Traditions Book 2011-2012

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Table of Contents 4......................................................................................... What is the T-Book? What is the SAA? 5...............................................................................................................Letter from SAA Advisor 6............................................................................................................Letter from SAA President 7................................................................................................................Chapter 1: Lion History 8..................................................................................1930’s & 1950’s Freshman Initiation Week 9.......................................................................................................................................Timeline 10-11..................................................................................................... Fun Photos from the Past 12..................................................................................................................... Aerial Photo Shots 13...................................................................................................................Chapter 2: Lion Fun 14...............................................................................................................Student Organizations 15........................................................................................Fraternity & Sorority Life/Intramurals 16.............................................................................................................................Study Abroad 17.............................................................................................................Top 20 Campus Secrets 18..................................................................................................................................Lion Lingo 19................................................................................................................................. Cub Camp 20.....................................................................................................................................Housing 21................................................................................................................ Chapter 3: Lion Spirit


23................................................................................................................................Alma Mater 24-25.............................................................................................................. Musical Ensembles 26........................................................................................................................Mascot Changes 27.................................................................................. Athletic Accomplishments/Spirit Squads 28.......................................................................................................................... Football Teams 29......................................................................................................... Chapter 4: Lion Traditions 30.......................................................................................................................Tradition Keepers 31-66......................................................................................................................Lion Traditions 67...................................................................................................................Chapter 5: Lion Info 68......................................................................................................................... Career Services 69....................................................................................................................Alumni Association 70...............................................................................................................SAA Membership Form 71.............................................................................................................. SAA Board of Directors 72......................................................................................................................Campus Contacts 73.................................................................................................................. Academic Calendar 74.............................................................................................................................. Contributors 75-76........................................................................................................................Campus Map


What is the “ T ” book? The “T” Book, short for Traditions Book, is a spirit and traditions guide for incoming freshmen at the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith. The information presented in this book will educate students about our history and the importance of membership in the Alumni Association so that UAFS can continue to inspire and educate generations to come.

What is the SAA?

SAA stands for Student Alumni Association. The mission of the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Student Alumni Association is to increase awareness of the SAA and the UAFS Alumni Association while infusing the ideas of tradition, leadership, and volunteerism among students.

Who can join SAA? Any UAFS student!

How can I join? Turn in the form in the back of this book or sign up at one of our events.

Why should I join?

The SAA is your direct link to campus traditions, and only SAA members receive BEAT t-shirts before athletic games. Oh yeah, AND you get a 10% discount in the Lions Bookstore. That alone will save you a TON of money in one school year.


Dear Fellow Lion, Welcome to the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith. I am excited and proud to welcome you as a part of the Lion family! Our University has a rich history and a promising future. The Alumni Association serves about 45,000 alumni. We are unique because the University has undergone a few name changes since 1928. Anybody who attended Fort Smith Junior College, Westark, or UAFS automatically belong to the Association if they completed 14 hours or more. One of the best things about the Alumni Association is that membership is FREE! We don’t charge dues; we just want our alumni to stay connected. You are a future alumnus of UAFS, but you can get engaged in the Association even as a freshman. The Student Alumni Association (SAA) is a great way to meet new people, get plugged in on campus, connect with alumni, and receive some really cool benefits such as discounts in the Barnes & Noble Lions Bookstore, free t-shirts, and much more. The Student Alumni Association, with the help of the Alumni Office, is proud to bring you this Traditions Book. I challenge you to complete all the traditions at UAFS and become a Tradition Keeper. If you complete a certain number of traditions, you are able to wear special cords at your graduation. This book will guide you through life as a Lion. The SAA and the Alumni Association are here to both serve you and act as a home away from home. Keep the traditions alive, and Go Lions! Best wishes,

Katie Kratzberg ‘07 Student & Young Alumni Coordinator Student Alumni Association Advisor


Welcome to the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith! As you begin your college journey, I hope that you are filled with anticipation and excitement about all of the opportunities and experiences that you will have in the coming years. Your time as a UAFS Lion will be spent making new, lifelong friendships and gaining a top-quality education. In the process, you will learn that with hard work and determination, you can do anything that you aspire to do. As a senior at UAFS, I know from experience that your years as a student will fly by; it is up to you to make the best of the time that you have here. I encourage you to challenge yourself to do your best in the classroom, on campus, and in the community. Make your education your top priority, but also make getting involved in other activities and meeting new people an important goal. UAFS will provide you with all of the resources necessary to meet your goals, and I encourage you to make use of what the University has to offer. Make the most of your time by joining organizations that you are passionate about, by volunteering in the community on Lion Community Outreach Day, by showing your school spirit while participating in Homecoming Week activities, by attending an athletic event to support your fellow Lion athletes, or even by studying abroad. The possibilities for involvement are endless, and the Traditions Book is a great guide. Your T-Book is filled with information that will help you to be successful as a student and to understand the traditions, events, and organizations that you can be a part of while attending this university. I hope you will keep your Traditions Book close by, and use it as a guide to be the best Lion you can be. Make it your goal to complete each tradition. When your time at UAFS comes to an end, I hope that your T-Book will be filled with memories of your time here, and it will continue to serve as a reminder of the impact that the university had on you and the impact that you had on this university in return. I wish you the best of luck as you embark on your journey at UAFS, and I look forward to seeing all of the great things that you will accomplish as a student on this campus. Best wishes,

