1978 Caduceus

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University of Arkansas For Medical Sciences Little Rock, Arkansas




Sorry, Dr. Ackerman, but I just got another date.

You say you've never tried Red Snapper?

Thirty-six w eeks of Biometry? Sure, Bozo.


V The Cysto Kid

If 1 keep a low profile, they'll still think Tm in Brazil.


Area Health Education Centers

Roger B. Bost, M.D., Executive Director

The Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Program is designed to provide education and clinical training opportunities for medical and other health profession students, and formal residency training for medical communities over the state. The program is now in its fourth year, with AHECs in the following locations: El Dorado, Fayetteville-Springdale, Fort Sm ith,Jonesboro, Pine Bluff, and Texarkana. The primary goal of the AHEC program is to increase the avail­ ability and improve the quality of primary medical care services to the people of Arkansas, particularly in the areas presently under­ served. In pursuit of this goal, the objectives of the program are 1) affect a better distribution of physicians and other health pro­ fessionals by providing for students education, clinical training, and community orientation experiences in six geographically dis­ persed areas of the state 2) increase the retention of graduates of the College of Medicine for practice in Arkansas by increasing the number of in-state postdoctoral residency positions 3) increase the number of physicians providing primary medical care (Family Prac­ tice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics) in the state through the provi­ sion of high quality postgraduate residency training opportunities in these fields and 4) provide continuing education activity and programs for physicians and other health professionals in practice. Included within each fully developed AHEC are: a faculty of both full-time and part-time (practicing) physicians, community hos­ pitals, an ambulatory family practice teaching center, a medical library, audio visual equipment, lecture and conference rooms, other teaching facilities, and an administrative staff.


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El Dorado

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Warner Brown Hospital, El Dorado

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Union Memorial Hospital, El Dorado

The El Dorado AHEC covers the South Arkansas area, which is defined as Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Columbia, Dallas, Ouachita, and Union Counties. There are two hospitals at El Dorado, one each at Camden, Crossett, Hampton, Eordyce, Magnolia, and Warren. Currently, emphasis is being placed on electives for senior medical students and nurse-practitioner students, junior medical student Preceptorship Program, and continuing education for physicians and nurses. A residency in Internal Medicine is offered as an elective for rotation. Developmental plans are actively under way for establishment of a free-standing Family Practice Residency in El Dorado. Jacob P. Ellis, M.D. is Director of AHEC-El Dorado.

Pine Bluff AHEC-Pine Bluff was established in September, 1973, and since April, 1974, has had successful rotations for UAMS medical students and internal medicine residents. Donald L. Miller, M.D. is director of AHECPine Bluff, with offices located in Jefferson Hospital. The hospital is a 315 bed facility, with a medical staff of 83 physicians. Medical and audiovisual libraries are located in Jefferson Hospital and staffed by UAMS trained librarians. The AHEC-Pine Bluff Family Practice Residency Program is directed by James A. Lindsey, M.D., and first accepted residents July 1, 1977. The Medical Social Work Education Program is directed by Carolyn N. Sanders, ACSW, and offers one year of field training for graduate social work students in conjunction with UALR. (Picture of Hospital on the following color page.)


Fayetteville — Washington Regional Medical Center

Pine Bluff — Jefferson Hospital

El Dorado — Union Memorial Hospital


Washington Regional Medical Center, Fayetteville The Northwest Arkansas AHEC at Fayetteville was established in November, 1974, with the appointment of Lee B, Parker, Jr., M.D. as AHEC Director. In Eebruary, 1975, Dr. James K. Patrick, M.D., was appointed Director of the Family Practice Residency Program which is based in the AHEC at Eayetteville. This program, which began July, 1975, incorporates the facilities of Washington Regional Medical Center, Eayetteville V.A. Hospital, Fayetteville City Hospital, and Springdale Memorial Hospital. Cumulatively these hospitals repre­ sent a total of 692 beds with an average census of 559 patients and 82 physicians who serve on the staff of the program.

Fort Smith

Sparks Regional Medical Center

St. Edward Mercy Medical Center The Eort Smith AHEC, under the directorship of Dr. John R. Williams, provides electives in most of the major specialty and subspecialty areas. The excellence of this experience is due to the quality of the medical community, 165 in number. Sparks Regional Medical Center, which is currently expanding to 681 beds, and St. Edward Mercy Center, which has recently increased it's capacity to 339 beds, demonstrate the progressive nature of the area. The Eamily Practice Program, under the leadership of Dr. David Busby, is now in it s third year with fourteen residents, six second-year and eight first-year.



Craighead Memorial Hospital, Jonesboro

St. Bernard's Hospital, Jonesboro

The Jonesboro AHEC, established in December of 1974 and directed by Robert S. Cohen, M.D., offers elective programs for senior medical students in almost 20 specialty fields. The facilities there include St. Bernard's Hospital, a 240-bed hospital, and Craighead County Memorial Hospital, which are served by 62 physicians. The trade area of over 300,000 persons also benefits from a mental health center which has both in patient and out patient facilities.

T exarkana

Wadley Hospital, Texarkana

St. Michael Hospital, Texarkana

The Texarkana Area Health Education Center was established on August 1, 1975, with James B. Kittrell, M.D., appointed as its director. The AHEC provides elective courses to senior medical students through the facilities of St. Michael Hospital and Wadley Hospital. These hospital facilities represent a total of 526 beds. Other health facilities available to the program include 7 nursing homes, 8 clinics, 1 Crippled Children's Treatment Center, and 1 Mental Health Center. Over 100 physicians are located in the community area.


Selling Future Doctors On Arkansas IJLYTHtVII.1. 1: 2.000



Prapared by Office of Community Medical Affain, Colle9a of Medi cma. UAMSC. Little Rock. AR 72201 (7 30761

Bill North

BurMu o< iht Caniut n of July 1, 1975

Large dots indicate counties visited on bus trips thru November, 1977.

For a community to participate in the Arkansas Practice Opportunities Familiarization program: 1. It must be a medically underserved area as defined by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 2. Local physicians and community leaders must work in the planning of and par­ ticipate in the actual visit. 3. Each community must accept the financial responsibility for meals and such entertainment as they wish to provide. 4. One community in each of the four quadrants of the state will be selected for a visit each year.

the med center




^housekeeping Always




David Pryor Thirty-Ninth Governor State of Arkansas

Dr. Charles Bishop Fifteenth President University of Arkansas


James L. Dennis, M.D. Chancellor University of Arkansas Medical Sciences Campus

Charles T. Prigmore, Ed.D. Vice Chancellor Administration and Academic Coordination


University Administration

Jerome Bork Director of University Relations and Development Mrs. Beverly P. Wood Director of Information Miss Rose Hogan Director, Library

Mrs. Suzanne Mathews Residence Hall Manager Mrs. Marsha D. Miller Internal Auditor Mr. Charles H. White Director, Human Relations

Dr. Marvin A. Martin Executive Assistant to Chancellor Dr. James W. Woods Director, Universal Laboratories and Educational Resources Dr. Harry L. Ackerman Director, Educational Development


University Administration

Mrs. Linda L. Sigle Controller Mr. Jerome D. Blackburn Director, Computer Services

Mr. Darrell F. Walters Vice Chancellor for Administration

M. Clarence D. Procop Bursar Mr. Edward J. Erxleben Purchasing Agent Mr. Raymond D. Bisson Director of Personnel

Mr. Michael L. Dwyer Director, Campus Operations Mr. William J. Davies Director of Physical Plant Mr. Floyd W. Norwood Director of Public Safety


University Hospital Administration Mr. James E. Crank Hospital Administrator

Mr. Donald L. Borchert Assistant Hospital Director Ms. Lois Malkemes, Ph. D. Director of Nursing

Mr. Fred N. Woody Associate Hospital Director Mr. Philip H. Walkley, Jr. Assistant Hospital Director Mr. Donald H. Wilkerson Assistant to the Hospital Director



Administration College of Medicine Thomas A. Bruce, M.D. Dean

Eugene J. Towbin, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Dean for Veterans Affairs Ture W. Schoultz, Ph.D. Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

Roberta A. Monson, M.D. Assistant Dean of Clinical Affairs Robert E. Bowling, Ph.D. Assistant Dean for Admissions George W. Warner Assistant Dean for Administration


Anatomy John E. Pauly, Ph.D. Professor and Chairman


Shirley A. Gilmore, Ph D. Professor Horace N. Marvin, Ph.D. Professor Ervin W. Powell, Ph.D. Professor

Lawrence E. Scheving, Ph.D. Professor Jerome K. Sherman, Ph.D. Professor E Robert Burns, Ph.D. Associate Professor

M. Donald Cave, Ph.D. Associate Professor Edgar A. Lucas, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Robert D. Skinner, Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Mr. Tein Hu Tsai, Instructor Kuo-Chun Liu, Ph.D. Research Instructor


Anesthesiology Dola S. Thompson, M.D. Professor and Chairman


Richard B. Clark, M.D. Professor Noel W. Lawson, M.D. Associate Professor Astride B. Seifen, M.D. Assistant Professor

John A. Brunner, III, M.D. Assistant Professor Carol N. Eason, M.D. Assistant Professor Cheryl D. Friday, M.D. Assistant Professor

Keith E. Ashcraft, M.D. Specialized Year


James S. Clarke, M.D. Third Year Resident Katherine Latimer, M.D Third Year Resident

Douglas M. Rogers, M.D. Second Year Resident Bruce Smith, M.D. Second Year Resident Jerry Panuska, M.D. Second Year Resident


Biochemistry Charles L. Wadkins, Ph.D. Professor aird Chairman


Charles Angel, Ph.D. Professor Manford D. Morris, Ph.D. Professor J. Lydal York, Ph.D. Professor

Donald C. DeLuca, Ph.D. Associate Professor W. Grady Smith, Ph.D. Associate Professor Charles G. Winter, Ph.D. Associate Professor

Yun-Chi Yeh, Ph D. Associate Professor C. Bhuvaneswaran, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Marjorie A. Brewster, Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Rose Mary Cernosek, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Stanley F. Cernosek, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Charles A. Nelson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor


Front Row, 1-r, Bob Donaldson, Millicent Lowe, Becky Young, Dr. James Woods, Phyllis Johnson, Dr. Richard Stull, John Kirby, Ken Michaels; back row, 1-r, Dixie Knight, Maria Schuchardt, Ron Tribell, Bill Gantt, Karen Hamm, Pam Schulz, Marquita Clark, Gary Boerner, Mike Morris, Cindy Momchilov. Not Pictured: Carolyn Ford, Steve Hicks.

