Jan. 24, 2012

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Best Winter Albums

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Vol. 106, NO. 59 UATRAV.COM


In This Issue:


Special College Section UA Clinic officials offer OCD treatment sessions.

Page 3


New Child Center

A new child center will replace a sorority parking lot.

Page 2


Summer Internships How giving up your summer can help your career.

Page 5


Dorm Room Aromatherapy Page 5

Dynamic Duo


New Center to Expand Nursing School

Remedies for residence hall rankness help students take a stand against the stench.

Quarterback Tyler Wilson and running back Knile Davis’ decisions to return gives Arkansas two Heisman Trophy candidates.

Page 7


see EPLEY on page 2

The new Epley Center for Health Profession’s provides new equipment and spaces for future nurses, speech pathologists and audiologists, officials said.

Is ASG aTrue VoiceFor Students? Opinion

The Epley Center for Health Professions, the newly renovated building for upper-level nursing and communication disorders students, opened last week, officials said.

Are students getting what they want and need from current and past ASG executives? What students should keep in mind for the next ASG election.

Page 4


New Semester Brings Increase in Parking Permits by JACK SUNTRUP Staff Writer

UA Transit and Parking department officials have seen an increase in new parking permits this semester. From Jan. 2 to 18, department officials sold 560 student passes in addition to those sold at the beginning of the year, said representative Andy Gilbride. “We always sell more permits at semester, but we sold 1,100 permits,” Gilbride said. “At the beginning of the year that wouldn’t be a big deal, but now it’s a big jump.” A total of 627 other parking passes were sold or renewed this semester, bringing the total to 1,187. Gilbride attributed the increase to transfer students, students bringing cars to campus for the first time and renewals of parking garage permits. Students with garage permits tend to renew at the semester, he said.

The number of spring transfer students has been steady at about 450 the last two years. This year it could be at 500, said Charlie Alison university relations representative. “We had 200 students buy a permit for the semester,” he said. UA officials won’t be able to meet the rising demand for more parking spaces any time soon— plans for a new parking garage are still uncertain, with no completion date set. “We’re not planning on starting one right now. We know our next one will probably be down somewhere around Arkansas Avenue and Maple [Street],” Gilbride said. “But that could change.” A new garage also presents a serious financial hurdle, Gilbride said. “We don’t have the money for it or anything right now,” he said. “It would be paid for in bonds.” The sale of bike permits, which



might otherwise decrease the number of cars on campus, has plateaued because of winter weather, Gilbride said. “I would say it’s steady,” he said. “Of course it’s the winter months, so we don’t have that many because of the weather, but it has jumped up in the past couple of years.” The UA bus system hasn’t lessened car traffic, either. “Our transit system is packed, so I don’t think it’s underutilized, it’s just we don’t have a lot of room for our students on the busier routes,” Gilbride said. “If you’ve ever ridden the bus, you’re just smashed in there.” Cramped buses and frigid bike rides can’t compensate for the comfort and convenience of parking on campus, Gilbride said. “If you can drive your vehicle, you’re going to.” LOGAN WEBSTER STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Bike permits are free, but the use and enforcement of them is considered unnecessary by some students.







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New Child Center Replaces Sorority Parking Lot by KRISTEN COPPOLA Staff Writer

The Jean Tyson Child Development Center, now under construction on Douglas Avenue, is slated to replace the child development center and the infant development center in fall 2012, officials said. The new center will hold more students than the previous buildings, said Mike Johnson, vice chancellor of Facilities Management. “Combined capacity is probably 30 or 35 children from very young up to 4 years old, before they go to kindergarten. This capacity in the new facility is 144, so a significant increase in capability,” Johnson said. The Child Development Center will also have space for teaching and observation for students and faculty. “It’s also an academic teaching facility, and the way we’ve built it, [students] have observation rooms where they can observe children without the children knowing,” Johnson said. “It’s an academic center to train and teach people that will deal with children as they develop and grow.” Some sorority members find the construction to be a burden, which


from page 1 The center will allow the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing to admit more students. “Maybe a year or so ago we were admitting maybe 48 [students] a semester into that program. This new facility will allow us to go to 100 students per semester,” said Mike Johnson, vice chancellor of Facilities Management. The Epley Center, which

is being built on what used to be Lot 36, a parking lot behind Zeta Tau Alpha and Delta Delta Delta. “They have to park behind Kappa in that tiny green lot, so it’s so hard to find any spot behind Kappa,” said Rachel Ricca, Kappa Kappa Gamma resident. “The closest we get is across the street behind faculty or behind Chi Alpha.” Other girls are hesitant to park along Douglas Street amid its steady flow of traffic. “This semester I had to start parking in the street instead of in our parking lot,” said Jessica Brown, Alpha Delta Pi resident. “I’ve seen so many hit and runs just on our street alone that I wish the school had more lots open.” Maggie Jo Pruitt, a Kappa Kappa Gamma resident, said she once spent more than an hour searching for parking behind the sorority houses. “There is only enough room for one lane of traffic on the street they are building on and it’s hard to get off that street. The construction trucks are always driving so it’s nearly impossible for traffic to flow both ways,” Pruitt said.

stands across from the Chancellor’s house on Razorback Road, served as the UA health center before the Pat Walker Health Center was built, Johnson said. Upper-level nursing was previously held in the Graduate Education building and Ozark Hall. This semester, nursing classes will be moved to the Epley Center with a few classes in the Northwest Quad and Maple Hill classrooms, Johnson said. The Speech and Hearing Clinic, which was previously confined to a small building at

ABOUT THE ARKANSAS TRAVELER The Arkansas Traveler, the student newspaper of the University of Arkansas, is published every day during the fall and spring academic sessions except during exam periods and university holidays. Opinions expressed in signed columns are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Traveler. The editor makes all final content decisions. One copy of The Arkansas Traveler is free to every member of the UA community. Additional copies can be purchased for 50 cents each. Mail subscriptions for delivery within the continental United States can be purchased for $125.00 per semester. Contact the Traveler Business Manager to arrange.

