OLLI at UAH - Summer 2021 - Course Guide

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A Learning Adventure Awaits You Back On Campus! Select courses only– Look inside for details.

2021 Summer Program For Adults 50+

This summer OLLI at UAH brings many new opportunities to keep you intellectually and socially active! Take a variety of courses, engage in fun events, and socialize with fellow members. All summer courses will be offered online via Zoom, but some courses will also be available on campus! We look forward to seeing you both online and in-person!


| 256.824.6183


Join OLLI Today! Membership Options $25 for 12 months or $50 for 24 months

Fees: Each course fee varies. OLLI “rolling” memberships are valid for 12 months beginning the date your membership was processed.

Membership Benefits: • Register for courses taught by excellent instructors either through the user-friendly Zoom video conferencing software or in-person. • Discover online tours, documentaries, shows, podcasts, and more through the weekly eNews. • Participate in cultural and social events, travel excursions, day trips, and local tours. • Attend bonus presentations online or in-person.


From the OLLI Program Manager Dear OLLI at UAH Community, We are excited to have you join us during the summer. We have great courses available with awesome instructors. This summer, there will be four courses that will be offered both online and in-person. Members can choose their preferred venue, but please know the in-person option will be on a first-come, first-serve basis as we do still have a limited capacity in our classrooms. I know we have waited for more than a year to be back on campus, and the moment is finally here! Special thanks to our Board of Directors, facilitator, and instructors for their hard work this past year on maintaining our OLLI strong. The future is definitely bright for OLLI at UAH! Watch the video to learn more about our LIVE Virtual courses.

• Meet new friends during virtual coffee chats throughout the term.

Ale Pacheco,

• Join Member Interest Groups (MIGs) as the perfect complement to courses.

OLLI at UAH Program Manager

• Participate in various virtual social events hosted by fellow OLLI members and the CPS staff. • Receive weekly OLLI eNews and 10 monthly issues of The OLLI Insider electronically. • Enjoy UAH Salmon Library Access. • Take advantage of University Fitness Center Discounts. • Utilize our free extensive DVD lending library. • Attend Popcorn and a Movie. • Enjoy a warm and friendly campus environment. • Gain access to UAH performance and Sporting Event discounts. • Volunteer to teach, coordinate a course, or serve on a committee. • And much more!

FOUR WAYS TO REGISTER: Select courses from the list. Register early! Seating is limited and on a first-come basis. ONLINE at Osher.uah.edu/SummerRegistration PHONE 256.824.6010 Credit card info is required. IN PERSON Starting July 12. See address and times below. MAIL Registration Form on pg 3 with payment to address below.

UAH Closed: May 31, July 5, and September 6 Inclement Weather: If UAH closes, OLLI classes will not meet. If a class is canceled due to weather or instructor illness, all efforts will be made to reschedule the session for a later date. 2

UAH CPS Registration Office: UAH Campus, Wilson Hall 103, Huntsville, AL 35899 Office Hours: 9:00 am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm (CST), Monday – Friday


Per course fees vary. See fees under Section D.

OLLI Rolling Membership Options: • $25 for 12 months • $50 for 24 months Please fill out one form per person. Indicate course choices by check box. Confirmation will be sent via email.


□ $25 Discovering the Science in Movies CANCELED □ $25 Fact or Fiction? Inside Cults & Conspiracies □ $30 Fuel Your Body – Plant-Based Nutrition – Campus □ $30 Fuel Your Body – Plant-Based Nutrition – Online □ $49 Gentle, Mindful Yoga

Mail to: CPS Registration Office, UAH Campus, Wilson Hall 103, Huntsville, AL 35899-0650

□ $59 Jazz Music Through the Years

Questions: OLLI.info@uah.edu or 256.824.6183

□ $49 Navigating the Google Platform

□ $25 Life Beyond Earth: Chemistry Becomes Biology □ $49 One Hit Wonders – Campus


□ $49 One Hit Wonders – Online

Full Name:_________________________________________________________ Street Address:_____________________________________________________

□ $45 Paint with Your Soul (Art kit included in fee. Register by June 10.)

