International Education Week Spotlights UA’s Diversity Page 5 Monday, Nov. 12, 2012
“About You, For You”
University of Arkansas Student-Run Newspaper Since 1906
Vol. 107, No. 51
Veteran’s Day
A Year With Crystal Bridges Benefits The Economy Karen Stigar Staff Writer
“We’re going to have to push back a little bit,” Hoyt said. “We’re going to have to get up to the trough. We’re going to get up there and get something to eat. Don’t let them push you back.” Two weeks later, Hoyt and Democrats statewide lost control of the state legislature for the first time since Recon-
The one-year anniversary of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art was Sunday. Since its opening, the museum has brought education and economic benefits to the area, officials said. “The year we have been open has exceeded our expectations. We have had wonderful support and attendance,” said Diane Carroll, Crystal Bridges media relation manager. Crystal Bridges has been an icon in northwest Arkansas since it opened in November 2011 and has also had an impact on the local economy. “The presence of an artistic center absolutely boosts northwest Arkansas’ reputation as a worthwhile place to live and work, which has positive economic effects,” said Preston Scrape, senior. Though the impact the museum has had on the economy seems obvious, there has been no way to generally estimate the impact, an official said. “There is no definite way to calculate the impact the museum has had on the economy, but there has been an increase in foot traffic and an astronomical increase in number of tour buses that visit the area,” said Tom Ginn, vice president of economic development for the Bentonville and Bella Vista Chamber of Commerce. The museum is a nonprofit organization and em-
see DEMOCRATS page 3
see YEAR page 2
Same Language Different Culture: A Student’s Study Abroad Experience Senior Jeremy Page, who traveled abroad to England last fall, shares his experience. Full Story, Page 5 Gareth Patterson Staff Photographer Veterans gather aboard the Arkansas-Missouri train Sunday afternoon to honor those who served in the United States Armed Forces. On display in the train was a large variety of items from the different wars during american history.
Hogs Win Final Three Sets to Beat Kentucky The Razorbacks progressed to 10-6 in the SEC after beating the Wildcats Sunday at Barnhill Arena. Full Story, Page 7
!"#$!%&'(!)*!(#$! +),(#$-.!/$0)1-&('! Jack Suntrup Asst. News Editor HATTIEVILLE, Ark. — Yard signs for local Democrats blanketed the rolling hills of Hattieville, a small town about 15 miles north of Interstate 40 in central Arkansas. Thirty-five aging Democrats, sated by pulled pork and baked
Razorbacks Get Bids to NCAA Championships
The Arkansas women’s and men’s cross country teams came in first and second place, respectively, at Agri Park Friday. Full Story, Page 7
Today’s Forecast
52 / 28° Tomorrow Sunny 56 / 32°
beans, gathered at the town’s old school house, now a community center, for a get-outthe-vote event. After blessing their barbecue, local political leaders introduced themselves, and proceeded to vent their frustrations to the friendly crowd; the outside money and the “nasty mailers” that came with it were infiltrating the quiet community, threatening their age-old
Democratic heritage, they said. “How many of you raise cattle?” asked Johnny Hoyt, a state senate candidate. “Well the good cows, they’ll stand to the back. And the cows with the horns — the mean cows — they’ll come up to the trough and they’ll knock all the other cows out of the way.” Hoyt used the cattle analogy to illustrate the battles for the Democratic Party.
Fall Colors Are Not as Bright Kayli Farris Senior Staff Writer The UA, known by locals for its beautiful campus, regularly attracts visitors to explore the area. The fall foliage this season, however, might not be as colorful as usual because of the summer drought. UA was named one of “10 Must See Campuses for Fall Fanatics,” according to Schools. com. Nestled in the Ozark Mountains, the university is one of only seven U.S. campuses distinguished on the international list. Between Old Main Lawn — the campus arboretum — Maple Street and tree-lined sidewalks, fall is the perfect time to admire the more than 480 trees on campus. “It’s our native plants we have here,” said Garry McDonald, assistant professor of landscape horticulture. “We have a lot of different hickory, elms, sweet gums that naturally turn very bright colors.” Even though Fayetteville has the prime location and perfect climate for vibrant fall colors, after the drought this summer, it’s possible there will be more crunchy, dead leaves than bright and colorful ones, McDonald said.
“The last couple of summers, we’ve had extreme drought and extreme heat,” McDonald said. This summer, the trees went into a self-defense mode by shedding their leaves, McDonald said. “And so, that puts a lot of stress on trees,” McDonald said. “You know if a tree loses half its canopy, then there’s just not going to be that much leaf left to color up.” The heat scorched many leaves, leaving only a portion of healthy foliage. So instead of having healthy trees this fall, many leaves were brown before the season even started, McDonald said. “In some respects, we’ve had perfect conditions for fall color development, but on the other hand we’ve had a lot of heat stress on our trees this summer, so the color may not be quite as good this year, as maybe it’s been in the past,” McDonald said. Day length is the main trigger of fall color, depending on temperature conditions, McDonald said. “We have the perfect climate, as far as cooling off by the end of September, we get those few nights that are really cold, but not freezing, and then we still have nice warm sunny days,”
see FALL page 3
Gareth Patterson Staff Photographer Leaves change in the fall weather on UA campus at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry House on Maple Street.