April 2, 2013

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World On a String Page 5 Tuesday, April 2, 2013

“About You, For You”

University of Arkansas Student-Run Newspaper Since 1906

Vol. 107, No. 103

NWA Homeless Population On Rise

Rock That Rainy Runway

New Vice Provost Chosen Travis Pence Staff Writer

A professor was appointed in March to be the director for research assessment and promotion.

With our current weather situation, a sturdy raincoat is definitely a must-have this season. Full Story, Page 5


Hogs Finish 2nd in Bryan National

The Arkansas women’s golf team traveled to Brown Summit, N.C., to compete in the Bryan National Collegiate. Full Story, Page 7

Hogs Earn Weekly SEC Honors

Softball player Devon Wallace and baseball player Tyler Spoon earned SEC Honors after their performances last weekend. Full Story, Page 7

41 / 34° Tomorrow Rain 45 / 39°

see HOMELESS page 3

see APPOINTED page 3

Whitney Green Staff Photographer Robert Buchanan, sits next to his “home” in Fayetteville in February 2011. “What happens when you become homeless? You have nowhere to shower, nowhere to sleep, you’re lucky if you can even eat,” Buchanan said.

Jaime Dunaway Senior Staff Writer The homeless population in northwest Arkansas increased to more than 2,000 people in 2013, while national averages fell, according to the Point-in-Time Homeless Census conducted by Kevin Fitzpatrick, UA sociology professor. Fitzpatrick, who is also the Community and Family Institute director, has con-

ducted the census every two years since 2007. The number of homeless was counted

homeless shelter in Washington and Benton counties for a 24-hour period, Fitzpatrick

“I think the biggest challenge is creating the kind of momentum and energy required to put a stop to this.” Kevin Fitzpatrick

UA Sociology Professor by more than 100 volunteers who were sent to every known food bank, soup kitchen and

said. Census results revealed that the homeless population

Spring Expected to Be Warm, Rainy Megan Smith Staff Writer

Today’s Forecast

has grown by more than 1,000 people in the past six years, he said. The number of homeless, however, is most likely much higher because of the large portion of homeless people who do not seek services from assistance programs and shelters, Fitzpatrick said. “Homelessness has been on this linear trajectory, and there hasn’t even been a dip,” he said. “I think the biggest challenge is creating the kind of momentum and energy re-

Sean W. Mulvenon said the UA hired him for the position based on his background and experience in data modeling as well as his work with modern educational systems that are applied at the UA. “I assume that the UA felt that these factors were appropriate and necessary for the position of director for research assessment and promotion,” Mulvenon said. Furthermore, Mulvenon is a professor of educational statistics and director of the National Office for Research, Measurement and Evaluation Systems (NORMES) at the UA. “My research office at NORMES provides some additional resources to assist my efforts in this position,”

Spring will be warmer and drier and rainier than average this season, according to the Farmer’s Almanac. Every week in April is predicted to have thunderstorms but rarely be cloudy apart from those times. Northern Arkansas will experience more rain than southern, but even with increased rain in the north, the average rainfall is predicted to fall 2 inches below average. Springtime has historically been the best time for thunderstorms in Fayetteville. Around 40 percent of the time on May 12, there is some type of rainfall, according to Weatherspark. This is the rainiest day of the year for Fayetteville. Thunderstorm chances fluctuate from 17 to 24 percent chance in the spring. The chance for any type of rain stays right around 40 percent until the end of spring, where there is a dramatic decline in rain chances. There has been snow in past Aprils, but the chances are very slim, according to Weatherspark. At the beginning of May, there have only been one or two days when it has snowed before. Unless this rarity occurs, Fayetteville can say goodbye to snow and hello to rain. May should have more rain-

fall than April, according to the Farmer’s Almanac, and also be slightly warmer than usual, much to the joy of some students. “I can’t wait for spring,” said Samantha Key, a junior social work major. “I have nothing against winter, but its time has passed. I’m ready for this warmer weather to become a normal thing.” Warmer weather at UA means more students lounging on the Old Main lawn and outside of the Greek Theater, as well as the inevitable allergies. Tree pollen is historically high in northwest Arkansas at this time of the year, according to the Weather Channel. The peak of tree-pollen season hit during mid-March, and grass pollen will peak in mid-May. Weed pollen season will not begin until the end of spring. Indoor dust and dander levels are an issue right now, according to Accuweather. The levels are at an extreme level due to the temperature, low humidity and wind. Springtime brings relatively good weather to northwest Arkansas. While areas in the north are still at freezing temperatures and areas farther south are experiencing temperatures in the ’90s, Fayetteville stays in a good range. It’s doubtful that any winter weather will linger at this point except at nighttime.

Mckenna Gallagher Staff Photographer As spring approaches, students enjoy the warmer weather by relaxing on the lawn by the Greek Theater, Thursday, March 28.

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

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The Arkansas Traveler Newspaper

The Arkansas Traveler Newspaper

Group Begins Series at UA to Inform Students About Atheism

Students Experience Greek Culture at Greek Theater

HOMELESS continued from page 1 quired to put a stop to this.” The lack of funding for social problems could be a contributing factor to the high number of homeless in the area, said Jon Woodward, CEO of 7hills Homeless Center. In this region, money has been poured into roads and buildings, whereas other parts of the country have invested money in their social programs, he said. Local nonprofits have also lacked incentives to create effective programing because of the area’s relative affluence, he said. The census also helped to


“Without the generosity of our community, there is no way we would have been able to accomplish what we have accomplished.”

119 Kimpel Hall University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701 Main 479 575 3406 Fax 479 575 3306 traveler@uark.edu


Jon Woodward

CEO of 7hills Homeless Center Kathleen Pait Staff Photographer Students attend the “Greek at the Greek” event at the Greek Theater, Monday, April 1. The program was hosted by University Productions and included traditional Greek cuisine.

APPOINTED continued from page 1


Mckenna Gallagher Staff Photographer Members of the student organization, Occam’s Razors, host Stone-An-Atheist at the Union on April 1st. Students had the opportunity to pay $1 to throw water balloons at club members.

