Numa 1992
Student Life / Jam Time ^ 8 Catch the action, and see how students spend their time - - Jam Time that is!
Academics / Packing it in ^ 3 8 With so many academic opportunities available, students attempted to learn as much as they could within their time constraints - - they were Packing It In!
Organizations / A Tight Squeeze ^ 5 2 Read about how students managed to add participation in college activities to their already busy schedules- - it was a Tight Squeeze!
Sports / Racing the
^ 6 8 During athletic functions, such as basketball and baseball, Westark exceeded in a steady pace - - all the while, they were Racing the Pack!
People / Packed Tight ^ 8 0 Faculty, students and staff worked together managing time and space for both in, and out of class, interaction - - everything was Packed Tight!
Index /Jamming It ^ 1 1 4 Students were always trying to make the best of what they had in terms of time and space - - they were always Jamming It!
P . A . C . K . E . D
Numa 1992 • Westark Community College • 6210 Grand Avenue P.O. Box 3649 Fort Smith, AR 72913 • V o l u m e 63 • Enrollrment 6624 AN OPPORTUNITY TO meet with students came for President Joel Stubblefield, as he visits with Jason Adams, engineering major, at the student/staff picnic.
JAM WITH A TRUE jam in the face of a Cavalier opponent, Keith Stridden, undeclared major of the Lions, applies defensive pressure. (Jorge Martinez) ART STUDENT Jennifer Sugg, art major, works on a charcoal drawing during art class in the fall. (Jorge Martinez)
P-A-C-K-E-D • Bachelor degree programs in elementary education, business administration, and computer information science, are available from two universities through the University Center. • Westark annually generates approximately $20 million into the local economy through payroll and purchase of equipment, supplies, and services. • Westark's faculty and professional staff have 301 degrees from 115 colleges and universities in 29 states. • If classified as dustry, Westark rank as the 15th employer in the Smith area.
an inwould largest Fort
THE DEVELOPMENT-ALUMNI office loaned a corner of their space to Sondra Lamar, director of public information. (Jorge Martinez)
2 • Jam Packed
With full parking lots, and instructors sharing offices, we were
JAM PACKED Everything about Westark was jam packed; from the slow moving traffic in the parking lots between classes to the basketball and baseball games. Classes were filled, instructors had to share their offices, construction on Waldron and Grand made for long lines of cars, and students seemed to have an endless amount of homework. Opening • 3
As enrollment increased and a new building went up we were
JAM P A Ž During the year, Westark moved forward at a steady pace with the addition of the new IVIath/Science facility, developing the MIS system and enrolling 5,524 students in the foil. The Business and Industrial Institute served over 6,000 people in the workplace, while 121 full-time instructors provided campus bound students with information in their respective majors. 4 • Jam Packed
P-A-C-K-E-D • The new MathScience/University Center building will have two lecture halls, 26 classrooms, 13 labs, and two conference rooms. • The total square footage of the college facility is approximately 315,000. • The campus has 2335 parking spaces available to students. • The tuition for credit classes generated $1,411,00 in the fall. • Students checked out 21,616 books during the three summer sessions of '91.
CAPACTITY CROWDS packed the Lion Fieldhouse for basketball games. (Susan Miranda)
AN OPPORTUNITY to toot his own horn comes for Calvin Bourgeois, music major, at the fall jazz band concert. (Jorge Martinez) JAMMING TO THE MUSIC at the student mixer dance, new students have the opportunity to make new friends. (Jorge Martinez)
Opening • 5
JAM THE STUDENT/STAFF PICNIC provides an opportunity for both students and faculty members to meet and enjoy a free lunch. (Bill Gee) THE HOMECOMING CHILI SUPPER, sponsored by the Student Activities Council was a success with Chris Oxford, chemical engineering major, serving chili. (Jorge Martinez)
P-A-C-K-E-D • The Continuing Education division offers more than 200 classes and has more than 8,000 registrations annually. • 8,510 faculty evaluations were processed during the fall semester.
GONE FISHIN' for the day is Ed Nagy, director of physical plant, who takes advantage of the opportunity presented by a broken fire hydrant in January. (Tom Walton)
6 • Jam Packed
As we grew, opportunities increased, and yet, we were still
JAM PACKED We utilized our facilities to their greatest potential. While numerous changes were made; faculty, staff and students got the opportunity to get to know each other on a more personal basis. As the number of students enrolled continually grew, and new structures were added, we remained JAM PACKED. Opening • 7
JAM P-A-C-K-E-D • Westark Community College is among the top ten public community colleges in the nation in terms of private fund raising.
• Classes are offered 15 hours per day, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., and on Saturdays and Sundays. • More than 27,000 area homes have access to the Westark cable television channel. • The cafeteria has 50 tables, seating 200 people. • 4,700 hamburgers are sold each semester in the cafeteria.
8 • Student Life/ Jam Time
As hectic as their days are, students still found a place to relax. Roger Armstrong, music/science major, takes some time to unwind and play his guitar in the Ballman/ Speer building. (Jorge Martinez) At the Halloween dance, RIchenna Bolte, undeclared major, and Glenn Crouch, psychology major, dance the night away. (Toum Sayavong)
JAM Juggling a class load, along with work, often left students little time to relax. From ping pong or pool, to studying for tests, students seemed
Homecoming queen Kari Robinson, elementary education major, smiles after her crowning as Katina Gilkey, undeclared major, and Kim Blevins, elementary education major, look on. (Kevin Cousins)
jammed for time. Student Life / Jam Time • 9
Biological science brought extra studying for Darren Hunt, physical therapy major, and his wife Jenny Hunt, journalism major. (Jorge Matinez)
If I think I know the material real well, I try to relax the night before a test."
-Thelma White undeclared major
In order for students to find the book they're looking for, Frances Oelke, word processing major, reshelves returned books in the Boreham Library. (Toum Sayavong)
10 - Student Life/Jam Time
While studying for an exam, Steven Askew, drafting major, uses the quiet library to aid his retention. (Stephen Brodie)
In preparing for a Physics II exam, Effie Drosopoulos, biology major, calculates the answer to a question. (Stephen Brodie)
The Masterpieces of World Literature are studied by Brandi Dunn, elementary education major. (Stephen Brodie)
A blue book exam for U.S. History II is used by Doug Beaman, physical therapy major. (Stephen Brodie)
Sweaty palms. A fluttering heart. Words used to describe the dreaded disease of the college student: test anxiety. What exactly causes test anxiety? "Don't study too much, or you'll definitely have test anxiety. If you know the material, you won't have to cram at the last minute," Rebecca Posey, elementary education major, said. Most students admit to test anxiety, although a few are fortunate enough to have it infrequently. "I only have it on occasion, and only when it's algebra," Karen Burnett, secondary education major, said. There are several ways to combat
test anxiety. Some try to study a lot. "I think about what the consequences will be if I don't study enough, and that's my motivation," Barbara Sheehan, business major, said. Others simply skip the test in hopes of escaping the anxiety, which only causes more anxiety. Still others have developed their own brand of therapy. "I take several deep breaths and count to ten. Also, I try to get to class early on test days," Kathy Eccleston, business major, said. "I just make sure that I'm prepared. That's the best insurance against test anxiety," Lori Koch, English major, said. —by Lori Walker
Study Time/Test Anxiety 11
To help Wayland Horn, physical education major, Shane Sanderson, undeclared major, Daniel Jordan, elementary education major, Sherry Netherton, elementary education major, and Maria Hicks, undeclared major, prepare for an exam, Ben Ballenger assists during a group study session.
The LAC Is a quiet place to do homework for Tracy Pike, nursing major. To aid her retention, Jeannette Guturrez, surgical technology major, studies after classes.
12 • Student Life/ Jam Time
Intent on his homework, Jack Suggs, accounting major, studies at the Learning Assistance Center. (Photos by Jorge Martinez)
While studying for a math exam, Dao Keovanpheng, biology major, uses a video machine.
The best part ofcoming to the Learning Assistance Center has been the helpfulnesss of the staff and other students." -Susan McGorder, nursing major
ASSISTANCE IN LEARNING BRINGS BETTER UNDERSTANDING The Learning Assistance Center served 900 to 1,000 students last fall, and assisted them in the general education requirements and regular course work as well. The LAC furthered the development of fairly new programs, such as the writing program, and invested in new equipment to expand and make information more accessible to students. Deborah Hurst, journalism major, went to the LAC to get help with her Intermediate Algebra studies. "I came to the LAC to watch the Algebra tapes. It helped me to grasp
the concept better when I heard and saw the instructional material at the same time," Hurst said. She also felt that the LAC helped her with her study skills and grades. "I have found that I have a lot more patience with my math, and I don't give up as easily as I did before," Hurst said. Two new full-time employees were hired to help students coming to the LAC. Le Werthmuller and Diana Rowden were hired as coordinator of tutoring and coordinator of guided study, respectively. - b y Jenny Hunt
Knowledge Time/Learning Assistance Center - 13
In order to help relieve stress as well as develop his cardiovascular system, Jack Vaughn, electronics instructor, works on his abdominals with the hip flexer machine. While looking at her workout card, Stacie Matthews, computer science major, rides a bicycle during her first circuit.
The dip machine helps Cindy Hunter, radiography major, develop muscle tone. (Photos by Jorge Martinez)
14 • Student Life/ Jam Time
I signed up for my fourth semester because every time I post test, I see how much better shape I'm in.''
-Robin Buccella, physical therapy major
In an effort to get into shape and gain a physical education credit, 710 students enrolled in Total Fitness courses last fall. "Although I didn't lost any weight, I lost inches. The fat has been replaced by muscle tone," Jennifer Threadgill, biological science major, said. Students enrolled in the course must work out three times a week to determine their grade. Some find that their motivation comes from the knowledge that their grade point will be affected. "On my own it's hard to work out, but with this, it's more structured and I'm able to get myself into it more," Mike Turner, accounting major, said. Physical exercise is also a good
remedy for relieving the stress of a college student as well as people in the work place. "The fitness center is as much of a stress release as it is a physical fitness thing for me. It's marvelous, and the only thing that I regret is that we didn't have it five or ten years earlier," Stacey Jones, director of student activities and a total fitness student, said. According to Athletic Director Jim Wyatt, the fitness center has been a tremendous success. "We do an evaluation at the beginning of the semester, then at the end of the semester students must post test. We've been encouraged by the improvement our students are showing," Wyatt said. --by Lori Walker
After classes, Mike Turner, accounting major, uses the fitness center to his advantage.
Workout Time/Fitness Center - 15
After classes, Cory Thellman, elementary education major, works at the Cookie Company in Central Mall. (Kevin Cousins) Jam
OFF-CAMPUS EMPLOYMENT ENHANCES FUTURE CAREERS In pursuit of gaining experience and time management skills, students sought off-campus employment. Heather Askew, sociology major, felt that there were many benefits to working off-campus. "I think it's good to be out in the job market while you're in school. The earlier you can go through the interview process and gain experience, the better off you'll be," she said. Students felt that working offcampus is beneficial to their future careers. "I gained a lot of experience off-campus that is related to my major, that may benefit me in the future," Stephanie West, business
16 - Student Life/Jam Time
major, said. West divided her time between school and working at a local dentist office. Some sought quiet jobs where they could study on the job. "I have the perfect advantage. I have 10 to 15 minute stretches when I can study," Steven Askew, architectural drafting major, said. In addition to being a full-time student. Askew was employed full time at KFPW radio. "Like every aspect of life, working full-time and going to school full-time has its challenges. But I can get a good education this way," Steven Askew said. —by Lori Walker
Working off campus shows you what it's like in the real world." "Jennifer Lewis, secondary education major
The automotive department at Sears provides after school employment for Brent Ward, elementary education major. (Jorge Martinez)
A job at the Locker Room helps Spencer Kinsey, journalism major, work his way through school. (Kevin Cousins)
At the check-out counter in Wal-Mart, Chris Sims, business management major, waits on customers. (Stephen Brodie) At Brooks-Atellier, Heather Wade, elementary education major, earns some extra money after classes. (Jorge Martinez)
Work Time/Off-Campus Employment - 17
BRINGS STUDENTS, STAFF TOGETHER The aroma engulfed the campus. Every head turned, and every stomach growled. It was Sept. 25, time for the student/staff picnic. "You couldn't have diagrammed a more perfect day for a picnic," Stacey Jones, director of student activities, said of the annual picnic. With temperatures in the mid 80's and the tantalizing aroma of hamburgers in the air, more than 650 students and staff members took advantage of the free meal and the opportunity to socialize with others in front of Fullerton Union. "I talked to a lot of people who are in my classes that I do not get the chance to talk to during class," Jeff Freeman, business
In order to cook the hamburgers to perfection, Robert McSparin, business management major, prepares the main course at the picnic. (Photos by Jorge Martinez)
18 • Student Life/ Jam Time
administration major, said. Staff members also enjoyed the chance for fellowship. "This creates an opportunity for faculty members and students to talk about old times," Lonnie Watts, psychology and sociology instructor, said. The event, held each fall semester, was sponsored by the Student Activities Council. The food was served by President Joel Stubblefield, college vice presidents, and SAC members. The menu for the day included hamburgers, baked beans, coleslaw, soda pop, chips, and ice cream sandwiches and was funded by Student Activities at a cost of more than $1,600.
It was a good time for students and staff members to relax and have fun."
Jennifer Threadgill, biological science major
S t u d e n t s Daniel Crane, political science major; Susan Miranda, fashion merchandising major; Kathy Eccleston, marketing major; Chris Kinchin, electronics major; Stephanie Sherrard, accounting major; Jennifer Lewis, secondary education major; and Jennifer Wallace, undeclared major, enjoy lunch at the student/staff picnic.
To insure that everything goes smoothly, Stacey Jones, director of student activities, and Joel Stubblefield, president, supervise the picnic.
A long line forms for the free lunch at the picnic.
Lunch Time/Student-Staff Picnic • 19
Credit card companies ranging from Conoco to MasterCard solicited applications to students.
CREDIT The best thing to do is cut them in half and send them straight back. They get you in trouble fast." -Don Self business major
At the cashier window, Sandra Walters, communications major, pays for summer classes.
WHERE MONEY IS DUE In the time when living above one's means has become almost as American as apple pie and Chevrolet, credit card companies in the United States have increased their plastic output. With applications on most every bulletin board on campus, Westark students were not immune to the allure of credit. "I have four credit cards, " Kim Holden, interior design major, said. "I usually use them to buy gifts, and it was especially hard to pay my bills after Christmas." Students found that increased responsibility comes with charge cards. "You've got to know how to use them. Credit cards get you in trouble because plastic is very easy
to spend. The more you spend, the more credit they give you," Scott Lensing, quality technology major, said. Department store credit cards provided an opportunity for students to buy a wide range of items. "I use my Dillard's card for just about everything. They keep raising my credit limit and that just makes it more tempting to use," Karen Burnett, secondary education major, said. Cash was one alternative to living on credit. "You've got to know your limits. I spend cash, so I don't need them," Lynda Bell, criminology major, said. - b y Lori Walker
Charge Time / Credit Cards • 21
In for two against St. Gregory is Nell Rice, general studies major.
Homecoming Maids
Kim Blevins
Kim Cooper
Katrina Gilkey
Nanne Jackson Prior to the game and crowning, SAC members Chris Oxford, chemical engineering major; Kathy Eccleston, marketing major; and Jennifer Threadgill, biological science major, serve at the homecoming chili supper. (Jorge Martinez)
22 • Student Life/ Jam Time
It was a great honor because this is the second year I've been selected. " -Kim Blevins, elementary education major
Homecoming is synonymous with tradition. Carrying on a Westark tradition, 1991 homecoming queen Angela Davis was on hand to crown the 1992 queen. The difference was that former Lady Lion standout Davis was the leading scorer for the University of Arkansas Lady Razorbacks on the afternoon of Feb. 1 before coming down to crown the homecoming queen, Kari Robinson. "Angela is an outstanding person as well as an athlete. She's the kind of person that when you meet her, you like her. She was good academically, as well," Stacey Jones, director of student activities, said. "It was a real honor to have her come back for homecoming." The Lion basketball team nomi-
nated five young women to make up the homecoming court, one of whom was crowned at the game. Nominees were Kim Blevins, Kim Cooper, Nanne Jackson, Katina Gilkey and Robinson. Robinson, a freshman elementary education major, was pleased when she heard her name announced as queen. "The best part was having my name announced," Robinson said. "I've never received an honor this big before, so I was excited." Both the Lions and Lady Lions rewarded the capacity crowd with victories over their St. Gregory counterparts. The Lions defeated St. Gregory 103-94, while the Lady Lions won their contest 74-52. - b y Lori Walker
After her crowning, Kari Robinson smiles at being named queen. (Susan Miranda) A word of congratulations is received by Kari Robinson from Dr. Sandi Sanders, vice president for student services and university center operations. (Bill Burkhart)
Tiara Time/Homecoming • 23
Grace under pressure is shown by Susan Miranda during evening gown competition. For that phase of the pageant, each contestant walked to the microphone, answered a current event question, turned in front of the judges, and walked the runway. The evening gown competition comprised 15 percent of the total judge's score. (Jorge Martinez) Contestant #4 Stephanie Sellers walks the runway during swimsuit competition. Sellers was later named first runner-up to Miss Westark '92. (Jorge Martinez)
For the parade of contestants, Miss Westark hopefuls Shauna Ackley, Kathy Eccleston, Landi Nelson, Susan Miranda, Stephanie Sellers and Jennifer Dishner model their interview attire. (Jorge Martinez)
24 • Student Life / Jam Time
With a vocal for talent competition, Joanna Steel captivates the audience. Her rendition of the song "Someone Like You" from the musical "Jeckyll and Hyde" won a talent award. (Jorge Martinez)
TIMECONTESTANTS GAIN CONFIDENCE, SCHOLARSHIPS Stacey Jones works very hard to insure a successful pageant He's the best!" -Lanier Hocott, early childhood education major
Developing self-confidence and gaining educational advancement, 13 young women competed for the title of Miss Westark Community College, and more than $13,000 in college scholarships. "I got an entire year of school paid for. I didn't think about it at all until the pageant was over, and then I began thinking of the scholarship money I'd won," Joanna Steel, business major, said. As second runner-up. Steel received a one-year full tuition scholarship to Westark and a $350 scholarship to the institution of her choice. Steel was also awarded the $100 non-finalist talent award, and $100 for the Spirit of Westark scholarship. Crowned April 3, Miss Westark 1992, Jennifer Dishner, psychology major, was eligible for more than $10,000 in scholarship dollars in addition to wardrobe allowances from area businesses for the Miss Arkansas pageant. Dishner was also awarded the Bob and Joanne Williamson overall talent award of $250 and the Taco Bell $250 interview award. Dishner also received the audience appeal award, valued at $100. Being named first runner-up brought an opportunity for Stephanie Sellers, business major, to further her college career. "Finishing my educa-
tion is a goal I've been trying to work toward. With the scholarship money, I can focus more on my education," Sellers said. Sellers received a $450 scholarship and was eligible for oneyear tuition to Westark. Other scholarship recipients were third runner-up Jennifer Holland, pre-dental major, who received a $250 scholarship in addition to oneyear full tuition at Westark; and fourth runner-up Lanier Hocott, early childhood education major, who received a $400 scholarship, as well as the $250 Pauline Plummer GPA award. Landi Nelson, pre-pharmacy major, was awarded the $100 dance scholarship. The Betty King Miss Congeniality award was presented to Susan Miranda, fashion merchandising major. Other contestants included Shauna Ackley, psychology major; Kathy Eccleston, marketing and communications major; Melanie Jones, park administration major; Ginger Rogers, physical therapy major; Rose Stevens, psychology major; and Lori Walker, business major. With more than $15,000 available in scholarships, the Miss Westark Scholarship pageant provided educational advancement for seven young women. - b y Lori Walker
Scholarship Time / Miss Westark • 25
In swimsuit competition, contestant #3 Jennifer Dishner, models for the judges. The swimsuit portion of the pageant composed 15 percent of the total score. (Jorge Martinez)
BRINGS SUCCESS If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. With this maxim in mind, Jennifer Dishner competed for the title of Miss Westark Community College for the second year, and walked away with the crown. Dishner was named first runnerup in the '91 Miss Westark pageant and went on to be crowned Miss Sebastian County one week later. The '92 Westark crown gave Dishner a second chance at competing for the title of Miss Arkansas. "I feel more confident about this year's chance at the state title. This time I will be able to concentrate on what I'm doing rather than what's going on," Dishner said. Dishner prepared for the state pageant by working out regurlarly and working with vocal and interview coaches.
