NUMA 1981

Page 1

Opening Night Standing Room Only

(This page clockwise) Barry Drake, Don Sanders, Kurt Van Sickle; (opposite page) The Shoppe, Neely Reynolds

Special Guests Fall Nooners

Every Wednesday during the noon hour, classes are cancelled to allow students a free hour to participate in clubs or to enjoy entertainment in the union. Those union entertainments, dubbed ''nooners," bring talent to campus to help break up the day for students and staff Most of the shows bring regional and national talent, and some feature students.


SpecialSpring Guests Nooners

Bill Haymes, The Shoppe


In addition to the talent that appeared in the various nooners throughout the two semesters, a town hall meeting was held to give the SAC a chance to talk directly with the student body. Members of the council spoke, answered questions, explained, and recruited while the audience shared their compliments and criticisms about the student activities council program. Nooners are entertainment,

but sometimes they're more.


Guest Stars Dinner Theatre


Portraying famous women characters such as Mother Mary Jones, Ahce Baldwin, Amelia Earhart, Ellen Jack, Margaret Sanger, and Zelda Sayre, Carree Sutton performed her one woman show to a capacity dinner theatre audience in the student union. The beef stroganoff meal and the characterizations made for a classy evening out at the theatre.

"one day you'll say you knew them when..."

Special Guests Jack Daniels Silver Cornet Band

Mr. Jack Daniels and his Original Silver Cornet Band recreated some musical Americana that no longer exists during their Oct 22 performance of an authentic turn-of-the-century band concert. The group consists of 14 professional musicians who perform on antique or replicas of antique instruments, evoking memories of that time long ago ... when the pace of life was slower and perhaps a little sweeter. The group, whose concert was sponsored by the SAC, performed in an atmosphere which has been described as ''Hometown Saturday night in the square, around the bandstand." The stage magically transformed into the town square of Lynchburgh VA in 1905, with the sights and sounds and even the aromas of a summer night.


Special Guests Gil Eagles


Being literally hypnotic, Gil Eagles entranced a student union audience with his ESP and hypnosis show. His two part performance captured a jammed audience and left everyone mystified. Part one was a series of ESP spectaculars and the second half was a fun-filled group hypnosis exercise. This time, the adjectives like hypnotic, entranced, and mystified are not editorial but accurate.







Our Stars Nightwatch

'Nightwatch," a suspense drama by Lucille Fletcher, was presented by the Theatre Arts Dept. during the second summer term. Directed by David Young, the setting for the present day production was a town house in New York's posh eastside. Cast members and their characters included Britt Crews as Elaine Wheeler, Red Killing as John Wheeler, Starlett Yarberry as Helga, Tim Rowland as Vanelli, Mark Covey as Curtis Appleby, Cindy Clark as Blanche Cooke, McNeill Aulabaugh as Lt. Walker, Sharon Chitwood as Dr. Tracey Lake and Bren Redifer as Sam Hoke.



Our Stars stop The World I Want To Get Off

Theatre enthusiasts experienced something different with the Dec, 11, 12 and 13 performances of 'Stop the World-I Want to Get Off.' Written by Leslie Bricuse and Anthony Newley, the production was presented by the WCC Departments of Theatre Arts and Music and was directed by David Young. This musical revolved around the center rings of an old circus and involved no elaborate sets, fancy props or complicated costumes which left much of the visual effects to the audience's imagination. But the talents of Dan LaForce as Little Chap and Diane Hawkins as Evie/Anya/Ilse/Ginnie were not imagined nor unappreciated. Also appearing were Cindy Clark as Susan, Debbie Allison as Jane and Christopher Graves as The Boy. The cast was completed with a seven member chorus consisting of Kathy Jones, Nancy Karrant, Julie Kutait, Micki Plummer, Dianne Stolz, Mitzy Thompson and Starlett Yarberry.


Our Stars Dracula


The bewitching hour holds many mysteries and the evening of Feb. 14 was no exception. As the audience settled in for a not-so-traditional St. Valentine's Day, the noted Count from the old country was planning his midnight stalk. Directed by Sara Allison, this WCC production of a classic ran Feb. 12-15 with a midnight performance scheduled for Saturday. The cast featured seasoned Westark performers Kelley Sheppard as Count Dracula and Britt Crews as Lucy Seward as well as David Buell as Jonathan Harker, George Cavaniss as Dr. Seward, Ray Coleman as Dr. Abraham vanHelsing, Bill Blanchfill as R.M. Renfield, Paula Sharum as the maid and Ed Brody as Butterworth who are all newcomers to the WCC stage. Through the aid of special effects, a dedicated cast and crew and a script which revealed more than the one-sided Dracula we all know, this production was truly more than another run-of-the-mill vampire story.


Our Stars Butterflies Are Free


The final production of the season was slated for April 24,25 and 26 and featured the small-cast comedy 'Butterflies are Free\ Under the direction of David Young, the play was the story of a young, blind bachelor, Don Baker, who moved into his own apartment as a desperate attempt to escape his overprotective mother. He soon met Jill Tanner, a young and attractive actress who lived next door and the two quickly formed a strong friendship. The relationship soon ended due to the interferences of Don's mother and Jill left him for another man, Ralph Austin, leaving Don alone and heartbroken. Mark Covey, a 1980 Northside graduate and a freshman majoring in theatre arts, played the role of Don and Missy Pair, a Southside student, protrayed Jill. Valta Sexton entertained the audience as Mrs. Baker and another WCC student, Randall Statham, portrayed Ralph.



Special Attractions

A Valentine Homecoming

There's one sure way to tell when the Westark basketball regular season play is about to conclude. Whether in the union, library or in class there's bound to be a conversation in which the question arises, ''Wonder who will be chosen Homecoming Queen this year?" The 1981 homecoming court consisted of (opp. pg. 1 to r.) Dana Hargrove, Kathy Sulcer, Queen Karen Quimby, Karen McGee and Connis Sessions. The formal coronation took place during the intermission of the Feb. 14 women's and men's games against Oklahoma City Southwest.


Miss Westark

Miss Westark 1981 Cheree Sihankle


Special Attractions

Cheree Shankle, the 5'7" 120 pound daughter of Tom and Ann Shankle of Poteau, OK was crowned Miss Westark for 1981 from a field of 13 contestants. Leona Manuel was chosen Miss Congeniality and was awarded a $100.00 scholarship. First runner-up was Kim Powell Kathy Hop was second runner-up and Linda Brown was chosen third runner-up. Each of the runners-up w e r e awarded a $350, $250, and $150 scholarship, respectively.



Miss Westark 1980 Karen Bettis, Miss America Susan Powell and Miss Arkansas Lencola Sullivan posed with the contestants for the 1981 Miss Westark pageant Contestants included Linda Brown, Debbie Lesley, Judy Hamilton, Kelly Pellegrom, Cheree Shankle, Becky Whitledge, Kathy Hop, Kim Powell, Leona Manuel, Lori Buxton, Tanya Morgan and Marsha Williams. KarenBettis,LencolaSullivanansSu-



Special Attractions

Miss America, Miss Arkansas



Lion Basketball, NJCAA National Champs Blustery weather didn't hamper Westark basketball fans as they turned out for a pep rally in the fieldhouse to welcome home the NJCAA champion team with a pep rally. Besides carrying home the championship title, Lions players Brian Kelleybrew and DeWayne Shepard were named to the All-Tournament team and head coach Gayle Kaundart was honored as coach of the year, Shepard, who averaged more than 20 points per game through the playoffs, was named the tourney's Most Valuable Player, In the championship game, Westark romped to a 67-50 win over Lincoln (III). Earlier in the series Anderson (S,C,) fell to the Lions and finished the tournament in third place. With their 54-53 win over Chipola (Fla,), Westark won games against the Nos. 2, 3 and 5 teams in the final rankings, Westark finished the year with a 33-5 record, Kaundart's career record as head coach of the Lions was upped to 201-45,


An Award Winning Season



WESTARK 1980-81 Westark Westark

Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark Westark



63 51 68 83 76 59 87 58 59 74 53 81 57 84 69 61 78 52 48 65 68 42 46


vs. vs.

Central Baptist Garland County

Independence, KS Neosho, KS Southern Ar Tech

vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. VS.

vs. vs.

vs. 86 PLAYOFFS mmANSAS STATE TOURNAMENT 80 vs. 47 vs. \ 56 vs. iWestark REGION II TOURNAMENT vs. 44 vs. 61 vs. 59 W NATIONAL T O U R N A M E N T Westark 78 TOURNAMENT NATIONAL Westark Westark vs. Westark vs. Westark iff Season Record 33-5

44 61

69 47 52 58 49 38 62 48 60 48 48 59

Neosho, KS Southern Ar Tech Central Baptist Garland County Phillips County A.S.U Beebe Phillips County Claremore mi Seminole O.C.S.W, 43 Northeastern OK St Gregory 41 Bacone 35 Carl Albert vs. 50 Seminole 38 Carl Albert O.C.S.W. 46 Bacone 25 54 N.E.O. 54 St. Gregory 64 Claremore El Dorado Tech Mississippi Co. Phillips County

46 I 46 55

Seminole Seminole Seminole Hutchinson

58 46 35


Fashion Inst. Tech Chipola, Fla. Anderson, S.C. Lincoln, IL

64 55 53 66 50

Front Row -l to r: Kenny Holland, Sherman Brown, Ronnie Wennberg, Scott Bigott, Maurice Hatton, Jon Wacker, Back Row - 1 to r: Coach Jim Wyatt, Reggie Martin, Brian Kellybrew, Don Wilson, DeWayne Shepard, Glenn Mays, Doug Briton, Robbie Skulman, Tracy Fancher, Coach Gayle Kaundart


Lady Lions

The Lady Lions ended the 1980-81 season with a 7-19 overall record and a 2-12 record in the Bi-State conference. The dismal season wasn't due to lack of talent as players Cindy Williams and Judy Talkington consistantly hit in the double figure range. They also used their height to pull down offensive and defensive rebounds during the season, Pam Fenter and Sherri Meadors used their quickness and agility to move the ball down the court and around the corners, Bev Robison, Janet Wallace, Maria Biggs, Kym Hamlin, and Jo Delap added depth from the bench. With all this talent and more from Coach Jo Bottoms, and manager Kathy Chastain, the Lady Lions should have had a great season. But another Lady — Lady Luck — was against them, and the Lady Lions couldn't seem to get it together to defeat her.


