Orion 24

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Der weit überwiegende Anteil der in diesem Katalog enthaltenen Modelle wird zur Gänze in Österreich von der ORION Leuchtenfabrik erzeugt.

Most of the products shown in this catalogue are entirely made in Austria by ORION, Vienna

Inhaltsverzeichnis / Summary

Einleitung / Introduction

Serien / Series

Leitbild – Vision / Our Guiding Light – Vision

Leuchtende Leidenschaft

ORION steht für Qualität, Eleganz und Nachhaltigkeit.

Wir verbinden die Kreativität unserer Designer und die österreichische Handwerkskunst zu Produkten, die in der ganzen Welt Anerkennung finden.

Dabei sind uns nicht nur die besten Materialien und Techniken für unsere Produkte wichtig, sondern auch die Wertschätzung für unsere MitarbeiterInnen. Mit einem Exportanteil von 80 Prozent ist ORION international ausgerichtet und trägt als stabiles Unternehmen zur Sicherung österreichischer Arbeitsplätze bei.

Hochwertige Materialien, professionelle Verarbeitung, unsere spezielle Oberflächenveredelung und Langlebigkeit kennzeichnen unsere handgefertigten Originale. Mit Zertifikat.


Geprüfte Produktion

Wir garantieren gleichbleibend hohe Qualität unserer Produkte. Unser Qualitätsmanagementsystem ist TÜVgeprüft und wurde mit dem internationalen Zertifikat ISO 9001:2000 bestätigt.

Ausgezeichnete Leistungen

Im Jahr 2000 verlieh Bundesminister für Arbeit und Wirtschaft, Martin Bartenstein, die Berechtigung zur Führung des Österreichischen Staatswappens an ORION. Er ehrte damit die langjährigen Leistungen aller Familienmitglieder sowie der gesamten Belegschaft.

Staatliche Anerkennung für Ausbildungsplätze

Für jahrzehntelange Verdienste um die Ausbildung von Lehrlingen in den unterschiedlichsten Lehrberufen verlieh Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Martin Bartenstein, ORION 2007 die Staatliche Auszeichnung

ORION stands for quality, elegance and sustainability. We combine the inspiration of our designers with artisan Austrian craftsmanship to create products respected throughout the world.

For us, it is not just the best materials and production techniques that matter. But also, the sincere appreciation for our employees and their highly skilled craftsmanship. ORION has a strong international orientation with an export share of 80% – a solid business contributing to job security at our home base Austria.

High quality materials, professional workmanship, our unique surface finishing and durability – the hallmarks of our handcrafted Originals. Certified.

Illuminating passion Awards

Certified production

We guarantee the consistent high quality of our products. Our quality management system is TÜV-certified and approved by the international certificate ISO 9001:2000.

Awards received

ORION was awarded the license to carry the coat of arms of Austria by the Federal Minister for Labor and Economy, Martin Bartenstein, in the year 2000. It honors the long-term achievements of all family members and employees.

National Award for Vocational Training

ORION received the National Award for decades of merit in vocational training programs from the Federal Minister for Labor and Economy, Martin Bartenstein, in the year 2007.


Eine österreichische Erfolgsgeschichte

ORION Leuchten ist ein österreichisches Familienunternehmen in der dritten Generation. Seit der Gründung 1948 fertigt ORION hochwertige Luster und Leuchten für den Wohn- und Objektbereich. Heute beschäftigen wir über 250 MitarbeiterInnen und verfügen über ein weltweites Netzwerk an Händlern und Partnern.

1948: Gründung des Einzelhandelunternehmens „Rudolf Molecz, Handelsvertretung Elektrowaren und -Material“ in Wien Simmering. Ursprünglich als Elektroteilhandel konzipiert, beginnen die Mitarbeiter bald, Leuchten in Handarbeit zu fertigen. Die Erzeugnisse erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit und Rudolf Molecz erweitert die Produktion um kleinere Maschinen.

1953: Das Unternehmen übersiedelt nach Wien Favoriten. Um das wachsende Sortiment präsentieren zu können, werden nach kurzer Zeit Flächen für Schauräume zugekauft. Sohn Leopold steigt offiziell in das Geschäft ein und das Unternehmen wird in die „Rudolf Molecz & Sohn OHG“ umgewandelt.

1959: Die Familie Molecz erwirbt die Gewerbeberechtigung zur fabrikmäßigen Erzeugung von Beleuchtungskörpern und errichtet in Wien-Oberlaa eine Fabrik. Weitere Leuchtenmodelle werden ins Programm genommen und Eigenentwicklungen patentrechtlich geschützt.

1969: Leopold Molecz etablierte in Wien-Neubau das „Leuchtenzentrum“ – Europas größtes repräsentatives Leuchtenfachgeschäft mit 2000 m2 Schaufläche.

1973: Die Leuchtenfabrik wird durch eine Galvanik-Abteilung erweitert. Oberflächen werden fortan durch eine eigens entwickelte Art veredelt und behalten ihren Glanz für lange Zeit. Handelsbeziehungen zum Ausland werden aufgebaut und es beginnt der florierende Export. Erste Messen führen nach Budapest und Moskau – viele weitere sollen folgen.

1975: Nach einer äußerst erfolgreichen Produktserie ändert die Familie den Firmennamen auf „ORION Leuchten“ und trennt den Produktions- und Handelsbereich.

1976: Die Söhne Peter und Paul treten in das Unternehmen ein – 1982 folgt Sohn Michael. Zug um Zug werden ORION-Lichthäuser in Österreich eröffnet. Das Unternehmen etabliert sich zum Familienbetrieb.

1984: ORION Leuchten eröffnet das Zentrallager, dem auch die Exportabteilung angeschlossen ist. Peter Molecz übernimmt in leitender Funktion die Produktion, Michael den Einkauf und Paul den Export, der bereits weltweit ausgebaut ist.

1985: Der Exportbereich wird durch Projektarbeiten erweitert. In Zusammenarbeit mit Architekten realisiert ORION Sonderanfertigungen von Großleuchten sowie ganze Ausstattungen von Palästen und Hotelketten.

1990: Die ORION-Exportländer werden durch die jungen Demokratien der Reformstaaten in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Russland und die GUS-Region erweitert.

1994: Gründung der Niederlassungen in Budapest und 1997 in Prag.

2000: Martin Bartenstein, Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, verleiht ORION für Verdienste um die Wirtschaft des Landes das Österreichische Staatswappen und ehrt damit die Leistungen aller Familienmitglieder sowie der gesamten Belegschaft. Das Qualitätsmanagementsystem von ORION wird durch das internationale Zertifikat ISO 9001:2000 bestätigt.

2002: Eröffnung des Lichthauses ORION Licht Nord in Gerasdorf bei Wien.

2005: Gründung einer Niederlassung in Bratislava.

2006: Das Wirtschaftsministerium würdigte das Familienunternehmen mit der Auszeichnung als hervorragender Ausbildungsbetrieb; seit 1950 hatten hunderte Jugendliche bei ORION erfolgreich Ihre Lehre absolviert. In demselben Jahr tritt die nun bereits vierte Familiengeneration – Florian und Bastian Molecz –in das Unternehmen ein.

2009: Eröffnung eines neuen Lichthauses in Graz.

2011: Eröffnung eines zweiten Lichthauses in Prag Ruzyne.

2012: Im März 2012 bekommt Leopold Molecz aufgrund seiner außergewöhnlichen Leistungen für die österreichische Wirtschaft den Titel Kommerzialrat verliehen.

2014: Österreichische Handwerkskunst ist in Asien hoch in Mode: Ab 2014 gewinnen die fernostasiatischen Länder an Bedeutung in der Exportstruktur von Orion.

2015: Unternehmensübergabe an die 3. Generation: Peter, Paul und Michael Molecz, die seit 1987 in der Geschäftsleitung erfolgreich tätig sind.

Was 1948 mit einer Handelsvertretung begann, präsentiert sich heute als modernes, österreichisches Familienunternehmen, das mit weltweiter Anerkennung qualitativ hochwertige Leuchten aller Stilrichtungen produziert.

Orion‘s History

An Austrian success story

ORION Leuchten is a third-generation Austrian family business that has been producing high-quality chandeliers and lighting for residential and commercial properties since it was founded in 1948. Today we have over 250 employees and a global network of distributors and partners.

1948: Founding of retail business “Rudolf Molecz – Sales Agent Electronic Devices and Materials” in Vienna Simmering. Originally intended as an electronic parts retailer, the employees soon start manufacturing hand-crafted lighting. The products quickly are in high demand and Rudolf Molecz extends production to small machinery.

1953: The company moves to Vienna Favoriten. For presenting the growing product range, additional surfaces are acquired to build show rooms. Son Leopold officially joins the company which is re-named to “Rudolf Molecz & Sohn OHG”.

1959: The Molecz family acquires the business license for industrial lighting production and builds a factory in Vienna-Oberlaa. The range of lighting models is extended and in-house developments are patented.

1969: Leopold Molecz establishes a showroom “Lighting Center” in Vienna Neubau – the largest, most distinguished lighting retailer at that time in Europe.

1973: The lighting factory is expanded by an electroplating department. Surfaces now receive a uniquely developed finishing that lets them retain their shine over a long period of time. Trade relations abroad are established and prosperous export begins. First trade fair visits lead to Budapest and Moscow – many more follow.

1975: In honor of a particularly successful product series the family changes the company name to “ORION Lighting”, sub-dividing it into branches for production and retail.

1976: The third generation joins the company: first Leopold Molecz‘s sons Peter – followed by their brother Michael in 1982. Step by step ORION lighting showrooms are opened throughout Austria. (The company – in the true sense of the word – turns into a family business.)

1984: ORION Lighting opens its main distribution center with the export department attached to it. Peter Molecz takes on the management of production, Michael of purchasing and Paul of export, which has already expanded worldwide.

1985: Export is driven by taking on special projects. In cooperation with architects ORION develops and manufactures special orders for large scale lighting projects as well as complete lighting equipment for palaces and hotel chains.

1990: ORION extends its export countries to the new democracies in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and the CIS-countries.

1994: Founding of branches in Budapest (Hungary) and 1997 in Prague (Czech Republic).

2000: ORION is awarded the license to carry the Austrian coat of arms by the Ministry for Economics and Labor, for long-term outstanding achievements for the Austrian economy from all family members and the company’s entire workforce. ORION’s quality management system receives the international certificate ISO 9001:2000 confirmation.

2002: Opening of new store in Gerasdorf near Vienna: ORION Licht Nord

2005: Opening of a new store in Bratislava.

2006: Austria’s Labor Ministry honors ORIONs commitment to high quality vocational training with its National Award. Since 1950 hundreds of young people have successfully completed their apprenticeship at Orion, becoming highly skilled craftsmen and -women. The fourth generation of the Molecz family – Florian and Bastian – join the company.

2009: Opening of a new Orion Showroom in Graz.

2011: Opening of a second Orion Showroom in Prag Ruzyne.

2012: Leopold Molecz receives the honorary title “Kommerzialrat” (Councilor of Commerce) for his outstanding achievements for Austria’s economy.

2014: Austrian artisan craftsmanship is held in high esteem in Asia: Far Eastern countries gain increasing importance in Orion’s export structure.

2015: The third generation takes on business leadership: Peter, Paul and Michael Molecz, all successful members in Orion’s management since 1987.

What started out in 1948 as a simple sales agent has grown into a modern, Austrian family owned-business producing world renowned high quality lighting in all styles


Qualität für höchste Ansprüche

„Design by ORION“ Leuchten werden fast ausschließlich in der ORION Leuchtenfabrik in Wien Liesing hergestellt. Hier wird österreichisches Kunsthandwerk mit automatisierter Serienfertigung kundenorientiert verbunden. Jede Leuchte durchläuft mehrere Produktionsschritte: von der Entwicklung des Designs, über die Verarbeitung der Rohmaterialien bis zum Zusammenfügen der einzelnen Komponenten und der abschließenden Kontrolle.

Entwicklung & Design: Am Anfang war der Plan Die Geschichte jeder einzelnen ORION-Leuchte beginnt schon vor der Fertigung. Denn zuerst braucht es einen Bauplan. Dieser wird im Hause von der Idee über die Konzeption bis zum fertigen „Design by ORION“ ausgefeilt. Ein Musterstück der neuen Leuchte wird angefertigt und kritisch beäugt. Wenn es den Anforderungen von ORION entspricht, darf es entweder als Produktserie in Produktion gehen oder wird als Lösung für ein Projekt erzeugt.

Arbeitsvorbereitung: Und es wurde eine Liste

Für jede Leuchte muss im nächsten Schritt eine so genannte Stückliste erstellt werden. Das ist im Wesentlichen eine Checklist, die sämtliche Teile einer Leuchte beinhaltet. Sobald die für ein einzelnes Modell erhältlich ist, kann der eigentliche Arbeitsauftrag bearbeitet werden. Dazu werden sämtliche benötigten Materialien kommissioniert und die einzelnen Abteilungen mit ihrem jeweils benötigtem Material versorgt.

Grundmaterial: Eine hochwertige Basis

Die Basis der meisten Leuchten aus dem Hause ORION besteht aus Messing, also einer Legierung aus Kupfer und Zink. Um über viele Jahre den gleichen hohen Qualitätsstandard zu bieten, sind wir darum bemüht, das Messing stets von den gleichen Produzenten zu beziehen. Aktuell sind das Hersteller vorwiegend aus Deutschland. Messing als Grundmaterial ist höherwertig als Eisen, weil es rostfrei und damit besonders langlebig ist. Diese Qualität hat aber auch ihren Preis: Messing ist sowohl teurer, als auch aufwändiger in der Bearbeitung als Eisen.

Werkstätte: Präzision aus dem Handgelenk

Galvanik & Lackiererei: Farbe bekennen

Sind die Bauteile einmal sauber, dürfen sie in der vollautomatisierten Galvanikabteilung ein Bad nehmen – und den schönen Gold- oder Chromglanz anlegen, für den die Leuchten von ORION geschätzt werden. Oberflächen, wie „Patina“ oder „Bronze“ werden danach nochmals per Hand schattiert, um Ihr charakteristisches Schliffbild zu erhalten. Danach erhalten die Materialien Ihre letzte Oberflächenbehandlung in der Lackiererei, wo alle Teile mit einem Schutzlack überzogen werden, der anschließend in Öfen bei ca. 120 Grad Celsius gehärtet wird. Bei ORION kommt ein elektrostatisches Lackierverfahren zur Anwendung. Danach wird jedes Stück separat einer erneuten strengen Kontrolle unterzogen. Übrigens: Sowohl in der Entfettung als auch in der Galvanik entstehen mit Schadstoffen belastete Abwässer. Um die Vorgänge in der Leuchtenfabrik maximal umweltfreundlich zu gestalten, verfügt das ORION Werk über seine eigene Kläranlage , wo alle entstehenden Abwässer wieder aufbereitet werden, bevor sie dem Kreislauf ein weiteres Mal zugeführt werden. Eine weitere Besonderheit von ORION.

Montage: Komplexe Handarbeit

Das Rohmaterial unserer Leuchten kommt zunächst in die Werkstatt. Durch verschiedene Bearbeitungsmethoden erhalten die einzelnen Teile ihre Grundform: Stanzen in der Druckpresse, Trennen, Bohren, Biegen, Löten, Fräsen und auch Einschneiden von Gewinden. Die WerkstattmitarbeiterInnen kontrollieren jedes Teil sorgfältig, bevor es in die Oberflächenabteilungen wandert.

Schleiferei & Putzerei: Der erste Schliff Dort angekommen müssen die Teile zuerst mechanisch behandelt werden. Kleinere Bestandteile der Leuchten verlieren in Kugelpoliermaschinen ihre ungewollten Ecken und Kanten, größere müssen in der Schleiferei manuell Stück für Stück behandelt werden. Im nächsten Schritt werden die Teile entfettet und chemisch gesäubert, um sämtliche Rückstände für die edle ORION Oberflächenbehandlung zu beseitigen.

In der Montageabteilung bzw. auch in Heimarbeit werden die einzelnen Teile zu kompletten Beleuchtungskörpern zusammengebaut. Dabei herrscht das „One on One“-Prinzip: Alle Bestandteile einer ORION Leuchte werden von dem/der gleichen MontagemitarbeiterIn zusammengesetzt: Vom Ketteln des Kristallbehangs übers Zusammenschrauben des Grundgestells bis zur Zusammenstellung der fertigen Leuchtenkomposition. Dadurch werden Fehlerquellen vermieden und unser hohes Qualitätsniveau erreicht. Besonders bei der Montage von Kristalllustern ist eine immense Fingerfertigkeit erforderlich.

Endkontrolle & Verpackung: Geprüfte Qualität, für weltweiten Transport verpackt

Sobald eine Leuchte aus dem Programm von „Design by ORION“ fertiggestellt ist, muss sie noch weitere Tests bestehen: einen optischen, ob die Leuchte korrekt zusammengestellt ist und vor allem, ob die Oberfläche der fertigen Leuchte makellos ist, und einen elektrischen Test, bei der die Leuchte auf Funktionstüchtigkeit überprüft wird. Erstserien müssen zusätzlich noch ins Labor zur Zertifizierung. Wenn die ORION-Leuchte sämtliche Tests positiv durchlaufen hat, kann sie verpackt und weiter ins Zentrallager geschickt werden, von wo sie ihre Reise an ihren Bestimmungsort antritt.


Quality meeting highest standards

“Design by ORION” lighting is manufactured almost exclusively in the ORION light factory in the Liesing district of Vienna, combining Austrian craftsmanship with automated, customerfocused series production. Every light goes through a number of production stages, from design development to the raw materials processing through to the assembly of individual components and final inspection.

Development & Design: Everything starts with a plan …

The story of each ORION-light begins long before production. It starts with a blueprint of the construction – meticulously developed from the idea over the production concept to the final “Design by ORION”. A sample item of each new light is made and critically studied. If it meets ORION’s demands, then it either turns into a product series or is manufactured as resolution of a special project.

Process Planning: … which turns into a check-list

A so-called itemized check-list is compiled for every light, containing all its components. As soon as it is available for every light model the actual manufacturing order can be processed. All necessary materials order picked and the individual departments supplied with them.

Basic Materials: A premium quality foundation

Most ORION lights have a base made of brass, an alloy of copper and zinc. To maintain identical high quality standards over the course of many years, we endeavor to obtain all brass from the same producers. Currently these are mainly manufacturers in Germany. Brass as basic material is superior to iron, as it is stainless and thus of high durability. This quality comes at a price – not only is brass more expensive, but also more demanding in workmanship.

Workshop: Precision (every step of the way)

The raw materials for our lights first enter the workshop. Using various processing methods, the individual components receive their basic form: Blanking in the pressure press, disconnecting, drilling, bending, soldering, milling and cutting threads. The workshop employees carefully control every piece before it moves on to the surface finishing departments.

Grinding and cleaning shops: The first polish

On arrival, the components are first treated mechanically. Smaller light components lose their rough edges in steel ball polishing machines; large ones are manually ground piece by piece. In the next step the parts are degreased and chemically cleaned to eliminate any residue before the premium ORION finishing.

Electroplating and paint shop: True colors

As soon as the components are clean, they “take a bath” in the fully automated electroplating department – to receive the fine gold- or chrome-shine the ORION lights are admired for. Surfaces

such as “Bronze” or “Patina” are hand-shaded afterwards to obtain their characteristic micro-sectioning. Afterwards the components receive their final finish in the paint shop, where all parts are covered in a protective varnish which is then case-hardened in ovens at app. 120° degrees Celsius. ORION uses an electro-static paint procedure. Once more every component separately undergoes yet another a strict quality control. Incidentally: Degreasing as well as electroplating create polluted industrial sewage. For all procedures in the lighting factory to be as environmentally friendly as possible, the ORION factory has its own purification plant in which all sewage is treated before it re-enters the cycle of use. Another ORION specialty. For us ORION quality means also conserving the quality of our environment.

Assembly: Complex hand-craft

The individual components are assembled to completed lighting fixtures in the assembly department respectively in homework. We work with the “one on one” principle: All components of one ORION light are assembled by one assembly worker: From linking the crystal hangings over screwing together the basic frame to arranging the final lighting composition. This helps avoid error sources and lets us reach our superior quality level. The assembly of crystal chandeliers for instance requires an incredible amount of skilled handiwork.

Final Inspection& Packaging: Tested quality, packaged for worldwide shipping

As soon as a light from the “Design by ORION”-series is finished, it must undergo further testing: a visual test whether the light has been assembled correctly and particularly whether the finishing is immaculate, an electric test checking the functioning of the light. First series also go to the laboratory for certification. If ORION lights have passed all tests, they are packaged, sent to the distribution center and from there they go on the journey to their final destination.

Referenzliste / List of References

Qualität ist grenzenlos

ORION Produkte zieren Objekte rund um den Globus. In unserer Referenzliste finden Sie eine Auflistung der bereits durchgeführten Projekte weltweit.

Best quality for a global market

ORION products grace sites all over the globe. In our list of references, you will find completed projects worldwide.


Hotel Resort „TE Stella“, Tirana


Cathedral in Etschmiastin, Armenia.