Danielle Spillers ‘12 Vice President of Traditions


Chapter 1 - Lion History


1930s & 1950s Freshman Initiation Week In 1939, students began

a new tradition known as Initiation Week. Freshmen wore beanies and “buttoned� sophomores upon request during the week-long initiation period. This rite of passage stopped shortly thereafter because of World War II. In the 1950s, after the college moved to its current location on Grand Avenue, the tradition of freshmen wearing beanies was started again. 1939



Timeline 1928 - Fort Smith Junior College opens for students on September 13. 1929 - School colors and mascot are adopted. The first yearbook, The Pioneer, is published. 1930 - The first class of 14 students graduates. 1931 - Enrollment reaches 108. 1932 - The yearbook’s name is changed to the Numa and the Theta Phi Kappa honor society is founded. 1935 - Student activities include borrowing a truck for a swimming outing at Lake Fort Smith. 1936 - Lillian Wilkerson writes the alma mater for Fort Smith Junior College. 1940 - Eleanor Roosevelt visits Fort Smith High School and Fort Smith Junior College. 1950 - Fort Smith Junior College separates from the public school system. 1957 - Enrollment reaches 607. 1966 - The name of the college is changed from Fort Smith Junior College to Westark Junior College. 1969 - The college obtains its first computer, an IBM model 460 with 64K of memory. 1972 - The name of the college is changed to Westark Community College. 1975 - Enrollment reaches 3,000. 1980 - The first electronic student registration takes place during the summer term. 1986 - Westark television begins broadcasting. 1997 - The Westark website goes online. 1998 - Westark Community College becomes Westark College. 2002 - January 1 is the first official day of the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith. 2003 - The Student Senate is formed and has its first elections. 2004 - The first Cub Camp is held at Dwight Mission in Oklahoma. 2010 - The 15-foot bronze Lion, named Numa, is introduced on campus. 2011 - Lions Athletics begins competition in NCAA Division II.




Aerial campus Shots 1950




Fun n io L 2 r Chapte


Student Organizations Academic American Society of Mechanical Engineers Amicus Curiae Biology Club Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization (CEO) College of Business Society of Students Collegiate Middle Level Association Future Educators Organization Math Club Phi Beta Lambda Radiography Student Association SkillsUSA Student Association for Historical Interpretation Student American Dental Hygienists Association Student Nurses Association Student Pre-Medical Association Surgical Technology Student Association Arts Applause Drama Club Kappa Kappa Psi Culture Gay Straight Alliance German Club Hmong Student Organization Lasting International Network Konnections (LINK) Students Together Effectively Progressing (STEP) Vietnamese Students Association Honor Society Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Sigma Lambda Kappa Delta Pi Sigma Beta Delta Sigma Delta Pi Sigma Tau Delta


Fraternity and Sorority Life Delta Gamma Delta Sigma Theta Gamma Eta Gamma Phi Beta Interfraternal Council Kappa Alpha Order Kappa Sigma Fraternity Panhellenic Council Sigma Nu Political College Democrats College Republicans Religious Baptist Collegiate Ministry Campus Crusade for Christ Catholic Campus Ministries Chi Alpha Christ on Campus Episcopal Cafe Latter Day Saints Student Association Lions for Christ Merge Ministry The Bridge Special Interest Computer Club Circle K International Lion Rifles University Outreach Campus Activities Board Chancellor’s Leadership Council Cub Camp Non-Traditional Students Student Alumni Association Student Senate University Student Ambassadors

Fraternity and Sorority Life The Fraternity and Sorority Life

community is composed of eight fraternal organizations and encompasses almost six percent of the student population. The four fraternities on campus are Kappa Alpha Order, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Phi and Sigma Nu. The sororities are Delta Gamma, Delta Sigma Theta, Gamma Eta, and Gamma Phi Beta. Joining a fraternity or sorority comes with multiple benefits. Grade point averages are higher than the average student’s, and in fall 2010 alone the fraternal organizations accumulated almost 5,000 hours of community service. The mission of Greek Life is to foster an environment in which development of leadership skills, involvement in community service, commitment to scholarship, and attention to friendship are encouraged. Students involved in fraternities and sororities have shown a higher graduation rate, better job placement rate, and make stronger alumni than any other students on a college campus. Consider joining us to create the newest and fastest growing tradition at UAFS. Recruitment for fall 2011 will be September 6-11, 2011. For more information, contact the Greek Life Office,


“Where Integrity Meets Intensity� is the motto of the intramural sports program at UAFS. Intramurals is a program where students get to compete on a number of levels in more than 13 sports ranging from flag football and dodgeball to air rifle and basketball. Intramurals provides a way for students to compete in a healthy, safe, and all-around good sportsmanship environment. For more information, contact Greg Gillam,


Study Abroad

UAFS students can participate in various study abroad programs that range from short programs such as faculty-led Maymester programs to a year-long study abroad experience at many of our foreign exchange partner institutions around the world. Maymester faculty-led study abroad programs were developed in 2008 to increase student participation in studying abroad. Students can earn college credit hours for the Maymester courses and study abroad with our faculty members. Destinations have included Belize, Italy, France, Peru Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, England, Mexico, Brazil, Denmark, Canada, China, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, and more. UAFS also has partnerships with numerous foreign institutions. Students can study at our partner institutions for a month, a semester, or a year and earn college credits. Contact the Office of International Relations at or 479-788-7166.


