NUMA 1990
the Limit
Westark Community College Ft. Smith, AR 72913
Fullerton Student Union was a center of activity for many students. (Jody Rhoads)
Admin. /Faculty.
74-89 opening 1
BriantoFriday time hugatand theBSU. Krista(Bret Lewis Ward) took
2 opening
ake it to the limit! Did we ever! One of the fastest-
growing institutions in the state, Westark's enrollment has increased for 13 consecutive semesters, including summer sessions. An operating budget of $10,500,000, which exceeded last year's by 3.6 percent, covered the "bare necessities" of the fiscal year, said President Joel Stubblefield. "While enrollment went up 16 percent, we added 24 percent more parking," said Richard Hudson, V.P. for
and Barbara Pope
Amy Whittington and Jerri Lindsey picked up their free copy of NUMA1989 hi the union. (Curtis Haney) Under the hypnotism of Gil Eagles, Darrell became a drill sergeant and grabbed Kevin LeBorn. (Curtis Haney)
opening O
Sunsational Enrollment
Suzie Bates enjoyed the summer sun while cruising campus topless. (Jody Rhoads)
4- opening
Dewayne Crase, Chris Bauer, Tim Krans, and Heather North took computer classes during the Summer.
(Stan Sharp)
Stacy participated in the Club Fair during fall orientation. (Stan Sharp) Summertime kept the landscape crew busy beautifying campus.
(Bill Burkhart)
ultry temperatures didn't compare
enrollment figures. 4,216
students worked classes into their
summer work and play schedules. "It's like instant gratification because the courses are over so fast, "said Anthony Neihouse.
"I don't forget
information before the next test," said Bounleuth Nouensabanh. "It's easier knowing the class will be over in five weeks rather than sixteen/' said Ashlye Hogan. "Happy attract other Dr.
EriC PrieSt.
students added VP Barbara Pope
opening 5
6 opening
Breaking the Limits Boy! Some people have all the luck! Imagine the expression on Linda Rodebush's face when Dr. Eric Priest, Vice President for Student Affairs, greeted her at the registar's desk with a tuition waiver in hand. Rodebush received a semester of free tuition when she broke the limits and became the 5,000th student to enroll this fall. "It's a good chance to continue my education now that we're going to have four-year programs here" explained Rodebush. Students are not only breaking the limits, but setting standards for others. Students gathered in Fullerton Union to enjoy the Gil Eagles ESP/hypnotism noon show. (Curtis Haney) Alan Easterling and friend enjoyed themselves at the annual Student/Staff Picnic.
(Brent Ward)
Linda Rodebush, the 5,000th student to enroll, was presented with a tuition waiver by VP Dr. Eric Priest. (Bill Burkhart)
Who knows! Linda Rodebush's child could someday
be the
student to enroll! Amy Whittington
Autumn Rhythms
sea of unfamiliar
is an in-
faces. "I was so
nervous on the
muscle, and here it
goes again beating a staccato rhythm in my
because I have to
first day of school Amy Hope studied outside Fullerton Union during fall 1989.
because I didn't know whether or
(Curtis Haney)
Liem Tong and Wes McCabe studied together outside the Ballman-Speer building. (Jody Rhoads)
not I was going to know anyone,"
enter my first class
said Carlotta
of fall 1989-and a
8 opening
Barbara Pope
opening 9
It's a
Different World
reshmen considered college a totally different
Today's freshmen aren't only recent
high school graduates. Now the new kids on the block also consist of housewives and business men and women who are termed 'nontraditional'freshmen. "People are more serious in college," said Jerri Lynn Lindsey, a recent high school graduate. "I can apply experiences to what I'm learning,"'saidBrendaDelp, 36year-old student and mother of three.
10 opening
Shanteel Jones
The Halloween dance, sponsored by SAC, provided a welcome change to studying. (Robin Bolton) Pete Howard, art instructor, explained printmaking to Pam Pearce. (Paul Wilson) Kathy Lewis, BSU president, said, "College Is different than high school because you have more freedom. You also have the opportunity to be anything that you want tO be/'
(Brent Ward)
opening 11
Divided Scott Shoemaker, a full time student, stacked sweaters at Jeans West.
(Curtis Haney)
Julio Vargas, art education major, worked part time at KJ Menswear. (Jody Rhoads)
ivided attention
and mother of four.
ly occurred on campus.
"I will make time for partying
We ran across students, who
regardless of what's planned/' said
to attain their goals, had to have a job
David Christenberry, full-time student
as well as attend college. Often the
with a part-time job.
money earned in the workforce was used to pay college expenses. "You have to juggle your time, learn your priorities, and set time aside," said Cheryl Johnston, 36-year-old student 12 opening
"You have to apply yourself to your studies first and then work," said Kim Phillips, an 18-year-old student. Attention divided between school and work can mean dual success.
Shanteel Jones
Carol Boyd divided her time between school and her part time job at JC Penney. Jody Rhoads)
ith the increasing
enrollment, Westark moved to the outer limits of the campus for additional parking space. The new tunnel running under Grand Avenue gave students easy access to 213 parking spaces on the corner of 52nd and Grand A venue. 'We could readily obtain the land, and the tunnel was necessary for safety," said Jim Underwood, Vice President for Finance and Administration. The new parking lots were ready for the fall semester "due to the excellent job of the physical plant staff.
Things have worked out
well," remarked Underwood. "I get here early and have no difficulty finding a parking space," said Roxie Wood.
14 opening
Amy Hope
Twenty-four percent more parking was added to accomodate a sixteen percent enrollment increase. (Curtis Haney) The tunnel running under Grand Avenue was constructed during the 1989 summer. (Stan sharp)
Tommy Thompson walked through the Breedlove parking lot to his vehicle.
(Jody Rhoads)
opening 15
tudents faced
ial blues with a 12
a major obstacle" stated
percent tuition increase this
year. "If you want a quality
trators like Underwood
education, you have to be
spend months studying cost
prepared for the cost,"
factors before a decision is
commented Bruce Fletcher.
made. A decline in state
Although Westark is among
funding, growing enroll-
the "lowest cost institutions in
ments, and the need for
the state," according to VP
more faculty, made an
Underwood, "we are sensitive
increase necessary,
to the many students who are
Higher tuition only
affected by the tuition raise."
means "standing in line to
The college does every-
pay a little more''said Lisa
thing possible to keep tuition 16
down "so finances are not
Bom* sew.*
Paul Martin paid his tuition at the cashier's window.
(Jody Rhoads)
Michael Tobey, Shelly Carlisle, and Cheryl Johnson waited for financial aid information. (Jody Rhoads) Sherry Fuller received her Arkansas Pell-Grant application at the financial aid office in the union.
(Jody Rhoads)
Take itto
ossibly by 1991 the concept of a University Center will become a reality and students will be able to complete their four-year education on campus. 'Tort Smith is the largest city in the United States without a four-year institution" said President Joel Stubblefield. The addition of a University Center will allow students to achieve a Bachelor's and possibly a Master's degree without leaving the area. 'The concept grew from local pressure for Westark to offer junior and senior level programs," commented Stubblefield. An architect has already been hired to evaluate a master plan. Several building sites are being considered including the intramural field, the tennis courts, and the area between the library and technical buildings. *
'Tort Smith is the largest city in the United States without a four-year institution. "
Joel Stubblefield
Area surveys reveal great demand for baccalaureate degrees in business administration, education, computer science and nursing. These may be the first programs. The new University Center Director, Dr. Sandi Sanders, "will be producing detailed assessments in search of State Board approval," said Stubblefield. Westark's University Center has "long term benefits and short term problems." When completed, "the center will attract new industry, provide additional education to the work force, and allow Westark to remain viable," Stubblefield Concluded.
20 President
Bonnie Stewart
President Joel Stubblefield Administrative Assistant Margie Wray
Chairman, Micheal Shaw Shaw and Ledbetter
Vice Chair, Nancy Lewellyn Realtor
Secretary, Carl Corley Carco Rentals, Inc.
Treasurer, Larry Clark Brown, Hill Clark and Associates
Linda Schmidt
Edward Sanders
Southern Cigar and Candy Co,
Whirlpool Corporation
Dr. James Burgess
Conaly Bedell
Sam Sicard
Bedell Inc.
First National Bank
Board of Trustees 21
Academic Support Director
Dr. Nancy Vandett
Coleua Furner
AdmtSSiOnS and Linda
ReCOrdS (Back) Director Dennis Cash, Kay Trout, Betty Nixon,
Gammon. (From) Betty Sue Edwards, Holly Schhnerman, Lynette Roberts, Rita Cook.
Lisa Wilson, Carol Horn. (Not Pictured) Missy Wyatt.
BUSlneSS Office Genelle Newton, Steve Hill, Robert Wilson, Karla Coplm, Larry
Farrar, Cheryl Quinley, Janet Didier, Debbie Breedlove, Glenda Hendrix.
Cartrell, Joyce Means, Nelson Ramirez, Barbara Lamblin,
Cheryl Jonston. Charles Prescott, Cindy
Betty Chasteen, Sonny McKinney. (Not Pictured) Brian Neihouse, David Armbuster.
Cashier Ann Dunlop, Nancy Mitchum.
Community Service (Back) Fran Milan, Dr. Sandi Sanders. Carole Barger, Sherry Tennant, Sheila Aaron, Jean Shepard, (Front) Maxme Reeves, JoAnn Campbell, Carrie Rahlem, Taira St. John.
22 Administration
Affirmative Action Director of Personnel/ EEO, Bev Gilstrap
(Back) Ron Floyd, Bill
Shortridge, Mike Jones, (Front) Jane Hopkins, Linda Harris, Lora Husle,
Director Gary Wilson
Georgia Durkee.
CampUS SeCUrity Chief Bruce Crossno, Don Davis, Marvin
CampUS Shop (Back) Stacey Nagy, Mike Daniels, Jeff Swafford. (Front)
Booker, Bill Golden. (Not Pictured) Danny Anderson, M. Harris, J. Shepard,
Manager Jeanne Stevens Jeri Kizer, Laurie Holmes. (Not Pictured) Mark Mayner,
Ozie Shepard, Noll Harvey, Rickey Demon.
Bryan King.
Computer Services Pam Creek, Kim Bolin, Clair Mays Vicki
CUStOdial CreW (Back) Joe Jackson, Bill Windham. Bob Scrivner,
Chapman, Shelley Whitson, director Ray Sparks. Liz Balls, Cheryl
William Holloway, Anthony Dobson, David Goins, Bobby Goins. (Front)
Swearingin-Roe, Sandy Jones.
Geneva Reese, Mary Haynes, Betty Harris, Supervisor Bud McKinney, Kevin Shrum, Junior Grim,Danny Inman.Sheila Becker.(Not Pictured)Lonnie Cole.
Development and Alumni Affairs Dennis Cash, registrar, retired in December after 21 years. (Curtis Haney)
Program Coordinator
Dr. Carolyn Branch
Jo Ella Douglas
Lynn Dickey
GrOUndS Crew Tony Stewart, Raymond Poole, Willie Word,
Guidance and
Corky Euper, Jim Turner.
Director Roger Young, LeArma Jones, John Harris. (From)Lvn Ward, Jane Pryor, Rick
Library/AV Clarence Wimbish, Margie Hicks. Sue Garcia, Wilma
CBack)Cher>{ Peters, Dee Davis,
Maintenance/Custodial Services
Cunningham, Martha Coleman, Director Max Burns, Carolyn Filippelli,
Asst. Director
Chorletie Penn, Lafe Hutcheson. (Not Pictured) Bett> Pierson.
Ed Nagy
Jack Canady
Shirley NÂŤtm*
Financial Aid (Back) Director Gale Peters, Lots Garrett, Melinda Mill s. (Front) Lisa Wilson. Pam Cook, Jane Bicker. (Not pictured) Marilyn Fox, Christie Moon.
Center (Back) Director Zoe Morgan, Kim Baldwin, Pam Burns,
Sheila Jones, Richie Phillips. (From) Jeff Brooks, Daphne Richmond, Verna Moore, Thomas Moore,
President Stubblefield served food to students at the annual Student/Staff picnic.
(Curtis Haney)
Maintenance Crew (Kneeling) Charles Carter, Ken Mclntosh,
Public Information (Seated) Laura Van Zand, Patti Cox. Bill
Terry Preston. (Standing) Jerry Street, Boy d Gann, Pat Carmack, Bill Bates,
Burkhart. Mary Ann Wing, Director Sandra Lamar. (Standing) Mtcki Plummer, Judv Howard, Lisa Spears.
Administration 25
Purchasing (Back) Tamara Brodie, Karen
Shipping and
Virginia Pate. (Front) Director Irl Trout.
Sam Plough.
VP for Finance and Administration
•Budget Officer
Receiving Greg Fore,
Bobbie Young
VP for Student Affairs
Sentiment and
Dr. Eric Priest
Marsha Buergler
Placement Director
Penny Pendleton
Nina Abernathy
Single Parent/Homemaker
Student Activities
Coordinator Kathy
Secretary Pauline
Asst. Coordinator
Tammy Vanouroey
Stacey Jones
Robert Huston
Judy Schaap
VP for Instruction
Dr. John McKay
Coletta Furner
VP for Planning and Development
Secretary Terri Liles
Richard Hudson
Word PrOCeSSlng/TypeSettlng/DUpliCation Carolyn Lewis. Sandra Dobbs, Katy Brake, Nancy Moore. Arenda Francis, Linda Harp, Dorothy Forst.
Joe Jackson, custodian, was a familiar sight in the student union. (Paul Wilson)
Part Time Instructors Business
Elizabeth McDougal, Annette Moser,
Charles Barnett, Ron Calhoun, Rex Chronister, H.B. Fink, Tom Daily, Steve Martin, Art Schneider, Norma Shaffer, Jim Winn.
Cindy Roberts, Harold Trisler, Roy
Computing and Information Systems
Vernon Atterberry, David Brooks, Lisa
L.J. Banker, Linda Beauchamp, Beth Blair, Richard Bogner, Darren Burgess, Chris Burton, John Collins, Randy Cross, Darrin Doubrava, Charles Duffield, William McKeever, James Phelps, Mike Tickler, Brian Voeller.
Paul Mendy, Hermie Shores, John
Valentine, Peggy J. Walker.
Humanities Earl, Richard Falkner, Judy Massey, Thellman, Dolly Webb, Jon Tanzey.
Richard Daugherty, Robert Grubbs, John Lankford, Debbie Marley, Columba Moseley, Randle Overbey, Carlene Pendergrass, Steve Sherrill, Linda Smith, Mary Tocquigny.
Community and Continuing Education Jo Carson, Jim Dunn, Eileen Kradel, Joanne Leonard, Jan McMullin, Kim Mitchell, Bennet Nolan, James O'Hern, Rick Spearman, Michael
Dolly Webb counted money blindfolded in her class to illustrate
a Student's Speech.
(Curtis Haney)
Nancy Baker, Beth Cooper, Fern Daniel, Susan Dickson, Zanette Douglas, Charles Ellery, Elizabeth Haupert, Helen Holland, Eugenia McKinney, Louise McReynolds, Jeanie Morehead, Anita Paddock, Linda Rose, Peggy Rosenberg, Carlotta Villines.
Technology Roger McConnell, Arden Bergquist, Wayne Allen, Doyle Thresher, James Etzkorn, Gary Provence, Edmund Riley.
Business and Industrial
Health Occupations
28 Part Time Faculty
Social and Behavioral Science Charles Armour, Virginia Bedwell, Walter Boyd, Gail Faubus, Larry Jones, Bernard Rosenberg, Margaret Wills, Betty Yancey.
Developmental Ed.
Rita Bates, William Bennett, Linda Cartwright, Debbie Fulmer, Pam Henderson, Judy Jones, Leslie Jones,
Science, and Engineering
Vernon Atterberry, who taught art courses, helped a student with his color project,
(Curtis Haney)
Greg Burrows, Paul Ulmschneider, Matthew Pitsch, Gerald Williams.
Vacant, Chairman Prock, Nita Secretary Bedell, Frances Econ. Clark, Susan Bus. Craig, David Bus./Econ.
Joplin, Linda Lab Assl Lacewell, Dr. Bill Bus. Leggett, Paul Office Adm. Payne, Diana Acct. Richard, Ron Acct.
Timmons, Rebecca Office Adm. Van Horn, Doris Office Adm. Watts, Emma Bus. Winn,Sharon Office Adm.
Getting Down to Business xciting things are happening in the business division. "We're in a strategic planning process, using over-the-horizon vision to prepare for needs" said Dr. Robert Gary, former division chairman. The division bought 20 IBM compatible computers, allowing students to work with modern technology and compete in the business world. A study over the last three years showed 92 percent of the business graduates work in the area they were trained in. Of that group, 99 percent
are pleased with the training they received at Westark.
'We're in a strategic planning process to prepare for needs. "
Paul Leggett helped one of his students with her class assignment. (Greg Fore)
Dr. Robert Gary
On a long term basis, Dr. Gary sees the business division reaching out to the Liberal Arts students. This would be done by adding three or four transfer elective courses to the Christine Harlan curriculum.
Business 29
Sparks, Ray CIS Chairman Boyd, Cindy Secretary Cantwell, Brenda Computers Mellon, Gene Computers Mellon, Karen Computers
Pappas, Ken Computers Walker, Bill Computers Sanders, Dr. Janet D.E. Chairman Brown, Jane Secretary Cameron, Harold Math Cooper, Mike Writing Efurd, Martha Reading Hoggard, Sally Reading Leins, Terri Math McKinney, Susan Writing
Newell, Margaret Reading Priest, Glenda Math Turner, Glenn Writing Winters, Ann Writing Wolff, Lorena Math
Taking Great Strides reat strides were taken to offer improved degree programs for computer science and business applications majors. One of these steps included a proposal for a new associate degree in micro computer applications. "We're constantly adding new courses" said Ray Sparks, CIS division chairman. During fall 1989 the division added one
CIS/Developmental Ed.
course in computer hardware and three courses in networking computer applications.
'We're adding new courses.
Ray Sparks
One purpose of the developmental education program was to provide an opportunity for students to
renew skills. In 1979 the Arkansas Association of Developmental Education was formed to improve professional development. This year the first week of November was proclaimed the Arkansas Developmental Education week. Westark hosted the Developmental Education State Conference and took part in the publishing of the Arkansas Association of Developmental Education jOUrnal.
Bonnie Stewart
Dipboye, Calline Chairman Burns, Ruth Secretary Bolin, Betty ADN Chambers, Kathy ADN Chancy, Susan ADN
Gregory, Gayla EMT Hammack, Anita ADN Hightower, Gale AVLab Coordinator Keel, Mary Jane ADN Porter, Darla ADN
Preas, Marjorie ADN Redding, Kathy LPN Reno, Julie ADN Snyder, Monica ADN Sturgeon, Sue Surgical Technology
Vernon, Nancy ADN Wells, Linda ADN
t seems that lately students have taken a great interest in nursing. As a result the
health occupations division has grown. They had 36 graduates in May of '89, 36 in July of '89, and expected between 72 and 80 in May of 90. Although that is quite a jump, they are not satisfied. They are planning for additional enrollment with new facilities and ; clinical days. "There is a very
critical shortage of nurses, but I am pleased with the progress we have made and are making toward filling that empty space," said Calline Dipboye, division chair.
"I am pleased with the progress we have made. "
Calline Dipboye
"We're really proud of the graduates. They deserve all the credit for their accomplishments" said Dipboye. "We have admission criteria that helps us know we have dedicated students who will succeed." "My greatest reward is walking into a clinic and seeing students working there," said Betty Bolin, first semester instructor. Paul Martin
Health Occupations 31
Beard, Joy Chairman Domingos, Loretta Secretary Bailey, Don Music Ballweg, Dr. Brent Music Bartlett, Barbara English
Beshoner, Sister Carmen French Dawson, Ann English Dover, Nancy English Howard, Pete Art Lee. Don Art
Rinne, Henry Music Shuffield, Sherron English Tannehill, Don English Walton, Tom Jour/Speech Wells, Gene English
Williams, Ann English Winters, Ann English Young, David Speech Zechiedrich, Nancy Spanish/English
here's a philosophy among educators that a degree requires a broad general education" said Joy Beard, division chair. According to Beard, humanities are studies which expand the student's awareness of the human condition and appreciation of human needs, values and achievements. They assist developing insights, and improving reasoning a The humanities can help students adapt change, have better decision making and problem solving skills, and work well with others/These basic habits are essential to any occupation," said Beard.
