April 16, 2012

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Hogs Drop Home Series page 8 PAGE 1

Vol. 106, NO. 102 UATRAV.COM

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012

Students Can Opt Into Gmail by KRISTEN COPPOLA Staff Writer

Beginning April 16, Most students at the UA may opt in to the new mailbox provided through Gmail, officials said. However, students who are employed by the university may not opt in until the second phase during the summer session. This is because some students may need to also have an Exchange mailbox, that professors have, as well as a Gmail mailbox, said Starla Stensaas, communications director of IT Services. “If their department feels that they need to have the same email as other staff working in that department, then they will request Exchange,” Stensaas said. Other students who are not eligible to opt in until summer are students who have “export controlled data. It’s data that researchers would use that is illegal to export out of the United States,” she said. Students who are unsure if their research is export

controlled data should talk to their professor before opting in, Stensaas said. Michael Dodd, ASG president, has worked closely with IT Services. His group has been “working on it since before the contract was signed. Since the contract was signed with Gmail we’ve been working on what the students want to get out of the Gmail experience,” he said. The contract with Gmail has been a few years in the making, but Dodd’s administration saw the idea come into fruition. “I think it’s a milestone for the university, because it shows that we are moving forward technology-wise,” Dodd said. Students will be able to use all of the Google applications; however, only Google Docs, Calendar, Chat and Voice are covered by the UA’s privacy policy. Other applications such as Google News, Video or Photos are separate and under the new Google privacy policy, Stensaas said. To opt in to the new

see GMAIL on page 2

Former President Clinton Visits Campus


President Bill Clinton speaks in the Verizon Ballroom Sunday night for Bumpers students as part of the inaugural Dale and Betty Bumpers Distinguished Lecture Program. ator Bumpers,” said Michael Vayda, Bumpers College Dean. President Clinton was not paid to speak. During his speech, President Clinton encouraged students to look at ways to help other countries develop agriculturally. “If you go to a poor place and care about agriculture... look first at the systems,” he said “They don’t have systems. It may cost us a great deal of we don’t help them.” Following the President’s

friendship and for your leadership,” said President Bill Clinton to Senator Bumpers in the opening of his speech. “If it hadn’t been for you and David Pryor, my economic plan wouldn’t have passed.” Senator Bumpers played an important role throughout the night. “Senator Bumpers is the namesake for our college, and last year we initiated an annual event where we celebrate the naming of our college for Sen-


President Bill Clinton visited the University of Arkansas on April 15 as the keynote speaker in the inaugural Dale and Betty Bumpers Distinguished Lecture Program. The event was invitation only as a part of the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, said Steve Voorhies with University Relations. “I thank you for your

PAB To Grant UA Student Groups $1.5 Million by SARAH DEROUEN Staff Writer

An estimated $1.53 million will be in the hands of nine students, an Associated Student Government official said. The Programs Allocations Board is responsible for dis-

tributing money from the student activity fee to seven different areas on campus. These areas include Safe Ride, Headliners, Volunteer Action Center, University Programs, Distinguished Lecture Committee, ASG and Readership, said Austin Reid, ASG treasurer. Each student pays $3.12

per credit hour for the student activity fee, Reid said. “Over the course of one’s college career, if they take 124 hours at the university, [he] ends up spending $409.20 toward this PAB,” he said. The one-year-old board replaced a system in which each area had a separate fee,

Reid said. “Chancellor G. David Gearhart, in an effort to make the UA a more student-centered institution, changed this process to give more power to students to decide how their money is spend, according to

see PAB on page 2


speech, there was a question and answer session for the students. “I can give you 100 examples,” President Clinton said when asked his thoughts on Yahoo! listing four of Bumpers majors as the most useless. “Think of the problems we wouldn’t have if everyone had the things we take advantage of here in Arkansas. People who are saying that are those who never give a second thought to any plant they see or any food they eat.”

Facebook Can Fight or Fuel Crime, Police Say by JANNEE SULLIVAN Staff Writer

Using Facebook is quickly becoming a part of standard police investigation. Checking suspects’ Facebook pages has become a common practice for many law enforcement agencies, including UAPD, officials said. “These days it’s become common practice to check those resources,” said Lt. Gary Crain, public information officer for UAPD.

Though information found on a suspect’s Facebook page may not be usable in the case, there have been instances where it has helped, Crain said. “Every once in a while, you hear about someone who did something and bragged about it on Facebook,” Crain said. “That makes it easy, but that’s the exception rather than the rule.”

see FACEBOOK on page 3

Air Conditioning for Humphreys Hall Next Month by KAREN STIGAR Staff Writer

Humphreys Hall is set to have air-conditioned rooms for the first time since the dormitory’s 1961 opening. The air conditioning will be turned on in late May or early June, officials said. “The date was determined by when the work can be completed,” said Florence Johnson, executive director of University Housing. “We were hoping it could be completed before students left. However, that was

In This Issue:


Today On The Hill


Postsecret Speaker



Players Moving On Summer Housing: The Fayetteville Roots Ins and Outs of the Festival Adds Folk to the Arkansas football players are trying to focus on Three-Month Lease Fall the remainder of spring

Check out various events The founder of Postsecret will happening around campus speak at the UA. today. A students’ guide to subletting or finding summer housing

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Page 5 TODAY 59°


The Fayetteville Roots Festival will bring folk music to the town this August.

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practice after Petrino’s firing.

Page 8 FRIDAY 69°



not possible.” The installation coincides with the 2012 Annual WalMart Stores, Inc. Shareholders meeting, which begins June 1. Wal-Mart shareholders and associates will be housed in Humphreys Hall, among other dorms, Johnson said. The majority of residence halls on campus will be occupied by Wal-Mart shareholders and associates during this event, she said. “The air conditioning in

see AIR CONDITIONING on page 3


Changing Major: The Not-So-Deadly Cycle Changing majors can be costly and time consuming, but worth it for students looking for their passion.

Page 4 Follow us on Twitter at @uatrav


MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


TODAY ON THE HILL ABOUT THE ARKANSAS TRAVELER The Arkansas Traveler, the student newspaper of the University of Arkansas, is published every day during the fall and spring academic sessions except during exam periods and university holidays. Opinions expressed in signed columns are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Traveler. The editor makes all final content decisions. One copy of The Arkansas Traveler is free to every member of the UA community. Additional copies can be purchased for 50 cents each. Mail subscriptions for delivery within the continental United States can be purchased for $125.00 per semester. Contact the Traveler Business Manager to arrange.

CONTACT The Most Trusted Stranger in America: Frank Warren PostSecret Creator Frank Warren will be speaking on April 16. This event is free and open to the public and seats will be given on a first come, first served basis. 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Verizon Ballroom

Holcombe Geography Series Australia Holcombe Geography Series Australia is coming up Monday, April 16.

5 p.m. - 6 p.m. Holcombe Hall Living Room

Food Science Guest Speaker

Mira Locher to Discuss Traditional Japanese Architecture

Dr. Richard W. Hartel, Professor of Food Engineering, Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, will present “Emulsion behavior and arrested coalescence: Theory and Practice.”

Mira “Mimi” Locher will present the lecture “From Earth to Sky: Elements of Traditional Japanese Architecture” on April 16 in the Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences Building.

