Problem In Quest for Peace This year Winston Churchill died. He was, while he lived, considered England's greatest hero and patriot and throughout the world his death was bemoaned as the century's loss. He was noted, however, for other attributes as well. If it can be said of anyone, his understanding and command of the English language was complete! Through his writing and his many speeches, he communicated. Each student who graduates from Fort Smith Junior College must take certain required courses in the field of English. Basic knowledge in this area is a prerequisite to understanding and appreciating the rich heritage in literature our language offers, while the growth of our society insists that we be able to communicate with our fellow man. The latter also become important when considered in the light of the proximity of men all over the world. Until mankind develops a universal language it is imperative that we study and learn the tongues of our foreign brothers. Courses in the languages are offered at this college and instruction in literature from different countries is offered to those interested. Doctor S. H. Blakely is Chairman of the Department of English and Foreign Languages, heading a very competent staff of the following instructors: Betsy Altman, English; Barbara Bartlett, English; Katherine Francis, English; and Ruth Hastings, French and Spanish.
English and Foreign Language Department-
Top row. S. H. Blakely, Chairman, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; Betsy Altman, B.A., M.A; Middle row: Barbara Bartlett, B.S., M.Ed., Katherine Francis, B.S., M.A.; Bottom row: Ruth Hastings, A.B., M.A. The study of any foreign language is most demanding and requires great patience on the part of students.
Each year at the end of each semester, there is a phenomena called "final exam," and it strikes terror into the hearts of young and old alike. Mr. Robert Runner's American Government course is one of the most challenging on F.SJ.C.'s campus.
Social Science Is Most Popular Department
David Bell gets brownie points in Western Civ. However, knowing Miss Speakman, we don't believe it will help. 24
Mrs. Rapport, in her shades, is really a cool head about all that existentialist philosophy jazz. That's like, swingin' man!
Demands of Social Sciences Unrelenting, Command Devotion
Social Studies Department—Top row: Lucille Speakman, Chairman, B. A., M. A.; Jerry L. Atkinson, BA., MA.; Middle row: Harold H. Hile, B.A., M.S.E.; Tom Pryor, LL.B.; Bottomrow: Dorothy Rappeport, B.F.A., M. Ed., Robert C. Runner, B.S.E., M.A.
At the time of this writing, two "Astronauts" are floating in their space capsule in the Atlantic Ocean off the Bahama Islands. These two members of the family of man are writing history, a history in which events fade into the past almost as quickly as they occur. Men talk of the Moon in terms today that would have been considered sheer lunacy yesterday while comprehension of these terms is not complete by those who use them. The fact remains, however, that we understand what's happening today in the light of what we know about the past. Recorded history is put painstakingly together by experts who have spent their lives preparing and studying for the job. Others, just as dedicated, devote their existence to making history meaningful in terms that make today's happenings understandable. History, Geography, Philosophy, Government and their related fields, are subjects taught at Fort Smith Junior College by experts and teachers. Miss Lucille Speakman is Chairman of the Social Science Department as well as teaching and holding the position of Dean of Women. She teaches two classes of Western Civilization. Other members of the staff are: Robert Runner, History and Government; Dorothy Rappeport, Philosophy; Harold Hile, Geography, and Sociology; Jerry Atkinson, Religion; and Tom Pryor, History.
These industrious (?) students study hard for upcoming exams in the library as they laugh at Donnie Gibson's latest joke. 25
Math-Science Horizon Broadens With Many Exciting Discoveries Meeting the challenge of excellence in its various academic programs is a guiding policy at F.S.J.C. Nowhere is this better exemplified than in the Department of Math and Science. In this era of rapidly expanding technological achievement, the fields of science and mathematics assume new importance. A basic foundation of knowledge and skills obtained in the junior college aids the student in meeting the challenges of future courses in the physical sciences and all phases of math. The study of science gives a person an above average appreciation of the world in which he lives. With the world situation being what it is, these fields are becoming increasingly important. It is vital that we keep abreast of the world in technical progress in order to assure our freedom. Certainly this is not the only reason and surely not the most important. The greatest motive behind any learning is the natural intrinsic desire to know, to find out, to understand. Once this understanding is evident, it's only a matter of application of the knowledge gained, to the ideal existence man desires. The progress of mankind is far more valuable than having a better bomb than our opponent in this conflict known as the Cold War. The program at Fort Smith Junior college is oriented to this basic philosophy. The instructors here are the best and are completely dedicated to their profession. Aid is available to any student desiring assistance academically or socially.
Science and Mathematics Department—Top row. Jesse W. Anthony, Chairman, B.S.A., M.S.; Bob G. Amos, B.S.; Third row. Myles Friedman, S.B., M.A.; Michael Hightower, B.S.A., M.S.; Second row. Bill L. Holder, B.S.E., M.S.; John A. Rockwell, B.A., M. Ed.; Bottom row: William Wilson, B.S.
"We'll go directly to the scaffold from this room!" Mr. Friedman seems bent on carrying out capital punishment.
Mr. Rockwell oversees the cleaning of utensils at the end of the semester. This is a necessary evil in scientific research.
Math and Science Is Basis of Modern Era
Mr. Amos is either waiting for what the microscope will reveal, or to find out why the student is smoking in lab.
Symbols and formulas form a backdrop for a lecture by Bill Wilson in his class in plane trigonometry. 27
Education Keeps Pace With Business World The day has not yet arrived when the president of a large corporation will be able to pick up a microphone, dictate a letter, and receive it a few minutes later from a computer, typed and corrected grammatically! Certainly this day will come, if the present trend is any prophet, but until it does, the skilled secretary and the alert accountant will continue to be the mainstays of the most complex and profitable system of business in the world. The purpose of the Department of Business and Secretarial Science is to educate young men and women for positions of leadership and service in private and non-private business organizations. A fundamental knowledge of this is gained here at Fort Smith Junior College and the courses are so designed to enable students to maintain an uninterrupted study at any four year school. This department is headed by Mr. Claude W. Yancey and is staffed by a very competent group of instructors. Jim B. Bolin is Business Manager of the college and teaches courses in Business Administration. Mrs. Ruth Gant teaches Secretarial Science along with Mrs. Winn, and Mrs. Lorna Pryor instructs in Business Administration and Economics. Mrs. Gant also teaches courses in Secretarial Science under the Manpower Act. Instruction in all of these courses is comprehensive, covering everything from the history of our economic system to the application of principles. Available for students are typewriters, rotary calculators and other business machines to aid them.
Business and Secretarial Science Department— Top row: Claud W. Yancey, Chairman, B.S., M.B.S.; Jim Bolin; Middle row: Ruth Gant, B.S.E., M.A.; Lorna Pryor, B.S.B.A, M.B.A.; Bottom row: Sharon Winn, B.S.E.
This industrious secretarial science and business student looks as if he might be trying to catch up on his sleep he hasn't had.
We have been told that to become a successful typist one must develop competence, confidence, and excellent posture habits.
Above: Mrs. Ruth Gant is checking the work of one of her students in office machines class. Right: Mr. Bowlin along with a group of students, who don't look very happy, look over a group of papers in business administration class.
Fine Arts Department Co-ordinates Effort Since Fine Arts was departmentalized two years ago, much has been done at Fort Smith Junior College to make the students and the public more aware of the cultural activities and facilities available at the school. Through the efforts of Dr. Hattie Maye Butterfield the Fine Arts Department instructors have coordinated their efforts and made possible the presentation of concerts, plays, and art exhibits to more people in this area. A "first" was presented when the Speech Department produced the Off Broadway musical, "Fantasticks" which, under the direction of H. C. Carolan, proved to be an artistic success. Exhibitions of painting, drawings, and photographs have been up throughout the school year. There have been special showings of a professional architect's drawings plus an exhibition of paintings with a musical theme for the F.S.J.C. Folk and Jazz Festival. The College Choir has progressed under the direction of Logan Green. It is called upon continuously to perform at various functions throughout the Fort Smith area. Dr. Butterfield, who is well known everywhere in the field of music, has kept a very active calendar this year, scheduling workshops, auditions, and concerts.
The Fort Smith Junior College Choir, under the direction of Mr. Green, puts on its annual Christmas program for the student body. 30
Fine Arts Department- Top row. Hattie M. Butterfield, Chairman, B.M., M.M., D.F.A.; Hoyle C. Carolan, B.A., M.A.; Bottom row: Logan Green, B.A.; M.Mus.E.; James E. Howard, B.A.
Barbara, are you listening to Mr. Carolan's lecture? Knowing Barbara this picture gives a false impression.
Education Becoming Most Provocative National Question A challenge which must be met today in this fast moving world of ours is the ability to work with people. The Department of Education and Psychology trains students to guide and counsel as well as teach. Striving to develop the physical side of an individual, coaching and training in sportsmanship is covered in the area of Physical Education by Mr. Shelby Breedlove. Other phases concerned are camp counseling, leadership training and physical health. A popular course this year deals with elementary education. It's the course in Juvenile Literature taught by Miss Mardell Christello. Juvenile Literature deals with the study and analysis of children's books so that future school teachers will be able to present more thought provoking study for future citizens of the United States. Mr. Hollis Simpson, Chairman of the Department, is kept busy teaching General Psychology, Educational Psychology, as well as counseling students. The Department strives to assume a dominate role as one of the most important activities concerning our society today. Emphasized, here, is the training of teachers and educational research. Students, through the courses offered in education and psychology, gain a greater insight into the theories and goals of teaching. With greater understanding of man's behavior, this process of education becomes more complex, more demanding each day. It is for this reason that a greater variety of courses are required for the young teacher in training.
Education and Psychology Department—Top row: Hollis Simpson, Chairman, B.S.E., M.EdT; Shelby Breedlove, B.S.E., M.S.E.; Bottom row: Mardell Christello, B.S.E., M. Ed.; Dorothy Rappeport, B.F.A., M. Ed.
