Capstone Spring 2011

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meet the



EMILYclass HICE of 2012 inside


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STUDEN T A F FA I RS Mark D. Nelson, PhD

Vice President for Student Affairs Kathleen P. Cramer, PhD

Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Sara A. Hartley

Director, External Affairs Paige Lancaster

Director, Development Sara A. Hartley


Margaret Bishop

Student Writer



Sara A. Hartley Graphic Design

Erin Hill Photography

Caroline Dorning Jeff Hanson Sam Hernandez Bryan Hester Zach Riggins Issue No. 1 Capstone is published in the spring and fall by the Division of Student Affairs. Address correspondence to the editor: The University of Alabama External Affairs Box 870399 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 For address changes, alumni notes or story ideas, email The University of Alabama is an equal-opportunity educational institution/employer. MC8156 2 | CAPSTONEMAGAZINE



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DEAR ALUMNI & FRIENDS, IT IS MY PLEASURE TO INTRODUCE THE FIRST ISSUE OF CAPSTONE, a bi-annual magazine of the Division of Student Affairs. With a growing student body and vibrant campus community, the Division of Student Affairs is providing increased opportunities for student learning and development. More students than ever before call our residence halls home, taking advantage of communities which promote unique opportunities for learning and engagement. In addition, our students have been touching lives by participating in service trips through the Community Service Center and mentoring children in our community. Offering avenues for our student leaders to display their great enthusiasm and innovation for improving campus and the student experience, our commitment to maximizing student learning and personal growth has never been stronger. Through participating in student organizations, taking on leadership positions and cheering on the Crimson Tide athletic teams, students are met with meaningful learning experiences inside and outside of the classroom. As you explore this issue of Capstone, I hope you are inspired by our students and alumni who are making a difference in the community and around the world. In the back, you will also find a list of alumni and friends who have graciously made a donation to the Division of Student Affairs in the last year. As you will be able to see, our exciting campus still remains a spectacle for all who are part of the UA family.

Mark D. Nelson, PhD Vice President for Student Affairs

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ames Fowler did not expect his attendance at “Get On Board Day” to lead him to such a lifechanging experience. He attended the organization fair looking for a way to get involved on campus. Now, three years later, Fowler is completing his term as Student Government Association president and knows that this honor will forever change who he is. “I have learned a lot about myself and my strengths and weaknesses through SGA and will take all of this experience into my career as learning tools,” Fowler explained. Beginning his leadership in SGA on the First Year Council, Fowler said he got involved because it looked like fun. He credits his continued involvement to the upperclassmen in SGA who made him feel connected right away. “They took me under their wing and mentored me as a new student; when I went to the SGA office, I felt like part of a family,” said Fowler. After seeing the impact he could have as a freshman, Fowler was sold on becoming more involved and became a senator for the College of Commerce and Business Administration. Learning something new from each position, Fowler continued to become vice president for external affairs before being elected president. Fowler credits much of his success to his mentor and Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Mark Nelson.


He explains his job could have been much more difficult and less effective without such a caring administration. “When I need support or guidance, Dr. Nelson is someone I can go to with the most confidence.” Fowler

executive vice president and is part of the RAGE Leadership Team. In looking for inclusive ways to reach out to campus, the team came up with the idea of RAGE. She is proud of the progress her team made in the first

“I have learned a lot about myself and my strengths and weaknesses through SGA and will take all of this experience into my career as learning tools.” – JAMES FOWLER, SGA PRESIDENT

believes having a mentor and friend with a true interest in the betterment of students makes it easy to approach some of the challenges that come with the leadership position. Among many triumphs and challenges, Fowler keeps his mind on how to positively impact students now and in the future. He led the SGA to a focus on academic scholarships. A recent endowment on behalf of the SGA will provide funds to students based on need. One of the main events raising gifts for the scholarships is RAGE: Students for Scholarships, an event for students by students. In the past year, RAGE raised $31,000 for student scholarships while increasing programming on campus. Concerts, hot air balloon rides and a Taste of Tuscaloosa provided appealing entertainment for students. Nicole Bohannon, a junior from Sheffield, Ala., currently serves as the

year but keeps her eye on the future with the endowment. “We are excited to be putting some of the profit into an endowment fund so that, 10 years down the road, if the event does not exist anymore, the scholarships will,” said Bohannon. RAGE: Students for Scholarships recently hosted a concert at the new Tuscaloosa Amphitheater. A musical performance by the Avett Brothers with supporting acts from Band of Horses sold out to UA students and the public. As Fowler concludes his term as president, he is excited to lead a group that will bring the campus and community together for one cause. “RAGE is an opportunity for students from all corners of campus to come together as one UA student body for the purpose of enjoying great music and raising money for student scholarships.”

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his past fall, we celebrated the legacy of three mentors who nurtured students and challenged them to go beyond the boundaries of our campus to impact the world around them. Dr. John L. Blackburn, Dr. Sarah Healy Fenton and Mr. Melford Espey Jr., were the first to be inducted into the Student Affairs Hall of Fame. Dr. Mark Nelson, vice president for Student Affairs and the leader behind the hall of fame, expressed his appreciation to everyone involved. “We are grateful for the support of our alumni and friends as we recognize these individuals, who through their service to our great institution, have helped lead our students along the path to success.� The ceremony brought past student leaders, former administration, alumni and the families of the three legacies together for a monumental occasion. LOOKING AHEAD The Student Affairs Hall of Fame class of 2011 will be inducted this coming fall on September 22. We hope that you will join us in celebration of the outstanding accomplishments of the individuals we will honor. By recognizing these campus heroes, the Student Affairs Hall of Fame stands as a tribute to those who positively impact the UA community. For more information about the event, please contact Laura Dotson at 205-348-6681 or


DR. JOHN L. BLACKBURN Recruited to the University in 1956 as assistant dean of men, Dr. John L. Blackburn was a visionary and personable leader who inspired many through his commitment to students and the profession of Student Affairs administration. Among benchmarks of his distinguished career at the Capstone was the central role he played in the peaceful desegregation of the University. After serving UA, he spent 19691978 at the University of Denver, first as vice chancellor for student affairs and later as vice chancellor for university resources. He was summoned home to the Capstone as vice president for educational development in 1978 and held that position until his retirement in 1990. The University chose to perpetuate his legacy by establishing the Blackburn Institute in his honor in 1995. A nationally acclaimed leadership program, the institute has become a thriving global network of leaders with a shared commitment to achieving the state of Alabama’s full potential. An inspiration to all who knew him, Blackburn cherished the state of Alabama, the University and the students whose lives he touched on a daily basis.

MELFORD E. ESPEY JR. Serving The University of Alabama’s students was a true privilege for Melford E. Espey Jr., who holds three degrees from our beloved institution. Espey served in many critical leadership positions at the University from 1970 until his retirement in 1996 including: director of the Ferguson Center, director of campus activities, director of student life, director of university recreation and assistant to the vice president for Student Affairs. Among his many contributions to the University was his design of the new student union, Ferguson Center, a facility that continues to serve as the heart of campus life. He approached this challenge true to his lifelong commitment to putting students first – by inviting and incorporating student input into the design. Perhaps most memorable among his achievements, Espey served as Alabama’s first elephant mascot. His enduring love for the campus and its students led to a distinguished career and a legacy of friendship that will continue to connect Alabamians for many generations.