This year instructors set out to emphasize the role humanities play in everyday life. Among this years plans were a film society, as well as several
"A degree requires a broad general education."
speakers. Science and humanities speakers hoped to show the relationship the arts have with the business world. The also hoped to show the way science and humanities interact. Amy whittington
Hightower, Dr. Mike Chairman Pacheco, Cheryl Secretary Buchanan, Dr. Tom Biology Casselman, Bruce Math Clark, Tom Chemistry
Deaton, John Chemistry Estes, Kent Biology Forsythe, Odene Math Heintz, Dr. Sam Engineering Henderson, Steve Math
Home, Dr. Carol Biology Houston, Jim Biology Irish, Charles Physics Meeks, David Biology Nash, Hal Biology
Smith, Jackson Math Timmons, Todd Math Weigand, Larry Math
nrollment for the science, math, and engineering division jumped by 17 percent from last year's total. Required classes and anticipation for the University Center were two reasons for the increase, according to Dr. Mike Hightower, chairman. Faculty members shared office space and adapted their teaching methods to accomodate larger classes. "Of course, it certainly affected the methods I used," said Dr. Tom Buchanan, biology instructor. Several teachers commented they missed the closeness of smaller classes, which many considered an added advantage of a two-year college.
The science, math, and engineering division grew by leaps and bounds. The division includes
"It affected
the methods I used." Dr. Tom Buchanan
biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and engineering. Four new instructors were added to accomodate growing enrollment. Excitement grew in the math, science and engineering division, as well as across campus, as plans for the University Center progressed.
Christine Harlan
Hile, Harold Chairman Hutcheson, Barbara Secretary Breitenberg, Dan History Callahan, Harold Physical Ed Crowder, Bill Physical Ed
Gibbons, Linda Psychology Gordon, Dr. Delece Ed /Psychology Kaundart, Wes Physical Ed Levy, Ed Political Science Mahoney, Dr. Leo History
Polinskey, Terry Psychology Porter, Dr. Pat Sociology Sadler, Doc Physical Ed Vint, Bobby Physical Ed Watts, Lonnie Psychology/
Sociology Whorton, Louis Physical Ed. Wyatt, Jim Athletic Director
T Linda Gibbons promoted honors courses at the fall orientation clubs fair.
(Curtis Haney)
his year the psychology department started its first honors course. The program started with a section of psychology and English I focusing on self-development. "The honors program was set up to give students an enriched education. Honors courses are designed to get them more involved in their class work, do more writing, and discussing" said Linda Gibbons, director.
"The honors program was set up to give students an enriched education. "
Linda Gibbons
The division includes education, geography, history, law enforcement, physical education, political science, sociology, and psychology.
Amy Hope
Mynatt, Dr. Lee Chairman Durkee, Georgia Secretary Baker, Larry Electronics Butler, Ken Auto Mechanics
Cagle, Stan Electronics Center, Jerry Machine Shop Copeland, Mary Drafting Jones, Bobby Welding
McNeil, Tim Welding Page, Dan Electronics Samuels, John Electronics Scott, Darrell Auto Mechanics
Statham, Doug Machine Shop Vampola, Ed Drafting Vaughn, Jack Electronics Vyrostek, Wayne Electronics
for people out in the work something new began this year. The division addedfield. four microprocessor/ "There was an 18.5 increase in computer technology classes enrollment over the fall of '88, the crediting one semester hour. "A most significant increase being lot of people out of the industry automotive and electronics techare coming back to update their ''There was an 18.5 skills in these areas," said Wayne Vyrostek, electronics instructor. percent increase in enExpansion continued in the offering of electronics and rollment " Dr. Lee Mynatt automotive for update training
nology," said Dr. Lee Mynatt. "We are adding more GM and late model update classes to help service the community in the high tech of the late model cars" said Ken Butler, automotive instructor. "Many of our students are here pertaining to job upgrade, apprenticeship programs and the diplaced workers program" said Bobby Jones, welding instructor. AmyHope
Abdul-Khaliq, Jamillah Abner, Mark
Adkinson, Kevin Akers, Donna
Alam, Mohammed Albert, Melissa
Albright, Mark Albritton, Charles
Anderson, Claudia Arnold, Eric
Arnold, Vicky Ashing, May
Bailey, Chris Bailey, Mark Bruce Fletcher enjoyed the Leadership Training Conference. (Brent Ward) Kathy Lewis, president, listened to family group discussions.
(Brent Ward)
positive atmosphere ran throughout the Baptist Student Union, located at 701 No. 50th. "One of the first things I noticed when I came to the BSU was the friendly atmosphere where anyone is welcome" said Jennifer Culpepper. "A misconception about the BSU is that it is just for Baptists. We also have many non-Baptists"said Darrel Ray, Director of the BSU. The BSU attended events like the Back to School Seminar, Leadership Training Conference, a mission trip to Washington State University, and the BSU state commission.
"One of the first things I noticed when I came to the BSU was the
Members were (Back) Darrel Ray, Jay Maze, Gregory Griffith, Kyle Mainer, Brian Friday, Stan Brown, Paul Hebbling. (Middle) Scott Hearn, Jackie Brown, Terry Barren, Mark Prock, Michele Ridenour, Carol Durham, Bonnie Stewart, Brent Graham, Mark Wear, (Front) Forest Pevenouse, Terri Watson, Jennifer Culpepper, Kathy Lewis, Tonia Pullen, Nancy Wheeler. (Paul Sayavong)
atmosphere where anyone is Welcome."
Jennifer Culpepper
"The BSU is not only a place to go to for Christian fellowship, it is also a place you can serve God. We have done several missions and activities thoughout the year. That is our way of making a difference on campus/' said Lori Hightower. New ideas always interest the BSU. They would like to do more on campus such as a noon show and some revival teamwork at area churches. "The BSU is a great place for Christian fellowship. If you want to be involved in college life, the BSU is a great place to start" said Mike Nichols. Amy Hope
Bobby Parker, Bruce Fletcher, Brian Friday, Darrel Ray, Kathy Lewis, and Lori Hightower led the group during a meeting. (Brent Ward)
Baptist Student Union 39
Balkman, Travis Barker, Nellie Barnes, Sandy Bartels, Alan Bascue, Veronica
Bates, Suzanne Beasley, Robert Bell, Kevin Belt, Chad Belt, Craig
t was time for a spring bash, right? Students took a break from the usual read and rush routine to go out and get crazy. Spring break was the perfect opportunity to have fun, meet new people and tr| to forget about school. For one week they enjoyed no school responsibilities and certainly no homework! "I went to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, laid out in the sun and met lots of people" said K.C Harrell. "I picked up guys, went to a strip joint, and to a party that lasted all night and all of the next day/' said Robin Bolton, who spent her break in Fort Lauderdale, also.
"Icaught some rays and had tons of fun meeting new people. "Christie Michael "I caught some rays and had tons of fun meeting new people," said Christie Michael, who spent spring break on the slopes in Park City, Utah. *l enjoyed my break, but I didn't do anything" said Larry Brown, who like many, spent spring break
Jody Rhoads and friends spent Spring Break skiing at Crested Butte, Colorado. Carey MeCutchen and Theresa Daniel spent spring break at Mustang Beach, Corpus Christi, Texas.
at home. For many spring break meant a break spent getting wild and crazy after months of studying. For others, it was just a time of relaxation. Shanteel Jones
40 Students
Belt, Kristi Bennett, Leanne Blackwell, Kelly Blasingame, Angle Blocker, Pamela
Bohlman, Sheryl Bolton, Robin Boucher, Brenda Bradley, Billie Bradley, Mae
Christie Michael and her skiing instructor braved the slopes at Park City, Utah. Shanteel Jones had a great week in Hawaii during spring break.
Students 41
Music Notes
any changes took place in the choral group this year with the addition of a new director and his fresh ideas, Dr. Brent Ballweg lead the all new 'Concert Choir' with enthusiasm/Three faculty members played a part in lending credibility to the program by being active in the Concert Choir/' said Ballwreg. Among the changes came 'First Edition,' the vocal ensemble for the choir. The group does traveling separate from the choir. Both groups performed together in the two semester concerts which included all periods of history and styles from contemporary to vocal jazz, as well as British, German, Spiritual and American music.
/ have appreciated...the spirit and wonderful attitudes of the Students. "
Dr. Brent Ballweg
The fall semester saw an incresase in performances by Westark's choral ensembles. The choir's campus concert was held November 14, and they also performed at Goddard United Methodist Church on November 18. The First Edition performed at the Parkview Nursing Home, the Fullerton Union Christmas Noon Show, and the Christmas Eve midnight mass at Christ the King Church. The choir ended the semester with a social at Emmy's Restaurant where they led the entire restaurant in singing English and German Christmas carols. "I have appreciated and enjoyed the spirit and wonderful attitudes of the students/' Said Ballweg.
Shanteel Jones
The choir's campus concert was held November 14. <** Rho-d,) Members were (Back) Carol Durham, Melissa Trotter, Susan McKinney, Darrell Dishner, Kyle Mainer, Cash Durrett, Scott Martin, Charlotte Moseley, Sally Hoggard. (Middle) Christ! English, Bonnie Stewart, Janet Sanders, Stacey Dishner, Brett Short, Brian Morris, Lynnette Roberts, Charleen Castes, Jenny Massey. (Front) Dawn Watts, Mail! Jennen, Becky Gregory, David Mosiey, Ruben Medina, Dave Webb, Michelle Ridenour, Christine Gilbert. <Creg George)
Brandenburg, Kevin Brewer, Debra Brooks, Kelli Brotherton, Greg Brown, Andre
Brown, LaVonda Brown, Nafeesah Buegler, Kathleen Buford, Cecil Bugg, Ann
Bui, Iran Bunten, Janis Bunten, Shelley Burcham, Erma Burns, Susan
Burroughs, Frank Burton, Michele Butler, Cathy Byars, Drew Byrum, Debbie
Cadelli, Angela Caldwell, Tricia Calhoun, Rusty Campbell, Carolyn Campbell, Janice
Canod, Ann Carter, Kristi Casey, Randy Ceil, Tuy Centene, Sandra
Chadwick, Tina Chai, Chee Chappell, Nancy Cheek, Debra Cheeks, Natrelle
Students 4-u
Food for Thought T
he cafeteria received a face lift this year. J. NeePs Food Service Inc. took over the management. Remodeling took place in the kitchen area and new equipment was added. We wanted to provide "good food fast in a clean restaurant everyday/' said Sonny McKinney, cafeteria manager. NeePs began serving food in the renovated cafeteria on August 14. McKinney brought one member from the Whirlpool staff, which NeePs also manages. The rest of the staff consists of new people. They offer a different lunch special every day and they have already tripled last year's sales.
Fm proud to be here," said McKinney. 'There is a tremendous improvement. The food is exceptionally good. I'm glad they made some changes for the better/' said Jerry Center, machine shop instructor. "I was impressed with the good selection/' said Morgan Pierce, electronics major. 'The prices are reasonable, You get a little something extra with your meal/' said Evelyn Griffin. 'They give you more than you can eat and the food is great/' remarked Donna Foreman, accounting major.
Amy Hope
"There is a tremendous improvement The food is exceptionally good. Fm glad they made some changes for the better."
Jerry Center
McKinney feels the college is running on a positive course and the cafeteria will grow with it. The college wanted the union to be a happy place. NeePs has helped make it happen. 'The people at the college have really been helpful.
Ch'ng, Grace Christenberry, David Christian, Sybul Christian, Valerie Clark, Lisa
Clark, Mike Clayton, John Clem, Donna Cochran, Shawn Cole, Jake
44 Students
FuUerton Union was a great place for friends to get together for fun and games, (Curtis Haney)
Libby Irantharn enjoyed a cinnamon roll in the student union.
(Curtis Haney)
Lunch was a good time to visit or Study in the Union.
(Curtis Haney)
Collains, Shawn Colley, Candice Colston, Linda Combs, Joe Comiskey, Jason
Compton, Sharon Contreras, Alicia Contreras, Anna -Cooper, Mark Cboper, Ronda
Students 45
Cormier, Brandon Corn, Amy Cosgrove, Tracie Gotten, Renee Crotts, Andi
Crow, Ann Cumpton, Christy Gushing, Nadine Cwiertnia, Jennett Daniel, Diane
Daniel, Robbie Daunis, Angela Davis, Charlotte Davidson, David Dean, Lori
Dennis, Chris Denson, Marc Dinsmore, Sandra Dobbs, Jeff Doggs, Janet
Dooly, Greg Dooly, Todd Duke, Alan Dunlap, Beth Dunn, Judy
Durham, Bill Durham, Carol Durrett, Cash Dyer, Robert Earll, Jason
Eatmen, Danny Edgin, Tiffany Edwards, Pam Edwards, Peggy Edwards, Randy
46 Students
Bilingual Membership S
e Hablo espanol? Parlez-vous francias? If these phrases mean anything to you, chances are you are a likely candidate for the Foreign Language club. At one time the Spanish club and the French club each had their own identities, but in 1987 Carmen Beshoner, French club sponsor and Nancy Zechiedrich, Spanish club sponsor, decided to combine the two clubs. "In unity there is strength, so the two clubs would be stronger if they were combined. We were both working toward the same goal and this brings about an interest between French and Spanish/' said Zecheidrich. Voila! the Foreign Language club, "America is the great melting pot and our culture stems from the Spanish and the French cultures. The more we know about other people the more we know about ourselves. This knowledge enlarges our understanding that people can do things different and still do it right/' said Beshoner.
"We want other people interested in other cultures."
Julie whittker
A Spanish singer visited Nancy Zechtedrich's Spanish class during the fall semester. rJod> Rhoads) Officers were Dicie Woodall, Julie Whitiker, Malcolm Williamson, and Heather Ingram. (Jody Rhoads)
"We want others interested in other cultures so they can experiment with them/' said President Julie Whitiker. Zecheidrich said anyone who speaks a foreign language is welcome to the club. It doesn't necessarily have to be a student. What the club does varies from year to year. Each year there is a new staff and the club takes on the personality of the president. One year the club was into fund raising. This year's staff is an active and motivated group/' said Zecheidrich. "The only way to keep up on something, such as a foreign language is to practice. This is a fun way of doing it, but we go to plays and offer educational trips, too/' shantecuones
Foreign Language Club 47
Edwards, Robbin Elder, Amanda Elliot, Belva Elmore, Connie Elmore, Marilyn
Elmore, Melissa Elmore, Shelly Erickson, Kim Ervin, Thomas Ezell, Janie
Faber, Kristi Faldon, Scott Faldor, Scott Farley, Chris Feener, Julie
Inter-Cultural Awareness T
he term 'international' gives this club the ^meaning for existence. It is in this club that people from all over the world can be a member, 'This year we had students from over 10 countries participating/' said sponsor Sally Hoggard. "We had about 30 non-American students who came from other countries to study at Westark, some of which are planning on returning to their home land."
"This club gives each member a vehicle to participate in different activities and to experience plays, basketball games, etc./' said Glenda Priest, co-sponsor. "We are a really close knit group and have a great rapport. It's definately a growth experience and it's fun!"
"One of the rewards is a greater understanding
of other cultures/' Sally Hoggard
Their main goal is to incorporate foreign students into our society and promote inter-cultural awareness. They help make them feel comfortable by having picnics and dinners to give them a feeling of home to learn and share experiences with other students. "One of the rewards is a greater understanding of other cultures/' added Hoggard.
48 International Club
Une of the activities of the Internationa! Club included a picnic for members at Creekmore Park. (Paul Sayavon?
Fielder, Frances Flake, Patrick Flegel, Jill Floyd, Kimberley Flynn, Brighetta
Fore, Greg Foreman, Donna Formby, Jason Foster, Doris Fox, Sharon
Franklin, Tamara Franklin, Tracy Freeman, Mark Freeman, Sandra Friddle, Katrina
Members were (Back) Sone Sananikone, Phea Ork, Bounleuth Sayavong, Loon Yong Phang, Tan Chi Hiang, Ouloth Nouanthanuvanh, Sally Hoggard, Thuy Iran, Son Nguyen, Soutsaychay Syvongsa, Somchanh Oudompharamy, Kyoho Lee. (Front) See Bing Nguyen, Rasamy Mingboupha, Som Nguyen. (Paul Sayavong)
Sone Sananikoite took a break from the fun at the International Club picnic.
(Pau! Sayavong)
Growing Pains
lthough the Jazz Band is experiencing growing pains, the group has become "the most diversified I've ever directed. We have students ranging from beginners to the highly experienced/' said Don Bailey, Director. "It was the hardest year we ever had getting started, but it turned out to be the best yet," said Tom Watts, bassist. Throughout the year, the Jazz Band performed public relations concerts in the Ft. Smith area. From recruiting high school students to preparing for annual concerts, the Jazz Band promoted "a positive feeling about Westark," said Bailey. The appearance of Dizzy Gillespie added excitement to this year's program. According to Bailey, "Dizzy Gillespie is a walking jazz history that drew crowds from as far as Tulsa and Oklahoma City."
'We have students ranging from beginnners to highly experienced "
Don Bailey
The Jazz Band hopes to make additions in its program by adding a second band. The second band would be a lab and a prerequisite for jazz band. Problems such as scheduling, practice areas, and rehearsal time remain, but "It's only a matter of time," said Bailey. With continued growth and support, Bailey plans to make the band's growing pains a visible reality. Bonnie steuart
50 Ja:z Band
JVlembers were (Back) Eddie Zirmamon, Scott Shoemaker, Ward Eagleton, Davi Brooks, DeWayne Walden, Brad Rotert, David Moss. (Middle) Tommy Watt! Mokki Matlock, Grant Camden, David Holland. (Front) Russell Wordlow, Oil Karl, Shannon Brown fie Id, Terri Bailey, Kristina Lindstrom, Batles Mauley (Curtis Hot*
I. he Jazz Band noon shows were a great source of entertainment.
(Curtis HanÂŤ
Fry, Tracy Frye, Lori
Fuller, Maria Furman, Shari
Ganden, Toni Garcia, Lucy
Garvey, Jim Gary, Kevin
Tommy Watts, bass player, visited with students after a successful noon show performance.
George, Greg Gibson, Angela
(Curtis Haney)
Trumpet players Brad Rotert and David Moss looked over sheet music. (Curtis Haney) Gibson, Charlotte Gilbert, Chris
Gilchrist, Marilyn Gillespie, Christopher
Students D1
My Favorite Things R
aindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens were not the first things to come to mind when students were asked some of their favorite things about college. "One of my favorite things about college is being able to be with friends every day/' said Mike Jennings.
"One of my
things.,.is being able to be With friends." Mike Jennings "Roadtrips to out of town baseball games are the greatest aspect of college life/' said Margie Williams and Carey McCutchen. "You make friends who tough out the classes with you/' said Vicky Arnold. "The best part is I got to test my career field and finally changed my major/'said Curtis Haney. Barbara Pope
Gipson, Veda Golden, Iris Gonzalez, Anel Gootham, Praveen Goss, Laura
Gouger, Sherry Gough, Laura Gourd, Barbara Goutierez, Wendy Gramlich, Catherine
OIL, Students
The between class hustle was not anyone's favorite aspect of collegiate life.
(Curtis Haney)
Gramling, Paul Gray, Mary Gregory, Robert Griffin, Evelyn Griffin, Michelle
Griffith, Gregory Gross, Marilyn Grouse, Lori Gudgell, Jennifer Gudn, Tan
Gunzenhauser, Hope Gusick, J.R. Hadley, John Hampton, Melinda Haney, Curtis
Hanks, Jamie Hardcastle, Becky Harlan, Christine Harris, Andrea Harris, Brian
Harrison, Kelton Hawkins, Linda Hawkins, Sonya Hayes, Trevor Helmer, Clay
Henderson, Les Henry, Allison Henry, Francis Hernendez, Mariceh Henson, Sherry
Hester, Stephanie Hiang, Tan Hice, Clifton Hice, Stephanie Hicks, Debbie
Hinkle, Michelle Hixca, Mike Hoblitzell, Charles Hogan, Ashlye Holcomb, Kenneth
Holmen, James Holscher, Pamela Holt, Jackie Hornsey, Stephen Hough, Laura
O4- Students
Vigorous Ventures P
hi Beta Lambda, a business organization, remains busy throughout each year. PBL sponsors the Miss Westark Fashion Show, with proceeds going to the Arkansas Children's Hospital. Free Enterprise week, an on campus event, highlights the free enterprise system. Members attended the State Leadership Conference in September at Fairfield Bay. Officers went to the Southern Regional Leasdership Conference in November in Charlotte, North Carolina. This spring PBL officers and members attended the State Leadership Conference, where they competed in a variety of business events.
"/ have been associated with PBL for 12 years and we have the highest enrollment this year with 60 members."