3:30 p.m. Room D-2 of the FDSC Building

5:30 p.m. Hembree Auditorium


PostSecret Founder to Speak at UA by KAREN STIGAR Staff Writer

The founder of the PostSecret Project, a community art project in which people mail their secrets on anonymous homemade postcards, will speak at the UA Monday. Frank Warren will speak in the Verizon Ballroom at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, said Lana Hackler, Anne Kittrell Art Gallery chair. “I would recommend getting there early because we only have 150 seats and expect a lot of people,” Hackler said. “There will be a questionand-answer, as well as a time for people in the audience to


from page 1 the PAB purpose,” Reid said. The board is made up of nine students: Michael Dodd, ASG president; Lauren Waldrip, ASG vice president; Austin Reid, ASG treasurer; Cathryn Fleener, ASG senator; Emily Evans, ASG senators; Kayln Williams, DLC chair; Jonathan Cheeser, UP president; Kayln Oden, headliners representative and Mirelle Pierini, VAC president, Reid said. On April 14 and 15, representatives from each of the

share their secrets after Frank Warren’s speech, which I think will be interesting,” she said. Warren will discuss why the PostSecret blog is important and why he has made suicide awareness part of his life’s work, according to kepplerspeakers.com. Warren will also read postcards that were banned from the website and books. The speech will be followed by a book signing, Hackler said. “Frank Warren coming to campus was made possible because of funds from university programs,” Hackler said. The Anne Kittrell Art Gallery is hosting a gallery of personal PostSecret postcards created by members of the UA community until April 25,

Hackler said. “I think that Frank Warren coming to campus is a big thing because it is something we can relate to and get involved or interact with. It is a part of our generation,” she said. In 2009, Forbes listed Frank Warren as the fourth most influential person on the Internet, and the PostSecret website has received 450 million hits and was named Weblog of the Year at the Seventh Annual Weblog Awards, according to kepplerspeakers.com. Since November 2004, PostSecret has received more than 500,000 postcards, with secrets spanning from sexual taboos and criminal activity to confessions of secret beliefs, hidden acts of kindness, shock-

ing habits and fears, according to kepplerspeakers.com. Warren founded PostSecret after a moving experience as a volunteer at a suicide prevention hotline, Hackler said. “I think that it is going to be a fun event and I think it would mean a lot to students that have been through things like suicides and just need a way to express themselves,” Hackler said. One of the most popular songs of 2005, “Dirty Little Secret” by The All American Rejects, used the concept of PostSecret in their music video, according to kepplerspeakers. com. It became one of the most requested videos of that year.

seven groups made a presentation with a budget to ask for a certain percentage of the money. Then the final PAB budget has to be approved by the Chancellor, he said. Last year ASG received about $320,000, he said. “Monies allocated from PAB must directly further the organizational principles and purposes of its member areas,” according to the PAB code. Any money not spent throughout the year is put into a general fund that the groups can pull from the next year, Reid said.


dents may continue to forward e-mail by clicking on the gear icon > Settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP. To set up mobile email or a desktop mail provider, such as Mail for OSX 10 or Microsoft Outlook, students must create a new password to be used separately from their UA password. “The password may not be the same as their UA password,” Stensaas said. “It’s because Gmail or the provider can see that password.” Once students opt in to the Gmail mailbox, they will visit email.uark.edu to access their mail.

from page 1 mailbox, students should visit http://email.uark.edu/optin. Many students have contacts in their UA or Xpress mailboxes, but those can be transferred to the Gmail mailbox. “UA Mail will [transfer contacts] automatically, but Xpress Mail must be transferred manually,” Stensaas said, adding that all directions are included throughout the opt in process. Stensaas was unsure if forwarding would still be possible with the Gmail mailbox, but The Traveler found that stu-

119 Kimpel Hall University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701 Main: 479.575.3406 Fax: 479.575.3306 traveler@uark.edu

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MEGAN HUCKABY Multimedia Editor


The Chancellor and a President



Advertising Director 575-3839 travad1@uark.edu

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Account Executive 575-3899 travad2@uark.edu

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CORRECTIONS The Arkansas Traveler strives for accuracy in its reporting and will correct all matters of fact. If you believe the paper has printed an error, please notify the editor at 575.8455 or at traveler@uark.edu.


The women and men of the University of Arkansas Police Department, in partnership with the community, are committed to protecting the future of Arkansas by promoting a safe and secure environment.


The Transit and Parking office handles parking permits and passes and transit for students, including bus routes and GoLoco Ride Sharing. Students with parking violations can contact the office to appeal their citation.


Otherwise known as 575-SAFE, the mission of the Safe Ride program is to provide students with a safe means of transportation from any uncomfortable or inconvenient situation. Safe Ride brings you home safely.


Former President Bill Clinton speaks with UA Chancellor G. David Gearhart before giving a speech at the Verizon Ballroom Sunday evening.

Don’t forget to call early and reserve your student football tickets for the 2012-2013 season. The ticket office is located on Razorback Road next to Baum Stadium.



MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012

FACEBOOK from page 1

There have been several national incidents where suspects were arrested after police found incriminating evidence on the suspect’s Facebook profile, including one case in which a Florida man was arrested in connection with a robbery after posting photos of himself wearing stolen items, according to The Herald-Tribune. Facebook is allowed to share users’ information in response to a legal request, such as a search warrant, court order or subpoena. Facebook will also share information in an effort to

prevent or address fraud or any other type of crime they detect, according to Facebook’s data use policy. Some communities even report crimes through Facebook. In Chicago, at least four community groups use the social networking site to report crimes, sometimes even as they are happening, according to NBC. The speed of communication through social media sites, especially with smartphones, tends to have a positive effect in the eyes of those involved, according to NBC. Now any citizen with a smartphone or access to a social media site can report crimes immediately, engage

with local police and get safety tips specific to their neighborhood, according to CNN. Social media websites were also a key factor in the outcry which eventually pushed George Zimmerman’s second degree murder charge after the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. More than 50 online petitions concerning the Martin case were circulated through Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites in the weeks leading up to Zimmerman’s arrest, according to Change.org. Still, with the evolution and expansion of uses for social media, some are con-

cerned that mixing social media and crime-fighting could be dangerous. Facebook is also becoming a breeding ground for crime. Facebook crimes range from scams and cyber bullying to violent crimes resulting from a user posting GPS data about their exact location. The incidence of Facebook crimes is rapidly rising, according to NBC. Facebook has recently attempted to beef up security features and educate users about the dangers of failing to secure personal information, according to their security policy.

Fun in the Sun


Humphreys Hall turned on according to the temperature outside,” Johnson said. Resident of Humphreys Hall have always relied on box and ceiling fans to keep cool, though the dorm already boasts an air-conditioned study lounge on each floor, according to the university housing website. “We work with the community in Humphreys Hall to determine the desire for the air

conditioning to be turned on,” Johnson said. Wal-Mart shareholders and associates will be staying in the majority of residence halls during the meeting, Johnson said. UA has hosted the WalMart shareholders meeting for over 20 years, Wal-Mart officials said. The associates and shareholders who attend the one-day meeting come from all over the world. Wal-Mart has paid for their on-campus lodging for more than 20 years, Wal-Mart officials said.




