1975 Caduceus

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C A ID lL 'i editor; D. Zahniser bus. mgr.: D. Smith


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DCCICATICN Dr. F lo ren ce C har For the past 12 years, Dr. Char has been a member of the Pediatric staff of the UAMC. During this time she has been one of the finest examples of a good educator, is a delightful person and a good friend. As an educator, she has, with patience, understanding and clear, deft explana­ tions, guided myriads of students through the abysmal world of little people and the netherlands of Ped. Cardiology Clinic. And who has not heard her excited quick re­ sponse to the cry of, "HELP, we have a FLK!" To you Dr. Char, thank you. Dr. Char did her undergraduate work at the State University of New York; did her internship, residency and fellowship at the Un. Minnesota Hospitals and did a Medi­ cal Genetics fellowship at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She is a member of the Southern Ped. Research Society, Am. Soc. of Human Genetics, AOA, and is a fellow of the Am. Acad, of Pediatrics. To date. Dr. Char has published twenty-six papers including chapters in medical books.


I S tate o r Arka n sa s o m c c o r THC OOVCKNOK

Lit t l e R o c k

With best wishes now and in the future to the 197S graduates of the University of Arkansas Medical School.

Warmest personal


Dr. Charles E. Bishop, Pres. Un. of Arkansas, invested in ceremonies at Robinson Auditorium, February, 1975. Welcome to the Un. of Arkansas educational system.

f 940

AID/HINII Jf T IPA T II€ N Dr. James Dennis Vice-President for Health Sciences Dr. Dennis is a graduate of the Un. Oklahoma and is a Diplomate of the Am. board of Pediatrics. During his five years at UAMC, he has generated from the state legislature approximately $31,000,000 for UAMC renovation and construction, which includes the pres­ ent Ed. II and various support programs such as AHEC. He also established the Faculty/Student/Staff Advisory Council for the purpose of improved campus communications and to develop a par­ ticipatory form of campus government. Dr. Dennis has also developed long range plans for academic excellence designed to unfold over the next decade in a response to public needs.

Dr. Charles Prigmore Asst, to the Vice Pres, for Health Sciences

Dr. Marvin Martin Asst, to the Vice Pres, for Health Sciences

Business Offices

John Coriden Controller Darrell F. Walters Chief Fiscal Officer Marion Sefferstone Purchasing Agent

Jerome Blackburn Computer Center Director

Clarence Procop Bursar


Dolores Johnson Personnel Officer cÂťro â–


Hospital Administration ^

Donald Borchert Asst. Hospital Director

James Crank Hospital Director

Davey Hughes Asst. Hospital Director

Philip Walkley, Jr. Asst, to the Hospital Director

Fred Woody Hospital admissions Director



The new health sciences education building is due to be completed late in 1976. The 131,000 square feet within the facility w ill house the predominate amount of teaching space for all four campus schools. All teaching laboratories will be jointly used by the four schools. Ed. II is a nine level building with the potential for adding four floors at some future point in time. The lowest level will house Biomedical Communica­ tions, with lecture, conference and seminar rooms.


The first level of the Library is at ground level, with the second and third levels containing stacks, study areas and library technical staff areas. The second level will be multi-media for the library and special rooms for Sch. Nursing. The Sch. Pharmacy will oc­ cupy the entire third floor. The Damp Lab will oc­ cupy floor four with 192 student stations, and a Pathology Museum, conference rooms and autopsy demonstration room. The Wet Lab occupies the en­ tire fifth floor.

Fred, will it be O K if I give your fresh colostomy pt some castor oil?

W ho said only Raymond could wear these gloves?



Harrison's doesn't have an emergency section . . !

''Paraphrased''Hippocratic Oath . . . William Alexander III

Wilson, Ark. Un. of Ark.



James H. Arkins Fayetteville, Ark. Un. of Ark. UALR Un. of Ark. Schl. of Pharm.


James M. Arthur

Little Rock, Ark. Flendrix College UALR Un. of Ark.


I do swear by that . . . John T. Baber

Little Rock, Ark. Un. of Ark. UALR

William L. Berry

Dardanelle, Ark. Ark. Polytech. College

Glen T. Blue

Searcy, Ark. Harding College Un. of Ark. Grad. School


...which I hold most sacred; Jimmy D. Bonner

Conway, Ark. Un. of Ark. State College of Ark.


James W. Bost

Hendrix College Un. of Maryland — Far East Un. of Southern Mississippi Harding College Un. of Ark. Med. Center-Grad. Schl.

Sharon J. Bourne

Little Rock, Ark. Un. of Dallas


That I will be loyal Mark H. Bowles Arkansas City, Ark. Ouachita Baptist Un.

Gerald D. Boyles

Little Rock, Ark. UALR Baylor Un. Un. Autonoma de Guadalajara

Allen T. Brillhart III

Little Rock, Ark. Un. of Ark.


. . . to the profession of medicine Cathleen E. Burgess

Malvern, Ark. State College of Ark.

^ r.

Tommy D. Cain Hot Springs, Ark. Ouachita Baptist Un. Un. of Ark.


James W. Campbell

Hot Springs, Ark. Michigan State Un.


...and just and generous ... James S. Clark

Blue Mountain, Ark. Ark. Polytech. College

John H. Crabtree N. Little Rock, Ark. State College of Ark. UALR

Robert D. Craig Webster Groves, Missouri Un. of Missouri


. . . to its members; Michael E. Crawley

Forrest City, Ark. Ouachita Baptist Un.

Scott M. Daniel

Arkadelphia, Ark. Southern Meth. Un. Henderson State College

Andrew E. David

Malvern, Ark. Un. of Ark. Henderson State College


That I will lead my life


John D. Dedman

Camden, Ark. Hendrix College

Steven A. Edmondson

Springdale, Ark. Un. of Ark.

Herman L. Ferrell

Pine Bluff, Ark. Ark. A. & M. College


...and practice my art John D. Fisher Little Rock, Ark. UALR

Tony A. Flippin Van Buren, Ark. Westark Jr. College Ark. Polytech. College State College of Ark. Un. of Ark. Grad. School

James H. Fowler

Jonesboro, Ark. Ark. State Un. Un. of Ark. Schl. of Med. Un. of Ark. Grad. School





in uprightness and honor; Robert E. Fraser

Conway, Ark. State College of Ark.

Cullen D. Fuller

Little Rock, Ark. UALR

George C. Garrett Jr.

Hope, Ark. Hendrix College


That into whatsoever house I shall enter


Vicent A. Gibbert

Little Rock, Ark. Un. of California Un, of Ark. Med Center (Med. Tech.) Un. of Ark. Med Center Grad. Schl.

Eric W. Goad Marked Tree, Ark. Un. of Ark.


Roy A. Goodart

Hickory Ridge, Ark. Ark. State Un. Hendrix College State College of Ark. Memphis State Un.


..it shall be for the good of the sick . . Margaret E. Grant

Morrilton, Ark. Un. of Ark. Rice Un.

Donna Major Graves

Mountain Home, Ark. San Jose State College Un. of Nevada Georgia South. College judson Womens College Southwest Mo. State College State College of Ark.

James E. Griffin

El Dorado, Ark. Brigham Young Un.


. . . to the utmost of my power, . James R. Grissom

Hoxie, Ark. Hendrix College Southern Baptist College Ark. State Un.

Frederick M. Heinemann

Hot Springs, Ark. Henderson State College

William M. Heroman

Pine Bluff, Ark. Ark. A & M College


holding myself aloof from wrong, Celeste E. Herr

Conway, Ark. State College of Ark.

Harlan G. Herr

Conway, Ark. State College of Ark.

William Higginbothom Jr.

Helena, Ark. Un. of Ark.


from corruption, and from


Michael D. Hightower

Springdale, Ark. Un. of Ark.

Richard A. Hickle Jr.

Quitman, Ark. Ark. Polytech. State College of Ark. East Texas State Un. Hendrix College

Robert E. Holder

McCrory, Ark. Ark. State Un.


.the temptation of others to vice; Ted W. C. Hood

Little Rock, Ark. Un. of Ark. Fayetteville UALR Autonoma Un. De Guadalajara Schl. of Med. Mex.

Ronald D. Hughes N. Little Rock, Ark. Un. of Ark. UALR

James A. Johnson Jr.

Jacksonville, Ark. Un. of Ark.


That I will exercise my art Eugene M. Jones

Little Rock, Ark. Hendrix College Rice Un.

Gregory S. Kaczenski North Hollywood, California Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Valley College Monterey Inst. For. Stud. Un. of Southern California



Mary F. Kaczenski Tumbling Shoals, Ark. Hendrix College Un. of Alabama

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solely f o r the care o f my patients . . Clark P. Kirkman

Helena, Ark. Emory Un.

Charles R. Klepper

Harrison, Ark. Hendrix College Un. of Ark.

Steven F. Kramer

Fort Smith, Ark. Westark Jr. College Un. of Ark.


. . . and will give no drug . . Jon M. Krannichfeld

Fayetteville, Ark. Un. of Ark.

Katherine Latimer

El Dorado, Ark. Emory Un. Louisiana Polytech. Inst.

Robert D. Lowery

Judsonia, Ark. Ark. State College-Beebe Ark. State Un.