During the pageant, Dishner also won the audience appeal award, the Taco Bell interview award, and the Bob and Joanne Williamson overall talent award. Dishner plans to transfer to Arkansas Tech University in the fall of '92 to complete her degree in psychology with an emphasis in adolescent counseling. With the Miss Westark title came a two-year scholarship to Arkansas Tech, which will allow Dishner to complete her degree on scholarship. "The scholarship money was really important because I was already planning to transfer to Tech next year. This way, my next two years of school are paid for," Dishner said. by Lori Walker
At the Westark fitness center, Jennifer Dishner works out to get her body into top physical condition for the Miss Arkansas pageant. (Kevin Cousins)
The Johnny Ray song " C r y " is performed by Jennifer Dishner during talent competition. The song helped win her the title, as well as the overall talent award. The talent competition comprises 40 percent of the total score, more than any other area.
26 • Student Life / Jam Time
After being announced as Miss Westark '92, Jennifer Dishner is crowned by Heather Hunnicutt, Miss Arkansas '91, as Gina-Lynne Smith, Miss Oklahoma'91 hands her a trophy. Dishner, a former Miss Sebastian County, will represent the school in the state pageant. In evening gown competition, Jennifer Dishner answers a question about child abuse. For the second year, Miss Westark will have a platform during her reign. Dishner chose child abuse as her critical issue.
Scholarship winners are Jennifer Holland, third runner-up and vocal award; Stephanie Sellers, first runnerup; Jennifer Dishner, Miss WCC '92, overall talent award, interview award and audience appeal award; Joanna Steel, second runner-up and talent award; and Lanier Hocott, fourth runner-up and GPA award. (Jorge Martinez)
Pageant Time / Miss Westark • 2 7
Westark students recognized by faculty, administration as
OUTSTANDING CIS STUDENTS: Quan Chuong Ta, Pamela Turner OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO AFRICANAMERICAN STUDENT ALLIANCE: Felicia Sheffield, Charles Warr OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLUB: Bryan Cheeks, Kathy Eccleston, Susan Miranda, Jenny Sherrard, Chris Tidwell OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO PRIDE OF WESTARK: Amy Allen, Heather Askew, Bill Bieker, Eric Cherry, Scott Cunningham, Jennifer Dillard, Jennifer Dishner, Kathy Eccleston, Nicki Gatlin, Lori Koch, Steve Nelson, Sorne Royo, Stephanie Sherrard, Jennifer Threadgill, Chris Tidwell, Lori Walker OUTSTANDING PRIDE STUDENT: Lori Walker OUTSTANDING FRESHMAN STUDENT: Micah Harford
OUTSTANDING ELECTRONICS STUDENTS: John Ferguson, Kenneth Ferrell, Nancy O'Hare, Sarah McFerran, Richard Sprouse
LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE: Alys Dimmitt, Deborah Ferguson
Student Life / Jam Time
Westark students were rewarded for their excellence in academics and extracurricular activities at the Student Awards Program on April 30.
SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY: Randi Waggoner, Ethel Howard ARMY SPIRIT OF NURSING: Dina Treece OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO PHI THETA KAPPA: Karen Burnett, Brandi Dunn, Kathy Eccleston, Kerry Franklin, John Larru, Vicki Larru, Christine Mobley, Magda Mueller, Jennifer Threadgill HONORS GRADUATES: Todd McWilliams, Laura Hellmer, Jimmy Poole, Jane Le, Jennifer Threadgill, Sonya Gaines OUTSTANDING HONORS STUDENT: Jennifer Threadgill NATIONAL DEAN'S LIST: Charles Almond, Aubrey Baker, Laura Bogner, Jan Bruso, Curtis Champion, April Compton, Miriam Crowe, Esther Davis, Glenna Fecher, John Ferguson, Michael Fox, Janet Gaines, Patricia Gooch, Praveen Gottam, Angela Hulsey, Brenda Johnson, Doris Johnson, James King, Kathleen King, Carolyn Law, Jane Le, Gregory Leroy, Carol Lonsway, Jeanine MacRory, Jennifer Massey, Jerry McClain, Linvel Merrill, Marsall Newcity, See Biing Ng, Nancy O'Hare, Nancy O'Hern, Seok Peng Ong, Norma Parent, Laura Parker, Patricia Phillips, Stuart Phillips, Nita Pierson, Jimmy Poole, Wesley Reynolds, Stacey Rogers, Gary Schwartz, Darrell Scott, Monica Stephens, Tabitha Stephenson, Jeffrey Swafford, Sun Teng, Dina Treece, Randa Underwood, Patricia Veit, Karen Wuthrich WHO'S WHO IN AMERICAN JUNIOR COLLEGES: Cinthia Alexander, Heather Askew, Kelly Beohning, Harry Bundrick, Scott Cunningham, Jennifer Dishner, John Ferguson, Kenneth Ferrell, Deborah Floyd, Chris Hill, Rodney Jones, David Kelly, Keri Kish, Lori Koch, John Larru, Chris Linam, Andrea Moore, Chris Moore, Nancy O'Hare, Phillip Robberson, Marcus Rowlett, Timothy Spain, Joanna Steel, Jennifer Threadgill, Michael Turner, Pamela Turner, Lori Walker, Anna Williams, Gail Williamson, Alan Winfrey OUTSTANDING DIVISION STUDENT BY PUBLIC AWARENESS COMMITTEE: Division of Humanities, Keri Kish; Division of Business, John Larru; Division of Science, Math, and Engineering, Marshall Newcity; Division of Technology, Nancy O'Hare; Division of Social and Behavioral Science, Tabitha Stephenson; Division of Computing and Information Systems, Pamela Turner; Division of Health Occupations, Patty Veit
The Outstanding Journalism Student award is presented to Jody Birchfield, journalism major, by Tom Walton, speech instructor. English instructor Ann ScottWinters presents awards for Outstanding Service to Applause magazine to Heather Armstrong, secondary education major, and Ben Trager, microcomputer applied man. a g e m e n t major.
BRINGS CULTURE, CELEBRITIES Providing cultural entertainment to students and the community, the Student Activities Council sponsored Season of Entertainment Eleven. The season began with Rosilee Walker, piano instructor, in concert. "This added a new dimension to the season since it was a classical performance," Walker said. On Feb. 7, former Westark student Lawrence Luckinbill performed the one man show "Lyndon" at the Fort Smith Civic Center. Luckinbill, who grew up in Fort Smith, played Sybok in "Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier." "To my knowledge he has never returned to Fort Smith for any type of show since he left. We were the first ones to bring him back and I feel very excited about that," Stacey Jones, drector of student activities, said.
The Westark Jazz presented their annual fall concert on Nov. 19 in Breedlove auditorium. Micah Harford, music major, plays with the band during the concert.
Student Life / Jam Time
The season also gave Westark students and faculty the opportunity to showcase their talents. The jazz band presented both fall and spring concerts, as did the choral department. Television personality Steve Allen was the featured performer at the Westark Jazz spring concert. Delighting the audience with his humor as well as his music, Allen joined the jazz band for the second half of the concert. "Not only is he a fine entertainer, but he is a fine musician as well," Henry Rinne, humanities instructor, said. The largest production in the eleventh season was the Miss Westark Scholarship pageant on April 3. --by Lori Walker
The season gave students and the community the opportunity to see some great shows,'' -Kevin Cousins, photography major
Fort Smith native Lawrence Luckinbill returned to his hometown for the oneman show "Lyndon" on Feb. 7. The production, which featured the life of President Lyndon B. Johnson, required a three-hour preparation for Luckinbill to get into costume. At the Fort Smith Municipal Airport, Luckinbill discusses his time at St. Anne's High School and Fort Smith Junior College with Carolyn Long, anchorperson for channel 40 news.
The first national touring production. "Gypsy," was presented at the Fort Smith Civic Center on Oct. 22. The story of Mama Rose driving her daughter to burlesque stardom as the world famous Gypsy Rose Lee was a sell-out performance.
Production Time / Season of Entertainment
Commencement speaker Roland S. Boreham, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Baldor Electric Company, spoke about success and goals at the 63rd annual commencement exercises.
" I thought it nice when they had the mothers in the audience stand up and be recognized.'' --Lisa Grosvold, journalism major
The University Center produced Its first graduates In the spring. Elementary education degrees were awarded to 26 students through Arkansas Tech University. Kelly Hill and Candy Meador put on their caps and gowns for the group picture.
• Student Life / Jam Time
With congratulations and a hand shake, Carl Corley, president of the Board of Trustees, presents Jennifer Threadgill, biological science major, her degree.
RECORD BREAKING CROWD ATTENDS COMMENCEMENT Westark's 63rd annual commencement exercises were held May 10 in the Fort Smith Civic Center, and according to Robert Cullins, director of admissions and records, 200 people had to be turned away because of the record attendance. The auditorium was filled to capacity. A total of 436 students from Summer '91, Fall '91, and Spring '92 graduated, a group 13.5 percent larger than last year's class. Only 351 of that number participated in the exercises. President Joel Stubblefield made remarks, and gave special recognition to students, before introducing the commencement speaker. The commencement address was delivered by Roland S. Boreham, chairman of the board, and chief executive officer of Baldor Electric Company. According to the commencement exercise program, Baldor Electric and Boreham recently received the Export-Star Award from President Bush for having increased the sale of U.S. products abroad. Boreham, and his work at Baldor, has also been the subject of in-depth articles in Fortune magazine and several other national business publications. Dr. Caroline Branch, vice pres-
ident for institutional advancement, said Boreham's address dealt with the definition of success. "Mr. Boreham gave information contrary to the gloom and doom of today, such as the lack ofjobs, earning less money, and the decline in quality of life in America," she said. "He said there will always be room for good people with open minds and ideas who are hard workers." "He also stressed that your quality of life will be determined by the effort you put forth, and that educational preparation is essential today to attain it," Branch said. Branch also said Boreham described success as the attainment and achievement of goals, and that a high position in a company, or large salary did not necessarily make one a success. The concert band also performed in the ceremony, along with Rosilee Walker, piano instructor, who performed The Battle Hymn of the Republic. A reception followed in the Exhibition Hall. "We deeply regretted that all who came were unable to get a seat," Branch said. "Attendance greatly exceeded our expectations." - b y Jody Birchfield
Tassel Time / Commencement • 33
Heavy class loads force students to search for a way of
Trying to balance studies with work and a busy social life, or a full-time family, students sometimes found it difficult to pock it all in; while never forgetting the primary reason for being here-academics. 34 • Academics / Packing It In
Welding student Tony Moss, welding major, is assisted by Scott Holzman, welding major, during a class project. The welding department was part of the division of technology and was housed in the Technical Complex. (Photos by Jorge Martinez) Art classes moved outside of the Ballman-Speer Building to enjoy the spring sunshine and work on charcoal drawings. Jennifer Sugg, art major, draws her interpretation of the human body.
Commencement recognized academics by awarding At the public awareness committee fall reception, John degrees to 436 students. Kerl KIsh, music major. Is Larru, business major, is congratulated by Ray Baker, mayor congratulated by TerrI Leins, developmental math of Fort Smith, and members of the committee as the Instructor, after receiving her diploma. KIsh was honored "Outstanding Division of Business Student." by the public awareness committee during the fall semester as the "Outstanding Division of Humanities Student."
Academics / Packing It In • 35
Leading students to business car
HE DIVISION of business offered transfer programs in six major areas. These areas included accounting, finance, economics, marketing, business admin- • 'The division will adjust curricistration and personnel administration. ulim to meet the place "The division had the unique position work requirements of increased combetween high school academics and the puter access, decreased labor university schools of business for intensive work, students transferring from Westark; an increased custquality arena for the development of applied omer demands, and 'turnskills needed for entering the business increased around time' for and services world immediately; and a place for work tobeaccompadult workers who wish to upgrade lished. The division will teach their skills for advancement in present and guide forward jobs," Gary Wilson, division of students in the next five years." business chair, said. —Gary Wilson The division has worked with the Boreham Library in obtaining a Lexus-Nexus database, providing some of the needed hardware for the system. The library hopes the system will be on-line in the fall of 1992. 36•Academics / Packing It In
Business instructor Rebecca Timmons gives a pointer to Eric Cherry, engineering major. There were over 900 business students on campus in the spring.
• Spending some time together before evening classes are Travis Collyar, Amber Sterling, Jane Carson, and Kristin Fowler. Evening students make up 27.8 percent of Westark's enrollment. (Jorge Martinez)
Academics / Business 37
38 Academics / Packing It In
"Our division is a high tech division. We're constantly dealing with rapid change and advancement in the field, and our faculty is constantly learning new things." "Ray Sparks
• There was always a place on campus for students to get together before class and share ideas, as did these computer students in preparation for an exam. (Bill Burkhart)
change in the computing and information systems division was the number of shifts in majors, according to Ray Sparks, division chair. "For the last three years, most of the majors had been in the two-year degree programs. Now, with the University Center programs, the larger number of majors are in the four-year programs," Sparks said. "There was a lot of interest on the part of our students to move into the University Center curriculum. There's some adjustment that needs to be done there, and we're working on it," he said. Sparks indicated he wanted to be sure Westark was offering a concise curriculum to students, now that the University Center programs are on campus. Academics / Computing Information Systems 39
Dev. Education Providingbasicskills were needed
PROVIDING assistance where needed is the goal of the developmental education division. • Developmental education provides "Developmental education provides basic skills in the areas of reading, basic skills in the core areas of reading, core writing, and math." writing, and math. The division --Dr. Janet Sanders provides additional courses in study skills, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar," Dr. Janet Sanders, developmental education chair, said. Courses are designed to help students get ready for core courses they will • We often need for their individual career view our role on as that of aspirations. In addition, some courses, campus a support to the other technical such as rapid reading, are designed areas because we to assist anyone interested in advancing provide not only refresher courses, in his or her skills. "Our division is but also challencourses in one of the larger divisions when one ging reading writing, mathematics, and considers course offerings and sections study skills which are necessary for of classes offered," Susan McKinney, college success" instructor, said. --Susan McKinney
40•Academics / Packing It In
It all adds up, or at least it should, but when it doesn't students some times seek help from math lab in structor Ben Ballenger. (Jorge Martinez)
Writing lab coordinator Betty Cooper works with Teresa Sau, undeclared major, on a writing assign ment .(Jorge Martinez)
• Working to increase vocabulary skills with instructor Martha Efurd are Nancy Morrilton and Frances Miller. (Jorge Martinez)
Academics / Development Education 41
42•Academics / Packing It In
Health Division
features more off-campus
• "As chair, I provide the link with upper administration. I represent the faculty to upper administration, and I represent upper administration to the faculty." "Dr. Calline Ellis
• Pat Briley checks the pulse of Kay Schuartz with the help of fellow health occupations students Sherry Tate, and Susan Terhune. (Bill Burkhart)
is unique because of our labs off-campus and involve actual patients," Dr. Calline Ellis, division of health occupations chair, said. Programs available include a two-year associate nursing degree, a one-year LPN, surgical technology, paramedic, and medical laboratory technology. The associate degree program is the largest according to Ellis. "We're admitting 180-200 nursing students per year. It is a difficult program but our graduates can expect to pass the licensure exam," Ellis said. "Our goals are to maintain the high quality of each program, and to meet the community's needs for health care providers. We will add new programs when there is an identified need and the resources are available,"Ellis said.
Academics I Health Occupations 43
• A r t instructor Ernest Cialone and Leah Part-time speech instructor Leah Garcie, art major, do some David Johnson assists Quentin Vincent with research in the Boreham painting in natural light Library. (Jorge Martinez)
• Individual instruction from English instructor Sherron Shuffield assists English student Jason Hudson, and Eric Cherry, engineering major.
44 Academics / Packing It In
Humanities Creativity, talent come together
EING ABLE to work with exceptionally talented and "As division chair I supervise the academic programs in my division, I manage the division business, and I serve as a mentor to faculty and students in order to help carry out the mission and goals of the division and the college.'' "Joy Beard
''The humanities division works to chal lenge students to be both creative and critical in dealing with the non-occupational aspects of l i f e . " "Tom Walton •
creative students and instructors makes my job interesting," Joy Beard, division of humanities chair, said. Beard believes instructors who are caring, knowledgeable, creative, and talented in the arts, philosophy, languages, and communication are what made the division unique. "The goals of the division included offering courses and programs that helped students to acquire values which enabled them to appreciate all types of cultural opportunities, particularly in the arts, to think, to communicate effectively, to be productive, and thus to be able to enjoy life to its fullest," Beard said. In the past year Beard has seen opportunities to work with four-year institutions and to serve the educational needs of more people. Academics / Humanities 45
46 Academics / Packing It In
s M, ,
math, and engineering events
from preparing for the move into the new Math-Science Building major events this year included "By far the most adoption of three new courses for interesting aspect of my job over the past students preparing to enter the three years has been planning for the new University Center's elementary building and selecting equipment education program, development and for the new labs. I implemenatation of computer-based also enjoy curriculum development, and calculus courses, and adoption of a budget planning and management." new general education biology course," -'Dr. Mike Hightower said Dr. Mike Hightower, chair of science, math, and engineering. The additional space provided by the new building will allow for better scheduling in labs, and some natural history displays are now in the planning stages. Hightower also hopes for expanded use of computers in Biology instructor Rod Nelson goes science courses. over the skeleton to "We usually have the largest assist Amy Wilson, undeclared major, in enrollment in terms of student her studies. (Bill Burkhart) semester credit hours," Hightower said. Academics / Science, Math, and Engineering 47
Social&Behavioral Working toward cohesiveness
"0ne of • "I've found it our goals was to enhance the [the most interesting cohesiveness of our division, part of my job] to be getting to know our bringing all of our division a little staff better. Although been here at closer together," Jim Wyatt, I've Westark for 18 years, of the instrucacting division of social and many tors in this division behavioral science chair, said. have been here longer than that. "Physical education is a part of social That's one of the real strengths of this and behavioral science, but because of division." the fact that we're separated physically, -Jim Wyatt there's often a gap there. We'd like to close that gap and get all of our instructors in the division a little closer." According to Wyatt, a future goal would be to reinstate the law enforcement program. preparation for "If there's sufficient enrollment to the AsMiss Arkansas pageant. Miss Westark warrant reinstating, we'd like to do Jennifer Dishner works that," Wyatt said. out in the Fitness Center. (Jorge Martinez)
48•Academics / Packing It In
Academics / Social and Behavioral Sciences 49
Technical student Scott Holzman watches as Tony Moss welds. (Lori Walker)
• Practical hands-on experience is an important of class for auto tech majors Tony Moss and Jim Finney.
