April 9, 2013

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

“About You, For You”

University of Arkansas Student-Run Newspaper Since 1906

Northwest Arkansas Fights Child Abuse Jaime Dunaway Senior Staff Writer

Thesis Showcases Student Work Student art exhibition are being displayed throughout Fayetteville this month. Full Story, Page 2

Vol. 107, No. 107

Child advocacy groups in northwest Arkansas are organizing events throughout the month of April to commemorate childhood abuse month. The Northwest Arkansas Children’s Shelter in Bentonville is organizing the annual Starlight Gala on April 27, which will include a silent auc-

tion and a concert by The Band Perry. The Department of Human Services is offering child abuse training sessions and participating in a day of silence on social media on April 17 to remember those affected by child abuse. Up until that event, they will be posting statuses and pictures related to child abuse. Law enforcement agencies and local businesses will also have pinwheels in their lawns

representing children who have suffered from abuse. Helen Ward, outreach advocate for Peace at Home Family Shelter, said she encourages students majoring in social work to volunteer at some of the local nonprofit child advocacy groups such as the women’s shelter in Rogers and the Child Safety Center in Springdale. “Any student, no matter where you work and what you do in your spare time, needs to

research signs and symptoms of child abuse because it makes it easier to report,” Ward said. “Being able to volunteer and work with kids one on one can teach them how to talk to a child who is being abused and how to help that child.” More than 6,700 children are abused or neglected in Arkansas each year, according to the Northwest Arkansas Children’s Shelter report. On a

7 p.m. Other exciting events include an ice cream social for graduating seniors. From 12-2 p.m. on Tuesday outside of Kimpel, ice cream will be given out as a farewell to all seniors, but especially those in the journalism department. There will also be a free seminar held on Friday to

see J-DAYS page 3

see RIC page 3

see ABUSE page 3

AMPed Up for Spring Bands

Coming soon in April and early May, the AMP will be hosting the country act Little Big Town and the bluegrass exemplars, Old Crow Medicine Show. Full Story, Page 5

The Razorback women’s tennis team lost two conference matches this weekend. Full Story, Page 7

Today’s Forecast

Caroline Potts Staff Photographer Ashley Saldana, Reina Ruiz, and Julie Petty speak at the Diversity Panel in the Multicultural Center, Monday, April 8. The event was hosted by the Journalism department’s J-Days class, and was the kickoff of the J-Days week.

Megan Smith Staff Writer Journalism Days (J-Days) is a weeklong event organized by the Walter J. Lemke department of journalism to highlight the journalism department. This year’s event is marked by many speakers and a scholarship reception.

Dental Services Coming to Campus Stephanie Carlson Staff Writer

78 / 57° Tomorrow Thunder Storms 56 / 33°

The speakers for J-Days include a former Supreme Court reporter, a senior producer of KNWA and a former editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, according to the J-Days website. The highlight of J-Days is on Wednesday. At 4 p.m., there will be a scholarship reception at the Alumni House for students in the journalism department. More than 30 students

The Pat Walker Health Center is creating a new program to further assist students in quick and easy on-campus health services. Surrounding campuses such as the University of Arkansas Medical School and the University of Arkansas in Fort Smith (UAFS) have had dental hygiene clinics present on campus for several years. While students and staff at the Fayetteville campus have been persistent on acquiring these services, nothing has been put into effect until recently. The planning for oncampus dental services be-

gins this spring, and services will hopefully be in place within the next two years, according to Mary Alice Serafini, director of the Pat Walker Health Center. “Dental services on campus are helpful because I can use my on-campus health insurance and create an appointment in between classes that is convenient for me,” said Carson Lane, UAFS junior. Services available for the UAFS campus include periodontal scaling and root planing, dental prophylaxis (cleaning), dental radiographs (X-rays), examination by dentist, topical fluoride treatment, oral hygiene instruction, and dental seal-

see DENTAL page 2

will receive scholarships, although in amounts unknown to them. After the scholarship reception, there will be a short reception for Roy Reed, one of the speakers featured. Reed, a former UA professor and writer for the New York Times, will be speaking with Gene Foreman, former editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, on the subject of ethics. This lecture begins at

Megan Smith Staff Writer Residents’ Interhall Congress swore in new officers and voted on bill proposed last week—all three passed. RIC voted for new officers last week. Onnissia Harries remains as president, while three new officers were elected. Elizabeth Reynolds was sworn in as vice president, Cody Rader was sworn in as secretary-treasurer and Katherine Petit was sworn in as programs director. Cabinet confirmation involved the swearing in of Shantell Mathis as director of leadership development, Rachel Knight as national communications coordinator, Adrian Ordorica as director of advertising and public relations and Lauren Hake as director of sustainability. The three bills proposed last week included allocating funds to purchase new sound equipment, funds to assist with the People Respecting Individual Differences and Equality (PRIDE) talent show and funds to assist Holcombe Hall purchase a pool table. The bill to allocate funds to purchase new sound equipment passed. This will give $1,413 for the purchase of speaker cables, a soundboard, microphones and miscellaneous items. “We only own two microphones, which have proved not sufficient to the needs of the university community, and while we own enough speaker cords for all the speakers, many of them are very short, fairly old and newer and longer cords would be much more useful and practical,” according to the bill. The bill to allocate funds to assist with the PRIDE talent show passed. This will provide $800 for food, drinks and advertising for the event. “The goal of this event is to provide a safe and encouraging environment for any student to share what they love doing with other students, faculty and staff, include playing music, reading poetry, exhibiting art, etc. and through this, we

Events Highlight Journalism Department

Hogs Drop 2 SEC Matches on Road

RIC Senate Swears in New Officers

Bringing the Outside Inside

Kris Johnson Staff Photographer Nichole Howard’s exhibit “Cycle” began Monday, April 8 at the Fine Arts Center Gallery in the art department. The exhibit will run throughout the week, with a reception scheduled for Friday, April 12.

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