Hotel Russia, Tsakhkadzor

Hotel Jermuk-Health Spa, Jermuk

Private Residences and Villas, Erevan and territory


Embassy of Austria, Canberra


Historical Restaurant

„Wiener Rathauskeller“, City Hall/Vienna

Jewish Synagogue, Vienna

Ministry of Justice, Vienna

Ministry of Defense/Officers’ Casino, Vienna

Embassy of the Republic of Armenia, Vienna

Embassy of the Republic of Azerbajan, Vienna

Embassy of the Republic of Kazachstan, Vienna

Embassy of the Republic of Namibia, Vienna

Consulate of the Republic of Turkey

Private Residence of EU Commissioner,

Dr. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Baden

Cistercian Abbey, Heiligenkreuz

Catholic Church Atzgersdorf, Vienna

Azerbajan Institut of Culture, Vienna

VIP-Villa, Tennis Champion Thomas Muster, Leibnitz

VIP-Residence, Dechantskirchen

Vienna Business School, Vienna-Centre

Public Senior Residences, Vienna

VIP areas, public spas, Vienna

Hotel „Kaiserin Elisabeth“, Vienna

Hotel Sheraton, Salzburg

Wine-Castle and Complex Thaller, Großwilfersdorf

Model-Houses „Blue Lagune“, Vienna and Wr. Neudorf

Hotel Raxalpen-Berggasthof Kleinau, Reichenau/Rax

Hotel Steirerhof, Bad Waltersdorf

Thermal Hotel Paierl, Bad Walterdorf

Bio Thermal Hotel Wilfinger, Bad Waltersdorf

Hotel Steigenberger, Bad Waltersdorf

Hotel Kummer, Vienna

Hotel Ambassador, Vienna

Hotel Wandl, Vienna

Hotel Stefanie, Vienna

Hotel Schloss Wilhelminenberg, Vienna

Hotel Bellevue, Vienna

Hotel Vienna (2nd district), Vienna

Hotel Urania, Vienna

Hotel Kavalier, Vienna

Hotel Aero Tower, Vienna

Hotel Artis Tower, Vienna

Hotel Austria, Vienna

Hotel Plaza, Vienna

Trend Hotel, Vienna

Hans Moser Villa, Vienna

Hotel Holiday Inn, Salzburg

Austrotel Innsbruck

Hotel Mariandl, Spitz/Donau

Maria Theresienhof, Therme Loipersdorf

Hotel am Sachsengang, Groß Enzersdorf

Reiter’s Avance Hotel, Bad Tatzmannsdorf

Hotel Superior 5*, Bad Tatzmanndorf

Hotel Prechtlhof, Althofen

Hotel-Gasthof Moser, Weissensee

Hotel Post, Velden am Wörthersee

Strandhotel Marolt, St. Kanzian/Klopeinersee

Referenzliste / List of References

Hotel Amerika-Holzer, Klopein/Klopeinersee

Hotel Forelle, Millstatt, Millstättersee

Alpengasthof Hochegger, Klippitzthörl

Hotel-Gasthof Rössle, Galtür

Hotel Kögl, Atzenbrugg

Hotel Safenhof, Waltersdorf

Hotel Sorgerhof, Frauental

Hotel Krutzler, Heiligenbrunn

Seehotel Herlinde, Podersdorf

Schlössl Hotel Kindl, Bad Gleichenberg

Hotel Romantikhof, Hörmsdorf

Hotel-Gasthof Loibl, Gloggnitz

Buddha Bar, Graz

Coffee House Ascot, Vienna

Hotel and Restaurant Mörwald, Grafenegg

Luxury Jewellery, Kitzbühel

Hotel zur Alten Post, Leibnitz

Private Residences of Songwriter & Singer, Andreas Gabalier, Graz

Private Residences of Artist and Singer, Nick P., Salzburg

Weingut Knöbl, Hartberg

Ballonhotel Thaler, Hofkirchen-Stubenberg

Schloss Thalheim, Thalheim

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vienna

Hotel Strudlhof, Vienna

Hotel Europa, Graz

Parkhotel Florian, Graz

Hotel Burgenland, Eisenstadt

Thermenhotel 4-Jahreszeiten, Loipersdorf

Hotel Wende, Neusiedl/See Hotel Forelle, Millstadt

Hotel Brücklwirt, Niklasdorf

Cafe-Restaurant Mozart, Vienna

Restaurant Sahara, Vienna

ÖAMTC-Main Office, Vienna

Students‘ Residence Complex „The Fizz“, Vienna-Dresdnerstrasse

Private Luxury Penthouses, Vienna City

Hotel-Gasthof Schmid, Mörbisch


Partial Complexes of Residences of H.E., the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Private Villa, Baku, Azerbaijan

Restaurant Ritz, Baku

Coffee House „City“, Baku

Belarus (Weissrussland)

Agro-touristic village Nanosi, Minsk

Central Universal Magasin Tsum, Minsk

Princess Hotel, Minsk

Sanatorium Belorusochka, Minsk

Hotel Planeta, Minsk

Hotel Orbita, Minsk

Hotel Grani, Minsk

Catholic Cathedral, Lepel

Native Museum, Grodno

Austrian Embassy, Minsk


Residence of H.E., the Ambassador of the U.A.E. in Belgium, Brussels

Austrian Embassy, Brussels (Residence)

Vladicin Dom/Bischofssitz, Banja Luka

Temple of the Holy Peter and Paul, Banja Luka

Monastery, Krupa na Vrbasu

University of Business, Engeneering and Marketing, Banja Luka

Hotel Kaldera, Banja Luka

City Hall, Laktasi

Embassy of Qatar, Sarajevo

Embassy of Sweden, Sarajevo

Embassy of Switzerland, Sarajevo

Hotel Terme, Ilidza

Coffee House Imerijal, Sarajevo

Hotel Central, Saraewo

Business Complex Avaz, Sarajevo

PIM University, Banja Luka

Hotel Dinara, Livno

Hotel San Laktasi, Laktasi

Klub Casino Astra, Novigrad

Klub Casino Astra, Prijedor

Klub Casino Astra, Modrica

Klub Casino Astra, Prjavor


Hotel Sheraton, Sofia

Interhotel Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo

Holy Forty Martyrs Church, Velko Tarnovo

SPA Hotel Kamengrad, Panagyurishte

Earth & People Hotel, Sofia

Novotel, Plovdiv

Hotel Sofia Princess, Sofia

Hotel Crystal Palace, Sofia

Hotel Imperial, Plovdiv

Ministry of Transport, Sofia

Hotel Crystal Palace, Sofia

Art Gallery & Museum Phillippopolis, Plovdiv

St. Spyridon Church, Sofia

St. Atanasii Church, Varna

Theatre Sava Ogianov, Russe

Hotel Pri Daba, Debeli lag, Radomir

Corporate Commercial Bank, Sofia

Black Sea Rama Golf Club, Balchik

St. Sofia Golf Club, Ravno pole

Hotel Greenville, Sofia


Private Villa, Toronto, Canada


Private Villas, Shanghai and Beijing


Theater Zorin Dom, Karlovac

Vikarijat, Osijek

Hotel Savoy, Opatija

Hotel Bristol, Opatija

Hotel Lero, Dubrovnik

Residence of VIP-Tennis Champion Thomas Muster, Dubrovnik

Epikopski Dvor, Pakrac

Bosnia & Herzegowina

Residence of H.E.,the President of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegowina, Sarajewo

Residence of H.E.,the President of the Republic

Srpska, Banja Luka

City Hall, Banja Luka

City Hall, Sarajevo

Hotel Europa, Sarajewo Orthodox Cathedral, Laktasi

Hotel Mozart, Zagreb

Czech Republic

Residence of H.E., President Vaclav Havel, Prague

Office of H.E., President Vaclav Havel, Prague Castle

Villa of H.E., The President of the Czech Republic/Lumbeho Vila

Historical Residence, Dr. Edvard Benes, Sezimovo Usti

Hotel- and Cultural Complex Octarna, Monestery Kromeriz

Ministry of Defense, Prague

Ministry of Health, Prague

Ministry of Agricuture, Prague

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prague

Embassy of Great Britain, Prague

Academy of Science, Prague

Referenzliste / List of References

Rothschild Castle, Vitkovice/Ostrava

Jewish Synagogue, Pilsen

Hotel Toscana, Karlsbad

Hotel Seven Days Zitna, Prague

Hotel Berchtold, Prague

Hotel Esplanade, Marienbad

Hotel Imperial, Karlsbad City Theatre, Marienbad

St. Thomas Hotel, Sumava

City Theatre, Marienbad

Hotel San Remo, Marienbad

Historical Castle, Bor

Cultural Centre Building, Tyn nad Vlatavou

Hotel Hilton, Prague

Hotel Pyramida, Prague

Hotel Liberty, Prague

Hotel Royal Palace, Prague

Hotel Salvator, Prague

Hotel TOP, Prague

Hotel Kavalir, Prague

Hotel Magnolia, Prohunice Parkhotel, Prohunice

Restaurant Deminka, Prague

Hotel Dorinka, Hostinne

Coffee House Armadine, Prague

Hernych Villa, Usti nad Orlici

Bank Komercny, Opava

Bank Universal, Prague

Bank Ceska sporitelna a.s., Ostrava

Restaurant of brew-house Stopka, Brno

Restaurant of brew-house Jezek, Jihlava

City Hall radnice, Krnov

Hotel Leyla, Cesky Krumlov

Hotel Leyla, Frymburk

Casino Complex, Teplice

Plzenska Restaurant, Holesovice

Museumhotel, Tbilisi

Municipal, Tbilisi

Restaurant Tsiskvili, Tbilisi

President Palace, Tbilissi

Historical City Hall, Tblissi

Opera House, Tbilissi

Hotel Museum, Tbilissi

Hotel River Side, Tbilissi

Hotel Laerton, Tbilissi

Hotel Hilton, Batumi

Hotel Mega Palace, Batumi

Hotel Best Western Premier, Batumi

Hotel Sairme&Resorts, Sairme

Hotel Porta Caucasia Kazbegi, Stepanzminda

Hotel-Spa-Restaurant Vardzia Resort, Vardzia

Hotel Satno, Poti

Vineyard Khareba, West Georgia

Vineyard Chateau Zegaani, Kachetien

French Restaurant Le Marais, Tbilissi

Restaurant Megruli Sakhili, Tbilissi

Restaurant Keto&Kote, Tbilissi

Restaurant Mravaljamieri, Tbilissi

Restaurant Georgian House, Tbilissi

Restaurant Terrassa Askaneli, Batumi

Private VIP Residence, Saguramo/Tbilissi


Historical „Rathauskeller“, Dresden Kulturhaus, Bitterfeld

Kulturvilla „Villa am Paradies“, Jena

City Hall, Plauen

Apartmenthotel Jens Weissflog, Oberwiesenthal

Häcker’s Health resort, Bad Ems

Kellertheater, Bad Ems

Hotel Savoy, Berlin

City Hotel am Kurfürstendamm, Berlin

House of Delicacies Delmart

Restaurant Chain Kolkovna


Casino Austria Complex, Odense, Denmark


Embassy of Hungary, Cairo, Egypt


Russian Orthodox Church, Strassburg

Permanent Representation of Austria at the UNESCO, Paris


Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Tbilissi

Hotel Metechi Palace, Tbilissi

Russian Theatre, Tbilissi

National Library, Tbilissi

Hotel Spa Tskhaltubo

Djansug Kakhidze Tbilissi Center for Music & Culture, Tbilissi

Chachava Clinic, Tbilissi

Restaurant Kolkheti, Tbilissi

Coffe House and Restaurant Marko Polo, Tbilissi

Center for Music & Culture, Barumi

Embassy of the Rep. of Ukraine, Tbilissi

Coffee House and Restaurant Canape, Tbilissi

Restaurant Tavaduri, Tbilissi

Hotel & Resort Gudauri, Gudauri

Hotel Club 2100, Gudauri

Hotel Anaklia, Anaklia

Hotel Villa Mtiebi, Tbilissi

House of Ritualy, Signagi

Public Marriage Center, Tbilissi

Electricity Distribution Company Telasi

Hotel Citrus, Tbilisi

Hotel Colosseum Marina, Batumi

Hotel Europa City, Berlin

Hotel Artim, Berlin

Hotel zur Post, Andechs

Rotes Cafe, Berlin-Alexanderplatz

Historical VIP-Residence, Rosslau

Hotel Bavaria, Fürth

Augustinum, Bonn

Private VIP-Villa, Bonn

Private Hospital Göttingen, Göttingen

Commercial Complex, Firma Erwin Junker, Melnik

City Hall, Luckenwalde

Wartburg, Limbach-Oberfrohna

Hotel Kastenauer Hof, Rosenheim

Hotel and Restaurant Paulsdorfer Hof

Country side restaurant Beierlein, Reichenbach

Irish-Pub Larys, Markthalle Chemnitz

Turmschenke, Pößneck

Hotel Mellestollen, Saalfeld

Hotel Weißenklinik, Uhlstädt

Hotel Villa Altenburg, Pößneck

Restaurant and Brewery

„Gaffel am Bock“, Bergisch Gladbach

Simones Beauty and Lounge, Berlin

Restaurant Kesselhaus, Karlsruhe

Lanoé Cosmetics, Wittenberge

Lingner-Castle, Dresden

Kristall- und Vitalhotel Bergknappenhof, Bodenmais

Hotel Arco, Berlin

Senior Residence Lindenhof, Halle/Saale

Gasthaus und Pension Heiterer Blick, Altendorf

Staff Residence Complex, Airport Munich


German Embassy, Guatemala

Hong Kong

VIP-Restaurant, Hong Kong Disneyland

Referenzliste / List of References


City Hall, Eger

City Hall, Nyiregyhaza

University of Education, Eger

University of Science, Szeged (Rektorat)

University Eszterhazy Karoly, Licee, Eger

Church Administration and Office, Szeged

Hotel Gellert, Budapest

Hotel Budapest, Budapest

Hotel Club Tihany, Balaton

House of Treasury, Eger

Hotel Degenfeld, Tarcal

Jewish Synagogue, Szombathely Jewish Synagogue, Mad Catholic Church, Aszod Gymnasium and Library, Kiskunhalas

Restaurant Realszisztema Kavehaz, Budapest

Restaurant Marvanymenyasszony, Budapest

Pastry Shop Szamos-Marcipan, Budapest

Mathe Textil, Budapest

Hungarian Association of the Order of Malta, Budapest


Residence, His Imp. Majesty Emperor, Hirohito, Japan

Tokyu Bay Hotel, Tokyu, Japan

Tokyu Hotel, Nagoya, Japan

Tokyu Hotel, Ginza, Japan

Yaizu Kanko Hotel, Shizuoka, Japan

Tokyu Hotel, Osaka, Japan

Tokyu Hotel, Kyoto, Japan


Residence, His Majesty King Hussein, Amman, Jordan

Residence, former Prime Minister Badran, Amman, Jordan


Residence of H.E., the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

Residence and Private Villa of H.E., the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

Opera House, Almaty

Abay Opera and Ballet Theatre, Almaty

Concert Hall, Almaty

Metropolitan Station, Almaty

Ministry of Transport and Communications, Astana Airport, Almaty

State Academical Theatre M.J.Lermontow, Almaty

Hotel Kazakhstan, Almaty

Shopping and Entertainment Centre Globus, Almaty

Sinegrorje-Sanatorium, Tau-Turgen, Almaty

Ressort and Spa Ainabulak, Almaty Circus, Astana

Hotel Complex, Aktau

Medical Center Medicus, Almaty

Georgian Restaurant, Almaty Fantasy Park, Almaty

Thermal Holiday Hotel Relax, Chunzha


Austrian Embassy, Nairobi World Vision Center, Nairobi


Hotel Lotte, Seoul, Korea


Sacral VIP-object „Teqja“, Junik


Casino Austria Complex, Riga, Latvia

Complex of holiday cottages on the coast of Jurmala


Eremitage-Bürotel, Princedom Liechtenstein

Cafe Wanger, Buchs


Old New Theatre, Skopje

National Museum, Skopje

Porta Makedonija, Skopje

Austrian Embassy, Skopje

Hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje

Hotel Metropol, Ohrid

Hotel Millenium, Ohrid

Hotel Millenium, Bitola

Vine Cellar „Tikves“, Kavadarci

Mosque, Prilep

Complex „Hi Tech“, Skopje

Hotel Tino, Ohrid

Hotel Makpetrov, Struga


National Palast (Palatul National), Chisinau

Hotel „Matis“, Chisinau

Hotel „Kolizei Vesi“, Chisinau


Residence of H.E., the President of the Republic of Montenegro, Cetinje

Hotel Bracera, Budva

Saint Anthony Church, Tuzi

Hotel Villa Katarina, Budva

Museum Teqja e Made Ame e Tarikatit Alijjei, Junik


Hotel Holiday Inn, Kuwait


Residence, Head of State of Nigeria,

President Mohammed Murtala, Lagos, Nigeria


Embassy of Hungary, Oslo, Norway


Ministry of Marina, Peru


President’s Offices/Town Hall, Bielska Biala

City Hall, Bielsko Biala

City Hall, Gdansk

Basilika of the Madonna of Lichen, Stary Lichen

City Hall, Mysliborsz

City Hall, Wejherowo/Pomorskie

Historical Railway Station, Tarnow

Historical Habsburgh Palace, Zywiec Palace in Jaworce, Bielsko Biala

Catholic Church, Naramowice/Poznan

Hochbergsche Kapelle, Wroclaw

Buddha Bar, Poznan

Bank, Radom

Grand Hotel, Lodsz

Hotel Villa Eva, Gdansk

Hotel Szydlowski, Gdansk

Hotel Oliwski Hof, Gdansk

Hotel Haffner, Sopot

Hotel Rodan, Kornik

Cathedral, Radomsko

Shopping Centre, Ostrzeszow

European Centre, Gultowy

ING Bank Slaski SA, different branches in Poland

Hotel Polonia Palace, Warsaw

Referenzliste / List of References


Bukarest Central University, Library

Bukarest University (Faculty of Letter)

Academy of Economic Studies, Bukarest University of Craiova, Craiova (main building)

Theatre Elvira Godeanu, Tirgu Jiu

Hotel Karpati, Baia Mare

Hotel Mare, Baia Mare

Millenium Business Center, Baia Mare

Castel Satulung, Baia Mare

Hotel Ana, Arad

Hotel Best Western Central, Arad City Hall Pecica, Arad district

Hotel Golden House, Craiova University House (restaurant), Craiova University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova Registry Office, Craiova

Rompetrol Headquaters, Bukarest Rugionasa Palace, Iasi University Petru Maior, Targu Mures Casino Imperial, Targu Mures

Restaurant Simone, Tirgu Jiu Oltenia Energy Complex, Tirgu Jiu

Domeniul Coroanei, Segarcea, Dolj

Piata Cetatii (Fortress Square), Baia Mare

Hotel Astoria, Alba Iulia

Hotel Valea Mariei, Vama, Satu Mare

Palatul Apelor, Timisoara

City Hall, Sibiu


Partial Complexes of Residences of H.E., the President of the Republic of Russia, in Moscow (Kremlin), Moscow-region, Sochi, Cherkessk and Mineralni Wodi (region)

Dramatic Theatre Kachalov, Kasan

State Lenin Library, Moscow Eremitage, St. Petersburg

Russian Museum, St. Petersburg Mariinskiy Theatre, St. Petersburg Yusupov Palace, St. Petersburg

Gostiniy dvor, St. Petersburg Art Historical Museum, Rostov Dom Druzhbi Narodov, Ufa Parliamant (Duma), Vladivostok Parliamant (Duma), Omsk

Residence of H.E., the President of the Republic of Adigeja

Residence of H.E., the Gouvernor of the South Federal Disctrict, Rostov Ministry of Rockets, Moscow (main aula)

Ministry of Interior Affairs, Omsk Plekhanov Academy, Moscow Drama Theatre, Omsk

Music Theatre, Rostov Russian Drama Theatre, Kasan National Museum, Kasan Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Vladivostok Pokrovskij Cathedral, Rostov State University/Faculty of Law, Rostov Uliyanov-Lenin State University, Kasan State University, Stavropol

Hotel Rent, Nachodka

Hotel Sibir, Novosibirsk

Hotel Carambol, Yeysk

Congress Hotel Amaks, Rostov

Aeroflot Headquaters, Moscow

Sportcomplex Albatros, Kaliningrad Sberbank, Sochi

Sanatorium Dzhankhot, Gelenzhik, pos. Dzhankot Gasprombank, Rostov

Legislative Assembly for Krasnodar Region

Regional Courthouse, Tymen

General Administration of Western-Siberian Railways, Novosibirsk

Supermarket Teatralniy, Rostov

Irtish Shipping Company, Omsk

Juwelery Centre Kontinental, Rostov

Medical Centre Family, Rostov

Tennis Centre Gedon, Rostov

Commercial Complex Ferratek, Krasnodar

Commercial Complex Evrotek, Krasnodar

Coffee House Krasnije fonari, Krasnodar

Chamber Choir, Moscow

Don State Technical University, Rostov on Don Rostov State University (Main building, Faculty of Journalism)

Urban House of Creativity, Rostov on Don Restaurant „Levberdon“, Rostov on Don Health and Beauty Center „Aurora“, Rostov on Don Offices of Gasprom, Tjumen

Saudi Arabia

Residence, H.R.H. Prince Aziz, Jeddah and Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Embassy of Austria, Riyadh


Geological Institute, St. Petersburg Sanatorium Russ, Sochi

Gasprom-Village, Sochi

Hotel Sheraton Sheremetievo, Moscow (public areas)

Sanatorium Avantgard, Sochi

Sanatorium Dagomis, Sochi

Hotel Savoy, Moscow

Hotel Cosmos, Moscow

Hotel Intourist, Moscow

Hotel Vertol, Rostov

Hotel Grand Hotel Valentina, Anapa

Residence of H.E., the Bishop of Kragujevac

VIP-Residence, Belgrad

Historical Habsburgian Castle „Kastel Ecka“, Zrenjanin

Hotel Villa Majur, Subotica

Dermatologic Medicine Centre „Drmal“, Belgrad

Cafe-Club „Zar“, Kragujevac

Hotel Crystal, Belgrad

Hotel Kruna, Arandjelovac

Hotel Kragujevac, Kragujevac

Coffee House Mademoiselle, Kragujevac

Hotel Galerija, Subotica

Havanna Club, Belgrad

Hotel Beograd, Cacak

Wineyard Aleksandrovic, Topola

Palestinian Embassy, Belgrad

Medial practice Vezmar, Kragujevac

VIP Residences Brkovic, Kragujevac

Business Offices Co. Max Petrol, Kragujevac

Pastry Shop Fineti, Kragujevac

Dermatologic medical practice, Kragujevac

Winery PIK Oplenac, Topola

Receptionhall of St. Sava temple, Belgrad

Hotel Jezero, Blace-Krusevac

Embassy of Hungary, Belgrad

Embassy of Austria, Belgrad

Foundation of Orthodox Church, Zrenjanin,

Garni Hotel & Spa Resort, Palic

Restaurant Hazard, Kragujevac

Cafe Bar L’Equipe, Kragujevac


Residence and Palais of H.E., the ArchBishop of Trnava

Hotel Crown Plaza, Bratislava

Hotel Residence, Donovaly

VIP Galeria, Nitra

City Hall, Skalica

Hotel City, Bratislava,

Referenzliste / List of References

Coffee House Mayer, Bratislava

Hotel Lux, Banska Bystrica

Pension Amarys, Banska Bystrica

Cooperative Vienna Insurance Group, Bratislave-Stare Mesto

Beniczky Restaurant & Coffee House, Banska Bystrica

Castle Hlohovec, Hlohovec

Hotel Slavia, Kosice

Historical Luxury Office, Bratislava


Residence of H.E., the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana

Hotel Kempinsky, Portoroz

Hotel Compas, Kranjska Gora

Villa Oberdausek, Ljubljana


Main Post Office, Khartoum

6th April Park Restaurant, Khartoum

Apartments/Qatari Diari Project, Sudan

Pabilon Restaurant, Khartoum

VIP-Residences and Villas, Khartoum

Sultanates Oman and Qatar

Residence of H.E., Sheikh Al-Khalili, Doha

Residences of Sultans and Sheikhs, Oman

Barzan Mosque, Doha

Northern Aera Hospital, Doha

Qipco Twin Tower, Doha

Hotel Tulip Inn, Muscat

Bidaa Park Pavillon, Doha

VIP Lounges, Doha


Hotel Sheraton, Malmö, Sweden


Confiserie Monnier, Bern

Coffee House Wanger, Buchs


Hotel Club Nena, Antalya, Turkey


Partial Complexes of Residences of H.E.,

The President of the Republic of Ukraina, Kiew

Public House of Court, Charkow Law Academy, Charkow

Palais Petscherskij, Kiew

Palais Pavlovo Pole, Charkow

Palais Pesotschin, Charkow House of Teacher, Kiew

Bank Forum, Kiew

General Directorate of National Bank, Charkow Ukrsozbank, Ukraine

Bank Faktorial, Charkow

Hotel Europa, Donezk

Building Complex Magnolia, Donezk

Restaurant Millenium, Donezk

Sportclub Lemare, Donezk

Hotel Aurora, Donezk

Hotel Complex Prilesnoje, Lugansk

Hotel Zentral, Donezk

Hotel Roshe Royal, Slavjanogorsk

Hotel Atlas, Donezk

Sanatorium Khotomlya, Charkow

Village Complex Roditschi, Charkow

Village Complex Visokijy, Charkow

Hotel Hortiza, Charkow

Private Villas, Kiew

Law Academy, Kharkov

Manor House, Florinka Cottages, Roditchi

Cottages, Nebesnije Akvareli

Ortpodox Church by Kharkov

United Arab Emirates

VIP Residences, Abu Dhabi and Dubai

Shangri-La Resort & Spa, Abu Dhabi

Dubai World Trade Center, VIP-areas, Dubai

Millenium Hotel Apartments, Dubai

Palm Jumeirah Villas, Dubai

Sheraton Hotel, Rumeirah Beach, Residence Ext., UAE

Mövenpick Hotel Apartments, Dubai

Amal Hospital, Dubai

Hotel Beach Rotana, Abu Dhabi

Hotel Park Rotana, Abu Dhabi

Hotel Ramada, Jumeirah

Gulf Airlines/Staff accomodation, UAE

VIP-Villa Habtoor, Dubai

Business Complex Nation Tower, Abu Dhabi

Hotel Golf Garden, Abu Dhabi

Luxury Villa Projects, Dubai

VIP Airport Lounge, Abu Dhabi

VIP Lounge, Abu Dhabi Airport

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Edendork Church, Edendork

Donaghmore Church, Donaghmore

St. Columba´s Church, Glenswilly

St. Marys Chapel, Newry

Redditch Central Mosque, Redditch

Alpha Medical Consultancy Villa, Langley

Al Mahdi Institute Selly Oak, Birmingham

Residental Private Projects, London

Roux at Skindles Restaurant, Taplow

Sunrise of Bagshot Care Home, Bagshot

Sunrise of Westbourne Care Home, Bournemouth

Sunrise of Esher Care Home, Esher

Sunrise of Bassett Care Home, Basset

Sunrise of Banstead Care Home, Banstead

Extracare Charitable Trust Hughenden Gardens Retirement

Village, High Wycombe

Extracare Charitable Trust Stoke Gifford Retirement Village, Bristol

Embassy of Austria, London


Private Villas and Residences, Hanoi Region

Restaurant Praha, Hanoi


Casino Chandeliers for Las Vegas and Atlantic City, USA

General Consulate of Austria, Los Angeles


Hotel Intercontinental, Lusaka, Zambia

Orion Lichthäuser / Lighting Showrooms

ORION Licht Wien – Süd 1230 Wien, Oberlaaer Straße 281-283 Tel.: 01/616 68 30, Fax: 01/616 71 45