• Auto tech majors Bryan Hanna and Paul Toran work on a motor for class. (Lori Walker)
50 Academics / Packing It In
Technical A
Apprentice programs added, more to follow
As division chair I pull all my energies together help ensure that we deliver that high quality education" "Lee Mynatt
apprentice programs were added for a total of nine companies with 16 different programs in the technical division. Others are planned for next year, pending negotiations with company unions, according to Lee Mynatt, technical division chair. "A system of tracking students and encouraging them to complete requirements for graduation was also implemented this year," Mynatt said. "In the fall we had a 55% increase in enrollment in machine shop, with a 25% increase in the spring." Upgrading equipment has allowed for some of this increased enrollment. "We received significant monies from the Westark Foundation for upgrading the computers, printers, and other equipment," he said. Mynatt considered the year a success. Academics / Technical 51
Members of the Foreign Language Club presented a Columbus Day celebration in October. Club members Rose Stephens, psychology major, Chris Tidwell, international business major, Florencia Perez, art major, and Jorge Martinez, photography major, enjoy the international foods available at the celebration. The Columbus Day observance was slated for the Fullerton Union patio, but was moved indoors due to rain. (Toum Sayvong) Phi Beta Lambda President Vicki Larru, business major, counts the money made from the club car wash. PBL held the fundraiser during May to raise money for the national conference in Chicago, Illinois. (Jorge Martinez)
Choral Director Dr. Brent Ballweg rehearses with members of the concert choir prior to the spring concert. (Jorge Martinez)
52 • Clubs / A Tight Squeeze
Trying to balance academics and organization involvement, students were in a
Involvement In campus clubs was an important part of student life. The Westark Jazz performed with tv personality Steve Allen. Between clubs and heavy class loads, it was a tight squeeze! Clubs / A Tight Squeeze
Writer's Guild, Student Publications
WRITING was an important activity for the Writer's Guild, Different Drummers Club, and Student Publications. Applause magazine was the primary focus of the Writer's Guild. The guild produced 50 pages of poetry, prose, and art work, from the effort of 45 students. The works were I enjoyWestark teaching solicited, chosen, arranged, edited, others about and prepared for copying by photography." members of the Writer's Guild. "The project provides excellent training in putting together " J o r g e Martinez, publications, organizational skills, photography major a sense of artistic standards of excel- lence and unifying concepts, and publishing," Ann Scott Winters, guild sponsor, said. Taking their name from one of Henry David Thoreau's poems. Different Drummers, Westark's literary club, began two years ago. "We call it that because we kind of break away from a traditional literary club. We read things that are ordinarily not read as legitimate literature," Gene Wells, club sponsor, said.
54 • Organizations / A Tight Squeeze
The club, whose members include students, instructors, and community members, chooses the type of literature to read for each meeting. They read fiction, biographies, science fiction, and whatever they choose is a decision made as a group. Sometimes they will each read a separate book, or they will all read the same one. "My favorite way is when everybody reads something different and each person talks about what he or she has read," Wells said. With a new adviser and a small staff, Westark's student publications, Lion Pride and NUMA, faced a rebuilding year. Publications Adviser Lori Norin, a Westark graduate with a master's degree in communications from Northeastern State University, began her Westark tenure in the fall of 1991. "I never imagined that I would teach here. It's a very unusual turn of events," Norin said. Budget cuts faced both publications, and the Lion Pride was cut from 12 pages to an eight page newspaper. "One of our goals was to get as much in the newspaper as we could within our page limitations," Norin said. The Lion Pride was rewarded for their efforts at the Northeastern State University Press Day competition where they placed second in overall newspaper. Editor Lisa Grosvold, journalism major, also received second place for columns. NUMA, the college yearbook, had a four person staff working to change the publication. "One of our goals was to upgrade the publication toward current trends while retaining its reader popularity," Lori Walker, business and communications major, said. "It was definitely a challenge with a four person staff."
PRESIDENT Joel Stubblefield held a press conference for student publications in September to discuss the future of Westark. Publication students Lisa Grosvold, journalism major, Lori Walker, business and communications major, and SuRonna Watkins, undeclared major, listen to plans for the University Center. WRITER'S Guild and Different Drummer members were in for a rare opportunity when the Visiting Artist program brought a local writers group to campus in November. Anita Paddock read an original story to students. LION Pride Editor Lisa Grosvold, journalism major, prepares an interview for publication.
Beating a Different Drum / Writer's Guild Different Drummers, Student Publications
focused on community service. Foreign Language Club members sang French, German, and Spanish Christmas songs to children in area hospitals and also volunteered services at the Angel Tree in Central Mall by wrapping gifts for underpriveledged children. "Community service was one of our main concerns," Susan Miranda, club president, said.
Sigma Delta Mu, the honor society for Spanish students, initiated new members in February. To become a member of Sigma Delta Mu, students had to have a 3.0 grade point average in Spanish classes, and hold a 2.75 overall grade point average. Five students were initiated on Feb. 6 in the boardroom of the Fullerton Union. The ceremony began with the initiates being led into the room and responding to statements in Spanish. The remainder of the candlelight ceremony was in Spanish and initiates received pins and certificates.
The Foreign Language provided with the
students opportunity
to not only develop their chosen
language of study, but also
--Rose Stephens, psychology major
tongue, the Foreign Language Club and Sigma Delta Mu learned the Spanish language and the culture. The Foreign Language Club observed United Nations Day on Oct. 24 with a celebration in the Fullerton Union. The entertainment for the day included a variety of Latin American songs and dances perfomed by Spanish students. The menu included French, Spanish, and German dishes. "United Nations Day had a great Spanish atmosphere that Jorge Martinez, from Mexico, Susan Miranda, from Panama, and Florencia Prez, from Hondurus, brought from Latin America," Chris Tidwell, international business major, said. The club took their singing and dancing to Henderson State University as entertainment for the Arkansas Teachers Alliance Celebration on Dec. 10. Helping those in need, the club
56 • Organizations / A Tight Squeeze
Nancy Zechiedrich, Spanish instructor and club sponsor, enjoyed leading Sigma Delta Mu. "You get to deal with the super Spanish students. They are the ones that are most interested," Zechiedrich said. The Westark chapter was the first chapter in Arkansas and the second in the nation. Zechiedrich was acknowledged by the national office of Sigma Delta Mu for 13 years of service as a Sigma Delta Mu sponsor. "I enjoy being a member of Sigma Delta Mu because it gives me a lot of opportunities to practice my Spanish. It encourages me to continue my studies of Spanish as a language and as another culture," Kathy Eccleston, communications major and club president, said.
CONGA lines formed during the United Nations Day celebration in the Fullerton Union. FOREIGN Language Club President Susan Miranda, fashion merchandising major, led club meetings. Members of the club met in January to discuss upcoming activities. (Jorge Martinez)
Speaking in Foreign Tongues / Foreign Language Club, Sigma Delta Mu
FELLOWSHIP time between classes was important to Greg Guess, computer science major, and his friends.
58 • Organizations / A Tight Squeeze
CHI Alpha members raised awareness of their organization by drawing chalk logos on campus sidewalks.
Shannon Pinkston, business major, said. "Witnessing is very important to me." With more than 20 students participating each week, the Methodist Student Center met each Wednesday for lunch and communion and on Sunday nights for youth fellowship.
BSU, Chi Alpha, Methodist Center
SPREADING the word and sharing Christian beliefs, three religious organizations offered fellowship for students of all denominations. The Baptist Student Union (BSU) boasted more than 80 I wish more people active members in their new had joined the location on 49th Street. Methodist Student "I was pleased with the participation this year," Darrell Ray, Center, it was great" BSU director, said. "We had Noon Day lunch every Wednesday at --Murry Jones, noon where we brought in a guest physical therapy major speaker and had fellowship and food." The group attended the BSU State Convention and went on a mission trip to Chicago during the summer. "The Chicago trip was great,"
"The center gave me the chance to meet and socialize with students in a more positive environment," Chris Moore, student director, said. The group also had the opportunity to visit a Texas dude ranch and fellowship with members of the Wesley Foundation of other Arkansas colleges and universities. "The Methodist Campus Center was a great place to meet," Murry Jones, physical therapy major, said. "I wish more people had taken the opportunity to join." Wilma Armour was the director of the Methodist Student Center, and Nancy Dover served as faculty sponsor. Chi Alpha, a Christian fellowship group, met for breakfast and prayer each month. "We comprised a list of fellow students, relatives, and faculty members we felt needed prayer, and we prayed for them at group meetings, as well as in our own personal prayer time," Stephanie Sherrard, business major, said. "I really enjoyed Chi Alpha," Sherrard said. "It was a chance to fellowship with others in my belief."
Spreading the Word / BSU, Chi Alpha, Methodist Center
PHI Theta Kappa President Christine Mobley, music major, ran for regional president in September. In order to keep her campaign balloons safe, Mobley sits in the back of the Westark station wagon with them all the way to the convention in El Dorado.
INSTALLATION of new members of Phi Theta Kappa was held in January. Maureen Longachre, office administration major, Is congratulated by President Joel Stubblefield.
60 • Organizations / A Tight Squeeze
CHAPTER Vice President for Membership of Phi Theta Kappa Kerry Franklin, business major, was elected as regional secretary of PTK.
Westark's Honor Organization, PTK
Phi Theta Kappa is an international
society created for community, technical, and junior colleges." --Saundra Williams, clinical sociology major
demies was rewarded by Phi Theta Kappa and the Westark Honors Organization. In order to qualify for membership in Phi Theta Kappa, students had to have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 and have completed at least 12 semester hours at Westark. Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is an honor society for two-year colleges. Students meeting the criteria of PTK membership became provisional members prior to being installed as members of Phi Theta Kappa. "As a provisional member, they must have attended one meeting meeting and participated in two activities geared around the four hallmarks of leadership, service, fellowship, and scholarship," Sharon Winn, co-advisor, said. Winn and Linda Gibbons, psychology instructor, sponsored the club.
Striving to become more active on the regional and international levels, the Zeta Epsilon chapter at Westark sent two delegates to the international honors institute, held at the University of Minnesota. Christine Mobley and Dina Treece were the first PTK members from Westark to attend the institute. Mobley was elected chapter president, and Treece served as both regional president and international vice president of the organization. At the international awards ceremony held in Washington, D.C. Westark President Joel Stubblefield was honored by the local chapter and the international organization by being named a "Distinguished President." Nominated by the local chapter, Stubblefield was one of five winners chosen from 1,200 community colleges in America. "I felt honored that the students took the time to nominate me for the award," Stubblefield said. The Zeta Epsilon chapter also recieved a "Distinguished Chapter Award," placing them in the top three perceht of 1,000 honor society chapters. The Westark Honors Program was open to any student with a 3.25 GPA and nine credit hours at the college. According to Dr. Janet Sanders, program coordinator, students can take one honors course and have it on their transcript, or take four of the six courses offered to earn an honors degree. The honors program was developed four years ago by Gibbons and Dr. John McKay, former vice president for instruction. Honors courses began the following year. "I am glad Westark has an honors program. It is exciting to give special attention to the students who stress academics," Sherron Shuffield, English instructor, said.
Excellence in Academics / PTK, Westark Honors Organization m 61
work in a predominately white area. So we give them more support," Leins said. Phi Beta Lambda provided a forum for business majors to meet with members from across the state and throughout the country for fellowship and preparation for a career in the business world. "The members gained knowledge of the business world they will need in order to be successful," Sharon Winn, office administration instructor, said. Winn, Dr. Bill Lacewell, business instructor, and David Craig, economics instructor, sponsored the group. When business students joined the local chapter, they also became members of both the state and national chapters. Members of the Zeta Upsilon chapter at Westark attended the State Leadership Conference in Little Rock in April. The chapter was represented by two state officers and one first place state winner, who went on to compete at the National Leadership Conference in Chicago in July. Jennifer Gurule, office administration major, placed first in the state in job interview competition and represented the state of Arkansas in national competition. In addition to Gurule's first place finish, the chapter also recieved awards in several areas. In the sweepstakes competition, collegiate division, the chapter placed second among all two and four-year colleges and universities in Arkansas in cumulative points. The Zeta Upsilon chapter also brought home awards for scrapbook, annnual business report, and community service project. PBL sponsored the Miss Westark fashion show in February with proceeds going to support the Arkansas Children's Hospital. "PBL keeps me very busy and has given me a lot to put on my resume," John Larru, business major, said.
SHATTERING prejudice
PBL has really improved my self-esteem." --Jennifer Gurule, office administration major
Organizations / A Tight Squeeze
and creating awareness were goals of the African American Student Alliance and Phi Beta Lambda. African American Student Alliance (AASA) was an organization that provided an opportunity for African Americans to meet and get together with others. "AASA did not meet as often as other groups did. The way to find out about meetings was to watch the bulletin boards around campus," Terri Leins, club adviser, said. All African-American students enrolled at Westark were considered members of AASA. The club, which started in 1972, began as a voice for the black students who had just returned from service. "When the club first started, students received one credit hour for it. It was a place for black students to come and feel comfortable, in a predominately white setting, as they go to predominately white schools, and
DURING the PBL/Miss Westark fashion show In February, club sponsor Dr. Bill Lacewell models for the " H o w Not to Dress" portion of the show. (Jorge Martinez)
PBL member Jennifer Gurule, office administration major, receives a plaque for her first place finish in job interview competition at the State Leadership Conference. Gurule earned the right to represent Arkansas at the national conference in Chicago, where she placed tenth in the nation.
MEMBERS of PBL comprised a scrapbook of club activities to submit for state competition. Chapter historian John Larru, business major, accepts the third place certificate for the scrapbook. Larru was chair of the scrapbook committee.
TO raise funds for the trip to national competition, PBL members held a car wash In June. (Jorge Martinez)
Shattering Stereotypes / AASA, PBL
MEMBERS of the concert choir sing with choir members from local high schools at the Choral Arts Festival. (Photos by Jorge Martinez) WITH one horn in his hand ^ a n d another around his neck, Marcus Leftwich, music major, performs with the Westark Jazz.
JAZZ band members Eric Cherry, engineering major, and Calvin Bourgeois, music major, prepare for the spring concert.
64 • Organizations / A Tight Squeeze
LORI WALKER Jazz, Wind Ensemble, and Choir bring
The music department
Westark is one of the best in the state." --Keri
m u s i c major
ALDOUS Huxley wrote ''After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." In an attempt to express themselves and entertain others, the Westark Jazz, Concert Choir, and Wind Ensemble brought music to the ears of Westark students and the community. In order to meet the demand for concert tickets, the Westark Jazz presented two fall concerts. When the Monday night show sold out, the band and student activites added a Tuesday night performance. "This is the first time we have added a second show. We usually do one per season," Don Bailey, director of the Westark Jazz, said. "I am seeing more interest in jazz from the student body. We are excited about the growing support we continue to receive and were glad to be able to offer two shows." The jazz band also presented a spring concert at the Fort Smith Civic Center, with television
personality Steve Allen as featured performer. Allen was the sixth major artist to perform with the Westark Jazz in five years. "Performing with Steve Allen was exciting. Not only is he a fine entertainer, but he is a fine musician as well," Henry Rinne, humanities instructor, said. Rinne played lead tenor saxophone at the spring concert. Clothed in new formal attire, the Concert Choir and First Edition presented fall and spring concerts. "We were thrilled with the new equipment this year-choral risers, acoustical shells, and new formal attire," Dr. Brent Ballweg, concert choir director, said. Another activity of the organization was the Choral Arts Festival in October. According to Ballweg, more than 140 choir students from Arkansas and Oklahoma partcipated in the festival, and the number in attendance tripled from the 1990 Choral Arts Festival. The Wind Ensemble benefitted from the new equipment the music department received from both private donations and money from the Westark budget. Portions of the funding for the new instruments came from the Westark Community College Foundation, Inc., spearheaded by Dr. Carolyn Branch, vice president for institutional advancement and executive director of the Foundation. According to Branch, the music staff sits down and goes over the equipment they need most, and comprise a list. The list is then given to Dr. Branch, who goes out into the community and seeks people who are willing to buy the equipment and donate it to the college for the music program. "When we get the new instruments, we try to hand them out according to need, then we go by who is a music major," Paul Johnston, wind ensemble director, said.
Music to the Ears / Westark Jazz, Wind Ensemble, Choir
Pride of Westark, SAC provide
helping to bring activities to Westark faculty,
students, and the community." - - J o a n n a Steel business major
SERVING the college and the community, the Student Activities Council and the Pride of Westark assisted Westark in activities and recruitment. Westark's Student Activities Council (SAC) was an organization designed, in the words of I have its director Stacey Jones, "to provide new experiences and opportunities for students." SAC meetings were held weekly. The organization boasted 45 members, with approximately 28 active members. Officers were elected by members of the council and were Joanna Steel, president; Chris Oxford, vice president; and Kathy Eccleston, secretary. "SAC is an organization striving to bring new activities, not only to students at Westark, but also people in the community," President Steel, business major, said. "SAC cannot, however, fulfill the goals without the help and cooperation of students, for students are our members and without them, student activities would not exist."
66 • Organizations / A Tight Squeeze
The council sponsored the Season of Entertainment, various noon shows, and dances. They also produced the Miss Westark Scholarship Pageant. "I think it's sad that someone leaves college and their only experience has been their classroom experience," Jones said. "They should get involved outside the classroom. It enhances what they've learned." Sixteen Westark students were selected as members of the Pride of Westark, an organization of student ambassadors representing the college. The group served as ambassadors by hosting and greeting visitors to campus, assisting in recruitment and public relations by visiting local high schools, and helping with the Season of Entertainment as ushers. "They are a huge asset to our recruitment program in talking and sharing information with prospective students," Penny Pendleton, director of recruitment and placement, said. Pendleton and Jones co-sponsor the group, which started in the fall of 1985. Members of the Pride of Westark receive a $100 scholarenjoyed ship per semester. Officers were elected by members of the Pride of Westark and were Lori Walker, president; Jennifer Threadgill, vice president; and Jennifer Dishner, secretary. Members were Amy Allen, Heather Askew, Bill Bieker, Eric Cherry, Scott Cunningham, Jennifer Dillard, Eccleston, Nicki Gatlin, Lori Koch. Others were Steve Nelson, Some Royo, Stephanie Sherrard, and Chris Tidwell. "Being a member of the Pride of Westark is a good feeling because I'm helping others plan their futures and make a better life for themselves," Koch, speech and English education major, said.