SARAH HEALY FENTON Dean Healy heroically helped guide the University through 1956-1958. While the racial integration of the University was not successful during this time, the lessons learned did lead to its eventual accomplishment. She continued her role as dean of women until retirement in 1971. Healy and others worked diligently to chart the path toward successful integration. While the integration of the University was her most important contribution, it was certainly not her only one. She developed a seamless web where all women students had a sense of belonging, a sense of place and knowledge that someone cared. Throughout her tenure at the University, Healy persevered in her quiet, tenacious manner; guiding and supporting her charges on the one hand and charging the University leaders to respond on the other. She listened intently to student concerns, gingerly probed as to their motivation and purpose, and in her own quiet and compassionate way, supported their convictions as they matured into responsible people.

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lex McNair’s perception of what it means to be a leader happened upon him in one of those Aha! moments we all have from time to time. He was one of a select group of potential student leaders asked to participate in the LeaderShape Institute, a national organization that challenges students to lead with integrity while working toward a vision grounded in their deepest values. “I have never been surrounded by so many people that have the same drive and motivation I have and it was an awe-inspiring experience,” said McNair. “During the week, my definition of what it means to be a leader changed drastically.” McNair, a sophomore double major in psychology and general health studies from Frederick, Md., is the prime example of how a freshman stepping onto UA’s campus can immediately get involved and become a young leader. His involvement in numerous facets of Student Affairs and the UA community as a whole has allowed him to learn the true definition of leadership and has helped to keep him on track to reach his goals. “When I first learned about the opportunity to become involved in Student Affairs through parent orientation, I was intrigued,” said McNair. “It seemed like something different from anything I had done before and serving as a parent ambassador would allow me to immerse myself in the various departments of Student Affairs.” Now McNair serves in leadership roles as a parent ambassador, peer


mentor and a residential adviser. He believes serving in these roles on campus is perhaps one of the more vital aspects of personal and professional growth a student can experience and is thankful for each opportunity he has had. “Each different position carries with it new roles, new people and new customs, and each position that students serve in allows them to learn something new about themselves and their campus,” explained McNair. McNair insisted that through his involvement at the Capstone, he acquired several leadership skills he will take into his medical career. He attributed UA’s learning environment to having given him invaluable insight into the world of working with others, insight which he knows will be one of his best qualities as he applies for medical school. “I have learned so much about how to collaborate and communicate effectively with both large and small groups, and I know that this will assist me in all of my future endeavors,” said McNair. In his opinion, The University of Alabama is not solely a place to grow academically. “College is not just about going to class and earning high grades,” said McNair. “While that is the foundation as to why we are here, a true and complete education can only be gained through involvement outside the classroom. Being involved allows you to give back to the institution that gives so much to you.”

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he gloom of the economy could easily cause frustration and anxiety for The University of Alabama’s newest graduates. Just as they are attempting to launch their careers, all kinds of feelings emerge and hope and confidence become more important than anything. UA’s Career Center seeks to restore these feelings of hope and confidence for students and alumni on the job hunt. Providing opportunities to network with employers from a wide range of industries through various career fairs, the center is often the launching pad to landing the perfect job. UA alumnus Tyler Etheredge ‘10 attributes much of his job search success to UA’s career fairs. “Being



able to tell recruiters about your strengths and skills is much more beneficial than just showing someone a résumé,” explains Etheredge. He now works as a field engineer at Halliburton, one of the world’s largest providers of products and services to the energy industry. The Career Center is intentional about providing the best possible recruiter and student experience through career fairs. Operating a variety of career events allows for a tailored approach which meet specific needs for both recruiters and student groups. Students can attend multiple fairs allowing for a true sense of the employers represented. Etheredge took full advantage of these opportunities, stating he attended a fair every semester beginning his


junior year. He encourages students to begin seeking out these opportunities as soon as possible. Jerry Paschal, executive director of the Career Center, agrees. “Most people assume that career fairs are just for job seekers. While it is a major purpose of these events, underclassmen, especially freshmen and sophomores, gain a great deal of insight into the job market.” Etheredge learned from personal experience that sending out a perfect résumé is not always going to get you the interview. The face-to-face interaction UA’s career fairs allow is what helped him sell his personality and work ethic. Etheredge also attributes his success to the personal relationships he formed with Career Center staff. “The

consultants all try to help and prepare you in any way possible for the road ahead. Gayle Howell was an excellent bank of information in the job search and acquisition field. She was always there to give her time and knowledge to help in any way possible.” Despite the challenges, upcoming UA graduates believe their futures are promising. Amber Foster, a senior majoring in biology, is hoping to become a registered dietician upon graduation. “I think my future is bright, and as a University of Alabama graduate I know my education will pay off.”

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UA AWAY: Touching Lives Through Service

Students traveled to the Dominican Republic to provide refuge and hope to orphaned, abandoned, abused and disadvantaged children by giving them food, love and education. They walked away inspired to make a difference in the world.





welve UA students spent their winter break touching the lives of children and adults in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic. A service trip, focused primarily on poverty, allowed participants of UA’s Community Service Center Alternative Break program to engage in experiences that opened their eyes, confirmed career choices and inspired students to make a difference worldwide. UA partnered with DR Missions, an organization which seeks to alleviate suffering, provide hope to disadvantaged children and allow the opportunity for children to become productive adults who will contribute positively to their society. When Emily Hice, a junior majoring in political science and student director of Alternative Breaks, learned about the cause, she knew the UA community could pull together to help. Hice has played a key role in organizing alternative breaks for the past year. Coming to Alabama from Ohio, she got involved with community service as a way to meet people on campus. After participating in her first trip to Costa Rica, where students built a water filtration system for the Cabecar Indians, Hice realized she had found her passion. Because of their unique experiences in performing service, the students shared a special bond that nobody else could understand. “On each of these trips, UA leaves a mark on people’s hearts and the people we serve leave a mark on our hearts. While on my trip to Costa Rica, I could hear the Cabecar Indians talking in their language and occasionally

would hear ‘Alabama.’ They knew where we were from and I truly feel they will remember us.” In planning the Dominican Republic service trip, Hice hoped the group would gain a better understanding of the poverty many people in the world face. The eight-day trip was divided into two main projects. With the first project, the team worked in an orphanage by teaching English, serving meals and playing games with the children. The team would prepare and serve meals to about 85 children in San Cristobal who have been identified as the most vulnerable in the area. For many of the local children, the nutritional meal they receive five days a week in the program, is the only meal they eat. “I will never fully understand what the children have been through but I feel I have gained a better understanding of their problems and have been motivated to make a change,” said Hice. For the second project, the group came together to build a small home for a man who had recently become homeless due to a house fire. Although there were many SPRING2011 | 13


challenges and trials along the way, the students built the tin house off location, carried the walls one-by-one to the property and pieced it together, providing shelter and peace of mind to a family in need. Caroline Dorning, a graduate student in mental health counseling, went on the trip as a site leader and spent the majority of her time on the home. She found the experience to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. “This experience was humbling for me. It reminded me that so many people around the world do not have things we, so often, take for granted and the importance of helping others when we can. The group of students reminded me that great things can happen when a group of people come together for a common cause.” Hice says she learned a lot about herself through planning and participating in the trips. “The world is a big and diverse place; traveling and serving others has allowed me to grow as a person and figure out what I want to do with my life.” Her leadership role within the Community Service Center has inspired her to continue serving others. She hopes to work with young students as a mentor upon completing her education. Wahnee Sherman, director of the Community Service Center, believes these trips allow students to get away from daily distractions and focus on serving. “When students get away from campus and really immerse themselves into service, they build strong relationships with others and are able to see that they are capable of making a difference in a community or region.” The goal for the Alternative Break program is to allow students to experience, discuss and understand social issues in a significant way but they often gain much more. “Students may

leave campus thinking they are going to help someone else, but most return knowing their lives have been impacted in ways they never imagined,” said Sherman. Although the trip ended upon the group’s return to Alabama, their outreach continues. The team plans to continue their service in various ways. Most importantly, many of the students have been inspired to become lifelong volunteers and make a difference in the world.