. perform no operation fo r a

criminal purpose, . . . Charles D. Mabry

C A -JL , b

V U < J ly

Pine Bluff, Ark. State College of Ark.

Carl R. Magness

Camden, Ark. Un. of Ark.

Michael B. Martin

Hot Springs, Ark. Centenary College





. even i f solicited, . . John R. McAuley North Little Rock, Ark. Athenaeum of Ohio Loyola Un.-Chicago Purdue Un. Grad. School Un. of Ark.-Little Rock

Gordon E. McCarty

Helena, Ark. Un. of Ark. UALR

Gerald E. McConnon

Fayetteville, Ark. Un. of Miami San Francisco St. College Un. of San Francisco


fa r less suggest it, . . .


Robert F. McCrary Jr.

Hot Springs, Ark. Un. of Notre Dame Southern Methodist Un.





Linda K. McDade

Little Rock, Ark. UALR

cC 'I

Robert D. McKinney

Mulberry, Ark. Un. of Ark.


That whatsoever Charles T. Mettetal

Monticello, Ark. Ark. A & M College

Kelly H. Meyer

Pine Bluff, Ark. Vanderbilt Un. Belmont College UALR Mid. Tennessee State Un. Grad. Schl.

A a^. I


Everett C. Moulton III

Fort Smith, Ark. Un. of Ark. American School, Switzerland Un. of Kansas


I shall see or hear . . . Gary A. Neaville

North Little Rock, Ark. Hendrix College UALR

Douglas W, Parker Jr.

Fort Smith, Ark. Hendrix College Westark Jr. College Ark. Polytech.

Charles E. Phillips

Little Rock, Ark. Bethany Nazarene College


. . . o f the lives o f men


Ruth K. Polk Fort Smith, Ark. Lindenwood College Westark Jr. College Un. of Ark.

Marvin L. Poole

El Dorado, Ark. Un. of Ark.

Roger W. Porter

Little Rock, Ark. Un. of Dallas UALR

which is not fitting to be spoken, . Jerry H. Puckett

Little Rock, Ark. Henderson State College Un. of Tenn. Dental Schl. UALR

John M. Ransom

Bradford, Ark. Ark. State Un.

Eddie J. Reddick

Pine Bluff, Ark. Ark. State Un.


. . . I will keep inviolably secret. Michael L. Reid North Little Rock, Ark. Ark. Polytech.

Stanley L. Reyenga

Hope, Ark. Un. of Ark. Henderson State College

Peyton E. Rice |r.

Little Rock, Ark. Washington & Lee Un.

r >



These things I do promise, John j. Rinde

Baldwin, New York Mass. Inst, of Tech. Long Island Un. Polytech. Inst, of Brooklyn

Gary W. Russell

Little Rock, Ark. Un. of Ark. Henderson State College UALR

John R. Russell

Jasper, Ark. Un. of Ark.


. . . and in proportion . . . Richard D. Sanders

Lepanto, Ark. Arkansas State University Un. of Ark.

f i ii3t

Linda J. Sidwell Jacksonville, Ark. Un. of Ark.

Gary L. Smith

Beebe, Ark. Ark. State College-Beebe Ark. Polytech. College Ark. State College-Jonesboro Louis. State Un. USAF Tech. Schl. Keesler AFB


. . . as I am faithful . . . Michael G. Smith Marked Tree, Ark. Un. of Ark.

Paul L. Smith Pine Bluff, Ark. Purdue Un. Ark. A. M. & N College

Lewis E. Thompson III

Little Rock, Ark. Un. of Ark. UALR



r r

. . to this my oath . . Samuel B. Thompson Jr.

Little Rock, Ark. Tulane Un. UALR

Phillip A. Tracy

Hot Springs, Ark. Hendrix College


Glenn C. Tripp Bella Vista, Ark. Un. of Ark.


. . . may happiness and . . . William E. Tucker Jr.

Marked Tree, Ark. Ark. State Un.

Joe F. Turnbow


Gary W, Villines North Little Rock, Ark. Hendrix College



i/d2 l2 ^

El Dorado, Ark. Hendrix College Un. of Ark.

. . . good repute he ever mine. Gene B. Waldon

Ozark, Ark. Ark. Polytech. College

William M. Wassell

Little Rock, Ark. Un. of Term. Centenary College UALR

to M

Robert T. Webb Hot Springs, Ark. State College of Ark. Henderson State College


The opposite i f . . Michael R. Westbrook

Hope, Ark. Ouachita Baptist Un. Un. of Ark. Grad. Schl.

Robert C. Williams

Gilmore, Ark. Ark. State Un.

Vern Ann Williams

Paragould, Ark. Un. of Ark. Ark. State Un.


I shall be forsworn. Robert R. Williamson

Bentonville, Ark. Un. of Ark. Un. of Ark. Grad. Schl.

Williams C. Young

Helena, Ark. Un. of Tenn. Memphis State Un.

Donna J. Zahniser

El Dorado, Ark. Un. of Buffalo Southern State College Bolton Inst, of Tech-England





Nostalgia is the “ in" thing today. The nostalgia movement is evident in our music, our styles of dress and in the entertainment industries. People enjoy "looking back to the good old days." Therefore, in keep­ ing with the times, we present here a glance into the past for the JMS's of 1974-75 — a lookatthe "good old days" when medical school began three years ago. See for yourself what time has — or has not — done for them.


William Allen

Ashcraft Charles Baler David Baker

Bobby Bradsher

Carie Buckley Richard Calleton Robert Cheek Rusty Cranford

Doug ' Cummings Doug Curran David Daniels Alice Davidson

Kent Davidson Dillard Denson Sidney Dent Kenneth Dowless

Bill Dudding Tom Eans Charles Edmondson David Erby

Mike Finan James Fitzpatrick Richard Fitzrandolph Durwood Flournoy

r ' i 'i a Ipv, t

Gene France

Guy Gardner David Garrett

Jim Gilbert Jack Gordon

Granger Harley Harder

Clark Harris Lee Henderson Mike Hendren

Howell Hill John Holston

Hudson Robert Humphreys

Andrew Jansen W illiam Jennings Stan Kellar

Al Keller Bobby Ko W illiam Koch Walter Kyle

John Lachowsky John Lambert Buddy Leman LeRoy Lenarz

John Lewellen Charles Long Doyne Loyd Don Maurer

Gary McBryde Joe McCarty James McDaniel Dale McGinty

James Metrailer Steve Metzer Bennie Mitchell Chip Money

Evelyn Monroe Lance Monroe David Morton Ken Murphy

Gerald Oldham Jerry Panuska Steve Parker Tom Paulus

Nick Piediscaizi Jody Pierce Alice Richards Frank Roberts

Steve Roberts David Rogers Doug Rogers Robert Ross

Sherm Sacks David Shaver Mack Shotts Bruce Smith

Judy Stafford Joe Stainton Dick Stevenson Larry Stonesifer

Bil Swindell Bob Taylor Larry Thomas Mark Thompson

Robert Tommey Jack Trotter John Underwood Roger Van Dyke

Duane Velez Paul Wade Charles Watkins Mark Wewers

Steve W haley Richard Wheeler Louis White Bob White

Tommie White Paul Wilbur David Wilkes Fred Wilson

Dennis Wingfield Stephen Woodruff Stan Worley Larry Wright

Bob Yates Ted Youngberg

A good JMS is forever practicing his H and P technique.

S uper UAM C



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S € P H € M O C C jf


Robert E. Abraham Johnny P. Atkins, III Penelope Atkinson Susan S. Baker

Charles W. Ball, jr. Stephen T. Barron Glenn H. Bennett Wheirda L. Bentley


Bruce E. Berry Robert L. Berry Larry J. Bodeker Joe F. Bradley

Craig j. Brown David L. Brown Stanley K. Browning Janice L. Bunch

Charles R. Burnett, Jr. C. Sue Caruthers James L. Chesier Cordan Chitwood, Jr.

Robert B. Choate, Jr. Steven A. Clift John B. Cone Julia E. Connelly

Ben W . Davis Chad L. Deal Richard D. D elaney James S. Deneke

S. Killeen DesLauriers Thomas R. Dykman Gregory R. Elliott Deborah D. Fawcett

S. Clark Fincher Roger N. Fowler Russell E. Galatzan William M. Gibbs, III

John A. Gillean, III Myra M. G. Gillean Dennis E. Go Janet A. Hale

V. Anthony Harden Robert E. Harrell, Jr. Robert C. Harris Katherine A. Harrison

James B. Hazelwood Robert A. Helston C. Reid Henry, Jr. Debra L. Henry

David C. Hicks J. Tim Hodges Randol W. Hooper Roger D. House


K. Lamar Howard, Jr Laura j. Hutchins John H. Kendrick David L. Lay

Keith M. Lipsmeyer Richard L. McDougal

Dennis W. Luter Michael S. McFarland

Peter M. Marvin Karen P, M cCann

). Zack Mason Clinton C . Melton Richard A. Nix ). Rocky Pang

Rick McCarron J. Chuck Nash, Jr, David W. Ohrt Larry L. Patrick


Thomas O . Pitts Thomas A. Rado J. Neal Ragan V. Gail Ray

J. Robert Reeves Jan C. Retherford yV. Kirk Riley Thomas W. Roberts

W illiam j. Robertson Kathryn M. Rowe Earnest L. Saunders Eugene M. Shelby

John W. Sixby Warren A. Skaug Robert A. Skinner C. Kemp Shokos

Annette S. Slater C . Richard Smith, jr. Harold E. Smith, jr. Theodore F. Smyer

S. Steve Snow Andrew j. Somers, Jr. Phillip S. Stone lames A. Tanner


Finley P. Turner, II Thomas H. Tvedten

R. Steve Venable Dan. W. Webb

Jackie R, White Linda H. W illiams

Thomas C. Wimbush, jr. Louis B, Witonsky

James W. Young, III Robert P. Young


Barron, W. Bates, S. Beaton, ). Bice, D.