Biomedical Communications

Kenneth V. Michaels James W. Woods, Ph.D. Director of Universal Labs and Chief of Photographic Services Educational Resources


Robert C. Donaldson Chief of Instructional Television

Ron Tribell Acting Chief of Medical Illustration

Biometry Robert C. Walls, Ph.D. Professor and Acting Chairman

James H. Meade, Jr., Ph.D. Professor Linda T. Bilheimer, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Carol J. Hogue, Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Carolyn H. Thompson, M.S. Assistant Professor ^

William C. Hunter, M.S. Instructor Mrs. C. A. O'Neal Secretary

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Dermatology G. Thomas Jansen, M.D. Professor and Chairman


W. Madge Honeycutt, M.D. Clinical Professor William N. Jones, M.D. Associate Professor Michael G. Keeran, M.D. Associate Professor

Burton Allan Moore, M.D. Associate Professor Raymond V. Biondo, M.D. Assistant Professor Carl J. Raque, M.D. Assistant Professor

John Carrington, M.D. Third Year Resident George I. Kurita, M.D. Third Year Resident John Abide, M.D. Second Year Resident

Nissan Pilest, M.D. Second Year Resident Thomas Hudson, M.D. First Year Resident Michael Snyder, M.D. First Year Resident


Family Practice Robert E. Nordling, M.D. Professor and Chairman


Ben N. Saltzman, M.D, Associate Professor J. B. Holder, Jr. M.D. Assistant Professor Hope Lehman, M.D. Assistant Professor

James A. Lindsey, M.D. Assistant Professor Linda Markland, M.D. Assistant Professor Donald L. Miller, M.D. Assistant Professor

Lee B. Parker, M.D. Assistant Professor Irving C. Ringdahl, M.D. Assistant Professor Paul P. Rountree, M.D. Assistant Professor

W. Doyle Waldron, M.D. Assistant Professor Geraldine E. Moore, M.S.W. Instructor


Jerry Biggerstaff, M.D. Third Year Resident Michael Crawley, M.D. Third Year Resident Robert Fry, M.D. Third Year Resident

Jim Hill, M.D. Third Year Resident Jon Krannichfeld, M.D. Third Year Resident Richard Ridlon, M.D. Third Year Resident

Glenn Sears, M.D. Third Year Resident Les Tingle, M.D. Third Year Resident Phillip Tracy, M.D. Third Year Resident


Tommy Crunk, M.D. Second Year Resident David Daniels, M.D. Second Year Resident Kent Davidson, M.D. Second Year Resident

Andrew Jansen, M.D. Second Year Resident David Garrett, M.D. Second Year Resident Richard King. M.D. First Year Resident

Pham H. Liem, M.D. First Year Resident Kirk Riley, M.D. First Year Resident Jack Somers, M.D. First Year Resident


Internal Medicine Peter O. Kohler, M.D. Professor and Chairman



George L. Ackerman, M.D. Professor Joseph H. Bates, M.D. Professor Robert S. Abernathy, M.D. Professor

William Y. W. Au, M.D. Professor Owen W. Beard, M.D. Professor Thomas A. Bruce, M.D. Professor

James E. Doherty, M.D. Professor William J. Flanigan, M.D. Professor ^ J

Arthur Haul, M.D. Professor


Marvin L. Murphy, M.D. Professor William W. Stead, M.D. Professor E. Clinton Texter, M.D. Professor

Roger C. Bone, M.D. Associate Professor W. Jerry Carter, M.D. Associate Professor Fred H. Faas, M.D. Associate Professor

Eleanor A. Lipsmeyer, M.D. Associate Professor Fernando Padilla, M.D. Associate Professor Rodney M. Patterson, M.D. Associate Professor


Malcolm B. Pearce, M.D. Associate Professor Louis L. Sanders, M.D. Associate Professor Bill L. Tranum, M.D. Associate Professor

Galen L. Barbour, M.D. Assistant Professor Charles M. Boyd, M.D. Assistant Professor Thomas E. Brewer, M.D. Assistant Professor

K. Chye DÂť>eah, M.D. Assistan ifessor Neil D. B. de Soyza, M.D. Assistant Professor Branch T. Fields Assistant Professor


Geroge A. Griggs, M.D. Assistant Professor Janice ]. Gunnels, M.D. Assistant Professor F. Charles Hiller, M.D. Assistant Professor

Erner Jones, M.D. Assistant Professor James J. Kane, Jr., M.D. Assistant Professor Ali Mansouri, M.D. Assistant Professor

Eugene McNabb, M.D. Assistant Professor Roberta A. Monson, M.D. Assistant Professor Charles M. Nolan, M.D. Assistant Professor


James R. Phillips, M.D. Assistant Professor Shiva P. Rastogi, M.D. Assistant Professor Mary K. Richards, M.D. Assistant Professor

Jerome Rosenfeld, M.S. Assistant Professor Karl David Straub, M.D. Assistant Professor Naomi. S. Jayasundera, M.D. Instructor

Noriouyoshi Nagai, M.D. Instructor John W. Watson, M.D. Instructor William A. Deneke, M.D. Fellow II


Michael G. Futrell, M.D. Fellow II Charles W. Inlow, M.D. Fellow II C. Don Greenway, M.D. Fellow II Harry J. Jordan, M.D. Fellow II

Bobby E. Cogburn, M.D. Fellow II Michael G. Mackey, M.D. Fellow II Frank ]. Wilson, M.D. Fellow II James A. S. Haisten, M.D. Fellow I

Mary T. Slattery, M.D. Fellow I James L. Whittle Fellow I A. Scott Hardin, M.D. Fellow I Richard W. Dunn, M.D. Fellow 1

Ronald D. Hardin, M.D. Fellow I James L. Hargis, M.D. Fellow I Ira B. Gershner, M.D. Resident, Third Year Tommy L. Love, Jr., M.D. Resident, Third Year


Lynn C. Ostenson, M.D. Resident, Third Year Richard C. Ostenson, M.D. Resident, Third Year Bonnie J. Baker, M.D. Resident, Second Year Mark Bowles, M.D. Resident, Second Year

Thomas D. Cain, M.D. Resident, Second Year John D. Dedman, M.D. Resident, Second Year Steven A. Edmondson, M.D. Resident, Second Year Tony A. Flippin, M.D. Resident, Second Year

Michael D. Hightower, M.D. Resident, Second Year Ronald D. Hughes, M.D. Resident, Second Year Eugene M. Jones, M.D. Resident, Second Year Benjamin D. Massey, M.D. Resident, Second Year

Robert F. McCrary, Jr., M.D. Resident, Second Year James G. Pataky, M.D. Resident, Second Year G. Bruce Waldon, M.D. Resident, Second Year Suleiman Ali Al-Mohaya, M.D. Resident, First Year


Luis F. Ardon, M.D. Resident, First Year Charles E. Baier, M.D, Resident, First Year James Bell, M.D. Resident, First Year Dennis W. Berner, M.D. Resident, First Year

Leon R. Blue, M.D. Resident, First Year John S. Holston, M.D. Resident, First Year Stanley L. Kellar, M.D. Resident, First Year Dale P. McGinty, M.D. Resident, First Year

James A. Metrailer, M.D. Resident, First Year Larry D, Stonesifer, M.D. Resident, First Year Robert D. Taylor, M.D. Resident, First Year John M .Tune, M.D. Resident, First Year

Paul D. Wade, M.D. Resident, First Year Mark D. Wewers, M.D. Resident, First Year Richard P, Wheeler, M.D. Resident, First Year Robert B. White, M.D. Resident, First Year


Stephen O. Woodruff, M.D. Resident, First Year Charles R. Burnett, M.D. Intern Steven A. Clift, M.D. Intern James S. Deneke, M.D. Intern

Steven C. Fincher, M.D. Intern James B. Hazlewood, M.D. Intern David C. Hicks, M.D. Intern James M. Hurley, M.D. Intern

Stephen P. Johnson, M.D. Intern Peter M. Marvin, M.D. Intern Thomas O. Pitts, M.D. Intern Robert A. Skinner, M.D. Intern

Billie R. Thomas, M.D. Intern Linda H. Williams, M.D. Intern Louis B. Witonsky, M.D. Intern


Microbiology Almen L. Barron, Ph.D. Professor and Chairman


John B. Barnett, Ph.D. Assistant Professor James J. Daly, Ph.D. Associate Professor Jay H. Menna, Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Roger G. Rank, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Lee S. F. Soderberg, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Robert Bowling, Ph.D. Associate Professor

Robert S. Abernathy, M.D. Professor Paul N. Morgan, Ph.D. Associate Professor Carl E. Duffy, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus

Estelle B. Moses Instructor

Neurology Dennis D. Lucy, M.D. Professor and Chairman


John J. Bornhofen, M.D. Associate Professor Elias G. Chaihub, M.D. Associate Professor Mary Louise Ragsdill, M.D. Assistant Professor

Wandal Money, M.D. Assistant Professor Greg S. Kaczenski, M.D. Second Year Resident Charles Barg, M.D. First Year Resident

Dillard Denson, M.D. First Year Resident




Warren C. Boop, Jr. M.D. Professor

Stevenson Flanigan, M.D. Professor and Chairman

Herman F. Flanigan, M.D. Associate Professor

Paul C. Williams, M.D. Fifth Year Resident

F. Richard Jordan, M.D. Fourth Year Resident

Mario A. Feltes Second Year Resident

Ob-Gyn David L. Barclay, M.D. Professor and Chairman


Toasting the warm glow of cyclical estrogen therapy.

Richard Clark, M.D. Professor


Lee Lee Doyle, Ph.D. Professor

Byron L. Hawks, M.D. Professor

Francisco Batres-Soza, M.D. Instructor

Marsha Howell, M.D. Senior Resident Michael Selby, M.D. Senior Resident C. Dale Fuller, M.D. Senior Resident

William E. Harrison, M.D. Assistant Resident Richard Johnson, M.D. Assistant Resident Steve Kramer, M.D. Assistant Resident

David Wayman, M.D. Assistant Resident Michael Finan, M.D. Junior Resident Alfred Keller, M.D. Junior Resident

Jerry Robertson, M.D. Straight Intern James Tanner, M.D. Straight Intern Robert Young, M.D. Straight Intern


Ophthalmology F. T. Fraunfelder, M.D. Professor and Chairman


Calvin Hanna, Ph.D. Professor R. Sloan Wilson, M.D. Associate Professor R. E. Hardberger, M.D. Assistant Professor James Landers, M.D. Assistant Professor

Gissur Petursson, M.D. Assistant Professor Joe Elliott Smith, M.D. Assistant Professor John G. Watkins, M.D. Assistant Professor Thomas R. Wallace, M.D. Fourth Year Resident

William Jackson Smead, M.D. Fourth Year Resident Richard O. Hendrickson, M.D. Fourth Year Resident John G. Watkins, M.D. Third Year Resident Jan W. Scruggs, M.D. Third Year Resident

Fred J. George, M.D. Third Year Resident Carol W. Chappell Second Year Resident T. David Wilkes, M.D. Second Year Resident Dennis L. Wingfield First Year Resident


Orthopaedics Carl L. Nelson, M.D. Professor and Chairman


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John H. Bowker, M.D. Professor Frederic Rhinelander, M.D. Professor Raymond T. Morrissy, M.D. Assistant Professor Edward R. Weber, M.D. Assistant Professor

Barry M. Rills, M.D. Instructor David T. Sward, M.D. Instructor Michael Gerdes M.D. Third Year Resident Franklin D. Osborne, M.D. Third Year Resident

John Park, M.D. Third Year Resident Michael Weber, M.D. Third Year Resident Terry Green, M.D. Second Year Resident James McCoy, M.D. Second Year Resident

Berry Thompson, M.D. Second Year Resident David Barnett M.D. First Year Resident Patrick Flalpin, M.D. First Year Resident Lee Henderson, M.D. First Year Resident


Otolaryngology James Y. Suen, M.D. Associate Professor and Chairman


Robert Seibert, M.D. Assistant Professor Robert N. McGrew, M.D. Associate Professor Tip C. Nelms, D.D.S. Associate Professor

Kelli Bell, M.A. Instructor Matthew Jackson, M.S.D. Instructor Mohan L. Chaudhuri, M.D. Third Year Resident

Jerry L. Potts, M.D. Third Year Resident Robert D. Craig, M.D. Second Year Resident Jerry H. Puckett, M.D. Second Year Resident


Pathology Sanford I. Roth, M.D. Professor and Chairman


Harold J. White, M.D. Professor Albert E. Kalderon, M.D. Professor Chao Nien Sun, Ph.D. Professor

Carlos A. Araoz, M.D. Associate Professor Rodney Carlton, M.D. Associate Professor Carl K. Uyeda, Ph.D. Associate Professor

Arlis D. Boothe, Ph D. Assistant Professor Charles H. Frith, Ph.D. Assistant Professor William A. Grunow, M.D. Assistant Professor


Robin R. Jones, M.D. Assistant Professor Stephen A. Marx, M.D. Assistant Professor Jerome Rosenfeld, M.S. Assistant Professor

Robert F. Schaefer, M.D. Assistant Professor Ray E. Shenefelt, M.D. Assistant Professor Vernon Anthony Harden, M.D. First Year Resident

David W. Ohrt, M.D. First Year Resident


Pediatrics Robert H. Fiser, Jr., M.D. Professor and Chairman


William T. Dungan, M.D. Professor Vida H. Gordon, M.D. Professor Emeritus Alice G. Beard, M.D. Professor

Daisilee H. Berry, M.D. Professor Roger B. Bost, M.D. Professor Florence Char, M.D. Professor

Joycelyn Elders, M.D. Professor Donald E. Hill, M.D. Professor Betty Ann Lowe, M.D. Professor


Manford D. Morris, Ph.D. Professor Neil H. Sims, M.D. Professor Rosalind S. Abernathy, M.D. Associate Professor