IN the student activities room, Student Activities Council members create a sign to alert other students of an upcoming event.
PRIDE of Westark member Lori Koch, English and speech education major, calls prospective students to tell them about Westark. (Toum Sayvong)
SAC president Joanna Steel, business major, buys chili from fellow SAC members at the SAC sponsored homecoming chili supper. (Jorge Martinez)
Service to the College / SAC Pride
RACING THE PACK Competition left the Lions
Racing ahead of opponents, the Lions posted a productive year in three sports. No matter how many teams were in the race, the Lions were ahead of the pacl<! 68
Sports / Racing the Pack
On the mound for the Lions, Brett LeGrow, physical education major, throws a fast ball to an opponent. (Photos by Jorge l\/lartinez) In the air for the basket, Marcus Thompson, general studies major, jumps ahead of a St. Gregory opponent.
With a look of dismay, Jerome Lambert, undeclared major, watches a teammate shoot a free throw.
Sports / Racing the
LIONSTALE 89-62 Hill Jr. College 89-64 Trinity Valley 75-79 Kilgore 76-82 St. Gregory's 116-61 Shorter College 94-79 Central Baptist 65-66 Lon Morris 93-84 Shelby State 116-61 Shorter College 125-86 Central Baptist 73-62 Hill College 75-78 Mississippi Co. 85-76 Shelby State 57-70 Northark C.C. 73-67 Connors State 95-78 Carl Albert State 75-73 Eastern State College 103-94 St. Gregory's College 77-74 Northeastern Okla. 83-78 Bacone College 70-79 Connors State 82-60 Carl Albert State 94-112 Mississippi Co. 74-73 Eastern Okla. State 88-80 Northeastern Okla. 61-76 Bacone College 85-66 Northark C.C. 126-108 Rose State 86-99 Northern Okla.
IN FOR TWO. With his tongue out in concentration, Quentin Benson lays it in for two points against Mississippi County College. Benson was later named to the Bi-State East second team squad.
Sports / Racing the Pack
IN YOUR FACE It was no contest for Neil Rice as he soars above Connors State opponents for a hard fought layup. The Lions went on to defeat Connors 73-67. (Jorge Martinez)
Ending the season at 20-10, the Lions posted a Bi-State East Championship and advanced to the semi-finals of the Region II Tournament in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Jerome Lambert led the team in scoring with 15.8 points per game and was named Co-Most Valuable Player of the Bi-State East. Team members Quentin Benson and Byron Bell signed on to play with Division I universities next season.
Guard Marcus Thompson begins the offense for the Lions. Thompson, a freshman, helped the Lions to a 20-10 season. (Jorge Martinez)
The 1991-92 Lions are: Row 1: Keith Strickland, Mark Chambers, Marcus Thompson, Quentin Benson, Neil Rice, Paul Brown. Row 2: Manager Matthew Haught, Assistant Coach Dennis Nutt, Damon Cobbs, Jeff Stanley, Greg Kennon, Byron Bell, Jerome Lambert, Philip Mooberry, Toni Jones, Coach Bobby Vint.
Conference Championship / Men's Basketball -
SUPPORT SCRAMBLE Fighting with an opponent for the loose ball, Hillaree Hatchett works for the victory against Northark Community College. The Lady Lions won that contest 111-74.
LIONS TALE 89-60 Hill Jr. College 87-100 Kllgore 90-70 Moberly Area 64-48 St. Gregory's 108-73 Kansas City C.C. 112-59 Mary Holmes 83-97 Shelby State 71-62 Panola 73-53 Crowder College 101-62 Hill College 103-69 Mississippi Co, 77-83 Shelby State 76-80 Northark C.C. 84-77 Connors State 90-55 Carl Albert State 78-65 Eastern State 74-52 St. Gregory's 64-78 Northeastern Okla. 80-63 Bacone College 96-80 Connors State 69-83 Carl Albert State 91-76 Mississippi Co. 86-76 Eastern Okla. State 70-61 Northeastern Okla. 82-70 Bacone College 111-74 Northark C.C. 68-75 Connors State
National recognition came to the Lady Lions at the end of the season when they were selected as the number 21 team in the nation. For the first time in school history, the squad won the BiState East Championship. "We just continue to establish a strong tradition, not only athletically, but academically as well," Coach Louis Whorton said. Ending the season at 22-8, the Lady Lions placed three team members on the All-Region squad.
72 - S p o r t s / Racing the Pack
After fouling out against Connors
State College, Kimblee Sykes is comforted by teammate Kim Blevins, Although Sykes was benched with five fouls, the Lady Lions defeated Connors 96-80. (Jorge Martinez)
Guard Taba Stephenson drives toward the goal against Northark Community College. Stephenson excelled in the classroom as well as on the court, being named an outstanding student by the Public Awareness Committee. (Jorge Martinez)
The 1991-92 Lady Lions are: Row 1: Michelle Everett, Hillaree Hatchett, Hadley Carson, Stephanie Childers, Tara White. Row 2: Coach Charia Barclay, Kimberly Blevins, Volunteer Assistant Coach Jeff Meares, Taba Stephenson, Hall Jones, Missi Boroughs, Tashia Shaw, Tonjia Eubanks, Nanne Jackson, Andrea O'Neal, Kimblee Sykes, Tracy Duggin, Manager Amy Parker, Coach Louis Whorton.
Exciting Season / Women's Basketball
With her arms lifted in support, Kim Cooper, elementary education major, performs with the squad.
Anchored by fellow squad members, Tammy Hudson, elementary education major, sits atop a pyramid.
Lending support to the Lion and Lady Lion basketball teams, the spirit squad consisted of 12 members. "The goal of the spirit squad was to be the very best we could be, according to the talent represented in the squad," Frances Morreale, sponsor, said. At the Universal Cheerleaders Association College Spirit Camp in San Marcus, Texas in July '91, the squad was one of two squads in attendance awarded the Most Collegiate Squad trophy. "As a spirit squad member, I got to go a lot of places and meet a lot of people," Jennifer Dillard, elementary education major, said.
Sports / Racing the Pack
Members of the spirit squad work together to raise Lion spirit during halftime. The squad performed during the break of each game.
SPIRIT SQUAD The 1991-92 Lions Spirit Squad are: Row 1: Marjoe Crowell, Jennifer Dillard, Jennifer Thomas, Landi Nelson, Denise Jenkins. Row 2: l\/lichelle Milligan, Tammy Hudson, Kim Cooper, Katina Gilkey, Kari Robinson.
Collegiate Squad / Spirit Squad
â&#x20AC;˘ 4-2,1-4,1-9 Western 16-8, 9-0, 2-6 Redlands 3-5, 2-10 Maplewood 7-1,18-5 Maplewood 10-0,5-2 Bethany Lutheran 10-2,11-2 Bethany Lutheran 4-0,1-6, 6-5 Rose State 2-1,9-8, 6-5 Indian Hills 9-11 Three Rivers 10-2, 5-4 Southwest Iowa 13-7, 8-0, 5-8 Murray State 9-7, 4-5 NEO 6-4, 5-4 Long view Kansas City 5-2, 5-6 Carl Albert State 8-3, 5-9 Bacone 5-8, 2-5 Eastern 11-14 Serminole 6-5,4-2 Connors 1-12, 6-7 NEO 9-7,9-1 Carl Albert State 9-0, 6-5 Bacone 6-5, 9-4 Eastern 1-9,0-10 Seminole 2-3, 3-5 Connors 6-2 Eastern 6-5 Redlands 5-2,0-3,1-7 Seminole
After a "Cinderella" type journey through the NJCAA Region II tournament, the Baseball Lions' pumpkin was finally brought down to earth. The Lions needed only one victory to clinch their first region II title since 1972, but were unable to come up with any offense against the tough pitching of the Seminole Trojans. They fell, 3-0, 7-1 in the finals, played May 13 at Oral Roberts University's Johnson
In the batter's box, Scott Cunningham, undeclared major, practices his swing.
Sports / Racing the Pack
Stadium. "We made a few mistakes. There were a couple or three mental errors that hurt us, but they don't have anything to be sorry about," Coach Bill Crowder said.
The 1991-92 Lions are: Row 1: Clay Harris, Scott Seiter, Mark Hughes, Mike Pardubsky, Brad Cormier. Row 2: Jody Freeman, Don Troglin, Zane Nipper, Chris Mathis. Row 3: Alan Reece, Billy Brown, Trevor Humphrey, Brett LeGrow, Scott Cunningham, Kevin Hannah. (Bill Burkhart)
At bat for the Lions, Brett LeGrow, physical ' education major, sticks his tongue out in concentration. (Photos by Jorge Martinez)
Fairy Tale Tourney Ends / Baseball
78 -
Sports / Racing the Pack
ON THE MOVE Beyond the reach of opponents, James Scott, mechanical technology major, rushes for the touchdown.
With a pass to a teammate, Fred Thomas, physical education major, throws the football toward the end zone.
Seven intramural flag football teams competed in front of the Echols building twice per week.
"I thought that the intramural football and basketball players were very competitive and I hope for more teams and participation next year," Dennis Nutt, intramural director, said. Seven intramural flag football teams played twice a week in addition to two round robin tournaments. At the end of the flag football competition, the Tideriders were declared the champions. Although not as many participated in volleyball, the group formed two teams and played once per week against each other. "I thought that those who came out to play had a good time of it," Nutt said.
Just for the Fun of It / Intramurals
Academic advisement was a necessary part of enrolling for fall classes. Brandi Mynatt, psychology major, signs in at the counseling center.
At the spring college transfer day, students had the opportunity to meet representatives from four-year colleges and universities from Arkansas and the surrounding states. Angela Finney, elementary education major, discusses the transfer program at the University of the Ozarks with an institutional representative.
The fall season brought a sidewalk filled with leaves and days filled with classes. Brad Callahan, business major, and Scott Lowe, general studies major, walk to class on the sidewalk in front of the BallmanSpeer Building.
80 People / Packed Tight
Full parking lots forced students to search for parking slots. Steve Winkler, business major, gets out of his car before class. (Photos by Jorge Martinez)
From Cheryl Abrego to David Young, we were PACKED TIGHT
From 19-year-old full-time students to the non-traditional 50-year-old students, differing personalities added to the potpourri that was Westark. With 5,524 students, we were packed tight!
To help students develop their leadership skills, Linda Schmidt, treasurer of the Board of Trustees and owner of Southern Wholesale
networking during one of the President's Leadership class meetings.
At a meeting, Larry Clark, vice chair of the Board of Trustees, listens attentively to the discussion.
A 14 year member of the Board of Trustees,
Trustee Members
Dr. James Burgess has served on the board in various capacities. Members of the Board of Trustees: Chair Carl Corley, Vice Chair Larry Clark, Secretary Dr. J a m e s A. Burgess Jr., Treasurer Linda Schmidt, Conaly Bedell, Eileen C. Kradel, Edward C. S a n d e r s , Mike Shaw, S a m Sicard
82 People/Packed
BOARD of Trustees
SERVING THE COLLEGE "Westark is the most successful local institution that we have in the state of Arkansas. It is the most successful educational institution in the state," Conaly Bedell, board of trustees member, said. Bedell, along with eight others, served the college as the policy-making body responsible to the community and the state for providing quality higher education in western Arkansas. The Board of Trustees was comprised of community members interested in the welfare of the college. Members were: Bedell, president of Bedell, Inc.; Eileen Kradel, an attorney with Pryor, Barry, Smith, Karber, and Alford; Edward
C. Sanders, manager of employee training and government relations at Whirlpool Corporation; J. Michael Shaw, an attorney with Shaw, Ledbetter, Hornberger, and Cogbill; and Sam Sicard, president of First National Bank. Officers were: Chair Carl D. Corley, employed by Carco Rentals; Vice Chair Larry Clark, executive vice president of Brown-HillerClark and Associates; Secretary Dr. James Burgess, a dentist; and Treasurer Linda Schmidt, owner and chief financial officer of Southern Wholesale Distributing, Inc. The Board boasts two Westark graduates. Burgess and Bedell graduated from what was Fort Smith Junior College.
Board of Trustees / Serving the College 83
and hire the faculty to meet our goals," he said. I,mnot one who's particularly interested in \trying to Stubblefield described what a day as the president of Westark become wealthy or work for personal gain. I think I've always been more interested in getting my self- encompassed. "Most days are filled with meetings from daylight to dark satisfaction from working for a cause." From his 20-year tenure in the Army to his career at Westark, with staff, faculty and other administrators. I spend a good deal working for a cause has been something President Joel Stubble- of time writing correspondence, taking phone calls, or delegating assignments to the vice presidents. I also spend a lot of time field has taken the most reward from. "National defense was always a cause for me. For that matter, telling the college story to civic clubs, chambers of commerce, I think education and training for our citizens are an important governors, legislators and prospective benefactors." "I work for a nine-member board of trustees," part of national defense," Stubblefield said. he explained. "A lot of my work goes into "I'm a native of Fort Smith," he said. "I went supporting their decision-making needs and to what was then Fort Smith High School. I developing agendas and information. went to Ouachita Baptist University for my "Then there's the State Board of Higher undergraduate degree in business, and went to Education which approves our programs. I also Syracuse University in New York for my work with a Foundation Board of Directors who master's in business administration." find the friends and funds the college needs to His years in the Army saw him serving in supplement state funding, so I work with three several command and management positions boards," he said. in the infantry, procurement, data processing Although he is the president of the college, and financial management fields. Stubblefield is still d e p e n d e n t on other In his last tour of duty, he served as the administrative entities. director of resources management for the Command and General Staff College, the higher President Joel Stubblefield with Brandi Dunn. "To a great extent, I am dependent upon the education institution of the Army, of which he Christine Mobley, Kerry Franklin, and Sharon efforts of the vice presidents, division chairs, Winn in Washington. D.C. with PTK. and various supervisors on campus who really was also a graduate. After getting out of the service in 1980, Stubblefield came run the college. They keep me informed on what's going on to Westark, serving as dean of business affairs. In 1982, he in their areas. "I have a full day, and it's not boring. It's exhilarating at times, became vice president for finance and administration. "It seemed a natural fit when I came from the Command and it's very demanding. It's not a job for those who like the and General Staff College to the campus. Education and training routine. It's an all-consuming job for lack of a better word," he said. are areas that seem to give me reason to exist. Looking back on the 1991-92 academic year. President "I've tried to influence the building of Westark into a top quality institution that makes a difference in the lives of the Stubblefield related one of the greatest successes he saw. "I think the 642 graduates that walked across the stage this citizens of Western Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma," he said. "The overriding goals that I've sought are to meet the year is what we're all about. Helping students achieve their goals, community's educational needs, to offer the academic and that's number one in my mind. It's easy to lose sight of, but technical programs needed for industries to support economic we don't have any other reason to exist. "We served a record number of students," he said. "Growth development, and to help individuals achieve their career goals. "I think this school's got a lot of potential that it never has can cause discomfort and some problems, but it's better than going the other way." allowed to achieve, simply because there's never quite -by Jody Birchfield enough state funding support to allow us to add the programs
People / Packed Tight
Administration / President Joel Stubblefiel
hether it be 10 a.m. or 10 p.m., Monday or Sunday, it seemed a vice president could always be found on campus doing whatever was necessary to meet the demands to provide quality educational opportunities. "I think the overriding positive attribute our vice presidents exhibit is their singular dedication and loyalty to this institution, its students, staff and faculty. "Simply put, THEY CARE, and it shows in the results they obtain and the way they approach their responsibilities," President Joel Stubblefield said. 86â&#x20AC;˘People / Packed Tight
Serving a vision daily
Dr. Sandi Sanders
"Sandi Sanders is a woman with a vision," according to Beverlee McClure, assistant to the vice president for student services and University Center operations. "That vision is to have Westark Community College deliver the best possible service to its students while effectively utilizing available resources. She does not just talk this vision, but walks it in her everyday interaction with students and staff," McClure added. Sanders serves as the vice president for student services and University Center operations. Her responsibilities cover all areas dealing with student recruitment, counseling, admittance, student athletics, and all areas relating to the University Center. "My family is supportive of my job and I enjoy the
opportunity to be a part of an institution whose vision is to be a part of the team meeting the educational needs of the area. "I like to give positive service to students and help them with any problems they may have," Sanders said. "Sandi [Sanders] understands the total mission of our college. She knows the goals and objectives of Westark, and she is student oriented with strong leadership skills. She is aware of leadership needs, not only on our campus, but also in Fort Smith as evidenced by the Leadership Fort Smith program. "Sandi is fair, a workaholic that truly has the community, the campus, and our students at heart," Stacey Jones, director of student activities, said.
Ellis l a u n c h e s i n c e n t i v e s
the job and has launched a number of incentives I hope will be continued by her successor," Richard Hudson, vice president for planning and government relations, said. "One example is a system of program evaluation she has proposed, where programs on campus would come up for an in-depth review every so many years." Dr. Ellis returned to her position as health occupations division chair in June when Dr. Terry Barnes was hired Dr. Ellis resumed her duties as health occupations as the new vice president for instruction. chair June 15.
As the interim vice president for instruction, Dr. Calline Ellis was responsible for all credit and non-credit classes at Westark; their development, progress, and their capability to transfer to other colleges. She began her tenure when Dr. John McKay left the position to take over as Deputy of Arkansas Department of Higher Education in Little Rock in early September. "Dr. Ellis has fully committed herself to
PACK TIGHT • Richard H u d s o n , vice president for planning and government relations, served as a judge for the VFW's regional "Voice of Democracy" speech competition on Dec. 3, 1991. • Dr. Carolyn Branch, vice president for institutional advancement, spoke to the Fort City Optimist Club Aug. 1, 1991. The topic was "WCC Update." • Richard H u d s o n , vice president for planning and government relations, attended a Computer-Aided Planning Consortium works h o p and the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, both in Seattle in August, 1991. • Dr. Carolyn Branch, vice president for institutional advancement, attended the A A C J C C o n v e n t i o n on April 11-14 and made a presentation on "Private Section Fund-Raising for Community Colleges." • Richard H u d s o n , vice president for planning and government relations, spoke to the Van Buren Lions Club on Oct. 2, 1991.
Vice Presidents / Ellis, Sanders 87
lwaysstriving to meet the institution's mission, the vice presidents worked "very hard to serve the college and the citizens of Western Arkansas," President Joel Stubblefield said.
Interim faces formidable duties When Genelle Newton took over for then Vice President of Finance and Administration Jim Underwood, she faced the formidable task of keeping the books for the college. She was involved in direct accounting for the physical plant, campus security, the book store, the cafeteria and other separate businesses such as central ing businesses. They are word processing and du- separate from the funding that we receive for the colplication. "These are self-support- lege," Newton said.
88 People / Packed Tight
In addition to her new duties, Newton also carried out duties as the purchasing agent and maintained the budget offices. Newton enjoyed her jobs, and loved the "challenge and diversity. I have been on a cherry picker to the top of the buildings to check on needed improvements. My regular position is just as challenging without the added interim position, but it is not as diverse," she said.