City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________

□ $49 Tai Chi – Campus

Phone: Home__________________________ Cell________________________

□ $49 Tai Chi – Online


□ $25 Visualizing Honor, Service, & Sacrifice

□ I do not have an email address B. OLLI MEMBERSHIP Select one:

□Active OLLI Member (Skip to section C) □New Member □Renewal □Gift Membership From: _____________________________________________

□ $49 Von Braun Rocket Team Families – Campus □ $49 Von Braun Rocket Team Families – Online □ $59 Writing Your Life Story TERM COURSE TOTAL $_______________________________________________

Message: _______________________________________________________ Select one:

□12-month membership = $25 □24-month membership = $50

Badge Name: ______________________________________________________

C. PAYMENT INFORMATION Enclosed Membership Fee: $ _______________________________________ Course Total (Total calculated in the right column): $___________________ TOTAL PAYMENT: $_________________________________________________

□Check Enclosed, Payable to UAH CPS □VISA □MasterCard □Discover □AMEX

Card # ____________________________________________________________ CVV_________________________________ Exp. Date ______________________ Cardholder’s Name __________________________________________________ • After your initial registration, you are able to add courses online by logging into your client portal.

All courses will be available LIVE Virtual through Zoom. Some courses will be available on campus on a first come, first serve basis due to limited seating.


Course Intro Video – Click on the "play" icon next to a course to view a video introduction from the instructor.

• OLLI at UAH is not responsible for any damage or personal injury sustained when a member is participating in any OLLI-sponsored activities. • Membership implies permission to use your photo and video recording via Zoom for OLLI publicity. If you do not want your photo used, please notify the instructor/ photographer in advance. • You will be notified at least four business days in advance if a course is cancelled. Registration fees are non-refundable unless your selected course(s) are not available.

Register Online: Osher.uah.edu/SummerRegistration

On Campus Courses – These courses are offered both virtually and on campus. Please choose which learning format you prefer when registering. On campus registration is limited and given on a first come, first serve basis. 3








Jun 8


9:00 – 10:30 am

Visualizing Honor, Service, & Sacrifice Docents from SAAM and ABMC




Jun 14 – Aug 2


10:30 am – noon

Writing Your Life Story Yvonne Simms




Jun 16


10:00 – 11:30 am

Fact or Fiction: A Look Inside Cults & Conspiracies Richard Hoskin




Jun 17 – Jul 22


1:00 – 2:00 pm

Jazz Music Through the Years Kevin Bounds




Jun 17 – Jul 15


3:00 – 4:30 pm

Navigating the Google Platform Ray Leftridge




Jun 21


3:00 – 4:30 pm

Paint with Your Soul Brandon Hawkins | Register by June 10.


(Includes Art Kit)


Jun 28


3:00 – 4:30 pm

Discovering the Science in Movies Jennifer Carden





Jul 12 – Aug 2


1:00 – 2:30 pm

One Hit Wonders Nancy Darnall




Jul 12 – Aug 2


3:00 – 4:00 pm

Gentle, Mindful Yoga Pam Tejes




Jul 13


1:00 – 2:00 pm

Life Beyond Earth: When Chemistry Becomes Biology Victoria Leo & Rick Baird




Jul 14 – Aug 4


1:00 – 2:30 pm

Experiences of the Von Braun Rocket Team Families Stuhlinger, Klauss, & Collier




Jul 15 – Aug 5


10:00 – 11:30 am

Tai Chi: Better Balance & Other Benefits Ruth DeRamus




Jul 28 – Aug 4


10:30 am – noon

Fuel Your Body–Intro to Plant Based Nutrition Fathia Hardy





Register Now »

ICON KEY All courses will be available LIVE Virtual through Zoom. Some courses will be available on campus on a first come, first serve basis due to limited seating. 4

PREVIEW Course Intro Video – Click on the "play" icon next to a course to view a video introduction from the instructor.

On Campus Courses – These courses are offered both virtually and on campus. Please choose which learning format you prefer when registering. On campus registration is limited and given on a first come, first serve basis.

Monday Writing Your Life Story Each person’s life is unique. No one can fully write about you except you. Do you have questions you wish you had asked your grandparents? Writing Your Life Story is a way of providing answers for younger generations, or it can be used to personally reflect on past events. Memory prompts and a list of useful books will be provided and discussed during each session. Members will write their stories and feedback will be provided. Online: 6/14 – 8/2* | Mon |10:30 am – noon | Sessions: 7 Instructor: Yvonne Simms | Price: $59 * Course will not meet July 5th.

