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The University atAlbany sits at the confluence of the Hudson andMohawkriversonthetraditionallandsoftheKanien’keháka and Muh-he-con-neok people, who stewarded this land for generations before the arrival of European colonists.The Kanien’keháka (People of the Flint) and Muh-he-con-neok (PeopleoftheWatersthatareNeverStill)aremorecommonly knowntodayastheMohawkHaudenosauneeandStockbridgeMunsee Band of Mohicans. Despite the similarity of their westernized names, the Mohawk and Mohican were culturally and linguistically distinct.
The UAlbany community recognizes that we live and work on the homelands of sovereign Indigenous nations with rich histories and cultures that continue today – both within NewYork and beyond.
As an institution devoted to teaching, scholarship, and service, we strive to understand and learn from our history and to affirm Indigenous rights and issues.To this end, we are committed to cultivating reciprocal relationships with Indigenous communities focused on equity, social justice, and sustainability – and dismantling legacies of colonization.

Visit the UAlbany Performing Arts Center website at for a full listing of this season’s events.
Photo: Dayton Contemporary Dance CompanyDepartment of Music and Theatre
University at Albany presents:
Youth Movements Festival XVI
Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 6pm
Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 3pm
UAlbany Performing Arts Center
by Duncan CummingThe Youth Movements Festival would like to thank Kim Engel for her brilliant programs, posters, publicity, creativity, kindness, and incredible generosity for the past sixteen festivals. Kim was one of the first people I met when I agreed to come to the University at Albany and she immediately made me feel I had made the right decision. She created and sustained the Ensemble-in-Residence exchange program, now over a decade in existence, and she was a yearly favorite guest speaker in my “The Performer’s World” class. A former performer herself, she is a genuine lifeline and helps performers through the entire process. She is a true gem and we will miss her terribly.