John H. Bornhofen, M.D. Associate Professor Lee B. Chalhub, M.D. Associate Professor Harold A. Decker, M.D. Associate Professor

J. B. Norton, M.D. Associate Professor Heinrich Schedewie, M.D. Associate Professor Robert W. Arrington, M.D. Assistant Professor

Roosevelt Brown, D.D.S. Assistant Professor E. Stevers Golladay, M.D. Assistant Professor Margaret Harrison, M.D. Assistant Professor


Maxine M. Hinton, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Richard I. Readinger, M.D. Assistant Professor Joseph R. Ridky, Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Robert Hughes Warren, M.D. Assistant Professor Arthur R. Euler, M.D. Assistant Professor Victoria L. Herzberg, Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Suzy Schratz, B.S.N. Instructor Richard Nestrud, M.D. Neo-Natology Fellow James Creswell, M.D. Third Year Resident S '" '" '#


hi 86

Morris Kletzel, M.D. Third Year Resident Jarlath J. Mitchell, M.D. Third Year Resident Sam Schultz, M.D. Third Year Resident

Paul L. Smith, M.D. Third Year Resident Vem Ann Williams, M.D. Third Year Resident

John G. Barnhill, M.D. Third Year Resident Helen L. Butler, M.D. Second Year Resident


Edmond Ashcraft, M.D. Second Year Resident Gene France, M.D. Second Year Resident Wayne Herbert, M.D. Second Year Resident

Tom E. Paulus, M.D. Second Year Resident Jack Trotter, M.D. Second Year Resident Steve Whaley, M.D. Second Year Resident

Deborah D. Fawcett, M.D. First Year Resident Richard F. Jacobs, M.D. First Year Resident Warren A. Skaug, M.D. First Year Resident


Pharmacology Ernst Seifen, M.D., Ph.D. Professor and Chairman


'Research Assistant"

William Y. W. Au, M.D. Professor Karl H. Ginzel, M.D. Professor Calvin Hanna, Ph.D. Professor

Daryl D. Christ, Ph.D. Associate Professor Joseph E. Stone, Ph.D. Associate Professor Larry T. Welch, Ph.D. Assistant Professor


Physiology John E. Whitney, Ph.D. Professor and Chairman


Alvin A. Krum, Ph.D. Professor Howard H. Conaway, Ph.D. Associate Professor Thomas I. Koike, Ph.D. Associate Professor

James N. Pasley, Ph.D. Associate Professor Michael A. Griffey, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Donald S. Remmel, Ph.D. Assistant Professor


Psychiatry William G. Reese, M.D. Professor and Chairman


D iv is io n o f A d u lt P sy c h ia try

Robert F. Shannon, M.D. Professor and Head Fred O. Henker, M.D. Professor John L. Delk, Ph.D. Associate Professor Emile P. Eckart, M.D. Associate Professor

Sidney ]. Fields, Ph.D. Associate Professor Robert R. Matthews, M.D. Associate Professor Richard H. Sundermann, M.D. Associate Professor Keong Chye Cheah, M.D. Assistant Professor

R. Harvel Harrison, M.D. Assistant Professor Gregory S. Krulin, M.D. Assistant Professor F. Hope Lehman, M.D. Assistant Professor Mary K. Lewallen, M.S. Assistant Professor

Morris S. Levy, M.D. Assistant Professor Stanton A. McGill, M.S.W. Assistant Professor Claude R. Sutton, M.D. Assistant Professor Kenneth M. Golden, M.S.W. Instructor


Ruth L. Melsheimer, B.S. Instructor David D. Erby, M.D. Third Year Resident David D. Walker, M.D. Third Year Resident

Bob Nesbit, M.D. Second Year Resident Rick Smith, M.D. First Year Resident Terrell Bishop, M.D. First Year Resident

Division of Behavioral Sciences

Roscoe A. Dykman, Ph.D. Professor and Head Oddist D. Murphree, Ph.D. Professor Peggy T. Ackerman, M.A. Research Associate


D iv is io n o f C h ild a n d A d o le sc e n t P sy c h ia try

John E. Peters, M.D. Professor and Head Sam D. Clements, Ph.D. Professor S. Otho Hesterly, Ph.D. Associate Professor Joanna S. Davis, M.S. Assistant Professor

Cleo M. Goolsby, M.S.W. Assistant Professor Alma F. Houston, M.D. Assistant Professor David S. McCray, M.D. Assistant Professor Nicholaus P. Paal, Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Irving C. Ringdahl, M.D. Assistant Professor Patricia L. Youngdahl, M.A. Assistant Professor A. Jane Beazley, M.S.W. Instructor Susie Bryant, M.S. Instructor

Joseph Ferguson, Jr., M.S.W. Instructor Y. Phay Hubbard, M.S.W. Instructor Barbara J. Neal, M.S.W. Instructor Helen Nugent, M.S.W. Instructor


Radiology Ernest J. Ferris, M.D. Professor and Chairman



Banrhard, M.D. Professor

Wilma C. Diner, M.D. Professor John C. Holder, M.D. Assistant Professor

Anthony C. Hooper, M.D. Assistant Professor Louis R. Munos, M.D. Assistant Professor Richard P. Puckett, M.D. Assistant Professor

Sanford A. Rubin, M.D. Associate Professor Joanna J. Seibert, M.D. Associate Professor Phillip L. Smith, M.D. Associate Professor


Robert M. Tirman, M.D. Assistant Professor James Alexander, M.D. Third Year Resident William L. Berry, M.D. Third Year Resident

Dan Morel Riner, M.D. Third Year Resident Jack F. Allison, M.D. Second Year Resident David Liem, M.D. Second Year Resident

David H. Roberts, M.D. Second Year Resident Fayyaz Mirza, M.D. Second Year Resident Mufiz A. Chauhan, M.D. First Year Resident


Rodolpho Lim, M.D. First Year Resident Clinton ]. Fuller, M.D. First Year Resident

Division of Nuclear Medicine

Richard M. Prior, Ph.D. Associate Professor Max L. Baker, Ph.D. Associate Professor A. J. Moss, Jr., Ph.D. Associate Professor

William A. Nagle, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Gopal B. Saha, Ph.D. Assistant Professor James F. Vandergrift, M.D. Assistant Professor


Surgery Gilbert S. Campbell, M.D. Professor and Chairman


Fred T. Caldwell, M.D. Professor Raymond C. Read, M.D. Professor Bernard W. Thompson, M.D. Professor

Ffarry Hayes, Jr., M.D. Clinical Professor G. Doyne Williams, M.D. Associate Professor Kent C. Westbrook, M.D. Associate Professor

Robert E. Casali, M.D. Assistant Professor John B. Weiss, M.D. Assistant Professor E. Stevers Golladay Assistant Professor


Nicholas P. Lang, M.D. Assistant Professor Hugh Burnett, M.D, Thoracic Resident Anibal Hadad, M.D. Fifth Year Post M.D.


Pat Osam, M.D. Fourth Year Post M.D. John Crabtree, M.D. Third Year Post M.D. Charles Mabry, M.D. Third Year Post M.D.

C. R. Magness, M.D. Third Year Post M.D. John Ransom, M.D. Third Year Post M.D. Everett Tucker, M.D. Third Year Post M.D.

John Lambert, M.D. Second Year Post M.D. LeRoy LeNarz, M.D. Second Year Post M.D. Ken Murphy, M.D. Second Year Post M.D.

Charles Watkins, M.D. Second Year Post M.D. John Cone, M.D. First Year Post M.D. Bill Gibbs, M.D. First Year Post M.D.


Urology John F. Redman, M.D. Professor and Chairman


* I


Nabil K. Bissada, M.D. Associate Professor Alex E . Finkbeiner, M.D. Assistant Professor Magdy A. Abdelsayed, M.D. Fifth Year Post M.D.

David L. Harper, M.D. Fifth Year Post M.D. J. Walt Stallings, M.D. Fourth Year Post M.D. W. E. Higginbotham, M.D. Third Year Post M.D.

Edward B. Miedema, M.D. Third Year Post M.D.



C U O)


3 X


£ i





Each year the junior and senior medical students vote to select outstanding residents. The R.O.Y. stands out in their minds as the resident most typifying those qualities one looks for in a fine physician. The S.O.B. stands out in their minds as just what the title implies. These awards are given to recognize the excellence of the R.O.Y. and to whisper in the ear of the S.O.B. that perhaps all is not right.

Ron Hughes, M.D. Medicine

John Rinde, M.D. Medicine



Steve Edmondson, M.D,, Medicine John Park, M.D., Orthopaedics Honorable Mention: Mike Hightower, M.D., Medicine Tony Flippin, M.D., Medicine Mark Bowles, M.D., Medicine


Kathy Stuart, M.D., Medicine Dishonorable Mention: Mike Selby, M.D., Ob-Gyn


The Golden Apple awards are presented each year to the two instructors which we, the medical students of U.A.M .S., feel most exemplify the ideals we look for in our teachers. These awards are not meant to represent a simple popularity contest. We feel that these two men have done more than any others in helping us in a quest to serve our fellow man. They have not only given unselfishly of their time to provide us with the factual tools we will need, but they have stood out as examples of what men can and should be.



Albert E. Kalderon, M.D. Pathology

Roger C. Bone, M.D. Medicine



Michael E. Soulsby, M.D. Physiology

George L. Ackerman, MD., Medicine Honorable Mention: Dr. Robert Abernathy, Medicine Dr. Galen Barbour, Medicine Dr. Charles Nolan, Medicine Dr. Bill Tranum, Medicine




N William G. Barron UA — Fayetteville N. Little Rock, Ark.


G R A D U A T I N G C L A S S no


Susan E. Bates UA — Fayetteville Little Rock, Ark.

John N. Beaton UA — Fayetteville Wynne, Ark. i


James M. Belue Harding Col., Searcy Osceola, Ark.

C. Don Bice UA — Fayetteville Sulphur Rock, Ark.

!c ^ /nh

Terrell P. Bishop, Jr. Ark. Poly. — Russellville Russellville, Ark.


B JL M ^ J^A

Stephen K. Blackburn UA — Fayetteville Heber Springs, Ark.

Linda Hafele Boczar UA — Fayetteville Little Rock, Ark.

Judy E. Borland UA — Fayetteville Benton, Ark.



Carla Anderson Brakhop UA — Fayetteville N. Little Rock, Ark.


, .

Thomas R. Braswell St. Col. Ark. — Conway England, Ark.

Michael W, Bridges Henderson St. Col. Searcy, Ark.


Michael F. Brown UA — Fayetteville Pine Bluff, Ark.

Robert L. Bryant UA — Fayetteville Pine Bluff, Ark.

David A. Buckley UA — Fayetteville Fayetteville, Ark.


Charles B. Buckner UA — Monticello Pine Bluff, Ark.

Joe Lee Buford UA — Fayetteville Briggsville, Ark.

Janice Bunch UA — Fayetteville Little Rock, Ark.


Stanley W. Burleson St. Col. of Ark. — Conway Carlisle, Ark.

Dennis R. Burrow UA — Fayetteville Benton, Ark.

Bruce K. Burton Hendrix Col. — Conway Colt, Ark.


Roger E. Cagle ASU — Jonesboro Leachville, Ark.

William N. Campbell USMA — West Point Little Rock, Ark.

Jerry L. Carter UA — Fayetteville Leachville, Ark.


A1, Z).



Joel D. Carver UA — Fayetteville Mena, Ark.

James P. Chudleigh, Jr, Univ. Texas — Austin Little Rock, Ark.

Robert B. Clark Henderson St. Col. Arkadelphia, Ark.


Samuel M. Clawser, III Univ. of Okla. — Norman N. Little Rock, Ark.

Roy Dale Clemens Okla. St. — Stillwater Siloam Springs, Ark.

/p n >

Pamela K. Cobb Rice Univ. — Houston, Tx. Little Rock, Ark.


r I

Randal! E. Cole UA — Fayetteville Fayetteville, Ark.

C fc

, H A .

Albert Flugh Colton U. of Rochester — N.Y. Little Rock, Ark.

Joel P. Cook UA — Fayetteville Crossett, Ark.


David C. Covey UA — Fayetteville Little Rock, Ark.