Dr. BHI Laceweii
Winners of state competition attended National Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. The Harding University Invitational Business Games, a computersimulated project, lasted about two months starting in September. Receiving the Gold Seal Merit Award at the Nationals was a plus. "I have been associated with PBL for 12 years and we have the highest enrollment this year with 60 members/' said Dr. Bill Laceweii. Amy H0pe
Members were (Back) Sharon Winn, Linda White, James Raney, John Larru, Lola Dueling, Amy Richmond, Bernice Johnson, Dr. Bill Lacewell. (Middle) Cathy Pham, Vicki Larru, Kathy Reed,
Kathleen King, Lori Beran.
(Curtis Haney)
PBL Free Enterprise speakers included George McGill, Agent, Allstate Insurance, and Sam Jordon, Management Information Officer, Merchants National Bank.
(Curtis Haney)
Phi Beta Lambda 55
House, Elizabeth Howard, Michael Howell, Sharon Howerton, Troy Hudson, Maria
Huey, Amber Huffman, James Hulsey, Angela Hummond, Troy Hunter, Jennifer
Hurden, Tim Isom, Sandra Jackson, Joe Jenkins, Jack Jennings, Mike
Academic Achievement estark tried to install a sense of academic achievement in its' students, Phi Theta Kappa recognized these students and fostered continuing achievement and leadership. "It's a good learning experience and it's also a fun experience/' said Sharon Winn, director. In September, members attended the Fall Leadership Conference at Northern College in Tonkawa. As part of the conference they spent an exciting evening in Marland Mansion. In November, some of the members went to the Third Annual Convention for the Oklahoma/ Arkansas Region of Phi Theta Kappa held at Rose State College in Midwest City. The Honors Study Topic was 'The Americas; Distant Neighbors
DO Phi 7'hefa Kama
Building Bridges/ PTK took a collection of artifacts, ideas, and information representative of the culture of Venezuela.
"It's a good learning experience and its also a fun experience."
Sharon Winn
In April PTK members attended the 72nd Annual National Convention held in San Francisco, where they entered a scrapbook covering last year's National Leadership Conference and this VeafS activities.
Pam Young, reporter, took notes at the PTK meeting,
r.i a ÂŤm Earii)
Johansson, Lise-Lott Johndrow, Brenda Johnson, Derek Johnson, Melissa Jones, Bobby
Jones, Dane Jones, Etoshia Jones, Shannon Jones, Shanteel Jones, Tashann
Kachenchai, Tangruth Kamerling, Kim Kelley, Rochelle Keobournam, Bounpheng Khoo, Chin
Officers were Thomas Ervin, Nancy O'Hern, Pam Young, and Malcolm Williamson.
Thomas Ervin enjoyed refreshments at the PTK meeting, (Jason Earii)
(Jason Karll)
Students O 1
Flashes of Blue
f you thought you saw a blue streak and a friendly smile flash before your eyes this year, you weren't imagining things. It was probably one of the 21 ambassadors on campus this year. No. they didn't come from a foreign country. They were the Pride of Westark, The Pride recruits for Westark and with the record enrollment this year they must be doing their job well. "The Pride gets you acquainted with people on campus. It makes you feel good to help someone decide about college/' said Shannon Solesbee, president. "I enjoy influencing student's futures, and possibly affecting their decisions about Westark/' said Amy Whittington.
Lewis, Trade Cosgrove. (Middle) Amy Whittington, Shawn Mullens,
"It is difficult to lead a group
Kish, Randa Underwood. (Front) Stephanie Black, Erika Abernathy,
Members were (Back) John Clayton, Brad Lelemsis, Tom Turner, Krista Sandra Wilson, Shannon Solesbee, Bryan King, Laura Jacobson, Kerri Jenny Massey, Libby Trantham, Tisha Kolb, Kim Kamerling, Twyla
of leaders.
Shannon Solesbee
During the fall semester Pride attended Career Days at area high schools. In the spring they went to area high schools and spoke to students. This was on a more personal level and it gave students a chance to ask questions. Not only does Pride recruit, they also help serve campus dinners, greet and usher at graduation, and conduct tours of campus. Pride helped with the Wellness Classic and the Angel Tree, They also helped hang Christmas cards for the contest at the Fort Smith Art Center. It is an honor to be a member of Pride," said Keri Kish. "It is difficult to lead a group of leaders/' said Solesbee. Members of Pride are selected by their demonstration of exceptional academic and public relations skills. They appear as a flash of blue spreading Westark's Pride wherever they gO,
58 Pride
Bonnie Stewart and Amy Hope
Yates, Misty Smith.
(Jody Rhoads)
Pride members planned events at meetings.
(Jody Rhoads)
Kibby, Susan Kim, Lim King, Bryan King, Christy King, James
King, Karen Kinsey, Spencer Kish, Keri Koeth, Adam Kolb, Tisha
Kono, Rika Kupern, Jeff LaBorn, Kevin Lan, Alvin Lasiter, Nathan
Latta, Kelly Lawrimore, Walter Legg, Daryl Lelemsis, Brad Lenington, Paige
Lermberg, Tanya Lewis, Brett Lewis, Charlotte Lewis, Krista Lewis, Michelle
Lie, Jeffry Linker, Pam Livingston, Steve Loc, Cau Lockaby, Elecca
Lonk, Rose Lowe, Robin Lowery, Tereasa Lucas, Del Lindsey, Jerri
Stodents 59
Society Sponsored Projects T
he Spanish honor society, Sigma Delta Mu, had a number of projects for 198990 including choosing new pledges, sponsoring a day for a group of Salvadorian students and instuctors from Carl Albert Junior College to visit Westark, and hosting an ice cream social for Italian students visiting from Cisterna, Italy.
This is a select and well qualified group of Sigma Delta Mu." Nancy Zechiedrich "I think this is a select and well qualified group of Sigma Delta Mu/' said Nancy Zechiedrich, director.
Angela Barlow
Officers were Carol Warner, Charlotte Lewis, Chapel Harcrow, Malcolm Williamson. (Greg George) Carol Warner and Malcolm Williamson hosted an ice cream social for Italian students visiting from Fort Smith's sister city, Cisterna, Italy. (Curtis Haney) Carol W7arner checked out the foods served at the ice cream social,
UU Sigma Delta Mu
(Curtis Haney)
Lynch, Denice Lynch, Tracey Mack, Theresa Maddox, Reid Mahar, Eddie
Maiden, Tracy Majes, Neal Mar, Edna Martin, John Martin, Paul
Mason, Mark Massey, Jenny Mathews, Heather Matthews, Barbara May, Donald
Mayner, Mark McAlister, Doug McAnally, Brian McAnaly, Karen McBride, Leslie
McCarthy, Michael McClain, Deborah McClendon, George McCormick, Teena McFarlin, David
McGehee, LaTonda McGinnis, Twana McLaughlin, Terry McLesworth, Domenica McNeely, Kisher
McSparin, Robert Mi, HaSung Michael, Christie Mille, Resa Mobley, Christine
Molsbee, Theresa Moore, Christopher Moore, Gretchen Moore, Ron Moreton, Pam
Morford, Rachel Morgan, Julie Morris, Bradley Morris, Brian Moses, Bryan
Moss, Donna Moudy, Bobby Mounce, Barry Mullen, Shelly Mullicane, Karen
Mullins, Michael Naples, Tony Neeley, Don Neihouse, Anthony Nelson, Steve
Nena, Dana Newcity, Micheal Newman, Chuck Newton, Tom Norris, Shelly
Northrop, John Nouanthanuvanh, Ouloth Obana, Michelle Oldham, Danny Ollis, Jodie
Osawa, Tsuyoshi Oudomparamy, Si Owens, Sherry Parent, Norma Parish, Daniel
62 Students
Gaining Momentum he Sign Language Club gained momentum this vear and students were excited
money 10 neip p&y mecucai expenses for 3-year-old Kenny Wilson who had spina bifida. They also raised money to be placed in a checking account and earmarked for the next Fulfill a Dream child from this area.
communicate with the deaf,"
Kerry Garner
Members invited community residents to attend meetings and get involved. "Sign language should be a requirement, especially for those in education, business, police science, and health occupations/' said Max Burns, director. Members learned a 'new language: "It gives me a great feeling knowing I can communicate with the deaf," said Kerry Garner. Christine Marian Members were (Back) Sherry Dickason, Audra Sargent, Robert McSparin, Paul Sayavong. (Front) Kerry Garner, Becky Barnweli, Aileen Crabtree, Max Burm.fPaul Wilson)
Sign Language Club DO
Parker, Cecil Parrish, Carmie Parrish, Sheila Parson, Julie Paxton, Brian
Pay, Jeff Pearson, Holly Pegg, Eva Pendleton, Carrie Pereira, Michelle
Phan Tuong Phelps, Kay Phillips, Angelia Phillips, Debbie Phillips, Kim
Serving the Community W
estark Student Nurses Association supported activities in the community. During their free time WSNA members could be found volunteering at the Good Samaritian Clinic. WSNA also helped Sparks Regional Medical Center with their 'safe candy" program during Halloween.
outstanding clinical facilities, and strong support from the administration who provide resources on campus. "I believe our students are better than any in the world/' said Dipboye. Amy Hope
"/ believe our students are better than any in the world
Cailine Dipboye
Members attended the State Convention in Little Rock during October. The keynote speaker, Lynda Juall Carpenito, wrote some of the textbooks the nursing students used for reference. WSNA attended the MidYear Conference in New Orleans during November. The National Convention wras held in Nashville, Tennessee, during April. According to Calline Dipboye. Health Occupations Division Chair, Westark's success is due to qualified students who work hard to meet high standards set by a highly qualified faculty,
Many nursing students chose a clinical area on the basis of hospital experience gained as a student. (Stan Sharp)
Pica, Lenore Pierce, Dana Pierce, Heather Pierce, Shanna Pilgrim, Odis
Place, Shawn Plummer, Brad Pond, Betty Poole, Raymond Pope, Barbara
Posey, Becky Posey, JoLynn Post, Corey Powell, Brian Powell, Stanley
Classrooms were filled to capacity with nursing students. (Jod> Rhoads) Nursing courses required lots of time spent in the laboratory for Troy Howerton. (Jod> Rhoads)
Students 65
Write Stuff
ublications staff develops students' awareness of the print media. "Students produce materials for the yearbook and newspaper while experiencing a job atmosphere/' said Tom Walton, director. There have been many changes since Walton came to campus 13 years ago. 'There are more students, better facilities, and increased specialization/' Even with improvements, Walton begins each year with the basics. "It's tough beginning each year with new students who know little about the program expectations/'
"It's neat to see the
areas involved in publications instead of being the reader." Shanteel Jones Student leaders like Margie Williams, Curtis Haney and Barbara Pope keep publications in motion. "Barbara's organization and creativity made her perfectly suited to be a college yearbook editor," said Walton, while Margie Williams, Lion Pride Editor, "is fresh and enthusiastic." In addition, Walton wished he could make Curtis Haney, Dark Room Manager, a permanent member of the staff. There are many rewards to being involved in Student Publications. "Seeing students develop employable skills," is one of those rewards for Walton. "It's neat to see the different areas involved in publications instead of being the reader," said Shanteel Jones, Lion Pride assistant editor. "My staff is really motivated," said Barbara Pope, NUMA editor. Bonnie &&Âť<**
UU Student Publications
Bonnie Stewart, Barbara Pope and Christine Harlan worked to meet the first yearbook deadline. (Curtis Hanej) Members were (Back) Spencer Kinsey, Jerri Lindsey, Christie Michael, Shanteel Jones. (Middle) Tom Walton, Greg Fore, Robbie Gilbert, Amy Hope, Paul Martin, Mike Jennings, Alan Duke, Christine Harlan, Jody Rhoads, Greg George. (Front) Barbara Pope, Bonnie Stewart, Margie Williams, Carey McCutchen, Robin Bolton, Curtis Haney. (Stan Sharp)
Powers, William Price, Carol Putnam, Vernetta Rankin, Randy Rasmussen, Dale
Reauis, Jim Reaves, Kim Rector, Sabrina Reed, Donna Reese, Geneva
Reisman, Christine Reynolds, Lesa Rhoads, Jody Rice, Kevin Richardson, Jay
Richardson, Raquel Rixey, Charlotte Robbins, Daniel Roberts, Lynnette Robertson, David
Rodebush, Linda Rogers, Jim Rogers, Kelly Rosser, Lisa Rudd, Robbie
Ruddell, Viviline Rupe, Leah Russell, Larry Sale, Teri Sanchez, Vickie
Sanders, Kelly Sanders, Sonya Sargent, Audra Sauntes, Randell Sayavong, Paul
Students 67
Promoting Progress S
tudents Together Effectively Progressing, the black student organization, spent many hours involving themselves in both community service activities and fund raisers. STEP members provided dances throughout the year to accumulate funds for state and national conferences. When they weren't raking in the money at fundraisers, members were found raking leaves for elderly within the community,
'We're all here with the common goal to better ourselves.''
Craigston Steele
In February, STEP celebrated Black Heritage month. For one of its members, Tracy Talley, Black Heritage month offered "cultural awareness." STEP also got involved during the year at the InterFaith Daycare Center. "We're all here with a common goal to better
Sayarath, Viengkio Schenk, Rob Scott, Rodney Seal, Julie Seaton, Sabrina
Sessums, Delene Sever, Amy Sharp, Doug Sharp, Stan Sheehan, Barbara
Shephard, Summer Sheppach, Sabrina Shoate, Temika Simmons, Kristie Simpkins, Nicole
ourselves," said Craigston Steele. With the theme "Knowledge Is Power " Students Together Effectively Progressing sponsored a week of student activities to promote Black Awareness Week on the campus and throughout the Fort Smith area. The weeklong celebration ended Sunday, Feb. 25, with a "Gospel Explosion" concert in Breedlove Auditorium. Students Together Effectively Progressing also donated $2,100 to the school scholarship fund in memory of two Fort Smith ministers who served the city collectively for 90 years. In addition to honoring brothers Louis and Norman McGill, who pastored separate churches here, students honored 34 outstanding citizens of the decade. STEP set and reached many goals for the year. "Our club promotes the progress of the minority into a unity," said club president Angela Mingo.
Bonnie Stewart
H o w a r d Tomkins and Cecil Cooksey went to a dance sponsored by STEP. (Robin Bolton)
Members were (Back) Kevin Gary, Eric Arnold, Magnus Johnson, Cetreiva Whitmore. (Front) Terri Leins, Robin Bolton, Tammy Delt, Genine Stewart, Tashann Jones. (Spencer Kinsey)
Sims, Debra Slay, Penny Smith, Carolyn Smith, Chester Smith, Dana
Smith, Smith, Smith, Soller, Soller,
Misty Shawntel Spence Audra Walter
Spearman, Kerry Spyres, Steven Standridge, Penny Steele, Craigston Stephens, Craig
Study Blues S
tudying was the natural course of action for students, but too often it followed other necessary activities such as work, hobbies, family and friends. The challenge students faced was finding the time to study. Many students had jobs and some were married and had families. School was just one part of their lives.
Stay up late and get up early to find time to study. Sandy Allen think most students are having to learn to manage their time,'' said Cheryl Peters, counselor. work part time so I usually study in the morning, before work and between classes. Sometimes I have to make time by staying home instead of going out with friends," said Wendy Hinkle. "I have a full time job and I have a full load here at Westark, so I usually study at night and between classes and on Sundays," says Kristi Miller. "It's hard sometimes. I stay up late and get up early to find time to study," said Sandy Allen. According to the college equation students should spend two hours studying for every hour in the classroom. This seemed almost impossible for most students with so many other demands on their time.
7 0 Students
Angela Barlow
D a v i d McFarlin studied in the library to the sound of music.
(Curtis Haney)
P a m Linker showed frustration as she concentrated on her studies in the library.
(Curtis Haney)
Stevens, Kraig Stevenson, Joe Stewart, Genine Stilwell, Dan Stilwell, Penny
Stouffer, Danny Stout, Tony Stockton, Teresa Strider, Diana Stropes, Mary
Stubblefield, Lance Sutton, Sharon Tabor, Hollie Talley, Tracy Tandy, Jeff
Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Tyrone Teague, Virginia Tedeschi, Edith Thomas, Lazandra
Thornly, Mary Tilton, Lynn Toschik, Eliza Tran, Tong Tranthan, Libby
Travis, Tracy Triplett, Jonathan Trotter, Melissa Truong, Kenny Trusty, Patrick
Tucker, Darla Turner, Tom Turnipseed, Linda Underwood, Randa Vargas, Julio
Vaughan, Jeana Vaught, Rita Victory, Linda Wagner, Constance Wagner, Pat
Waid, Burton Walker, Wayne Walters, Wanda Wann, Barbara Ward, Blair
Semester Test Phobia O
nce each semester a deadly virus swept across campus gripping unprepared students with S.T.P. No, it had nothing to do with cars, but it did leave students with dead batteries once it had struck. The symptoms were unmistakeable and included; desk clinching during exams, mangled hair, and an enormous amount of time spent in the library. The virus was commonly known as Semester Test Phobia.
''Knowing that the class will soon end makes finals with"
easier to cope Jeff W h e e l e r J e n n e t t Cwiertnia and Chris Reisman worked on calculus in
Jill Medley said the cure was to "start studying two weeks before exams and don't try to cram." Others, like Shanteel Jones, believed you "study all year so you are prepared for finals, then get stressed anyway." However, there were a few people on campus who felt differently. "Finals week is good for students; they have time off to study and take tests," said Nancy Zeichiedrich. Leann Black, one of Westark's librarians, believed "finals give students one last chance to bring their grades up." "Knowing that the class will soon end makes finals easier to cope with," said Jeff Wheeler. Bonnie Stewart
7 2
the Learning Assistance Center.
R a n i Schwartz worked in the computer lab.
(Greg Fore)
Warner, Carol Webb, Geoff Welch, Vessie Wells, Jason White, Linda
White, Loretta White, Stephanie Whittington, Amy Whitmore, Cetreiva Wiles, Mark
J a s o n Formby read his assignment before heading to class.
J , R . Gusick looked stressed as he studied for final exams.
(Curtis Haney)
Creative Outlet T he 1989-90 school year brought about many additions to the campus. One of those was a new club- the Writers Guild. The Guild, designed to give students a creative outlet for ideas, provided an opportunity for sharing their work and receiving critiques on it.
" T h e club
everyone who enjoys a
" T h eclub is for everyone who enjoys a creative mind and has an interest in writing" said Carey McCutchan. The Writers Guild had planned poetry readings and various support groups. ''My support group will be for those who enjoy writing horror because that is what I am most interested in," said Valerie Jameson, President. Angela B a r b w
creative mind and has an interest in writing.
Carey McCutchen
The idea to start the new club originated when a couple of students saw the movie, "Dead Poets Society"' in the summer according to Brad Plummer.
Wilkerson, Becky Williams, JoLisa Williams, Lance Williams, Margie Williams, Teresa
Williamson, Malcolm Wilson, Becky Wilson, John Wilson, Valerie Woodall, Kenneth
7 4
Writer's Guild
Praveen Gootham, Valerie Jameson, and Brad Plummer discussed club plans. Corey Post listened to a critique,
Haney) (Curtis Haney)
R u s t y Calhoun presented ideas for the upcoming year at the first meeting. M a n y students
{Curtis Haney)
in forming a campus club.