ORION Outlet Center 1230 Wien, Oberlaaer Straße 321 Tel.: 01/615 08 05, Fax: 01/615 08 06

ORION Licht Linz

4040 Linz, Freistädter Straße 30 Tel.: 0732/73 08 05, Fax: 0732/73 08 06


1230 Wien, Oberlaaer Straße 284 Tel.: +43/1/616 67 54 oder 616 68 29 Fax: +43/1/615 64 65 info@orion.co.at – www.orion.co.at

ORION Praha PRU ˚ HONICE CZ-252 43 Pru˚honice, Uhrˇíneˇveská 581 Tel.: +420/2/677 50 950, Fax: +420/2/677 50 952 www.svitidla-orion.cz

ORION Licht Wien – Nord 2201 Gerasdorf bei Wien, Brünner Str./Holz-Steiner-Str. Tel.: 02246/200 35, Fax: 02246/200 44

ORION Licht Graz 8010 Graz, Klosterwiesgasse 16 Tel.: 0316/82 75 94, Fax: 0316/82 75 95

ORION Leuchtenzentrum 1070 Wien, Neubaugasse 23 Tel.: 01/523 17 06, Fax: 01/523 17 07

ORION Licht Graz – Süd 8053 Graz, Kärntner Straße 165 Tel.: 0316/272 181, Fax: 0316/272 184

ORION Fény Budapest H-1113 Budapest, Karolina út 17 Tel.: +36/1/385 22 12, Fax: +36/1/385 16 42 www.molecz-lampak.hu

ORION Licht Kärnten 9020 Klagenfurt, St. Veiter Straße/Krassnigstraße Tel.: 0463/51 50 71, Fax: 0463/51 50 70


1230 Wien, Oberlaaer Straße 281-283 Tel.: +43/1/616 80 91, Fax: +43/1/616 71 40

Verkauf Mittel- und Westeuropa: Tel.: +43/1/616 68 30, Fax: +43/1/616 71 45 export@orion.co.at

ORION Slovakia SK-83104 Bratislava, Vajnorská 97/Odborárska Tel.: +421/2/444 55 204, Fax: +421/2/444 54 044 www.svietidla-orion.sk

Symbolerklärung / Symbol Explanation

Oberflächen / Surfaces

24 Karat Gold glänzend

24 karat gold plated

24 Karat Gold matt

24 karat gold plated - brushed

Messing glänzend

solid brass

Messing matt solid brass - brushed

Altmessing dark solid brass

Patina antique solid brass

Altpatina dark antique solid brass

Bronze bronze plated

Altbronze dark bronze



Chrom chrome plated

Satin satin plated

Antik antique

Nickel nickel ni

Altsilber dark silver

Silbergold silver-gold

Gläser / Glasses


Opal matt


Champagne Matt

Klar Matt Matt Klar


Glasstäbchen glas sticks


lead crystal glass

Blau blue

Grün green

Sonderanfertigung production on order

Österreichisches Qualitätsprodukt Made in Austria


aus feinsten Materialien aus dem Hause ORION


from exquisite materials by ORION


Glas 497 klar Crystal Cut, clear

Glas 498 matt Crystal Cut, satin diffused

Glas 499 klar Line Cut, clear


nickel glänzend shiny nickel

Glas 500 klar-matt

Line Cut, satin diffused

24K vergoldet 24K gold plated



4,5 W High Power AC LED, 380 Lumen, CRI 90, dimmbar/dimmable

2700 Kelvin warmweiß/warm white

3000 Kelvin warmweiß/warm white

4000 Kelvin neutralweiß/nutreal white

Bei Bestellung bitte immer Oberfläche, Glasvariante, Kabelfarbe und Lichtfarbe angeben. Sonderhöhen auf Anfrage For your order please indicate Surface Finish, Glass Type, Cable Color and Light Temperature. Customized Height upon request SA DLU 1737/38 nickel/silber/ blau/weiß/497 klar, 498

Anwendungsbeispiel für CLUSTER Sonderanfertigung/Bei Anfrage bitte gewünschte Kugelanzahl und Kabellänge mitteilen. Sample for customized production of CLUSTER/for enquiry please indicate desired number of BALLs and cable length.

Bei Bestellung bitte immer Oberfläche, Glasvariante, Kabelfarbe und Lichtfarbe angeben. Sonderhöhen auf Anfrage

Bei Bestellung bitte immer Oberfläche, Glasvariante, Kabelfarbe und Lichtfarbe angeben. Sonderhöhen auf Anfrage For your order please indicate

Glas 499 klar

Bei Bestellung bitte immer Oberfläche, Glasvariante, Kabelfarbe und Lichtfarbe angeben. Sonderhöhen auf Anfrage

1-4 Schöler Crystal®
2 Luxury private mansion, Hartberg / Austria
Privat mansion, St. Kind / Austria
1-2 Schöler Crystal®

L 128 cm, B 9 cm, H 21 cm, GesH 30-170 cm 7 x E14/max. 40 W Private mansion, Prague / Czech Republic


SA-LU 2409/18/130x70 chrom

SA-Combination of 1 x LU 2408/16/140 chrome

1 x LU 2408/12/110 chrome

1 x LU 2408/8/80 chrome

Variation Crystal G coloured PRODUCTION ON ORDER

SA-Combination of

x LU 2408/16/140 gold

x LU 2408/12/110 gold

x LU 2408/8/80 gold PRODUCTION ON ORDER

Privat mansion, Neusiedl / Austria
Casino Kajot, Teplice / Czech Republic
1-2 Asfour Crystal

SA-Combination of 2 x LU 2408/8/80 chrome

2 x LU 2408/12/110 chrome

1 x LU 2408/16/140 chrome


This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the
Private mansion, Prague / Czech Republic
Asfour Crystal
Restaurant „Kesselhaus“, Karlsruhe / Germany
Asfour Crystal

1 x SA-LU 2411/8/75 Patina

2 x SA-LU 2408/10/95 Patina

1 x SA-LU 2408/16/120 Patina



1-3 Schöler Crystal®


1-2 Schöler Crystal®
1-2 Asfour Crystal


Bestückung mit LED/RGB Strips / Items equipped with LED/RGB strips

• Daten/Data LED RGBW

W: 20mm, RGB + Warm White 3000K CRI 95, 24V DC, 14,4W per Meter, IP 65

• Verfügbar für folgende Artikel / available for items:

LU 2408/8/80 (dia. 80cm, 36W RGB-W)

LU 2408/12/110 (dia. 110cm, 50W RGB-W)

LU 2408/16/140 (dia. 140cm, 65W RGB-W)

erhältlich für zusätzliche Artikel auf Anfrage / available for further items upon request

auf Anfrage / upon request

• Inklusive LED RGBW Controller & Driver / including LED RGBW controlling unit & Driver

RING Crystal Colour Variations

Examples in chrom-plated or gold-plated with several crystal colour variations.

Schirm 4463 chrom
14 cm, H 9,5 cm
Schirm 4469 weiß
14 cm, H 9,5 cm
LU 2412/6+3 nickel/ 4463 chrom (Strass)
93 cm, H 65 cm
x E14/40 W Schirm 4463 chrom
LU 2412/8+4 nickel/ 4469 weiß (Strass)
113 cm, H 69 cm
x E14/40 W Schirm 4469 weiß
1-4 STRASS® Swarovski® Crystal
Schirm 4469 champ.
14 cm, H 9,5 cm
Schirm 4463 gold Ø 14 cm, H 9,5 cm
LU 2412/6+3 gold/ 4469 champ. (Strass)
93 cm, H 65 cm 9 x E14/40 W Schirm 4469 champ
LU 2412/8+4 gold/ 4469 champ. (Strass)
113 cm, H 69 cm 12 x E14/40 W Schirm 4469 champ
1-4 STRASS® Swarovski® Crystal
1-5 STRASS® Swarovski® Crystal
LU 2412/5 gold/ 4463 gold (Strass)
63 cm, H 58 cm
x E14/40 W Schirm 4463 gold
LU 2412/5 nickel/ 4469 weiß (Strass)
63 cm, H 58 cm
x E14/40 W Schirm 4469 weiß
Stl 12-1169/3+1 gold/ 4469 champ. (Strass)
Ø 48 cm, H 158 cm
x E14/40 W Schirm 4469 champ
1-3 STRASS® Swarovski® Crystal
1 Privatvilla Neusiedl
Reiter´s Resort Lady Spa, Bad Tatzmannsdorf
Hotel zur alten Post, Leibnitz
Schöler Crystal
Hotel zur alten Post, Leibnitz
Reiter´s Resort Lady Spa, Bad Tatzmannsdorf
Schöler Crystal
Schirm 4463 gold or Schirm 4469 champagne
LU 2144/18+12+6
Gold/4469 Champ
Ø 122 cm, H 80 cm
36 x E14/40 W Schirm 4469 champ
H = total height without chain
1-4 SPECTRA® Swarovski® Crystal, 24 Karat Gold Plated
Schirm 4463 Gold, dia. 14cm, H 9,5cm
Schirm 4469 Champ, dia. 14cm, H 9,5cm
Schirm 4469 Weiß, dia. 14cm, H 9,5cm
Schirm 4463 Chrom, dia. 14cm, H 9,5cm
SPECTRA® Swarovski® Crystal
Privatvilla, Markt Hartmannsdorf
LU 2144/12+6 chrome
Ø 96 cm, H 52 cm
18x E14/40 W Schirm 4469 weiß
H = total height without chain SPECTRA® Swarovski® Crystal
Privatvilla, Markt Hartmannsdorf
LU 2144/12+6 chrome
Ø 96 cm, H 52 cm
18x E14/40 W Schirm 4469 weiß
H = total height without chain SPECTRA® Swarovski® Crystal
1 EE1
LU 2405/10/80 Patina
Ø 84 cm, H 86 cm 10 x E14/40 W
Asfour Crystal
LU 2405/10/80 Altsilber Ø 84 cm, H 86 cm 10 x E14/40 W
LU 2405/10/80 Gold
Ø 84 cm, H 86 cm 10 x E14/40 W
Asfour Crystal

LU 2405/6/Patina

Hotel Lomnica, Vysoké Tatry - Slowakei
Asfour Crystal
Asfour Crystal
Asfour Crystal

Ø 100 cm, H 95 cm, 8 x E27/60 W + 12 x E14/40 W Glas 476/560 klar-matt / Schliffdekor

This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the energy classes to EE1
LU 2386/8+8+4 gold
1 available in antique-silver, dark antique solid brass and gold. Schöler Crystal, glasses hand-cut


6 x E27/60 W + 6 x E14/40 W

Glas 474/435 klar-matt /Schliffdekor

LU 2386/6+6 Altpatina
80 cm, H 80 cm
1 available in antique-silver, dark antique solid brass and gold. Schöler Crystal, glasses hand-cut

LU 2386/6+6 Altsilber

Ø 80 cm, H 80 cm

6 x E27/60 W + 6 x E14/40 W Glas 474/435 klar-matt /Schliffdekor

DL 7-489/8/61 Altsilber Ø 61 cm, H 30 cm 8 x E27/60 W Glas 476/560 klar-matt /Schliffdekor

1-2 available in antique-silver, dark antique solid brass and gold. Schöler Crystal, glasses hand-cut

HL 6-1642/6/49 Altsilber/474/435 klar-matt-Schliff

Ø 49 cm, H 80 cm, 6 x E27/60 W Glas 474/435 klar-matt /Schliffdekor

Schöler Crystal, glasses hand-cut

HL 6-1642/6/49 gold/474/435


Ø 49 cm, H 80 cm, 6 x E27/60 W Glas 474/435 klar-matt /Schliffdekor

HL 6-1642/6/49 Altpatina/474/435


Ø 49 cm, H 80 cm, 6 x E27/60 W Glas 474/435 klar-matt /Schliffdekor

Schöler Crystal, glasses hand-cut

SA LU 2386/6+6 Patina

Ø 80 cm, H 80 cm, 6 x E27/60 W + 6 x E14/40 W Glas 474/435 klar-matt /Schliffdekor

Hotel Lomnica, Vysoké Tatry -Slowakei
Schöler Crystal, glasses hand-cut

LU 2386/6+6 gold

Ø 80 cm, H 80 cm,

6 x E27/60 W + 6 x E14/40 W

Glas 474/435 klar-matt /Schliffdekor

SA LU 2386/6+6 Patina

Ø 80 cm, H 80 cm, 6 x E27/60 W + 6 x E14/40 W

Glas 474/435 klar-matt /Schliffdekor

LU 2386/8+8+4 gold

Ø 100 cm, H 95 cm,

8 x E27/60 W + 12 x E14/40 W

Glas 476/560 klar-matt /Schliffdekor

Namibian Embassy, Austria
Hotel Lomnica, Vysoké TatrySlowakei
Luxury Villa, Austria
Schöler Crystal, glasses hand-cut
1-6 Schöler Crystal®
1-2 Schöler Crystal®
VIP - Bureau Complex, Vienna / Austria
DLU 2388/26/160 x 105 gold/oval
Ø 160 x 105 cm, H 48 cm
26 x E27/60 W
Schöler Crystal®
SA-DLU 2388/140/4x2m oval/gold
Schöler Crystal®


Dom Druzhbi Narodov, Ufa / Russia
Hotel Sheraton, Sofia / Bulgaria
1-2 Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
Luxury Private Mansion Apetlon
2388/36/150 gold
Schöler Crystal®
Schöler Crystal®
Old Theatre Skopje / Northern Macedonia
Schöler Crystal®
Old Theatre Skopje / Northern Macedonia
Schöler Crystal®

DLU 2327/6/45 gold

Ø 45 cm, H 21 cm 6 x E14/40 W

2388/15/105 gold Ø 105 cm, H 45 cm 15 x E27/60 W

Hotel Donauterrasse, Aggsbach-Dorf / Austria
Plattensee Privathaus
Schöler Crystal®
LU 2388/24/120 gold
Ø 120 cm, H 170 cm
24 x E27/60 W
H = height without chain
Schöler Crystal®
This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the energy classes to EE1
LU 2388/24/105 chrom
Ø 105 cm, H 150 cm
24 x E27/60 W
H = height without chain
Schöler Crystal®
Schöler Crystal®


2 Hotel Sheraton, Sofia / Bulgaria SA-LU 2388/42/130 gold
130 cm, H 200 cm
Hotel Sheraton, Sofia / Bulgaria
Schöler Crystal®
1-4 SPECTRA® Swarovski® Crystal and Schöler Crystal Mirrorplate on Ø 85 - 120 cm CrNi
1-4 SPECTRA® Swarovski® Crystal and Schöler Crystal Mirrorplate on Ø 85 -
Hotel Europa, Rostov / Russia Luxury private mansion Villa, Styria / Austria

L 300 cm, W 150 cm, H 36 cm 38 x E27/60 W PRODUCTION ON ORDER

Luxury Residence, Cheljabinsk / Russia
1-2 Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
1-3 Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
Luxury Wine Castle and Complex „Thaller, Großwilfersdorf / Austria
Strass® Swarovski® Crystal


21 x

W also available:

Ø 80 cm, H 90 cm

18 x E27/60 W

H = height without chain

This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the energy classes to EE1
LU 2239/21/90 gold
87 cm, H 100 cm
LU 2239/18/80 gold
1-2 Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
LU 2239/32/120 gold
Ø 120 cm, H 150 cm
32 x E27/60 W
H = height without chain
Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the
Luxury private Palais and Residence, Austria
1-7 Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
1-4 Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
Simones Beauty & Lounge / Berlin
Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
Luxury private mansion Villa, Styria / Austria
LU 2239/15/60 gold
60 cm, H 82 cm
x E14/40 W
Sacral VIP-Object „Teqia“ Junik, Kosovo
DLU 2238/9/60 gold Ø 60 cm,
Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
ÖAMTC Vienna / Austria
Luxury private Palais and Residence, Austria
Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
1 EE1
Luxury private Palais and Residence, Austria SA LU 2300/60/170 gold
Strass® Swarovski® Crystal
Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal + Strass® Swarovski® Crystal



Kosovo SA LU 2300/156/360 Ø 3,6 m, H 5,0 m, GesH 7,2 m 156 x E27/60 W PRODUCTION ON ORDER

Schöler Crystal
Sacral VIP-Object „Teqia“ / Junik, Kosovo
Schöler Crystal

SA LU 2300/60/170 gold

Ø 170 cm, GesH 2,7 m 40 x E27/60W, 20 x E14/40 W PRODUCTION ON ORDER

Private Luxury Villa, Langley, UK
Schöler Crystal


40 x E27/60W, 20 x E14/40W

Private Luxury Villa, Langley, UK
SA-LU 2300/60/170 gold
170cm, H 275cm
Schöler Crystal

Ø 170cm, H 275cm

40 x E27/60W, 20 x E14/40W

Private Luxury Villa, Langley, UK
SA-LU 2300/60/170 gold
Schöler Crystal

LU 2143/24+12

Ø 147 cm, H 69 cm 36 x E14/40 W

1 Luxury Wine Castle and Complex „Thaller“, Großwilfersdorf / Austria

LU 2143/24+12+6+3 gold

Ø 147 cm, H 110 cm 45 x E14 /40 W PRODUCTION ON ORDER

Luxury Palais and Residence, Austria

SA-LU 2143/32+16+8+4/Ø200cm + SA-DLU 2347/12/120

total height 160 cm /satin

60 x E14/40 W



Luxury Villa Styria / Graz / Austria
Luxury Palais and Residence / Austria
Luxury Palais and Residence, Austria
Hotel Tokyu, Nagoya / Japan
1-2 Schöler Crystal
1-3 Schöler Crystal
Coloured Crystals: Strass® Swarovski® Crystal, Clear Crystals: Asfour Crystal
1-6 Coloured Crystals: Strass® Swarovski® Crystal, Clear Crystals: Asfour Crystal
1-9 Coloured Crystals: Strass® Swarovski® Crystal, Clear Crystals: Asfour Crystal
Jewish Synagogue, Vienna / Austria
Jewish Synagogue, Vienna / Austria
1-2 Schöler Crystal and crystal sticks
LU 2216/12+6 MT-gold/A
2215/6 MT-gold-A
2215/8 MT-gold/A
SPECTRA® Swarovski® Crystal, STRASS® Swarovski® Crystal, Schöler Crystal and 1A full-cut Crystal combined
LU 2223/6 MT gold/A
60 cm, H 51 cm 6 x E14/40 W
LU 2223/8 MT gold/A
78 cm, H 58 cm 8 x E14/40 W
H = height without chain
1-2 SPECTRA® Swarovski® Crystal, STRASS® Swarovski® Crystal, Schöler Crystal and 1A full-cut Crystal combined
This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the energy classes to EE1
LU 2223/10 MT gold/A
Ø 78 cm, H 60 cm
10 x E14/40 W
H = height without chain
SPECTRA® Swarovski® Crystal, STRASS® Swarovski® Crystal, Schöler Crystal and 1A full-cut Crystal combined
1-2 SPECTRA® Swarovski® Crystal, STRASS® Swarovski® Crystal, Schöler Crystal and 1A full-cut Crystal combined

H = height without chain

This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the energy classes to EE1
LU 2224/12+6+3 MT-gold/A
Ø 100 cm, H 125 cm
21 x E14/40 W
1 SPECTRA® Swarovski® Crystal, STRASS® Swarovski® Crystal, Schöler Crystal and 1A full-cut Crystal combined
Psychotherapeutic Institute Vienna / Austria
Hotel Bristol, Opatija / Croatia
Graz / Austria
Castle and Complex „Thaller“, Großwilfersdorf / Austria
1,2 crystal halfcut 1B, Metal-parts gold painted

LU 1K/1409/12+6

Ø 90 cm, H 115 cm

18 x E14/40 W

LU 1K/1409/16+8

Ø 90 cm, H 115 cm

x E14/40 W

1 2 Pharao Bar, Hartberg / Austria
Restaurant Petrovki, Rostov / Russia
1,2 crystal halfcut 1B, Metal-parts gold painted
LU 2413/6 MT-Silber
70 cm, H 60 cm
Asfour Crystal
2413/8+4 MT-Silber
LU 2413/12+6 MT-Silber
92 cm, H 92 cm Asfour Crystal
x E14/40 W
Residence Hotel, Donovaly Slowakei
Luxury private mansion / Klosterneuburg, Austria Hotel Arco / Berlin, Germany
1A full-cut Crystal
1 EE1
LU 2369/12+8 gold
Ø 140 cm, H 200 cm
20 x E14/40 W
Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal
Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal
Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal
Luxury Villa, Austria
Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal
Wine Resort „Thaller“ Großwilfersdorf, Austria
Porta Makedonija Skopje / North Macedonia
Faulenzerhotel Friedersbach / Austria
Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal
luminaire is compatible with
1 Luxury Villa, Austria
Spectra® Swarovski®, Crystal mirrored
2366/5 gold
LU 2366/8 gold
76 cm, H 58 cm
1-4 Spectra® Swarovski®, Crystal mirrored
1-4 Spectra® Swarovski®, Crystal mirrored
LU 2366/3 satin
2366/5 satin
60 cm, H 53 cm
5 x G9-40 W (max. 40 W)
LU 2366/8 satin Ø 76 cm, H 58 cm
8 x G9-40 W (max. 40 W)
1-4 Spectra® Swarovski®, Crystal mirrored
2-1028/2 antik
LU 2366/3 antik
43 cm, H 46 cm
3 x G9-40 W (max. 40 W)
LU 2366/5 antik
60 cm, H 53 cm
5 x G9-40 W (max. 40 W)
LU 2366/8 antik
Ø 76 cm, H 58 cm incl. 8 x G9-40 W (max. 40 W)
1-4 Spectra® Swarovski®, Crystal mirrored
Privatvilla Neusiedl
Privatvilla Neusiedl / Austria
LU 2370/6+1 antik-silber
62 cm, H 64 cm
x E14 (max. 40 W)
LU 2370/8+8+1 antik-silber
Hotel & Resort „Casa Gavar“, Bastia / Piemont / Italy
1-4 Asfour Crystal
Restaurant Stefan, Vienna / Austria
LU 2407/5 silber-gold
95 cm, H 110 cm
x E14/40 W
1-2 Asfour Crystal

STL 12-1149/3 silber-gold

Ø 68 cm, H 178 cm 3 x E14/40 W Schirm 2406 champagne-organza

LA 4-1163/1 silber-gold Ø 16 cm, H 37 cm 1 x E14/40 W

1-8 Asfour Crystal

12-1151/3 silber-gold

38 cm, H 160 cm 3 x E14/40 W Schirm 12-1151 weiß-organza

LA 4-1164/1 silber-gold Ø 28 cm, H 57 cm 1 x E27/60 W Schirm 4-1164 champagne-organza

LA 4-1164/3 silber-gold

38 cm, H 72 cm 3 x E14/40 W Schirm 12-1151 champagne-organza

LA 4-1164/1 silber-gold Ø 28 cm, H 57 cm 1 x E27/60 W Schirm 4-1164 weiß-organza

38 cm, H 72 cm

LA 4-1162/1 silber-gold

19 cm, H 40 cm

x E14/40 W Schirm 2406 weiß-organza LA 4-1164/3 silber-gold

x E14/40 W Schirm 12-1151 weiß-organza

HL 6-1600/5 silber-gold Ø 76 cm, H 49 cm 5 x E14/40 W

HL 6-1600/3 silber-gold

Ø 35 cm, H 47 cm 3 x E14/40 W

6-1600/7 silber-gold

7-612/1 silber-gold

7-611/5 silber-gold


x E14/40 W HL 6-1600/1 silber-gold

Resort „Casa Gavar“, Bastia / Piemont / Italy
1-9 Asfour Crystal
50 cm, H 180 cm incl. 4 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W) Glas 479 klar-Schliff
LU 2392/8 gold
Ø 72 cm, H 36 cm
incl. 8 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff
LU 2392/8 gold
Ø 72 cm, H 36 cm
incl. 8 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff
(max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff
LU 2392/4+1 gold Ø 60 cm, H 40 cm
incl. 5 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff
LU 2392/4+1 gold Ø 60 cm, H 40 cm
incl. 5 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff

1 H = height without chain 1-3 1A fullcut, LU usable as hanging or flush-fixture alternatively, glasses hand cut 24% High Lead Crystal

STL 12-1108/4 altsilber
Ø 50 cm, H 180 cm
incl. 4 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff
LU 2392/8 altsilber
Ø 72 cm, H 36 cm
incl. 8 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff
LU 2392/8 altsilber
Ø 72 cm, H 36 cm
incl. 8 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff
Sacral VIP-Object „Teqia“ / Junik, Kosovo
LU 2392/8+4 gold
Ø 76 cm, H 55 cm
incl. 12 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff
This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the energy classes to EE1
Luxury private mansion / Klosterneuburg, Austria
LU 2392/8+4 gold
Ø 76 cm, H 55 cm
incl. 12 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff

LU 2392/4+1 altsilber

12-1108/4 altpatina
50 cm, H 180 cm
incl. 4 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff
LU 2392/8 altpatina
Ø 72 cm, H 36 cm
incl. 8 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W) Glas 479 klar-Schliff
LU 2392/8 altpatina
Ø 72 cm, H 36 cm
incl. 8 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)
Glas 479 klar-Schliff

WA 2-1174/1 altpatina

W 14 cm, H 26 cm, D 30 cm

incl. 1 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 479 klar-Schliff

2392/4+1 altpatina

Ø 60 cm, H 40 cm

incl. 5 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 479 klar-Schliff

Ø 76 cm, H 55 cm

incl. 12 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 479 klar-Schliff

LU 2392/8+4 altpatina

LU 2392/4 altpatina

Ø 60 cm, H 34 cm

incl. 4 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 479 klar-Schliff

WA 2-1174/3 altpatina

W 48 cm, H 31 cm, D 30 cm incl. 3 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 479 klar-Schliff

WA 2-1174/2 altpatina

W 48 cm, H 31 cm, D 21 cm

incl. 2 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 479 klar-Schliff

4 LA 4-1099/1 altpatina

W 28 cm, H 32 cm, D 14 cm

incl. 1 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 479 klar-Schliff

1 H = height without chain

1 LU usable as hanging or flush-fixture alternatively, 1-4 1A fullcut, glasses hand cut 24% High Lead Crystal

Ø 95 cm, H 55 cm

incl. 16 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 479 klar-Schliff

Ø 95 cm, H 55 cm

incl. 16 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 479 klar-Schliff

1 H = height without chain 1-2 1A fullcut, LU usable as hanging or flush-fixture alternatively, glasses hand cut 24% High Lead Crystal

LU 2392/4+8+4 altpatina
LU 2392/4+8+4 altpatina

SA-DLU 2345/16/60/3,0 chrom

+ 3 x inner light

Ø 60 cm, H 3,0 m incl. 16 x 12 V/20 W + 9 x 12 V/10 W halogen

SA-DLU 2345/60/18/3,4 gold

Ø 60 cm, H 3,4 m incl. 18 x 12 V/20 W halogen

SA-DLU 2345/120/36/6,4 chrom

+ 6 x inner light

Ø 120 cm, H 6,4 m 36 x 12 V/20 W + 18 x 12 V/10 W halogen

1-3 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal

SA-DLU 2345/60/18/2,6 chrom


4 Hotel, Russia
Villa Baku, Azerbajan
Prechtlhof, Althofen / Austria
Villa Toronto / Canada
1-4 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal

+ 4 x inner light

2-1101/3 rechts gold

22 cm, H 33 cm, D 11 cm

3 x G9/240 V/25 W (max. 40 W) SA DLU 2345/120/24/4,4 gold

Ø 120 cm, H 4,4 m

incl. 24 x 12 V/20 W halogen incl. 12 x 12 V/10 W halogen

1-2 Items can also be delivered for usage with G9 or G4 retrofit LED bulbs upon request.