A part of every student's requirement is to talk to their advisor a minimum of once each semester. f
There is a time for study and a time for meditation, this lonely setting in the library seems to accent the latter.
The "Whole Student" Is Education's Prime Goal
Mrs. Rappeport poses many thought provoking questions to future teachers in educational psychology class.
J.C. Library Expands For Student Needs The year 1965 saw a great change take place in the Fort Smith Junior College Library! Under a program initiated last year, and still under way, new volumes are added to the shelves almost every day, and with the old shelf space filling up, a second tier of stacks were added for the day when further space would be needed. With enrollment increasing the library had to expand its hours to meet the needs of the student. Library hours are now 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday and 6:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Mondav through Thursday. Additional staff members were also hired to facilitate its use. Mr. George Lamb, an alum of F.S.J.C, and now with a degree in Librarv Science, assists Miss Beck and keeps the doors open at night. Our college is very fortunate to have Miss Dorothy Beck serving as Librarian. With Mr. Lamb, she and her girls spend many hours cataloguing, classifying, and shelving the books which are constantly being added to last year's approximately 9,000 volumes. Besides the many new books, an excellent selection of periodicals is maintained, many of which will become a part of a permanent collection. With greater confidence in the library, instructors are making greater use of its facilities. It is not uncommon now to see most of the tables occupied by students bowing over note cards, hard at work on term papers. The primary goal in this expansion is certainly for the individual student, but it is an accepted fact that the quality of a college library will go a long way in determining the chances of being accredited. Library Assistants: Top row: Margaret Burris; Third row: Carole Bird well; Second row: Andrea Pevehouse; Bottom row: Janie Shepherd. Miss Dorothy Beck and Mr. Lamb, new member of the staff, make a smooth, efficient part of the school.
We're sure it isn't true that Miss Beck knows the title and location of every book in the Library, well, not completely anyway.
Library Is Most Important Campus Facility The sight of numerous students "pluggin" away at their studies is a part of the new look prompted by the available services.
FSJC Staff Is Elite Organization No institution is complete without the help of a skilled staff of accountants, typists, maintenance men and custodians. It takes years to put together a group of men and women who are able to work together day after day competently, or, as in many cases, above and beyond the call of duty. This has been done however, at Fort Smith Junior College. Through the years a staff of devoted and conscientious workers have gradually been aquired who can be compared with the best anywhere. Miss Mardell Christello is still the Registrar, but she now has the added duties of performing as executive secretary to Dr. Vines and teaching a class in Juvenile Literature. Working in the main office also are: Mrs. Joyce Shopfner, Secretary to Dean Breedlove; Mrs. Eva Pryor, Assistant Registrar; and Mary Barlow and Connie Patty, typists. Across the hall, in the Business Office, Mrs. Dorothy Durden serves as bookkeeper and Secretary to Mr. Bolin. Mr. Earl Tidwell is head of the maintenance department and Mr. Joe Schwartz helps him keep all the roofs over our respective faculty and student heads. Keeping things neat and tidy and the lawn groomed, are Jeff and Lovell Walker. Helping both the maintenance men and the custodians first semester was Billy Nicely. Night School custodian is Charley Sanders.
Office Staff for 1964-'65: Top row—Mardell Christello, Executive Secretary; Eva Pryor, Assistant Registrar. Middle row—Joyce Shopfner, Secretary to the Dean; Dorothy Durden, Business Secretary. Bottom row—Mary Barlow, Typist; Connie Patty, Typist.
Keeping a complete record for every student who enrolls at J. C. is a full time job. Typist Mary Barlow spends many hours at it.
Maintenance and custodians for 1964-'65: Top row—Earl Tidwell, Head of Maintenance; Bess McWilliams, Cafeteria Manager. Second row—Joe Schwartz, Maintenance; Lovell Walker, Custodian. Third row—Jeff Walker, Custodian; Bill Nicely, Custodian. Bottom row—Charley Sanders, Night School Custodian.
F.S.J.C.'s custodians must also have a roof overhead.
A T H L E T I C S 38
Athletics Stress Mind and Spirit The theme for the sports division in last year's NUMA was built around the idea of our Lions participating in basketball as the major athletic activity and doubling as scholars, and although we do not plan to emphasize the same idea this year, it is true none-the-less. It is the goal of Fort Smith Junior College to build an educational system with the highest academic standards. To this end the Department of Athletics has cooperated in every way! Basketball is the major sport at F.S.J.C. and it is only logical that there is some emphasis placed on it, but the scholarships offered our athletes, carry the stipulation that the mind and the body are important and their joint cultivation a must. This idea has been very adequately carried out and through desire and the need to excel, our athletes have maintained discipline through the toughest of schedules in all the various sports offered. They have proven that winning is important only to the extent that your values are not violated! Shelby Breedlove, acting Dean of the College, instructor, coach, and Dean of Men. This is due to illness of College Dean, Thomas Fullerton. Mike Perkins, outfielder-pitcher became this year one of the few and possibly the only pitcher ever to win a double header. The day that FSJC played Arkansas Tech was cold and the field was muddy, however, the spirit of he players wasn't dampened.
Behind JefFery Boys Club, the place where the Lions will play future home games, will become a reality on the FSJC campus.
New Gym Will Solve Some Old Problems Mr. Bill Wilson, Chairman of the Athletic Program, helps complete the various sports activities with his assistance.
A much needed gym is now under construction and should be ready for use by the time registration begins next fall. A $162,150 building permit was issued to the firm of Larson and Wear, General Contractors. The facility will be used by the Fort Smith Boys Club as well as Fort Smith Junior College. Consisting of masonry and steel, the new building will have a basketball court, large lobby, offices, locker and storage rooms and rest rooms on the first floor. The second floor will have three classrooms, an office and lounge, and the masonry will be of red brick to harmonize with the existing buildings on campus. Containing a total of 20,230 square feet of floor space, the entire edifice will be 104 by 158 feet. A drive originating in cooperation with the Fort Smith Chamber of Commerce helped to secure funds for the project, through contributions by local civic organizations, businesses and individuals, and the cooperative spirit of the Fort Smith Boys Club.
1965 Lions Are On the Academic And Athletic Ball Coach Breedlove has been quoted as saying that the 1965 Lions have as much sportsmanship, as well as being a very colorful group, as any team he's ever coached. This would be hard to confirm when one considers the fine young athletes who have worn the Blue and White for J.C. in the past, but it can be said, without any doubt, that this team stands highest academically. This means in the history of Fort Smith Junior College and the records are here to verify it. F.S.J.C. can be quite proud of the fact that Delmer (Butch) Edwards and James Bridges were selected to represent the school on the Bi-State All Conference Team and that Phillip Hoffman was chosen to the All Tournament Team after the Bi-State Conference Invitational Tournament held at Wilburton, Oklahoma last December. The contractors for our new gymnasium have informed Coach Breedlove that it will be ready for use by the time school starts next September. The Lion mentor believes that the completion of it will be a tremendous boost to the morale of the entire school, will further the recruiting program, and raise school spirit in general. It will also be something students past and present can be proud of.
Jack Acton Forward
James Bridges Forward
Butch Edwards, sophomore guard, is being watched closely by two FSJC alumni as he feeds the ball in to L. Bunch. —— —
The "action" under the basket is sometimes very confusing. Larry Bunch Center
Danny Cross Center
Hey, come on Corner'. .. let's all do the contrapposto twist! That's it Bridges, just a little bit more., ta-da-dadum-dum."
James 'Corner' Robinson, Ronny Robinson, and Cotton Nye are taking time out to look the situation over. Mike Stubblefield, looking very determined on beating the alumni, waits for assistance from Edwards and Koepplinger.
Delmer 'Butch' Edwards Guard
Phillip Hoffman Guard
Returning Sophs And Frosh Get Early Victories
Ron Koepplinger Forward
Billy Moreland Guard
The starting line-up for the '65 Lions was tentatively announced by Coach Breedlove last October and it included three freshmen he felt would help our basketballers produce a winning season. The three were Danny Cross, Cotton Nye and Phillip Hoffman, and according to Breedlove, the latter would undoubtedly win a berth. He was right! They did contribute, and Phillip Hoffman became an outstanding player in the conference. Returning lettermen for the Blue and the White were Larry Bunch, Delmer Edwards, James Robinson, Billy Mooreland, Lyndon Morris, Mike Stubblefield, and James Bridges. Wayne Beaumont and Edward Nunely were co-managers for the team. Three new teams were added to the schedule: Oklahoma City University Freshmen, Arkansas State Teacher's Junior Varsity, and Crowder College. The schedule was opened on November 21 with the Alumni game, the traditional starter, at the Wheeler Avenue Boy's Club Gymnasium. The new Lions tripped the old grads to a 71-64 tune. The official schedule began at Okmulgee, Oklahoma with a contest between the Lions and Oklahoma State Tech's Mechanical Cowboys on November 24, opening the BiState Conference race. J.C. picked up a 63-53 win!
Phillip Hoffman's boost to Butch Edwards wasn't enough to block the shot as Bunch rushes to get the rebound.
"When are those alumni going to shut up so we can escort Miss Fort Smith Junior College and her court." James Bridges, FSJC sophomore, gets well over the head of the Bacone opponent for a shot, as 'Gomer' heads for the basket.