Top 20 Campus Secrets

1. Free food can be found almost every day of the week. 2. Central Christian Church, next to the Stubblefield Center, offers free coffee during their weekly ­coffeehouse sessions. 3. Hardee’s® on Grand Avenue is a great place to eat on a budget. Purchase a Thickburger with a Lions ID and get a free small drink and fries. 4. Load your Lions ID with cash for tax-free purchases from Sodexo. You can also use your card at area restaurants and businesses. 5. Collect free t-shirts from events for an entire UAFS wardrobe. 6. Save money on fountain drinks from Sodexo by purchasing a refill mug. 7. See movies on a budget by attending movie events for free, or use your Lions ID at Carmike Cinema and pay only $5.75 for an adult ticket. Plus, on Friday nights, you can purchase a drink from the concession stand and get a free popcorn! 8. When you’ve got nothing to do, play ping pong or video games in the game room, located in the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center, or stop by the Welcome Center for Wii Wednesdays. 9. All students can use the UAFS Fitness Center for free with their Lions ID. 10. The Academic Success Center, located in Vines 202, offers free tutoring for all students. 11. UAFS offers free counseling and health screenings at the Powell Student Health Center and Counseling Center, located in the Pendergraft Health Sciences Building. 12. Think you can get away with running across the street anytime? If you don’t want a ticket, use a crosswalk! 13. Know what’s going on every day on campus. Sign up for text alerts from Student Activities and Athletics to be notified when an event happens, or befriend NUMA Mascot on Facebook for upcoming event information. 14. When you paint your face and cheer on the Lions in the Student Section during Pack the Gym events, you can enter to win great door prizes just for attending. 15. Campus Activities Board offers free dance lessons each month in the Fitness Center Studio Room. 16. Your Lions ID will not only give you access to the Boreham Library but also the Fort Smith Public Library. 17. The student copier on campus is located in the Boreham Library. 18. If you have a heavy load you can go to the Box Office and check out a locker. They are located in the Commuter Lounge in the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center. 19. Students can check out a laptop from the operator located on the second floor of the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center. 20. If you have your own laptop, set up your free wireless internet access with instructions provided in the Welcome Center.


Lion Lingo ASC - Gordon Kelley Academic Success Center Block Party - Student organization fair hosted each fall Blue Crew - Student section at UAFS games CAB - Campus Activities Board – Hosts most traditional campus events Classification Level - Class level assigned according to number of hours earned: 0-29 = Freshman; 30-59 = Sophomore; 60-89 = Junior; 90+ = Senior Discovery Test - Career interest inventory offered by Career Services free to UAFS students Electives - Courses taken outside a student’s major or minor field FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid – UAFS’s FAFSA code is 001110 The Campus Green - Reynolds Campus Plaza and Bell Tower Intramurals - Various sports events designed for participation by any student or faculty member LCOD - Lion Community Outreach Day Lionslink - UAFS’s intranet NSO - New Student Orientation Numa - The name of our lion mascot Pell Grant - A form of financial aid based on need analysis and not requiring re-payment RA - Resident Assistant – students who assist our on-campus housing residents SOE - Season of Entertainment – concerts and national touring productions (all are free for students) SAO - Student Activities Office SAA - Student Alumni Association Syllabus - An outline distributed by instructors to students describing the course content, requirements, and grading policy Welcome Center - Provides programs, guidance, and assistance to all students; located in Campus Center 115


Work-Study - Provides employment for students who show financial need

Cub Camp is...

A three-day, two-night experience for incoming first-time, full-time freshmen of UAFS that is led by current UAFS students. It is a way to make friends that will last a lifetime and a time to learn about UAFS.

At camp, campers will...

Get the scoop about college life from upperclassmen in Den Groups (DGs). Play interactive games such as DG Olympics. Dance the night away at the themed mixers. Interact with UAFS faculty and staff. Laugh hysterically at skits performed by upperclassmen. Discover your Lion pride and learn many of the UAFS traditions.

Did you miss out on the fun of Cub Camp as an incoming freshman? Don’t worry, you can still apply to be a counselor for next year!



The Office of Housing and Residential Life is committed to creating a residential community that supports a vibrant learning and living experience at UAFS. The Residential Life staff works with students to build a community that engages learning both in and out of the classroom. Programming efforts outside classes help ensure that students feel connected to the UAFS Community. Residents will have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of programs on social, cultural, intellectual, and health and wellness related topics. The University offers apartment-style living in Sebastian Commons, and first-year students may live in the Lion’s Den Residence Hall, which is a sustainable suite-style residential complex opened in Fall 2010. All on-campus rooms are equipped with extended basic cable as well as internet service. Laundry services are located on site in both facilities. Both facilities will be furnished with the exceptions of linens, bed cover and spread, pillow and study lamps.

What to bring: Towels Pillows Blankets Twin-size sheets (36x80 extra long) (for Lion’s Den)

Desk lamp First-aid kit Cleaning supplies Computer

Queen-size sheets (for Sebastian Commons Apartments)

Necessary medications

Shower curtain/liner/rings (for Sebastian Commons Apartments)

UL approved surge protectors

Comforter Laundry bag

What not to bring: Guns Fireworks Candles or incense Waterbeds


Alarm clock

Toothbrush/toiletries Wastebasket Laundry detergent

Halogen lamps Pets other than fish and service animals Open coil appliances Alcohol/alcohol containers Dartboards

Chapter 3 - Lion Spirit



Alma Mater All praises sing to the school we hold dear, A part of our hearts will forever be here. Your banner of wisdom our future will guide, The friends that we cherish at our side. Let our song ring out for the White and Blue, To UA Fort Smith we will ever be true. Lyrics by Lillian Wilkerson Composed by William Murphy


Lions Athletic Band The Lions Athletic Band is a select group of 40-50 musicians who perform at all Men’s and Women’s Home Basketball games. The Lions Athletic Band is open to audition to all university students.