Neil E. Crow, Jr. TCU — Ft. Worth, Tx. Fort Smith, Ark.

John L. Daugherty UA — Fayetteville Little Rock, Ark.


Ronald C. Davis UA — Fayetteville Mablevale, Ark.

Lewis S. Deen UA — Fayetteville Blytheville, Ark.

Federico C. de Miranda West Virginia U. — Morgantown Conway, Ark.


(^jijhhjucv d .


James P. DeRossitt, III UA — Fayetteville Forrest City, Ark.



Robert E. Farrow ASU — Jonesboro Jonesboro, Ark.

Charles R. Feild Hendrix Col. — Conway Little Rock, Ark.

CU jl ^



Patrick R. Fields Baylor Univ. — Waco, Tx. N. Little Rock, Ark.

Barre F. Finan ASU — Jonesboro Jonesboro, Ark.

Feaster F. Fitzpatrick, Jr. UA — Fayetteville Fort Smith, Ark.


Karl E. Gerdes UA — Little Rock Little Rock, Ark.

Allan C. Gocio UA — Fayetteville Bentonville, Ark.


Sheryl Ann Grove U. of Okla. Col. of Med. Oklahoma City, Okla.

David Nelson Gwaltney Vanderbilt University Osceola, Ark.

Steven E. Harms UA — Fayetteville Little Rock, Ark.


Joe D. Hester Hendrix Col. — Conway Blytheville, Ark.

, fv i.p .

V I \J-ir


i^ f


James Leon Hilburn Ark. Poly. — Russellville Ozark, Ark.

/^ > 0

Donald F. Hill Southwestern at Memphis, Tn. Russellville, Ark.

/HJ> 127

Danny B. Holt ASU — Jonesboro Pocahontas, Ark.



# f w l '* *ci-^ ?/ ':\H Aniel H. House, Jr. Hendrix Col. — Conway N. Little Rock, Ark.




Anthony N. Hui UA — Fayetteville Fayetteville, Ark.



David W. Hunton UA — Fayetteville Benton, Ark.

Steven W. Hutchins NE La. Univ. — Monroe, La. Little Rock, Ark.



Sharron R. Johnson UA — Fayetteville Carlisle, Ark.

Mark W, Jumper Henderson St. Col. Benton, Ark.



m .b

Michael G. Justus Harding Col. — Searcy Little Rock, Ark.

Paul David Kauffman Southwestern at Memphis, Tn. Pine Bluff, Ark.


Clarence L. Kemp ASU — Jonesboro Mountain Home, Ark.


William C. Kendrick UA — Fayetteville Springdale, Ark.

^ j t M


Michael T. King UA — Fayetteville El Dorado, Ark.

Richard R. Knight UA — Fayetteville Fort Smith, Ark.


Micharl D. Lack ASU — Jonesboro Piggott, Ark. /^ O

Charles S. Lane, III Baylor Univ. — Waco, Tex. Fort Smith, Ark.

Michael J. Lazar UA — Little Rock Helena, Ark.


Richard L. Livingston UA — Little Rock Little Rock, Ark.

Stephen L. Long Ark. Poly. — Russellville Russellville, Ark.

Stephen R. Marks Hendrix Col. — Conway Little Rock, Ark.


Kenneth A. Martin UA — Fayetteville Rison, Ark.

if - J l G. Ihik *0,

Robert E. McAlister Univ. of South Alabama McGehee, Ark.

Richard Bryant McCrary Southwestern at Memphis, Tn. Hot Springs, Ark.


Frank B. McCutcheon, Jr. UA — Fayetteville Fayetteville, Ark.

Judy K. Michaels Univ. of Okla. — Norman N. Little Rock, Ark.

Phillip L. Mizell UA — Fayetteville Benton, Ark.


William F, Moore UA — Fayetteville Crossett, Ark.


U i M x * -

/h. D .

Martha M. Morrison UA — Fayetteville Fayetteville, Ark.

David A. Morton UA — Fayetteville Little Rock, Ark.


David A. Nelsen, Jr. Hendrix Col. — Conway Little Rock, Ark.

Dunkin Afton Nelson Hendrix Col. — Conway Pine Bluff, Ark.

____ ) /f-

Cynthia L. Netherton UA — Fayetteville Maysville, Ark.


James E, Nolen State Col. of Ark. — Conway Conway, Ark.

Michael W. Nycum UA — Little Rock Jacksonville, Ark.

ytiuhti u) -

William E. Owens, Jr. UA — Fayetteville N. Little Rock, Ark.


George G. Patterson U.S. Naval Academy Harrison, Ark.

Kerry F. Pennington UA — Monticello Warren, Ark.

Robert A. Petrino Wake Forest Univ. Van Buren, Ark.


Robert A. Porter, Jr. UA — Fayetteville Blytheville, Ark.

Joel A. Price ASU — Jonesboro Marked Tree, Ark.

Larry S. Price UA — Little Rock Bauxite, Ark.


Danny L. Proffitt ASU — Jonesboro Dyess, Ark.

John R. Reeves Ark. Poly. — Russellville Lonoke, Ark.


Graham M. Reid DA — Fayetteville Sheridan, Ark.

Thomas W. Roberts Ark, Poly. — Russellville Russellville, Ark.

Douglas H. Robinson ASU — Jonesboro Jonesboro, Ark.


William D. Shippen, Jr. Vanderbilt University Osceola, Ark.

Harold K. Short Hendrix Col. — Conway Beebe, Ark.

Sylvia A. Slayden UA — Little Rock Little Rock, Ark.


Lander A, Smith Southern St. Col. — Magnolia Fordyce, Ark.

Theodore F. Smyer UA — Fayetteville Pine Bluff, Ark.

/. /C

Stephen D. Snyder Hendrix Col, — Conway Camden, Ark.


John Alan Solomon Vanderbilt University El Dorado, Ark.

Frederick K. Spies, Jr. UA — Fayetteville Fayetteville, Ark.

JsJL c k jL K X -

fn,0 .

David L. Staggs Harding Col. — Searcy Searcy, Ark.


M 2 > .

Kelly R, Stewart Birmingham Southern Col. Little Rock, Ark.

Larry D. Taylor Ark. Poly. — Russellville Clarksville, Ark.

ly i.D .

Roger L. Tilley Henderson St. Col. Arkadelphia, Ark.


Bruce A. White Louisiana Tech. Univ. Crossett, Ark.

Jimmie S. Wiedower Hendrix Col. — Conway Conway, Ark.

Ronnie C. Wiedower Hendrix Col. — Conway Little Rock, Ark.

/n-D. 148

Richard R. Wilson Hendrix Col. — Conway Humphrey, Ark.

Charles C. Wright, Jr. UA — Fayetteville Jacksonville, Ark.

Darrell W. Wyatt ASU — Jonesboro Hoxie, Arkansas


Steve Yang Georgia Inst. Tech. — Atlanta Little Rock, Ark.

John M .Young Hendrix Col. — Conway Russellville, Ark.



Alpha Omega Alpha Seniors Mike Brown

A1 Colton

David Hunton

Bill Kendrick

Ken Martin

Buddy McCutcheon

Rob Porter

Susan Bates

Neal Beaton

Barry Buckner

Roger Cagle

Joel Carver

Dale Clemens

Randy Cole

David Covey


Craig Davis

David Kauffman

Don Hill

Cindy Netherton


u N I

Paula Anderson




Andrew Henry

Danny Martin

Richard Van Grouw

Clay Wellborn

JMS Scut Kings 77-78 153

Sue Akers

Phillip Alston

Paula Anderson


Janet Udouj Beaton

David Becton

Robbie Billingsley

Bob Bishop

Ron Blachly

Mike Blanchard

Steve Bonner

Tom Boulden


Cecil Cupp

Kathleen Dahlman

Mike Brown

Bryan Burke

Susan Burnett

Robert Burns

Brad Carter

Roger Clark

Gene Cohen

Carl Covey

Randall Craver

Richard Daily

Lynn Davis

David Dean




Perry Dickinson

Fran Duke

Gail Eisenhower

Bill Fiser




Geoffrey Dunaway

Jim Eaves

Gareth Eck

Susan D. Fiser

Debbie Fulbright

Todd Gammill

John Goccio

Steve Golden

P i

Les Goldstein


Bill Green

Gary Goza

Andy Gresham

Fred Grimes

I Danny Grubbs

Mark Harriman


Richard Hayes



Phyllis Heineman

Reggie Henderson

Andrew Henry

Bob Hesson


Jamie Howard

Ed Hill


Edgar Jackson

Kerry Hubbs

E. J. Jones

Randy Jordan

7 Dwight Kaufman

I Rohn Kennington


Tom Leslie

Ralph Lloyd

Steve Loyd

Marci Laser

i Alan Lucas 157



Mark Malloy

Terryl Mackey

J Danny Martin

John McCormack


Sharon Meador


Trudy Nelson

Les Nolan

Nita Oglesby

Larry Pearce

if ■

Bill Meek

Thomas Maynard

Jim McChristian

I Ed Mobley

Kathryn Moreland



5 n:

■M m

Jim Perkins

Chip Pettigrew

Jim Pevehouse

P I /'.*

David Posey

Bert Price

k Bob Reichard



Susan Rector

i Gene Reid


John Reifsteck

Danny Rowe

Joe Ross




Karen Sammons

Bo Shurley

Morey Silverman

Don Slaton 161

Debbie Smith

Cathey Sparkman

Cheryl Snyder

Mike Stair


Chris van Asche

Rick van Grouw

Sue Stockley



I Maria Tebbetts

Ken Tonymon


Steve Wagoner

Asa Warmack


Russell Webster


Tina Weiss

i V Clay Wellborn

Randy Wells

Robert Wilkerson

A Joe Wilson

Tyra Wilson

Jeng Wu

Alonzo Williams


Frank Young

Scott Williams

Tim Young









w Bob Adams I.arry Balding

John Alexander Marilyn Barr

Jack Alston Dale Barton


Sarah Alston Paul Becton

f Robert Baker David Bell


»V Johnny Biddle Tom Briggs Mark Brown Eddie Bryant Nick Canella

Ray Bollen Jim Brillhart Milton Brunson Robert Buffaloe David Carr



Larry Braden John Brizzolara Carole Bryant Wesley Burks Chuck Carttar

V At Work


David Chambers Nancy Clemons Dan Davidson Becky Edge Jim English

Tommy Cheyne Michael Cole Tony Dorman John Elkins Betsy Everett

Henry Chionuma Steve Collier John Downs Ishak Enggano Leslie Fair

At Play


Food, Fingers, Feces, and Flies.

Linda Ferguson Mark Gardner Kieth Glenn David Good Martha Griffin

Pam Gabel Alice Geary Dale Goins Elder Granger Benjamin Hall 3 I.Q. X 100 =


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

Mariann Harrington Alan Jean Mike Kirkpatrick

Charles Henry Mary Johnson Joe Kittenger

Dennis Jacks Tony Johnson Mike Koone Phil Langston

Greg Johnston Tim Kreth Brent Laughlin

Jimmy Justus Rob Lambert Rob Lavender

The Rounder Opinion of the Triumvir.


1977 Intramural Football Champs.

Phil Lindsey John Mallory Jim Meredith


Jeff Lowery Ricky McCorkle Cragar Minor

Lewis Lyons John McGowan Trudy Moore

Steve Magie Valerie McNee Steve Murry

Doug Maglothin Larry Mendelsohn Jess Nickols

Wf . /

Allen Nixon Phil Perona Susan Riggs

David Nixon Trent Pierce Bob Robertson

Francis Norfleet Brenda Powell Joe T. Robinson

Doug Owens Mike Priddy Paul Robinson

Terry Payton Bill Rainey Jim Rogers


-X .


The Dynamic Duo. Sue Rogers Donna Shaw


Jim Rounder Jim Sheppard

Bob Searcy Bobby Siegel

'Ole Bill will look for mud anywhere. Jim Slezak Terry Smith

Damnit Bobby, You've Got It In Far Enough!

Laurie Smith Billy Thomas

Hank Simmons Sam Smith John Thompson

Please Do Not Pick Your Nose In The Laboratory.