Lyndon Morris Guard
Cotton Nye Guard
Tourney Play Is Disastrous for Young Lions
James 'Gomer' Robinson Forward
Ronnie Robinson Guard
Fort Smith's J.C. Lions entered Bi-State Tourney action December 4 at Wilburton, Oklahoma against Conners College and took the game 70-64. After trailing for the entire game the Lions pulled to within five points with 1:50 left on the clock. A zone press forced the Conners team to lose the ball three times, and J.C. capitalized on the errors to tie the score at 60-60 with 27 seconds left. Neither team could score, and the game went into overtime. Eight Lion free throws and a field goal by Hoffman produced 10 points while Conners could only tally four. Hoffman scored 17 points to pace Fort Smith. After the opening win J.C. dropped two games in the following rounds. The first came at the hands of Beebe Junior College and the second was lost to Southern Baptist. James Bridges scored 17 points for the Lions in the first game, but couldn't keep pace with Joe Findley and Ralph Maury of Beebe, who each tallied for 21 points. Hoffman hi.t for 21 points in the second game to keep Fort Smith within range. In the last game before taking time off for a rest before the Christmas Holiday Tournament, the Lions lost a hard one to the John Brown University Junior Varsity, 90-89. J.C. had a 12 point lead going into the second half but it dwindled on the shooting of J.B.U.'s Parlin who hit a jump shot at the buzzer.
Two of Bacone's players seem to think that it is about time that Phillip Hoffman slowed down with the ball.
A great student and a devoted teacher of the game of basketball, Coach Breedlove commands the situation.
Mike Stubblefield Forward
Arnold Sykes Forward
Close Contests Were Habitual With '65 Lions It's been said that the mistakes made in a ball game and close-heartbreaking scores will even up over a period of time. The Lions dropped such a game to the John Brown University Junior Varsity early in the season, but evened the situation half way through their slate. Butch Edwards tipped in a shot just as the buzzer sounded and gave Fort Smith a thrilling 95-94 victory over St. Gregory for a conference win. It was a great climax as the Lions overcame a five point lead in the last two minutes with Bridges playing the big gun. Moreland came in late in the first half and put on an unbelievable shooting exhibition from outside. He hit eight in a row from the field and gave the Lions a 48-39 halftime lead. He finished the game with ten out of fourteen field goals and four 6ut of four free throws. Coach Shelby Breedlove was asked to comment on this year's cage Lions and he replied with a grin and a shake of his head, "I've been coaching twelve years and I've worked this team harder, and they've improved more, game by game, than any before them. This was a bunch short on talent but with the strongest of hearts." The Lions pulled off two important upset victories this year when they whipped the team ranked tenth nationally, Eastern Oklahoma A.M.; and the University of Oklahoma City Freshmen. 49
1965 Fort Smith Junior College Basketball Record
James Bridges is where the 'action' is. James Bridges Sophomore
Butch Edwards Sophomore
71 63 88 78 80 70 65 79 89 62 73 62 62 61 72 91 63 80 71 68 87 63 95 61 94 90 66 64 68
Alumni Oklahoma State Technical J. C. Central Baptist Crowder A.S.T.C. Junior Varsity Conners Arkansas State J.C. Southern Baptist John Brown University Jr. Varsity Oklahoma City University Jr. Varsity Saint Gregory J.C. Eastern Oklahoma Southern Baptist J.C. University of Arkansas Freshmen A.S.T.C. Junior Varsity Bacone Arkansas State (Beebe) Oklahoma City University Freshmen Conners Oklahoma State Technical J.C. Central Baptist Crowder Saint Gregory J.C. Arkansas State (Beebe) Southern Baptist J.C. Eastern Oklahoma Bacone Saint Gregory J.C. University of Arkansas Freshmen
64 53 77 88 72 64 94 82 90 95 98 74 73 72 78 100 67 78 61 73 78 89 94 90 92 89 79 75 63
*The won-lost record of the Lions in all games for the 1964-1965 school year was nineteen and twenty respectively. STATISTICS Team Games played* Games won Games lost Points scored* Field goals* Free throws Rebounds Jump balls Fouls
39 19 20 2,902 1,136 612 1,215 166 718
*Tops in history of Fort Smith Junior College. Individual Player
J. Bridges J. Bridges J. Bridges J. Robinson D. Edwards
696 Points Scored Field Goals 243 156 Free Throws 321 Rebounds Jump Balls 36 Career Totals Points Scored 977 Field Goals 345 Free Throws 185 Rebounds 507
J. J. J. J. 50
Bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges
829 285 259 409 36
J.Jay J.Jay J.Jay J.Jay J.Jay J.Jay J.Jay J.Jay J.Jay
1,415 510 395 670
1965 Lion Baseball Team members—Top row: Mike Perkins, Jack Acton, James Harris, Dennis Gage, James Robinson, Danny Cross and James Bridges. Middle row: James Huffor, Jerry McClain, Henry Burris, Cotton Nye, Butch Edwards, Robbie Peerson and Wayne Beaumont. Bottom row: Student Manager, Ed Nunley, Billy Bob Spicer, Leon Sparks. Mike Muldoon, Lyndon Morris, Tom McAlister and Terry Hite. New to the Athletic Department is Mr. Lawrence "Squeky" Smith.
'64 Baseball Team Over .500
In 1963 the Fort Smith Junior College Lions baseball team met 13 opponents in regular season play and finished the season with a .384 average. In 1964, with a good pitching staff and a tight infield, the Cats completed their spring contests with a .526. This is a marked improvement, and at the time of this writing, indications are that our '65 baseballers will finish with even better marks. The most promising factor about the 1965 team is that seven members of last year's winning organization returned to this year's lineup, particularly to the infield, where, with the exception of first base, a trio of real ball handlers took up their old positions. The returnees include Robbie Pearson, Lyndon Morris, Terry Hite, Butch Edwards, Wayne Beaumont*, James Robinson, and James Bridges. (*star)
Lions Lose Seven One Run Games F.SJ.C. Lions Baseball Record* 1964
Connors Bacone Northern Bacone Arkansas Tech St. Gregory** Connors Arkansas Tech Eastern** John Brown** John Brown Cameron** Cameron Oklahoma State Tech** The weather was very bleak when our J. C. Lions started their baseball workouts and training this year. David Cone discusses something with his fellow team members as he waits for his turn to bat.
J.C 7 2 2 3 4 2 7 2 14 23 6 9 4 5 5 2 3 3 7
Opp. 6 3 3 1 5 3 5 0 4 7 7 3 6 7 6 0 4 0 3
*The Baseball record for the previous year is used in the NUMA. **Double header
The determination of this JC player, in the game with Tech, is representative of whole baseball squad at JC.
The 'Magnificent Seven minus Five* along with Carol Frishkey and Mary Wilkerson plus one in the dug-out.
"Squeaky" Smith Is New Baseball Coach On this target range you don't aim at man behind screen.
This shows the women students that the catcher isn't 'that close.'
'64 Track Team Has Bad Year Our Lions took the Bi-State Conference track championship with them to the '64 track season last year and their "cup" did not runneth over, in fact they got a dent in it. Due to the overwhelming speed of Noah Johnson, the 1963* team broke several records and lost only one meet and that was to four year Harding College, but in the two meets the Cats made last year the best they could do was to place fourth and seventh. F.S.J.C. Lions Track Record 1964 Eastern Oklahoma A & M Invitational Meet Eastern Oklahoma A & M 55 l/2 Conners 51 Bacone 48Vfe Fort Smith Junior College 29 National J.C., Athletic Assoc. Region II Meet Fort Smith Junior College—7th Place *The track record for the previous year is used in the NUMA.
Bill Hodnett puts the shot in the air during a practice session.
1965 Trade Team Members—Coach Ron Koepplinger, Franz, Cone, Wells, Hodnett, Chappell, Bowman, and Moreland.
Tennis Is J.C.'s Unsung Sport In 1963* Fort Smith Junior College had a tennis team that went through the Bi-State Conference schedule and came out with a pair of championships. Ann Bramble was our singles champion and she teamed with Ray Cowan to secure the doubles cup for our school. Standards are met, and records are set and broken, and teams do have off years (the St. Louis Cardinals are 3 and 6 at the time of this writing) (see U of A-1963) and this may explain what happened to our tennis Lions in 1964! F.S.J.C. Lions Tennis Record 1964 University of Arkansas Freshmen John Brown University Eastern Oklahoma A&M Eastern Oklahoma A&M John Brown University
J.C 0 0 0 0 0
Opp. 6 6 6 6 6
*The tennis record for the previous year is used in the NUMA.
Emmett Bean and Lloyd Pearson, members of F.SJ.C.'s 1965 tennis Lions, practice their doubles strategy with unseen duo.
1965 Lion Tennis Team members—Emmett Bean, Lloyd Pearson, Tom Weavers, and Jim Pryor.
In her years at F.SJ.C. Miss Mardell Christello has always been the one person the Cheerleaders could depend on to chaperon them to the Lion's out-of-town games. According to Coach Breedlove, she's never had the official title of sponsor to our "pepsters," but she has sure done a wonderful job of accompanying them when they're on the road. Mardell is our perpetual cheerleader and the best supporter the Lion's have. With her added duties this year one would think she'd find it difficult to be very active, but if there is a game somewhere, and she can find the slightest amount of time, you'll find her there rooting for the home team. As Registrar and Private Secretary to Dr. Vines, she teaches a class in Children's Literature, and is also very active in Fort Smith Junior College's Alumni Association. All of this will certainly limit her participation in the activities of the Cheerleaders in the future. It is for this reason that the NUMA staff makes known their appreciation for the wonderful job she has done in the past, and hope she will be able to continue in the future. Miss Christello is the unsung sponsor of F.SJ.C.'s cheerleaders.
Spirit Always High During First Semester The student body turned out in large numbers, early this year, to give our cheerleaders and the Lions the support needed to win.
Ruby Threlkeld Head Cheerleader
J.C. Peppers Show How It's Done
Mary Hanthorn Sophomore
Kay Garrett Freshman
Judy Lee Freshman
Pretty Is as Pretty Does, and We've Got 'Em
On the eve of Homecoming the Cheerleaders were next to the bonfire in importance at the bonfire 'pep rally' on the parking lot.