Jo Bottoms - Coach



Front Row-1 to r: Tammy Lee, Beverly Robison, Judy Talkington, Cindy Williams, Kym Hamlin, Sherri Meadors, Jo Delap. Back Row-1 to r: Kathy Chastain, Paula Jones, Janet Wallace, Teresa Prewett, Maria Biggs, Pam Fenter, Mickey Lewis

Lady 53 72 66 59 53 45 53 68 49 69 56 46

Lions Garland CO Mississippi Co Southern Baptist ASU - Beebe NorthArk CO Garland CO Phillips CC Claremore CC ASU - Beebe Phillips CC Claremore CC Seminole

55 66 67 53 72 44 63 76 63 50 81 54



51 75 65 68 57 42 54 57 58 48 54

Okla. City Southwest NEO St Gregory Bacone Carl Albert CC Seminole Carl Albert CC Okla. City Southwest Bacone NEO St. Gregory

Arkansas JR College State Tournament

62 61ASU-

Beebe Mississippi Co.

61 71

63 62 76 70 62 69 63 62 67 70 52

Cheerleaders 1980-81 Cheerleaders: Patty Bryant, Dana Hargrove, Marsha Williams, Terri Sampson, Laura Wallace, Marti Edwards, Kathy Sulcer, Stacey Kell, and the addition of two male Cheerleaders Jim Scott and Craig Hobson.


Felines 1980-81 Felines-First Row: Sharon Thrift, Sherri Rathburn, Kelly Pellegrum, Kim Storey, Amy Easley, Judy Hamilton, De Rhonda Elmore. Second Row: LeeAnn Pendleton, Bernadette Stroh, Debbie Leslie, Kathy Howard, Melissa Kesner, Susan Webb, Aleasha Stormes



Lion Baseball, A Sub .500 Season



There Were Some Stars

Dan Boever, infielder, was selected to the All-Region II team, the All-Tournament team and the All-Conference Bi-State team. Boever hit .365, with 5 home runs, and 24 RBFS. David Rampey, sophmore outfielder, was selected to the All-Conference, and All-Region team for 1981. The Tulsa native hit .339, including tournament play, with 25 stolen bases and 19 RBFS. Mike Gattis, catcher, was selected to the All-Conference team and the All-Region team. Gattis, a Fort Smith native, has been selected to those honors for two years in a row. Gattis hit .225, with 5 home runs and 17 RBFS.






College of Ozarks Eastern State College of Ozarks Connors State Rochester CC Bacone O.C.S.W. Iowa Western Northark Longview Kans. City Indian Hills Iowa Eastern State NEO Carl Albert Northark Seminole O.C.S.W. Claremore NEO Carl Albert Seminole Claremore Connors State Northark NEO Seminole Carl Albert

7 0- 1 5- 4 5- 3 10- 6 1- 7 11- 7 4- 1- 4 2- 4 4- 1 2-13- 3 10- 8 7- 1 1- 6 8- 7 4- 4 3- 4 3- 8 3- 1 1- 2 5- 4 10- 9 5 4- 5-10 3 0 5

4 4- 5 3- 7 0- 5 2- 5 5- 6 1- 1 6- 4- 5 3- 0 5- 0 0- 3- 4 11-16 3- 2 11- 3 7- 5 12- 5 6- 1 4- 4 6- 6 7- 5 13- 1 3- 0 4 0- 4- 4 2 4 6

Season Record 26-27


Top Row — 1 to r: Coach Crowder, Randy Childress, Mike Belong, Dave Fisher, John Montgomery, Mike Gattis, Bobby Adams, John Benberg, Chuck Pierce, Jim Biocic, Preston Williams, Steve Arendt, Mark Kauffman, Jon Green, Barron Rice, Scott James, Dan Boever, Coach Rick Ritschel Bottom Row — 1 to r: Steve Meadors, Jeff Hicks, Bryan Thomalson, Lloyd Lutz, Mike Elmore, Brian Begnel, Kevin Patterson, Bob Hoder, David Rampey, Bruce Morgan, and Troy Nevills.


Intermission Golf

The Lion golf team had trouble getting their show on the road with a habit to finish third in a lot of tournaments. The team, consisting of Tom Garrison, Keith Osborne, Bernie Greenfield, Glenn O'Neal, and Jamie Mitchell, also lost for the third year in a row to the faculty team captained by Dr. Kraby (upper left photo opposite page)


S.L.I. team members received a standing ovation from flag football fans when they won the championship game in post-season playoffs. Members are (l to r) David Minchew, Bill Hollenbeck, Ricky Self Myron Heckman, David Blake, Mike Gattis and Mark Bulger.


Intermission Intramural Flag Football

REGULAR BSU SLI Faculty Hobos Heartbreakers Tastebuds


STANDING 8-2 8-2 8-2 4-6 2-8 1-9


In 3-on-3 intramural basketball the Spurs, with a 7-1 record, took the championship. Team members were: Mike Hinkle, Tom Brown, Harry Woods and Theodore Dotson

In 5-on5 intramural basketball the Hardballers were the champs with a perfect 5-0 record. Runner-ups were the 76'ers with a 4-1 record. Members of the Hardballers were Jack McKnight, Mark Kauffman, Dan Boever, Dave Fisher, Bob Adams, Doug Sagely, and Chuck Pierce.


The Empire, consisting of Shane Rhodes, Monica Warnock, Sheryl Rider, John Cook, and Keith Osborne, won the intramural mixed league bowling crown. The league, which brings students and faculty members together on Monday evenings, is the largest intramural activity on campus. It's a crowd pleaser, and when Mondays roll around, Westark is there. John Bailey and Michelle Moellers won the most improved awards.






The Champs were the champs of intramural Softball Their 4-0 record ended the three year run of the Faculty. The Faculty, 3-1, had captured the crown three years in a row, and four times in the last five years. Members of the winning team were: Ronnie Wennberg, Ernie Kremers, Larry Ballard, Jon Wacker, Don Wilson, Lisa Bassinger, Bob England, and Scott Bigott.


Reasons Political Activities Week

The scene for Political Activities week was set for Oct. 20-24. Local and state candidates took the stage to answer questions from the audience. Those in the spotlight Gov. Frank White and l Senate winner Travis the college republican

were new (clockwise to r) Sen. Dale Bumpers, State Miles and club.

Opposite pg. (clockwise 1 to r) were a Jimmy Carter imposter, Travis Miles and opponent Jerry Fleming, State Rep. contender Buddy Blair and Bill Clark who opposed Bumpers.




International Day

A Trip Around The World On Wed. Feb. 25, Westark international students, under the direction of counselor Jane Pryor, broke language and cultural barriers to present a colorful display representing 17 different countries. The upper level of the student union magically transformed into segments of Argentina, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Germany, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qater, Jordan and the Orient. The time and energy spent on construction of the booths used to display arts and crafts, posters, brochures, books and novelties proved successful as many people were guided through the exhibit by students dressed in their native costumes. Student participation of the internationalists as well as the reception of the American students encouraged future projects.


Seasons Halloween Costume Dance


Anyone who thinks Halloween is for children has obviously never attended the annual Halloween disco. There one will find students who really get into the ''spirit'' of honoring witches, ghosts, goblins and the like. Dressed as everything from Martians to clowns, Siamese twins to convicts ... and yes, even children, the students view the celebration as a way to let go of all inhibitions and just have fun. Winners in this year's contests included John Gary and Debbie Weik in the dance contest and Carl Willis easily captured the gold for best costume.



A Country Christmas


With the weakening disco influence a new style of dress, dance and music was introduced. Southern campuses became the setting for cowboy hats and boots and everyone was attempting the Cotton-eyed Joe and the BS Boogie. As first semester came to a close and the annual Christmas dance was planned the powerful sway to Country and Western couldn't be ignored. The solution: a country Chrismas complete with blue jeans, western shirts and foot-stomping music supplied by the Texas Tradition Dance Band. Described as ''one of the hottest bands in the tri-state area", Texas Tradition presented what the students had asked for many times ... "something different".


Hospitality Student Picnic The administration really does the students. Every fall the whole campus community meets on the circle drive for a meal of dogs, beans, and all the trimmings dished up by the President and his administrative crew. Fellowship and pigging out does occur.




Hospitality Luau


Just as each fall a picnic helps to open the new school year, an evening luau is held during spring semester to welcome in the warm weather and give the campus another chance to enjoy a meal and fellowship. Wednesday evening, March 25, everyone (and family) gathered on the Circle Drive lawn to share in this event sponsored by the SAC.



Graduation ... The Famous Final Scene


The finale


The famous final scene ... The curtain drops on a two year run. The applause is over. It's time to move on to the next project. What lies in the future? Was it a beginning or an end?








First row: Linda Brown, Marion M. Brown, Martha Brown, Nancy Brown, Wesley Brown, Lynn Bryan. Second row: Herbert E. Buchanan II, Terri Burditt, Dana Burgess, James Burgess, Whitney Burgess, Linda Burks, Deborah Lynne Burns, Max L. BurnsII.Third row: Deana Burnett, E. Taylor Burnett, Johanna Burroughs Lori Buxton, Brenda Byers, Dianna Caldwell, Johnnie R. Calhoun, Mary Cantrell. Fourth row: Marlene Cardin, DennisM.Carey, Jamie Carlon, Tom Carlson, Brad Carson, Belinda Carter, James E. Carter, Ronnie Cates

First row: Janet Cavender, Anita Chadwick, Verna Chapman, Kathy Chastain, Vclva Chastain, Ratha Chatman, Debra Cheek, Theresa Cheely. Second row: Darlene Cherry, Phyllis Cherry, Theresa Cherry, George Chester, Tim Chilcott, Randy Childress, Jamshid Chitsazan, William Christien. Third row) Laura Ciulla, Debbie Clark, Linda Clark, Susan Clark, Terry Clark, Bettye Clayton, Mike Clayton, Cathy Clein. Fourth row: Sue Clemmons, Letha Clift, Lori Cline, Tiherra Coats, Nancy Cobb, Judy Cochran.




