Utah Science Vol 64

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Utah Science

A Publication of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station at Utah State University Volume 64

Spring/Summer 2008



outh is disagreeable time, for it is neither possible then nor prudent to be productive in any sense whatsoever.” — Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) Sorry, Herr Nietzsche, but I must respectfully disagree. It is possible and very prudent for young people to be productive in many ways, and many of them demonstrate it every day. When you work on a university campus you are surrounded by young people. Although my job does not include teaching, I’ve been fortunate enough to interact with many students over the years. Yes, some of them seem more concerned about their next text message than their next test. And despite advice they’re given at student orientation, many still learn the hard way that energy drinks are no substitute for sleep when you’re trying to pay attention to a lecture, take a final or read a text book. Some are smart enough for college, but lack the common sense to wear a coat in northern Utah in January. I’ve also observed that freshmen look impossibly young every fall and that given the right tools and a good mentor, young people accomplish difficult things that reach far beyond their limited life experiences. “Undergraduate researcher” may be a rare title at some universities, but not here. Take a look in labs, research farm plots and libraries and you’ll find students, even freshmen, doing research alongside faculty members who expect excellence. Utah Agricultural Experiment Station researchers are among the university’s honored undergraduate research mentors each year and their students pursue new knowledge in soil chemistry, economics, reproductive physiology, antiviral

Stan L. Albrecht,

Undergraduate researcher may

be a rare title at some universities, but not here. drug development — the list is as broad as the array of the world’s unanswered questions. In talking with student researchers in many disciplines, I’ve found that although the work they do varies widely, some commonalities emerge. Most of them didn’t expect to be making discoveries until they had a couple of college degrees and professional titles following their name. But they are. Nearly all of the undergrads who moved into an established project and research group admit to being intimidated, and sometimes baffled, by discussions in meetings with their new colleagues. But things become clearer and soon they contribute ideas and, most importantly, questions. Most assumed they’d “pay their dues” by cleaning labs and running errands before they got to work on experiments or do field work. Instead they find

Photos: Gary Neuenswander

they’re soon entrusted with helping to design and run experiments and are co-authoring papers to tell others what they’ve found. Although it sounds trite, these fledgling researchers give me hope for the future nearly every day. Many people lament the state of the nation’s young people and fear that their behavior will be the downfall of society. You don’t have to look far to be tempted to fall into that gloomy trap. But remember that while it’s simple to categorize whole groups of people based on the actions of a few individuals — even the actions of more than just a few individuals — it’s very rarely an accurate assessment. So the next time you ponder the state of the older teens and 20-somethings who will be tomorrow’s leaders, don’t be too quick to throw your hands in the air — unless you’re cheering.

President, Utah State University

H. Paul Rasmussen, Director, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Noelle E. Cockett, Vice President for Extension and Agriculture UTAH SCIENCE will be sent free on request in the United States. Subscriptions mailed to individuals and institutions in other countries cost $35.00 annually which includes shipping and handling. Please include a mailing label from a recent issue of UTAH SCIENCE with any request for change of address. To avoid overuse of technical terms, sometimes trade names of products or equipment are used. No endorsement of specific products or firms named is intended, nor is criticism implied of those not mentioned. Articles and information appearing in UTAH SCIENCE become public property upon publication. They may be reprinted provided that no endorsement of a specific commercial product or firm is stated or implied in so doing. Please credit the authors, Utah State University, and UTAH SCIENCE. Equal Opportunity in employment and education is an essential priority for Utah State University, and one to which the University is deeply committed. In accordance with established laws, discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, or veteran’s status is prohibited for employees in all aspects of employment and for students in academic programs and activities. Utah State University is dedicated to providing a healthy equal opportunity climate and an environment free from discrimination and harassment.

Utah Science Volume 64


Spring/Summer 2008

Microscopic Viruses & Big Science Researchers are working to understand and treat virus-caused diseases, all while mentoring undergraduate students who have become colleagues in the lab.


THE W AR ON W EE D S Effectively battling noxious weeds begins with knowing the enemy. Student technicians have spent years mapping weeds in the West so agencies can manage the land, and are learning a lot in the process.


Not hard to Digest Turning animal waste into fertilizer isn’t new, but how about turning it into electricity or fuel for vehicles? Researchers are doing it and it’s not alchemy, it's technology.


F ORAGE KOCIA A F TER RANGE F IRE After the worst wildfire in Utah History, forage kochia in experiment station/USDA – Agricultural Research Service test plots was the first plant to re-emerge, hold soil in place and provide habitat for animals.

UTAH SCIENCE is a publication devoted primarily to Experiment Station research in agriculture and related areas. Published by the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322–4845. Lynnette Harris, Editor, lynnette.harris@usu.edu Elizabeth Lord, Graphic Artist, liz.lord@usu.edu







Science at Utah State

Students in science Science on the web

Gary Neuenswander, Media Specialist, gary.neuenswander@usu.edu

Number 64/2008




hey may be tiny, even sub-microscopic,

resulting development of vaccines that immunize

but viruses have very visible impacts

against diseases like smallpox and polio have been

on economies, countries, even entire

public health triumphs. But immunizations are not

continents. Of course, the big picture effects of virus-

available against a great many dangerous virus-

es aren’t foremost in the thoughts of people who are

caused diseases, nor are effective drugs available to

personally suffering from yellow fever, AIDS, Ebola,

treat people and animals once they become infected.

SARS, avian influenza, a common cold or a host of other maladies. The range of symptoms associated

Agricultural Experiment Station search for cures

with virus diseases and their big picture effects are,

and vaccines, student researchers are learning right

however, foremost in the thoughts of virologist John

alongside them. In addition to the graduate students

Morrey and his colleagues at USU’s Institute for Anti-

one would expect to find in such a lab, Morrey typi-

viral Research.

cally employs several undergraduate students who

Scientists at the institute work with a wide array of viruses. Morrey, the institute’s director, focuses his work on hepatitis B, West Nile virus and uncovering

Photo: istockphoto

While Morrey and others supported by the Utah

are treated as capable colleagues and who make significant contributions to the research. “We do careful screening and students know

the mechanisms of prion-caused maladies like chron-

what’s expected in the job,” Morrey said. “A lot of

ic wasting disease and bovine spongiform encepha-

them are headed for medical school and want good

lopathy, a.k.a. mad cow disease.

references in addition to getting paid for their work.

The term “virus” is Latin for toxin or poison and

They take ownership of the projects they do and I

that is just what they inflict when they infect host

don’t micromanage the lab. That’s the only way we

cells which could be in plants, animals or bacteria.

can get all the things done that we want to achieve.”

The immune response they trigger in animals, includ-

And with viruses like West Nile and hepatitis B

ing humans, is sometimes potent enough to eliminate

to be understood and conquered, there is plenty this

a virus and provide lasting protection against it. The

team hopes to achieve.