People gathered to celebrate the Hindu “Festival of Color,” also called the Holi Festival, at Wilson Park on Saturday.







RazAlert Service Needed For Student Safety Tornado season is here, and RazAlert is keeping us prepared for unexpected weather coming our way. RazAlert woke most of us Sunday morning, preparing us for possible tornadoes and bad weather heading for Fayetteville, and has been keeping our phones busy for the past few weeks with the bad weather that has hovered over Northwest Arkansas. Whether it’s a tornado, severe storm or any other form of bad weather, RazAlert keeps us ready for whatever may come our way. And while many of us find our campus alert system frustrating when our phones ring off the hook at a potential storm, we are lucky to have a notification system that can give us advanced warning and help ensure that we are safe. Whether we live in dorms or off campus, RazAlert notifies the entire student body and keeps us updated about bad weather. It’s important to take into account just how useful this is, especially for those of us who don’t have access to television or Internet in bad weather. When radar or local weather channels aren’t available, RazAlert lets us know what to prepare for. For many of us, RazAlert is the only way that we can tell what our weather will bring for the day, and when we need to take bigger steps to safety. Having a system that ensures that students can find safety through warning is a great part of attending the UA and a useful feature for students to have access to. Notifications through phone calls and email ensure that students receive some sort of warning and have an opportunity to seek a safe place. Tornado season is upon us for the next couple of months, so it’s time to add the RazAlert phone number into our address book and expect just a few calls in the near future. Instead of finding our notification system just another annoying morning phone call, we should see it as a useful tool that our school equips us with to ensure that the student body is safe. Take RazAlert seriously and be thankful for the service that we have on our campus.

Traveler Staff Expanding In Upcoming Year The Traveler is looking for writers, photographers and designers for the upcoming year. With the current school year coming to an end and summer break in the horizon, it’s hard to think of what opportunities will come next year for students, but there are just a few that we should be thinking about right now. Whether you can write, take a great photo or think you would be a great designer for the award-winning newspaper, The Traveler is looking for new staff members for the 2012-2013 year. Working for The Traveler is a great opportunity for students to get work published and earn a little extra cash on the side. Taking the opportunity to add published work onto a resume looks great, and is a good way to get involved with campus news. With a great editorial staff for the upcoming year, it’s time to get involved in another campus organization through the newspaper. Those interested in getting involved should visit the office in Kimpel 119 and fill out an application. Editors will interview applicants in the upcoming week. A great way to get involved on campus, next years editors look forward to the new staff next year.

Traveler Quote of the Day “I think it’s a milestone for the university, because it shows that we are moving forward technology-wise.”


Changing Majors: The Not-So-Deadly Cycle

by EMILY RHODES Opinion Editor

I have changed my major four times while attending the UA. And though my dorm room desk was laden with add and drop forms for an entire year of my college career, four is still a modest number when it comes to changing a course of study. I’ve met students who have changed their major 10 times and I’ve met students who have stuck with the same degree plan throughout their time on the hill, so having changed it four times I feel somewhat “average.” Throughout my time as a student at the UA, I have been an art, education, history and journalism major, and have considered countless other career paths during my time here. Yet, although I have printed many degree plans from

Rocket Science


Traveler Columnist

EDITOR Saba Naseem MANAGING EDITOR Mattie Quinn OPINION EDITOR Emily Rhodes The Arkansas Traveler welcomes letters to the editor from all interested readers. Letters should be at most 300 words and should include your name, student classification and major or title with the university and a day-time telephone number for verification. Letters should be sent to traveler@uark.edu.

has to offer. When I came to college, a great deal of people warned me that my major would change at least once before graduation. However, I don’t think they ever wanted it to seem like a bad thing. Many of you have probably heard the same story from parents and mentors, but felt like changing a major would break the college timeline, disappoint someone or cost too much money. And while these are all factors, the bottom line is that college is a time not only to get a degree but to learn about yourself. There aren’t many other times in life that we get the opportunity to spend years studying something we love, so why would we limit ourselves to what we think we want as fresh-out-of-high school teenagers? Changing your major in college isn’t looked down upon, nor is it a waste of time or money. It’s an opportunity to delve into what you really enjoy, what your passion is and a is chance to discover what you want to do with your life. For most of us, we will only get one time in college.

I see this as an opportunity to figure it out the first time, so that we can be prepared to enter a workforce after college that we are passionate about. Why bother spending four years in college to later work in a field we don’t genuinely enjoy? Simply put, we shouldn’t want to waste our precious college years in a career path that isn’t 100 percent well suited to us. For those of us contemplating a change in major, my only advice is to go for it. There is no rule that forbides returning to original coursework, and there are hundreds of other majors to explore and find interest in. As Henry David Thoreau said, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have always imagined.” If we don’t do it now, we might never have the chance beyond college to change our career paths and live our dreams. It’s never too late to find your calling and act upon it. Emily Rhodes is a journalism major, and the opinion editor.

Iceberg Dead Ahead: The Future Generation

- Michael Dodd, ASG President, from “Students Can Opt Into Gmail,” on page 1.


the Fulbright website and spent countless hours in the career development center, my four years in college have been worth it because I will graduate knowing exactly what I want to do in life. Through changing my course of study, I was able to learn different skills while realizing what my passion was. Being an education major made me realize that I have good leadership and management skills, something that lent itself to getting an editor position at the Traveler. Taking a few art classes at the start of my college career helped shape my love for photography and design, which later gave me the opportunity to work as a photographer and discover publication design, a field I hope to work in after college. The journalism and history departments both taught me how to improve my writing and discover my real interests. Expanding my studies has given me some great work opportunities, allowed me to network with so many people on campus, and given me a full appreciation of everything this university

Titanic is one of my favorite movies. I don’t know if it’s Leo, the graphics or Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On,” but one or a combination of different film elements set my imagination loose the first time I saw Titanic, and it’s been one of my “desert island” movie picks ever since. I have heard a lot of fuss lately about kids on Facebook and Twitter that didn’t know that James Cameron’s film rendition of that horrible Titanic crash that claimed 1,500 lives was real, so I did some investigation. I read numerous articles

that confirmed the rumor I had heard - there are a multitude of teenagers in the U.S. that believe the film is fictional. At first, I was a little confused. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know what the Titanic crash was. It seemed to be just to be a part of knowledge that people were born with. I couldn’t fathom it. Many have been quick to jump on today’s teens, accusing them as sloths that don’t care enough to read or get a solid education. There’s some ground for debate there. It does seem like we’ve had a bit of a youth fallout lately, but it’s not fair to judge it based on whether or not teens knew of a ship crash 100 years ago. In a time when cursive is dying, geography is lost and obesity is infinitely gaining, people are worried about the Titanic? Here is my simple answer. If teens cared, they would know about it. Our teens aren’t vapid; they simply care about different subjects. In fact, I’d be slow to attack our teens for not knowing the

historical significance behind Titanic, because our teens go through personal Titanic moments every day. We’ve all had that moment. We’ve hit the iceberg. Our hearts are split, we broke an arm or maybe we’re buried under homework - Titanic. For instance - marriage rates, they are horrendous. Who does this often affect but our teens. Our teens who are often pent up with anxiety and aggression are facing this every day. Families are being ripped apart left and right, and people are worried about whether or not our teens know the historical significance behind a film. This is what’s disheartening to me. There are “adults,” “grownups,” who today’s teens are supposed to be looking up to that would criticize our growing, young adults for not understanding a piece of history that can be best characterized as pop culture. Tell me this, how many of these “intellectuals,” know the site of the end of the American Revolution? Can one of these “role models” even

tell me where the American Revolution started? I’d feel safe making a bet that most of our teens do. The question that is bothering me the most is how many of these movers and shakers, who are wasting their time criticizing others, are actually doing something about their problems? At some point, we all face our crucible. It could be the hardest decision that you’ve consciously made. For so many people, there are events in our lives that are seen as our “Titanic.” While our teens may not know of the worst ship crash in history, they are at least committed to something. Every day our teens decide to truck through their personal crisis. We have a bright group of kids coming to take our place at UA one day, we ought to be building them up, not tearing them down. Joe Kieklak is a Traveler columnist. His column appears every other Monday.



MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Fayetteville Roots Festival Adds Folk to the Fall by LOGAN GILMORE Staff Writer

The Fayetteville Roots Festival is back for a third year. From Aug. 23 through Aug. 26, it will be bringing with it bigger names and a more distinct schedule of events than ever before. Founded in 2010, this year marks the third iteration of the local festival. The “Roots Fest” has called upon multiple folk, Americana and bluegrass musicians to contribute to its still-growing initial lineup. Both nationally recognized and locally praised musicians will be performing this year, highlighting the music that was born in and continues to thrive within the Ozarks. Co-headlining the festival are celebrated musicians David Grisman with his band, the David Grisman FolkJazz Trio, as well as the recently announced John Prine. The initial lineup also includes: Darrell Scott, Hayes Carll, The Steel Wheels, Hoots and Hellmouth, Pokey Lafarge and the South City Three, Gregory Alan Isakov, Joy Kills Sorrow, Trout Fishing in America, Still on the Hill, 3 Penny Acre, David Mayfield Parade, Carrie Elkin, Danny Schmidt, Cletus Got Shot, Carper Family Band, Terry Hendrix and Lloyd Maines, Ryan Spearman, J Wagner, Mark Bilyeu, Adam Cox, Shannon Wurst, David Glaser, Chad Elliot and Ben Bedford. The Fayetteville Roots Festival website states that the second headliner will be announced soon along with “many more local musicians.” “Friends of the Festival” ticket packages go on sale Monday, April 16, which is essentially a VIP package that gains special seating, extra events and other privileges. General admission tickets are not on sale yet but if last year is any indication of pricing, the tickets should be around $20. The festival will take place across several venues, including the Walton Arts Center, George’s Majestic Lounge, Kingfish, the Fayetteville Public Library and the Fayetteville Farmer’s Market. Purchase of a festival ticket will gain access to all events of the weekend, but some of the venues will offer a few select tickets at the door. This initial lineup was announced at Greenhouse Grille on March 18 to a sold out crowd anxious to hear who would be performing this year. Since its founding, the Fayetteville Roots Festival has grown from a mere one day of festivities to an outstanding four. It was created by Jerrmy Gawthrop, co-owner of Greenhouse Grille and Bryan Hembree of Fayetteville-based band 3 Penny Acre. The two have gained support over the past few years in turning what was once a small, one-venue music festival into a large, multi-venue event that is broadening its reach yearly. According to a preview video, the festival seeks to place a spotlight on “local farmers growing local foods,” as well as “artists, crafts, local businesses, songwriting workshops, documentary films and more than we can mention in the time allotted.” Most of these were present in last year’s iteration of the festival, but documentary films are entirely new territory for the local event, according to the Fayetteville Flyer; thus proving that the festival is growing and expanding its vision since its humble beginning. Despite other nearby festivals such as Wakarusa, this promises to be a purely Fayetteville-focused affair, bringing in recognition and profits to local businesses, farmers, and artisans. “A mountain town in its natural state,” reads the festival’s see ROOTS on page 6

A student living in Pomfret makes a salad for dinner. The dining halls offer fresh, healthy ingredients at the salad bar every day.


Not Your Average Lunch — Chartwells Seeks to Nourish and Inspire by STEPHANIE EHRLER Staff Writer

It’s lunchtime, and as students sit down to eat their pepperoni pizza at Brough they notice an advertisement on the table. A person with a smile holds a box that says “Chartwells.” Chartwells is the company that allows the UA dining halls to offer the vast assortment of food choices that satisfy students’ appetites every day. The cheapest non-commuter meal plan is more than $1300 — a lot of money for the average college student to fork out— so quality of the food served at campus dining halls is vital. Likely to dining-hall cynics’ surprise, Chartwells seeks to not only provide students with food, but to provide them with highly nutritious, gourmet and even locally sourced ingredients.

After all, Chartwells’ mission statement is to “nourish students through innovative foods.” “Ingredients are sourced for quality (taste & nutrition) and sustainability. For example, we use fish that follows the Monterey Bay benchmark for sustainable seafood sourcing,” said Kim Johnson, marketing director of Chartwells Residential Dining Office. The cheese used on the pizza, the lettuce from the salad bar and all other ingredients in campus dining halls’ food are made locally, meaning that they come from a 150-mile radius. Chartwells, founded in 1997, not only cares about fresh ingredients, but about the animal that produces the ingredients. The Compass Group, which is the parent company of Chartwells, explains on their sustainability page that all of the 49 million eggs used

per year come from cage-free chickens, so students can eat with assurance that an animal did not have to suffer for their nourishment. The Pomfret dining hall, Brough and the NW Quads offer the staples of burgers and pizza that any college campus provides, but they also offer other healthy and unique choices. “Our culinary team on this campus is led by accredited chefs and food management professionals. Our company employs degreed nutritionists that assist in the creation of recipes,” Johnson said. While it is consoling to have comfort food in college, campus dining halls offer a much greater selection that goes outside the box of normal cafeteria dishes. “While I only had a meal plan as a freshman, I loved all the dif-

ferent choices of food at Brough. There seemed to always be dishes from different cultures,” said Andrew Palmer, a UA sophomore majoring in mechanical engineering. “Although if someone did not feel adventurous, they could always stick to eating the burgers and pizza.” In addition to providing many different food choices, Chartwells is partnered with the NC 10% and Pura Vida Coffee, both of which fund charities that nourish those in need. Every meal provided in the three dining halls at the UA is carefully planned out. “The managing chef controls the assortment and plans the menus for the week to ensure the widest variety. They will often

see CHARTWELLS on page 6

Summer Housing: The Ins and Outs of the Three-Month Lease by EMILY DELONG Staff Writer