Chuck Thornton James Vorhease Ben Walsh Jerry Williams


John Vaughn Bill Wagnon Dennis Watts Virgil Wooten

Ray Vaughn Greg Walker Dwight Williams Jim Zellmer


Ameika, James Armstrong, Simmie Atkinson, Thomas Attwood, Harvie M.

Baldwin, Michael L. Ballard, Laura L. Bass, David W. Baver, Mike


t V




Beck, Joseph M. Bell, Michael F. Berry, Danny T. Bowen, W. Scott


Bradley, Stanley C. Brimberry, Ronald Broadwater, John Brunson, Eldred

Brunson, Gaylon L. Bushman, Gerald A. Butler, Thomas W. Callahan, Douglas


Cannon, Harold C. Carson, Randall L. Carter, D. Michael Chang, Chimin

Chesser, Michael Chu, Tommy D. Cooper, Janice Core, Grady B.

% (



Crall, Harold D. Crane, Mary D. Dockins, Richard O. Duke, James C.

Elam, Anthony L. Farr, Charles H. Feurtado, Earl W. Finley, G. Michael




Fisher, Debra J. Flake, Alan W. France, James H. Frazier, Elizabeth




■■ y

jM ’V'



Freeman, William H Fulbright, Thomas Garner, Gail A. Gehrki, Gary P.




, George, Anthony D. Gessler, Carl J. Gibbs, Mark R. Gillmore, Deborah



Gillmore, Diana L. Glasco, Gerry B. Goodman, James D. Greene, James S.


u l

Greer, Gerald S. Harris, Earl H. Hayes, Robert A. Hickey, Rosemary

Higginbotham, Robert Hill, Alan C. Hill, Sally R. Holzhauer, James L.

Horn, Joseph R. Humphreys, T. J. Hurley, Phillip B. Jansen, Mark T.



Jensen, Claudia J. Jiu, John B. Joe, Cynthia A. Johnson, Gil F.

Jones, Elaine I. Jones, James B. Keller, Michael G. Kendrick, L. Jan

i / Kilgore, Larry C


Kinney, Joyce Kluek, Carl W. Koonce, Thomas W. Koone, Donald A.

Kresse, Gregory F. Kymer, Patti Jo Lupo, David A. Martin, Rhonda

Matthews, David L. Maxwell, Evelyn D. Mazurek, Gerald H. McCarron, P. Ann

McGowan, Timothy C, McDaniel, Craig A. McKiever, W. Randall McMullin, Michael D.

Moffitt, Gary L. Moore, Steven M. Mosby, Jarvis J. Nayles, Lee C.


Nelms, Walter North, F, Chester Oates, Randall B. Owen, Steven E.

Pappas, John J. Parham, Gordon R. Parks, Brenda E. Peek, Richard D.

'f y-'

Pittman, Lamar J. Post, Peter J. Prather, Kenneth C. Pyeatte, Jacob P.

te-'- "

Raley, Gregory T. Ratcliff, Dan A. Rayford, Cleveland Riddell, C. Michael

Roberts, Harold G. Roark, John H. Ross, George W. Safren, Johnathan


Schoeffle, Stephen Skowronski, John T, Smart, Gregory S. Smith, Gary M.

^ f ./ V i

/ If


Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,

John W. Michael J. Purcell, III Robert S.

Sorsby, Riley Ann Stallcup, Sally C. Stanford, R. Allan Storey, James R.

'm m ,. 9



Taylor, David H. Taylor, Dennis R. Trotter, Joe H. Tucker, R. Stephen

Von Hatten, Catherine Watson, Charles R. Weaver, Mark E. Weems, Alan M.



White, Donald G. White, Ronald L. Williams, Larry D. Williams, Lisa E,

P r

The first two years of medical school bring you face to face with absurdity . . . and the prospect of memorizing it.� Emerson


The first History and Physical in Physical Diagnosis course.

"I said, have you ever had melena? Melena! Stools ever been tarry? No, not "sorry," tarry! I said tarry! What I mean is, have you ever had blood in your BM's? No, you don't understand. What I want to know — ".ccrrot black? Poot. POOT! Ever poot black?"

Resident's first case

"T h e practice of radiology involves a keen experienced eye, a broad knowledge of differential diagnosis and the constant pos­ sib ility of a coffee break." Anon.

'Do I even look like I believe that, lady?"


Cat Ballou

"Fresh Juniors?"

'If they call this soul food. I'd like to get a second opinion."

Recovery Room on a Bad Day

"Yep, There's a Bruit!'

If you are going to pick'em, you may as well eat'em.

"Let's see, that's 2 pizzas, 3 cheeseburgers, 2 fries, and 30 cc Maalox p.o. prn." "Mr. Norwood, what do you think about U.A.M.S. parking?"


Charles T. Prigmore, Ed.D. Dean

Mrs. Wanda Weise Assistant To The Vice Chancellor 192

Rob Adams Pharmacology Sue Alexander Biochemistry Beverly Angel Comm. Disorders >

Paul Ayres Toxicology

Linda Barry Nursing Deborah Beckman Comm. Disorders Anita Beeks Comm. Disorders Susan Beland Anatomy


r* â–


Helen Benes Anatomy Paul Bennett Pharmacology Sharon Bennett Comm. Disorders Emma Bernard Nursing


Paula Boaz Comm. Disorders Janet Bowen Nursing Joe Bowen Pharmacy Kathryn Bowman Special Student

Pamela Burtnett Comm, Disorders Doris Byers Nursing Richard Byrd Toxicology Polly Carroll Diet. Intern

John Chapman Toxicology Gloria Cheatham Pathology

Cathy Cobb Comm. Disorders Arthur Coffee Microbiology John Cross Physiology


Kathy Crow Diet. Intern

Linda Grumpier Comm. Disorders â– -m

â– ?>>*.

Alice Culpepper Nursing Robert Darnell Biometry Carol Davidson Microbiology

John Davis Diet. Intern Catherine DeBakker Comm. Disorders Denise DeMaine Nursing Linval DePass Toxicology

Bonnie Deuter Nursing Linda Dickinson Biometry Mary Helen Dow Nursing James Drake Pharmacy

Ralph Dumond Pharmacy des Agnes Eckert Special Student Saad El-Gendi Biochemistry Ethel Elliott Nursing


Dorothy Ellis Nursing Rebecca Everitt Comm. Disorders Doris Ferguson Nursing James Fewell Physiology

Danny Fineburg Microbiology Carolyn Fitch Comm. Disorders Ronnie Frizzell Physiology Teresa Gardner Comm. Disorders

Phil Goad Toxicology Gail Goff Comm. Disorders Karl Grever Comm. Disorders Marilyn Groves Comm. Disorders

Larry Guin Biochemistry Margaret Hamilton Nursing Karen Hampton Comm. Disorders Linda Hankins Nursing


Jolene Hanneman Diet. Intern Elizabeth Harris Nursing David Harshfield Physiology Jeanne Heard Anatomy

Alfred Henson Pharmacy Donna Henson Nursing Clarissa Hightower Comm. Disorders Alan Hoberman Toxicology

I ‘



Paul Howard Biochemistry David Hufford Microbiology Judith Hyde Physiology Susan Ion Microbiology

Mary Ann Jacob Diet. Intern Irma Nell Jenkins Nursing Gail Jeu Pathology Mary Johansen Nursing


Mary Jane Kassam Physiology Sharon Keith Pharmacy Marie Kelley Nursing Shirley Kelley Nursing

William C. Kent Physiology Janiece Ketzscher Comm. Disorder Jo Kinder Comm. Disorder

Jackie Lorenso Comm. Disorder Edward Luker Comm. Disorder

Frances Mantell Comm. Disorder Duanne Markham Nursing Robin Mathews Diet. Intern


Rebecca Matthews Nursing

Ir r

— \ <

m r

Sharon Maune Comm. Disorder


Linda McDaniel Diet. Intern Janet McDonnell Diet. Intern


" ""

Janet McKenzie Nursing

^ C-' 4 \



Laura Meacham Nursing Kevin Medlock Toxicology Paul Meeks Special Student Joseph Michalls Pharmacy



Lisa Miller Diet. Intern Sandra Miller Biochemistry Alice Monroe Diet. Intern Donna Moody Comm. Disorder


Addie Morris Nursing Mary Ellen Morris Toxicology Patrecia Moyers Microbiology Bruce Murphy Pharmacology


Fred Nagel Biochemistry Terri Niebes Diet. Intern James Oldham Toxicology Michael Olson Toxicology

Brian Perlmutter Physiology Jan Pettigrew Nursing Mary Poe Nursing Jimmy Kamso-Pratt Biochemistry

Linda Raitano Toxicology Laurie Reichenbach Diet. Intern David Reddell Pathology Robert Reimer Pharmacology

Fliece Ripley Microbiology Jane Roark Nursing Jane Robinett Microbiology Paul Robinson Anatomy


Marie Robken Comm. Disorder Judith Rogers Diet. Intern Christy Rolfe Comm. Disorder Norma Rubin Anatomy

John Rule Toxicology Sipra Saha Biometry Stephen Schmid Toxicology Catherine Selzer Nursing

Dave Sharp Anatomy Charlotte Shideler Biochemistry Sue Sims Comm. Disorder Larry Smee Pharmacy

Deborah Smith Nursing Joseph Sniezek Biometry Jay Sprigg Physiology Mary Sutterfield Nursing

Sherrie Taylor Comm. Disorder Maxine Teeter Physiology Betty Terry Microbiology






1 â– i



Patricia Thompson Nursing Denzil Tullis Toxicology Nancy Turner Nursing Clyde Ulmer Microbiology

Joe Verser Pathology Jacqueline Vos Biometry Mary Beth Vowell Comm. Disorder Rebecca Weathersby Diet. Intern

Mary Whitt Comm. Disorder Mike Wilkins Biometry Margarette Williams Comm. Disorder Richard Williams Pharmacology

Pam Wills Pathology Gwyn Wood Comm. Disorder




John Wright Biochemistry Rita Wright Nursing

Carolyn Yarbrough Microbiology Cinda Yelvington Comm. Disorder Rick Yip Toxicology


College of Nursing


Lou Ann Burnett DeWitt U. of A., Fayetteville

Charlotte Wills Little Rock UCA, Conway


Nancy Smith Marsh Huntsville U. of A., Fayetteville

Rita Huggins Benton U. of A., Fayetteville 205

Melissa Malloy Leachville ASU, Jonesboro

Margie Schwarz Weiner Ark. College, Batesville

Nancy Naucke Fort Smith U. of A., Fayetteville

Mary Margaret Sayre Rogers U. of A., Fayetteville

â– }\ y ;

Mary O'Quin Little Rock U. of A., Little Rock

Virginia Berner Little Rock Centenary College, Shreveport, La.

Naomi Rush Melbourne UCA, Conway

Jo Ann Schmalz Ratcliff U. of A., Little Rock

Jo Ann Brackin Conway U. of A., Little Rock

Janna Perry Carter Pine Bluff U. of A., Fayetteville

Liza Gaiser Manila, Phillipines U. of A., Little Rock

r f V 'i

-< t-

I Pam Johnson Little Rock U. of A., Little Rock

Mary Faust North Little Rock U. of A., Fayetteville

Anita Lewis Mena U. of A ., Fayetteville

Vicki Robinson DeQueen U. of A., Fayetteville

Sally Detlor Roselle Park, N. J. U. of Kansas, Lawrence

Melissa Priddy Howard Frankfurt Ouachita Baptist University

Candy Smith Little Rock U. of A., Little Rock


Jackie Coombe Little Rock Pepperdine University, Malibu, Cal.