Utah Science

WEST NILE VIRUS Among the most exciting developments under-

The first outbreak of WNV in the United States

way in Morrey’s lab is what appears to be the first

was reported in 1999 in New York. Morrey and other

treatment for West Nile virus (WNV) infection. In

scientists took notice as the disease began to spread.

collaboration with Michael Diamond of Washington

“I underestimated how rapidly it would spread,”

University in St. Louis, Morrey started working with

Morrey said. “Our first experiments with West Nile

a specific antibody in 2005, building on a the USU

were in 2000. The first paper we published in “Anti-

antiviral group’s previous five years of work on WNV

viral Research” was on our early cell culture research

with funding from the National Institutes of Health.

and is one of the most cited articles in the journal. Number 64/2008


We look at it now and it’s trivial relative to how much we’ve learned and the work we are doing now.” The new treatment is set to move from the lab

be too long to wait for effective antibody treatment. The researchers recently published a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

to clinical trials in people infected with WNV. The in-

explaining how WNV travels through the central

vestigational drug, owned by Maryland-based Macro-

nervous system via long, slender nerve fibers called

Genics, is a monoclonal

axons that project from

antibody that Morrey

nerve cells. In its early

originally doubted


would be effective.


“I was getting tired of hearing about


antibody treatment for


West Nile virus because I didn’t think it would work,” Morrey said. “I


thought we would prove


the hypothesis wrong.


Then, low and behold, I was wrong.”


That’s the way


stages, WNV causes flulike symptoms: fever, mild disorientation, head and body aches. Once the virus reaches the brain more serious neurological damage can result, causing paralysis, cognition problems and dementia. “West Nile virus is largely not fatal in people, though it makes news when it is,” Morrey said.

science works. Prov-

“The sad thing is that there

ing a hypothesis wrong

are people who survive and

simply means you learned something different from

have serious, lasting neurological consequences,

what you expected. Fortunately, what the team has

including paralysis.”

learned so far appears very promising. The antibody is specific for WNV and has been

Humans and horses get the virus from mosquitos that have picked it up from infected birds.

re-engineered to be compatible in humans. Work

Another facet of research Morrey’s lab undertook was

in Diamond’s lab found that the antibody attaches

looking at the role that mosquito saliva may play in

itself to the virus and prevents it from unlocking the

enhancing the disease-causing abilities of the virus.

genetic material it needs to grow and reproduce. The

Working in collaboration with UAES entomologist

antibody is expected to prove useful in preventing

Don Roberts, student researchers collected mosquito

infections. But among the most exciting results of the

saliva for use in the lab. Morrey said there are exam-

research is the finding that in animal models it is an

ples of other viruses that become dramatically more

effective treatment even after the virus reaches the

virulent when mixed with mosquito saliva.

brain. Morrey said the antibody is able to cross the

“For example, California encephalitis virus is

blood-brain barrier to treat the virus — something

non-lethal in adult mice,” Morrey said. “But when

many drugs are unable to do. His research team is

mixed with mosquito saliva it is one hundred

able to detect the antibody in cerebral spinal fluid of

percent lethal in adult mice. You could contract

treated hamsters, but there is a window of opportu-

West Nile virus by some other route, say from blood

nity for successfully treating the virus. Morrey said

of an infected horse that contacted a cut in your

six days post-infection in hamster models appears to

skin. We wondered whether a bite from an infected


Utah Science

mosquito is more virulent because of the saliva.” After several months the lab stopped the mos-

virus. People over age 50 are considered at higher risk, as are small children and people with depressed

quito saliva investigation because the saliva did not

immune systems. Interestingly, Morrey and his col-

increase the incidence of paralysis caused by WNV.

leagues note that while people in higher risk groups

Since its first appearance in the United States,

are more susceptible to encephalitis and meningitis,

the virus has caused more than 26,000 symptom-

people of every age and immune status are at risk

atic cases of WNV infection. As of October 2007, the

for developing paralysis. The team is studying the

Centers for Disease Control counted 2, 511 cases

electrical properties of cells and tissues (electrophysi-

of reported WNV infection nationwide and 64 fatali-

ology) to measure the health of nerves in WNV-in-

ties for the year. Among the reported cases, 766

fected animals. The investigation is aimed at learning

patients developed encephalitis or meningitis, 1,684

more about the neurological damage that lingers

had fevers and 61 showed other clinical symptoms.

even after the virus is eliminated by the immune

Morrey predicts that many people would test posi-

system, a result that is also seen in human patients.

tive for WNV infection, but because they did not have reportable symptoms they didn’t know they had the

“Very small numbers of infected people develop neurological problems or die,” Morrey said. “But


Number 64/2008 PHOTOS: JOHN MORREY


statistics mean nothing if you or your family

Some people experience acute (self-limiting)

member is affected. The statistics for you become

hepatitis B infection with its accompanying nausea,

100 percent.”

vomiting, body aches, dark urine and jaundice, but

Morrey said it’s very exciting to see the antibody

are able to clear the virus in a few weeks or months.

treatment move toward clinical trials, paving the

However, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

way for it to become available for people affected

estimates that 1.25 million Americans are chronically

by the virus.

infected with hepatitis B, and the virus has caused

“This is really nice because science typically

epidemics in parts of Africa and Asia. Chronic

works at such a snail’s pace that to have something

hepatitis B infection interferes with liver function

prove to be useful in just a few years is very satisfy-

and can inflame the liver, leading to cirrhosis and a

ing,” Morrey said. “Going to clinical trial is a big step

significant increase in the incidence of liver cancer.

in drug discovery and it’s very exciting.”

The CDC estimates that death from liver disease occurs in 15-25 percent of people with chronic


hepatitis B infection. “There is a vaccine which has reduced the

Although his goal is a career in medicine,

incidence of infection,” Morrey said. “But the disease

performing surgery certainly wasn’t something

is not gone and for those who have it is a life-threat-

Josh Durrant expected to do as an undergraduate.

ening, chronic disease. If left unchecked it is fatal.”

Doing liver biopsies and keeping his lab mouse

The drugs are tested in transgenic mice and

patients alive were not skills he planned to acquire.

evaluated for their ability to reduce virus production.

But after doing more than 1,000 of the procedures

They are not tested for relieving disease symptoms

and performing other tasks in the lab, he has learned

because hepatitis B infects members of the family

lessons that simply can’t be adequately taught by

Hominoidea, which includes humans, chimpanzees

reading a text book or hearing a lecture. Among them

and gorillas — not mice. The mice used to estab-

are that “science is really fun” and he is capable of

lish the USU colony were originally produced at the

doing things wasn’t sure he could do.