{Curtis H a o e y )
Woodhull, Jarrell Woodis, Rosa Woodis, Rosia Woodruff, Deborah Woodruff, Travis
Yamaji, Juklko Yates, Twyla Yong, Phay Yother, Joel Young, Bill
Rhythm and Blues A l l eyes were on James White, but we can't tell if he's rejecting a shot or waving at a pretty girl. (Spencer Kinsey)
Sophomores James White (Above) and Andre Brown (Right) provided stability and leadership. (Jody Rhoads)
atching the 1989-'90 Lions was kind of lib watching a bouncing basketball. Up and down, up and down. Coach Bobby Vint's crew posted a 26-8 record; but the Lions finished Bi-State East Conference play with a disappointing 5-5 mark The Lions won the Arkansas State Junior College championship; but in the Region II play offs the eventual national champion Connors St. C o w b o y s lassoed the Lions in two games. It was definitely a season of streaks. After an opening loss to Paris, Texas, the Lions won 16 consecutive games. They then opened conference play with consecutive two-point overtime losses. The next five games were all victories, including an upset of the then second-ranked Connors St. The Lions then lost three of their last five regular season games. Heading into the state tournament the Lions seemed to have lost all their momentum. Surprise! The squad roared through the tourney, winning their three games by an average of 33 points. The 133-77 semifinal win over Southern Arkansas Tech set a school scoring record.
of our goals as
sophomores to win a state title befor we left"
Members, coaches, administrative supporters were (Back) Pres. Joel Stubblefield, Robert Shepherd, Jonathon Triplett, David Johnson, Eric Traylor, Ron Coleman, V.P. Eric Priest. (Middle) Mgr. Roger Prescott, James White, Julius Ward, Darwin Kelly, Trence Russ, Coach Bobby Vint. (Front) Asst. Coach Doc Sadler, Rodney Perry, Ezell Calvin, Brad Nolen, Chris Mayberry, Andre Brown, Mgr. James West. (Jody Rhoads)
7 8LadyLion Basketball
David Johnson
"It was one of our goals as sophomores to win a state title before we left" said David Johnson. Freshman Eric Traylor was named Most Valuable Player in the state tournament, and sophomore James White was also named to the all-tourney team. Despite the losses in the regional play off, 198990 was a success. After the final game Vint said, 'T was pleased. Our kids went down and played our style of basketball. All 11 players contributed to the championship." "We did a lot of the things we set out to do," said James White. Mike Jennings
Freshman Robert Shepherd looked for an opening. He led the Lions In scoring with 15.9 points per game. (Jody R h o a d s ) Darwin Kelly provided much needed power to the inside game. (Jody Rhoads) Eric Traylor led the team In rebounding and was second in scoring. (Spencer Kinsey)
Out of the Blue T
he 1989-'90 Lady Lions won their first ever Arkansas State Junior College Championship, and set a school record for victories in a season, finishing at 27-7. In the Bi-State East Conference, the Lady Lions tied for second place with a 7-3 mark.
but we came together." 'Cookie'Thomas The sophomores provided leadership, while the freshmen made up perhaps the strongest class ever. In the state tournament, freshman Nafeesah Brown was named Most Valuable Player, and freshman Kathy Wilson was also named to the All-Tournament team. Nafeesah also made the AllRegion II team. The Lady Lions scored 2,722 points this season, a new record. Some individual records were set. Tina Chadwick made seven 3-pointers in one game, 63 for the season, and 109 for her career. Lori Frye set the record for most assists in a game with 13 (twice), and in a season with 181 'Cookie' Thomas' 673 career points moved her into eighth place on the all-time scoring list. Nafeesah moved into tenth place with 589. The season was the most successful in Lady Lions' history. "It was challenging, but we came together," said 'Cookie' Thomas. Mike Jennings
80 Lady Lion Basketball
Members and coaches were (Back) Coach Louis Whorton, redshirt Missy Boroughs, Mgr. Christy Huddleston, Kim Reaves, Nafeesah Brown, Vicki Herekamp, Shawn CoUains, Melinda Hampton, Mgr. Diana Operhall, Asst. Coach Charla Barclay, Trainer Tom Cantwell. (Front) Suzie Clark, Lori Frye, Lazandra Thomas, Tina Chadwick, Kathy Wilson.
Lazandra Thomas went for a steal. (Spencer Kinsey) Lori Frye looked for one of her record assists.(Jody Rhoads) K i m Reaves came on strong at the end of the season. (Jody Rhoads)
Shawn Collains drove for a layup.
(Jody Rhoads)
Tina Chadwick was one of the best 3-point shooters on campus, male or female. (Spencer Kinsey) F a n favorite Vicki Herekamp worked hard for position.(Jody Rhoads)
A Night to Remember C
an you imagine answering the phone and someone telling you that you have been nominated for homecoming and have one week to get ready? Andria Crotts, Shauna Martin, Diana Operhall, Tawni Fite, Carla Riley did more than imagine it. They did it! The cheerleaders painted signs and decorated all day Saturday, Feb. 10, for the big event later that night. The ceremony took place between games. "It was an honor being chosen by the team," said Diana Operhall, "My dad (her escort) was more nervous than I was!" It ended up being a winning night for both basketball teams as well as Andria Crotts, who was crowned homecoming queen. The win came as a shock to Andria. "She was very surprised and nervous," Diana said.
Tawni Fite and Carta Riley were homecoming attendants. (Paul Sayavong)
Andria Crotts was crowned homecoming queen 1990 in the ceremony between games on Feb. 10. (Paul Sayavong) Shauna Martin and Diana Operhall were two of the five girls nominated for homecoming. (Paul Sayavong)
8 2 Homecoming
'It was an honor being chosen by the team."
Diana Operhall
Everyone seemed to be bummin' at the Homecoming dance held in Fullerton Union after the games. Beach bummin' that is! The dance had a sunny theme and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Mark Scott, a deejay from B-98, spun the records from 9 to midnight. "I thought there was a big turn out and the decorations were great," said Shelley Curtis. "I go to most of the dances because I like to dance and sometimes I meet a few new people,'' said Paige Lenington. A m y Hope and Suzanne Bates
Shauna Martin, Diana Operhall, Andria Crotts, Tawni Fite, and Carla Riley posed for photos. (Paul Sayavong) T h e beach bummin' dance held after the game was a sunny success. (Paul Sayavong) Attendants were escorted by their fathers and friends. (Paul Sayavong)
Team members and coach were (Back) Julie Seal, Andria Crotts, Deronda Humprevllle, Coach Fracis Morreale, Laura Jacobsen, Piper Edwards, Tracy Travis. (Front) Tracy Shirley, Shauna Martin, Shannon Shirley, and Diana Operhall. (Jody Rhoads)
Tracy Shirley cheered the Lions on to numerous victories. (Jody Rhoads) D i a n a Operhall enjoyed cheering on the spirit squad. (Spencer KInsey)
Genine Steward and Danette McAllister performed at half-time. (Jody Rhoads) Shauiia Martin executed a jump on the sidelines. (Spencer KInsey)
84 Spirit of Westark
Not Just For Kicks W
hat do you think of when you hear the words, "Spirit of Westark"? Do you think of a group of dedicated, talented young performers striving to bring spirit back to their school? Well, that's exactly what this group tried to do. The Spirit of Westark was a new concept this year which combined the cheerleading and drill teams. Stacey Jones, Activities Director, and Francis Morreale, Sponsor for the Spirit of Westark, worked together to unite the two groups. "We want to be considered as a sport, just like any other," said Jones. Jones worked to provide partial scholarships. The uniforms, pom-poms and cheerleading camp was paid for with the budget fund. "Now that we have one squad of 15 it is much stronger. This is our first step toward a pom team, which is more focused on routines and chants than a cheerleading squad, which is stronger in stunts than anything."
are here
Andria Crotts kicked it up for the Lions during a half-time performance. (Spencer Klnsey)
to support
Shauna Martin
Morreale attributed the lack of stunts to the fact the school does not have a football team. "Our main event is basketball because we don't have a football team. We are basically the entertainment for half time." Being on the spirit squad wasn't just fun and games. "It was an extra job that required dedication," said Diana Operhall. "Many hours of hard work went into the routines performed, but they were strong whenever they got started. I was tough on them because I wanted them to be perfect. If they kept making the same mistakes we didn't perform," said Morreale. Although combining two squads was a difficult task, Morreale said their salvation were their attitudes. "We had a unique squad where everyone was good in diffferent areas," said Andria Crotts. "We are here to support our school," said Shauna Martin. Shanteel Jones
Spirit of Westark
Batting a Blue Streak T
he 1990 Lions started the season playing like Pee Wee Herman. It wasn't long, however, before they were playing more like George Herman Ruth. ''We started off slow," said Jay Richardson. The freshman dominated team took a little while to jell, but came around after the first few weeks. With only one returning pitcher, not even Pete Rose would have bet on the Lions having much success this year. But coaches Bill Crowder and Jack McKnight molded a group of recruits around ace David Christenberry, and came up with a solid, if unspectacular, pitching staff. At the plate, the Lions sported a well-balanced attack. Sophomore Philip Ward and Freshman Jay Richardson led a group of five players all hitting around .350.
'We teach our kids not to lose confidence, but to keep working.'' Bill Crowder The biggest obstacle for the Lions to overcome wasn't inexperience or lack of talent. Mother Nature seemed to hold a grudge against the squad, as heavy rains forced cancellation of several games. 'The rain really hurt us," said Marc Denson. The Lions enjoyed an international reputation for producing Division I and professional ballplayers. "I heard about Westark from pro scouts in the Angels organization," said Ed Turow of Ontario, Canada. 1990 was Coach Crowder's 24th year as Lions head coach. A firm believer in fundamentals, Crowder stressed preparation above all else. "My most valuable players are the players who can come in and do the job they are supposed to do at the time they are supposed to do it. We teach our kids not to lose confidence, but to keep working. I don't like the word 'can't'," said Crowder.Mike Jennings
86 Lion Baseball
T e r r y Vaske showed Interest in conversation in the dug-out.(Paul Sayavong) Philip Ward consulted with Coaches Jack McKnight and Bill Crowder during a game. (Paul Sayavong) Dennis Keeley had to shout it out after sliding into base. (Paul Sayavong)
A n enthused Chad Glenn stole second base uncontested. (Paul Sayavong) M a r c Denson and Brett LeGrow watched a fly ball. (Paul Sayavong)
Philip Ward, David Christenberry, Jack McKnight, and Brad Jones discussed game plans. (Paul Sayavong) Members were (Back) Rick Pruitt, Dennis Keeley, Jason Blake, Vincent Jones, Steve Spyres, Terry Vaske, Philip Ward, Jay Richardson and trainer Larwore Woods. (Middle) Ben Blake, Lane Galyean, David Christenberry, Brad Jones, Scott Czarnetski, Chad Tidwell, Zack Larman, Todd DeBriyn. (Front) Brett LeGrow, Rob McCargar, Ed Turow, Ed Lee, Hays Lemley, Marc Denson, Steve Scott and Chad Glenn.
87 Lion Baseball
Lady Lion_Basketball wee 79 wee 89 wee 77 . wce 93 wee 86 wee 89 wee 73 wee 88 wee 91 wee 90 wee 104 wee 89 wce 103 wee 81 wee 77 64 81 wee 8~
WO:: 106
Paris,TX 60 SAU-EI Dorado 68 State Fair 56 Western 67 St. Gregory 91 Garland Co. 60 Grayson Co.,TX 66 NorthArk 98 Garland Co. 60 Mississippi Co. 53 SAU-EI Dorado 65 ASU-Beebe 60 St. Gregory 73 NorthArk 68 Seminole 72 Southern Ba ptist 68
Crowder 67 Seminole 68 Barone 52
. \VCC 57 wee wee wee wee wee Wee wee wee wee wee
77 86 70 68 81
Carl Albert 64 ASU路Beebe 63
Connors 85
Eastern 60
Southern Baptist 61
Ba.cone 60
61 NEO 63
65 Carl Albert 60
93 Connors 82
51 Eastern 40
AR State Tournament
wee 83 Mississippi Co. 53
WO:: 76 NorthArlc 71
wee 83 Southern Baptist 78
Region n PlaY-OfTs
wee 57 Connors 82
--Season Average-颅 wee 80.1 Opponents 67.2
(Lion Basketball cont:) wee 77 NorthArk 73 wee 110 Garland County 55 wee 75 SAU-Tech 62 wee 89 ASU-Beebi wee 101 wee 93 wee 83 wee 104 Southern Baptist 68 wee 116 Shorter 83 weC73 Seminole 52 wee 89 Barone 91 wcc 81 NEQ 83 wee 97 Carl 76 wee 90 ASU路 74 Conrm 81 weC .84 wee 83 57 wee 86 6 wo:: 61 Ikxn! 76 wce95 74 wec 101 wee 84 \:Vee 70 .. AR Slate Tournament wce 98 Garland Couqty 67 wee l33 SAD-Tech 77 . wec 79 ly68
WeC4 WeC3
wee 77 wee 89. weCI24 wec86. weeS3 wcc 73 WCC78
Paris,TX 80 Nbrthem 72 Western 58 Cen Iral Baprist 60 Garland County 67 Grayson County 63 SAU-Tech 67
Central 0 eenira\3
Ft. ScottS
FlScott 6 Seminole I! seminole 19 Texarkana 13 Texarkana 13 Northark 2 Northark 5 Indian Hilll; 1 Indian Hills 7 Bacone 5 Bacone 1 seminole 17 Seit1incie 14 Eastem 4 &lam 9 Garland Co, 3 Garland Co. 2 NE04 NEOll Eastern 0 Eastern II Garland Co. 5 Connors 10 Connors 5 Carl Albert 5 Carl Albert 4 eOl1nors 5 ConMrs 4 NEO 1 NE0 7 .Region II P1ay-OITs Murray State 9
Bacone 4
wee 1 WCC6
wo:: 12 .wo:: 13 Lion Basketball
(Lion Baseball cont.) wce21 wce 19 wee 4 wee 10 WCe3 wceo wce 1 WeC2 weC6 wee 1 wee 2 WCe8 WeC8 WCC3 WCCO WCC6 WCC8 WCC4 wee 2 weCH WCC9 wee 3 wee 2 wees . . WeC6 WCC4 wceZ 6 7 0
wee WCC wee 2 . weC7 wee II wee 5 wee 6 , wce6 WCC6
-.Final RecordLosses 23
Teed Off T
he Lion golfers suffered through a dismal spring. Rainy weather kept the team off the course much of the time, preventing them from practicing enough to develop any kind of consistency. In the Region II tournament, the Lions fell to NEO 317-357. Jeff Smith shot a 78 to lead the Lions, followed by Marcus Hall with 83, Brent Lewis with 95, and Barry Tabor with l01 ''Marcus and Jeff are good golfers. They can compete with anybody," said Coach Ron Richard.
''They can anybody."
Ron Richard
Smith and Hall qualified for the national tournament in Scottsdale, Arizona. ''I can't wait to get there," said Smith, while Hall added, "I'm excited and I'm ready to go." Since Richard became coach in 1968, the golf team has won four Regional titles, and placed second five times. Mike Jennings
R i c h Lillard, played in the regional tounment at Ben Geren Park hosted by Westark. (Jody Rhoads)
Jeff Smith and Marcus Hall, who qualified for nationals, posed with NEO's Rich Lillard and Bruce Laing. (Jody Rhoads) Jeff Smith illustrated a straight left arm while driving during regional play. (Jody Rhoads)
Lion Golf
8 9
Advancing to the Limit W
hat did flags, bowling balls, arrows, hightops, racquets and bats have in common? Nothing, unless you were talking about intramural sports, directed by Lions assistant basketball coach Doc Sadler. Students had a variety of sports to choose from including flag football, bow^ling, archery, fiveon-five basketball, tennis and softball. "Students will be responsible for organizing their own teams. The size of the team sports will depend on the number of sign-ups,'' said Sadler.
'It was a lot of fun, but I wish it could have lasted longer.''
Jason sheiton
Dukes of Funk were the 1989 intramural flag football champions. They defeated Caribou to finish the season with a 7-1 record. Lance Williams of Dukes of Funk was names Most Valuable Player. In basketball Beauty and the Beast defeated Players for the intramural basketball championship. "It was a lot of fun, but I wish it could have lasted longer," said Jason SheUon of Beauty and the Beast Jason expected the teams to be co-ed which accounts for the name of the team. "I don't really know who was supposed to be the beauty and who was supposed to b e the beast, though."
s p e n c e r Klnsey
Steve Livingston laid one in during 3-on-3 basketballl. Where did he get those shorts? (Spencer Klnsey) Barry Rowton rushed Morgan Pierce as he passed during intramural flag football action. (Spencer Klnsey)
9 0 Intramural
Stan Sharp fired one at the hoop as Mark Prock, Jody Rhoads, Steve Livingston, and Jason Earl! watched. (Spencer Klnsey) B o b Lever played tennis during the summer sessions. (Stan Sharp) Intramural basketball was an excuse for these guys to hoop it up during the spring semester. (Spencer Klnsey)
Intramurals 91
Better Opportunities For Students S tudents in the 1980s and now the 1990s are fortunate to have the choice to further their education or work, if they choose, without the threat of military draft or racial tensions. We've also just gone through a decade of peace and prosperity.
" feel fortunate because I'm single, I don't have to worry
life." I n earlier decades not everyone had those choices. During the 1940s and early 1950s the men were sent to war, leaving the women to support the families and children, and to lend a helping hand.
uring the WWI and depression decades, men and women, for the most part, were lucky to get a junior high or high school education, much less a chance at a college education. Men were first at war and then with the women were sent to work in the fields, cook, clean, and take care of the babies. Can you imagine quitting junior high or high school to work in the fields? Many did in those days.
ell, imagine it. While most from the first half of the century are now retired, many of those people from the turbulent 1960s are here now, attending college, trying to further their education. These are the people who maybe didn't have as clear a choice as we do, but have it now and are taking advantage of it.
e have no draft or war to worry about. We have no race riots and burning cities to deal with. We have no runaway inflation or soaring umemployment to endure. We have advantages and opportunities prospective students from many previous decades did not. But do we realize it?
0 we respect those older students who are back in school now because they maybe didn't attend at an earlier stage in life? How do we view them?
Rosa Woodis
" want to be able... to have many things later in life. Going to college helps me to do this,''
Candice Colley
'There are people
can't come back to college, I feel fortunate to be able to,,,"
Derek Johnson
"Yes, I do. You can get a higher education which leads
Kristie Simmons
''I feel fortunate because I have the opportunity that
I he question posed to students was: ''Do you appreciate the opportunity to attend college during a time when less social ills prevent the chance for higher education?'' Shanteel Jones
94 Index/Opinions
others didn't, if I want it'' Don Neeley
Aaron, Sheila 22 Abdul-Khaliq, Jamillah 38 Abernathy, Erika 58,138 Abernathy, Nina 26 Abner, Mark 38 Adkinson, Kevin 38 Akers, Donna 38,97 Alam, Mohammed 38,118 Albert, Melissa 38 Albright, Mark 38 Albritton, Charles 38 Allen, Sandy 70 Allen, Wayne 28 Anderson, Bea 55,138 Anderson, Clandra 38 Anderson, Danny 23 Armbuster, David 22 Armour, Charles 28 Arnold, Eric 38,69 Arnold, Vicky 38,52,143 Ashing, May 38 Atterberry, Vernon 28 Aubrey, John 135 Aubrey, Merlin 135
138 32,50,108,111, 128,132 Bailey, Chris 38 Bailey, Mark 38 Bailey, Terri 50 Baker, Kebra 136,143 Baker, Larry 35 Baker, Nancy 28 Baldwin, Kim 25 Balkman, Travis 40 Balls, Liz 23
Nancy Zechiedrich sampled food at a foreign language luncheon. (Jody Rhoads)
Bader, Deborah Bailey, Don
Season of Entertainment 9 got off to a roaring start with the noon show, "We Can Make You Laugh." (Bill Burkhart)
Ballweg, Brent Banker, L.J Barclay, Charla Barker, Nellie Barlow, Angela Barnes, Joy Barnes, Sandy Barnwell, Rebecca Barnett, Charles Barnett, Henry Barnwell, Becky Bartels, Alan Bartlett, Barbara Bascue, Veronica Bassett, Vicki Bates, Bill Bates, Rita Bates, Suzanne Bauer, Chris Baxter, Mark Bean, Christy Beard, Joy Beasley, Robert Beauchamp, Linda Becker, Sheila Bedell, Conley Bedell, Frances Bedell, Virginia Bell, Kevin Belt, Chad Belt, Craig Belt, Kristi Bennett, Leanne Bennett, William Beran,Lori Bergquist, Arden Beshoner, Carmen Biecher, Jane Black, Leann Black, Stephanie Blackwell, Kelly Blair, Beth Blake, Ben Blake, Jason Blasingame, Angie Blocker, Pamela Bogner, Richard Bohlman, Sheryl Bolin, Betty Bolin, Kim
32,42,111 28 80,115 40 143 138 40 123,138 28 143 63 40 32 40 138 25 28 4,40,134 5 138 115 32 40 28 23 21 29 28 40 40 40,125 41 41 28 55,138 28 32,47 25 72 58,138 41 28 87 87 41 41 28 41 31 23
Bolton, Robin
40,41,66,69,130, 138,134,143 Booker, Marvin 23 Boroughs, Missy 80 Boucher, Brenda 41,123 Boyd, Carol 13 Boyd, Cindy 30 Boyd, Walter 28 Bradley, Bille 41 Bradley, Mae 41 Brake, Katy 27 Branch, Carolyn 24 Brandenburg, Kevin 43 Breeden, Debbie 138 Breedlove, Debbie 22 Breitenberg, Dan 34 Breuer, Debra 43 Breuer, Shari 138 Brodie, Tamara 26 Brooks, David 28,50 Brooks, Jeff 25 Brooks, Kelli 43 Brotherton, Greg 43 Brown, Andre 43,78 Brown, Jackie 39 Brown, Jane 30 Brown, LaVonda 43 Brown, Larry 40 Brown, Nafeesah 43,80 Brown, Stan 39 Brownfield, Shannon 50,138 Bruso, Jan 138 Buchanan, Tom 33 Buergler, Kathleen 43 Buergler, Marsha 26 Buford, Cecil 43 Bugg, Ann 43 Bui, Tran 43 Bunten, Janis 43 Bunten, Shelley 43 Burcham, Erma 43 Burger, Carole 22 Burgess, Darren 28 Burgess, James 21 Burkhart, Bill 25,143 Burns, Max 24,63 Burns, Pam 25 Burns, Ruth 31 Burns, Susan 43 Burrows, Greg 28
Burroughs, Frank Burton, Chris Burton, Michele Butler, Cathy Butler, Ken Byars, Drew Byrum, Debbie
Cadelli, Angela Cagle, Stan Caldwell, Tricia Calhoun, Ron Calhoun, Rusty Callahan, Harold Calvin, Ezell Camden, Grant Cameron, Harold Campbell, Carolyn Campbell, Janice Campbell, JoAnn Canady, Jack Canod, Ann Cantwell, Brenda Cantwell, Tom Carlisle, Shelly Carmack, Pat Carson, Jo Carson, Karen Carter, Charles Carter, Kristi Cartrell, Cindy Cartwright, Linda Carty, Marquita Casey, Randy Cash, Dennis Casselman, Bruce Castes, Charleen Ceil, Tuy Center, Jerry Centrene, Sandra Chadwick,Tina Chai, Chee Chambers, Kathy
43 28 43 43 35 43 43
43,133 35 43 28 43,75 34 78 50 30 43 43 22 24 43 30 80 16 25 28 138 25 43 22 28 138 43 22,24 33 42 43 35,44 43 43,80,81 43 31
Chaney, Susan Ching, Grace Chapman, Victoria Chappell, Nancy Chasteen, Betty Cheek, Debra Cheeks, Natrelli Christenberry, David
31 44 23 43 22 43 43 12,44,86, 87,131 Christian, Sybul 44 Christian, Valerie 44 Chronister, Rex 28 Cia, Julia 125 Clark, Larry 21 Clark, Lisa 44 Clark, Mike 44,130 Clark, Susan 29,80 Clark, Tom. 33 Clayton, John 44,58,138 Clem, Donna 44 Clinton, Bill 107,108 Cochran, Shawn 44,105,115 Cole, Dawn 138 Cole, Lonnie 23 Cole, Jake 44 Cole, Kelly-Anne 138 Coleman, Martha 24 Coleman, Ron 78 Collains, Shawn 45,80,81 Colley, Candice 45,94 Collins, John 28 Colston, Linda 45 Combs, Joe 45 Comiskey, Jason 45 Compton, Sharon 45 Contreras, Alicia 45,101 Contreras, Anna 45 Cook, Pam 25 Cook, Rita 22 Cooksey, Cecil 69 Cooper, Beth 28 Cooper, Joy 130 Cooper, Mark 45,123,135,138 Cooper, Mike 30 Cooper, Ronda 45 Copeland, Mary 35 Coplin, Karla 22 Core, Pamela 138 Corley, Carl 21 Cormier, Brandon 46
Growth Produced Some Changes W hen the fall semester began last year a buzz of excitement accompanied the new school year. Apart from the usual fall term enthusiasm, Westark and its students faced the possibility of change brought about by growth.
