August 9, 2018 Kscope

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Kaleidoscope The

THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2018



THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2018




Dear new Blazers,


I wanted to take a moment to welcome you to UAB and wish you well in your upcoming first semester. We are excited to have you here and we look forward to all you will accomplish on our campus and in our community. You are now part of one of the most welcoming, diverse and sustainable campuses in the nation, home to students and faculty representing more than 100 countries around the globe. Here you will find a tight-knit community of peers, supportive mentors who will challenge and inspire you and boundless opportunities—academically, socially and culturally. I hope in these first few days on campus you will begin taking full advantage of those opportunities and the vibrant student life that awaits you. UAB was recently named the Top Young

University (less than 50 years old) in the U.S. and 10th globally in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. This speaks to the world-class caliber of the faculty who will be teaching and mentoring you as you pursue your degree and future career. That future is very bright and it all begins today, as you set out to achieve your own academic goals and to make a positive impact on our community and our world. Again, welcome to UAB and best wishes on fall semester. I’ll see you around campus. Go Blazers, Ray L. Watts, M.D. President


Choose yourself wisely Kristina Balciunaite Editor-in-Chief 10 years ago, at the age of 11, I started my own, weekly news publication that I distributed to all of my classmates. The horizontal, two-column, A4 sheet of paper included that week’s weather forecast, color, dish, joke and drawing, which I spent all evening making in Microsoft Paint. Mondays became an awaited day for my friends, as they were excited to see what joke or drawing would be featured in that week’s newspaper. However, just like for most 11-year-olds, my printer ink and paper supply was limited, eventually causing the publication to shut down. So you can imagine that when I received my first issue of the Kaleidoscope in the mail nine years later, the summer preceding freshman year, I knew what my extracurricular activity in college would be. Days after I stepped on campus, I was already on my first writing assignment, and before I knew it I was the editor-in-chief. Don’t get me wrong, this path was not easy. But the decision to take it was. Gut decisions

usually are. I can’t explain why I would rather spend my whole Sunday in the office, editing stories and designing pages than joining my friends in a weekend trip to the beach. But I can with confidence say that I haven’t regretted it for a second. My point is, if you too have a gut feeling about something, do not hesitate following it. Don’t fear making changes in your life, even if they seem impractical and uncomfortable, even scary. Yes, it will be hard, your loved ones will call you crazy, you’ll feel like you’re missing out on social life and some days you’ll feel like giving it all up. But remember, you will be the one who’s evolving. At the end of the day, you will be the one who’s ahead, even though it seemed like you were the one who was behind because you weren’t present at that “wild” party or “epic” concert everybody else went to. There’s nothing wrong with having fun, of course. Just remember when to stop following the crowd and where to start making decisions based on your own judgement. Only you really know what path is best for you, so make sure you listen to yourself


THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2018




Spice up your future Parker Rose Opinion Columnist It all happens so quickly. One minute, you are getting your driver license and the next you are signing applications for loans that, for some people, will take decades to pay off, all while trying to figure out how to make the most out of those four years. If you are an incoming freshman, you are now likely familiar with the pressure to know exactly what you plan to do, not only for the next four years – but the four years that, everyone tells you, could have an effect on the course of your future career. Parents and high school counselors incessantly remind you of ACT test deadlines, college applications, academic planning and eventually housing situations. All of it can seem pretty daunting to the teenager who is just trying to enjoy the rest of his/her summer. These people have your best interests in mind, of course, but one has to ask – is this the best way to approach higher education? Should we expect to have everything figured out beforehand or just go with our now-15-poundsheavier guts? Statistics suggest that the former certainly isn’t realistic. According to the National

Center for Education Statistics, roughly 80 percent of students change their majors at least once during the course of their four years. Pairing these statistics with my own personal experience – it doesn’t seem that any amount of academic planning can prepare you for what college is really like. You can plan and theorize all you like, but you don’t really know how you feel about something until you experience it for yourself. Yet changing majors is often given a negative connotation, it often costs time and money and can even make a student appear indecisive. As someone who has done it around 3 times – it’s stressful. Is there a way to slowly and more deliberately introduce students into a fulfilling education that saves students time and money? Perhaps it’s time to employ something such as Georgia State University’s (GSU) meta-major model. Students are asked to choose from a list of seven meta-majors, which are specific groupings of courses from seven different major fields of study. After taking some of the courses from their meta-major, students are then able to narrow down and apply earned credits to their newly declared, more specific majors. Since implementing this new system, there has been

