University of Alaska Press Spring 2020 catalog

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Ordering Information . . 2 Contact Information . . 2 New Books . . . . . . . . 3 Popular Backlist Titles . 16 Popular Kids Titles . . . 18

On the cover: Glass Light Electricity by Shena McAuliffe (p. 9). Cover design by Krista West.






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Hard Driving The 1908 Auto Race From New York to Paris DERMOT COLE May 250 p. | 6 x 9 978-1-60223-402-4 978-1-60223-403-1 (ebook) Paper $21.95 History




In the winter of 1908, six cars left Times Square bound for Paris. They were embarking on a remarkable motor race across the world that would capture everyone’s imagination. In this book, Dermot Cole weaves a thrilling account of the improbable journey west from New York to Paris, the varied characters, and the nascent automobile industry. Drawing from the drivers’ journals and extensive newspaper reports, Cole details the many hardships, triangulations, and physical extremes encountered along the route as the drivers attempted to race from coast to coast, cross the Bering Strait to Russia, traverse Siberia, and onward. Hard Driving delves beyond the riveting headlines to explore the race’s implications for global politics and diplomacy, and how the automobile became a viable mode of transportation. Dermot Cole has worked as a newspaper columnist in Alaska for more than forty years. He is the author of several books, including Fairbanks: A Gold Rush Town That Beat the Odds.



Wild Rivers, Wild Rose SARAH BIRDSALL February 356 p. | 6 x 9 978-1-60223-406-2 978-1-60223-407-9 (ebook) Paper $18.95 Fiction

In 1941, Anna Harker is attacked by an axwielding assailant in the gold-bearing ridges bordering the Alaska Range. It is this moment of savagery that propels the people of Wild Rivers, Wild Rose. Anna’s lover, Wade Daniels, learns of the deaths of Anna’s husband and their worker, and he rushes to the hills to look for Anna and to hunt the murderer. As she lies dying on the tundra, Anna relives the major events of her Alaska life while searching her memories for what could have led to the violence. And, decades later, an outsider named Billie Sutherland steps into a community still haunted by the murders. Plagued by her own ghosts, Billie delves into the past, opening old wounds. In this gripping novel by Sarah Birdsall, lives are laid bare and secrets ring out in the resonant Alaska Range foothills. Sarah Birdsall teaches creative writing for the Matanuska Susitna College in Palmer, Alaska.


2019     

GLass Light Electricity shena McAuliffe


Glass, Light, Electricity SHENA MCAULIFFE February 248 p. | 6 x 9 978-1-60223-408-6 978-1-60223-408-6 (ebook) Paper $21.95 Literature

Fleet-footed and capricious, the essays in Glass, Light, Electricity wander through landscapes both familiar and unfamiliar, finding them equal parts magical and toxic. They explore and merge public and private history through lyric meditations that use research, association, and metaphor to examine subjects as diverse as neon signs, scalping, heartbreak, and seizures. The winner of the 2019 Permafrost Prize in nonfiction, Shena McAuliffe expands the creative possibilities of form. Shena McAuliffe is an assistant professor of English at Union College. She is the author of The Good Echo, and her essays have been published in AGNI Online, Copper Nickel, Conjunctions, The Collagist, and Gulf Coast.



A Guide to Peril Strait and Wrangell Narrows, Alaska CAPTAIN WILLIAM MORGAN HOPKINS April 150 p. | 8 x 10 978-1-60223-400-0 978-1-60223-401-7 (ebook) Paper $29.95 Reference

Learning how to pilot a ship through Wrangell Narrows and Peril Strait is not an easy matter for a vessel operator new to the area, or even for those with experience. It takes time, patience, and a certain appetite for risk. The older generation of captains knew the channels in great detail, but they did not write anything down to leave for the next generation coming up through the ranks. Recognizing the wealth of the knowledge these navigators possessed in their memories, William Hopkins decided to document their charts and methods as he himself learned to maneuver ships through these important and narrow southeastern Alaska channels. Now a retired captain who logged many voyages, Hopkins delineates the navigable courses for passing these treacherous waterways in this essential guide. Captain William Morgan Hopkins has been a resident of Alaska since 1970, graduating from Anchorage Community College with an AA degree in Natural Science and later obtaining a BS degree from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy in 1976. Soon after, he began a thirty-year sailing career. He lives in Ketchican, Alaska.