Bishop, T. Blackburn, S.

Borland, J. Boulden, T.

Braswell, T. Bridges, M.


Brown, M. â– Bryant, R.

Buckley, D. Buckner, C.

Buford, J. Burleson, S.

Burrow, R. Burrow, D. Burton, B. Cagle, R.

Campbell, W. Carver, J. Chudleigh, J. Clark, R.


Clawser, S. Clemens, R.

Cobb, P. Cole, R.

Colton, A. Cook, J. Covey, D. Crow, N.

Davis, R. Deen, L. De Miranda, F. DeRossitt, J.

Duke, Farrow, Feild, Fields,


F. R. C. P.

Finan, B. Fitzpatrick, F. Frans, M. Cerdes, E.

Cocio, A. Cwaltney, N. F^afele, L. Harms, S.

Hester, J. Hilburn, J. Hill, D. Hill, E.

Hodges, J. Holt, D.

House, A. Howard, M.


Hui, A. Hunton, D. Hutchins, S.

Jackson, E. Jacobson, J. Johnson, S.

Jumper, M. Justus, M. Kauffman, D. Kemp, C.


Kendrick, W. King, M. Knight, R. Lack, M.

Lane, C. Lazar, M. Lewis, B. Livingston, R.

Long, S. Marks, S. Martin, K. McCrary, B.

McCutcheon, F. Mizell, P.

Moore, E. Moore, W.


Morton, Nelsen, Nelson, Netherton,

D. D. D. C.

Nolen, J. Nycum, M. Owens, W. Patterson, G.

Pennington, K. Petri no, R. Porter, R. Price, J.

Price, L. Proffitt, D. Rauls, S. Reid, C .

Robinson, D. Shippen, W. Short, H. Slayden, S.


Smith, L. Snyder, S. Solomon, A. Spies, F.

Staggs, D. Stewart, K. Taylor, L. Thacker, E.

Tilley, R. White, B. Wiedower, J. Wiedower, R.

Wilson, R. Wolf, D. Wright, C. Wyatt, D.

Yang, S. Young, J. Anderson, C.



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Dr. T. A. Bruce, born in Mountain Home, Ark. Education: B.S. Un. Ark.; M.D. UAMC; Internship Duke University; First year residency Bellevue Hos­ pital, New York; Second year residency Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas; Cardiopulmonary trainee Southwestern Medical School; Research fellow Hammersmith Hospital, Un. London, Lon­ don, England. Faculty Appointments: Professor in Medicine Wayne State Un.; Assistant Dean Wayne State Un. Welcome home!

Dr. Thomas A. Bruce Dean, School Medicine

Horace Marvin Assoc. Dean Academic Affairs

George Warner Ass't. Dean Adm. Affairs

Dr. J. Flacke

Dr. R. Cernosek

Dr. Yeh

Dr. D. D elu ca

Dr. C. Nelson

Dr. S. Cernosek

Dr. C. Bhuvaneswaran

Not Pictured: Dr. D. Straub Dr. P. Wagh

C IC / H C T C r


Dr. G. Dalrymple Dr. R. Walls

Dr. James Meade, jr. Professor and Head Mrs. C. O'Neal

Dr. A. Schroeder

Mrs. C. Thompson

Mr. j. Nance

Mr. W. Hunter


Dr. Tudor

Dr. Kagy

Dr. Baker

Not pictured: Dr. Holder Dr. Malkemes Dr. Reeves Dr. Ward Dr. Harris

Dr. Lehman

M IC K € ID I€ IL € e y

Dr. Abernathy

Dr. Bates

Dr. Duffy Professor Emeritus

Dr. W allick

Dr. Markland

Dr. Keeran

Dr. Niemann

Dr. Stough

Dr. Biondo

N c u i^ C L c e r

Dr. Harris

Dr. Araoz

Dr. Uveda

Dr. Jones

Dr. Schaefer

P H A C H A C C L o e r

Dr. Hanna

Dr. Ginzel

" . 4

Dr. Flacke Chairman

1 Dr. Seifen

Dr. Welch

Dr. Seager


Dr. Hunt

P n r / ic i_ C G r

Dr. Krum

Dr. Bicher


r c u iA T c y

fcV A Ms. Lewallen

Dr. Matthews


Dr. Miller

Dr. Shannon

Dr. Sundermann


Ms. Smith Dr. Peters Chairman

6rO *


C A D I C L C 'S r

Dr. Barnhard

Dr. Diner

Dr. Deed

Dr. Smith

Dr. Slayden

iP Dr. Holder

Dr. Rubin


Not pictured: Dr. Worley Dr. Peebles Dr. Britt Dr. Fore Dr. Hooper Dr. Lim Dr. Puckett Dr. Bicher

1^' Dr. Ramirez

w r

Dr. Tirman

Dr. Harris


Dr. Baker

Dr. Thompson

Dr. Hearnsberger

Dr. W illiams

Dr. Lang

DIVISIONS Neurosurgery Orthopedics Otolaryngology Urology

Dr. Osam

Dr. Beckman

Dr. Burnsed

Dr. Reid

Dr. Derrick

Not Pictured: Dr. Strickland Dr. Casali Dr. Hadad Dr. McNair

Dr. Brainard

Dr. McKelvey

Not Pictured: Dr. Ellis Dr. Hillis Dr. Dolan

Pro »

N E L C € / lJ C G C C y I

Dr. Boop

Dr. S. Flanigan Chairman

Dr. Jordan

Dr. Williams


Dr. North Dr. Nelson Chairman

iv if'

Dr. Dodson

Dr. Heinzelmann

Not Pictured: Dr. Eubanks Dr. Olin Dr. Rills Dr. Wiggins

Dr. Ballard

Dr. Reese

Dr. Dobbs

L c o L o e y

Dr. O'Donnell


Dr. Johnson

Dr. Rutherford

Dr. Schratz

Dr. Stallings

Not Pictured; Dr. Carrington Dr. Hoffman

Dr. White

Dr. Whited

FAMILY M EDICINE (Senior interns)

James Arkins Mark Bowles Thomas Cain Tony Flippin Kelly Meyer

Jerry Puckerr Eddie Reddick Gary Russell John Russell Linda Sidwell










'4 24











1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

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13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

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25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

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RESIDENT O F THE YEAR This year, it is our pleasure to honor Dr. Hank Rogers as the recipient of the Resident of the Year award. The award is given by a vote of the Jr. and Sr. Medical School classes in recognition of outstand足 ing teaching abilities, fairness in dealing with sub足 ordinates, and knowledge in his field. Congratula足 tions and thank you Dr. Rogers. Runners up: Dale Morris, M.D. Tony Bennett, M.D. Hugh Burnett, M.D. 1-^ t-rA :V- /

S.O .B. In contrast to the above award, the S.O.B. award is given once again by a vote of the Jr. and Sr. Medi足 cal School classes to that member of the housestaff who demonstrates few, if any of the qualities of the Resident of the Year. (The reader can supply what qualities do or do not apply). Congratulations Dr. Nick Lang Runners up: Dr. Cliff Councille Dr. Dennis Black

Great mamogram, for a 2 yr. old!

D r.

D o o little



Who says surgeons can't write! O oh, don't stop!

"In the Feb 23, 1948 NEJM . . . 'That is the biggest gouty tophus I ever saw!"

I refuse to help hold up that wall! Gee, I left my purse home

Tickle, tickle, tickle

Robert ]. Adams Pharmacology

Elizabeth A. Barnett Communicative Disorders

Benny L. Blaylock Microbiology

W illiam L. Berry Anatomy

Charles C. Browning Microbiology


Beverly M. Bartels School of Nursing

Sandra K. Burchett Biochemistry

Alan D. Hulett Microbiology

Carol R. Davidson Microbiology

Linval DePass Toxicology

James E. Fewell Physiology

Josephine Futrell Microbiology

Doris E. Ferguson School of Nursing

Jeanette M. Fish Communicative Disorders

Ruth S. Gibson Communicative Disorders

Dennis E. C o Biochemistry


i! ' Leslie S. Goldstein Pharmacology

Jane B. Hearty School of Nursing



/. I'

M. Stephen Gradus Microbiology

jan F. Hutton Communicative Disorders

Carol Hallum Special Student

Jo Lynn Kinder Communicative Disorders

Chi-Ming Liang Pharmacology

Shu-Mei Liang Biochemistry

Donna Nash School of Nursing

lames F. Nowland Biochemistry

Paul E. McAninch, Jr. Pharmacology

James W. Oldham Toxicology


Paula Peacock Pathology

Chun-fu Peng Biochemistry

Norma H. Rubin Anatomy

Discorides B. Salmin School of Nursing

Charlotte E. Shideler Biochemistry


Thomason J. Shirey Biochemistry

Albert N. Smith Physiology

Randolph H. Smith Pharmacology

Rae Lynne Tuck School of Nursing

Dennis R. Watts Pharmacology

Jen-leih Wu Biochemistry

Carolyn Yarbrough Microbiology

Michael Yelich Physiology


G RA D U A TE C LU B PICNIC — FALL, 1974 Photographs by Dwight Moore

Players take a ten minute break while someone chases the bait down the hill.


exper im en t







^ SOB.


