March 6, 2013

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DIY Cleaning Supplies Save Money and the Environment Page 5

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

“About You, For You”

University of Arkansas Student-Run Newspaper Since 1906

Fayetteville Grows Up

Vol. 107, No. 92

Let the Debates Begin

POSITIVE OUTLOOK FOR FAYETTEVILLE RENTAL PROPERTIES Walton College of Business to Collaborate with Brazilian College Walton College officials sign agreement to collaborate with Fucape School in Brazil Full Story, Page 3

Megan Smith Staff Writer New rental properties being constructed in Fayetteville might not affect homeowners as originally thought, according to a study. Fayetteville has been known for high numbers of rental properties in both homes and apartments. It’s an easy assumption that this many rentals could negatively impact a person looking to sell a home. Fayetteville has started these new addition to make a

dent housing,” Smith said. Because the apartment is closer to the university, students will be closer to the services they need, she said. A study by Harvard University found that subsidized housing can create more positives than negatives. One major positive found was an increase in real-estate development, since abandoned buildings are either demolished or remodeled and resold. A negative found was that stereotypes are weighed heavily. If a subsidized housing unit is built in or near a predominantly white neighborhood, it was noted that

“The university and city has made a call for more student housing.” Local Band Little Chief to Release New Album The band’s first EP was recorded at East Hall Studios in Fayetteville and released Friday on iTunes. Full Story, Page 5

Hogs to Duluth, Ga., for SEC Tourney The women’s basketball team plays in the SEC Tournament today. Full Story, Page 7

Today’s Forecast

Lindsey Smith

Communication Director for Fayetteville more walkable environment, said Lindsley Smith, communication director for Fayetteville. “The city’s plans have a focus on infill,” Smith said. Infill is a planning term meaning that instead of building out, building are built within existing area. “The university and city has made a call for more stu-

many would move away if the unit was rented to mostly minorities. Fayetteville has likely seen an economic boost from traditional renting. It was found that many homeowners across the United States were avoiding foreclosure by renting out their homes and moving somewhere more af-

see RENTALS page 3

Caroline Potts Staff Photographer Ellen Rudolph, Will Simpson, Bo Renner, and Ellie Keffler speak that the 2013 ASG Executive Debate 2 at the Graduate Education Building, Tuesday, March 5.

For the story on ASG Executive Debates, visit

High-Tech Digital Kiosks Set to Appear around Campus

David Wilson Staff Writer

When members of the Student Technology Committee and Associated Student Government saw a deficit in the connection students had to campus, they turned to

a new, high-tech and innovative solution — digital kiosks. Tony Cosgrove, the primary student pioneer of the project, said he felt like students needed to be more aware of what was going on around campus and that the kiosks would be a great way to increase student engagement as well as retention.

“A lot of the information that you find (at the kiosks) will be easy to scan and easy to look at,” said Chris Nixon, director of digital design development for the UA. “You get it as you walk by. It almost creates this situational awareness. You know what’s going on in the building. You know what’s going on when you get

out of class, and even whether it’s raining or not when you leave.” A digital kiosk is a cross between an iPhone 5 and the monolith from “2001: A Space Odyssey” mounted on a wall. With a price range from $5,500 to $9,500, the

see KIOSKS page 3

Students Begin Cycling Trek

48 / 30° Tomorrow Sunny 60 / 38°

Addison Morgan Staff Photographer Students leave the Outdoor Connection Center, Tuesday, March 5, for a 15-20 mile Intro to Road Cycling bike ride across Fayetteville. Staff at the OCC provided basic cycling instruction and took students through trails across town.

ASG Delays Voting on Parking Legislation Bailey Deloney Staff Writer

ASG will vote on a bill next week to introduce a more consistent warning system for firsttime parking violations. The current warning system runs on a case-by-case basis, and this makes it really difficult to for warnings to be issued consistently, said Sen. Amy West, author of the bill. The system is very confusing for and unfamiliar to students because warnings are given based on how the ticket issuers see fit, West said. The University of Arkansas Parking and Traffic Regulations is 12 pages and over 4,500 words in length. The regulations are sometimes difficult for students to understand, and “students often pay hefty fees for first-time violations without knowledge of the regulation,” according to the bill. ASG senators talked with Gary Smith, director of transit and parking, about ways to improve the warning system and make it more coherent for students. Gary Smith was very open and receptive to ideas about revising the warning system and making it more consistent and clear for students, West said. Next week, ASG will also vote on a bill last night to lower the fine for parking in a space not authorized by a permit from $50 to $30. This change was proposed in light of the fact that the fine

see ASG page 2

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