CONTACT 119 Kimpel Hall University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701

Arkansas Avenue and Maple Street, will also migrate to the Epley Center. “We were bursting at the seams,” said Fran Hagstrom, communication disorders program director. “The university decided that they were really going to move forward with something.” The center will provide nursing students state-of-the-art technology, including computerized mannequins to practice drawing blood and administering vaccinations, Hagstrom said.

Main: 479.575.3406 Fax: 479.575.3306 traveler@uark.edu


Among new additions and renovations to the campus, the Tyson Child Development Center, a new 22,800-square-foot building, is under construction at the corner of Douglas and Oakland.

Becca Evans, a junior nursing major who has two classes in the Epley Center this semester, said she was thankful for the upgrade. “The learning environment is so much better in the new building,” Evans said. “It is very modern, clean and organized. It is encouraging to see that it was important to the University of Arkansas to provide a new building for the nursing students.”

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The women and men of the University of Arkansas Police Department, in partnership with the community, are committed to protecting the future of Arkansas by promoting a safe and secure environment.


The Transit and Parking office handles parking permits and passes and transit for students, including bus routes and GoLoco Ride Sharing. Students with parking violations can contact the office to appeal their citation.


Otherwise known as 575-SAFE, the mission of the Safe Ride program is to provide students with a safe means of transportation from any uncomfortable or inconvenient situation. Safe Ride brings you home safely.

NEED TICKETS? CALL 1-800-982-4647 Don’t forget to call early and reserve your student football tickets for the 2010-2011 season. The ticket office is located on Razorback Road next to Baum Stadium.




Special Traveler Section

COLLEGES UA Clinic Officials Offer OCD Treatment Sessions by JANNEE SULLIVAN Staff Writer

UA psychological clinic officials will soon provide group treatment sessions for students, faculty and community members suffering with obsessive compulsive disorder, officials said. The sessions, which begin Feb. 6, aim to reduce OCD-related anxiety, decrease OCD compulsion activities and better daily functioning for those suffering from OCD, according to the group’s brochure. Although this is the first OCD treatment group, officials have offered several other groups for issues such as insomnia and social anxiety disorder, said Tom Adams, clinical training psychologist at the clinic and the group’s leader. The treatment consists of an assessment by one of the UA psychological clinicians, psychoeducation sessions dedicated to the “nature and treatment of OCD” and the practice of exposure and response prevention, a treatment recognized and supported by research in the Psychological Association, according to their brochure. Exposure and responsive prevention works by gradually exposing the individual to his or her fears, according to the OCD foundation website. The group treatment will be 12 group sessions, held on Monday nights for three hours.

The cost of the program is $100, which covers all the costs associated with the program. OCD is a common anxiety disorder that affects approximately 2.2 million adults in the U.S. and is often under-diagnosed, according to the OCD website. Adams estimates that the prevalence of OCD in Northwest Arkansas is about the same as the national average, or approximately 1 to 2 percent. “That means about 4,000 [people] in NWA probably meet diagnostic criteria for OCD at this point in time,” Adams said. The clinic is expecting about four to eight people from the university and community to join the sessions, Adams said. The UA psychological clinic will screen possible participants until Feb. 10. The number of students or faculty suffering from OCD at the UA is difficult to estimate, he said. The first symptoms of OCD often appear in late childhood or adolescence, according to the UAMS health encyclopedia. Some estimates of adolescents with OCD are as high as 6 percent, Adams said. Though OCD is more common in young adults, the disorder is less prevalent among college students, he said. “I think the initiation of this group will increase OCD awareness, especially among those involved with the psychological clinic,” Adams said.

Walk This Way


Construction has begun on the new crosswalk across Garland Ave., a main road on campus. The street has only one crosswalk between intersections.

Courtesy Photo



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Is Twitter Addiction A Useful Student Resource? It’s hard to imagine a life without Facebook, Twitter or the Internet. Our generation has become accustomed to being connected with the digital world for years, and without it, we would be what we consider “cut off ” from the world. In our day and age, communication has become completely digital, and with that, new opportunities are popping up every day to make things like employment even easier to find. While social media websites are good for following our favorite college athletes, keeping up with friends and catching up on the latest news and gossip, who would have thought that it would one day provide us with job opportunities simply by clicking a “follow” button? Sure, we have online job searches like monster.com and Yahoo Jobs, but finding that perfect match has never been easier with the introduction of Twitter accounts that exist simply to list job offers. When USAToday.com came out with a list of the top Twitter accounts to follow in order to improve your hiring statistics last week, it almost seemed strange that we could now keep up with the who-and-what of the job market, where in the world the best jobs were, and how to essentially get hired, simply by clicking a few buttons and staying up-to-date with tweets and newsfeeds. It’s a strange phenomenon for those of us who are accustomed to actually filling out a paper application, but it’s now the future of job searching - something we have to think about as soon-to-be college graduates. Though this might seem like a great opportunity for students to find easy employment, it does raise the question – are we safe using our personal profiles to search for careers? As students, we are forced to notice the most up-to-date ways to apply for jobs, because for the most part, employers are not only looking at what we can offer from our resume, but also how technologically savvy we are. Yet, is Twitter the best platform for gossip-hungry students to look for potential careers? Take a moment to think about one of the top stories on the USAToday.com college site – Yuri Wright, the No. 85 ranked recruit in the nation, being expelled from his high school for posting inappropriate content on his Twitter. Are we as students responsible enough to keep our social media outlets completely professional? It just so happens that the greater majority of Twitter and Facebook users don’t think of their potential employers searching over profiles and information on a daily basis. Now, we all know that this does happen on occasion, sparking many of us to block our profiles and even create alternate usernames to keep those questionable Halloween photos under the table, but the idea of being “friends” with your future boss doesn’t make the majority of us feel exactly comfortable. Following Twitter accounts made specifically for job listings might be the most technologically advanced and simple way to get the word out for hiring companies, but as students, we need to be careful that our profile doesn’t define who we are to those signing our future paychecks. If you’re the kind of student who doesn’t mind being tagged in risqué photos, or updates their Facebook status with gossip and inappropriate messages, it might not be the best idea to include your employer in the cycle. Though we might be the first to know about that glamorous job in New York City, we need to be careful to shield ourselves from becoming targets for unemployment. Simply put, employers won’t hire those who don’t seem professional. So, unless you are planning on doubling up on professional and personal profiles or deleting all those photos and friends off your site, it might be a better idea right now to cut the social media out of your job search and stick to paper and pen, just until our profiles calm from their college years and we can become responsible social media users. As the generation directly affected by the majority of these digital advances, we need to remember to counteract the open opportunities with care. It’s a delicate balance of keeping work and play separate, because when they mix it’s rarely a good thing. So, next time you log on to Twitter and check up on sites like @Tweetmyjobs or @bestjobsonline, make sure that your following Tweet is something you don’t mind your boss reading.

