UAB President Ray L. Watts, M.D.
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Dean’s Leadership Team Anupam Agarwal, M.D., Executive Vice Dean Etty “Tika” Benveniste, Ph.D., Basic Sciences Dawn Bulgarella, CPA, MSHA, Administration and Finance
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Dean’s Leadership Team Mona Fouad, M.D., MPH, Diversity and Inclusion Craig Hoesley, M.D., Medical Education Keith “Tony” Jones, M.D., Clinical Affairs
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Dean’s Leadership Team Bob Kimberly, M.D., Clinical and Translational Research David Rogers, M.D., MHPE, Faculty Affairs and Professional Development Jean Ann Larson, Ed.D., Leadership Development Officer
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Department Chairs Dan Berkowitz, MB BCh, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine David Bedwell, Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Jianyi “Jay� Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering Brad Yoder, Ph.D., Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Boni Elewski, M.D., Dermatology
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Department Chairs Janyce Sanford, M.D., MBA, Emergency Medicine Irfan Asif, M.D., Family and Community Medicine Gene Siegal, M.D., Ph.D., Genetics (Interim) Craig Hoesley, M.D., Medical Education Seth Landefeld, M.D., Medicine
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Department Chairs Frances Lund, Ph.D., Microbiology Craig Powell, M.D., Ph.D., Neurobiology David Standaert, M.D., Ph.D., Neurology James Markert, M.D., MPH, Neurosurgery Todd Jenkins, M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology (Interim)
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Department Chairs Christopher Girkin, M.D., MSPH, FACS, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Steven Theiss, M.D., Orthopaedic Surgery (Interim) Bill Carroll, M.D., Otolaryngology George Netto, M.D., Pathology Mitch Cohen, M.D., Pediatrics
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Department Chairs Mary-Ann Bjornsti, Ph.D., Pharmacology and Toxicology Amie McClain, M.D., Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation James Meador-Woodruff, M.D., Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Jim Bonner, M.D., Radiation Oncology Cheri Canon, M.D., Radiology
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Department Chairs Herb Chen, M.D., Surgery Dean Assimos, M.D., Urology
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Regional Campus Deans Gustavo Heudebert, M.D., MACP, Montgomery (Interim) Richard Friend, M.D., Tuscaloosa (Interim) Roger Smalligan, M.D., MPH, Huntsville
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
UAB Health System Will Ferniany, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer Reid Jones, Chief Operating Officer Dawn Bulgarella, CPA, MSHA, Chief Financial Officer Loring Rue, M.D., Chief Medical Officer Brian Spraberry, Chief Administrative Officer
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
UAB Health System Keith “Tony� Jones, M.D., Chief Physician Executive Don Lilly, Senior Vice President David Randall, Senior Vice President, Strategy and Business Development Jean Ann Larson, Ed.D., Leadership Development Officer Rick van Pelt, M.D., MBA, Vice President of Clinical Practice Transformation
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
UA Health Services Foundation Keith “Tony� Jones, M.D., President Patricia Pritchett, Executive Vice President Mike Heckman, Chief Financial Officer Marty Box, Executive Director, HR for UAB Health System Charles Fry, General Counsel
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Joint Operating Leadership Council Sewlyn Vickers, M.D., FACS, Dean, UAB School of Medicine Will Ferniany, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, UAB Health System Keith “Tony� Jones, M.D., President, UA Health Services Foundation Cheri Canon, M.D., Chair, Department of Radiology Herb Chen, M.D., Chair, Department of Surgery Seth Landefeld, M.D., Chair, Department of Medicine
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
UAB Hospital Anthony Patterson, Senior Vice President, Inpatient Services Susan Jennings, CPA, Chief Financial Officer Terri Poe, DNP, RN, Chief Nursing Officer Joan Hicks, Chief Information Officer
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Callahan Eye Hospital and Clinics
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Rett Grover, Chief Executive Officer Myra Aultman, CRNA, MSHA, Assistant Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer Jason Sadler, CPA, Chief Financial Officer
Children’s of Alabama
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Mike Warren, Chief Executive Officer Tom Shufflebarger, FACHE, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Tony Fargason, M.D., MBA, Medical Director and Vice President, Clinical Affairs Mitch Cohen, M.D., Physician in Chief Mike Chen, M.D., Surgeon in Chief
Birmingham VA Medical Center Mary Mitchell, Director (Interim) Cynthia Cleveland, DNP, RN, Associate Director for Patient/Nursing Services Oladipo Kukoyi, M.D., M.S., Chief of Staff Annette Wyatt, Assistant Director