First row: Kim Coe, Pearlie Cole, Rob Collins, Roger Comstock, John Cook, Phyllis K. Cook. Second row: Denise Cope, James Copeland, Regina Copeland, Brenda Core, Debbie Core, Judy Cormack, Melody Corp, Bawl E, Corradd, Third row: Danny Cotta, Perry Cottinghom, Dana Cox, Pamla Cox, Richard Craft, Mike Crawford, Calvin G. Crosslin, Donna Lavon Culpepper. Fourth row: James Cunningham, Helen Curl, Kathern Daffron, Chi Dang, Carole Daniel, Arliss A. Daniels, Kyle Daniels, Dina Dauphinais

First row: James Davis, Lee Davis,PamelaDavis,ToddDavis, Cleman Decker, Barbara Deffenbaugh,JoDelap,SheliaDenton, Second row: John Didion, DebbieDiemert,DerekDishner, Christene Dismuke, Phyco Do, LeeDodson,TheodoreDodson, Vaughn Drumm. Third row: TerryDugan,DanDuncan,Kelly Keith Dunn, Lita Dunn, Deanna Dyer,RobertEagles,Jafar Ebrahine, Ed Edwards. Fourth row:MartiEdwards,M.Nabee El-adawi, Salem El-Ayyoubi, MarkElkins,jamesElliff,Derhonda Elmore





First row: Doug Elmore, Corletta Embry, Bob England, Keith English, Gary Ensey, John Etter. Second row: Ron Eubanks, Leah Everhart, Jerry Ezell, Elizabeth Pain, Mazime Garajallah, Hal B. Farris, Jonni Fate, Earl Pears, Third row: Debbie Featherston, Pam Fenter, Bhodora Gielding, Katrina Figley, Cathie Ginnie, David Fisher, Patricia Fitzwater, Judy Floyd. Fourth row: Terri Flurry, Marianne Foley, Barbara Ford, Alan Fortney, David Fountain, Don Fowler, Tim Francis, Pam Franco

First row: John Frantz, Tim Franz, David Frazier, Judy Lynn Frazier, Twila Freeman, Clayton French, Alan Frey, Janet Frix. Second row: Nancy Frix, Tanya Froehlich, Shelta Tronterhouse, Jackie Gaithe, Lean Gaithe, Harlan J. Gann Sr., Livia Garcia, Lourdes Garcia. Third row: Doris Garrett, Ricky Garrett, Tom Garrison, Paul Gathright, Kim Gattis, Regina L. Ga~ vin, Nadmi Geheb, Barbara GeopferL Fourth row: Billy Geopfert, Anthony E. Gibbs, Jeff Gibbs, William J, Gibson, Mike Gilbert, Mary Jo Gilbreath




First row: Steven Gilbreath, Linda Gilham, Pamela Gipson, Floye Glenn, Steve Gordon, Linda Graham, Second row: Charles Granderson, Ginger Graves, Cindy Gray, Becki Green, Lyndol Green, Susi Green, David Greene, Barbara Greenfield. Third raw: Bernie Greenfield, Frank Griffin, Theresia Griffith, John Mall, Lenn Hall, Linda Hall, Frankie Hamilton, Judy Hamilton. Fourth row: Michael Hamilton, Molly Hamilton, Keith Hamlin, Kim Hamlin, Bobby Hamm. Renee Hamm, Fred Hanes, Becky Hardwicke

Co-op Ed

Some Co-op Ed students, their employers, and major include: (clockwise) Jeffrey Banks-Ange Tool & Engineering-Machine Shop, Marcy Patterson-Charles Garner Law Offices-Secretarial Science, Mark Schrader-Triangle Co.-Business, Sheryl Bowlin-Bruce-Rogers Co.-Secretarial Science, Renee Salter-Deans Carpet, Inc.-Accounting, Kenneth Snider-Anderson-Martin Machine Co.-Drafting.


Earn As You Learn

Getting college credit while working is what Cooperative Education is. Co-op Ed fills two functions for students, it gives them a salary and it gives them training. Students who participate benefit in that their education becomes more meaningful, they develop maturity and increase motivation, they can clarify career goals, gain experience, and increase their job market appeal Students can receive up to three hours of credit a semester for having a job in their major field of study. Co-op Ed, one of WCC's ways of bridging the gap between education and career. It's quite a show, and it performs community.

well for the

First row: Dana Hargrove, Tom Harkness, Walter Harman, Barbra Harris, Mike Harris, Tamara Harrison, Darlene Hart, Janice Hatfield Second row: Gary Hawthorne, Fayhaa Hathour, Mousalem Hawa, Carl Hawkins, Glenda Haynes, Angela Head, Scott Hearn, Billy E. Heathcock, Third row: Lariviz Heidari, Angie Hendricks, Kelly Hendrix, Rod Henley, Cathy Henry, Mary Ann Herring, Joe Herrmann, Richard M. Herron. Fourth row: Roy Hester, Jacqueline Hiatt, Billy B. Hicks, Greg Hicks. Jeffrey Hicks, Mike Hicks




First row: Samir Hihi, Carolyn Hinckley, Micheal Hinkle, Tim Hobbs, Randall E, Hoblitzell, Craig Hobson. Second raw: Bob Hoder, Laura Hodges, Leigh Hodges, Karen Holland, Kenny Holland, Bill Hollenbeck, Kenny Hollomon, Joe Homer Third row: Charla Hooker, Carolyn Hoopwa, John Hop, Kathy Hop, Lora Horn, Candy Hornback, Wes Hornback, Dan Horning, Fourth row: Jason Howard, Kathy Howard, Roseann Hoyle, John Hubbard, Genny Hudson, Jegg Hudson, Sebonia Hughley, Madeline Humphrey

First row: Majetta Hundley, Judith Muse, Jackie Hutchinson, Mahmoud Hweidi, Kathryn Hyatt, KereiInklebarger,Eva Jackson, Jackie James. Second row: Tarn Jarmon, Joanne Jetton, Billy E. Jenkins, Lisa Jenkins, LynnelI Hett, Mary Jett, Alan Johnson, Danny Johnston. Third row: Brenda Jones, Paula Jones, Terri Jones, Tina Jones, Patricia Karber, Suzanne Earns, Mary Anne Karrant, Montez Kay. Fourth row: Norma Sue Keaney, Jamie Keen, Reginia Keith, Theresa Kelasky, Bill Kennedy Sr., Melissa Kesner




First row: Joey Kleck, Barbara Klein, Mike Klingner, Sheila Knauls, Beki Knox, Raymond R. Koenig, Second row: Linda Komp, Marcie Koon, Anita Koonce, Ernie Kremers, Robert Kursh, Rhonda Kursh, Carol Kury, Linda Kuykendall, Third row: Ronny Ladner, Danny Laffoon, Robbie Lagier, Chuck Lamb, Robert Langston, Stu Laws, Danielle Ledat, Charles S. Lee. Fourth row: Renee Lee, Tammy Leonard, Debbie Lesley, David A. Letourneau, Mary Lewis, Thoai Lien, Dwight Little, Tressa Lockwood

First row: Steve Lockridge, Kue Chau Loh, Mike Longley, Celia Looney, Freda Loris, Kim Allen Loughridge, William Love, RhondaLovell,Second row: Wayne Bryant Lowe, Marcia Lyle, Claudia Maile, Cindy Mainer, Vahid Malavian, Leona Manuel, Lance Manas, Fernando Mardesick. Third row: Roger Marlin, MeLinda Martin, Nathan Martin, Joey Martine, Nouri Maslahati, Charlene Mason, Brian Matlock, Leslie Matlock. Fourth row: Nona Mattingly, David Maxey, Felix May, Paula McAllister, Mike McCoy, Janice McDaniels,




First row: Debra McEntire, Bandy McFadden, Karen McGee, Pam McGill Brian Mckee, Anita McKinney. Second row: Talmage McLaurin, Sharon Meade, Sherri Meadors, Steve Meadors, Aaron Meird, Mehrza Mehmandoost, Joyce Meyer, Jeff Meyers. Third row: Donna Middleton, Marilyn Miesner, Carole B. Miller, Channa Miller, Darrell Miller, Dorris Miller, Leslie Miller, Pam Miller. Fourth row: David Mincbew, David Mitchell, Joudeh Mohammed, Leana Mohar, Leonard Mongold, Marco E. Monroy, John Montgomery, Lil' Dave Moore.

Vocal Ensemble

First Row - l to r: Deanna Dyer, Sheryl Rider, Becky Whitledge, Julie French Second Bow - l to r: Logan Green, Alan Fortney, David Keeny, Dan Harrald, John Townsend First Row - l to r: Logan Green, Clayton French, Derick Dishner, David Keeny, Tim Sebastion, Andy Caperton, Alan Johnson

Music Guild


Sign language

First Row - I to r: Max Burns, Sharon Jones, Majetta Hundley Second Bow -l to r: Bonnie Pace, Diann Wennberg, Linda Clark

First Row -l to r: Rhonda Kvrsh, Donna Talley, Lisa Richardson, Sheiia Knauls Second Row -l to r: Don Talley, Cletus Brown, Tina Richardson, Pam McGill, Michae Einkle, Janice Owens, Tammy Travis Third Row - l to r: Sherman Brown, Brian Kelley brew, Mot Pictured - Senohia Hughley, Pathro Black, Tommy Bishop, Tommy Springs, Tina Perry

S.T.E.P. 129

First row: William T. Moore, Lucretia Moreton, Michael Moreton, Bruce Morgan, Tanya Morgan, Barry Morris, George Morrison. Second row: Iretta Morrison, David Morton, Reza Mosavi, Betty Moses, M. Catherine Moss, Yahia Muhammed, Greg Mullings, James Murdoch. Third row: Taufig Musa, Doris Dunham Myers, Eddie Nally, Fayez Nassam, .Frank Nassar, Deedra Nelms, Desiree Newhart, Jeff Noble. Fourth row: Bryan Nock, Kelly Nash, Linh The Nguyen, Nga Nguyen, Brian Nix, Timothy Nixon.




First raw: Bob Nunley, Sharon Nunley, Glenn O'Neal Toshimitus Onishi, Danny J. Osburne, D.K. ''Butch" Ostlund Second row: Blaine Owens, Rebecca Parker, Richard Parker, Tim Parker, Laura K. Parsons, Barbara Pate, Mike Patterson, Tim Patton. Third row: Akbou Paymoni, Jeff Pearson, Kelly Rae Pellegrom, Chris Pendleton, Lee Ann Pendleton, Greg Pence, Shelly Pennington, Rita Pense. Fourth row: Jeff Penson, Tina Percy, Tina Perlingiere, Kathleen Peterson, Sherman Pettigrew, Evalena Phillips, Chuck Pierce, Neal Pinson.


First row: Trolene Pitts, Karen Pixley, Tham Plan, Patti Plymale, Mike Pocr, Caria S. Poole, Carrie L. Pope, Joyce Posey. Second row: Parthina Posey, Vanessa Posey, Mohammad R. Bozorgi Pour, GaryPrada,Chanthala Prasaysith, Wendell Presson, Teresa Prewiett, Christine Price, Third row: Sandra Pruitt, Lisa Quick, Karen Quimby, Tim Rainwater, Tommy Randolph, Shawn Rapert, Sherri Rathbun, Sherry Ratterre. Fourth row: Perry Ray Ron Ray, Robert Redding, JohnD.Redfield, Debbie Reed, John E. Reed.