Two first-class people — Dr. Charles T. Prigmore and his able administrative assis­ tant, Mrs. Wanda Weiss.

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BSy2 GRADUATES Vicki H u rle y , President C a th y B askin, Vice President K athy D eB ons, Sec. Treasurer Well Graduate, as they say in Japan — Rots of Ruck!!


H.aJ' Little Rock

Little Rock



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Forrest City

o e .A J.

C a O'vv^ I vA J Paris




/ Q jL ..rv ,riA a J Paris



Pine Bluff

t North Little Rock


/ ^ / J/

J r , Bentonville

Little Rock

6^ Tl

Tulsa, Okla.



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^^2A/^icx- ( ^ „ r U ^ , £ . 7 /, Little Rock


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Little Rock

Little Rock

y^/l/ Hot Springs



d^ duy

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Oklahoma City


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Cay\^ Little Rock


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./C0tlij4C-/L^ ^ Crossett



'fM Paris

A CN P is change oriented. Diane

A CN P gives direct patient care. Gail A CNP is a patient Advocate. Cathy

Sometimes things are so bad, you hit the bottle!! Neena




A nita

A lice

R eggie

Jan Pine a n d Sis

B a rb ara

Ja n ic e B urleson


A lice

C an d y

Jam ie

K aren

M a u re e n

P at Elliott

tj M a rth a

T h ere sa

T om

Becki P a rk e r

Irm a N ell

P au la

N ila

D eB o n s

P at Fitts

Becky C a rso n

|a n A n d re w s

G in g e r

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Class President, CIN D Y ISBELL presents her competent staff: KATHY SHARER, Vice President HARRIET HARTY, Secretary DEBBY VALEZ, Treasurer

Jo A tkins Camden


ja n Ball Little Rock

Jo B altz Pocahontas

Ja n ie B land Rogers

S u san B ona Little Rock

M ary B oone Little Rock

V irg in ia B ost Little Rock

Becki B re w er Dumas

N ancy C am p Kansas City, Mo.

L inda C a m p b e ll Mena

L inda C ro w d e r Huntsville

C a ro ly n D ew ey Little Rock



D o ris D ick ey Pine Bluff

S ue E d m o n d so n Springdale

Ja n e t G u ise Little Rock

H a rrie t H a rty Little Rock

P aula H o lic e r Benton

Peggy H u d so n Clarksville

M ary A nn G ist Helena

H o p e H a rtz Stuttgart

C in d y Isbell Hazen

Ja n e Jan sen Pocahontas

L inda M c M u rry Little Rock

B everly M yers Hot Springs

Judy Jones DeQueen

D u a n n e M a rk m an Little Rock

M a rg o N o w ak Little Rock

R e b ec ca M cD an iel Little Rock

B everly M ullen Little Rock

S h a ro n P e d e rso n Jacksonville


\ E laine P oe Ft. Smith


S te v e R e ed e r Little Rock

K athy S h a re r Little Rock

Ja n e th S h a rp Little Rock

Jo y c e T aylor Star City

Joy W all Baker, La.

M a rily n R iddle North Little Rock



I could have had a date with this handsome med student last week-end, but I was broke.

TH IRD YEAR M ary B esett Marion S helia Bivens Pine Bluff B re n d a B oring Tulsa, Okla. K aren B radley Jacksonville

D e b o ra h C alaw ay El Dorado S a n d ra C h a rle s Little Rock Z e n o b ia D avison Little Rock R obbie G o o d w in Little Rock

Julie H a n d le n Little Rock L inda H an k in s Little Rock K aren H a n n a h s Little Rock B ecky H a rd y Magnolia


Frank H e fn e r Foreman C o n n ie H u b b a rd Pine Bluff M a rth a H udson Jonesboro P atrick H um North Little Rock

B renda Jackson Atkins D e b o ra h Jo h n so n West Memphis S usan King Durango, Colo. M ary Lynn M c M ahon Ft. Smith

K athy M e in ert North Little Rock B a rb ara M ilte n b e rg e r Kennett, Mo. D e an n M organ Ft. Walton Beach, FI. C heryl N icholas Pollard

Jan P e ttig re w Clarendon K aren P ro c to r Syracuse, New York M arilyn R obson Ft. Smith R e b ec ca S acrey North Little Rock

Joni S c riv n er Russellville A nn S la u g h te r Lead Hill S heila W eb b Little Rock Jo le n e Y arb o u g h Harrison


Elois R. Field, P h.D . D e an o f N u rsin g

F ra n c es C . D a lm e , P h.D . Associate Dean for Graduate Program


Lois M a lk em es, P h.D . Associate Dean for Clinical Staff

G lo ria R augh, M .S.N . Associate Dean for Administration

Rose A nn Bails, B.S.N. Family and Community FHealth Ja n a n n e Bivens, M .S.Ed. Asst. Professor, Nursing of Children M ary G ra y , M .N .Sc. Asst. Professor, Psychiatric Nursing

lanis C e y e r, M .N .Sc. Asst. Professor, Psychiatric Nursing G e ra ld in e H a rd iso n , M .S.N . Asst. Professor, Psychiatric Nursing C o n n ie M o rg a n , M .S.N . Asst. Professor, Family and Community Ffealth-Long Term Illness

B a rb ara P earso n , M.S.N. Assoc. Professor, Senior Seminar, Practitioner Project G ail S hields, B.S.N. Adult and His Family Jenny S tan field , M .N .Sc. Asst. Professor, Nursing of Children

C o rin n e W rig h t, M .N .Sc. Asst. Professor, Adult and His FamilyIndependent Study C o n n ie S u n d e rm a n n , M .N .Sc. Acute Illness M a rth a M cE w en, M .N .Sc. Adult and His Family

V e ro n ic a M c N e irn e y , M .S.N . Assoc. Professor, Acute Illness Ina S w e tn a m , M.A. Assoc. Professor, Maternity Nursing L inda A riail, M .N .S c. Adult and His Family



Jonathan Wolfe President

Russell Pearson Vice-President Linda L. Phillips Secretary-T reasurer

Debbye Hazelwood ASG Representative

Richard L. Lackie ASG Representative

i iW :i James R. Allen

George F. Anderson

Jackie W. Ballard

James E. Ballard

David A. Bintliff

Cordon D. Bolton

Ardell Bozeman

Suzette L. Bridges

Bill R. Caviness

Leslea A. Clark

Mary Ann Conner

Carl S. Duckworth

Mary A. Easterling

Charles A. Eberhardt

Robert E. Curry

James W . Etter

John Carl Griffin

Andrew B. Foster

Kathy E. Grant

David A. Hill

Nancy K. Hixson

Michael G. Horn

Stephen P. Isely

Mary Beth W. Johnson

Sharon C. Keith

Terry J. Keith

Geri D. Laffoon

Brenda C. Lepel

Anita S. McCallum


Daniel McCutchen

Michael L. Martin

Les Moll

Tommy L. Morgan

Wendell Patterson

lames Peeler

S' Sharon L. Morris

f. ' Hugh Perkins

Rebecca L. Pride

Mark Riley

Creig Roberts

Mary E. Robison

Stanley A. Rowlett

Alvin Simmons

Glenn Simmons

Leah States

Jo Nannette Stiles

Mark Tisdale

Cynthia A. Ward

Cynthia Westbrook

Rocky Wicker

Connie A. Widner

Donald F. W illiams

Frank Williams

Charles Wilson

Earnest H. Wilson



m : Ik,


David Cobb, Little Rock President

Muncy Zuber, North Little Rock Vice-President Frances Brown, Forrest City ASG Representative

Kathy Fowler, Jonesboro Secretary-Treasurer Kenneth M. Thompson, Van Buren ASG Representative

Ann Allison, Morrilton

Alan Dale Baker, Stamps

Jackie Beene, El Dorado

Larry Allison, Sheridan

Mark Attwood, Rison

Jerry Bangs, Booneville

Vince A. Bari, Marion

Danny Beham, Mulberry

George Beyerlein, Morrilton

Danny DePriest, Heber Springs

Gary Dipboye, Van Buren.

Joe Durmon, Fordyce

Kim Fifer, Huntsville

)oe Gault, McRae

Michael Hambuchen, Conway

Donald Hedden, Batesville

Fred Goodman, Lake Village

Tim Hale, Little Rock

lames Harbin, Walnut Ridge

James T. Harp, Amity

Robert Hodges, Little Rock

Dennis House, Bono

Jeff Jefferies, North Little Rock

Adlai Johnson, Arkadelphia

Mike Magee, M cCehee

Frederick Manuel, Pine Bluff

Debora Moore, Jacksonville

Ray Mounts, Dierks

Cathy Magee, Alpena

Michael Mays, Wynne

Charles Orrell, Green Forest

Craig Oswalt, Conway

Jeff Patterman, Lamar

Hugh Provost, Pine Bluff

Bobby Sandage, Little Rock

Frank Schmidt, Pocahontas

Kenneth Seiter, Ft. Smith

Tommy Shaw, Atkins

Donald Smith, Ft. Smith

Ronald Smith, Ft. Smith

Frank Smith, Winchester, Tenn.