So you finally got that internship! Or you’re packing for your summer abroad or going back home to work. The only problem: you don’t have a place to live. Or you’re still locked into your 12-month lease, and have no intention of paying rent for an apartment you won’t be living in. Don’t fear: there are many options available for the UA student in finding a summer home and subleasing an apartment for the summer. First, let’s say you need to find an apartment for the summer. If you can’t find a friend to crash with, you are going to want to find either a two- to three-month lease, or to find a landlord that will offer you month-to-month housing. Fayetteville has a few options for short-term leases; Pierce Properties (pierceapartments.com), for example, prides itself in offering leases designed specifically for the summer renter, in apartments just blocks from campus. Another way to look for shortterm leases is on Craigslist. While it’s important to be wary of potential scams, Craigslist is a good place to search for unconventional leases as well as post your own sublets. On the UA apartment search website, offcampushousing.uark. edu, you can browse apartments,

find roommates and, for a fee of $25, even post a sublet. For those interested in subletting their home, the process can be daunting. The Arkansas Landlord/Tenant Handbook, prepared in part by the Arkansas Realtors Association, defines subletting as “the leasing of premises by a tenant to a third party for part of the tenant’s remaining term or regarding only a portion of the rented property.” The majority of standard leases have a section on subletting that explains whether subletting is allowed and on what terms. Make sure you check your lease before you plan to sublet and see if there is such a clause. Regardless of whether there is a clause, you should always talk to your landlord before subleasing your apartment. The Arkansas Landlord/Tenant Handbook explains that in the event of a sublease proposal, the landlord has the right to either lease directly through the sublessor and cancel your lease, to permit the sublease and still hold you responsible, or to refuse the arrangement outright. Of course, these terms are lease-specific, and not all may apply. A good way to start the subletting process is to see if one of your friends needs a place to

see HOUSING on page 6


Grant Hodges, UA junior, plans to sublet his apartment this summer to a friend while he interns in Washington, D.C.



Spring Blossoms on UA Campus

Trees blossom on the Old Main lawn as spring arrives on campus.

from page 5


Local Clinic Offers Free Services for Women

HOUSING from page 5

stay for the summer. Subletting to a friend can be convenient both in that you aren’t leasing to a stranger, and, if you have roommates, there’s a better chance they’ll get along. Even if you know your sublessee, though, you should still draw up a contract, as you never know what can happen. You can easily find a template for such a contract online. Before you sign away your apartment for three months, it is extremely important to make sure you know a few things about whomever you are renting to. What is this person’s recent rental history? Is he/she a smoker? Does he/she plan to

by MATTIE QUINN Managing Editor

The day was January 23, 2012. The Internet was ablaze, especially social media, with people chattering and swapping opinions on a news story making the rounds that day. No, it wasn’t the death of a pop legend. It wasn’t something concerning the Republican primaries. Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the esteemed breast cancer research organization, had announced that it was going to pull funding from Planned Parenthood. Many attributed the de-funding to pressure from certain conservative executives because certain Planned Parenthood clinics offer abortions. Suddenly, everyone was on one side of the fence or the other. There were those who were horrified by the de-funding, stating that Planned Parenthood offers essential services to women in need, with the other side arguing that any clinic that offers abortions is wrong and that sexual health services shouldn’t come from taxpayer dollars. Overnight, women’s health was strictly a political issue. Meanwhile, in Northwest Arkansas, a faith-based organization was offering its free services to women like any normal weekday. Loving Choices, a women’s health clinic that has been in Rogers for 25 years and opened up a Fayetteville location four years ago, started up in a time “when there was a lot of political debate about pro-life and pro-choice, but no actual resources for girls experiencing an unplanned pregnancy,” said Caroline Rhodes, executive director of Loving Choices. Loving Choices offers pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, options counseling, post-abortion support and, in June 2009, added STD testing and treatment. All free of charge and completely confidential. Of the girls that come in, 75 percent are between the ages of 1525. “We get a mix of the kind of girls that come in. Sometimes it is a girl who needs maternity support but cannot afford it. Other times it is just a college girl who wants a free STD test,” Rhodes said. “We just want to educate girls so they can make better choices later on in their life.” Loving Choices is a non-denominational Christian organization. Because it is a faith-based organization, the topic of spirituality does come up with patients. “We will ask a girl about her faith, but if she doesn’t want to talk about it, we aren’t going to push the issue. Sometimes the topic won’t even come up, it just kind of depends on where the conversation goes, if the nurse even had time or if there were more important things to worry about, like this girl is homeless,” Rhodes said. Rhodes is adamant about Loving Choices being apolitical, but

experiment with new items,” Johnson said. “If there is a menu item that students especially like but haven’t seen for a while, simply tell the chef or director and the item will be worked into the menu more frequently. We also pay attention to emerging food trends and survey the students to ask for feedback. That’s why it’s so important for students to take the surveys. We do these once a semester.” The survey can be found on the UA dining website under the “feedback” tab. The UA offers more options than just at the dining halls, including Late Night meals at the Union, or Papa John’s and Quiznos on the weekend. “I like the options Chartwells offers because if you get bored of eating at some of the places, you can just try a different option,” said Michelle Volpe, a UA sophomore majoring in pre-nursing. Favorite lunchtime food choices may be the delicious chocolate chip cookies and the just-out-of-the-oven pizza, but some students enjoy the more healthy choices available too. “Eating healthy is important to me, and Chartwells offers


from page 5


she does say that they will not offer or refer for abortions. “We don’t use the phrase ‘prolife’ or ‘anti-abortion’ because they both have been tainted by politics, but we have seen that parenting or adoption are just better options in the long-term. That is why we offer post-abortion support, because we are not going to judge someone for making that choice, but we realize how much emotional baggage can come from it,” Rhodes said. Loving Choices’ free sexual health care, minus the abortions, really struck a chord with nurse director Shelly King. “When my son was 16, he and his girlfriend realized they were pregnant right after they had broken up. She went to Loving Choices and decided to have the baby. If she had had an abortion, I probably would never have known I was to be a grandmother,” King said. “I felt I needed to give back in some way, so I started volunteering at the Rogers location. I was working as a school nurse in Bentonville and was wanting a career change, when an opening for the nurse director position in the Fayetteville clinic opened up. I really felt like I was led here.” Loving Choices is funded by private donations and grants, and Rhodes has a simple answer for those who do not believe that sexual health services should be free. “The way we have things set up, it works. People in the community really believe in us, and they give us donations that we rely on. Some people may think you need to pay for resources like this, but people have given us money so we can exist for those who cannot afford it.

“We want to eliminate the two main barriers girls face with their sexual health, which is cost and confidentiality. Girls don’t want to go to the school health clinic because it can cost money, and they don’t want to go to their family doctor because it’ll show up on their parents’ insurance,” Rhodes said. For girls wanting a check-up, Loving Choices can be an alternative to their average health center. “I knew I needed an STD test, but I wanted to go to a place that I knew would be patient with me because I am very bad with getting blood drawn (which is required for HIV and syphilis testing.) I don’t think that the nurses at the university health clinic would have been as understanding or patient, which is the key reason I decided to go to Loving Choices instead,” said a senior UA marketing major. For Rhodes, being a nonjudgmental center for girls is the goal every day. “Regardless of a patient’s past behavior or current decisions, we want them to know we are not going to judge them. We aren’t going to beat her over the head with a Bible, we just want to be a safe and informative environment. We want to share faith, but more importantly we just want to meet girls’ immediate needs,” Rhodes said. King echoes Rhodes sentiments. “I just want to make a difference,” King said. “When I come into work, I just hope that I will say something or provide some service that will really help someone each day.”