1-2 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal


SA-DLU 2345/60/18/5,3 chrom

Armenian Embassy, Vienna / Austria
1-3 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal

DLU 2344/60/18/3,6m gold

+ 3 x inner light

Ø 60 cm, H 3,6 m incl. 18 x 12 V/20 W halogen incl. 9 x 12 V/10 W halogen

DLU 2344/120/36/6,4m gold

Ø 120 cm, H 6,4 m incl. 36 x 12 V/20 W halogen

DLU 2344/60/15/2,8m chrom

+ 3 x inner light

Ø 60 cm, H 2,8 m incl. 15 x 12 V/20 W halogen incl. 9 x 12 V/10 W halogen

1-3 Items can also be delivered for usage with G9 or G4 retrofit LED bulbs upon request.

DL in Ø 60 + Ø 120 cm available, lengths individual. Customers may specify total length. With inner light if desired 1 Element H 90 cm incl. 3 x 12 V/10 W halogen; left or right available; ceilingplate CrNi

DLU 2374/44/8+8/chrom/Rille/ LED-weiss

Ø 44 cm, H 183 cm

incl. 8 x G9-25 W (max. 40 W) incl. 8 x LED-1 W weiss

DLU 2374/44/8+8/chrom/Blase/ LED-weiss

Ø 44 cm, H 183 cm

DLU 2374/44/8+8/gold/Blase/ LED-blau

Ø 44 cm, H 183 cm

incl. 8 x G9-25 W (max. 40 W) incl. 8 x LED-1 W weiss

incl. 8 x G9-25 W (max. 40 W) incl. 8 x LED-1 W blau

All lamps are available in gold and chrome. LED-colors: White, blue, red, amber and green; Mixing colors: For each color you need a separate

DLU 2374 in Ø 30 + Ø 44 cm available. Customers may specify total length.

cm, H 183 cm incl. 8 x G9-25 W (max. 40 W) incl. 8 x LED-1 W blau 2-3

DLU 2375/60/9+9/gold/Blase/ LED-weiss Ø 60 cm, H 187 cm incl. 9 x G9-25 W (max. 40 W) incl. 9 x LED-1 W weiss DLU 2375/60/9+9/chrom/Rille/ LED-blau Ø 60 cm, H 332 cm/

Acrylglasstab mit Rillen tube gold or chrom, LED green
Acrylglasstab mit Blasen tube gold or chrom, LED amber
Acrylglasstab mit Rillen tube gold or chrom, LED amber
Acrylglasstab mit Blasen tube gold or chrom, LED red
Acrylglasstab mit Rillen
tube gold or chrom, LED red
Acrylglasstab mit Blasen tube gold or chrom, LED green

SA-DLU 2375/60/12+12/chrom/ Blase/LED-amber

+ 5 x inner light

Ø 60 cm, H 7,2 m 27 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W) +

12 x LED-1 W amber

1-5 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal Mirrored

SA-LU 2330/42/100+15/53 gold

Ø 100 cm, Total H 2,7 m 42 + 15 x G9/25 W halogen PRODUCTION ON ORDER

Luxury Project, Armenia
Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal Mirrored
Luxury Project, Armenia
1-2 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal Mirrored
1-4 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal Mirrored
1-4 Items can also be equipped with G4 LED retrofit lamps upon request.
1-5 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal Mirrored 1-5
DL 7-364/24/100 x 70 gold oval 100 x 70 cm, H 42 cm
24 x 12 V/20 W halogen
DL 7-364/24/100 x
chrom oval
DL 7-364/30/78x48 gold oval 78
1-3 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal Mirrored
1-3 Items can also be equipped with G4 LED retrofit lamps upon request.
LU 2330/42/100x70 chrom
100 cm, H 66 cm incl. 42 x 12 V/10 W halogen
LU 2330/42/100x70 gold Ø 100 cm, H 66 cm
42 x 12 V/10 W halogen
1-2 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal Mirrored
1-2 Items can also be equipped with G4 LED retrofit lamps upon request.

Ø 100 cm, H 40 cm incl. 21 x 12 V/20 W halogen

1-2 Items can also be equipped with G4 LED retrofit lamps upon request.

DL 7-336/21/100 chrom Ø 100 cm, H 40 cm incl. 21 x 12 V/20 W halogen
DL 7-336/21/100 gold
1-2 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal Mirrored

SA LU 2330/60/160 gold + 2330/18/70

below: Ø 160 cm, H 115 cm

incl. 60 x G9/240 V/25 W, halogen

above: Ø 70 cm, H 52 cm, incl. 18 x G9/240 V/25 W halogen PRODUCTION ON ORDER

Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal Mirrored
1-2 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal Mirrored
1-2 Items can also be equipped with G4 LED retrofit lamps upon request.

DL 7-190/19/52 gold

Ø 52 cm, H 63 cm

19 x E14, max. 40 W excl. Kopfspiegellampen

DL 7-190/10 chrom Ø 34 cm, H 55 cm 10 x E14, max. 40 W excl. Kopfspiegellampen

1-8 Spectra® Swarovski® Crystal

DL 7-190/10 gold

Ø 34 cm, H 55 cm 10 x E14, max. 40 W excl. Kopfspiegellampen

DL 7-190/4 chrom Ø 20 cm, H 20 cm 4 x E14, max. 40 W excl. Kopfspiegellampen

DL 7-190/4 gold

Ø 20 cm, H 20 cm 4 x E14, max. 40 W excl. Kopfspiegellampen

DL 7-187/4 chrom Ø 20 cm, H 20 cm incl. 4 x 12 V/20 W halogen

4+8 Items can also be equipped with G4 LED retrofit lamps upon request.

DL 7-187/4 gold

Ø 20 cm, H 20 cm incl. 4 x 12 V/20 W halogen

DL 7-190/19/52 chrom

Ø 52 cm, H 63 cm

19 x E14, max. 40 W excl. Kopfspiegellampen

Porta Caucasia Kazbegi Georgia

HL 6-1546/4/400 Ms

Ø 40 cm, H 83 cm

4 x E27

Glas 482 opal-glänzend

HL 6-1546/1/250 Ms Ø 25 cm, H 74 cm 1 x E27

HL 6-1546/4/320 Ms

1 2 3 4 5

Glas 480 opal-glänzend

1-5 available in solid brass, nickel (with white and blue stones) and antique solid brass

Ø 33 cm, H 77 cm

4 x E14

Glas 481 opal-glänzend

DL 7-556/1/250 Ms Ø 25 cm, H 36 cm 1 x E27

Glas 480 opal-glänzend

DL 7-556/4/400 Ms Ø 40 cm, H 52 cm 4 x E27

Glas 482 opal-glänzend

STL 12-1128/4/320 Ms

Ø 35 cm, H 170 cm

4 x E14

Glas 481 opal-glänzend

NU 9-381/4/520 Ms Ø 53 cm, H 15 cm 4 x E27

Glas 490 opal-glänzend

1-4 available in solid brass, nickel (with white and blue stones) and antique solid brass

NU 9-381/2/250 Ms Ø 25 cm, H 10 cm

2 x E14

Glas 487 opal-glänzend

LA 4-1126/1/250 Ms Ø 29 cm, H 56 cm 1 x E27

Glas 480 opal-glänzend

Private stairway, Vienna / Austria
Stadtratsgebäude in Tiflis / Georgien

LU 1713/9+1/MS

Ø 95 cm, H 105 cm

9 x E14 + 3 x E27

9 x Glas 150 opal-glänzend

1 x Glas 491 opal-glänzend

This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the energy classes to EE1

LU 1713/7+1/MS

Ø 80 cm, H 92 cm

7 x E14 + 3 x E27

7 x Glas 149 opal-glänzend

1 x Glas 482 opal-glänzend

LU 1713/3+1/MS Ø 60 cm, H 71 cm 3 x E14 + 1 x E27

3 x Glas 149 opal-glänzend 1 x Glas 480 opal-glänzend

DL 7-544/5/570 MS

Ø 57 cm, H 40 cm

5 x E27

Glas 491 opal-glänzend

DL 7-544/5 Ms

48 cm, H 34 cm

x E27 Glas 482 opal-glänzend

DL 7-544/3/305 Ms

Ø 30 cm, H 24 cm 3 x E27

Glas 480 opal-glänzend

DL 7-544/9/630 Ms

63 cm, H 45 cm

x E27 Glas 483 opal-glänzend

DL 7-544/4/390 Ms

39 cm, H 28 cm 4 x E27

Glas 481 opal-glänzend

LU 1713/9+1/Patina

Ø 95 cm, H 105 cm

9 x E14 + 3 x E27

9 x Glas 150 opal-glänzend

1 x Glas 491 opal-glänzend


LU 1713/3+1/Patina

Ø 60 cm, H 71 cm

3 x E14 + 1 x E27

3 x Glas 149 opal-glänzend

1 x Glas 480 opal-glänzend H = total height with chain

LU 1713/5+1/Patina Ø 70 cm, H 83 cm 5 x E14 + 3 x E27

5 x Glas 149 opal-glänzend 1 x Glas 481 opal-glänzend


LU 1713/7+1/Nickel

Ø 80 cm, H 92 cm

7 x E14 + 3 x E27

7 x Glas 149 opal-glänzend

1 x Glas 482 opal-glänzend

H = total height with chain

LU 1713/5+1/Nickel

Ø 70 cm, H 83 cm

5 x E14 + 3 x E27

5 x Glas 149 opal-glänzend 1 x Glas 481 opal-glänzend EE1

1-2 available in solid brass, nickel (with white and blue stones) and antique solid brass

LU 1712/3+1 Patina
LU 1712/5+1 MS Ø 60 cm, H 125 cm 6 x E14 Glas 149 opal-glänzend
LU 1712/5+1 Patina Ø 60 cm, H 125 cm 6 x E14 Glas 149 opal-glänzend
LU 1712/5+1 Nickel
Ø 60 cm, H 125 cm 6 x E14
Glas 149 opal-glänzend
Hotel Savoy, Praha / Czech Republic
This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the energy classes to EE1
Zahnklinik Bratislava

LU 1319/10+5+1/MS/opal-matt

Ø 96 cm, H 90 cm

15 x E27/60 W + 1 x E27/75 W Glas 328, 337 opal-matt

LU 1319/5+1 MS/opal-matt

Ø 65 cm, H 55 cm

5 x E27/60 W + 1 x E27/75 W Glas 328, 329 opal-matt

HL 6-988/1 MS/opal-matt

Ø 27 cm, H 37 cm

1 x E27/60 W Glas 329 opal-matt

1, 2, 6 H = height without chain


1 x E27/60 W Glas 328 opal-matt LU 1320/4 MS/opal-matt Ø 58 cm, H 52 cm 4 x E27/60 W Glas 328 opal-matt

H 32

33 cm, H 62 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glas 330 opal-matt WA 2-470/1/abwärts/MS/opal-matt

D 28

W 45 cm, H 32 cm, D 25 cm 2 x E27/60 W Glas 328 opal-matt LA 4-477/1 MS/opal-matt

WA 2-470/2/aufwärts/MS/opal-matt

LU 1320/5+1 MS/champagne-matt

LU 1321/7+1 MS/opal-matt

Ø 74 cm, H 65 cm

7 x E27/60 W + 1 x E27/75 W Glas 328, 330 opal-matt H = total height

LU 1321/5+1 MS/opal-matt

Ø 67 cm, H 63 cm

5 x E27/60 W + 1 x E27/75 W Glas 328, 329 opal-matt

LU 1319/4+8+4+1 MS/328, 329 Opal glänzend

Ø 98 cm, H 123 cm, 17 x E27/60 W Glas 328, 329 opal

LU 1319/4+16+8+4 MS/328 opal

Ø 150 cm, H 125 cm

32 x E27/40 W Glas 328 opal EE1

LU 1319/7+1 patina/328, 330 opal

Ø 74 cm, H 63 cm

7 x E27/60 W + 1 x E27/75 W Glas 328, 330 opal

1, 2 H = height without chain

HL 6-1015 patina/337 champagne

Ø 40 cm, H 41 cm, 1 x E27/60 W

Glas 337 champagne

DL 7-054/33 patina/ 330 champagne

Ø 33 cm, D 23 cm, 2 x E27/60 W

Glas 330 champagne

HL 6-1020 patina/337 champagne

Ø 40 cm, H 108 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 337 champagne

DL 7-054/26 patina/ 329 champagne Ø 26 cm, D 33 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 329 champagne

1, 8, 9 H = height without chain; 2 H = total height

LA 4-477 patina/330 champagne Ø 33 cm, H 62 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 330 champagne

LU 1319/3+1 patina/328 opal

Ø 55 cm, H 50 cm, 4 x E27/60 W Glas 328 opal

STL 12-807 patina/337 champagne Ø 40 cm, H 160 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 337 champagne

LU 1319/7+1 patina/328, 330 opal Ø 74 cm, H 63 cm 7 x E27/60 W + 1 x E27/75 W Glas 328, 330 opal

DL 7-054/40 patina/337 champagne Ø 40 cm, D 24 cm, 2 x E27/60 W Glas 337 champagne

LA 4-477 patina/330 opal

Ø 33 cm, H 62 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 330 opal

96 cm, H 85 cm 10 x E27/60 W + 1 x E27/75 W

WA 2-470/2 patina - abw./328 champagne D 25 cm, W 45 cm, H 32 cm 2 x E27/60 W HL 6-989 patina/328 champagne Ø 18 cm, H 28 cm 1 x E27/60 W LU 1320/5+1 patina/328, 329 champagne Ø 65 cm, H 63 cm 5 x E27/60 W + 1 x E27/75 W LU 1320/10+1 patina/328, 337 champagne



DL 7-087/3/47 patina/champagne

Ø 47 cm, H 14 cm

3 x E27/60 W

DL 7-085/2/26 MS/opal

Ø 26 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E14/40 W

DL 7-086/2/35 satin/opal-matt

Ø 35 cm, H 12 cm

2 x E27/60 W

DL 7-086/2/35 patina/champagne Ø 35 cm, H 12 cm 2 x E27/60 W

DL 7-087/3/47 MS/champagne-matt Ø 47 cm, H 14 cm 3 x E27/60 W

DL 7-085/2/26 satin/opal-matt

Ø 26 cm, H 11 cm 2 x E14/40 W

DL 7-085/2/26 patina/champagne

Ø 26 cm, H 11 cm 2 x E14/40 W

DL 7-086/2/35 MS/champagne-matt

Ø 35 cm, H 12 cm 2 x E27/60 W

DL 7-087/3/47 chrom/opal-matt Ø 47 cm, H 14 cm 3 x E27/60 W

DL 7-087/3/47 MS/opal Ø 47 cm, H 14 cm

3 x E27/60 W

DL 7-085/2/26 MS/champagne-matt

Ø 26 cm, H 11 cm 2 x E14/40 W

DL 7-086/2/35 chrom/opal-matt

Ø 35 cm, H 12 cm 2 x E27/60 W

DL 7-086/2/35 MS/opal

Ø 35 cm, H 12 cm

2 x E27/60 W

DL 7-087/3/47 satin/opal-matt

Ø 47 cm, H 14 cm 3 x E27/60 W

DL 7-085/2/26 chrom/opal-matt

Ø 26 cm, H 11 cm 2 x E14/40 W

DL 7-061/18 MS/338 champagne

Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm

1 x E27/60 W, Glas 338 champagne

DL 7-061/18 MS/338 opal-matt

Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm

1 x E27/60 W, Glas 338 opal-matt

DL 7-054/26 Patina/329 opal

Ø 26 cm, D 33 cm

1 x E27/60 W, Glas 329 opal

DL 7-061/18 MS/338 champ.-matt Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 338 champ.-matt

DL 7-061/18 Patina/338 opal

Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 338 opal

DL 7-054/26 MS/329 opal

Ø 26 cm, D 33 cm 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 329 opal

DL 7-061/18 Patina/338 champagne

Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm

1 x E27/60 W, Glas 338 champagne

DL 7-061/18 Patina/338 opal-matt

Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 338 opal-matt

DL 7-061/18 Pat./338 champ.-matt Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 338 champ.-matt

DL 7-054/26 MS/329 opal Ø 26 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 329 opal-matt

DL 7-061/18 MS/338 opal Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 338 opal

DL 7-054/26 Patina/329 champagne

Ø 26 cm, D 33 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 329 champagne

DL 7-054/18 Patina/328 champ.-matt

Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm, 1 x E27/60 W

Glas 328 champ.-matt

DL 7-054/33 MS/330 champ.-matt

Ø 33 cm, D 23 cm, 1 x E27/60 W

Glas 330 champ.-matt

DL 7-054/18 MS/328 champ.-matt

Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm, 1 x E27/60 W

Glas 328 champ.-matt

DL 7-054/40 MS/337 champ.-matt

Ø 40 cm, D 24 cm, 2 x E27/60 W

Glas 337 champ.-matt

DL 7-054/18 Patina/328 opal-matt

Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm, 1 x E27/60 W

Glas 328 opal-matt

DL 7-054/33 Patina/330 opal-matt

Ø 33 cm, D 23 cm, 1 x E27/60 W

Glas 330 opal-matt

DL 7-054/18 MS/328 opal-matt

Ø 18 cm, H 22 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 328 opal-matt

DL 7-054/33 MS/330 opal-matt

Ø 33 cm, D 23 cm, 1 x E27/60 W

Glas 330 opal-matt

DL 7-054/33 Patina/330 champ.-matt

Ø 33 cm, D 23 cm, 1 x E27/60 W

Glas 330 champ.-matt

DL 7-054/40 MS/337 opal-matt

Ø 40 cm, D 24 cm, 2 x E27/60 W

Glas 337 opal-matt

Luxury Restaurant and Hotel Complex, Russia
Luxury Villa, Slovenia
337 opal

LU 1319/12+6+3+1 patina/328, 337 opal

Ø 110 cm, H 120 cm

21 x E27/60 W + 1 x E27/75 W Glas 328, 337 opal


LU 1319/10+5+1 MS/328, 337 opal

Ø 96 cm, H 90 cm

15 x E27/60 W + 1 x E27/75 W Glas 328, 337 opal

Historical Restaurant
„Wiener Rathauskeller“, Vienna / Austria

Residence of H.E., the Bishop of Trnava / Slovakia

LU 1319/4+16+8+4 MS/

328 opal

Ø 150 cm, H 125 cm

32 x E27/40 W

Glas 328 opal

LU 1319/4+16+8+4 PAT./ 328 opal-matt

Ø 150 cm, H 125 cm

32 x E27/40 W

Glas 328 opal-matt

Basilika of the Madonna of Lichen, Stary Lichen / Poland
Metropolitan Station, Almaty / Kazakhstan
Hotel Karpati, Baia Mare / Romania
Old Theatre, Skopje / Macedonia Restaurant and Hotel Petrovski, Rostow / Russia
Grand Hotel, Lodsz / Poland
Sacral VIP-Object „Teqia“, Junik / Kosovo
Hotel Complex Petrovski, Rostow / Russia
1319/10+5+1 PAT./328, 337 opal
Hotel Sorgerhof, Frauental / Austria
Luxury Wine Castle and Complex „Thaller“, Großwilfersdorf / Austria
LU 1319/10+5+1 MS/328, 337 opal
Hotel Kaiserin Elisabeth, Vienna / Austria

SA-LU 1440/32+16+8+4 bronze

Ø 3 m, GesH 3,45 m 60 x E27/60 W

Glas 376 klar-matt PRODUCTION ON ORDER

SA-LU 1440/4+8+16+8+4+1 bronze

Ø 135 cm, H 300 cm 41 x E27/60 W

Glas 376 klar-matt PRODUCTION ON ORDER

Katschalov Drama Theatre, Kasan / Russia
Katschalov Drama Theatre, Kasan / Russia
City Hall, Bielsko Biala / Poland
City Hall, Bielsko Biala / Poland

LU 1440/16+8+4 bronze

Ø 135 cm, H 160 cm

28 x E27/60 W

Glas 376 klar-matt

This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the
LU 1440/8+4+1 bronze
Ø 77 cm, H 114 cm
13 x E27/60 W
Glas 376 klar-matt
Private Stairway, Vienna / Austria

DL 7-260 gold/411 klar-Schliff

Ø 14 cm, H 26 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glas 411 klar-Schliff

DL 7-261 bronze/415 klar-Schliff

Ø 22 cm, H 20 cm

1 x E27/60 W Glas 415 klar-Schliff

DL 7-261 gold/415 klar-Schliff Ø 22 cm, H 20 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glas 415 klar-Schliff

DL 7-262/1 bronze/416 klar-Schliff

Ø 31 cm, H 25 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glas 416 klar-schliff

Glasses 411 or 415 klar-Schliff, crystal glass hand-cut

DL 7-262/1 gold/416 klar-Schliff

Ø 31 cm, H 25 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glas 416 klar-Schliff

DL 7-263/3 bronze/417 klar-Schliff

Ø 40 cm, H 30 cm 3 x E27/60 W Glas 417 klar-schliff

DL 7-263/3 gold/417 klar-Schliff

Ø 40 cm, H 30 cm 3 x E27/60 W Glas 417 klar-Schliff

DL 7-260 bronze/411 klar-Schliff

Ø 14 cm, H 26 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glas 411 klar-Schliff




