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35 Year Reunion of Mental Health Colleagues


A reunion of mental health workers from Grandview 3A recently took place at John’s Plain and Fancy Restaurant, where they gathered to reminisce about the old days. It was a heartwarming experience for the team to be together once again, as they had worked tirelessly to help those struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues. Their efforts have helped many individuals learn new coping skills and adjust to life's challenges. The guest of honor at the reunion was Dr. Vernon Kratz, who had played a significant role in the team's success. Reverend Dot
Shelly, a UCC Minister, gave the mealtime blessing. Interestingly, she had been one of the Grandview nurses while studying for the ministry. Chris Baker, one of the team's favorite supervisors from back in the day, honored them by coming all the way from the Poconos. Sara Burge, an ER crisis worker from New Jersey, also attended the reunion, along with many others who are still employed in the area.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Annette W for arranging this wonderful meeting. We hope to see many more of our colleagues at our next gathering. May you all enjoy a long, healthy,
Ruth IRene nowlIn BaRto, 91, of Quakertown, died peacefully at home on the afternoon of Sunday, June 18, 2023.
She was the wife of Donald C. Barto, who preceded her in death one year ago on June 5, 2022.
Ruth was born in Tyrone, Blair County, Pennsylvania, the youngest of 5 children born to Edgar B. Sr. and Edna (Myers) Nowlin.
Ruth graduated from Warriors Mark High School in Warriors Mark, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania in 1950. Prior to her death, she was the last surviving member of her class.
Following her move to Quakertown with her husband in 1950, Ruth worked for several years in the office at the former Sapphire Hosiery in Quakertown.
After the birth of her children, Ruth dedicated her life to raising and caring for her family and to her church and community by actively volunteering in many areas. During her 72 years as a member of Quakertown United Methodist Church, she served in many leadership positions: Board of Trustees President, United Methodist Women President, Chicken Barbecue Committee Chair, Usher Team Coordinator, Kitchen Coordinator, Building Committee, and Friendship Circle member. She was passionate about the future life of her church. She loved her church family and attended worship faithfully including the morning of the day she died.
In the Quakertown community, she had volunteered with the Bucks County Department of Health - Well-Child Clinic and for many years was the borough coordinator for the American Cancer Society’s door-to-door fundraising campaigns in Quakertown Borough.

In addition, she served for many years as a Republican Committee Woman for the 4th Ward in the borough.
She was also an avid fan of the Philadelphia Phillies, the 76ers, and the Quakertown