''Enrollment has affected
teachers because of the large
During the first two weeks of school the question, ''Has Westark reached 5,000 yet?"' became a popular part of many student conversations. Even the community became involved in the waiting process to see who would become the 5,000 student.
T he moment came and Linda Rodebush was named the 5,000th student to enroll, receiving free tuition and a feature story in SWTK The realization that Westark makes a great impact on our community became an undeniable fact.
A s with any increase in numbers, the new term brought growing pains. One of those pains made its appearance on the first day of classes. Many students arriving that first morning found themselves cruising the parking lot in hopes of finding a parking space. Some took the closest place and hiked to class, while the optimists waited for a closer space, finding themselves late or on the run.
Other problems included longer lines to see counselors, a need for more instructors, and a larger number of people occupying the library. The increase in student enrollment, like any change, has had positive and negative impacts. Students and instructors at Westark are taking the increase in stride, however, the size of the steps are now a little larger.
Marianne Henning
"Parking is the
problem, I have to get here early to get a parking place," Dee Dee Kirkpatrick
would be a great asset to the community," Jennifer Culpepper
"If we had the University Center, I'd stay here as a nutrition major," Stacey Negy
T his continued growth in enrollment coupled with the prospects of the University Center, prompted the administration and the Board of Trustees to ask Sebastian County voters to pass a millage increase to finance construction of new buildings during the 1990s. Enrollment is estimated to reach 10,000 by the year 2,000.
"Parking is the most immediate problem." Donna Akers
Students were asked: ''What do you think is the most immediate problem of increasing enrollment?'' Bonnie Stewart Index/Opinions
9 7
Students Fought For Freedom T
hroughout our history students have played an active role in the cry for democracy. In June 1989, China's Tiennamon Square became flooded with students and farmers peacefully gathered in protest of the communist government.
"I don't feel handled
that they
it very well." Catherine Gramlich
n an attempt to hide the unrest in China, satellite connections were shut down and press coverage halted. However, the message of harmony needed no verbal translation as the picture of soldiers and students grasping hands and sharing tears flashed across our television screens.
"It was disgusting the way they
n June 4, 1989, the students' cries for democracy became stilled by the ring of gunfire ricocheting throughout the crowded square. What began as a harmonious political demonstration became a nationwide funeral march. Voices that proclaimed a need for change were abruptly silenced by bitter cries of sorrow.
dents. ''
the stu-
Crystal Sullivan
"I support
ho would have thought that the events at Tiennamon Square would serve as a prelude to the historic happenings to come later in Europe. The destruction of the Berlin Wall separating Germany crumpled the cold war as freedom began to ring throughout Europe.
students did, but I believe more should have been done.''
Jeannine Macrory
lections in communist countries, social and economic reforms, political turnarounds fostered what may be a whole new era in world history. Imagine, a McDonald's in Moscow!
"I think
government harsh."
was a little Steve Hawkins
ith these events as a start, what will the rest of the 1990s have in store for the world political scene, and for each of us as we prepare for the next century?
tudents were asked: "How do you feel about the way the Chinese government handled Tiennemon Square and the students who participated in it?'' Bonnie Stewart
"It was a stepping stone for
9 8
Robbin Edwards
Corn, Amy Cosgrove, Trade Cotten, Renee'
Cox, Patti Crabtree, Aileen
Craig, David Crase, Dewayne Cravens, Lori Crawford, Mark
Creek, Pam Criswell, Stephen ' Cross, Randy
46 46,58,138 46 25 63,123 29 5 138 138,139 23 138
23 46,82,83, 84,85,123 46 Crow, Ann .34,86 Crowder,Bill 114 Crowe, Brian 113 Cullum, Clifton 39,97 Culpepper, Jennifer.... 46 Cumpton, Christy 24 Cunningham, Wilma. 26 Curda, Barbara .82,123,138 Curtis, Shelly 46 Cushing, Nadine 46,72 Cwviertnia, Jennett.... 87 Czarnetski, Scott
Crossno, Bruce Crotts, Andria
Daniel, Diane Daniel, Fern Daniel, Robbie Daily, Tom Daniel, Theresa Daugherty, Richard Daunis, Angela Davis, Charlotte Davis, Dee Davis, Don Davidson, David Dawson, Ann Dean, Lori Deaton, John DeBriyn, Todd
46 28 46 28 40 28 46 46 24 23 46 32,104 46 33 87
Delp, Brenda 10 Delt, Tammy 69,138 Dennis, Chris 46,110,133,138 Denson, Marc 46,86,87 Denton, Rickey 23 Dickey, Lynn 24 Dickason, Sherry 63 Dickson, Susan 28 Didier, Janet 22 Dinsmore, Sandra 46 Dipboye, Calline 31,64 Dishner,Darrell 42,138,140 Dishner, Stacey....42,134,136,138 Dobbs, Jeff. 46 Dobbs, Sandra 27 Dobson, Anthony 23 Doggs, Janet 46 Domingos, Loretta 32 Dooly, Greg 46,122,138 Dooly, Todd 46 Doubrava, Darrin 28 Douglas, Jo Ella 24 Douglas, Zanette 28 Dover, Nancy 32 Dueling, Lola 55 Duffield, Charles 28 Duke, Alan 46,66 Dunlap, Beth 46 Dunlop, Ann 22 Dunn, Jim 28 Dunn, Judy 46 Durham, Bill 46 Durham, Carol 39,42,46,105 Durkee, Georgia 23,35 Durrett, Cash 42,46,125,138 Dyer, Robert 46 Dyer, Sandra 105
Eagles, Gil Eagleton, Ward Earl, Lisa
3,132 50 28
Earll, Jason Eatmen, Danny Edgin, Tiffany Edwards, Betty Sue Edwards, Gloria Edwards, Pam Edwards, Peggy Edwards, Piper Edwards, Randy Edwards, Robbin Efurd, Martha Elder, Amanda Elder, John Ellery, Charles Elliot, Belva Elmore, Marilyn Elmore, Melissa Elmore, Shelly English, Christi Erickson, Kim Erwin, Thomas Estes, Kent Etzkorn, James Euper, Corky Ewing, Michael Ezell, Janie
Faber, Kristi Fairbanks, Karen Faldon, Scott Faldor, Scott Falkner, Richard Farley, Charis Farrar, Larry Faubus, Gail Feener, Julie Ferguson, Sean Fiddle, Katrina Fielder, Frances Filippelli, Carolyn Fink, H.B Fite, Tawni Flake, Patrick
46,91,143 46 46 22 138 46 46 84 46 48,98,122,127, 132,134,136,138 30,138 48,106,123,138 102 28 48 48 48 48 42 48 48,57,138 33 28 24 138 48
48 26 48,128 48 28 48 22 28 48 114,138 55 48 24 27 82,83 48,138
Flegel,Jill 49 Fletcher, Bruce 16,38,39 Floyd, Kimberley 49 Floyd, Ron 23,138 Flynn, Brighetta 49 Fore, Greg 26,49,66,114,143 Foreman, Donna 44,49 Formby, Jason 49,73,122,123,138 Forst, Dorothy 27 Forsythe, Odene 33 Foster, Doris 49 Fox, Marilyn 25 Fox, Sharon 49 Francis, Arenda 27,143 Franklin, Tamara 49 Franklin, Tracy 49 Freeman, Mark 49 Freeman, Sandra 49 Friday, Brian 2,39 Friddle, Katrina 49,138 Frye, Lori 51,80,119 Fueld, Jay 113 Frye, Tracy 51,138 Fuhrman, Thomas 138 Fuller, Maria 51 Fuller, Sherry 17 Fulmer, Debbie 28 Furman, Shari 51 Furner, Coletta 22,27
Galyean, Lane Gammon, Linda Ganden, Toni Gann, Boyd Garcia, Lucy Garcia, Sue Garner, Kerry Garrett, Lois Garrett, Sandy Garvey, Jim Gary, Kevin Gasterling, Alan George, Greg
100 Index
87 22 51 25 51 24 63 25 114 51 51,69,138 7 51,66,113,143
Gibbons, Linda 34 Gibson, Angela 51 Gibson, Charlotte 51 Gilbert, Christine 42,51 Gilbert, Robbie 66 Gilchrist, Marilyn 51 Gillespie, Christopher 51 Gillespie, Dizzy 121,128 Gillet, Judy 113 Gilstrap, Bev 23 Gipson, Veda 52 Glenn, Chad 86,87 Goins, Bobby 23 Goins, David 23 Golden, Bill 23 Golden, Iris 52 Gonzalez, Anel 52 Gootham, Praveen 52,74 Gordon, Delece 34 Goss, Laura 52 Gouger, Sherry 52 Gough, Laura 52 Gourd, Barbara 52 Goutierez, Wendy 52 Graham, Brent 39 Gramlich, Catherine....52,98,122, 123,126,134,136,138 Gramling, Paul 53 Gray, Mary 53 Gregory, Becky 42 Gregory, Brenda 138 Gregory, Gayla 31 Gregory, Robert 53 Griffin, Evelyn 44,53 Griffin, Lisa 134 Griffin, Michelle 53 Griffis, Mike 102 Griffith, Gregory 39,53 Grim, Junior 23 Grimm, Lynn 134 Gross, Marilyn 53 Grouse, Lori 53 Grubbs, Robert 28 Gudgell, Jennifer 53 Gudn, Tan 53 Gunzenhauser, Hope 54 Gusick, J,R 37,54,73
H Hadley, John 54 Hall, Marcus 89 Hamilton, Randy 143 Hammack, Anita 31 Hampton, Melinda 54,80,133 Haney, Curtis...52,54,66,125,138, 140,143 Hanks, Jamie 54 Hanning, Mary 138 Harcrow, Chapel 60,138 Hardcastle, Becky 54 Hardin, Amy 105 Harlan, Christine 54,66,143 Harp, Linda 27 Harp, Valerie 138 Harrell, K.C 40 Harris, Andrea 54 Harris, Betty 23 Harris, Brian 54 Harris, John 24 Harris, Linda 23 Harris, Mitch 23 Harrison, Kelton 54 Harvey, Noll 23 Haupert, Elizabeth 28 Hawkins, Linda 54 Hawkins, Sonya 54,138 Hawkins, Steve 98 Hawks, Nancy 55 Haynes, Mary 23 Hays, Trevor 54 Hearn, Scott 39 Hebbling, Paul 39,109 Heintz, Sam 33 Helmer, Clay 54 Henderson, Les 54 Henderson, Pam 28 Henderson, Steve 33 Hendrix, Glenda 22 Henning, Marianne 97 Henry, Allison 54 Henry, Francis 54
'Rain Man' Explored Autism D
uring the summer, movie theaters flooded with people waiting to examine the newest releases, and this year was no exception. However, one movie exceeded the demands of mere entertainment to offer a lesson in life and examine barriers society sometimes puts on loving.
"The movie opened the eyes of the public to a real disease that affects real people."
ain Man, a portrayal of two brothers whose paths cross late in life provided a humorous yet compassionate look at the patterned and well sheltered life of an idiot savant, Dustin Hoffman did a remarkable job displaying simple and unglamorous daily activities of 'Raymond/ Hoffman's oscar-winning performance made 'Rain Man' a heart warming experience for all ages.
Jeana Vaughan
"Dustin Hoffman did so much research so he could make his character real."
ain Man not only offered the public a different approach to understanding the world of the autistic, but it also proved that the autistic are much more than average. Co-star, Tom Cruise, must learn to except his new-found brothers fear of change while discovering Raymond's fascination for numbers.
Alicia Contreras
"Dustin Hoffman
time studying and made
ain Man provided a lesson for everyone proving that love truly conquers all; it also makes being 'special' acceptable.
Heather Ingram
he film also illustrated clearly the media theory that films as well as other media, must not be only viewed as entertainment; but as educational opportunities. One does not attend a movie just to be entertained, but also to be enlightened about trends, the human condition, or historical perspective, etc.
"His brothers name was Raymond and the movie was called 'Rain Man'."
Steve Scott
ain Man offered the audience both an entertaining and an enlightening experience. Audiences, perhaps, had their attitudes changed about their feelings toward and dealings with the 'special' segment of our population.
"I don't think a lot of people
tudents were asked : "In your opinion what made 'Rain Man' different from other movies of 1989?''
intelligence of an autistic
Bonnie Stewart
Pete Rose Accused of Gambling B
atter up! took on a whole new meaning this year when Pete Rose found himself facing charges of gambling. The legendary baseball player and manager of the Cincinnati Reds will be remembered for his gambling debts as well as his baseball career. According to the July 10 issue of Newsweek, Rose even considered raising the cash he needed to keep gambling.
''No, Ijust think he needs to get saved.
Then he
wouldn't have a gambling problem.'' Steve Livingston
ambling often destroys a person's moral sense when the compulsion to gamble exceeds the debts owed. This idea provided an awareness of the possibility that manager Pete Rose had the power to purposely 'throw' a game.
make mistakes. Gambling should be treated as such."
f the financial score was large enough, could he have overcome the temptation? Could any person refuse the opportunity to score-not only in runs? That is precisely why team members and staff are disallowed to bet on themselves.
ete Rose has many supporters; however, few believe in his innocence. Rose now faces the possibility of a prison term for admitted tax evasion. Does his years of achievement in professional sports soften the harshness of his off-the-field problems? Are our heroes perceived as somewhat immune to certain laws and offenses? Or is there a separation between the athlete, the legend, the hero, and the man, the citizen, the family member?
John Elder
"Yes, because he gave so much to the game. He should be given a second chance."
Silas Prince
"No, I think he should not
y the time you're reading this, Pete Rose's first year of banishment from baseball will have ended. He may or may not have been allowed to appeal the decision to be re-instated into baseball-and perhaps have his future place in the Hall of Fame secured or seriously damaged.
tudents were asked: "Should Pete Rose be allowed to return to baseball?" Bonnie Stewart
be able to return. This should
be used as an
Robert Woolsey
"I think it's just as fair for him to gamble as anyone else."
Mike Griffis
Henson, Sherry 54 Herekamp, Vicki 77,80,81 Hernendez, Mariceh 54 Herran, Terry 39 Hester, Stephanie 54,124,135 Hiang, Tan Chi 49,54 Hice, Clifton 54 Hice, Stephanie 54 Hicks, Debbie 54,123 Hicks, Margie 24 Hightower, Gale 30 Hightower, Lori 39 Hightower, Mike 33 Hildreth, Jane 138 Hile, Harold 34 Hill, Steve 22 Hiles, Frank 114 Hinkle, Michelle 54 Hinkle, Wendy 70 Hixca, Mike 54 Hixon, Pat 118 Hoblitzell, Charles 54 Hodson, Letha 134 Hogan, Ashlye 5,54 Hoggard, Sally....30,42,48,49,104 Holcomb, Kenneth 54 Holland, David 50,123,138 Holloway, David 117 Holloway, William 23 Holinen, James 54 Holscher, Pamela 54 Holt, Jackie 54 Holycross, Tamara 138 Hope, Amy 8,66,143 Hopkins, Jane 23 Horn, Carol 22 Home, Carol 33 Hornsey, Stephen 54 Hough, Laura 54,138 House, Elizabeth 56 Houston, Jim 33,138 Howard, Judy 25 Howard, Michael 56 Howard, Pete 10,32 Howell, Sharon 56 Howerton, Troy 56 Huddleston, Christy 80
Hudson, Marla Hudson, Richard Huey, Amber Huffman, James Hulsey, Angela Hummond, Troy Humpreville, Deronda Hunter, Jennifer Hurden, Tim Husle, Lora Huston, Robert Hutcheson, Barbara Hutcheson, Lafe Hyman, Newton
Ingram, Heather Inman, Danny Irish, Charles Irwin, Charlotta Isom, Sandra
56 3,27 56 56 56 56 84 56 56 23 27 34 24 138
Johnson, Tammy Johnston, Cheryl Jones, Bobby Jones, Brad Jones, Dane Jones, Etoshia Jones, Judy Jones, Larry Jones, LeAnna Jones, Leslie Jones, Mike Jones, Sandy Jones, Shannon Jones, Shanteel Jones, Sheila Jones, Stacey
48,101 23 33 8 56
Jackson, Joe 23,27,56 Jacobson, Laura 58,84,138 Jameson, Valerie 74 Jenkins, Jack 56 Jenner, Maili 42 Jennings, Mike..52,56,66,138,143 Johansson, Jenny 106 Johansson, Lise-Lott 57 Johndrow, Brenda 57,138 Johnson, Bernice 55 Johnson, Cheryl 17 Johnson, David 78,106 Johnson, Derek 57,94 ' Johnson, Melissa 57 Johnson, Magnus 69,110,138
Jones, Tashann Jones, Vincent Joplin, Linda Jordon, Sam Juelfs, Rick Julius, Charles
140 12,22 34,57 87,131 57 57 28,109 28 24,119 28 23 23 57 41,57,66,72,134, 137,143 25 27,85,124,126, 128,130 57,69 87 29 55 138 126
Kachenchai, Tangruth 57 Kamerling, Kim 57,58,138 Kanak, Kinda 138 Karl, Cilia 50,134,136 Kaundart, Wes 34 Keel, Mary Jane 31 Keeley, Dennis 86,87 Kelley, Rochelle 57 Kelly, Darwin 78,79 Keobournam, Bounpheng 57 Kibby, Susan 59 Kim, Lim 59 King, Bryan 58,59,123,138 King, Christy 59 King, James 59 King, Karen 59 King, Kathleen 55,109 Kinsey, Spencer 59,66,128,143
Kirkpatrick, Dee Dee Kish, Keri Khoo, Chin Koeth, Adam Kolb, Tisha Kono, Rika Kradel, Eileen Krans, Tim Kupern, Jeff.