The Festival also wishes to acknowledge Bryan Robinson for his many years of service. One of the earliest festivals in the Recital Hall required a piano, a screen, projection, dancers, and specific lights. Bryan calmly asked for the tallest dancer to stand under the screen and figured out how we could make it all work, although as usual I hadn’t planned the details very far in advance. No matter how many forms were filled out wrong, or late, or how many last-minute changes were made, Bryan always put the performance first and explaining to us how we did it wrong could always wait. This year’s Youth Movements Festival is dedicated to Kim and Bryan, who are both retiring at the end of this year.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Passe Pied……………………………………………….Gillet arr. Forest R. Etling
Jiayi Wang, violin
Melinda Cestaro, piano
The Two Grenadiers……………………………..Schumann arr. Shinichi Suzuki
Chika Ndukwe
Estelle Song, piano
Concerto in E minor, Op. 64………………….Mendelssohn Andante
Magdalena Calabria, violin
Melinda Cestaro, piano
Sonata for One or Two Pianos 4 Hands…………..Poulenc
I. Modere
II. Rustique
III. Tres vite
Angella Chen & Mary Moran, piano
Sonata in C K.545…………………………………….Mozart
I. Allegro arr. for Two Pianos Grieg
Justin Huang & Mary Moran, piano
Sonatina in C Major Op.36 No.3…………………..Clementi
I. Spiritoso arr. for two pianos by Timm
Caleb Cho & Mary Moran, piano
Tango in D minor……………………………...Carolyn Miller
Lindsey Pillai & Anny Yin, piano
Solfeggio in C minor………………………………CPE Bach arr. by Lancaster & Renfrow
Kevin Guo & Anny Yin, piano
Dance of the Candy Fairy……………………...Tchaikovsky arr. by Langer
Cindy Hu & Anny Yin, piano
Grassland Sisters……………………………………Feilan Li
Cindy & Rachel Hu, piano
Minuet in G Major Anh. 114………………………..JS Bach arr. by Lancaster & Renfrow
Theodore Ashby & Michael A. Barren
Menuetto (from Symphony No. 3)………………...Schubert arr. by Olson
Rochelle Mayzus & Jacob Mayzus
Fanfare Toccata-Rondo…………………………..Alexander
Vinay & Kavya Kondreddy
Rainbow……………………………………….Arlen arr. Bober
Aarav Sudhaher, Primo Piano 1
Vinay Kondreddy, Secondo Piano 1
Emma Padula, Primo Piano 2
Andrew Padula, Secondo Piano 2
Four Piece Suite for Two Pianos…...Richard Rodney Bennett No 1 Samba triste & No 4 Finale
Talia Gordon, Piano 1
Young Kim, Piano 2
Champagne Toccata for Two Pianos 8 Hands………..……………….William Gillock
Defragment for Two Pianos 8 Hands (2024)………………………….... Evan Mack
Young Kim, Primo Piano 1
Michael Lowry, Secondo Piano 1
Xinyuan Xu, Primo Piano 2
Daniel Huh, Secondo Piano 2
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2…………………………...Liszt arr. for Two Pianos, 8 Hands by Kleinmichel
Mary Moran, Primo Piano 1
Noel Liberty, Secondo Piano 1
Anny Yin, Primo Piano 2
Michael A. Barren, Secondo Piano 2
Sunday, April 14, 2024
The School of the Albany Berkshire Ballet
Madeline Cantarella Culpo, Founder
Lisa McBride, Director
Choreography by Deidre Duffin Swindlehurst
Alicia Hornicek
Lisa McBride
Kerry Piaggione
Hilary Cumming, violin
Duncan Cumming, piano Program
Sonata in C sharp minor, Op. 27 No. 2………………………...Ludwig van Beethoven
Allegretto (1770-1827)
Choreography by Alicia Hornicek
Performed by Academy 1: Maple Bee, Mabel Hoffman, Ryhan Hotaling, Kinsey Marshall, Millie Matthews, Karina Mustac, Lukas Sokaris, Madeline Sorensen
Sonata in C minor, Op. 45……………………Edvard Grieg
Allegretto espressivo alla Romanza (1843-1907)
Choreography by Kerry Piaggione
Performed by Junior/Senior Academy:
Addison Dinkels, Adrianna Iannacito, Emilia Medhus, Alexandra Mustac, Nesrin Tabora
Choreography by Deidre Duffin Swindlehurst & Lisa McBride
Performed by Junior Company: Fiona Allen, Fiona Gokey, Ryleigh Hotaling, Caroline Maloney, Emily Murray, Laura Stampalia, Grace Tavani, Cenzia Zhang
Sonata in G major, Op. 78………………Johannes Brahms
Vivace ma non troppo (1833-1897)
Twelve Variations on “Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman,” K. 265…………..W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)
School of the Albany Berkshire Ballet Academies and Junior Company
About the Musicians
Violinist Hilary Walther Cumming teaches at the University at Albany and performs as the violinist of the Capital Trio with American pianist Duncan Cumming and Turkish cellist Sölen Dikener. Before moving to New York, she served as concertmaster of the Cape Cod Sinfonietta and the Andover Chamber Orchestra; she has been heard as soloist with these ensembles as well as with the Reading Symphony Orchestra, Concord Orchestra, and the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Principal influences for her style and discipline are Joseph Silverstein, Franco Gulli and Shmuel Ashkenasi on modern violin, Stanley
Ritchie on Baroque violin, and Seamus Connolly on Irish traditional fiddle. These outstanding artists continue to guide her and inspire her every moment she spends with her violin.
She has performed most extensively with the Capital Trio, ATHELAS (Denmark), Boston-based Sarasa, the Abbott Trio, and the Coleridge Ensemble. Her recordings can be found on Albany Records, Meridien and AFKA Records. As an orchestra musician, she has played in major halls on four continents; as a chamber musician she has recently toured Denmark, France and Switzerland with the Capital Trio. Her first love and passion remains the study and performance of chamber music.
Duncan J. Cumming, now in his eighteenth year on the faculty of the University at Albany, has performed concertos, recitals, and chamber music concerts in North America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. He has recorded three albums for the Centaur label. The first is a solo recording (CRC 3125) including music of Brahms, Debussy, Satie, and Chopin and the second is a historical instrument recording with Christopher Hogwood (CRC 3231) of the music of Carl Maria von Weber on Weber’s own 1815 Brodmann fortepiano. His most recent CD for Centaur (CRC 3834) came out in June of 2021, called From Bangkok to Bangor, and it is a story and music for children with narrator Lucy Cumming and illustrations by Hilary Cumming. He also has three chamber music recordings with Albany Records including A Book of Hours (TROY 1239), Threads of the Heart (TROY 1428) and Distance (TROY 1864). He is the pianist of the Capital Trio, ensemble-in-residence at the University at Albany, and the trio has performed, lectured, and taught master classes in residencies at Williams College in Massachusetts and Cambridge University in England among other places. He lives in New York with his wife, the violinist Hilary Walther Cumming, and his children Lucy, Mairi, and William Bear.
Many thanks to Madeline Cantarella Culpo, Lisa McBride, Kerry Piaggione, Alicia Hornicek, and Deidre Duffin Swindlehurst.

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