Connor Malone Staff Writer Members of the secular student group Occam’s Razor started the week off with a fundraiser which they called “Stone an Atheist Day.” The group set up on the Union Mall and students who donated one dollar were allowed to throw two water balloons at members of the group. Occam’s Razor is a secular group whose purpose is to

Briefly Speaking Virtual Career Fair: SEC & ACC All Day

Lead Climbing Clinic 5-8 p.m. HPER Gym 1

promote reason, understanding, and freethinking among the students at the UA. Junior Jacob Hilton was among the students who participated in this event. “I think it’s a hilarious idea,” said Hilton. “I’m just glad it’s not what the name originally made me think it was.” Occam’s Razor is an affiliate of the Secular Student Alliance, a nonprofit group that aims to “organize, unite, educate and serve students and student communities that

promote the ideals of scientific and critical inquiry, democracy, secularism and human-based ethics,” according to their website. Secular Student Alliance has more than 400 affiliated schools across the country, including 68 high schools. While the fundraiser was generally well received, there were some students, including senior Lucie Monroe, who did not approve of the event. “I wish them luck on their fundraising, but I feel that this is offensive to both Christians

and Atheists,” said Monroe. Another upcoming event managed by members of Occam’s Razor is a lecture from Jt Eberhard and Greta Christina. These are “two of the most compelling writers and speakers in the secular movement” according to the group’s website. Eberhard will be giving a lecture on morality and Christina will be giving her renowned speech “Why Are You Atheists So Angry?” This will be taking place on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Giffels Auditorium.

Mulvenon said. The goal of NORMES is to extend the current best practices model of a student-centered assessment system developed for

Editorial Staff Chad Woodard Editor-in-Chief 479 575 8455 traveler@uark.edu

Brittany Nims Managing Editor 479 575 8455 travmgr@uark.edu

Mark Cameron Multimedia Editor 479 575 7051

Joe DelNero Opinion Editor 479 575 8455

Emily DeLong Copy Editor 479 575 8455

Kayli Farris Asst. News Editor 479 575 3226 travnews@uark.edu

Sarah Derouen News Editor 479 575 3226 travnews@uark.edu

Shelby Gill Asst. Companion Editor 479 575 3226 travlife@uark.edu

Nick Brothers Companion Editor 479 575 3226 travlife@uark.edu

Haley Markle Asst. Sports Editor 479 575 7051 travsprt@uark.edu

Kristen Coppola Sports Editor 479 575 7051 travsprt@uark.edu

Sarah Colpitts Lead/Features Designer

Emily Rhodes Photo Editor 479 575 8455

Carson Smith Sports Designer

lation because of frequently moving to different homeless shelters. The mother likened the homeless system to having a Band-Aid continually ripped off over an open wound. “That’s why this census information is invaluable to what we do, because we can create awareness in a way that allows the community to support what needs to happen to make changes,” Woodward said. “I can’t sell a need to the community unless I know what that need first is.” One of the center’s most successful programs is the

productivity at the UA, and through this knowledge, how to grow and expand this productivity,” Mulvenon said. Mulvenon said his im-

“I believe the goal of the office of vice provost is to facilitate a better understanding of the research productivity at the UA, and through this knowledge, how to grow and expand this productivity.”

Sean W. Mulvenon Vice Provost

Is your RSO sponsoring an event on campus? Want The Traveler to cover it? -Email news editor Sarah Derouen at sderouen16@gmail. com -Call 575-3226

-Stop by the Traveler Office

*If you would like an event covered, please notify The Traveler staff at least one week in advance of event date.

use in a national center for schools, Mulvenon said. NORMES created a student-centered system of collecting and reporting student data distributed via the Internet to school systems in Arkansas, Mulvenon said. This system, the Educational Data Delivery System (EDDS), includes both public-access and restricted-access sites for reporting educational data, he said. “I believe the goal of the office of vice provost is to facilitate a better understanding of the research

mediate goals have been to evaluate the data structures at the UA, evaluate resources available to evaluate research productivity and develop models that may help the office in its efforts. He said he hopes by this summer the office of vice provost for research and economic development will have an integrated research portal that provides information to academic and administrative units on publications, grants and other scholarly activities of faculty members.

remove preconceived notions about who is homeless, Woodward said. Single-parent families compose nearly 15 percent of the homeless population, while two-parent families comprise 6 percent, according to the census. To combat the increasing number of homeless in the community, 7hills Homeless Center has increased its services and built them around the needs of the community, Woodward said. Woodward said he was first inspired to try different ways of effectively serving people when he met a single mother and her son who lived in generational poverty. The son fell behind in school and felt a sense of iso-

FICASSO Project, which is a homelessness prevention and rehousing plan that keeps people out of shelters, Woodward said. Not only is it around $20,000 cheaper than sheltering a family for a year, but the family support network is not disrupted, he said. The program has an 85-90 percent success rate, he said. 7hills also teaches skills in financial management, vocation and tenancy, and how to promote a healthy family environment, Woodward said. “Without the generosity of our community, there is no way we would have been able to accomplish what we have accomplished,” Woodward said.

ASG Legislation:

The Ballot Information Accessibility Act A Bill to Allocate Funds for the Development of a Safe Ride and “Blue Light” App A Bill to Fund a Safe Ride Expansion Pilot Program

Marcus Ferreira News Designer

The ASG MacBook Pro Bill of 2013 A Bill to Fund ASG Participation in the Southeastern Conference Graduate Student Government Conference An Act Calling for the Creation for a Traditions Council A Resolution to Implement Razorbucks at Sporting Events A Resolution to Support Soft Closing of Dickson Street Establishments

Advertising & Design Staff Elizabeth Birkinsha Advertising Manager 479 575 3839 lbirkins@uark.edu

Chelsea Williams Account Representative 479 575 7594

Caty Mills Account Representative 479 575 3899

Amy Butterfield Account Representative 479 575 8714

Kayla Nicole Hardy Account Representative 479 575 3439

Guy Smith III Graphic Designer

Emmy Miller Graphic Designer

Katie Dunn Graphic Designer

A Resolution for Student Representation on the Board of Trustees


A Resolution for Course Change Email Notification through ISIS

to the University of Arkansas’

A Resolution for a Varied ROTC Parking Plan A Bill to Fund the Graduate Student Congress NAGPS Membership

Gabrielle Compton!