tagline. According to their website, the event is deemed an “urban music festival,” so don’t try to set up a campsite along Dickson or on the square as other festivals permit. Expect plenty of local food, beer, wine and tunes to go around throughout the duration of the weekend. All of this excitement is not without a generous side. “There will be non-profit organizations set up bringing awareness to local environmental issues, community developments and movements,” the website states.


good salad bars in the cafeterias and even has some healthy choice meals to choose from,” Volpe said. ”At Brough I like getting the sandwiches and cookies, and at the Quads I mainly get granola and yogurt.” With the freshman class population rising each year, Chartwells anticipates expanding dining halls to accommodate the growing crowds. “We have been working for the last four years on plans that align with projected growth. Currently there is an expansion of Brough in the works. Work is expected to start this summer or next fall on the project,” Johnson said. “Other service locations are also being discussed to align with housing growth.” The chefs at Chartwells are not the only ones who can create dishes — students can get involved in meal planning, too. “Send an email to one of the dining hall Directors: Lisa at Brough — lisahuff@uark.edu, Mike at the NW Quad - mdangelo@uark.edu, or Rachel at Pomfret — rjharrel@uark.edu ,and express interest in being on a food committee or make individual requests directly to the Director who will pass them along to the Chef,” Johnson said.

bring Fluffy along? If you have roommates, are you sure they’re okay with this person living with them for an entire summer? And finally, are you confident that this person is going to pay rent? The scariest part of subletting is that, for the majority of cases, you are responsible no matter what happens. As a sublessor you are essentially playing landlord, which means you’re going to be the one getting the midnight calls about the toilet not working. Don’t let any apartment technicalities get in the way of having the summer of your dreams, though. Many people have survived the summer renting/subleasing process and lived to tell about it.

The main organization featured at the festival will be Feed Fayetteville, “whose mission being to end hunger in Fayetteville and Washington County.” With the artist lineup improving yearly and more activities being added to its roster, it’s not hard to see how the festival has quickly gained support of the Fayetteville community. “Music. Food. Culture.” Such reads advertisements that will be popping up around town over the next few months. The Fayetteville Roots Festival is certainly not lacking in any of these departments and is unquestionably an event not to be missed.


David Grisman, a mandolin player, will be one of the headlining acts of the 2012 Fayetteville Roots festival in August.



Comics, Games, & Much Much More!

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012

LAUGH IT UP A woman's husband dies. She

asks of the undertaker, "All my life my husband has worn nothing but black suits. Just once I'd like to see him in blue suit, but I don't have one. Can you help me out?" The undertaker says, "Sure." A few days later she shows up at the viewing, and her husband is laid out in a handsome blue suit. She says to the undertaker, "Thank you so much!" The undertaker says, "No problem. As it happens, on the same day there was a woman who wanted her husband dressed in a black suit, but all she had was blue suits." The woman said, "Oh, so you ... ", the undertaker says, "Yeah, I just switched the heads!"


Josh Shalek


Michael A. Kandalaft


Tim Rickard





1 River of Tuscany 2 “Joanie Loves Chachi” co-star 3 Hearer of final appeals 4 __Kosh B’Gosh 5 Comeback 6 Go to and fro 7 Post-op program 8 Maine campus town 9 Promotes 10 Immigrant’s subj. 11 Excessive 12 Invasive Japanese vine 13 Prevent legally 18 What ad libbers ignore 22 Overabundance 24 Star 26 “My country, __ ...” 27 Horn, for one 28 Gravy thickener 29 Ringlet 33 With “and” and 40-Across, emissions-reducing method whose first word (this answer) can follow the start of the answers to starred clues 34 Sidle 36 Burger follower 37 “Nessun dorma,” e.g. 38 Combine, as assets 41 Using (up) 44 Fireplace powder 48 Chair on a porch 50 Fake 51 Fan club focuses 52 Towpath locale 53 She’s not for you 54 “What did I do to deserve this?” 55 “Poison” plant 59 Harangue 61 Architectural pier 62 More, to a minimalist 64 Elle, across the Atlantic 65 Bit of a snore?


Crossword provided by MCT Campus



Harry Bliss

CROSSWORD 1 Loathe 6 Poke into 11 “Blue Hawaii” prop 14 Rear 15 Houston hockey team 16 Frat letters 17 *Place for after-dinner courses 19 Banned pesticide 20 Magic show reaction 21 Lots 22 “Omertà” author 23 Mystery writer John Dickson __ 25 *Repress 27 Double-__: puzzle type 30 German pronoun 31 When many Lyon Lions are born 32 Brownish purple 35 Certain commuter’s aid 39 Utter 40 See 33-Down, and word that can precede the end of the answers to starred clues 42 Grinder 43 Uncredited actor 45 Yani Tseng’s org. 46 Home of Miami University 47 Neighbor of Leb. 49 Neverending 51 *Skating exhibitions 56 Fertile Crescent land 57 Musty 58 Butter sources 60 American rival: Abbr. 63 “__ Fine Day”: 1963 hit 64 *Delta’s aptly named monthly 66 Fly the coop 67 Stud 68 Assays 69 Like some looks 70 Put up 71 Sorority letters


Tony Piro




MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Wilson Continues Hot Spring by ZACH TURNER

Asst. Sports Editor

Tyler Wilson has lived up to his first-team All-Southeastern Conference billing this spring. Arkansas’ starting quarterback threw for 448 yards and three touchdowns on 39 of 49 passing during the Razorbacks’ third spring scrimmage Friday. “There is not another quarterback in the country playing better than Tyler Wilson right now,” offensive coordinator Paul Petrino said. “If anyone watched him last Friday and again today he is throwing all kinds of touchdowns while executing and knowing what he is doing.” With his performance Friday, Wilson’s totals for the three scrimmages are a stel-

lar 1,126 yards and 13 touchdowns. He has completed almost 77 percent of his passes. “He’s been real efficient,” Paul Petrino said. “He understands the offense a lot more, but as much as anything, he’s been a great leader. He’s stood up and talked to the players and he comes out there with a great passion and energy every day and practices hard. That’s contagious.” Despite the distractions of dealing with the firing of Bobby Petrino on Tuesday, Wilson said the team responded during the Hogs’ next two practices. “They’ve been pretty good,” Wilson said. “I’m thankful we’ve got the team around us that are able to

see SPRING FOOTBALL on page 9

GARETH PATTERSON STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Arkansas senior Tenarius Wright (yelling) and senior quarterback Tyler Wilson spoke to the team Tuesday after athletic director Jeff Long informed players about his decision to fire Bobby Petrino. The Razorbacks have had two practices since Petrino’s firing and Wright said he and other players are in favor of retaining the current staff.

Moving On Together Players trying to look ahead, want continuity by JIMMY CARTER Sports Editor

Almost all of the more than 100 people in the Broyles Center team meeting room were shocked. Athletic director Jeff Long had just informed the team of his decision to fire Bobby Petrino. Some players, thinking the meeting was over, got up to leave. Tenarius Wright

told them to sit down. The senior middle linebacker and first-team AllSoutheastern Conference quarterback Tyler Wilson wanted to talk to their teammates. “We kept everybody in,” Wilson said. “I think a lot of guys were concerned, frustrated and just not sure where we were going. Tenarius Wright stepped up and said a few things. Me as well.