One Hit Wonders

Explore the soundtracks of our lives by taking a musical journey to revisit songs, artists, and groups known as "one-hit wonders." Through instructor-led discussion and videos, remember the significant musical impact of hits by artists who may have never scored big again as well as artists who may have been unable to sustain a particular sound or musical group. Online OR Campus: 7/12 – 8/2 | Mon | 1:00 – 2:30 pm Sessions: 4 | Instructor: Nancy Darnall | Price: $49

Gentle, Mindful Yoga Focus on using yoga practices to reduce stress and healthy aging in the body. Postures and gentle movements will be used for relaxation and improving flexibility, balance and joint health. Please wear comfortable clothing and plan a place to practice where you can see and hear the Zoom meeting. Recommended equipment is a yoga mat (or comfortable floor space), strap (you could use a belt from a robe or coat), 1-2 firm throw blankets or bath towels, and a sturdy chair that is open (no arms) such as a folding chair. Online: 7/12 – 8/2 | Mon | 3:00 – 4:00 pm | Sessions: 4 Instructor: Pam Tejes | Price: $49

Courses listed in this guide are offered in the spirit of academic freedom. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and The University of Alabama in Huntsville do not endorse any creed, concept, service, or product that might be presented by the instructors.

For more information: Osher.uah.edu • 256.824.6183

OLLI members will recreate this painting titled "Safari" in the "Paint with Your Soul" course.

Paint with Your Soul Are you ready to learn to paint with your soul? Soul Palette, LLC will help you explore your creative side and unlock artistic talents through the world of acrylic painting. Get ready to have fun, socialize with fellow members, and express yourself in a new and exciting way. Challenge yourself by evoking your "inner artist" with a customized image. Members will be coached virtually by a talented Soul Palette artist who will assist you every step of the way. No experience necessary. Art supplies will be provided and are included on the course fee. Online: 6/21 | Mon | 3:00 – 4:30 pm* | Sessions: 1 Instructor: Brandon Hawkins | Price: $45 *Registration for this course will end on June 10.

Discovering the Science in Movies



Science fiction has long captivated the hearts and minds of many movie and literature buffs. Explore many of the science concepts and current state of science that have inspired some of the world's most popular movies including: Captain America, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, and Gattaca. In addition to learning about the science and technology, discuss some of the ethical, legal, and social issues associated with these topics. Online: 6/28 | Mon | 3:00 – 4:30 pm | Sessions: 1 Instructor: Jennifer Carden | Price: $25



View the Summer 2021 Schedule at a Glance »


Wednesday Fact or Fiction? A Look Inside Cults & Conspiracies Discover the historical significance of cults; major current cults, their organization, activities, and members. Dig into the methods used by cult leaders to recruit members, and how people are so attracted to follow conspiracy theories. Discuss the QAnon, the storming of the Capitol, and its aftermath through various resources presented by the instructor. Online: 6/16 | Wed | 10:00 – 11:30 am | Sessions: 1 Instructor: Richard Hoskin | Price: $25

Experiences of the Von Braun Rocket Team Families Visualizing Honor, Service, & Sacrifice American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) cemeteries honor the service and sacrifice of US soldiers overseas. The Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) documents America’s stories through art and reveals key aspects of America’s culture and history through its collection. Led by docents from SAAM and ABMCS, learn the history of memorials, monuments, and art in their “collections.” Compare what specific artworks and cemeteries meant when first created versus what they mean now. Explore the visual elements of sculpture, architecture, and 2-dimensional works to understand how the design of their respective compositions work together to convey themes of honor, sacrifice, and service. Online: 6/8 | Tues | 9:00 – 10:30 am | Sessions: 1 Instructor: Docents from SAAM & ABMC | Price: $25

Life Beyond Earth: When Chemistry Becomes Biology Is there life on other worlds? How can we tell from a distance? Learn what scientists look for when they search for life in our solar system and beyond. Discover what is feasible with non-carbon-based life forms, as we prepare for in-depth exploration of Titan and other exotic environments. No prior knowledge of chemistry, biology, or astronomy required. Online: 7/13 | Tues | 1:00 – 2:00 pm | Sessions: 1 Instructor: Victoria Leo & Rick Baird | Price: $25

Soon after World War II ended, about 120 members of the Wernher von Braun Rocket Team arrived in Fort Bliss, Texas, from Germany, soon to be joined by their families. In 1950, the team was moved to Huntsville, AL. Learn about the challenges faced and innovations developed by the families as they adapted to a new lifestyle in the U.S. as told by children of the Rocket Team families. Hear an American perspective about the German/American Rocket Team’s influences in Huntsville and the U.S. space program. Hear the fascinating history of Monte Sano, one of the communities where many of the Rocket Team families settled. Online OR Campus: 7/14 – 8/4 | Wed | 1:00 – 2:30 pm Sessions: 4 | Instructor: Stuhlinger, Klauss, & Collier Price: $49