A Resolution Calling for Support of Housing Legislation

The College Edition Award recognizes engineering students whose academic successes and experiences in the engineering field have positioned them to become tomorrow’s leaders.

The Toilet P.A.P.E.R. (Promoting Additional Plies and Efficient Restrooms) Resolution of 2013

Gabrielle is a student member of AISES (American Indian Science

Students can make their opinion heard during the ASG meetings 6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Graduate Education Building. There is a public comment section during each meeting where students can speak for two minutes before the legislation starts, said Mike Norton, ASG Chair of Senate.

A Resolution for Clinical Depression GPA Forgiveness A Resolution for Expanded Housing Options

and Engineering Society).

Corrections The Arkansas Traveler strives for accuracy in its reporting and will correct all matters of fact. If you believe the paper has printed an error, please notify the editor at 479 575 8455 or at traveler@uark.edu.

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Results of these legislations will be published after they are voted on.

Opinion Editor: Joe DelNero Page 4

The Arkansas Traveler Newspaper

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Education is For Everybody

Joe DelNero Opinion Editor You know how people have “things?” Like my “thing” is talking about ultimate frisbee. Our editor-in-chief has a “thing” for movies. Some of us have a “thing” for chemistry, foreign languages, mechanics, communication, writing, dancing, cooking, hiking or really any sort of broad activity. Our “things” are really just our hobbies and interests, things we get excited about, have a passion for. This passion drives us to try new exciting experiments within our hobby. We strive for greatness, take risks and continue to learn about ourselves through these interests. For frisbee, it comes as new throws, cutting techniques, plays and fakes. For academics, it comes as experimenting with creative writing styles, working with new presentation programs like Prezi instead of PowerPoint and performing new experiments. Regardless, we are always trying to better ourselves. Hobbies and the things we love bring out our adventurous spirit, and we are more willing to go out on a limb. This past Easter weekend, I met a person who has recently dropped out of school because “education isn’t my thing.” Let that soak in, future job employers. So, this individual doesn’t enjoy learning. In college, where there are countless classes including scuba diving, running, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings English classes, I would think it nearly impossible to not find a single thing you are at least remotely interested in learning about. There are thousands of pro-

fessors, endless schedule possibilities and infinite teaching styles that can maximize anyone’s learning experience. Instead of “education isn’t my thing,” I heard, “I want to be a grocer at Hy-Vee the rest of my life,” “I have no interest at developing any of my current skills” and “I am content with the minimum.” The worst part is that this is not the first person I’ve met saying this. Over the past four years, I’ve met at least a dozen similar students who have no interest in “education.” Now, I can see some students with different learning styles arguing against the structure of the normal college education. They may be looking at technical universities, research institutions, mechanic certification schools or even online universities. They may be looking for the ability to work from home or a more hands-on environment, but people seeking these institutions are still seeking an education. Finding education not to be one’s thing is like finding work isn’t your thing. You don’t like to work? Bum out and just don’t get a job. That’s just not how the world turns. It’s not the way to happiness. One of my professors likes to say he found something he loves, working with documentaries and students, and he just combined his passion into a job. Now Professor Foley is an Emmy-winning documentarian and top-notch journalism professor, doing what he loves, helping students grow in their passion. Moral of the story: Use your hobbies and passions. Educate yourself. Then experiment, go out on a limb and try something new. Use these passions to find jobs and potential careers that would increase your experience. Maybe it won’t be the formal university education, but don’t give up on your passions. Become the expert in your passion, and careers will follow. Joe DelNero is a senior broadcast journalism major and the opinion editor of the Arkansas Traveler.

Traveler Quote of the Day “Homelessness has been on this linear trajectory, and there hasn’t even been a dip.” Kevin Kirkpatrick, UA Sociology Professor “”NWA Homeless Population on Rise Page 1

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Opinion Editor

Chad Woodard Brittany Nims Joe DelNero

The Arkansas Traveler welcomes letters to the editor from all interested readers. Letters should be at most 300 words and should include your name, student classification and major or title with the university and a day-time telephone number for verification. Letters should be sent to traveler@uark.edu.

Hebron Chester Staff Cartoonist

Can I Spare Five Minutes of Your Time?

Shawnya Wethington

Staff Columnist

Between the crowded classrooms and the pounding of campus construction crews, it’s hard not to notice the UA is expanding. Expansion, however, doesn’t necessarily refer to sprawl. The overall perimeter of campus has remained the same. There are just some additional brick buildings nestled inside, so our buildings have become more concentrated. If we aren’t walking farther, why should we have longer? UA students will have five minutes longer between classes next semester, after the UA Faculty Senate accepted a proposal to schedule 15 minutes between class times. In a University Calendar Committee proposal, the recommended schedule would put each MWF class 65 minutes apart. The first class would begin at 7:30 a.m. The next round of courses would begin at

8:35 a.m., followed by 9:40 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and so on. Fifteen minutes between classes may sound like a nice luxury. There won’t be a need to sprint between classes. You won’t have to duck out of class as soon as the clock hits the 10-till mark. Students can spend a little longer on their way to class. While making their decision, the Calendar Committee considered the growth in campus enrollment and facilities, facility development farther from the center of campus and a system that has room assignments scheduled across campus, according to a UA Faculty Senate calendar proposal PowerPoint. However, is it necessary? No matter what time classes start, there will always be those students who come in late. Some people have an internal clocks operating five minutes behind standard Greenwich Mean Time. Or maybe 10 minutes behind … who’s counting? There will also be students who fight to be the first ones in the classroom, every single day, regardless of where their previous class is located. Now, the students who are on time will just be waiting an extra five minutes for the preternaturally late ones. Most professors understand the spatial limitations students are dealing with. If you have classes that are spread apart, simply talk to