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earning about student involvement as they sat in the Ferguson Center theater during freshman orientation was the beginning of an instant friendship for Alabama alumni Katie Boyd ’04 and Wesley Britt ‘03. After their initial meeting, the two continued conversations every Friday at lunch for four years. Together, throughout their careers at UA, they created a legacy of inspiration, leadership and passion at the Capstone. Katie, former president of the Student Government Association, Chi Omega Sorority, Blackburn Institute fellow, and recipient of the Algernon Sydney Sullivan award, attributes much of her remarkable UA experience to her involvement in UA’s distinctive student life. “Student life at The University of Alabama allows students to come together not only to make the University a better place, but to work diligently to develop ways and strategies to make a positive impact on our state.” Katie took her experiences in college and translated them to her career, representing The University of Alabama as deputy press secretary to Senator Richard Shelby upon her graduation. After serving a year, she became the senator’s press secretary, making her the youngest on Capitol Hill. There,


her days were filled with responding to media inquiries and attending important receptions. In all, she never forgot she was an ambassador for UA. Her loyalty shined as she continued the work she began on campus, always putting people first and making an impact on our nation. Wesley, at 6-feet 8-inches was hard to miss on campus. Alabama fans fell in love with the gentle giant who played football from 2000 to 2004. His character stood tall for the Crimson Tide during difficult transitions in our football history. Wesley encouraged teammates to stay loyal and give their best on and off the field. Noting the impact of diversity he experienced and the family atmosphere he felt, Wesley believes UA’s student life contributed to his overall personal development and assisted in his successful graduation. As a standout offensive left tackle, Wesley went on to join the National Football League (NFL) as a New England Patriot. Wesley was surprised to find his teammates from all over the nation had admiration and curiosity about his experience at The University of Alabama. “While playing in the NFL, teammates attending premier colleges across the country would constantly inquire about my UA experience. There is no one item of distinction that set our student life apart, but

rather a vast family of opportunities and people that make The University of Alabama unique.” Wesley and Katie are remarkably inspiring, courageous leaders who still have fans galore. Their relationship was built around UA and after seven years of friendship, they married. Wesley and Katie are now proud parents of two children, Bennett and Ridgeway, and have returned to their roots in Tuscaloosa where Katie is a law student and Wesley is studying for his master’s in business administration. Wesley and Katie continue to be engaged in the UA community. The couple serves on the Student Affairs Leadership Council (SALC), which supports projects benefiting UA students and their families. Wesley finds it to be an exciting partnership. “The SALC is a wonderful venue to keep up-to-date on the progress of the University. I have met so many great UA alumni whom I now call friends because of SALC. Serving on the leadership council has exceeded any expectations and has offered new perspectives and professional development,” he describes. Both are enjoying the opportunity to learn from and befriend other parents through the SALC. The challenges of

parenting two small children while going to graduate school have only made the couple closer. Katie calls Wesley her teammate in parenting, “He always prioritizes the children and their needs regardless of anything else he has on his plate. I love seeing him sing, read and find creative ways to help the children learn and explore. There is nothing better than to see all 6-feet 8-inches of him sitting at a tiny wooden table, sipping out of a dainty pink cup, playing tea party with our little girl. And of course I love the fact that Ridgeway, at 11 months, can already put his daddy in a pretty good headlock!” In all, the partnership between Student Affairs and the Britts only grows richer over time. The legacy of these two notable student leaders reinforces the transformative learning experiences our students encounter on a daily basis. By giving back through their time and talent, Wesley and Katie Britt illustrate their dedication and belief in UA’s campus and student life initiatives. Their example proves a love for The University of Alabama only grows stronger over time. After all, had it not been for that initial meeting over their similar interest in getting involved, the two may have never crossed paths.

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nvolvement on campus looks different for every student. Whether it is finding a student group with interests around a particular topic or a professional organization within a major, UA’s student organizations provide outlets for leadership and engagement on campus. Building a community of students surrounding these interests is what makes UA a special place, where any idea can be the beginning of something big. ABXY Gaming Network, a student organization dedicated to providing students with opportunities

to meet other gamers, discuss the gaming industry and play the latest video games, has done just that. They have taken what many would describe as simple fun and made it into a point of connection for many students. To Kelli Abernathy, ABXY’s president, the organization is about more than playing games. “Through our club, I have been able to connect with students with a wide variety of backgrounds who have similar interests as me, and because of that I have been able to learn a lot of things,” said Abernathy. “I have learned how important it is to have a supportive community and how those bonds can be created through something as simple as sitting down to play a game together.” One of UA’s fastest growing student organizations, ABXY is making a mark on campus. While it hosts various events throughout the year, ABXY has become most well known for PixelCon. Through collaboration with Creative Campus, PixelCon is an annual video gaming convention that boasts video game tournaments, cosplay (costume play) contests and even a musical concert. Drawing crowds from on campus and off, the program is widely successful. This year, students planning the program wanted to take the conference to the next level. The group partnered with UA’s Up ‘Til Dawn program to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the fight against childhood cancer. A portion of the tournament fees were donated to the hospital and the event quickly became about much more than a game. Up ‘til Dawn is a student-led philanthropic program hosted by colleges and universities nationwide to raise funds for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Tiara Dees, cocoordinator of PixelCon, knew she wanted to give back in some way. “We decided to donate to Up ‘Til Dawn and St. Jude because we wanted to help the UA community,”

said Dees. “By donating funds to a charity we already support on campus, we feel like we are helping not only St. Jude, but also UA.” Abernathy also saw the benefits. “We chose Up ‘Til Dawn because we believe they work for a great cause. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is dedicated to helping children and their families even if they are unable to pay.” Abernathy thought back to her childhood and knew St. Jude was a good match for what the conference and the organization stand for. “We want to help children through our gaming club because playing games reminds us of our childhood. Our goal is to help these children create good memories, too.” The organization will host a video game marathon in late spring, also to benefit St. Jude. Through the programs and collaborative efforts ABXY has provided to its members, students have gained invaluable skills. Above anything, Abernathy values the leadership and people skills she has developed through serving as president. “I have learned how to work with people and the different ways people think.” She knows these skills can only assist in her pursuit to becoming a world business leader. Dees agrees that ABXY has left an important impression on her life. By sharing her passion with others, she has, in turn, been able to express herself and find her own talent. Dees explains her college experience would not be the same without ABXY. “Being involved with ABXY has completely redefined my experience at the University. In the past two years, I had the opportunity to meet students with the same interests as me, as well as work with great faculty and organizations on campus. I never imagined I would have the opportunity to be a part of an organization like this and the experience has changed my life.”

