Nov 14 SG Curriculum

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Sermon Based Curriculum

Sermon Date: Nov. 14, 2010

Sermon Title: Highest & Best Use

Sermon Text: 2 Tim 3:14-16

Small Group Text: 2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:2



Most of us can appreciate guardrails on the side of the highway that keep us safely on track as we drive. God has also provided guardrails for our lives through the Scriptures and these also serve as boundaries that keep us safely on the right track. Last week we discussed the S.O.A.P acronym when referring to reading Scripture. We said that S = Scripture reading, O = Observation (answering the question, what does this Scripture say). The A = Application (answering the question, how does this scripture help me get/stay on the right track). And finally, P = Prayer (addressing how you talk to God about the Scripture you’ve read). When have you ever experienced the Bible helping you get/stay on the right track? Read 2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:4 1. What was the impact of God’s Word in the life of Timothy as a child (v.15)? 2. Who brought Scripture into his life? (See also 2 Timothy 1:5) 3. According to verse 3:15, what can the Scriptures accomplish? How was Scripture used in your salvation story? 4. The Scriptures are “God-breathed” (v.16). What does this mean? 5. From your own experience—in your own words, how have you found the Scriptures to be useful for: • Teaching? • Rebuking? • Correcting? • Training in righteousness? 6. For what purposes was Timothy to apply the Scriptures (4:2)? 7. Verses 3:16-17 comprise one thought. The Scriptures are not an end in themselves but rather a means to an end. What is the ultimate point of Scripture?


1. Think back to the “hand diagram” we spoke of last weekend. In order to get a better grasp on Scriptures, we must hear, read, study, memorize, meditate and apply Scripture. With which of these action-verbs do you have the most difficulty? Which one of these will you give more attention to in the next few weeks to make Scripture a more important priority in your life? 2. Last week, many of you committed to reading a chapter a day from the book of John. How is that going? What are you learning? What has God been saying to you? 3. What is one thing you can do to bring the Scriptures more to the forefront of your family life? 4. Is there anything in your life that would need to change in order to hear God’s voice more clearly as you reflect upon the Scriptures? What might that be; and how might you begin to address it? 5. Timothy challenged, warned and encouraged people he knew with Scripture. Who might you challenge or warn or encourage with Scripture this week?

Sermon-Based Curriculum

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