Concert Chorale

University Chorale is an auditioned group of 60 singers that performs a wide variety of outstanding choral literature from the Renaissance period to the present. In addition to four major on-campus concerts, this ensemble also presents concerts at various off-campus locations.

Women’s Chorus

The Women’s Chorus is a women’s ensemble that pursues musical excellence with a broad performance repertoire. The Women’s Chorus performs four major on-campus concerts each year.

Jazz Catz

The UAFS Jazz Catz are an award-winning ensemble having received top honors as “The Most Outstanding University Vocal Jazz Group” at the University of North Texas Jazz Festival. The Catz maintain a schedule of 30-plus performances each year, including concerts to sell-out crowds of over 1,000 people.


Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band is the University’s premiere instrumental ensemble. The ensemble is an auditioned group of 60 instrumentalists that performs standard band and wind ensemble repertoire. Besides the four major on-campus concerts, the Symphonic Band presents concerts at various off-campus locations, including a yearly spring regional concert tour.

Brass Ensemble

This group features a full brass choir, brass quintets, trumpet ensembles, horn ensembles, and tuba-euphonium ensembles, as well as other various chamber instrumentations.

Woodwind Ensemble

Various woodwind ensembles are organized each semester to study chamber music from the standard woodwind repertoire. Ensembles include clarinet trios and quartets, flute duets and quartets, saxophone quartets, and woodwind quintets.

Jazz Band

The UAFS Jazz Band performs highenergy shows for sell-out crowds of more than 1,000 people. The band takes pride in covering a full spectrum of jazz music, from vintage to contemporary styles. The band performs several major concerts a year in addition to Brown Bag lunch concerts and other events in the community.


Mascot changes throughout the years










Athletic accomplishments through the years UAFS’s athletic history began in 1928—the year the University, which was then a junior

college, was founded. Throughout its long history as a junior college, UAFS won three national championships – one for women’s basketball in 1995 and two for men’s basketball in 1981 and 2006. UAFS was also national runner-up for women’s basketball in 1994 and for volleyball in 2008. The University has won countless conference and regional tournament championships in each of its sports. After more than 50 years as one of the most successful junior-college programs in the nation, UAFS continues its transition to becoming a member of the NCAA Division II. UAFS now competes in 10 sports volleyball, men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s basketball, baseball, men’s and women’s golf, and men’s and women’s tennis. Throughout its history, UAFS has produced several All-Conference, All-Region, and All-American players. Four former women’s basketball players have gone on to play in the WNBA—Kim Williams ’95, Alisa Burras ’96, Gillian Goring ’05, and Tanisha Smith ’08. Four former men’s basketball players have gone on to play in the NBA—Ron Brewer ’76, Darrell Walker ’80, Maurice Jeffers ’99, and Sonny Weems ’06. Five former baseball players have played in the Major Leagues—Jeff McKnight ’83, Kevin Lomon ’90, Ryan Nye ’93, Aaron Looper ’97, and Craig Gentry ’04.

Pom Squad & Cheerleading Squad UAFS has both Cheerleading and Pom

Squads that support Lion athletics year round. Tryouts for both squads are held during the spring semester. Fall tryouts are held only if necessary. The squads cheer at the home basketball, volleyball, and baseball games, plus a limited number of the away games. For eligibility requirements, contact the Box Office, Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center, room 103.



The University fielded a football team in the 1930s. The team only lasted from 1930-1932. They played some games at home and went on the road for about half of the games. In those early years of the college, basketball, tennis, and golf teams were also formed.



4 - Lion Tradition



Traditions Keeper

In your time as a student at the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith, it will be up to you to make the most of your college years. The following pages show you some of the many traditions at UAFS. Make it your goal to complete as many of these traditions as possible in your time at UAFS and become a Traditions Keeper.

Traditions Keeper, simply complete 26 of the 36 traditions listed in this book. Take a photo of yourself doing the activity, or obtain proof of completing the tradition, and upload it to the To become a

UAFS Student Alumni Association Facebook Fan page.

Upload your photos to w w w . fa cebook. com Tell us on Facebook or e-mail when you have completed all the traditions and you UAFSSAA will be awarded special cords to wear at your UAFS graduation. You will also be recognized at the


commencement ceremony for becoming a UAFS Traditions Keeper.



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Officially become a Lion at New Student Convocation

The UAFS New Student Convocation is a formal ceremony in which administrators, faculty, and students gather to welcome the entire class of new students and their families into the UAFS community. The convocation features music, speeches from current students, alumni, and distinguished faculty members. An incoming freshman is invited to lead the new students in the student pledge. Students are presented to the dean and faculty of the college in which their major resides. The event is followed by a social gathering on the Campus Green.


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Be a part of something special and join the Student Alumni Association The Student Alumni Association (SAA) is your connection to campus traditions, campus fun, and special benefits. Only SAA members receive a 10% discount in the bookstore, and they also get free BEAT t-shirts to wear on game days! The SAA is your direct link to the Alumni Association. Become a member today by filling out the application in the back of this book. You won’t want to miss out!



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Become a part of the family at Cub Camp In its seventh year, Cub Camp is one of the most well-known traditions at UAFS. Freshmen have the opportunity to get acquainted with campus life before the first day of class. You will meet other freshmen, upperclassmen, staff, and faculty members. It’s the perfect jump start to your college experience, and in three days you’ll make memories to last a lifetime. Did you miss out on the fun of Cub Camp as an incoming freshman? Don’t worry, you can still apply to be a counselor for next year!


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Make new friends during Welcome Week Start the fall off right by attending Welcome Week! The week proves to be one of the busiest weeks of the year with events such as Movie on the Green, Casino Night, Tuesday at the Tower, and more. Welcome Week includes free food and giveaways, and it’s a great way to meet new people!