them about it. The UA Campus Map gives walking estimates between the different buildings across campus. Ten minutes can get you to most of the buildings across campus, no problem. There are a few classes that take longer, but not many. The likelihood that you’ll have classes in the extreme opposite corners of campus is slim. If you know that you’re an extremely slow walker, take that into consideration when you schedule your classes. Granted, there are some exceptions. If you break your leg mid-semester, it will take a bit longer to crutch your way from one class to the next. However, if you talk to your professors, most of them will understand. Adding the extra five minutes between classes is an attempt to solve an issue by fixing the wrong problem. Distance isn’t the problem. Some students are pretty cavalier about the importance of time. Instead of seeing something functional, many think watches are mere flashy accessories. They don’t think lateness is that big of a deal. The leisurely mentality is what needs to change. When you have somewhere to be, speed up and get there. You don’t have to jump through rain puddles or stop and chat with every other person you meet while you’re on your way. It really is OK to

walk at a pace faster than that of a 3-year-old. After about the first week of classes, you know which ones take the full 10 minutes to get to and the ones that you can dawdle on your way there. Ten minutes is plenty of time to get to the majority of classes. When you have 15 minutes to get to a class that only takes 10, you’re left with a five-minute break to fill. Those five minutes will be utterly wasted. If you think that time will be spent doing anything other than Twitter, Facebook or counting the stains on ceiling tiles, you’re grossly overestimating college students. Over the course of college careers, these wasted minutes will add up to considerable amounts of time. If you schedule five backto-back MWF classes, you’ll waste 20 minutes a day. Three times a week and you’ve lost a full hour. Spread over eight 16-week semesters, that time adds up to a little over five days over four years. Instead of wasting time, let’s try picking up the pace. While we’re aimlessly waiting for classes to begin, how about we consider reverting to 10-minute class breaks? Shawnya Wethington is a sophomore journalism, English major and marketing minor and a staff columnist for the Arkansas Traveler.

The UA is Just Trying to Get in my Pocket

Hebron Chester Staff Writer

The last day and last minute on campus of my freshman year, I got a parking ticket. I parked in a restricted parking place so I could quickly grab my backpack inside the dorm. I made eye contact with a parking ticketer as I left my vehicle, assuming he would tell me if I needed to move. That is what parking control is for, after all — to prevent parking and traffic problems. I assumed if I needed to move, he would tell me. When I came out two minutes later, I had a ticket. I went to the office and immediately appealed. Supposedly, the parking office would have mercy on freshmen who didn’t know any better. I was a freshman who didn’t know any better. A few days later, I had to pay the $50 ticket plus the $10 it cost to appeal. That year, 2010, the UA had rev-

enue of $104,940,650 from student tuition and fees alone. Why did they want to steal $60 more? Why couldn’t the appeal at least be free? The only realization that helped me make sense of that ticket is universities are trying to make money. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just how the world works. But it puts some things into perspective. Between 2004 and 2007, the Consumer Price Index increased by 10 percent, while the average price of postsecondary attendance rose by almost 20 percent. According to Measuring Up, since the 1980s, college tuition and fees have expanded more than the Consumer Price Index by a factor of four, growing faster than even the cost of medical care, which is a large issue now. Institutions will continue to raise the cost because we still attend no matter what the price. Once we get here, there are plenty of ways for the UA to get more money.

Transfer policies, for example. Do you know of anyone who has had all of their credits transfer? They’re complicated and limiting, and that may be no accident. According to Delta Cost Project’s report on trends in college spending, universities are increasing their institutional support faster than they are increasing their instructional expenditures. This means the focus is more on administrators, management and public relations than on teaching the students. More moneymakers, less instruction. This is directed toward all universities, not specifically the UA. But that statement does not exempt the UA. The UA’s revenue since my freshman year has skyrocketed to $130,571,742 from student tuition and fees in 2012. The net assets for that year were $712,692,513. These institutions are humongous, and they’re only going to get bigger. More people are still attending,

accepting the price of universities as high. No one is going to respect an institution any more for lowering costs. Money just puts some things into perspective, such as my $60 ticket. What do they care? Are there benefits for the money-making departments? Does the department earning more money draw more money? Sports, for example. It draws in huge crowds and gets the name and image of the university out there. Why would the university not financially support such an integral part of the school? There are very few things within the UA that aren’t trying to make a profit. That is how the world works. We need to understand that. They might be for education, but they’re also for making money. This makes the college stresses like parking tickets make a little more sense. Hebron Chester is a staff cartoonist and writer for the Arkansas Traveler.

“Making Your Journey Worthwhile” Companion Editor: Nick Brothers Assistant Companion Editor: Shelby Gill Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Arkansas Traveler Newspaper

Page 5


Whitney Green Staff Writer Live music, free food, limited edition Fayettechill T-shirts, hammocking under the setting sun and a chance to bring relief to millions of women and children suffering in war-torn countries worldwide, makes World On A String an event you don’t want to miss this week on campus. It’s what Fayetteville is all about—helping others from the convenience of your own hammock. A collaboration between local nonprofit, ForgottenSong Inc., and Fayettechill Clothing Co., plans to gather enough people to represent every orphan in four major war-torn countries, while creating an atmosphere for students to relax in a hammock and listen to local bands. World On A String is dedicated to unifying students by effectively and sustainably improving the lives of victims in war-torn countries, according to their mission’s statement. By connecting participants with one string across the entire campus, they hope to symbolize the idea that small bonds in unity can create large change. Add up all the orphans in Iraq, Afghanistan, Nepal and Uganda, and you get an estimated 9.9 million, according to UNICEF. ForgottenSong and Fayettechill have partnered to create this event to raise awareness for orphans in these four countries by uniting students across campus while providing an opportunity to donate towards the cause. “We will string 1,000 yards of yarn in between all participants to demonstrate the connectedness that we are trying to foster between people for our cause,” Charles Davidson, ForgottenSong founder said. “When we cut the string, everyone will have a piece to help them remember the women and children in war-torn countries.” The mission of ForgottenSong is to eradicate suffering in war-torn countries specifically to women and children by building self-sustaining projects and

through education. They have successfully established projects in Iraq and Uganda and are continuing in their efforts to care for the women and children who so often get neglected in countries devastated through war. Organizers hope to draw 990 people to the event to represent every orphan in these four countries companied. If 990 attend, each person will represent 10,000 orphans, combined to the estimated 9.9 million.