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Birmingham VA Medical Center Andrew Sellers, M.D., Associate Chief of Staff/Medicine George Yang, M.D., Associate Chief of Staff/Surgery Louis Dell’Italia, M.D., Associate Chief of Staff for Research Susan Laing, Ph.D., Associate Chief of Staff for Education
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
VA Medical Center Received Whole Health (WH) designation from the Veterans Health Administration’s Office of Patient Care and Cultural Transformation in 2018
Geared towards forming continuous healing relationships and partnerships that support veterans in achieving overall health and well-being
Outgoing Leadership James BaĂąos, M.D., Assistant Dean, Students Laura Kezar, M.D., Associate Dean, Students Richard Streiffer, M.D., Regional Dean, Tuscaloosa Regional Campus
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Medical Education
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Craig Hoesley, M.D., Senior Associate Dean, Medical Education Alice Goepfert, M.D., Associate Dean, Graduate Medical Education Christina Grabowski, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Admissions and Enrollment Management Kevin Leon, M.D., Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education Nicholas Van Wagoner, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Dean, Students
Medical Education Caroline Harada, M.D., Assistant Dean, Community Engaged Scholarship James Willig, M.D., MSPH, Assistant Dean, Clinical Education Carlton Young, M.D., Assistant Dean, Medical Student Diversity and Inclusion
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Associate Deans David Chaplin, M.D., Ph.D., Faculty Development Bill Curry, M.D., Rural Programs and Primary Care Victor Darley-Usmar, Ph.D., Research Alice Goepfert, M.D., Graduate Medical Education Christina Grabowski, Ph.D., Admissions and Enrollment Management
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Associate Deans Toni Leeth, MPH, Strategic Planning and Administration Kevin Leon, M.D., Undergraduate Medical Education LaKisha Mack, MBA, Administration and Finance Michael Saag, M.D., Global Health Nicholas Van Wagoner, M.D., Ph.D., Students
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Assistant Deans Pam Bounelis, Ph.D., Biomedical Research Daniel Bullard, Ph.D., Undergraduate Biomedical Education Sandra Frazier, M.D., Professional Development Caroline Harada, M.D., Community Engaged Scholarship Todd Peterson, M.D., Students
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Assistant Deans Rubin Pillay, M.D., Ph.D., MBA, Global Health Marjorie Lee White, M.D., M.A., MPPM, Clinical Simulation James H. Willig, M.D., MSPH, Clinical Education Carlton Young, M.D., Medical Student Diversity and Inclusion Majd Zayzafoon, M.D., Ph.D., International Medical Education
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine Lisa Willett, M.D., President
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Medical Student Class Leadership Allison Montgomery, MS4 Class President Bruce Pittman, MS3 Class President Daniel Sarraf, MS2 Class President Allyson Heng, MS1 Class President
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
House Staff Council Leadership Sara Anne Lester, M.D., President Joel Raborn, M.D., Vice President John Killian, M.D., Secretary
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Dean’s Excellence Awards: Research Junior: Adam Wende, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology Andre Ballesteros-Tato, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine Senior: Steven Rowe, M.D., MSPH, Professor, Department of Medicine John Kearney, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Microbiology
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Dean’s Excellence Awards: Teaching
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Junior: Stephanie Berger Case, M.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics Michael Barnett, M.D., M.S., FAAP, FAAHPM, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine Senior: Marisa Marques, M.D., Professor, Department of Pathology Vineeta Kumar, M.D., Professor, Department of Medicine
Dean’s Excellence Awards: Service
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Junior: Ben Wei, M.D., Associate Professor, Department of Surgery Chad Petit, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Senior: Veena Antony, M.D., Professor, Department of Medicine Sarah Nafziger, M.D., Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dean’s Excellence Awards: Diversity Enhancement Junior: Jaime McKinney, M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics Senior: Monica Baskin, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Medicine
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Dean’s Excellence Awards: Mentoring Stu Frank, M.D., Professor, Department of Medicine
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Featured Discovery § Michael Niederweis, Ph.D. § NAD+ depletion triggers macrophage necroptosis, a cell death pathway exploited by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
§ Jaroslaw Zmijewski, Ph.D. § Metformin reverses established lung fibrosis in a bleomycin model