a 32 percent decrease in major changes, and the first class of students to take advantage graduated, on average, about half a semester earlier than those who graduated before the system was implemented. “It was overwhelming, especially for first-generation, low-income students … to try to wade through these choices and options,” said Timothy Renick, vice provost of GSU. “In most cases students were making the wrong choices.” While the data is, at first glance, very promising, it’s not enough to definitively say that all universities should implement a meta-major system. It does, however, suggest that there can be benefits of simply taking the time to explore your options before settling on a narrowly defined course of study. And, in my opinion, it shouldn’t even necessarily be restricted to a general field or group of fields. In the spirit of what a true liberal arts education was intent on achieving, STEM

majors should take more art classes, and humanities majors should grace the halls of Campbell every once in a while. Moreover, allowing yourself to explore your options so you can make an informed decision will ensure that you don’t find yourself in the fall of your junior year taking classes you hate using money you don’t have – and with little

Use this newly found freedom in ways that you wish to spend it because knowing yourself, your interests and abilities will be far more important to your education and future career than satisfying the academic status quo. And as the discography of the Isley Brothers would have us to believe – “it’s your thing.”

THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2018



blazer news

Surviving the transition Upperclassmen share their first year experiences

I’ve met some of the best people at UAB, who treat me like family.

Myah Clinton Blazer News Reporter Expectations of the first year of college will become reality for incoming freshmen on Aug. 27. The transition into adulthood, although exciting and fun, may be an intimidating and abrupt change. However, knowing what is to come can make the segue easier. “The classes were about the same as high school,” Ashley Sanders, sophomore in nursing from Birmingham, said. “But you have a lot of independence and responsibility when you’re in college, like when you should do your work and if you even need to go to classes.” According to Nicholas Dietschweiler, senior in biomedical engineering from Alabaster, the change of coursework was a challenge, especially within his major. “With engineering, the classes were a big step up from high school classes,” he said. “I had to completely change the way I studied.” Frequent and open communication with the faculty is a helpful tool that increases learning, according to Riley Olague, junior in Public Health from Decatur. “I was very afraid of talking to my professors,” he said. “But they want to help you and they love to talk to their students about ways

- Ramya Nyalakonda

You really don’t know someone until you live with them. - Ashley Sanders

PHOTO COURTESY BY UAB IMAGE GALLERY Freshmen move into the New Freshman Residence Hall.

they can help them succeed.” Even though the course load is heavier than high school, it is important to enjoy freshman year, as responsibilities increase with every semester, according to Olague. “As you get into the upper years of college, you have a lot more pressure to choose a career and figure your life out,” she said. For many, starting college also means moving away from home and cohabitating with a friend, or even stranger. “Adjusting to sharing a space with someone new is never easy,” Olague said. “But it can be made easier by having open communication between each other.” According to Sanders, sharing a room allows students to learn more about their roommates. “Sometimes living with a stranger or even your best friend can be annoying, awful or just awkward,” Sanders said. “You really don’t know someone until you live with them, but you will get through it.” Apart from the residence halls, there are plenty of places to find new friends in college. Greek life and on-campus clubs are good platforms for student interaction, as they open up opportunities for students to meet likeminded people. “I joined a sorority my second semester at UAB and it has provided me with a home away from home,” Ramya Nyalakonda, senior in biology from Cupertino, CA, said. “I’ve met some of the best people at UAB who treat me like family.”


THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2018



Taking green & gold to the next level Students discuss what it means to be a Blazer Juwayriah Wright City-Lifestyle Reporter

Being in the heart of Birmingham, a city that prides itself on diversity, justice and freedom of speech, makes UAB a place where anyone can belong. Apart from the respect for knowledge and academia, Blazers also believe in growth, social awareness and the celebration of not only what we have in common but also what makes us different from each other. “Some of the strongest values of UAB Blazers in my experiences at the university are academics and social progress,” said Sawyer Sum-

mers, a junior in industrial distribution and a TrailBlazer. “Whether it be the packed library or the numerous academic resources available on-campus that gives it away, the Blazers that I have met have a steadfast value for academics. Also, Blazers have a refreshing passion for moving forward. This can be seen in the abundance of social advocacy that occurs all around campus.” The ability to take action toward making a feasible change is readily available at UAB. The university has over 180 campus organizations, including anything from the Social Justice Advocacy Council to the Black Student Awareness Committee to various LGBTQ Resources. “There are so many ways students can become