Back Row - l to r: Dr. Gordon, Carrie Pope, Earline Anderson, Diann Wennberg, Walt Boyd, Troylene Perry, Sabrina Hogue, Edith Gouger, Jackie James Front Row -l to r: Voncile Strobe!, Marsha Williams, Cynthia Harrell Sharon Sutton, Patricia Reed, Doris Peters, Deborah Humphrey, Kerri Wright First Row- I to r: Juanita Taylor, Jacqueline Hiatt, Linda Franklin, MartiPanikar.Second Row - l to r: Darlene Cherry, Christine Lamb, Debra Robertson,B.J.Collier, Bobby Fimple



Student Activities Council

First Row - l to r: Leigh Ann Pendleton, Steve Sparks, Kelly Pellegrom, Sherry Rathburn, Jim Roll Margie Hamilton, Mike Longley, Trolene Pitts, Second Row - l to r: Amy Easley Lana Taber, Sheri Stewart, Kathy Murphy, Pauline Plummer, Ber nadette Stroh, Blaise Andreport, Tim Parker, Truman Moore Third Row - I to r: David Latourna, Christine Lamb, Keith Hamhn, Jody Magnani, Danny Laffoon, Michael Moreton, Tom my Trooper, Fayhaa Hathout, Cindy Ashley, Yalta Sexton, Stacey Jones, director

Student Publications Top to Bottom: David Minchew, Terri Sampson, Jamie Carlon, Barry Boren, Michael McClurkin, Claudia Maile, Carole Daniel, Chuck Lamb, Trolene Pitts, Stephen Bagley, Lucy Willimas, Terri Scott, Beverly McAffee, Kim Storey, Steve Sparks, Diann Ney, Yalta Sexton, Gwynda Shields, Becky Roland, Lee Davis, Desiree Newhart, Flo Glenn and Tom Walton, director


First row: Gwen Reeder, Geneva Reese, Faramar Rejairfar, Marsha Reynolds, Shane Rhoades, Jerry L. Rice, Second Row: Natalie Rice, Tami Ricks, Leanne Ridenhour, Sheryi Rider, Linda Riggan, Kathi Roark, Beverly Robison, Debra Robertson, Third Row: Silas E. Rodrigues, Debbie Jo Rogers, Jim Roll, Anthony Root, Polly Rosson, Becky Rowland, Cynthia Rumage, Kay Ryan, Fourth Row: Hissam, Salameh, Carol R, Salinas, Enrique Salinas, Elayyoubi Rida Salim, Jerry Sallee, Renee Salter, Terri Sampson, Alice Schluterman.


First row: Milly Schulterman, Jimmy Schoeppey, Marion K. Schrelle, Lon Schultz, Darrell ScotU Jeffrey Scott, Jim Scott, Lisa Scott Second row: Terri Scott, Cheryl Sears, Evelyn Sea* ton, Tim Sebastion, John Seelye, Cathy Seifert, Rick Self, Nancy Selph, Third row: Connie Sessions, Yalta Sexton, Terri Shackelford, Perry Sharp, Erve Dewayne Shepard, Gwynda J. Shields, Eiko Shirakawa, Alicia Shores. Fourth row: Katherine O. Simms, Roger Skinner, Sandra Slate, Donald Smith, Kathy Smith, Ronald Smith,




First row: Vernon Smith, Roberta Smither, Joann Sneed, Stephen B. Sparks, Carolyn Spencer, Ramona Spercer. Second row: Wanda Spicer, Barry Staggs, Kathy Standifer, Randal Statham, Diane Stec, Jan Stegemoller, Donna Stenhouse, Frank Stevenson. Third row: Donna Steward, Brenda Stewart, Linda Lee Stewart, Sherri Stewart, Terri Stewart, Deanna Stockam, Gallen Stokes, Dianne Stolz, Fourth row: Edward Stone, Rick Storey, Aleasha Stormes, Lorri Stovall, Bernadette Stroh, James W. Stubblefield, Mark Studiey, Lisa Sugg.

First row: Kathy Sulcer, Sandra Sulton, Caria Supon, Ann Sutter, Sharon Sutton, Connie Swafford, Mychale Swink, Lana Taber. Second row: Paula Tackett, Gary Tate, Josie Taylor, Juanita Taylor, London Taylor, Wayne Taylor, Holly Teague, Paula Teague, Third row: James Teddler, Anita Thomas, Karen Thomas, Mark Thomas, Fritz Thompson, Mike Thompson, Stephen Thompson, Steven Thompson. Fourth row: Mary Threadgill Sharon Thrift, Mary Townley, Janet Townsend, Tammi Travis, Greg Trotter.



First row: Clare Lynn Tucker, Alvaro Tufino, Kari Turnbo, Charles W. Turner, Bobby E. Underwood, Fam Underwood, Stephen Valenti, Ginger Van Cleave. Second row: Gregory E, Vann, Pamela Van Riper, John Vaughn, Mark Andrew Willines, Martha Vincent, Kieth Voeller, Marcia Walker, Mike Walker, Third row: Janet Wallace, Lora Wallace, Brenda Ward, Rice B. Ware, Monica Warmock, Trad Warrick, Clara D, Washam, Tammy Watkins. Fourth row: WCC Mascot, Paula Webb, Susan Webb, Rosa Marie Webster, Eric Weidman, Shawn Weidman.



First row: Diana Wennberg, Ronnie Wennberg, Sheila West, David Wewers, Michael White, Terri White. Second row: Yolanda White, Becky Whitledge, Kim Whitson, Pam Whitson, Teresa Whitson, Margaret Whittington, Larry Wicks, Jimmie Lee Wilboun. Third raw: Laurie Wiley, Susan Wilhelm, Cheryl Williams, Cindy Wiillams, Gwendolyn Williams, Lucy Williams, Preston Williams, Scott Williams. Fourth row: Tommy Williams, Mary Williamson, Joyce Williamson, Carl Willis, Anita Wills, Author Wilson, Cindy Wilson, Don Wilson.

"That's all folks!"


First row: Robert D. Wilson, Wilma Wilson, Patsy Wilcox, Debbie Winstead, Ross Winton, Second row: Heidi N. Woodall, Kathy Woodard, Harry Woods, Laura Worden. Third row: Brenda Woriey, April Wright, Dale Young, Don Young. Fourth row: Steve Young, Bassam Yousef, Billy Yowell, Ebrahim Zakizadeh.

Board Of Trustees


Bill Thompson

Edward (Sandy) Sander

Dr. Wayne Lanier Vice-Chairman

Dr. James Burgess

Nancy Llewellyn - Chairman Conaly Bedell - Secretary

Eugene Rapley

Shanon Bridges

Sam Sicard - Treasurer


Dr. James M. Kraby,



Dr. James Shane, Dean Of Instruction

Harold Hile, Asst. Dean Of Instruction Dr. Gordon Watts, Dir. Of Staff Development

Dean Of Business Affairs Joel Stubblefield

Assistant To The President Richard Hudson

Dean Of Students Dr. Jack Cutler


Director Of Community Service Sandi Sanders

Affirmative Action Coordinator Kathleen Lease

Director Of Co-Op Ed. Sandy Anderson


Admissions And Records Holly Schulterman-Registrar's Assistant, Mary Edmisten-Registrar's Assistant, Dennis Cash-Director, Bonita Williams-Clerk/Typist.

Financial Aid And Placemen

Vicki Graves-Advisor, Pam Kinslow-Accountant, Nancy Jones-Placement secretary, Gabe Peters-Director.


Business Office David Newton-Accounting Supervisor, Ka thy Lawrence-Accounting Assistant, Machelle Steward-Cashier, Genelle YatesBusiness Manager, Tammy Tally-Accounting Assistant, Coletta Furner-Accounting Assistant, Pam Stallings-Payroll Clerk.


Dr. Sue Kincannon, Rick Ritschel, Dr. Lee Mynatt, Dr. George Woodley, Jane Pryor, Dr. Ron Formby, Cheryl Peters.


Director Of Student Activities Stacey Jones

Audio-Visual LRC Joe Strobel-AV, Michael Marion-AV, Max Burns-Director of LRC Sue Garcia-LRC, Pat Parker-LRC, Jack Gorham-Director of AV, Carolyn Filippelli-LRC.


Campus Nurse Ellene Rehsamen

Purchasing Gary Perry-Purchasing Agent, Betty King-secretary

Director Of Public Information Sondra Waldrop-Director of Public Information, Randi Chesbro-secretary

Pam Fout-Programmer, Elizabeth Balls-Data Input, Theresa Hawkins-Data Input, Diana Palmer-Computer Operator, Don Coget-Computer Operator, Ray Sparks-Director

Data Processing Chris Corbin

Athletic Director

Campus Shop Leo Rice-Manager, Bess McWilliams-Cashier


Duplicating Betty Nixon

Operator Maxine Reeves

Cafeteria London Taylor, Jeannettee Ledford, Willie Words, Lanelle Stiles, Gene Stiles, Toni Stiles.

Administrative Secretaries Administrative secretaries include: Connor Turner-to Dean of Students. Ruth Ann Nelson-to Assistant Dean of Instruction and Director of Staff Development, Bettye Clayton-to Dean of Instruction, Randi Cheshro- to Director of Public Information and Assistant to the President, Joe Bearden-Dean of Business Affairs and Affirmative Action Coordinator, Eva Pryor-to the President.



(upper left) Tom Tallent, Don Ford, Tom Springs, Art Dickerson, Geneva Reese, Jessie Watson, Dortha Townley. (Upper) Curtis Stevens, Rubert Brown, Jack Canady, Craig Handiboe, Jerry Stringer, Donna Studley, Mike Daniels, Robert Rogers. (Lower left) Cecil Newhart, Lonnie Cole, Leonard Thorton, Billy Edwards, Joyce Wyatt, Lori Scarmardo, Betty Harris.



Accounting Business Administration General Business Business Education Data Processing Economics Secretarial Science Transportation

Members of the division faculty are: Claude Yancey-Accounting, Frances Bedell-Economics, Ron Richard-Accounting, Nolan Lickey- Chairman, Virginia Bachman-Business, Kathryn Taylor-Typing Lab Assistant, Doris Van Horn-Secretarial Science, Gary Smith-Business, John Collins-Data Processing, Bill Lacewell-Business, Ray Sparks-Data Processing, Sharon WinnBusiness, Paul Leggett-Business, Debbie Maddox-Secretary.