Just to calm them down. Reassure them that we’re going to be OK.” Still, hearing the news their coach was fired for his affair 25-year-old football employee Jessica Dorrell was hard for some players to accept. “Some people are heartbroken and you can see it in their eyes and are confused about how exactly they are suppose to feel,” Wright

said. “We know what we have in our hands and we know that we have the power to move forward or mope over something we have no power or control over.” Some, like junior AllSEC running back Knile Davis, weren’t expecting Long’s news to be what it was. “I didn’t think he going

see FOOTBALL on page 9


Hogs Drop Home Series

FILE PHOTO Arkansas senior quarterback Tyler Wilson has thrown for 13 touchdowns and more than 1, 100 yards in the Razorbacks’ three spring scrimmages. The Hogs wrap up their spring practice Saturday with the team’s annual spring game.


Time for Arkansas to Carry On Going for it on 4th

by JIMMY CARTER Sports Editor

No. 11 Arkansas needed to beat No. 3 Kentucky once in its Saturday doubleheader to win the series. The Wildcats won 5-4 in the first game and 2-1 in the second, earning the series win in front of a crowd of 8,248 fans at Baum Stadium. “That’s why I tell the guys you lose one-run games and you can’t be satisfied with that, pat yourself on the back and say, ‘Hey, we played them close,’” Arkansas coach Dave Van Horn said. “That’s not the way it is. It’s about going out and finding a way to win. Today we didn’t do that.” The Razorbacks (25-10, 8-7 Southeastern Conference) went scoreless in the final seven innings of the first game Saturday, then left multiple runners on base three times in the final six innings in the second game. The Hogs hit just .231 in the series. “Just a disappointing day offensively pretty much from about the third inning on of that first game,” Van Horn said. In the series rubber game, neither team scored in the first three innings, but Kentucky right fielder Cameron Flynn’s hit a two-run home run in the top of the fourth to put the Wildcats (32-5, 11-4) ahead. “We got him in with a

see BASEBALL on page 10

HARRISON STANFILL hstanfill@uark.edu

LOGAN WEBSTER STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Arkansas junior third baseman Matt Reynolds had two hits, two RBIs and scored a run during the Hogs’ doubleheader loss to No. 3 Kentucky Saturday. The Razorbacks won 8-7 on Friday but dropped both Saturday games, losing the series 2-1 to the Wildcats.

What more can be said about the Bobby Petrino situation that hasn’t already been said? The man traded a chance for a national championship for a joyride with his mistress, a selfish move made by a man with a history of making selfish moves. Around college football circles Bobby Petrino was a villain, but he was Arkansas’ villain. He was a guy that nobody liked but Razorbacks fans embraced fully. He was exactly what they were looking for when their school last found itself looking for a head football coach –– the complete opposite of Houston Nutt. Petrino came in, took over a program that was known for its mediocrity and turned it into a top-5 program competing yearly with Alabama and LSU. He gave Arkansas fans something to be proud of. He gave them a winner. There is no question about it, the Arkansas football program is now in much better shape than when Petrino got here. That is why

this coaching search is one of the most important moments in the history of the football program. Arkansas is a great coaching job. With new renovations on Reynolds Razorback Stadium, a new practice facility, great talent, SEC fanbase and plenty of money around the program, Arkansas is in a situation where it can attract a major name and someone who can even further the progress Petrino made Jeff Long could also go for someone on staff and keep the familiarity within the team. You can make an argument for both of these methods, but one thing is –– Jeff Long has to hit a home run. I understand the argument for promoting from within. It is the safest answer because whether it be Tim Horton, Paul Haynes or Tavier Johnson, the guys have a familiarity with the program and with the players. It would be the smoothest transition for players and staff and gives Arkansas its best chance to win in the present. Sure the coaches on staff can hold the programs together for this year, but what about the next 10 years? Jeff Long and the University of Arkansas have the ability to get the home run hire. Along with Petrino, Long got Mike Anderson. The home run hire this time would have to be Chris Peterson from Boise State.

see COMMENTARY on page 10



MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012 from FOOTBALL on page 8

to be fired, but, of course, it wasn’t up to me,” Davis said. “I think he made the right decision for the program … “Some days I wake up and I’m like, is this really happening? Sometimes it’s just mind-boggling. Just got to keep going.” Davis texted Petrino after the coach was placed on administrative leave, but before he was fired. “I was like, ‘Coach, I’m praying for you. I’m taking care of the team. You don’t have to worry about anything,’ before the decision was made,” Davis said. “He was like, ‘I appreciate it Knile. You’re the best.’” The two haven’t communicated since Petrino was fired. Long’s decision to fire Petrino capped a whirlwind 10-day period that included Petrino’s April 1 motorcycle accident, his return to watch practice two days later, his April 5 placement on paid administrative leave when a police report revealed Dorrell was a passenger on the motorcycle and then his firing Tuesday night. Players watched while ESPN broadcast live from Fayetteville and SportsCenter updated the situation multiple times per one-hour show. “It was all happening so fast,” Davis said. “We were just like, ‘Wow, our leader is going down.’ There was nothing we could do about it. It’s just very shocking and just unbelievable.” Players watched as new details about Petrino’s affair came out almost daily. “I don’t think any of us had an idea,” Wilson said. “He was such a great football coach and everything here at the stadium was based around that. Kept everything off the field, off

the field.” Eventually, the news got old as the scandal unfolded. “Every day you see Petrino on the front of the newspaper,” Davis said. “I try to stay off Twitter, Facebook. I even had to turn my phone off because I was getting a lot of calls about it. It was just a long week.” Davis and Wilson chose to return to school instead of enter the NFL Draft early, decisions made almost three months before the motorcycle accident. Both said they had no plans to leave the team, but the actions that led to Petrino’s firing were hard to understand. “Absolutely it’s frustrating,” Wilson said. “You’re knocking on the door … Part of the reason I decided to come back was because I felt like our foundation and everything here was very firm –– top program in the country … Once I made the decision I made, I’m not looking back and I’m glad to be here now.” The Razorbacks have had two practices since the coach that led them to a 21-5 record the last two seasons was fired. Assistant coaches have banded together to lead. Offensive coordinator Paul Petrino and defensive coordinator Paul Haynes are leading their units. Associate head coach/ linebackers coach Taver Johnson is handling administrative duties. Running backs coach/recruiting coordinator Tim Horton addressed the team at midfield following their Friday scrimmage. “I would just like to keep that same coaches that’s here,” Davis said. “Whichever one they promote is fine, but I really would like to have the coaching staff we have in place here for the season.” Several players, including Davis and Wilson, met with

Long after Petrino was fired. “I told him that I’d like to see the guys stay intact,” Wilson said. With just three practices remaining before the April 21 spring game, then no coach-led workouts before fall practice in August, a new head coach hired from outside the program could face a difficult transition. “I’m not going to lie, it would be tough to bring a new coach in,” Wilson said. “Just because it’s new on everybody. It’s a quick turnaround learning the system and all that, but I will respect the administration’s decision.” One coach outside the program that would be able to adjust seamlessly is Alabama-Birmingham coach Garrick McGee, who was an assistant on Petrino’s staff all four years at Arkansas, including the last two as offensive coordinator, before taking the UAB job in December. McGee brushed off questions about the Arkansas job on Saturday after a Blazers practice, but Davis’ mother, Regina Gardner, said her son would support McGee’s return. “I was just trying to see who already at the school could step into the shoes, but Knile was like, ‘I don’t know, mom,’” Gardner said. “He said it takes a really special person that knows the offense and the defense in-and-out. He said, ‘The only person that comes to mind who knows our team like that is Garrick McGee.’” Regardless of who the new interim head coach or fulltime head coach is, the roster should look the same in the fall. “I haven’t heard about anybody wanting to leave,” Davis said. “We’re in this together. This is unfortunate. It’s a surprise, but we’ve just got to stick to it.”