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helped me and I feel it is my calling to help someone else in return ”




D R . L O W E L L D AV I S


elping people has always been a passion for Dr. Lowell Davis, assistant dean of students. “As a college student, I would see students leave school for financial reasons and knew one day I wanted to help a student who has the desire to seek higher education but may not have the resources.” Davis has found multiple ways to do just that. In his first year at Alabama, Davis served certain populations of new students by creating programs such as the Transfer Student Association and Tau Sigma Transfer Student Honor Society, while reaching out to first-year students to assist in their transition. He also saw a need for first-generation college students and started a program to help them become engaged in their college community. Now, in his third year at the Capstone, Davis helps students of the foster care system receive the support and resources they need to be successful college students. “Our foster care students need extra support in navigating campus or sometimes just a person to call when they have a problem,” said Davis. The foster care initiative began when Davis was introduced to a foster care student who had come to UA without having any plans in place. “(The student) didn’t have housing, classes or any contacts on campus,” explained Davis. “I wondered how many other students identified as foster care students and were in this same situation.” In collaboration with Student Financial Aid, 200 students were identified as being foster care students. Davis reached out to this group of students with resources such as financial planning and set up faculty and staff mentors for each

student in the program. In addition, a partnership with the College of Human and Environmental Sciences and the School of Social Work allows for further assistance. Sean Hudson, a sophomore from Bessemer who grew up in the foster care system, has benefited from the support: “It has helped me in knowing the right people I can go to when I have a problem. Instead of trying to explain my situation to someone who either does not understand or does not have the correct information, they are familiar with my situation.” Davis also helps mentor students in Collegiate 100 and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. on campus. He reaches out to the community by mentoring at Westlawn Middle School in Tuscaloosa. His helping attitude reaches far beyond the boundaries of his job: “Someone helped me and I feel it is my calling to help someone else in return.” Above anything, Davis loves seeing students meet their full potential. “I want to ensure every student who comes to UA receives the support they need to graduate in four years and either continue on to graduate school or become fully employed in a career they love as much as I do.” Hudson and other UA students have noticed his helping nature. “The fact that Dr. Davis has teamed up with me, a current foster care student, has been the most helpful support; he knows the challenges we have and works diligently to solve them.”

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Two UA Alumni Pay It Forward With Their Time, Gifts And Service To The Blackburn Institute And Other Meaningful Programs.


Don and Bobbie Siegal have “ played an integral part in both the creation and growth of the Blackburn Institute. ”



eadership, influence and passion are just three words that describe Dr. John L. Blackburn. Serving as a visionary leader at The University of Alabama, Blackburn knew talent and leadership when he saw it. As he worked to facilitate the peaceful integration of the University in 1963, he called upon two special students he knew would make a difference. Don and Bobbie Siegal were both juniors at Alabama that year. They followed Blackburn’s lead, learning how to influence others in ethical behavior, show empathy and care, and promote the importance and value of diversity and inclusion. As young students, Don and Bobbie learned valuable lessons. They explain it was Blackburn that inspired them to become the active citizens they are today. “One of John’s favorite questions was ‘What have you done today for the state of Alabama?’ It is these lessons that have led us to participate in many civic organizations.” Today, those teachings are evident as Don and Bobbie continue to give back to the University and the state. As students, Don went on to serve as the Student Government Association (SGA) president, Jasons president and the master of ceremonies at UA pep rallies while Paul “Bear” Bryant coached football. Bobbie served as president to the Spirit Club and Alpha Lambda Delta and was a member of Triangle and

Mortar Board. They both graduated in 1964. Continuing their education, Don graduated from UA’s School of Law in 1967 while Bobbie earned her master’s degree in guidance and counseling the same year. In 1995, the Blackburn Institute was formed to foster Blackburn’s belief that people link strategic actions through the generations for progressive and ethical change. Don and Bobbie joined the Blackburn Advisory Board at its inception because they felt so strongly about his vision. “The Blackburn Institute is advancing the future of our state in many ways. It has helped develop leaders throughout Alabama, many of which hold positions of leadership in their respective communities,” they described. Dr. Philip Westbrook, director of the Blackburn Institute, appreciates the active participation and support of alumni like Don and Bobbie Siegal. “Don and Bobbie have played an integral part in both the creation and growth of the Blackburn Institute,” said Westbrook. Beyond serving in an advisory role to the Blackburn Institute, Don and Bobbie make The University of Alabama an integral part of their lives. “From being season ticket holders and traveling with the Tide to away games to serving UA in other ways, the University has touched our lives in so many ways it is hard to count.” Don serves as a member of the President’s Cabinet, a co-chairman of the Hillel

Foundation, and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Law School Foundation. Bobbie remains engaged by having served on the President’s Advisory Council on Diversity, is an honorary member of XXXI and serves on the Hillel Board. Above all, Don and Bobbie Siegal recognize the transformative learning they experienced as students, having Blackburn as a mentor, and give their time mentoring UA students with the hope to pay it forward. “We love mentoring students not only because we feel we can assist but also because the students keep us young in spirit.” Don and Bobbie feel a special connection to The University of Alabama, not only because of all it has given them but also because they believe it is a breeding ground for the future leaders of our state. “Student Affairs helps build leadership by providing quality programs and allowing students to participate in meaningful experiences,” they explain. The lessons they learned from Blackburn have followed them all of their lives and they believe the Blackburn Institute and the Division of Student Affairs have that same impact on students today. Describing The University of Alabama as a special place, Don and Bobbie Siegal don’t go a day without feeling the influences of the UA family. “From a love of learning to wonderful friendships throughout the state, we benefit every day from our UA connection.”

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A group of students produced an opportunity for the people of Alabama to weigh governor candidates during the

2010 election by hosting a gubernatorial debate on UA’s campus.

2 The President’s Cup, awarded to the top chapter in

each of the four Greek governing councils each year at UA, was renamed the Witt Cup in recognition of the support and vision UA President Robert E. Witt shows the Greek community. “Harry Potter” books, UA hosted a World Cup Quidditch Tournament.



paid tribute to Autherine Lucy Foster, James Hood and the late Vivian Malone Jones,




students whose enrollment represented UA’s first steps toward desegregation, at the dedication of the Malone-Hood Plaza and Autherine Lucy Clock Tower at Foster Auditorium.


UA students

learned about various cultures around the world through the arts at the first-ever Crimson Culture Week. Pan-Hellenic


6 The National


Step Show was the first event in Foster Auditorium after renovations.


3 Based on the broomstick sport from J.K. Rowling’s


women’s wheelchair basketball team won the national championship for the second consecutive year.

8 The Ferguson Center

launched Al’s Pals, a campus mentorship program that pairs UA and elementary school students at the new McKenzie Court Community Center in Tuscaloosa.


9 The Vegabonds performed at Plaza

Live during Week of Welcome, where new students gather to form friendships and get acquainted with campus.


UA continued to build partnerships with parents through parent orientation and other parent programs. In 2010, almost 6,000





spent MLK weekend in

Hale County working with Habitat for Humanity.






