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Monday, April 1, 2013
“About You, For You”
University of Arkansas Student-Run Newspaper Since 1906
Transition Begins to Create Graduate Student Congress Bailey Deloney Senior Staff Writer
UA RSO Entertains While Fostering Students’ Talent
Whether it’s poetry, comedy or music, an open microphone allows for a variety of entertainment possibilities. Full Story, Page 5
Vol. 107, No. 102
ASG voted to pass a bill in support of establishing a Graduate Student Congress. While Chancellor G. David Gearhart has not yet approved the establishment of this new government system, ASG is officially undergoing a
transition process and taking steps to make this change go smoothly. As part of the transition process, graduate students elected interim executive officials at the town hall meeting on March 27. Graduate students represent 15 percent of the student body, a percentage that roughly represents the same amount of students who par-
ticipate in Greek Life, said Sen. Alex Marino, author of the GSC bills. However, many graduate students have expressed that they do not feel well-represented, Marino said. The issues that pertain to graduate students are often different issues than those that pertain to undergraduates, Marino said. The establishment of this
new government system would allow for graduate students to tackle the issues that are most relevant to them in a more focused and efficient manner, Marino said. A Graduate Student Congress would improve graduate-student participation in legislation, said Todd Shields, dean of the Graduate School.
see CONGRESS page 3
Local Church Feeds Hungry at Annual Easter Feed
Black Educators Honored
Northwest Arkansas Democratic Black Caucus honors black educators. Full Story, Page 2
Students Might Feel Effects of Recent Laws
Stephanie Carlson Staff Writer
Recent state health laws have made headlines as Arkansas delves forward into 2013. The Arkansas Legislature made history by passing laws such as the Human Heartbeat Protection Act and healthcare changes as to what Obama’s healthcare plan means for the state of Arkansas. The Human Heartbeat Protection Act, sponsored by Sen. Jason Rapert, was passed on March 6. The law makes abortion illegal at 12 weeks of pregnancy, which is around the time a fetal heartbeat can be detected. When passed, the law was the country’s most restrictive ban on abortion. Arguments have been raised that the law contradicts the 24-week limit that was set by past Supreme Court decisions. “Whether you agree with the timeline or not, this law causes a lot of controversy and brings an uproar around the debate of abortion,” said Hayley Noga, UA sophomore. Reproductive-rights
see LAWS page 3
Emily Rhodes Photo Editor Fayetteville locals gather at the annual M&N Augustine Foundation Easter Feed at Central United Methodist church, Saturday, March 30. The event fed over 5,000 homeless and needy families and individuals in the area.
Hogs Win Swing Game and Take the Series The Razorbacks took on the Mississippi State Bulldogs this weekend at Baum Stadium. Full Story, Page 7
Today’s Forecast
61 / 39°
New Vice Chancellor Begins Duties Today Travis Pence Staff Writer The former executive director of the Razorback Foundation began his role as the new vice chancellor for university advancement on Monday. Chris Wyrick said that his management style and work ethic are what make him most qualified for the position. “There is danger in reckless change, but greater danger is blind loyalty to staying
who is very upbeat and energetic. I hope to bring that work ethic, energy and enthusiasm into the advancement division. People want to be reassured that the UA is still as good as we think it is.” One of the major goals for the UA is to become a top-50 national research institution, Wyrick said. The UA hopes to reach that goal by 2020, he said. “We need to articulate to both students and staff what it’s going to take to get there,” Wyrick said. “My job is to lead that effort. “One of the things I
Apple Co-founder to Speak on Campus
Staff Report
Steve Wozniak will be giving a free lecture for students at 7 p.m., Sunday, April 7 in Barnhill Arena. This lecture is free for students and open to the public. The doors will open at 6 p.m. and students just have to show ID to enter, said Autumn Lewis, distinguished lecture committee chairwoman. Seating is on a first come, first serve basis.
“I believe you can work hard and still enjoy what you do.” Chris Wyrick
Vice chancellor for university advancement
Tomorrow Rain / Snow 47 / 35°
the same,” Wyrick said. “That is the way I try to do things and give them meaning and purpose. I think people like that, people like being motivated, so it becomes more than just a job. “I believe you can work hard and still enjoy what you do. If your job is to promote the university brand, you need to be someone that exhumes confidence, makes people want to be a part of it. I describe myself as someone
learned from working in athletics is that when people talk about the Razorback brand, they immediately know what that means. We know who we are, and we are very proud of who we are, but I want to make sure we can clearly articulate what that is. We talk about the ‘You’ of A and students first; my goal is to make sure we understand the meaning behind that.”
see DUTIES page 3
For another story about state health care laws, see Page 3
Courtesy of Distinguished Lectures Committee
Students showed an interest during a poll for this speaker, she said. “Students were definitely interested in seeing him,” Lewis said. Wozniak will speak about how Apple Computer Inc. started and also give advice to students who might be thinking about starting their
own business. “It’s hard to find someone who does not have an Apple product,” she said. The committee is hoping, by inviting a business speaker, to appeal to a different demographics of students, Lewis said. Wozniak is the cofounder of Apple Computer Inc., and he designed and built the Apple I and Apple II, according to the UA College of Engineering.