Outside or
Inside, The Support Is Frantic
Miss Ruby Threlkeld leads the lovely seven in a cheer at a 'pep assembly' prior to one of the early basketball home games.
'65 Pepsters Have Year of Contrasts
A windy day last November found three of our girls ready for a parade.
Cheerleader tryouts were held during the week from September 28 to October 2 to allow the Fort Smith Junior College student body a chance to see the prospective pepsters in action. There were twelve enthusiastic coeds vicing for the honor of leading our Lions: Judy Lee, Janee Parris, Kay Garrett, Ruby Threlkeld, Linda Hawkins, Vita Morreole, Nancy Wells, Mary Hawthorne, Betty Udouj, Judy Robinson, Judy Tapp and Mary Oldham. From this group seven were chosen. For the seven winning girls the year proved to be both exciting and frustrating. The "cheering year" started well enough with the girls organizing and participating in the miniature float parade and holding a bon-fire and an all day pancake breakfast, but then the fun began! A lot of trouble and time was gone to in the process of finding a base drum and painting it with a ferocious lion. Of course the idea was to provide a means of drumming up more enthusiasm during the ball games. The completely unexpected happened; an irate fan, unable to stand the "boom-diddyboom" a moment longer confiscated their one and only drumstick the first time it was ever used.
The bonfire, held the night before the annual Alumni Game, was a welcome sight to a chilled crowd of Lion rooters and sponsors!
Our Lions Deserve the Best and They Get It Janee Parris Sophomore
Judy Robinson Freshman
Judy Tapp Freshman
L I B E R A L A R T S 64
On a few still mornings during the autumn of the year, the campus has this picture-puzzle appearance—a blend of reds and yellows and browns and greens fanned by a soft fall breeze and set against a sky that can only magnify the beauty of the serene setting. The early sun casts just the right shadow to dramatize the architecture of the fine arts and library buildings.
Sophomores on the Student Board for the first semester include: Carolyn Mendenhall, Benny Thayer, Donna Wakefield, Bob Jeffery, Connie Patty, Mike Stubblefield, Barbara Angelletti, and Glenda Nelson. This group provided excellent leadership for the Student Board and the student body for the first school semester. A student board is elected at the beginning of each semester.
Sophomores are a Serious - Competent Group Sophomore officers for the first semester include: Barbara Angelletti. Student Board President; Mike Stubblefield, Sophomore class president; and Donna Wakefield, vice president.
An enthusiastic Student Board is presided over by an enthusiastic Barbara Angelletti. You don't look enthused.
Sophomores Aware Of Educational Age
//,.,,. Sophomores are required to check with Mrs. Pryor about hours and grades on the day of registration to ensure that they are sufficient in number and quality for the day of graduation.
When students enter the library at Fort Smith Junior College during registration, one of the first things they see is a large sign asking this question: "Graduating?" Well, most students are certainly interested in graduating some time, but this particular sign is more immediately important to our sophomores who will have to contend with the idea throughout the year. The Associate of Arts degree is the goal of most of the students attending J.C. From the first day of school in the fall, sophomores are looking forward to the day in the spring when they will don cap and gown and become alumnae. One way or the other, the diploma they receive will punctuate their career. For some it will represent a period to end their formal education; for others the road to higher learning will just be hyphenated. This year's sophomore class has accepted all the challenges presented to them and, with the help of several outstanding leaders, have succeeded in maintaining high educational and social standards. Mike Stubblefield was President first semester with Bob Jeffery and Jim Aldridge succeeding.
Tom Fields was a paratrooper during World War II and as you all know they're not afraid of man or beast. But Tom comes out of an examination in Mrs. Winn's Business Mathematics class a completely beaten man.
Sophomores Donna Wakefield, Carol Frishkey
and Connie Patty cope with our short lunch break by eating on the way to class!
Sophs adapt to class pressures
Adams, Malvin Adamson, Billy Aldridge, James Arnold, Virgil
Barlow, Mary Bender, Billy Benham, Betty Bing, Estella
Binyon, Lonnie Bridges, James Brock, Robbie Burris, Dan
Campbell, George Carter, Anthony Cone, David Corbin, Don
Dean, Roy Dime, Jimmy Edwards, Delmar Fant, Ronald
Fuller, Judy Gibson, Donald Gill, Mary Girard, Nancy
Glass, Jack Gossett, Richard Hannah, James Harris, Gary
Harris, Harold Hite, Terry Hodnett, Billy Huff, Terry
Jacobs, Bill Jeffery, Robert Johnson, Mike Johnson, Randall
Jones, Sam Karrant, John Kelly, Michael Kelly, Nancy
King, Joe King, Wayne Koepplinger, Ron Lairamore, Robert
Law, Gale Ledbetter, Phillip Lynch, Arthur Martinous, David
Mendenhall, Carolyn Moncrief, Jim Morris, Lyndon Moudy, Charles
Myatt, Gilbert Neumeier, Louis Patton, Ollie Pratt, Joe
Price, Bob Reedy, Charles Richards, Teresa Riggins, Carl
Ringler, Henry Rogers, Ruby Sellars, John Sexton, Charles
Extra-curricular Activities Spice Soph's Life
Sexton, Dianne Scott, Bob Shapowsky, Thomas Sparks, Leon
Stacy, Carol Stamps, Billy Stotsberg, Suzy Swink, Gloria
Sykes, James Teague, Kenny Thater, Bennett Udouj, Danny
Campus takes on a casual air Even sophomores have time to spin yarns. Just ask Connie Patty (left) Carol Frishkey, Donna Wakefield or Ruby Threkheld.
Urmer, Jerry Van Meter, Carole Varner, Paula Walker, Herman
Wells, Bill Whitson, Carlene Withers, Larry Woods, Robert
Butch's real problem can't be seen in this picture, but some students on campus know about it.
This year's Alumni game pitted teammates of a year ago in a spirited game.
Bonfire-slow shutters; not enough for action.
F r e s h m a n Class Big and Energetic A "bumper" crop of freshmen invaded the campus of Fort Smith Junior College last fall and, although they're not all pictured in this section, they raised the total enrollment over the previous year to the tune of 115. At the time of this writing these new students have already left their imprint for future students to see, for they entered J. C. with many new ideas and much enthusiasm and the year has seen them working diligently to make our activities a success and to further interest among the other students. This, the largest freshman class in the history of the college, elected David Bell and Paul Rainwater to serve as their president and vice-president, and to represent them on the Student Board. Mike Bell replaced Paul Rainwater as vice-president in the Spring elections. From their record this year, big things are surely in the making for 1965-1966.
Fort Smith Junior College's Library has been busy throughout the year increasing its shelf space and number of volumes to provide better facilities for an enrollment which breaks records each year.
Mr. Bill Wilson pauses to advise one of registration day's many confused "frosh." Freshman enrollment was so large that new sections had to be opened in three classes. Pictured above are the well manicured hand* of a sophomore poised to initiate freshmen.
Freshman class officers for the first semester were; President David Bell, and Vice President Paul Rainwater. These boys personified the spirit and drive of the freshman class of 1964-65.
Pace A c c e l e r a t e s As Freshmen Get Into Swing
Acton, Jack Adams, Judi Ammerman, Ardell Amos, Howell
Anderson, Rena Avlos, Mary Barham, George Barker, Ed
Barren, Joe Barry, Clinton Bass, Jerry Bateman, Bill
Beaty, James Bell, David Bender, Mary Bennett, Mike
Bercher, Kerry Bicker, Richard Blackman, Lee Blankenship, Marsha
Bousifet, Beverly Bower, Richard Bowman, Fred Braden, William
Bradenburg, Lawerence Bray, Larry Britton, Bob Breen, Joe
Broyles, Janet Bryan, Harold Buergler, Toe Buergler, John
Bugg, Joyce Bull, Kay Bull, Warren Burris, Henry
Exams are a "moment of truth Final moments before test spent in looking over notes... some
people try to look over notes during test... this is frowned upon .
Cagle, Neva Caldwell, Bill Calicott, Michael Carden, John
Carman, John Carr, Becky Carson, Winton Carter, Larry
Chadwick, Dana Chandler, Paula Chapo, Thomas Chappell, Ralph
First day chaos greets freshmen First day confusion sees lines for books and food from in student lounge... it does have a purpose besides acting as the casino on campus.
Chitwood, Dennis Clay, Grady Clifton, Roy Coeburn, James
Coleman, Quincy Conner, De Anna Cook, David Cooksey, Glenda
Cooper, Donna Copeland, Dale Council, Judy Cox, Karen
Cox, Sam Cranford, Terry Crawford, Carol Cruse, John
Dailey, Dixie Dalmat, Columbus Darnell, Marilyn Davenport, Pat
De Costanzo, Elaine Denny, Stuart Dibrell, Jeri Dikeman, Danny
Douglas, Charles Downie, Mike Dukes, Jerry Dye, Stephen
Edwards, Elaine Fant, Ellis Fenwick, Ron Ferguson, Lewis
Ferguson, Pat Frazier, Clyde Freeman, Robert Furness, Lana
Galloway, Wayne Garrett, Kay Gatlin, Linda Gentry, Wayne
Glidewell, Jimmy Gregory, Defton Grober, Vincent Gunn, L.C.
Hail, Linda Hall, Earlene Hammock, Jackie Hammonds, Joan
With biology notebooks in hand, these four coeds look over the botany section of the two-semester biology course.