Ozark Mountain Clothing Company, Fayettechill, has partnered with ForgottenSong by creating a limited edition World On A String T-shirt. Shirts will be available by registering for the event online or on the day of the event. Fayettechill works with many nonprofits in the area, typically outdoor nonprofits, but they are adding to the Fayettechill family by bringing on new organizations, like ForgottenSong. This is the first time the pair has worked together on a project. “This event will be raising a good chunk

of money for charity, which is awesome,” said Fayettechill owner, Mo Elliott. “The hammock theme goes with the laidback style of the [Fayettechill] company and if everything goes well, I hope we can continue this partnership with ForgottenSong.” FogottenSong and Fayettechill have been working on the event for two months. “We wanted to partner with Fayettechill because they make excellent T-shirts and their logo is the hammock,” Davidson said. “A big draw to this event will be the limited edition Fayettechill shirt.” Local bands will perform at the Greek Theatre, beginning with Little Chief at 6 p.m., Jared Sluyter at 7 p.m., and Goose at 8 p.m. Between sets, the ForgottenSong team will show short documentary films their media department has created to bring awareness towards the cause. “Donations from the event will go into ForgottenSong to fund self-sustainable projects in these wartorn countries, like the chicken farm we established in Uganda or preschool in Iraq,” Davidson said. “Malnutrition is a huge problem in Uganda, especially among orphan children.” The ForgottenSong team is working to get 10 chicken farms planted in Uganda, many near orphanages. With their business model, the chicken farms could quickly reproduce to become hundreds of farms throughout war-torn east Africa. A Twitter selfie contest will take place throughout the evening to help foster an online presence for the event. Students are encouraged to post a creative selfie with the hash tag #WorldOnAString for the chance to win a hammock donated by Eno. There will be a winner every 20 minutes. World On A String will be from 5 to 8 April 4 at the Greek Theatre on campus. Registration begins at 5 p.m. for $25 or preregister online for $15 at forgottensong.org before April 4. Don’t forget your hammock.

Justin Bryant Staff Writer Follow him on Twitter @Just_InStyle

Everyone’s heard the phrase "April showers bring may flowers," and with our current weather situation, a sturdy raincoat is definitely a must-have this season. Although rain is never fun, nor the ideal time to wear your best attire, but my question to you is; Why not make rainy weather fashionable? I think it's time to rip that rainy runway folks!

Rain coat vs. Rain jacket Before you can even begin to decide what type of "coat" you want we first must establish why you're purchasing it. Some of you may be wonder why I don't call it a jacket. Because rain jackets are created for one purpose only; utility. In this day and age any clothing item you purchase should be multi-functional. Let's go even deeper. When you Google rain jacket it’s described as a "plastic water repellent item," versus rain coat which is described as "a clothing item worn to protect from rain and is treated to be water repellent." These definitions may seem similar but word choice is everything. When was wearing plastic clothing the popular thing to do? Furthermore,

when rain jacket is searched a large number of pictures of "children" come up versus when raincoat is searched; fashion forward adults are at the forefront of the list. Rain jackets are a thing of the past and used for children we are adults now and raincoats are what we need!

Purpose Now that we have an understanding of the difference between a rain coat versus a rain jacket, it’s time to establish a clear understanding of your purpose or ideal goal when purchasing a rain coat. Normally your goal when purchasing a rain coat is strictly to protect yourself from the rain and the elements. I challenge you to add a new goal or two to the list of purposes for your next purchased rain coat. The first thing you should do is shift your views of what a rain coat is. From now on your new goal when purchasing a raincoat should be to look fashion forward and trendy. Rain is no excuse for you not to be presentable and just give up on looking nice. Use rain as an opportunity to comfortable, casual and most importantly still fierce.

Color The first step in weeding out the jackets that are “fashion-don’ts” is choosing the proper color. The biggest suggestion I would make in determining the right color for you would be to determine whether you want to be one rain coat that can be worn with several different pieces on a regular basis or if you might be interested in purchasing multiple coats in a variety of shades and colors. Let’s take on the majority of shoppers who will buy a rain coat that can be worn on a regular basis. The ideal shades for a rain coat are grey, black, taupe, and ivory. These colors are all base colors that can easily go with any colored blouse, trouser, or accessory. For the more daring shopper, or our fashionistas, I would suggest finding rain coats and colors that compliment your skin tone, eye color, and hair color. For the fairer skinned shopper pastels like blush pink, light blue and canary yellow are great colors that compliment you. Jewel tones such as royal blue, fuchsia and burnt orange are wonderful complimentary colors for the darker skinned shopper.

Silhouette The next pieces of criteria on the list are cut and silhouette. No matter how amazing the col-

or of your rain coat, how expensive it is or who the designer may be silhouette and cut is everything. If your rain coat is not flattering to your body and does not compliment your body and even more so who you are it is not the coat for you. Popular silhouettes to look into are the double breasted coat with dramatic lapels. Because of its button layout it serves as a sort of wrap to provide a slimming look in the midsection and the dramatic lapels will bring attention to more flattering areas of your body. The other popular silhouette is the single breasted coat with traditional lapels and a cinched belt. Each one of these silhouettes comes in three-quarter, waist, and knee-length cuts. The threequarter cut is for shorter individuals, waist is for the average wearer and the knee-length for the taller person. Rain is gloomy, dark and even some might say depressing but don’t allow it to affect your style. You now have all the tools you need to decide your purpose, color, cut, and silhouettes to look for when purchasing your rain coat. April is here and the showers are just beginning so get out there and rip that rainy runway today.

