he UACPA begins a new fiscal year at the same time we begin to segue into a post-pandemic world. The last 12 months has brought much change in the way we work, conduct business, communicate and lead. Our postpandemic world will require us to embrace new definitions of leadership and blaze new trails as we lead. We’ve seen many individuals and businesses devastated financially from COVID-19; however, many individuals maintain a sense of optimism as they see business leaders question the status quo and rethink business models that have been in place for years. As we’ve taken the opportunity in our own office this year to update our strategic plan, much conversation centered around the shift in our cultural, behavioral and professional environments. Communication has transformed immensely. We’ve quickly been able to set up resources to communicate virtually within our own offices and globally. Enhanced virtual and digital communication tools have given us the ability to maintain good working relationships. Interestingly though, research is indicating that only 23% believe relationships will improve. Indeed, we’re in need of the human contact that our DNA has wired into our beings.
that artificial intelligence has received, increased focus on human skills might seem surprising. However, the human tendency to achieve balance is sorely needed in a world that has blurred the boundaries between work and home life that fell away during the pandemic.
Employees need a sense of psychological safety. They need to feel as if their employers have taken steps to safeguard their ability to be productive, innovative and still produce under pressure. As leaders, we need to provide a sense of safety and create a culture that will provide employees Leaders of organizations have been forced into evaluating a place for introspection, self-reflection and personal fixed office locations and set schedules and embrace autonomy. More than ever before, we need to provide more flexible “work from anywhere, anytime” schedules. Corporate cultures are going to be tested in a post-pandemic opportunities for self-development so that we may continue world as many organizations have seen that the “old” way of to build upon the resiliency we’ve developed over the last doing things will no longer have a place. “Return to normal” several months. is a thing of the past as “normal” will reinvent itself. We ask you to join us as we continue to trailblaze in a post-pandemic world where we will continue to see a Research is indicating that leadership skills such shift in workplace cultures, leadership styles and strategicas openness, empathy, resilience and the ability to thinking models. The pandemic has given us many unique communicate will be of greater importance in a postopportunities to build our cultures and systems for the pandemic era. Other competencies that will help leaders better, and we look forward to your input. n navigate the new normal are core human skills such as altruism and mindfulness. With the attention and impact 6
the journal entry | april 2021