Traveler Quote of the Day “About 4,000 [people] in NWA probably meet diagnostic criteria for OCD at this point in time.” -Tom Adams, clinical training psychologist, “UA Clinic Offers OCD Treatment Sessions,” page 3.

EDITORIAL EDITOR Saba Naseem MANAGING EDITOR Mattie Quinn OPINION EDITOR Emily Rhodes The Arkansas Traveler welcomes letters to the editor from all interested readers. Letters should be at most 300 words and should include your name, student classification and major or title with the university and a day-time telephone number for verification. Letters should be sent to traveler@uark.edu.

MCT Campus

Is ASG a True Voice For Students? From Washington

by JORDAIN CARNEY Traveler Columnist

What do students expect of Associated Student Government members? It’s a question I’ve thought about since I started covering ASG for The Traveler during August 2010. I’m sure some of you are sarcastically – or not – thinking that you don’t expect anything from ASG. Some of you are probably wondering what ASG is. As a student you should hope that they are using their student fee money appropriately. If you’re a member of a Registered Student Organization you probably hope they fairly distribute funds so that you can plan events and schedule speakers. And even if we woke up tomorrow and we all knew exactly what ASG members did, exactly

what we wanted from them, and – since we’re in fantasy land – all students wanted the exact same things, how well equipped are ASG members to tackle our problems? When I think about things students generally want from the UA: a good education, affordable tuition, a decent – in terms of both location and price – parking spot, this year we probably want a little less campus construction, that even if all members of ASG agreed on a solution – again, fantasy land – and had a magic wand they couldn’t fix over night and maybe not even in the course of a year. It isn’t that ASG President Michael Dodd, or last year’s president Billy Fleming, or the year before that Mattie Bookhout – because wanting good teachers, tuition and parking spots have probably been a student demand for a while now – are sitting in the ASG office in the Union unaware that we want all of these things. But realistically the price of our tuition, where the administration decides to place a parking lot and when the UA decides to start major construction isn’t something an ASG president can solve by him/herself, or perhaps even at all. That isn’t to say that the issues should be or are ignored by ASG exec teams. Last year, ASG members held call in days and took a

trip to Washington to meet with legislatures to discuss things like affordable tuition and potential Pell Grant cuts. Fleming’s administration was also criticized by some for being too political though. In the first section of the Dodd /Waldrip/ Bakke/Fitzgerald platform “Students First” two points are related to putting the student body before political issues and not pressing their agenda on students. “ASG members should care enough to put their own politics aside and do what’s best for students.” I’ve always been curious, given how rare it is that a student comes and speaks at an ASG Senate meeting, how feasible the “let people bring them [agenda ideas] to us and we’ll make it our agenda” is. I’ve always seen ASG’s role as a voice for the students, and I think that’s general enough that every administration should be able to do it. Even if they can’t solve the problem by themselves – and lets face it, on most problems they can’t – advocating for the UA student body at every level, whether within the UA, local, state and federal government – should be their top priority. They should be advocating for students in their meetings

to administrators sharing our frustration with construction, parking, and other issues, or good things they’ve heard like plans for more classroom space, etc. At the state and federal government levels they should be advocating for us on education-related issues. (Maybe I’ll be accused of trying to make ASG political, but I also think ASG members should care enough to put their own politics aside and do what’s best for students.) One of the most consistent things I’ve criticized this year’s Senate about is that I’ve felt like they haven’t done this enough. I still don’t, and I hope this semester will change that. It’s the end of January, and ASG executive elections will be here sooner than you think. (I’ve been hearing about them since at least the middle of last semester.) Students should keep in mind what they want from their ASG executives, and how realistic the promises potential ASG executives make are. It’s likely something I’ll be talking about more and more as the semester wears on. Jordain Carney is a Traveler Columnist. Her column appears every other Tuesday.

Comments From the Traveler Website Re: UAPD Adds K-9 Narcotics Unit

about it, we can connect it to Bell Engineering and/or J.B. Hunt by either a skywalk or better yet subway. Potential students,


faculty and donors would love it. Let’s go for the “wow” factor!

This dog needs to be retrained or retired. I was recently pulled over during a routine traffic stop and the dog sniffed around my car 2-3 times, not alerting at all. The officer put the dog back in the car, and later the other officer involved in the traffic stop said he was going to search my car. After not consenting since he didn’t have any probable cause, they brought the dog back out of the car and had it sniff around my car another TWO rounds. This time they claimed it alerted by sitting twice on the driver’s side of my car, which I found interesting since there weren’t any drugs in the car... The officers then searched my car, and found absolutely nothing, because there was never anything in the car. Either the dog didn’t actually alert and the officer lied or provoked an alert, or the dog is not alerting or smelling drugs properly at all... I’m not sure if this dog will be beneficial to the UA campus, or a hindrance to the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

Re: Is Campus Construction Driving New Hogs Away? Ricksuperfun:

Maybe they need to take full advantage of this mild winter and bump up the timelines on these projects underway. Pour more money at them and really get ahead this summer. I know the auditorium will be finished in the fall (they say) and the Pi Phi Gate is going to be done in a couple of months. Hopefully that will ease things up a little

Re: A Systematic Problem - Moving our Re: New Building, Classrooms in Planning Nation Forward Stage Jeremy: If people are too stupid to make up their own mind... N.T.:

As one with architectural experience, I have long been mentioning the Physics/Utility/Mechanical Engineering buildings as the site for any added classrooms. It is outside the historic district and is an eyesore. Furthermore, that bloc is in a valley and allows a lot of vertical space without disrupting the aesthetics of our campus...If we want to be really ambitious

American deserves what it gets and will only learn it’s lesson after facing the consequences. There is no system that can include stupid people’s votes and negate the natural consequence of counting those votes. The solution is education, logistics will fall in line all on its own after that.