John Summers, Fordyce

Sharon Thomas, Grady

John Tipton, El Dorado

Troy Vines, Grubbs

Gail Walker, Stuttgart

Steve Walker, Malvern

James Watson, North Little Rock

Pat Weber, Magnolia


Doug W ilkins, Mulberry

Ronald W illiams, Little Rock

Jerry Woods, Hackett


Stanley G. Mittelstaedt Dean, School of Pharmacy — Northwest Nazarene College, B.A. in Education; State University of Washington, B.S., P h .C , M.S. in Pharmacy; Purdue University, Ph.D.

James R. M cCowan Assistant Dean, School of Pharmacy — University of Colorado, B.S., M.S.; University of Florida Ph.D.

Lynn Robinson Registrar and Assistant to the Dean




A. Nelson Voldeng, Ph.D. Professor and Chairman

T. S. Grosicki, Ph.D. Professor

Fred L. Underwood, Ph.D. Asst. Professor

K. Richard Knoll, M.S. Asst. Professor

Lloyd R. Thompson, B.S. Instructor


Danny L. Lattin, Ph.D. Asst. Professor

p H A R M A C E U T I C S

Gene D. Pynes, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor

Otto Wenk Storeroom Supervisor


Marcus W. Jordin, Ph.D. Professor and Chairman

C. Allen Bradley, Ph.D. Professor

John David Gannaway, B.S. Instructor

David K. Fowlkes, B.S. Instructor


James E. Dusenberry, Ph. Professor

C. E. Breckinridge, Ph.D. Professor

W alter). Morrison, Ph.D. Professor and Chairman

Bill J. Kerr, M.S. Asst. Professor


I Albert W. Kossler, M.S. Asst. Professor

Gloria Baldridge, B.S. Asst. Professor

Bill Dorsey, M.S. Asst. Professor

Jo Ellen Austin, M.S. Instructor

David Sharp, B.S. Instructor

Louise Pope, B.S. Instructor

Ray Webb, B.S. Instructor

Ralph Brown, B.S. Instructor

Charles Campbell, B.S. Instructor

W. T. Garrett, B.S. Instructor

W. A. Austin, B.S. Instructor

Don, your loan just came through — all $23 of it!

Friends and lovers?

Hey! There's a roach in your beer!

Jim, aim a little lower — that's the third car you've hit today!

If What kind of Dumb-ass question can I ask Bradley today???

David, we have got to stop meeting like this.

A hard day at the office.

Buzzard got to poty.

JU Mom, is that you?

Gaaaaa! Gish? F_______!

Rocky kills another one!

How would you like to see the prescription department after hours?

W ell, ya see I've got this problem and well ugh

Sharon! "H ow ya doin!"



Summers, are you sure we need ejaculate for this part of the exper­ iment?

The "Wildman"

■ ’ rsR*'— ■ '! ........... .


t No Don. 1 don't think they will let you wear it to class.

G ee guys lets do it again.


School of Dental Hygiene

C linic: Where we live and learn.

Class of '75


Karen Boultinghouse Little Rock

Connie Buckingham Cabot

Stephanie Columbus Hot Springs

Jan Davis Fort Smith

Sherry DeClerk North Little Rock

Sandy DePriest Little Rock

Kelly Dunaway Conway

Debbie Grimes North Little Rock




• Kathy Highfill Little Rock

Vicki H. Hobbs Benton

Debbie Hudson Little Rock

% â– Ginger Jackson Strong

Lacing up their rollerskates: seniors' skatingparty for the juniors is becoming tradition. Dr. Nelms directs Diana in cutting a cavity preparation in an extracted tooth.

Robin Kelone Little Rock

Kathy Kennedy Little Rock

Peggy Martin Harrison

Diana Mykiebust Little Rock


/ Cheryl Smith Springdale

Mary Louise Newcomb Benton

Yeth, Vickie, but are you thure thith will cure the hiccupth?

Cindy Stover Little Rock

Cathy Sibley Helena

Rita and Debbie emphasize a careful oral inspection in their table clinic at the state dental convention.

.â– iL 'l- V r /C f l i V Rita Sisson North Little Rock

Officers: President Karen Boultinghouse Vice-President Debbie Hudson Secretary-T reasu rer Gerry Yarbrough Historian Kelly Dunaway

Not pictured: Marcia Albaugh Not Springs Ellen Ahrens Yellville Gerry Yarbrough Little Rock Becky Ward Fayetteville

i i r Beverly Webb Crossed


Susan Willems Mountain Home

Arlene Wingfield Little Rock

Susan Wooley Stamps


Mrs. Debbie Brooks

Mrs. Dyan Braden

Mrs. Polly Styers


Class of '76

Betsy Beene Little Rock

Vickie Caldwell Brinkley

Lisa Dawn Bogan Fort Smith

Lynne Bohannan Fayetteville

Mary Ann Brooks Ftot Springs

Marilyn Kaye Burton Fort Smith

Diane Lee Christian Hot Springs

m. Mary Lisa Cone Malvern

Marsha Lynn Donathan Hot Springs

Charlotte June Eaves Little Rock

O h, we spend a lot of time together, but we're just friends.

Becky Freeman West Memphis

And sometimes things seem like they're closing in on you.


Yes, this is an X-ray and those are teeth.

Rita Carol Harrison North Little Rock

Debbie Lynn Johnson Bentonville

Kristy Kauffman Fordyce

Linda Lusk El Dorado

Martha Carol Patton Searcy

Kathy Pender Foreman

Alisa Poe Harrison

Molly Smith Little Rock

Kathryn Stephens Rogers

Sherry Sullivan Little Rock

Debbie Ward Glen wood

Jerrie Beth Wilson Lonoke

pw He may not be good-looking, but he sure is cooperative.

Not pictured: Debbie Ashcraft North Little Rock Carol Gene Drummond Arkadelphia Janie Crier Bella Vista Val O liver Fort Smith Pamela Sue Vandagriff North Little Rock Tracy Wilson Little Rock

Officers: President Sherry Sullivan Vice-President Diane Christian Secretary-Treasurer Molly Smith Historian Carol Harrison

Juniors get to practice on each other.


scenes of '75

and through it all, we stick together.


R A D IO LO G IC TEC H N O LO G YS' of 1975 Beverly Bradley

Betty Childress

Betsy Burgin

/ ,r


Rita Henson

Susan Gilbert

Denny Jackson

Linda Khoury

Elizabeth Lewis

Dwayne M cCain

Paula M cClellan

Bobby McClendon

Shelia Upton


Terry Apple

Jean Archer

Artie Dutcher

Janice Finch

Becky Davenport

Terry Dobson

Cindy Hatcher


C ary Meshell

Leslie Reed

Mary Robertson

Terry Swift

CLASS of 1976 Ann Strickland Perry Veach




t V-

Angelic Sanders


Lori Sanders

Betty Smoot


Glenn V. Dalrymple, M.D. Professor

Sandy Rubin, M.D. Assistant Professor

Helen Matthews BSRT Graduate Technical Director

W illiam E. Bailey M.S. Technical Director

Judith M. Garner R.T. Instructor

Melissa Payton R.T. Clinical Instructor

Mary K. Smith R.T. Instructor

Queeny Jo Young Instructor


Operating Room TECH .

Dave Keith Connie Mullis Kenneth Sims

Susan Fleetwood

Cindy House


Jane Weston

Randy Clayton


Nancy Elliott

Virginia Lorfing


Lois Hofstra

\ Louisa Griffin

Charles Miller Instructor



Dr. Glen Dalyrymple


Willis Agnew Lawrence Braden Charles Howard Robin Mulligan


Students Georgia Cornelius Allen Fleming Clifton Gregory Freddie Jackson Robert Phelps Kenneth Reagan John Thomas Gilbert Weisser Kenneth Woodall


Karen Belcher Betti Blevins

Ernestine Boston Cindy Brickley

Manita Burns Lesa Cornelius


Karen Hendricks Susan Horn

Barbara Johnson Montine McDaniel

Kaye McDowell Karen Morman


Pat Roach Glenda Smith

Sally Stallcup Karen Stephenson

Harriett Tooke






C l^ e A N IZ A T IC M jr

CAIDHJCEIJl JTtS Donna Zahniser Editor-in-Chief

Don Smith Business Manager

Michael Yelich Photographer

Eddie Reddick Photographer

Ken Murphy Jr. Med. Editor


Hayden Hucke Soph. Med. Editor

Steve Long Fresh. Med. Editor

Paul M cAninch Grad. Sch. Editor

Ginger Crane Nursing Editor

Jack Beene Pharm. Editor

Bug, off, Cat! You're messing up my layout!