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4 5 7 6

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Thank you to our alumni, parents and friends who supported the Division of Student Affairs in 2010. Your generous contributions supported scholarships, expanded student and campus life initiatives and, in this special year, assisted in the initiation of our Student Affairs Hall of Fame. Your gifts go directly back to students allowing them to enhance their learning beyond the classroom. Thank you for your continued support.

$10,000 + Alabama B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Estan J. Bloom Mrs. Deborah R. Hillard Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jennings Jones Consolidated Trust The Honorable Gordon Barry Kahn Mr. W. Davis Malone III Merchant Capital Investments, Inc. Southwest Contract

$2,000 - $4,999 Alpha Lambda Delta BB&T Ms. Tara N. Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Costello Dr. Charles G. Demeranville Energen Corporation Dr. and Mrs. B. H. Eichold II Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edward Francis Jr. Mrs. Margaret P. Garner Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hamm Mr. and Mrs. Marion E. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. W. Mike House Drs. Steve and Pamela Kulback Dr. Elizabeth and Mr. Jason LaClair Mr. and Mrs. Warner O. Moore III Ms. Susan M. Nelms Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Pilot Mr. and Mrs. James L. Priester Regions Bank of Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa Rotary Memorial Foundation United Technologies Verizon Wireless - HopeLine Vulcan Materials Company

Mr. and Mrs. David Lauren Clokey Jr. Collegiate Bed Loft Company, Inc. Gamma Phi Beta - Epsilon Lambda Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Grice Mrs. Glenda K. Guyton Mr. and Mrs. Philip Morton Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Holditch Dr. Leesa Kay Rogers and Mr. Joel Huguley Ms. Karen Jasper Mr. Craig A. Johnson Mrs. Ann Karpinski Jones Ms. Deborah Lane Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis Lewis Pecan Company Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Meisler Mr. Morris Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Brendan August Moore Mr. and Mrs. Harris V. Morrissette Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Needham Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Nelson Mrs. Celia Partlow The Patterson Family Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Piper III Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Poole Mr. Eric Lloyd Pruitt Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oliver Rolfe Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Saer Ms. Nancy R. Siniard Mr. Hatton C. V. Smith Mr. Ralph Stubblefield Jr. UBS Financial Services Mr. Steve Wambold Wells Fargo Bank Mrs. Kathy Moore Whitacre Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wilkes Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Miles Williams Mr. Philip Baker Young Zap Professional Photography

$1,000 - $1,999 Dr. Wesley Winchell Acee III Alabama Credit Union Alabama Power Company Dr. and Mrs. Bibb Allen Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy Boles Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Wade Brooke Mr. and Mrs. James Brown

$500 - $999 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William Dean Azar Drs. Norman and Karen Baldwin Balfour Mrs. Jenna M. Bedsole Mr. Waymon Benifield Mr. and Mrs. Andy Beskin

$5,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Yuval Almog Mrs. Jaynie Randall Lilley Mr. H. Pettus Randall IV Ms. Kate Randall Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.


Mr. Kyle Buchanan Mr. Thomas Clark Canterbury Dr. Cheree Causey Office of Community Affairs Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Cole Jr. College of Community Health Sciences Communication and Information Sciences Mr. John W. Covington III Dr. Kathleen P. Cramer Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lister Crosby Jr. Mr. James Bradley Davidson Dorbin Association Univ. of Alabama School of Law Mrs. Harriet E. Downing Mr. J. David Ellwanger Mr. Fournier J. Gale III Grace Ministries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Troy C. Haas Mr. Joshua Patrick Hayes Mrs. Craig G. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Philip Morton Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hubble Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ison J & B Management and Electric Supply, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Jeffery Mr. G. Douglas Jones Mr. Cason Michael Kirby Dr. Brandi L. Lamon Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lee Maddox Mr. Toby Marcus Mr. Gordon G. Martin Dr. F. David Mathews Mr. Stephen Dexter McWhorter Microsoft Corporation Mr. William Fitts O’Conner Jr. Mr. Richard F. Ogle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pendley Mr. Redding Pitt PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation Dr. Catherine Johnson Randall Randall-Reilly Publishing Company Regions Financial Corporation Foundation Ms. Kristin Roggenkamp Mr. John A. Romano Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason Rudolph Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Sarao Mr. John David Saxon School of Social Work Mr. and Mrs. Don Siegal Mrs. Joan Reichwein Smith Mrs. Katherine Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Smith

Dr. Thomas S. Strong The UA Graduate School The Venerable Doctor Louise Thibodaux and Mr. Paul Thibodaux Dr. Joab L. Thomas University Advancement Mr. and Mrs. Bill Warner Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. James W. Wilson III $100 - $499 Mr. Tim Adams Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dale Adcock Mrs. Barbara H. Akins Mrs. Deborah P. Alden Mr. Larry Allen Mr. John Amthor Mr. and Mrs. Scott Anderson Mr. David Andras Mr. and Mrs. Rian F. Ankerholz Mr. Gordon L. Arabian Mr. Jimmy Braswell Autrey Ms. Mary L. Azzarello Mrs. Katy Bade Ms. Elizabeth A. Ball Mr. Peter Baren Mr. and Mrs. Byron Douglas Bauer Mr. Robert G. Baumhower Mr. William Joseph Baxley Mr. Gregory S. Beer Dr. Donald J. Benson Mrs. Carolyn Berry Mr. and Mrs. Scott Birk Mr. Jimmy Mike Bishop Black Warrior Printing & Imaging Mr. Bertram Alan Bloomston Mr. Eugene Borgosz Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Bowen Mr. Terrence Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Bradley Mrs. Pamela Bradshaw Dr. Winifred D. Bragg Ms. Kathleen M. Brandon Mr. Charles R. Brasfield Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brim Ms. Patricia Britt Mr. Andrew Brock Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brockman Mrs. Susan Bryce Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bullock Mr. and Mrs. John R. Burch Jr. Mr. Robert H. Burns Mr. Joel Craig Busby

Mr. Michael Byers Ms. Melanie Elizabeth Camp Mr. James M. Campbell Ms. Sandra Carey Mrs. Angella Trulove Carlisle Mrs. Kerri Ellen Hay Carr Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Carter Mr. Randy Cash Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cashman Mrs. Lucia A. Castagna Colonel John M. Castleberry Dr. Mildred Witt Caudle Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chambless Mrs. Barbara Cicchillo Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Clarke Mrs. Evelyn Hagerty Coats Collegiate Bed Loft Company, Inc. Ms. Emily Collum Commemorative Brands, Inc. Mr. John Connors Mr. Jon David Conolley Ms. Ellen H. Cooper Mrs. Patrick Cooper Ms. Rhonda Copeland Miss Megan Emily Courington Mr. and Mrs. David Cowart Ms. Vicki Cox Ms. Linda Craft Ms. Mary Joanne Crenshaw Mrs. Judith A. Crilley Ms. Monica H. Cross Ms. Laura Lynn Crum Mr. and Mrs. James W. Davidson Mrs. Amy S. Davis Mr. Thomas Parks Davis Mrs. Linda M. Daws Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Fazio Mrs. Mary Kate Densmore Mrs. Jane D. Dixon Dr. David Samuel Dockery Mr. David Ross Dreher Ms. Julie Duffee Ms. Jenny C. Duffy Mrs. Maria Durazzo Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dyer Mr. Stephen M. Earley Ms. Lane Easterling Mrs. Cindy Edmunds Mr. Michael D. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Ekonen Ms. Barbara English Mr. and Mrs. David Gerald Etheridge Mr. Dennis G. Fain

