October 22, 2012

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Hogs Lose to Bulldogs at Swim for a Cure Page 7

Monday, Oct. 22, 2012

University of Arkansas Student-Run Newspaper Since 1906

Vol. 107, No. 38

“About You, For You”

The Flaming Lips to Perform as the Fall Semester Headliner

UA Student Pursues Opera As a Career

Vocal performance major Blaine Nims talks about his future plans and love of singing. Full Story, Page 5

Campus Club Combines Cliff Climbing with Camaraderie

The members of the climbing RSO on campus seek to inspire others to go out and participate in their favorite hobby. Full Story, Page 5

Courtesy of Blog.thenewstribune.com The Flaming Lips will be performing at 7 p.m. Sunday Nov. 4 in Barnhill Arena. Ticket information will be available today at osa.uark.edu, according to University Programs.

On The Issues 2012 Auditorium is On !"#$%$"&'()*'+"&') Delayed Again


Miranda Campbell Staff Writer

The SEC Remains Active While the Razorbacks Rest A recap of last week’s SEC football games. Full Story, Page 7

More Traveler Stories At UAtrav.com Today’s Forecast

As a result of increased Latino population in northwest Arkansas and at the UA, and with two presidential candidates campaigning different immigration platforms, the DREAM Act has become an important component of immigration issues affecting UA students. The DREAM Act, which would provide legal status to undocumented youth who enter the U.S. as children, graduate from U.S. high schools and attend college or enter the military, was passed by congress in 2010 but failed in senate with only three Republican votes and lacking the support of five democrats, like Mark Pryor of Arkansas, according to USA Today. President Obama has strongly supported the bill and recently created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that does not grant legal residency or U.S. citizenship, but gives young illegal immigrants deferred deportations and work

permits for two years, according to USA Today. Gov. Mitt Romney told the Denver Post that if he became president he would honor President Obama’s policy of temporarily stopping deportations for young unauthorized immigrants, according to the New York Times. Though it seemed a change of heart for Romney at the time, the Boston Globe published this last week: “Responding to a Globe request to clarify Romney’s statement to The Denver Post, Romney’s campaign said he would honor deportation exemptions issued by the Obama administration before his inauguration but would not grant new ones after taking office.” In the second presidential debate Romney said he opposes the DREAM Act and would not grant amnesty to any illegal immigrant, but said he supports a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as minors who commit to serving in the military, according to USA Today. State level DREAM Acts grant in-state tuition to un-

documented residents but are powerless to confer legal status or citizenship--only federal action can fully enact the DREAM Act, according to the Center for American Progress. Currently twelve states have enacted their own versions of the DREAM Act and offer in-state tuition for undocumented students, including Texas, New York, and California, which have the highest concentration of undocumented immigrants, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Toe to Toe The District 7 state senate race in Springdale between Diana Gonzales-Worthen and Sen. Jon Woods highlights contrasting views about the DREAM Act in local politics. Gonzales-Worthen, potentially the first Latina to serve in the Arkansas Senate, said that she fully supports the DREAM Act and was excited when President Obama announced his executive order. “These are students who

see DREAM page 2

76 / 63°

Travis Pence Staff Writer

The Hillside Auditorium is set to open for classes in the spring semester, officials with Facilities Management said. The completion date, which had already been pushed from Aug. 1 to Oct. 22, has been put on hold once again. The building is now scheduled to be completed in the next 4 to 6 weeks, said Mike Johnson, associate vice chancellor. “We did not want to force the completion of the auditorium, we wanted to make sure it was done right,” Johnson said. “Plus there is no reason for us to open the building in the middle of the semester. We might as well wait until the spring before we move classes into that auditorium,” he said. The auditorium was originally scheduled to be completed Aug. 1, Johnson said. The project was delayed for several months before construction began while officials made bids with local contractors and for materials, he said in a previous interview.

Partly Cloudy 79 / 61°

Courtesy of MCT Campus Presidential Candidates Mitt Romney and Barack Obama during last week’s debate.

see HILLSIDE page 3

Alcohol Awareness Week Was a Success

Jaime Dunaway Staff Writer


“Aug. 1 (was) an original completion date that we use for most of our construction projects,” Johnson said. “Very rarely do we ever meet that deadline,” he said in a previous interview. There have not been any recent causes for delays, Johnson said. “All delays were on the front end of the construction process. We had planned to open the building for classes this fall semester, but we were under a tight schedule,” he said. Fortunately workers experienced a mild winter, enabling them to continue construction throughout the colder months, Johnson said. This project was commissioned by Rick Jones of Jones Architecture LLC, located in Salem, Mass. The project began after officials decided to tear down and replace the outdated original auditorium. “The Hillside Auditorium will replace the old Science Engineering Auditorium and Geology Building,” Johnson said. “Both buildings were outdated and did not meet our efficiency standards any longer,” he said.

Greek Life sponsored many interactive opportunities to educate students about the dangers of alcohol abuse, as part of their annual Alcohol Awareness Week. “Each year we sponsor educational programming as a way to educate our students and to help them be able to make responsible choices and decisions,” said Parice Bowser, director of Greek Life. “I think it helps students to be more responsible. With every choice there are consequences, positive and negative.”

Alcohol related accidents affect all college students whether they choose to participate or abstain from drinking, and they exist in virtually all college communities, according to collegedrinkingprevention.gov. Alcohol related deaths can be as high as 1,825 a year for college students between the ages of 18 to 24, according to collegedrinkingprevention.gov. Other negative effects of alcohol can include injury, assault, academic problems, drunk driving, vandalism, property damage and sexual abuse. Alcohol education and awareness events help reduce

see AWARENESS page 3

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