active on campus,” Hope Colabrese, junior in civil engineering said. “So many of our clubs are for great causes and are super active on campus. And if you don’t find a club you’re looking for, you can start your own. I have a lot of Blazer pride and love to share that with others, so I became an Orientation Leader to welcome incoming students to our campus.” According to Sammy Shin, orientation leader and junior in economics, incoming freshmen should pursue membership in Hall Council, which are student-led groups consisting of students living in the residence halls. “It [Hall Council] acts as

a great introduction to some extracurricular responsibility, and you get to meet many of your hall mates in the process,” Shin said. Engaging with fellow students doesn’t have to be in an organizational or professional setting. “A Blazer can also be active just by participating in study groups, volunteer work or campus events,” Emily McMahon, a junior in biochemistry and orientation leader, said. According to Shin, unity

is strongly upheld by simply attending UAB events. “Blazers can show school spirit by engaging in as many activities as possible,” Shin said. “Whether that is attendance at a sporting event, participation in a class or lecture, or by making an effort to reach out to our peers. Being committed to unity is a great way to show UAB spirit.”


THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2018



Classiest classes Courses that will enrich and expand your perspective Ceri-Lune Renneboog City-Lifestyle Reporter Being educated means more than simply earning a degree. It requires critical thinking, openmindedness and an eager interest in a vast array of disciplines. Fortunately, UAB offers plenty of classes, that can make you the life of every dinner party.

Foreign Languages and Cultures FLL120 In addition to teaching Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Italian, Japanese and Chinese, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures also offers Foreign Languages and Culture, which aims to examine how cultures interact with one another and how language influences these interactions. FLL120 is taught in May 2019 offers students the opportunity to complete the coursework while traveling abroad to Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland for two weeks in a faculty-led study abroad program.

Introduction to Peace Studies ANTH 104 Introduction to Peace Studies seeks to debunk the myth of inherent violence by exploring the human tendency towards amicable conflict resolution. The class examines instances of peace and successful conflict resolution in both a communal and international context, both in history and current events. This class is aimed toward students interested in human rights, conflict resolution and cultural anthropology, while helpful for any student as a means of understanding the complex nature of humanity. “The course explores peace on an individual level as well as global issues of peace,” Graduate Assistant Nicholas Sherwood, said.

Introduction to Anthropology ANTH 101 Anthropology covers a wide field of subjects ranging from archaeology to the study of linguistics, making it an ideal option for students interested in language, biology, human rights and politics. “It is not uncommon for incoming freshmen to be wary of Anthropology courses because it is rarely taught in high school,” Assistant Professor Lauren Downs, said. “However, my Introduction to Cultural Anthropology class helps students to better understand the similarities and differences that we all share as humans.” For political science or international studies majors, anthropology is recommended as a course because it encourages students to celebrate cultural diversity, according to Downs.

Introduction to Human Communication CMST 105 This class helps in understanding the social influences under which people function, as well as teaching students how to navigate those influences. For students interested in business, social media management, politics or marketing, communication studies offers a segue into the career field through providing an in-depth understanding of how people influence each other. “Communication studies offers several perspectives about how to provide information to people as well as how to influence them,” Professor Marcus Hickson, said. This class fulfills Area IV of the core requirements for undergraduate students.

Philosophy of Mind PHL 375 Philosophy of Mind explores what constitutes the mind and its consciousness, while teaching students to discover their own definitions of the mind and of the self. Students interested in philosophy, neuroscience or psychology can find intrigue in the exploratory philosophical nature of the course, as well as satisfying the core requirements of the Humanities. “Philosophy of Mind is about what the mind is, what thinking is, how thinking develops in the mind and through which definitions consciousness is limited,” Associate Professor Marshall Abrams, said.


THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2018



Resources available for all Blazers Outlets and benefits every UAB student should know about Mallorie Turnter Blazer News Reporter As a reflection of the diversity of the student body and demand for resources, UAB has established various offices and organizations to aid them throughout their college experience. UAB is renowned worldwide as a state-of-the-art university that emphasizes exposure to research, starting at the undergraduate level. The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) provides resources for students across all disciplines who are interested in research. Gareth Jones, Assistant Director of OUR, finds research opportunities for students that align with their career goals. According to Jones, conducting research as an undergraduate is beneficial due to the experience it can provide. “You gain the knowledge in the specific discipline that you are working in and that is extremely important for students,” he said. “Every semester, we have an opportunity for students to present the research they have been working on. It is a great way to see what research looks like at UAB.” On July 26, the 2018 Summer Research Expo was held at the Hill Student Center. Garrett Sager, junior in neuroscience and physics, and Kenneth Davis, junior in

mathematics and chemistry, presented their research projects at the expo. According to Sager, having a good mentor can be influential for new student researchers. “People prioritize getting a super interesting topic that they love over getting a good mentor,” Sager said. “I think the biggest tip is to realize how important your mentor is and making sure you mix well with them.” According to Davis, students interested in research should keep an eye out for opportunities around campus by networking with peers and instructors. Student Multicultural and Diversity Programs (SMDP) is an umbrella organization for programs dedicated to increasing social justice edu-

When it comes to academic support services, like tutoring, it is always best to utilize them before you need them. - Charles Morris

PHOTO BY AMY LAWHON/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Students exhibit their research project at the 2018 Summer Research Expo.

cation. “We do a lot of programming to support our underrepresented groups here,” Christopher Jones, SMDP Director, said. “Everybody, in some way, is included in the conversation around diversity.” UAB also offers free counseling at the Student Counseling Services (SCS) office located in the Student Health and Wellness Center. The office provides both individual and group counseling as well as online self-help programs. “We deal with a lot of students who come in with adjustment issues, whether it’s their first time away from home or they are having a hard time making friends,” Herbert Wilkerson, Counselor and Coaching Team Advisor at SCS, said. “Everything is private and confidential, so

you definitely have that area to talk about what concerns you may have. At the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership, Lauren Hobbs, Student Director for Leadership and Service, helps students find and create new ways of getting involved on campus. “The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership exists to provide students with opportunities to serve, inspire and lead,” Hobbs said. “That’s helping students connect with opportunities to get involved and invest in UAB traditions. Free tutoring services are offered at the Vulcan Materials Academic Success Center (VMASC) located in the Education Building. According to Charles Morris, Tutor Coordinator at VMASC, it can be beneficial to

seek assistance with coursework before it is necessary. “When it comes to academic support services, like tutoring, it is always best to utilize them before you need them,” he said. UAB Study Abroad is a program that allows students to gratify their feelings of wanderlust while continuing to work toward their degree. Many of the study abroad programs fulfill credits within various majors and minors. “You get the benefit of world-class education” Miranda Gray, Academic Advisor at the Office of Education Abroad, said. “And it looks great on a resume when you are applying for jobs after you graduate.”


THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2018


citylifestyle DINING

Budget-friendly restaurants Ceri-Lune Renneboog City-Lifestyle Reporter

The “Chicken Kabob” Boneless marinated chicken breast seasoned according to taste.

The “Tonkotsu” The “Guiseppe’s special”

The “Delta classic” Spicy pork tamales, simmered in sauce. Vegan option with black beans available.

Pepperoni, beef, sausage, mushrooms and onions, neatly packed into a baked dough pillow.

Double pork broth, pork belly, bamboo shoots, soy seasoned egg, black garlic, sesame, scallions and fried garlic.

The “Small Dark” Chicken served traditionally, with two sides, bread and pickles.

Pizitz Food Hall Al’s Deli and Grill Al’s has long been a staple favorite of Birmingham students. The deli offers a mixture of typical American fast food and traditional Mediterranean cuisine, providing options for even the pickiest eaters. Al’s is open until 3 a.m. during the week and 24 hours on Friday and Saturday, serving as the perfect spot for a late-night study session, or as the final destination to a night out. Be sure to try their falafel and show your student ID for either a small discount or a free fountain drink.

Delta Blues Hot Tamales Giuseppe’s Delta Blues is not your typical Tex-Mex restaurant. The restaurant combines traditional Mexican cuisine with authentic dishes found throughout the South. Hot corn tamales are served with boiled crawdaddies, catfish is corn-battered and pickles are fried. If you’re looking for an adventurous meal or simply for some good fried chicken, you can easily satisfy your cravings at Delta Blues Hot Tamales.