98 58,59,138 57 59 58,59,138 59 28 5 59
T h e International Club, sponsored by Sally Hoggard, had apicnic.(PaulSayavong)
LaBorn, Kevin Lacewell, Bill Ladd, James Laing, Bruce Lalta, Kelly Lamar, Sondra Lamblin, Barbara Lan, Alvin Lane, James Lankford, John Larman, Zack Larru, John Lasiter, Nathan Latta, Natome Lawrimore, Walter Lee, Don Lee, Ed Lee, Kyoho Legg, Daryl Leggett, Paul LeGrow, Brett Leinberg, Tanya Leins, Terri Lelemsis, Brad Lemley, Hayes Lenington, Paige Lenore, Pica Leonard, Joanne Lermberg, Tanya Lever, Bob Levy, Ed Lewallen, Marci Lewellyn, Nancy
1 0 4 Index
3,59,123 29,55 123 89 59 25 22 59 117 28,112 87 55,138 59 138 59 32 87 49 59 29 86,87 101 30 58,59,138 87,138 59,82,119 65 28 59 91 34 135 21
Lewis, Brent 89 Lewis, Brett 59 Lewis, Carolyn 27 Lewis, Charlotte 59,60 Lewis, Kathy 11,39 Lewis, Krista 2,58,59,138 Lewis, Michelle 59 Libby, Rebecca 138 Lie, Jeffry 59 Liens, Terri 69 Liles, Terri 27 Lillard, Rich 89 Lindsey, Jerri 3,10,59,66 Lindstrom, Kristina 50 Linker, Pam 59,70 Livingston, Lisa 16 Livingston, Steve 59,90,91,102 Llewellyn, Nancy 140 Lloyd, Melissa 134,136 Loc, Cau 59 Lockaby, Elecca 59 Lonk, Rose 59 Lowe, Robin 59 Lowery, Tereasa 59 Lowrey, Neil 138 Loyd, Bill 26 Lucas, Del 59 Lynch, Denise 61 Lynch, Tracey 61
A n n Dawson taught "Humanities Through The Arts." (Bill Burkhart)
MacDade, Pam 132 Mack, Theresa 61 Macrory, Jeannine 98 Maddox, Reid 50,61,123,133 Maffet, Debra Sue 135 Mahar, Eddie 61,123 Mahoney, Leo 34 Maiden, Tracy 61,123 Mainer, Kyle 39,42 Majes, Neal 61 Manley, Batles 50 Mar, Edna 61 Marion, Paul 140
Hurricane Caused Devastation
torm-tossed survivors of Hurricane Hugo found themseives amidst devastating piles or rubbage that once represented homes and businesses this past year. At midnight on September 28, Hugo ravagingly crashed into the mainland of Charleston, S.C., with fierce winds and tides reaching 17 ft.
''No, because there was extensive damage, and we fund projects worthless.''
that are
Carol Durham
urricane Hugo's wall of water descended upon the sleeping city carrying with it countless numbers of boats, and a blow of mass destruction. According to Time magazine, "losses reached homeless, and 224,000 found themselves without a place of employment."
onsequently, Hugo's winds of chaos allowed the true spirit of America to shine upon the face of a hurricane's turbulence. Neighboring states, the Salvation Army, and private citizens went into action; and hundreds of truckloads of supplies were put into motion. The Armed Forces became involved in the relief effort. U.S. Marines on bulldozers removed rubble, while Navy personnel repaired bridges and supplied generators.
floods that ravaged through Arkansas during early May. Federal disaster funds, the National Guard, Red Cross volunteers, homeless--all these echoed through our community as well Just as we watched on TV as Hurricane Hugo ravaged North Carolina, months later they watched us and the flooding of the Arkansas River throughout our state.
relief fund for $1.1 billion was passed for Hugo by Congress; however, some believe that amount was barely enough to scratch the surface of the mass havoc. What do you think?
tudents were asked: "Did President Bush and the government provide North Carolina enough financial support to replace what was lost or destroyed in the wake of Hurricane Hugo?" Bonnie Stewart
''The government's efforts seemed cording
sufficient to
Shawn Cochran
"I think they did as much as they could in the power they had to work with." ll this last fall and then we were hit by the Ed Stokes
"The earthquake happened soon after. I think more emphasis was placed on it."
Amy Hardin
"They probably provided as much financial help as they could."
Sandra Dyer
Index/Opimons 1 0 5
Labels Caused Controversy w
arning labels on medication or foods may protect children from poisoning their bodies, but are warning labels on records and compact discs supposed to provide the same purpose? One U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, Ron Gamble, in a quote from the February 5 issue of New York Times, believed they must be used "to alert parents to specific records that they won't want their children to buy."
â&#x20AC;˘ ennsylvania has become the first of the 50 states to pass a bill requiring 'parental warning' on certain recordings on the shelves of record stores. Retail sellers are responsible for labeling records, and violators of the new law in Pennsylvania may receive a fine of $300 or a 90 day jail term.
hile some musicians will find the law as a limitation on their creativity, the record sales of some musicians may be greatly damaged by the presence of a warning label. However, as countlessly proven in the past, American youth often seek what they feel their parents will disaprove of. Will the warning labels inadvertently work against the efforts of legislation?
" Y e s , because of very suggestive remarks and because of drugs and crime."
''Some people comprehend what is being said; there is no need for warning labels." David Johnson
"I think they are necessary to warn people about what they should and shouldn't listen
w u s t as the songs of Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and even the Beatles were banned from radio play at certain times during the 1950s amd 1960s, a 'new wave' of restrictions may soon be in our record stores.
arning labels are to discourage and warn of explicit descriptions of suicide, rape, incest, crime, and even the use of illegal drugs. Are you in favor of warning labels?
Libby Trantham
"I don't think kids should be exposed to some of the garbage people my age listen to!''
w tudents were asked: "Do you believe the new law limits the freedom of speech, or does the use of warning labels provide parents and children a forewarning of unfavorable content?" Bonnie Steward
John Martin
Amanda Elder
"A record label isn't a restriction," Jenny Johansson
1 0 6 Index/Opiniom
Marley, Debbie 28 Martin, John 61,106 Martin, Paul 16,61,66,143 Martin, Scott 42 Martin, Shauna 82,83,84,85 Martin, Steve 28 Martinez, Jorge 110 Martland, Norman 141 Mason, Mark 61 Massey, Jenny 42,58,61,138 Massey, Judy 28 Mathews, Collette 123 Mathews, Heather 61 Matlock, Mokki 50 Matthews, Barbara 61 Maxwell, James 138 May, Donald 61 Mayberry, Chris 78 Mayner, Mark 61 Mayo, Elizabeth 138 Mays, Clair 23 Maze, Jay 39 Mazyck, Jerome 116,139 McAdoo, Pamela 110 McAlister, Doug 61 McAllister, Danette 84,134,135 McAnally, Brian 61 McAnaly, Karen 61 McBride, Leslie 61 McCabe, Wes 9 McDade, Pam 134 McCargan, Rob 87 McCarthy, Michael 61 McClain, Deborah 61 McClendon, George 61 McConnell, Roger 28 McCormick, Teena 61 McCutchen, Carey 40,52,66,74 McDougal, Elizabeth 28 McFarlin, David 61,70 McGehee, La Tonda...61,123,138 McGill, George 55 McGinninis, f w a n a 61 Mcintosh, Ken 25 McKeever, William 28 McKay, John 27,140 McKinney, Bud 23 McKinney, Eugenia 28
Steve Spyres, Lion baseball pitcher, practiced after classes with his pitching coach. (Sfan Sharp)
President Stubblefield discussed the University Center with Governor Clinton. (Bill Burkhart)
McKinney, Sonny 22,44 McKinney, Susan 30,42 McKnight, Jack 86,87 McLaughlin, Terry 61 McLesworth, Domenica 61 McMullin, Jan 28 McNeely, Kisher 61 McNeil, Tim 35 McReynolds, Louise 28 McSparin, Robert 61,63,126 Means, Joyce 22 Medina, Ruben 42 Medley, Jill 72 Meeker, Debra 138 Meeks, David 33 Mellon, Gene 30 Mellon, Karen 30 Mendy, Paul 28 Mi, Ha Sung 61 Micheal, Christie 40,41,61,66 Milan, Fran 22 Mille, Resa 61 Miller, Kristi 70 Mills, Melinda 25 Mingboupha, Rasmay 49 Mingo, Angela 68,138 Mitchell, Kathryn 138 Mitchell, Kim 28 Mitchum, Nancy 22 Mobley, Christine 61 Molsbee, Theresa 62 Montgomery, Jennifer 134 Moon, Christie 25 Moore, Christopher 62,123 Moore, Gretchen 62 Moore, Nancy 27 Moore, Ron 62 Moore, Thomas 25 Moore, Verna 25 Morehead, Jeanie 28 Moreton, Pam 62 Morford, Rachel 62 Morgan, Julie 62 Morgan, Zoe 25 Morreale, Francis 84,85 Morris, Bradley 62 Morris, Brian 42,62 Morrison, Yvonne 134 Morton, Pam 138
Moseley, Charlotte Moseley, Colmba Moseley, David Moser, Annette Moses, Bryan Moss, David Moudy, Bobby Mounce, Barry.. Mullen, Shelly Mullens, Shawn Mullicane, Karen Mulligan, Karen Mullins, Michael Mynatt, Lee
Nagy, Ed 24 Naples, Tony 62 Nash, Hal 33 Neel, Jerry 127 Neeley, Don 62,94 Negy, Stacy 97 Neihouse, Anthony 5,62 Neihouse, Brian 22 Nelms, Shirley 24 Nelson, Steve 62,118 Nena, Dana 62 Newby, Mari 138 Newcity, Michael 62 Newell, Margaret 30,142 Newman, Chuck 62,111 Newton, Genelle 22,127 Newton, Tom 62 Nguyen, See Bing 49 Nguyen, Som 49 Nguyen, Son 49 Nichols, Mike 39,143 Nixon, Betty 22 Nolan, Bennet 28 Nolen, Brad 78 Norris, Shelly 62 North, Heather 5 Northrop, John 62 Nouensabanh, Bounleuth 5
108 Index
Nouanthanuvanh, Ouloth....49,62
42 28 42 28 62 50,51,62,133 62 62,130 62,138 58,138 62 138 62 35
Obana, Michelle 62 O'Hern, James 28 O'Hern, Nancy ...57,138 Oldham, Danny ...62,138 Ollis, Jodie 62 Operhall, Diana........80,82,83,84,85 Ork, Phea 49 Osborne, Stacey 109 Osawa, Tsuyoshi 62 Oudomparamy, Si 62 Oudompharamy, Somchanh 49 Overby, Randle 28 Owens, Sherry 62
Governor Clinton released $50,000 to begin planning and implementation of the University Center. (Bill Burkhart)
H e n r y Rinne and Don Bailey entertained at a Jazz Band noon performance during the fall semester. (Curtis Hane>)
Pacheco, Cheryl Paddock, Anita Page, Dan Pappas, Ken Parent, Norma Parish, Daniel Parker, Bobby Parker, Cecil Parrish, Carmie Parrish, Sheila Parson, Julie Pate, Virginia Paxton, Brian Pay, Jeff. Payne, Diana Pearce, Pam Pearson, Holly Pegg, Eva Pendergrass, Carlene Pendleton, Carrie
32 28 35 30 62 62 39 64 64 64 64 26 64,113 64 29 10 64 64 28 64
Valdez Polluted Environment A and the shorelines of Alaska will never forget the massive oil spill of 1989. Covering 900 square miles and totaling over 10,1 square million gallons the slick uncontrolably spread across Prince Williams Sound, leaving its unerasable mark on whatever form of life it crossed. Reminding the country of the environments delicacy, the Exxon Valdez spill became the largest in U.S. history.
intoxicated captain, an incompetent
'It was preventable. The public needs to be more aware."
Kathleen King
ildlife that survived the spill's initial attacks will continue to be deeply effected. Although some of the oil eventually evaporates, remaining components seep to the water's bottom depths. There microorganisms become contaminated and fed upon by small fish. In turn, the already contaminated small fish are eaten by larger fish, and the cycle continues to travel up the food chain.
become on
regulations. 'iPaul Hebbiing
o one knows or can accurately theorize the overall long term environmental effects. However, according to Time magazine, "earlier mishaps suggest that only about 10% of the oil from such a massive spill will ever be recovered.''
n a sense, the Valdez tragedy began years ago. Within a five-year span Captain Joseph Hazelwood was repeatedly convicted of drunken driving. During that span the license of Hazelwood was revoked not once but three times. How, one might ask, did Hazelwood retain his commanding position on a ship when he could not responsibly handle the controls of a car?
ith environmental issues at a pinnacle as we enter the 1990s ushered in by Earth Day in April, the Valdez spill helped to elevate the issue even higher. As we leave one decade and enter the last decade of this century, what can we do to ensure the planet survives well into the next millenium?
S tudents were asked: "What should be done to prevent the next 'Valdez' environmental disaster?" Bonnie Stewart
'We need safer tankers, stricter rules, and better prevention."
Stacey Osborne
"The captain alcohol
an This
accident could have been prevented.''
Judy Jones
should be taken to ensure qualified staffs." Delene Sessums
East, West Berlin United Cties of jubilance, tears of joy, and a demolished wall began one of the largest family reunions in history. For the first time since 1961, citizens of both East and West Berlin found free passage from one part of the country to the other a reality.
"It is a very bright symbol of hope and healing for our future generations." Magnus Johnson
T he wall that had for years seperated family's had finally toppled leaving Germans and the rest of the world stunned. What for years seemed an impossible task had occurred overnight
E ver since an August night in 1961 the cylinder blocks and barbed wire have been an unescapeable boundary of World IL AUhough the borders of the Berlin Wall remain, they no longer rule the lives of East and West Germans.
S uddenly the cement blocks and barbed wire have become relics of a distant past. Young people now gather and even dance upon a wall that has seen years of cold war.
"It was a step
freedom. One day everyone will live harmony."
James White
"I hope it will bring world peace and better communication
In both a symbolic and literal sense, the tearing down of the Berlin Wall meets the last 30 years into a full circle. From the day when then President John F. Kennedy uttered his famous words, "Ich bein ein Berliner" to the photographs in our local newspaper of an area citizen holding a chunk of the wall to bring home as a souvenir, we can clearly see that history happens all around, momentous events that don't just appear in our textbooks, but touch our everyday reality.
Jeff Swafford
"I think it will be better because
will free-
Pamela McAdoo
S tudents were asked: "What kind of effect do you think the destruction of the Berlin Wall will mean for Germany and the rest of the world?'' Bonnie Stewart
"I think it would be a good effect and have a united country."
Jorge Martinez
Pendleton, Penny 26 Pereira, Michelle 64,138 Perry, Rodney 78 Peters, Cheryl 24,70 Peters, Gabe 25 Peveyhouse, Forest 39 Pham, Cathy 55 Phan, Tuong 64 Phang, Loon Yong 49 Phelps, James 28 Phelps, Deborah Kay 64,138 Phillips, Angelia 64 Phillips, Debbie 64 Phillips, Kathy 27 Phillips, Kim 12,64 Phillips, Richie 25 Phillips, Yvette 138 Pierce, Dana 65 Pierce, Heather 65 Pierce, Morgan 44,90 Pierce, Shauna 65 Pierson, Betty 24 Pilgrim, Odis 65 Place, Shawn 65,123,127 Plough, Sam 26 Plummer, Brad 65,74 Plummer, Micki 25 Plummer, Pauline 27 Polinskey, Terry 34 Pond, Betty 65 Poole, Raymond 65,24 Pope, Barbara 65,66,138,143 Porter, Darla 31 Porter, Pat 34 Posey, Becky 65 Posey, JoLynn 65 Post, Corey 65,74,112 Powell, Brian 65 Powell, Stanley 65 Powers, William 67 Preas, Marjorie 31 Prescott, Charles 22 Prescott, Roger 78 Preston, Terry 25 Price, Carol 67 Priest, Eric 5,6,26,78,127,140 Priest, Glenda 30,48 Prince, Silas 102 Prock, Mark 39,91
Chuck Newman relaxed in the student publications office before going to class. (Curtis Haney)
Prock, Nita Provence, Gary Pruitt, Rick Pryor, Jane Pullen,Tonia Putnam, Vernetta
28 28 87 24 39 67
Quinley, Cheryl
Rahlem, Carrie Ramirez, Nelson Raney, James Rankin, Randy Rasmussen, Dale Ray, Darrel Reauis, Jim Reaves, Kim Rector, Sabrina Redding, Kathy Reed, Donna Reed, Kathy Reed, Lucretia Reese, Geneva Reeves, Maxie Reisman, Chris Reisman, Christine Reno, Julie Reynolds, Lesa Rhoads, Jody
Brent Ballweg gave his impersonation of Don Bailey in a private jazz session in the Breedlove music room. (Mlckl Plummer)
Rhodes, Nancy Rice, Kevin Richard, Ron Richardson, Jay Richardson, Raquel Richmond, Amy
22 22 55 67 67 39 67 67,80 67 31 67 55 138 23,67 22 72,138 67 31 67 40,66,67,91, 130,143 138 67 29,89 67,86,87 67 55
Richmond, Daphne Ridenoure, Michele Rinne, Henry Riley, Carla Riley, Edmund Ritschel, Rick Rixey, Charlotte Robbins, Daniel Roberts, Cindy... Roberts, Lynette
25 39,42 32,108,138 82,83 28 24 67 67 28 22,42,67, 134,136 Robertson, David 67 Rodebush, Linda 6,7,67 Roe, Cheryl 23 Rofkahr, Michael 138 Rogers, Jim 67 Rogers, Kelly 67,134,136,137 Rose, Linda 28 Rosenberg, Bernard 28 Rosenberg, Peggy 28 Rosser, Lisa 67 Rotert, Brad 50 Roughley, Shane 138 Rowton, Barry 90 Rudd, Robbie 67 Ruddell, Viviline 67 Rupe, Leah 67 Russ, Trence 78 Russell, Larry 67
Sadler, Doc Sale, Teri Sams, Phillip Samuels, John Sananikone, Sone Sanchez, Vickie Sanders, Edward Sanders, Janet Sanders, Keith Sanders, Sandi Sanders, Sonya Sargent, Audra
112 Index
34,78,90 67 140 35 49 67 21 30,42 67 22,26 67 63,67
Stephen seemed surprised when he found an academic alert notice in his mailbox during midterm of fall semester. (Curtis Haney)
Corey Post and John Lankford listened to club plans at the first meeting of the Writer's Guild, which began during fall 1989.
(Curtis Haney)
Sauntes, Randell 67 Sayarath, Viengkio 68,93,118 Sayavong, Bounleuth 49 Sayavong, Paul 63,67,143 Schaap, Judy 27 Schenk, Rob 68 Schluterman, Holly 22 Schmidt, Linda 21 Schmiedeke, Jo 138 Schneider, Art 28 Schwartz, Rani 72 Scott, Darrell 35 Scott, Mark 82 Scott, Rodney 68 Scott, Steve 87,101 Scrivner, Bob 23 Seal, Julie 68,84 Seaton, Sabrina 68 Sellers, Stephanie 134 Sessums, Delene 68,109 Sever, Amy 68 Sharp, Doug 68 Sharp, Stan 68,91,133,143 Shaw, Micheal 21 Shaffer, Norma 28 Sheehan, Barbara 68,127 Shelby, Angela 117 Shelton, Jason 90 Shepard, Jean 22 Shepard, Johnny 23 Shepard, Ozie 23 Shephard, Summer 68 Shepherd, Robert 78,79 Sheppach, Sabrina 68 Sherill, Steve 28 Shirley, Shannon 84 Shirley, Tracy 84 Shoate, Temika 68 Shoemaker, Scott 12,50,51 Shores, Hermie 28 Short, Brett 42 Shortridge, Bill 23 Shrum, Kevin 23 Shuffield, Sherron 32 Sicard, Sam 21 Simmons, Kristie 68,94 Simpkins, Nicole 68,122, 123,138 Sims, Debra 69
War Declared on Drugs Declaration of the war on drugs began as far back as 1914, when efforts were initiated to regulate narcotics distribution by doctors. However, the drug wars of 1989'90 became much more than laws and restrictions. Millions were spent on high-powered boats used to patrol coastlines, and the phrase 'Just Say No,' became a permanent part of the vocabulary of America's youth.
"NoIdon'tthink the U.S. should have been involved in this incident." Jay Fueld
nfortunately, the great intentions of the American government made a mere indention upon the well established drug cartels of Colombia.
