STRATEGIC PLAN (2016-2019)
This document is a revised and updated Strategic Plan for 2015-2017 based on the results of the strategic session conducted in June 2016 within the Think Tank Development Initiative implemented by the International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) in cooperation with the Think Tank Foundation (TTF) supported by the Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine (SIDA).
Values: professionalism, transparency, integrity, independence, impartiality, effectiveness, patriotism, rule of law. Mission: To be a driving force of high-quality changes in the energy sector, in order to achieve good governance and responsible consumption on the way towards sustainable energy. These changes envisage establishment of free and competitive markets with a high level of transparency, efficient regulation and respect for the rule of law principles, effective production and consumption of energy resources, overcoming corruption and other negative phenomena. Vision: DiXi Group is an intellectually and financially independent, influential, high-ranking think tank in the energy sector, which works successfully in research, advocacy, consulting, outreach. DiXi Group is among the ТОP-100 world think tanks in the sphere of energy policy; it has its own funds for the organizational development; it develops cooperation with partners in Ukraine and abroad; it is a partner in three influential international consortia; along with issuing regular analytical products, it implements four commercial projects every year. Competencies: - Networking (development and management of coalitions, partnerships, maintenance of relations with stakeholders); - Processing of information of different levels of complexity with further development of products (proper political, economic, legal, or media analysis; ability to generate ideas, conclusions, suggestions; presentation of information in different forms); - Organization of different types of events; - Advocacy (ability to suggest solutions /including recommendations, influence on decision-making);
- Delivery of information, communication with different audiences (high-quality PR, self-promotion, reputation building); - Project management (to plan, implement, purchase, count, monitor, control, evaluate, report); - Outreach, training; - Consulting (advising policymakers); - Fundraising; - Marketing (study of audiences, search for new ones, products’ promotion).
Activity areas and strategic goals
European integration reforms (1а) Advocate implementatio n of Ukraine’s commitments within the Energy Community/As sociation Agreement with the EU, (1b) promote full-scale and irreversible implementatio n of the legislation and regulation
Anti-corruption, transparency
(2) Ensure application of international transparency mechanisms in Ukraine
(3) Detect and raise attention to corrupt and other illegal schemes in the energy sector
Outreach activities
(4) Ensure a social discourse of responsible consumption of energy
(5) Ensure involvement of citizens in development and control of the energy policy
School for advanced reforms in energy (SHARE) (6) Create a resourcetraining center on modern methods of management in energy policy
Organizational development (а) Improve strategic management, (b) Improve operational management, (c) Launch new formats and quality control system of analytical products, (d) Improve financial management and reach financial independence
DIRECTION 1. European Integration Reforms: Aim 1. a) Advocate implementation of Ukraine’s commitments within the Energy Community/Association Agreement with the EU, b) promote full-scale and irreversible implementation of the legislation and regulation (markets of gas and electric power, regulation, energy efficiency, supply safety, renewable energy sources) Tasks
1) Monitoring implementation of commitments
Publication of 35 monthly and 3 annual reports (Ukrainian, English) Disseminate among the key audiences (including 4 briefings, 3 presentations in Kyiv, Vienna, Brussels per year) Conducting research, writing analytical products for round tables (up to four per year, coorganization with partners)
Awareness of Ukrainian and international audiences
Responsible / involved parties A. Antonenko, A. Yermakova, R. Nitsovych
2) Facilitate dialog of stakeholders (see Stakeholders Mapping)
Organization and participation in meetings and groups (1 coalition meeting, at least 1 meeting of MSG, 3-4 meetings of public councils per year) Organization of public events (up to 4 round tables, conferences)
Increased quality of decisions Taking into account, reconciliation of interests and opinions of stakeholders Ensuring transparent process of decisionmaking Awareness of the progress in reforms
Đž. Pavlenko, D. Nazarenko
3) Advocacy of the decision to accelerate reforms
Preparation of draft decisions for authorities (government, parliament), upon request Negotiations with decision-makers related to their needs, preparation of position papers and infographics Content development (articles, comments, infographics), appearance in media (average number of appearances per month – up to 10) Updating, promoting the "Energy Reforms" website through banner exchange, SEOoptimization, dissemination in social networks (publics) Trainings for journalists in the format of a workshop or pressbreakfast, preparation of the program and materials 4 workshops, training in regions (using the "bush" principle) together with partner NGOs
Facilitation of work on implementation of commitments
Đž. Pavlenko, D. Nazarenko
4) Establish favorable discourse
Informed decisionmaking, taking recommendations into account Newsletter Understanding of details and relevance of the topic (population)