Donna Floyd Jonesboro ASU, Jonesboro

Tommye Sparks Marked Tree U. of A., Fayetteville

Angela Jones Little Rock U. of A., Little Rock

Tamara Jones Little Rock Hendrix, Conway

Mary Jane Reyenga Hope Ouachita Baptist University

Kathy Kinsey Fayetteville U. of A., Fayetteville

Glenna Bosley North Little Rock U. of A., Fayetteville

Debbie Ouri Little Rock U. of A., Little Rock

Gayle Kordsmeier Conway U. of A., Fayetteville

Jan Wagner Pittsburgh, Pa. Duquesne University

Debra Saunches Du Quoin, 111. Southern Illinois University

Cindy Crone Little Rock U. of A., Little Rock

Sharon Dalla Rosa Gentry U. of A., Fayetteville

Jan Marak Little Rock U. of A., Fayetteville

Marsha Trammel Hot Springs U. of A., Fayetteville

Denise Shirley Little Rock UCA, Conway


Betty Tribble Sheridan U. of A., Little Rock

Beth Hocker Fayetteville U. of A., Fayetteville



Sandra Charles Little Rock U. of A., Little Rock


Cinderella Yeung Hong Kong U. of A., Little Rock

Fran Toll Little Rock Texas Christian University

Rita Badar North Little Rock U. of A., Little Rock



i r

Chris Bailey

Jo Lynn Dennis


1 Lillian Baker

Shayla Boston

Linda Craig

Cindy Donathan

Terri Flanigan

Karen Guenther


Debra Gunnels


Melissa Hendricks

Carol Johnson

Cheryl Joyner

Sandra Long

Gay Roach

Lynn McDonald

Cathy Shaneyfelt

Karen Mack

Patricia Price

Cynthia Simonson

Carol Steed

Not Pictured Iris Antman Sandra Cain Deborah Cook Susan Dalton Lee Shelton Elliott Thomas Elliott Melinda Fair Teri Heiman

Shannon Taylor

Linda Imle Meredith Lindquist Pattie Lovell Laura McHaney Lynn Mason Mike Steinbock Gwynn Vaughan Jackie Weaver

Amelia Wilson


And girls, this is why they give you the shaft!

Burton's or Toy's.

Character from "Star Wars."

beautiful p e ^

Slippery little Bugger — Isn't it? Ughhhh! Baby Mustard!!!!


I Hmmmmmmmm! These are Doctor's Orders???

Nurse Practitioner — 2001.


On the golf course?????


THIRD YEAR NURSING Sandra Bailey Beverly Barnette Sandra Bowman Nan Brady

Susan Brumley Susan Collier Cherise Cornett Lisa Cox

Cynthia Culdice Sandy David Carol DeLamar Denise DeRoeck

Stephanie Evensen Margaret Garrison Susan Hardin Penelope Helms

Pamela Horton Terri Hunter Tom Jungkind Melanie Knight


Cynthia Kresse Cheryl Lorenson Marion McCall Carol McClure

Dona McKinnon Pat Marker Clara Mize Becky Moore

Cynthia Moore Nancy Patterson Fadelle Quattlebaum Charles Tevebaugh

Beryl Thompson Linda Weaver Wayne Wheelis Camille White

Teresa White Judy Wilkerson Nan Williams Julia Winchester


Not Pictured Teressia Woodall LuAnn Wulz

Betty Anderson Janet Blackwell Gina DeFelice Lee Ann Dunlap Kathy Govia Deborah Huff Laura Kuehner Jacqueline Love Sandra McDaniel Mary Moriarty Effie Moss Suzanne Post Cynthia Stancil Becky Taylor Go to the morgue for what??!!

I'll give ya $10 to do it again!!!

Put up your Dukes!


Not on your life, Buster!!!

S’ ' • ' «

Busy! Busy! Busy!



Hmmmmmmmmm— Hmmmmninimnim

An Artificial What??!!




GLORIA RAUCH, MSN Associate Dean for Clinical Staff


FRANCES DALME, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

LOIS MALKEMES, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Clinical Staff

VIRGINIA DRAKE, MSN Assoc. Prof., Psychiatric Nursing

MARILYN GLASGOW, MN Assistant Dean for Continuing Educat. Associate Professor

DORIS FERGUSON, MNSC Earn, and Com. Health


PAT FORD, MPH Fam. and Com. Health

MARGO HARBER, BSN Adult and His Family

v;r / GERALDINE HARDISON, MSN Assoc. Prof., Psychiatric Nursing

ANN HARRIS, BSN Senior Seminar

DUANNE MARKMAN, MNSN Adult and His Family


VERONICA McNEIRNEY, MSN Professor, Acute Illness

JACKIE MOORE, MNSC Assis. Prof., Senior Seminar

BETTY MOSLEY, MN Assis. Prof., Pediatrics


MARY ANN SPEEL, MS Assis. Prof., Adult and His Family

CONNIE SUNDERMANN, MNSC Assis. Prof., Acute Illness



College of Pharmacy

r- -J


Larry D. Milne, Ph.D.

Associate Deans

James R. McCowan, Ph.D. Professor


Walter Morrison, Ph.D. Professor

Dept, of Pharmacology

Marcus Jordin, Ph.D. Professor & Chairman C. Allen Bradley, Ph.D. Professor Karrol Fowlkes, Pharm. D. Instructor

John D. Gannaway, Pharm. D. Instructor Anthony Bari Instructor

Dept, of Pharmacognosy

James Dusenberry, Ph.D. Professor & Chairman Bill Kerr, Pharm. D. Assistant Professor

23 5

Dept, of Pharmaceutics

T. S. Grosicki, Ph.D. Professor Lloyd Thompson, M.S. Instructor


Fred Underwood, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ronald Allen Young, Pharm. D. Assistant Professor

Dept, of Medicinal Chemistry

Nelson Voldeng, Ph.D. Professor & Chairman Danny Lattin, Ph.D. Associate Professor

Gene Pynes, Ph.D. Assistant Professor John R. J. Sorenson, Ph.D. Associate Professor


Dept, of Pharmacy Administration

John Rose, M.S. Instructor

Dept, of Clinical Pharmacy

Gloria Baldridge Assistant Professor Ray Webb Instructor

Lawrence A. Robinson, Pharm. D. Professor Thelma Underwood Instructor

Allen Brown, Pharm. D. Assistant Professor

Dept, of Nuclear Pharmacy Charles Breckinridge, Ph.D. Professor & Chairman Claude E. Epperson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor K. Richard Knoll, M.S. Assistant Professor


Juniors of '78

Douglas Baltz David Barksdale

Regina Bennett Gene Boeckman

Pattie Boggess Charles Brewer


Debbie Carson Carol Chu

Ann Clevenger Sam Curry

/ r

Donna Dudney Eddie Dunn

Sharon Eberle Garry Enderlin

Dick Erwin Jerri Fletcher


Mike Frost Boscoe Godfrey Patti Goree

James Graddy Ronnie Gray David Green

Jackie Gunter


Richard Hanry Len Hill Kim Hoffman


PHARMAC; i IS ' m Janet Kueter


Jan Loe Bruce Mason Alan Maxwell

Cindy Mayton Nean Molthan Gary Newman

24 2

Tom Roberson Mike Schubach Carla Simon


Debbie Smith Denny Spruce Bob Stacy

H r-*


Randy Towell Cynthia Warren Mary Etta White

Sherry Williamson Ruth Winter Pam Womack


Your mind at Pharmacy School.



Mr. and Mrs. Reeves Anderson or Mr. and Mrs. Dunnce.



Frost, you have the wrong DOG!

Which one? Which one?

"I'm a little confused, which way again."


Last night cramming.

What a bumper.

The Rookies.

Open Wide.






"Pharmaceutically Elegant"

CLA SS OFFICERS — Left to Right: Alan Dodd — President; Sandy Frost — Treasurer; Sarah M orris — Secretary; Larry McGinnis — Vice-Pres.


Steve Ahlert Bill Altland Caroll Barham

Guy Bell Steve Brick Gary Bridges

. all you need is a 2 pt.


Gary Carter Clyde Coburn Jim Cook

Doug Crow Gary Daniels Tony Dasher

Alan Dodd Jessie Dorris Mary Eads


and when I was three

David Eubanks Randy Evans Ron Evans

Chuck Fehlig Terry Feyan Tim Fleeman


Lisa Fleisig Gary Flippo Sandy Frost

Danny Henderson Margaret Hieb Betsy Hines

I told you I wasn't talking!


Terri Humbard Linda Humphries Gregg Huneycutt


Portraits of the Past


Barbara Mears Randy Miller Paula Moix

-r— .



Sarah Morris Conrad McCall Susan McClendon


Larry McGinnis Rusty McSpadden Linda Nix

Joan Pehosh Randy Pennington Susie Perkins


"Who's Ed III?"

Vernon Perkins Ray Peters Tim Peterson

Mike Pinegar Delaine Post Steve Ragland




Pam Raible Kathy Riffel Debbie Roblee

Pauly Shackleford Robert Shirey Judy Siler

For once, Kay with her finger in her mouth instead of her foot!


Kay Skinner Lenora Smith David Stewart

Brenda Tadlock Chaney Taylor Danny Taylor


Mr. and Ms. Pharmacy.



Mark Thicksten Karen Thompson Kenny Trantham

I Retha Woodall Robert Woolard Debbie Young

Jordin,Jordin, Jordin.


Phi Delta Chi

L to R, Row 1: Susie Perkins, Randy Towell, David Eubanks, Steve King, Clyde Coburn, Chuck Fehlig, Randy Pen­ nington. Row 2: Linda Nix, Vernon Perkins, Gary Newman, Carroll Barham, Ray Peters, Lenora Smith, Debbie Roblee, Kenny Trantham, Pauly Shackleford. Row 3: Ronnie Gray, Joan Pehosh, Bonnie Johnson, Rusty McSpadden, Kathy Riffel, Brenda Tadlock, Paula Moix, Tracy Swaim, John Powell. Row 4: Randy Miller, Bruce Mason, Steve Ragland, Mike Pinegar, Jim Cook, Ron Evans, James Graddy, Guy Bell, Chuck Marsh.

Kappa Epsilon

L to R, Row 1: Mrs. Gloria Baldridge, Janet Kueter, Mary Etta White, Kathey Huffman, Kim Hoffman, Regina Bennett, Ann Stephenson. Row 2: Donna Dudney, Karen Thompson, Linda Hutson, Debbie Young, Sherry Williamson, Sandra Frost, Carol Chu, Pattie Boggess, Lisa Fleisig, Barbara Mears. Row 3: Cynthia Warren, Jerri Fletcher, Kathy Hoggard, Sarah Morris, Terri Humbard.


Kappa Psi

L to R: Duck Erwin, Chaney Taylor, Rick Torrence, Smiley Dodd, Mike Frosty, Robert Shirey, Gary Carter, Sam Curry, Tim Peterson. Row 2: Richard Hanry, Boscoe Godfrey, Tony Dasher, Butch Tarleton, Mark Thicksten, Robert Woolard, Garry Bridges, Randy Evans, Mike Richardson. Row 3: Bob Stacy, Mike Schubach, Bill Actland, David Barksdale, Doug Baltz, David Greene, Lonnie Jackson III, Ken Molthan, Dr. Claude Epperson, Alan Maxwell, Crash Stuart, Genius Boeckman, Boot Brewer.


Ruth Winter, Treas.; Jan Loe, Corr. Sec.; Garry Rhinehart, Pres.; Eddie Dunn, Coordinator; Johnny Powell, Rec. Sec.; Garry Enderlin, V. P.; Nean Molthan, National SAPHA Pres, elect; Tracy Swaim, Historian.


Pharmacy Mates

L to R, Front row: Nancy Marsh, Becky Hanry (V.P.), Jan Swaim (Pres.), Laurie Curry (Treas.), Back row: Robin Taylor, Janelle Taylor, Debbie Richardson, Cindy Hill, Beth Boeckman, Sherry Powell (Sec.). Not Pictured: Cindy Ahlert, Mary Brewer, Jeannie Erwin.


Bob M. Gassaway Assistant Professor, EMT


Walter F. Robbins, M.H.A. Professor, Health Care Adm.

John H. Stamper, Ph.D. Asst. Professor, Health Care Adm.