Scripps Research Institute and engineered so that

“Even when you do the same things over and

the hepatitis B virus gene is contained in the mouse

over again, there is no typical day in the lab,” Dur-

gene and the virus’s genetic material is inherited

rant said. “I started working with Dr. Morrey as a

by the animals’ offspring. Researchers measure

sophomore and I’ve been involved in some animal

the virus load in the animals because the mice

work with the prion research, West Nile virus and

are not “infected” and do not exhibit symptoms,

hepatitis B. I look back now and can’t believe how

Morrey explained.

much I’ve learned.” The team in Morrey’s lab, with support from the

“It’s not an infectious process,” he said. “The virus is just part of the mouse genetics. Students

National Institutes of Health, evaluates about ten

are involved in screening mice to see which are suit-

drugs each year for their ability to reduce production

able for use in the hepatitis B experiments to test

of hepatitis B virus in transgenic mice. The drugs are

existing, usually new, drugs. We use gas anesthesia,

not developed in the lab, but are primarily new drugs

remove a very small portion of the mouse liver, sew

that require testing before moving forward or being

them up, give them antibiotics to fight post-op infec-

abandoned in the long process of drug development.

tion and keep them alive. Students also extract viral


Utah Science

DNA and viral RNA from the liver.”

be curious and he’s willing to explain and help you

It’s such an unusual procedure that the

find answers. One meeting each week is open to

researchers were unable to find the right tools

anyone in the lab and they really discuss the

ready-made to do the job. Instead, they

science going on in the lab. It’s easy to get stuck in

designed their own. The team had surgical

the procedures and not see the big picture of the

instruments coated with Teflon and then heat

science, but in these meetings people bring up new

them during surgery so that

hypothesis and discuss

as incisions are made and

the data. My work here

liver tissue is removed the wounds are cauterized to minimize bleeding. Durrant, who is currently


in dental school at Case-West-


ern University, credits his work


in the lab with giving him valuable experience he will use in dealing with human patients. “The surgical procedure on the mice is relatively simple surgery,” Durrant said. “But doing it taught me to treat


every mouse on a case-by-case


basis. After repeating the same


procedure so many times there is a tendency to think of it as


routine. You know right where

also gave me an edge when interviewers asked about evidence of our manual dexterity, which is important in dentistry. Other candidates talked about playing piano or woodworking. I told them I had done surgery on over 1,000 mice, performed liver biopsies and kept the animals alive. That prompted a lot of questions about our work and turned out to be pretty impressive and exciting to talk about.” Knowing that his

to make the incision, what you’re going to see and

students get experiences like that simply reinforces

what will happen. Then sometimes, what you expect

Morrey’s commitment to giving undergraduates

does not happen. I’ve learned that nothing is routine

opportunities for meaningful work in his lab.

because you are working with different individuals.” Because he was in the lab with other under-

“I feel an extra dimension of purpose in my work when I know these students can go and talk

graduate students who were doing experiments and

intelligently about what they are doing,” he said. “It

sharing ideas in weekly lab meetings with Morrey

helps them achieve their goals and they are going out

and his graduate students, Durrant said he didn’t

to do more good in the world even though our lab is

realize how unusual his experience was until he was

a tiny speck in the giant world of drug development.”

in group interviews for dental school. “It became clear during the group interviews

But, as anyone who studies viruses knows, even a tiny speck can make a huge difference.

that getting to do this level of work as an undergraduate is very unusual,” Durrant said. “John (Morrey)

doesn’t just feed you information, but expects you to

Contact Info: John Morrey, john.morrey@usu.edu Number 64/2008


WAR on



he concept is simple: if you’re going to do

that have aggressively invaded plant communities on

battle you need to identify the enemy and

public land in many national parks and monuments

know its location. When the enemy is invasive

and busy U.S. Forest Service campgrounds.

weeds and the potential battlefield is thousands of

Members of the weed mapping team sometimes

acres of rugged and some not-so-rugged public land,

work in the same area, but often establish a com-

completing the task is far from simple.

mon base camp and work solo throughout the day as

Utah Agricultural Experiment Station researcher

they hike, check maps, note coordinates on handheld

Steve Dewey knows very well that doing this sort

global positioning system (GPS) units, visually scour

of work over vast areas requires a team effort. With

each transect for specific weeds and record which

support from USDA, Dewey has assembled teams of

weeds are present and how abundant they are. This

student field technicians who spend their summers

on-the-ground work is very labor intensive so map-

creating maps of weeds that are gaining footholds or

ping is done in targeted areas that are suspected of


Utah Science

Photo: Gary Neuenswander


Clockwise from top left: Steve Dewey, Kim Andersen, Michelle Oldham, Anna Schmidt.

Number 64/2008


being infested by invasive plants or in areas that are

grazing livestock. Many weeds have attributes that

likely to become infested.

allow them to do more than survive — they thrive

It can be hot, lonely, tedious work, but team

and outcompete other plants. They may produce

members know it’s important because invasive,

myriad seeds that spread easily and germinate read-

weedy plants take a tremendous toll in dollars and

ily. Some seeds are even able to lie dormant in the

effort required to fight them and in damage to na-

soil for many years and still germinate successfully

tive plant communities, waterways and livestock. It’s

when the soil is disturbed. Some weeds reproduce

estimated that economic losses from weeds exceed

from both seed and rapidly spreading roots. Oth-

$20 billion in the U.S. annually. And while the weed mapping team concentrates on public lands, it’s important to remember that weeds don’t recognize fences or

" It was a really good chance to educate people about the problem and about some of the specific weeds we are looking for. "

property lines so a weed problem in one location can quickly become a problem on adjacent land.

ers are insatiable water thieves, robbing neighboring plants of needed moisture, and some even secrete chemicals from their roots that inhibit the growth of

surrounding plants. One summer several campgrounds in western

“Mapping is important because it helps land

states were mapped. It was a different environment

managers make decisions about where to concentrate

and experience for technicians who are more accus-

their weed management efforts,” Dewey said. “And

tomed to the solitude of working in the seldom trav-

knowing which species are present and exactly where

eled parts of vast national parks. Again and again the

they are is crucial.”

students introduced themselves, and several species

Kim Andersen, a mapping team veteran, explained that weed identification is important because

of weeds, to many curious campers. “You get some strange looks from people when

while one area may appear to be widely infested,

you walk into their campsite, but our shirts help

another area may require more immediate attention

identify us and it was a really good chance to educate

because the weeds there are more aggressive or pose

people about the problem and about some of the spe-

a greater threat.

cific weeds we are looking for,” said Michelle Oldham.

Some people think of a weed as a plant that’s

In addition to learning a lot about plant tax-

just growing in the wrong place, but weeds are more

onomy, GPS tools and how to turn data into mean-

than just errant flora. Weeds invade and crowd out

ingful reports for land managers, students on the

valuable native plants that provide food and cover

weed mapping team have learned lessons about the

for livestock and wildlife. Weeds — cheatgrass a.k.a.

human side of natural resource management and the

downy brome in particular — add fuel to dangerous

need for diplomacy. In one location some members of

wildfires and can shorten the intervals between fires,

the team came upon a group of land managers and

making it difficult for beneficial plant communities

enthusiastic volunteers who had gathered to do bat-

to recover. Weeds also decrease yields on crop land,

tle with thistle that had infested a hillside. However,

use large amounts of valuable water and can poison

what the eager group thought was yellow starthistle,


Utah Science



here are weeds, the odd dan-

the disease can accumulate in horses

delion or patch of crabgrass

over a period of just a few months and

that appear in the landscape,

can cause significant damage before

Hoary Cress (Cardaria draba) Commonly found on disturbed

and then there are noxious weeds

owners realize their animals are sick.

sites, field edges and excavations,

— invasive, non-native plants that


hoary cress also invades grain fields,

threaten crop yields and animal health, alter wildlife habitat and crowd out beneficial native species. The Utah Commissioner of Agriculture determines which weeds are designated “noxious” and are subject to the Utah Noxious Weed Act which requires landowners to take actions to control them. There are 18 species designated noxious across the state (although Bermuda grass is exempt in Washington County) and many more that carry the distinction in specific counties. What follows is Utah Agricultural Experiment Station researcher and USU Extension weed specialist Steve Dewey’s own selection of Utah’s top 10 most unwanted weeds.