Looking out for legislative needs Working as the Vice Presi- tion that has a good reputadent for Planning and Gov- tion. We all work as a team ernment Relations, Richard achieving those things which Hudson is involved with meet the needs of our stulegislative activities that in- dents," Hudson said. clude procurring funding for In addition to his legislaWestark as well as other two tive duties, Hudson is also and four year institutions. involved in special projects He often commutes to and studies relating to a vaLittle Rock in order to pre- riety of subjects, and somepare and plan strategies for times represents the presiworking with the legislators. dent at meetings. Hudson has been with Hudson is the chair of the liasions who lobby for Ar- Westark for 23 years. He kansas' public two and four began as a political science instructor, then took over as year colleges. "I enjoy the variety of division chair, moving up to things involved with my job assistant to the president and and working for an institu- finally vice president.
Branch promotes college advancement
Dr. Carolyn Branch
Dr. Carolyn Branch is the vice president for institutional advancement and executive director of the Foundation. Her primary responsibilities are community and public relations, and development. Branch leads the efforts for securing additional resources, primarilyfromthe private sector, which are used for scholarships, instructional equipment, library materials and more.
"The institution's mission is to help people change their lives for the better," Branch said. "The Foundation helps the college meet this mission by providing additional funds." Branch said she loves working with the many people who give their time, talents, and money to the college. "I work daily with some of the best people in the country," she said.
• Dr. Carolyn Branch, vice president for institutional advancement, attended the fourth annual Conference on Planned Giving held in Kansas City, Missouri on Oct. 13-15, 1991.
• Dr. Sandi Sanders, vice president for student services and University Center operations, m a d e a presentation on Oct. 24, 1991, t o t h e W h i r l p o o l Management Club about the University Center.
• R i c h a r d H u d s o n , vice president for planning and government relations, was the guest on "People, Places, and Polly" on KFSA radio on Nov. 13,1991. The topic was Leadership Fort Smith.
• Dr. Sandi Sanders, vice president for student services and University Center operations, and Dr. Calline Ellis, interim vice president for instruction, attended a leadership training seminar on Jan. 24 sponsored by Cooper Clinic, P.A., and the Leadership F o r t S m i t h Alumni Association.
Vice Presidents / Branch, Hudson, Newton 89
A MASTER WINN Office administration instructor Sharon Winn named Whirlpool 'Master Teacher' If e x c e l l e n c e
business division instructor
semesters. In 1991, Winn was received the
Winn reaped hers during an all-expense
paid trip to Hawaii.
Teaching Award. In addition to her
teaching responsibilities, Winn is a
"I was honored to be awarded the Whirlpool Master Teacher A ward. My husband and I enjoyed the sights Hawaii has to offer,'' Winn said.
faculty adviser for both Phi Beta Lambda and Phi Theta Kappa. On campus since 1977, Winn earned her associate degree at Westark. She earned both bachelor's and master's d e g r e e s from N o r t h e a s t e r n
The trip to Hawaii is one of the awards given to a Westark instructor
90 People / Packed Tight
University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Past recipients of the award include
each year with the Whirlpool Master
David Meeks, biology instructor, 1991;
Teacher award. The winner attends the
Ron Floyd, business instructor, 1990;
Great Teachers Seminar in Hawaii in
Dr. Bill Lacewell, business instructor,
July. Winn will join representatives
from 49 other states as well as 4 other
instructor, 1988; Jerry Center, machine
tools instructor, 1987; Paul Leggett,
N o m i n a t e d by a fellow faculty Sharon
office administration instructor, 1986;
member, Winn received a plaque at the
Betty Price, secretarial
Student Awards Program in April.
According to Dr. Janet Sanders, the
instructor, 1984; Dr. John Preas,
nursing Mary
reviewed applications on the following
Copeland, drafting instructor, 1982;
qualifications: service to the college,
Martha Efurd, reading instructor, 1981;
service to the community, and student
instructor, 1980.
Don Bailey: Music, Director of Westark Jazz; Benjamin Ballenser: Developmental Education; Dr. Brent Ballweg: Music, Director of Choral Activities; Barbara Bartlett: English
Joy Beard: Chair, Division of Humanities; English; Dan Breitenberg: History; Harold Callahan: Physical Education; Harold Cameron: Developmental Mathematics
Brenda Cantwell: Computing and Information Systems; Ernest Cialone: Art; Susan Clark: Business, Economics; Mike C o o p e r : Writing, English
David Craig: Business; Zanette Douglas: Reading; Linda Gibbons: Psychology; Dr. Delece Gordon: Education, Psychology
Sam Heintz: Engineering; Charles Irish: Physics; Jack J a c k s o n : Business and Industrial Institute; Paul Johnston: Music
Dr. William L a c e w e l l : Business; Don Lee: Art; Paul L e g g e t t : Office Administration:Terri Leins: Developmental Mathematics
PACKE • Pam H e n d e r s o n and Linda Wells, A D N III i n s t r u c t o r s , received their MSN degrees from the University of Central Arkansas. In addition, Wells was selected to receive the Departm e n t of N u r s i n g G r a d u a t e Academic Achievement Award. The award is presented to the s t u d e n t ''with the highest cumulative grade point average, and who evidences intellectual curiosity and scholarly writing." • J o h n Kilmer and Bill Golden of the security department received their certification as commissioned security officers at Fort Chaffee. The certification included 10 hours of classroom instruction and four hours of field training. • The M a y / J u n e 1992 issue of Etc. Magazine included a biographical profile of jazz great Alphonso Trent, researched and written by Dr. H e n r y Rinne, humanities instructor. • Bobby Vint, men's basketball c o a c h , s p o k e at t h e district meeting of the National Junior Honor Society on May 6, and was invited to speak at the Arkansas High School Coaching Clinic on July 29 and 30 at the North Little Rock Hilton.
Faculty / Master Teacher 91
Cindy Linphear: Business and Industrial; Marget Lippincott: English, Humanities; Dr. Mary Lowe: Legal Assistant; Dr. Leo Mahoney: History
PACKED TIGH • Todd Timmons, math instructor, attended a c o n f e r e n c e at O r e g o n S t a t e University for institutions participating in the pilot p r o g r a m f o r a n e w technology-based calculus textbook. • Marj Preas, nursing instructor, a t t e n d e d the Fifth National Nursing Conference on AIDS in New Orleans, Louisiana on Oct. 13-15. • Diana Payne, accounting instructor, attended a seminar on Oct. 25 in Fort Smith sponsored by the Arkansas Society of C P A s on ''Advanced Planning Techniques: Estate and Gift Taxation." • Sam Heintz, engineering instructor, was elected treasurer of the Fort Smith T e a c h e r s Credit Union and was also elected as a member of its board of directors. • David Craig, Frances Bedell, and Emma Watts, business instructors, attended the Arkansas T e a c h e r s of Economics and Business seminar held in North Little Rock. Bedell served on the academic resource panel on international issues. The topic of t h e c o n f e r e n c e w a s ' T h e Global Marketplace: Is Arkansas up to the Challenge?"
92 People / Packed Tight
Susan McKinney: Writing Monty Morton: Business and Industrial Institute; Dr. Lee Mynatt: Chair, Division of Technology; Dr. Lynda Nelson: Chemistry, Physical Science
Lori Norin: Journalism, Speech; D e n n i s Nutt: Director of Intramurals; Assistant Coach, Men's Basketball; Ken P a p p a s : Computing and Information Systems; Jim Phelps: Business and Industrial Institute
Dr. Terry P o l i n s k e y : Psychology; Dr. C. B. Porter, Jr.: Anthropology, Sociology; Dr. Henry Rinne: Humanities; Iram Rodriquez: Mathematics
Sherron Shuffield: English; Sherry Smith: Business and Industrial Institute Instructor; Dr. James Stowe: Speech; Jill Tays: Business and Industrial Institute Instructor
Bruce Thigpen: Computing and Information Systems; Rebecca Timmons: Office Administration; Edward Vampola: Drafting; John Vaughn: Electronics
Economics instructor trades stock From July 27-Aug. 3, 1991 David Craig, Economics instructor, and his
in New York
Craig said. Craig
wife spent their time having fun in the
stereotypical television "Wall Street" is
Big Apple. Craig worked one-on-one
sometimes not a true reflection of the
with Richard Pechure, an official of the
event. "Another thing that impressed
New York Stock Exchange, and a
m e w a s how efficient t h e
member firm, Frank Maglio Company,
a c t u a l l y is. W h e n y o u s e e it o n
trading stocks. Craig was there with
television it looks like total chaos, but
the Arkansas Student Loan Authority,
it is actually the opposite. W h e n the
stock exchange is shown on television
Governor Bill Clinton in 1988. Craig
it is from the visitors lounge and the
he the
Authority. The building that holds the New York Stock Exchange housed state-of-theart technological advancements in the 1920's architecture. "A contrast existed between the highly technical equipment and the hardwood trading floor. O n the
There is a lot of peer review and stress in this job, and I noticed that most of the traders were very young if you were forty and still on the floor you were old. The older people are in firms outside of the actual trading,'' Craig said
seventh floor was a master computer that checked the personal information on any person purchasing stocks. For example, the computer would notice if too many people from Hardscrabble
noise level is high, but down on the floor it is not really loud at all," Craig said.
possibly getting inside information,"
While Craig and his wife were in New York, they enjoyed some of the night life of the big city. They attended three Broadway plays; Phantom of the Opera,
Craig said.
Secret Garden, and Will Rogers Follies.
Country Club in Fort Smith, Arkansas were buying the same stocks and were
According to Craig, there are 170180 million shares traded daily. The bell
"Tavern on the G r e e n in Central Park is every bit as beautiful as the
rings at 9 a.m. for official trading, but
pictures you may have seen.
the preparatory work begins an hour
"My wife and I went to Saks of Fifth Avenue. We went window shopping at
and a half to two hours earlier. "An interesting example of how the stock market works was when Sam Walton died. The market for selling Wal-Mart
midnight and never felt insecure. I would not, however, have gone into
stock was not opened until about 9:20
Greenwich Village after dark. All you have to do is use c o m m o n sense," he
a.m. that day, after there were enough
orders to buy, to offset the orders to
As for a return trip, Craig hopes the future holds another Big Apple visit.
sell, and thereby avoiding a panic,"
- b y Saundra Williams
Faculty / Wall Street 93
EXCEL Three instructors honored by students, faculty with Lucille Speakman 'Excellence in Teaching' Award In order to reward instructors who put forth an e x t r a effort in the classroom, Westark awards one to three instructors each year the Lucille Speakman Excellence in Teaching Award. T h e '92 recipients were B r u c e Caselman, math instructor; Kent Estes, biology i n s t r u c t o r ; and S h e r r o n Shuffield, English instructor.
"Basically, we are here to help students learn. I know they sacrifice a lot in order to come to school. I am trying to help people get a good, quality education and help them learn what they need to, while making it as pleasant as possible," Estes said. "Mr. Estes wasn't boring and he tried to help you as much as he could in the classroom as well as the lab," Kim Holden, interior design major, said. A Westark instructor since '79, I like teaching because Shuffield was excited to be selected for I've been doing it for about 20 years. I enjoy sharing the award. "I am thrilled to receive the what I know with people who want to learn My award. I'm in love with learning, and philosophy is that anybody can learn iftheywill. it is from that perspective that I teach," she said. I hope I motivate people to try and learn The instructors were nominated by mathematics as it is becoming more important in fellow teachers and/or students, and our society,'' Caselman said. selected based on evaluations. The Caselman was a part-time instructor instructors are required to submit to for five years before being named to the Faculty Senate Committee their full-time status in '88. "I can think of philosophy of teaching, a description very few instructors who deserve the of all the courses they teach, and award more than Mr. Caselman. He s a m p l e c o u r s e material s u c h as makes learning fun and comes down assignments and tests. to your level so that it's easy to Other nominees were Dr. Brent understand," Lori Walker, business Ballweg, director of choral activities; major, said. J a m e s E t z k o r n , machine s h o p Estes has been teaching at Westark instructor; and Dr. Terry Polinskey, Sherron Shuffield for three years. Prior to his tenure here, psychology instructor. he taught at the University of Arkansas -by Saundra Williams at Fayetteville.
94 People / Packed Tight
R o s i l e e Walker: Music, Piano; Tom Walton: Speech; Ray Watson: Developmental Math; Emma Watts: Business
Lonnie Watts: Psychology, Sociology; Jim Winn: Real Estate Sharon Winn: Office Administration; Lorena Wolff: Developmental Math
ACADEMIC SUPPORT STAFF: Dee Baldwin: Director of Library; Vicki Bond: Director of Audiovisual; Bill Burkhart: Photographer, Audiovisual Lab Assistant; Martha Coleman: Reference Librarian
Wilma Cunningham: Librarian; Carolyn Fillipelli: Librarian; Ron Floyd: Computer Training Coordinator; Patti Haberer: Library Clerk
Tcrri Liles: Library Technical Assistant; Dr. Janet Sanders: Interim Director of Academic Support and Instructional Services; Cody Thomas: Audiovisual; Le Werthmuller: Guided Study Coordinator
Clarence Wimbish: Multi Media Tech Controller; STUDENT SUPPORT STAFF: Nina Abernathy: PreAssessment Coordinator; Mary Cogbill: Financial Aid Advisor; Pam Cook: Finanical Aid Officer
• Marcia Shepherd, Single Parent/Homemaker Program coor- dinator, presented a twohour information session titled "For W o m e n Only" on April 19. The session, attended by approxim a t e l y 20 w o m e n , o f f e r e d a chance for them to learn what Westark has to offer. • Penny Pendleton, director of recruitment and placement; R o b e r t C u l l i n s , d i r e c t o r of admissions and records; Patrick Pendleton, recruitment specialist; and Cheryl Peters, counselor, attended the ArkACRAO Spring Professional Development Meeting in Hot Springs on May 20 and 21. • J o e l Stubblefield, president, was appointed by Governor Bill Clinton to t h e Public School Health Insurance Study C o m mission. • S u s a n McKinney, developmental writing instructor, was elected secretary of the Arkansas Association of Developmental Education. • Terri Liles, library technical assistant, attended an O.C.L.C. Union List S u b s y s t e m Fundamentals meeting in Little Rock on Oct. 15.
Faculty / Excellence in Teaching 95
Melinda Cullins: Financial Aid Assistant; Robert Cullins: Director of Admissions and Records; Dee Davis: Counselor; J o h n Harris: Counselor
• Ed Levy, political s c i e n c e instructor, debated "Term Limitations" with Arkansas State Representative Carolyn Pollan before the local chapter of the League of W o m e n Voters on Feb.
10. • Dr. C a r o l y n B r a n c h , vice president for institutional advancement, attended the A A C J C Convention on April 1114 and made a presentation on "Private Section Fund-Raising for Community Colleges." • Dr. Leo M a h o n e y , history instructor, was granted a onesemester sabbatical to accept an invitation t o t e a c h at t h e University of Zhengzhou, Henan (Province), C h i n a , starting in January 1993. • Dr. Lee Mynatt, division of technology chair, was the guest speaker at the April meeting of the Fort Smith chapter of the Automotive Service Association on April 14. • Ray S p a r k s , d i r e c t o r of Computer Information Services, was appointed to the Education A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t e e of t h e Arkansas Society for C o m p u t e r and Information Technology (ASCIT).
96 People / Packed Tight
Stacey Jones: Director of Student Activities; Beverlee McClure: Assistant to the Vice President for Student Services and University Center Operations; Patrick Pendleton: Recruitment Specialist; Penny P e n d l e t o n : Director of Recruitment and Placement
Cheryl Peters: Counselor; J a n e Pryor: Counselor; Holly Schluterman: Registrar's Assistant; Marcia Shepard: Program Coordinator of Single Parent/ Homemaker
Kay Trout: Registrar's Assistant; Jim Wyatt: Athletic Director; Roger Young: Director of Counseling; INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT STAFF: Justin Basinser: Maintenance Worker
Katy Brake: Director of Word Processing; D e b b i e Breedlove: Assistant Controller; Connie Broadus: Shipping and Receiving Clerk; Becky Burris: Typesetter
Janet Bushons: Cafeteria Cashier; J a c k Canady: Assistant Director of Physical Plant; C h a r l e s Carter: Maintenance Worker; Lucius Corbett: HVAC Mechanic
EFURD EARNS Reading Instructor Martha Efurd named 'Outsanding Developmental Educator' T h e A r k a n s a s A s s o c i a t i o n for Developmental Education honored D e v e l o p m e n t a l Reading I n s t r u c t o r Martha Efurd with the Outstanding Developmental E d u c a t o r Award at their conference in Hot Springs. Efurd has been teaching for 30 years. "After I tried several things, I realized I really enjoy the field of education. I finished college after I married and when I had children I realized more than ever that I was going to be a teacher," Efurd said. In 1974, Efurd began the developmental reading p r o g r a m at Westark. The entire developmental program came from reading classes. "It
Efurd received the Lucille S p e a k m a n Excellence in Teaching Award in 1990. She was chairperson for the Faculty Association
nominated, and then to receive it was another thrill Arkansas is blessed with a lot of good developmental educators, a lot of good teachers that really have their heart in what they do. To be chosen among the top is quite rewarding,'' Efurd said. Academic S t a n d a r d s C o m m i t t e e in 1979 and 1990-91. She received the
has grown tremendously and made us the leader in t h e state for
Whirlpool Corporation Grant for the
developmental education," Efurd said.
is t h e a u t h o r of t h e college
"I liked Mrs. Efurd, she's warm,
Master Teacher Seminar in '81. Efurd "Vocabulary,
helpful, and fair. She does her job well
Reasoning," published in 1984 and
and gives fair grades," Toum Sayavong,
1990. Efurd received her bachelor's degree
journalism major, said. Efurd and her husband have three
children and four grandchildren. O n e
N o r t h e a s t e r n State University
daughter is a reading specialist in
Tahlequah, Okla..; her master's degree
Texas, and the other daughter is a third
grade teacher in Greenwood. Their son
L u b b o c k ; a n d a reading
is not a teacher, but his wife is an
c e r t i f i c a t e f r o m t h e University of
elementary school counselor.
Oklahoma, Norman.
in in
Faculty / Efurd Earns Award
Nursing instructor says goodbye after 19 years of service On May 10, 1992, Anita Hammack, nursing i n s t r u c t o r , retired from teaching. Hammock, who taught at Westark for 19 years, worked in the diploma department at Sparks Regional Medical Center, before coming to Westark in June of 1973. Her first year, she taught in the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) program, and then she moved into the Associate Degree Nurse (ADN) program.
My goals have always been to stress that the students think for themselves, and I feel that I have accomplished something more than if I just teach them,'' Hammack said Hammack graduated from Baptist State Hospital in 1950, and after marrying and raising three children, decided to return to teaching. She received her bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Central Arkansas in 1975 and 1977 respectively.