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Summer Internships: Or, How Giving Up Your Summer Can Help Your Career by NICK BROTHERS Staff Writer

1. “For Emma Forever Ago” – Bon Iver It really goes without saying that Bon Iver’s raw and effective debut album For Emma, Forever Ago is a perfect complement to the winter season. It’s simple and homemade, but it has this uncanny ability to draw you in and hit you right in the heartstrings. A beautiful album, it made its fame with the untouchable “Skinny Love,” “The Wolves (Acts I & II),” “Flume” and “Blindsided.” This is one of the best recommendations for a winter album out there.


2. “9” – Damien Rice Damien Rice seems to be near virtuoso-status as an acoustic singer/songwriter, and a scholar of the romantic human heart. Some songs are slow and relaxed or cheery and upbeat; others are moving showcases of emotion and heartbreak. This album goes many places, and some will highlight your wintry moods (or romantic stress) better than others, but the individual songs on 9 are something to marvel. “9 Crimes,” “Elephant,” “Grey Room” and “Dogs” are each unique standout tracks and are among other equally great songs. Plus, both singer Lisa Hannigan and the cellist Vyvienne Long do a stellar job lacing their silky voice and warm cello playing through the album. It’s sincerely delightful.

3. “Only By The Night” – Kings of Leon This is a pretty well known album that put the Kings of Leon on the map with their hit “Use Somebody”-- but seriously, it’s a great piece of work. It has a perfect mix of modern rock and mystique to it that seems to get the colder, mature-rock vibe for winter. You can’t go wrong with the frisson-inducing “Closer,” “Revelry,” “Crawl” or “Cold Desert.” In many ways, Only By The Night soundtracks a cold winter’s night out. It balances itself quite nicely between the rock songs and slower paced songs.

4. “Keep It Hid” – Dan Auerbach Dan Auerbach, who by day is the lead singer/guitarist for the blues-rock outfit The Black Keys, released his solo album Keep It Hid in 2009 prior to the Keys’ break-out album, Brothers. The album is distinct from the usual rock-steady Black Keys music, but it would probably be okay to call his solo stuff experimental and trippy Black Keys, with added folk. The music is moody, introspective, and at times, comforting. One thing is for sure, the harder rock songs still have this inherited swagger to them that makes you want to groove down the street to them. Keep it Hid is decently long at 14 tracks, but listen for “Goin’ Home,” “Whispered Words (Pretty Lies),” “When The Night Comes,” and “I Want Some More.” They’re some of the best tracks.

Scottish singer/songwriter Alexi Murdoch can do no wrong when it comes to mellow, laid back music. He’s the kind of stuff you want narrating your mornings, taking you to your coffee, and coaxing you into your daily grind. He isn’t depressing, and he isn’t too heavy either. He’s definitely soothing, almost in a therapeutic way, and his warm vocals and guitar playing is just savory. Some highlights from the album include “All of My Days,” “Song for You,” “Orange Sky” and “Love You More.”

6. “It Still Moves” – My Morning Jacket As one of the front runners of American jam bands, My Morning Jacket’s third album It Still Moves makes for a great all-around rock album for the bleakest of winter days. The expert musical compositions at play are engaging and easy to get into. The album almost plays like a live show. With most of the songs capping the fiveminute mark, all the songs break out into big rock-out sessions that really define the idea of a groove. It Still Moves is a relaxed album with a subtle amount of melancholy to it, but it pulls it off with gusto—it’s masked by the sheer amount of overdriven guitar rockin’ it almost every track. Some of the best tracks would have to be “One Big Holiday,” “Mahgeetah,” “Golden” and “I Will Sing You Songs.”

by EMILY DELONG Staff Writer

With the spring semester only beginning, summer vacation seems like years away. But a productive summer is a summer planned well in advance and one involving an internship can be a great way to combine travel, networking and experience into a multi-month engagement. “It is never too early to begin talking with professionals in your field of interest about internship opportunities,” said Erica Estes-Beard of the Career Development Center. “Last fall, some companies already had their summer internship program postings available.” Although some internship deadlines have already passed, the bulk of internships are posted early in the year. “Each company will be different, and there are many that are posted from January to early March,” EstesBeard said. The idea of spending the entirety

of summer vacation on a beach doing absolutely nothing may seem like a dream, but spending even a month at a company can not only be useful, but even fun. “My internship was fantastic because I learned and worked in a setting I’d like to maybe pursue in the future,” said Camille Wallace, a junior majoring in anthropology. Wallace spent the summer interning for the Student Conservation Association in Soldotna, Alaska. “It gave me a chance to travel for free to Alaska, which is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to,” Wallace said. Many internships are offered in places to which students wouldn’t regularly travel. For those internships that are paid, students can even get a free trip out of the experience. Besides having the time of your life, however, internships give students many valuable skills and opportunities. “Internships give students

Remedies for Residence Hall Rankness: Dorm Room Aromatherapy by HAILEY RAY Staff Writer