The web-site audience expansion Ensuring access to aggregated information and data
Understanding of details and relevance of the topic (mass media) Improved quality of materials Improvement of knowledge and involvement of local stakeholders (authorities, local government, local NGOs, and business)
V. Torop, D. Kyrkach
5) Increased number of peers at the national level
Participation in public events, presentations or moderation (not less than 20 per year) Information campaigns through sending requests and letters, publications, blogs/comments, joint statements, briefings / press-conferences, public campaigns "Energy Reforms" coalition meetings (annually), meetings of partners under the EU project (not less than 4 times per year)
Creation of a regional network of partners ("agents of change"), maintenance of relations with active organizations
6) Develop into an international think tank
Negotiations with international decisionmakers (Energy Community, European Commission, etc.) – crosscheck of positions, information exchange, planning joint events Development of international partnerships and joining 1-3 consortia
Increased range of loyal mass media
Creation of pressure for making decisions
Membership expansion Joint statements, peer review Better coverage of topics, deeper expertise Prompt response to challenges Extensive network of partners Participation in activities to achieve common goals Improvement of cooperation among the regions Impact on decisions Trust in expertise, support for priorities Facilitation of work on implementation of commitments
Gaining experience, expertise to facilitate integration of Ukraine into European energy space Higher awareness and trust of international auditors
O. Pavlenko, R. Nitsovych, M. Melnyk
O. Pavlenko, R. Nitsovych, M. Melnyk
DIRECTION 2. Anti-corruption, transparency: Objective 2. Ensure use of international transparency mechanisms in Ukraine. Tasks
Ensure annual publication of the EITI reports
Participation in regional meetings in the framework of the "EnergoTransparency" Association (5-6 per year)
Coalition expansion Awareness of local stakeholders
Find 2 and more partners in every extracting region
Responsible / involved parties R. Nitsovych, M. Melnyk
Meaningful cooperation of all stakeholders at the local level
Regular and meaningful meetings of the MultiStakeholder Group (MSG) on the EITI implementation (up to 5 per year, at least once a quarter)
Prompt decisionmaking for publication of a report on the EITI
Conduct research and prepare analytical materials on EITI (up to 3 per year) Meetings with donors for financing plans/projects
Base for future decisions, supporting information for the MSG Funds from at least 3 donors
O. Pavlenko
A. Antonenko, O. Pavlenko
Long-term planning of work for the EITI
Disseminate information on the report
Information campaign – preparation of materials (video, infographics) on the basis of the EITI reports, data visualization, media appearances, organization and participation in regional events, dissemination of information through the network of partners
Independence from one donor Awareness of the target groups about the report Easier information delivery/audience expansion
Base for information campaigns
A. Yermakova, M. Melnyk
Facilitate implementation of project reporting of extractive companies
Conduct research and prepare analytical materials on EITI (up to 3 per year) Advocacy of the Law "On Information Disclosure in Extractive Industries"
Adopted law
Participation in working groups on preparation of secondary legislation
Preparation of secondary legislation
Hold a public campaign to support implementation
Awareness of project reporting importance
Work with companies, including support for training events
Willingness of companies to report on projects
R. Nitsovych, T. Tkachuk
Objective 3. Detect corrupt and raise attention to illegal schemes in the energy sector, provide conditions for relevant response Tasks
Track chain of key energy resources and money origin
Monitoring of previous investigations
Base of identified schemes and abuses
Creation of a coalition with participation of anticorruption NGOs and activists, journalists, experts
Coalition is created, which works according to the work plan
M. Melnyk
Web-platform for the map of the energy sector
Vizualization and easy access to information
A. Antonenko, R. Nitsovych, D. Nazarenko, T. Tkachuk
V. Torop, D. Kyrkach
Identify critical information gaps
Launch of information campaigns to promote the web-platform
Disclose hidden Investigation of information and seek information from "black to eliminate schemes boxes" with involvement of coalition members
FB Media New results of investigations
Responsible / involved parties A. Yermakova
R. Nitsovych, D. Nazarenko, T. Tkachuk
Develop and disseminate the Energy Transparency Index for DM, experts
Dissemination of information on investigations results
Identification of obstacles for investigations
Engagement of audiences (policymakers, law enforcement bodies, NGO/activists, media) to schemes liquidation by holding round table discussions, developing recommendations, involvement of foreign speakers
Transfer of data to respective bodies/official investigations
Creation and dissemination of media stories (infographics, animation) Analysis of information on the energy sector map
Raising awareness of schemes
Holding polls and focus groups
Results, what is important to know for people in the energy sector
Development of draft Index structure Discussion of draft Index in coalition, finalization
Conduct advocacy campaigns
Presentation of the Index and translation in English Creation of special tools on the web-site (to inform on incorrect information, generation of requests on disclosure of information) Information campaign for the web-site support Dissemination of tools to regional experts