Courte sy Pho tos

Rock That Rainy Runway

Interval Running: Save Time, Run Fast

Hannah McGhee Contributing Writer

There is no denying the busy schedule of an average college student. With classes to attend, assignments to complete and people to see, there seems to be no time left for exercise, but no one ever said that exercise needs to be time-consuming. High-intensity interval training works great with a student’s demanding schedule because it is short and extremely efficient. By alternating extreme exertion periods with resting periods, the body builds endurance and burns more calories than it does when running at a steady pace. Also, with interval running, the body continues to burn calories even after the workout is finished, according to Muscle & Fitness Hers. A cardio interval workout ranges from about 20-30 minutes, and anyone who is willing can make time for that at least a few times a week. Basically, it consist of patterning different speeds (associated with amounts of exertion) in an effective order to confuse the body. For example, the runner can create a pattern that builds pace by going from a walk, to a jog, to a run, and then a sprint, and then back down to a walk, or a pattern that alternates a walk with a jog every other minute. The runner is permitted to use his or her own creativity. The runner must monitor their exertion and understand the difference between the pace of a walk, hasty walk, slow jog, fast jog, run and sprint. To get familiar with these distinctions, a treadmill can be helpful. On a treadmill, the runner can pace out their walk, hasty walk, slow jog, fast jog, run and sprint, and associate it with the miles per hour for a better understanding if necessary. To get started, here is a basic cardio interval workout: Prior to beginning, walk for about two minutes to warm up. When ready to start, do a hasty walk for minutes one and two. For minute three, take it up to a fast jog, then at minute four, run. Return to a hasty walk at minute five, followed by a fast jog at minute six, and then a run at minute seven. Repeat minutes five through seven for minutes eight to ten, and then again for minutes 11 to 13. At minute 14, slow jog, and then at minute 15, run, followed by a sprint at minute 16. Repeat minutes 14 through 16 for minutes 17 through 19. At minute 20, take it down to a hasty walk. When finished, do not forget to cool down with at least one minute of a walk. Be cautious not to repeat the same thing every time. Remember, the point of high- intensity interval training is to throw off your body, so continually change it up. As you see your endurance increase, make less strenuous periods shorter and high-intensity periods longer. For example, alternate walking for 30 seconds and sprinting for 1.5 minutes or alternate 15 seconds of complete rest (no movement) and two minutes of sprinting. As you continue to improve, add an incline to the treadmill or run a route you know to be more hilly than your usual (that should not be hard to find in Fayetteville). The key is make sure you are continually challenging yourself; you do not want your body to get used to anything, according to Muscle & Fitness Hers. Cardio intervals can be used on any type of cardio machine and also when running outdoors. When using machines other than a treadmill, exertion can be based on the resistance setting rather than the speed, according to Women’s Health. Incorporating intervals into your cardio workout will save you a lot of time and keep you from getting bored. Before you know it, you will be done, and you will have worked up a great sweat. So why not give it a try? You have got nothing but time to save and sweat to shed.

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Non Sequitur

Garry Trudeau

Wiley Miller

By Jeffrey Wechsier

The Argyle Sweater

Scott Hilburn

ACROSS 1 “SNL”-like show filmed in Canada 5 “Doctor Who” network 8 Rafters shoot them 14 Pre-Euro Italian coin 15 Nest egg letters 16 With 3-Down, way west for many American pioneers 17 __-Iraq War: ‘80s conflict 18 Crooner Perry’s ad? 20 Self-righteous sort 21 Manicurist’s aid 22 Rage inwardly 23 Space pilot Han’s shirt? 25 Through 26 Classic racecars 27 Lighthouse light 30 Nouveau __ 33 U2 frontman’s bit of naughtiness? 36 Back in the day 37 Bedevil 39 PC monitor type 40 Cartoon possum’s corporate symbol? 42 Chilean range 44 Camera stand 45 Roman 1,051 46 Winery container

47 Japanese general Hideki’s talisman? 53 Triumphant cries 55 Disconnect 56 Explosion sound, in comics 57 Movie pooch’s picture? 59 Poetry unit 60 Church key, e.g. 61 “__ My Party”: Lesley Gore hit 62 Fairly matched 63 Great suffering 64 Easter egg dip 65 “That didn’t go well” DOWN 1 Pink ones are unwelcome—except in lingerie 2 Prefix with cumulus 3 See 16-Across 4 Self-portraitist with a bandaged ear 5 Bodybuilder’s “guns” 6 __-Seltzer 7 Desert safari beast 8 Pink-cheeked 9 Dada pioneer Jean 10 __ Gulf: Arabian waterway 11 Reason given for calling in sick

12 Rounded roof 13 Winter whiteness 19 Pizarro’s gold 24 Broad-brimmed hat 25 Chaste priestesses of ancient Rome 27 “__ appétit!” 28 Fairy tale start 29 Dozes 30 Like one who can’t put a book down 31 Composer Stravinsky 32 Ponders 33 Male sib 34 “Egad!” in an IM 35 Opposite of paleo38 Long in the tooth 41 Tommy Dorsey hit tune 43 Less clumsy 45 Sullen 47 Internet slang based on a common typo 48 Egg-shaped 49 Harbor wall 50 Eight-time All-Star Tony of the ‘60s-’70s Minnesota Twins 51 Sister of La Toya 52 Warning signs 53 Elemental particle 54 Arizona native 55 Twinkle-toed 58 Rev.’s message

Sports Editor: Kristen Coppola Assistant Sports Editor: Haley Markle Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Arkansas Traveler Newspaper

Page 7


Hogs Finish 2nd in Bryan National Ben Enyart Staff Writer

The Arkansas women’s golf team traveled to Brown Summit, N.C., to compete in the Bryan National Collegiate last weekend where they came away with a second-place finish after three highly competitive rounds against many highly ranked teams. The Hogs have been recently upped to No. 6 in the nation, and this past weekend saw them up against No. 2 Duke, No. 5 Florida, No. 7 Vanderbilt and No. 9 North Carolina. Despite the higher-ranking teams competing in the tournament, it was No. 15 Virginia that took first and a surprising third-place finish was earned by No. 46 Wake Forest. Arkansas finished at 9-over-par, just four behind Virginia’s 5-over-par. These two teams pulled ahead of the other competition early on and finished strong ahead of the other teams. There was a 12-point difference between the Hogs and Wake Forest, who finished 21-over-par. Vanderbilt finished 22-over-par, Florida at 23-over-par, and Duke at 30-over-par and North Carolina with 33-over-par. The Hogs finished the first day of play tied for third with North Carolina and just behind Virginia and Vanderbilt. The second day saw the Hogs find their way into second place behind Virginia, and