Dental Hygiene Class of '78 Officers President: Cindy Glover Vice-President: Nancy Ann Barclay Secretary-Treasurer: Donna Pollard Historian: Charmaine LeFevre Robin Allison


Linda Baldwin

) Nancy Ann Barclay

Kay Chandler t: ^

DeAnna Berry

Teresa Craven

Janis Bongen

Paula Broyles

Marie Estes

Lee Ann Eubanks



/ Cindy Glover

Ann Fitzgibbon

1 Laura Hartje


Debbie Gravley

Karen Hammack

Lorrie Johnson Lee Harvey

Sherry Jordan

Nancy Kline

Susan Kueter

Charmaine LeFevre

Doris Lindsey

Lisa Lunney

Julie McDonald

Marianne Millican

Mary Pearson

Donna Pollard

Sharon Proctor

Talena Ray



CLASS OF '79 Officers President: Phyllis Crow Vice-President: Pam Davis Secretary-Treasurer: Joy Davis

Susan Ahlert

Joyce Boeckmann

Beverly Brown

Marti Burnham

Debi Cook

Phyllis Crow

Joy Davis

Pam Davis

Polly Fair

Deana Fuller

Jolyn Harris

Michele Harvey

Sharon Hatcher

Belinda Jeffcoat


Debbie Kimbrell

Mitzi Leonard

Lana Lowrey

Naheed Mathis

Virginia Mikles

Gayla Morphis

Lynne Papizan

Joy Pierce

Nora Pierce

Cheryle Porter

Raychene Ramsey

Debbie Roberts

ft/ a Linda Summers


Lee Ann Thacker

Cheryl Wilson

Norma Young

Radiological Technology Dr. Tirman, M.D. Professor Judy Gardner, B.S.R.T., Director Mrs. Helen Mathews, B.S.R.T., Assist. Prof. Ken Gilliam, B.S.R.T., Instructor

Quinnie Young, R.T. Instructor Judy Greenway, R.T. Assistant Instructor Lori Marvin, R.T. Assistant Instructor Linda Sharp Secretary

■■I, y



Tom Bennett Randy Boydston Paul Brown

Lesa Burkett Marcia Cole Lisa Harrod

Bill Hickey Jennifer Hunt Carol Price

Sandy Weaver Gwen Williams





Rick Bennett Mike Freeman Cephas Jones

Dicey Kierre Susan Lang Marcia Lemley

Susan Maroney Kathy O'Hara Jerry Pearrow

Debbie Penn Mark Rima Kathy Wilson


The classic symptoms of the menopause..

Letters From Home.

Please return your films.

They just work miracles these days!

I am from France. Stoned Again.


Medical Technology Betty Shook Technical Director College of Health Related Professions

Gene Hall "Mama� Hall Educational Coordinator U.A.M.C.

Mildred Murphy Instructor

U.A.M .C. Students

Kenneth Baker DeQueen

Kennan Carpenter North Little Rock

Deborah Cooper Benton

Nancy Grimm Pine Bluff

Gwen Hines Little Rock

Jeffery Hogue Little Rock

Sharon Korkames Fort Smith

Melody Lybrand Little Rock

Mary Scott Little Rock

Alesa Thompson Little Rock

Gregory Wardman Rogers

Janis Hardy Pine Bluff

Nga T. Pham North Little Rock

Andy, Our Beloved Leader. Bottoms Up,


Florida Wishard Educational Coordinator St. Vincent's Infirmary

St. Vincent H ospital Students

Sharon Butler Little Rock

Deborah Dunn Pine Bluff

Robin Fine North Little Rock

Craig Gilliam Harrisburg

Travis King Manila

Roger Lee Blytheville

Cathey McCormick Little Rock

Cathey Perkins Russellville

Clare Rockenhaus Paris

Andrea Williams Malvern

SVI at work and at play!


V.A. H ospital Students

Gloria Minor Educational Coordinator Veterans Hospital

Lisa Corkran Hickory Ridge

"Wooo Pig Sooie,

Debora Hicks North Little Rock

Ophelia Carter Harrell

Robert Hof Little Rock

Vicki Kendrick Arkadelphia

don't see a damn thing.

Congratulations, Gwen!

I love Chemistry.


Baptist H ospital Students

Martha Henry Educational Coordinator Baptist's Medical Center Dao Duy Trung Little Rock

Henry Engler Heber Springs

Elizabeth Green Blytheville

Jan Hovarter Magnolia

Cynthia Johnson Hot Springs

Virginia Johnson Mabelvale

Loretta Pagtakhan Little Rock

Kathryn Purdom Searcy

Donna Shaner North Little Rock

Luanne Ward Little Rock

Sharon Whittenburg Searcy

'Here's Lookin' at Ya!"


Renee Clark Little Rock

"Robin, It's so nice to have machines!'

Emergency Medical Technology

Ronald Atkinson Patrick Bajorek Larry Bell Silio Bruna

Randy Bushy James Cantrell Robert Dees Stephen Douglas

Don Fletcher Gilbert Harris Russell Hauser Charles Lamkins

Vicki Landthrip Martha McHughes Gregory McPhail Dennis Mitchell

Danny Price Samuel Rickabaugh Charles Robinette Judy Stroud


Biomedical Instrumentation Technology

Larry Ballentine Larry Butts

William Carter Gisela Davis Joseph Finnegan Walter Gardner

John Glass Douglas Janke Joe Knox Dana Mayo

Wade Poorman Bruce Richards Frank Sanchez Keith Summerlin


Respiratory Therapy

John Dalby Dennis Evans Mary Finley Mary France

Danny Fierndon Cephas Jones Nancy Newson Rueul Vammen


operating Room Technology

Linda Brinsfield Julie Cole


Sarah Coston Stephanie Hester Mark Immerman

Sarah McGriff Cheryl Press Linda Ruffin

Shelia Southworth Rebecca Taylor Melinda Turner


Danny Proffitt Senior Medicine and Photographer

Karen Hammack rDcnlaMIygicno

Joe Wilson Junior Medicine

Susan Kueter Dental Hygiene

Jim Sheppard Sophomore Medicine

Sandy Weaver X-Ray Technology

Viet M .D .’s Begin Practices M A pubUcatioB b ; the itudarts at the Unhrenltjr of Arkam ai Medical Sciences Campus. Editorial opinion is solely that of the student staff. Ih e Medko is pubHalied monthly during the school year. Advertising rates Ibmished on request. Address correspon­ dence to; MEDICO, Box 2S3, Res. Hall, University of Arkansas for Medkal Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205. EDITOR CO-EDITOR: SPORTS EDITOR; musr roucn ctfg* of picrur*.

Fair A Success Roaches Linked To Asthma DO*

Radiology Chairinao Naniod

JlmChndletgh Rickard Llvtagstae Roger C a^ e

Medical School Student Council

Front Row, L to R: Charles Watson; Les Goldstein, President; Claudia jensen, Secretary-Treasurer. Back Row: Danny Proffitt; Steve Golden- Mark C. Brown, Vice-President

Associated Student Government

V! ' •'



'H U




2 ^


v w

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Officers: (1 to r) Chip Pettigrew, Vice President; Jay Holland, Secretary; Sue Akers, Treasurer; Jim Rogers, President.

Med Dames Medical Dames Officers 1977-1978

Nancy Clark, President

Jackie Bryant, 1st. V. Pres.

Sharon Hester, 2nd V. Pres.

Deborah Gwaltney, Rec. Sec.

Sharon Becton, Treasurer

Deborah Chudleigh, Pari.

Janet Brizzolara, Historian

Medical Dames is an organization whose membership is composed of the wives of Medical Students. It serves as a source of information to its members and helps prepare them to accept their responsibilities as wives of physicians. It also serves to create a social atmosphere in which friendships among the wives of Medical Students may be created, while providing services to the community.



Senior Wives: L to R, Standing: Brenda Blackburn, Vickie Wilson, Margaret Taylor, Glenna Farrow, Denise Kemp, Nancy Clark. L to R Seated: Janie Hilburn, Sharon Hester, Jackie Bryant, Sharon Cagle, Barbara Bridges.

Sophomore Wives: Row 1: Janet Brizzolara, Dyan Braden, Kathy Meredith, Elayne Zellmer, Ann Nixon. Row 2: Judy Williams, Sara Rounder, Cecile Sheppard, Melissa Bell, Julia Robinson, Carol Becton, Cassie Jean. Row 3: Donna Jacks, Pam Cheyne, Debbie Walsh, Charlee Minor, Hsui Ying Nichols, Pam Barton.

< 1

Junior Wives: L to R, Standing: Seely Lucas, Mary Dailey, Janet Jordan, Cheryl Eck, Glenda Gresham. L to R, Seated: Sharon Becton, Claudia Eaves, Valerie Wells, Toni Silverman, Cheryl Pevehouse.

Freshmen Wives: Kim Bradley, Marian Mosby, Roxanne Lupo, Linda Baldwin, Freda Freeman, Cindy Stanford, and Teena Tucker.



She iillami McralJ>

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hloritlu's l.onipivh’

Final Edition

l * ii" r s

A 4.4*10 AmcfKon CAiiitn t> Published Ddily

Sooey! Razorbacks Hog It All, 31-6

<fm -ffmi


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fq ^


im i


use Football Cham pions Medicine — 2

Arkansas Ranked No. 1 in Basketball

Arkansas Patrons Boozman Eye Clinic P.A................................................ Rogers Tom P. Coker, M .D................................................. Fayetteville Bogaev, Williams, and Scribner Urology Clinic .Jonesboro Harold H. Short, M .D............................................... Texarkana Joseph S. Robinette, M .D........................................ Pine Bluff Laboratory of Clinical Medicine, Ltd.................Hot Springs William C. McBryde, M.D.................................. Fairfield Bay George J. Fotioo, M .D...........................................Hot Springs J. W. Basinger, M.D.................................................. Jonesboro Charles Sisco, M.D................................................... Springdale Donald L. Dunn, M.D............................................ Russellville Willis H. Short, M.D........................................................ Beebe Joe Daughterly, M .D..............................................Jacksonville C. R. Lovell, M .D.................................................. Hot Springs Parkerson Clinic .................................................. Hot Springs John Robert Sellars, M .D.......................................... Paragould J. Larry Lawson, M.D........................... V. B. Smith Clinic, P.A....................................... Marked Tree Paragould Ellis Gardner, M.D.................................................. Russellville David M. Williams, M.D.......................................Russellville A. G. Sullenberger, M.D.......................................... Pine Bluff Clark M. Baker, M .D................................................. Paragould Peter J. Carroll, M.D.................................................El Dorado James Marsh, M.D.......................................................... Warren C. M. McClain, Jr., M.D............................................Batesville The Ear, Nose, Throat & Allergy Clinic, Ltd. . .Fayetteville L. D. Massey, M .D........................................................ Osceola Jack W. Harrison, M.D............................................. Texarkana Beck Clinic P.A...............................................Mountain View James D. Stroud, M .D.................................................. Conway Edward T. Jones, M.D................................................Batesville Andrews and Peebles Radiologists ......................Texarkana Malvern Medical Clinic, P.A.......................................Malvern E. K. Clardy, M.D............................................... Hot Springs Ernest R. Hartmann, M.D........................................ El Dorado Ozark Orthopedic Association, Ltd..........................Harrison H. King Wade, Jr., M.D....................................... Hot Springs Crow-Whaley C lin ic ..................................................... Warren Springdale Psychiatric Clinic, P.A...................... Springdale Ronald D. Smith, M.D............................................. Blytheville Jack T. Dobson, M.D.....................................................Fordyce Orthopaedic-Neurological Professional John M. Gestir, M.D.......................................................DeWitt Associates, .............................................................. Ft. Smith Jack A. Wood, M .D................................................. Fayetteville George R. Peeples, M.D................................................Gurdon Roger L. Green, M.D...................................................Newport L. H. Lowery, M.D................................................ Russellville Jerry R. Kendall, M.D...................................................Camden David M. Yocum, Jr., M.D...................................... El Dorado Chaney W. Taylor, M.D.............................................Batesville J. L. Dedman, Jr., M.D.................................................Camden Pine Bluff Cardiology Association, P.A................ Pine Bluff Buford M. Gardner, M.D...................................... Fayetteville Jacob P. Ellis, M .D................................................................... ElDorado John R. Broadwater, M.D..........................................Ft. Smith Thomas E. Burrow, M.D.......................................Hot Springs Gardner H. Landers, M.D.......................................................ElDorado Allen R. Russell, M.D..........................................................PineBluff John D. Ashley, M.D...................................................Newport F. Sisco, M.D.......................................................... Springdale Lake Village C lin ic...............................................Lake Village James E. Young, M.D................................................. McGehee Guy V. Robinson, M.D.................................................. Dumas S. Wright Hawkins, M.D....................................................... Ft.Smith Pine Bluff Ear, Nose, & Throat Clinic, P.A..........Pine Bluff Hot Springs Radiology Services, Ltd.................................HotSprings N. L. Poff, M .D..................................................Heber Springs James C. Dunbar, M.D................................. Mountain Home Richard E. McKelvey, M.D......................................Clarksville Neil E. Crow, M.D.................................................................. Ft.Smith Fayetteville Diagnostic Clinic, Ltd....................... Fayetteville D. W. Goldstein, M .D............................................................ Ft.Smith Monroe, Talbot, & Wilkins Clinic, P.A.................Pine Bluff Robert L. Prosser III, M.D......................................... McGehee A. J. Baker, M .D......................................................... Paragould F. E. Utley, M.D........................................................ Blytheville Asa A. Crow, M.D..................................................... Paragould Robert L. Kerr, M.D......................................Mountain Home Joseph L. Rosenweig, M.D.................................. Hot Springs Donald H. Pennington, M.D.................................. Clarksville A. Bruce Junkin, M.D..................................................Newport Lynn Holt, M.D.................................................................. Hope Ronald J. Bracken, M.D........................................ Hot Springs G. E. Malone, M.D...........................................................Atkins Robert R. Sykes, M.D............................................... El Dorado The Stough Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery Clinic, S. R. Hart, M .D..........................................................Blytheville P.A....................................................................................... HotSprings Paul J. Baxley, M.D..................................................... Batesville


The Arkansas Caduceus Club

An organization of College of Medicine graduates, present and former house officers, faculty, non­ graduate Arkansas physicians, and other friends of the College exists to support the College of Medicine. But that's not all we do . . . In June we sponsor Alumni weekend and . . .