LU 1440/10+5+1 bronze
Ø 102 cm, H 90 cm
16 x E27/60 W
Glas 376 klar-matt

SA-LU 1440/10+20+16+8+4



Bukarest Central University, Library / Romania

SA-LU 1440/24+16+8+4 bronze

Ø 206 cm, H 233 cm

52 x E27/60 W Glas 376 klar-matt PRODUCTION ON ORDER


SA-LU 1440/32+16+8+4 bronze

Ø 300 cm, H 200 cm

60 x E27/60 W

Glas 376 klar-matt

Special version


Orthodox Cathedral, Laktasi / Bosnia

SA-LU 1440/32+16+8+4 bronze

Ø 306 cm, H 157 cm (without chain)

60 x E27/60 W, 8 Strahler

Glas 376 klar-matt PRODUCTION ON ORDER

Cathedral Bydgoszcz / Poland
St. Malachy’s, Edendork / Northern Ireland
LU 1440/8+4+1 bronze
80 cm, H 114 cm
x E27/60 W Glas 411 klar-schliff
Pfarrkirche Atzgersdorf, Vienna / Austria
LU 1440/7 bronze
70 cm, H 75 cm
x E27/60 W Glas 411 klar-schliff
Sacral VIP-Object „Teqia“, Junik / Kosovo
LU 1440/7 bronze
Hotel Savoy, Opatija / Croatia
Hotel Liberty, Prag / Czech. Republic
Restaurant Realszisztema, Budapest / Hungary
Thermenhotel Paierl, Bad Waltersdorf / Austria
4 VIP Residence, Budapest / Hungary
Historical Restaurant „Wiener Rathauskeller“, Vienna / Austria
Theater Zorin Dom, Karlovac / Croatia
Atelier Theatre, Vienna / Austria
Máthé Textil, Budapest / Hungary
Historical City Hall, Sarajevo / Bosnia
4 Hotel Lomnica, Vysoké Tatry - Slowakei
Café Amandine, Praha / Czech Republic

DLU 1660/12+6+6+1 alt-MS/ Stäbchen

Ø 120 cm, H 78 cm 18 x E14/40 W, 7 x E27/60 W

Glas DLU 1660/12+6+6+1 alt-MS


DLU 1660/12+6+6+1 alt-MS/ Opalkugel

Ø 120 cm, H 78 cm 18 x E14/40 W, 6 x E27/60 W Glas 150 opal-sm

Sacral VIP-Object „Teqia“ / Junik, Kosovo

LU 1660/10+5+5+1 alt-MS/ Stäbchen

Ø 120 cm, H 130 cm

15 x E14/40 W, 6 x E27/60 W

Glas 1660/10+5+5+1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

Ø 120 cm, H 130 cm

15 x E14/40 W, 6 x E27/60 W

Glas 150 opal-sm

LU 1660/10+5+5+1 alt-MS/ Opalkugel
H = height without chain

LU 1660/3+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen Ø 45 cm, H 87 cm 4 x E14/40 W Glas 1660/3+1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

WA 2-1104/2+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

W 46 cm, H 38 cm, D 20 cm 3 x E14/40 W Glas 1104/2+1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

DLU 1660/7+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen Ø 72 cm, H 65 cm 10 x E14/40 W Glas DLU 1660/7+1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

WA 2-1104/1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

W 9 cm, H 29 cm, D 24 cm 1 x E14/40 W Glas 2-1104/1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

WA 2-1104/2 alt-MS/Stäbchen

W 37 cm, H 31 cm, D 18 cm 2 x E14/40 W Glas 2-1104/2 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

LU 1660/5+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

Ø 58 cm, H 94 cm

5 x E14/40W, 1x E27/60 W Glas 1660/5+1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

HL 6-1489/1 alt-MS/Stäbchen Ø 32 cm, H 54 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glas 7-475/1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

DL 7-476/3 alt-MS/Stäbchen

Ø 37 cm, H 60 cm 3 x E14/40 W Glas 7-476/1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

HL 6-1487/1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

Ø 17 cm, H 35 cm 1 x E14/40 W Glas 7-473/1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

DL 7-474/1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

Ø 24 cm, H 44 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glas 7-474/1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

1,2,4 H = height without chain

DLU 1660/6+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

Ø 59 cm, H 57 cm

6 x E14/40 W, 1x E27/60 W

Glas DLU 1660/6+1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

DLU 1660/3+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

Ø 42 cm, H 43 cm 4 x E14/40 W Glas DLU 1660/3+1 alt-MS Stäbchengarnitur

DLU 1660/3+1 gold/Stäbchen

Ø 42 cm, H 43 cm

4 x E14/40 W Glas DLU 1660/3+1 gold Stäbchengarnitur

4 DLU 1660/5+1 gold/Stäbchen

Ø 50 cm, H 50 cm

5 x E14/40 W, 1x E27/60 W Glas DLU 1660/5+1 gold Stäbchengarnitur

LU 1660/6+1 gold/Stäbchen

Ø 70 cm, H 120 cm 6 x E14/40 W, 1x E27/60 W Glas 1660/6+1 gold Stäbchengarnitur

WA 2-1104/1 gold/Stäbchen

W 9 cm, H 29 cm, D 24 cm 1 x E14/40 W Glas 2-1104/1 gold Stäbchengarnitur

LU 1660/3+1 gold/Stäbchen

Ø 45 cm, H 87 cm 4 x E14/40 W Glas 1660/3+1 gold Stäbchengarnitur

WA 2-1104/2 gold/Stäbchen

W 37 cm, H 31 cm, D 18 cm 2 x E14/40 W Glas 2-1104/2 gold Stäbchengarnitur

LU 1660/5+1 alt-MS/Schliffkugel

Ø 65 cm, H 96 cm

5 x E14/40 W, 1 x E27/60 W

Glas 470 klar-schliff 1,2

LU 1660/6+1 alt-MS/Schliffkugel

Ø 76 cm, H 120 cm 6 x E14/40 W, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 471 klar-schliff

DLU 1660/6+1 alt-MS/Schliffkugel

Ø 68 cm, H 57 cm

6 x E14/40W, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 471 klar-schliff

4 WA 2-1104/2+1 alt-MS/Schliffkugel

W 51 cm, H 38 cm, D 22 cm

3 x E14/40 W Glas 469 klar-schliff

LU 1660/3+1 gold/Schliffkugel

Ø 50 cm, H 87 cm

4 x E14/40 W

Glas 469 klar-schliff

DLU 1660/5+1 gold/Schliffkugel

Ø 54 cm, H 50 cm 5 x E14/40 W, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 470 klar-schliff

WA 2-1104/1 gold/Schliffkugel

W 14 cm, H 25 cm, D 26 cm 1 x E14/40 W

Glas 469 klar-schliff

1 H = height without chain

DLU 1660/8+4+1/alt-MS/Stäbchen

Ø 90 cm, H 60 cm

12 x E14/40 W, 5 x E27/60 W

Glas DLU 1660/8+4+1 alt-MS (Stäbchengarnitur)

DLU 1660/8+4+1/alt-MS/Opalkugel

Ø 90 cm, H 60 cm 12 x E14/40 W, 5 x E27/60 W Glas 149 opal-sm

LU 1660/8+4+1/alt-MS/Opalkugel

Ø 100 cm; H 105 cm

12 x E14/40 W, 5 x E27/60 W

Glas 149 opal-sm

LU 1660/8+4+1/alt-MS/Stäbchen

Ø 95 cm; H 105 cm

12 x E14/40 W, 5 x E27/60 W Glas LU 1660/8+4+1 alt-MS (Stäbchengarnitur)

LU 1660/10+5+5+1/alt-MS/ Stäbchen

Ø 120 cm, H 130 cm 15 x E14/40 W, 6 x E27/60 W

Glas LU 1660/10+5+5+1 alt-MS (Stäbchengarnitur)

H = height without chain

LU 1660/10+5+5+1/alt-MS/ Opalkugel

Ø 125 cm, H 130 cm 15 x E14/40 W, 6 x E27/60 W Glas 150 opal-sm

DLU 1660/18+12+6+1/alt-MS/ Opalkugel

Ø 160 cm, H 85 cm

36 x E14/40 W, 19 x E27/60 W

Glas 150 opal-sm

DLU 1660/18+12+6+1/alt-MS/ Stäbchen

Ø 160 cm, H 85 cm

36 x E14/40 W, 19 x E27/60 W

Glas DLU 1660/18+12+6+1 alt-MS (Stäbchengarnitur)

LU 1660/20+15+10+5+1/alt-MS/ Opalkugel

Ø 232 cm, H 207 cm

50 x E14/40 W, 41 x E27/60 W Glas 150 opal-sm

LU 1660/20+15+10+5+1/alt-MS/ Stäbchen

Ø 225 cm, H 207 cm

50 x E14/40 W, 41 x E27/60 W Glas LU 1660/20+15+10+5+1 alt-MS (Stäbchengarnitur)

H = height without chain

DLU 1660/24+18+12+6+1/alt-MS/ Opalkugel

Ø 200 cm, H 103 cm 60 x E14/40 W, 37 x E27/60 W Glas 150 opal-sm

DLU 1660/24+18+12+6+1/alt-MS/ Stäbchen

Ø 200 cm, H 103 cm 60 x E14/40 W, 37 x E27/60 W Glas DLU 1660/24+18+12+6+1 alt-MS (Stäbchengarnitur)

LU 1660/15+10+5+1/gold/ Opalkugel

Ø 180 cm, H 170 cm

30 x E14/40 W, 21 x E27/60 W Glas 150 opal-sm

LU 1660/15+10+5+1/gold/ Stäbchen

Ø 173 cm, H 170 cm

30 x E14/40 W, 21 x E27/60 W Glas LU 1660/15+10+5+1 alt-MS (Stäbchengarnitur)

LU 1660/15+10+5+1/gold/ Schliffkugel

Ø 180 cm, H 170 cm

30 x E14/40 W, 21 x E27/60 W

Glas 470 klar-Schliff

H = height without chain


DLU 1660/18+12+3/alt-MS-oval/ Stäbchen

200 x 120 cm, H 85 cm

33 x E14/40 W, 16 x E27/60 W

Glas DLU 1660/18+12+3 alt-MS (Stäbchengarnitur)

DLU 1660/18+12+3/alt-MS-oval/ Opalkugel

200 x 120 cm, H 80 cm 33 x E14/40 W, 16 x E27/60 W Glas 149 opal-sm

DLU 1660/12+4/gold-oval/Opalkugel

145 x 63 cm, H 58 cm

16 x E14/40 W, 3 x E27/60 W

Glas 149 opal-sm

DLU 1660/12+4/gold-oval/Stäbchen

145 x 63 cm, H 64 cm

16 x E14/40 W, 3 x E27/60 W

Glas DLU 1660/12+4 gold (Stäbchengarnitur)

DLU 1660/12+4/alt-MS-oval/Opalkugel + SA-Aufhängung

145 x 63 cm, H 58 cm

16 x E14/40 W, 3 x E27/60 W Glas 149 opal-sm


Residence Hotel, Donovaly / Slovakia
Residence Hotel, Donovaly / Slovakia Luxury Wine Castle and Complex, Private „Thaller, Großwilfersdorf / Austria
DL 7-260 gold/ 411 klar-Schliff
7-262 gold/ 416 klar-Schliff
7-261 gold/ 415 klar-Schliff
1-4 Glasses 411 or 415 klar-Schliff, crystal glass really hand-cut
DL 7-263/3 bronze
40 cm, H 30 cm
x E27/60 W Glas 417 klar-schliff
DL 7-260 bronze/411 klar-Schliff
7-261 bronze/415 klar-Schliff
25 cm, H 20 cm
x E27/60 W Glas 415 klar-Schliff
DL 7-262/1 bronze
31 cm, H 25 cm
x E27/60 W Glas 416 klar-schliff

HL 6-1610/4+1 Alt-bronze

L 77 cm, B 20 cm, H 78-108 cm 5 x E27/60 W Glasstäbchen 875/150mm

DL 7-616/1 Alt-bronze

L 14 cm, B 14 cm, H 21 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glasstäbchen 875/150mm

WA 2-1324/1 Alt-bronze

B 14 cm, H 29 cm, T 20 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glasstäbchen 875/150mm

4 WA 2-1324/2 Alt-bronze

B 35 cm, H 29 cm, T 20 cm 2 x E27/60 W Glasstäbchen 875/150mm

LU 1725/4+1 Alt-bronze

L 44 cm, B 44 cm , H 78 cm 5 x E27/60 W Glasstäbchen 875/150mm

HL 6-1610/1 Alt-bronze

L 20 cm, B 20 cm, H 52 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glasstäbchen 875/150mm

DL 7-616/4+1 Alt-bronze

L 45 cm, B 45 cm, H 33 cm 5 x E27/60 W Glasstäbchen 875/150mm

and Residence / Austria

SA-LU 1524/8+8+3+1 gold

Ø 100 cm, H 107 cm

16 x E14 + 4 x E27

(Glasstäbchen 875/150 mm

+ 876/180 mm) PRODUCTION ON

SA-LU 1524/8+1 gold

Ø 75 cm, H 73 cm

8 x E14 + 4 x E27

(Glasstäbchen 875/150 mm + 876/180 mm) PRODUCTION ON ORDER

Luxury privat Palais

LU 1387/16+8+1 patina

Ø 148 cm, H 145 cm

25 x E27 (Glasstäbchen 874/120 mm)

o.Abb. also available in solid brass

LU 1387/16+8+1 MS

DLU 1388/5+1 patina

Ø 50 cm, H 30 cm 6 x E27 (Glasstäbchen 874/120 mm)

LU 1387/6+1 patina

Ø 60 cm, H 93 cm 7 x E27 (Glasstäbchen 874/120 mm)

12-866/3 patina Ø 50 cm, H 170 cm 3 x E27 (Glasstäbchen 874/120 mm) DLU 1388/3+1 patina Ø 40 cm, H 30 cm 4 x E27 (Glasstäbchen 874/120 mm) LU 1387/3+1 patina

Ø 50 cm, H 98 cm 4 x E27 (Glasstäbchen 874/120 mm)

LA 4-642/1 patina W 17 cm, H 34 cm, D 12 cm 1 x E27 (Glasstäbchen 874/120 mm) WA 2-586/1 patina W 12 cm, H 30 cm, D 22 cm 1 x E27 (Glasstäbchen 874/120 mm)

LU 1239/12+6 satin mit Adler
LU 1239/12+6+3 satin mit Adler
satin mit Adler

Ø 150 cm, H 140 cm

39 x E14/40 W

Luxury private mansion, Prague / Czech Republic
LU 1239/18+12+6+3 satin
ohne Adler

SA LU 1239/16+40+32+24+16+8+4

Ø 350 cm, H 435 cm, 140 x 40 W = 5,6kW Production on order, KD special design, partly fitted PRODUCTION ON ORDER

1 H = height without chain EE1

SA LU 1239/16+32+24+16+8+4 Patina

100 x E14, Dia 2,3 m, H 3,5 m PRODUCTION ON ORDER

1 H = height without chain

This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the energy classes to EE1
National Museum of Skopje / Northern Macedonia


Ø 106 cm, H 96 cm

Apetlon / Austria
patina mit Adler
Kirche in Vaskereszt / Hungary

Lingnerschloss Dresden

SA LU 1239/18+12+6+3 gold mit Adler

Ø 150 cm, H 140 cm


LU 1617/8

Ø 90 cm, H 39 cm 8 x E14/max. 40 W Glas 440

Ø 70 cm, H 33 cm 4 x E14/max. 40 W Glas 440 WA 2-968/1

W 10 cm, H 23 cm, D 37 cm 1 x E14/max. 40 W Glas 440

LU 1617/8+4+1 altpatina/440/441

1 2 3

Ø 90 cm, H 60 cm

12 x E14/max. 40 W + 1 x E27/max. 60 W

Glas 440/441

LU 1617/12+4+1 altpatina/440/442

Ø 115 cm, H 70 cm

16 x E14/max. 40 W + 1 x E27/max. 60 W Glas 440/442

Privat mansion, St. Kind / Austria

WA 2-967/2 altpatina/440

W 40 cm, H 31 cm, D 27 cm

2 x E14/max. 40 W Glas 440

LA 4-962/1 altpatina/441

Ø 32 cm, H 54 cm

1 x E27/max. 60 W Glas 441

70 cm, H 29 cm 2 x E14/max. 40 W Glas 440

x E14/max. 40 W + 1 x E27/max. 60 W Glas 440/441 LU 1617/2 altpatina/440

WA 2-967/3 altpatina/440 W 53 cm, H 37 cm, D 40 cm

DLU 1617/8+1 altpatina/440/441 Ø 90 cm, H 58 cm 8 x E14/max. 40 W + 1 x E27/max. 60 W Glas 440/441

x E14/max. 40 W Glas 440 DLU 1617/4+1 altpatina/440/441 Ø 73 cm, H 50 cm

x E14/max. 40 W Glas 440 LA 4-963/1 altpatina/440

WA 2-967/2 altpatina/440 W 40 cm, H 31 cm, D 27 cm

E14/max. 40 W Glas 440

Schlösslhotel Kindl, Bad Gleichenberg / Austria
Guesthouse Fam. Leitinger, Deutschlandsberg / Austria

LU 1460/3 gold/385 opal-gold

Ø 55 cm, H 37 cm, 3 x E27/75 W

Glas 385 opal-gold

HL 6-1272 gold/Zug/386 opal-gold

Ø 32 cm, H 67 cm, 1 x E27/60 W

Glas 386 opal-gold

LU 1462/2 gold/Zug/386 opal-gold W 70 cm, H 70-145 cm adjustable 2 x E27/60 W, Glas 386 opal-gold

LU 1460/5 gold/385 opal-gold Ø 65 cm, H 40 cm, 5 x E27/75 W Glas 385 opal-gold

WA 2-720/1 gold/385 opal-gold

H 29 cm, W 25 cm, D 31 cm

E27/60 W, Glas 385 opal-gold

LA 4-802/3 gold/387 opal-gold

Ø 40 cm, H 63 cm, 3 x E27/60 W Glas 387 opal-gold

LA 4-800/2 gold/385 opal-gold

Ø 24 cm, H 35 cm, 2 x E14/40 W Glas 385 opal-gold

WA 2-720/2 patina/385 opalpatina

W 51 cm, H 23 cm, 2 x E27/75 W Glas 386 opal-patina

STL 12-938/3 gold/385 opal-gold

Ø 53 cm, H 155 cm, 3 x E27/75 W Glas 385 opal-gold

LU 1460/6 gold/385 opal-gold

Ø 80 cm, H 41 cm, 6 x E27/75 W

Glas 385 opal-gold

DL 7-086/2/35 gold/opal-matt

Ø 35 cm, H 12 cm, 2 x E27/60 W

Glas 7-086 opal

HL 6-1270 gold/Kabel/386 opal-gold

Ø 32 cm, H 33 cm, 1 x E27/75 W

Glas 386 opal-gold

DL 7-085/2/26 gold/opal-matt

Ø 26 cm, H 11 cm, 2 x E14/40 W

Glas 7-085 opal

HL 6-1269 gold/Kabel/385 opal-gold

Ø 24 cm, H 29 cm, 1 x E27/75 W

Glas 385 opal-gold

LU 1460/5 patina/385 opal-patina

Ø 65 cm, H 40 cm, 5 x E27/75 W

Glas 385 opal-patina

LA 4-801/2 gold/386 opal-gold

Ø 32 cm, H 48 cm, 2 x E27/60 W

Glas 386 opal-gold

DL 7-087/3/47 gold/opal-matt

Ø 47 cm, H 14 cm, 3 x E27/60 W

Glas 7-087 opal

LU 1460/6 patina/385 opal-patina

Ø 80 cm, H 41 cm, 6 x E27/75 W

Glas 385 opal-patina

DL 7-086/2/35 patina/opal-matt

Ø 35 cm, H 12 cm, 2 x E27/60 W

Glas 7-086 opal

HL 6-1271 patina/Kabel/ 387 opal-patina

Ø 40 cm, H 37 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 387 opal-patina

DL 7-085/2/26 patina/opal-matt

Ø 26 cm, H 11 cm, 2 x E14/40 W

Glas 7-085 opal

HL 6-1269 patina/Kabel/ 385 opal-patina

Ø 24 cm, H 29 cm, 1 x E27/75 W

Glas 385 opal-patina

Hotel Ruze restaurace

HL 6-1271 patina/Kabel/ 387 opal-patina

Ø 40 cm, H 37 cm, 1 x E27/75 W

Glas 387 opal-patina

LA 4-801/2 patina/386 opalpatina

Ø 32 cm, H 48 cm, 2 x E27/60 W Glas 386 opal-patina

WA 2-720/2 patina/385 opalpatina

W 51 cm, H 29 cm, D 25 cm 2 x E27/60 W Glas 385 opal-patina

DL 7-087/3/47 patina/opal-matt

Ø 47 cm, H 14 cm, 3 x E27/60 W Glas 7-087 opal

LU 1460/7 patina/385 opal-patina

Ø 100 cm, H 45 cm, 7 x E27/75 W Glas 385 opal-patina

HL 6-1273 patina/Zug/387 opal-patina

Ø 40 cm, H 122-200 cm adjustable

1 x E27/75 W Glas 387 opal-patina

HL 6-1270 patina/Kabel/386 opal-patina

Ø 32 cm, H 33 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 386 opal-patina LU 1460/7 patina/385 opal-patina

WA 2-720/2 patina/385 opal-patina

W 51 cm, H 29 cm, D 25 cm 2 x E27/60 W Glas 385 opal-patina

Ø 100 cm, H 45 cm, 7 x E27/75 W Glas 385 opal-patina

LU 1461/2 patina/Zug/385 opal-patina

W 65 cm, H 70 cm, 2 x E27/60 W Glas 385 opal-patina

STL 12-937/1 patina/386 opal-patina

W 55 cm, H 167-180 cm adjustable 1 x E27/75 W Glas 386 opal-patina

LU 1525/3 patina/412 opal/pat

Ø 60 cm, H 28 cm, 3 x E27/60 W Glas 412 opal/patina

HL 6-1342 patina/Zug/414 opal/pat

Ø 36 cm, H 60-150 cm adjustable

1 x E27/75 W, Glas 414 opal/patina

LU 1525/3 patina/412 champ./pat

Ø 60 cm, H 28 cm, 3 x E27/60 W Glas 412 champ./patina

LU 1525/5 patina/412 opal/pat Ø 65 cm, H 26 cm, 5 x E27/60 W Glas 412 opal/patina

STL 12-983/1 patina/413 opal/pat W 48 cm, H 170 cm adjustable 1 x E27/75 W, Glas 413 opal/patina

LA 4-899/1 patina/412 champ./pat

Ø 21 cm, H 35 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 412 champ./patina

WA 2-835/1 patina/412 opal/pat

W 21 cm, H 25 cm, D 30 cm 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 412 opal/patina

HL 6-1342 patina/Kette/414 champ./pat

Ø 36 cm, H 25 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 414, champ./patina

WA 2-835/2 patina/412 opal/pat

W 47 cm, H 25 cm, D 28 cm 2 x E27/60 W, Glas 412 opal/patina

LU 1525/5 patina/412 champ./pat Ø 65 cm, H 26 cm, 5 x E27/60 W Glas 412, champ./patina

LA 4-899/1 patina/412 opal/pat

Ø 21 cm, H 35 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 412 opal/patina

STL 12-983/1 patina/413 champ./pat

W 48 cm, H 170 cm adjustable 1 x E27/75 W Glas 413 champ./patina

HL 6-1342 MS-matt/Kette/420 champ-grün/MS

Ø 36 cm, H 25 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 420 champ-grün/MS

HL 6-1342 Pat/Zug/420 opal-blau/Pat

Ø 36 cm, H 60 - 150 cm adjustable, Glas 420 opal-blau/Patina, 1 x E27/75 W

HL 6-1342 satin/Zug/414 opal/satin

Ø 36 cm, H 60 - 150 cm adjustable, 1 x E27/75 W, Glas 414 opal/satin

HL 6-1342 MS-matt/Kette/420 opal-blau/MS

Ø 36 cm, H 25 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 420 opal-blau/MS

HL 6-1342 MS-matt/Zug/420 opal-blau/MS

Ø 36 cm, H 60 - 150 cm adjustable, 1 x E27/75 W, Glas 420 opal-blau/MS

HL 6-1342 MS-matt/Zug/414 champ./MS

Ø 36 cm, H 60 - 150 cm adjustable, 1 x E27/75 W, Glas 414 champ./MS

HL 6-1342 satin/Zug/420 opal-blau/satin

Ø 36 cm, H 60 - 150 cm adjustable 1 x E27/75 W, Glas 420 opal-blau/ satin

HL 6-1342 Pat/Zug/420 champ.-blau/Pat

Ø 36 cm, H 60 - 150 cm adjustable, 1 x E27/75 W, Glas 420 champ.-blau/Pat

HL 6-1342 satin/Kette/414 opal/satin

Ø 36 cm, H 25 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 414 opal/satin

HL 6-1342 Pat/Kette/414 opal/Pat

Ø 36 cm, H 25 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 414 opal/patina

HL 6-1342 MS-matt/Kette/414 opal/MS

Ø 36 cm, H 25 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 414 opal/MS

DL 7-087/3/47 satin/opal-matt

Ø 47 cm, H 14 cm, 3 x E27/60 W

Glas 7-087 opal-matt

DL 7-086/2/35 MS-matt/opal-matt

Ø 35 cm, H 12 cm, 2 x E27/60 W

Glas 7-086 opal-matt

DL 7-085/2/26 satin/opal-matt

Ø 26 cm, H 11 cm, 2 x E14/40W

Glas 7-085 opal-matt

DL 7-087/3/47 patina/champ.-matt

Ø 47 cm, H 14 cm, 3 x E27/60 W

Glas 7-087 champ.-matt

DL 7-086/2/35 satin/opal-matt

Ø 35 cm, H 12 cm, 2 x E27/60 W

Glas 7-086 opal-matt

DL 7-085/2/26 patina/champ.-matt

Ø 26 cm, H 11 cm, 2 x E14/40 W

Glas 7-085 champ.-matt

DL 7-087/3/47 MS-matt/opal-matt

Ø 47 cm, H 14 cm, 3 x E27/60 W

Glas 7-087 opal-matt

DL 7-086/2/35 patina/champ.-matt

Ø 35 cm, H 12 cm, 2 x E27/60 W

Glas 7-086 champ.-matt

DL 7-085/2/26 MS-matt/opal-matt

Ø 26 cm, H 11 cm, 2 x E14/40 W

Glas 7-085 opal-matt

LU 1377/2 patina-Zug/ 355 champagne

W 87 cm, H 100 - 160 cm adjustable 2 x E27/60 W, Glas 355 champagne

HL 6-1113/1 patina-Zug/355 champagne

Ø 35 cm, H 60 - 150 cm adjustable

1 x E27/75 W, Glas 355 champagne

LA 4-599/2 patina/355 champagne

Ø 35 cm, H 55 cm, 2 x E27/60 W Glas 355 champagne

DL 7-087/3/47 patina/ champagne Ø 47 cm, H 14 cm, 3 x E27/60 W Glas 7-087 champagne

LA 4-597/1 patina/354 champagne Ø 25 cm, H 31 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 354 champagne LA 4-598/1 patina/354 champagne W 40 cm, H 73 cm, D 25 cm 1 x E27/60 W Glas 354 champagne

HL 6-1112/1 patina-Kette/ 354 champagne

Ø 25 cm, H 17 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 354 champagne STL 12-843/1 patina/ 355 champagne Ø 50 cm, H 170 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 355 champagne

Porta Caucasia Kazbegi, Georgia

HL 6-1405/2 MS-matt/446 champ.