After a long and welcome winter break, students returning to their residence halls may discover that, compared to home, the smell of their room is intolerable,. While housing regulations prevent students from using candles, with or without a wick, there are still many options available. 1. Potpourri: Found for a variety of prices and in assorted scents, potpourri consists of dried foliage that can simply be placed in a bowl. 2. Reed Diffusers: The reed sticks absorb the oil and release it in the air, no flame required. 3. Air Freshening Sprays: Ranging from the generic fresh linen scent to the Febreze Thai Dragon Fruit, options are nearly endless. Traditional aerosol sprays can be used or outlet plug-ins that disperse the fragrance periodically. For those who can’t spare the outlet space, stand-alone units are available. Fabric sprays also work to deodorize rugs, couches or chairs that are contributing to the stench. 4. Baking Soda: A magical yet legal white powder, the Internet is filled with articles touting the glory of baking soda. An open box in the refrigerator

will seal in those odors, however sprinkling it onto a rug, furniture or an offending pair of sneakers, letting it set for a while prior to vacuuming will trap and remove those smells as well. 5. Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal, not burning charcoal, works similar to baking soda to trap odors. RealSimple.com recommends placing the offending item in a box with two cups of activated charcoal, while being careful to keep them from touching, until the unpleasant smell fades. While these methods will help students take a stand against stench, preventing the birth of new sulfurous odors is also important. 1. Take the trash out. Think of it as encouragement to keep exercising. If food trash is taken out of the room immediately, it has no time to spoil and embed a rotting smell in every surface. 2. Do the laundry. Dirty clothes, especially left over from the gym, can make any room stink. The longer stinky clothes sit, the harder it is to remove the smell.


5. “Time Without Consequence” – Alexi Murdoch


Graduate student Michael Taiwon begins an interview with a prospective employer. The University Career and Development Center is committed to empowering students to present themselves successfully as candidates for employment or graduate school opportunities.

an opportunity to network with professionals in their field,” Estes-Beard said. In addition to networking, internships give students real-life work experience that can help them decide whether they have chosen the right profession. “They can also give students an insider’s view of a company, industry and profession that will be vital when they are searching for full-time employment upon graduation,” Estes-Beard said. Internships are becoming more and more essential for students wishing to land a job after graduation. According to a 2010 study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 30.7 percent of seniors without an internship who applied for a job received a job offer, while 42.3 percent of seniors who had an internship and applied for a job received an offer. Many students find that a little extra work during their undergraduate years pays off in the future. “Internships allow you to gain experience in an area you want to go into,” Wallace said. “You get to assist and work in an environment that you want to go into. That experience pays off in the future, especially on your resume.” Even a little bit of effort can result in a stimulating and productive summer. Most internships can be found and applied for without leaving your computer chair. “There are many ways to look for an internship, but typically students are able to find internships by using their network or Internet searches,” EstesBeard said. Websites such as internships.com, indeed.com, experience.com or simplyhired.com are a great way to begin your internship search. Most websites will allow you to search by major and by location. For those who wish to stay close to Fayetteville during the summer, there are many internship opportunities available in Northwest Arkansas: Walmart, Tyson and J. B. Hunt are always in need of summer help, as are smaller businesses around the area. Of course, if you know the dream company you wish to work for and don’t see them hiring online, shoot them an email anyway. Many companies are more than receptive to students who want experience and who are willing to work for little to no pay. Just because a company isn’t hiring doesn’t mean they will turn away help. The Career Development Center, located in the Union, is also a good place to begin your internship search. “There are numerous resources available on our website, career.uark. edu,” Estes-Beard said. If you wish to have more guidance in the internship hunt, career counselors are available as well; appointments can be made by calling the CDC at 575-2805.

3. Mop the floors Floor cleaners can help remove dirt and bacteria on the floor and send a fresh citrus smell into every corner of the room. If that method seems like too much work, eating an orange will shoot some citrus juice into the air and temporarily freshen the space. Squeezing the peels will produce a potent and fragrant oil. 4. Dry clothes completely. Wet clothes that didn’t finish drying or towels that weren’t hung dry before hiding in a hamper for two weeks can mold and mildew, and they also develop a unpleasant aroma that will take several washings to remove.


DOWNTIME Comics, Games, & Much Much More!




Q: Why did the librarian slip and fall on the library floor?

A: Because she was in the non-friction section.

Q: What’s the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?

A: One sells watches and the other watches cells.


Q: Did you hear about the fish that went deaf?

A: He had to buy a herring-aid.


Q: What was the picture sent to jail? A: It was framed.


Josh Shalek


Michael A. Kandalaft


Tim Rickard


Harry Bliss




1 Bank heist 4 Bedframe piece 8 Beyond harmful 14 “... by __ other name ...” 15 Bare bones 16 Billiard ball feature, about half the time 17 Buzz-filled 2007 animated film 19 Brings together 20 Burdensome additional levy 22 Boldly states 23 Birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen 26 Baker’s meas. 28 “Behold,” to Brutus 29 Ball-shaped frozen dessert 30 Betty White co-star in “The Golden Girls” 32 “Ben-Hur,” e.g. 33 Bedrock resident 34 “But then again ...” 35 Bug-bitten? 36 Brown who wrote “The Da Vinci Code” 37 Billion-year period 40 Brother of Judah 42 Bump off 43 Biotin, thiamine et al. 47 Blinked the sleep from one’s eyes 48 Bothersome parasites 49 By order of 50 Bigheaded sort 51 Bing Crosby’s “__ You Glad You’re You?” 53 Baseball team’s list of players 55 Balanced state 57 Behave candidly 61 Black-tie wear 62 Bardot’s “the same” 63 Breathtaking snake? 64 Began, as a lawn 65 Beachfront property? 66 Buddy

1 Boxer’s punch 2 Binary digit 3 “Bon voyage!” 4 Better half, so to speak 5 Burgundy book 6 Bickering 7 Box office setting 8 Baton Rouge sch. 9 Blower of Sicilian smoke 10 Buffer between a hot plate and a dinner table 11 Built for NASA, say 12 Brief summary 13 __ Bear: Ursa Minor 18 Broadcaster of “Morning Joe” 21 Blackboard symbols in the locker room 23 Bride’s passé promise 24 Birdbrain 25 Belch, say 27 Blissful song 30 Better for enjoying the outdoors, as weather 31 “Belshazzar’s Feast” painter Rembrandt van __ 33 “Black Sunday” airship 35 Biblical prophet: Abbr. 37 Blond sci-fi race 38 Barrel sources 39 Bolshevik’s denial 41 Bundles up (in) 42 Bound by oath 43 Blaring siren sounds 44 Basis of morality 45 Belaying tool for climbers 46 Became edgy 47 Belonging to an ancient time 50 “Blood Simple” co-screenwriter Coen 52 Bay of Fundy wonder 54 Big name in video games 56 Bald spot filler 58 Backward flow 59 Bronze coin of old France 60 Bar bill