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Show your moves at the Howdy Dance Get rowdy at Howdy! Dress in your western-gear, ride the mechanical bull, chow on some barbecue, and dance the night away! Be one of the first 100 students to attend, and get a free souvenir t-shirt you can wear all year long!


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Eat free & join an organization at the Block Party Learn about all the Recognized Student Organizations and University Support Services while grabbing free food served by UAFS faculty, staff, and administration. Each organization on campus will be in attendance to give you more information about the organization and ways to get involved.



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Paint your face for a Volleyball Game Since its inaugural 1998-99 season, the UAFS volleyball program has continued to make a name for itself as one of the top programs around. The Lady Lions are under direction of thirteen-year head coach Jane Sargent, who is the only coach in the program’s history. Sargent has compiled a 432-89 record during her tenure. Sargent’s Lady Lions have never had a losing season, have won 30 or more matches nine times, and have made six national tournament appearances. So paint your face and join in the winning tradition!


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Show your support at the All-Sports Pep Rally

Celebrate the start of the UAFS Athletic season with introductions of all the student athletes by their coaches and performances from the UAFS Cheer and Pom Squads. There’s tons of free food, and it’s a great way to meet the athletes, show your support, and have lots of fun!



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Join a team and play Intramural Sports Love to play competitive sports, but just for fun? Intramural sports run all year long, and with all the options, there is a sport for you. Intramural sports offered include: Flag Football, Ping Pong, Football Frenzy, 3-on-3 Basketball, 5-on-5 Basketball, Bowling, Dodgeball, Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, Indoor Soccer, Softball, Magic: The Gathering, March Madness, Texas Hold ‘Em, Kickball, Guitar Hero, Outdoor Soccer, and Frisbee Golf. Now get those competitive juices flowing, and sign up for a team!


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Participate in Homecoming Events Cheer on the Lions during this week-long tradition of events, competitions, and Lion Pride! Don’t miss the royalty ceremony where the UAFS Homecoming King and Queen are crowned during a volleyball game. There are endless activities going on all week such as Pie-a-Professor, Cocoa and the Court, Powderpuff, Yell like Hell, and the annual parade. Make sure to clear your calendar!



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Take a photo with our mascot, Numa, on his birthday. Numa, the University’s mascot, was chosen because the male lion in the original Tarzan book in 1912 was named Numa. Numa was also the name of the yearbook until its last publication in 2003. The bronze Numa measures 15 feet in length and weighs approximately 2,000 pounds. Take your photo with Numa at a game or the Bronze Numa at Lion Plaza. We celebrate his birthday each year on April 28.


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Dress up for the Haunted Union This year marks the 10th annual Haunted Union. The event is named “Haunted Union� because it was formerly held in what used to be Fullerton Union, now the Fullerton Administration Building. Participate by volunteering to host a carnival game, scare people in the haunted house, or just come and enjoy the fun when the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center is transformed into the Haunted Union! This event is one of the largest of the year and is open to the public.



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Attend a Lions’ Night Out Need something to do on Friday night? Have a Lions’ Night Out! Watch for Friday night activities hosted by the Student Activities Office both on and off-campus! Events include oncampus dances, off-campus movies, dinners at local restaurants, and other fun activities.


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Get ready for basketball season at Midnight Madness The start of basketball season is a much-anticipated time around the UAFS campus and community. Every mid-October, UAFS celebrates the official start of basketball practice with Midnight Madness, a campus and community event for all ages. Fans and students get the opportunity to meet and greet the men’s and women’s basketball players, get autographs and pictures, watch the teams scrimmage, and participate in various fun games and contests.



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Watch your classmates act in a Theatre @ UAFS Performance Theatre @ UAFS is this area’s only professional-quality theatre training program and production company. Audition for one of the performances and unlock the artist inside you, or just come out and watch your classmates put on a great performance. Theatre @ UAFS puts on nationally award-winning productions each year like our hip-hop-inspired “Aurora” or the cirque-themed “Corrigenda.”


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Rock out at the Battle of the Bands Hear local bands as they battle to be the ultimate winner! Prizes are awarded for 1st place, 2nd place, and crowd favorite. Battle of the Bands is fun entertainment and a great place to listen to different types of music! Enter your band or just come enjoy the magic.



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Join the Blue Crew at a Basketball Game The Lady Lions are under the direction of veteran head coach Louis Whorton, who is beginning his 26th season at UAFS and is the winningest all-time coach in Lady Lions basketball history. The Lady Lions won the 1995 NJCAA national championship and have had four former players drafted by the WNBA. The Lions are under the direction of fifth-year head coach Josh Newman. The Lions won the 1981 and 2006 NJCAA national championships and have had four former players drafted by the NBA. Sit with the Blue Crew student section and cheer on the Lions!


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Brush up on current events during Constitution Week Constitution Week is hosted primarily by the UAFS American Democracy Project. It is held annually the week of September 17 – Constitution Day. Constitution Week activities include the “Let Your Voice Be Heard” forum – an event where students, faculty, staff, and members of the community can give a short speech on the Constitution Week theme (past themes include “Freedom of the Press & You” and “The Right to Vote”). Voter registration drives are also held throughout the week, and students are given the opportunity to express their own thoughts and opinions by submitting responses to issues related to the theme.



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Pick an activity and enjoy the Green The Campus Green is always a top spot for concerts, free food, playing Frisbee, reading, social functions, and even sun-bathing (in warm weather, that is). So pick an activity – university sponsored or not – and enjoy the beautiful Campus Green!