§ Anath Shalev, M.D. § Verapamil and beta cell function in adults with recent-onset type 1 diabetes
Featured Discovery § Laurie Harrington, Ph.D. § Effector CD4 T cells with progenitor potential mediate chronic intestinal inflammation
§ George Netto, M.D. § Non-invasive detection of urothelial cancer through the analysis of driver gene mutations and aneuploidy
§ Steven Rowe, M.D. § VX-445–Tezacaftor–Ivacaftor in patients with cystic fibrosis and one or two Phe508del alleles
§ Ganesh Halade, Ph.D. § Resolution of inflammation in Cardiac Biology and Heart Failure Pathology
High Impact Discoveries § Casey Weaver, M.D. § Differential IL-2 expression defines developmental fates of follicular versus nonfollicular helper T cells
§ Ichiro Nakano, M.D., Ph.D. § Apoptotic cell-derived extracellular vesicles promote malignancy of glioblastoma via intercellular transfer of splicing factors
§ Anita Hjelmeland, Ph.D. § Addition of carbonic anhydrase 9 inhibitor SLC-0111 to temozolomide treatment delays glioblastoma growth in vivo
Argus Award Winners: Pre-Clinical Awards
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Best Introductory Module Fundamentals of Medicine Module Director(s):
Best MS1 Organ Module Renal Module Director(s):
Best MS2 Organ Module Reproductive Systems Module Director(s):
Laura Fraser, Ph.D., Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology
Mark Bevensee, Ph.D., Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology;
Jennifer Gordetsky, M.D., Pathology;
Vineeta Kumar, M.D., Medicine; Eric Judd, M.D., Medicine
Erin Cook, M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology
Argus Award Winners: Pre-Clinical Awards Best Educator: Patient, Doctor and Society Michael Saag, M.D., Medicine Best Educator: Fundamentals of Medicine Martin Young, Ph.D., Medicine Best Educator: Cardiovascular Harish Doppalapudi, M.D., Medicine Best Educator: Pulmonary James Johnson, M.D., Medicine
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership. Best Educator: Gastrointestinal Chad Burski, M.D., Medicine Best Educator: Renal Eric Judd, M.D., Medicine Vineeta Kumar, M.D., Medicine Ashita Tolwani, M.D., Medicine
Argus Award Winners: Pre-Clinical Awards Best Educator: Musculoskeletal and Skin William Brooks, Ph.D., Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Best Educator: Neurosciences Michael Lyerly, M.D., Neurology Best Educator: Hematology/Oncology Lawrence Williams, M.D., Pathology
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership. Best Educator: Endocrine Systems Shawn Galin, Ph.D., Medicine Best Educator: Reproductive Systems Jennifer Gordetsky, M.D., Pathology
Argus Award Winners: Clinical Awards
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Caduceus Club Award for Best Clinical Department on the Birmingham Campus Pediatrics Caduceus Club Award for Excellence in Clinical Education on the Birmingham Campus Hussein Abdullatif, M.D., Pediatrics Best Clinical Department: Huntsville Campus Internal Medicine Best Clinical Educator: Huntsville Campus Joseph Fiore, Jr., M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology
Argus Award Winners: Clinical Awards Best Clinical Department: Montgomery Campus Obstetrics and Gynecology Best Clinical Educator: Montgomery Campus Gregory Waller, M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology Best Clinical Department: Tuscaloosa Campus Pediatrics Best Clinical Educator: Tuscaloosa Campus Charles Gross, M.D., Surgery
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Argus Award Winners: Clinical Awards Best Resident Educator, Birmingham Campus: Alexander Cohen, M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology Best Resident Educator, Huntsville Campus: Kelly Diaz, M.D., Family Medicine Best Resident Educator, Montgomery Campus: Sumana Reddy, M.D., Internal Medicine Best Resident Educator, Tuscaloosa Campus: Russell Guin, M.D., Family Medicine
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Argus Award Winners: Clinical Awards Best Community-Based Educator, Birmingham: Scott R. Weisberg, M.D., Family Medicine Best Community-Based Educator, Huntsville: Gabriel Belue, M.D., Family Medicine Best Community-Based Educator, Montgomery: Stephen Suggs, M.D., Neurology Best Community-Based Educator, Tuscaloosa: Larry Skelton, M.D., Family Medicine
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Argus Award Winners: Clinical Awards Award for Medical Student Support: James BaĂąos, Ph.D., Medical Education The Dale J. Benos Award for Educational Excellence: Catherine Fuller, Ph.D., Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Board of Visitors Mary Battle, MSHA Tom Blount Gail Cassell, Ph.D., Co-Chair Sheri Cook, MBA, M.Ac Garry Crowder William Eugene Davenport
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Board of Visitors Nancy Dunlap, M.D., Ph.D., MBA C.T. Fitzpatrick, CFA Mike Goodrich, J.D. Harry Greenberg, M.D. Mimi Head Mary Heersink
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Board of Visitors Jimmy Lee III Ted Love, M.D., Co-Chair George Lundberg, M.D. John Martin, Ph.D., MBA Martine Rothblatt, Ph.D., J.D., MBA
Thank you for your contribution, collaboration and leadership.
Sources of SOM Funds
Uses of SOM Funds