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Faught Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Finelli Ms. Leslie Finley Mrs. Lynda G. Finley Mrs. Carol Fletcher Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Fockele Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Foster Mr. Stephen A. Fowler Ms. Nancy Jane Fox Mr. and Mrs. Warner Fox Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Foxhall Mrs. Catherine Friedman Mr. Odie P. Galt III Mr. Thomas J. Gapch Mrs. Christy Beth Gattis Dr. Jane N. Geiger Ms. Renee Goram Mr. Phillip Grant Miss Heather D. Griffin Mr. Gregory S. Grisham Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haggerty Mrs. Melanie Haire Robert P. Hall, II & Associates, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Hall Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Halli Jr. Ms. Carolyn Handa Mr. Steve Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. James I. Harrison Jr. Mr. Clifford J. Hataway Sr. Mr. Jackson Hataway Mrs. Margaret Hayes Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Hazen Dr. Tim S. Hebson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heen Mr. and Mrs. John James Heflin III Ms. Vanessa S. Held Mr. and Mrs. Edward Helms Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Helton Mr. and Mrs. Edmond C. Henson Jr. Mrs. Katherine Elaine Hershman Mr. Mark Anthony Hickman Mrs. Velma Hixson Mr. Bobby O. Holman Mrs. Michelle Hooper and Mr. John Springer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hopkins Mr. Kurt W. Hopper Mr. Gary Lane Howard Miss Michelle D. Howard Mr. Robert Turner Hunter Jr. IBM Corporation Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad James Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jenkins

Mrs. Gina Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Jones Ms. Shiann Jones Mrs. Virginia S. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Juliano Mrs. Mary Kalbac Mr. and Mrs. David W. Karr Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Lee N. Keyes Dr. and Mrs. John R. Kingsley Mr. Steven Kirkland Ms. Vicki B. Kitchens Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kline Ms. Linda Knowlton Commander Thomas J. Lally Mrs. Barbara L. Lancaster Dr. Karen M. Landers Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leo Lawless Ms. Yoko Lawless Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Leach Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniel Lee Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Clay Lemley Mr. Larry Levine Dr. and Mrs. Clifton T. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Stuart S. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leyman Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lisciani Mrs. Cynthia C Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. John Lobo Mrs. Aileen Totten Logan Mrs. Elizabeth Lee Long Mr. and Mrs. Jim Looke Ms. Jennie T. MaCabe Mrs. Cathy MacMain-Cage Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Magee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maiolo Ms. Diana Mann Mr. Jeffrey T. Marsch Mr. Richard K. Martin Mr. Michael Martone Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Massey Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Mauldin Ms. Jennie T. McCabe Mr. Jason David McCain Mrs. Cathy McCarter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas McCrary Jr. Ms. Evelyn N. McDowell Ms. Nancy McDuff Mr. John B. McFadyen Sr. Mrs. Martha McInnish Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLeod Mrs. Mary Yeates Meriwether Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Miller Mrs. Christine D. Minter-Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Mitton III Dr. W. Lee Moffatt III Mrs. Jill Marie Moller Mr. and Mrs. Steve Morehouse Mrs. Polly Newton Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Gary Morlas Mr. Angus C. Morrison Mr. Harris V. Morrissette Mr. and Mrs. Darren N. Mowry Mr. and Mrs. Raghu Mukkamala Colonel Edward L. Mullin, RET. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Murray Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nataluk Mr. and Mrs. Edward Andrew Norwood Dr. Boris D. Nunez Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Oertling Ms. Courtney E. Oglesby Mrs. Kari Olah Mrs. Felice Floyd Oldacre Dr. Jerry Clyde Oldshue Dr. Frederick Wayne Palestini Dr. Pamela Hughey Parker Ms. Tracy Parks Mr. Frank Parsons Mr. Jerry L. Paschal Mrs. Marta Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Patten Mrs. Cora B. Patterson Mr. Joseph M. Payne The Pellegrino Law Firm Mr. and Mrs. Edouard A. Peloquin Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Winters Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anthony Perno Pfizer Foundation Mr. Peter L. Philpott Mr. and Mrs. Ira Piller Dr. Louis A. Pitschmann Mr. and Mrs. James Wesley Pitts Mr. Marcus K. Pugh Ms. Karen Rambin Dr. Frank R. Rayburn Mr. and Mrs. Barry Nathan Reamey Mr. Joseph Lawrence Reese Jr. Mr. Clemens Alexander Reimer Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Reitman Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John R. Reynolds Mr. David P. Richard Mr. Raul Rivas Mrs. Shirley L. Robertson Mr. Troy Rogers SPRING2011 | 27

Mr. Timothy Will Rose Mr. and Mrs. F. Donald Rothermich Mrs. Lyba W. Rousso Dr. and Mrs. Guy Leslie Rutledge Mrs. Karen L. Sargent Mrs. Catherine J. Scheidler Mr. and Mrs. Greg Schmidt Mrs. Salle N. Schmidt Mrs. Althea Schoen Mr. and Mrs. Tim Scoggan Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Seither Mr. Steve Seiver Ms. Penelope B. Sevier Mrs. Viveca Seymour Mr. and Mrs. David Shanks Mr. S. Michael Sharp Mr. Walter Shields Mrs. Jerry Wills Sims Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sladek Mrs. Jennifer Smith Mrs. Margaret A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Snyder Dr. and Mrs. Michael Solloway Southern Company Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie E. Spann Ms. Amy Stadthagen Mrs. Lorna M. Stanard Mr. Marcus Staples Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Stella Colonel Albert Keith Stewart Ms. Karen Stillman Mr. Jim Storey Ms. Caroline J. Strawbridge Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Strawbridge Sr. Mr. Karen D. Strickland Mr. Christopher Thomas Strong Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stuard Ms. Debra Lea Swims Ms. Candice Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Fred Teed Mr. Allen Lee Terry II Mr. Robert W. Thomason Ms. Cindy Thomley Ms. Donna Thompson Mrs. Karen B. Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. George Tomlin Mr. Frank Topping Mrs. Patti P. Trethaway Mr. James M. Tucci University Presbyterian Church University Relations Mrs. Tiffany M. Serviss and Mr. Jae A. Usery Mr. and Mrs. John K. Vaughn Ms. Gwen W. Vinzant Mr. Godula von Bachhaus Wachovia Foundation Mrs. Kathleen A. Walters Mr. David Alan Walton Mr. William C. Watkins III Mr. and Mrs. Mike Weaver Ms. Edith M. Wells Mrs. Becky West Mr. and Mrs. David White Mr. and Mrs. Drew Kenneth White