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Give of your talents at Lion Community Outreach Day Lion Community Outreach Day (LCOD) offers a unique opportunity for the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith to give back to the Fort Smith community. This is the Lion way of saying “Thank You� to everyone in our community, not just those in need. Service projects include raking leaves, sorting clothes, washing windows, trimming trees, planting flowers, sorting canned goods, and many more volunteer opportunities at local non-profit agencies. This one-day


service project usually takes place in the spring semester.


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Show your spirit by wearing a Beat T-shirt BEAT t-shirts are exclusive to SAA members and are perfect for game day. You won’t find these shirts in the bookstore though; they are given out before select home games. Get “caught” wearing one around campus on game day, and you could get a cool prize!


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Bundle up and watch the annual Campus Lighting & Season’s Greetings Concert Every year during the holidays the campus is illuminated with thousands of lights. The combined talents of the UAFS music department takes the stage first in the Stubblefield Center; following the concert, head out to the Green for the lighting of the UAFS campus.



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Get your learn on at the Research Symposium At the UAFS Undergraduate Research Symposium, it’s all about the students. Their research is exciting, creative, and cutting-edge. The Symposium is their chance to present research and art in a public forum. Each student’s presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session. The presentations feature lectures, poster presentations, studio art, slideshows, and performing arts from all academic disciplines. UAFS encourages all students involved in research to talk to a faculty sponsor about participating. The event is held each April.


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Think pink at the annual Dig for the Cure, Pink Zone, & Batting for a Cure Games Every year millions of women are affected by breast cancer, and UAFS is one of many college athletic departments throughout the country committed to the campaign for breast cancer awareness. Each year UAFS hosts two such events– a Dig for the Cure volleyball match and a WBCA Pink Zone basketball game – to not only raise breast cancer awareness, but also to raise funds for breast cancer research. Students deck out in pink for these games to support the cause.



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Plan for the future at the Job Fair Career Services hosts five job fairs per year: the fall Health Sciences Job Fair, the fall Career Fair and Grad School Expo, the spring Education Job Fair, the spring Health Sciences Job Fair, and the spring Career Fair. These events provide the opportunity for students to visit with various organizations about employment opportunities and with graduate schools concerning degrees offered and the application process.


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Watch the crowning of Miss UAFS The Miss America System is the largest scholarship foundation for women in the country, and the Miss UAFS Pageant is the first step to Miss America. For the past two years, the Miss UAFS pageant has received the “Local Pageant of the Year” award, topping over 50 other pageants in Arkansas. Last year the Miss UAFS Pageant awarded almost $15,000 in recognitions and scholarships. The contestants do more than win scholarships – they gain poise, presence, and confidence and make many new friends.



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Learn about the world around you at the International Festival The International Festival is an entertaining and educational annual celebration of different cultures. Its purpose is to broaden international perspectives for our students and the community. Booths exhibit items of interest from various countries. Cultural performances and food from various countries are available at the festival. The festival committee is headed by First Lady Janice Beran and includes dozens of students, faculty, staff, and community volunteers.


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Donate Blood at one ot the four Annual Quarterly Blood Drives Donate and be a hero during the four blood drives hosted each year! All donors receive a free UAFS blood drive t-shirt, snacks, and are entered to win door prizes with drawings every thirty minutes! Giving blood is a great way to help others.



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Attend a Season of Entertainment Show This is the Season’s 31st year to bring entertainment to the University and our community. Every year there are a variety of shows to choose from, including Broadway productions, operas, and even student concerts. Tickets are FREE for students! Pick up yours in the Box Office, located in the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center.


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Get your cap and gown at Grad Fest Grad Fest, held each fall and spring, is your one-stop shop for all your graduation preparation needs. It is where you purchase your cap and gown, check for holds that might prevent you from graduating, get resumĂŠ help, sign up for the Alumni Association, and more.



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Bring your lawnchair for a Baseball Game UAFS’s tradition-rich baseball program is under the direction of veteran head coach Dale Harpenau, who will begin his 13th season with the Lions. Harpenau has had more than 30 former Lions go on to sign professional contracts. The Lions play their home games at spacious Crowder Field, which seats about 1,000 fans. Crowder Field is named in honor of former Lions baseball coach Bill Crowder, who won more than 1,000 games during his stellar 33-year coaching career and is an inaugural member of the Lions Hall of Fame.


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Wear your flip flops to the Island Party This end-of-the-year, island-themed bash includes music, inflatables, games, food, door prizes, and much more! It is held in the spring semester on the Green (weather permitting). It’s a great way to celebrate the end of the school year and the coming of warm weather!



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While on vacation, take a Numa with you Going to another country, skiing, or maybe just going to the beach for Spring Break? Take Numa (the small, stuffed version anyway) with you and take a photo! Numa loves to travel!


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Take a study break & attend The Midnight Breakfast Held just before finals, Midnight Breakfast gives you the chance to take a study break and head to the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center for midnight breakfast served by UAFS faculty and staff. Relax with board games, karaoke, prizes, and more.



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Dress in your best for The Numas The NUMAS honor outstanding students, advisors, and organizations who have exemplified exceptional student leadership skills within the context of Recognized Student Organizations. This awards program is considered the showcase for outstanding student leadership. The Chancellor’s Spirit Award is the highest award available for students whose accomplishments reflect the utmost ideals of the university. This honor is bestowed on those students who, by their involvement in student organizations, demonstrate superior leadership, impact oncampus life, and display genuine love and respect for the campus community.