Russian Knapweed (Centaurea repens) While Russian knapweed may grow two or three feet tall its roots may run eight feet deep. It infests rangeland, field edges, pasture, roadsides and other disturbed soils. Like other members of the knapweed family, this weed releases chemicals into the soil that inhibit growth of other plants. When eaten by horses, Rus-

Limited biocontrol is

available. Select herbicides offer good

cultivated fields and grows well on

to excellent control when applied be-

saline soils. Hoary cress is a perennial

tween pre-bloom to killing frost.

with finely toothed leaves on one to two foot stems and reproduces by root

Yellow Starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis)

Research to determine an

effective biocontrol agent is still in its

deadly “chewing disease” in horses is

early stages. Some herbicides provide

yellow starthistle. This two to three

fair to good control when applied to the

foot tall winter annual grows well on

flowers just before they bloom. Digging

dry sites in rangeland, roadsides and

also provides good control.

waste areas.


Several biocontrol agents

have been tested but their availability is limited. Select herbicides offer fair

Dyer’s Woad (Isatis tinctoria) In many parts of Utah, spring

to good control when applied between

means seeing field edges, roadsides,

the rosette and bloom stages. Tillage

pastures and even entire hillsides blan-

is also effective.

keted with the bright yellow blossoms of dyer’s woad. The plants commonly

Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) Often called wild morning glory, field bindweed reproduces from seed

grow between one and four feet in height and it’s thick taproot may reach five feet deep.


A biocontrol rust fungus

and rootstock. It’s stems lay on the

is naturally widespread and has been

ground, or climb other vegetation and

the subject of UAES research. Leaves

structures, and can grow up to six

of rust infected plants have puckered,

feet long. This tenacious weed can

yellowish leaves with dark spots on the

sink its roots more than 10 feet deep

undersides. Herbicides offer good to ex-

and seeds may remain viable in the

cellent control when applied to rosettes

soil for up to 50 years.

in spring or fall and during pre-bloom.

Control: Biocontrol is not avail-

brain lesions associated with a fatal

able. Several herbicides provide good

disease commonly called “chewing

control when applied from late spring

disease.” The chemicals that cause

to killing frost.

Yellow Starthistle


Another weed that can cause

sian knapweed causes irreversible

Russian Knapweed

segments and seed.

Field Bindweed

Continued on Page 7

Hoary Cress

Dyer’s Woad

Number 64/2008


designated as noxious in Utah, was another type of

acreage. The most abundant herbaceous weed was

thistle that is not considered noxious. The USU weed

perennial pepperweed which occupied 296.9 acres

warriors quickly decided it was more important to

but was found in only four parks.

support enthusiastic care for public land and weed

The team concluded that although the presence

eradication than to tell the group they had the wrong

of weeds in the national parks is cause for consider-

thistle. They took a break from mapping, joined the

able concern it was encouraging that more than 96%

volunteers and dug thistle.

of the total area inventoried was not home to the

But the team has mapped its share of weedy

targeted weed species. They also noted that preven-

species. During the summers of 2002-2005 the weed

tion and rapid response are important weapons in the

mapping team and National Park Service collabora-

battle against weeds because many species spread

tively inventoried and mapped more than 40 spe-

so rapidly. Final reports and additional information

cies of non-native, invasive weeds on approximately

about the national parks and monuments invento-

134,700 acres in targeted sections of 12 national

ries can be found online at www.nature.nps.gov/im/

parks and monuments in the Northern Colorado


Plateau. They found invasive weeds infesting 5,331 acres of the areas they covered. Saltcedar, also

Contact Info: Steve Dewey, steve.dewey@usu.edu

commonly called tamarisk, was the most prevalent species inventoried. It was found in all but one of the parks and made up 58.1 percent of the total infested

All weed photos: Steve Dewey



or the past year, the U.S. Environmental Protec-

to value the information I provide,” he said. “I expect

tion Agency (EPA) has had a valuable resource to

that there will be some big issues that will require formal

draw from when making decisions about herbicide

papers and compiling expert witness documentation, but


regulations — Utah Agricultural Experiment Station

I believe my greatest influence is through providing pieces

researcher Steve Dewey.

of the information puzzle in one-on-one conversations and

Dewey serves as the liaison between the EPA’s Herbicide Registration Division and the Weed Science Society of

my invited participation in committee meetings.”

Weed control becomes extra challenging at the national

America (WSSA), the first person to fill the “weed science

level because the list of “noxious weeds” changes from

subject matter expert” position. His mission is to match up

state to state. Plants that are invasive, crowding out other

technical questions from the EPA with members of WSSA

plant species and damaging the environment are weeds,

who are most likely to have the answers and serve as a

but one species of plant can have very different growth

conduit between EPA scientists and policy makers and

habits depending on where it’s growing.

WSSA scientists and on-the-ground practitioners on matters related to weed management and herbicide regulation. Spending a week each month in Washington has been

Dewey said he expected to encounter an “anti-herbicide atmosphere” at EPA, but has found an organization that

considers herbicides an essential element of weed manage-

educational for Dewey and he’s pleased that his input is

ment and people who are dedicated to finding ways to use

sought after and well-received.

all weed control tools in ways that do not harm humans or


“My EPA colleagues ask me lots of questions and seem Utah Science

the environment.

Continued from Page 5

Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula) Not only is leafy spurge a very

just in time for fire season it becomes

currently being conducted. Herbi-

that endanger life, property and

cides offer goo to excellent control

beneficial perennial plants and cost

when applied between rosette and

taxpayers millions of dollars to battle.

pre-bud stages.

aggressive invader of pastures,

Control: Aim for replacing cheat-

rangeland, stream banks and waste

grass with a perennial plant cover

areas it is toxic to cattle and may

which means managing sites in

cause their death. The plants re-

ways that give desired plants the

produce by seed or rootstock. Each

advantage over cheatgrass.

plant has an extensive root system that can spread up to 20 feet and penetrate 14 feet into the soil. Leafy spurge seeds are contained

Control: Biocontrol research is

a dangerous, explosive fuel for fires

Saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima) Although Uintah County is the only county in the state that has designated saltcedar a noxious weed,

Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) Also known as field thistle,

it’s rapid spread and ability to damage land and waterways earns it a spot on the list. An inventory of weeds in 12

in small capsules that, once dry,

Canada thistle is the most widespread

national parks of the Colorado Plateau

can eject seeds up to 15 feet from

of the thistles and is documented

that was done between 2002 and 2005

the parent plant.

throughout the state, with the sole

found 11 parks infested with saltce-

Control: Extensive biocontrol is

exception of Washington County. A

dar and revealed that it was present

perennial that can reach four feet

on more than 3,000 acres included in

in height, the plants reproduces by

the study — well ahead of the acreage

seeds and rootstock and adapt to a

dominated by the next most prevalent

wide variety of habitats.

plant on the list, Russian olive, on

especially in combination with bio-


392 acres. Also commonly known as

control methods.

agents offer fair control and herbi-

fair to excellent, depending on location and conditions. Herbicides are applied from spring to killing frost and provide fair to good control,

Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) This weedy, annual grass is not classified as a noxious weed in Utah, but it is found in every county and its invasive nature and the tremendous fire danger it poses put it on Dewey’s list of weeds to

Several biocontrol

cides can offer good control when applied to actively growing plants from spring to fall. As with most creeping perennials, digging or tillage is not generally effective.