L 72 cm, 2 x E27/75 W Glas 446 champ.

HL 6-1404/1 MS-matt/447 champ.

Ø 40 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 447 champ.

HL 6-1405/2 MS-matt/446 grün

L 72 cm, 2 x E27/75 W Glas 446 grün

HL 6-1403/1 MS-matt/446 champ.

Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 446 champ.

HL 6-1406/3 MS-matt/445 grün

L 74 cm, 3 x E14/40 W Glas 445 grün

HL 6-1403/1 MS-matt/446 grün

Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 446 grün

WA 2-983/1 MS-matt/445 champ.

W 22 cm, H 20 cm, D 25 cm 1 x E14/40 W, Glas 445 champ.

HL 6-1404/1 MS-matt/447 opal

Ø 40 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 447 opal

HL 6-1404/1 MS-matt/447 grün Ø 40 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 447 grün

HL 6-1404/1 MS-matt/447 champ.

Ø 40 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 447 champ.

HL 6-1403/1 MS-matt/446 grün

Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 446 grün

WA 2-983/1 MS-matt/445 grün

W 22 cm, H 20 cm, D 25 cm 1 x E14/40 W, Glas 445 grün

HL 6-1403/1 MS-matt/446 opal

Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 446 opal

HL 6-1406/3 MS-matt/445 champ.

L 74 cm, 3 x E14/40 W Glas 445 champ.

HL 6-1405/2 satin/446 blau

L 72 cm, 2 x E27/75 W

Glas 446 blau

HL 6-1404/1 satin/447 opal

Ø 40 cm, 1 x E27/75 W

Glas 447 opal

HL 6-1405/2 satin/446 opal

L 72 cm, 2 x E27/75 W

Glas 446 opal

HL 6-1404/1 satin/447 blau

Ø 40 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 447 blau

HL 6-1406/3 satin/445 opal L 74 cm, 3 x E14/40 W Glas 445 opal

HL 6-1403/1 satin/446 opal Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 446 opal

HL 6-1403/1 satin/446 blau

Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W

Glas 446 blau

HL 6-1403/1 satin/446 blau

Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 446 blau

HL 6-1404/1 satin/447 opal

Ø 40 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 447 opal

WA 2-983/1 satin/445 blau W 22 cm, H 20 cm, D 25 cm 1 x E14/40 W, Glas 445 blau

HL 6-1404/1 satin/447 blau Ø 40 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 447 blau

WA 2-983/1 satin/445 opal W 22 cm, H 20 cm, D 25 cm 1 x E14/40 W, Glas 445 opal

HL 6-1403/1 satin/446 opal

Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W

Glas 446 opal

HL 6-1406/3 satin/445 blau

L 74 cm, 3 x E14/40 W Glas 445 blau

HL 6-1405/2 MS-matt/446 opal

L 72 cm, 2 x E27/75 W

Glas 446 opal

HL 6-1403/1 MS-matt/446 champ.

Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W

Glas 446 champ.

HL 6-1407/1 MS-matt/342/30

Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W

Glas 342/30

HL 6-1403/1 MS-matt/446 opal Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 446 opal

HL 6-1404/1 MS-matt/447 grün

Ø 40 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 447 grün

HL 6-1404/1 MS-matt/447 opal Ø 40 cm, 1 x E27/75 W

Glas 447 opal

HL 6-1407/1 satin/342/30 Ø 30 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 342/30

WA 2-983/1 MS-matt/445 opal

W 22 cm, H 20 cm, D 25 cm 1 x E14/40 W, Glas 445 opal

HL 6-1402/1 satin/342/25 Ø 25 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 342/25

HL 6-1406/3 MS-matt/445 opal

L 74 cm, 3 x E40/40 W

Glas 445 opal

HL 6-1402/1 MS-matt/342/25

Ø 25 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 342/25

LU 1411/2 patina/Zug/365 champ.

W 86 cm, H 86-125 cm adjustable

2 x E27/60 W, Glas 365 champ.

LU 1411/2 patina/Zug/365 grün

W 86 cm, H 86-125 cm adjustable

2 x E27/60 W, Glas 365 grün

LU 1410/2 patina/364 kobalt

HL 6-1214/1 patina/365 champ. Ø 30 cm, H 25 cm, 1 x E27/75 W Glas 365 champ.

WA 2-640/2 patina/363 champ.

W 44 cm, H 16 cm, D 23 cm

LU 1410/3 patina/363 champ.

STL 12-887/1 patina/365 grün Ø 35 cm, H 167 cm adjustable 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 365 grün

HL 6-1215/1 patina/Zug/365 kobalt

12 13 EE1 EE1 EE1

W 57 cm, 2 x E27/60 W Glas 364 kobalt

Ø 30 cm, H 120-190 cm adjustable 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 365 kobalt

2 x E27/60 W, Glas 363 champ.

WA 2-640/1 patina/363 grün

W 20 cm, H 16 cm, D 21 cm 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 363 grün

LA 4-685/1 patina/364 kobalt Ø 25 cm, H 63 cm adjustable 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 364 kobalt

Ø 60 cm, H 37 cm, 3 x E27/60 W Glas 363 champ.

LA 4-685/1 patina/364 grün

Ø 30 cm, H 63 cm adjustable 1 x E27/60 W, Glas 364 grün

LU 1410/5 patina/364 champ.

Ø 78 cm, H 46 cm, 5 x E27/60 W Glas 364 champ.

HL 6-1213/1 patina/364 grün

Ø 24 cm, H 23 cm, 1 x E27/60 W Glas 364 grün

DL 7-658/5 kupfer/503 opal

L 84 cm, B 62 cm, T 19 cm

5 x G9/28 W

Glas 503 opal glänzend

L 37 cm, B 12 cm, T 17 cm 1 x G9/28 W Glas 503 opal glänzend

DL 7-480/3/45 satin/klar-matt

Ø 45 cm, H 14 cm

3 x E27/60 W Glas 465 klar-matt

DL 7-480/2/25 gold/opal-matt

Ø 25 cm, H 10 cm

2 x E14/40 W Glas 462 opal-matt

1-6 1A full-cut crystal

DL 7-480/2/38 satin/opal-matt Ø 38 cm, H 11 cm 2 x E27/60 W Glas 464 opal-matt

STL 12-1092/1 satin/klar-matt

Ø 40 cm, H 178 cm 1 x E27/100 W Glas 468 klar-matt

DL 7-480/2/25 satin/klar-matt Ø 25 cm, H 10 cm 2 x E14/40 W Glas 462 klar-matt

DL 7-480/3/45 gold/opal-matt Ø 45 cm, H 14 cm 3 x E27/60 W Glas 465 opal-matt

DL 7-480/2/38 gold/klar-matt

Ø 38 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E27/60 W Glas 464 klar-matt

DL 7-465/34 gold-matt/klar-matt

Ø 34 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E27/60 W, Glas 464 klar-matt

DL 7-465/44 gold-matt/opal-matt

Ø 44 cm, H 13 cm

3 x E27/60 W, Glas 465 opal-matt

DL 7-465/24 satin/opal-matt

Ø 24 cm, H 9 cm

2 x E14/25 W, Glas 462 opal-matt

DL 7-465/24 gold-matt/klar-matt

Ø 24 cm, H 9 cm

2 x E14/25 W, Glas 462 klar-matt

DL 7-465/34 satin/klar-matt

Ø 34 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E27/60 W, Glas 464 klar-matt

DL 7-465/44 satin/opal-matt

Ø 44 cm, H 13 cm

3 x E27/60 W, Glas 465 opal-matt

DL 7-465/44 gold-matt/klar-matt

Ø 44 cm, H 13 cm

3 x E27/60 W, Glas 465 klar-matt

DL 7-465/24 satin/klar-matt

Ø 24 cm, H 9 cm

2 x E14/25 W, Glas 462 klar-matt

DL 7-465/34 gold-matt/opal-matt

Ø 34 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E27/60 W, Glas 464 opal-matt

DL 7-465/44 satin/klar-matt

Ø 44 cm, H 13 cm

3 x E27/60 W, Glas 465 klar-matt

DL 7-465/24 gold-matt/opal-matt

Ø 24 cm, H 9 cm

2 x E14/25 W, Glas 462 opal-matt

DL 7-465/34 satin/opal-matt

Ø 34 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E27/60 W, Glas 464 opal-matt

DLU 1600/5 gold-matt/

Kögl, Atzenbrugg / Austria
Hotel Safenhof, Waltersdorf / Austria
Hotel Moser, Weissensee / Austria
Hotel Sorgerhof, Frauental / Austria

LU 1599/10+5 satin/438 klar-matt

Ø 95 cm, H 70-95 cm adjustable

incl. 15 x G9/25 W (max. je 40 W) Glas 438 klar-matt

438 opal

incl. 8 x G9/25 W (max. je 40 W) Glas 438 klar-matt LU 1599/10+5 gold-matt/438 opal Ø 95 cm, H 70-95 cm adjustable incl. 15 x G9/25 W (max. je 40 W)

L 75 cm, W 45 cm

H 57-80 cm adjustable

H 57-80 cm adjustable incl. 8 x G9/25 W (max. je 40 W) Glas 438 klar-matt LU 1599/8 oval gold-matt/438 klar-matt

LU 1599/8 oval satin/438 klar-matt

L 75 cm, W 45 cm

LU 1599/5 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

Ø 57 cm, H 57-80 cm adjustable

incl. 5 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

STR 10-374/6 satin/438 klar-matt

3 x 60 cm, H 14 cm

incl. 6 x G9/25 W (max. je 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

DLU 1600/5 satin/438 klar-matt

Ø 57 cm, H 23 cm

incl. 5 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

DL 7-372/9 gold matt/438 klar matt

70 x 38 x 11 cm

incl. 9 x G9/25 W (max. je 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

LU 1599/7 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

Ø 60 cm, H 57-80 cm adjustable, incl. 7 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

DL 7-372/9 satin/438 opal

70 x 38 x 11 cm

incl. 9 x G9/25 W (max. je 40 W)

Glas 438 opal

WA 2-937/1 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

H 27 cm, W 12 cm, D 13,5 cm incl. G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

STR 10-374/6 gold-matt/438 opal

3 x 60 cm, H 14 cm, incl. 6 x G9/25 W (max. je 40 W)

Glas 438 opal

HL 6-1436/1 gold-matt/460 klar-matt

Ø 25 cm, H 30 cm

1 x E27/75 W Glas 460 klar-matt

HL 6-1437/1 satin/461 klar-matt

Ø 40 cm, H 41 cm 1 x E27/100 W Glas 461 klar-matt

1-6 H = height without cable

HL 6-1436/1 satin/460 klar-matt

Ø 25 cm, H 30 cm 1 x E27/75 W Glas 460 klar-matt

HL 6-1438/1 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

Ø 10 cm, H 20 cm 1 x G9/25 W max.40 W Glas 438 klar-matt

HL 6-1438/1 satin/438 klar-matt

Ø 10 cm, H 20 cm 1 x G9/25 W max.40 W Glas 438 klar-matt

HL 6-1437/1 gold-matt/461 klar-matt

Ø 40 cm, H 41 cm 1x E27/100 W Glas 461 klar-matt

STR 10-348/4 gold-matt/438 opal

L 87 cm, W 33 cm, D 20 cm

incl. 4 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 opal

STR 10-347/3 gold-matt/438 opal

L 67 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm

incl. 3 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 opal

STR 10-348/4 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

L 87 cm, W 33 cm, D 20 cm

incl. 4 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

STR 10-349/3 gold-matt/438 opal

Ø 30 cm, H 17 cm

incl. 3 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 opal

STR 10-347/1 gold-matt/438 opal

H 25 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm

incl. G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 opal

STR 10-349/3 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

Ø 30 cm, H 17 cm

incl. 3 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

STR 10-347/1 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

L 25 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm

incl. G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

STR 10-347/2 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

L 45 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm

incl. 2 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

STR 10-347/3 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

L 67 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm

incl. 3 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

STR 10-347/2 gold-matt/438 opal

L 45 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm

incl. 2 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 opal

STR 10-348/4 satin/439 opal

L 87 cm, W 33 cm, D 20 cm

incl. 4 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 439 opal

STR 10-347/3 satin/439 opal

L 67 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm

incl. 3 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 439 opal

STR 10-348/4 satin/438 klar-matt

L 87 cm, W 33 cm, D 20 cm

incl. 4 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

STR 10-349/3 satin/438 klar-matt

Ø 30 cm, H 17 cm

incl. 3 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 438 klar-matt

STR 10-347/1 satin/438 klar-matt

H 25 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm incl. G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

438 klar-matt

STR 10-349/3 satin/439 opal Ø 35 cm, H 15 cm

incl. 3 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

Glas 439 opal

G9/25 W (max. 40 W)

439 opal

STR 10-347/2 satin/438 klar-matt

L 45 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm incl. 2 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W) Glas 438 klar-matt

STR 10-347/3 satin/438 klar-matt

L 67 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm

incl. 3 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W) Glas 438 klar-matt

STR 10-347/2 satin/439 opal

L 45 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm incl. 2 x G9/25 W (max. 40 W) Glas 439 opal STR 10-347/1 satin/439 opal H 25 cm, W 10 cm, D 20 cm

NU 9-218/22 MS-seidenmatt

Ø 22 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E14/40 W

Glas 9-218/20 opal-sm

NU 9-218/32 Patina-seidenmatt

Ø 32 cm, H 12 cm

2 x E27/60 W

Glas 9-218/29 opal-sm

NU 9-218/22 Patina-seidenmatt

Ø 22 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E14/40 W Glas 9-218/20 opal-sm

NU 9-218/22 chrom-seidenmatt

Ø 22 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E14/40 W Glas 9-218/20 opal-sm

NU 9-218/32 chrom-seidenmatt

Ø 32 cm, H 12 cm

2 x E27/60 W Glas 9-218/29 opal-sm

NU 9-218/32 MS-seidenmatt

Ø 32 cm, H 12 cm

2 x E27/60 W

Glas 9-218/29 opal-sm

NU 9-218/38 MS-seidenmatt

Ø 38 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E27/60 W Glas 9-218/36 opal-sm

NU 9-218/38 chrom-seidenmatt

Ø 38 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E27/60 W Glas 9-218/36 opal-sm

NU 9-218/38 Patina-seidenmatt

Ø 38 cm, H 11 cm

2 x E27/ 60 W Glas 9-218/36 opal-sm

braun | brown creme

* Erhältlich ab Lager/ available from stock ** Erhältlich auf Anfrage (ca. 6 Wochen)/ available upon request (approx. 6 weeks)

(ohne Schirm)
(ohne Schirm)


6 Wochen)/


Erhältlich ab Lager/ available from

Erhältlich auf Anfrage (ca. 6 Wochen)/ available upon request (approx. 6 weeks)

* Erhältlich ab Lager/ available from

** Erhältlich auf Anfrage (ca. 6 Wochen)/ available upon request (approx. 6 weeks)

satin | satin nickel

* Erhältlich ab Lager/ available from stock ** Erhältlich auf Anfrage (ca. 6 Wochen)/ available upon request (approx. 6 weeks)

* Erhältlich ab Lager/ available from stock

** Erhältlich auf Anfrage (ca. 6 Wochen)/ available upon request (approx. 6 weeks)

(ohne Schirm)
(ohne Schirm)
7-639/40 (ohne Schirm)





dimmbar mit:


Erhältlich ab Lager/ available from

Erhältlich auf Anfrage (ca. 6 Wochen)/ available upon request (approx. 6 weeks)

Erhältlich ab Lager/ available from

Erhältlich auf Anfrage (ca. 6 Wochen)/ available upon request (approx. 6 weeks)


* Erhältlich ab Lager/ available from stock

** Erhältlich auf Anfrage (ca. 6 Wochen)/ available upon request (approx. 6 weeks)
















LA 4-1197/1 schwarz + Schirm 305 ocker


WA 2-1353 MS-matt

+ Schirm 2-1353 ocker W

LA 4-1197/1 schwarz +

DL 7-640/60 + Schirm 7-640 ocker

(ohne Schirm)

LU 1235/3 MS

LU 1235/5 Patina

LU 1235/6 MS

LU 1235/8 Patina

LU 1235/10 Patina

LU 1235/6+3 Patina

LU 1235/8+4 MS

LU 1238/8 MS - ohne Adler

LU 1238/8 Patina - ohne Adler

LU 1239/12+6 MS - ohne Adler

LU 1239/12+6 satin - mit Adler

LU 1239/12+6 Patina - mit Adler

LU 1239/12+6+3 Patina mit Adler

LU 1239/12+6+3 satin - mit Adler

LU 1239/18+12+6+3 MS - mit Adler

LU 1239/18+12+6+3 Patina - mit Adler

LU 1239/18+12+6+3 satin - mit Adler

LU 1283/3 Patina

LU 1283/5 Patina

LU 1283/8 Patina

LU 1285/5 Patina

LU 1285/6 Patina

LU 1285/8 Patina

LU 1285/10 Patina

LU 1319/4 MS/328 champ matt

LU 1319/4 Patina/328 champ glänzend 270

LU 1319/3+1 MS/328 opal glänzend 268

LU 1319/3+1 Patina/328 champ glänzend 270

LU 1319/3+1 Patina/328 opal glänzend 267

LU 1319/3+1 Patina/328 opal matt 259

LU 1319/5+1 MS/328/329 opal glänzend 266

LU 1319/5+1 MS/328, 329 opal matt 257

LU 1319/5+1 Patina/328,329 opal glänzend 268

LU 1319/7+1 Patina/328,330 opal glänzend 265

LU 1319/10+1 Patina/328,337 opal glänzen 269

LU 1319/10+5+1 MS/328,337 opal glänzend 268

LU 1319/10+5+1 MS/328, 337 opal matt 256

LU 1319/12+6+3+1 Pat/328,337 opal glänzend 277

LU 1319/4+8+4+1 MS/328,329 opal glänzend 264

LU 1319/4+16+8+4 MS/328 opal glänzend 265

LU 1320/4 MS/328 opal glänzend 266

LU 1320/4 MS/328 opal matt 257

LU 1320/3+1 Patina/328 opal glänzend 269

LU 1320/3+1 Patina/328 champ matt 262

LU 1320/5+1 MS/328, 329 champ matt 260

LU 1320/5+1 Patina/328/329 champ glänzend 271

LU 1320/5+1 Patina/328, 329 opal matt 258

LU 1320/7+1 MS/328/330 opal glänzend 266

LU 1320/10+1 Patina/328,337 champ glänzend 271

LU 1320/10+5+1 MS/328,337 opal glänzend 270

LU 1321/4 Patina/328 champ glänzend 270

LU 1321/3+1 MS/328 opal matt 263

LU 1321/5+1 MS/328, 329 opal matt 264

LU 1321/7+1 MS/328, 330 opal matt 264

LU 1323/4+1 MS/328 opal matt 263

LU 1376/2 Patina/354 champ 378

LU 1376/3 Patina/354 champ 378

LU 1376/4 Patina/354 champ 376

LU 1377/2 Patina Zug/355 champ 377

LU 1377/3 Patina/355 champ 376

LU 1387/3+1 Patina 346

LU 1387/6+1 Patina 346

LU 1387/10+1 Patina 347

LU 1387/8+1 Patina 347

LU 1410/3 Patina/363 champ 387

LU 1410/5 Patina/364 champ 387

LU 1410/2 Patina/364 kobalt 387

LU 1411/2 Patina-Zug/365 champ 387

LU 1411/2 Patina-Zug/365 grün 387

LU 1440/3 bronze/376 klar-matt 293

LU 1440/3 gold/411 klar-Schliff 285

LU 1440/4+8+4+1 bronze/376 klar-matt 292

LU 1440/5 bronze/376 klar-matt 294

LU 1440/5 gold/411 klar-Schliff 284

LU 1440/7 bronze/376 klar-matt 291

LU 1440/7 gold/411 klar-Schliff 284

LU 1440/8+4+1 bronze/376 klar-matt 295

LU 1440/8+4+1 gold/411 klar-Schliff 283

LU 1440/10+5+1 bronze/376 klar-matt 299

LU 1440/16+8+4 bronze/376 klar-matt 290

LU 1440/5+10+5+1 gold/411 klar-Schliff 283

LU 1460/3 gold/385 opal-gold 368

LU 1460/5 gold/385 opal-gold 368

LU 1460/5 Patina/385 opal-Patina 369

LU 1460/6 gold/385 opal-gold 369

LU 1460/6 Patina/385 opal-Patina 370

LU 1460/7 Patina/385 opal-Patina 371

LU 1461/2 Patina-Zug/385 opal-Patina 371

LU 1462/2 gold-Zug/386 opal-gold


LU 1524/6+1

LU 1525/3 Patina/412 opal/Patina

LU 1525/3 Patina/412 champ/Patina

LU 1525/5 Patina/412 opal/Patina

LU 1525/5 Patina/412 champ/Patina

LU 1525/2 Patina/413 champ/Patina

LU 1599/5 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

LU 1599/7 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

LU 1599/7 gold-matt/448 Schliff

LU 1599/8 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

1599/8 satin/438 klar-matt

LU 1599/8 satin/448 Schliff

LU 1599/10+5 gold-matt/438 opal

LU 1599/10+5 gold-matt/448 Schliff

LU 1599/10+5 satin/438 klar-matt

LU 1617/2 Altpatina/440

LU 1617/4 Altpatina/440

LU 1617/8 Altpatina/440

LU 1617/8+4+1 Altpantina/440, 441

LU 1617/12+4+1 Altpatina/440, 442

LU 1660/3+1 alt-MS/149 opal sm (4xE14)

LU 1660/3+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen (4xE14)

LU 1660/3+1 gold/149 opal sm (4xE14)

LU 1660/3+1 gold/469 klar-Schliff (4xE14)

LU 1660/3+1 gold/Stäbchen (4xE14)

LU 1660/5+1 alt-MS/150 opal sm

LU 1660/5+1 alt-MS/470 klar-Schliff

LU 1660/5+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen (5xE14+1xE27)

LU 1660/6+1 alt-MS/471 klar-Schliff

LU 1660/6+1 gold/466 opal sm (6xE14+1xE27)

LU 1660/6+1 gold/Stäbchen (6+E14+1xE27)

LU 1660/7+1 alt-MS/467 opal sm (10xE14)

LU 1660/7+1 gold/Stäbchen (10xE14)

LU 1660/8+4+1 alt-MS/149 opal sm

LU 1660/8+4+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

LU 1660/10+5+5+1 alt-MS/150 opal

LU 1660/10+5+5+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

LU 1660/15+10+5+1 gold/Stäbchen

LU 1660/15+10+5+1 gold/150 opal

LU 1660/15+10+5+1 gold/470 klar-Schliff

LU 1660/20+15+10+5+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

LU 1660/20+15+10+5+1 alt-MS/150 opal

LU 1712/3+1 MS/149 opal glänzend

LU 1712/3+1 nickel/149 opal glänzend

LU 1712/3+1 Patina/149 opal glänzend

LU 1712/5+1 MS/149 opal glänzend

LU 1712/5+1 nickel/149 opal glänzend

LU 1712/5+1 Patina/149 opal glänzend

LU 1713/3+1 MS/149, 480 opal glänzend

LU 1713/3+1 Patina/149, 480 opal glänzend

LU 1713/5+1 nickel/149, 481 opal glänzend

LU 1713/5+1 Patina/149, 481 opal glänzend

LU 1713/7+1 MS/149, 482 opal glänzend

LU 1713/7+1 nickel/149, 482 opal glänz.