98 People / Packed Tight
She has also recieved many awards. For instance, she won the Outstanding Teaching Award in 1987, and was a w a r d e d t h e Whirlpool M a s t e r Teachers award in 1988. She also recieved a certification in pediatrics in nursing in 1989. While on campus, she sponsored the Westark Student Nurses Association (WSNA) until 1990, and helped s t u d e n t s plan the n u r s e s pinning ceremony. Outside of campus, she was a member of the planning committee for Camp Dream Street, which is an Arkansas based camp for children with
c a n c e r and o t h e r related blood diseases. She also serves on the speakers bureau for the district five nursing association, and is the nurse coordinator for the Good Samaritan Clinic in Ft. Smith, a program for people without o t h e r financial assistance. According to Hammack, Westark has an o u t s t a n d i n g faculty and philosophy of teaching, which produce top quality students. "The nursing instructors here are the most dedicated there are anywhere, because they really give a lot to their students. They make a big investment in the students, and I think Westark is one of the finest community colleges that I have ever had any contact with, and I've gone to a number of workshops and have been on a number of college campuses," Hammack said. Hammack's retirement plans include traveling and taking Spanish, French and piano lessons. A retirement party was held at home of Calline and Homer Ellis, where Anita received a VCR which she plans to use to watch some children's classics. "Something I have always tried to make a part of my philosphy is to dignify mistakes, so that learning can take place, when mistakes are made. We give students in this nursing program a foundation to build on when they graduate. I am pleased to have been a part of this institution, and I am going to miss teaching the s t u d e n t s , " Hammack said.
Bruce Crossno: Director of Campus Police; Don Davis: Custodial Worker; Lynn Dickey: Humanities Secretary; J o Ella D o u g l a s : Coordinator for Developmental Alumni Operations
Larry Farrar: Payroll Accountant; Jeffrey Feeback: Custodial Worker; D o r o t h y Forst: Word Processing Specialist; Arenda Francis: Computer Publications Supervisor
Coletta Furner: Vice President for Instruction Secretary; Boyd Gann: Skilled Trades Helper; Bev Gilstrap: Director of Personnel/EEO; B o b b y G o i n s : Custodial Worker
J.C. Hamilton: General Maintenance Repairman; B e t t y Harris: Custodial Worker; Linda Harris: Business and Industrial Institute Lab Assistant; William Holloway: Custodial Worker
Judy Howard: Staff Artist; Sheila Hughes: Accountant; S c o t t Hurt: Custodial Worker; Danny Inman: Custodial Supervisor
Gregory Jones: Custodian; Carolyn Key: Recruitment and Placement Secretary; Sondra LaMar: Director of Public Information; Barbara Lamblin: Cafeteria
• D r . S a n d i S a n d e r s , vice president for student services and University Center operations, Dr. Emil Thies, institutional repres e n t a t i v e for A r k a n s a s S t a t e University, a n d A1 Morrison, institutional representative for Arkansas Tech University, • Carolyn Filippelli and Martha C o l e m a n , r e f e r e n c e librarians, attended a workshop on "First S e a r c h , " a new information resource for end-user searching. The meeting was held in Little Rock on Feb. 27. • Richard Hudson, vice president for planning a n d g o v e r n m e n t relations, T o m Walton, speech i n s t r u c t o r , a n d F r a n Bedell, economics instructor, served as judges for the VFW's regional "Voice of Democracy" speech competition on Dec. 3. • J a c k Canday, assistant director of the physical plant, attended a seminar in Fayetteville on the Chemical Right-To-Know Act on May 19. • O n May 14, Ed Nagy, director •of physical plant, attended an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) seminar at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
Faculty / Anita Hammack
S t e v e Lease: Director of Business and Industrial Institute; Judy M a s s e y : Publications Editor; Bud McKinney: Executive Housekeeper; Sonny McKinney: Cafeteria Manager
• Linda M c A d a m s and Paul Leggett, office administration instructors, served as judges for the job interview competition at the Future Business Leaders of America district conference on March 11 in Fort Smith. • Lori Norin, s p e e c h and journalism instructor, was invited to join the Interscholastic League P r e s s C o n f e r e n c e Board of Judges for the '91-'92 school year. • On Jan. 30 and 31, Sherry Smith, food technology coordinator for BII, attended a twoday statistical process control workshop for process industries. The w o r k s h o p w a s held in Phoenix, Arizona. • Brenda Cantwell, CIS instructor, presented a program entitled "Using Presentations Software to Reach the Distant Learner," held on the campus of Hinds Community College in Jackson, Mississippi, on Feb. 20 and 21. • Dr. Leo Mahoney and Dan Breitenberg, history instructors, and Dr. C.B. Porter, anthropology and sociology instructor, participated in a history roundtable discussion at the Old Fort Museum on April 14.
104 • People / Packed Tight
Luis M e n d e z : Custodial Worker; Beth Miller: Business and Industrial Institute Secretary; Nancy Moore: Word Processing Specialist; D e b b i e Moulton: Duplicating Equipment Operator
Shirley Nelms: Physical Plant Administrative Assistant; Jimmy Nichols: General Maintenance Repairman; Rhonda Palmer: Vice President for Finance and Administration, Personnel Secretary; Gene Pool: Custodian
Terry Priest: Director of Publications; Nita Prock: Secretary; Andy Robinson: Custodial Worker; Bobby Scrivner: Custodial Worker
Rod Smith: Custodian; Inez Stamper: Cafeteria Cashier; Catherine Wilson: Word Processing Clerk
Robert Wilson: Accounting Supervisor; Bill Windham: Custodial Worker
PRESIDENTIALJAZZ Bailey elected to state music post The International Association of Jazz
education. It needs to start with the
Educators (IAJE) elected Don Bailey,
people training the music educators.
music instructor and director of the
They need to be aware of 'America's
Westark J a z z , as A r k a n s a s
classical music.' O n e of the problems
in this state is the embarassing absence
Warren Casey, former president of IAJE, asked Bailey is he would be
of jazz education in the public schools, with a few exceptions," Rinne said.
interested in helping out. Casey talked to other members of the IAJE, and they felt that Bailey could fill the role of president. According
humanities instructor, IAJE has been in existence for more than 20 years.
''This helps Westark's Jazz program, and it's a great opportunity for me. I'm aware that it's an important position and I was very honored to be elected.'' Bailey said.
"Its primary goal is to educate youth and the public at large about jazz and
Bailey has performed with the Four
to promote jazz as an art form in our
Tops, the Lettermen, the Temptations,
public schools and other educational
and Dizzy Gillespie, among others. In
institutions," Rinne said.
addition to being director of the jazz
According to Bailey, one of the
band. Bailey teaches music theory,
benefits of his job as president is
m e e t i n g o t h e r p e o p l e in t h e jazz
community and trying to bring them to
"Jazz is one of the most vital art
forms that exists today. It needs to be
part of the educational experience. I
responsibilities include
to the
hope if Don can do anything in his
president in Oklahoma about what is
t e n u r e a s p r e s i d e n t , it will b e
happening in Arkansas. The regional
promote and foster interest in jazz on
all levels, but particularly in the public
in to
turn, the
schools," Rinne said. "I hope to develop jazz in the state
association. "I think it's tremendous that Don has
of Arkansas," Bailey said. "You have
taken on the presidency of the state
to feel jazz to know what it is. You
chapter and will hopefully get more
can not just play it, or listen to it."
Don Bailey
in j a z z
--by Shane Deitert
Faculty / Presidential Jazz 101
In addition to serving as the Division Chair for Social and Behavioral Science, Harold Hile held nine other titles during his 29year tenure. HILE REMEMBERED
Instructor served college for 29 years After 29 years of service to the college, Harold Hile, chairman of the division of social and behavioral science, died of a heart attack on April 18, 1992.
"Harold served the college in many ways, both when a private institution and later as a public institution. His services will be missed. People make an institution and Harold was one of those who contributed greatly," Bill
"As a division chairman, he showed more interest and leadership than any chairman in my 23 years at Westark As a personal friend, we shared many hours discussing archery and his entry in the state Senior Olympics where he won a gold medal for placing first," Harold Callahan, physical education instructor, said.
Crowder, baseball coach, said. "He gave Westark his best and helped others be the best they could be,"
Sciences secretary, said. Hile
committees, received the Leadership in Education Award from the Western Arkansas chapter of Phi Delta Kappa in '81, and held membership in six professional associations.
Since Hile came to the college in '63
He was also active in community
he held 8 different positions on campus.
service during his service to the college.
He was director of counseling and
He was a member of the board of
guidance until 1967, when he became
stewards at United Methodist Church
director of admissions and records. He
from 1958 to 1963, a member of the
served in that position for five years.
local Labor Market Advisory Council
He w a s director of
Harold Hile
from 1975 to 1978 and a member of
services and continuing education from
the Fort Smith Chamber of Commerce
1971 to 1973, dean of applied sciences
Education Committee since 1983.
from 1973 to 1975, and associate dean
"Harold was one of the most caring
for occupational education from 1975
and thoughtful men I've known. He was
to 1979.
congratulations or gratitude. He'll be
of instruction, until 1982 when he took
missed a great deal," Martha Efurd,
the position as director of evening and
developmental education instructor,
chairman of the division of social and
Hile was survived by a son, David,
behavioral science since 1988, and
a daughter, Lisa, and his wife, Brenda.
taught geography during that period.
102 â&#x20AC;˘ People / Packed Tight
In 1979 Hile became assistant dean
• " O n e evening several years ago when he was night administrator, Harold called me to the telephone for a n e m e r g e n c y call. H e followed me into the office when I took the call and waited, concern obvious on his face, until I got off the phone. It would not have occurred to him to deliver his message and consider his job done. Harold was always quick with a phone call or a note when either congratulations or commiseration was appropriate. He was truly a gentleman." "Nancy Dover • "Harold served on the General Education Core Curriculum Steering Committee (is that ever a mouthful!). At his last meeting, I found him waiting for everyone. Harold was always punctual. He quipped, " T h o s e of us who continue to c o m e to meetings on time are destined to spend a lot of time alone.' " - D r . Janet Sanders • "Harold loved Westark and he had a great respect for the importance of ceremony. I will think about Harold when I don my cap for graduation. I will keep my mortarboard level in memory of Harold." - D r . Calline Ellis
Faculty / Hile Remembered
Electronics major pursues
After earning a four year chemistry degree and leaving many different work experiences, Electronics Technology major Richard Sprouse decided to go
Electronics technology major Richard Sprouse puts his knowledge to work in the lab. Sprouse returned to school after several years of working in other fields. (Kevin Cousins)
back to school and pursue a career in a field he was really interested in. While earning his four year chemistry degree, Sprouse worked as a disc jockey. "I thought I was just about everybody's gift to the world, but actually I wasn't that good," he said. "I have a tape from that time and I listened to it and I was terrible." Although Sprouse may have not been the greatest disc jockey in his college days, he went on to utilize the experience he gained there. "I spent five years with KTCS, a year in sales with B-98, and a little over a year as operations director with EZ-105," he explained. Radio is not the only field in which Sprouse worked before deciding to go back to college to earn his electronics degree. "I taught in the Job Corps for five years and was their coordinator of college placement programs. I also worked in their GED test program and taught on the high school level." Sprouse began his tenure of study at Westark in the Spring '91 semester. "I will have completed 56 hours in May of this year which will be enough for the electronics technology degree and also the certificate of electrical maintenance," he said. Sprouse has a 4.0 GPA. Westark was Sprouse's choice for several reasons. "Number one, it had a good reputation, and it seemed to have a very good electronics department. The instructors seemed to be very good, and I've found that to be true since I've been going here. "Your success in Westark or any school is geared more toward you ability to apply yourself rather than having to have super intelligence. I've had to work for what I've gotten. It doesn't come that easily to me, but it's something that I believe almost anybody can do if they apply themselves. I have friends who have entered Westark with just a GED who have been surprised that they can do well." Sprouse offered encouragement to anyone who did not go to college out of high school to complete their education. "Someone a long time ago, asked me 'why don't you do it?' when I mentioned I might like to go back to school. I thought, I'll be too old; I'll be over fifty by the time I complete the degree.' He made the comment 'How old would you be in two or three years if you didn't go back?' So, if someone wants to change careers and go back to school, no matter what their age, I would encourage them to do it."
104 â&#x20AC;˘ People / Packed Tight
Abrego, Cheryl Adams, Craig Andreas, Cara Ansell, Jeanne Armstrong, Heather Ashworth, Sara Askew, Heather Bschelory, Bryan Bagwell, Kevin Baleto, Frankie Banning, Johnny Barnwell, John Bartlett, Travis Baumgartner, Michael Becker, Chuck Beland, Blaine Bennett, Michael Beshears, Peggy Bieker, Angela Birchfield, Jody Black, Steven Blaylock, Tasha Blochowiak, Lori Boatright, Kelly Boeverman, Betty Bondi, Ben Bonds, Willie
Borris, Jennifer Bowden, Chad Bradley, Jerry Bramlett, Daniel Brandenburg, Kevin Breeden, Stephaine Bridges, Jason Britt, John Brown, Pat
Brown, Paul Brown, Ruth Bruso, Janet Bryant, Lois Buchanan, Becca Buchanan, Tricia Bullard, Shawn Butler, Eddie Carmen, Rick Carroll, Robin Carter, Akua Carter, Molly Carter, Tiffany Cartwright, Elizabeth Cauthron, Pam Chambers, Vincent Cheeks, Brian Christian, Lisa Clark, Daniel Clark, Virginia Clements, Leslie Clifton, Toby Cobbs, Damon Cochran, Kevin Cole, Deanna Coleman, Angela Cook, Jimmy
Cooper, Kim Cope, Darilyn Core, Phillip Corey, Cori Cormier,Brad Cothren, Terrie Crabtree, Amy Crawley, Randi Crouch, Glen
New Career / Richard Sprouse â&#x20AC;˘ 105
Crouch, Leiah Daily, Mary Davidson, Michael Davis, Denise Davis, Jonathon Davis, Vennie DeChant, Gena Deitert, Shane Dillard, Jennifer
Dime, Kendra Dodd, Amy Drake, Steve Dunbar, Misty Duncan, Andrew Durham, Carol Edgman, Darla Edwards, Kyle Edwards, Rhonda
Etter, Marcie Evans, John Fant, John Farris, Nikki Fight, Misty Filer, Shane Fimple, Elizabeth Finney, Jim Fitzgerald, Mark Fleike, Stephanie Floyd, Stacie Flynn, Cody Forst, Lorrie Fox, Marilyn Fraley, Shelly Fritz, Joe Garcia, Leah Garrett, Jimmy
Garrison, Jay Gartman, Eric Gates, Donna Gibbons, Greg Gilbreath, Harold Green, Lori Greenwood, Connie Gregory, Jeffery Griffith, Angela
Griggs, Niel Grosvold, Lisa Gulley, Linda Ha, Cuong Hail, Brian Hankins, Matt Hicks, Debbie Halliburton, Mary Hampton, Nancy Hansen, Kevin Hansen, Scott Harrison, Mark Harrison, Melva Hart, Jenny Hatfield, LeChel Hawkins, Norma Hearn, Casey Hefflin, Deana
Heft, Cynthia Herzig, Brian Hill, Margaret Hill, Tonya Holden, Lori Homer, Lisa Hudson,Jason Hudson, Maria Humphry, Trevor
106 â&#x20AC;˘ People / Packed Tight
Freshman finds wheelchair no
Two years after an automobile accident in Fort Smith, Westark student Andrea Beckman doesn't see her use of a wheelchair as a handicap. On Sept. 24 1990, while a student at Northside High School Beckman was paralyzed from the neck down when the car she was riding in was involved in a collision in Fort Smith. "I was in Sparks Hospital after my accident for about a month and a halt then I moved to a rehabilitation hospital in Houston called the Institute for Rehabilitation and Research which is known world-wide," Beckman explained. Beckman's situation led to a bumper sticker that can be seen on cars in the Fort Smith area. "I had a gymnastics coach that wrote an article in the paper. He never wore a seat belt so he wrote an article that said every time he put his seat belt on, he would be saying this one's for you, Andrea," she explained. Beckman said her experiences at Westark have been good. "I really like it" she said. "It's a lot different from high school of course, but I really enjoy it here." "I took two basic courses. College Reading, and Introduction to Writing, and I haven't found a major yet," Beckman said. Beckman says Westark is, for the most part, pretty accessible to people who use wheelchairs, but using one presents problems most don't realize. "It's really different. When you're walking, you don't pay attention to the bumps in the sidewalk or accessibility to elevators or anything like that so I've found it's a whole lot different," she said. Assisting Beckman in getting to her classes was Jan Romans, a nurse for Medical Personnel Pool who pushed Beckman's wheelchair as well as other things. "I basically did her writing for her and held her books so she could read and tried to take notes so she could do her homework," Romans said. Beckman does not see her wheelchair as a limitation and said that other people who use wheelchairs should not be hesitant to try to complete their education at Westark. "Don't be afraid, because if you stay home, it's not worth it. You need to get out and meet new people and get an education. It's not holding me back in any way," she said. Beckman, 18, lives in Fort Smith with her parents.
With the help of her personal nurse, Jan Romans, freshman Andrea Beckman attended classes. Beckman was injuried in a car accident while a student at Northside High School (Jorge Martinez)
No Limitation / Andrea Beckman
Non-traditional program takes student from construction to
Construction and nursingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;what do these two careers have in common? The answer is student Roger VanDeest. Quitting his job as a construction worker, VanDeest began working as a physical therapist assistant and as a nursing home "Though I was aide. "Though I was able to meet many needs, I felt that a able to meet better education would increase my ability to help others," many needs, I \/anDeest said. felt that a Already active in prerequisite courses, VonDeest heard about better education the nontraditional scholarship program that enabled men and would increase my Women to continue in their chosen fields predominantly filled ability to help other." by persons of the opposite sex. According to Patrick Pendelton, sex equity coordinator, the --Roger VanDeest Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act (PL 101392) requires that each state receiving federal vocational funds implement programs, services, and activities to eliminate sex bias and stereotyping in vocational education. "The program was anticipated to provide expanded career options for both mole and female students. Career and/or course decisions will be made according to interest and need rather than based on the students sex. Nontraditional students will receive support to moke their college experiences," Pendleton said. Not unlike female doctors in the past, male nurses have to earn acceptance. VanDeest said that he talks to his client-patients, building a rapport in order to gain their trust. "People need to realize that men con be compassionate core givers and be responsible in doing their multitechnical jobs in a manner becoming the nursing profession," VanDeest said. He has found little or no problems with younger clients. The younger generation is open minded and not concerned with the sex of their nurse. The older generation tends to be a bit uncomfortable. Older men hove a little more difficulty than older women in dealing with the mole nurse concept, according to VanDeest. After completing his nursing courses, passing the state board exams, and receiving his R.N. license, VanDeest hopes to work in an emergency room. "Enrolling in Westark's nursing program was choosing a way of life that not only fulfilled my needs, but also helped to fulfill the needs of others," VanDeest said.