Nunakun-gguq Ciutengqertut/They Say They Have Ears Through the Ground Animal Essays from Southwest Alaska ANN FIENUP-RIORDAN



400 p. | 7 x 10 978-1-60223-412-3 978-1-60223-413-0 (ebook) Paper $39.95 Anthropology

Lifeways in Southwest Alaska today remains inextricably bound to the seasonal cycles of sea and land. Community members continue to hunt, fish, and make products from the life found in the rivers and sea. Based on a wealth of oral histories collected through decades of research, this book explores the ancestral relationship between Yup’ik people and the natural world of Southwest Alaska. Nunakungguq Ciutengqertut studies the overlapping lives of the Yup’ik with native plants, animals, and birds, and traces how these relationships transform, as more Yup’ik people relocate to urban areas and as the environment changes. The book is presented in bilingual format, with facing-page translations, and will be hailed as a milestone work in the anthropological study of contemporary Alaska. Ann Fienup-Riordan is an anthropologist who has lived and worked in Alaska for more than forty years. She has written and edited more than twenty books on Yup’ik history and oral traditions.



The Alaska Constitution April 100 p. | 4.25 x 6.5 978-1-60223-410-9 978-1-60223-411-6 (ebook) Paper $5.00 Law

The Alaska State Constitution, ratified by the people in 1956, became operative with the proclamation of statehood on January 3, 1959. The constitution was drafted by fifty-five delegates who convened at the University of Alaska to determine the authority vested in the state legislature, executive, judiciary, and other functions of government. This convenientlysized new edition will make the Alaska State Constitution accessible to all.



A Coast of Scenic Wonders MILES O. HAYES AND JACQUELINE MICHEL ILLUSTRATED BY JOSEPH HOLMES January 229 p. | 8.5 x 11 978-0-9816618-5-8 Paper $29.95 Science

This book will help you explore the origins of coastal features such as wave-cut rocks cliffs, sea stacks, wave cut rock platforms, and the amazing array of beaches, deltas, and tidal flats. It explains the processes that create the diverse coastal landforms that have enthralled both residents and visitors from around the world, including glaciers, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Two coastal geologists, who have over five decades of experience conducting scientific research on the Pacific Northwest Coast, tell their story of discovery and fascination with the Outer Coast of Oregon and Washington through richly illustrated original diagrams, photographs, satellite imagery, and engaging conversation. They have distilled the extensive scientific literature for this complex area into clear, readable text and graphics that explain the geological history of the coast, first in general, and then later through detailed discussion of the geology and ecology of four coastal compartments starting at the border in Southern Oregon, ending at the east end of Dungeness Spit on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington. Every coastal resident and visitor should have a copy of this book. It will help you discover new places to visit and to see familiar places with new insights and appreciation.


popular backlist titles

Fighter in Velvet Gloves

Adventures in and Out of Time RAY HUDSON 978-1-60223-346-1 978-1-60223-347-8 (ebook) Paper $16.95

Alaska Civil Rights Hero Elizabeth Peratrovich ANNIE BOOCHEVER WITH ROY PERATROVICH JR. 978-1-60223-370-6 978-1-60223-371-3 (ebook) Paper $16.95

Alaska Homestead Poems LINDA SCHANDELMEIER 978-1-60223-360-7 978-1-60223-361-4 (ebook) Paper $14.95

The Thousand-Mile War

How to Lobby Alaska State Government

Armor & Ornament

World War II in Alaska and the Aleutians BRIAN GARFIELD 978-0-912006-83-3 978-1-60223-117-7 (ebook) Paper $24.95

Drivers of Landscape Change in the Northwest Boreal Region


Coming Out of Nowhere

Ivory and Paper

EDITED BY AMANDA L. SESSER, ET AL. 978-1-60223-397-3 978-1-60223-392-8 (ebook) Paper $29.95

CLIVE S. THOMAS 978-1-60223-395-9 978-1-60223-396-6 (ebook) Paper $24.95

Fresh Alaska Cookbook ROB KINNEEN, PHOTOS BY ASH AND BRIAN ADAMS 978-1-60223-359-1 Cloth $40.00

CHRISTOPHER LEE MILES 978-1-60223-387-4 978-1-60223-388-1 (ebook) Paper $16.95

Alaska in the Progressive Age A Political History 1896 to 1916 THOMAS ALTON 978-1-60223-384-3 978-1-60223-385-0 (ebook) Paper $24.95

The Tanana Chiefs

Skijor with Your Dog

Native Rights and Western Law WILLIAM SCHNEIDER 978-1-60223-344-7 978-1-60223-345-4 (ebook) Paper $35.00

Second Edition MARI HØE-RAITTO & CAROL KAYNOR 978-1-60223-186-3 978-1-60223-187-0 (ebook) Paper $17.95

A History of the Pacific Cod Fishery in Alaska JAMES MACKOVJAK 978-1-60223-978-1 978-1-60223-390-4 (ebook) Paper $29.95

The Making of an Ecologist

Through Their Eyes

Alaska Native Cultures and Issues

My Career in Alaska Wildlife Management and Conservation DAVID R. KLEIN EDITED BY KAREN BREWSTER 978-1-60223-391-1 978-1-60223-392-8 (ebook) Paper $34.95