Largest On Campus ''The Division of Business consists of a dual role," stated its chairman, Nolan Lickey. "One role is to see that students graduating will be able to transfer into a four year college and another role is to be able to help students who only need two years of schooling to their degree, to get a job and make a living after they leave here,'' he continued. The division is growing considerably ienced any earthshattering changes.

but hasn't


Size, as far as programs offered and students enrolled are concerned, has doubled over the past few years. Two new programs were offered this year. One, Banking and Finance, is an employment type course in which students are employed while attending the class. The other is called Associate of Applied Science and requires only two years of study to obtain a degree in Business Administration.




Developmental Education

Career Development English As A Second Language Math Reading Skills Lab Writing

Members of the division faculty are: Mike Cooper-Writing, Martha Efurd-Reading, Nina Abernathy-Skills Lab Coordinator, Phyllis Wilson-Secretary, Margaret Newell-Reading, Terri Smith-Math, Harold Cameron-Math, Curtis Ivery- Chairman.


Helping To Make Better Students ''To provide a system of peer tutoring which will facilitate students achievement of objectives available in an open laboratory setting as well as in the classroom with materials to aid the student in learning in his own way at his own rate, is the purpose of the Developmental Education division," according to its chairman, Curtis Ivery. Most students, if given enough time, can master what is taught to them. Perhaps over 90% can learn mastery if instruction is individualized taking into consideration each student's individual interests, needs, and capacities in a systematic approach to instruction based on behavioral objectives.


Health Occupations

Members of the division faculty are: (seated) Mary Hammack-LPN, Jo Nell Burgess-ADN, Carolyn Branch-Chairman, Gale Hightower-Media Coordinator. (standing) Calline Dipboye-ADN, Lyman Long-EMT, Kim Berkat-ADN, Monica Snyder-ADN, Suzanne McGraw-ADN, Debby Sweatt-ADN, June Lewis-ADN, Betty Bolin-LPN, Darla Porter-LPN, Ruth Burns-Secretary, Elizabeth Fain-Secretary.



''We continue to maintain and upgrade our four programs of study while emphasizing faculty development in the process," stated division chairman Carolyn Branch about this past year. ''We were reassessed last year and have a very strong program," she continued. "Hike to think it's because we place such a high priority on the need for our services and the need for our faculty to stay as up-to-date as possible," she said. One of the highlights of the year was a 10-year anniversary party for former graduates held in May.


Teaching Others To Help




Front row: Don Lee-Art, David Young-Drama/Speech, John Preas-Speech, Tom Walton-Journalism/Speech, Joy Lowe-Division Chairman Middle row: Gwen Brotherton-Secretary, Kathleen Cameron-English, Nancy DoverEnglish, Barbara BartlettEnglish, Betsy Altman-English, Don Tannehill-English Back row: Walter MinniearMusic, Henry Rinne-Music, Logan Green-Music, Kathleen Keck-Music, Sister Carmen Beshoner-French


A New Division Chairman ''To bring to each student an exposure of the great works of art, music and literature so that he may deepen his sense of appreciation for the cultural challenges in this life,'' is one of the goals of the Division of Humanities according to Joy Lowe, its division chairman. In addition to its traditional programs in art, English, foreign language, journalism, theatre, music and speech, the Humanities Division sponsors and brings many programs to the campus for cultural enjoyment The Breedlove Gallery has become the focal point for the visual arts in western Arkansas through its acquisition of collections of paintings, sculptures and exhibits exemplary of both historical and contemporary work and exhibits in conjunction with workshops conducted by visiting artists and students. According to Lowe, one of the pressing needs of the division is to develop a strong recruitment program to attract more majors by better publicizing its successes and by initiating a fine arts basic course for the purpose of giving a more balanced curriculum to present as a requirement for both the associate and certificate programs. Some of the projects of the Humanities Division include initiating team-taught courses among the various departments and among the various divisions and developing two-year university parallel curriculums in each of its departments with classes available every semester.




Natural Science

Biology Chemistry Engineering Mathematics Physical Science Physics

Members of the division faculty are: David Meeks-Biology, Dr. Michael HightowerChairman, Jim Houston-Biology, Tom Buchanan-Biology, Bill Holder-Math, John Deaton-Chemistry, Larry Weigand-Math, Doyle Coe-Math. Dr. Carole Horn-Biology, Katy Brake-secretary, Kristy Cobb-Lab technician, Charles Irish-Physics, Tom Clark-Chemistry.


An ''Apple''A Day

''Offering courses for majors is the main purpose of this Division,'' stated its chairman Dr. Michael Hightower. ''Most of our majors transfer to a four-year


Our goals are threefold and they include offering majors, plus courses for technology and nursing students who are in two year programs," continued Hightower.

An addition to the division is the microcomputer, ple''.


Hightower said the money for it was donated by the Westark Foundation. Students can run normal laboratory physics programs through this $2700 machine. A student may also obtain data from the machine or it can ask questions of them.

Social And


Sciences ''This division offers traditional social science courses but it also offers programs in human services, education, law enforcement, physical education and the services of the child development center on campus,'' stated Dan Butler, Division Chairman. ''The children's center runs quite smoothly with what little funding it receives and it has proven to be a very successful program,'' he replied, "Many of the courses we provide are requirements for a general education, but the wide range of subjects offered in this division accounts for the large enrollment in this area and most of our instructors teach more than 200 students per semester."


Education Geography History Human Services Law Enforcement Philosophy Political Science Psychology Sociology

Members of the division faculty are: Dr. Pat Porter-Sociology, student worker, student worker, Maurice Thompson-Law Enforcement, Georger McAliser-History, Donna Studley-secretary, student worker, Cindy Clark-secretary, Ed Levy-Political Science, Dorothy Rappeport-Education, Dr. Dan Butler-Chairman, Lonnie Watts-Human Services, Remy Lewis-Child Development Center, Linda Gibbons-Psychology, Jim Wyatt-P.E., Dr. Delece GordonEducation, Harold Callahan-P.E., Bill Crowder-P.E.


Child Development Center


The Child Development Center located on the south end of campus in the Technical Complex opened eight years ago with the convenience of WCC students and the welfare of their children in mind. What began as a night service has grown into a welldefined program of instruction and activities. Remy Lewis, the center's director, stated that the biggest misconception of the CDC is that most people think of it as a ''babysitting service." They don't think of it as an educational program. But the children are enrolled as students and they follow a strict educational schedule. The only requirements for enrollment are the child be between the ages of 6 months and 51/2years and one of his parents must be a Westark student. Parents play a large role in the success of the program and are encouraged to attend all meetings and conferences as well as to observe the activities which take place on a daily basis.



Members of the division faculty are: Dan Page-Electronics, Bobby Lee Jones, Jr.-Welding, Jerry Center-Machine Shop, Fred Hop-Building Trades, Ken Butler-Auto Mechanics, John Samuels-Electronics, Tanya Morgan-Secretary, Lee Cummings-Drafting, Doug Statham-Machine Shop, Stan Cagle-Electronics, Roy Koenig-Auto Mechanics, Mary Copeland-Drafting, Bill Fitzgerald-Auto Mechanics, Don Goodwin-Chairman.

Electronic Maint. Machine Shop Drafting General Electronics Furniture Welding


Auto Mechanics Building Trades Industrial Electronics Industrial Plant Maintenance


85% Job Placement ''The intent of the Technology Division is to provide the individual with necessary knowledge and skills to perform technological functions to prepare them for the working world. Each degree or certificate is identified by its particular major, unlike the typical Associate of Arts degree," stated division chairman Don Goodwin. With an 85% job placement record, Goodwin assumes ''that what we're doing is right for the student and the employer.'' An interesting characteristic of occupational type programs is that they are constantly undergoing changes to accommodate the changes in the business. Despite these constant changes Goodwin relates, "When a student leaves here he will continue to be trained by his employer to maintain pace with that industries' changes."



Community Service

To extend lifelong learning possibilities is the purpose of this division. No one is too young or too old to continue their education and community needs are supplied at an economical price and at an accessible time. Director Sandi Sanders said, ''We were afraid that with the economic crunch enrollment would be way down, but we were not affected.''


A Cast Of Thousands

New classes include Kayaking, Brick Laying, Menswear Tailoring, Pattern Alteration, Upholstery, High-Protein Meatless Cooking, Log Homes and Percussion. Community Service offers many self-help classes and added new ones including Instrument Pilot Ground School, Women in Non-traditional Jobs, Raising Readers, Childhood Sickness and Injuries, Independent Living for the Handicapped, Consumer Rights and a Cancer Update class.


Community Service has something for just about everyone. In the past this unique addition to the WCC campus has offered classes ranging from wedding preparation to horsemanship and from bass fishing to skin care and makeup. Children are also offered many opportunities to broaden their interests through classes including arts and crafts, cooking and gymnastics. Last year over 10,000 students enrolled for at least one session of classes and many became familiar faces around the gymnasium area. Community Services is a selfsupportive organization receiving no state funding as the other areas of the college do. Director Sandi Sanders commented that, "Community Service and Continuing Education is an attempt of the college to provide a comprehensive education for everyone in the area. Not everyone wants a credit class and we want to offer whatever will meet the needs of the people of our community.''



Abdalla, Mohammad 91 Abdalla, Virginia 91 Abernathy, Nina 173 Abudubai, Bassam 91 Abuelrub, Jamal 91 Abu-Hidar, Mahommad 91 Abu-Rabi, Lawa 91 Acordo, Jim 91 Adams, Bobby 91 Adams, Leann 91 Administrative Secretaries 166 Admissions & Records 160 Akins, Jenise 91 Albriton, Cynthia 91 Allen, Buddy 91 Ah, El-Masri Hasson 91 Al-Japri, Ali H. 91 Allen, Pamela 91 Allen, Lonnie 91 Allison, Debbie 29 Allison, Sara 31 Al-Quor, Suleiman 91 Altman, Barbara 181 Altman, Betsy 181 Althresi, Jamie 91 Altland, Bill 91 Altstatt, Mary 91 Alvazado, Victor H. 91 Alviar, George 91 Amoudeh, Hedayat 91 Anderson, Cherie 91 Anderson, Earline 136 Anderson, Edwin 91 Anderson Sandy 159 Andgeleti Gina 91 Andrepet, Blaise 137 Angles, Janet R. 91 Appleby,Curtis 27 Archie, Jeanne 91 Arnold, Stewart 91 Athletic Director 164 Audio-Visual 162 Aulabaugh, McNiell 27 Azad, Alireza 92 -B-