Scotch Thistle (Onopordum acanthium) Documented in all but Daggett

tamarisk, tamarik or tamarix, saltcedar grows between five and 20 feet tall. Its feathery, pale pink blooms and rapid growth habit made it a popular ornamental plant, but saltcedar infests lake and stream banks, pastures and rangeland where it becomes a formidable water thief. Large plants can transpire 200 gallons of water per plant per day, and have the potential to completely dry up ponds and streams.

fight. Plants range from 2 inches to

and Wayne counties, Scotch thistle

2 feet tall and reproduce from seeds

is a highly visible weed that com-

Control: Biocontrol methods are un-

which germinate in the fall or early

monly grows between three and

dergoing testing but select herbicides

spring. Cheatgrass, also known

eight feet tall, but can reach as high

offer excellent control when applied

as downy brome or June grass, is

as 12 feet. The large spiny leaves

from late summer to early fall.

very aggressive and quickly invades

can grow up to two feet long. Scotch

heavily grazed rangeland, roadsides,

thistle grows well in waste areas,

waste places, burned areas and

pastures, on rangeland and along

other disturbed sites. When it dries

canals and streambanks.

n Genes Leafy Spurge


Canada Thistle

Contact Info: Steve Dewey, steve.dewey@usu.edu

Scotch Thistle


Number 64/2008



Utah Science

Photo: Gary Neuenswander

Not Hard to


Waste Becomes Energy on the Farm


ost of us who enjoy milk, cheese, pork chops, bacon or the myriad other products of animal agricul-

The results of Hansen’s work is an induced blanket reactor (IBR) which anaerobically digests organic waste, resulting in methane that can be

ture rarely give a thought to the animal waste that

used to fuel vehicles or generate electricity, clarified

inevitably accompanies their production. Experi-

and remarkably odorless liquid that can be used for

ment Station researcher Conly Hansen, on the

irrigation, and dry solids that are an excellent soil

other hand, has devoted years to thinking about

amendment or animal bedding.

animal waste and devising ways to handle it so

Andigen, a commercial spin-off from Hansen’s

that farmers and the environment benefit. At the

research, has IBRs operating on farms in Utah and

same time, he’s working to find ways of generating

Idaho and is building others in California, Minne-

energy that don’t rely on oil or coal.

sota, Montana and Canada. Andigen isn’t the only

It’s no small challenge. A well-fed dairy cow

company turning animal waste to energy and useful

produces about 120 pounds of manure every day,

products, but Hansen and his team have managed

waste that can raise nutrient levels in ground and

to cut the processing time to below the industry

surface water and that carries with it the unmis-

standard, and uses tanks scaled to handle waste

takable odor that becomes a problem when farms

from 250 cows while most others are built to handle

become hemmed in by residential development.

waste from 1,000 or more.

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All Photos: Gary Neuenswander

Top: Carl Hansen, John Milligan and Conly Hansen check conditions inside anaerobic digestion tanks at Wadeland Dairy on a monitor connected to the system’s controller. Bottom left to right: Waste is pumped into a holding tank next to the building that houses the digester. After treatment, liquid is pumped into a tank and ready for irrigation on the farm. Waste and water are mixed before treatment. Monitors provide data on conditions inside the digester tanks. Tanks used on the biogas–fueled truck.


Utah Science

“We want this to be doable for smaller farms,”

more constant and moderate temperatures don’t

Hansen said. “People can put in one, four or eighty

need to be sheltered in buildings. There’s nothing

tanks depending on the size of their operation.”

flashy about the appearance of the digester, just

There is still research to do, adjustments to

tanks, the hum of pumps and a colorful illustration

make in the system and the hope that the com-

of the system on a computer screen that allows an

puter-operated controller for the system will become

operator to monitor temperatures, pH, water content

less expensive, but the technology is promising and

and gas production inside the tanks where the

becoming even more attractive as energy use and the

bacteria-driven real action is.

impact of waste on the environment gain increasing political, social and commercial attention.

A device introduces various microorganisms that go to work digesting waste at various levels in the tanks. Hansen said anaerobic digestion is

What’s the Process With Hansen as tour guide, a visit to the Wad-

generally quite complicated and at least three completely different organisms make the system work. The first, hydrolytic bacteria, break down large pro-

eland Dairy in Weber County, Utah provides a lesson

teins. Secondly, acetogens do work the first bacteria

in the basics of how an IRB operates and how waste

could not and make acetic acid, butyric acid and

is changed to more useful, nearly odorless products.

“all kinds of other nasty stuff” Hansen said. Finally

The facility was built in 2004 as a research project

methanogens, single cell microorganisms that are

partnering the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station,

similar to bacteria, do the work that is left digest-

Utah State University, the U.S. Department of Energy

ing things the bacteria cannot and producing bio-

and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

gas which is primarily methane. The team has also

About two feet of water per second intermittently

experimented with adding other ingredients to the

flush waste from the Wade’s herd of Jerseys down

mix — cheese processing and meat packing waste, for

a flume and into a pit. From there a pump moves it

example — and found the bacteria loved the higher

through a pipes and into one of three tanks housed

sugar, fat and protein content.

just a few yards away from the cows. The round

“Different strains of bacteria emerge and natural

tanks loom overhead (32 feet tall for the 30,000 gal-

selection takes over,” Hansen said. “We control the

lon tanks and 20 feet for the 20,000 gallon tank) and

environment in the tanks as best we can, but it’s

are housed in a small building that helps regulate

still a jungle in there. Our goal is to provide the

the temperature during cold northern Utah winters.

microorganisms with the best environment for their

Hansen explained that IBR digesters in locations with

work. I’m sure I’d give at least a million dollars to find

Number 64/2008


What’s left after the digester has done its wor biogas that can be used to generate electricity used in the system and nearly clear liquid that

a bacteria that could talk to us and tell us

and as farms become more crowded by commercial

what they like and what we can do that we’re not

and residential development farm odors become a

already doing.”

problem. And capturing and using methane is going

Even without the assistance of a talking bacteria, Hansen and his colleagues have a pretty clear idea of the environment that must be maintained

to become even more important as regulations on greenhouse gas emissions get tighter.” After processing though, excessive nutrients

in the tanks, and readouts on the controller give

in the waste water remain a challenge. Some soils

constant feedback about conditions in the tanks.

are able to use the nutrients — primarily nitrogen

What’s left after the digester has done its work

and phosphorous — to produce healthy crops. But

are solids that are good for composting, biogas that

some other soils are already “stuffed up” Hansen

can be used to generate electricity or fuel vehicles,

explained, using a euphemism he heard from re-

heat that is captured and used in the system and

searchers in Australia, and are unable to absorb

nearly clear liquid that can be used for irrigation. At

more nutrients. That situation can adversely affect

the Wadeland Dairy, Hansen scooped a handful of

ground and surface water quality.