Kelly Dunaway Dent. Hyg. Editor

Shiela Upton Rad. Tech. Editor

Vickie Garrison O R Tech. Editor

Susan Heckwood Resp. Ther. Editor



Fred Heinemann President

Bob Choate Vice President

Donna Zahniser Secretary-Treasurer

G R A D U A TE STU D EN T ASSOCIATION Front Row (L to R): Sandra Burchett, President; Charlotte Shideler, Secretary. Back Row (L to R): Paul Robinson, Vice President; Dennis Co, Trea­ surer.


Front Row (L to R): Gail Walker, Chapter Coordinator; Fran Brown, Recording Secretary. Back Row (L to R): Kathy Fowler, Treasurer; Fred Goodman, President; Ann Allison, Corresponding Secretary; Debbie Moore, Historian. (Not Pictured): Tim Hale, Vice President.


Front Row (L to R); Hope Hartz, 2nd Vice-Pres.; Kathy Sharer, Pres.; Deann Morgan, 1st VicePres. Back Row (L to R): Robbie Goodwin, Rec. Sec.; Martha Hud­ son, Corr. Sec.; Harriet Harty, Tres.



U '

(L to R): Sidney Dent, Social Chairman-Tres.; Janet Hale, Communica­ tions Chairman; Kathy Latimer, Faculty Liason; Sharon Bourne, Pres. (Not Pictured): Celeste Herr, Little Sister Liason.

v T

/:# s



Zl) 'f

T h e Stu den t ^National L^Hedical JTlssociation

-&/ <C

founded 1^6^

Dr. Edith Irby Jones Chapter

Front Row (L to R): Lafaye Bentley, Sec.; Anes Abraham, Vice-Pres.; Beverly Lewis, Linda McDade, Ethel Moore. Back Row (L to R): Robert Abraham, Rufus Thrower, Jr., Tres.; Myles Howard, Thomas Wimbush, Jr.; Paul Smith, Pres.; Robert Harris, Herman Ferrell.





U N IV E R S IT Y O F A R K A N S A S M E D IC A L C E K T E R . L I T T L E R O C K . A R K .

Steve Kramer Business Manager

SCH O O L OF M EDICINE STU D EN TC O U N C IL Front: Bob Holder, Tres.; Kathy Latimer, Pres. Back: Charles Barg, Vice-Pres.; Dick Jacobs, Sec.



ALPH A OM EGA ALPHA Alpha Omega Alpha is an honorary medical fraternity comprised of three classes of members: (1) Undergraduate membership based entirely upon scholarship, personal honesty, and potential leadership; (2) Alumni and Faculty membership granted for distinctive achievements in the art and practice of scientific medicine; and (3) Honorary membership awarded to eminent leaders in medicine and allied sciences.

lames Arkins

Cathleen Burgess

James Clark

John Crabtree

Robert Craig

Roy Goodart

Michael Hightower

Richard Hinkle

Eugene Jones

Charles Mabry

Robert McKinney

John Russell

William Tucker

Bruce Waldon


1975 MED DAMES Officers Seated (L to R): Charmaine Worley, His­ torian; Kaye Poole, Regional Coordinator; Gayle Webb, Pres.; Rosamond Crawley, Tres.; Coleen Barger, Parliamentarian. Standing (L to R): Betsy Baker, Vice-Pres.; Pat Parker, Recording Sec.; Jan Rogers, Corr. Sec.; Betsy Dudding, 2nd Vice-Pres.

Freshman Wives Seated (Lto R); B. Clawser, R. DeRossitt, M. McCrary, j. Hilburn, B. Blackburn, L. Patterson, D. Chudleigh. Standing (L to R): L. B. Knight, D. J. Pennington, j. Lack, B. Mittelstaedt, L. Colton, A. J. Wyatt, M. Taylor, j. Bryant. Junior Wives Kneeling (L to R): L. Barg, P. Whaley, J. Erby, C. Benton, G. Bans, B. Dudding. Seated (L to R): J. McCarty, L. L. Baier, M. France, J. Rogers, S. Murphy, C. Worley, C. Gordon, P. Halston, P. Barnett. Standing (L to R): S. Van Dyke, C. Kyle, D. Rogers, N. Roberts, V. Metrailer, M. Gilbert, P. Flournoy, D. LeNarz, S. Cranford, B. Baker, V. Bradsher, C. Barger, P. Parker, B. Gardner, L. Fitzpatrick, B. lansen.

Sophomore Wives Seated (L to R): C. Gibbs, S. Thomas, P. Melton, P. Hodges, M. Venable. Standing (L to R): P. Jacobs, V. Cheshier, A. Berry, L. Q. Saunders, M. How­ ard.

Senior Wives Seated (L to R): T. Reddick, S. Tucker, L. Mabry, M. Meyer, G. Webb, D. Cain. Standing (L to R): A. Goodart, R. Crowley, K. Poole, S. Arthur.


Officers Seated (L to R): Mary Kay Weber, Pres.; Meredith Brown, Vice-Pres. Standing: Susan Brown足 ing, Parliamentarian, Carla Harp, Reporter; Brenda Riley, Corr. Sec.; Janice Williams, Historian. (Not Pic足 tured): Carolyn Hodges, Sec.; Donna Wilkins, Tres. Freshman Wives Seated (L to R): S. Browning, j. W il足 liams. Standing: W. Curry, L. A. Bullard, R. Bintliff, B. Riley.

Senior Wives Seated (L to R): S. Vines, M. K. Weber, M. Brown. Standing: J. Fifer, C. Bari, Sally McCowan, Spon足 sor, C. Harp, P. Smith, H. Seiter.


Kneeling (L to R); Bill Kerr, Faculty Advisor, Fred Goodm an, Mike Thompson, Kim Fifer, M uncy Zuber. Standing (L to R); Frank Smith, Karen Cooper, Debbie Moore, Toni Bari, Troy Vines, Jeff Patterman.


(L to R): Randy Mounts, Chaplain; Mike Hambuchen, Pres.; Mark Attwood, Vice-Pres.; Hugh Provost, Tres.; Charlie Brown, Sec.; Muncy Zuber, Sgt. at Arms; Kim Fifer, Historian. Kneeling (L to R); R. Mounts, T. Bari, K. Fifer, M. Zuber, L, Allison, C. Orrell, F. Goodman, M. FHambuchen. Standing: j. Durmon, J. Jeffries, R. Hodges, H. Provost, M. Attwood, S. Hedden, C. Brown, M. Riley, Pledge.

Pledges Kneeling (L to R): F. Williams, D. McCutchen, T. Morgan, M. Horn, J. Etter. Standing: G. Roberts, C. Wilson, R. Curry, D. Blintliff, J. Ballard.

Front Row (L to R): J. Summers, T. Shaw, D. Smith, J. Watson. Back Row; J. Patterman, T. Vines, A. Baker, M. Magee, K. R. Knoll, Faculty Advisor.

PHI DELTA CHI Front Row (L to R): S. Rowlett, A. Foster, F. Browning, J. Grif­ fin, T. Keith, M. Tisdale, R. Pearson, M. Martin, R. Wicker. Back Row: A. Bozeman, R. Lackie, H. W ilson, S. Duckworth, J. Peeler, S. Isley, G. Simmons.

Front Row (L to R); G. Dipboye, J. Harbin, D. DePriest, J. Patterman, J. Summers, T. Shaw, J. Watson, M. Magee, M. Mays. Back Row: A. Baker, R. Manuel, J. Beene, F. Schmidt, M. Thompson, T. Vines, T. Burton, D. Smith, D. Benham, B. Sandage, J. Harp, D. Wilkins, K. Richard Knoll, Faculty Advisor. First Row (L to R): G. Dipboye, J. Beene, D. Smith, T. Shaw, M. Magee, M. Mays, J. Watson, J. Patterman, M. Martin. Second Row; A. Foster, F. Browning, T. Keith, M. Thompson, M. Tisdale, J. Griffin, T. Burton, B. Sandage, A. Baker, R. Pearson, G. Simmons, S. Isley. Third Row: S. Duckworth, J. Summers, D. Grubbs, D. DePriest, A. Bozeman, T. Vines, F. Schmidt, J. Harbin, j. Peeler, R. Manuel, R. Wicker, H. Wilson, j. Harp, D. Benham, D. Wilkins, S. Rowlett.

Officers Kneeling (L KAPPA EPSILON to R): Cathy Magee, Pres.; Debbie Moore, Vice-Pres.; Ann Allison, Social C hairm an; Kathy Fowler, Chaplain. Standing: Karen Cooper, S ec.; Martha Boeckman, Tres.; G loria Bal­ dridge, Faculty Ad^ B Brown, H A Pledge Trainer. Front Row (L to R): L. States, S. Bridges, M. A. Easterling, G. Laffoon, M. A. Conner, R. Pride, S. Morris, F. Brown. Middle Row (L to R): A. Allison, C. Widner, D. Hazelwood, K. Grant, N. Hixson, B. Lepel, M. E. Robison, K. Fowler, C. Magee, D. Moore. Back Row (L to R): C. Ward, M. Boeckman, K. Cooper, L. Phillips, C. Neal, G. Baldridge, Faculty Advisor; S. Keith, L. Clark, G. Walker, J. Fifer, C. Westbrook.