Bachman, Virginia 169 Bagley, Stephen 92, 137 Bailey, John 92 202

Baker, Kevin 92 Ballard, Larry 92 Balls, Elizabeth 164 Banks, Diane 92 Banks, Jeffrey 112 Barker, Gail 92 Barker, Monroe 92 Barnhill, Mort 92 Barquivi, Rashed 92 Barton, Wesley 92 Bascue, Jana 92 Baseball 54-59 Basinger, Basketball Lady Lions 46-51 Basketball, Lions 40-45 Beachem, Josephine 92 Bearden, Jo 166 Beason, Leonard 92 Beckr, Mark 92 Becker, Stephen 92 Bedell, Conaly 155 Bedell, Frances 169 Bell, Geoffrey 92 Bennett, David 92 Bennett, Greg 92 Bergstrum, David 92 Berkat, Kim 176 Berna, Janet 92 Berry, Elizabeth 92 Berryman, Luther 92 Beshoner, Sister Carmen 181 Biggs, Maria 46, 51, 92 Biggs, Sandy 92 Bigott, Scott 45, 92 Biolic, Jim 92 Binkley, Floyd 92 Birchfield, Mike 95 Bishop, Tommy 129 Black, Pathro 95, 129 Blackman, Rita 95 Blair, Buddy 70 Blake, David 62 Blake, Max 95 Blalock, Adam 95 Blanchfield, Bill 31 Blaylock, Darrell 95 Board of Trustees 154-155 Boever, Dan 56 Bohart, Billy 95 Bolin, Betty 176

Bolton, Gina 95 Bonner, Londa 95 Booker, Virginia 95 Boren, Barry 95, 137 Bottoms, Jo 46 Bowden, Gary 95 Bowen, Eddie 95 Bowlin, Sheryl 95, 112 Boyd, Cindy 95 Boyd, Walt 136 Bozougi, Mohammad 95 Bradley, Daniel 95 Brake, Katy 185 Branch, Carolyn 176 Branham, BJ. 95 Branshaw, Amy 95 Braswell, Mike 95 Bratton, Terri 95 Breeden, Vivian 95 Brieuse, Leslie 29 Bridges, Shanon 155 Bridgewater, Andrew 95 Britton, Doug 45-95 Brody, Ed 31 Brooks, Barbara 95 Brotherton, Gwen 181 Brown, Billy D. 95 Brown, Cletus 95, 129 Brown, Darrell W. 95 Brown, Joni Rae 95 Brown, Linda 37, 38, 97 Brown, Marion 97 Brown, Martha 97 Brown, Nancy 97 Brown, Rubert 167 Brown, Shermon 45, 129 Brown, Tom 65 Brown, Wesley 97 Bryan, Lynn 97 Bryant, Patty 52 BSU 63 Buchanan, Tom 185 Buchanan, Herbert E. II 97 Bulger, Mark 62 Bumpers, Dale 70 Burditt, Terri 97 Burgess, Dane 97 Burgess, Dr. James 154 Burgess, James 97 Burgess, Jo Nell 176 Burgess, Whitney 97

Burks, Linda 97 Burnett, Deanne 97 Burnett, Taylor 97 Burrough, Johanna 97 Burns, Deborah Lynne 97 Burns, Max 129, 162 Burns, Max II 97, 129 Burns, Ruth 176 Business Division 168-171 Business Office 161 Butler, Dr. Dan 189 Butler, Ken 192 Butterflies Are Free 32, 33 -CCafeteria 165 Cagle, Stan 192 Caldwell, Dianna 97 Calhoun, Johnnie R. 97 Callahan, Harold 189 Cameron, Harold 173 Cameron, Kathleen 181 Campus Nurse 163 Campus Shop 164 Canady, Jack 167 Cantrell, Mary 97 Caperton, Andy 128 Cardin, Marlene 97 Carey, Dennie M. 97 Carlon, Jamie 97, 137 Carlson, Tom 97 Carson, Brad 97 Carter, Belinda 97 Carter, James E. 97 Cates, Ronnie 97 Cash, Dennis 160 Cavaniss, George 31 Cavender, Janet 98 Center, Jerry 192 Chadwick, Anita 98 Chapman, Verna 98 Chastain, Kathy 46, 51, 98 Chastain, Velva 98 Chatman, Ratha 98 Cheek, Delra 98 Cheely, Theresa 98 Cheerleaders 52 Cherry, Darlene 98, 136 Cherry, Phyllis 98 Cherry, Theresa 98 Chesbro, Randi 163, 166

Chester, George 98 Chilcott, Tim 98 Child Development Center 190, 191 Childress, Randy 98 Chitsazan, Jamshid 98 Chitwood, Sharon 27 Christien, William 98 Christmas 76, 77 Clark, Bill 70 Clark, Cindy 27, 29, 189 Clark, Debbie 98 Clark, Linden 98, 129 Clark, Susan 98 Clark, Terry 98 Clark, Tom 185 Clayton, Bettye 98 Clayton, Mike 98 Clein, Cathy Clemmons, Sue 98 Clift, Letha 98 Cline, Lori 98 Coats, Tiherra 98 Cobb, Kristy 185 Cobb, Nancy 98 Cochran, Judy 98 Coe, Doyle 185 Coe, Kim 101 Coget, Don 164 Cole, Lonni 167 Cole, Pearlie 101 Coleman, Ray 31 Collier, B.J. 136 Collins, John 169 Collins, Rob 101 Community Service 196199 Comstock, Roger 101 Cook, John 101 Cook, Phyllis K. 101 Cooke, Blanche 27 Cooper, Mike 173 Cooperative Education 112 113 Cope, Denise 101 Copeland, James 101 Copeland, Mary 192 Copeland, Regina 101 Corbin, Chris 164 Core, Brenda 101 Core, Debbie 101 Cormack, Judy 101

Corp, Melody 101 Corradd, Rawl E. 101 Cotta, Canny 101 Cottingham, Perry 101 Counselors 161 Covey, Mark 27, 33 Cox, Dana 101 Cox, Pamela 101 Craft, Richard 101 Crawford, Mike 101 Crews, Britt 27, 31 Crosslin, Calvin G 101 Crowder, Bill 189 Cuilla, Laura 98 Culpepper, Donna Lavon 101 Cunningham, James 101 Curl, Helen 101 Cutler, Dr. Jack 158 -DDaffron, Kathleen 101 Dang, Chi 101 Daniel, Carole 101, 137 Daniels, Arliss A. 101 Daniels, Kyle 101 Daniels, Mike 167 Daniels, Mr. Jack 20, 21 Data Processing 164 Dauphinais, Dina 101 Davis, James 102 Davis, Lee 102, 137 David, Pamela 102 Davis, Todd 102 Deaton, John 185 Decker, Cleman 102 Deffenbaugh, Barbara 102 Delap, Jo 46, 51, 102 Denton, Sheila 102 Developmental Education 172-175 Dickerson, Art 167 Didion, John 102 Diemert, Debbie 102 Dipboye, Calline 176 Disher, Derek 102, 128 Dismuke, Christene 102 Do, Phyco 102 Dodson, Lee 102 Dodson, Theodore 65, 102 Dover, Nancy 181 Dracula 30, 31 Drake, Barry 12

Drill Team 53 Drumm, Vaughn 102 Dugan, Terry 102 Duncan, Dan 102 Dunn, Kelly Keith 102 Dunn, Lita 102 Duplicating 165 Dyer, Deanna 120, 128 -EEagles, Gil 22, 23 Eagles, Robert 102 Easley, Amy 53, 137 Ebrahine, Jafar 102 Edmisten, Mary 160 Edwards, Billy 167 Edwards, Ed 102 Edwards, Marti 52, 102 Efurd, Martha 173 . El-Adawi, M. Nabee 102 El-Ayyoubi, Salem 102 Elkins, Mark 102 Elliff, James 102 Elmore, Derhonda 503, 102 Elmore, Doug 107 Embry, Corletta 107 England, Bob 107 English, Keith 107 Ensey, Gary 107 Etter, John 107 Eubanks, Ron 107 Everhart, Leah 107 Ezell, Jerry 107 -FFain, Elizabeth 107, 176 Fancher, Tracy 45 Farajallah, Mazime 107 Farris, Hal B 107 Fate, Jonni 107 Fears, Earl 107 Featherston, Debbie 107 Felines, The 53 Fenter, Pam 46, 51, 107 Fielding, Rhondora 107 Figley, Katrina 107 Filippelli, Carolyn 162 Fimple, Bobby J. 136 Financial Aid & Placement 160 Finnie, Cathy 107 Fisher, David 107 Fitzgerald, Bill 192

Fitzwater, Patricia 107 Fletcher, Lucille 27 Fleming, Jerry 70 Floyd, Judy 107 Flurry, Terri 107 Foley, Marianne 107 Ford, Barbara 107 Ford, Don 167 Formby, Dr. Ron 161 Fortney, Alan 107, 128 Fountain, David 107 Fout, Pam 164 Fowler, Don 107 Francis, Tim 107 Franco, Pam 107 Franklin, Linda 136 Frantz, John 108 Franz, Tim 108 Frazler, David 108 Frazier, Judy Lynn 108 Freeman, Twila 108 French, Clayton 108, 128 French, Julie 128 Frey, Alan 108 Frix, Janet 108 Frix, Nancy 108 Froehlich, Tanya 108 Fronterhouse, Shelta 108 Furner, Coletta 161 -GGaithe, Jackie 108 Gaithe, Leon 108 Gamn, Harlan J. Sr. 108 Garcia, Levia 108 Garcia, Lourdes 108 Garcia, Sue 162 Garrett, Doris 108 Garrett, Ricky 108 Garrison, Tom 61, 108 Gary, John 75 Gathright, Paul 108 Gattis, Kim 108 Gattis, Mike 56, 62 Gavin, Regina 108 Geheb, Naomi 108 Geopfert, Barbara 108 Geopfert, Billy 108 Gibbons, Linda 189 Gibbs, Anthony E. 108 Gibbs, Jeff 108 Gibson, William J 108 Gilbert, Mike 108 203

Gilbreath, Mary Jo 108 Gilbreath, Steven 111 Gilham, Linda 111 Gipson, Pamela 111 Glenn, Floye 111 137 Golf 60, 61 Goodwin, Don 192, 194 Gordon, Dr. Delece 136, 189 Gordon, Steve 111 Gorham, Jack 162 Gouger, Edith 136 Graduation 86, 87 Graham, Linda 111 Granderson, Charles 111 Graves, Christopher 29 Graves, Ginger 111 Graves, Vicki 160 Gray, Cindy 111 Green, Becky 111 Green, Logan 128, 181 Green, Lyndal 111 Green, Susie 111 Greene, David 111 Greenfield, Bernie 111 Griffin, Frank 111 Griffith, Thersia 111 -HHall, John 111 Hall, Lenn 111 Hall, Linda 111 Halloween 74, 75 Hamilton, Frankie 111 Hamilton, Judy 38, 53, 111, 137 Hamilton, Michael 111 Hamilton, Molly 111 Hamlin, Keith 111 Hamlin, Kym 46, 51, 111 Hamm, Bobby 111 Hamm, Renee 111 Hammack, Mary 176 Hanes, Fred 111 Hardwicke, Becky 111 Hargrove, Dana 35, 52, 114 Harker, Jonathan 31 Harkness, Tom 114 Harman, Walter 114 Harrell, Cynthia 136 Harris, Barbara 114 Harris, Betty 167 204