Haney, Debrah Harris, James Hart, Clarence Hartsell, Kenneth
Hawkins, Lynda Hayes, Betty Hayes, Darrell Heiss, Dave
Henderson, Clyde Hendricks, Bill Hiatt, Bernard Hightower, Anthony
of Biological
HiU, Dwight Hill, Kay Hobbs, Donna Hoffman, Jim
Hudson, Ken Huey, Marie Hulsey, Clinton Jackson, Bob
Jackson, Marian Jarrell, Patricia Jenkins, Anita Jenkins, Jim
Johnston, Martha Karnowski, Kay Kerby, Allen Kidd, Cynthia
King, Beth Knox, William Krajewski, Judy Lassiter, Nancy
Lee, Judy Levebvre, Greg Lobdill, Mike Mackle, Theresa
Maham, Linda Manachaca, Vicky Mann, Glenna Martin, Rick
Matthews, Anthony Mayfield, Catherine Metcalf, Carolyn Meyer, Randy
Moore, Beatrice Moore, James Morreale, Vita McAlister Russell
Enrollment up again this year This close-ups shows our parking problem before students began using the new parking lot provided them this year.
The problem wasn't alleviated in night school. The students park as close to their classes as possible.
Mr. Clem Herman is one of F. S. J. C. 's instructors who will take the time to compare his days as a college freshman with those of his students. It's a well known fact that he's a better speaker when he has the right props, a stool and a phone.
College is eye-opener to many
McAlister, Tom McAnally, Clarence McCartney, Bob McClain, Danny
McClain, Jerry McCormick, Paula McCullough, Martha Neighbors, Jimmy
Newman, Bob Nolen, Connie Nunley, Ed Oliver, Shirley
Orsburn, Ellen Parillo, Judy Pate, Merle Peerson, Lee
Peters, Lee Phillips, David Phillips, Irene Phipps, Mary
Hies, Jimmy Piles, Judy Pope, Aline Post, Eddie
Pryor, Brenda Puffer, Patty Putnam, Richard Rainwater, Paul
Rannals, Beth Remilliard, John Reynolds, Steve Richmond, Philip
Rife, Marvin Robert, Delma Robertson, J.B. Robinson, Dorothy
Robinson, Judy Robinson, Ron Rogers, Janis Romanello, Paula
Root, Gary Rupp, Linda Rusher, Sharon Rutledge, Marie
Sanders, Donald Sanders, Paula Schimer, Roy Schmalz, Mark
Schneider, Don Schneider, Henry Schoen, Phillip Scroggins, Roberta
Seamans, Kandy Shelley, Wesley Shepard, Larry Shipley, Norman
Shipp, William Sidler,John Simmons, Sue Simpkins, Dennis
Sizemore, Joan Smith, Edith Smith, Jimmy Smith, LeRoy
Smith, Pat Smith, Phillip Spears, Jim Spicer, Billy
Stanley, Bill Stephens, Bob Tapp,Judy Taylor, Jackie
Majesty of "Old Main" is reflected in this spring setting while "Old Glory" waves.
Taylor, WaUy Tays, Cleta Thompson, Dorothy Thompson, Gary
Thompson, Tony Van Meter, Bill Vervack, Ronnie Vick, Bill
Vines, Jay Wilker, Cheryl Walker, John Alters, Margaret
Ware, Carolyn Wirner, Bill Watkins, Eugenia Watkins, Nanqr
\Xfehba, Joe WeUs, Nancy Wewers, Thomas Wheeler, Phillis
Willis, George Willis, Margaret Woodard, Larry Zuidcma, Bob
T E C H N I C A L 90
Cars sit peacefully outside FSJC's Tech School while students inside tear others apart to find out what makes them tick.
Ideas take form in the mind and on paper long before their true function is realized. This is true in all technological fields.
Need for Skill Bigger Than Supply
Technical Division—Top row: Lao Olsen, Director; Bob Aston, Electronics; Len Bauman, Drafting; Kenneth Dodds, Metal Fabrication; Bottom row: William Fitzgerald, Auto Mechanics; Gerald Gladden, Machine Shop; Leo Rice, Body and Fender; Betty Leninger, Secretary. 92
Steel changes color then gives way under the fierce heat of these two technical students' cutting torch in Body Repair.
The field of Electronics requires that a student master the language as well as the theory to understand fully.
Technical Division Expands Its Facilities The Technical Division of Fort Smith Junior College is fulfilling a great and desperate need for adult education. We no longer live in an age where industry looks only for a surplus of manpower, where the dignity of a skill was reserved for only a few. Today, in an era of atoms and space travel, television and jet commuting, there is little room for the uneducated and unskilled in the field of modern business and industry. Today industry is seeking to relocate and expand. It searches for areas where trained labor is available or where there are facilities to train the workers needed. It is for these reasons that so many national firms have relocated in the Fort Smith area in the past few years. The city is industrial and technical education is available at Fort Smith Junior College. The growth of our Technical Division is a matter of record and this expansion simply points up the increase in facilities and services of our Community College in recent years. Courses offered this year are inclusive of Machine Shop, Electronics, Drafting, Auto Mechanics, and Body and Fender Repair. A new class in Metal Fabrication was added this year. 93
The Practical Is Often Beautiful Alverson, Charles Anderson, Harry Anderson, Jack
Arnold, Bill Arnold, Jerry Bessent, John Blackburn, Bill
Brantley, Jack Chickinski, Wiley Chronster, Dennis Clough, Emmett
Mechanical repair requires a person to adapt to the nature of the problem, due to the exacting qualities of machinery.
At left: The vacuum tube reflects the complexities in the field of electronics, a course at F.SJ.C.'s technical divisijon.
Instruction in Tech School Is Complex Condrey, Rupert Cook, Bill Cooke, Doyle
Dombek, Fred Elkins, Damon Embry, Truman
Faulkner, Bob Fulgham, Jimmy Greathouse, Richard
Metal is bent, cut, filed, polished, and finished to a fraction of an inch by this technical student in the machine shop.
Special equipment is used by electronics students to enable them to meter and guage the exacting procedures of the field.
Manpower" Is In Third Year
The "Manpower" program is now in its third full year at Fort Smith Junior College, and is enjoying great success under the guiding hand of Mrs. Ruth Gant. All of the skills taught in this department lie in the realm of office machines and secretarial science. Last year's statistics showed that 95 % of all the graduates were working at new jobs; jobs which are high paying and are available to men and women with the specialized technical training. Training in these skills is available at F.SJ.C. through cooperation with the Employment Security Division. People who become unemployed because of immediate automation are eligible for retraining under the Federal Manpower Act. Training is paid for and a sustenance is given each student until the course or courses are completed. Upon completion of this instruction these soidents are recommended back to the Employment Security Division for placement in a new job.
Mrs. Ruth Gant advises a student about a paper in secretarial science. Mrs. Ruth Gant secretarial science
Frances Carson Nora Charles Anita DeFord Martha Doengi
Bettie Gilbert Donna Ponzetti Carolyn Johnson
Experience Is Essential to All Skills Man Power students along with regular college students in the Main building are looked at by the Administration building.
A lamp, petri dish, bunsen burner, dye, and a slide are the equipment used by these student nurses in a bacteriology class.
Nursing Demands a Scientific Attitude
Two student nurses are discussing the ways of "skinning a cat." 100
Miss student nurse, just what in the heck fire are you doing?
Future RN's Add Flavor to FSJC Through the cooperation of Spark's Memorial and St. Edward's Hospitals, and the Science Department of Fort Smith Junior College; future Registered Nurses of the two aforementioned medical institutions are able to satisfy several required nursing courses Covering a variety of subjects from micro-biology to anatomy and physiology, the curriculum for both schools of nursing offers college credit to these young ladies who pursue either the R.N. or the P.N. degree. Until this year, only students from Spark's were seen on the campus but, starting this year, prospective nurses from St. Edwards, are also a part of our campus life These medical coeds, although seen by few of the regular J.C. students, due to the fact that they spend a limited number of hours here, can gain as much as 18 hours of academic credit from the program. We, at J. C, are proud to have them as members of the student body.
Note-taking is required in the studies taken by nurses.
A Sparks nurse strikes a pose during her laboratory session. Learning and studying various ideams proves to be trying.
Nancy Adams Danielle Albert Connie Ascura Margaret Bellinghauer
Donna Boston Beverly Brill Robbie Brock Jean Brooks
Martha Jo Brooks Carolyn Brown Linda Bzombar Barbara Campbell
Team work is required in the study of various bones of the body as student nurses recite and locate during a study session.
Mr. Hightower, instructor of St. Edwards nurses, stresses a point to several of the student nurses who do not understand.
Squeamishness Squelched by Experience
Sharon Cautratta Carole Chesser Doris Cooper Cheryl Cressant
Ann Cunningham Peggy Daniel Martha Dean Paula Dix
Almeta Driver Sharon Emery Mary Ann Erman Barbara Finn
Two fellow student nurses help each other to study the structure of the human body as the rest of the class does research work.
SN's Have Destiny In Medical Fields
Dorothy Floren Sharon Fuller Sharon Futral Beverly Gordon
Susie Grammont Margaret Gunderman Linda Harrelson Geraldine Huber
Judy Hull Sandra Hunter Charlotte Jones Annette Jarlene
Judy Ketchum Yvonne Koenosider Mary Lawrence Cancetta Liberto
Joan Lichti Theresa Lockett Julie Lockhart Carolyn Long
Betty Lucas Kay Maestri Carla Mavens Cheryl Meyers
Saint Edwards Nurses discuss various things which all prove to be important in the field of nursing today and in the future.
Billie Moore Linda McDaniel Pat Mclaughlin Sandy O'Neal
Anabel Page Susan Peak Doris Peters Linda Phillips
Donna Powell Pat Rough Phillis Schwartz Theresa Strassle
Sharon Stutz Lois Sigmore Carolyn Swain Shirley Weatheral
Susan Peak, freshman student nurse from Sparks, ponders over her expectations on becoming a registered nurse of the future.