Mr. James H. White Jr. Mrs. Margaret Scott Whitfield Mr. J. L. Wilbanks Jr. Dr. Jimmy John Williams Ms. Juanita J. Williams Ms. Katherine Woodruff Williams Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Wilson Jr. Ms. Mary E. Wingo Mr. and Mrs. Doug Winslow Women’s Resource Center Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yarbrough OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS Ms. Donna Abel Mr. and Mrs. Barry Adams Mrs. Cynthia D. Adcock Mr. David Alaniz Mr. and Mrs. Jim Allen Mrs. Sharon B. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Barry Alvis Mrs. Carmen Amato Mr. Bob F. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Anderson Ms. Ursula Andino Mrs. Lynda Antonelli Mrs. Robin L. Royal Anzaldua Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey Mrs. Mary L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bass Mr. Barry Henry Bauman Mrs. Mary Baxley Mrs. Kathy C. Beasley Mr. Rex Beauchamp Miss Amy Bedingfield Mrs. Ivett Bensinger Mr. Samuel Bernstein Mrs. Ashley Hays Bice Ms. Allison Bird Ms. Juliana Bjorklund Mr. Jamison B. Blanks Miss Danielle Blevins Mr. and Mrs. David Blinder Ms. Nancy Wilson Blount Mrs. Cathryn Dunkin Boardman Mrs. Kristi C. Boehmcke Mrs. Amy Gillis Bogue Mr. John N. Bolus Mr. and Mrs. Sven Bonander Dr. Judith Lenora Bonner Mrs. Joyce A. Bowar Mrs. Renae Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Laurence W. Boyer Mrs. Faye Carrington Brady Mr. and Mrs. Scott I. Brannan Mr. John Eric Braun Mr. Guy Brenner Ms. Alice Bretz Ms. Frances Brodeur Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brooks Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Brown Jr. Mrs. Linda Barto Brown Ms. Alicia Rae Browne Mrs. Jane Buchanan Brunson Mr. James Wade Brunstad

Ms. Lynn Buddin Ms. Sue Bugg Mrs. Mattie Burks Mrs. Sara L. Burks Dr. Janet W. Burris Mr. Michael “Magic” Burt Mrs. Sharon Wilson Burton Mrs. Maureen Bush Mr. James P. Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Teddie L. Caldwell Mr. Donald Cannon Mr. Gregory Canute Mrs. Susan Caples Capstone Office Solutions, LLC Mrs. Burns Levy Carnes Ms. Silvana Carnevale Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Carswell Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carter Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chandler Ms. LaTonya Chiles Mrs. Susan C. Christian Captain and Mrs. J. Thomas Clarke Mr. Robert Louis Clements Jr. Mrs. Lynn L. Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Coates Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Colafrancesco Mr. James D. Comerford Ms. Patricia Conci Mrs. Cindy Connell Mrs. Holly M. Cooch Ms. Deanna Cook Ms. Alyssa B. Cooper Mrs. Bee Bellenger Cooper Mr. Mims J. Cooper Mr. William John Nelson Coxwell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Crenshaw Dr. W. Donald Crump Mrs. Kimberly Crumpton Mr. George Everett Culver Jr. Mr. Tyler Curtis Mrs. Leslie C. Daniel Ms. Rosa Darby Dr. Patricia Warren Daugherty Mr. Mark Davenport Mrs. Jan M. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cole Davis Ms. Dawn Davis Dr. Sara D. Davis Mr. Henry Dean Mr. and Mrs. Royal Dellinger Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig Dickson Mr. Shouluan Ding Mr. and Ms. Joseph DiNuzzo Mrs. Robin C. Dixon Ms. Vickie Boyd Dixon Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dockery III Mr. Timothy G. Durfee Dr. Dennis C. Earl Mr. and Mrs. James Porter Elder Sr. Mr. Jared Elders Mrs. Norma Elizondo Mr. and Mrs. Jon Mark Erstine Mr. Jerry Fain Mr. and Mrs. Ted Farrell Mr. and Mrs. William G. Faulkner Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Faulkner Mrs. Teresa Faulkner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ferretti Mrs. Vicki H. Filstein Mrs. Wendy Fykes Fink Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finnegan Ms. Tina Fleming Dr. Henry Edward Florey Jr. Ms. Claire E. Forman Mr. Conrad Murphree Fowler Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Franklin Mr. Neil Michael Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Fredrickson Mrs. Linda Freeburg Ms. Phyllis Freeman Mrs. Anise Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fry Ms. Karen Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. David A. Galloway Mrs. Pamela Simmons Garner Mrs. Barbara B. Gaston Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Geller Ms. Helena Gentry Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gibson III Mrs. Gaylynne Giliberto Mr. Winston Howard Gillum Jr. Mrs. Carol Ginzig Mrs. Patricia Pullen Girdler Ms. Eileen Givens Mr. Marc Givhan Ms. Heather S. Gledhill Ms. Taylor Anne Gola Mr. Jim Goldbach Mrs. Cindy Gordon Mr. George B. Gordon Mr. Vincent J. Graffeo Mrs. Tammy Tatum Graves Miss Patty Ann Green Ms. Debra Grove-Mahoney Mr. Derek Gulsby Mr. and Mrs. William Patton Hahn Mr. Andrew Dickson Hall Ms. Elizabeth K. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hammons Mr. Donald R. Hankinson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hanks Mr. Gene Hanson Mrs. Sarah H. Hanson Mr. Terry L. Harris Mr. and Mrs. John S. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Hataway Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Clark Havens Ms. Marilyn Heitlinger Ms. Bernice Henderson Ms. Nancy Henger Mrs. Susan Higginbotham Mr. John Z. Higgs Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hiltz Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hinton Mr. and Mrs. John Hiott Professor and Mrs. Timothy Hoff Mrs. Kimberly Holland Mr. and Mrs. R. Craig Holley Mr. Dennis Marshall Holt

Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hooper Mrs. Catherine B. Howell Mr. William C. Hubbard Ms. Pamela K. Hubbert Mrs. Laura B. Hudson Mrs. Anita Huenke Mrs. Christine Hughes Mrs. Karen Humphrey Ms. Sandy Istok Ms. Janie Jackson Mrs. Rainer Albright Jamison Mrs. Barbara W. Janusz Mr. David E. Jeffreys Mrs. Linda Russell Johnson Mr. Mack Johnson Ms. Pamela A. Johnson Drs. David and Jennifer Jones Ms. Renee Jones Mrs. Patricia E. Joy Ms. Rustee Lynne Karolyi Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kasson Mrs. Ruth M. Katz Mrs. Martha White Keeler Mr. and Mrs. David R. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Kempe Mrs. Mary Delchamps Kendrick Mr. David Kinsaul Ms. Cecelia J. Kizziah Mr. and Mrs. Tom Klootwyk Ms. Jeanne Kuperberg Mrs. Karen Laforte Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lambert III Mrs. Paige Lancaster Mr. Edward P. Langefeld Mrs. Kathie Larre Mrs. Jamie Larue Ms. Denise Lawhorn Mr. Joshua C. Lawhorn Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lawrence Mrs. Molly Mayfield Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Levet Mrs. Alison Tommie Lewis Mr. Jack Lilie Mr. Clarence C. Lindquist Mr. Garrett Lindsey Mrs. Sandra Lipari Ms. Ana Lockhart Mrs. Ceciel Locklar Mrs. Marian Accinno Loftin Ms. Carol Kacker Lollar Mr. Robert Lucke Mrs. Carol Maier-Lichtenberger Mrs. Candy Marriott Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Mark Marshall Ms. Cathi Martin Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur W. Masters IV Mrs. Jane Adair May Mrs. Virginia Reynolds May Ms. Laura B. Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. Alfonzo Mays Mrs. Traci Fancher McArdle Ms. Alicia McCall Mr. Gene McCay Mrs. Pamela McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Roger McCoy, Jr. Mr. Steven L. McCullar