Crossword provided by MCT Campus


Tony Piro



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Back for the Big One

Anderson Has Hogs on Track

Tyler Wilson, Knile Davis return with title hopes

Extra Points



File Photos

Quarterback Tyler Wilson and running back Knile Davis are both being mentioned as 2012 Heisman Trophy candidates after deciding to stay at Arkansas. by JIMMY CARTER Sports Editor

Running back Knile Davis was pretty sure he wanted to return to Arkansas in early January. He had to call someone a few times first. His message was simple. “Hey, I’m in,” he told quarterback Tyler Wilson. Davis announced he was returning to school Jan. 10 and Wilson followed suit two days later, giving the Razorbacks added momentum the same week they earned their first top-five finish since 1977. “I felt like we had a great team coming back,” Wilson said. “It’s never been my personality to leave early. I’ve always believed in completing whatever it

was I was working with. I decided, ‘Hey, I’m going to come back with Knile.’” Wilson received a late first-round to secondround projection from the NFL Draft Advisory Board, while Davis was projected in the second or third round. “I’m happy with the decisions,” Arkansas coach Bobby Petrino said. “Two really good recruits coming in with Tyler and Knile coming back.” Both players have been named first-team AllSoutheastern Conference during their career. Wilson earned the honor after throwing for 3,638 yards, 24 touchdowns and just six interceptions as a first-year starter in 2011.

Waithe Doubtful, Young OK for Auburn Game by JIMMY CARTER Sports Editor

Arkansas will likely be without one of its key reserves Wednesday against Auburn, but will have its leading scorer. Senior forward Marvell Waithe is doubtful for the game after straining a calf muscle early in the Michigan game Saturday, he said. Freshman guard BJ Young, the Razorbacks’ leading scorer, will play after injuring his right hand in a nasty fall against the Wolverines, he said. Waithe sustained the injury shortly after the game started, leaving the court and heading to the locker room after playing just two minutes in his second start of the season.

“I walk around all day in a boot,” Waithe said. “I can’t really jump or do anything right now, but I’ll be back. It’s just a strain. It wasn’t a tear. I’ll be back soon.” The 6-foot-9, 195-pounder had provided a spark off the bench for the Hogs in the previous four games, averaging 9.0 points per game to start Southeastern Conference play. “Hopefully I’ll be back (Saturday at Alabama), but it hurts a lot right now,” Waithe said. “So we’ll see.” Other players think it could be longer. “I hate that he’s out,” freshman forward Hunter Mickelson said. “(He’s out) three

see WAITHE on page 8

RYAN MILLER STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Arkansas senior forward Marvell Waithe is doubtful for the Auburn game after straining his calf against Michigan.

“He had a great year for us,” Petrino said. “He showed a competitive spirit, a toughness, with the ability to throw the football make all the throws. He has a lot of things he can improve on starting with his footwork, and his timing, which got better as the year went on. “I think that’s maybe one of the things that led to his decision to come back, is he knew there are areas he can get better at, that will help him in the future.” Davis earned first-team recognition for running for 1,322 yards and 13 touchdowns in 2010. He missed the 2011

Player Statistics Tyler Wilson Knile Davis QB Height: Weight: Year:

RB 6’3”

220 Senior

2011 Stats



Weight: 226 Year:


2010 Stats

3, 638: passing yards

1,322: rushing yards

24: passing touchdowns

13: rushing touchdowns

see FOOTBALL on page 8

It was horrible. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t get it to work. I wasn’t ignoring first-half action from the Arkansas-Michigan game, but I really wanted to send a text. My phone wouldn’t send, though. AT&T’s network wasn’t working because the crowd was so large. That had never happened to me at Bud Walton Arena before. The season-high 19,050 fans in attendance did their part, helping the Razorbacks shock the Wolverines early and providing encouragement as the Hogs tried to hold on late. Sure, a lot of the fans were there to impress a star-studded group of football official visitors, including receiver Dorial Green-Beckham, the No. 1 recruit in the nation. The fans had to leave impressed. Impressed with the enthusiasm and style of play, one of the best reminders of what Arkansas basketball used to look like. Don’t be surprised if many of them come back. It was the

see EXTRA POINTS on page 8


Mickelson a Factor on Both Ends by ZACH TURNER

Asst. Sports Editor

Hunter Mickelson is Arkansas’ tallest player. Standing 6-foot-10 and 235 pounds, Mickelson was known as more of an offensive player coming out of Jonesboro, Ark., as the No. 55 high school recruit for 2011 by ESPN. However, it has mostly been the freshman forward’s play on the defensive end that has earned him 16.8 minutes per game. Mickelson has a blocked shot in all 19 games this season and ranks third in the Southeastern Conference with 2.6 blocks per game. “He has made the adjustment to playing on this level by the things he is doing defensively,” coach Mike Anderson said. “From rebounding to just being active because he is very long. Now he has been able to show case some of his skill set in terms of shooting the basketball.” Leading up to Arkansas’ home test with No. 19 Michigan last Saturday, Mickelson had struggled on the offensive end of the floor. The freshman forward was 2 of 13 over his last four games coming into the matchup with the Wolverines from the floor, but broke out of the slump connecting on 5 of 6 shots, including the eventual game-winner. “It felt good,” Mickelson said. “I am out here working every day just like everybody else you know, so it kind of paid off and that is a good feeling.” Mickelson scored off a pick-and-roll play with fel-

low freshman BJ Young to give the Hogs a 66-64 lead over Michigan, which became the final score. He finished with 11 points, four rebounds and two blocks in the Hogs’ second win against a ranked team this season. “I saw him play in AAU and I knew he would be a great talent because he can block shots,” Michigan coach John Beilein said after Saturday’s game. “He will just get better and better. He is going to be a good player but you have to be patient with him while he develops because he has a chance to be a great player. He is not there yet, but he will be.” In Arkansas’ two SEC wins this season, Mickelson has combined for 10 blocks, including a career-high seven against LSU on Jan. 14. Averaging just 4.8 points per game though, Mickelson said he is beginning to gain more confidence at the offensive end after his performance against the Wolverines. “I definitely think so,” Mickelson said about closing the gap between his offensive and defensive games. “Going 5 of 6 in that game is a pretty good start if I am going to close it. That is a good way to go.” Mickelson is one of four freshmen that have played in every game this season for the 14-5 Hogs. After knocking off its second ranked opponent and having a perfect 14-0 record at home, the Arkansas freshman have progressed at a quick rate. see MICHELSON on page 8