Formation of a list of "champions"
Identification of key information for the Index
R. Nitsovych, D. Nazarenko, T. Tkachuk
Developed draft Awareness of the audience about the Index
Receiving information using tools/verification of information generated by the government Higher awareness of results of the website operation and its instruments
A. Antonenko, N/A, O. Pavlenko, V. Torop
Discussions and campaigns of public pressure (public campaigns etc.), media coverage Draft amendments to legislation for disclosure of hidden information
Use of the web-site and its instruments in regions
Public disclosure of information based on the pressure results
Draft documents submitted for registration DIRECTION 3. Outreach activities: Objective 4. Establish social discourse of respective consumption of energy Tasks
constantly raise consumers' awareness of the situation in energy sector, key problems
Organization of debates, public hearings, mediabreakfasts, other platforms for discussions (up to 4 events per year) (Video)comments on relevant issues on the agenda, broadcasts (in general, up to 6 per month)
Higher information accessibility for energy consumers Expansion of stakeholders range, their awareness of their interests Receiving unbiased information in an understandable language Interest in higher number of positions Higher awareness
Brochures, infographics, videos, other products in an "understandable language" Promotion of ideas and mechanisms of consumers' interests protection in media space, including an idea of an energy ombudsman creation
Higher awareness of consumers of their rights and interests, methods of their protection
Responsible / involved parties V. Torop, D. Kyrkach
D. Kyrkach
A. Yermakova, D. Kyrkach, D. Nazarenko
D. Kyrkach, D. Nazarenko
Objective 5. Facilitate involvement of civil society in development and control of the energy policy Tasks
Strengthen impact of public organizations and coalitions (EnRef, EnTransp)
Joint public events and advocacy campaigns (statements, video statements, etc.) Study events (trainings, workshops) at the regional level
Decisions adopted, taking into account public organizations and coalitions opinion Expansion of the number of partners Impact on regional policy Presentation of the position delivery of information
Participation in advisory bodies of different levels (Ukrainian and international)
Responsible / involved parties D. Nazarenko, M. Melnyk, D. Kyrkach
T. Tkachuk, D. Nazarenko
O. Pavlenko, A. Antonenko
DIRECTION 4. School for advanced reforms in energy (SHARE) for experts and professionals Objective 6. Create a resource-training center on modern methods of management in energy policy, which will become a platform for new generation of executives Tasks
Create a concept for the school and plan for its development
Study of similar experience at the EU and US universities and training centers (not less than 5-7 cases) Receive consultations, conduct the needs study of the target audience (Ukrainian business, officials of the middle level, postgraduates and others) through questioning of not less that 20 participants, focus groups Development of the concept, development of training programs in energy policy, evaluation of not less than 3 peer reviewers Find strategic partners (2-3 options, possibly under franchise)
Better understanding of modern training centers models
Better understanding of needs, formation of the budget of the School programs budget and business-plan
Responsible / involved parties O. Pavlenko, R. Nitsovych
T. Tkachuk, A. Antonenko, A. Romaniuk
Development of training programs and proposals
Signing agreements about partnership
Đž. Pavlenko, D. Nazarenko
Launch the School, archive the sustainability level
Find funding for 1-1.5 years (fundraising through road show, presentations, etc.) Holding information campaign (advertising, SMM, announcements) Negotiations with key governmental bodies, companies about participation of their employees Conduct of a pilot course, monitoring of its efficiency (event questionnaires) Creation of an international network of resource training centers and an alumni network
Strategic donor
O. Pavlenko, A. Antonenko
Selection of the first participants (the Ministry, regulator, state companies on board)
A. Yermakova, V. Torop, D. Kyrkach
Improvement of A. Romaniuk programs and courses Development of a midterm plan Attraction of new D. Nazarenko, M. financing and partners Melnyk Exchange of experience and resources Dissemination of information about the School Recruitment of trainers Creation of international lobby
Organizational development Objective 1. Improve strategic management Tasks
Expand the Supervisory Council, support for its quantitative and qualitative involvement into activities (fundraising and assistance)
Invite three new members of the Supervisory Council
Raising international recognizability and reputation (increase in number of contacts on the political level that will be provided by the Supervisory Council members)
Ensure strategic planning and evaluation
Establish appropriate communication management and planning
Support for regular communication with members of the Supervisory Council
Holding annual strategic sessions (involvement of employees, the Board members, NGO members, Supervisory Council members in strategic planning) Update communication strategy, include communication component to the Plan of monitoring and evaluation (M&E Plan)
New funds (increase of the number of donors involved by the Supervisory Council members) Reviewed and updated documents related to strategic planning (implemented RAF, the Plan of monitoring and evaluation, etc.)