LU 1713/9+1 MS/150, 491 opal glänzend

LU 1713/9+1 Patina/150, 491 opal glänzend

LU 1725/4+1 Alt-bronze (5xE27)

LU 1729/3+3 gold-matt/496 Schliffdekor

LU 1729/3+3 satin/496 Schliffdekor

LU 1729/6+3 gold-matt/496 Schliffdekor

LU 1729/6+3 satin/496 Schliffdekor

LU 1735/6 gold/500

1735/8+4 nickel/500

2143/6 gold (6xE14)

2143/8 gold (8xE14)

2143/10 gold (10xE14)



2143/6+3 gold (9xE14)

2143/6+6 gold (12xE14)

2143/12+6 gold (18xE14)




2143/24+12+6+3 gold (45xE14)

2144/3 gold/4463 gold

2144/3 gold/4469 weiß

2144/3 gold/4469

2144/3 chrom/4463 chrom

2144/3 chrom/4469 weiß








2224/8+4 MT-gold/A (12xE14)

2224/12+6 MT-gold/A (18xE14)

2224/12+6+3 MT-gold/A (100cmH125cm)


2284/9/63 gold (9xE27)

2300/24/65 gold (inkl. 24xG9/25W)

2300/31/85 gold (inkl. 31xG9/25W)

LU 2300/35/130 gold

LU 2300/36/105 gold (inkl. 36xG9/25W)

LU 2324/3/42 gold (3xE14)

LU 2324/3/42 gold/grün (3xE14)

LU 2324/3/42 chrom/blau (3xE14)

LU 2324/6/52 gold (6xE14)

LU 2324/6/52 gold/grün (6xE14) 148

LU 2324/6/52 chrom/blau (6xE14) 148

LU 2324/9/62 gold (9xE14) 148

LU 2324/9/62 gold/grün (9xE14) 148

LU 2324/9/62 chrom/blau (9xE14) 148

LU 2324/10/72 gold (10xE27) 146

LU 2324/10/72 chrom/blau (10xE27) 146

LU 2328/3/25 Patina 78

LU 2328/3/35 gold (3xE14)

LU 2328/3/35 Patina



LU 2328/6/45 gold (6xE14) 83

LU 2328/6/45 Patina


LU 2328/6/55 gold (6xE27) 83

LU 2328/6/55 Patina 78

LU 2329/12/35 gold (inkl. 12x12V/10W) 219

LU 2329/12/35 chrom (inkl. 12x12V/10W) 218

LU 2329/18/45 gold (inkl. 18x12V/10W) 219

LU 2329/18/45 chrom (inkl. 18x12V/10W) 218

LU 2329/36/55 gold (inkl. 36x12V/10W) 219

LU 2329/36/55 chrom (inkl. 36x12V/10W) 218

LU 2330/15/53 gold (inkl. 15x12V/10W) 215

LU 2330/15/53 chrom (inkl. 15x12V/10W) 214

LU 2330/36/70 gold (inkl. 36x12V/10W) 215

LU 2330/36/70 chrom (inkl. 36x12V/10W) 214

LU 2330/42/100x70 gold (inkl. 42x12V/10W) 222

LU 2330/42/100x70 chrom (inkl. 42x12V/10W) 222

U 2366/3 gold (inkl. 3xG9/40W) 175

LU 2366/3 satin (inkl. 3xG9/40W) 176

LU 2366/3 Antik (inkl. 3xG9/40W) 177

LU 2366/5 gold (inkl. 5xG9/40W) 175

LU 2366/5 satin (inkl. 5xG9/40W) 176

LU 2366/5 Antik (inkl. 5xG9/40W) 177

LU 2366/8 gold (inkl. 8xG9/40W) 175

LU 2366/8 satin (inkl. 8xG9/40W) 176

LU 2366/8 Antik (inkl. 8xG9/40W) 177

LU 2367/6 gold (6xE14) 170

LU 2367/6 chrom (6xE14) 171

LU 2367/8 gold (8xE14) 170

LU 2367/8 chrom (8xE14) 171

LU 2369/6 gold (6xE14) 169

LU 2369/6 chrom (6xE14) 171

LU 2369/10 gold (10xE14) 169

LU 2369/12+8 gold (20xE14) 168

LU 2370/6+1 Antik-gold (7xE14) 178

LU 2370/6+1 Antik-silber (7xE14) 180

LU 2370/5+5+1 Antik-gold (11xE14) 179

LU 2370/8+8+1 Antik-gold (17xE14) 178

LU 2370/8+8+1 Antik-silber (17xE14) 180

LU 2385/6/42 gold (6xE14) 73

LU 2385/6+3/55 gold (6xE27+3xE14) 73

LU 2386/6+6 gold (6xE14/6xE27) 72

LU 2386/6+6 Altsilber 71

LU 2386/6+6 Altpatina 70

LU 2386/8+8+4/100 gold (8xE27+12xE14) 69

LU 2388/15/70 gold (15xE27) 90

LU 2388/15/70 chrom (15xE27) 90

LU 2388/24/105 gold (24xE27) 97

LU 2388/24/105 chrom (24xE27) 97

LU 2388/24/120 gold (24xE27) 96

LU 2392/4 gold/479 Schliff 192

LU 2392/4 altsilber/479 Schliff 197

LU 2392/4 Altpatina/479 Schliff 200

LU 2392/4+1 gold/479 Schliff 191

LU 2392/4+1 altsilber/479 Schliff 196

LU 2392/4+1 Altpatina/479 Schliff 199

LU 2392/8 gold/479 Schliff 188

LU 2392/8 altsilber/479 Schliff 193

LU 2392/8 Altpatina/479 Schliff 198

LU 2392/8+4 gold/479 Schliff 190

LU 2392/8+4 altsilber/479 Schliff 196

LU 2392/8+4 Altpatina/479 Schliff 199

LU 2392/4+8+4 gold/479 Schliff 189

LU 2392/4+8+4 altsilber/479 Schliff 197

LU 2392/4+8+4 Altpatina/479 Schliff 201

LU 2402/3+2 Patina/oval (60x25cm) 50

LU 2402/5+4 Patina/oval (90x25cm) 52

LU 2402/6+4 Patina (110x25cm) 51

LU 2404/6+1/50 Patina 51

LU 2405/6/62 gold (6xE14) 68

LU 2405/6/62 Altsilber (6xE14) 66

LU 2405/6/62 Patina (6xE14) 67

LU 2405/10/80 gold 65

LU 2405/10/80 Altsilber 65

LU 2405/10/80 Patina 64

LU 2406/3 silber-gold/2406 champ 182

LU 2406/3 silber-gold/2406 weiß 182

LU 2406/3 silber-gold/2406 Organza/champ 182

LU 2406/3 silber-gold/2406 Organza/weiß 182

LU 2406/5 silber-gold/2406 champ 182

LU 2406/5 silber-gold/2406 weiß 182

LU 2406/5 silber-gold/2406 Organza/champ 182

LU 2406/5 silber-gold/2406 Organza/weiß 182

LU 2406/7 silber-gold/2406 champ 182

LU 2406/7 silber-gold/2406 weiß 182

LU 2406/7 silber-gold/2406 Organza/champ 182

LU 2406/7 silber-gold/2406 Organza/weiß 182

LU 2406/8 oval silber-gold/2406 champ 183

LU 2406/8 oval silber-gold/2406 weiß 183

LU 2406/8 oval sil-go/2406 Organza champ 183

LU 2406/8 oval sil-go/2406 Organza weiß 183

LU 2406/8+4 silber-gold/2406 champ 183

LU 2406/8+4 silber-gold/2406 weiß 183

LU 2406/8+4 silber-go/2406 Organza/champ 183

LU 2406/8+4 silber-go/2406 Organza weiß 183

LU 2407/3 silber-gold (3xE14) 184

LU 2407/5 silber-gold (5xE14) 185

LU 2407/8+4 silber-gold (12xE14) 184

LU 2408/8/80 gold (8xE14) 33

LU 2408/8/80 chrom (8xE14) 33

LU 2408/12/110 gold (12xE14) 32

LU 2408/12/110 chrom (12xE14) 32

LU 2408/16/140 chrom (16xE14) 32

LU 2410/4/40 gold 144

LU 2410/4/40 chrom 145

LU 2410/6/55 gold 145

LU 2410/6/55 chrom 144

LU 2411/6/60 gold (6xE14) 33

LU 2411/6/60 chrom (6xE14) 33

LU 2412/5 gold/4463 gold (Strass) 49

LU 2412/5 gold/4469 champ (Strass) 49

LU 2412/5 nickel/4463 chrom (Strass) 49

LU 2412/5 nickel/4469 weiß (Strass) 49

LU 2412/6+3 gold/4463 gold (Strass) 47

LU 2412/6+3 gold/4469 champ (Strass) 47

LU 2412/6+3 nickel/4463 chrom (Strass) 46

LU 2412/6+3 nickel/4469 weiß (Strass) 46

LU 2412/8+4 gold/4463 gold (Strass) 47

LU 2412/8+4 gold/4469 champ (Strass) 47

LU 2412/8+4 nickel/4463 chrom (Strass) 46

LU 2412/8+4 nickel/4469 weiß (Strass) 47 LU 2413/6 MT-silber (6xE14)

LU 2413/8+4

LU 2413/12+6 MT-silber (18xE14)

LU 1K/1409/12+6 (teilmontiert! - 18xE14)

LU 1K/1409/16+8 (teilmontiert! - 24xE14)

DLU 1388/3+1 Patina

DLU 1388/5+1 Patina

DLU 1441/3 bronze/376 klar-matt

DLU 1441/3 gold/411 klar-Schliff

DLU 1441/5+1 bronze/376 klar-matt

DLU 1600/5 satin/438 klar-matt

DLU 1600/5 satin/448 Schliff

DLU 1617/4+1 Altpatina/440, 441

DLU 1617/8 Altpatina/440

DLU 1617/8+1 Altpatina/440, 441

DLU 1660/3+1 alt-MS/149 opal sm (4xE14)

DLU 1660/3+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen (4xE14)

DLU 1660/3+1 gold/149 opal sm (4xE14)

DLU 1660/3+1 gold/Stäbchen (4xE14)

DLU 1660/5+1 gold/470 klar-Schliff

DLU 1660/5+1 gold/Stäbchen (5xE14+1xE27)

DLU 1660/6+1 alt-MS/466 opal sm

DLU 1660/6+1 alt-MS/471 klar-Schliff

DLU 1660/6+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen (6xE14+1xE27)

DLU 1660/7+1 alt-MS/466 opal sm

DLU 1660/7+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen (3xE27)

DLU 1660/8+4+1 alt-MS/149 opal sm

DLU 1660/8+4+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

DLU 1660/12+4 gold-oval/149 opal

DLU 1660/12+4 gold-oval/Stäbchen

1660/12+6+6+1 alt-MS/150 opal

DLU 1660/12+6+6+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

1660/18+12+3 alt-MS-oval/149 opal

1660/18+12+3 alt-MS-oval/Stäbchen

1660/18+12+6+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

1660/18+12+6+1 alt-MS/150

1660/24+18+12+6+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen

1660/24+18+12+6+1 alt-MS/150

2344/60L/18/3,6m gold + 3x Innenlicht

2344/120R/36/6,4m gold

2347/11/85 gold (11xE14)

2347/11/85 chrom (11xE14)

2347/13/100 gold (13xE14)

2347/13/100 chrom

2347/15/120 gold (15xE27)

2347/15/120 chrom (15xE27)

2374/44/8+8 gold/Rille/LED-blau

2374/44/8+8 gold/Blase/LED-blau

DLU 2374/44/8+8 chrom/Rille/LED-weiß

2374/44/8+8 chrom/Blase/LED-weiß

2375/60R/9+9 gold/Blase/LED-weiß

DLU 2375/60L/9+9chrom/Rille/LED-blau + 2x Innenlicht

2388/9/70 gold (9xE27)

2388/9/70 chrom (9xE27)

opal matt

WA 2-470/1 Pat aufw./328 opal glänzend

WA 2-470/1 Pat abw./328 opal glänzend

WA 2-470/1 Pat abw./328 champ matt

WA 2-470/2 MS aufw./328 opal glänzend

WA 2-470/2 MS aufw./328 opal matt

WA 2-470/2 MS abw./328 champ matt

WA 2-470/2 Pat abw./328 champ glänzend

WA 2-470/3 MS abw./328 opal glänzend

WA 2-483/1 gold/A (1xE27)


WA 2-504/2 gold

WA 2-504/2 chrom


2-514/2+2 chrom

WA 2-520/2 gold/Spectra (2xE14)

WA 2-534/1 MS-matt (1xE14) 383 WA 2-534/1 Patina (1xE14) 382

WA 2-535/2 MS-matt (2xE14) 383 WA 2-535/2 Patina (2xE14) 382

WA 2-536/3 MS-matt (3xE14) 383 WA 2-536/3 Patina (3xE14) 382

WA 2-547/1 Patina/354 champ 376

WA 2-548/1 Patina/354 champ, 357 376

WA 2-586/1 Patina 346

WA 2-586/2 Patina 347

WA 2-638/2 gold (2xE14)

WA 2-640/1 Patina/363 grün

WA 2-640/2 Patina/363 champ 387 WA 2-646/2 gold (2xE14)

WA 2-689/1 bronze/376 klar-matt 294

WA 2-689/1 gold/411 klar-Schliff 285

WA 2-689/2 bronze/376 klar-matt 291

WA 2-689/3 bronze/376 klar-matt 292

WA 2-689/3 gold/411 klar-Schliff 283

WA 2-689/5 bronze/376 klar-matt 292

WA 2-689/5 gold/411 klar-Schliff 282

WA 2-720/1 gold/385 opal-gold 368

WA 2-720/2 gold/385 opal-gold 368

WA 2-720/2 Patina/385 opal-Patina 368

WA 2-780/2 gold (2xE14) 80

WA 2-780/2 chrom (2xE14) 81

WA 2-780/2 Patina (2xE14) 79

WA 2-782/2 gold (2xE14) 80

WA 2-782/2 chrom (2xE14) 81

WA 2-782/2 Patina 78

WA 2-808/1 bronze 344 WA 2-808/2 bronze 344

WA 2-808/3 bronze 344

WA 2-835/1 Patina/412 opal/Patina 372

WA 2-835/1 Patina/412 champ/Patina 373

WA 2-835/2 Patina/412 opal/Patina 372

WA 2-835/2 Patina/412 champ/Patina 373

WA 2-837/9 gold (inkl. 9x12V/10W) 220

WA 2-837/9 chrom (inkl. 9x12V/10W) 214

WA 2-843/2 gold (2xE14) 148

WA 2-843/2 gold/grün (2xE14) 149

WA 2-843/2 chrom/blau (2xE14) 149

WA 2-843/2 chrom/klar (2xE14) 149

WA 2-937/1 gold-matt/438 klar-matt 396

WA 2-937/1 gold-matt/448 Schliff 398

WA 2-939/4 gold (inkl. 4x12V/20W) 225

WA 2-939/4 chrom (inkl. 4x12V/20W) 225

WA 2-967/2 Altpatina/440 364

WA 2-967/3 Altpatina/440 364

WA 2-968/1 Altpatina/440 362

WA 2-983/1 MS-matt/445 opal (1xE14) 386

WA 2-983/1 MS-matt/445 champ (1xE14) 384

WA 2-983/1 MS-matt/445 grün (1xE14) 384

WA 2-983/1 satin/445 opal (1xE14) 385

WA 2-983/1 satin/445 blau (1xE14) 385

WA 2-1021/2 gold (2xE14) 103

WA 2-1021/2 chrom (2xE14) 102

WA 2-1025/3 gold-matt/455 opal (3xE14) 403

WA 2-1025/3 satin/455 opal (3xE14) 402

WA 2-1027/10 chrom (inkl. 10x12V/10W) 214

WA 2-1028/2 gold (inkl. 2xG9/25W) 175

WA 2-1028/2 satin (inkl. 2xG9/40W) 176

WA 2-1028/2 Antik (inkl. 2xG9/25W) 177

WA 2-1029/1 gold (1xE14) 170

WA 2-1029/1 chrom (1xE14) 171

WA 2-1029/2 gold (2xE14) 170

WA 2-1029/2 chrom (2xE14) 171

WA 2-1030/2 gold (2xE14) 170

WA 2-1030/2 chrom (2xE14) 171

WA 2-1066/3 gold (3xE14) 112

WA 2-1066/3 chrom 115

WA 2-1066/6 gold (6xE14) 112

WA 2-1097/3 Antik-gold (3xE14) 179

WA 2-1097/3 Antik-silber (3xE14) 181

WA 2-1110/3 antik-gold (3xE14/max. 40W) 181

WA 2-1101/3 gold/rechts (inkl. 3xG9/25W) 205

WA 2-1101/3 chrom/links (inkl. 3xG9/25W) 207

WA 2-1104/1 alt-MS/149 opal sm (1xE14) 318

WA 2-1104/1 alt-MS/Stäbchen (1xE14) 320

WA 2-1104/1 gold/469 klar-Schliff (1xE14 325

WA 2-1104/1 gold/Stäbchen (1xE14) 323

WA 2-1104/2 alt-MS/149 opal-sm (2xE14) 318

WA 2-1104/2 alt-MS/Stäbchen (2xE14) 320

WA 2-1104/2 gold/149 opal sm (2xE14) 319

WA 2-1104/2 gold/Stäbchen (2xE14) 323

WA 2-1104/2+1 alt-MS/149 opal sm (3xE14) 318

WA 2-1104/2+1 alt-MS/469 klar-Schliff 324

WA 2-1104/2+1 alt-MS/Stäbchen (3xE14) 320

WA 2-1110/3 antik-silber (3xE14/max.40W)

WA 2-1126/1 gold (inkl. 2xG9/25W)

WA 2-1141 gold (2xE14)

WA 2-1142/13 gold (inkl. 13xG9/25W)

WA 2-1170/3 gold (3xE14)

WA 2-1170/3 chrom (3xE14)

WA 2-1171/2 gold/478/260 klar-matt/Schliff

WA 2-1172/2 gold/478/260 klar-matt/Schliff

WA 2-1173/3+2 gold/478/260 klar-matt/Schliff

WA 2-1174/1 gold/479 Schliff

WA 2-1174/1 altsilber/479 Schliff

WA 2-1174/1 Altpatina/479 Schliff

WA 2-1174/2 gold/479 Schliff

WA 2-1174/2 Altpatina/479 Schliff

WA 2-1174/3 gold/479 Schliff

WA 2-1174/3 altsilber/479 Schliff

WA 2-1174/3 Altpatina/479 Schliff

WA 2-1232/1/250 MS/484 opal-glänzend

WA 2-1232/1/250 Patina/484 opal-glänzend

WA 2-1232/2/320 MS/485 opal-glänzend

WA 2-1232/3/400 MS/486 opal-glänzend

WA 2-1232/3/400 nickel/486 opal-glänzend

WA 2-1242/2/250 MS/484 opal-glänzend

WA 2-1242/2/250 nickel/484 opal-glänzend

WA 2-1242/4/320 MS/485 opal-glänzend

WA 2-1242/4/320 Patina/485 opal-glänzend

WA 2-1242/6/400 MS/486 opal-glänzend

WA 2-1243/1 gold/Pendel klar

WA 2-1243/2 gold/Pendel blau

WA 2-1244/1 gold/Prisma klar

WA 2-1244/2 gold/Prisma blau

WA 2-1267/2 Altsilber

WA 2-1267/2 Patina

2-1266/2 Patina

WA 2-1267/2

WA 2-1301/1 silber-gold/2406 champ

WA 2-1301/1 silber-gold/2406 weiß

WA 2-1301/1 silber-gold/2406 Organza champ

WA 2-1301/1 silber-gold/2406 Organza

WA 2-1301/2 silber-gold/2406 champ

WA 2-1301/2 silber-gold/2406 weiß

WA 2-1301/2 silber-gold/2406 Organza

WA 2-1301/2 silber-gold/2406 Organza

2-1301/3 silber-gold/2406

WA 2-1301/3 silber-gold/2406 weiß

WA 2-1301/3 silber-gold/2406 Organza

WA 2-1301/3 silber-gold/2406 Organza

2-1305/2 silber-gold (2xE14)



WA 2-1336/1 gold/4463 gold (Strass)

WA 2-1336/1 gold/4469 champ (Strass)

WA 2-1336/1 nickel/4463 chrom (Strass)

WA 2-1336/1 nickel/4469 weiß (Strass)

WA 2-1336/2 gold/4463 gold (Strass)

WA 2-1336/2 gold/4469 champ (Strass)

2-1336/2 nickel/4463 chrom (Strass)

2-1336/2 nickel/4469 weiß (Strass)

WA 2-1337/2 MT-silber (2xE14)

WA 2-1345/2 gold-matt/496 Schliffdekor

2-1345/2 satin/496 Schliffdekor

2-1353 MS-matt o.