"Yes, it had to be stopped. President Bush chose the
I he final straw was drawn when Panama's leader, Manuel Noriega, offered his support to Colombia and refuge for the indicted Medellin cartel commander Pablo Escobar. Noriega's decision forced the United States to take immediate action. Initially, Noriega scoffed at U.S. attempts to topple his control until direct military force finally apprehended the well concealed fugitive.
best solution." Clifton Cullum
"Yes, I feel it was time to
early every newspaper across the country fround space for the ever-popular mug shot of Manuel Noriega. However, some believe the military action of the U.S. to be uncalled for, while others believe the situation was poorly managed by the government administration. Still others believe the U.S. reacted appropriately and praise President Bush's response.
^ ith the memory of so many presidential responses of the past decades echoing in the minds of informed citizens: Bay of Pigs, Gulf of Tonkin, Grenada, and various hostage crises, President Bush was in a position to be tested with this situation as we watched on TV. The events occurred, the decisions were made, and the actions taken.
Students were asked: ''Do you believe the U.S. handled the apprehending of Panama's leader properly?" Bonnie S t e n a r t
take care of the problem. We had a legal right to go get
Tim Spain
" T h e y should prosecute to let other countries know we're not going to be run over."
Judy Gillet
"Yes,because he was a criminal and deserved full punishment for his actions."
Greg George
Indedc/Opinions 1 1 3
Should Anthem Be Changed? w
hat do you think of when you think of America? Do you think of Bob Hope, baseball, and apple pie? How about freedom, religion, the national anthem and tradition?
"It ought to be changed because times change and we need to change with
I radition sets standards by which we as Americans abide. Traditionally, before every sporting event we salute the flag, and traditionally, before every sporting event we sing the national anthem as a sign of repect for our country.
e sing The Star Spangled Banner because it has for so long represented our country; a song of triumph over war symbolizing freedom as we proudly watch the flag soaring high. But are words such as "...By the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air..." a bit much for our "kinder, gentler nation?"
Brian Crowe
Navy. There's a special feeling I get when I hear the
Frank Hiles
n our ever changing times, the thought has come upon a senator in Indiana to change that traditional song we, as Americans, are so proud of. It is thought that America the Beautiful would be a more representative song for this country because of its description of our spacious skies and amber waves of grain. As it stands, legislation is being pushed to make the change.
"I strongly
I he question posed to students was: "Do you think the national anthem should be changed to America the Beautiful! "
because people died for it. It's a song of strength and pride."
oes the changing of the national anthem give rise to controversy or does the youth of America take tradition for granted?
Greg Fore
"I think they ought to leave well enough alone." Sandy Garrett
Shanteel J o n e s
"It's the way it's always been, so why change it?" Sean Ferguson
Slay, Penny 69 Smith, Carolyn 69 Smith, Chester 69 Smith, Dana 69 Smith, Jackson 33 Smith, Jeff. 89 Smith, Linda 28 Smith, Misty 58,69,138 Smith, Shawntel..,69,l 16,134,136 Smith, Spence 69 Snyder, Monica 31 Solesbee, Shannon 58,138 Soller, Audra 69 Soller, Walter 69 Spain, Tim 113 Sparks, Ray 23,30 Speakman, Lucille 142 Spearman, Kerry 69 Spearman, Rick 28 Spears, Lisa 25 Spoon, Angie 138 Spyres, Steven 69,87,107 St. John, Taira 22 Standridge, Penny 69,134,137 Statham, Doug 35 Steele, Craigston 68,69 Stec, Julie 138 Stephens, Craig 69 Stevens, Kraig 71 Stevenson, Joe 71 Steward, Genine 69,71,84 Stewart, Bonnie 39,42,66, 140,143 Stewart, Tony 24 Stilwell,Dan 71 Stilwell, Penny 71 Stockton, Teresa 71 Stokes, Ed 105 Stoll, Lana 138 Stouffer, Danny 71 Stout, Tony 71 Street, Jerry 25 Strider, Diana 71 Stropes, Mary 71 Stubblefield, Joel 3,19,20,25, 78,107,140 Stubblefield, Lance 71 Stubblefield, Michael 28 Sturgeon, Sue 31 Sullivan, Crystal 98
Sutton, Sharon Swafford, Jeff Syvongsa, Soutsaychay
Charia Barclay, Lady Lion Assistant Coach, cheered the team to numerous victories. (Spencer Kinsey)
Christy Bean and Shawn Cochran showed library books purchased thanks to over $4,000 donations. (Curtis Haney)
Tabor, Barry Tabor, Hollie Talley, Tracy Tandy, Jeff. Tannehill, Don Tanzey, Jon Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Tyrone Teague, Virginia Tedeschi, Edith Tennant, Sherry Thames, Dan Thellman, John Thomas, Lazandra Thompson, Tommy Thornly, Mary Thresher, Doyle Thurman, Michael Tickler, Mike Tidwell, Chad Tilton, Lynn Timmons, Rebecca Timmons, Todd Tobey, Micheal Tocquigny, Mary Tompkins, Howard Tong, Liem Toschik, Eliza Tran, Thuy Tran, Tong Trantham, Libb, Travis, Tracy Traylor, Eric Treece, Dina Triplett, Jonathan Trisler, Harold Trotter, Melissa Trout, Irl
71 110 49
89 71 68,71 71 32 28 71 71 71 71 22 138 28 71,80 15 71 28 138 28 87 71 29 33 17 28 69 9 71 49 71 45,58,71, 106,138 71,84 78,79 138 71,78,133 28 42,71 26
Trout, Kay Truong, Kenny Trusty, Patrick Tucker, Darla Turner, Glenn Turner, Jim Turner, Tom Turnipseed, Linda Turow, Ed
Ulmschneider, Paul Underwood, Jim Underwood, Randa
22 71 71 71 30 24 58,71,138 71 86,87
28 14,16,26,127 58,71,138 Shawntel Smith was 2nd runner up in the 1990 Miss Westark pageant. (Curtis Haney)
Valentine, Roy Vampola, Ed Vandett, Nancy Van Horn, Doris Van Zandt, Laura Vargas, Julio Vaske, Terry Vaughan,Jeana Vaughn, Jack Vaught, Rita Vernon, Nancy Victory, Linda Villines, Carlotta Vint, Bobby Voeller, Brian Vyrostek, Wayne
28 35 22 29 25 12,71 86,87 72,101,134, 136,138 35 71 31 72 28 34,78 28 35
Jerome Mazyck's charcoal drawing placed 1st in the Arkansas Slate Collegiate Art Competition. (Jason Earii)
1 1 6 Index
Wagner, Constance Wagner, Pat Waid, Burton Walden, Dewayne Walker, Bill Walker, Peggy Walker, Stuart Walker, Wayne Walters, Wanda Walton, Tom Wann, Barbara Ward, Blair Ward, Brent Ward, Julius Ward, Lyn Ward, Philip Warner, Carol Wasson, Kevin Watson, Terri Watts, Emma Watts, Lonnie .Watts, Ryan Watts, Tommy Wear, Mark Webb, Dolly Webb, Geoff. Weigand, Larry Welch, Vessie Wells, Gene Wells, Jason Wells, Linda West, James Westphal, Susan Wheeler, Jeff. Wheeler, Nancy White, James White, Linda White, Loretta White, Stephanie Whitiker, Julie Whitmore, Cetreiva Whitson, Shelley
72 72 72 50 30 28 117 72 72 32,66,143 72 72 143 78 24 86,87 60,73,138 138 39 29 34 117 50,51 39 28 73 33 73 32,138 73 30 78 138 72 39 78 55,73,138 73 73 47 69,73,138 23
Earth Day Celebrated April 22 marked the 20th anniversary of Earth Day. On that day 20 years ago, some 5,000 people gathered at the Washington Monument to protest the deteriorating state of the environment, and another 20 million Americans said with unmistakable firmness they had had enough. Their message came through loud and clear.
I wo decades have passed and a wave of new laws, scientific research and technical advances along with public awareness have enlightened America. The fact is we as Americans haven't accomplished enough. The single most important topic in our time is still the state of our environment. That is the situation, and something needs to be done about it.
"I wastes
Angela Shelby
"I think it's the Amazon trees being cut down." Stuart Walker
S tudents seem to realize there is a problem but how many are willing to take time to do something about it? Some believe the major issue here is not Americans are ignorant of the fact, but are lazy and don't really care enough to make a difference.
"The hole in the ozone layer and biodegradable
I he tropical rain forests, the ozone layer, pollution, acid rain. Can recycling paper make a difference? Will the greenhouse effect really change sealevels and vegatation. Are we running out of landfill space? These are all questions that some Americans take seriously and others don't
Did your plant a tree on Earth Day? Do you recycle? Have you stopped using aerosol spray cans?
products are both relevant issues."
David Holloway
"Acid rain seems to be a relevant issue today." Ryan Watts
I he question posed to students was: ''What do you think are the most relevant enrironmental problems in America today?" SHdiifeei J o n e s
"I think the green house effect is most relevant." James Lane
Millage Increase Passed H
ow would you feel if suddenly there was a food ration? Imagine waiting in long lines for food, knowing that if after the food was gone and you wanted more you would have to be put on a waiting list.
"If the increase
pass, Westark would have had
I his scenerio draws a parallel to the one we would have faced if the millage increase did not pass. If enrollment continues to grow as it has for the past four years, then we would have had to turn students away. We would have had to "ration" students as people would ration food. Where education is concerned there should not be a limit.
estark has provided the community with educated and trained individuals for over sixty years. Over 85 percent of the community has taken or is taking courses at Westark to enhance their lives and the lives of others. These people are the backbone of our area's work force and'the depriving future generations of an education would have had a devastating effect on our community.
f the millage increase had not passed, then we would be doing just that. Not only would we be depriving the community of an education, but we would also be curtailing the business of area merchandisers. Westark brings in 2,000 students daily from surrounding areas who make retail purchases, buy gas and buy food. The total headcount at this time is 5,000, envision the business the community would incur if the enrollment were at 10,000.
Kelly Young
"Passing the tax will now educational
opportunity." Mohammed Alam
" T h e millage supports Westark."
the future
Steve Nelson
"I've been trying to get my degree...and I can't go out
I he election, held May 1, passed 61-39 percent, and even as you read this, construction has begun on an 80,000 square feet building between the Gymnasium and the Breedlove parking lot.
E nrollment is estimated to reach 10,000 by the year 2,000. Two more buildings will be built by then thanks to the millage increase funds.
of the city. I wanted it to pass."
"Passing the
Pat Hixon
increase was important. It will keep people close to
I he question posed to students was: "How important was the passage of the millage increase on May 1 to the future of Westark?" Shanteel Jones
1 1 8 Ind&x/Opinions
home." Viengkeo Sayarath
3,58,73, 138,143 Whorton, Louis 34,80 Wiechert, Lydia 138 Wiles, Mark 73 Wilkerson, Becky 74 Williams, Ann 32 Williams, Gerald 28 Williams, Jo Lisa 74 Williams, Lance 74 Williams, Margie 52,66,74 Williams, Nathan 144 Williams, Teresa 74 Williamson, Malcolm....47,57,60, 74,126,138 Williamson, Mark 138 Wills, Margaret 28 Wilson, Becky 74 Wilson, Gary 23 Wilson, Kathy 80 Wilson, John 74 Wilson, Lisa 22,25 Wilson, Mark 138 Wilson, Paul 143 Wilson, Valerie 74 Wilson, Robert 22 Wilson, Sandra 58,138 Wimbush, Clarence 24 Windham, Bill 23 Wing, Mary Ann 25 Winn, Jim 28 Winn, Sharon 29,55,56 Winters, Ann 30,32 Witt, J.J 125 Wolff, Lorena 30 Wood, Julie 138 Wood, Roxie 14 Woodall, Dicie 47 Woodall, Kenneth 74 Woodhull, Jarrell 75 Woodis, Rosa 75,94 Woodis, Rosia 75,119 Woodruff, Deborah 75 Woodruff, Travis 75 Woods, Larwore 87 Woolsey, Robert 102 Word, Willie 24 Wordlow, Russell 50 Worthington, Kathy 138
Wray, Margie Wyatt, Jim Wyatt, Missy
Whittington, Amy
Yamaji, Juklko Yancey, Betty Yancey, Pam Yates, Twyla Yong,Phay Yother, Joel Young, Bill Young, Bobbie Young, David Young, Kelly Young, Pam Young, Roger
20 34 22
75 28 138 58,75,138 75 75 75 26 32 118 56,57 24
Lori Frye, leader in assists, played defense against an NEO Lady Norseman. (Spencer Kinsey)
Zechiedrich, Nancy....32,47,60,72,95 Zinnamon, Eddie 50
LeAnna Jones helped Rosia Woodis with the new career center. (Curtis Haney)
Paige Lenington gave blood at United Bood Services during the blood d r l v e . ( S u M n n e Bates)
the Limit
Robbin Edwards- President, Jason Formby, Catherine Gramlich and Nicole Simpkins discussed activities for the upcoming Season of Entertainment at a meeting. ( s p e n c e r Kinsey) Jason Formby checked out Catherine Gramlich's costume at the Halloween dance. (Robin Bolton) G r e g Dooly livened things up at a SAC meeting. (Spencer Kinsey)
122 Student Activities Council
Officers included (Back) Andie Crotts, David Holland, Tonda McGehee, Shawn Place, Kevin La Bom, Brenda Boucher, Mark Cooper, Jason Formby, Shelly Curtis, Collette Mathews, Nicole Simpkins, Aileen Crabtree. (Front) Bryan King, Debbie Hicks, Becky Barnwell, Eddie Mahar, Tracy Maiden, Catherine Gramlich, James Ladd, Reid Maddox, Amanda Elder, Pam Macdade, and Chris Moore. (Greg Fore)
Amanda Elder and Robbin Edwards ei\|oyed the dance.
(Robin Boiton)
Behind Scenes
he Student Activities Council broke all the limits this year by bringing Westark the biggest Season of Entertainment in its history! The list of activities ranged from touring productions to famous jazz man Dizzy Gillespie to even the talents of hypnotist Gil Eagles. The Student Activities Council provided students with an opportunity to enjoy all the aspects of college. Throughout the years they have brought students dinner theaters, dances, noon shows, displays, and other activities. Student Activities Council was open to anyone enrolled at Westark and they urged everyone interested to participate. Its members served on some standing committees of the college and this year provided a workshop for clubs on campus. The workshop was designed to improve communication skills, group processes and leadership abilities.
Student Activities Council is a great opportunity to meet exciting people and learn about Westark behind the scenes. It encourages social
leadership, and
Kevin La Bom
"Student Activities Council is a great opportunity to meet exciting people and learn about Westark behind the scenes. It encourages leadership, social development and positive relationships,'' said Kevin La Born, Chair of Special Events. ''Student Activities Council is the social center of Westark," said Amanda Elder, Vice President of Retention and Recruitment. "SAC is a close knit group that not only has fun, but is a big family," said Robbin Edwards, President. Amy Whittlngton
Student Activities Council 1 2 3
Students awaited the fall orientation led by Stacey Jones, SAC Director. Activities calenders were provided and questions answered in small group sessions.
(Stan Sharp)
Students crowded Fullerton Union to get IP cards and club information.
(Greg Fore)
Stephanie Hester, Miss Westark 1989, answered pageant questions at the club fair during fall orientation.
124 Orientation
(Stan sharp)
M a n y students waited to get their photo ID card, which allowed them to attend Season of Entertainment productions free.
(Greg Fore)
J.J. Witt, Spirit of Westark member, served a coke to Craig Belt after evening orientation.
(Stan Sharp)
Students Relieved Anxieties S
tudent orientation was educational and entertaining. Over 700 new and continuing students relieved anxieties by attending the afternoon and evening sessions. Students listened to a presentation by motivational speaker Rick Miller, who encouraged them in their academic pursuits. Afterward, students broke into smaller groups in which faculty members explained the college success plan and policies. Students were invited to ask questions, "Orientation is an excellent place to be in the transition to college from other walks of life/' said Cash Durrett. After receiving I.D, cards in the union, students enjoyed a BBQ dinner hosted by the new cafeteria service. Representatives from student organizations were there to answer questions concerning their clubs. After the activities of the day, students became better
'Vrientation is an excellent place to begin the transition to college from other walks of life."
Cash Durrett
acquainted at a Mixer dance sponsored by the Student Activities Council "Orientation provides an opportunity for students to get familiar with the campus and with one another. It's a great way to start each semester," said Curtis Haney. "Orientation helps to relieve first day stress," said Vicky Arnold. "I loved it! It was a neat way to meet my fellow students," said Julia Cia,
Malcolm Williamson enjoyed the meal served at the picnic. (Curtis Haney) Stacey Jones, Robert McSparin, and Charles Julius prepared food for the student/staff picnic. (Curtis Haney) T h e long line at the annual student/ staff picnic gave Catherine Gramlich a chance to get acquainted with fellow classmates. (Curtis Haney)
Picnic Provided Opportunities O
ne advantage of a community college is the opportunity for students to know faculty and administration on a personal level The student/staff picnic provided such an opportunity. The Student Activities Council sponsors the activity each September. Each year the event helps students to get familiar with the college community. "It was great meeting new students/' said Shawn Place.
"It helps students recognize the President and Vice Presidents and Stacey Jones, Director of Student Activities Council It's a nice thing for the students and they enjoy it"
D n Eric Priest
''I had a good time/' said Robbin Edwards. ''It helps students recognize the President and Vice Presidents and Stacey Jones, Director of Student Activities Council It's a nice thing for the students and they enjoy it/' said Dr. Eric Priest, VP for Student Affairs. Student activity fees, included in tuition for each student, paid for the picnic. The President and his cabinet served the food. The menu included hamburgers, baked beans, chips, soft drinks, and ice cream. "The food was excellent and there was plenty of it," said Barbara Sheehan. Angela Barlow
Jerry Neel and Jim Underwood, VP for Finance and Administration, served hamburgers.
(Curtis Haney)
Genelle Newton, Controller, served at the annual picnic.
(Curtis Haney)
M a n y students took advantage of the opportunity to have lunch
other students
as well
(Curtis Haney)
Student/Staff Picnic 1 2 7
Biggest Year Yet The Season of Entertainment opened this year with I 'The Chocolate Solider" an opera performed in English. Then things kept getting bigger and better with productions like "Big River" an adaption of the classic "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," and "West Side Story," a contemporary musical adaption of "Romeo and Juliet." We can't forget Dizzy Gillespie who joined the Jazz Band for a night of fun. Both "West Side Story" and Dizzy Gillespie and the Jazz Band were sold out shows. Along with the touring shows, the season contained concerts by the Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble and Concert Choir. "This is the biggest year we have had. The community helps us bring something new to the students. Otherwise
most of them wouldn't get the chance to see a broadway production" said Stacey Jones, SAC Director.
'Tm glad
us the
opportunity to see shows free. People should take advantage of it. Scott Falon "It was really exciting seeing one of the most outstanding trumpet players for half a century," said Spencer Kinsey. "'Big Rivef was an enjoyable show. I'm glad Westark gives us the opportunity to see shows free. More people should take advantage of it," said Scott Faldon. A m y Hope
D i z z y Gillespie joined the Jazz Band for a sold out show at the F.S. Civic Center.
(Paul Sayavong)
D o n Bailey presented Dizzy Gillespie with a Jazz Band T-shirt and hat after the performance. (Paul Sayavong) I
1 2 8 Season of Entertainment
A big Season of Entertainment hit included ''Big River,'' an adaptation of the classic "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." T h e sold out show, "West Side Story," was a national touring production. T h e Jazz Band put on a show with legendary trumpet player Dizzy Gillespie. (Paul Sayavong)
very once in a while everybody needed to cut footloose and kick up their heels. The Student Activities Council gave stressed out students a chance to relax and have a good time dancing the night away. At the beginning of each semester, SAC started things rolling with a Student Mixer. ''We have a good crowd at the Mixers," said Stacey Jones, Director of the SAC. The Mixers allowed freshmen to meet people around campus and to get involved in activities from the beginning.
"Ifeel the dances are a great way to meet new people and have a good time. They should have more of them/'
Jody Rhoads
The annual Halloween Costume dance, Christmas dance and Homecoming dance kept the ball rolling throughout the year. like Westark dances and the Christmas dance gave me a chance to see all my friends before the break,'' said Robin Bolton. ''I feel the dances are a great way to meet new people and have a good time. We need more of them," said Jody Rhoads. Amy Hope
T h e Halloween dance gave students a chance to cut footloose during the fall semester. (Robin Boltin)
1 3 0 Student Dances
Baseball players Brad Jones and David Christenberry busted some moves at the Christmas dance.