Responsible / involved parties O. Pavlenko
A. Romaniuk
Efficient communication strategy
D. Kyrkach, A. Romaniuk, R. Nitsovych
Person responsible for international PR (partnership opportunities, ratings)
D. Nazarenko
Responsible / involved parties V. Petrovych A. Romaniuk
Objective 2. Improve operational management Tasks
Amend internal policies and procedures that will enable subgranting
Consultations with a lawyer on a possibility to carry out subgranting
Implementation of projects that provide for sub-granting
Ensure proper implementation of projects
Strengthen the role and responsibility of project groups Update provisions on project management, introduce a system of monitoring and evaluation
Quick response to new challenges and risks Timely and quality project implementation (absence of missed deadlines and/or untimely implementation of internal procedures)
R. Nitsovych, O. Pavlenko
Support for constant training of the staff, improvement of their professional level Expand the communication and impact channels
Search for opportunities to participate in studies and trainings
Knowledge and skills gained during training are used in work
A. Romaniuk R. Nitsovych
Finalize the DiXi Group web-site, carry out active SMM
Increase in the number of the web-site visitors Larger audience due to unique content, multimedia nature Higher loyalty of journalists Impact growth (increase in number of inquiries, addresses, letters, etc. to DiXi Group)
D. Kyrkach M. Melnyk
Produce unique content, ensure availability of infographics Creation of a network of friendly journalists
Objective 3. Launch new formats and a system for ensuring the quality of analytical products Tasks
Responsible / involved parties R. Nitsovych
Assess the needs of target groups, identify issues of their interest
Survey of target audiences and/or a focus group
Awareness of important issues for target audiences
Develop pilot products and test them with the potential audience
Issue 2-3 regular commercial products targeted to specific audiences Develop a questionnaire about a product for consumers
Higher loyalty of consumers of products (through constant feedback) Development of a commercial activity area
R. Nitsovych О. Pavlenko А. Antonenko
Update available products
Upgrade Ukrainian Energy website and a weekly report (a new
Increased popularity of updated products
V. Torop А. Antonenko
Introduce the quality control system
Hold products presentations abroad
form of presentation, including mobile apps, chat-bots) Develop policies to check a product quality (procedures for internal and external peer review, guidelines on surveys conduct, methodologies) 1-2 advocacy visits to promote Ukrainian energy sector abroad and attract investments
Improved quality of analytical products
R. Nitsovych
Higher awareness and trust of international auditors Increased number of contacts and potential partners
O. Pavlenko, R. Nitsovych
Objective 4. Improve financial management and reach financial independence Tasks Activities Result Responsible / involved parties Automate the Include the required Absence of delays in V. Petrovych processes of information in the making payments, A. Romaniuk budget planning "BitFinans" program reporting and controls Set forth in internal Correct data in reports policies and ensure and documentation following procedures associated with introduction of the "BitFinans" program Create a "reserve Consultations with a The reserve fund is A. Antonenko, fund" (to be lawyer on development sufficient for 2-3 V. Petrovych confirmed) of guidelines on months of autonomous creation and use of the activities (office rent, reserve fund salary) in case of abrupt projects termination Awareness of the way of obtaining financing from other sources Prepare an activity Develop work plans for Availability of a totality O. Pavlenko, portfolio for year year ahead of projects ("safety R. Nitsovych ahead Form a list of project bag") that will ensure proposals to present it consistency of activities to donors Update the fundraising plan Improve marketing Undergo training in 4-5 projects Đ?.Pavlenko, skills and build up products marketing implemented annually Đ?. Antonenko consulting Communicate with potential partners
SWOT Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis
Risk Analysis
Results Assessment Framework (RAF)