108 â&#x20AC;˘ People / Packed Tight
Hunt, Jenny Hutchens, Geraldine Ingram, Nicole Jackson, Nanne Jackson, Rommie Jekins, Denise Jenkins, Joy Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Mark
Johnson, Teresa Johnston, Orin Jones, Bobby Jones, Gail Jones, Mary Ann Jordon, Kevin Keaton, Ray Keaton, Shane Kelley, Dustin Kelley, Michelle Kelley, Ron Kennedy, Ken Kimes, Ronald King, Delana Kirby, Helen Kremers, Kimberly Kuykendall, Sherrie Kyllingstad, Cheryl
Lackie, Christopher LaForce, David Langwell, Orpha Lansdown, Jeri Latta, Todd Ledbetter, Kim Lee, Will Lensing, Josh Leslie, John
Lewis, Debra Linam, Chris Linton, Kevin Maddox, Tonya Mahony, Steve Manager, Melody Manning, La Verne Marable, Cedric Martinez, Judi Martin, Craig Martin, Galen Martin, Kyle Matlock, Chris May, Derrick Maymoundok, Phonesavanh McCain, Greg McClain, Patrick McCray, James
McCrew, Gena McIntyre, Shannon McKinney, Shannon McMahan, Carol McTyre, Ricke Meenkin, Lynn Middleton, Tiffany Miller, Beth Miller, Chris
Miller, Rhonda Monchamp, Marcy Morgan, August Morgan, Carol Morse, Charity Morse, Steve Mullen, Stacy Mullens, Shane Mundy, Michail
Nursing / Roger VanDeest â&#x20AC;˘ 109
Academics and extracurricular activities recognized through
Thirty students were nominated for Who's Who Among American Colleges.
Nominated for Who's W h o were Heather Askew, John Larru, and Debra Floyd. (Jorge Martinez)
Students in Junior
"Recognition in Who*s Who is a way of rewarding students who have achieved not only academically, but also in extracurricular events," Calline Ellis, interim vice president for instruction, said. Student nominations were made by division chairpersons who consulted with faculty department heads. Penny Pendleton, director of recruitment and placement, nominated members of the Pride of Westark, and Stacey Jones, director of student activities, nominated students from the Student Activities Council. "I was pleased to have students who achieve academically, but also appreciate their being active in activities on campus," Ellis said. According to Ellis, there was some overlap in the dean's list and the national dean's list, but these lists are only academic achievement lists. Who's Who requires academic achievement plus involvement in extracurricular activities. Who's Who requires students to show they can handle leadership roles in organizations as well as apply themselves scholastically. According to Ellis, students receive recognition from being nominated for Who's Who and will be able to list the nomination on their resume when applying for a position after graduation. "The nomination was helpful to students; it shows their willingness to become involved in whatever situation they find themselves. They had time and energy to become involved in the activities that were available to all students," Ellis said. ''Who's Who brings honor to them and their families, and it also brings honor to Westark. I think recognizing students in any way for their achievements motivates them to achieve further," Ellis said. The students were recognized in an assembly on April 30 in the Breedlove Auditorium. Nominees were as follows; from Fort Smith: Cinthia Alexander, Heather Askew, Jennifer Dishner, John Ferguson, Kenneth Ferrell, Deborah Floyd, Rodney Jones, John Larru, Chris Linam, Andrea Moore, Chris Moore, Marcus Rowlett, Timothy Spain, Jennifer Threadgill, Michael Turner, Anna Williams, Gail Williamson, and Alan Winfrey. Others listed were Keri Kish, Pocola; Kelly Beohning, Barling; Chris Hill, Joanna Steel, and Pamela Turner, Van Buren; Phillip Robberson, Paris; David Kelly, Alma; Harry Bundrick, Summers; Nancy O'Hare, Cedarville; Lori Walker, Hartford; Lori Koch, Greenwood; Scott Cunningham, Benton.
â&#x20AC;˘ People / Packed Tight
Murphy, Holly Myers, B.J. Myers, Eric Neal, Jennifer Neckar, Aimee Noble, Steven Nog, Dung Noggle, Patrick Nordin, Melissa
Norvero, Nick Nuckolls, Angela O'Hare, Nancy Oleson, Joe Ollard, Dana O'Neal, Andrea Oppelt, Terrie Osborne, Paige Owens, Jannette
Palmer, Darla Parton, J''sha Parker, Amy Parker, Sonia Parks, Lisa Parks, Phyllis Parsons, Cheryl Patterson, Donita Pereira, Brenda
Phanmaha, Samantha Phillips, April Phillips, Rheaba Pinkston, Shannon Pohlmeier, Keith Pollock, Sharron Presca, Timothy Preston, Misty Primm, Mike
Pschier, Derrick Pixley, Lisa Putman, Athena Ragland, Rachelle Ramsey, Susan Reaves, Britt Rhames, Aaron Rickard, Jeff Robbins, Patricia Robinson, Greg Rolgers, Michael Rogers, Lana Roller, Jerry Rosar, Jenny Rose, Shawn Rosentreter, Stephanie Russell, Micheal Sakda, Kitta Sanders, Mike Scantling, Stoney Schoeppery, Ronnie Scott, Cricket Sears, Patricia Seaton, Leona Seiter, Scott Self, Phillip Shark, Mandy Sharp, Karen Sheehan, Barbara Shell, Marty Shepark, Valerie Shipman, Dustin Shirkavand, Mansour Shoabe, Regina Sims, Chris Sisco, Donna
Slavens, Cecil Smith, Kyle Smith, Tripp Smither, Amanda Sookaserm, Tony Stace, Tamara Stamick, Julie Starr, Tommy Stinebaugh, Jim
Stockstill, Jamie Stouffer, Brian Sugg, Jack Suit, Joy Summers, Roger Sykes, Kimblee Symonds,Sandra Ta, Vinh Tankersley, Heather Tannerhill, Sue Taylor, Darroll Taylor, John Taylor, Kendall Thomas, Connie Thomlison, Stacy Thompson, Marcia Threadgill, Jennifer Thronbury, Tim
Thornton, Robert Thrift, Paul Tiffee, Kevin Townsend, John Tomlin, Aaron Tomlinson, David Treadway, Robert Tucker, Billy VanDeman, Kim Vickers, Donald Vincent, Lee Vo, Tim Wagner, Chris Walker, Suzanne Walter, Matt Watkins, Brenda Watkins, Crystal Watkins, Phoebe
Watkins, SuRonna Watson, Jeff Webb, Jennifer Weisenfels, Terry West, Steve Wester, Mathew White, Belinda White, Valerie Whittenton, Cliff Wilhelm, Celia Wilkison, Wayne Williams, Carlo Williams, Joe Williams, Susan Williamson, Kenneth Williamson, Margie Willis, John Wilson, Jill
Winston, Victoria Wolverton, Carrie Wood, Robert Wright, Kris Xaysamasy, Jenny Yeung, Suanna Young, David
112 â&#x20AC;˘ People / Packed Tight
Seven recognized by the community for academic and leadership that made them
Seven students were recognized in November as "Outstanding Students" by the Public Awareness Committee, a local organization consisting of business people, educators, and local government officials, according to Business Division Instructor Paul Leggett, committee secretary. "The purpose of the award is to honor returning sophomores based on their academic and leadership qualities," Leggett said. "The Public Awareness Committee's mission is to provide a public forum for a variety of local issues," Legget explained, "If s really just a group that tries to put issues of the day before the public." "This year, for the first time, we had a reception for them (the students receiving the awards) and their parents," Leggett said, "We presented them with a certificate from the Public Awareness Committee. They were also recognized by the Mayor of Fort Smith," Local television stations and newspapers covered the reception. The students were also recognized at graduation. The students recognized were from the Business Division, John Larru of Fort Smith: Computing and Information Systems, Pamela Turner from Van Buren: Health Occupations, Patty Veit of Fort Smith: Humanities Division, Keri Kish from Pocola: Science, Math and Engineering, Marshall Newcity of Fort Smith: Social and Behavioral Science. Tabitha R. Stephenson from Lamar: and Technology Division, Nancy O'Hare of Cedarville. "Ifs really quite an honor for a division to select one student out of all those who were majoring in that area. In the business division, that would take in a lot of people because it includes office administration majors, accounting majors, business administration majors, and economics majors. We're talking about a lot of people who select one person each as an outstanding student," Winn said. The students were nominated based on more than academic ability. "We have to know what their grade point average is, what extracurricular activities they're involved in, if they're a member of some student organizations, and if they're active in some of the civic organizations or their church. Those are factors that are considered in selecting the outstanding students in these various divisions," Sharon Winn said.
Recognized as an "Outstanding Student by the Public Awareness Committee, Patty Veit studies a skeleton. (Jorge Martinez)
Outstanding Students / Academic A wards
As students tried to make the best of time and spacethey were always
JAMMINGIT Just as students attempted to take part in as many opportunities as possible whiLe at Westark, we attempted to cover oil of it within these 128 pages. Does your name appear? 114 â&#x20AC;˘ Index / Jamming It
IN AN ATTEMPT to make the best use of her time, Dao Keovanpheng, biology major, studies for an upcoming test as she walks toward the Science Building.
MISS WESTARK CONTESTANT Melanie Jones, parks and recreation major, plays the saxophone for the talent portion of the pageant, which is an official Miss America preliminary. The pageant, held April 3 in the Westark Fieldhouse, attracted more than 1,000 students and community members, and was the largest production on campus. (Jorge Martinez) MEMBERS OF the Screeing Committee for the position of vice president for instruction, chaired by Richard Hudson, vice president for planning and government relations, reviewed approximately 60 applications for the position. Dr. Calline Ellis was named interim vice president for instruction after the departure of Dr. John McKay, and held that position until June 15, when Dr. Terry Barnes assumed the duties of the vice president for instruction. (Bill Burkhart)
Index / Jamming
Abernathy, Nina 94 Abrego, Cheryl 81,105 Adams, Craig 105 Adams, Jason 1 AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDENT ALLIANCE 62,63 Alexander, Cinthia 28,110 Allen, Amy 28,66 Allen, Steve 30,53,65 Almond, Charles 28 Andreas, Cara 105 Ansell, Jeanne 105 Armstrong, Heather 28,29,105 Armstrong, Roger 9 Ash worth, Sara 105 Askew, Heather 16,28,66, 105,110 Askew, Steven 11, 16
B-98 104 Bachelory, Bryan 105 Bagwell, Kevin 105 Bailey, Don 65,91,101 Baker, Aubrey 28
116 â&#x20AC;˘ Index / Jamming It
Baker, Ray 35 Baldwin, Dee 94 Baleto, Frankie 105 Ballenger, Ben 12,91 Ballweg, Brent 52,65,91,94 Banning, Johnny 105 BAPTIST STUDENT UNION 58,59 Barnes, Terry 87,115 Barnwell, John 105 Bartlett, Barbara 91 Bartlett, Travis 105 Basinger, Justin 96 Baumgartner, Michael 105 Beaman, Doug 11 Beard, Joy 44,45,91 Becker, Chuck 105 Beckman, Andrea 107 Bedell, Conaly 82,83 Bedell, Frances 92,99 Beland, Blaine 105 Bell, Lynda 21 Bennett, Michael 105 Beohning, Kelly 28,110 Beshears, Peggy 105 Bieker, Angela 105 Bieker, Bill 28,66 Birchfield, Jody 28,29,105 Black, Steven 105 Blaylock, Tasha 105 Blevins, Kim 9,22,23 Blochowiak, Lori 105 Boatright, Kelly 105 Boeverman, Betty 105 Bogner, Laura 28 Bolte, Richenna 9 Bond, Vicki 94 Bondi, Ben 105 Bonds, Willie 105
Quan Choung Ta and Sorne Royo, computer information systems majors, take a break from classes in the Gardner Building to enjoy spring weather. A heavy raining season left few clear spring days.
Borchers, Patricia 28 Boreham, Roland S. 32,33 Borris, Jennifer 105 Bourgeois, Calvin 5,64 Bowden, Chad 105 Bradley, Jerry 105 Bradt, Doug 28 Brake, Katy 96 Bramlett, Daniel 105 Branch, Carolyn L. 33,65, 87,88,89,96 Brandenburg, Kevin 105 Breeden, Stephanie 105 Breedlove, Debbie 96
Breitenberg, Dan 48,91,100 Bridges, Jason 105 Britt, John 105 BOARD OF TRUSTEES 82,83 Bowman, Michael 28 Broadus, Connie 96 Brown, Pat 105 Brown, Paul 105 Brown, Ruth 105 Bruso, Janet 28,105 Bryant, Lois 105 Bucella, Robin 15 Buchanan, Becca 105 Buchanan, Tricia 105
CHORAL ARTS FESTIVAL 64,65 Christian, Lisa 105 Cialone, Ernest 91 Clark, Daniel 105 Clark, Larry 82,83 Clark, Susan 91 Clark, Virginia 105 Clements, Leslie 105 Clifton, Toby 105 Cobbs, Damon 105 Cochran, Kevin 105 Cogbill, Mary 94 Cole, Deanna 105 Coleman, Angela 105 Coleman, Martha 94,99 COMMENCEMENT 32,33,35 Compton, April 28 COMPUTER INFORMATION
Bullard, Shawn 105 Bundrick, Harry 110 Burkhart, Bill 94 Burgess, James 82 Burnett, Karen 11,21 BUSINESS 36,37 Butler, Eddie 105 Burris, Becky 96 Bushons, Janet 96
Callahan, Harold 91,102 Cameron, Harold 91 CAMP DREAM STREET 98 Canady, Jack 96,99 Cantwell, Brenda 91,100 Carmen, Rick 105
Carroll, Robin 105 Carter, Akua 105 Carter, Charles 96 Carter, Molly 105 Carter, Tiffany 105 Cartwright, Elizabeth 105 Caselman, Bruce 94 Cauthron, Pam 105 Center, Jerry 90 Chambers, Vincent 105 Champion, Curtis 28 Cheeks, Brian 28,105 Cherry, Eric 28,64,66 CHI ALPHA 58,59
SYSTEMS 38,39 Comstock, John 28 Copeland, Mary 90 Cook, Jimmy 105 Cook, Pam 94 COOPER CLINIC 89 Cooper, Kim 22,23,75,105 Cooper, Mike 91 Cope, Darilyn 105 Corbett, Lucius 96 Core, Phillip 105 Corey, Cori 105 Corley, Carl D. 33,82,83 Cormier, Brad 105 Cothran, Terrie 105 Cousins, Kevin 28,30 Cowles, John 28 Crabtree, Amy 105 Craig, David 91,92,93 Crane, Daniel 19,28 Crawley, Randi 105 Crossno, Bruce 99 Crouch, Glen 9,105 Crouch, Leiah 106 Crowder, Bill 102 Crowe, Miriam 28 Crowell, Marjoe 75 Cullins, Melinda 96 Cullins, Robert 33,95,96 Cunningham, Scott 28,66,110 Cunningham, Wilma 94
Index / Jamming I f 117
Imagine attempting to keep up with the duplication for the entire college? That was Debbie Moulton's job. In addition to running hundreds of copies daily, finding room for all the necessary paper was a real challenge at times. The storage room was jam packed, as the college strove always to maintain the highest level of quality.
Index / Jamming It
Daily, Mary 106 Davidson, Michael 106 Davis, Angela 23 Davis, Dee 96 Davis, Denise 106 Davis, Don 99 Davis, Esther 28 Davis, Jonathon 106 Davis, Vennie 106 DeChant, Gena 106 Deitert, Shane 106 DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION 40,41 Dickey, Lynn 99 DIFFERENT DRUMMERS 54,55 Dillard, Jennifer 28,66,74,75,106 Dime, Kendra 106 Dimmitt, Alys 28 Dishner, Jennifer 28,66,110 Dodd, Amy 106 Douglas, Jo Ella 99 Douglas, Zanette 91 Dover, Nancy 102 Drake, Steve 106 Drosopoulos, Effie 11 Dunbar, Misty 106 Duncan, Andrew 106 Dunn, Brandi 11,28,84 Durham, Carol 106 E
Eccleston, Kathy 11,19,22,28,66 Edgman, Darla 106 Edwards, Kyle 106 Edwards, Rhonda 106 Efurd, Martha 90,97,102 Ellis, Calline 42,43,87,88,89, 90,98,101,102,15 Ellis, Homer 98
Estes, Kent 94 Etter, Marcie 106 Etzkorn, James 94 Evans, John 106 EZ-105 104 F
Pant, John 106 Farrar, Larry 99 Farris, Nikki 106 Fecher, Glenna 28 Feeback, Jeffrey 99 Ferguson, Deborah 28 Ferguson, John 28,110 Ferrell, Kenneth 28,110 Fight, Misty 106 Filer, Shane 106 Fillipelli, Carolyn 94,99 Fimple, Elizabeth 106 Finney, Jim 106 FIRST EDITION 65 FITNESS CENTER 14,15 Fitzgerald, Mark 106 Fleike, Stephanie 106 Flippin, Donald 28 Floyd, Debra 28,110 Floyd, Ron 90,94 Floyd, Stacie 106 Flynn, Cody 106 FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLUB 52,53 Forst, Dorothy 99 Forst, Lorrie 106 Fox, Marilyn 106 Fox, Michael 28 Fraley, Shelly 106 Francis, Arenda 99 Franklin, Kerry 28,84 Freeman, Jeff 18 Fritz, Joe 106 Furner, Coletta 99 G
Gaines, Janet 28 Gaines, Sonya 28 Gann, Boyd 99 Garcia, Leah 106 Garrett, Jimmy 106 Garrison, Jay 106 Gartman, Eric 106 Gates, Donna 106 Gatlin, Nicki 28,66 Gibbons, Glenn 28 Gibbons, Greg 106 Gibbons, Linda 90,91 Gilbreath, Harold 106 Gilkey, Katina 9,22,23,75 Gillespie, Dizzy 101 Gilstrap, Bev 99 Goins, Bobby 99 Golden, Bill 91 Gooch, Patricia 28 GOOD SAMARITAN CLINIC 98 Gottam, Praveen 28 Gordon, Delece 91 Green, Lori 106 Greenwood, Connie 106 Gregory, Jeffery 106 Griffith, Angela 106 Griggs, Niel 106 Grosvold, Lisa 28,32,106 Gulley, Linda 106 Gurule, Jennifer 28 Gutunrez, Jeannette, 12 GYPSY ROSE LEE 31 H
Ha, Cuong 106 Haberer, Patti 94 Hail, Brian 106 Halliburton, Mary 106 Ham, Traci 28 Hamilton, J.C. 99 Hammack, Anita 98 Hampton, Nancy 106 Hankins, Matt 106 Hansen, Kevin 106 Hansen, Scott 106 HARDSCRABBLE COUNTRY CLUB 93 Harford, Micah 28,30
Harris, Betty 99 Harris, Jennifer 28 Harris, John 96 Harris, Linda 99 Harrison, Mark 106 Harrison, Melva 106 Hart, Jenny 106 Hatfield, LeChel 106 Hawkins, Norma 106 HEALTH OCCUPATIONS 42,43 Hearn, Casey 106 Hefflin, Deana 106 Heft, Cynthia 106 Heintz, Sam 91,92 Hellmer, Laura 28 Henderson, Pam 91 Henslee, Rebecca 28 Herzig, Brian 106 Hicks, Debbie 106 Hicks, Maria 12 Hightower, Mike 46,47 Hile, Harold 102 Hill, Chris 28,110 Hill, Kelly 32 Hill, Margaret 106 Hill, Tonya 106 Hogge, Carla 28 HOMECOMING CHILI SUPPER 6 Holden, Kim 21,94 Holden, Lori 106 Holloway, William 99 Holzman, Scott 35 Homer, Lisa 106 Horn, Wayland 12 Howard, Ethel 28 Howard, Judy 99 Hudson, Jason 106 Hudson, Maria 106 Hudson, Richard 87,88,99,115 Hudson, Tammy 74,75 Hughes, Sheila 99 Hulsey, Angela 28 HUMANITIES 44,45 Humphry, Trevor 106 Hunt, Darren 10 Hunt, Jenny 10,109 Hunter, Cindy 14 Hurt, Scott 99 Hurst, Deborah 13 Hutchens, Geraldine 109 Hutcheson, Barbara 102
Index / Jamming It 119
Johnson, Kimberly 28 Johnson, Mark 109 Johnson, Teresa 109 Johnston, Orin 109 Johnston, Paul 65,91 Jones, Bobby 109 Jones, Gail 109 Jones, Mary Ann 109 Jones, Melanie 115 Jones, Rodney 28,110 Jones, Stacey 15,18,19,23, 30,66,87,96 Jordon, Daniel 12 Jordon, Kevin 109 Corky Euper is just one of the approximately 10 maintenance workers assigned to keeping the grounds neat. Fall leaves provided workers with more than enough to keep up with.