The "Girl" and the "Boy," played by Elaine Streisand Gage and J. B. Robertson, sing a love duet over an imaginary back fence.
"The Fantasticks Is a J.C. First "The Fantasticks," just off Broadway and now on the road, is an experiment in the field of modern theater. A two act musical, it was presented by the Fort Smith Junior College Drama Club December 4 and 5. It was the first production of the year for the J.C. Players, and the first musical ever attempted by the college dramatists. It was also the most successful presentation in the history of the school. The musical was a simple set production, utilizing a plain wood platform with four poles as practically the only semblance of props. It was an abstraction in fantasy with the atmosphere and emotion being created by the actors. A narrator set each scene for the audience. Mr. H. C. Carolan, faculty sponsor and director, displayed a great deal of enthusiasm when he stated, "There were a few things the kids were bound to get wrong, being that this was a first for them as well as it being the first production of the year, but they did a marvelous job of getting the show on a professional level of presentation." Jay Burk was in charge of music and choreography and assisted in direction. 110
"The Mute" (Jim Aldrich) holds the fence, separating the young lovers.
a two act musical by tom jones CAST Luisa Matt El Gallo The Mute Hucklebee Bellomy Mortimer Henry Producer & Director Production Assistant Music & Choreography Tickets & Publicity Properties & Set
Elaine Gage Judy Piles J. B. Robertson Bill Jacobs Jim Aldrich Bob Britton Bob Hughart Arthur Lynch Steve Reynolds H. C. Carolan C. Mendenhall Jay Burk Student Board Cast
"El Gallo, you're flat. Now ... let's try it again!
Props, set, music, etc. A thousand things before opening night.
Bobs Hughart and Britton harmonize on a very clever set of lyrics. 1ll
Two Student Activities Joined Alumni Day replaced Fort Smith Junior College's traditional homecoming this year with the combining of the two activities into one festival occurring each school year just before the first basketball game. The two day activities consisted of a pep rally during the latter part of third period. During the rally the Cheerleaders and members of the Booster Club presented a spirit raising skit and all of the other organizations on the campus participated in a miniature float parade. Then the Booster Club, with the Cheerleaders, held a bonfire in the parking lot, and during this time Coach Shelby Breedlove introduced the Lions and welcomed the Alumni. Second day festivities began with a pancake breakfast in the Student Lounge. It took place from 7:00 a.m. until noon. That evening, at half-time, Miss Barbara Angeletti was crowned Miss Fort Smith Junior College. Runners-up were Donna Wakefield, Carol Frishkey, Mary Wilkerson, Judy Lee, Joan Hammonds, and Judy Robinson. Following the game there was a dance held in the auditorium. Several outstanding alumni participated in the game: Bill Wilson, Len Bauman, Clair Bates, David Beneux, Jim Jay and Pat Martin. F.S.J.C. undoubtedly has the fastest cheerleaders in the west. A regular part of our Homecoming festivities is the "Wagon-Float Parade" held yearly during an assembly in the auditorium.
The YDC and the YRC are two clubs on campus that are on the opposite side of the fence in everything from politics to wagons.
Pep Rally and Bonfire Highlight Events
One of the attributes of a cold night and a large fire is that a person must turn every minute; the minute is evidently up. 113
Say Donna, are those a couple of 'senior sophomores' you got there?
Sophomore maid, Carol Frishkey, with cheerful Mike Muldoon.
Donna just won smiling contest between her and big Mike.
Miss Carol Frishkey waves and smiles to cameraman as she passes.
By the looks of Mary's hair Beaumont and Nye are driving backwards.
Freshman Maid, Joan Hammonds, is all smiles before parade,
Nye, Beaumont and pretty passenger, Maid Mary Wilkerson.
Joan Hammonds, Freshman Maid, waves to spectators along Garrison.
'How!' is the greeting by Judy to Fort Smithians.
The cold caused Judy Lee to bundle up downtown.
Eeny meeny mieny moe. Which's Queen? Whfo knows?
Coach Breedlove, introducing the Lions during Homecoming assembly is being helped along by the Junior College cheerleaders.
One Day Festival Precedes Coronation Miss Fort Smith Junior College and her court of lovely maids are getting ready to boost the Lions to victory at Alumni game.
Alumni-Homecoming Activities Combined Miss Fort Smith Junior College and Freshman Maid, Judy Lee, are all smiles as they get ready for the crowning on Alumni Day.
Your NUMA staff started this school year with the best of intentions but as time passed it became a real contest to keep our heads above water. The selection of the annual NUMA beauty, and her sophomore and freshman counter-parts got out of hand early. The first thing that happened, and we didn't find out until it was almost too late, was that the nominees weren't notified. Then, due to some late correspondence, the judge, not thoroughly understanding our instructions, made his selections different to the categories we traditionally put in the yearbook. All in all, after considering sending the pictures back and starting over again, we decided to try it his way, and now think he was right.
The judge this year was Art Roberts of "The Art Roberts Show," a Chicago, Illinois radio program. Some of you probably remember Art from his previous radio work here in Fort Smith. His letter was too long for the space we have so we are printing excerpts from it: "... Once again, thank you for the opportunity of judging for the yearbook. The choices were difficult ones, but I hope no one will be mad at my decisions . . . Excelsior, Art Roberts." The winners were: "Queen, Miss Judy Lee; Runners-up or court: 1. Miss Carolyn Ware, 2. Miss Judy Robinson, 3. Miss Ginger Shepherd, 4. Miss Janee Parris." Thank you, Art Roberts! 121
Judy Lee, Miss Numa Beauty 1965, portrays southern hospitality and beauty for which "The Land of Opportunity" is noted.
It's certain, that when a beauty judge sits down to pass on the attributes of the various candidates in a contest, he has a tough job ahead of him. It is also certain that any one of the finalists in such a contest is capable of being a winner, and this goes without saying. Not wishing to take away from the young ladies who won, but desiring that everyone know that Fort Smith Junior College has its share of beautiful coeds is the thing prompting us to picture the rest of the entrants in this year's NUMA Beauty contest. There were seventeen nominations this year, and twelve of the girls submitted photographs. Out of this group Art Roberts selected the NUMA Beauty and four runners-up. The seven remaining lovelies are pictured on these two pages, and it gives us great pleasure to present them to you! 129
Barbara Angeletti has been, in her two years at F.S.J.C, all things to all her fellow students and to her teachers. Two years on the Student Board, its past President, Phi Beta Lambda officer, 1965 Homecoming Queen, and Vice-President of her freshman class, she will leave J.C. with the brightest of futures.
F.S.J.C has been fortunate, the past two years, to have been graced with many lovely, talented, and capable young coeds; one of whom is Donna Wakefield. She has served on the Student Board, supported the college in its various undertakings, and a very active rooter for our Lion athletes.
Misses Wakefield and Angelletti are two inseparable stude'nts at JC. They belong to many of the same organizations and are enrolled in many of the same classes.
Somewhere, in an organization, you'll find at least one decision-maker; a doer; a man of action. Bob Jeffery is Fort Smith Junior College's Agamemnon. In his two years here Bob has been active in student affairs and a conscientious student and when he leaves us this spring he will be missed by all who have known him.
Butch Edwards, a leader and a listener in all fields of sports.
Bob Jeffery, 'Slattery,' is preparing for annual Christmas Dance.
If F.S.J.C had a "Who's Who," and a "Best All Around" category, Butch Edward's would most certainly qualify for, on the playing field or in the classroom, he has been completely involved in the activity of his school. Neither was it a surprise to anyone when he was selected to represent the Lions on the Bi-State Conference team.
Jay Burk is probably the best liked guy on the campus if some of the nick-names he's been given are any indication: Stoney and Jay Bird are only a couple. This young man has been invaluable to all who know him, and that goes double for the instructors in the Fine Arts Department;-
A favorite pastime of JC students is to listen to Jay play the piano.
Wayne Beaumont, pitcher, catcher, and outfielder on baseball team.
01' Wayne sez when he was in Paris, France he saw a big sign on a building: "Beaumont's." Well, he looks enough like Fernandel to be a Frenchman, but we like him for other reasons. Wayne is a good all around student and is A-go-go when it comes to supporting his school. He couldn't wait until baseball season arrived.
Coach Breedlove calls him "James Garner," but officially Mike Stubblefield has been, in his two years at Fort Smith Junior College, far from being the maverick the name implies. A top student scholastically, Mike has lettered in basketball, and served two years on the Student Board; this year as president.
Smiling, helpful Janee Parris. The teacher's dream, Janie is what is meant when one speaks of school spirit, for she has enjoyed her stay at F.S.J.C. and shows it. She has been a member of the J.C. Student Board, head cheerleader, and was picked fourth runner-up in the NUMA Beauty contest.
Mike Stubblefield did well scholastically and athletically.
Janee Parris ponders over past years at Junior College.
o R G A N I Z A
T I O 134
Student Board Represents You
1964-65 Officers—Carol Wakefield, Vice-President; Barbara Angeletti, President and Vickey Manchaca, Secretary.
Very few students realize, and fewer take advantage of, the fact that the Student Board of Fort Smith Junior College is their link between the administration-faculty and the student body. You, the students, are well represented by this governing group. Your Constitution provides that there be three executive officers; seven sophomore representatives; six freshman representatives; and the presidents from each class representing you in this organization. A total of eighteen. During this year they sponsor three dances: the Get-Acquainted Dance, the Christmas Dance, and the Spring Prom. Other activities include Club Day, the Annual signing party, Alumni-Homecoming, the Folk and Jazz Festival, and the production of the Student Directory. As the governing body of this campus, they have promoted school spirit, coordinated the activities of the other organizations, and done their best to make this a pleasant and funfilled year for every J. C student
1964-65 Student Board members- Top row: Butch Edwards, Benny Thayer, Jim Spears, Mike Stubblefield, Bob Jeffery and Rick Martin. Bottom row: Judy Lee, Carol Frishkey, Connie Patty, Carol Wakefield, Barbara Angeletti, Vickey Manchaca, Joan Hammonds and Kay Garrett.