RYAN MILLER STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Arkansas freshman forward Hunter Mickelson will play a larger role for the Razorbacks after senior forward Marvell Waithe’s calf injury.

Gulley to Join Hogs? by ZACH TURNER

Asst. Sports Editor

Former Oklahoma State guard and Fayetteville native Fred Gulley is enrolled in Arkansas’ database and is seeking to join the basketball team, according to the Associated Press. Gulley was a two-time Gatorade Player of the Year in the state of Arkansas while guiding the Bulldogs of Fayetteville high school to a perfect 30-0 record during his senior season.

“I am going to continue playing basketball, and I am going to continue playing here,” Gulley said. As a freshman at Okla-­ homa State, Gulley played in all 33 games averaging 1.5 points and 2.3 rebounds. Gul-­ ley started the Cowboys first seven games during his soph-­ omore year, but suffered a shoulder injury that required surgery that sidelined him for the remainder of the season.



Stepping Up at the Right Time

LOGAN WEBSTER STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Arkansas junior post Sarah Watkins has keyed the Razorbacks’ three-game Southeastern Conference winning strea k , winning SEC Player of the Week honors for her performances in wins against Vanderbilt and LSU. by MONICA CHAPMAN Staff Writer

Arkansas’ women’s basketball team had a rough start in conference. The Razorbacks began SEC play with a 0-4 record, including three losses against ranked opponents. It all changed when Auburn came to town on a Sunday and Arkansas junior post Sarah Watkins took control. Watkins had 12 points and four rebounds, while helping to lead the team to their first SEC victory. Four days later, Watkins came up big again when Arkansas played No. 25 Vanderbilt, scoring a team-high 21 points and blocking a careerhigh six shots. Watkins was named SEC Player of the Week honors for her performances in wins against Vanderbilt and LSU. “It’s really important for me not to try and block shots so I don’t get into foul trou-

ble, but I think the timing was just there,� Watkins said. “I don’t think it was anything great I did on my part. I think it was just everything was flowing for me tonight.� The 6-foot-3 junior helped the Razorbacks win their third consecutive conference game Sunday at LSU, a 72-52 win in a game Arkansas led by 16 at half. Watkins and 6-foot-2 forward Ashley Daniels have provided the Razorbacks with solid post play in their three-game winning streak. “We don’t have any superstars, so we really need a lot of kids to contribute especially those two,� Arkansas coach Tom Collen said. Watkins struggled in the first four conference games, averaging 7.3 points and shooting just 21.4 percent from the field. He also saw her turn around in their two wins. “Let’s face it, our first three (conference) games of

the year were arguably against the three best teams in the league,� Collen said. “She was OK against Georgia, but not great. Against Kentucky, she had the worst game of her career. That was hard for her. Against Tennessee she didn’t even get any shots. I think she was 0 for 2 from the floor. It wasn’t that she played poorly. We just didn’t get her the ball. “So she was feeling down a little bit. She bounced back a little against Ole Miss. She bounced back a little more against Auburn. (Against Vanderbilt) she stepped up in a big way so give that kid credit because she wasn’t playing well for three games in a row. She may be played as well as she has all year.� Watkins that got the offense going against Vanderbilt, Daniels said, leading Arkansas to its second win against a ranked team, including a win against thenNo. 13 Florida State in November.

“Sarah started off really well for us and it kind of just pushed us,� Daniels said. Watkins tried to simplify her approach after her earlyconference struggles. “I try not to think as much,� Watkins said. “I just let it go. If it’s a miss, it’s over and in the past, just gotta keep shooting. You’re not going to make any shots if you don’t take them. Just the confidence coming off of everybody and our bench and our coaches that just drives everybody a little harder.� Even when Watkins was struggling, Collen said he still encouraged her to shoot. “I’ve always been a shooters coach and it’s really hard for me to tell Sarah Watkins not to shoot the three because I think she can make it,� Collen said. “Ultimately, I just believe those shots are going to go down so I’m not going to do anything to take their confidence away from them.�

from WAITHE on page 7 weeks I think they said.� Young had his hand wrapped in a bandage following the 66-64 win against the No. 19 Wolverines. He sustained the injury after falling hard when he was fouled on a dunk attempt by Michigan guard Zack Novak. Young had to leave the game briefly to be attended to by the training staff. “My hand is still a little swollen,� Young said. “My

from MICKELSON on page 7 “Anytime you go undefeated at home it is great,� Mickelson said. “Coming in with a lot of pressure, you really don’t know what is going to happen so it has been a good surprise.� The freshman foursome combined for an average of 8.1 points per game and 3.8 rebounds per game while registering 19.4 minutes per game. Arkansas senior forward Marvell Waithe, who strained his left calf on Saturday, said he is out for the Razorbacks game against Auburn on Wednesday which could lead to more minutes for the Jonesboro Westside high school grad. “He was hitting his shots and he can do that,� Waithe said of Mickelson. “I don’t

