Step into the Ring with the Boxing Club Page 5 Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012
“About You, For You”
University of Arkansas Student-Run Newspaper Since 1906
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As the Weather Gets Colder, the Drinks get Sweeter
From November to January, coffee shops such as Starbucks, Arsaga’s, the Perk and Einstein Bros greet the holiday season with a line of specialty drinks and coffee blends. Full Story, Page 5
Kerrigan Returns in Starcraft II Expansion Blizzard has announced a definitive release date for the long-awaited expansion for the popular RTS “Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty.” Full Story, Page 5
And the Nominees are In: The head coach of the Red Raiders may be a good candidate to lead the Hogs. Full Story, Page 7
Today’s Forecast
59 / 36° Tomorrow Sunny 62 /42°
Rebekah Harvey Staff Photographer During last night’s meeting, ASG senate members discussed numerous pieces of legislation to meet their end of semester deadline. Senators who did not fullful the ASG requirement to write one bill of legislation will be kicked out of senate.
Miranda Campbell Staff Writer Five to seven senators will be forced to vacate their seats at the end of this semester for failure to adhere to a new Associated Student Government policy requiring them to write at least one piece of legislation each semester. Mike Norton, senate chairman, has made it clear from the beginning that he would enforce this rule, he said at the ASG meeting last
week. “Currently there are 7 senators who haven’t met the requirement, meaning they haven’t written a bill or resolution and do not have one down for first reading on tonight’s agenda,” Norton said before last night’s meeting. “They will be removed from the roster and kicked off senate. Their seat will be filled via an at-large vacancy by the fourth week of classes in the spring semester, which we always do anyways.” The requirements ensure everyone contributes, Nor-
Students are ‘Doing Good’ For Many Reasons Whitney Green Staff Writer Volunteering — for high school and college students — has gained significance because of the variety of community service hours that are often required to gain eligibility for schools, study programs, scholarships, internships and jobs, according to interviews. Required volunteering has encouraged students to get involved in the community, however the motives behind “doing good” range from volunteering just for the sake of giving back to volunteering for the purpose of numbers on a resume. Many UA students admit the importance of gaining community service hours for a resume, but say that should not be the main catalyst to volunteering. “It looks good on a resume, but that shouldn’t be your only reason to volunteer,” said Lyna Ninkham, junior, international business major at the annual Make A Difference Day. “The mentality should not just be for yourself, but for others as well.” Make a Difference Day engaged 1,100 students and community members Oct. 20 in a national day of service to work with 35 non-profit organizations on projects ranging from building homes for Habitat
for Humanity to gardening at Leverett Elementary School, according to the UA Center for Community Engagement website. As a Make a Difference Day project leader, Ninkham supervised beautification projects at Mount Sequoyah in Fayetteville. She found students’ motives for volunteering to be “either they wanted to help out and give back to the community or they were just there for community service hours, but either way people helped and a lot was accomplished,” Ninkham said. Ninkham tutors elementary school students every week as part of the UA Volunteer Action Center Literacy Mentor Program. “We read to kids and just doing something little like that for an hour a week makes a big impact on a child’s life,” Ninkham said. “It’s encouraging for me and really fun.” Volunteering is an important part of the Fayetteville culture and many UA students have donated their time, money and resources to give back to the community and help Fayetteville receive an award for volunteering efforts. City officials were notified that Fayetteville has been named a 2012 Arkansas Volun-
see VOLUNTEER page 2
ton said. “In past years, only 26 senators wrote or sponsored legislation,” he said. “This year that number will be above 40. I am happy with
the content. We have addressed some pretty diverse issues on campus as a body. “A resolution illustrating the ‘voice of the students’ on a given issue is worthless if they do not take it to the appropriate administra“In past years, only tion and lobby for students’ wishes,” Norton said. “Most 26 senators wrote of them met with the administration when writing their or sponsored a resolutions or bills to make legislation.” sure that the last step will go in our favor. Most of that Mike Norton work will likely be done next Chair of Senate semester for these last few pieces of legislation simply because finals are upon us.”
Vol. 107, No. 58
Cigarette Butt Arguments Litter Campus Mason Carr Contributing Writer Students forced off campus to relieve their nicotine cravings have been littering neighboring properties with their cigarette butts; neighbors think it’s the university that should clean up the mess. The student residents at 508 N Lyndell Ave, a property owned by Baptist Collegiate Ministries, said they sweep and clean up litter from smokers a couple times a month, sometimes once a week. “I don’t think it’s our burden to bear to clean up after other’s litter,” Talon Brandon, a resident of the house said. “We just like to keep our place clean.” The Arkansas Clean Air on Campus Act of 2009 made it illegal to smoke on any campus-owned property. As a result, students and staff have started smoking on neighboring properties, leaving their butts after they leave. There are no cigarette disposal receptacles on campus or at popular smoking spots provided by the university, said Mike Johnson, associate vice chancellor of facilities. “We do not go off university property [to clean up cigarette litter,]” Johnson said. “If we see cigarette litter, we let the UAPD know.” But the UAPD cannot enforce the smoking laws where students are not on university property, and littering laws are hard to enforce because a specific person has to be associated with the litter, Captain Katherine Hurdler said. If an owner of UA-neighboring properties complained to the police about smoking and litter on their property,
see BUTTS page 3
Pohlner Addresses Student Body
Kris Johnson Staff Photographer ASG President Tori Pohlner gives the State of the Students Address in front of the student senate, cabinet members and the ASG justices. See page 3 for a story about Pohlner’s students address.