from SPRING FOOTBALL on page 8 come out here and continue to play like we’ve always played and get away from the distractions and everything by coming out here on the football field and doing what they love. We’ve done a great job of it.” Sophomore receiver Marquel Wade has led the way for the Razorbacks in receptions this spring, adding nine Friday to run his total from the three scrimmages to 26 catches and seven touchdowns. Senior receiver Cobi Hamilton has been Wilson’s top target this spring, though. Hamilton had seven catches for 77 yards Friday, but left the field under his own power with an undis-

closed injury. “Cobi was on fire,” Paul Petrino said. “He had a great scrimmage last week too and then he got a little bit dinged up. Hopefully he’ll be fine, he’ll be fine.” Junior running back Knile Davis was held out for the third consecutive scrimmage Friday and will not be participating in the team’s annual spring game Saturday. “Knile is not going to get hit this spring,” Paul Petrino said. Senior running backs Dennis Johnson and Ronnie Wingo combined for 23 rushes for 104 yards in Davis’ absence. “I think the offense is doing a great job,” Paul Petrino said. “I think the defense came out and was hitting hard too, so I think both

sides of the ball got better.” Even with the first-team offense hitting its stride, the defense has shown good signs at times this spring, especially the defensive line in Friday’s scrimmage. Junior defensive tackle Robert Thomas had four sacks with the first-team defense, while fellow junior Austin Flynn racked up three sacks while running with the second unit. “There were some very good things both offensively and defensively, some big plays obviously with the offense making a lot of passes,” assistant coach Taver Johnson said. “I thought they ran the ball pretty good. At times, we were able to stop the run and we had a few more sacks on the defensive side.”

Scandal Scanner Weekend Timeline

By Zach Turner Thursday, April 12 More than 200 text messages were exchanged between Petrino and former “Miss Motorcycle Mania” and bikini model Alison Medler, according to Deadspin. The 26-year-old Medler also sent seven picture messages to Petrino. Their exchanges began on Sept 12, the earliest date of Petrino’s phone records that were released through a Freedom of Information Act request, running through Nov. 6. Medler is a Little Rock, Ark., native, graduated from UALR and served as a senate assistant for the Republican Party of Arkansas. Friday, April 13 Jessica Dorrell, the 25-year-old football department employee who had an affair with Petrino and was his passenger during his April 1 motorcycle accident, has been placed on paid administrative leave by the university from her job as student-athlete development coordinator, according to the AP. Friday, April 13 Athletic Director Jeff Long’s letter to Petrino notifying him of his termination was released through a Freedom of Information Act request. In the letter, Long wrote that Dorrell used the $20,000 gift from Petrino to purchase a black Acura the same week she was hired by as a football department employee.

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SPORTS from BASEBALL on page 8 fastball his previous at-bat and we tried to go in there again and he was looking for it,” right-hander DJ Baxendale said. Give him a lot of credit. Kentucky’s a great hitting team, and he hit the pitch. The two runs were all Kentucky needed. The Hogs had nine hits and worked two walks, but left eight runners on base and couldn’t support Baxendale. The junior allowed just two runs in eight innings in his second consecutive solid start, but picked up the loss. “It’s good for your confidence, but at the end of the day, the main thing you want is a team W,” Baxendale said. “So we’re going to get back out and get to work on it.” Arkansas had two hits

each in the bottom of the fourth and fifth innings, but couldn’t do any damage. Designated hitter Jimmy Bosco was out at second base to end the second inning after senior shortstop Tim Carver hit a line drive to the second baseman. “We had a couple of chances and we left runners out there and didn’t advance anybody,” Van Horn said. “We couldn’t get the big hit. Carver, when he lined into the double play that was tough. That looked like we were going to have an RBI there and tie that thing up.” Sophomore first baseman Dominic Ficociello singled through the right side of the infield to lead off the bottom of the sixth. Three batters later, freshman Brian Anderson’s two-out infield single scored Ficociello and pulled Arkansas within 2-1.

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012 The Razorbacks had runners on first and second with one out in the bottom of the eighth, but couldn’t score. Saturday, Game 1 –– Kentucky 5, Arkansas 4 Back-to-back RBI doubles highlighted a two-run fourth inning and gave Kentucky a 5-4 lead it wouldn’t give up. The Wildcats took advantage of three Arkansas errors in the first inning to score three unearned runs on sophomore right-hander Barrett Astin. “He was a little shook up and had to throw 30plus pitches in the first inning, but he settled down, though and we end up getting him the lead,” Van Horn said. “He threw good. We just didn’t support him offensively and didn’t help him at all defensively that first inning.”

Razorbacks junior third baseman Matt Reynolds hit a two-run home run in the bottom of the first. Sophomore right-hander Brandon Moore threw five shutout innings after relieving Astin, but the Hogs couldn’t muster a run. Friday –– Arkansas 8, Kentucky 7 Junior left fielder Derrick Bleeker’s three-run triple cleared the bases in the seventh inning and was the eventual game-winner in Arkansas’ comeback 8-7 win. Junior left-hander Cade Lynch earned the win, part of the 5 2/3 innings he threw in relief of sophomore righthander Ryne Stanek. The Razorbacks were able to overcome Stanek’s worst start of the season after he allowed eight hits and six runs, five earned, in just 3 1/3 innings.

from COMMENTARY on page 8 Before everyone freaks out, I know that Boise State doesn’t play the toughest teams in college football but Peterson is a guy who would fit in great at Arkansas. Arkansas is a program that has gone without recruiting the big stars and still been successful. They are going to lose out to the Alabama’s, LSU’s and Florida’s in recruiting –– that is just the way it goes. Bobby Petrino was a guy who didn’t need the fivestar recruits. He got the players he wanted to get that would fit into his system. Who has done a better job at winning games without big-time recruits? Chris Peterson.


He runs a similar uptempo offense, utilizes every weapon he has and puts them in a place to succeed, just like Petrino. He is a young guy who could keep the momentum of this program moving forward and gives Arkansas fans a reason to be excited again. Peterson is 73-6 as a coach and that was with players that don’t even touch the talent level of Tyler Wilson and Knile Davis. Long needs to hit another home run, but more importantly he needs to insure the future of the football program. Fans need someone who can make them forget about this Petrino mess and excited for the future. Harrison Stanfill is a staff writer for The Arkansas Traveler. His column appears every Monday.

LOGAN WEBSTER STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Arkansas senior shortstop Tim Carver struggled in the Hogs’ 5-4 loss during the first game of the doubleheader against No. 3 KentuckyT:10.5” committing three errors in the first inning. The Razorbacks dropped the second game of the double-header Saturday afternoon 2-1.

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