WA 2-1359/1 gold/503 (exkl. G9/LED)

2-1359/1 kupfer/503 (exkl. G9/LED)

WA 2-1359/1 nickel/503 (exkl. G9/LED)

2-1361/1 gold/497



4-732 gold/411 klar-Schliff

4-733 bronze/376 klar-matt

LA 4-733 gold/411 klar-Schliff

4-801/2 gold/386 opal-gold


LA 4-963/1 Altpatina/440

LA 4-987/1 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

LA 4-987/1 satin/438 opal

LA 4-1008/1 gold-matt/452 opal (1xE27)

LA 4-1008/1 satin/452 opal (1xE27)

LA 4-1009/3 gold-matt/453 opal (3xE27)

LA 4-1009/3 satin/453 opal (3xE27)

LA 4-1025/12 gold (12xE14)

LA 4-1026/5 gold (5xE14)

LA 4-1026/5 chrom (5xE14)

LA 4-1027/1 gold (1xE14) 170

LA 4-1027/1 chrom (1xE14) 171

LA 4-1057/2 alt-MS/339 opal sm (2xE14) 312

LA 4-1058/2 gold (inkl. 2xG9/25W) 122

LA 4-1059/6 gold

LA 4-1099/1 gold/479 Schliff 192

LA 4-1099/1 altsilber/479 Schliff

LA 4-1099/1 Altpatina/479 Schliff

LA 4-1125/1/250 MS/480 opal-glänzend 238

LA 4-1125/1/250 nickel/480 opal-glänzend 250

LA 4-1126/1/250 MS/480 opal-glänzend 239

LA 4-1162/1 silber-gold/2406 weiß/Organza 186

LA 4-1162/1 silber-gold/2406 champ/Organza 186

LA 4-1163/1 silber-gold (1xE14) 186

LA 4-1164/1 silber-gold/Schirm weiß 186

LA 4-1164/1 silber-gold/Schirm champ 186

LA 4-1164/3 silber-gold/Schirm weiß 186

LA 4-1164/3 silber-gold/Schirm champ 186

LA 4-1178/1+1 gold (exkl. 2xG9/28W) 380

LA 4-1178/1+1 Patina (exkl. 2xG9/28W) 381

LA 4-1185/1 gold-matt/496 Schliffdekor 389

LA 4-1185/1 satin/496 Schliffdekor 388

LA 4-1194 braun (1xE27)

LA 4-1194 creme (1xE27)

LA 4-1194 grau (1xE27)

LA 4-1195 braun (1xE27)

LA 4-1195 creme (1xE27) 406

LA 4-1195 grau (1xE27) 406

LA 4-1196 braun (3xE27) 406

LA 4-1196 creme (3xE27) 406

LA 4-1196 grau (3xE27) 406

LA 4-1197/1 MS-matt o. Schirm

LA 4-1197/1 satin o. Schirm

LA 4-1197/1 nickel o. Schirm

LA 4-1197/1 weiß o. Schirm

LA 4-1197/1 schwarz o. Schirm 417

LA 4-1198/1 MS-matt o. Schirm 418

LA 4-1198/1 satin o. Schirm 408

LA 4-1198/1 nickel o. Schirm 408

LA 4-1198/1 weiß o. Schirm 416

LA 4-1198/1 schwarz o. Schirm 417

LA 4-1199/1 MS-matt o. Schirm 418

LA 4-1199/1 satin o. Schirm 408

LA 4-1199/1 nickel o. Schirm 408

LA 4-1199/1 weiß o. Schirm 408

LA 4-1199/1 schwarz o. Schirm 408

LA 4-2282/1/25 gold (1xE27) 153


LAT 5-121/1 Patina/355 champ, 358 376

LAT 5-122/2 Patina/356 champ, 359 376


HL 6-935/4 Patina/4228 Haut braun 357

HL 6-987 MS/330 champ matt 260

HL 6-987 Patina/330 opal glänzend 268

HL 6-987 Patina/330 opal matt 258

HL 6-987 Patina/330 champ matt 262

HL 6-988 MS/329 opal matt 257

HL 6-989 MS/328 champ matt 261

HL 6-989 Patina/328 champ glänzend 271

HL 6-1015 Patina/337 champ glänzend 267

HL 6-1020 Patina/337 champ glänzend 267

HL 6-1112/1 Patina-Kette/354 champ 377

HL 6-1113/1 Patina-Kette/355 champ 378

HL 6-1113/1 Patina-Zug/355 champ 377

HL 6-1114/3 Patina-Kette/356 champ 376

HL 6-1114/1 Patina-Zug/356 champ 378

HL 6-1213/1 Patina/364 grün 387

HL 6-1214/1 Patina/365 champ 387

HL 6-1215/1 Patina-Zug/365 kobalt 387

HL 6-1247 bronze/376 klar-matt 294

HL 6-1247 gold/411 klar-Schliff 285

HL 6-1269 gold-Kabel/385 opal-gold 369

HL 6-1269 Patina-Kabel/385 opal-Patina 370

HL 6-1270 gold-Kabel/386 opal-gold 369

HL 6-1270 Patina-Kabel/386 opal-Patina 371

HL 6-1271 Patina-Kabel/387 opal-Patina 370

HL 6-1272 gold-Zug/386 opal-gold 368

HL 6-1273 Patina-Zug/387 opal-Patina 371

HL 6-1342 MS-matt/Kette/414 opal/MS 374

HL 6-1342 MS-matt/Kette/420 opal-blau/MS 374

HL 6-1342 MS-matt/Kette/420 champ-gr/MS 374

HL 6-1342 Pat/Kette/414 opal/Pat 374

HL 6-1342 Pat/Kette/414 champ/Pat 372

HL 6-1342 satin/Kette/414 opal/satin 374

HL 6-1342 MS-matt/Zug/414 champ/MS 374

HL 6-1342 MS-matt/Zug/420 opal-blau/MS 374

HL 6-1342 Pat/Zug/414 opal/Pat 372

HL 6-1342 Pat/Zug/414 champ/Pat 373

HL 6-1342 Pat/Zug/420 opal-blau/Pat 374

HL 6-1342 Pat/Zug/420 champ-blau/Pat 374

HL 6-1342 satin/Zug/414 opal/satin 374

HL 6-1342 satin/Zug/420 opal-blau/satin 374

HL 6-1397/1 Altpatina/442 365

HL 6-1402/1 MS-matt/342/25 opal (1xE27) 386

HL 6-1402/1 satin/342/25 opal (1xE27) 386

HL 6-1403/1 MS-matt/446 opal (1xE27) 384

HL 6-1403/1 MS-matt/446 champ (1xE27) 384

HL 6-1403/1 MS-matt/446 grün (1xE27) 384

HL 6-1403/1 satin/446 opal (1xE27) 385

HL 6-1403/1 satin/446 blau (1xE27) 385

HL 6-1404/1 MS-matt/447 opal (1xE27) 384

HL 6-1404/1 MS-matt/447 champ (1xE27) 384

HL 6-1404/1 MS-matt/447 grün (1xE27) 384

HL 6-1404/1 satin/447 opal (1xE27) 385

HL 6-1404/1 satin/447 blau (1xE27) 385

HL 6-1405/2 MS-matt/446 opal (2xE27) 386

HL 6-1405/2 MS-matt/446 champ (2xE27) 384

HL 6-1405/2 MS-matt/446 grün (2xE27) 384

HL 6-1405/2 satin/446 opal (2xE27) 385

HL 6-1405/2 satin/446 blau (2xE27) 385

HL 6-1406/3 MS-matt/445 opal (3xE14) 386

HL 6-1406/3 MS-matt/445 champ (3xE14) 384

HL 6-1406/3 MS-matt/445 grün (3xE14) 384

HL 6-1406/3 satin/445 opal (3xE14) 385

HL 6-1406/3 satin/445 blau (3xE14) 385

HL 6-1407/1 MS-matt/342/30 opal (1xE27) 386

HL 6-1407/1 satin/342/30 opal (1xE27) 386

HL 6-1420/1 gold-matt/456 opal gold-matt 403

HL 6-1420/1 satin/456 opal satin 402

HL 6-1436/1 gold-matt/460 klar-matt 397

HL 6-1436/1 satin/460 klar-matt 397

HL 6-1437/1 gold-matt/461 klar-matt 397

HL 6-1437/1 satin/461 klar-matt 397

HL 6-1438/1 gold-matt/438 klar-matt 397

HL 6-1438/1 satin/438 klar-matt 397

HL 6-1487/1 alt-MS/Stäbchen (1xE14) 321

HL 6-1488/1 alt-MS/329 opal sm (1xE27) 318

HL 6-1489/1 alt-MS/Stäbchen (1xE27) 321

HL 6-1490/3 alt-MS/337 opal sm (3xE14)

HL 6-1491/1 gold (inkl. G9/25W)

HL 6-1546/1/250 MS/480 opal-glänzend

HL 6-1546/4/320 MS/481 opal-glänzend

HL 6-1546/4/320 nickel/481 opal-glänzend

HL 6-1546/4/400 MS/482 opal-glänzend

HL 6-1546/5/460 MS/491 opal-glänzend

HL 6-1546/9/520 MS/483 opal-glänzend

HL 6-1546/9/520 nickel/483 opal-glänzend

HL 6-1552/2 gold/Pendel rot

HL 6-1552/3 gold/Pendel grün

HL 6-1552/4 gold/Pendel grün

HL 6-1553/2 gold/Prisma klar

HL 6-1553/3 gold/Prisma rot

HL 6-1553/4 gold/Prisma blau

HL 6-1600/1 silber-gold (1xE14)

HL 6-1600/3 silber-gold (3xE14)

HL 6-1600/5 silber-gold (5xE14)

HL 6-1600/7 silber-gold (7xE14)

HL 6-1609/3/50 gold (3xE14)

HL 6-1609/3/50 chrom (3xE14)

HL 6-1609/5/90 gold (5xE14)

HL 6-1609/5/90 chrom (5xE14)

HL 6-1609/7/130 gold (7xE14)

HL 6-1609/7/130 chrom (7xE14)

HL 6-1610/1 Alt-bronze (1xE27)

HL 6-1610/4+1 Alt-bronze (5xE27)

HL 6-1642/6/49 gold/474/435 klar-matt

HL 6-1642/6/49 Altsilber/474/435

HL 6-1642/6/49 Altpatina/474/435

HL 6-1652/1 MS-matt o. Schirm

HL 6-1652/1 satin o. Schirm


HL 6-1653/4

DL 7-054/18 MS/328 opal glänzend

DL 7-054/18 MS/328 opal matt

DL 7-054/18 MS/328 champ matt

DL 7-054/18 Patina/328 champ glänzend

DL 7-054/18 Patina/328 opal glänzend

DL 7-054/18 Patina/328 opal matt

DL 7-054/18 Patina/328 champ matt

DL 7-054/26 MS/329 opal glänzend

DL 7-054/26 MS/329 opal matt

DL 7-054/26 MS/329 champ matt

DL 7-054/26 Patina/329 champ glänzend

DL 7-054/26 Patina/329 opal glänzend

DL 7-054/26 Patina/329 opal matt

DL 7-054/26 Patina/329 champ matt

DL 7-054/33 MS/330 opal glänzend

DL 7-054/33 MS/330 opal matt

DL 7-054/33 MS/330 champ matt

DL 7-054/33 Patina/330 champ glänzend

DL 7-054/33 Patina/330 opal glänzend

DL 7-054/33 Patina/330 opal matt

DL 7-054/33 Patina/330 champ matt

DL 7-054/40 MS/337 opal glänzend

DL 7-054/40 MS/337 opal matt

7-054/40 MS/337 champ matt

DL 7-054/40 Patina/337 champ glänzend

DL 7-054/40 Patina/337 opal glänzend

DL 7-054/40 Patina/337 opal

DL 7-054/40 Patina/337 champ


opal glänzend

DL 7-085/26


DL 7-085/26 chrom/opal-matt (2xE14)

DL 7-085/26 Patina/champ-matt (2xE14)

DL 7-085/26 Patina/champ glänzend (2xE14)

DL 7-085/26 Patina/opal-matt (2xE14)

DL 7-085/26 satin/opal-matt (2xE14)

DL 7-086/35 MS/opal glänzend

7-086/35 gold/opal-matt

DL 7-086/35 MS-matt/opal-matt

7-086/35 chrom/opal-matt

7-086/35 Patina/champ-matt

7-086/35 Patina/champ glänzend

DL 7-086/35 Patina/opal-matt

DL 7-086/35 satin/opal-matt

DL 7-087/47 MS/opal glänzend

DL 7-087/47 gold/opal-matt

DL 7-087/47 MS-matt/opal-matt

DL 7-087/47 MS-matt/champ-matt

DL 7-087/47 chrom/opal-matt (3xE27)

DL 7-087/47 Patina/champ-matt 375

DL 7-087/47 Patina/champ glänzend

DL 7-087/47 Patina/opal-matt

DL 7-087/47 satin/opal-matt

DL 7-118/18 Patina

DL 7-142 bronze/376 klar-matt

DL 7-142 gold/411 klar-Schliff

7-143 bronze/376 klar-matt

7-143 gold/411 klar-Schliff

DL 7-144 bronze/347 klar-matt

DL 7-187/4 gold (inkl. 4x12V/20W)

DL 7-187/4 chrom (inkl. 4x12V/20W)

DL 7-187/10 gold (inkl. 10x12V/20W)

7-187/10 chrom (inkl. 10x12V/20W)

7-187/19/52 gold (mit Trafo)

7-187/19/52 chrom (mit Trafo)

DL 7-190/4 gold (exkl. 4xE14/40W)

DL 7-190/4 chrom (exkl. 4xE14/40W)

DL 7-190/10 gold (exkl. 10xE14/40W)

DL 7-190/10 chrom (exkl. 10xE14/40W)

DL 7-190/19/52 gold (exkl. 19xE14/40W)

DL 7-190/19/52 chrom (exkl. 19xE14/40W) 226

DL 7-190/27/80 gold (27xE14) 227

DL 7-190/27/80 chrom (27xE14) 227

DL 7-239/1/21 bronze (1xE27) 344

DL 7-240/1/35 bronze (1xE27) 344

DL 7-241/4/42 bronze 344

DL 7-260 bronze/411 klar-Schliff

DL 7-260 gold/411 klar-Schliff

DL 7-261 bronze/415 klar-Schliff

DL 7-261 gold/415 klar-Schliff

DL 7-262 bronze/416 klar-Schliff

DL 7-262 gold/416 klar-Schliff

DL 7-263 bronze/417 klar-Schliff

DL 7-263 gold/417 klar-Schliff









DL 7-266/19/52 gold (inkl. 19x12V/10W) 219

DL 7-266/19/52 chrom (inkl. 19x12V/10W) 218

DL 7-285/29/78 gold (inkl. 29x12V/10W) 220

DL 7-285/29/78 chrom (inkl. 29x12V/10W) 220

DL 7-336/21/100 gold (inkl. 21x12V/20W) 223

DL 7-336/21/100 chrom (inkl. 21x12V/20W)

DL 7-364/30/78x48 gold (inkl. 30x12V/10W)

DL 7-364/24/100x70 gold (inkl. 24x12V/20W)

DL 7-364/24/100x70 chrom (inkl. 24x12V/20W)

DL 7-372/4 gold-matt/438 opal

DL 7-372/4 gold-matt/448 Schliff







DL 7-372/4 satin/438 klar-matt 399

DL 7-372/4 satin/448 Schliff


DL 7-372/9 gold-matt/438 klar-matt 396

DL 7-372/9 satin/438 opal 396

DL 7-465/24 gold-matt/462 opal-matt 393

DL 7-465/24 gold-matt/462 klar-matt 393

DL 7-465/24 satin/462 opal-matt 393

DL 7-465/24 satin/462 klar-matt 393

DL 7-465/34 gold-matt/464 opal-matt

DL 7-465/34 gold-matt/464 klar-matt

DL 7-465/34 satin/464 opal-matt

DL 7-465/34 satin/464 klar-matt

DL 7-465/44 gold-matt/465 opal-matt

DL 7-465/44 gold-matt/465 klar-matt

DL 7-465/44 satin/465 opal-matt

DL 7-465/44 satin/465 klar-matt

DL 7-473/1 alt-MS/339 opal sm (1xE14)

DL 7-474/1 alt-MS/Stäbchen (1xE27)

DL 7-475/1 alt-MS/330 opal sm (1xE27)

DL 7-476/3 alt-MS/Stäbchen (3xE14) 321

DL 7-478/3/170 gold (inkl. 3xG9/25W) 121

DL 7-478/3/240 gold (inkl. 3xG9/25W) 121

DL 7-478/3/340 gold (3xE27) 121

DL 7-478/5/500 gold (5xE27) 121

DL 7-479/3+1/62 gold (inkl. 6xG9/25W) 120

DL 7-479/5+1/82 gold (inkl. 8xG9/25W) 121

DL 7-480/25 gold-matt/462 opal-matt 392

DL 7-480/25 gold-matt/462 klar-matt 392


DL 7-480/25 satin/462 opal-matt 392

DL 7-480/25 satin/462 klar-matt 392

DL 7-480/38 gold-matt/464 opal-matt 392

DL 7-480/38 gold-matt/464 klar-matt 392

DL 7-480/38 satin/464 opal-matt 392

DL 7-480/38 satin/464 klar-matt 392

DL 7-480/45 gold-matt/465 opal-matt 392

DL 7-480/45 gold-matt/465 klar-matt 392

DL 7-480/45 satin/465 opal-matt 392

DL 7-480/45 satin/465 klar-matt 392

DL 7-489/3/39 gold (3xE14) 73

DL 7-489/6/45 gold (6xE14) 73

DL 7-489/6/55 gold (6xE27) 72

DL 7-489/8/61 gold (8xE27) 72

DL 7-489/8/61 Altsilber 71

DL 7-544/3/305 MS/480 opal-glänzend 243

DL 7-544/4/390 MS/481 opal-glänzend 243

DL 7-544/4/390 nickel/481 opal-glänzend 250

DL 7-544/5/480 MS/482 opal-glänzend 243

DL 7-544/5/480 nickel/482 opal-glänzend 250

DL 7-544/5/570 MS/491 opal-glänzend 243

DL 7-544/9/630 MS/483 opal-glänzend 243

DL 7-544/9/630 Patina/483 opal-glänzend 245

DL 7-556/1/250 MS/480 opal-glänzend 237

DL 7-556/1/250 nickel/480 opal-glänzend 249

DL 7-556/4/320 MS/481 opal-glänzend 236

DL 7-556/4/400 MS/482 opal-glänzend 237

DL 7-556/4/400 nickel/482 opal-glänzend 249

DL 7-556/5/460 Patina/491 opal-glänzend 245

DL 7-556/9/520 MS/483 opal-glänzend 236

DL 7-611/5 silber-gold (5xE14) 187

DL 7-611/7 silber-gold (7xE14) 187

DL 7-612/1 silber-gold (1xE14) 187

DL 7-612/3 silber-gold (3xE14) 187

DL 7-616/1 Alt-bronze (1xE27) 340

DL 7-616/4+1 Alt-bronze (5xE27) 341

DL 7-632/6 gold-matt/496 Schliffdekor 389

DL 7-632/6 satin/496 Schliffdekor 388

DL 7-632/9 gold-matt/496 Schliffdekor 389

DL 7-632/9 satin/496 Schliffdekor 388

DL 7-639/40 o. Schirm (4xE27) 412

DL 7-640/60 o. Schirm (4xE27) 412

DL 7-641/80 o. Schirm (6xE27) 412

DL 7-642/100 o. Schirm (8xE27) 412

DL 7-658/5 gold/503 (exkl. 5xG9/LED) 390

DL 7-658/5 kupfer/503 (exkl. 5xG9/LED) 391

DL 7-658/5 nickel/503 (exkl. 5xG9/LED) 390

DL 7-659/1 gold/497 25

DL 7-659/1 gold/498 25

DL 7-659/1 gold/499 25

DL 7-659/1 gold/500 25

DL 7-659/1 nickel/497 25

DL 7-659/1 nickel/498 25

DL 7-659/1 nickel/499 25

DL 7-659/1 nickel/500 25


NU 9-218/22 MS/seidenmatt 404

NU 9-218/22 Patina/seidenmatt 404

NU 9-218/22 chrom/seidenmatt 404

NU 9-218/32 MS/seidenmatt 404

NU 9-218/32 Patina/seidenmatt 404

NU 9-218/32 chrom/seidenmatt 404

NU 9-218/38 MS/seidenmatt 405

NU 9-218/38 Patina/seidenmatt 405

NU 9-218/38 chrom/seidenmatt 405

NU 9-381/2/250 MS/487 opal-glänzend 239

NU 9-381/2/250 nickel/487 opal-glänzend 248

NU 9-381/2/320 MS/488 opal-glänzend 244

NU 9-381/2/320 Patina/488 opal-glänzend 245

NU 9-381/2/400 MS/489 opal-glänzend 244

NU 9-381/2/400 nickel/489 opal-glänzend 248

NU 9-381/4/520 MS/490 opal-glänzend 239


Str 10-347/1 gold-matt/438 opal 400

Str 10-347/1 gold-matt/438 klar-matt 400

Str 10-347/1 satin/438 klar-matt 401

Str 10-347/1 satin/439 opal 401

Str 10-347/1 satin/448 Schliff 399

Str 10-347/2 gold-matt/438 opal 400

Str 10-347/2 gold-matt/438 klar-matt 400

Str 10-347/2 gold-matt/448 Schliff 398

Str 10-347/2 satin/438 klar-matt 401

Str 10-347/2 satin/439 opal 401

Str 10-347/3 gold-matt/438 opal

Str 10-348/4 satin/438 klar-matt

Str 10-348/4 satin/439 opal

Str 10-349/3 gold-matt/438 opal

Str 10-349/3 gold-matt/438 klar-matt

Str 10-349/3 satin/439 opal

10-374/6 satin/438

Stl 12-770/6 gold (6xE14)

Stl 12-790/2 Patina/4223 Haut braun

Stl 12-791/5 Patina

Stl 12-792/1 Patina/4229 Haut braun

Stl 12-793/4 Patina/4230 Haut braun

Stl 12-801/3+1 MS/328 opal glänzend

Stl 12-801/3+1 Patina/328 opal matt

Stl 12-802/6+3 MT gold/A (9xE14)

Stl 12-807 Patina/337 champ glänzend

Stl 12-843/1 Patina/355 champ

Stl 12-846/3 Patina/356 champ

Stl 12-866/3 Patina

Stl 12-887/1 Patina/365 grün

Stl 12-910/3 bronze/376 klar-matt

Stl 12-910/3 gold/411 klar-Schliff

Stl 12-937/1 Patina/386 opal-Patina

Stl 12-938/3 gold/385 opal-gold

Stl 12-972/3+1 bronze

Stl 12-983/1 Patina/413 opal/Patina

Stl 12-983/1 Patina/413 champ/Patina

Stl 12-984/15/53 gold (inkl. 15x12V/10W)

Stl 12-984/15/53 chrom (inkl. 15x12V/10W)

12-997/3 gold (3xE14)

Stl 12-997/3 gold/grün (3xE14)

12-997/3 chrom/blau (3xE14)

12-997/3 chrom/klar (3xE14)

12-1027/1 Altpatina/442

12-1034/7/40 gold (7xE14)

Stl 12-1047/4 gold-matt/454 opal (4xE27)

12-1047/4 satin/454 opal (4xE27)

12-1071/9 gold (9xE14)

12-1095/2 alt-MS/337 opal

12-1096/8 gold

12-1108/4 gold/479 Schliff

Stl 12-1108/4 altsilber/479 Schliff

Stl 12-1108/4 Altpatina/479 Schliff

Stl 12-1128/4/320 MS/481 opal-glänzend

Stl 12-1128/4/320 nickel/481 opal-glänzend

Stl 12-1149/3 silber-gold/2406 champ

Stl 12-1149/3 silber-gold/2406 weiß

Stl 12-1149/3 silber-gold/2406 Organza champ

Stl 12-1149/3 silber-gold/2406 Organza weiß

Stl 12-1150/3 silber-gold (3xE14)

Stl 12-1151/3 silber-gold/Schirm weiß 186

Stl 12-1151/3 silber-gold/Schirm champ 186

Stl 12-1169/3+1 gold/4463 gold (Strass) 49

Stl 12-1169/3+1 gold/4469 champ (Strass) 49

Stl 12-1169/3+1 nickel/4463 chrom (Strass) 48

Stl 12-1169/3+1 nickel/4469 weiß (Strass) 48

Stl 12-1177 MS-matt o. Schirm (3+1xE27) 414

Stl 12-1177 satin o. Schirm (3+1xE27) 414

Stl 12-1177 nickel o. Schirm (3+1xE27) 414

Stl 12-1177 weiß o. Schirm (3+1xE27) 414

Stl 12-1177 schwarz o. Schirm (3+1xE27) 414

Stl 12-1178 MS-matt o. Schirm (1xE27) 414

Stl 12-1178 satin o. Schirm (1xE27)



12-2205/5 gold

Schirm 7-642/100 creme

Schirm 7-642/100

Schirm 7-642/100

Schirm 7-642/100 schwarz

Schirm 7-642/100 lila

Schirm 7-642/100 amthrazit

Schirm 7-642/100 Walnuss

Armatur 7-639/640 (LED30W/2100lm/3000K)

Armatur 7-641/642 (LED60W/4200lm/3000K)


Str 10-347/3 gold-matt/438 klar-matt 400

Str 10-347/3 satin/438 klar-matt 401

Str 10-347/3 satin/439 opal 401

Str 10-347/3 satin/448 Schliff 399

Str 10-348/4 gold-matt/438 opal

Str 10-348/4

Str 10-348/4

Design und technische Änderungen sowie Satz- und Druckfehler vorbehalten.


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Telefon: +43/1/616 67 54, 616 68 29

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Telefon: +43/1/616 80 91

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Ausgabe 08/2019

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