the processed solids from a pile outside the digester

Methane captured by the system is used, in

shed and offered a whiff to visitors. It had a faint,

most cases, to generate electricity that is used on

earthy smell, but no trace of anything like manure.

the farm and can be sold back onto the local power

The lack of objectionable odors was even more strik-

grid. Selling power does not always go smoothly

ing when visitors realized they were downwind on a

though as utility companies grapple with how to

breezy day, and standing just 15 feet away from the

accommodate farm-generated power and the going

large open pool that holds the liquid from the waste

rates for electricity vary widely from state to state

digestion process. You wouldn’t want to take a

and country to country.

swim in it, but it was clarified and had no odor. “When they spray it on fields for irrigation it

“People think of electricity first because it seem easy on paper and they are familiar with the idea of

doesn’t smell,” Hansen said. “That’s important

generators and using electricity,”Hansen said. “But

because we want to help farmers stay in business,

what we’re handling here is really natural gas and


Utah Science

k are solids that are good for composting, or fuel vehicles, heat that is captured and can be used for irrigation.

people need to think of using it as gas.” For example, a truck driven by Andigen employ-

developing commercially viable biofuel products and technologies.

ees is fueled with methane captured by IRBs and

“I’m a farm boy who became an engineer and I

Hansen envisions other vehicles doing the same. The

got in this to help farmers,” Hansen said. “I know I

truck was originally engineered to run on natural

don’t have all the answers, and in academia we tend

gas. The researchers began mixing various amounts

to work on problems by ourselves and look to the

of methane with natural gas in the truck’s tank, and

literature. Everyone is so busy that the person who

eventually moved away from using any purchased

could have a great idea or an answer to your ques-

natural gas. And no, while exhaust from vehicles

tion may be right on campus. In the commercial

that run on recycled cooking oil smell vaguely like

realm nobody wants to talk because equipment and

the foods that were once cooked in the oil — think

methods are proprietary. The opportunity for synergy

French fries and Chinese food — the Andigen truck’s

with other researchers is critical to figuring out these

exhaust does not smell like farm waste.

kinds of problems.” Though he may not have all the answers, Hansen

Synergy for Sustainability

is certain of one thing: Some drastic changes must be made in the ways that people, especially Americans, create and use all kinds of energy. Otherwise, he said, we’re headed for disaster. Hansen said it’s never

In the early stages of his IBR research, Han-

been more important to discover alternatives to fossil

sen sought ways to work more closely with other

fuels and he intends to help farmers prosper while

researchers because of the chemical, biological and

being part of the solution.

engineering complexities of the process. In the past year, he became a founding member of the new

Contact Info: Conly Hansen, conly.hansen@usu.edu

Utah State University Biofuels Initiative, a statefunded project that brought together a core group of researchers with related expertise to work toward

Number 64/2008


synthesis: Agriculture Teaching and Research Center Dedicated


tah State University’s newest teaching and research facility is a state-of-the-art and “state-of-the-science” building for teaching and animal research. But, as many speakers at the building’s May 8 dedication pointed out, it is also a symbol of the state and the university’s agricultural heritage and commitment to agriculture’s future. State Senator Lyle Hillyard told guests at the dedication that former USU President Kermit Hall first brought up the idea of creating a new agricultural facility. Hillyard said he immediately recognized that it was a critical time for the state to make a strong, clear commitment to agriculture or risk having USU students fall behind. “They may create something


Utah Science

here that impacts agriculture around the world,” Hillyard said in describing how research and teaching at USU reach well beyond Cache Valley and the state to affect agriculture internationally. Stressing the importance of the new facility to the state, Utah Commissioner of Agriculture and Food Leonard Blackham said, “Utah agriculture is animal agriculture. Eighty percent of Utah agriculture is livestock.” Blackham said agriculture’s success depends largely on science, improved management practices, communication and work ethic, and that three of those four are directly tied to USU through its teaching, research and extension missions. USU President Stan Albrecht thanked legislators for their strong support of the project, particularly Senators Peter Knudson and

Hillyard. While buildings are not named for sitting legislators, Albrecht said university administrators felt strongly that Hillyard should be honored for his service to USU in securing the $10 million of state funds to construct the new building. In that spirit, Albrecht unveiled the sign for the new building: The Matthew Hillyard Animal, Teaching and Research Center. Matthew is the 33-year-old son of Senator Hillyard and his wife Alice. Matthew, who has Down syndrome, moved into place to help cut the ribbon and officially open the building to the applause of guests including several of his siblings and their family’s. Senator Hillyard said he predicts that Matt will ask to stop by occasionally to see whether there is chocolate milk and Aggie Ice Cream at his building. Noelle Cockett, Vice President

Science at Utah State for USU Extension and Agriculture, said the building, the complex of existing facilities and those scheduled for future development are “a celebration of our students, our research and the extension work we do throughout the state. “ She added that the location, on the east side of Highway 89-91 in Wellsville is a beautiful setting and visible celebration of agriculture’s legacy in Utah. Cockett also announced the naming of one of the building’s main classrooms after Mark C. Healy, former head of USU’s Department of Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Science. Cockett said Healy, who died of pancreatic cancer in December 2007, was a driver of the project and inspired everyone involved in its planning and construction. The open design and large

Photo: Gary Neuenswander

windows of the Matthew Hillyard Animal, Teaching and Research Center’s lobby provide wide views of Cache Valley’s mountains and provide abundant natural light. The building was designed by Jacoby Architects and built by Jacobson Construction. One wing of the building includes a classroom, offices and several animal physiology and reproduction labs. There is also a suite of veterinary medicine facilities including a lab, surgery, recovery

and animal holding areas. The building’s north wing houses another classroom, USDA-inspected meat lab, refrigeration rooms and office space. In addition to the sizable legislative appropriation, Cockett said the project was a team effort, bringing together funding from the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences, USU Extension and individual animal science researchers.

Economist Honored by FFA Over the course of his career in agricultural economics, UAES researcher Bruce Godfrey has garnered a number of awards and now adds the top honor bestowed by the National Future Farmers of America to the list. Godfrey received the Honorary American FFA Degree at the organization’s national convention. The award recognizes outstanding service to agriculture and agricultural education. Godfrey’s career is a reflection of the mission of land grant universities, combining teaching, research and service. He has been honored as an outstanding mentor for student researchers at Utah State University and carried on his own research programs. He has taught a variety of classes encompassing agricultural and natural resource economics, including agricultural marketing and policy, natural resource and environmental economics, agribusiness finance and price analysis. Godfrey was named 2006 Professor of the Year for USU’s College of Agriculture, and his service on University Extension’s Public Lands & Grazing Team earned him the Vice-President’s Award for Excellence. He is a Distinguished Scholar of the Western Agricultural Economics Association and a long-time member and leader in the American Agricultural Economics Association. Number 64/2008


Dairy Researcher Earns International Honor


ost scientists work in relative obscurity with occasional recognition from their peers and infrequent notice from the public. Donald McMahon, a UAES researcher and professor of food science, received some much-appreciated peer recognition in the form of the International Dairy Foods

Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing. “Having my research recognized by other dairy scientists was an honor,” McMahon said. “Utah State has a long tradition of being a leader in dairy foods research and it’s great to be a part of that tradition and making a difference in the ad-

vancement of the dairy industry.” McMahon directs a lab that is far from obscure, even to people who might typically shy away from research — the Gary H. Richardson Dairy Products Laboratory which is the source of famous Aggie Ice Cream and True Blue Aggie cheeses. He has published more than 65 papers



he H. Paul and Mary Jane Rasmussen Teaching Garden has become a much-loved and inviting spot at the Utah Botanical Center since its opening. It is also a beautiful and growing remembrance of Mary Jane Rasmussen who died of pancreatic cancer in October 2007, just few weeks after spending a beautiful morning at the garden surrounded by family and friends who attended the dedication. Adjacent to the UBC greenhouse, the garden is open to the public and used extensively by the more than 150 students working toward degrees in Utah State University’s off-campus horticulture program. The garden is named in honor of the Rasmussen’s


Utah Science

ongoing support of the UBC and its mission to conduct research and to demonstrate wise use and preservation of plant and water resources. As director of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Paul Rasmussen has been involved with the UBC since its inception and worked on the original land acquisition. USU President Stan Albrecht told guests at the dedication that Rasmussen’s involvement with the UBC has gone beyond his professional stewardship. “Paul and Mary Jane have put their hearts and souls into this place,” Albrecht said. “Their dedication goes beyond leadership. They have committed their energy and personal resources to supporting the mission of the botanical center and especially to this teaching garden.” The garden, designed by UBC Gardens Manager Anne Spranger, is a series of planting “islands” bordered by gravel pathways and framed on two ends by arbors. Dave Anderson, UBC associate director, said the islands were designed to be viewed from all sides and the plants they feature will be changed occasionally to fit changing needs. In addition to the garden’s more changeable

Photo: Elizabeth Lord

elements, a collection of iris representing Dykes’ annual award winners since 1947 and daylilies moved from the university’s former botanical garden site in Farmington. Paul Rasmussen said the thing that has driven his and his wife’s support of the UBC is their belief in the importance and value of education. In addition to being home to the horticulture degree program, the UBC is the site of many Extension gardening classes and more than 4,000 children visited the center last year on field trips tied to the state’s science curriculum. “Even early in our married life we believed that education would be very important for our children,” he said. “After they completed their educations we felt it was important for us to be able to help others. "…We have also been supportive of the botanical center because it is now a green space and urban fishery in the midst of development has been very rapid since the property was acquired.” Nearly a year after its opening, the garden is thriving, including flowering vines that climb trellises at either end of the garden, planted by the Rasmussen’s children and grandchildren.

on dairy science topics and has mentored 22 graduate students and seven doctoral students, many of whom have assumed leadership roles at major dairy processing companies. He has also embodied the university’s land-grant mission, using research advances in teaching and supporting the product

lines of small, local artisan cheese companies. McMahon’s research has addressed numerous questions related to the effects of processing on milk protein structure and function. That research, and his work on cheese chemistry, have significantly enhanced the dairy industry’s ability to

manufacture higher quality cheese products. The American Dairy Science Association, which presented the award, is an international organization of educators, scientists and industrialists who are committed to providing scientific and technical support to sustain and grow the global dairy industry.



wo outstanding organizations share more than a deep commitment to Utah’s resources and future, they are also both recipients of the Utah Botanical Center Environmental Stewardship Award. Envision Utah was the inaugural award winner in 2006, and this year The Nature Conservancy in Utah was honored with the award. Criteria for the award defines stewardship as, “...more than conservation, education and environmental science, it is also a moral and spiritual obligation to the present day community and to future generations.” The award is tied to the Utah Botanical Center’s (UBC) mission, which centers on studying, teaching and demonstrating responsible use of natural resources. UBC Associate Director Dave Anderson said honoring groups and individuals that are committed to wise stewardship acknowledges the fact that caring for the environment requires a wide range of activities and partnerships. Another of the award’s goals is raising awareness among citizens about Utah’s environmental challenges and successes. “A million more people are expected to live along the Wasatch Front (chain of cities and towns along the Wasatch

Mountain Range in north/ central Utah) by the year 2020. We will all share the same air, land and water. We must act now if we are to be prepared for the challenges and benefits that accompany growth and enjoy our quality of life.” Utah State University President Stan. L. Albrecht said in presenting the award to Envision Utah. The organization brings together local residents and key decision-makers to create plans that guide development of Utah communities while preserving critical lands, promoting water conservation and clean air, effective transportation systems and housing options for people of all incomes. In accepting the 2006 award, Envision Utah Chairman Jerry Stevenson said, “Envision Utah is not a political organization. It is a quality of life organization. What we do is teach all of us how to play well together.” Speaking at the 2007 gathering to honor The Nature Conservancy, Envision Utah Executive Director Alan Matheson said a new study of what Utahns value highlights a recurring theme of love for Utah’s beauty that spans all political and religious differences. He noted The Nature Conservancy’s work in Utah over the past 20 years has preserved nearly 880,000 acres of public and private land.

“The Nature Conservancy emphasizes people, respecting their property rights and honoring their traditions and livelihoods,” Matheson said. “They seek collaboration, at times even with those who would rather fight. They refuse to get bogged down in dogma and, instead, simply solve problems. “The Nature Conservancy emphasizes people, respecting their property rights and honoring their traditions and livelihoods,” he said. “They seek collaboration, at times even with those who would rather fight. They refuse to get bogged down in dogma and, instead, simply solve problems. They rely on solid science to set their agenda. And, most importantly, they are effective.” In presenting the award — a crystal obelisk generously donated by O.C. Tanner — Albrecht pointed out that the award itself is a reminder that issues of environmental stewardship are viewed differently from various angles and can come together beautifully with shared goals and effort. Dave Livermore, The Nature Conservancy’s state director, added, “Blending built civilizations and the natural world is a messy process, but we believe it is not enough to sound the alarm and curse the darkness. It’s better to light a candle.”

Number 64/2008




inding the roughly 30 acres of Millard


The Milford Flat fire burned 350,000 acres in

County rangeland that a team of Utah

Beaver and Millard counties in July 2007, but the

Agricultural Experiment Station and

plot of forage kochia, crested wheatgrass and Russian

USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists

wildrye that was planted in the late 1980s in an effort

planted and have studied for the past 20 years is

to stabilize soil following the 1984 Clearspot fire.

simple: it's the only patch of green in a landscape

"There are places at the edge of the plot where the fire

left scorched and blackened by the worst range fire

burned and the kochia is scorched, but the plants are

in Utah history.

green at the base because they are already regrow-


Utah Science


[ fter


Range Fire Photo: Gary Neuenswander

ing," said ARS plant geneticist Blair Waldron. "And

specimens and seed. Forage kochia grows well in the

the areas where we planted forage kochia also have

arid West, but does not have the invasive character-

native shrubs that have been able to become estab-

istics that make some non-native species a menace.

lished and they were protected from the fire."