Penni Jacobs Secretary


Suzanne Matthews Residence Hall Manager

Sally Gates, Yolanda House Clerk-Typists

THE ARKANSAS CAD U CEU S CLUB NEEDS AN D WANTS YOU This non-dues-collecting group of Medical School graduates, present and former house-officers, faculty, non­ graduate Arkansas physicians, and other friends of the School exists to support the School of Medicine. But that's not all we do. We have fun, too . . . and we want you back to enjoy class reunions and to participate in Cadaceus Club projects; philanthropic and/or fun.

. . . and eat!

In June we meet .

. and haveourown kind of continuing education.

I •


. . . and pay special tribute.

Mrs. Louis K. Hundley Executive Secretary Room 3U02 Jeff Banks Student Union


All AHEC had to do was say FREE FOOD . . .

Graduation in the cow palace!


Don't come in, I'm nude! Who me, I never pinch redheads, well hardly ever

This IS NOT my fifth donut! What about my sterile technique?


A ?



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;n • ^


^ e ^ in n in i^

I C C A D I L L Y JIM *^Br Pelham Grenville Wodehousel


Velva and friends invite you over for some good talk, good food, and good beer.

Union National Bank


of Little Rock 4424 West Markham


"Coldest Beer in Little Rock"


Park Hill Pharmacy

LIMB & BRACE CO. 4606 J F K Boulevard Orthotic & Prosthetic Devices

Vali — Hi Shopper’s Walk North Little Rock, Ark.

3924 West Markham Little Rock, Arkansas


B est W ish es from

Archer Drug Com pany S e rv ic e W h o le sa le D ru g g ists 214

107 Ea.st M ark h am L ittle Rock, A rkansas

Wm. T. Stover Co., Inc. 7511 Scott Hamilton Drive LO 2-3340

■-'r .

Little Rock. Arkansas


Congratulations And Best Wishes To The

1975 Graduating Class Stover’s—Your Complete Source Of Supply W e have enjoyed serving you the past five years, and would like to continue serving you In the future.

Call on Stover’s—Service Second To None

BLACK ANGUS “ for easy eating” Markham and Van Buren 6 6 6 - 0 ! 51 Featuring C harco al Broiled Flamburger Steak and Other D inners


Wfecare for more Arkansans than anybody. AndweVe proud o f that.

v er y d ebo n air

Blue C ross ■ Blue S hield. of Arkansas

Wh care about people. Arkansas people. Hiding from Horace?


“Whoops! There goes the Johnson family.�

Arkansas Pharmaceutical Association Little Rock, Arkansas Luther Hodge Charles M. West Lowell Mikles John E. Honea Wm. G. Smith

Ain't they sweet!?!

President President-Elect Second Vice-President Treasurer Secretary-Manager

Clarksville Little Rock Booneville Little Rock Little Rock


What Was Intended 1. ulcerative colitis 2. ultimate short stature 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

all-sorts-of colitis alternate short stature

capillary fragility karyotype chromosomal deletion consult designation double-blind study femoral vein erythroblastosis fetalis accelerate phallic phospholipids idiopathic growth hormone recessive trait hirsute inborn error of metabo­ lism 19. hematolog;y


20. intersex 21. labia minora

inner sex lybia minor

22. 23. 24. 25.

myocardial in fart otto analyzer phenonomen preguanatoid

26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

myocardial infarct auto analyzer phenomenon pregnanetriol

pregnanetriol prepubertal somatic siblings slightly ectatic ascend­ ing aorta 31. venous anomaly


What Was Written

capillary ^rtility carrier-type chromosomal delusion conslut desnigation double-lined study efemeral vein erythroblastosis vitalis excellerate fallic forceful lipids geopathic gross hormone grossessive trait hair suit inborn era of metabolism

pregnant trial prepubital sematic siklings slightly ecstatic ascending aorta venus anomaly

Connotation every bowel complaint possible every other patient is below the 3rd percentile sperm in the nulliparous cervix mailman inherited form of psychosis disreputable girl friend becoming less trifling insulated library one difficult to find greasy kid stuff production of a celery bezoar sex-linked tendency to stumble the predominant fats refers to pollution the one responsible for obesity inherited obesity worn with a hair shirt the current subspecialty fad Italian bowling game played for blood mental masturbation prehistoric country in North Africa coronary air embolus German psychiatrist employees of Western Electric resembling potential bird drop­ pings pithy legal case sedative for children refers to Jewish language unhealthy brothers and sisters a lukewarm affair of the heart a pretty girl is like a malady

•9 a





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what's in the cup, Celeste?



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Wm. Alexander, III................................................................................................................. Un. Alabama Med. Ctr. James Arkins......................................................................................................................... John Peter Smith Hospital James Arthur................................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center John T. Baber....................................................................................................................L.A. County; USC Med. Ctr. Wm. L. Berry...............................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Glen T. Blue.......................................................................................................................Methodist Hosp., Memphis Jimmy D. Bonner........................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center James Bost.......................................................................................................................... Tulsa Int. Med. Found. Inc. Sharon Bourne..............................................................................................................Northwestern Univ. Med. Ctr. Mark Bowles................................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center Gerald Boyles................................................................................................................ Univ. Oregon Hosp. & Clinic Allen Brillhart......................................................................................................................San Diego Naval Hospital Cathleen Cobb Burgess............................................................................... Naval Reg. Med. Ctr., Portsmouth, Va. Thomas C a in ............................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med.Center James Campbell..................................................................... U James Clarke................................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med.Center John Crabtree............................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med.Center Robert Craig................................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med.Center Michael Crawley........................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med.Center M. Scott Daniel........................................................................................................................... Pensacola Ed. System Andrew David............................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center John Dedman............................................................................................................................. Un. Ark. Med. Center Steve Edmondson.......................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Herman Ferrell................................................................................................................St. Louis Univ. Group Hosp. John Fisher................................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med.Center Tony Flippin................................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med.Center James Fowler............................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med.Center Robert Fraser................................................................................... Un.Ark Cullen Fuller................................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med.Center George Garrett, Jr........................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med.Center Vincent Gibbert.................................................................................................................................. Un. Calif. (Davis) Eric G oad........................................................................................................................... Un. Minnesota Affil. Hosp. Roy Goodart................................................................................................................................Un. Utah Affil. Hosp. Margaret Grant........................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center Donna Major Graves..................................................................................................................................... (Deferred) James Griffin................................................................................................................Un. Texas Southwestern Hosp. James Grissom............................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center Fred Heinemann............................................................................................................ St. Louis Univ. Group Hosp. William Heroman..................................................................................................................Bethesda Naval Hospital Celeste Herr......................................................................................................................... San Diego Naval Hospital Harlan G. Herr...............................................................................................Naval Reg. Med. Ctr. Portsmouth, Va. Michael Hightower.....................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Wm. Higginbothom....................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Richard Hinkle, Jr............................................................................................................ Baylor Coll, of Med. Hosps. Robert Holder..............................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Cleveland Hood....................................................................................................St. Eliz. Hosp., Youngstown, Ohio Ronald Hughes........................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center James Johnson, Jr.........................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Eugene Jones...............................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Gregory Kaczenski......................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center


Mary Kaczenski.......................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center Clark Kirkman........................................................................................................ Henry Ford Hosp., Detroit, Mich. Charles Klepper.................................................................................................................. Un. Missouri Med. Center Steven Kramer............................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center Jon Krannichfeld......................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center Katherine Latimer.......................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Robert Lowery............................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center Charles Mabry............................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center Carl Magness...............................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Michael Martin................................................................................................................... Naval Hosp. Phil., Penna. John M cAuley.......................................................................................................................... John Peter Smith Hosp. Gorden McCarty, Jr.................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center Gerald McConnon......................................................................................................Un. San Antonio Teach. Hosp. Robert McCrary....................................................................................... Med. Ctr. Hosp., Charleston, So. Carolina Linda McDade............................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center Robert McKinney.................................................................................................................... John Peter Smith Hosp. Charles Mettetal................................................................................................ Oakland Naval Hospital Kelly Meyer......................................................................................................... St. Thomas Hosp., Nashville, Tenn. Everett Moulton, III......................................................................................................... St. Lukes Hosp., Kansas City Gary Neaville.......................................................................................................................St. John's Hosp., St. Louis Douglas Parker, Jr............................................................................................. Un. Texas Southwestern Affil. Hosp. Charles E. Phillips.......................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Ruth Polk.......................................................................................................... Confederate Mem. Hosp., Shreveport Marvin L. Poole.......................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center Roger Porter....................................................................................................... Scott & White Mem., Temple, Texas Jerry Puckett................................................................................................................................. Un. Ark. Med. Center John Ransom, Jr............................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center Eddie Reddick.....................................................................................................St. Thomas Hosp., Nashville, Tenn. Michael Reid....................................................................................... Brooke Army Med. Ctr., San Antonio, Texas Stanley Reyenga......................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center Peyton Rice................................................................................................ Confederate Mem. Med. Ctr., Shreveport John Rinde..................................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center Gary Russell..................................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center John Russell...................................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Richard Sanders............................................................................................................... Touro Infirm., New Orleans Linda Sidwell...............................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Gary Smith............................................................................................................................Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Miss. Michael Smith.............................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Paul Smith....................................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Lewis Thompson, III...................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Samuel Thompson...................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center Phillip Tracy................................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center Glenn Tripp.............................................................................................. Letterman Army Med. Ctr., San Francisco William Tucker............................................................................................................................Un. Ark. Med. Center Joe Turnbow........................................................................................................................ Presby. Med. Ctr., Denver Gary Villines................................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center Gene Waldon.............................................................................................................................. Un. Ark. Med. Center William W assell........................................................................................................................ (unknown at this time) Robert Webb........................................................................................................No. Carolina Bapt., Winston-Salem Michael Westbrook.................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center Robert Williams.........................................................................................................................Un. Missouri Med. Ctr. Vern Ann Williams..................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center Robert Williamson...................................................................................................................... Un. Ark. Med. Center William Young............................................................................................................................ Un. Ark. Med. Center Donna Zahniser............................................................................................................... L.A. County, USC Med. Ctr.