Fuel Your Body— Intro to Plant Based Nutrition PREVIEW

Have you wondered what's the mystery surrounding plant-based nutrition? Your curiosity ends here! Take an introductory journey through the instructor’s transition to a plant-based diet through personal stories, discussions, and excerpts from What the Health!® Learn how adopting a plant-based diet can help you lose those unnecessary COVID pounds, reduce the need for medication, refine your skin, correct digestive issues, or reduce inflammation. Make plant-based living work for your daily life and overcome the biggest obstacles to a healthy change. Added bonus-demonstrations and recipes will be provided by the instructor of their favorite substitutes to non-plant-based dishes. Online OR Campus: 7/28 – 8/4 | Wed | 10:30 am – noon Sessions: 2 | Instructor: Fathia Hardy | Price: $30


| View the Summer 2021 Schedule at a Glance »

Summer Events


Sign Up for Events »

Coffee Chats: Trivia Online: 6/25 • F • 11:00 am

Test your knowledge on interesting facts in many subjects while enjoying a morning with fellow OLLI members. The game will be played individually.

Louis Armstrong

Jazz Music Through the Years Get an extensive overview of the origins and development of jazz genres! From its origins in ragtime and blues, to the three major styles of this genre: Dixieland, swing, and bebop, take a journey into this special musical genre. Discover the influence of jazz on post 1950s music and learn how to recognize the elements of jazz as a style and how they evolved over the course of the twentieth century. Online: 6/17 – 7/22* | Thurs | 1:00 – 2:00 pm | Sessions: 5 Instructor: Kevin Bounds | Price: $59 * Course will not meet July 8th.


Navigating the Google Platform

Did you know Google is more than just a search engine? You can also store, sync, and share files with ease! Keep all your work in one place, view different file formats without buying extra software, and access your files from any device. Learn to use the Google platform to enhance your skills with email, spreadsheets, documents, photos, and forms. A Gmail account is required for the course, but it can be set up on the first day of class. Online: 6/17 – 7/15* | Thurs | 3:00 – 4:30 pm | Sessions: 4 Instructor: Ray Leftridge | Price: $49 * Course will not meet July 8th.

Tai Chi: Better Balance & Other Benefits Improve your posture, strength, flexibility, circulation, balance, and calmness with Tai Chi. Explore the use of specific adaptive moves that have been developed over centuries to deal with pain relief. Members will engage in standing and sitting adaptive activities and movements. Please wear comfortable clothing and plan a place to practice where you can see and hear the Zoom meeting. Online OR Campus: 7/15 – 8/5 | Thurs | 10:00 – 11:30 am* Sessions: 4 | Instructor: Ruth DeRamus | Price: $49 *Instructor will be teaching remotely via Zoom. 7

| View the Summer 2021 Schedule at a Glance »

Coffee Chats: Discussion on Soul of a Nation TV Show Online: 7/9, 7/23, 8/6 • F • 11:00 am

Discover the authentic realities of Black life by exploring themes, including spirituality, activism in sports and the racial reckoning that erupted after George Floyd's death. Members are encouraged to watch the TV show prior to the discussion as follows: 7/9: Episode 1 – Reckonings 7/23: Episode 2 – Next 8/6: Episode 3 – Faith Episodes can be viewed for for free on ABC.com or through your own Hulu subscription.

Coffee Chats: Scattergories Online: 7/16 • F • 11:00 am

Bring on your creative side as you name objects within a set of categories in a short period of time.

SAVE THE DATE: Fall Open House Campus: 8/10 • T • 10:00 am – noon

Come back to campus to register for our fall term! Join us to see fellow OLLI members in-person while learning more about our upcoming courses, bonuses, and events.

OLLI Alabama Day 8/20 • F • More details to come.

Join us to celebrate the 2nd OLLI Alabama Day! Together with the OLLI programs at The University of Alabama and Auburn University, we will have a daylong celebration with many notable speakers.