Harris, Mike 114 Harrison, Tamara 114 Hart, Darlene 114 Hartfield, Janice 114 Hathour, Fay Lea 114 Hattin, Maurice 45 Hawa, Mousalem 114 Hawkins, Carl 114 Hawkins, Diane 29 Hawkins, Theresa 164 Hawthorne, Gary 114 Haymes, Bill 14 Haymes, Glenda 114 Head, Angela 114 Health Occupations 175179 Hearn, Scott 114 Heathcock, Billy E. 114 Heckman, Myron 62 Heidari, Lariviz 114 Hendricks, Angie 114 Hendrix, Kelly 114 Hemley, Rod Henry, Cathy 114 Herring, Mary Ann 114 Herrmann, Joe 114 Herron, Richard M. 114 Hester, Roy 114 Hiatt, Jacqueline 114, 136 Hicks, Billy B. 114 Hicks, Greg 114 Hicks, Jeffrey 114 Hicks, Mike 114 Hightower, Gale 176 Hightower, Dr. Michael 185, 186 Hihi, Samir 117 Hile, Harold 157 Himckley, Carolyn 117 Himkle, Michael 65, 117, 129 Hobbs, Tim 117 Hoblitzull, Randall 117 Hobson, Craig 52, 117 Hoder, Bob 117 Hodges, Laura 117 Hodges, Leigh 117 Hogue, Sabrina 136 Holder, Bill 185 Holland, Karen 117 Holland, Kenny 45,117 Hollenbeck, Bill 62, 117

Hollomon, Kenny 117 Homecoming 34, 35 Homer, Joe 117 Hooker, Charla 117 Hoopwa, Carolyn 117 Hop, Fred 192 Hop, John 117 Hop, Kathy 37, 38, 117 Horn, Laura 117 Hornback, Candy 117 Hornback, Wes 117 Horning, Dan 117 Houston, Jim 185 Howard, Kathy 53, 117 Hoyle, Roseann 117 Hubbard, John 117 Hudson, Genny 117 Hudson, Jeff 117 Hudson, Richard 158 Hughley, Servalia 117, 129 Humanities Division 180183 Humphrey, Deborah 136 Humphrey, Madeline 117 Hundley, Majetta 118, 129 Huse, Judith 118 Hutchinson, Jackie 118 Hweidi, Mahmoud 118 Hyatt, Kathryn 118 Inklelarger, Kerie 118 International Day 72, 73 Intramural Sports 62-69 Irish, Charles 185 Ivery, Curtis 173 -JJackson, Eva 118 James, Jackie 118, 136 Jarmon, Tom 118 Jelton, Joanne 118 Jenkins, Billy E 118 Jenkins, Lisa 118 Jett, Lynnell 118 Jett, Mary 118 Johnson, Alan 118, 128 Johnston, Danny 118 Jones, Bobby Lee 192 Jones, Brenda 118 Jones, Kathy 29 Jones, Nancy 160 Jones, Paula 51, 118

Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones,

Sharon 129 Stacey 137, 162 Terri 118 Tina 118 -KKarber, Patricia 118 Karns, Suzanne 118 Karrant, Mary Anne 118 Karrant, Nancy 29 Kaundart, Gayle 40, 45 Kay, Montez 118 Kearney, Norma Sue 118 Keck, Kathleen 181 Keen, Jamie 118 Keeny, David 128 Keith, Riginia 118 Kelasky, Theresa 118 Kell, Stacy 52 Kellebrew, Brian 40, 45, 129 Kennedy, Bill, Sr. 118 Kesner, Melissa 53, 118 Khilling, Red 27 Kincannon, Dr. Sue 161 King, Betty 163 Kinslow, Pam 160 Kleck, Joey 128 Klein, Barbara 123 Klingner, Mike 123 Knauls, Sheila 123, 129 Knox, Becki Koenig, Raymond Komp, Linda 123 Koon, Marcie 123 Koonce, Anita 123 Kraby, Dr. James 61, 78, 156 Kremers, Ernie 123 Kursch, Rhonda 123, 129 Kursch, Robert 123 Kury, Carol 123 Kutait, Julie 29 Kuykendall, Linda 123

-LLaForce, Dan 29 Ladner, Ronny 123 Laffoon, Danny 123 Lagier, Robbie 123 Lamb, Christine 136 Lamb, Chuck 123, 137, 308 Lanier, Dr. Wayne 154

Langston, Robert 123 Lawrence, Kathy 161 Laws, Stu 123 Lease, Kathleen 159 Ledat, Danielle 123 Lee, Charles S. 123 Lee, Don 181 Lee, Renee 123 Lee, Tammy 51 Legett, Paul 169 Leonard, Tammy 123 Lesley, Debbie 38, 53, 123 Letourneau, David 123, 137 Levy, Ed 189 Lewis, June 176 Lewis, Mary 123 Lewis, Micky 51 Lewis, Remy 189, 191 Lickey, Nolan 169, 170 Lien, Thoai 123 Little, Dwight 123 Llewellyn, Nancy 155 Local Reviews 120, 121 Lockwood, Tressa 123 Lockridge, Steve 124 Loh, Kue Chau 124 Long, Lyman 176 Longley, Mike 124, 137 Looney, Celia 124 Loris, Freda 124 Love, William 124 Lovell, Rhonda 124 Lowe, Joy 181 Lowe, Wayne Bryant 124 LRC 162 Lu Au 80, 81 Lyle, Marcia 124 -MMaddox, Debbie 169 Maile, Claudia 124, 137 Mainer, Cindy 124 Maintenance 167 Malavian, Mahid 124 Manuel, Leona 37, 38, 124 Manus, Lance 124 Mardesick, Fernando 124 Marion, Michael 162 Marlin, Roger 124 Martin, MeLinda 124 Martin, Nathan 124 Martin, Reggie 45

Martine, Joey 124 Maslahati, Nouri 124 Mason, Charlene 124 Matlock, Brian 124 Matlock, Leslie 124 Mattingly, Nona 124 Maxey, David 124 May, Felix 124 Mays, Glenn 45 McAfee, Beverly 137 McAllister, George 189 McAllister, Paula 124 McClurkin, Michael 137 McCoy, Mike 124 McDaniels, Janice 124 McEntire, Debra 127 McFadden, Randy 127 McGee, Karen 35, 127 McGill, Pam 127, 129 McGrow, Suzanne 176 McKee, Brian 127 McKinney, Anita 127 McLaurin, Talmadge 127 McWilliams, Bess 164 Meade, Sharon 127 Meadors, Sherri 46, 51, 127 Meadors, Steve 127 Meeks, David 185 Meird, Aaron 127 Mehmandoost 127 Meyer, Joyce 127 Meyers, Jeff 127 Middleton, Donna 127 Miesner, Marilyn 127 Miles, Travis 70 Miller, Carole B. 127 Miller, Channa 127 Miller, Darrell 127 Miller, Dorris 127 Miller, Leslie 127 Miller, Pam 127 Minchew, David 62, 127, 137, 208 Minniear, Walter 187 Mitchell, David 127 Mitchell, Jamie 61 Miss Westark 36-39 Mohammed, Jouder 127 Mohar, Leana 127 Mongold, Leonard 127 Monroy, Marce 127

Montgomery, John 127 Moore, Lil'Dave 127 Moore, Truman 127 Moore, William T. 130 Moreton, Leucretia 130 Moreton, Michael 130 Morgan, Bruce 130 Morgan, Tanya 38, 130, 192 Morris, Barry 130 Morrison, George 130 Morrison, Iretta 130 Morton, David 130 Mosave, Reza 130 Moses, Betty 130 Moss, M. Catherine 130 Muhammed, Yahia 130 Mullings, Greg 130 Murdock, James 130 Murphy, Kathy 137 Musa, Taufig 130 Music Guild 128 Myers, Doris Dunham 130 Mynatt, Dr. Lee 161 -NNally, Eddie 130 Nassam, Fayez 130 Nassar, Frank 130 National Reviews 104, 105 Natural Science Division 184-187 Nelms, Deedra 130 Nelson, Ruth Ann 166 Newhart, Cecil 167 Newhart, Desiree 130, 137 Newton, David 161 Ney, Diann 137 Nguyen, Linh The 130 Nguyen, Nga 130 Nightwatch 26, 27 Nix, Brian 130 Nixon, Betty 165 Nixon, Timothy 130 Noble, Jeff 130 Nock, Bryan 130 Nash, Kelly 130 Numa Staff 208 Numley, Bob 133 Nunley, Sharon 133 -O-

O'Neal, Glenn 61, 133 Omishi, Toshimitus 133 Operator 165 Osborne, Keith 61 Osburne, Danny J. 133 Ostlund, D.K. "Butch" 133 Owens, Blaine 133 Owens, Janice 129 -PPace, Bonnie 129 Page, Dan 192 Pair, Missy 32, 33 Palmer, Diana 164 Maniker, Marti 164 Parker, Pat 162 Parker, Rebecca 133 Parker, Richard 133 Parker, Tim 133, 137 Parsons, Laura K. 133 Pate, Barbara 133 Patterson, Marcy 112 Patterson, Mike 133 Patton, Tim 133 Paymoni, Akbou 133 Pearson, Jeff 133 Pellegrom, Kelly 38, 53, 133, 137 Pence, Greg 133 Pendleton, Chris 133 Pendleton, Lee Ann 133, 137 Pemmington, Shelly 133 Pense, Rita 133 Penson, Jeff 133 Percy, Tina 133 Perlingure, Tina 133 Perry, Gary 163 Perry, Tina 129 Perry, Troylene 136 Peters, Cheryl 161 Peters, DOris 136 Peters, Gabe 160 Peterson, Kathleen 133 Pettigrew, Sherman 133 Phillips, Evalena 133 Picnic, Student 78, 79 Pierce, Chuck 133 Pinson, Neal 133 Pitts, Trolene 134, 137 Pixley, Karen 134 Plan, Tham 134 205