This is the Student Board, it looks very tired, we can not see who is talking, but we know this; it isn't very interesting.
This is the Student Board, they look very happy, they all ate breakfast this morning, this meeting was time well used by board.
Booster Club Indicted for Lion Support
Officers—Terry Hite, President; Janee Parris, Connie Patty, and Butch Edwards.
Experts have written in their journals, and educators have contemplated the very complicated disease (contagious and malignant only for Junior Colleges), called Nospirititis, but all to no avail. The disease can be arrested, but not cured. The treatment is relatively simply but the drug is hard to find, the latter being a little known composition called "an interested student" and it is usually found in an organization called the Booster Club. The purpose of the Booster Club is to support all athletic events at F.SJ.C. and to sponr sor the cheerleader tryouts at the beginning of the fall semester. One would be safe in saying that the Booster Club tries each year to create school spirit through their participation in Homecoming, the Alumni game, and the various other activities related to the Athletic Department at Fort Smith Junior College.
Booster Club-Front row: Connie Patty, Janee Parris, Ginger Shepherd, Judy Lee, Kay Garrett, Barbara Angeletti, Judy Tapp, Mary Hanthorne and Donna Wakefield. Middle row: Judy Robinson, Betty Udouj, Terry Kite, Jim Aldridge, Butch Edwards and Carlene Whitson. Back row: Mike Stubblefield, James Robinson, Larry Bunch, Gene Hart, Sam Jones and Jim Spears.
Foreign Language Club 1964-'65 members— Bottom row: Neva Cagle, Marilyn Wewers, Susan Stotzberg, Iris Schneider. Middle row: Roy Dean, Terry Cranford, Ralph Baker, Teri Richards, Paula Chandler, Roberta Scroggins, Teresa Mackle. Top row: J. B. Robertson, Jonathan Keaton, Michael Davis, George Willis, J. W. Stewart, Clinton Barry, Carol Stacey.
Language Club Goes Native Each Spring the Foreign Language Club of Fort Smith Junior College closes its Year with a banquet for the purpose of recognizing its outstanding students in the field of foreign language. This is made possible by the club's various money-raising projects, such as, Christmas caroling, in Spanish and French, and the sale of homecoming mums and mistletoe. Prospective members do not have to have any special qualifications to join. It is open to all students who are interested in foreign languages. The organization offers educational, cultural, and social benefits from its many activities. Members have heard guest speakers who have taught and traveled in foreign countries; seen movies and slides of Europe and South America; and have enjoyed foreign "cuisine at covered-dish suppers. Foreign Language CJub Officers: Terry Cranford; President, VicePresidents; Ralph Baker, J.W. Stewart, Teresa Mackle, Secretary; Roberta Scroggins.
Phi Theta Kappa Is Exclusive to Junior Colleges
1964-65 Honor Society President Ollie Patton, Mrs. Katherine Francis; sponsor.
For the most part campus organizations are of a completely social nature and the activities of the clubs are based on this fact. Very few stress, in any way, the academic life. This cannot be said of Phi Theta Kappa. This organization was first officially recognized on November 19, 1929, by the American Association of Junior Colleges. Prior to last year, the group had been inactive for the past three. Ceremonies pledging 19 students to the Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Fraternity were held February 17, in Old Main. Details of the 1965 initiations were not available to the NUMA Staff at the time of this writing and could not be included in this printing. This original F.SJ.C. Chapter was established April 30, 1947.
1965 Honor Society members: Ollie Patton, Linda Jean, Carole Birdwell, Margaret Hopkins and Susy Stotsberg.
1965 Officers: Estella Bing, President; Vice-President, Don Gibson; Marie Huey, Secretary.
Supper Club Is Exclusive Group Each year, around Christmas time, the Music Supper Club members all attend a buffet supper at Dr. Butterfield's pad, complete with Santa Claus in a Ferrari. A swingin' group, the organization is open to students in the Applied Music Department, and, though social in nature, it provides added opportunities for the hearing and performing of good sounds. Meetings feature programs, discussions, and social activities. Members have traveled to community and symphony concerts all over the state, and have given recitals to entertain various local organizations. The parent organization, according to Dr. Butterfield, has over 60,000 members in the United States. Each of the fifty states choose a delegate, and from those fifty, twelve delegates-at-large are chosen. Dr. Butterfield is one of those this year.
Sammy baby really plays a mean bass easel.
1964-65 Music Supper Club Members: Top row: Glenda Nelson, Mary Oldham, Estella Bing, Sam Jones and Don Gibson. Bottom row: Elaine Gage, Margie Hinton, Judy Tapp, Edith Steele and Marie Huey.
The Young Republicans are not nearly so active during an off-election, but they manage to remain the most active club on campus. The month before the 1964 election was probably the wildest in their history for they campaigned night and day for their candidate, Barry Goldwater. Some of their activities at that time included the conduction of a mock election at the school, work at the Republican booth during the fair, a door to door campaign for Barry, and the attending of the Republican State Convention in Little Rock. The objectives of the club are: 1. To promote the two part system of government. 2. To bring college students into the Republican Party and to provide an opportunity for them to find political expression and recognition. 3. To encourage the activities of the Republican party and promote its ideals. 4. To serve as a laboratory for interested political science students through participation in practical politics. The Republican Party lost heavily in the last election, but it is a we'll known fact that the G.O.P. is not dead and their ballots are most certainly itching in anticipation of the next dection.
Young Republicans
Officers—Bob Jeffery, Carolyn Mendenhall, Carlene Whitson and William Vick.
to Stage Comeback In '66
Young Republicans- Front row: Neil Watkins, Jim Aldridge, Butch Edwards, John Remilliard. Second row: Larry Brandenberg, Bob Jeffery, Carlene Whitson, Carolyn Mendenhall, Linda Erwin, Nan Stocker, Kay Buell, and Mr. Runner, Sponsor. Back row: David Cook, Henry Ringler, Jerry Taylor, Charlie Shaw, Marvin Rife, and John Dixson.
Young Demos Lose Small One Win Big One
Young Democrat Officers: Kneeling—Jim Spears, Pete Nicely. Standing —J. W. Vaughn, David Turner. Nancy Lasiter.
Last year (1963-1964) the Young Democrats were not pictured in the NUMA, for they never did really get organized. In fact, at the time these pictures were taken, they had just found a sponsor. (Rumor has it that an unknowing freshman had asked Mr. Runner to take the job.) 1965 proved to be big for the Democrats, young and old, and although they lost both the Governor's and the Presidential mock election, they won big when the actual race took place. President Lyndon B. Johnson won his party one of the largest pluralities in the history of American National politics! One of the high points of the year was a visit to Fort Smith by Lady Bird Johnson, the President's First Lady as well as ours, to dedicate the old Fort Smith, as a national landmark. The local junior politicos were naturally a part of the welcoming committee.
1964-1965 Young Democrats— Top row: George Cambell, Pete Nicely, J. W. Vaughn, David Turner, David Martinous, Mr. Hightower, sponsor. Front row: Marie Limmons, Nancy Lassiter, Mary Jane Porter, James Lassiter.
Engineer's Club Are A-Go-Go Mr. Bill Holder, F.SJ.C. Mathematics instructor and sponsor of the Engineers Club, has kept his organization on the move during this school year. Besides making several trips to local and out-of-town industries and schools, the Engineers have had a very select group of speakers to talk to them during their school meetings. The speakers included: Bob Hawkins, mechanical engineer; Hannes E. Osswald, a graduate engineer from Germany; Mat Buckholtz, mechanical engineer; Bill Fowler and Frank Etter, mechanical engineers; and Professor Yantis of College of Engineering at the University of Arkansas. They made trips to the Gerber Plant, the Norge Plant, Plastics Research and Development, the Ohio Rubber Co., and attended Engineer's Day at the University of Arkansas plus an excursion to Dardanell Dam—a part of the Arkansas River Project.
Officers—Mike Johnson, President; Jim Nichlas, Sophomore Board Member; Augie Doner, Vice President; Gilbert Myatt, Sec. Treasurer.
Engineers Club-Fronf row: Mike Johnson, Ronald Fant, Don Corbin, Augie Doner, Gilbert Myatt. Back row: Jack Lee, Richard Gossett, Jim Nicholas, and Virgil Arnold.
Grde K— Front row: Hank Schnieder, Butch Edwards, John Garden, David Bell, Jim Aid ridge. Second row: Donnie Vervack, John Sellars, Don Corbin, Bob JefFery, Johnny Karrant, Mike Bell, Gary Kizar. Back row: Henry Ringler, Mike Stubblefield, David Phillips, Paul Rainwater, Ronny Neely, Jim Spears.
All-Male Circle K Is Aggressive Organization Officers—John Garden, John Butch Edwards.
Sellars, President John
The Circle K, realizing that an understanding of the individual's heritage, beliefs and ideals is all important in hastening the attainment of a farsighted and progressive North American society, urges that we strive to build personal understanding by accepting the challenge to do the following. Practice religion conscientiously; Educate toward an understanding of democracy; Render unselfish service and consideration for one's fellow man; Pursue healthy international relations toward world peace; Improve our respect of law, justice, order and civil liberties. Practice high moral and ethical citizenship; Stimulate initiative and creativity in leadership and individual responsibility; and strengthen the working relationship between Circle K, Kiwanis and Key Club International. The fore-going are programs of service that have been listed for the school year of 1964 and 1965 by the Circle K organization. There are also nine objects listed by this campus club and they are Inclusive of activities on and off the campus in the fields of the various social and economic services we hold important.