Razorbacks Lose 2 in Fayetteville Eric Harris Staff Writer

Photo Courtesy of Athletic Media Relations Gabriela Lopez swings at the Bryan National Collegiate in Brown Summit, North Carolina, Saturday, March 30. then the third day ended with a continuation of day two’s tempo. “I’m proud of this group’s effort this week,” head coach Shauna Estes-Taylor said. “It was a total team effort.” The Hogs were led by Emily Tubert who finished first the previous weekend at the LSU Golf Classic and is ranked No. 31 in the nation individually. Tubert tied for seventh overall with UNC Wilmington’s Lori Beth Adams, Duke’s Laetitia Beck, Virginia’s Bri-


ana Mao, Vanderbilt’s Kendall Martindale and Auburn’s Marta Sanz. Her three-day score on the par-72 course was 73-71-75. Tubert was followed closely by teammates Gabriela Lopez and Victoria Vela, who both tied for 13th place with NC State’s Augusta James and Georgia’s Manuela Carbajo Re. Lopez went 72-71-77 for the weekend, and Vela went 74-75-71. Emma Lavy and Regina Plasencia both tied for 23rd

along with Wake Forest’s Olafia Kristinsdottir, Tennessee’s Erica Popson and Virginia’s Portland Rosen. Lavy went 78-74-70 for the weekend, and Plasencia went 75-73-74. “Emma’s 70 today is just a fantastic round of golf on the final round,” Estes-Taylor said. “She was close all week and to see her put it together is awesome, and she came up big for our team today.” “Everyone contributed for us this week and played at a high level. We leave North

Carolina with a lot of momentum heading into the postseason,” Estes-Taylor added. This was the last tournament before postseason for the Hogs; they play next at the Southeastern Conference Championships in Birmingham, Ala. They will be competing Friday, April 19-21. “We have about two weeks before the SEC Championships to continue to improve and prepare and we are looking forward to it,” Estes-Taylor said.


It was a rough weekend for the Razorback women’s tennis squad, as it went 0-2 at home this weekend, including a loss to the No. 2 Florida Gators. Florida took hold of the match from the beginning and swept the Hogs 7-0 at the Billingsley Tennis Complex. The loss drops Arkansas to 10-12, 3-7 Southeastern Conference on the season. They entered the match ranked No. 44 in the nation. “Florida just did not let us get into our game plan today,” head coach Michael Hegarty said. “It was a good experience that we will benefit from moving forward.” After a four game win streak, the Razorbacks suffered a setback after losing to the Gators and the South Carolina Gamecocks, who they faced earlier in the weekend. The Hogs dropped a 5-2 decision to the Gamecocks. Yang Pang and Brittany Huxley picked up the only individual wins for Arkansas. The duo also added a doubles win against Florida, the only match the Hogs would win that day. Arkansas dropped the doubles point against South

see LOSE page 8

Upsets Lead to Hogs Earn Weekly SEC Honors Final Four with 1 No. 1 Seed Haley Markle Asst. Sports Editor

Zack Wheeler Staff Writer

March Madness once again proved not to be a disappointment. With what seemed to be a vast amount of parity this year in college basketball, many upsets have ensued thus far in the tournament. With the Final Four of Louisville, Michigan, Syracuse and Wichita State now set, it is a good time to look back at the major upsets up to this point. A fan favorite, No. 15 Florida Gulf Coast captured the attention of many. The Eagles danced their way past No. 2 Georgetown, No. 7 San Diego State and finally ran out of magic when they faced an in-state opponent in the No. 3 Florida gators. What is even more remark-

able is that FGCU was established in 1991, meaning they have reached this level of success in very little time. A Final Four team in No. 9 Wichita State also upset teams that many thought had a chance at making their title hopes a reality. Beating No. 1 Gonzaga was a major shock to many. After defeating No. 13 La Salle, the Shockers knocked off No. 2 Ohio State to ultimately wind up in a Final Four matchup against another No. 1 in Louisville. The Shockers have shocked many already and look to continue their streak through the tournament. The tournament has been filled with a vast amount of bracket busters. No. 10 Iowa State, No. 14 Harvard, No.

see MADNESS page 8

Photo Courtesy of Athletic Media Relations Devin Wallace was named SEC player of the week Monday, April 1. Wallace hit .625 with three home runs in the weekend series against the Georgia Bulldogs.

The Razorbacks have excelled on the diamond recently, with the softball team earning a sweep of a ranked opponent for the first time since 2000 and the baseball team winning its second straight weekend series, and that has led to weekly honors for two major contributors. Sophomore Devon Wallace earned Southeastern Conference softball Player of the Week honors for her performance in Arkansas’ victories over No. 22 Georgia and UMCK. The Double Oak, Texas, native hit .625 in the three games against the Bulldogs. She hit a home run in each of the three games including a walk-off grand slam to earn the victory for the Hogs in the second game. The first-baseman scored three runs, drove in seven and put up a slugging percentage of 1.556 during the weekend

see HONORS page 8


MLB Opening Day Brings Predictions and Excitement

Zach Wheeler Staff Writer Opening Day. The time of year when baseball fans everywhere rejoice. Spring Training began over a month ago, but nothing replaces the excitement of Opening Day.