Plummer, Micki 29 Plummer, Pauline 137 Plymale, Patti 134 Poor, Mike 134 Political Activities Week 70, 71 Poole, Carla S. 134 Pope, Carrie L. 134, 136 Porter, Darla 176 Porter, Dr. Pat 189 Posey, Joyce 134 Posey, Parthina 134 Pour, Mohammad R. Bozargi 134 Powell, Kim 37, 38 Prada, Gary 134 Praysayasith, Chanthala 134 Preas, John 181 Presson, Wendell 134 Prewett, Teresa 51, 134 Price, Christine 134 Pruitt, Sandra 134 Pryor, Eva 166 Pryor, Jane 73, 161 Public Information 163 Purchasing 163

-QQuick, Lisa 134 Quimby, Karen 35, 134 -RRainwater, Tim 134 Rampey, David 56 Randolph, Tommy 134 Rapert, Shawn 134 Rapley, Eugene 155 Rappeport, Dorothy 189 Rathburn, Sherri 53, 134, 137 Ratterree, Sherry 134 Ray, Perry 134 Ray, Ron 134 Rebsamen, Ellene 163 Redding, Robert 134 Redfield, John D. 134 Redifer, Bren 27 Reed, Debbie 134 Reed, John E. 134 Reed, Patricia 136 Reeder, Gwen 139 Reese, Geneva 139, 167 Reeves, Maxine 165


Rejairfar, Faramar 139 Reynolds, Marsha 139 Reynolds, Neely 12 Rhoades, Shane 139 Rice, Jerry L. 139 Rice, Leo 164 Rice, Natalie 139 Richard, Ron 169 Richardson, Lisa 129 Richardson, Tina 129 Ricks, Tami 139 Ridenhour, Leanne 139 Rider, Sheryl 128, 139 Riggan, Linda 139 Rinne, Henry 181 Ritschel, Rick 161 Roark, Kathi 139 Robertson, Debra 136, 139 Robinson, Beverly 46, 51, 139 Rodrigues, Silas E. 139 Rogers, Debbie Jo 139 Rogers, Robert 167 Roll, Jimmy 137, 139 Root, Anthony 139 Rosson, Polly 139 Rowland, Becky 137, 139 Rowland, Tim 27 Rumage, Cynthia 139 Ryan, Kay 139 -SSAC 137 SAC director 162 Salameh, Hisham 139 Salim, Elayyoubi Rida 139 Salinas, Carlos R. 139 Salinas, Enrique 139 Sallee, Jerry 139 Salter, Renee 112, 139 Sampson, Terri 52, 137, 139 Samuels, John 192 Sanders, Don 12 Sanders, Edward 154 Sanders, Sandi 159, 196 Schluterman, Alice 139 Schluterman, Holly 160 Schluterman, Milly 140 Schoeppey, Jimmy 140 Schrader, Mark 112

Schrelle, Marion K. 140 Schultz, Lon 140 Scott, Darrell 140 Scott, Jeffrey 140 Scott, Jim 52, 140 Scott, Lisa 140 Scott, Terri 137, 140, 208 Scamardo, Laura 167 Sears, Cheryl 140 Seaton, Evelyn 140 Sebastian, Tim 128, 140 Selye, John 140 Seifert, Cathy 140 Self, Rick 62, 140 Selph, Nancy 140 Sessions, Connie 35, 140 Sexton, Yalta 33, 137, 140 Shackelford, Terri 140 Shane, Dr. Jim 157 Shankle, Cheree 36, 37, 38 Sharp, Perry 140 Sharum, Paula 31 Shepard, Erve Dewayne 40, 45, 140 Sheppard, Kelley 31 Shields, Gwynda J. 137, 140, 208 Shirakawa, Eiko 140 Shoppe, The 12, 14 Shores, Alicia 0 Sicard, Sam 155 Sign Language Club 129 Simms, Katherine 140 Skinner, Roger 140 Skullman, Robbie 45 Slate, Sandra 140 Smith, Donald 140 Smith, Donald 140 Smith, Gary 169 Smith, Kathy 140 Smith, Roberta 143 Smith, Ronald 140 Smith, Terri 173 Smith, Vernon 143 SNEA 136 Sneed, Joann 143 Snider, Kenneth 112 Snyder, Monica 176 Social and Behavioral Sciences 188-191 Sparks, Ray 164, 169

Sparks, Stephen B. 137, 143 Spencer, Carolyn 143 Spercer, Ramona 3 Spicer, Wanda 143 Springs, Tommy 129, 167 Staggs, Barry 143 Stallings, Pam 161 Standifer, Kathy 143 Statham, Randal 33, 143 Stec, Diane 143 Stegemoller, Jan 143 Stenhouse, Donna 143 STEP 129 Stevens, Curtis 167 Stevenson, Frank 143 Steward, Donna 143 Steward, Machelle 161 Stewart, Brenda 143 Stewart, Linda Lee 143 Stewart, Sherri 143 Shewart, Terri 143 Stiles, Gene 165 Stiles, Lanelle 165 Stiles, Toni 165 Stockam, Deanna 143 Stokes, Gallen 143 Stolz, Dianne 29, 143 Stone, Edward 143 Stop the World I Want to Get Off 28, 29 Storey, Kim 43, 137 Storey, Rink 143 Stormes, Aleasha 53, 143 Stovall, Lorri 143 Strobel, Joe 162 Strobel, Vonclle 136 Stroh, Bernadette 53, 143 Stubblefield, James W. 143 Stubblefield, Joel 158 Student Publications 137 Studley, Donna 167, 189 Studley, Mark 143 Sugg, Lisa 143 Sulcer, Kathy 35, 52, 144 Sulton, Sandra 144 Supon, Carla 144 Stuter, Ann 144 Sutton, Carree 16, 17 Sutton, Sharon 136, 144 Swafford, Connie 144

Sweatt, Debby 176 Swink, Mychale 144 -TTaber, Lana 144 Tackett, Paula 144 Talkington, Judy 46, 47 Tallent, Tom 167 Talley, Don 129 Talley, Donna 129 Tally, Tammy 161 Tannehill, Don 181 Tate, Gary 144 Taylor, Juanita 136, 144 Taylor, Kathryn 169 Taylor, London 144, 165 Taylor, Wayne 144 Teague, Holly 144 Teague, Paula 144 Technology Division 192195 Teddler, James 144 Texas Tradition 77 Thomas, Anita 144 Thomas, Karen 144 Thomas, Mark 144 Thompson, Bill 154 Thompson, Fritz 144 Thompson, Maurice 189 Thompson, Mike 144 Thompson, Mitty 29 Thompson, Stephen 144 Threadgill, Mary 144 Thrift, Sharon 144 Thorton, Leonard 167 Townley, Mary 144 Townsend, Janet 144 Townsend, John 128 Travis, Tammi 129, 144 Trotter, Greg 144 Tucker, Clare Lynn 146 Tufino, Alvaro 146

Turnbo, Kari 146 Turner, Charles W. 146 Turner, Connor 166 -UUnderwood, Bobby R. 146 Underwood, Pam 146 -VValenti, Stephen 146 Van Cleave, Ginger 146 Van Horn, Doris 169 Vann, Gregory E. 146 Van Riper, Pamela 146 Van Sickle, Kurt 12 Vaughn, John 146 Vincent, Martha 146 Vocal ENsemble 128 Voeller, Keith 146 -WWacker, Jon 45 Waldrop, Sondra 163 Walker, Marcia 146 Walker, Mike 146 Wallace, Janet 46, 51, 146 Wallace, Lora 52, 146 Walton, Sherilyn 175 Walton, Tom 137, 181,

208 Ward, Brenda 146 Ware, Rice. B. 146 Warmack, Monica 146 Warrick, Trad 146 Washam, Clara D. 146 Watkins, Tammy 146 Watson, Jessie 167 Watts, Dr. Gordon 157 Watts, Lonnie 189 Webb, Paula 146 Webb, Susan 53, 146 Webster, Rose Marie 146 Weidman, Eric 146

Weidman, SHawn 146 Weigand, Larry 185 Weik, Debbie 75 Wennberg, Diana 129, 136, 149 Wennberg, Ronnie 45, 129 149 West, Sheila 149 Westark Foundation 187 Westark Mascot 150 Wewers, David 149 Wheeler, Elaine 27 Wheeler, John 27 White, Gov. Frank 70 White, Michael 149 White, Terri 149 White, Yolanda 149 Whitledge, Becky 38, 128, 149 Whitson, Kim 149 Whitson, Pam 149 Whitson, Teresa 149 Whittington, Margaret 149 Wicks, Larry 149 Wilboun, Jimmie Lee 149 Wiley, Laurie 149 Wilhelm, Susan 149 Williams, Bonita 149 Williams, Cheryl 149 Williams, Cindy 46, 57, 149 Williams, Gwendolyn 149 Williams, Lucy 149 Williams, Marsha 38, 52, 136 Williams, Preston 149 Williams, Scott 149 Williams, Tommy 149 Williamson, Joyce 149 Williamson, Mary 149

Willines, Mark Andrew 146 Willis, Carl 75, 129, 149 Wills, Anita 149 Wilson, Author 149 Wilson, Cindy 149 Wilson, Don 45, 149 Wilson, Phyllis 173 Wilson, Robert D. 151 Wilson, Wilma 151 Wilson, Patsy 151 Winn, Sharon 169 Winstead, Debbie 151 Winton, Ross 151 Woodall, Heidi N. 151 Woodard, Kathy 151 Woodley, Dr. George 161 Woods, Harry 65, 151 Worden, Laura 151 Words, Willie 165 Worley, Brenda 151 Wright, April 151 Wright, Kerri 136 WSNA 136 Wyatt, Jim 45, 189 Wyatt, Joyce 167 -YYarberry, Starlett 27, 29 Yancey, Claude 169 Yates, Genelle 161 Yound, Dale 151 Young, David 27, 29, 181 Young, Don 151 Young, Steve 151 Yousef, Bassam 151 Yowell, Billy 151 -ZZakizadeh, Ebrahim 151 Zechiedrich, Nancy 181


Chuck, Tom, David, Gwynda, and Terri (in the mustard blouse)

NUMA Editor - Terri Scott Assistant to the Editor - Gwynda Shields Head Photographers - David Minchew Chuck Lamb Staff - Lucy Williams Chris Cuevas Terri Sampson Kim Storey Judy Talkington Pam Howard Photographers - Barry Boren Stephen B. Sparks Dale Young Michael McClurkin



STAFF Director of Student Publications - Tom Walton Special Thanks - Dr, Jack Cutler Stan Butler Stacey Jones Sondra Waldrop Jack Gorham Michael Marion Joe Strobel Pauline Plummer Valta Sexton Eva Pryor Ted Wells The Hutchinson News

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