OLLI INSTRUCTORS Rick Baird and Victoria Leo, long-time OLLI at SOU instructors and amateur astronomers, will also introduce you to. Rick earned degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering with honors at Caltech and MIT. Victoria brings graduate biology expertise, as well as science fiction/world-creation (Heroes, Enemies, Alliances) and college teaching expertise, to bear on this exciting question. Kevin Bounds has a Bachelor’s of Music History and a Bachelor’s of Art in Trombone performance from Birmingham-Southern College. He received his Master in Orchestral Conducting from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and is currently ABD for the Doctor of Musical Arts in Orchestra Conducting with a cognate in music history from the CollegeConservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati. Kevin joined the faculty of UAH in 2002 and has conducted the UAH Wind Ensemble and taught music theory, ear-training, music history, conducting, music literature, and studio trombone. Jennifer Carden is a member of HudsonAlpha's outstanding educational outreach team. With her background in education and molecular biology, Jennifer has played an important role in the institute's efforts to inspire and cultivate tomorrow's scientists in Huntsville and across the state. Heidi Weber Collier was born in El Paso, TX, where her father, Fritz Weber, was a member of Wernher von Braun’s rocket team. The family moved to Huntsville in 1950. Heidi has a BA degree from UAH, MA from Webster Univ., and EdS postgrad work at Troy State-Montgomery. In 1998, she started working with the US Army as a civilian and leadership instructor at Redstone Arsenal. She served as German-American Heritage (GAH) Committee Chairman for the Apollo 11, 50th Anniversary Celebrations in 2019.


Nancy Darnall has both a bachelor's and a master's degree, and has been a civic volunteer in Madison County since 1990. At OLLI, she was the OLLI Insider editor, board member, and chair of both the Cultural and the Scholarship Committees. She is a self-described OLLI evangelical, loving the opportunities it provides. Ruth DeRamus is a native Alabamian. She was born and educated in Anniston, AL. She holds multiple degrees and certifications in education from multiple institutions in the US. She is a retired Montgomery County educator. She has been practicing Taoist Tai Chi for the past twenty-five years in Montgomery. She is certified at the Beginning and CIT (Continuing-In-Training) levels with the Taoist Tai Chi Society USA. Fathia Hardy is the Director of Outreach and Support Services in the UAH College of Professional Studies. After developing some health issues, Fathia did extensive research on the benefits of plant-based nutrition to decrease effects or eliminate her illness. As part of her 2021 new year's resolution, she took the leap of faith. She is excited to share her transition with OLLI! Brandon Hawkins is the Lead Artist and Co-owner of Soul Palette Inc. with more than 20 years of artistic expertise. He graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a BA degree in Africana Studies and a certificate in Fine Arts. Brandon has been passionate about art since his youth. He considers drawing, painting, and graphic design to be some of his best talents. He also currently serves as the Visual Arts instructor for Elementz and has completed a couple of large-scale mural projects with Artworks. Richard Hoskin applied his experience as a historian and journalist in researching and creating the Cults and Conspiracies course. He studied history at Oxford University. He is an experienced and well-regarded OLLI instructor and has taught this course at other OLLIs. Richard is leading a volunteer project in criminal justice reform, focusing on reducing recidivism and supporting reentry into society.

Rainer Klauss holds a BA in English from Auburn University. He and his family moved to Huntsville in 1950 and his father, Ernst Klauss, was a member of the von Braun rocket team. Rainer worked as a librarian at Emory University and the Gwinnett County Public Library System in Georgia. Ray Leftridge teaches Computer Technology Grades 5- 12, and serves as advisor for the yearbook at Oakwood Adventist Academy in Huntsville, AL. He has a BA in Communications and is currently pursuing a G Suite Certification. Ray has over 25 years of experience with photography and multimedia presentations using various software programs. Yvonne Simms is a retired Boeing engineer. She is an amateur genealogist which sparked her interest in recording her life story. She has been a student of both Val Seaquist and Betty Carlton in their Writing Your Life Story courses. Yvonne is looking forward to leading the course this summer. Chris Stuhlinger is a recently retired forester and ISA Certified Arborist and is the son of Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, a member of the von Braun rocket team. He returned to his hometown of Huntsville after a 35-year career working in Louisiana, Maryland, and Arkansas. He currently assists with tree-related activities at the Huntsville Botanical Garden. Chris has taught other OLLI courses about tree care and travels to numerous destinations. Pam Tejes is a certified yoga teacher with over 200 hours of training compliant with Yoga Alliance guidelines. She is a graduate of Loyola University with a BS in Biology, is certified in CPR/AED/First Aid, and is experienced in teaching yoga for all ages.

Teach for OLLI! OLLI is always looking for passionate instructors. Contact us at 256.824.6183 or OLLI.info@uah.edu.