M e y e r F lo ris t N o . 2 3314 West Roosevelt Little Rock, Arkansas 72204

“Would you please rephrase that in the form of a multiple-choice question?"

Runner-up: Comer of the Year


ANSWERS TO SR. MED STU D EN T BABY Q U IZ V i* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ‘15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

John Ransom Doug Parker Ruth Polk Scott Daniel Bob Fraser John McAuley Mitch Heroman Jim Bost Charles Mabry Glen Tripp Darrell Bonner John Rinde Richard Hinkle Paul Smith Jim Grissom Tyler Baber Eddie Reddick Phil Tracy Gary Villines Jim Griffin Jim Clark Jim Johnson Clark Kirkman Kathy Latimer Mike Hightower

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

Celeste Herr Jim Campbell Ted Mettatal Chuck Klepper Tom Cain Stan Reyenga George Garrett, Jr. Everett Tucker, Jr. Jim Fowler Mike Martin Skip Berry Linda McDade George Herr Bruce Waldon Bob Craig Rob Lowery Mike Crawley Bob Webb Dale Fuller John Dedman Gary Smith Roy Goodart Steve Edmondson Donna Graves

50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73.

Robert McKinney Mike Reid Andrew David John Crabtree Glen Blue Kit Moulton III Eddie Phillips C. R. Magness Joe Turnbow Mike Smith Vern Ann Williams Fred Heinemann Greg Kaczenski Jerry Puckett Linda Sidwell Wm. Higginbothm, Jr. Lou Poole Bob Holder Gary Neaville Mike Westbrook Jim Arkins Peyton Rice Cathy Burgess Jon Krannichfeld


‘T h ere goes your light bulb thief.'*

UAMC foul-up number 3,642

€h h


5114 K a v a n a u g h Little Rock, A rka n sas 72207 Phone: 663-4118

"My examination shows that you've been caressed by more than sun and ocean breezes."



Ben Mannis, M.D. Robert Carnahan, M.D. Everett McClintock, M.D. Dola Thompson, M.D. A. J. Baker, M.D. Martha Brown, M.D. John Hall, M.D. A. R. Clowney, M.D. Driver Rowland, M.D. John Wright, M.D. James Dunbar, M.D. H. King Wade, Jr., M.D. David Williams, M.D. R. H. Nunnally, M.D. W. Sexton Lewis, M.D. Harold Langston, M.D. E. K. Clardy, M.D. Edwin Gray, M.D. M. D. McClain, M.D. Gardner Landers, M.D. John Delamore, M.D. Gordon Holt, M.D. Elliss Gardner, M.D. Jack Royal, M.D. Jack Harrison, M.D. James Hagler, M.D. Ernest Hartmann, M.D. Haynes Jackson, M.D. Preston Hathcock John Dodson, M.D. George Fotioo, M.D. Renie Bressinck, M.D. Asa Crow, M.D. John Dedman, Jr., M.D. Harry Hayes, Jr., M.D. Roy Harrison, M.D. Richard Bellas, M.D. Little Rock Dermatology Clinic Richard Burns, M.D. M. A. Jackson, M.D. Harold "Bud" Purdy, M.D. C. Lewis Hyatt, M.D. G. G. Graham, M.D. J. O. Porter, M.D. Douglas Young, M.D. Margaret Beasley, M.D. Tom Beasley, M.D. Clark Baker, M.D. F. Hampton Roy, M.D. Raymond Biondo, M.D. Higinio Alvarez, M.D. Allan Pirnique, M.D. John Wesson, M.D.

Millard Black, M.D. Noel Ferguson, M.D. Fay Boozman, M.D. J. Travis Crews, M.D. J. Albert Johnson, M.D. & wife Sue Coburn S. Howell, Jr., M.D. John Wells, M.D. Springdale Clinic Benjamin Highman, M.D. Davis W. Goldstein, M.D. Ralph Downs, M.D. John Allen, Jr., M.D. Drs. Webb & Utley Fayetteville Diagnostic Clinic Nathan Poff, M.D. Joseph Bates, M.D. W. C. Whaley, M.D. Paul Wallick, M.D. Sammons, Hill, and Meek, P.A. Joe Daugherty, M.D. William Hill, M.D. Johnston Lee Allergy Clinic, P.A. H. B. Oldham, M.D. Drs. Ludwig, Fielder & Bevans J. W. Burnett, M.D. J. Schuler McKinney, M.D. Family Clinic, Ltd. Grant County Clinic, P.A. George Regnier, M.D. Julian Fairley, M.D. Arkansas Psychiatric Clinic Professional Association Carl Beck, M.D. Drs. Gladden & Willians, P.A. Frodo Baggins & Olaf of Olorin Gandolf Radiology Consultants J. Wayne Buckley, M.D. Lloyd Langston, M.D. William Galloway, M.D. Alan Cazort, M.D. B. Richard Johnson, M.D. J. M. Robinette, M.D. Paul Grey, M.D. S. Wright Hawkins Ronald Bracken, M.D. Arkansas Allergy Clinic Lynn Harris, M.D. Lowell Harris, M.D. L. R. Darden, M.D. Thomas Bruce, M.D. J. E. Boger, M.D. Drs. Wortham, Moore, Fewell & Raney A. J. Brizzolara, M.D.


As yearbook advisor, I have to tell you No, the ASG said no more money for something as insignificant as the Caduceus.

Are you sure this is how you do a sigmoidos­ copy?



There are many forms of phallic symbols. I'll give you 5 sec. to call me CHAIRMAN, Dr. Riser . . .

I did TOO wash my hands!

Congratulations and Welcome to the CLASS OF 1975 School of Medicine from The Arkansas Caduceus Club Medical Alumni of The University of Arkansas


I :

Asa A. Crow, M.D. '61 Paragould, Arkansas President — 1974-75 You are now members of The Arkansas Caduceus Club, an organization of graduates, present and former houseofficers, faculty, and friends of the School of Medicine. Organized October 4, 1969, the club serves to strengthen the tie between the School and its members. Mrs. Louis K. Hundley, Executive Secretary Box 114 University of Arkansas Medical Center Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

A Tribute to the Versatility of the Medico Editor!

G u n n e ls-F ie ld s United in AAarriage

"How would you like no more long hours, no emergency calls in the middle of the night and all the time off you want?”


Janice J. Gunnels and Branch T. Fields were joined in matrimony at St. Streptococcus Cathedral here in Little Rock. The bride wore a white floor length lab coat, trimnhed in Burdick EKG paper. A hat ac­ cented with tertiary respiratory bronchioles adorned her head. A bouquet of main stem bronchi accented by budding gomoblasts completed her ensemble. The bride was hastily given away by Joe Bates M.D. (Mad Dog). M. E. McNabb was the best man. The reception following the ceremony was held in the MICU of the Veteran’s Hospital. The oc­ casion featured inspired readings of excerpts from Harrison’s Textbook of Medicine by the Medicine House staff. A pause for mental contemplation of therapeutics regimines was led by King Arthur Haut, followed by a stimulating dissertation by Fast Freddy Faas on: “The Synthesis of 2, 3 Diphosphelio - glycerol estersase and commuted fractions in the Albanian rat mitochon­ drion.’’ The Surgery Department fur­ ther continued the evening’s en­ tertainment by doing a surprise radical gastoesophagocholedoc hoenteropancreatectomy and a one stage pharyngorecto-plasty on a nearby unsuspecting guest. The operation featured a virtuoso scapel solo by W. F. Caldwell, accompanied by Kent (Jethro Bodine) Westbrook on hemostat, G. Doyne Williams on Deaver retractor and Dola Thompson providing nitrous and Ethrane in the background. The OB-Gyn Department en­ tertained the bride and groom with C-hysterectomy performed under vocal anaesthesia. (Closure of the incision featured Dave (Black Bart) Barclay and Dennis (Mr. Compassion) Black suturing with No. 2 shoestring. At the height of the evening’s events, a huge wedding cake, in the shape of a Diplococcus was wheeled in and Etob Abernathy leaped out, clothed only in pages of the most recent Annals of Internal Medicine. Background music was provided by a combined orchestra of Medical Center staff. John Red­ man played the 5 string Foley with Alice Beard on the neonatal in­ cubator, John Pauly and John Bowker doubling on bones and John Whitney on Jack Daniels.

232 "Now let’s have none of this nonsense, Mr. Peters!"

T h e b r i d e a n d g r o o m w ill h o n e y m o o n a t th e B o o n e v ille T .B . S a n a to r iu m fo r a w e e k . T h e y w ill ■e b oth

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