Business dub: Front row: Lorena Gobel, Betty Benham, Robbie Brock, Judy Fuller, and Judi Adams; Back row: Wayne Galloway, Gene Hart, Jim Bolin, Marvin Rife and Bill Shearer.
Officers: Gene Hart, President; Betty Benham, Treasurer; Mr. Bolin, Judy Fuller, Secretary; and Judi Adamas, Reporter.
Professionalism Synonymous With Phi Beta Lambda One would suppose that an organization with the title, Phi Beta Lambda, could be nothing but a professional or semi-professional club. This is not exactly true, but it is a definition that comes pretty close. Phi Beta Lambda, or the Business Club, is designed particularly for those students who are looking forward to careers in business. One of its chief objectives is the development of strong, aggressive leadership so that these future businessmen and women may participate more effectively in the business and community life of which they are a part, and their values are strongly motivated by the ideas inherent in the free enterprise system. The National Education Association sponsors Phi Beta Lambda groups all over the United States. The Seta Epsilon chapter at Fort Smith Junior College was represented last year by two state officers, Martin Shaw and Tom Milton.
This is Mr. Logan Green's second year at F.S.J.C. and it is quite obvious that his patience and hard work is paying off in interest and quality, for the choir has done an outstanding job in all of their programs. Their best performance came during the Christmas Holidays at the Midland Heights Methodist Church, where they presented selections from Mozart's Seventh Mass. The most outstanding achievement was the production, "Game of Chance," an operetta in one act. This was presented in conjunction with the F.S.J.C. Speech Department, which produced a one act play simultaneously.
FSJC Choral Group Big in Quality, Size
Officers: President and Student Directory Sam Jones; Committee Chairman, Benny Thayer; Secretary-Treasurer, Marie Huey and Vice-President, Don Gibson. 1965 Junior College Choir members: Top row: George Willis, John Cruise, Randall Johnson, Ed Baker and Sam Jones; Third row: Don Tanksleary, Gary Young, Edith Steele, Steve Reynolds, J. W. Stewart and Don Gibson; Second row: L Mary Barlow, Mary Oldham, Janis Rogers, Estella Bing, Glenda Nelson and Marie Huey; Bottom row: Margie Hinton, Glenda Cooksey, Judi Piles, Jp Claire Britt and Terry Cranford.
Have a Large Production Year
Dramatics Club officers this year are: Bob Britton, Treasurer; Steve Reynolds, President; Mary Jane Porter, Secretary; Jim Aldridge, V. President.
The Speech and Dramatics Department has had a full year, starting last September, when Mr. Hoyle C. Carolan, instructor and sponsor of the Fort Smith Junior College Dramatics club, announced plans for a number of projects, including trips to the University of Arkansas Fine Arts Center to see various productions. "The Fantasticks" was a new experience for J. C. theater-goers, for it was a musical production from one of the "Off Broadway" pens and was also the first of its kind for our college. The Drama Club was in the thick of this, but had to reach outside their organization for singing talent. A second semester offering was made and produced by the group, presenting a double-header in cooperation with the Music Department. A one act musical, "The Game of Chance" was directed by Logan Green, and Shaw's "Dark Lady of the Sonnets" by Clem Carolan.
Dramatics Club: Front row: Elaine Gage, Jane Hahn, Patty Puflfer, Mary Porter, Perry Henson, Nancy Schumaker, and Terry Richards. Back row: Jim Aldridge, James Whatley, Bob Hugart, Dennis Gage, Charles Wewers, Ralph Chappell, J.B. Roberinson, and Jay Burk.
1964-65 S.N.E.A. members: Top row: Lynn James, Mary Ann Gill, Ruby Karnowski, Donna Peters, Billy Bob Spicer and Betty Hayes. Eottom row: Joan Hammonds, Ollie Patton, Margie Hinton, Joan Sizemore, Janet Broyles and Shirley Hayes.
Complete Teacher Is Goal of SNEA S.N.E.A. stands for Student National Education Association, and it is a member of the national parent organization which most teachers, in our country, belong to. The responsibility of the student N.E.A. program is to provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. Members develop leadership skills and an understanding of the history, ethics, and programs at local, state, and national levels. During American Education Week in November members participate in practice teaching in the public schools under the learned hand of professional public school instructors. Spring and summer activities include taking part in the A.E.A. convention and the state workshop. The S.N.E.A. offers its services as baby sitters to local public school teachers while they attend Parent-Teacher Association meetings, and give loyal support to all F.S.J.C. activities and projects.
Officers: Ollie Patton, Secretary; Donna Peters, President; Billy Bob Spicer, Vice-President.
"Collegian" Has Excellent Past "The Collegian" is the student publication of Fort Smith Junior College and has always been written by and for the student body. The paper, with the aforementioned mast head, came into existence in 1957 when the Editor of that year changed its name. From 1952 until 1957 it was known as "The Lion's Roar." Through the years it has received many and various awards in the departments of editorial writing, news stories, features, etc. It has received several awards for general excellence Your paper is a reflection of your activities on campus. This year the staff had a new faculty advisor in the person of Mr. Jerry Atkinson who holds the bible chair at our school. Mr. Atkinson, besides his courses in religion, also taught a class in journalism. Second Semester Collegian Editor, Jerry Bass and Business Manager, Larry Carter.
Second Semester Collegian Staff members: Top row: Phillip Richmond, Kent Douglas, Jerry Bass, Larry Carter, and Jay Burk. Bottom row: Jay Vines, Larry Brandenburg, Lawrence Laws, Judy Tapp, Nancy Willis and Kaye Buell.
Numa Staff Mails Final Copy To Wolfe City May 27, 1965
The 1965 NUMA is not the book of one person but rather one of memories of the past college year which has now come to a close. We all played a role in this past year at Fort Smith Junior College. An annual is truly the written record of events and activities of the past year; it helps to establish a record which can not be destroyed. We have all changed, perhaps for better or for worse, no matter what the cost of experience. We now have a better understanding of a future which is within our reach and all we have to do is grab it! It has been said that we are America's future and, right or wrong, we have developed and grown in ways some can see and others can not. We are, perhaps, not totally aware of our growth but it is present and at the close of this year we are a step closer to our goal of higher education. This has been a year of tragedy, for we have all lost dear friends who it seems died without reason. We have lost several class mates to death, and our beloved Dean of the College, Thomas E. Fullerton, has passed on. School spirit is lacking and this doesn't help in recording the year for it is difficult to write something which did not occur. The book was dedicated
Nancy Willis Editor Jim Spears Bus. Manager Phillip Ledbetter Staff Mr. James Howard ,Advisor
to the school for its loyal support to the community and for the many services which it performs, and we, the student body can be proud of that. The NUMA staff (if it can be called that) has tried to improve over last year's book. We mean not to run down last year's editor, but we wish to step a little closer to a goal which perhaps only the staff can see. No one can understand fully the want-pains and effort which goes into the compiling of a written record of a year unless they become quite envolved. There are only a few each year who care enough to volunteer help, and when the going gets rough they usually disappear like a whisp of wind. This past semester we were fortunate to have a volunteer who worked no matter what the cost and, to you Philip Ledbetter, we are forever grateful. Each phase of the past distinguishes itself. The years have patterned themselves into chapters of history which can't be forgotten. Marking the progress of this year is the construction of the gymnasium which will be ready for use next year. This is a continuing cycle which never comes to an end and as the graduates of J.C. leave they will strive to meet the demanding goals of higher education and perhaps honor. N.A.W.
A faded red construction gang's flag hanging in his office (a memento from an office birthday party). Broken filter-tips on the Ad Building steps. A handwritten "Let's visit" note. T.E.F. Off-key, half madeup words to "Way Down Yonder in the Indian Nation." A cup of coffee sloshing about on his dash board. A student talked to me this morning. He said, "Mr. Howard, you know, I consider ;t a real privilege having known Mr. Fullerton. I only had one class from him. That was last semester, and I believe he was the best instructor I've ever had!" My wife studied here at the College several years ago. It seems I recall her words to be, "Pete, I'm taking a course from Mr. Fullerton. I believe he's the best instructor I've ever had!" He used to say, "We don't have any bad kids out here." Mr. Tom would stop by the business office and make Jim Bolin walk around the campus with him. He liked to hear Jim talk about the depression days, though he could remember them well himself. "Tell me about your farm." "Tell me about the Corps." "You're kidding!" "How are finances this semester?" "You're kidding." "Son-of-a-gun!" He would go by Mr. Carolan's room, "Mr. C., what are you good for?" He would never seat me near Claude Yancey, Bobby Woods, or Bob Runner during registration. He didn't mind us arguing but said he couldn't stand the noise. He wouldn't ask you for a light for his cigarette, but for a "kitchen match" (remember). Our Dean was a slow man. He talked that way. He moved that way. He hated his office, but was there every day. Then you'd see him moving quietly around the campus, conversing with students and teachers. He dearly loved to kid Bill Wilson and to fish with Mr. Amos and Mr. Holder, or just to fish. He told Jim Bolin, "I caught some nice ones Saturday. Would have brought you a mess, but I couldn't find your house." These things he left. And many more. Each of us will remember many things about him. All good. Miss Speakman said it, "This is the end of an era." Mr. Fullerton told me a story one time. I imagine he told it many times, to many people. It was a strange and beautiful story about a time when every one would be gone from the Earth. The grass and the trees would grow over all that man had left here, and once again nature would achieve her old balance. Finally there would be a warm wind that would rustle the leaves and the tall grass and make ripples in the water of calm, clear steams, and fish would jump at insects on the surface. He saw great beauty in the harmony of simplicity.
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