Ingram, Nicole 109 Inman, Danny 99 INTRAMURALS 79 Irish, Charles 46,47,91
Jackson, Jack 91 Jackson, Nanne 22,23,109 Jackson, Rommie 109 Jenkins, Denise 75,109 Jenkins, Joy 109 Johns, Gregory 99 Johnson, Brenda 28 Johnson, Doris 28 Johnson, Kevin 109
120 â&#x20AC;˘ Index / Jamming It
KTCS 104 Keaton, Ray 109 Keaton, Shane 109 Keel, Mary Jane 42,43 Kelley, Dustin 109 Kelley, Michelle 109 Kelley, Ron 109 Kelly, David 28,110 Kennedy, Ken 109 Keovanpheng, Dao 13,115 Key, Carolyn 99 Kilmer, John 91 Kimes, Ronald 109 Kinchin, Chris 19 King, Delana 109 King, James 28 King, Kathleen 28 Kinsey, Spencer 17 Kirby, Helen 109 Kish, Keri 28,35,65,110,113 Koch, Lori 11,28,66,67,110 Kradel, Eileen C. 82,83 Kremers, Kimberly 109 Kuykendall, Sherrie 109 Kyllingstad, Cheryl 109 L
Lacewell, Bill 90,91 Lackie, Christopher 109 LADY LIONS 23,72,73 LaForce, David 109 LaGrow, Brett 69 LaMar, Sandra 2,99 Lambert, Jerome 69 Lambin, Barbara 99 Langwell, Orpha 109 Lansdown, Jeri 109 Larru, John 28,35,110,113 Larru, Vicki 28,52 Latta, Todd 109 Law, Carolyn 28 LEARNING ASSISTANCE CENTER 12,13 Lease, Steve 100 Ledbetter, Kim 109 Le, Jane 28 Lee, Don 91 Lee, Will 109 Leftwich, Marcus 64 Leggett, Paul 90,92,100,113 Leins, Terri 35,91 Lensing, Josh 109 Lensing, Scott 21 Leroy, Greg 28 Leslie, John 109 Lewis, Debra 109 Lewis, Jennifer 16,19 Levy, Ed 96 Liles, Terri 94 LION BASEBALL 76,77 LION BASKETBALL 70,71 Lippincott, Marget 92 Linam, Chris 28,109,110 Linphear, Cindy 91 Linton, Kevin 109 Long, Carolyn 31 Lonsway, Carol 28 Lowe, Mary 92 LUCILLE SPEAKMAN EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING 90,94 Luckinbill, Lawrence 30,31 LYNDON 30,31 M
MacRoy, Jeanine 28 Maddox, Tonya 109
Mahony, Steve 109 Mahoney, Leo 92,96,100 Manager, Melody 109 Manning, La Verne 109 Marable, Cedric 109 Martin, Craig 109 Martin, Galen 109 Martin, Kyle 109 Martinez, Jorge 28,52 Martinez, Judi 109 Massey, Jennifer 28 Massey, Judy 100 Matlock, Chris 109 May, Derrick 109 Maymoundok, Phonesavanh 109 McAdams, Linda 100 McCain, Greg 109 McClain, Jerry 28 McClain, Patrick 109 McClure, Beverlee 87,96 McCray, James 109 McCrew, Gena 109 McFerran, Sarah 28 Mclntyre, Shannon 109 McKay, John 115 McKinney, Bud 100 McKinney, Shannon 109 McKinney, Sonny 100 McKinney, Susan 40,41,92,94 McMahan, Carol 109 McSparin, Robert 18 McTyre, Ricke 109 McWilliams, Todd 28 Meador, Candy 32 Meenkin, Lynn 109 Mendez, Luis 100
Merrill, Linvel 28 METHODIST STUDENT UNION 58,59 Middleton, Tiffany 109 Milam, Fran 28 Miller, Beth 100,109 Miller, Chris 109 Miller, Rhonda 109 Miranda, Susan 19,28 MISS WEST ARK 24,25, 26,27,66 Mobley, Christine 28,84 Monchamp, Marcy 109 Morton, Monty 92 Moore, Andrea 28,110 Moore, Chris 28,110 Moore, Nancy 100 Morgan, August 109 Morgan, Carol 109 Morreale, Frances 74 Morrison, A1 99 Morse, Charity 109 Morse, Steve 109 Moss, Tony 35 Moulton, Debbie 100 Mueller, Magdaline 28 Mullen, Stacy 109 Mullens, Shane 109 Mundy, Michail 109 Murphy, Holly 111 Myers, BJ. I l l Myers, Eric 111 Mynatt, Lee 50,96
Nagy, Ed 6,99 Neal, Jennifer 111 Neckar, Aimee 111 Nelms, Shirley 100 Nelson, Landi 75 Nelson, Lynda 92 Nelson, Steve 28,66 Netherton, Sherry 12 Newcity, Marshall 28 Newton, Genelle 87 Ng, See Bing 28 Nichols, Jimmy 100 Noble, Steven 111 Nog, Dung 111 Noggle, Patrick 111 Nordin, Melissa 111 Norin, Lori 92,100 Norvero, Nick 111 Nuckolls, Angela 111 Nutt, Dennis 79,92 O
Oelke, Frances 10 O'Hare, Nancy 28,110,111 O'Hearn, Nancy 28 Oleson, Joe 111 Ollard, Dana 111 O'Neal, Andrea 111 Ong, Peng 28 Oppelt, Terrie 111 Osborne, Paige 111 Owens, Jannette 111 Oxford, Chris 6,22,28
Palmer, Darla 111 Palmer, Rhonda 100 Pappas, Ken 92 Parent, Norma 28 Parton, J'sha 111 Parker, Amy 111 Parker, Laura 28 Parker, Sonia 111 Parks, Lisa 111 Parks, Phyllis 111 Parsons, Cheryl 111 Patterson, Donita 111 Payne, Diana 92 Pendleton, Patrick 96,108 Pendleton, Penny 66,95,96,110 Pereira, Brenda 111 Perez, Florencia 52 The choral department received formal attire through the generosity of Miss Ed Louise Ballman and the Ed Ballman Foundation.
Index / Jamming It â&#x20AC;˘ 121
Peters, Cheryl 95,96 Phanmaha, Samantha 111 Phelphs, Jim 92 PHI BETA LAMBDA 52,62,63,90 PHI THETA KAPPA 60,6190 Phillips, April 111 Phillips, Patricia 28 Phillips, Rheaba 111 Phillips, Stuart 28 Pike, Tracy 12 Pierson, Nita 28 Pinkston, Shannon 111 Plummer, Micki 28 Pohlmeier, Keith 111 Polinskey, Terry 92,94 Pollock, Sharron 111 Pool, Gene 100 Poole, Jimmy 28 Porter, C.B. 92,100 Posey, Rebecca 11 Preas, John 90 Preas, Marj 92 Presca, Timothy 111 Preston, Misty 111 Price, Betty 90 PRIDE of WEST ARK 66,67,110 Priest, Terry 100 Primm, Mike 111 Prock, Nita 100 Pryor, Jane 96 Pschier, Derrick 111 Pixley, Lisa 111 Putman, Athena 111 R
Ragland, Rachelle 111 Ramsey, Susan 111 Raney, James 28 Reaves, Britt 111 Rector, Wyeth 28 Reynolds, Wesley 28 Rhames, Aaron 111 Rice, Neil 22 Rickard, Jeff 111 Rinne, Henry 30,65,91,92,100 Robberson, Phillip 110 Robbins, Patricia 111 Robinson, Andy 100
122 â&#x20AC;˘ Index / Jamming It
Robinson, Kari 9,23,75 Robinson, Greg 111 Rodriquez, Iram 92 Rogers, Lana 111 Rogers, Stacey 28 Rolgers, Michael 111 Roller, Jerry 111 Romans, Jan 107 Rosar, Jenny 111 Rose, Shawn 111 Rosentreter, Stephanie 111 Royo, Sorne28,66,116,117 Rouw, David 28 Rowlett, Marcus 110 Russell, Micheal 111 S
Sakda, Kitta 111 Sanders, Edward C. 82,83 Sanders, Mike 111 Sanders, Janet 40,41,95,102 Sanders, Sandi 23,87,88,89,99 Sanderson, Shane 12 Scantling, Stoney 111 SCIENCE, MATH & ENGINEERING 46, 47 Schulterman, Holly 96 Schoeppery, Ronnie 111 Schmidt, Linda 82,83 Schwartz, Gary 28 Scott, Cricket 111 Scott, Darrell 28,50 Scott, James 79 Scrivner, Bobby 100 Sears, Patricia 111 Seaton, Leona 111 Seiter, Scott 111 Self, Don 21 Self, Phillip 111 SEASON OF ENTERTAINMENT 30,31,66 Shark, Mandy 111 Sharp, Karen 111 Shaw, Mike 82,83 Sheehan, Barbara 11,111 Sheffield, Felicia 28 Shell, Marty 111 Shepark, Valerie 111 Shepherd, Marcia 95,96
Serving up hamburgers and that "famous" barbeque sandwich is Charles Prescott. Prescott is employed by Jerry Neel's Catering who operates the Westark Cafeteria yearround. Meal cards were available to both students and staff, providing additional savings on meals purchased in the cafeteria. On a daily basis 400 to 600 people were served through the cafeteria.
Sherrard, Stepanie 19,28,66 Shipman, Dustin 111 Shirkavand, Mansour 111 Shoabe, Regina 111 Shuffield, Sherron 92,94 Sicard, Sam 82,83 SIGMA DELTA MU 56,57 Sims, Chris 111 Simms, Chris 17 Sisco, Donna 111 Sisson, Suzanne 28 Slavens, Cecil 112 Smith, Kyle 112 Smith, Rod 100 Smith, Sherry 92,100 Smith, Tripp 112 Smither, Amanda 112 SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCEINCES 48, 49 Sookaserm, Tony 112 Spain, Timothy 110,112 Sparks, Ray 38,39,96 SPIRIT SQUAD 74,75 Sprouse, Richard 28,104,112 ST. GREGORY 22,23,112 Stace, Tamara 112 Stamick, Julie 112 Stamper, Inez 100 Starr, Tommy 112 Steel, Joanna 28,66,67,110,112 Stephens, Monica 28 Stephens, Rose 52 Stephenson, Tabitha 28,112,113 Stinebaugh, Jim 112 Stockstill, Jamie 112 Stouffer, Brian 112 Stowe, James 92 Stricklen, Keith 2,112 Stubblefield, Joel 1,18,19,33,84, 85,87,88,95,112 STUDENT ACTIVITIES COUNCIL 30,31,66,67 STUDENT AWARDS 28,29 STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 54,55 STUDENT/STAFF PICNIC 18,19 Sugg, Jack 12,112 Sugg, Jennifer 2,35,112 Suit, Joy 112 Summers, Roger 112 Swafford, Jeffrey 28 Sykes, Kimblee 112 Symonds, Sandra 112
Ta, Quan Chuong 28, 116,117 Ta, Vinh 112 Tankersley, Heather 112 Tannerhill, Sue 112 Taylor, Darroll 112 Taylor, John 112 Taylor, Kendall 112 Tays, Jill 92 Teng, Sun 28 Thellman, Cory 16 Thies, Emil 99 Thigpeg, Bruce 38,39,92 Thomas, Cody 95 Thomas, Connie 112 Thomas, Fred 79 Thomas, Jennifer 75 Thomlison, Stacy 112 Thompson, Marcia 112 Thompson, Marcus 69 Threadgill, Jennifer 15,18,22, 28,110,112 Thronbury, Tim 112 Thornton, Robert 112 Thrift, Paul 112 Tidwell, Chris 28,52,66 Tiffee, Kevin 112 Timmons, Rebecca 36,37,92 Timmons, Todd 92 Tomlin, Aaron 112 Tomlinson, David 112 Townsend, John 112 Trager, Ben 29 Tran, Brigitte 28 Treadway, Robert 112 Treece, Dina 28 Trout, Kay 96 Tucker, Billy 112 Turner, Mike 15,110 Turner, Pamela 28,110,113 U
Index / Jamming It â&#x20AC;˘ 123
Underwood, Jim 87 Underwood, Randa 28 V
Vampola, Edward 92 VanDeest, Roger 108 VanDeman, Kim 112 Vaughn, Jack 14,92 Veit, Patty 28,113 Vickers, Donald 112 Vincent, Lee 112 Vint, Bobby 91 Vo, Tim 112 W
Campus surround ings left plenty of opportunities to visit with friends and take a break from the world of academe. Sandra Walter takes a break with a friend.
124 â&#x20AC;˘ Index / Jamming It
Wade, Heather 17 Wagner, Chris 112 Wagoner, Randi 28 Walker, Lori 28,66,94,110 Walker, Rosilee 30,33,95 Walker, Suzanne 112 Wallace, Jennifer 19 Walter, Matt 112 Walter, Sandra 21 Walton, Sam 93 Walton, Tom 29,44,45,95,99 Ward, Brent 17 Warr, Charles 28 Warren, Vicki 28 Watkins, Brenda 112 Watkins, Crystal 112 Watkins, Phoebe 112 Watkins, SuRonna 112 Watson, Jeff 112 Watson, Ray 95 Watts, Emma 92,95 Watts, Lonnie 18,95 Webb, Jennifer 112 Weisenfels, Terry 112 Wells, Linda 91 Werthmuller, Le 95 West, Stephanie 16 West, Steve 112 WESTAK COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION 65 WEST ARK HONOR ORGANIZATION 60,61
WESTARK JAZZ 65,101 WEST ARK PRESIDENT 84,85 WESTARK STUDENT NURSES 98 Wester, Mathew 112 WHIRLPOOL MASTER TEACHER 90 White, Belinda 112 White, Thelma 10 White, Valerie 112 Whittenton, Cliff 112 Wilhelm, Celia 112 Wilkison, Wayne 112 Williams, Anna 28,110 Williams, Carlo 112 Williams, Joe 112 Williams, Susan 112 Williamson, Gail 110 Williamson, Kenneth 112 Williamson, Margie 112 Willis, John 112 Wilson, Catherine 100 Wilson, Gary 36,37 Wilson, Jill 112 Wilson, Robert 100 Wimbish, Clarence 95 WIND ENSEMBLE 65 Windham, Bill 100 Winfrey, Alan 110 Winn, Jim 95 Winn, Sharon 84,90,95,113 Winston, Victoria 112
Winters, Ann-Scott 29 Wolff, Lorena 95 Wolverton, Carrie 112 Wood, Robert 112 Wright, Kris 112 WRITER'S GUILD 54, 55 Wuthrich, Karen 28 Wyatt, Jim 15,48,49,96 X
Xaysamasy, Jenny 112
Yeung, Suanna 112 Young, David 81,112 Young, Roger 96
The new MathScience/ University Center Building is expected to add 26 classrooms, 13 labs, and two conference rooms to campus. Construction continued into the fall of 1992.
Index / Jamming It â&#x20AC;˘ 125
As the summer sessions came to a close, and our thoughts turned to fall--we were
Providing educational advancement for 5,524 students, Westark served its students, and tine community as well. President Joel Stubblefield was one of 25 two-year college presidents nationwide to be named "Outstanding College President," by Phi Theta Kappa the national honor society for two-year Institutions. With studies, and clubs, students found their lives JAM PACKED. 126 â&#x20AC;˘ Closing / Jam Packed
P-A-C-K-E-D • Westark was the first undergraduate institute in the nation to teach a Zenger Miller Frontline Leadership course in a credit setting. The three-hour course was taught by Monty Morton. • New acoustical music practice rooms were installed in the Breedlove Building in January. • The Business and Industrial Institute was recognized in Fort Smith ETC Magazine for its role in training for capital investments and the creation of jew jobs in Fort Smith.
became important as summer students headed for finals.
Closing / Jam Packed • 127
â&#x20AC;˘ As night falls on campus it is by no means the closeto the day's activities, as more than 1,400 students took evening classes. From 7a.m. to 10p.m.,Westark was jam packed.
128 â&#x20AC;˘ Closing / Jam Packed
JAM P-A-C-K-E-D The 1992 NUMA staff worked on this book until it was absolutely jam packed. Now, it's finally over! The layouts are all finished, captions set, pictures cropped, and the last deadline met. The 1992 NUMA is completed. In producing this book, the NUMA staff had to follow these specifications: The student life body copy was in 10 point Times Modern, headlines in 30 point Times Modem Bold, captions in eight point Aristocrat Bold, and quote boxes in 12 point Times Modern Italic. The activities section had a body copy of 10 point Times Modem. The bylines were printed in 10 point Times Modern, with headlines in 30 point Avant Garde Book. Captions were in eight point Universe Medium. All people body copy was in 10 point Souvenir, with headlines in Souvenir Bold, and captions in Souvenir Italic. The sports section had a body copy of 10 point Aristocrat. Headlines were in Aristocrat Bold, while captions were in eight point Aristocrat Italic. The index body copy was in 10 point Schneidler Old Style Light, and headlines in Schneidler Old Style Bold. The 1992 NUMA, 63rd volume, was free to students and distributed during the first week of September. Jostens printed the 1992 NUMA, and portraits were taken by student activities during the first and second weeks of the fall and spring semesters. All theme development, page design, and logos were designed by the NUMA staff in Student Publications at Westark Community College.
Lori Norin
Lori Walker
Kim Holden Jenny Hunt, SuRonna Watkins Jorge Martinez, Toum Sayavong, Stephen Brodie, Kevin Cousins
The NUMA staff would like to thank Arenda Francis and all the word processing personnel for assisting us with the typesetters. Stacey Jones was always willing to lend a helping hand when he could, and it was appreciated. Randy Joe Hamilton was the Jostens sales representative for this book and without him we don't know where we would have been. Also, a big thank you to Lisa Grosvold and her Lion Pride staff for much needed help with copy.