Academic detailing is a form of continuing medical education in which a health professional, usually a pharmacist, meets with physicians one-on-one to discuss drug therapy topics. The B.C. Provincial Academic Detailing (PAD) service provides objective, balanced, evidenceinformed information on the best prescribing practices. Each session generally lasts 15-30 minutes, and the pharmacist visits two to three times per year, discussing a different topic at each visit. Statins and Cardiovascular Disease During the academic detailing session, you will have an opportunity to discuss: 1. clinically important outcomes and goals of therapy with a statin; 2. evidence for using statins for primary and secondary prevention of major coronary events and all-cause mortality; 3. treatment strategies (drugs and doses) of statin therapy; 4. basic principles of monitoring statin therapy and management of clinically important drug interactions. Target Audience: Family practice physicians When: February 2012 to January 2013 Where: Your office, or via live Web conference, at your convenience How: E-mail, or phone 604.660.1978 Accreditation: 1 Mainpro-M1 credit Enquiries: For more information about the PAD service, please see: or About the Organizer: The PAD service is funded by the Ministry of Health's Pharmaceutical Services Division. This funding is provided to B.C.'s five regional health authorities and UBC, enabling the service to be available free-of-charge to physicians and other health care professionals. The PAD service conducts ongoing evaluations to demonstrate the value of academic detailing for patients and for the B.C. health care system.