Mr. Terry McElveen Mrs. Juanita Risher McGlawn Mr. and Mrs. Rob McGuigan Ms. Jennifer McKinley Mr. Thomas E. McMillan Jr. Dr. Toni H. McNaron Mr. and Mrs. David T. McPherson Mrs. Elaine L. Mello Mr. and Mrs. Matt Menges Mr. Paul Andrew Midkiff Ms. Francine Miguel Mrs. Toni L. Milholland Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Miller Mrs. Mary Jo Miller Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Milliken Mrs. Gail Livingston Mills Mrs. Julie Willett Mills Mrs. Holly Creel Mims Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph Minor Mr. Primm Mitchell Ms. Kelley Mollo Miss Hillary Moore Mrs. Patricia Perry Moore Ms. Susan Moore Ms. Theresa J. Moore Ms. Erin O. Morris Mr. F. Chadwick Morriss Mr. Joseph Hershel Mosley Mrs. Penne Mott Dr. Laura Moylan and Mr. Robert D. Moylan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mueller Mrs. Patricia Lanigan Murphy Mrs. Camille Gilchrist-Myers and Mr. Thomas Myers Mrs. Teresa Nacarato Mrs. Debbie Nations Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nenon Ms. Lane Chambers Nestman Mr. Tim E. Neunzig Mrs. Cecilia Newman Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nixon Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. John Nowlan Mr. Morgan Oslin Ogilvie Jr. Dr. Priscilla Oliver Mrs. Audrey Osterndorf Dr. Louis B. Ostrow Fred Owen Construction, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Owens Ms. Caroline Sue Parsons Mrs. Karen Payton Mr. and Mrs. Steve Penner Mrs. Alicia F. Pescod Dr. Douglas Jay Phillips Mr. Jonathan Pittman Mr. Walter H. Porter Mrs. Tricia Preston Ms. Paula F. Price Ms. Denise Pruitt Ms. Jan Pruitt Mr. Lee Howard Pruitt Miss Latrisa M. Pugh Mr. William S. Pursley Mr. and Mrs. Terrance R. Quinn Mrs. Andrea Radomski Ms. Ashley Fallon Ragsdale

Ms. Carolyn A. Rak Ms. Stephani Ray Mrs. Traci D. Reed Mr. Craig Reigel Mrs. Kelly Renee Rhodes Mrs. Lisa Rice Dr. Norvin W. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Jim Richardson Mr. William Zachary Riddle Mr. Chris Ridge Mrs. Patricia Kellett Roberts Mr. Robert Earl Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Karl Robinson Dr. Richard W. Robinson Ms. Molly Rorex Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rosenberg Ms. Carolyn S. W. Rowell Mr. Thomas Drake Samford IV Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDonald Sandefer Mrs. Rita Schmidt Mrs. Gina B. Schwarm Mr. James L. Schwee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scott Mr. Rudy Scott Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Alan Seale Mrs. Lynette Seaton Mr. David Seeley Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shaw Ms. Sandra Shaw Mr. Andy Shelton Mrs. Linda Elmore Shook Mr. and Mrs. Marc H. Shook Ms. Rhonda Sides Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sinclair Mrs. Debbie Hannah Skinner Mrs. Leslie Slaughter Mr. Andrew A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Grey Smith Mr. Kennard Craig Smith Mrs. Nancy B. Smith Mrs. Nancy Ellen Smith Mrs. Nancy Golson Smith Mr. Robert E. Smith Mr. Russ A. Smith Mr. Stephen E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James S. Solomon Jr. Mrs. Sandra A. Sparks Mr. Steven Spiehler Jr. Mr. Mike Spivey Dr. Amy L. Spurlock Mrs. Susan Stack Mrs. Lesa Starling Mr. John Stassen Mr. Jay Stefanek Mrs. Cherie Stephenson Mrs. Carol French Stewart Ms. Carolyn Stiffler Mr. Craig W. Stimpson Mr. Leonard U. Stolar, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. H. Street Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Stuckwisch Mrs. Karla Ann Summerrow Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tanner Jr. Mrs. Teresa E. Tardy Ms. Helen A. Taylor Mrs. Mena Teal

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Tesh Ms. Joni Thayer Dr. Richard Ashley Thigpen Ms. Janice W. Thomas Mrs. Martha Thorne Mr. Fred Gavin Tisdale Ms. Gloria Trevino Mr. James Triplett Ms. Sharon L. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Turner Mr. Robert Richard Allen Turner Drs. Ross and Julie Vaughn Mrs. Donna D. Vickery Ms. Nadya Volny Ms. Ann M. Walden Mr. George Kontz Walker Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walker Mr. and Mrs. John Weekley Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Weeks Mrs. Lillian Durrett Weeks Mrs. Virginia Walker Werner Mrs. Stephany West Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCown Wettermark Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wheatley Mr. and Mrs. John Whisner Mr. Bryan Whitaker Mrs. Kathy White Mr. and Mrs. Waymond Whitten Mrs. Carla Dill Wilhite Dr. and Mrs. James Richard Williams Mr. Roger Courtland Williams Mr. Steve Williams Mrs. Kathy D. Williford Ms. Claire Black Wilson Mr. David Wilson Mrs. Judith Wilson Mrs. Laura R. Wilson Ms. Meghan A. Wilson Ms. Janet Woodard Mrs. Rosemarie Woodley Mrs. Beth Woodruff Mrs. Sarah Wharton Woods Mrs. Linda Seibert Woodward Ms. Joan Wrigley Ms. Dianne Wynn Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yakubik Mr. and Mrs. David L. Yates Mr. Ralph H. Yeilding Ms. Amy Young Mr. David Young Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and completeness of this list. If we have inadvertently omitted your name or listed you incorrectly, please contact External Affairs at 205-348-8404 or by email at

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The Division of Student Affairs is proud to honor Bob Pugh, director of risk management and special projects, with the Sybil R. Todd award. This award commemorates excellence in partnerships and was established in 2002 to honor Todd’s outstanding service as vice president for Student Affairs from 1998 to 2003. The division is grateful for the opportunity to express its thanks to this hands-on, talented administrator. As a friend of the students and a dutiful officer with minimizing risk, Pugh is a consistent and caring partner for Student Affairs. Rather than frequently saying no to students’ creative proposals, Pugh works alongside them to help them comply with risk guidelines while at the same time sponsor extraordinary, memorable events. From homecoming parades and lawn decorations to outdoor concerts, Pugh not only helps plan events, but he often faithfully attends them from start to finish. We offer our congratulations to a most deserving person we are proud to call our partner.



STUDENT AFFAIRS EVENTS FAMILY WEEKEND Sept. 16-18, 2011 Parents and family members are invited to campus to experience student life, as well as attend events provided by the Office of Parent Programs. STUDENT AFFAIRS HALL OF FAME Sept. 22, 2011 Alumni, parents and friends are invited to join us for an evening celebration as we induct the members of the 2011 Student Affairs Hall of Fame. HOMECOMING Oct. 8, 2011 Students, parents, alumni and friends are encouraged to come back to campus as we celebrate homecoming and watch the Crimson Tide take on the Commodores of Vanderbilt University.

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