Common Interior Alaska Cryptogams

. Entries include family, genus, and species; field

nd macro descriptions; habitat and role; and edibility.

ide is useful to occasional mushroom hunters and

ionals in the cryptogam field.

ned as a classical mycologist at Virginia Tech before coming in 1971 on the fungi of high-latitude environs. He joined the nks in 1976 and currently is a senior research professor in the His affliction for mushroom studies has taken him throughout tic, Subarctic, and the sub-Antarctic island archipelago. He lives in

ned his PhD at the University of Melbourne, Australia, after te and master of science degrees at the University of Adelaide, the Australian Antarctic Division in 1978, working on Australian mosses, and lichens. He has amassed a total of forty visits to arctic islands and ten seasons working in Alaska. He is affiliated ka Fairbanks through the Institute of Arctic Biology. He is also an st.

Common Interior Alaska Cryptogams



Responses to Frequently Asked Questions EDITED BY LIBBY RODERICK 978-1-60223-091-0 978-1-60223-092-7 (ebook) Paper $14.95

Laursen Seppelt

ive coverage of common interior Alaska mushrooms,

his long-awaited, fully illustrated guide documents the


A Community History of Eagle, Circle, and Central EDITED BY MICHAEL KOSKEY, LAUREL TYRRELL, AND VARPU LOTVONEN 978-1-60223-357-7 978-1-60223-358-4 (ebook) Paper $19.95

Alaska Codfish Chronicle

Common Interior Alaska Cryptogams Fungi, Lichenicolous Fungi, Lichenized Fungi, Slime Molds, Mosses, & Liverworts

Gary A. Laursen & Rodney D. Seppelt

Nature/Field Guide


6/4/09 1:16 PM

Common Interior Alaska Cryptogams GARY A. LAURSEN & RODNEY D. SEPPELT 978-1-60223-058-3 978-1-60223-109-2 (ebook) Paper $28.95

The Geography of Water MARY EMERICK 978-1-60223-270-9 978-1-60223-271-6 (ebook) Paper $16.95

Akulmiut Neqait/Fish and Food of the Akulmiut ANN FIENUP-RIORDAN, MARIE MEADE, ALICE REARDEN 978-1-60223-386-7 Paper $34.95


popular children's titles     1818

A Seal Named Patches ROXANNE BELTRAN AND PATRICK ROBINSON 978-1-60223-331-7 Cloth $15.95

Black Wolf of the Glacier Alaska's Romeo DEB VANASSE ILLUSTRATED BY NANCY SLAGLE 978-1-60223-197-9 Paper $12.95

A Woolly Mammoth Journey

Mary's Wild Winter Feast

DEBBIE MILLER ILLUSTRATED BY JON VAN ZYLE 978-1-60223-099-6 Cloth $15.95


978-1-60223-098-9 Paper $9.95

978-1-60223-232-7 Paper $14.95

Raven and River NANCY WHITE CARLSTROM ILLUSTRATED BY JON VAN ZYLE 978-1-60223-150-4 Paper $11.95

Little Whale A Story of the Last Tlingit War Canoe ROY A. PERATROVICH, JR. 978-1-60223-295-2 978-1-60223-296-9 (ebook) Paper $16.95

Lucy's Dance

Kayak Girl

Stubborn Gal

DEB VANASSE ILLUSTRATED BY NANCY SLAGLE 978-1-60223-127-6 Cloth $16.95

MONICA DEVINE ILLUSTRATED BY MINDY DWYER 978-1-60223-188-7 978-1-60223-263-1 (ebook) Paper $12.95

The True Story of an Undefeated Sled Dog Racer DAN O'NEILL ILLUSTRATED BY KLARA MAISCH 978-1-60223-272-3 978-1-60223-305-8 (ebook) Cloth $15.95

978-1-60223-126-9 Paper $10.95

Ollie's First Year

Alaska on the Go


Exploring the 49th State with Children ERIN KIRKLAND 978-1-60223-221-1 978-1-60223-222-8 (ebook) Paper $21.95

978-1-88996-229-7 Paper $12.95

A King Salmon Journey DEBBIE MILLER AND JOHN EILER, ILLUSTRATED BY JON VAN ZYLE 978-1-60223-230-3 Cloth $15.95 978-1-60223-231-0 Paper $12.95

Permafrost Permafrost is the farthest north literary journal in the world and is published annually by the graduate students in the UAF Department of English. For submission information and subscription rates, visit or email

Tidal Echoes Tidal Echoes is a literary and art journal that showcases the art and writing of Southeast Alaskans. The journal is published by the University of Alaska Southeast and edited by undergraduate students on the Juneau campus. It may be purchased for $5 from Emily Wall at

University of Alaska Fairbanks PO Box 756240 Fairbanks AK 99775-6240

Coming Soon to


Fighter in Velvet Gloves

ROGER WALL Fiction 224 p.


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