. . . we meet . . .

and eat . . .

. . . and pay special tribute . .

and meet again. For information contact: Mrs. Louis K. Hundley Executive Director Room 3U02 UAMS Student Union


. . and enjoy . . .



The Skit Dance


What Kind Of Man Reads Playboy?

The Godfather

"Experience is the great teacher; un­ fortunately, experience leaves mental scars, and scar tissue contracts." — Dr. William Mayo


Are you sure this is how Brando won an oscar?

MIKE KING Age: Do not remember Profession; Scut King Hobbies: Drawing Blood, streaking culture, putting in Foleys Most Memorable Book: "I was a Teenage P roctologist." By Seym our Thanyouwant. Latest Accomplishment: Might Graduate Quote: "Uh, Who cares, Man?" Profile: Protruding nose and chin Booze: Mad Dog 20-20, but will drink anything you have

Drill 3 holes in the temple and it's a '56 Buick.

A Battle Of Wits




Carla J. Anderson, M.D...............................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. William B. Barron, M.D...............................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Susan E. Bates, M.D.....................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. John Neal Beaton, M.D............................................................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S. James M. Belue, M .D.....................................................................................................Confederate Memorial Med. Center, Shreveport, La. C. Don Bice, M.D.........................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Steve K. Blackburn, M.D........................................................................................................................ Pensacola Education Program, Florida Linda H. Boczar, M.D................................................................................................................ CWRU University Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio Judy E. Borland, M.D.................................................................................................................................................................................. U.A.M.S. Thomas R. Braswell, M.D........................................................................................................................................... Area Ed Center, Pine Bluff Michael W. Bridges, M.D...........................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Michael F. Brown, M.D.............................................................................................................................................................................. U.A.M.S. Robert L. Bryant, M.D........................................................................................................................................ Charity Hospital, New Orleans David A. Buckley, M .D.............................................................................................................. Riverside Hospital, Newport News, Virginia Charles B. Buckner, M.D............................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Joe L. Buford, M.D...................................................................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S. Janice L. Bunch, M.D.............................................................................................................................. City of Memphis Hospital, Tennessee Stan W. Burleson, M.D............................................................................................................................................... Area Ed Center, Pine Bluff Dennis R. Burrow, M.D............................................................................................................................................................................. U.A.M.S. Bruce K. Burton, M.D................................................................................................................................................................................. U.A.M.S. Roger Cagle, M.D..........................................................................................................................................John Peter Smith, Ft. Worth, Texas William N. Campbell, M.D............................................................................................................................Jacksonville Ed. Program, Florida Jerry L. Carter, M.D.................................................................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S. Joel D. Carver, M.D.................................................................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S. James P. Chudleigh, M .D...................................................................................................................Scott & White Memorial, Temple, Texas Robert B. Clark, M.D.................................................................................................................................................. Area Ed Center, Pine Bluff Samuel M. Clawser, M.D...........................................................................................................Orange Memorial Hospital, Orlando, Florida Roy Dale Clemens, M.D............................................................................................................................................. UAMS-AHEC, Fayetteville Pamela K. Cobb, M.D................................................................................................................................................................................ U.A.M.S. Randall E. Cole, M.D..................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Albert H. Colton, M.D...........................................................................................................University of Colorado, Affil. Hospital, Denver Joel P. Cook, M.D....................................................................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S. David C. Covey, M.D.................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Neil S. Crow, M.D............................................................................................................ U. New Mexico Affil., Albuquerque, New Mexico John L. Daugherty, M.D............................................................................................................................................................................ U.A.M.S. Ronald C. Davis, M.D................................................................................................................................................................................ U.A.M.S. Federico C. DeMiranda, M.D....................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. James P. De Rossitt, M.D............................................................................................................................... City of Memphis Hospital, Tenn. Lewis S. Deen, M.D.................................................................................................................................. Baylor College Affl., Houston, Texas Robert E. Farrow, M.D................................................................................................. Confederate Memorial Med. Center, Shreveport, La. Charles R. Feild, M .D.................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Patrick R. Fields, M.D................................................................................................................................................................................ U.A.M.S. Barre F. Finan, M.D.................................................................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S. Feaster F. Fitzpatrick, M.D........................................................................................................................... Baptist Hospital, Memphis, Tenn. Edith L. Fraley, M.D...................................................................................................................................... St. Lukes Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. Karl E. Gerdes, M.D....................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Allan C. Gocio, M.D...........................................................................................................................Baystate Med Center, Springfield, Mass. David Gwaltney, M.D................................................................................................................................... Grady Memorial, Atlanta, Georgia Steven E. Harms, M.D................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Joe D. Hester, M.D....................................................................................................................Confederate Mem. Med. Ctr., Shreveport, La. Donald F. Hill, M.D............................................................................................................ University of Alabama Med Center, Birmingham Jerry J. Hodges, M.D.......................................................................................................................................Area Health Education, Ft. Smith Danny Holt, M.D..................................................................................................................................... Pensacola Education Program, Florida Aniel H. House, M.D................................................................................................................................................................................. U.A.M.S. Anthony N. Hui, M.D........................................................................................................................ Los Angeles Co. USC Center, California David W. Hunton, M.D..............................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S.


f Steven W. Hutchins, M.D.......................................................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S, Joan A. Jacobson, M .D................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Sharron R. Johnson, M.D........................................................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S. Mark W. Jumper, M.D................................................................................................................................................................................ U.A.M.S. Michael G. Justus, M.D...................................................................................................................................Area Health Education, Ft. Smith Paul D. Kauffman, M.D..............................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Clarence L. Kemp, M.D.............................................................................................................................John Peter Smith, Fort Worth, Texas William C. Kendrick, M.D.................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S.-AHEC, Fayetteville Michael T. King, M .D.............................................................................................................................................Baylor College Affl., Houston Richard R. Knight, M.D............................................................................................................................................................................. U.A.M.S. Michael D. Lack, M.D................................................................................................................................................ Area Ed. Center, Pine Bluff Charles S. Lane, M.D........................................................................................................... Confederate Mem. Med. Center, Shreveport, La. Michael J. Lazar, M.D................................................................................................................................. Charity Hospital, New Orleans, La. Richard L. Livingston, M.D............................................................................................................... Washington Univ. AffiL, St. Louis, Mo. Stephen R. Long, M.D................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Stephen R. Marks, M.D..............................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Kenneth A. Martin, M.D............................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Robert E. McAlister, M.D...................................................................................................................... Georgia Baptist Hospital, Atlanta, Ga. Richard B. McCrary, M.D.......................................................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S. Frank B. McCutheon, M.D........................................................................................................................................................................ U.A.M.S. Judy M. Michaels, M.D.............................................................................................................................................................................. U.A.M.S. Philip L. Mizell, M.D..................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. William F. Moore, M.D.............................................................................................................. U. Tenn. Clinical Educ. Center, Chattanooga Martha A. Morrison, M.D..........................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. David A. Nelsen, M.D................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Dunkin A. Nelson, M.D........................................................................................................... North Carolina Baptist, Winston-Salem, N.C. Cynthia Netherton, M .D........................................................................................................................................... Public Health New Orleans James E. Nolen, M.D...................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Michael W. Nycum, M.D................................................................................................................................Jacksonville Ed. Program, Florida William Owens, M .D.................................................................................................................................................................................. U.A.M.S. Kerry F. Pennington, M .D...........................................................................................................................John Peter Smith, Ft. Worth, Texas Robert A. Petrino, M.D.............................................................................................................................................................................. U.A.M.S. Robert A. Porter, M .D................................................................................................................................................................................ U.A.M.S. Joel A. Price, M .D.........................................................................................................................................................UAMS-AHEC, Fayetteville Larry S. Price, M .D......................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Danny L. Proffitt, M .D................................................................................................................................................ UAMS-AHEC, Fayetteville Stephen R. Rauls, M.D................................................................................................... Confederate Memorial Med Center, Shreveport, La. John R. Reeves, M .D................................................................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S. Graham M. Reid, M.D.................................................................................................................................. Area Health Education, Fort Smith Thomas W. Roberts, M .D...............................................................................................................................Methodist Hospital, Dallas, Texas Douglas H. Robinson, M.D........................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Sylvia A. Slayden, M.D...............................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Lander A. Smith, M.D.................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Stephen David Snyder, M.D...................................................................................................................................................................... U.A.M.S. J. Alan Solomon, M.D.......................................................................................................... Confederate Mem. Med. Center, Shreveport, La. Frederic K. Spies, M.D................................................................................................................................................................................ U.A.M.S. David L. Staggs, M.D.................................................................................................................................... Area Health Education, Fort Smith Roger K. Tilley, M.D....................................................................................................................................................................................U.A.M.S. Bruce A. White, M.D...................................................................................................... University of Missouri Med Center, Columbia, Mo. Jimmie S. Wiedower, M.D..................................................................................................... Eastern Virginia Graduate School, Norfolk, Va. Ronnie C. Wiedower, M.D..................................................................................... University of Oklahoma Hospitals, Oklahoma City, OK Richard R. Wilson, M.D.......................................................................................................Confederate Mem. Med. Center, Shreveport, La. Charles C. Wright, M.D.............................................................................................................................................................................. U.A.M.S. Darrel W. Wyatt, M .D..............................................................................................................................Pensacola Education Program, Florida Steve Yang, M.D.............................................................................................................................CWRU St. Lukes Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio John Michael Young, M.D..........................................................................................Medical Center Hospitals, Charleston, South Carolina


between th^ diff u farewells knows, it is customary to draw a comparison between the difficulties attendant upon the production of a yearbook and the miseries and discomforts of gestation, labor, and childbirth. miseries To continue in the tradition, then, let us say that we started with the pride and joy of new y expecting parents; this soon evolved into a drudgery similar to daily "morning sickness ; and ending the third trimester, we encountered fetal dystocia ‘'IŽ '"' bastard child, and therefore, we h^gh forceps: attending obstetricians, for their spectacular wielding of the Our hard working 1978 Caduceus Staff Lynn and Rodney at Pinkey's Photography Ken Michaels and the Medical Photography Crew Bev Woods and Tish Talbot Mrs. Louis K. Hundley Suzanne Mathews, Wanda and Nan Doug Mamby and Cissy for the front endsheet Nancy Miller for the Radiology Pictures Tom Walker for his patience Abe Buckley Parke-Davis for their permission to use the pictures from "A History of Medicine in Pictures" for our faculty section. The project is written and directed by George A. Bender, painted by Robert A. Thom. Thank You, Rob and Marilynn Porter

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