Fall 2021 Sustainability Bulletin volume 2

Page 3

Wildlife Ecology Dr. Steven Campbell is a full time lecturer at University at Albany in the Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences. He shares some of his passion through his course titled Wildlife Ecology and Management: AENV480

What are some of the topics that you cover in your course? The course focuses on the application of ecological principles to the management and conservation of wildlife populations and their habitats. Topics will include population ecology, habitat use, animal behavior, competition and predation, abundance estimation, theories and techniques of management, endangered species conservation, and identification of local wildlife.

Dr. Steven Campbell

What interested you about teaching a course about wildlife ecology and management? The planet is in the midst of a biodiversity crisis of our own making. Although species typically considered "wildlife" are only a small subset of biodiversity, for most people these species are the most identifiable and relatable portion of biodiversity. I offer this course because I want to increase interest and knowledge in wildlife ecology and management and instill a sense of responsibility for conserving wildlife populations and their habitats. Hopefully, a better understanding of wildlife conservation will also lead to an increased professional and personal interest in the wider issue of biodiversity conservation.



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