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Attend your last tradition, Big Blue Bash The Student Alumni Association held the 1st Big Blue Bash in honor of our graduates in May 2010. It is an annual event for our graduates and their families held the evening before commencement each May. The purpose of the event is to celebrate the graduates achievements and welcome them into the Alumni Association. There is traditionally good BBQ, live music, and fun activities for all.



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n Info Chapter 5 - Lio


Career Services

The Career Services Center provides UAFS students and graduates with a full range of professional services. The Career Services office also works closely with Student Advisement and Career Planning to ensure that your career goals and academic course selections are coordinated as much as possible. Our professionals and trained student paraprofessionals all work to advise you on a variety of areas such as:

• Finding Co-ops, Internships, Volunteer, or Summer Opportunities

• Full-time Jobs

• Part-time Jobs

• Resumé and Cover Letter Writing

• Interviewing Skills

• Job Search Strategies

For more information contact Career Services at 479-788-7017 or visit their office on the second floor of the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center.


Alumni Association The University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Alumni Association is the best way to stay in touch with your alma mater, former classmates, friends, and professors. Sound irrelevant to you now? It’s not. It’s never too early to get connected to the Alumni Association and you can do that as a student through the Student Alumni Association (SAA). The Alumni Association helps the University communicate with close to 45,000 alumni, provides programs and services, and encourages alumni to support and strengthen the institution. Just like with the Student Alumni Association, when you graduate we will not ask you to pay dues. We just want you to stay connected. The association has a variety of Young Alumni programs designed specifically with our recent graduates in mind. That means we are here to serve you even after you receive that diploma!


Membership Form Student Alumni Association Requirement: Members must attend one SAA meeting and volunteer at a minimum of one event per semester. (Really‌that’s it!)

Name: Student ID #: E-mail: Cell #: T-shirt size: Expected Year of Graduation: Major:

JOIN NOW! Come to an event and sign up, register online at, or return this application to the UAFS Alumni Association: Student Alumni Association c/o Katie Kratzberg PO Box 3649 Fullerton Administration 202 Fort Smith, AR 72913-3649 Fax: (479) 424-6241


2011-2012 Student Alumni Association Board of Directors

Magaly Centeno ’12 President

Lexi Baker ’14 VP Managment

Stephanie Martinez ’14 VP Commnications

Mohamed Zonfuly ’14 VP Programming

Danielle Spillers ’12 VP Traditions

Katie Garcia ’12 VP Seniors

David Norwood ’12 VP Marketing

Caitlyn Spears ’12 VP Volunteers


Important Campus Phone Numbers


All numbers begin with (479)-788-XXXX. Admissions 7120

Police – Non Emergency


Advisement 7400

Police – Emergency


Alumni Affairs

Provost/Academic Affairs



Athletics 7590

Records/Registrar 7230

Bookstore 7320

Sebastian Commons


Box Office


Student Activities


Career Services


Student ADA Services


Cashier 7060

Student Health Clinic


Counseling Clinic


Student Senate


Dean of Students


Testing Center


Dental Clinic


Tutoring 7675

Dining Services


Welcome Center

Financial Aid


Fitness Center


College of Applied Science & Technology 7783

Help Desk


College of Business


Information Desk


College of Education


LAC 7675

College of Health Sciences


Library 7200

College of Humanities & Social Sciences 7430

Lion’s Den North


College of Languages & Communication 7290

Lion’s Den South


Maintenance 7170

College of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics


Non-traditional Students


College Preparatory


Plant Operations



Records Academic Calendar 2011-2012 AUGUST 2011 S M T W T F S

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30


SEPTEMBER 2011 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

August 2011 R/F 18-19 University Days F 19 Last Day to Drop/100% Refund (in person) U 21 Last Day to Drop/100% Refund (by web) U 21 New Student Convocation M 22 Fall Classes Begin F 26 Last Day to Drop/75% F 26 Last Day to Change from Credit to Audit T 30 Fall Tuition/Fees Due


25 26 27 28 29 30


September 2011

2 Last Day to Drop/50% Refund 5 No Classes/Offices Closed (Labor Day) 6 ADHE Census Date 7 Instructor signature required to drop a course 12 Last Day to Drop/25% Refund

October 2011 OCTOBER 2011 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 23 30

10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31

W 19

Mid-Term Grades Due

November 2011 F 11 Last Day to Drop with "W" (Full Term) W 23 Fall Break - No Classes/ Offices Open R-U 24-27 Holiday (Thanksgiving)

December 2011

T 6 Last Day of Classes W-T 7-13 Final Exam Week W 14 Commencement F 16 Final Grades for Fall Due to 1 2 3 4 5 Records by Noon M 19 Fall Grades Available on LionsLink 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 F-S 23-31 Offices Closed (Holidays) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NOVEMBER 2011 S M T W T F S

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

January 2012

April 2012 F

6 Last Day to Drop with "W" (Full Term) F 13 Faculty Appreciation / Undergraduate Research Symposium - No Classes/ Offices Open F 27 Last Day of Classes S-M 28-30 Final Exam Week

May 2012 T-F S M T R F F M M T T

1-4 Final Exam Week 5 Commencement 7 Maymester Classes Begin 8 Final Grades for Spring Due to Records by Noon 10 Spring Grades Available on LionsLink 25 Last Day of Maymester Term 25 Last Day to Drop Summer I/ 100% Refund (in person) 28 Last Day to Drop Summer I/ 100% Refund (by web) 28 No Classes, Offices Closed (Memorial Day) 29 Summer I Classes Begin 29 Final Grades for Maymester Due to Records by Noon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31