College baseball is in full swing, and the pros are finally gearing up for their long and grueling schedule as well. ESPN asked many of their experts who they believe are the favorites this year. Surprisingly, a lot of chatter has been made of the Toronto Blue Jays in the American League. Some have stated picks of the Detroit Tigers and there is a little support for the Los Angeles Angels. National League picks have displayed a little more parity. Many analysts picked the Washington Nationals or the Cincinnati Reds and a few picked the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Don’t sleep on the St. Louis cardinals, however. They are a first class organization that always finds their way into the postseason and is always more than capable of making a magical postseason run. Major League Baseball is a sport that many different people are attracted to. It may be a long season, but every game has importance for finishing positions when the season concludes. Also, many college fans can continue the support of former players making their way through the system to play under the changing circuit that is Major League Baseball. Arkansas has had a lot

of success putting players in the major leagues. This list includes guys such as Drew Smyly, Cliff Lee and Blake Parker to name a few of the most recent men to make it into the league. This is only a small sample of the Razorbacks who are now professionals, as many others are playing in the minor leagues across the country. A recent change of expanding the playoffs has also added a little more significance and excitement to baseball. Many have criticized a one-game play in game that has already knocked a team out with a better record than the team who won (Braves/Cardinals).

Excitement is always a good selling point to attract more fans, to add to the already faithful and loyal ones throughout baseball’s rich history. America’s pastime. It has a nice ring and flow to it. A game that demands a lot and sometimes gives very little back. A game in which it is considered successful when a person fails seven times out of 10. Major League Baseball puts on display the men who are the best at the trade. Each team will play 162 games to determine the failure or success of their respective season. Keeping up with the Ra-

zorback baseball team and constantly checking major league scores is a habit many will develop in the upcoming weeks. Who knows who will come out on top this year in both college and the pros. Hog fans have an exciting time ahead with the Razorbacks off to a good start in Southeastern Conference play. Fans can continue the love of baseball throughout the summer and fall now that bigleague baseball is back. Zack Wheeler is a writer for the Arkansas Traveler. His column appears every Tuesday. Follow the sports section on Twitter @UATravSports.

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013 The Arkansas Traveler Newspaper

MADNESS continued from page 7

LOSE continued from page 7 Carolina, but Kimberley-Ann Surin and Ana Lorena Belmar Hernandez cruised to a 8-3 win over the Gamecocks. “There were a lot of ups and downs, but I thought we fought extremely hard. There was a lot of good things out there for us today, and we took a step forward,” said Hegarty about the loss to South Carolina. The Gators stormed out to a quick lead, winning the first two doubles matches by a score of 8-1. Singles would prove to be just as difficult, as all six Gators were nationally ranked, including the No. 1 player in the country, Lauren Embree. Embree quickly put away Yang Pang, who had worked her way up to a No. 47 ranking, by a score of 6-2, 6-1. Flavia Araujo and Kristen Mee were both swept by Gators by a score of 6-0, 6-0, giving Florida a 4-0 lead that

would be impossible to overcome. Segou Jonker dropped a 6-1, 6-1 decision to Olivia Janowicz, while Huxley lost 6-3, 6-2 to Alexandra Cercone. All six Hogs lost in straight sets, and the closest to winning was senior Claudine Paulson, who took the No. 12 ranked Sofie Oyen to a tiebreaker in the first set, but eventually lost 7-5, 6-3. The losses to Florida and South Carolina this weekend were the first losses for Paulson in SEC play, dropping her record to 8-2. Arkansas will look to rebound in their final three games of the regular season and build some momentum for the upcoming SEC Championships in Starkville, Miss. A road trip to Tennessee and Georgia will come before the final home match of the season against LSU.

HONORS continued from page 7

Photo Courtesy of Associated Press Arizona’s Mark Lyons shoots between Harvard’s Kenyatta Smith, right, and Laurent Rivard, left, in the second half during a third-round game in the NCAA men’s college basketball tournament in Salt Lake City on Saturday, March 23, 2013. Arizona defeated Harvard 74-51. 12 California, No. 11 Minnesota and No. 12 Oregon all knocked off higher seeded teams to turn many brackets into nothing better than fire starters. No. 1 Kansas being knocked off also came as a surprise. No. 4 Michigan defeated them and No. 3 Florida to earn their spot in the Final Four for the first time since 1993 when the “Fab Five” captured the attention of basket-

ball fans everywhere. Michigan contains many matchup problems that have them poised at a title shot. No. 4 Syracuse has also made their mark in the tournament. Downing No. 1 Indiana and No. 3 Marquette with their stifling 2-3 zone helped the Orange earn their spot in the final four. The Orange haven’t allowed opponents to get comfortable on offense, leaving

their impact felt on opposing teams’ side of the scoreboard. No. 1 Louisville seemed to effortlessly make their way into the Final Four as well. En route to Atlanta, the Cardinals beat N.C. A&T, Colorado State, Oregon and the Duke Blue Devils. Russ Smith has been the catalyst thus far for Louisville, and they look to continue toward their goal of winning a National Championship in

their matchup against Wichita State. The upsets have added drama and continue to attract more viewers to watch the games. The number in front of a team continues to have less value each and every year it seems. FGCU’s Cinderella run has come to a halt, but Wichita State looks to keep the hopes alive of the nonpower conference teams.

series. Wallace drew three walks from Bulldog pitchers, bringing her walk total to 46, which leads the NCAA. Her .636 on base percentage and 44 runs scored leads the conference. “Devon deserves it,” head coach Mike Larabee said. “She put in extra time with the coaching staff last week and some time by herself.” Wallace was also named the CollegeSportsMadness.com NCAA Player of the Week. The Razorback softball team takes the field again Tuesday when the Mississippi Valley State Devilettes come to town for a doubleheader beginning at 3 p.m. at Bogle Park. The Hogs will then face No. 13 LSU in a weekend series. The baseball team earned its third SEC Freshman of the Week award this week when Tyler Spoon was honored for

his performance against the Mississippi State Bulldogs. Spoon hit .417 in the series, scored three runs and drove in one. He had multiple hits in each of the first two games and hit the game-winning RBI double that clinched the final game and the series for the Razorbacks. Spoon is the only Razorback that has started each of the 29 games this season and is hitting .325 with three home runs and 34 RBIs. Spoon and the rest of the Razorbacks return to action this weekend in Tuscaloosa, Ala., where they will face the Crimson Tide with first pitch set for 7 p.m. Thursday night. The first game of the series will be broadcast on ESPNU. The series will continue at 6:35 p.m. Friday and 1:05 p.m. Saturday.

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