Waldron adds too that it should not be confused with

Forage kochia is a perennial, semi-evergreen, shrub that is native to Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Waldron has done extensive research on the plant and made several trips to Eurasia to gather

its weedy, distant cousin, an annual plant called kochia scoparia. Robert Newhall, a plant and soil conservation Extension specialist and Utah Agricultural Experi-

Number 64/2008


ment Station researcher, was called on following the

"We're not anti-native [plant]," said Waldron, explain-

Clearspot fire because although the Bureau of Land

ing his thoughts on policies that favor exclusive use

Management reseeded approximately 10,000 of the

of native plants in re-seeding efforts. "But most

18,000 acres of rangeland damaged by the fire, the

natives do not germinate easily and the seed and soil

effort was unsuccessful. For six years following the

blow out before the plants can even begin to grow.

1984 fire, unprotected soil created huge clouds of

Every inch of soil you lose takes thousands of years

dust and sand that blew as far away as Salt Lake

to replace. After the Clearspot fire they lost more

City and soil on the ground began to dune.

than three inches."

Newhall, Waldron and ARS plant geneticist

The researchers have learned that the mix of

Michael Peel agree that rapid planning and quick,

kochia, wheatgrass and Russian wildrye they planted

appropriate action is critical following the Milford

on the central Utah site grew readily, stabilized the

Flat fire and other rangeland fires that plagued the

soil, provided food and cover for wildlife and livestock,

West in summer 2007.

allowed other beneficial plants to get a roothold and

Michael Peel and Blair Waldron (left to Dust storms cause soil loss

36 26

Utah Science

outcompeted many weeds that cause seemingly

land around them. "We were not surprised that the

endless problems on rangeland. Following the

kochia acted as a firebreak," Newhall said. "But it

fire they also confirmed that kochia is highly fire

is a really dramatic difference. It's a little oasis sur-

resistant. Many weedy plant species can quickly

rounded by charred soil, and the only wildlife activity

dominate areas disturbed by fire, construction or

I saw in the area was in our plot. It seemed like any

vehicle traffic, Waldron explained, so reseeding has

birds, reptiles or small mammals that were still in the

got to be done quickly if new, desirable plants are

area had all moved onto the plot because it's the only

to have a chance to grow and keep precious soil in

habitat they have left there."

place. In the weeks following the fire, while the team was studying and documenting the condition of the kochia plot, a storm moved in that created huge clouds of ash and soil, and sand was already beginning to blow and create dunes on the charred

Contact Info: Robert Newhall bobn@ext.usu.edu Blair Waldron blair.waldron@usu.edu

All Photos: Gary Neuenswander


right) examine areas scorched by wildfire. and poor visibility in the weeks following the Milford Flat fire in Beaver County, Utah.

Number 64/2008



Students in science basis for investigating how it might be used to fight cancer. Peterson explained that the virus selectively kills some cancer cells, but why and how it does is not known. He and others in the lab have investigated specific cytokines, a group of proteins that are involved


in communication among cells. In studying specific cytokines, Peterson found one — vascular and endophelial growth factor (VEGF) — very interesting. “In a tumor cell this growth factor should be very high, causing it to grow and metastasize,” Peterson said. “But after Bluetongue infection, VEGF is dramatically reduced.” uke Peterson sometimes gets so involved in an

experiment or discussion about how Bluetongue virus kills

gets inside cancer cells to cause cell death. Their earlier work was the

cancer cells that he is late for class. He is hopeful that the

basis for a poster Peterson created, “Cytokine Expression Within Cells

award-winning research he is doing in Dr. Joseph Li’s lab

During Bluetongue Virus Infection,” which won the student competi-

will give him an edge when he applies for medical school

tion at a regional American Society of Microbiologists annual meeting.

admission, but he’ll also tell you that his research career really started because of Santa Claus. When Peterson was in the first grade, Santa visited his class

He was told that research experience would be an important addition to his bachelor’s degree program and medical school applications. He envisioned getting into a lab where he’d “basically, be washing the dishes”

the children that eating peppermint would help them perform

for about a year and then work his way up to getting to run a few assays.

“I was a first grader and he was Santa so, of course, I be-

“I never dreamed that after one year in the lab I’d have been in a poster contest where I was up against graduate students and that I’d

lieved him,” Peterson said. “I always ate peppermint before tests

win, or that I would be writing a grant proposal and having it accepted,”

because I thought there was some correlation between pepper-

Peterson said, referring to two grants he was recently awarded to con-

mint and smart people,”

tinue his BTV research.

In seventh grade, some teen skepticism prompted Peterson

Photo: Gary Neuenswander

Peterson said his goal since tenth grade has been to become a doctor.

and distributed candy canes and some magical advice. He told

better on tests. Peterson was a believer.

With funding from the university’s Center for Integrated BioSys-

to test the idea for a science fair project using his geometry

tems, Peterson will work with RNA interference, which inhibits

classmates as subjects. In the end, he found a placebo effect

expression of specific genes from viruses, and which may help reveal

among the group who were given peppermint and told it would

the BTV genes that are critical in killing cancer cells. In addition, an

improve their test scores. He gave up eating peppermint and

Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities Grant (URCO)

hadn’t ventured into doing research again until his sophomore

will support his investigation of how BTV gets inside cells.

year at Utah State University, on a far more serious subject. Last year Peterson began working in Li’s lab where the mo-


He and others in the lab are at work trying to understand how BTV

“Part of the funding for the URCO Grant comes from the university’s research office, part from the biology department and part from

lecular biology professor and many undergraduate and graduate

Dr. Li,” Peterson said. “It’s really nice to feel that all these offices on

student researchers have investigated Bluetongue virus (BTV).

campus have high hopes for me. Having smart people backing you up

Structurally and on the molecular level, BTV is among the best

and giving you money to keep doing research validates that what you

understood viruses and Li’s lab uses that understanding as the

are doing is important.”

Utah Science

search: Find Utah Science and other information about the people and projects of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station online at www.agx.usu.edu Visit these Web sites for more information related to topics in this issue of Utah Science.

Science on the web Antiviral Research

www.usu.edu/iar/index.html Website and online brochure for Utah State University’s Institute for Antiviral Research. www.cde.gov The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website offers an extensive and easily searchable collection of information about recognizing, preventing and treating West Nile virus, hepatitis and a myriad of other diseases.

The War on Weeds

Extension.usu.edu/weedweb This USU Extension site includes an introduction to noxious weeds, including a photo gallery, identification key and instructions for weed control. Extension.usu.edu Type “weed control” into the search window of this site to retrieve a list of links to more than 1,000 online publications about weed control in lawns, gardens and on rangeland.

Anaerobic Digesters

www.Andigen.com Learn more about Andigen, the commercial spin-off of USU research in anaerobic digestion and induced blanket reactor technology. biofuels.usu.edu Biofuels research is a key component of the Utah Science Technology and Research (USTAR) Economic Development Initiative at USU. This site provides more information about interdisciplinary biofuels research supported by USTAR.

Forage Kochia

www.usda.gov Type “forage kochia” into the search window of this U.S. Department of Agriculture site for a links to publications about forage kochia use and research. Extension.usu.edu Typing researcher Robert Newhall’s name into the search box is a simple way to retrieve publications about proper seeding after wildfires and more on forage kochia. The UAES offers these recommendations as a service to readers, but is not responsible for the content of sites it does not produce.

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