(Paul Sayavong)
Ghouls and Goblins roamed Fullerton Union at the annual (Robin Bolton)
M a n y couples danced the night away at the Christmas dance. Clowning around was a frequent activity!
(Paul S a y a v o n g ) (Robin Bolton)
J o y Cooper, Barry Mounce, and Mike Clark were beach bummin' at the homecoming dance.
(Paul Sayavong)
Student Dances
G i l Eagles' noon show was a favorite among students.
(CURTIS Haney)
D o n Bailey led the Jazz Band in numerous noon show performances
(Curtis Haney)
Under the hypnotism of Gil Eagles, Robbin Edwards, who thought she was a ballerina, danced across the stage.
132 Noon Shows
(Curtis Haney)
Working Together F
aculty and students worked together to produce great noon show entertainment. Entertainment in the student union seemed to be a popular idea with many students, 'It's great! It shows the hard work of faculty and students working hard together/' said Stan Sharp. Hypnotist Gil Eagles and the Westark Jazz Band provided noontime entertainment in Fullerton Union during both semesters. Many students were awed by their performances.
"It's faculty
Trumpet players David Moss and Chris Dennis performed at a fall noon show. The
(Curtis Haney)
( S u i a n n e Bates)
great! It shows the hard work of and students
Stan Sharp
"The Jazz Band was awesome! I've never listened to them until today and I was impressed" said Angela Cadelli. "The band made me want to get up and dance. It was bad!" said Binky Triplett. "I enjoyed the concert and I wasn't surprised when I was told they had a tape out/' said Melinda Hampton. "It was my second time to be hypnotized, and it was really an enlightening experience-again" said Reid Maddox. Mike Nichols
Members of the audience volunteered to be hypnotized by Gil Eagles. (Curtis Haney)
Noon Shows
Baker, Kebra Bates, Suzanne Bolton, Robin Dishner, Stacey
Edwards, Robbin Gramlich, Catherine Griffin, Lisa Grimm, Lynn
Hodson, Letha Jones, Shanteel Karl, Cilia Lloyd, Melissa
McAllister, Danette McDade, Pam Montgomery, Jennifer Morrison, Yvonne
Roberts, Lynnette Rogers, Kelly Sellers, Stephanie Smith, Shawntel
134 Miss
Rockin' through the Ages P
reparation for the Miss Westark pageant began for the 22 contestants the day after they entered.
They had to start looking for the right swimsuit and the perfect evening gown, as well as decide on their talent performance. In addition, they had to prepare for the interview competition. The contestants also participated in other activities before the actual competition. Contestants modeled casual, business/traditional and evening wear at the Miss Westark Fashion Show hosted annually by PBL. Stephanie Hester, Miss Westark 1989, was Mistress of Ceremonies. Proceeds benefited the Arkansas Children's Hospital In addition, some contestants helped at the Miss Westark Cut-a-thon in which Merlin and John Aubrey of Mr. John's T h e Image Maker' donated their time and talent to giving students haircuts for five dollars. "Merlin and John bend over backwards to help with the pageant. They are the official hairdressers for the pageant," said Mark Cooper, Miss Westark Student Chairperson.
A TV guest appearance on Noon on 5 and countless rehearsals finished off the beginning weeks of preparation. Finally, the contestants went "Rockin' through the Ages" on Friday and Saturday, April 6 & 7. On Friday, contestants competed in the swimsuit, evening gown and interview portions of the competition. Saturday night the talent performances were showcased. Musical productions consisted of classic '50s, '60s, and 70s rock performed by the Miss Westark Singers, Fort Smith Push Dancers and the Miss Westark Orchestra.
"Participating in Miss Westark was a rewarding.,.experience. "
"Participating in Miss Westark was a rewarding and enjoyable experience," said Shanteel Jones. Special guests included Debra Sue Maffett, Miss America 1983; Marci Lewallen, Miss Arkansas 1989; and Stephanie Hester, Miss Westark 1989. Amy Hope
Danette McAllister walked the runway during the evening gown competition. (Curtis Haney) T h e Fort Smith Push Dancers were featured in the opening number each night. (Paul Sayavong)
Jennifer Montgomery smiled at the judges during the swimsuit competition. (Curtis Haney)
Miss Westark 1 3 5
Kelly Rogers Crowned T he age old saying, 'If at first you don't succeed try, try again' must have been in the back of Kelly Kathryn Rogers' mind as she entered the 1990 Miss Westark pageant after being named the third-runner up in the 1989 pageant. was very surprised. I wasn't even expecting to win. I'm still in a little bit of shock. With so many girls competing and as big as the pageant is, it's overwhelming. It's very prestigious," said Rogers at her first press conference,
Kelly posed with runners-up (4th) Kebra Baker, (1st) Stacy Dishner, (2nd) Shawntel Smith, and (3rd) Melissa Lloyd. (Curtis Haney) Kelly waved to a friend during the photo session immediately after her crowning. (Curtis Haney)
"With so many girls competing and as big as the pageant overwhelming.''
it, it's
Kelly Rogers
Rogers, 20, the daughter of Danny and Jackie Morse of Alma and the late George Rogers, won the title based on physical fitness, evening gown, poise, interview, and talent. She also won the John and Norma Gary Vocal Talent Award. As a sophomore, Roger's course of study includes a major in business and a minor in broadcast journalism. She hopes the experiences and personal appearances as Miss Westark will help prepare her for a career in broadcast journalism. The runners-up and other winners were: First runner-up - Stacey Dishner, 21, of Fort Smith; Second runner-up - Shawntel Smith, 18, of Muldrow; Third runner-up - Melissa Lloyd, 20, of Paris; Fourth runner up - Kebra Baker, 18, of Paris; Miss Congeniality - tie between Jeana Vaughan of Fort Smith and Shawntel Smith of Muldrow; Overall Talent - Stacey Dishner of Fort Smith; Taco Bell Academic Scholarship - Catherine Gramlich of Fort Smith; Lisa and Gary Dossett Instrumental Talent Award - Cilia Karl of Pocola; Lisa and Gary Dossett Vocal Talent Award - Lynette Roberts of Fort Smith; Brian K. Gary Talent Award - Shawntel Smith of Muldrow; Mr. John's Spirit of Westark Award - tie between Jeana Vaughan and Robbin Edwards, both of Fort Smith, Amy Hope Miss Westark
Kelly acknowledged the standing ovation as she walked the runway as the new Miss Westark. (Paul S a y a v o n g )
Penny Standridge showed her grace while walking during the evening gown competition. (Paul Sayavong)
Shanteel Jones performed a jazz dance for her talent. (Curtis Haney)
Miss Westark 1 3 7
Henry Rinne presented Martha Efurd the "Lucille Speakman Excellence in Teaching Award/' (Spencer Kinsey) Stacey Dishner, one of 20 students who received the "Who's Who Among American Junior College Students Award," performed at the reception. (Curtis Haney)
Excellence Awarded T
he annual Student Awards Reception took place on Apri! 27 students and faculty were honored for academic and extracumcular activities. '"Winning the awards made it all worthwhile. It's nice to be recognized,"" said Lori Beran. Thirty-four students received recognition for making the National Dean's List, They were: Deborah Bader, Shannon Brownfield, Pamela Core, Michael Ewing, Patrick FlakeÂť Tracy Fry, Valarie Harp, James Maxwell, Kathryn Mitchell, Danny Oldham, Barbara Pope, Mari Newby, Nancy Rhodes, Jo Schmiedeke, Shari Breuer, Kelly-Anne Cole, Mark Crawford, Catherine Gramlich, Mary Manning, Chapel Harcrow, Sonya Hawkins, Rick Juelfs, Kinda Kanak, Natome Latta, Elizabeth Mayo, Debra Meeker, Shelly Mullen, Deborah Phelps, Christine Reisman, Carol Warner, Kevin Wasson, Mark Williamson, Mark Wilson, and Julie Wood, Seventeen students were honored for their work with SAC. They were: Rebecca Barnwell, Mark Cooper, Stephen Criswell, Shelly Curtis, Darrell Dishner, Cireg Dooly, Robbin Edwards, Amanda Elder, Sean Ferguson, Jason Formby, Catherine Gramlich, David Holland, Jeana Vaughan, LaTonda McGehee, Nicole Simpkins, Thomas Fuhrman, and Dawn Cole.
'Winning the awards made it all worthwhile. It's nice to be recognized.'
Lori Beran
Phi Beta Lambda presented awards to eight students, They were: Bea Anderson, Lori Beran, Katrina Friddle, Kim Kamerling, John Larru, Vicki Larru, Michelle Pereira, and Linda White. S.T.E.P. honored six students. Outstanding Student Service went to Magnus Johnson, Kevin Gary and Angela Mingo, Honorable Student Service went to Tammy Delt, Robin Bolton, and Cetrevia Whitmore. Phi Theta Kappa acknowledged nine students. They weret Lori Cravens, Thomas Ervin, Brenda Johnson, Mari Newby, Nancy O'Hern, Julie Stec, Dina Treece, Malcolm Williamson, and Pam Yancey.. WSNA gave awards to three students. They were: Vicki Bassett, Tom Ervin, and Tamara Holycross. Public Awareness Committee Awards went to: Kelly-Anne Cole, Mark Crawford, James Maxwell, Debra Meeker, J o Schmiedeke, Dan Thames, and Carol Warner. Twenty students made the Who's who in American Junior Colleges, They were: Lori Beran, Debbie Breeden, Kelly-Anne Cole, Mark Crawford, Shelly Curtis, Dacrell Dishner, Stacey Dishner, Cash Durrett, Gloria Edwards, Robbin Edwards, Catherine Gramlich, Curtis Haney, Rebecca libby, James Maxwell, Debbie Meeker, Barbara Pope, J o Schiedeke, Lana Stoll, Dan Thames, and Carol Warner. Twenty-one students received recognition for Pride of Westark, They were: Erika Abernathy, Stephanie Black, John Clayton, Tracie Cosgrove, Laura Jacobson, Kim Kamerling, Bryan King, Keri Kish, Tisha Kolb, Brad Lelemsis, Krista Lewis, Jenny Massey, Shawn Mullens, Misty Smith, Shannon Solesbee, Thomas Turner, Randa Underwood, Amy Whittington, Elizabeth Trantham, Sandra Wilson, and Twyla Yates. Other Outstanding Student Award winners included: Programmer of the Year - Robbin Edwards; Biology - Laura Hough; Chemistry - Mark Crawford; Mathematics - Marquita Carty; Physics Mark Crawford; Engineering - Kevin Wasson; Student Publications Lion Pride - Mike Jennings; Student Publications NUMA - Barbara Pope; Student Publications Photography - Curtis Haney; Journalism - Joy Barnes; General Business - Lori Beran; Office Administration - Debra Meeker; CIS - Kathy Worthington; Legal Assistant - Pam Morton; History - A, Shane Roughley; Education - Mari Newby; Psychology - Karen Carson. Physical Education - Hayes Lemley; Surgical Technology - Jane Hildreth (Academic) and Karen Mulligan (Clinical); Paramedic - Mark Baxter and Neil Lowrey; Practical Nursing - Brenda Gregory; Associate Degree Nursing - Susan Westphal and Angie Spoon; Welding - Newton Hyman; Electronics - Michael Rofkahr; Drafting - Mark Wilson; Spanish - Carol Warner and Malcolm Williamson; French - Brad Lelemsis; Minority Talent Roster of Outstanding Minority Community College Graduates - Lydia Wiechert and Yvette Phillips. Music awards included: Deddeyn Award - Jan Briiso; Bollinger Award (Music Theory) - Chris Dennis; Butterfield Award (Keyboard) - Lucretia Reed; Sophomore Musician - David Holland; IKARD (Applied Music) - Michael Thurman; Most Improved Musician - James Maxwell; ChoirCash Durrett. Outstanding Club Award was won by S.T.E.P, In addition to all the student awards, four faculty members received honors. The Lucille Speakman Excellence in Teaching Award went to Martha Efurd, Gene Wells, and Jim Houston, The Whirlpool Master Teacher Award went to Ron Floyd. Amy Hope
1 3 8 Student A wards Reception
M a r k Crawford received the physics and chemistry awards. (Spencer Klnsey) Outstanding Club" went to S.T.E.P. (Curtis Haney) Jerome Mazyck received the ''Outstanding Humanities Award" (Curtis Haney)
Student Awards Reception
Tammy Johnson closed her eyes in prayer during the invocation.
(Paul Sayavong)
Curtis Haney received his associate's degree in psychology.
(Paul Sayavong)
Students Reached Milestone A
ll good things must end and for many students their time at Westark ended with commencement ceremonies. Though one good thing ended, graduating students had even more good things awaiting, whether it was furthering their education or striving in the work force. Of the 438 students graduating, 233 participated in the ceremony. Sixty graduated with honors. Dr. Paul Marion, Director of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education since 1985, delivered the commencement address. Nancy Llewellyn, Vice Chairman of the Westark Board of Trustees, President Joel Stubblefield, Vice President for Instruction Dr. John McKay and Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Eric Priest presented degrees. Phillip Sams, pastor of Central Christian Church delivered the invocation and benediction. The Westark
140 Commencement
Wind Ensemble performed "Pomp and Circumstance'' and "Ocean Ridge Rhapsody.'' Vocalists Bonnie Stewart and Darrell Dishner also performed. A reception in the Civic Center Exhibition Hall followed the commencement ceremony,
'"We're pleased to give their friends and family the chance to see them reach a milestone in their lives."
Dr. John McKay
"It's an exciting time to recognize students who have fulfilled the requirements for either an associate's degree or certificate. We're pleased to recognize them and give their friends and family the chance to see them reach a milestone in their lives,'' said Dr. McKay. Amy Bot}e
Commecetnent was a great time to exchange gifts and goodbyes with fellow graduates. (Paul Sayavong) Norman Martland was one of 438 graduates.(Paui Sayavong) Commencement excercises included both young and old graduates. (Paul Sayavong)
In Memory Of Lucille Robinett Speakman
Margaret Jane Marsh Newell
1906 - 1990
1934- 1990
y first inclination, after being asked to speak at a memorial for this greatest of ladies, was to make it anecdotal. I have many recollections, most of which reflect her concerns for her fellow man (her eyes would mist when she remembered the ragged youngsters attending Fort Smith Junior High School where she taught for a while during the 'Great Depression') and, from my own first hand knowledge, a story of her dedication to academic freedom and willingness to "toe the mark" for it. But for those of us who knew Ms. Speakman, or knew of her, such a eulogy would only serve to intensity the pain of her seeming absence. After a great deal and thought, and some fear that I might reveal that I am still an idealist and a romantic about education (this was most certainly a part of her legacy to me), I decided to relate to you something that happened last week which I feel offers hope and will provide sustenance. For the firt time in some years I am teaching a night class and after a somewhat chaotic first meeting I returned my books and notes to my office and walked to my car to drive the 25 miles home to Uniontown. Someone might be able to explain what happened next, I can't, but, for whatever reason, very quietly (and softly), a feeling of nostalgia crept over me. Just as I was about to the close the car door I became aware of the lights on campus and I paused. Then I remembered a night back in the early '60s when, as yearbook advisor and official photographer I had remained on campus until after dark to shoot some mood pictures. There were only a few buildings then and I had walked the length of the area looking for angles, taking sneak shots of groups of students standing under one of the few lights along the graveled paths and occasionally shooting through the window of a lighted classroom. Back to the presentIt was 9:45, classes were all over and there were only two or three autos still parked on the lot. I got out of my car, closed the door, and began walking. As I moved along the campus walk just north of the Vines Building it seemed to get darker and something made me turn my head to the left. There stood a handsome two story building with amples porches and a sign proclaiming "Fort Smith Junior College." There was a feeling of pressure and warmth on the back of my neck and I turned around. The broad steps to the porch of "Old Main" were at my feet and the large white unfluted Doric columns of the edifice beckoned me. I walked up those steps and crossed the porch to a lighted window. The large room beyond was full of students, both young and old. I was taken with their clothing-dark dresses with white polka-dots, creased trousers with the cuffe rolled a couple of times above loafers and argyle socks, miniskirts, saddle oxfords, sloppy-joe sweaters, ragged overalls and jeans terminating in untied sneakers. And, at the head of the classsroom, an ultimate teacher. I knew that if I walked over to the administration building I would find Ms. Speakman in her tiny office under the stairs gently talking politics with Claude Yancy, or in the small Library with Dorothy Grace Beck. I felt restored as I walked back to my car. My dash clock said 9:45 and I knew that what I had witnessed was revelatory. The elegance, dignity, intelligence and dedication of this most unique of people would grace the halls and classrooms of Westark forever, and she, as consequence, would always be with us. Art Instructor Pete Howard
oday each of us has our own unique and personal memory of Margaret Jane Marsh Newell and we bring that memory with us into this service and we will carry that memory with us in the days ahead.
But far more important than our memory of who she was is our rememberance of who she is. She is a child of God and an inheritor of the Kingdom. God, who has waited for Margaret from her very beginnings has received her unto himself. God is hers and she is God's and nothing, ever, will be able to separate Margaret from God or God from Margaret again. Margaret has gone from strength to strength in God's knowledge and love. We grieve, very naturally and appropriately, at the death of our friend and companion in the faith; but for her we grieve in context of the hope which is ours and in the reality of God's presence forever that Margaret now knows. So . . . even at the grave we make our song: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Thanks be to God." Rev. Dr. Kenneth Parks
NOTE: from The Book of Common Prayer, Page 507 The liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy. It finds all its meaning in the resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we, too, shall be raised. The liturgy, therefore, is characterized by joy, in the certainty that" ... (nothing) will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." This joy, however, does not make human grief unchristian. The very love we have for each other in Christ brings deep sorrow when we are parted by death. Jesus himself wept at the grave of his friend. So, while we rejoice that the one we love has entered Into the nearer presence of our Lord, we sorrow In sympathy with those who mourn.
A memorial fund has been established in Margaret J. Newell's name to aid Westark Community College developmental students. If you would like to contribute to the Margaret J. Newell Memorial Fund, please contact the DEVED office at 785-7290.
NUMA 1990 Staff Editor-Barbara Pope
Assi EdHor-Bonnie Stewart
Dorkroonn Manager-Curtis Haney
Assi Darkroom Manager-Greg George
Staff Angela Barlow, Suzanne Bates, Christine Harlan, Amy Hope, Mike Jennings, Shanteel Jones, Paul Martin, Mike Nichols, Bonnie Stewart, Amy Whittington.
Photographers Robin Bolton, Bill Burkhart, Jason Earll, Greg Fore, Greg George, Curtis Haney, Spencer Kinsey, Jody Rhoads, Paul Sayavong, Stan Sharp, Brent Ward, Paul Wilson,
Speoial thanks to Audio Visual, Barnetfs Studio, Lion Pride Staff, Public Information Office, Student Activities, Word Processing/Typesetting,
Barbara Pope
Bonnie Stewart
Colophon A11 copy, headlines, and artlines for NUMA 1990 were designed and produced on campus with a Varityper EPICS typesetting system. The cover and division page photos were taken by Henry Barnett at Barnett's Studio, 3016 Jenny Lind, Fort. Smith, AR 72901. The cover is Litho Pict. Custom Art laminated with high gloss. The cover also has Black 395 and Royal Blue 287 applied colors. The opening section spot colors are Royal Blue 287 and Kelly Green 347. Headlines are Times Modern Bold. Avant Garde Bold drop caps start each copy block. Both the opening section and the closing page body copy are 14 pt. Times Modern Italic. The remainder of the body copy is Times Modern. All captions and bylines are Times Modern Bold. Aside from the cover and division page photos, all photographs were taken, developed, and printed by members of the Student Publications photography staff. Vicky Arnold and Barbara Pope compiled the index. The book contains 144 pages with a trim size of 7 3 / 4 x 10 1/2 inches. The endsheets are Sterling Silver 420. Special thanks go to our director Tom Walton for advice and patience. Thanks to Bill Burkhart in Audio Visual for darkroom tips and a few photos. Thanks to Henry Barnett for the cover and division photos. Also, thanks to Arenda Francis in Word Processing for her help with the typesetting system. NUMA 1990 was printed by Josten!s Printing and Publishing Division in Topeka, KS. Randy Joe Hamilton is the sales representative. Barbara Pope
Curtis Haney
Greg George
Closing 1 4 3
took it to the
limit and then were applauded and encouraged to set new goals and to break new
characterized by a limited budget, increasing
ment and parking demands, students and faculty overcame the odds. As a result of the millage increase,
anticipated a year full of building plans.
Center preparations,
construction. In their upcoming year of changes they are sure to take it to the limit one more time.
144 Closing
Barbara P o p e
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Ref 378.0527673605 1990 copy 1
For Reference Not to be taken from this library
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