Birmingham’s resident “hole in the wall” Italian restaurant, Giuseppe’s, is only a five-minute walk away from campus. The restaurant features a quaint, family-style seating area which is often filled with UAB students. Giuseppe’s ambiance makes it the ideal location for a date night or for a relaxing night out with friends. Their meatball sub is a must try for any UAB student..

Often, the biggest struggle preceding a friend dineout is finding a restaurant everyone agrees with. The Pizitz food hall, established in 2017, solves this problem by bringing together 12 restaurants in one market-like space. Enjoy a chicken biscuit from the Alabama Biscuit Company, a sample platter from the Ethiopian Grill or a ramen bowl from Ichoro Imoto, which will definitely be different from the classic student version of ramen. At Pizitz. There are plenty of options for every mood and every plate.

Hattie B’s Hot Chicken There is no doubt that fried chicken is a staple for Southern cuisine and you’ll most likely find it in most restaurants throughout the South. However, few places are as famous for their fried hot chicken than Hattie B’s. Originating in Nashville, the Birmingham location opened in 2016 and was the first for the chain outside of Tennessee. The renowned restaurant is only a few blocks from campus.

THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2018





Naked Art: Recycled crafts On Travis’ ride Kristin Entler Copy Editor In a seemingly quiet and uneventful neighborhood in Forest Park lies a colorful gem filled with eyebrow-raising and enchanting artwork. Naked Art has become a staple

We’re art for the people. - Kristie David

name in Birmingham’s art community, showcasing artwork from over 30 artists, most of which are local. “A community full of art is a community with culture,” Kristie David, artist and gallery assistant at Naked Art, said. “We’re a cultural city and all people should be exposed to culture.” This culture, she said, can also serve as a good break from the stress that comes along with being a college student, and with life in general. “I think it’s not just a certain type of people [that come in],” David said. “We get such a diverse group of people in here. People who would have never thought they’d come to an art gallery have come in here and loved it. We have such a variety too with this many artists. Usually something will appeal to everybody. We’re art for the people.” Promoting sustainability, a large selection of the gallery consists of artwork that is made of recycled material, such as jar lids, computer pieces and feathers. “We have one artist who will literally go through junk and find little pieces of things and make art out of it,” David said. “We try to get our artists to repurpose an item if they can so we’re not filling up a landfill. We’re repurposing things that would usually go in a landfill and making art out of it.”


Desmond English Contributor “Astroworld,” is Travis Scotts’ third studio album and the name of the amusement park he frequently visited as a child. The title is clearly reflected in the content of the album, as it contains all the elements you would find in an amusement park. Just like a rollercoaster, the album has ups, downs and several twists. The first track of the album, “Stargazing,” prepares you for the adventure that awaits, being the ride attendant telling you to buckle up. Frank Ocean stops by for “Carousel,” but the real Surprise is “Sicko Mode” where Drake visits but is cut off mid-verse. “Sicko Mode” has a total of three transitions that, although are abrupt, do not English impair the quality of the song. “Sicko Mode” is the ride that stops at the top of the rollercoaster but then throws you a curveball by changing up the direction. “Astroworld” has some of the most remarkable transitions in an album that I have experienced in a while. My favorite part of the amusement park is the psychedelic ride through “R.I.P. Screw,” “Stop Trying to Be God” and “No Bystanders” continuously without a break. The transition is so seamless that the song change is not even noticed. A sample of Stevie Wonder’s harmonica appears in “Stop Trying to be God” and gives us the free reed wind instrument break we did not know we needed. After you have experienced the good rides from the first half of the album, you are left aimlessly to finish the rest of the adventure park and see what else the funfair has to offer. “5% tint” is the part of the amusement park where you have experienced the most exciting rides, which you know will not disappoint, and are left to experience the rest of the attractions until closing time. “Butterfly Effect” was added to the album purely for sales, which is why it should have been switched out with “Watch,” the single produced before the album. If “Astroworld,” the amusement park, was still open and anything like the album, I would order a season pass.

THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2018



Quintessential tour of Birmingham Sites and attractions that make this city magic Lauren Moore Blazer News Reporter As Birmingham continues to grow and thrive, it also strives to preserve its history. Because of this, there are many places to visit in Birmingham that not only allow visitors a connection to the city’s past, but an opportunity to create new memories and traditions there.  Founded in 1871 during the post-Civil War Reconstruction Era, Birmingham’s natural abundance of iron ore, limestone and coal allowed it to become a leading industrial center of the south, coining its nickname as “The Magic City.” One of the main furnaces that helped establish Birmingham as a steel city is Sloss Furnaces. Ever since it went into its first blast in 1882, the national historic landmark has been key to shaping Birmingham’s history. Founded by Colonel James Withers Sloss, the company was once one of the world’s leading producers of pig iron. Today, it is the only 20th century blast furnace in the country being historically preserved. The city’s history in the steel industry also brought us one of our biggest attractions - Vulcan Park and Museum. The landmark showcases the world’s largest cast iron statue, the Roman god of forge named Vulcan. It has looked down from Red

Mountain since the 1930s. Another local attraction is The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (BCRI), which preserves Birmingham’s past with the intent to create a better future. The institute allows visitors to reflect on the dark history of segregation and racism in Birmingham.   “BCRI is committed to preserving and telling the Birmingham story and championing civil and human rights by facilitating an atmosphere of dialogue and understanding,” Melissa Snow-Clark, Head of Communications at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, said. Birmingham’s historic Alabama Theatre is a vintage venue that, along with the museums above, is packed with history.  “The 2,150 seat Alabama Theatre began as an ornate movie palace built by Paramount Pictures to showcase its movie stars,” said Brant Beene, President of Alabama Theatre owners, Birmingham Landmarks. “For the last 20 years, it has been one of PHOTO BY LAKYN SHEPARD/ART EDITOR World’s largest cast iron statue and Birmingham’s symbol - Vulcan, the Roman god of forge and fire.

PHOTO BY AMY LAWHON/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Free, weekly yoga class in action at Railroad Park.

Railroad Park is a vast playground, a prime workout spot, a concert venue and a source of unexpected serenity. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY OLIVIA WATTS Sloss Furnaces produced over 60 percent used by the U.S. in both World Wars.

- Camille Spratling

Birmingham’s favorite places to see vintage movies and hear concerts from some of the world’s most famous performers.”    Built in 1927, the theatre is also famous for its rare Mighty Wurlitzer organ, one of only 25 ever made. The theatre currently hosts an annual summer movie series. If you’re looking for something to do that’s outside, Railroad Park is placed in the middle of downtown Birmingham and offers a connection to nature within the city. The four block and 19 acre stretch of land once served as a freight depot for Burlington Northern Railroad Company, opening as a park in 2010. Materials unearthed from the park’s construction have been incorporated into walls, seating areas and other structures within the park. Railroad park also hosts many events throughout the year, including Get Healthy on the Railroad, Trucks by the Tracks and Symphony in the Summer.   “Railroad Park is a vast playground, a prime workout spot, a concert venue and a source of unexpected serenity” Camille Spratling, Executive Director of the Railroad Park Foundation, said. “Parallel to that, the park is a unifier, an economic driver and a source of great pride for all who visit.”   Right up the road from Railroad Park is one of Birmingham’s first streetcar suburbs, Five Points South, which got its name as a five-way intersection for streetcar lines coming into Birmingham. Soon after, Five Points South became a neighborhood shopping district, with businesses lining the streets surrounding the intersection.

THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 2018




1. Home country of the Black Panther.


2. Roads and sidewalks consist of this material.


3. Superficial.


4. Book with the function of defining words.


5. Study of humans and their behavior.


6. Not simple.


7. Classy. 8. Sport involving hoops.


9. The outline of a shape. 10. Roman god of fire and forage, also Birmingham’s city symbol. 11. Insane.

9 10

12. Make more visually pleasing.


13. The species of UAB’s mascot.

12 13

14. Bruno Mars’ and Cardi B’s 2018 hit single.

14 Pick up our next issue to find the solution on August 28.


Grand Opening: Intramural & Club Sport Field Complex 5 p.m.

Taste of UAB

HSC Ampitheater at 11 a.m.

Men’s Soccer vs. Farleigh Dickinson BBVA Compass Field at 11 a.m.

Concert: Lynyrd Skynyrd Oak Mountain Amphitheatre at 6 p.m.

Yard Art Exhibit Naked Art at 10:30 a.m.

UAB Football vs. Savannah State

Legion Field at 7 p.m.

Labor Day Brunch Crawl Lakeview at 12 p.m.

Labor Day Holiday

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