A GUIDE TO LEARNING WITH ZOOM & GOOGLE CLASSROOM Free Zoom & Google Classroom Training for adults 50+ Are you familiar with Zoom? Whether you are or aren't, OLLI at UAH is providing complimentary Zoom & Google Classroom training to get adults age 50+ comfortable using the software!

Guide to Learning with Zoom Zoom is a centrally supported video conferencing platform that provides high definition, interactive collaboration tools for communication. To access Zoom you will need a laptop or desktop (Windows or Mac), tablet, or smartphone (iPhone or Android). The following equipment will enhance your experience: • Web camera: A camera will increase your connection with your instructor and your peers by allowing you to see each other face-to-face. If you don’t have access to a web camera, you will still be able to see the instructor. • Microphone: This will let you be heard during the class. You don’t need fancy equipment; it can be headphones with a mic incorporated that you use with your smartphone. • Charger: Charging your device during class will ensure that you do not have an unexpected power outage interrupting your learning. Once you register for a course, OLLI at UAH will send registered members a link for the Zoom meeting. A Zoom account isn't required to attend our course sessions.

Thursday, June 3rd at 1:00 pm Monday, June 7th at 9:00 am Wednesday, June 9th at 3:00 pm

• If you haven’t used Zoom before, allow about 15 minutes for setup before first use. • Using a laptop or desktop: Download the free and secure Zoom program to computer. • Using a tablet or smartphone: Download the free and secure Zoom application from the app store.

Sign up for a training session » You will receive the Zoom invitation one day prior.

Your Safety Comes First!

Please Note: Some courses will utilize Google Classroom. This Learning Management System will let students and instructors communicate and share handouts, presentations, videos and more through an online platform accessible from the member's Gmail account. Participate in the Zoom Training to find out more info!

The CPS staff is aware of “Zoombombers” who disrupt Zoom meetings and privacy concerns. We ask that you please do not share course links with individuals not registered for the course. UAH has various safety measures to ensure unexpected guests do not attend Zoom meetings. If you have any questions about these security measures contact us at OLLI.info@uah.edu. Your privacy and safety are always our number one priority.


Tuesday, June 1st at 10:00 am


View the Summer 2021 Schedule at a Glance »

OLLI Commuter Parking Permits A valid permit must be clearly displayed from the rear view mirror while on campus.

OLLI permits are ONLY valid for the Commuter parking Zone.

Summer Commuter Parking Permit Application Pick up your OLLI Commuter Parking Permit on July 12th. See details to the right. Applications are available online at Osher.uah.edu/OLLIParkingPermit. The application requires vehicle year, make, color and type; driver’s license number, “state of issue,” and license plate number.

Parking Permit Pickup Day Monday, July 12 10:00 am – Noon Covered Entrance to Wilson Hall

Guidelines for Handicapped Parking If you have a state DMV-issued Disability Access hang tag or license plate, please visit the Parking Management Office to have it validated. Please Note: The office has moved and is now located in CTC 147. Please bring the following items: Disability Access Placard, Driver’s License, and DMV-issued Disability Access Paperwork. Don’t forget to hang both your OLLI Commuter Parking Permit and Disability Access Placard on your vehicle’s rear view mirror. When locating a parking spot, if all handicap spaces are full, members with Disability Access Placards may park in any regular space in Commuter or Faculty/Staff zones. This is NOT applicable for Residential (yellow dot) or Service Vehicle Zones.

PLEASE NOTE: Visit Osher.uah.edu/OLLIParkingMap for the most current parking information.

CPS Registration Office Wilson Hall (WIL), Room 103 9 am – noon & 1 – 4 pm (CST) Monday – Friday

Members who are taking on-campus courses are encouraged to pick up parking permits during the Parking Permit Pickup Day event. If you are unable to pick up your permit during this time, please visit the CPS Registration Office. Please bring your completed permit application with you to permit pickup.

OLLI permits are ONLY valid for the Commuter parking zone.













Interactive Digital Map: UAH.edu/Map






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| View the Summer 2021 Schedule at a Glance »

1. WIL: Wilson Hall 2. UFC: Fitness Center 3. W-21: UFC Parking 4. G-16: Additional Parking 5. G-9: Additional Parking 6. Executive Plaza 7. LIB: Salmon Library 8. SPR: Spragins Hall 9. CTC: Conference Training Center/Parking Mgt Office 10. IMF: Intermodal Facility 11. CGU: Charger Union 12. G-10: Additional Parking Walking Path: Commuter Parking: Yellow Areas Crosswalks

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