from EXTRA POINTS on page 7 third consecutive game a season-high crowd has shown up. The Razorbacks still have to figure out how to win outside Bud Walton, something they’ve failed to do all five times they’ve had the chance. At home, though, the Hogs are off to a 14-0 start for the first time since the 1997-98 season. Word is spreading and the fan base is starting to realize that the program has an identity again, one that is fun to watch and has proven successful. The fast-paced style helped Arkansas build a 20-point first-half lead and flustered a Michigan team coming off a win against No. 9 Michigan State just three days earlier. Let’s be honest, the Razorbacks aren’t the most talented team in the world. Following Marshawn Powell’s injury, there hasn’t been a reliable post presence. Four freshman, while talented, are being relied on to produce at a high level every game. The Hogs’ post issues, inability to consistently knock down shots and road woes will likely keep them from competing for a division or conference championship this season. An NCAA berth seems far-fetched. You can see the progression, though. Some of the pieces are there. Others are on the way. Looking ahead, the future looks bright. BJ Young is as explosive, skilled and gifted a scorer as most any other freshman in the nation. Ky Madden seems more and more like, in time, he can be an effective big point guard that distributes the ball, but can score, too. Hunter Mickelson has the size, athleticism and skill to be special once he puts it all together consistently. Saturday was a flash of that. Devonta Abron has a knack

back took more of the pain afterwards, like a day later. It should be all right.� Novak was assessed a flagrant-1 foul and Young returned on a dead ball seven seconds later. The 6-foot3, 175-pounder scored four points the rest of the game and finished with a team-high 15. “It was a pretty hard foul,� Young said. “I didn’t think he was trying to foul me that hard. It was pretty hard. Novak’s a good guy. I’m not trippin.�

think he has showed everybody what he is capable of yet, but he will. With me out he will get a lot more minutes and he will play great.� Mickelson said he is looking forward to the opportunity to get more chances with the injury to Waithe. “He (Waithe) is going to be out a while, but that is part of it so I will step up when I have to,� Mickelson said. Mickelson’s 23 minutes last game were the thirdmost the freshman has played all season. Coach Anderson said with more minutes come more expectations for his young forward. “He got quite a bit of time on the floor and I thought he was productive,� Anderson said. “He looked much more relaxed in that game against Michigan and hopefully we will see much more of that Hunter Mickelson.�

RYAN MILLER STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Arkansas freshman forward Hunter Mickelson scored 11 points, grabbed four rebounds and blocked two shots in the Razorbacks’ 66-64 win against Michigan.


for the basketball can be an effective college post player with added experience. Those are just the freshmen. Mardracus Wade is a tenacious defender, has a high basketball IQ and is the best spotup shooter on the team. Rickey Scott and Julysses Nobles are solid defenders who have experience. Next year Arkansas will have Powell back, who, if fullyrecovered, provides a skilled, smooth scoring forward. The  Razorbacks  signed  three  recruits  in  November. Jacorey  Williams  is  a  skilled,  6-­foot-­8  combo  for-­ ZDUG Âż OOLQJ D YRLG DV D ORQJ wing. Michael  Qualls  is  a  freak  IRRW DWKOHWH WKDW Âż WV $Q derson’s  system. $QWKORQ %HOO LV D VSRW XS shooter,  something  the  Hogs  badly  need  more  of. There  are  two  remaining  VFKRODUVKLSV WR Âż OO 7KH JODU ing  need  is  for  either  a  big,  SK\VLFDO SRVW SUHVHQFH RU DQ DWKOHWLF SRVW WKDW FDQ KHOS RQ the  boards. Clearly,  former  recruit  and  budding  Tennessee  start  Jar-­ QHOO 6WRNHV ZRXOG KDYH Âż W WKH bill,  but  he  chose  the  Volun-­ teers  in  December  and  just  KDG SRLQWV DQG UHERXQGV DJDLQVW 8&RQQ LQ KLV Âż UVW VWDUW $QGHUVRQ KDV WR Âż OO WKDW QHHG LQ WKH VSULQJ VLJQLQJ FODVV ,I KH GRHV $UNDQVDV FRXOG EH SRVLWLRQHG WR EH D OH gitimate  contender  in  the  SEC. This  year’s  team  might  not  KDYH WKH WDOHQW RU H[SHULHQFH WR FRPSHWH IRU FKDPSLRQVKLSV EXW WKH SURGXFW RQ WKH FRXUW KDV WR EH HQFRXUDJLQJ WR $U kansas  fans. Wait  until  he  gets  more  SOD\HUV :DLW XQWLO WKH FXUUHQW SOD\HUV JHW PRUH H[SHULHQFH LQ his  system. 3HRSOH PLJKW KDYH WR VWDUW OHDYLQJ WKHLU SKRQHV DW KRPH Jimmy  Carter  is  the  sports  editor  for  7KH $UNDQVDV 7UDY eler.  His  column  appears  ev-­ ery  Tuesday.  Follow  him  on  Twitter  @jicartersports.

from FOOTBALL on page 7 season after breaking his ankle in early August. “He’s been released to start running full speed, changing directions,� Petrino said. “So we’ll evaluate how he’s doing in the spring, where he’s at before he would do any live contact.� Like Wilson, Davis didn’t want to leave school early. “I just felt like my career here wasn’t complete,� Davis said. “I never envisioned myself leaving the University of Arkansas like that. I wanted to leave on a high note.� The duo has already been mentioned on early 2012 Heisman Trophy lists. Both appeared on lists by FoxSports.com and the National Football Post, while Davis was ranked the No. 9 hopeful by the Heisman Pundit. The last teammates to be Heisman finalists were USC running back Reggie Bush and quarterback Matt Leinart in 2005, an award Bush won and later had stripped. “It’s going to be a fun ride,� Wilson said. “It’s kind of cool. You look back to the Matt Leinart and Reggie Bush days, the quarterback running back tandem that had a chance for the Heisman. I thought that was pretty cool when I was watching them play.� Because of Davis’ August injury and Wilson backing up predecessor Ryan Mallett the previous two years, the duo won’t start their first game together until the fall. “I got to see him play all year and he had a successful year without me,� Davis said. “He got to watch me the year before, have a successful year without him. It’s just like, ‘Wow, what could happen with us together, a full season?’�

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