8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

MARCH 2012 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

APRIL 2012 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

4 Last Day to Drop Summer I/50% Refund T 5 ADHE Census Date T 5 Summer I Tuition/Fees Due F 22 Last Day to Drop with "W" (Summer I 5-weeks) R 28 Last Day of Summer I (5 week courses) F 29 Last Day to Drop Summer II/ 100% Refund (in person)

29 30


MAY 2012 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


March 2012 W 7 Mid-Term Grades Due M-U 19-25 Spring Break - No Classes/ Offices Open F 23 Offices Closed (Washington/Bates Birthdays)

1 2 3 4

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

June 2012

27 28 29 30

U-M 1-2 Offices Closed (Holidays) F 6 University Day F 6 Last Day to Drop/100% Refund (in person) DECEMBER 2011 U 8 Last Day to Drop/100% Refund (by web) S M T W T F S 9 Spring Classes Begin 1 2 3 M F 13 Last Day to Drop /75% Refund 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F 13 Last Day to Change from Credit 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 to Audit M 16 No Classes/Offices Closed 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (Martin Luther King Day) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 T 17 Spring Tuition/Fees Due M 23 Last Day to Drop/50% Refund T 24 ADHE Census Date W 25 Instructor signature required JANUARY 2012 to drop a course S M T W T F S M 30 Last Day to Drop/25% Refund


July 2012

1 Last Day to Drop Summer II/ 100% Refund (by web) 2 Summer II Classes Begin 3 Final Grades for Summer I (5 weeks) Due to Records by Noon 4 No Classes/Offices Closed (Independence Holiday) 9 Last Day to Drop Summer II/50% Refund 10 ADHE Census Date 10 Summer II Tuition/Fees Due 20 Last Day to Drop with "W" (Summer I - 10 weeks) 27 Last Day to Drop with "W" (Summer II - 5 weeks)

August 2012 R T

2 Last day of Summer II and Summer I (10 weeks) 7 Final Grades for Summer II and Summer I (10 weeks) Due to Records by Noon

JUNE 2012 S M T W T F S 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

JULY 2012 S M T W T F S 1

2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Rev. 04-07-10

Note: All dates are subject to change. Check the campus calendar at for the most up-to-date events and activities.


Special Thanks

Special thanks to all who contributed in the compilation of this Traditions Book. Without your help, this project would have never been possible. Dr. Paul B. Beran

Kerri Hughes

Dr. Ray Wallace

Beth Presley

Dr. Marta Loyd

Jonathan Gipson

Dr. Lee Krehbiel

Stacey Jones

Elizabeth Underwood

Don Bailey

Katie Kratzberg

Alex Snowden

Zack Thomas

Takeo Suzuki

Danielle Spillers

Ron Orick

Stephanie London

University Marketing and Communications






9 th













N 51 st

















rd N 53

76 F1


















Library Expans ion
















Baldor Technology Center

Ballman-Speer Building


Breedlove Building

Business & Industrial Institute





Location Code

Bike Rack

Fort Smith Transit Bus Stop

Police Call Station

Parking Lot


Finance, Payroll & Accounting Procurement Office

5210 Grand Avenue PO Box 3649 Fort Smith, AR 72913-3649 888-512-5466 479-788-7000 /uafortsmith

Dean, College of Business Center for Business Research & Economic Development David L. Bond Conference Room Family Enterprise Center (FEC) Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (IEC) Latture Conference Center

Business Center


Auditorium Music Theatre

Library Services

Boreham Library


Art Speech

Dean, College of Applied Science & Technology Western Arkansas Technical Center (WATC) Engineering Information Technology

Athletic Field



University Police Department Leadership Fort Smith ROTC

AN 51st Annex Greek Life


Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center

Echols Building


Center for Business & Professional Development College of Business

Flanders Business Center


Academy of the Arts Conference Center Pre-school Education

Donald W. Reynolds Plaza, Tower & Campus Green

Crowder Field



Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus & Community Events Dean, Enrollment Management Admissions Advisement Board Room Box Office Campus Activities Board (CAB) Career Services Cashier Dining Services/Food Court Enrollment Management Financial Aid Greek Life Intramurals Lions Bookstore Office of Non-Traditional Students Records/Registrar Reynolds Room Student Activities Student Senate Testing Center Welcome Center


Lion’s Den

Kinkead Annex

Math Science Building

Dean, College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Dean, College of Education


LP Lion Plaza

Residence Hall North Hall ba South Hall c Dining Hall



Center for Lifelong Learning Alumni Association

Holt Building



Dean, College of Health Sciences Dental Hygiene Clinic Powell Student Health Clinic UAFS Counseling Clinic

Health Education Center/Fitness Center

Pendergraft Health Sciences Center

Gymnasium/Field House



Technology Support Social Sciences

Gardner Building


Fullerton Administration Building


Chancellor Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor Vice Chancellor for Finance Vice Chancellor for Operations Vice Chancellor for University Advancement Vice Chancellor for University Relations Alumni Association Human Resources Institutional Effectiveness Marketing & Communications Public Relations University Foundation


Plant Operations

Sebastian Commons

Vines Building

Stubblefield Center

Dean, College of Humanities & Social Sciences Dean, College of Languages & Communication Dean of Student Success Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership College Preparatory Criminal Justice Document Services/Duplication Gordon Kelley Academic Success Center History International Relations Philosophy Psychology Student ADA Services Upward Bound World Languages



Athletics Athletic Club

Student Apartments a Bronson b Callaway c Donoho d Furr e Hanna f Long g Orr h Wortz


Building Maintenance Custodial Services Grounds Motor Pool Plant Operations Administrative Offices Shipping & Receiving Telecommunications Services


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